
UPLIFT SPICE - Omega Rhythm

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 01 December 2014 at 12:50:57

Title: Omega Rhythm
Tags: lightr Dynamord Label 2009 千織 YOOKEY tovita Kenji
BPM: 173
Filesize: 6459kb
Play Time: 02:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.15 stars, 122 notes)
  2. Extra (5.47 stars, 763 notes)
  3. Hard (3.02 stars, 429 notes)
  4. Hyper (3.77 stars, 481 notes)
  5. lightr's Insane (4.84 stars, 669 notes)
  6. Normal (2.11 stars, 251 notes)
Download: UPLIFT SPICE - Omega Rhythm
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

please reDL

i have changed mp3!

lightr's insane by lightr
thank Oracle for mp3 replacement
support :D
Topic Starter

zwsr wrote:

Go go. there's your lover's GD

[Twinkle] wrote:

support :D
Wa wa wa wa
00:23:375 (1) - 尾部方向朝着2?
01:00:832 (2) - 再弯一点
02:26:843 - 添加一个折返滑条?

00:15:051 (1) - 包好一点
00:41:410 (4) - ^
01:51:121 (2) - ^
00:40:022 (1,2) - 间距
01:02:219 (1,2) - ^

00:18:173 (2,3) - 用一样的滑条
02:37:595 (4,1) - 距离远一点,跟后面的距离有点相似

Topic Starter

yu1sT wrote:

00:23:375 (1) - 尾部方向朝着2? ok
01:00:832 (2) - 再弯一点ok
02:26:843 - 添加一个折返滑条?是好一点

00:15:051 (1) - 包好一点ok
00:41:410 (4) - ^ok
01:51:121 (2) - ^ok
00:40:022 (1,2) - 间距。。没发现
01:02:219 (1,2) - ^ok

00:18:173 (2,3) - 用一样的滑条ok
02:37:595 (4,1) - 距离远一点,跟后面的距离有点相似ok



00:28:924 (1,2,1,2) - 之间的空隙太长,而且有些单调副歌之前没有升华的预感。建议在三个空当中间分别加个圈,然后 00:37:248 (2) ·长度减半,然后往返两次(左,右,左)
00:40:022 (1,2,3,4) - 单调+1 建议把第三个改成往返,删掉第四个,在第四个开始的位置结束的时间加一个圈
00:51:121 (1,2,3,4) - 上边+1,可以保留上边那个然后改掉这个
01:20:254 (1,2,1,2) - 上边+1,既然有 01:30:658 (3) ·的存在,那可以吧最后一个滑条长度减半,往返一次
02:15:745 (4) - 个人会把这个加长到下一个白色tick (到 02:17:132 ·结束)
02:28:231 (1,2,3,4) - 上边+1

02:03:259 (1) - 我觉得可以吧这个和前面的距离伸长到1.2x
02:16:785 (6) - 这个滑条反复一次

00:49:213 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 感觉怪怪的,我反正第一次打的时候是反应不过来4是多次往返,但是不知道怎么给更改建议,毕竟这一块也算原创的图案。(至少可以尝试拉近 00:49:213 (4,1) ·之间的距离,1.5x的距离很容易让第一次打的人预判为4只有一次往返)
01:06:381 - 请务必删掉这个spinner……只有3秒的break特别短不说,紧接着就是一个长度只有1秒的转盘,而且还不在重音上,好不容易打完一段休息了突然这么一个转盘肯定反应不过来
01:29:271 (2,4) - 这两个滑条的重叠有些莫名其妙,不在中点,也不是distance snap,关键是还挡住了第二个滑条的结束圈……
01:52:421 (3) - 把它放在两个滑条中间的位置吧,表和第二个起始圈重合

建议ar -1
00:20:080 (4) - 摆在这里很容易看丢 (虽然我没看丢)
00:37:248 (3,1) - 这中间为什么要空一拍,小鼓在空的这一排已经开始有比较弱的声音了,要么再加个圈,要么把3改成短滑条。个人会再加一个圈然后从00:37:248 (3) ·开始标新combo
01:06:381 - 转盘删掉+1
01:07:768 (1,2) - 两个离得太远,短滑条往返接3.45x短滑条往返没人能反应过来(第一次打的时候)缩到2x差不多
01:23:028 (3) - 嚯这一大串连打…… 建议把 01:24:415 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) ·改成短滑条往返,后边两个短滑条往返改成连打
02:49:300 (2) - +1

01:00:572 (5,2) - 放在在4和6(1和3)的中间吧,现在这样很破坏移动
01:06:381 - 转盘删掉+1
01:07:768 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 反正我是打不了xD 跳的好多1.9 slider velocity + 4.8 distance snap
01:59:098 - 删掉+1
02:17:132 - 加一个圈,可以放在78的中间
02:26:150 - 好吧这一串我也打不了……收回前言od不用+1了
02:47:913 (2) - 13中间

第一次mod就献给你了xD 不知道楼上这些图是怎么截出来的求讲解?
lol 祝楼主成功rank
Topic Starter

zinsser wrote:



00:28:924 (1,2,1,2) - 之间的空隙太长,而且有些单调副歌之前没有升华的预感。建议在三个空当中间分别加个圈,然后 00:37:248 (2) ·长度减半,然后往返两次(左,右,左)后面改了些
00:40:022 (1,2,3,4) - 单调+1 建议把第三个改成往返,删掉第四个,在第四个开始的位置结束的时间加一个圈看了看,easy就不变了
00:51:121 (1,2,3,4) - 上边+1,可以保留上边那个然后改掉这个
01:20:254 (1,2,1,2) - 上边+1,既然有 01:30:658 (3) ·的存在,那可以吧最后一个滑条长度减半,往返一次
02:15:745 (4) - 个人会把这个加长到下一个白色tick (到 02:17:132 ·结束)ok
02:28:231 (1,2,3,4) - 上边+1

02:03:259 (1) - 我觉得可以吧这个和前面的距离伸长到1.2x 。。。这个得保持DS
02:16:785 (6) - 这个滑条反复一次ok

00:49:213 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 感觉怪怪的,我反正第一次打的时候是反应不过来4是多次往返,但是不知道怎么给更改建议,毕竟这一块也算原创的图案。(至少可以尝试拉近 00:49:213 (4,1) ·之间的距离,1.5x的距离很容易让第一次打的人预判为4只有一次往返)ok
01:06:381 - 请务必删掉这个spinner……只有3秒的break特别短不说,紧接着就是一个长度只有1秒的转盘,而且还不在重音上,好不容易打完一段休息了突然这么一个转盘肯定反应不过来ok
01:29:271 (2,4) - 这两个滑条的重叠有些莫名其妙,不在中点,也不是distance snap,关键是还挡住了第二个滑条的结束圈……感觉还好
01:52:421 (3) - 把它放在两个滑条中间的位置吧,表和第二个起始圈重合不喜欢放中间。。。。。

01:00:572 (5,2) - 放在在4和6(1和3)的中间吧,现在这样很破坏移动。。。
01:06:381 - 转盘删掉+1ok
01:07:768 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 反正我是打不了xD 跳的好多1.9 slider velocity + 4.8 distance snap
01:59:098 - 删掉+1
02:17:132 - 加一个圈,可以放在78的中间跟着鼓点走
02:26:150 - 好吧这一串我也打不了……收回前言od不用+1了。。这个不是滑条吗
02:47:913 (2) - 13中间

第一次mod就献给你了xD 不知道楼上这些图是怎么截出来的求讲解?
lol 祝楼主成功rank
0.0 谢谢mod

zinsser wrote:

建议ar -1 no,这种排列和BPM你觉得AR8玩着舒服吗?
00:20:080 (4) - 摆在这里很容易看丢 (虽然我没看丢) 算是比较常见的遮挡把
00:37:248 (3,1) - 这中间为什么要空一拍,小鼓在空的这一排已经开始有比较弱的声音了,要么再加个圈,要么把3改成短滑条。个人会再加一个圈然后从00:37:248 (3) ·开始标新combo no,停顿一下转折
01:06:381 - 转盘删掉+1
01:07:768 (1,2) - 两个离得太远,短滑条往返接3.45x短滑条往返没人能反应过来(第一次打的时候)缩到2x差不多 Insane不是面向新手玩家做的,这种跳对已经入门的玩家来说完全谈不上难度
01:23:028 (3) - 嚯这一大串连打…… 建议把 01:24:415 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) ·改成短滑条往返,后边两个短滑条往返改成连打 sorry,no change
02:49:300 (2) - +1 sorry,no change

顺便谢谢MOD :)
P o M u T a
from my queue. nice song :P

  1. why you add tag 'Vo' 'Gt' 'Dr' 'Ba'. i don't understand. please remove these.
  1. 00:15:051 (2) - add finish slider end. and sampleset is soft. because symbals part. really fit.
  2. 00:17:826 (1) - ^ but, slider head.
  3. 00:21:988 (5) - drum sampleset slider head.
  4. 00:28:924 (1) - finish sampleset slider head.
  5. 00:34:473 (1) - ^
  6. 00:37:248 (3) - add finish slider head.
  7. 00:38:635 (5) - add finish slider end. and sampleset is drum.
  8. 01:03:259 (3) - remove clap. and instead add finish and sampleset drum. more fit.
  9. 01:09:155 (1) - soft sampleset slider head.
  10. 01:20:254 (1) - ^
  11. 01:25:803 (1) - ^
  12. 02:26:843 (1) - add clap slider head and reverse and end.
  1. 00:16:092 (3) - change soft and add finish.
  2. 00:37:248 (1) - add finish.
  3. 01:03:606 (4) - add finish.
  4. 01:09:155 (1) - add finish slider head.
  5. 01:20:254 (1) - add finish slider head.
  6. 01:25:803 (1) - add finish slider head.
  1. 00:17:826 (1) - remove clap slider head and add finish slider head and sampleset soft.
  2. 00:28:924 (1) - ^
  3. 00:29:618 (1,1) - nothing mean NC. remove these.
  4. 00:34:473 (1) - remove clap slider head and add finish slider head and sampleset soft.
  5. 00:39:155 (1) - remove finish. instead add clap.
  6. 01:03:606 (3) - sampleset soft.
  7. 01:09:155 (1) - remove clap slider head and add finish slider head and sampleset soft.
  8. 01:20:254 (1) - ^
  9. 01:20:947 (1,1,1)- nothing mean NC. remove these.
  10. 01:26:496 (1,1,1) - ^
  11. 01:54:762 (6) - bit long stream part for hard diff. try change 1/4 reverse slider.
  12. 02:10:889 (3) - add clap slider head. and add finish slider end.
  13. 02:11:236 (4) - add finish slider head.
  14. 02:26:843 (1) - add clap slider head and all reverse.
  15. 02:38:115 (3,1,3,1) - don't make harder. both (3) remove reverse once.
  16. 02:49:387 (2,3,4,9) - remove reverse once. or more close distance spacing better.
[lightr's Insane]
  1. 01:01:872 (1) - remove NC.
  2. 01:09:155 (1) - add finish slider head.
  3. 01:25:456 (2) - if this pateern NC, add NC.
  4. 01:52:161 (6) - add NC.
  5. 01:54:936 (5) - add finish.
  6. 02:11:063 (4,5) - add finish.
  7. 02:39:329 (5) - add NC.
  1. stream hitsound weird imo..
almost hitsound suggest.
good luck
Topic Starter

P o M u T a wrote:

from my queue. nice song :P

  1. why you add tag 'Vo' 'Gt' 'Dr' 'Ba'. i don't understand. please remove these.OK
  1. 00:15:051 (2) - add finish slider end. and sampleset is soft. because symbals part. really fit.
  2. 00:17:826 (1) - ^ but, slider head.
  3. 00:21:988 (5) - drum sampleset slider head.
  4. 00:28:924 (1) - finish sampleset slider head.
  5. 00:34:473 (1) - ^
  6. 00:37:248 (3) - add finish slider head.
  7. 00:38:635 (5) - add finish slider end. and sampleset is drum.
  8. 01:03:259 (3) - remove clap. and instead add finish and sampleset drum. more fit.
  9. 01:09:155 (1) - soft sampleset slider head.
  10. 01:20:254 (1) - ^
  11. 01:25:803 (1) - ^
  12. 02:26:843 (1) - add clap slider head and reverse and end.
    change all
  1. 00:16:092 (3) - change soft and add finish.
  2. 00:37:248 (1) - add finish.
  3. 01:03:606 (4) - add finish.
  4. 01:09:155 (1) - add finish slider head.
  5. 01:20:254 (1) - add finish slider head.
  6. 01:25:803 (1) - add finish slider head.
    change all
  1. 00:17:826 (1) - remove clap slider head and add finish slider head and sampleset soft.
  2. 00:28:924 (1) - ^
  3. 00:29:618 (1,1) - nothing mean NC. remove these.
  4. 00:34:473 (1) - remove clap slider head and add finish slider head and sampleset soft.
  5. 00:39:155 (1) - remove finish. instead add clap.
  6. 01:03:606 (3) - sampleset soft.
  7. 01:09:155 (1) - remove clap slider head and add finish slider head and sampleset soft.
  8. 01:20:254 (1) - ^
  9. 01:20:947 (1,1,1)- nothing mean NC. remove these.
  10. 01:26:496 (1,1,1) - ^
  11. 01:54:762 (6) - bit long stream part for hard diff. try change 1/4 reverse slider. nop
  12. 02:10:889 (3) - add clap slider head. and add finish slider end.
  13. 02:11:236 (4) - add finish slider head.
  14. 02:26:843 (1) - add clap slider head and all reverse.
  15. 02:38:115 (3,1,3,1) - don't make harder. both (3) remove reverse once.
  16. 02:49:387 (2,3,4,9) - remove reverse once. or more close distance spacing better.
    and change all

  1. stream hitsound weird imo..yeah,,need develop
almost hitsound suggest.
good luck
woo thank you ! :D

P o M u T a wrote:

from my queue. nice song :P

[lightr's Insane]
  1. 01:01:872 (1) - remove NC.
  2. 01:09:155 (1) - add finish slider head.
  3. 01:25:456 (2) - if this pateern NC, add NC.
  4. 01:52:161 (6) - add NC.
  5. 01:54:936 (5) - add finish.
  6. 02:11:063 (4,5) - add finish.
  7. 02:39:329 (5) - add NC.
All fixed , Thank you :D


CS:2 ?
00:19:213 (2,3) - blanket it (and if you think it is necessary blanket 00:17:826 (1) - too)
00:21:988 (5,1) - move they closer to the right (you will be have more space for 00:24:762 (2) - and it would be prettier)
00:48:346 (1,2) - blanket it
01:09:155 (1,2) - curve they somehow (they are really ugly as straight)
01:34:820 (4,5) - blanket it
01:42:450 (1) - ctrl+h, ctrl+j, ctrl+g (lol) then place as previous (better flow)
01:49:387 (3,4) - bad blanket. fix it
01:52:161 (1,2,3) - use this pattern 01:00:832 (2,3,4) -
02:37:942 (5,1) - blanket it
02:55:976 (4) - it should ends at 02:57:363 -

nothing else

00:04:647 (3) - maybe something like this ?
00:11:583 (5,1) - try this rhythm (i know it would be harder but it fits better to song for me)
00:21:988 - i suggest this rhythm
00:28:231 (4) - delete it and place 1beat slider at 00:27:884 -
00:41:410 (4,1) - blanket it
01:13:317 (3,4) - almost good but fix blanket ;_;
01:19:560 (4) - same as 00:28:231 (4) -
01:33:086 (4,1) - blanket it
01:36:901 (1) - i suggest to do something like this but more beauty please :cry:
01:44:531 (5,1) - blanket it
02:02:566 (4,1) - ^
02:16:612 - place a note here (there is a word from song and you leaved empty space. it sounds better)
02:26:843 (1,2) - blanket it
02:35:167 (1,3) - ^
02:47:652 (3,1) - this is quite ugly. i suggest to change shape and placement of 3 to this looks much better

nothing else

00:07:074 (2) - ctrl+g
00:07:768 (4) - ^
00:08:115 (1) - delete repeat and place a note 00:08:462 - for a little jump ( better flow in my opinion
00:22:681 (6) - move to 00:22:508 - (sounds much better) and fix ds
00:25:976 - here is important sound. maybe place a note here?
00:32:913 - ^
00:33:433 (2,3) - use ds for this
00:40:716 (3,4) - blanket it
00:42:103 (3,4) - ^
00:43:837 (5,1) - try this rhythm (sounds better)
00:51:121 (1,2) - blanket it
00:49:213 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - very nice part but probably i will be too hard. new people dont stream that well when they reach hard level (only opinion)
00:53:722 (1) - place it over 2
00:59:965 (4,5) - this flow drop is too confused. try to change placement somehow
01:12:624 (3,1) - place under each other properly
01:14:531 (5,1) - blanket it
01:41:583 (3) - ctrl+g
01:42:103 (5,1) - use ds
02:04:647 (1,2) - blanket it
02:05:340 (1,2) - ^
02:06:728 (3,4,5,6) - make it more various. try to rotate 5,6 somehow (02:09:502 (3,4,5,6) - this is nice )
02:08:115 (3,4,5,6) - ^
02:15:745 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - make nc after 4th note (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
02:37:421 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - same as 00:49:213 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -
02:46:265 (1) - ctrl+g (better flow)

nothing else

Sorry but i'm too tired for further modding (11 p.m. :cry: )
if you want i can look on insane and extra later. just pm me :D
and i'm giving you star because i was searching for map of this song for standard mode heh
  1. 00:12:970 (3,3) - stack?
  2. 00:20:254 (5,6) - you get some better flow if you ctrl g these two
  3. 00:34:473 (1,1) - bad overlap.
  4. 00:40:369 (2,3) - stack these better. (ctrl g them both, so you can stack the heads. then ctrl g back)
  5. 00:42:103 (3,4) - why stack? the pause in flow here is really awkward
  6. 00:58:057 (1,2) - again, why does the flow stop here?
  7. 01:12:797 (5,6,7) - hmm how do i explain this, from 01:12:624 (4,5) - the ds gets a slight decrease so you can angle the triangle, but i think it feels awkward when the DS decreases rather than increase. so just basically instead of offsetting the triangle by spinning it clockwise, spin it counter clockwise, following the flow
  8. 01:30:832 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - i think you should take copy 01:29:965 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - and ctrl hj, or vice versa
  9. 01:34:126 (1,2) - blanket could be better
  10. 02:03:953 (1,2,3,4) - the reverse in the direction of flow just feels awkward
  11. 02:41:757 (3,1) - stack?
  12. 02:43:144 (5,3) - not a good overlap
  13. 02:45:225 (2,4) - ^
  14. 02:52:161 (2) - ctrl g?
  15. 02:52:855 (4) - ^
  16. 02:53:548 (2,4) - same with these two?
  17. 02:56:236 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i just thought you could make a better design here, maybe like a wave or something
  1. 00:14:705 (5) - copy 00:15:051 (1) - ctrl hj
  2. 01:31:352 (1,2) - ^ same with this pair maybe
  3. 02:05:340 (1,2) - don't overlap
  4. 02:13:317 (2) - ctrl g
  5. 02:14:011 (4) - ^
  6. 02:16:959 (1) - consider turning this into a 1/2 slider
  7. 02:15:745 - not sure if all these nc are necessary
  8. 02:22:681 (1) - this isn't a very good place for spinner lol
  9. 02:49:213 - the stream starts here?
  1. 00:02:566 (1,2,3,4) - i don't get it. why ds change?
  2. 00:22:855 (2,1) - blanket
  3. 00:38:115 (5,6,7) - make the DS change more even lol
  4. 00:41:063 (5,6) - DS change here a bit random and this set of jumps look messy
  5. 00:50:254 (1,2,3,4,5) - these streams look kinda hard.
  6. 01:01:352 - this one here especially lol
  7. 01:12:624 (4,1) - random change in flow direction why?
  8. 01:13:664 (2) - ctrl g?
  9. 01:16:092 (1) - slider kinda ugly lol. curve less or something
  10. 01:41:410 (5) - the way how it overlaps both (4) and (5) makes it look bad and confusing
  11. 02:16:959 (8) - move this one down a bit
  12. 02:56:236 (2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this stream seems so impossible to play lol..
  1. 00:04:300 (2,3) - music doesn't pause, no reason to stack
  2. 00:40:716 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:10:196 (2) - istead just copy (1) and rotate by a bit
  4. 00:19:213 (3,4) - blanket 4 better for better overlap
  5. 01:09:155 (1) - how bout this lol?
  6. 02:11:583 (1,2) - reversing more than once can be confusing in normals
  7. 02:40:022 (2) - rotate this clockwise a bit more
  8. 02:44:184 (4) - this might be better

  • You have a 1 star easy going to a 3.5 star normal... the difficulty spread is kinda yah...
    thats all i got to say lels
----um kinda late right now but i WILL finish this mod up so don't give me kudos for now----
Topic Starter

Tagre wrote:



CS:2 ?nope
00:19:213 (2,3) - blanket it (and if you think it is necessary blanket 00:17:826 (1) - too)ok
00:21:988 (5,1) - move they closer to the right (you will be have more space for 00:24:762 (2) - and it would be prettier)
00:48:346 (1,2) - blanket itok
01:09:155 (1,2) - curve they somehow (they are really ugly as straight)
01:34:820 (4,5) - blanket it
01:42:450 (1) - ctrl+h, ctrl+j, ctrl+g (lol) then place as previous (better flow)ok
01:49:387 (3,4) - bad blanket. fix it ok
01:52:161 (1,2,3) - use this pattern 01:00:832 (2,3,4) - ok
02:37:942 (5,1) - blanket itok
02:55:976 (4) - it should ends at 02:57:363 -

nothing else

00:04:647 (3) - maybe something like this ?ok
00:11:583 (5,1) - try this rhythm (i know it would be harder but it fits better to song for me)
00:21:988 - i suggest this rhythm
00:28:231 (4) - delete it and place 1beat slider at 00:27:884 - ok
00:41:410 (4,1) - blanket itok
01:13:317 (3,4) - almost good but fix blanket ;_;ok
01:19:560 (4) - same as 00:28:231 (4) -ok
01:33:086 (4,1) - blanket itok
01:36:901 (1) - i suggest to do something like this but more beauty please :cry:
01:44:531 (5,1) - blanket itok
02:02:566 (4,1) - ^
02:16:612 - place a note here (there is a word from song and you leaved empty space. it sounds better)
02:26:843 (1,2) - blanket itok
02:35:167 (1,3) - ^
02:47:652 (3,1) - this is quite ugly. i suggest to change shape and placement of 3 to this looks much better
nothing else

00:07:074 (2) - ctrl+gnope
00:07:768 (4) - ^
00:08:115 (1) - delete repeat and place a note 00:08:462 - for a little jump ( better flow in my opinion
00:22:681 (6) - move to 00:22:508 - (sounds much better) and fix ds
00:25:976 - here is important sound. maybe place a note here?nope
00:32:913 - ^
00:33:433 (2,3) - use ds for this
00:40:716 (3,4) - blanket itok
00:42:103 (3,4) - ^
00:43:837 (5,1) - try this rhythm (sounds better)
00:51:121 (1,2) - blanket itok
00:49:213 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - very nice part but probably i will be too hard. new people dont stream that well when they reach hard level (only opinion)
00:53:722 (1) - place it over 2
00:59:965 (4,5) - this flow drop is too confused. try to change placement somehow
01:12:624 (3,1) - place under each other properly
01:14:531 (5,1) - blanket it
01:41:583 (3) - ctrl+g
01:42:103 (5,1) - use ds
02:04:647 (1,2) - blanket it ok
02:05:340 (1,2) - ^
02:06:728 (3,4,5,6) - make it more various. try to rotate 5,6 somehow (02:09:502 (3,4,5,6) - this is nice )ok
02:08:115 (3,4,5,6) - ^
02:15:745 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - make nc after 4th note (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)nope
02:37:421 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - same as 00:49:213 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - nope
02:46:265 (1) - ctrl+g (better flow)

nothing else

Sorry but i'm too tired for further modding (11 p.m. :cry: )
if you want i can look on insane and extra later. just pm me :D
and i'm giving you star because i was searching for map of this song for standard mode heh
thank you ;)
Hello~! i saw your M4M thread and wanted to post on it but im new to mapping and dont know how to mod.. So! ill just make a small post to throw two things out there that bothered me while playing your awesome insane map! (I'm not asking for a mod. I just like this beatmap so much that I wanted to try to help!)

(Sorry! i dont know how to use yet so ill stick with what im familiar with for now: imgur)
They're only suggestions though:

00:32:219 (1,2,5) - make 1 shorter and stack 2 ontop of 5 like this & the start of the triangle felt delayed
00:37:248 (1) - stack the 3 ontop of the 1 like this The distance made it seem like there was no pause and was confusing.

Hope this gets ranked! :)
Good luck!

Kibbleru wrote:

  1. 00:12:970 (3,3) - stack? OK
  2. 00:20:254 (5,6) - you get some better flow if you ctrl g these two OK
  3. 00:34:473 (1,1) - bad overlap. i don't think so
  4. 00:40:369 (2,3) - stack these better. (ctrl g them both, so you can stack the heads. then ctrl g back OK
  5. 00:42:103 (3,4) - why stack? the pause in flow here is really awkward i don't think so
  6. 00:58:057 (1,2) - again, why does the flow stop here? stack here is very good becuase of a big jupm before
  7. 01:12:797 (5,6,7) - hmm how do i explain this, from 01:12:624 (4,5) - the ds gets a slight decrease so you can angle the triangle, but i think it feels awkward when the DS decreases rather than increase. so just basically instead of offsetting the triangle by spinning it clockwise, spin it counter clockwise, following the flow OK,remap this part a little
  8. 01:30:832 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - i think you should take copy 01:29:965 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - and ctrl hj, or vice versa nope
  9. 01:34:126 (1,2) - blanket could be better OK
  10. 02:03:953 (1,2,3,4) - the reverse in the direction of flow just feels awkward i don't know how to change it
  11. 02:41:757 (3,1) - stack? OK
  12. 02:43:144 (5,3) - not a good overlap OK
  13. 02:45:225 (2,4) - ^
  14. 02:52:161 (2) - ctrl g?
  15. 02:52:855 (4) - ^
  16. 02:53:548 (2,4) - same with these two? OK^
  17. 02:56:236 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i just thought you could make a better design here, maybe like a wave or somethingthis is good enough,so i don't change this stream

Thank you !
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

  1. 00:14:705 (5) - copy 00:15:051 (1) - ctrl hjok
  2. 01:31:352 (1,2) - ^ same with this pair maybe
  3. 02:05:340 (1,2) - don't overlapok
  4. 02:13:317 (2) - ctrl gok
  5. 02:14:011 (4) - ^ok
  6. 02:16:959 (1) - consider turning this into a 1/2 slidernope
  7. 02:15:745 - not sure if all these nc are necessarync can express the strong beats
  8. 02:22:681 (1) - this isn't a very good place for spinner lolok
  9. 02:49:213 - the stream starts here?nop, start at red line would be so confuse
  1. 00:02:566 (1,2,3,4) - i don't get it. why ds change?follow the music
  2. 00:22:855 (2,1) - blanketok
  3. 00:38:115 (5,6,7) - make the DS change more even lolok
  4. 00:41:063 (5,6) - DS change here a bit random and this set of jumps look messy
  5. 00:50:254 (1,2,3,4,5) - these streams look kinda's fine
  6. 01:01:352 - this one here especially lol
  7. 01:12:624 (4,1) - random change in flow direction why?more fun
  8. 01:13:664 (2) - ctrl g?ok
  9. 01:16:092 (1) - slider kinda ugly lol. curve less or somethingnope
  10. 01:41:410 (5) - the way how it overlaps both (4) and (5) makes it look bad and confusing
  11. 02:16:959 (8) - move this one down a bit ok
  12. 02:56:236 (2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this stream seems so impossible to play's not hard, basic on the low bpm
  1. 00:04:300 (2,3) - music doesn't pause, no reason to stack
  2. 00:40:716 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:10:196 (2) - istead just copy (1) and rotate by a bitok
  4. 00:19:213 (3,4) - blanket 4 better for better overlapok
  5. 01:09:155 (1) - how bout this lol?ok
  6. 02:11:583 (1,2) - reversing more than once can be confusing in normalsok
  7. 02:40:022 (2) - rotate this clockwise a bit, it's fine
  8. 02:44:184 (4) - this might be betterok

  • You have a 1 star easy going to a 3.5 star normal... the difficulty spread is kinda's how easy work
    thats all i got to say lels
----um kinda late right now but i WILL finish this mod up so don't give me kudos for now----
thank you :D
Hey mod from queue 8-)
2~ 3 minutes = 4 Diffs
[lightr's Insane]
00:07:768 (4) - It's look more appealing if this was just a simple straight slider instead, since it's sitting in between the two symmetrical sliders 00:07:074 (2,3) - .

01:03:259 (2) - Interesting. Use a drum clap on this note, to match that unique hit sound heard in the music.

02:04:126 (2,4) - Swap their positions please. I don't think it looks nice for them to form a sort of 're-wind' flow after 02:03:259 (1,2,3,4) - (otherwise, you should've done it with 02:00:485 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - as well).

01:27:884 (4) - Not snapped.

01:35:514 (7,1) - These objects is appearing too close to each other, it makes the DS look really screwed up here. Please stack or move them more apart.
01:49:387 (1,2) - Same issue as above.

00:17:132 (2,1) - DS is not snapped properly here. Be sure to keep an eye out for the spacing in Easy/Normal diffs.

02:28:231 (2) - NC, because it's the first object to appear in Kai time.

AR +1, 3 is more fitting for this diff, because of the fast pace the music has.

Wow I have to say, you've used some pretty neat mapping techniques in your map :)
Good luck!
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Hey mod from queue 8-)
2~ 3 minutes = 4 Diffs

01:27:884 (4) - Not snapped.OK

01:35:514 (7,1) - These objects is appearing too close to each other, it makes the DS look really screwed up here. Please stack or move them more apart.I think it's not a big problem in hard dif
01:49:387 (1,2) - Same issue as above.

00:17:132 (2,1) - DS is not snapped properly here. Be sure to keep an eye out for the spacing in Easy/Normal diffs.ok

02:28:231 (2) - NC, because it's the first object to appear in Kai time.ok

AR +1, 3 is more fitting for this diff, because of the fast pace the music has.ok

Wow I have to say, you've used some pretty neat mapping techniques in your map :)
Good luck!
thank you :D

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Hey mod from queue 8-)
[notice]2~ 3 minutes = 4 Diffs
[lightr's Insane]
00:07:768 (4) - It's look more appealing if this was just a simple straight slider instead, since it's sitting in between the two symmetrical sliders 00:07:074 (2,3) - .

01:03:259 (2) - Interesting. Use a drum clap on this note, to match that unique hit sound heard in the music.

02:04:126 (2,4) - Swap their positions please. I don't think it looks nice for them to form a sort of 're-wind' flow after 02:03:259 (1,2,3,4) - (otherwise, you should've done it with 02:00:485 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - as well).

Your suggestions is very good ! I accept all of them ! Thank you~
Wow I have to say, you've used some pretty neat mapping techniques in your map :)
Good luck!

From my queue of Normal Mod

  1. Grey——Just some complaints.
  2. Black——My personal suggestions.
  3. Bold——Highly recommended.
  4. Red——(Maybe) Unrankable, you'd better fix it.

  1. 其实我觉得系统自带的clap根本不合曲,建议自己找一个自定义音效吧。

  1. 00:17:129 (4) - finish?
  2. 01:03:256 (3,4) - 换成个滑条算了?
  3. 01:42:447 (1,2) - 距离动一下,blanket没啥必要
  4. 02:22:678 (1) - sample soft的clap听着有点weird,用normal?
  5. 02:57:187 - end at here.

  1. 01:45:915 (2,3) - blanket

  1. HP+1/HP+2 for the thread
  2. 00:22:505 - 听了两遍这个空还是比较奇怪,建议加上note
  3. 00:49:210 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - clap spam太吵可以适当调下音量,后面也是
  4. 01:10:540 (6,7,8,10) - 滑条尾和note+whistle
  5. 01:11:927 (1,3) - 这一段24上的鼓音应该是比较明显的吧,加点音效?
  6. 01:54:412 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - .-.
  7. 02:15:742 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - soft clap完全不合曲

[lightr's Insane]
  1. 00:10:540 (4,1) - blanket
  2. 00:09:846 (2,2) - 这个是blanket么 .-.
  3. 00:49:210 (2) - 索性五连
  4. 01:03:256 (2) - drum finish
  5. 01:54:412 (2,3,4) - clap
  6. 01:54:933 (5) - finish
  7. 02:54:933 (2,4) - 分别ctrl+g
  8. insane的分布有问题,左上存在感太低,整体拜访偏向右边和下面导致图的重心长时间处于中间偏右下,四个角落基本可以说被忽略,比较属于槽点有但不知道怎么说的图,还需加油=.=

  1. 上来就跳成狗了,这游戏还能玩?
  2. 00:32:563 (2) - 00:33:256 (4) - 这两个clap多余了吧?非得说就是根本不合曲嘛这个clap音效。
  3. 00:38:806 (2,3,4,5) - 往上拐然后掉下来?弧度变一下吧?
  4. 01:01:349 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Art! but wtf this can play?
  5. 01:25:193 - 01:25:366 - 01:25:540 - overmap了,可以改成短滑条
  6. 恶劣啊最后还尾杀

Topic Starter

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

From my queue of Normal Mod

  1. Grey——Just some complaints.
  2. Black——My personal suggestions.
  3. Bold——Highly recommended.
  4. Red——(Maybe) Unrankable, you'd better fix it.

  1. 其实我觉得系统自带的clap根本不合曲,建议自己找一个自定义音效吧。

  1. 00:17:129 (4) - finish?ok
  2. 01:03:256 (3,4) - 换成个滑条算了?ok
  3. 01:42:447 (1,2) - 距离动一下,blanket没啥必要ok
  4. 02:22:678 (1) - sample soft的clap听着有点weird,用normal?ok
  5. 02:57:187 - end at here.ok

  1. 01:45:915 (2,3) - blankethou

  1. HP+1/HP+2 for the thread那就不妨+1,没想明白为何是4
  2. 00:22:505 - 听了两遍这个空还是比较奇怪,建议加上noteok
  3. 00:49:210 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - clap spam太吵可以适当调下音量,后面也是60%应该还好。
  4. 01:10:540 (6,7,8,10) - 滑条尾和note+whistleok
  5. 01:11:927 (1,3) - 这一段24上的鼓音应该是比较明显的吧,加点音效?ok
  6. 01:54:412 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - .-.0.0
  7. 02:15:742 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - soft clap完全不合曲

  1. 上来就跳成狗了,这游戏还能玩?[/color]
  2. 00:32:563 (2) - 00:33:256 (4) - 这两个clap多余了吧?非得说就是根本不合曲嘛这个clap音效。
  3. 00:38:806 (2,3,4,5) - 往上拐然后掉下来?弧度变一下吧?我觉得这样下来的note比较爽
  4. 01:01:349 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Art! but wtf this can play?
  5. 01:25:193 - 01:25:366 - 01:25:540 - overmap了,可以改成短滑条鼓声挺大的,
  6. 恶劣啊最后还尾杀围杀,想给1分,没门

;) ;) 哇塞都1000post了你
00:38:806 (2,3,4) - 这个三连往右边一点?让00:37:765 (3,5,7,2,3,4) - 在一条曲线上
01:42:967 (3,4) - 交换位置 01:43:487 (2,3) - 交换位置 可能需要移一下01:43:834 (1) -
02:10:540 (2,3) - 交换位置
02:48:517 (5,6) - 这也试试看换一下? 02:48:863 (7,8,1) - 把这个连打右边移一点
Love it =)
Topic Starter

[Twinkle] wrote:

00:38:806 (2,3,4) - 这个三连往右边一点?让00:37:765 (3,5,7,2,3,4) - 在一条曲线上这难度加大太多了呀
01:42:967 (3,4) - 交换位置 01:43:487 (2,3) - 交换位置 可能需要移一下01:43:834 (1) - 还是不换了
02:10:540 (2,3) - 交换位置ok
02:48:517 (5,6) - 这也试试看换一下? 02:48:863 (7,8,1) - 把这个连打右边移一点这里大改了下
嘻嘻 :D

Vertify wrote:

Love it =)
Topic Starter
To lovely lightr
00:18:863 (4,5,1) - 间距是故意不一样的嘛
00:20:424 (6) -
00:21:985 (1,2,3) - 间距不同呢
00:42:100 (3,4) - 差了1像素,没有完全重叠
00:45:915 (2,4) - 最好不要重叠
00:49:730 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - 换成弧形?
01:02:910 (1,2,3) - 不摆规律点?
01:20:251 (5) - 这尾巴超出去了,不知道有没有问题
01:49:384 (1,3) - 移开一点
02:29:962 (2) - 相比较后面的3滑条, 有点太弯了
Yuki's Mod

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

[lightr's Insane]
  1. 00:10:540 (4,1) - blanket
  2. 00:09:846 (2,2) - 这个是blanket么 .-.
  3. 00:49:210 (2) - 索性五连
  4. 01:03:256 (2) - drum finish
  5. 01:54:412 (2,3,4) - clap
  6. 01:54:933 (5) - finish
  7. 02:54:933 (2,4) - 分别ctrl+g

  8. insane的分布有问题,左上存在感太低,整体拜访偏向右边和下面导致图的重心长时间处于中间偏右下,四个角落基本可以说被忽略,比较属于槽点有但不知道怎么说的图,还需加油=.=
Thanks for mod><

Hentai Jemmmmmmmmmy's Mod

Jemmmmy wrote:

To lovely lightr
00:18:863 (4,5,1) - 间距是故意不一样的嘛
00:20:424 (6) -
00:21:985 (1,2,3) - 间距不同呢 ^我没开DS,凭手摆的;w;微调了下
00:42:100 (3,4) - 差了1像素,没有完全重叠 fixed
00:45:915 (2,4) - 最好不要重叠 fixed
00:49:730 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - 换成弧形? fixed
01:02:910 (1,2,3) - 不摆规律点? fixed
01:20:251 (5) - 这尾巴超出去了,不知道有没有问题 往右边拉了点
01:49:384 (1,3) - 移开一点 好~
02:29:962 (2) - 相比较后面的3滑条, 有点太弯了 fixed
Why isnt this ranked?!! This map is so much fun! :(
Knee Socks

mikeymartin wrote:

Why isnt this ranked?!! This map is so much fun! :(
Agreed. This needs to get ranked ASAP.

mikeymartin wrote:

Why isnt this ranked?!! This map is so much fun! :(

maybe you should fix the TitleUnicode
This should be ranked already >_>

Jere-Chan wrote:

This should be ranked already >_>
Rank it.
form:Paper modding team Queue!<STD><closed>
感觉hard的连打有点长。01:54:412 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hard尽量不要放太长的连打;w;
01:41:407 (5,5) - 滑条尾的方向放的有点不美观,尽量不要和前面的circle堆叠
02:49:297 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 02:56:233 (2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这两段连打间距有点恐怖;w;如果为了好玩可以无视

渣摸见谅orz :oops:
Please, make this map ranked already, it is so cool, better than many of ranked maps.
I love this map,and all your maps
Make it ranked :)
Please someone rank this, best betamap ever :D
How about changing AR in ExtrA to 9.3-9.4? 9 is a bit slow for patterns like this, I played this with both AR and 9.4 is more comfortable and fun
To ppl, who will tell me about HR I'll tell about EZ
Snow Enix
Want this to get ranked !
I'd throw all my Kudosu at this map if I had any. Is there any modding left to be done on any of the diffs? Anything I could potentially help with?

(I'm definitely very much new to the whole modding/mapping thing, not sure if I'd be of any use...)
JMQ stuff. Sorry for the delay!

Everything is checked out and all fine. I'm really glad that someone finally mapped this song. :D Good luck!
Yui Fujiwara
This map........ Even though I only played the Hard, I love it. I hope this gets ranked!
The map is really fun, I like the Hard and Insane. The song is really good too! :D Approve plz!
I hope Rank :3


  1. fireflies.jpg is 1365x768 > fireflies.jpg is 1366x768
  2. your normal-hitclap have a delay of 10 ms, try this instead, you will need to change normal-hitclap5 , soft-hitclap , soft-hitclap5, soft-sliderslide3.
  3. add some AudioLeadIn to have 2 secs before the first object
  4. Inconsistency in widescreen support
  5. preview time is unsnapped, should be in 00:39:499 -

  1. your HP is really low o.o, since you can fail a lot and still pass, try HP 7 or 6.5
  2. 00:22:332 (1) - and 00:22:678 (1) - are really unnecessary, since I don't see a valid reason to spam combos like that, your pattern can be read perfectly without them
  3. 00:24:239 (1) - ^
  4. 00:27:534 add NC and remove it from 00:27:881 (1) - , fit better your combo pattern
  5. 00:17:476 (3) - add NC? like you did in 00:28:574 (1) -
  6. 00:49:210 (4) - a bit nazi, but this slider will be look better with a curve shape, like this
  7. 01:00:829 (1) - move this one a bit to the left, like this , to avoid the overlap with 01:01:089 (2,3) -
  8. 01:03:603 this need finish
  9. 01:07:765 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - I preer circles streams like you did before in 00:49:730 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - if not atleast can you reduce the spacing a bit? is kinda hard to get in the first play
  10. 01:09:846 (1) - 01:10:193 - remove NCs, since they are not necessary
  11. 01:15:222 - 01:15:569 - same as above
  12. 01:47:649 remove NC is not necessary.
  13. 01:47:996 you are missing a NC here
  14. 01:54:933 (6) - I prefer a finish here
  15. 02:37:939 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - can you use another stream shape? the current one looks like you did it manually, plus is kinda weird to play to me
  16. 02:44:528 remove NC is not necessary
lightr's Insane:

  1. 00:06:725 (7,1) - swap NC
  2. 00:25:019 there is nothing in the music, consider to remove this circle.
  3. 00:27:794 (2) - ^
  4. 00:39:152 remove NC is not necessary at all
  5. 00:51:985 remove NC and add NC in 00:52:505 - following you combo pattern
  6. 00:56:667 (5) - missing NC
  7. 01:20:251 add NC?
  8. 01:23:025 (3) - same as above, to keep your every 4 beats in the stream
  9. 01:40:540 (3,4,5) - a circle stream will be a lot better, for consistency with all the other ones
  10. 01:53:545 (6) - missing NC
  11. 02:24:066 (1,1) - I prefer the rhythm in extra, do you mind changing to something similar?
  12. 02:39:326 add finish
  13. 02:40:713 your spinner should end here, make more sense with the music, as finish as well
  14. 02:51:811 (1,2) - this spacing is so confused to play, I highly suggest you to avoid this

  1. 00:39:152 unnecesary NC
  2. 00:39:152 CTRL G is a lot better
  3. 00:40:019 this is not supposed to be NC5 ? there are a few more place where this happen
  4. 02:15:742 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - pls no combo spam, is totally unnecesary
  5. 02:26:147 (1,2,1,1,1) - ^
  6. Hitsound suggestion in Extra diff may apply here as well

  1. AR5 OD4 HP4
  2. 00:09:152 (4,1) - blanket?
  3. 00:11:580 (5,1) - this rhythm feel really weird when playing, try this
  4. 00:40:019 - I'm wonder why you are not using custom hitsounds T-T
  5. 01:18:863 (3) - this is touching the HP bar, try to avoid this
  6. 02:26:840 (1) - too soon after a spinner for a normal diff
  7. Hitsound suggestion in Extra diff may apply here as well

  1. easy seems fine, but use your custom hitsounds as well.
I really like this mapset! sadly I found an Issue with the diff spread... your normal is too easy compared to your hard, also the SV difference 1.0 to 1.60 make this more obviously, my suggestion is to map another Hard diff with 1,30 SV and without too much streams. if you do this get some mods in the new diff and call me back, dam spreads XD
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:



  1. fireflies.jpg is 1365x768 > fireflies.jpg is 1366x768ok
  2. your normal-hitclap have a delay of 10 ms, try this instead, you will need to change normal-hitclap5 , soft-hitclap , soft-hitclap5, soft-sliderslide3.done
  3. add some AudioLeadIn to have 2 secs before the first objectdone
  4. Inconsistency in widescreen supportdone
  5. preview time is unsnapped, should be in 00:39:499 -done

  1. your HP is really low o.o, since you can fail a lot and still pass, try HP 7 or 6.56.5
  2. 00:22:332 (1) - and 00:22:678 (1) - are really unnecessary, since I don't see a valid reason to spam combos like that, your pattern can be read perfectly without themsure
  3. 00:24:239 (1) - ^^
  4. 00:27:534 add NC and remove it from 00:27:881 (1) - , fit better your combo patterndone
  5. 00:17:476 (3) - add NC? like you did in 00:28:574 (1) - done
  6. 00:49:210 (4) - a bit nazi, but this slider will be look better with a curve shape, like thisdone
  7. 01:00:829 (1) - move this one a bit to the left, like this , to avoid the overlap with 01:01:089 (2,3) - done
  8. 01:03:603 this need finishdone
  9. 01:07:765 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - I preer circles streams like you did before in 00:49:730 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - if not atleast can you reduce the spacing a bit? is kinda hard to get in the first playdone
  10. 01:09:846 (1) - 01:10:193 - remove NCs, since they are not necessarydone
  11. 01:15:222 - 01:15:569 - same as abovedone
  12. 01:47:649 remove NC is not necessary.done
  13. 01:47:996 you are missing a NC heredone
  14. 01:54:933 (6) - I prefer a finish heredone
  15. 02:37:939 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - can you use another stream shape? the current one looks like you did it manually, plus is kinda weird to play to medidn't change shape but decrease the distance
  16. 02:44:528 remove NC is not necessarydone
lightr's Insane:

  1. 00:06:725 (7,1) - swap NCdone
  2. 00:25:019 there is nothing in the music, consider to remove this circle.done
  3. 00:27:794 (2) - ^done
  4. 00:39:152 remove NC is not necessary at alldone
  5. 00:51:985 remove NC and add NC in 00:52:505 - following you combo patterndone
  6. 00:56:667 (5) - missing NCdone
  7. 01:20:251 add NC?done
  8. 01:23:025 (3) - same as above, to keep your every 4 beats in the streamdone
  9. 01:40:540 (3,4,5) - a circle stream will be a lot better, for consistency with all the other onesdone
  10. 01:53:545 (6) - missing NCdone
  11. 02:24:066 (1,1) - I prefer the rhythm in extra, do you mind changing to something similar?done
  12. 02:39:326 add finishdone
  13. 02:40:713 your spinner should end here, make more sense with the music, as finish as welldone
  14. 02:51:811 (1,2) - this spacing is so confused to play, I highly suggest you to avoid thisdone

  1. 00:39:152 unnecesary NCdone
  2. 00:39:152 CTRL G is a lot betterdone
  3. 00:40:019 this is not supposed to be NC5 ? there are a few more place where this happendone
  4. 02:15:742 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - pls no combo spam, is totally unnecesarydone
  5. 02:26:147 (1,2,1,1,1) - ^done
  6. Hitsound suggestion in Extra diff may apply here as welldone

  1. AR5 OD4 HP4done
  2. 00:09:152 (4,1) - blanket?done
  3. 00:11:580 (5,1) - this rhythm feel really weird when playing, try thisdone
  4. 00:40:019 - I'm wonder why you are not using custom hitsounds T-Tdone
  5. 01:18:863 (3) - this is touching the HP bar, try to avoid thisdone
  6. 02:26:840 (1) - too soon after a spinner for a normal diffdone
  7. Hitsound suggestion in Extra diff may apply here as welldone

  1. easy seems fine, but use your custom hitsounds as well.well, ok
I really like this mapset! sadly I found an Issue with the diff spread... your normal is too easy compared to your hard, also the SV difference 1.0 to 1.60 make this more obviously, my suggestion is to map another Hard diff with 1,30 SV and without too much streams. if you do this get some mods in the new diff and call me back, dam spreads XD
thank you a lot, i will map another diff in these days.
2014-11-07 00:31 Jemmmmy: hello.请问有空吗 0.0
2014-11-07 00:33 CSAQ: hi~ 什麼事情嗎
2014-11-07 00:34 Jemmmmy: 0.0. 其实就是想问问有没有空mod一下
2014-11-07 00:36 CSAQ: OK吧 0.0
2014-11-07 00:37 Jemmmmy: 哇,非常感谢
2014-11-07 00:37 Jemmmmy: 其实只用mod一个难度啦
2014-11-07 00:37 Jemmmmy: ACTION is listening to [ UPLIFT SPICE - Omega Rhythm]
2014-11-07 00:37 Jemmmmy: hard
2014-11-07 00:38 Jemmmmy: 找过bat后说难度差别有点大,结果就多做了个难度
2014-11-07 00:40 CSAQ: 我覺得這個分級很好啊
2014-11-07 00:41 Jemmmmy: 。。本来是2.1直接跳到3.7
2014-11-07 00:41 Jemmmmy: 其实我也觉得可以
2014-11-07 00:41 Jemmmmy: 但是好像最近比较严 = =
2014-11-07 00:42 CSAQ: lol 不然ENHIX的圖標也是滿好看的XD
2014-11-07 00:43 Jemmmmy: 是啊,本来就是只用图标没跨级就行了
2014-11-07 00:44 CSAQ: 00:27:534 (1,2) - 這個要不要把NC放2上面
2014-11-07 00:45 Jemmmmy: 这是会好点
2014-11-07 00:47 CSAQ: 00:33:430 (5) - 那這個要不要只用1/2就好
2014-11-07 00:48 Jemmmmy: 但是00:33:690 - 这里鼓点感觉会更强一点
2014-11-07 00:49 Jemmmmy: 或者我把两个滑条移开一点
2014-11-07 00:49 CSAQ: 嗯嗯 這樣也好
2014-11-07 00:51 CSAQ: 00:44:181 (1) - 用圈圈就好? 看起來比較漂亮
2014-11-07 00:52 Jemmmmy: 嗯好
2014-11-07 00:54 CSAQ: 01:15:048 (2,3,4,5) - 3 5要不要拉出來用成折線型
2014-11-07 00:56 Jemmmmy: ..我拉出来点吧
2014-11-07 00:56 Jemmmmy: 歌词有重复,所以不会太出
2014-11-07 00:57 CSAQ: 01:27:187 (3,4) - slider平行的間距可以一致
2014-11-07 00:57 Jemmmmy: 这里粗心了
2014-11-07 00:59 CSAQ: 01:38:979 (3) - NC? 畢竟放大間距了
2014-11-07 01:00 Jemmmmy: 咦,这感觉有点用太多nc了
2014-11-07 01:01 CSAQ: 或是這段就用一個combo顏色咯?
2014-11-07 01:01 Jemmmmy: 嗯,也好
2014-11-07 01:01 CSAQ: 01:54:933 (1) - 去掉NC
2014-11-07 01:03 Jemmmmy: ok
2014-11-07 01:04 CSAQ: 02:33:777 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - 那這段就和之前一樣處理喔
2014-11-07 01:05 Jemmmmy: en1
2014-11-07 01:05 CSAQ: 後面還有一段
2014-11-07 01:05 Jemmmmy: 我这几段都这么改
2014-11-07 01:05 CSAQ: 嗯嗯
2014-11-07 01:05 CSAQ: 02:49:037 (6) - NC
2014-11-07 01:07 CSAQ: 02:57:014 (4) - 這個也用1.2x放吧
2014-11-07 01:08 Jemmmmy: 会不会太紧了
2014-11-07 01:08 Jemmmmy: ,其实也差不多,改了
2014-11-07 01:08 CSAQ: 剛剛看是有點鬆
2014-11-07 01:09 Jemmmmy: 0.0 嗯感觉到了
2014-11-07 01:10 CSAQ: 那大概就這些啦XD 滿不錯的
2014-11-07 01:10 Jemmmmy: 哇,太感谢了
2014-11-07 01:10 Jemmmmy: 0.0
2014-11-07 01:12 CSAQ: 祝rank順利咯
2014-11-07 01:13 Jemmmmy: 谢啦,那个贴到Thread里吧
2014-11-07 01:13 Jemmmmy: 我好给你kd
2014-11-07 01:14 CSAQ: 那個 其實我不會複製對話lol
2014-11-07 01:15 Jemmmmy: 0.0
2014-11-07 01:15 Jemmmmy: 没有保存会话嘛

祝順利 :D
as mapper's req to mod the new hard diff.
No KDS because already earned one before.

2014-11-06 22:08 Minakami Yuki: ACTION is editing [ UPLIFT SPICE - Omega Rhythm [Hard]]
2014-11-06 22:08 Jemmmmy: ACTION is editing [ UPLIFT SPICE - Omega Rhythm [Hard]]
2014-11-06 22:09 Minakami Yuki: 00:13:661 (5) - nc
2014-11-06 22:09 Jemmmmy: ok
2014-11-06 22:10 Minakami Yuki: 01:12:447 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这个会不会有点难啊
2014-11-06 22:11 Minakami Yuki: 01:15:048 (2,3,4,5) - 还有这个
2014-11-06 22:11 Jemmmmy: 这样看又有点难了
2014-11-06 22:11 Jemmmmy: 不过难道又是w形
2014-11-06 22:12 Minakami Yuki: 主要感觉可能难读一点吧 再说你这个hard要夹在一个“简单的normal”和一个“有点难的hard”当中
2014-11-06 22:13 Jemmmmy: 嗯。那就继续沿用w了。。。
2014-11-06 22:13 Minakami Yuki: 01:23:025 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里一系列都用drum whistle?
2014-11-06 22:15 Minakami Yuki: 别的我觉得没啥
2014-11-06 22:15 Minakami Yuki: 挺好的
2014-11-06 22:15 Jemmmmy: 就这5个?
2014-11-06 22:16 Jemmmmy: ;;
2014-11-06 22:16 Minakami Yuki: 就这里的一系列clap?
2014-11-06 22:16 Minakami Yuki: 黄色部分的
2014-11-06 22:16 Jemmmmy: 嗯
2014-11-06 22:17 Minakami Yuki: 额外的一点就是单点多的地方最好简化下节奏
2014-11-06 22:18 Minakami Yuki: 改点1/2滑条 hard最好在2.8~2.9左右
2014-11-06 22:18 Minakami Yuki: 这看你啦
2014-11-06 22:19 Jemmmmy: ...
2014-11-06 22:20 Jemmmmy: 好吧
2014-11-06 22:20 Jemmmmy: 不过最多好像也就6个单点啦
2014-11-06 22:20 Minakami Yuki: 嗯……所以看你啦 这个改不改随意
2014-11-06 22:21 Jemmmmy: 那就不改!

good luck on ranking!
2014-11-06 21:43 z1085684963: 设置好了
2014-11-06 21:43 Jemmmmy: 0.0
2014-11-06 21:43 z1085684963: 这图不是那张240
2014-11-06 21:44 Jemmmmy: 。。这原曲
2014-11-06 21:44 z1085684963: 恩
2014-11-06 21:45 z1085684963: 以前好像fc过;w;
2014-11-06 21:45 Jemmmmy: ;w;
2014-11-06 21:45 Jemmmmy: oo1
2014-11-06 21:45 Jemmmmy: 只用mod hard难度
2014-11-06 21:46 Jemmmmy: 其他都基本ok了
2014-11-06 21:46 z1085684963: 囍,没做过hard
2014-11-06 21:46 z1085684963: ;w;
2014-11-06 21:46 Jemmmmy: ;;
2014-11-06 21:46 Jemmmmy: 没事,不顺眼的都指出来就好
2014-11-06 21:47 z1085684963: 恩恩
2014-11-06 21:53 z1085684963: 最近打hard是1年前……
2014-11-06 21:54 z1085684963: 01:12:447 (2) -
2014-11-06 21:54 z1085684963: 这里跟别的地方摆的一样吧
2014-11-06 21:55 Jemmmmy: 就是后面折返跳咯
2014-11-06 21:55 Jemmmmy: 嗯
2014-11-06 21:55 Jemmmmy: 我也觉得这列会坑点
2014-11-06 21:56 z1085684963: 01:36:898 (1) - 这里要不要把2都翻转一下
2014-11-06 21:58 Jemmmmy: 嗯好
2014-11-06 22:05 z1085684963: 00:38:806 (2) - 不要这个1/4改成1/2怎么样
2014-11-06 22:07 Jemmmmy: 但是想表示他的鼓点呢
2014-11-06 22:08 z1085684963: 改3连(误
2014-11-06 22:10 z1085684963: hard的上限是多少?
2014-11-06 22:10 z1085684963: 难度的上限
2014-11-06 22:10 Jemmmmy: 3.75
2014-11-06 22:10 Jemmmmy: 星
2014-11-06 22:13 z1085684963: 那个,前面都是我编的实在是编不下去了;w;
2014-11-06 22:13 Jemmmmy: 难度上限?
2014-11-06 22:13 Jemmmmy: 0.0.。 没事啊挺好的
2014-11-06 22:14 z1085684963: 摸不出东西了
2014-11-06 22:18 Jemmmmy: 啊,没事啊
2014-11-06 22:18 Jemmmmy: 可以吧这些mod的内容都贴到帖子里面嘛
2014-11-06 22:19 z1085684963: 怎么弄隐藏?
2014-11-06 22:20 Jemmmmy: 隐藏?
2014-11-06 22:21 Jemmmmy: QAQ
2014-11-06 22:21 z1085684963: 就是点开来会跳出一大堆的那个
2014-11-06 22:21 z1085684963: QAQ
2014-11-06 22:22 Jemmmmy: 你说的是H么
2014-11-06 22:23 z1085684963: h?
2014-11-06 22:23 Jemmmmy: QAQ,感觉接不上
hi~ kudos request

00:15:742 (3,4) -
00:17:129 (1) - no nc
00:35:164 (2,3) - distance is different with 00:35:164 (2,3) -
00:39:499 - map?
00:56:667 (1,2,3,4) - use rhythm you used later
Topic Starter

Zweib wrote:

hi~ kudos request

00:15:742 (3,4) - ok
00:17:129 (1) - no ncok
00:35:164 (2,3) - distance is different with 00:35:164 (2,3) - opps, changed
00:39:499 - map?ok
00:56:667 (1,2,3,4) - use rhythm you used laterok
thank you :D
祝顺利 :)
i dont know if i should post this here, but can you put the word 'dance' in the tags?
thanks :D
Topic Starter

osama7 wrote:

i dont know if i should post this here, but can you put the word 'dance' in the tags?
thanks :D
yeah,here is the right place to post. But why add 'dance' to tags?
Recheck no kds


  1. from here 00:01:176- to here 00:15:395 -, will be nice if you add claps every 2º and 4º downbeat, since them fit really nice the song IMO, if you have some reason to don't explain me pls
  2. from here 02:00:829 to here 02:04:297 -, apply the same as above
  3. 02:06:378 to 02:16:782 ^
  4. Use tick rate 2 in every diff pls

  1. 00:16:262 (6) - add whistle? since that beat is kinda inaudible atm, also the whistle follow the vocal really nice here, if you agree this apply to every diff.
  2. 00:17:129 (1,2) - this should be drum sampleset right? like you did in 00:16:436 (1,2) - (this apply to every diff as well)
  3. 00:22:678 (5) - this is missplaced I think, is better if you follow the line with 00:21:985 (1,3) - , this is what I mean
  4. 00:27:707 (2) - missing whistle I think
  5. 00:28:921 (1) - add clap in the tail and yeah this apply to every diff and every next slider 00:29:615 (1,1,1,1) -
  6. 00:39:499 (1) - remove whistle from slider body and tail, just keep it in the head
  7. 00:43:141 (3,4) - this is not stacked perfectly
  8. 00:44:181 (1) - add whistle in the tail, since the vocal is really prominent there
  9. 01:00:829 (1,2,3) - I was thinking about this rhythm and I feel it really weird.. my suggestion is that you should start the circle stream from 01:00:829 (1) - like this
  10. 01:14:181 (3) - this slider should end 1/4 back in 01:14:355 - , if you do this add clap in 01:14:355 -, since is in the music
  11. 01:23:025 (1) - remove this NC and add one in 01:23:372 - will fit better the music and your stream comboing!
  12. 01:28:574 (3) - should be a NC here, but not in 01:29:268 -
  13. 01:31:349 (1) - missing whistle.
  14. 01:34:037 - there is nothing in the music right? same goes to 01:35:424 (6) -
  15. 01:47:649 remove NC seems totally not necessary
  16. 01:54:586 (3,4) - this 1/4 jump is so evil lol, try this
  17. 02:26:667 (4) - a single circle will fit the music better and also will be consistent with your next patterns
  18. 02:35:164 (1) - I prefer what you did in first and second kiai, this slider is not fun to play :c, this is better
lightr's Insane:

  1. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them pls
  2. OD 8 is better here try to don't have OD-2 respect to AR
  3. 00:16:436 (1,2) - finish with drum sampleset fit a lot better than claps
  4. 00:17:129 (1,2) - ^
  5. 00:32:736 (4,1) - this rhythm is really weird and doesn't fit the music and vocals nicely, try this instead
  6. 00:33:777 remove NC is not necessary
  7. 00:39:499 (1) - add whistle in the head
  8. 00:48:690 (1,2) - swap NC
  9. 01:02:910 (3) - add finish
  10. 01:36:898 in every kiai you are missing a finish hitsound here (in all the similar places)
  11. 01:52:158 (6) - missing NC
  12. 02:04:644 (1) - finish will be nice here as well
  13. 02:39:326 add finish here as well
  14. 02:46:609 (2,3,4) - this blanket can be improved a lot

  1. OD 7 is better for this diff
  2. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them pls
  3. 00:16:436 (1,2) - finish with drum sampleset fit better here, just like you did in Extra
  4. 00:17:129 (1,2) - same as above
  5. 00:17:303 (2) - btw this rhythm is not nice :( , try this instead
  6. 00:19:210 (5) - missing NC
  7. 00:33:430 (2) - try this rhythm instead
  8. 00:39:499 add a slider here, since even the hard diff has one here >:(
  9. 00:53:719 (1,2) - swap NC
  10. 00:57:360 (3) - this is touching the hp bar
  11. 01:02:910 (1) - add finish
  12. 02:15:742 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this play really weird use normal spacing instead
  13. 02:36:898 (6,1) - swap NC
  14. 02:37:418 (2) - add nc for consistency with your pattern
  15. 02:50:424 add NC

  1. AR7 and OD6 is better here
  2. use your soft custom hitsounds instead of the default ones
  3. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them pls
  4. 00:06:725 (1) - use a 1/2 repeat slider instead, to fit the vocal in 00:06:898
  5. 00:06:725 (1,2,3) - also add more spacing the overlaps look bad
  6. 00:09:499 (1,2,3) - ^
  7. 00:12:274 (1,2,3) - ^
  8. 00:15:048 (1,2,3) - ^ and all the similar ones
  9. 00:16:436 (1) - finish with drum sampleset sound a lot better (head and tail)
  10. 00:17:129 (2) - same as above
  11. 00:18:517 (3,4) - this tiny jump doesn't place nice, make more sense to me to have the tiny jump in 00:19:037 (5,1) -
  12. 00:21:985 (5) - missing NC
  13. 00:28:921 (1) - finish + whistle sound better than the clap
  14. 00:32:389 (2,3) - use more spacing here to avoid the overlap
  15. 00:33:083 (4,5,1) - the spacing look the same, but the gaps are differents, add more spacing between 4 and 5
  16. 00:33:777 (1,2,1) -use more spacing between them to avoid the overlaps
  17. 01:09:152 (1) - add finish as well?
  18. 01:24:412 (5) - missing NC, also use more spacing between 01:24:412 (5,6,7) - to avoid overlaps
  19. 02:16:436 (3,4) - instead of this, will be more interesting to change the rhythm to this

  1. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them pls
  2. 00:16:436 (1) - finish with drum samplesetwrok better here (head and tail)
  3. 00:17:129 (2) - same as above
  4. 00:30:308 (2) - this is touching the hp bar
  5. 00:41:060 (3,4) - spacing
  6. 02:37:592 (4) - move this a bit up, is almost offscreen xD
  7. 02:57:014 (6) - last slider should end in 02:57:274
  8. Use your custom hitsounds instead of the defaults >: like you did in extra

  1. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them pls
  2. 01:34:817 (4,5) - this blanket can be better
  3. 01:54:239 (2,3) - will be a nice idea to use a repeat slider instead
  4. 02:26:840 (1) - too soon after a spinner, just remove this slider
  5. 02:55:973 (4) - same as normal diff (about the last slider)
  6. Use your custom hitsounds instead of the defaults >: like you did in extra
Let me know when you reply to this, since are mainly hitsounds and NCs
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

Recheck no kds


  1. from here 00:01:176- to here 00:15:395 -, will be nice if you add claps every 2º and 4º downbeat, since them fit really nice the song IMO, if you have some reason to don't explain me plsdidn't apply
  2. from here 02:00:829 to here 02:04:297 -, apply the same as abovesure
  3. 02:06:378 to 02:16:782 ^sure
  4. Use tick rate 2 in every diff plsdone

  1. 00:16:262 (6) - add whistle? since that beat is kinda inaudible atm, also the whistle follow the vocal really nice here, if you agree this apply to every diff.fixed
  2. 00:17:129 (1,2) - this should be drum sampleset right? like you did in 00:16:436 (1,2) - (this apply to every diff as well)fixed
  3. 00:22:678 (5) - this is missplaced I think, is better if you follow the line with 00:21:985 (1,3) - , this is what I meanfixed
  4. 00:27:707 (2) - missing whistle I thinkfixed
  5. 00:28:921 (1) - add clap in the tail and yeah this apply to every diff and every next slider 00:29:615 (1,1,1,1) - fixed
  6. 00:39:499 (1) - remove whistle from slider body and tail, just keep it in the headfixed
  7. 00:43:141 (3,4) - this is not stacked perfectlyfixed,nice
  8. 00:44:181 (1) - add whistle in the tail, since the vocal is really prominent there
  9. 01:00:829 (1,2,3) - I was thinking about this rhythm and I feel it really weird.. my suggestion is that you should start the circle stream from 01:00:829 (1) - like thisfixed,but use other rhythm since no sound on blue line
  10. 01:14:181 (3) - this slider should end 1/4 back in 01:14:355 - , if you do this add clap in 01:14:355 -, since is in the musicfixed
  11. 01:23:025 (1) - remove this NC and add one in 01:23:372 - will fit better the music and your stream comboing!fixed
  12. 01:28:574 (3) - should be a NC here, but not in 01:29:268 -fixed
  13. 01:31:349 (1) - missing whistle.fixed
  14. 01:34:037 - there is nothing in the music right? same goes to 01:35:424 (6) - fixed
  15. 01:47:649 remove NC seems totally not necessaryfixed
  16. 01:54:586 (3,4) - this 1/4 jump is so evil lol, try thisfixed
  17. 02:26:667 (4) - a single circle will fit the music better and also will be consistent with your next patternsfixed
  18. 02:35:164 (1) - I prefer what you did in first and second kiai, this slider is not fun to play :c, this is betterfixed
lightr's Insane:

  1. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them pls
  2. OD 8 is better here try to don't have OD-2 respect to AR[/color]
  3. 00:16:436 (1,2) - finish with drum sampleset fit a lot better than clapsfixed
  4. 00:17:129 (1,2) - ^fixed
  5. 00:32:736 (4,1) - this rhythm is really weird and doesn't fit the music and vocals nicely, try this insteadfixed
  6. 00:33:777 remove NC is not necessaryfixed
  7. 00:39:499 (1) - add whistle in the headfixed
  8. 00:48:690 (1,2) - swap NCfixed
  9. 01:02:910 (3) - add finishfixed
  10. 01:36:898 in every kiai you are missing a finish hitsound here (in all the similar places)fixed
  11. 01:52:158 (6) - missing NCfixed
  12. 02:04:644 (1) - finish will be nice here as wellfixed
  13. 02:39:326 add finish here as wellfixed
  14. 02:46:609 (2,3,4) - this blanket can be improved a lotfixed..really a lot? :o

  1. OD 7 is better for this difffixed
  2. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them pls
  3. 00:16:436 (1,2) - finish with drum sampleset fit better here, just like you did in Extrafixed
  4. 00:17:129 (1,2) - same as abovefixed
  5. 00:17:303 (2) - btw this rhythm is not nice :( , try this insteadfixed
  6. 00:19:210 (5) - missing NCfixed
  7. 00:33:430 (2) - try this rhythm instead fixed
  8. 00:39:499 add a slider here, since even the hard diff has one here >:( fixed
  9. 00:53:719 (1,2) - swap NCfixed
  10. 00:57:360 (3) - this is touching the hp barfixed
  11. 01:02:910 (1) - add finishfixed
  12. 02:15:742 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this play really weird use normal spacing insteadfixed
  13. 02:36:898 (6,1) - swap NCfixed
  14. 02:37:418 (2) - add nc for consistency with your patternfixed
  15. 02:50:424 add NCfixed

  1. AR7 and OD6 is better herechange ar to 6.5
  2. use your soft custom hitsounds instead of the default onesfixed
  3. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them pls
  4. 00:06:725 (1) - use a 1/2 repeat slider instead, to fit the vocal in 00:06:898
  5. 00:06:725 (1,2,3) - also add more spacing the overlaps look badfixed
  6. 00:09:499 (1,2,3) - ^fixed
  7. 00:12:274 (1,2,3) - ^fixed
  8. 00:15:048 (1,2,3) - ^ and all the similar onesfixed
  9. 00:16:436 (1) - finish with drum sampleset sound a lot better (head and tail)fixed
  10. 00:17:129 (2) - same as abovefixed
  11. 00:18:517 (3,4) - this tiny jump doesn't place nice, make more sense to me to have the tiny jump in 00:19:037 (5,1) - fixed
  12. 00:21:985 (5) - missing NCfixed
  13. 00:28:921 (1) - finish + whistle sound better than the clapfixed
  14. 00:32:389 (2,3) - use more spacing here to avoid the overlapfixed
  15. 00:33:083 (4,5,1) - the spacing look the same, but the gaps are differents, add more spacing between 4 and 5fixed
  16. 00:33:777 (1,2,1) -use more spacing between them to avoid the overlapsfixed
  17. 01:09:152 (1) - add finish as well?fixed
  18. 01:24:412 (5) - missing NC, also use more spacing between 01:24:412 (5,6,7) - to avoid overlapsfixed
  19. 02:16:436 (3,4) - instead of this, will be more interesting to change the rhythm to thisfixed

  1. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them plsfixed
  2. 00:16:436 (1) - finish with drum samplesetwrok better here (head and tail)fixed
  3. 00:17:129 (2) - same as abovefixed
  4. 00:30:308 (2) - this is touching the hp barfixed a little
  5. 00:41:060 (3,4) - spacing? spacing is all right
  6. 02:37:592 (4) - move this a bit up, is almost offscreen xDfixed
  7. 02:57:014 (6) - last slider should end in 02:57:274fixed
  8. Use your custom hitsounds instead of the defaults >: like you did in extrafixed

  1. Hitsound suggestions in Extra may apply here as well, so check them plsfixed
  2. 01:34:817 (4,5) - this blanket can be betterfixed
  3. 01:54:239 (2,3) - will be a nice idea to use a repeat slider insteadfixed
  4. 02:26:840 (1) - too soon after a spinner, just remove this sliderfixed
  5. 02:55:973 (4) - same as normal diff (about the last slider)fixed
  6. Use your custom hitsounds instead of the defaults >: like you did in extra
Let me know when you reply to this, since are mainly hitsounds and NCs
god, you are amazing

  1. 00:31:695 (1) - unsnapped slider tail >:

  1. 00:01:176 (1) - this slider is wrongly snapped it should end in 00:01:869
  2. 00:03:950 (3) - ^
  3. 00:05:337 (4) - ^
  4. 00:06:725 (1) - ^
  5. 00:17:823 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:19:210 (2) - ^
  7. 00:21:985 (5) - ^
  8. 00:23:372 (1) - ^
  9. 00:28:921 (1) - ^
  10. 00:31:696 (2) - ^
    dunno how that happen, anyways be careful with the spacing there as well
call me back
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