This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 2:23:25 PM
Artist: Aimer with chelly (EGOIST)
Title: ninelie (REDSHiFT x Vesuvia Remix)
Source: 甲鉄城のカバネリ
Tags: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Ending Theme 1 Kabaneri of the iron fortress DnB SCL-1987 daydream SME Records hiroyuki sawano
BPM: 178
Filesize: 8163kb
Play Time: 03:56
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Bubbled by Protastic101
Qualified by Critical_Star
Thank you Verniy_Chan for awesome BG! Please visit REDSHiFT official page
HERE! :3
Artist: Aimer with chelly (EGOIST)
Title: ninelie (REDSHiFT x Vesuvia Remix)
Source: 甲鉄城のカバネリ
Tags: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Ending Theme 1 Kabaneri of the iron fortress DnB SCL-1987 daydream SME Records hiroyuki sawano
BPM: 178
Filesize: 8163kb
Play Time: 03:56
Difficulties Available:
- Another Kabaneri - 4Key (3.94 stars, 2188 notes)
- Beginner Nue - 4Key (1.34 stars, 683 notes)
- Hyper Koutetsujou - 4Key (2.83 stars, 1685 notes)
- Intermediate Bushi - 4Key (2.01 stars, 1158 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
HERE! :3
21/07/2016 - submitted via in-game beatmap submission
22/07/2016 - Hyper Koutetsujou finish hitsounded and add Intermediate Bushi & Beginner Nue Diff
23/07/2016 - Ready for mods , Adjusting HP and OD rate for all difficulty.
24/07/2016 - repairing shitty SV on another diff's
04/08/2016 - just delete weird inherited time on Hyper @@
09/08/2016 - Compressing the mp3 quality and change the source
03/09/2016 - Changing hitsound , thankyou dudehacker!
12/09/2016 - Fixing Over storyboard hitsound , and BG changed!
18/09/2016 - BG changed again ! thankyou Verniy_Chan! and fixing metadata
29/09/2016 - fixed some SV and fixing hitsound issues
04/11/2016 - fixing hitsound
06/11/2016 - fixing meta data
01/02/2017 - fixing hitsound
22/07/2016 - Hyper Koutetsujou finish hitsounded and add Intermediate Bushi & Beginner Nue Diff
23/07/2016 - Ready for mods , Adjusting HP and OD rate for all difficulty.
24/07/2016 - repairing shitty SV on another diff's
04/08/2016 - just delete weird inherited time on Hyper @@
09/08/2016 - Compressing the mp3 quality and change the source
03/09/2016 - Changing hitsound , thankyou dudehacker!
12/09/2016 - Fixing Over storyboard hitsound , and BG changed!
18/09/2016 - BG changed again ! thankyou Verniy_Chan! and fixing metadata
29/09/2016 - fixed some SV and fixing hitsound issues
04/11/2016 - fixing hitsound
06/11/2016 - fixing meta data
01/02/2017 - fixing hitsound
Special thanks
- dudehacker for awesome hitsound
- Verniy_Chan for awesome BG
- Evening for SV checking =3=
- All modder that help this map
- Star giver
- And you that was playing and like this map
- Verniy_Chan for awesome BG
- Evening for SV checking =3=
- All modder that help this map
- Star giver
- And you that was playing and like this map