
High Speed Music Team Sharpnel - M.A.M.A. [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 3:01:39 AM

Artist: High Speed Music Team Sharpnel
Title: M.A.M.A.
Tags: Sharpnelsound SRPC-0005 DJ Sharpnel Rave ☆ Spector Hellknight10 Ravenous Red Flower
BPM: 175
Filesize: 3790kb
Play Time: 02:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. ExTra - 4Key (5.52 stars, 2460 notes)
  2. HD - 4Key (3.34 stars, 1208 notes)
  3. MX - 4Key (4.77 stars, 1939 notes)
  4. NM - 4Key (1.99 stars, 726 notes)
  5. SHD - 4Key (5.14 stars, 2138 notes)
Download: High Speed Music Team Sharpnel - M.A.M.A.
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

One of my favorite DJ Sharpnel/Jea song~ I know its not that popular but I like the way they made this >w<)b

Mapset: 4K ONLY
Mod: 10/10

  • NM - Notes: 100% | HS: 100%
    HD - Notes: 100% | HS: 100%
    MX - Notes: 100% | HS: 100%
    SHD - Notes: 100% | HS: 100%
    - ExTra - OFFICIAL Notes: 100% | HS: 100%


• ishimaru94 - helped fixing artist, source and tag. Metadata!
• Fullereneshift - helped for song's information and general mod for SHD, ExTra and metadata
• [FX] AEM - pointing out some note patterns on SHD.
• BAT Lanturn - for the metada check!
• -Kamikaze- for that banner

• GraveChaos
• konawiki
• yoshilove
• hutunohito
• Shinnzan
• mike91lau
BAT Roxas
• Kuo Kyoka
• Harbyter
• Shoegazer
BN Marirose
BN GraveChaos

[Star Givers!]
• Kuo Kyoka
• GraveChaos
• Shinnzan
BAT Simple_Star - 2 STARS! *Q*
• Zan -
• ExUsagi
• Harbyter
• -Kamikaze- - Here come's the chime master with 6 STARS! THANK YOU :)
Open for GD (4K)?
Topic Starter

Fullereneshift wrote:

Open for GD (4K)?
Nope sorry :o
Hi arcwinolivirus (~*w*)~
Here's my MOD :)

00:16:432 (16432|3,16432|2) - Move to 00:16:347
01:20:975 (80975|0) - Move to 3 (balance)
01:21:061 (81061|3) - Remove not necessary
01:22:347 (82347|3) - Move to 3 (Balance)
01:22:433 (82433|0) - Remove not necessary
01:23:718 (83718|2) - Move to 2 (balance)
01:23:804 (83804|1) - Remove not necessary
01:25:089 (85089|1) - Move to 3 (balance)
01:25:175 (85175|2) - Remove not necessary
01:26:547 (86547|0) - Remove not necessary
01:27:918 (87918|3) - Remove not necessary
01:29:290 (89290|2) - Remove not necessary
01:33:318 (93318|0) - Move to 3 (balance)
01:33:404 (93404|3) - Remove not necessary
01:34:775 (94775|2) - Remove not necessary
01:34:861 (94861|0,94861|1) - Move to 2 & 3
01:36:062 (96062|2) - Move to 2 (balance)
01:36:147 (96147|1) - Remove not necessary
01:40:176 (100176|1) - Move to 3 (balance)
01:40:261 (100261|2) - Remove not necessary
02:19:775 (139775|2) - Starts at 02:19:690
00:10:690 Add note to 3 (Loud cymbal)
00:13:432 add note? (loud cymbal)
02:18:404 (138404|0) - End at 02:19:690
02:19:775 (139775|3) - Start at 02:19:690
00:10:690 double-noted? (Loud cymbal)
00:13:432 ^
02:18:404 (138404|3) - End at 02:19:690
02:19:775 (139775|0) - Start at 02:19:690
02:20:461 (140461|3) - Start at 02:20:204

Good Luck arcski here (/*w*)/
Pls be gentle rejecting~
Topic Starter

[GraveChaos] wrote:

Hi arcwinolivirus (~*w*)~
Here's my MOD :)

OK! Fixed: 00:16:432 (16432|3,16432|2) - Move to 00:16:347
OK! Fixed: 01:20:975 (80975|0) - Move to 3 (balance)
OK! Fixed: 01:21:061 (81061|3) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:22:347 (82347|3) - Move to 3 (Balance) moved to 2 instead. if 3 it will result stacking.
OK! Fixed: 01:22:433 (82433|0) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:23:718 (83718|2) - Move to 2 (balance)
OK! Fixed: 01:23:804 (83804|1) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:25:089 (85089|1) - Move to 3 (balance) rearranged some parts and moved to 4
OK! Fixed: 01:25:175 (85175|2) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:26:547 (86547|0) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:27:918 (87918|3) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:29:290 (89290|2) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:33:318 (93318|0) - Move to 3 (balance)
OK! Fixed: 01:33:404 (93404|3) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:34:775 (94775|2) - Remove not necessary
(X)! Nope: 01:34:861 (94861|0,94861|1) - Move to 2 & 3 hand balance pattern will be ruined.
OK! Fixed: 01:36:062 (96062|2) - Move to 2 (balance)
OK! Fixed: 01:36:147 (96147|1) - Remove not necessary
OK! Fixed: 01:40:176 (100176|1) - Move to 3 (balance)
OK! Fixed: 01:40:261 (100261|2) - Remove not necessary
(X)! Nope: 02:19:775 (139775|2) - Starts at 02:19:690 but moved at 02:19:861
OK! Fixed: 00:10:690 Add note to 3 (Loud cymbal)
OK! Fixed: 00:13:432 add note? (loud cymbal)
(X)! Nope: 02:18:404 (138404|0) - End at 02:19:690 long high-pitched synth sound end at 02:19:861
(X)! Nope: 02:19:775 (139775|3) - Start at 02:19:690 the ending-synth sound starts at 02:19:861 listen on 25%
OK! Fixed: 00:10:690 2-noted? (Loud cymbal)
OK! Fixed: 00:13:432 ^
02:18:404 (138404|3) - End at 02:19:690
02:19:775 (139775|0) - Start at 02:19:690
02:20:461 (140461|3) - Start at 02:20:204 rejected all above but followed the time specific on other diffs.

Good Luck arcski here (/*w*)/
Pls be gentle rejecting~
Thank you so much for the modding Cheeze >w<)b great mod~ and thank you for the star o/
Sensei here's my suggestion >w<
srry noob modder ;w;
00:21:318 move to 4
00:35:975 move to 3 for balance pattern =w=
00:39:404 add note?
00:39:490 move to 3 if 00:39:404 is added for balance
00:42:142 add note?
00:44:890 ^
00:28:604 add note?
01:56:118 (116118|2,116118|1) - make it 3,2 for balance pattern
01:56:290 move to 3
01:56:461 move to 2
if you reject me ill kill you ;w; im yandere :)) lol nvm :P
Topic Starter

konawiki wrote:

Sensei here's my suggestion >w<
srry noob modder ;w;
(X)! Nope: 00:21:318 move to 4 will result triple jack and different snare pitch
00:35:975 move to 3 for balance pattern =w= There's no note here.
(X)! Nope: 00:39:404 add note? no sound to note there for.
(X)! Nope: 00:39:490 move to 3 if 00:39:404 is added for balance ^
(X)! Nope: 00:42:142 add note? ^
(X)! Nope: 00:44:890 ^ ^
00:51:147^ There's already a note
OK! Fixed: 00:28:604 add note? nice check =w=)b
(X)! Nope: 01:56:118 (116118|2,116118|1) - make it 3,2 for balance pattern What do you mean by 3,2? the note here is already on 2 and 3 column
(X)! Nope: 01:56:290 move to 3
(X)! Nope: 01:56:461 move to 2 What notes should I move? you should select that note so I can determine what note you suggest me to move for. Dont forget that @.@
if you reject me ill kill you ;w; im yandere :)) lol nvm :P
Thanks for the mod Kona :v)/
hi~ from queue :3

column : 1 2 3 4

add tags : Sharpnelsound SRPC-0005 Rave Spector レイヴ☆スペクター (Album name)
this #8

01:10:175 - add note to 4?
01:11:547 - add note to 1?
01:11:718 (71718|1) - remove?

01:15:661 - add note to 2
01:17:032 - add note to 4
01:17:204 (77204|2) - remove?

00:31:432 - add note to 4
02:07:432 - add note to 3

00:36:575 - add note to 4
01:42:661 - add note to 3?

00:39:404 - add note to 1
00:42:147 - add note to 2
00:44:890 - add note to 3
nice map~
SHD veryy difficult www orz
Topic Starter

yoshilove wrote:

hi~ from queue :3

column : 1 2 3 4

add tags : Sharpnelsound SRPC-0005 Rave Spector レイヴ☆スペクター (Album name)
this #8

OK! Fixed: 01:10:175 - add note to 4?
OK! Fixed: 01:11:547 - add note to 1?
(X)! Nope: 01:11:718 (71718|1) - remove? for the hithat/snare/ or vocal

OK! Fixed: 01:15:661 - add note to 2
OK! Fixed: 01:17:032 - add note to 4
(X)! Nope: 01:17:204 (77204|2) - remove? same previous reason

OK! Fixed: 00:31:432 - add note to 4
OK! Fixed: 02:07:432 - add note to 3

OK! Fixed: 00:36:575 - add note to 4
OK! Fixed: 01:42:661 - add note to 3? rearranged

00:39:404 - add note to 1
00:42:147 - add note to 2
00:44:890 - add note to 3 I removed them purposely, actually I dont hear consistent sound to note it for. as I listened on 25, 50 % play back rate. but if you play on 100% it seems like there's a hithat-like sound occuring. Really confusing. I might reconsider this if other modders suggest the same addition of notes.
nice map~ Thank you >w<)/
SHD veryy difficult www orz Lelelel XD I just made a map that I cant even FC :(
Thank you so much for that quick and helpful mod, Yoshi >w<)b
Change artist name to "Jea" as the song was credited to him only on the album (Lemmy what are you doing)

no kd, i'll mod this later
Topic Starter

Fullereneshift wrote:

Change artist name to "Jea" as the song was credited to him only on the album (Lemmy what are you doing)

no kd, i'll mod this later
I think it should stay at DJ Sharpnel since he's the main artist of the song. Jea can be added on tags or source but I'll reconsider it if someone suggested the same as yours.

*I forgot to add the tags lol. Updated again.
why 4K WHY ;-; !!
tfw when I hear cool song with cool pattern but it's 4K ;-;
Here's my first mod
L←1234→R column

I think making hook hardest and other area easier than hook?
00:40:347 (40347|2) - move to 4
00:41:032 (41032|1) - move to 1
00:57:832 (57832|2) - move to 1
00:58:518 (58518|1) - move to 4
00:58:861 (58861|3) - delete because sounds are not stronger than previous.
01:10:861 (70861|0) - add 1
01:16:347 (76347|3) - add 4 because sounds pattern isn't changed
01:43:090 (103090|1) - to 01:47:890 (107890|1) - I think only upbeats notes remain and others delete?
02:04:690 (124690|0) - to 02:07:261 (127261|3) - not 332 beats,so change 1234123443214321

00:16:432 (16432|2,16432|3) - I think there are no sounds and 00:19:090 (19090|0,19090|1) - differ them,so they're mistake?
00:20:290 (20290|1) - add 2
00:24:575 (24575|1) - to 00:25:861 (25861|2) - like 2343 2343 2343 2343?
00:36:061 (36061|1) - change two 16beats notes because of 16 beats bass
00:36:747 (36747|1) - change CN
01:37:518 (97518|2) - move to 01:37:433 (97433|1) -
02:04:690 (124690|3) - to 02:09:833 (129833|3) - all change like NM or not(because of your style respect)

There are some double jackhammer,but I think some of them should be triple jackhammer.
00:58:175 (58175|2,58218|1,58261|2) - and 00:58:518 (58518|1,58561|2,58604|1) - 32beats trill is harder than you think.
Like this
01:04:090 (64090|2) - delete

00:24:147 (24147|0) - mistaken? move to 00:24:061 (24061|0) -
00:24:918 (24918|0) - delete,make hard from 32beats shorts! and 00:25:432 (25432|2) - sound is "n"moo~,not moo~
so I suggest this
00:36:404 (36404|0) - delete
sorry I can't mod from this because I don't know how to use short CN :(

I hope this mod doesn't break your style and useful for you!
Nice map! Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

hutunohito wrote:

Here's my first mod
L←1234→R column

I think making hook hardest and other area easier than hook?
(X)! Nope: 00:40:347 (40347|2) - move to 4 pattern and pitch wised. also it will result stacking on 4th column
00:41:032 (41032|1) - move to 1 ^
00:57:832 (57832|2) - move to 1 ^ and to avoid boring cymbal notes. The pitch also occured here.
00:58:518 (58518|1) - move to 4 ^
OK! Fixed: 00:58:861 (58861|3) - delete because sounds are not stronger than previous.
(X)! Nope: 01:10:861 (70861|0) - add 1 if I add 1, it will be 2-noted which is inconsistent and the sound there is not strong as snares or any that is suitable for 2-noted.
01:16:347 (76347|3) - add 4 because sounds pattern isn't changed ^
(X)! Nope: 01:43:090 (103090|1) - to 01:47:890 (107890|1) - I think only upbeats notes remain and others delete? it'll be too easy if I remove those and will also break the flow of notes.
(X)! Nope: 02:04:690 (124690|0) - to 02:07:261 (127261|3) - not 332 beats,so change 1234123443214321 Rearranged instead. according to variation. 1234142312341324 which is much better

OK! Fixed: 00:16:432 (16432|2,16432|3) - I think there are no sounds and 00:19:090 (19090|0,19090|1) - differ them,so they're mistake? Thanks for the notice! moved to white line.
OK! Fixed: 00:20:290 (20290|1) - add 2
(X)! Nope: 00:24:575 (24575|1) - to 00:25:861 (25861|2) - like 2343 2343 2343 2343? as much as possible I want to keep the hand balance of 23242324 where you press left then right then left and right
OK! Fixed: 00:36:061 (36061|1) - change two 16beats notes because of 16 beats bass renote instead to 1/4notes
00:36:747 (36747|1) - change CN ^
01:37:518 (97518|2) - move to 01:37:433 (97433|1) - rearranged
(X)! Nope: 02:04:690 (124690|3) - to 02:09:833 (129833|3) - all change like NM or not(because of your style respect)

(X)! Nope: There are some double jackhammer,but I think some of them should be triple jackhammer.
00:58:175 (58175|2,58218|1,58261|2) - and 00:58:518 (58518|1,58561|2,58604|1) - 32beats trill is harder than you think.
Like this If I will follow this, the 3-noted note that emphasizes strong sound:cymbals will be removed and will result 2-noted notes. Yes I know its hard, but remember this is MX.
(X)! Nope: 01:04:090 (64090|2) - delete 2-noted strong beatsound

OK! Fixed: 00:24:147 (24147|0) - mistaken? move to 00:24:061 (24061|0) - my bad x.x
OK! Fixed: 00:24:918 (24918|0) - delete,make hard from 32beats shorts! and
(X)! Nope: 00:25:432 (25432|2) - sound is "n"moo~,not moo~
so I suggest this Just emphasized the "moo". including the "n" will ruin the pattern, and trills of that 1/8 is uncomfortable.
(X)! Nope: 00:36:404 (36404|0) - delete hithat+beatsound
sorry I can't mod from this because I don't know how to use short CN :(

I hope this mod doesn't break your style and useful for you!
Nice map! Good luck~ :)
Thank you so much for the cool and fast mod >w<)b
Topic Starter

ArcherLove wrote:

why 4K WHY ;-; !!
tfw when I hear cool song with cool pattern but it's 4K ;-;
Lol sarry about that ;w;)/
mod from queue~
sorry this is very little mod, and maybe not helpful at all ;w;w;w;w;
because overall, all diff are already good mapped owo)b

00:49:604 - add note
00:50:975 - ^

go go go Arc~! ><
Good Luck~!
Topic Starter

Shinnzan wrote:

mod from queue~
sorry this is very little mod, and maybe not helpful at all ;w;w;w;w;
because overall, all diff are already good mapped owo)b

00:49:604 - add note
00:50:975 - ^ have to reject those ;w; snares on that part are purposely single noted and I only 2-noted half part of snares.

go go go Arc~! ><
Good Luck~!
Still thank you for the mod and thank you for the star weeeee /o/

arcwinolivirus wrote:

Fullereneshift wrote:

Change artist name to "Jea" as the song was credited to him only on the album (Lemmy what are you doing)

no kd, i'll mod this later
I think it should stay at DJ Sharpnel since he's the main artist of the song. Jea can be added on tags or source but I'll reconsider it if someone suggested the same as yours.

*I forgot to add the tags lol. Updated again.
DJ Sharpnel = Jea + Lemmy (omg a gril). Jea's independent works are under different names (Jea, Killingscum etc.)
Topic Starter

Fullereneshift wrote:

DJ Sharpnel = Jea + Lemmy (omg a gril). Jea's independent works are under different names (Jea, Killingscum etc.)
Oh I see, I will call my friend to check it out for me just to be more sure >w<)b (Its just I do not want to update artist yet since it will result re-DLs, but if your suggestion is proven by other or my friend, I will change immediately)

But hey, I like her voice <3 lelel! It is somewhat seductive for me in this song. wat :v
just to point a few things

02:10:518 (130518|3,131204|2) - a tiny note like this i suggests to delete them, (excepts you are nerfing in this part)
from 02:11:547 - to 02:12:832 - i dunno why you don't follows the previous pattern, it is confusing and annoying, suggests to repeat this pattern 02:11:375 (131375|1,131375|0,131461|3,131461|2) - till 02:12:832 -
02:13:261 (133261|1,133947|1,134632|1,135318|1,136004|2,136690|2,137375|2,138061|2) - as i've mentioned before highly suggests to delete them, And this time it is overmapped, 350bpm broken stairs no one can do that fast, they will end up like do a ZigZag 175bpm 1/4 trills or 175bpm 1/4 double trills in this part.

Lastly, try ask Staiain for further suggestions. I literally don't know how to map a 350bpm in this part.

arcwinolivirus wrote:

wat :v

If you still don't believe that, open this site,

高速音楽隊シャープネル ‎– レイヴ☆スペクター

Also, the album name can't be put on Source, eh?
Topic Starter

[FX] AEM wrote:

just to point a few things

02:10:518 (130518|3,131204|2) - a tiny note like this i suggests to delete them, (excepts you are nerfing in this part) Nope, it represents the clap-snare +strong beat sound. I did this suggestion on MX
from 02:11:547 - to 02:12:832 - i dunno why you don't follows the previous pattern, it is confusing and annoying, suggests to repeat this pattern 02:11:375 (131375|1,131375|0,131461|3,131461|2) - till 02:12:832 - change in variation and also to avoid repetitiveness in that part, but I will reconsider this if other modders will suggest.
02:13:261 (133261|1,133947|1,134632|1,135318|1,136004|2,136690|2,137375|2,138061|2) - as i've mentioned before highly suggests to delete them, And this time it is overmapped, 350bpm broken stairs no one can do that fast, they will end up like do a ZigZag 175bpm 1/4 trills or 175bpm 1/4 double trills in this part. Actually not overmapped, its just that part is so fast. single notes for that 1/8 beat sound notes and add note for that clap sound.

Lastly, try ask Staiain for further suggestions. I literally don't know how to map a 350bpm in this part.
Actually most of the suggestions you made are in MX if you will check Sir AEM. Thanks for checking :3/

ishimaru94 wrote:

arcwinolivirus wrote:

wat :v

If you still don't believe that, open this site,

高速音楽隊シャープネル ‎– レイヴ☆スペクター

Also, the album name can't be put on Source, eh?
Uhh I dont really understand what to put in my metadata :? I'll try to contact you in-game if I see you online.
Nah, just discuss here.

Also, let me clear you up. :D

Artist -> jea
Source -> レイヴ☆スペクター or Rave ☆ Spector

Not sure if source can be put in though, contact a BAT to confirm.
Bump. xD

Remove rave and spector from the tags because these words have also used in source.

Also, no kudos. :)
Hi ya
forgive me if break your style :D

i no understand your LN =.=|| sad
many place sound loud abit. Put triple note? but may VERY IMBA xD

00:05:375 (5375|3,6747|2,8118|1) - this mini LN is wat sound? 0.0
if this is mini LN is tat sound, means 00:09:490 - 00:10:861 - 00:12:232 - 00:13:604 - 00:14:975 - 00:16:347 - 00:17:718 - 00:19:090 - 00:20:461 -00:21:832
also same got mini LN ?
00:14:632 - add note (2 note for drum rite?and the LN is for "qian" sound rite? xD )
00:15:318 - 00:15:490 - 00:15:832 - 00:16:690 - 00:16:861 - 00:17:204 - 00:18:061 - 00:18:232 - 00:18:575 - 00:19:432 - 00:19:775 - 00:20:804 - 00:21:318 - 00:22:175 - 00:22:690 -^
00:15:918 - 00:18:661 - remove 1
00:25:432 - got strong drum kick sound make weird -3-
( i refer to this 00:26:975 and 00:26:632 got double note for kick and hit ) add note on 00:26:290 - 00:27:661 - 00:29:032 - 00:30:404 - 00:30:918 - 00:31:775 - 00:33:147 - 00:34:518 - 00:35:547 - 00:35:890 - 00:36:232 - 00:38:632 - 00:40:004 - 00:40:347 - 00:40:690 - 00:41:032 - 00:41:375 - 00:42:747 - 00:43:432 - 00:43:775 - 00:46:175 - 00:46:518 and so on.........XD
00:37:090 (37090|2) - wanna move to 1st column? same pattern with 00:37:775
00:49:004 - add note ? imba map with empty space ?
00:54:918 (54918|3) - move to 00:54:832 - 3rd column for better pattern ?
01:01:261 sound high than 01:00:918 - 01:01:004 - 01:01:090 rite? add note?
01:02:632 - 01:03:832 - 01:04:004 - 01:05:375 - 01:06:747 - 01:08:118 - 01:10:861 - 01:12:232 - ^
01:09:490 - this u got add -.- but ^ no xD
01:04:261 - remove 1 cause sound low
01:12:575 (72575|0,72575|1) - 01:11:204 (71204|1,71204|3) - need 2 LN? If you need tat LN den 01:13:775 (73775|3,73775|2) - this LN place wrong ? Should be here 01:13:947
01:19:261 (79261|0,79261|1) - same place wrong?
01:19:775 - 01:21:147 - 01:23:890 - 01:25:261 - 01:26:632........ - LN? i see many place got
01:20:804 - delete 1? no loud sound
01:21:832 - 01:32:804 - 01:33:490 - 01:34:175 - 01:34:861 - 01:35:547 - 01:36:232 - 01:41:032 - add due loud sound
01:43:775 - double? 0.0 hear carefully the sound and the number of note. OR your pattern ? I saw that is 1 note 2 note 1 note 2 note on same sound xD
01:59:461 - 01:59:718 - add note
01:53:718 to 02:10:175 - need so IMBA ? -.-
02:10:175 to 02:18:404 - MY EYES ARHHH xD I blind xD but i not deaf xD
02:15:661 - remove 1
02:18:832 - ?

Almost same problem with just now .. The loud sound put more note than soft sound
00:17:375 (17375|2) - move to 4 column
00:31:604 (31604|3) - move to 2 column
00:34:004 (34004|1) - move to 4 column
00:35:718 (35718|1) - move to 2 column
00:36:490 (36490|3) - may move ? too close like a hammer
00:42:061 (42061|0) - may move ?
00:54:575 (54575|1) - ^
01:05:890 (65890|3) - 01:07:262 (67262|0) - ^ or pattern ?
01:15:318 (75318|3) - ^
01:23:547 (83547|0) - ^
01:29:032 (89032|3) - ^
01:34:518 (94518|3) - ^
01:35:547 (95547|1) - ^
01:38:118 (98118|3) - ^
01:39:661 (99661|0,100004|3) - ^
01:56:461 (116461|1) - ^
Topic Starter

mike91lau wrote:

Hi ya
forgive me if break your style :D

i no understand your LN =.=|| sad
many place sound loud abit. Put triple note? but may VERY IMBA xD

00:05:375 (5375|3,6747|2,8118|1) - this mini LN is wat sound? 0.0 The bass synth sound. Dont you hear it? @.@
if this is mini LN is tat sound, means 00:09:490 - 00:10:861 - 00:12:232 - 00:13:604 - 00:14:975 - 00:16:347 - 00:17:718 - 00:19:090 - 00:20:461 -00:21:832
also same got mini LN ? Nope also, the bass synth sound became inconsistent and cannot be heard anymore because of the percussion and the main melody
(X)! Nope: 00:14:632 - add note (2 note for drum rite?and the LN is for "qian" sound rite? xD ) Already 2-noted press. I balance out the press in my maps. Let say 2-note for drum. But if there a vocal on it I make one note in the 2-noted's an LN so it will be still 2-noted press but with the emphasize of the vocal LN. This is also to avoid overmapping. 3-noted press on a simple and not strong sound leads to that.
00:15:318 - 00:15:490 - 00:15:832 - 00:16:690 - 00:16:861 - 00:17:204 - 00:18:061 - 00:18:232 - 00:18:575 - 00:19:432 - 00:19:775 - 00:20:804 - 00:21:318 - 00:22:175 - 00:22:690 -^ ^
(X)! Nope: 00:15:918 - 00:18:661 - remove 1 if you're pertaining to the 1 = which is the LN. Its for the vocal.
00:25:432 - got strong drum kick sound make weird -3- As this part is really fast I didnt note for the drum kick sound and note for the fast 1/8 sound instead. This part is also Fc'ble
( i refer to this 00:26:975 and 00:26:632 got double note for kick and hit ) add note on 00:26:290 - 00:27:661 - 00:29:032 - 00:30:404 - 00:30:918 - 00:31:775 - 00:33:147 - 00:34:518 - 00:35:547 - 00:35:890 - 00:36:232 - 00:38:632 - 00:40:004 - 00:40:347 - 00:40:690 - 00:41:032 - 00:41:375 - 00:42:747 - 00:43:432 - 00:43:775 - 00:46:175 - 00:46:518 and so on.........XD as stated previous reason, already 2-noted press for kick
(X)! Nope: 00:37:090 (37090|2) - wanna move to 1st column? same pattern with 00:37:775 different variation
(X)! Nope: 00:49:004 - add note ? imba map with empty space ? even imba map can have empty space. I mean listen carefully, on 25 or 50% playback, you will not hear any instrument on that part. So it doesnt make sense if you put note there.
(X)! Nope: 00:54:918 (54918|3) - move to 00:54:832 - 3rd column for better pattern ? nope and there no sound on 00:54:832 to move that note for.
(X)! Nope: 01:01:261 sound high than 01:00:918 - 01:01:004 - 01:01:090 rite? add note?
01:02:632 - 01:03:832 - 01:04:004 - 01:05:375 - 01:06:747 - 01:08:118 - 01:10:861 - 01:12:232 - ^ they have already the same 2-noted press, No need to add more or it will lead to overmap
01:09:490 - this u got add -.- but ^ no xD Because this part has cymbals+the previous sounds of kick and hithat.
01:04:261 - remove 1 cause sound low There's no note on 1 or even if you're pertaining to the LN, its for the synth.
OK! Fixed: 01:12:575 (72575|0,72575|1) - 01:11:204 (71204|1,71204|3) - need 2 LN? fixed this one, the other LN represent the vocal
(X)! Nope: If you need tat LN den 01:13:775 (73775|3,73775|2) - this LN place wrong ? Should be here 01:13:947
(X)! Nope: 01:19:261 (79261|0,79261|1) - same place wrong? its with vocal
(X)! Nope: 01:19:775 - 01:21:147 - 01:23:890 - 01:25:261 - 01:26:632........ - LN? i see many place got different variation, to avoid repetitiveness.
(X)! Nope: 01:20:804 - delete 1? no loud sound There is loud sound: strong sound:cymbals+beat+melody+percussion. Listen carefully?
(X)! Nope: 01:21:832 - 01:32:804 - 01:33:490 - 01:34:175 - 01:34:861 - 01:35:547 - 01:36:232 - 01:41:032 - add due loud sound balance note-press 2-noted.
(X)! Nope: 01:43:775 - double? 0.0 hear carefully the sound and the number of note. OR your pattern ? I saw that is 1 note 2 note 1 note 2 note on same sound xD you should hear it more carefully, listen there's a clap-like sound there while the melody is continuosly on going. clap+melody = 2noted notes.
(X)! Nope: 01:59:461 - 01:59:718 - add note no sound here. Check on 50% playback
(X)! Nope: 01:53:718 to 02:10:175 - need so IMBA ? -.- This is SHD. And also its not that Imba, I can even FC that part. Also Very strong beatsound + melody synth became = 3-noted.
02:10:175 to 02:18:404 - MY EYES ARHHH xD I blind xD but i not deaf xD lel xD
(X)! Nope: 02:15:661 - remove 1 For the cymbals+beatsound
(X)! Nope: 02:18:832 - ?

Almost same problem with just now .. The loud sound put more note than soft sound
(X)! Nope: 00:17:375 (17375|2) - move to 4 column will result stacking on 00:17:204 (17204|3) - which has different instrument
(X)! Nope: 00:31:604 (31604|3) - move to 2 column Same instrument with the previous note
(X)! Nope: 00:34:004 (34004|1) - move to 4 column ^
OK! Fixed: 00:35:718 (35718|1) - move to 2 column but rearranged instead. moved to 3 and changed the next note after it.
(X)! Nope: 00:36:490 (36490|3) - may move ? too close like a hammer hammer? you mean jack? its not even a jack. this is a stream, a drum roll. e_e
(X)! Nope: 00:42:061 (42061|0) - may move ? A simple trill for that similar sounds.
OK! Fixed: 00:54:575 (54575|1) - ^ but moved the after note instead
OK! Fixed: 01:05:890 (65890|3) - 01:07:262 (67262|0) - ^ or pattern ?
(X)! Nope: 01:15:318 (75318|3) - ^
(X)! Nope: 01:23:547 (83547|0) - ^ trill
(X)! Nope: 01:29:032 (89032|3) - ^ ^
(X)! Nope: 01:34:518 (94518|3) - ^ nothing wrong with this one e_e
(X)! Nope: 01:35:547 (95547|1) - ^
(X)! Nope: 01:38:118 (98118|3) - ^
(X)! Nope: 01:39:661 (99661|0,100004|3) - ^
(X)! Nope: 01:56:461 (116461|1) - ^
Sorry to reject most of your mod but some are helpful :3/ thank you for the mod :)

Also Thank you for Sir S.S for 2 stars >w<)b

Now working on: Hitsounds
Just dropping by, random mod because mania needs moar SharpnelSound (and hard maps)

Columns - |1|2|3|4|
Column numbers enclosed in brackets mean a chord, e.g [124] would be a triple chord on the first, second and fourth columns
Mostly just pattern checks, I'll only do this for the SHD difficulty but they're things to consider for all of them.

00:04:004 (4004|2,4004|1) - try to follow the pitch of the synth here, it's a repeating triplet where a correct pitch relevancy would be 432 432 etc

00:23:547 (23547|3,24061|1) - holding an LN on one hand during a minijack is a bit rough considering the density. Something that would flow better would be to either move the minijack to the other hand (1 or 2 columns) or make the doubles on these sections on one hand, like [34] or [12]

00:25:004 (25004|2,25090|2) - generally in fast 1/8 streams like these, you want to avoid a 'hidden' minijack as occurs here on the 3 column, since this significantly increases the difficulty of the pattern. a suggestion would be to mirror the placements of 00:25:090 (25090|2,25132|1) - so that it flows better on each hand

00:25:432 (25432|2) - LN here on the 3 column is uncomfortable when you hit the 1/8 notes on the 4 column. suggest to move LN to 4 so the 1/8ths are 321, which are much more comfortable to hit

00:36:361 (36361|1,36404|2,36490|1,36575|2,36661|1,36704|2,36832|1,36918|2,37004|1,37090|2,37175|1,37261|2) - mirroring all of these would make the doubles more intuitive to hit, and make the 1/8th triplets more bearable.
00:36:318 (36318|0) - if you follow the above, move this note to 2 so that the 1/8th triplet here is 23[12], which is more comfortable to hit compared to 12[13] or 13[12]

00:37:261 (37261|0,37432|1,37604|2) - mirror these so they are descending, this follows the pitch of the BG voice better. i know this makes the LN pattern repetitive, but that also emphasizes the presence of the voice better than on different columns
00:42:747 (42747|1,42918|2,43090|1) - also the same
00:45:490 (45490|2,45661|1,45832|2) - ^

00:47:375 (47375|2,47547|1,47718|3,47804|0) - these are all the same pitch, suggest to move them to the same column, or the same hand, like 1 and 2, or 3 and 4. I like how you did this with 00:47:890 (47890|3,48061|2) -

00:48:232 (48232|3,48490|2) - the synth you layer as LN also plays on these rhythms (and in later repeats). would be nice to layer those, maybe as more LNs or more notes
00:50:547 (50547|0) - in the case you reject the above, adding a LN here (and on later repeats) to the synth notes here

00:58:175 (58175|3,58218|2,58261|1,58518|0,58561|1,58604|2) - this is a very rough pattern, though it fits the layering. a suggestion would be to remove one of the notes in the triple so it would look like this (you can ignore this if you want to follow the layer more strictly)

00:59:804 (59804|2) - remove LN here and on other repetitions. the synth note extends from the offbeat into this interval, there is no new pitch/note here

01:04:004 (64004|0,64004|3,64090|1,64090|2,64175|1,64175|0,64261|3,64261|2,64347|0,64347|2) - minijacks here are forced and rough to hit. suggest to shorten the LNs and make a double trill like [14][23][14][23][14] or [34][12][34][12][34] (the 2nd one would be preferred as the doubles are on one hand)
01:08:461 (68461|3,68461|0,68547|1,68547|2,68632|0,68632|1) - same as above

01:09:661 (69661|3,69661|0,69704|1,69747|2,69790|1,69832|2) - minitrill is tough to hit considering there are LNs at the same time. suggest to move the LN to column 1 and make the 1/8ths go [14]234[12]. this flows better

01:16:261 (76261|3) - remove this. it doesn't go to the synth you're layering here and creates a forced minijack on the 4 column
01:31:347 (91347|3) - ^ the other minijacks in this section go to either the synth or the percussion, this doesn't go to any sound
01:36:832 (96832|3) - ^
01:42:318 (102318|3) - ^

01:42:747 (102747|3,102747|0,102747|2) - follow pitch relevancy here like in beginning

01:54:404 (114404|1) - the synth you layer as LN here follows the same rhythm as the section beforehand (damnit Jea stop copy pasting your music) so i'd use the same rhythms here too. it'd make it denser (and harder lolol) alternatively, you could remove the LN on 01:54:747 (114747|2) - this rhythm since it's not as loud there

01:56:118 (116118|1,116118|2,116290|2,116375|1,116461|1) - flip this horizontally so the double minijack is on [34] which is more comfortable to hit
01:58:861 (118861|1,118861|2,119032|1,119118|2,119204|2) - ^
02:07:090 (127090|1,127090|2,127261|2,127347|1,127432|1) - ^

02:11:461 (131461|2,131461|3,131547|0,131547|3) - try to vary the patterns for the doubles in this section more, it'll be a lot better to hit that way. if you choose to do so, a good tip for patterning would be to keep the minijacks created by the varied double patterns so that they alternate each hand.
example would be [12][34] [14][23] [24][13]. the minijack from [34] to [14] is on the right hand, and the minijack from [23] to [24] is on the left hand. the jack patterns are much more comfortable to hit this way

02:10:518 (130518|3) - i know you're trying to be consistent with the layering here, but this makes this section a lot harder than it needs to be. the clap you're adding an extra note to is barely audible over the 1/4 bass drum.
02:13:175 (133175|1,133261|1,133347|1) - ^ This last section is very tough to hit in relation to the speed, and the patterns are extremely easy to slip up on. Staiain can attest to the playability of the patterns. Pattern these 1/8ths so that they can be hit as offset doubles or rolls, such as 1234 1243 2134 etc. These are much more comfortable and playable patterns that split 350 bpm streams with hidden 3 note 1/4 minijacks.

02:18:404 (138404|3,138404|2,138404|1) - 1/8 streams into a triple chord is brutal. This creates a 1/4 minijack on 3 column and is a very rough transition. three notes is more than necessary for this sound. take out one of the LNs and make the double on [34] Example: 2 notes is enough to satisfy the layering you use here, and is a lot more comfortable to hit.

On a side note, I know this seems a bit offensive etc. but I whipped up my own map in about half an hour to help you out with the rhythms on some sections, and examples of how to pattern the 1/8ths at the end so they are friendly to hit.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Fullereneshift wrote:

Just dropping by, random mod because mania needs moar SharpnelSound (and hard maps)

Columns - |1|2|3|4|
Column numbers enclosed in brackets mean a chord, e.g [124] would be a triple chord on the first, second and fourth columns
Mostly just pattern checks, I'll only do this for the SHD difficulty but they're things to consider for all of them.

(X)! Nope: 00:04:004 (4004|2,4004|1) - try to follow the pitch of the synth here, it's a repeating triplet where a correct pitch relevancy would be 432 432 etc This is a hand balanced pattern. Left and right hand press. Also to avoid the repetitiveness like in your difficulty

00:23:547 (23547|3,24061|1) - holding an LN on one hand during a minijack is a bit rough considering the density. Something that would flow better would be to either move the minijack to the other hand (1 or 2 columns) or make the doubles on these sections on one hand, like [34] or [12] Moving them will change the entire pattern in that pattern.

OK! Fixed: 00:25:004 (25004|2,25090|2) - generally in fast 1/8 streams like these, you want to avoid a 'hidden' minijack as occurs here on the 3 column, since this significantly increases the difficulty of the pattern. a suggestion would be to mirror the placements of 00:25:090 (25090|2,25132|1) - so that it flows better on each hand Rearranged but in different way

OK! Fixed: 00:25:432 (25432|2) - LN here on the 3 column is uncomfortable when you hit the 1/8 notes on the 4 column. suggest to move LN to 4 so the 1/8ths are 321, which are much more comfortable to hit Removed the LN and focus on the strength of beat instead

OK! Fixed: 00:36:361 (36361|1,36404|2,36490|1,36575|2,36661|1,36704|2,36832|1,36918|2,37004|1,37090|2,37175|1,37261|2) - mirroring all of these would make the doubles more intuitive to hit, and make the 1/8th triplets more bearable. Nice one~

OK! Fixed: 00:36:318 (36318|0) - if you follow the above, move this note to 2 so that the 1/8th triplet here is 23[12], which is more comfortable to hit compared to 12[13] or 13[12]

OK! Fixed: 00:37:261 (37261|0,37432|1,37604|2) - mirror these so they are descending, this follows the pitch of the BG voice better. i know this makes the LN pattern repetitive, but that also emphasizes the presence of the voice better than on different columns
(X)! Nope: 00:42:747 (42747|1,42918|2,43090|1) - also the same
(X)! Nope: 00:45:490 (45490|2,45661|1,45832|2) - ^ since they are already on different columns, not repeated notes anymore.

OK! Fixed: 00:47:375 (47375|2,47547|1,47718|3,47804|0) - these are all the same pitch, suggest to move them to the same column, or the same hand, like 1 and 2, or 3 and 4. I like how you did this with 00:47:890 (47890|3,48061|2) - Moved but the third and fourth LN note synths have different pitch, not like the 1st two synth which are really the same.

00:48:232 (48232|3,48490|2) - the synth you layer as LN also plays on these rhythms (and in later repeats). would be nice to layer those, maybe as more LNs or more notes
OK! Fixed: 00:50:547 (50547|0) - in the case you reject the above, adding a LN here (and on later repeats) to the synth notes here followed this suggestion instead

(X)! Nope: 00:58:175 (58175|3,58218|2,58261|1,58518|0,58561|1,58604|2) - this is a very rough pattern, though it fits the layering. a suggestion would be to remove one of the notes in the triple so it would look like this (you can ignore this if you want to follow the layer more strictly) The triple/3-noted notes are for emphasizing the strength of cymbals+melody+beatsound. Since this is SHD I'll keep it.

OK! Fixed: 00:59:804 (59804|2) - remove LN here and on other repetitions. the synth note extends from the offbeat into this interval, there is no new pitch/note here changed all into single/short notes.

(X)! Nope: 01:04:004 (64004|0,64004|3,64090|1,64090|2,64175|1,64175|0,64261|3,64261|2,64347|0,64347|2) - minijacks here are forced and rough to hit. suggest to shorten the LNs and make a double trill like [14][23][14][23][14] or [34][12][34][12][34] (the 2nd one would be preferred as the doubles are on one hand) I strictly followed the length of that LN synth sound.
01:08:461 (68461|3,68461|0,68547|1,68547|2,68632|0,68632|1) - same as above ^

(X)! Nope: 01:09:661 (69661|3,69661|0,69704|1,69747|2,69790|1,69832|2) - minitrill is tough to hit considering there are LNs at the same time. suggest to move the LN to column 1 and make the 1/8ths go [14]234[12]. this flows better There's an LN to column 1 after these notes and it will overlap

OK! Fixed: 01:16:261 (76261|3) - remove this. it doesn't go to the synth you're layering here and creates a forced minijack on the 4 column
OK! Fixed: 01:31:347 (91347|3) - ^ the other minijacks in this section go to either the synth or the percussion, this doesn't go to any sound
OK! Fixed: 01:36:832 (96832|3) - ^
OK! Fixed: 01:42:318 (102318|3) - ^

(X)! Nope: 01:42:747 (102747|3,102747|0,102747|2) - follow pitch relevancy here like in beginning previous reason stated

01:54:404 (114404|1) - the synth you layer as LN here follows the same rhythm as the section beforehand (damnit Jea stop copy pasting your music) so i'd use the same rhythms here too. it'd make it denser (and harder lolol) alternatively, you could remove the LN on 01:54:747 (114747|2) - this rhythm since it's not as loud there No change in these parts. All of LN selected are for the synth with different patterns to avoid repetitiveness.

OK! Fixed: 01:56:118 (116118|1,116118|2,116290|2,116375|1,116461|1) - flip this horizontally so the double minijack is on [34] which is more comfortable to hit
OK! Fixed: 01:58:861 (118861|1,118861|2,119032|1,119118|2,119204|2) - ^
OK! Fixed: 02:07:090 (127090|1,127090|2,127261|2,127347|1,127432|1) - ^ great suggestion~

OK! Fixed: 02:11:461 (131461|2,131461|3,131547|0,131547|3) - try to vary the patterns for the doubles in this section more, it'll be a lot better to hit that way. if you choose to do so, a good tip for patterning would be to keep the minijacks created by the varied double patterns so that they alternate each hand.
example would be [12][34] [14][23] [24][13]. the minijack from [34] to [14] is on the right hand, and the minijack from [23] to [24] is on the left hand. the jack patterns are much more comfortable to hit this way Rearranged with some additional reversed,left,right patterns

OK! Fixed: 02:10:518 (130518|3) - i know you're trying to be consistent with the layering here, but this makes this section a lot harder than it needs to be. the clap you're adding an extra note to is barely audible over the 1/4 bass drum. Removed :v
02:13:175 (133175|1,133261|1,133347|1) - ^ This last section is very tough to hit in relation to the speed, and the patterns are extremely easy to slip up on. Staiain can attest to the playability of the patterns. Pattern these 1/8ths so that they can be hit as offset doubles or rolls, such as 1234 1243 2134 etc. These are much more comfortable and playable patterns that split 350 bpm streams with hidden 3 note 1/4 minijacks. No change here. Personal pattern I can say and its not tough though. (I bet Stai can hit these notes as I can hit most of it.)

02:18:404 (138404|3,138404|2,138404|1) - 1/8 streams into a triple chord is brutal. This creates a 1/4 minijack on 3 column and is a very rough transition. three notes is more than necessary for this sound. take out one of the LNs and make the double on [34] Example: 2 notes is enough to satisfy the layering you use here, and is a lot more comfortable to hit. There are no more streams in this part. This is the last/final instrument and just same as previous notes 1/4 minijack before these LNs. No change.

On a side note, I know this seems a bit offensive etc. but I whipped up my own map in about half an hour to help you out with the rhythms on some sections, and examples of how to pattern the 1/8ths at the end so they are friendly to hit.

Good luck! Thanks >w<)/
Thank you for general mod for SHD, Fullereneshift. Really cool and helpful~ :)
:lol: I Love U Arcwin *w*
Topic Starter

Ansane wrote:

:lol: I Love U Arcwin *w*
Thank you for support <3

Also Thanks for Zan- for the star! >w<)b
Good luck with rank! Crazy 4k going on here, if not creepy
Hi Arcwin :3/

Add DJ Sharpnel to tags? xD

00:39:661 (39661|0) - I'd move right, fits a bit better cause of this 00:39:318 (39318|0) -
00:42:232 (42232|3) - Move this left and 00:42:404 (42404|2) - move this right
00:47:204 - You need to add a note here, there's a kick :/

00:17:375 (17375|2,17375|0) - Make them near like the other doubles ;_; 00:17:375 (17375|2) - move this left?

I like overall this diff except some doubles in blue ticks likr 01:04:090 (64090|2,64090|1) - but it's my personal opinion because I have a bit jacks <.<

00:17:718 (17718|2) - Move left for consistency (referring to this 00:20:118 (20118|2,20118|0,20290|0,20290|2,20461|0,20461|2) - ) ?
01:31:347 - It's missing a note on 4 on purpose right?
01:36:832 - ^same
01:42:318 - ^same, okay I guess it's on purpose xD

bye keyboard
anyone can FC the final part here? D:

Call me back when fixed? :D
Topic Starter

Roxas wrote:

Hi Arcwin :3/

OK! Fixed: Add DJ Sharpnel to tags? xDOh yeah dafonz XD thanks~!

OK! Fixed: 00:39:661 (39661|0) - I'd move right, fits a bit better cause of this 00:39:318 (39318|0) -
OK! Fixed: 00:42:232 (42232|3) - Move this left and 00:42:404 (42404|2) - move this right
OK! Fixed: 00:47:204 - You need to add a note here, there's a kick :/ whoa great notice! thanks!

OK! Fixed: 00:17:375 (17375|2,17375|0) - Make them near like the other doubles ;_; 00:17:375 (17375|2) - move this left?

I like overall this diff except some doubles in blue ticks likr 01:04:090 (64090|2,64090|1) - but it's my personal opinion because I have a bit jacks <.< Oh my thank you <3

OK! Fixed: 00:17:718 (17718|2) - Move left for consistency (referring to this 00:20:118 (20118|2,20118|0,20290|0,20290|2,20461|0,20461|2) - ) ? nice notice!
01:31:347 - It's missing a note on 4 on purpose right? Yep its on purpose :3
01:36:832 - ^same
01:42:318 - ^same, okay I guess it's on purpose xD

bye keyboard LOLOL XD atleast I can S this song. I can't even S - SHD AiAe ;3;
anyone can FC the final part here? D:

Call me back when fixed? :D
About the ExTra, I made something for that final part:
Short Video of MAMA EXTRA last part
I hope that answer your question Sir :oops:

Thank you so much for that great check and mod, Sir Roxas~! :)
All updated and ready~
mfw a vibrating map might actually get ranked
ps move Rave ☆ Spector to tags, album names don't go in source
Topic Starter

Fullerene- wrote:

ps move Rave ☆ Spector to tags, album names don't go in source
Oh yeah I forgot its an album only x.x thanks~
No 7K difficulties? ;_;
this is great
Topic Starter

Low wrote:

this is great
Thank you so much for that feedback and star~! Sir Low~! ^o^

Kamanezu wrote:

No 7K difficulties? ;_;
Yeah ;3; Since I usually see this song in 4K mode sarry x.x
why this map is not ranked ? i like this map :D
Topic Starter

SayaBukanMaho wrote:

why this map is not ranked ? i like this map :D
Thank you so much :)
Yes I'm doing my best to get it ranked ^o^
Nice map Arc! KUDOSO It! :D
yo mama, its gonna be awesome if this ranked.. \ :v / good luck arcwin.. xD
*oops i dropped something..


erm.. the image resolution is a bit blurry, since it's 800*600.. just a suggestion, why don't you use the larger image instead? ... r-84003814 here's the source...
also, add tag : "Hellknight10 Ravenous Red Flower"
hellknight10 is the artist who made this background.. (before it's bubbled, why not? :3)
i badly want this map getting ranked so.. shoot!
Topic Starter

NathanTheJOOKER wrote:

Nice map Arc! KUDOSO It! :D
Thank you for the support Nathan~! :)

Harbyter wrote:

i badly want this map getting ranked so.. shoot!
Same here :3 So I'm doing my best to get this ranked. Thank you so much for the support ^O^

ExUsagi wrote:

yo mama, its gonna be awesome if this ranked.. \ :v / good luck arcwin.. xD
*oops i dropped something..


erm.. the image resolution is a bit blurry, since it's 800*600.. just a suggestion, why don't you use the larger image instead? ... r-84003814 here's the source...
also, add tag : "Hellknight10 Ravenous Red Flower"
hellknight10 is the artist who made this background.. (before it's bubbled, why not? :3)
omg, IluvU Exusagis, I've been searchin for this! Going to update the BG. Thank you so much! >w<)b
Also thank you for the support and that starzzzzzzzzzzz :oops:

also, thank you so much for that 5, yes FIVE STARS, Sir PROGUY >w<)b :oops:
get this rank i need more pp :)
RIP 8,5 stars, RIP 1kPP, rank where
Pls delete the last . of the title
Should be: Jea - M.A.M.A
LinK: ... se/1524567

Anyway good luck on ranking :3
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