17:35 Kaguya Hourain: okay
17:36 Kaguya Hourain: whenever you're ready
17:37 Irreversible: now
17:37 Kaguya Hourain: aight
17:37 Kaguya Hourain: ok so uh
17:38 Kaguya Hourain: rhythm is pretty good so it's gonna be abit nazi /o/
17:38 Kaguya Hourain: so like
17:38 Kaguya Hourain: 00:23:163 (1,2) - you could totally continue he sliderpath here instead of moving 2 up like that
17:38 Kaguya Hourain: would feel more natural even if you placed it lower than sliderpath actually
17:39 Irreversible: done
17:39 Kaguya Hourain: 00:26:163 (10) - i think this ends on purple tick
17:39 Kaguya Hourain: there's a sound there
17:40 Kaguya Hourain: the rest are fine for some reason
17:41 Kaguya Hourain: and um
17:41 Irreversible: hm
17:41 Irreversible: let's wait
17:41 Irreversible: for that one
17:41 Irreversible: not that in the end it is blala unsnapped unrank
17:41 Kaguya Hourain: well just that you're skipping a beat there to land it on nothing
17:41 Kaguya Hourain: i wouldn't call it unsnapped
17:41 Kaguya Hourain: but it sorta confused me
17:42 Kaguya Hourain: but yeah here
17:42 Kaguya Hourain: 00:50:592 (1,2,3,4) - sliders on whites would feel nicer idk
17:43 Kaguya Hourain: 00:57:449 (2,1,2,3) - here since there's no clear sound higher in the first half you should like do a triangle instead and start the next half with a slider on white
17:43 Kaguya Hourain: 01:02:592 (1,2) - me likey like dis
17:43 Kaguya Hourain: oh yea diff could use higher OD too
17:44 Kaguya Hourain: 01:04:306 (2,3,4,1) - here's cool as well
17:44 Irreversible: you like it?
17:44 Irreversible: i just changed it
17:44 Irreversible: LOL
17:44 Kaguya Hourain: it fit the most
17:44 Irreversible: because i didn't like that it's randomly straight and curve slider
17:44 Kaguya Hourain: cuz slider > circle > slider
17:44 Irreversible:
http://puu.sh/dIXiZ/512fc9d879.jpg17:44 Kaguya Hourain: well the pattern is your issue not mine
17:45 Kaguya Hourain: the usage is fine
17:45 Irreversible: ur mod confuses me
17:45 Kaguya Hourain: i mod polarity
17:45 Kaguya Hourain: patterns are a very personal thing
17:45 Kaguya Hourain: actually ctrl + h 2
17:45 Kaguya Hourain: and rotate it like 20 degrees
17:46 Irreversible: that's ugly
17:46 Irreversible: xD
17:46 Kaguya Hourain: plays well tho
17:46 Kaguya Hourain:
http://puu.sh/dIXnS.jpg17:46 Irreversible: i had it less ugly in mind
17:46 Irreversible: but this is even worse

17:46 Kaguya Hourain: hahaha
17:46 Kaguya Hourain: yeah it's too curved
17:47 Irreversible: yep XD
17:47 Kaguya Hourain: idk man you know how to pattern do it however you want

17:47 Kaguya Hourain: 01:20:020 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - wow damn son this is breakhell
17:47 Kaguya Hourain: nerf plis
17:49 Irreversible: yeah
17:49 Kaguya Hourain: 01:24:306 (2) - would be cool to stop this slider 1/6 earlier and add circle, better impact (?)
17:50 Irreversible: ok why not XD
17:51 Kaguya Hourain: 01:29:163 (1) - i don't get this hahaha
17:51 Kaguya Hourain: like
17:51 Kaguya Hourain: red point is too close to start it has no point being there
17:51 Kaguya Hourain: might as well start the slider on 1
17:51 Kaguya Hourain: instead of the other one you started it at
17:51 Irreversible: it's pre-2015
17:51 Irreversible: :3
17:51 Irreversible: XD
17:51 Kaguya Hourain: would be cool to start the slider 01:29:163 (1) - here
17:52 Kaguya Hourain: 01:27:878 (2) - here i mean
17:52 Kaguya Hourain: so that the drawn out horizontal part of the slider has some impact at least
17:52 Irreversible: will think about
17:52 Kaguya Hourain: and can't be skipped with slider leniency
17:53 Kaguya Hourain: 01:29:592 (2) - and well this one breaks the flow completely

17:53 Irreversible: yeah.. probably better to remove them
17:53 Irreversible: later
17:53 Kaguya Hourain: i like them ;-;
17:53 Kaguya Hourain: but people will bitch XD
17:54 Irreversible: better to keep them then
17:54 Irreversible:

17:54 Kaguya Hourain: 01:30:020 (1,2) - also not sure if you'd like to uhhh
17:54 Kaguya Hourain: like
17:54 Kaguya Hourain: shorten these to red ticks
17:54 Kaguya Hourain: and add circles
17:54 Kaguya Hourain: cuz the sounds where the sliders land are pretty loud
17:54 Kaguya Hourain: would be nice to click
17:54 Irreversible: nah fits perfectly like this
17:54 Kaguya Hourain: yea would feel like overmapping
17:54 Kaguya Hourain: but people do that so eh
17:55 Kaguya Hourain: 01:35:592 (9) - same impact a triangle would be nice with 10 here
17:56 Irreversible: good
17:56 Kaguya Hourain: 01:36:020 (1,2) - also I think these are a bit too spaced
17:56 Kaguya Hourain: they have pretty low SV so 100s on sliderends is totally possible and more than likely to happen
17:57 Kaguya Hourain: 01:36:449 (2) - I'd move to 131|220
17:57 Kaguya Hourain: but then you have some symmetry to uh
17:57 Kaguya Hourain: idk how you'll deal with that XD
17:58 Kaguya Hourain: maybe move 1 a little to the left and higher once you remap the triangle previousl
17:58 Kaguya Hourain: y
17:58 Irreversible: done
17:58 Irreversible: i just moved all
17:58 Irreversible: XD
17:58 Kaguya Hourain: 01:38:592 (1,2,1) - expect to find this pattern in one of my future maps
17:58 Kaguya Hourain: cuz i fuckin love tihs
17:59 Irreversible: i use this all the time
17:59 Irreversible: @_@
17:59 Irreversible: somehow
17:59 Irreversible: even in normal diffs
17:59 Kaguya Hourain: 01:40:735 (1,2,3) - sliderjump maybe too hard?
17:59 Irreversible: should be fine
17:59 *Irreversible is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/437698 JOH feat. KIYO - TasogareToki no Ley-Line [Irre's Normal]]
17:59 Irreversible: 00:40:965 (1,2,3) -
17:59 Irreversible: XD
18:00 Kaguya Hourain: i'd so go for something like
18:00 Kaguya Hourain: [http://puu.sh/dIY0G.jpg this actually]
18:01 Kaguya Hourain: but w/e you want
18:01 Irreversible: uh thats smth i could consider
18:02 Kaguya Hourain: one thing i didn't mention
18:02 Kaguya Hourain: 00:22:306 (4) - this slider is like
18:02 Kaguya Hourain: no hitsound at the start whistle in the end
18:02 Kaguya Hourain: add whistle or hitnormal at the start or something
18:02 Kaguya Hourain: would make more sense
18:02 Kaguya Hourain: modding hitsounds rn XD
18:02 Irreversible: LOL
18:02 Irreversible: I'M DONE
18:02 Irreversible:
http://puu.sh/dIY6j/e8190a6e2b.jpg18:03 Kaguya Hourain: you can select the sample
18:03 Kaguya Hourain: it won't click on the box
18:03 Irreversible: fuck osuuu
18:03 Irreversible: xD
18:03 Kaguya Hourain: it's just bugged for some reason
18:03 Kaguya Hourain: cuz christmas update DXDxDxdXdXdxDxDxDxDXdXdxd
18:03 Kaguya Hourain: 00:29:163 (1) - same for this slider
18:04 Irreversible: added
18:04 Irreversible: i'll post in the next updeeto
18:04 Kaguya Hourain: 00:49:306 (2) - makes little sense to have whistle only in middle point
18:04 Kaguya Hourain: add on the first one as well
18:04 Irreversible: okkk
18:04 Kaguya Hourain: especially since you have whistles on all ends in the first slider <:
18:05 Kaguya Hourain: 01:10:306 (1,2) - OH YEAH DIDN'T SEE THAT BLANKET
18:06 Kaguya Hourain: 01:33:449 (1) - actually if you want a slider there add a whistle at the start otherwise two circles
18:06 Kaguya Hourain: 01:33:878 (3) - same
18:06 Kaguya Hourain: 01:37:306 (2) - same as first thingamajig
18:07 Irreversible: make sure to savelog
18:07 Irreversible: because already out of the map
18:07 Irreversible: and really lazy

18:07 Irreversible: xD
18:07 Kaguya Hourain: oke
18:07 Kaguya Hourain: 01:41:163 (1) - also here
18:07 Kaguya Hourain: 01:41:592 (3) - and here lol
18:07 Kaguya Hourain: and that's all