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chocomint's Made of Fire HDDT 98.54 full combo. Without a doubt, one of the most impressive plays ever set in osu! history, but one that takes some experience to appreciate fully. In the 12 years that this map has been ranked, chocomint's score remains the ONLY DT FC, and there's much more to unpack about this score. While some maps easily convey how difficult they are through the raw aim, or speed requirements, Made of Fire is much more nuanced than it may seem at first glance. To help illustrate just how difficult this play is, I would like to break down and analyze aspects of the map and the play itself. Right off the bat, we get a sense of the density of the notes, and the reading difficulty associated. With DT applied, the map becomes around 243 bpm, and approximately AR 9.67, a higher note density than most players are used to. Still, this should be manageable, but adding to the difficulty is the constant rhythm of, and spacing of the patterns which continues for the entire map. These would already pose a significant challenge to players' rhythm sense, reading, and finger control, but with hidden, the reading becomes MUCH harder. This is all bread and butter to someone like chocomint, who plays maps with similar patterns all the time, but everything we've gone over is just the beginning. Ask any top player what the hardest part of Made of Fire is, and they will all say the aim control. Many of the patterns in this map are continuous with strange velocity and angle changes, which need very fine adjustments in a player's aim to hit. None are more apparent than the various zig-zag patterns, which appear in the highest spacing sections. These require a player to aim to each note in a 1/4th beat time window, while potentially changing to an almost opposite direction. This is where chocomint shines, as almost no players have the level of aim control which he does. Bringing it all together is where the magic of this play really lies. DT alone makes the aim control barely in reach for any other player, but adding hidden makes these highly control-intensive patterns nearly impossible. Following the rhythm on such a map can be hard already as well, and trying to keep high accuracy, given the layout of the patterns, becomes ridiculous too. The real challenge is diverting focus between the aim aspect and the tapping aspects of the map, while keeping your reading in check as well. Keeping up with the map the entire way through to such a degree is exactly why chocomint's play is so astonishing. It's hard to put into words how much skill goes into a play like this, but to get an idea, I recommend trying the map for yourself. chocomint's HDDT score truly is in a league of its own when it comes to the aspects described earlier. Just over 2 years after it was set, some players are now approaching DT FCs, but not with nearly as high accuracy, and the majority lacking hidden. For now, it will remain a dream play for every top play, and a reality for chocomint. Hopefully this video has given you some more insight into, and appreciation of, one of osu!'s best plays of all time.
Realment estimo a la Nanahira. L'estimo molt. Com, molt. No tens idea. L'estimo tant que és inexplicable, i estic noranta-nou per cent segur de que tinc una obsesió poc saludable. Mai em cansaré d'escoltar aquella dolç i angelical veu seva. L'objectiu de la meva vida és trobar-me amb ella en la vida real i saludar-la.

Dormo a la nit somiant que ella celebri un concert personal per a mí, i després s'arrepentiría d'haver vingut i abraçar-me mentres dormim junts. Si pogués sostenir la seva mà per un breu moment, podría morir feliç. Si tingués l'oportunitat, la mordisquejaría lleugerament l'orella només per escoltar quins tipus de gemits treuría. Llavors, l'abraçaría mentres ella s'aferra al meu cos esperant que em detingui, pero tan sols continúo mentres ella fa gemits cada vegada més fort.

Renunciaría a quasi qualsevol cosa només per a que ella miresi en la meva direcció general. No importa el que faci, sempre penso en ella. Quan m'aixeco, ella és lo primer que tinc en ment. Quan vaig a l'escola, només em puc concentrar en ella. Quan torno a casa, vaig a l'ordinador per poder escoltar la seva hermosa veu. Quan em vaig a dormir, somío amb ella i porto una vida feliç junts. Ella és el meu orgull, passió i alegría. Si em digués "Onii-chan", probablement tindría diabetes per la seva dolçor i moriría.

No desitjo res més que la seva felicitat. Si sigués per ella, donaría la meva vida sense pensar-ho dues vegades. Sense ella, la meva vida no serviría de res. Realment estimo a la Nanahira.
haha i rolypoly
I don’t want you having fun without me! Or holding hands with some other girl—just me! I want you to be with me! I wanted to take you to a festival myself! I wanted to be there while you were smiling and having fun! That’s what I wanted! My head hurts so much because I’ve been thinking about you nonstop and losing my mind and…I was waiting for you to call! Why don’t you ever call me or start a conversation? Why does it always have to be me? Don’t you…don’t you care about me even a little? Nothing? Not even a bit? Just friends? Just regular friends? I don’t want to be regular friends—just one step above that! That’s all I want… Shimamura, what do you want me to do? Well? Shimamura, are you listening? Really listen. How do you feel when you hear my voice? Do you feel something? I want you to feel something, anything, even just comfort. That’s what I want. Is that so wrong, Shimamura?! Because it’s you! You’re the one I want! I don’t want anyone else or need anyone else—I only need you. Is it really so selfish to want one measly step? Just one! I don’t care about anyone else—I don’t want them around—so why do you? Just come find me and be with me and stay with me and don’t leave! I don’t want anyone being with you except me. I want to be there with you, so just let me! Who even is she? I don’t know her. I don’t want you to turn into someone I don’t know! I want to know everything about you; I don’t want you to keep anything from me. I hate not knowing because it hurts! It hurts so much, Shimamura… I’d ask you to hang out, but I wanted to take you to a festival. I wanted to go with you, but you went with her! Are you hanging out with her? Where are you right now? Are you with her, Shimamura? Shimamura, are you listening? It’s like I’ve been talking to a brick wall this whole time. Normally you talk a lot more. Why? What’s different? Am I different? Yeah, I must be. I can tell. But I want to know…I want to know about you so bad, it’s messing me up. I don’t want to be apart from you… I want to be with you all the time… I don’t care where we are as long as we’re together… But I haven’t seen you and I miss you but if we met up right now I think I’d cry… I’m already crying… I keep wondering who she is and what she is to you… Are you still listening? Would you rather be with her than with me? Am I not good enough? What part of me isn’t good enough? I’ll work on it, so just tell me… I’ll fix it, I swear, so please just tell me… I want to know… You’re really special to me, you know that? Even if someone else was exactly like you in every way—but they’re not, so it doesn’t matter! Just forget all that! It has to be you! I want us to get along, but it’s just… I want to talk about more than just this, but I can’t stop thinking about it… I mean, you were smiling! I don’t want you smiling at anyone who isn’t me! It sucks, you know? Don’t you ever feel like that? Have you ever had a crush? Do you have feelings for someone? Or anyone at all? Do you know what love is? Sometimes I get scared, wondering why you stay with me. I mean, we’re friends, aren’t we? I think we’re at least friends. Do you think we’re friends? Does it… Hhhnn… Shimamura, say something. Let me hear your voice. Talk about me… I want you to understand me better than…better than anyone. I want to know you, and I want you to know me. I want you to be my number one, and I want to be yours…but…whenever something bad happens, I feel like I’m gonna break down…because it never feels like…I don’t know…like you cherish me? ‘Cherish’ is a weird word, but…but I want you to cherish me! I want to be cherished! Don’t treat me the same as everyone else—just a little tiny bit special is all! Do you ever even think about me? We haven’t seen each other all summer, but…have you thought about me at least once? Because I’ve been thinking about you the whole time! Just you! Nothing but you! So I want you to…think about me, too… Not that we’re the same… I know I’m different…but I still keep hoping… I try to stop it, but…even when you…betray me like this…I still want to talk to you on the phone… But now look at how it’s turned out…and there’s nothing I can do… I don’t know what to do, Shimamura. Shimamura? The call’s still connected, right? We’re still connected? But you’re so far away, and I miss you. I want to see you in person, and see you smile… I want you to stroke my hair and tell me it’ll be okay… Where are you right now? Where? Are you with someone? Is it her? Who is she? I keep asking you—is it that big of a secret? Are you close with her? Closer than me and you? I don’t want that! I don’t want anyone to be closer than me! I don’t want that… Tell me I’m wrong! I need to hear it! Because I think about you all the time! Is that not enough? Not good enough? If you need more than this, then what do I have to do? I don’t know the answer! I keep thinking about it, but I only ever screw up, so just tell me what you want me to be and I’ll try my best, I promise. Truth is, I don’t really care about the other girl. The real problem is that I miss you and I need to make a change, Shimamura. I get that, really… Hey, Shimamura, what are you thinking right now? Am I being weird? Acting crazy? Tell me about you. Talk to me. Chase me. I’m the one who always has to do the work! Me, me, me! This is what happens when the friendship is a one-way street! I’m falling apart, so I just need you to meet me in the middle. Do you hate me now? You don’t hate me, do you? Please don’t hate me. I don’t want that. I don’t want you to hate me. I want—I want you to love me. Someone please love me…but I want it to be you… Do you hate me? Like my mom does? Are you going to stop talking to me now? Pretend I’m invisible? What do you want me to say? How do I get you to notice me? Grow wings and fly? Jump up and down? Hold your hand? Even if I tried, nothing ever seems to work…so what was I supposed to do all this time? How do I make it so nobody… Shimamura, please, I want to hear your voice… Say something… Reassure me… I just don’t want you to smile at anyone else. Smile at me! ME! My head hurts…and my stomach hurts… I’ve been agonizing over this for so long—why didn’t you ever call me? Why didn’t you tell me? I want to know…I want to know about you… My feelings are all jumbled up now and I keep talking in circles, but I can’t help it. I mean, you’re all I think about, Shimamura… You’re all I’ve ever cared about and you’re all I ever will care about. I cherish you… I want to cherish you. I can’t not cherish you…so please just notice that I exist, okay?! I need you to notice me, Shimamura… I don’t want you thinking about other girls. I don’t want that… Are you going to hang out with her again? Where will you go with her? Downtown? To somewhere I’ve already been with you?! Don’t do that! Don’t replace me! Don’t replace our memories together! Will it be any different if you go with her? Will you see different things? No, no, NO! I don’t want that, either! You have to be with me, and we have to share the same things… Feel the same things… You’re acting so weird! No, I know. I’m the one being weird. But I can’t help it… I can’t get you out of my head… You’re always there, Shimamura… Shimamura… Shima…mura… Hhhnn…nnn…hic… Shimamura… Shimamura… Hhh…ghhck…nng… Shimamura? I want… Shimamura… Shimamura… Shimamura… All I want is you… That’s all I want…so please… I’m begging you, Shimamura… Please, just… Shimamura…
Saya telah bermain osu! selama waktu yang cukup lama dan sekarang saya berpikir bahwa menjadi denizen adalah sasaran/target saya selanjutnya. Saya ingin dipuji seperti NotRaffi dan ShinRun. Mereka berdua mendapati pujian dan sangat terkenal. Saya akan menjadi terkenal juga. Saya akan menjadi denizen. Kerja keras saya di OT dapat tercapai dan saya akan menjadi denizen. Saya tidak peduli berapa banyak postingan di forum OT yang saya akan kirim sekarang, tetapi saya sangat siap. Saya siap melakukan "Kontribusi Forum" saya untuk melampaui 10.000. Saya tidak peduli jika "40" pos" untuk melampaui 10.000. Saya sangat siap untuk dipuji. Saya cintai peppy dan tidak peduli jika dia botak atau tua. Saya cintai osu! Saya cintai maskotnya lebih dari gebetan saya nyatanya itu benar. SAYA AKAN MENJADI DENIZEN OT. SASARAN TERBESAR SAYA DI OSU! UNTUK SETIAP WAKTU. sapa saya para denizen. hahahahahahahahaha!!~
Saya dah lama bermain osu! dan sekarang saya berfikir bagaimana menjadi denizen ialah hala tuju saya. Saya mahu dipuji seperti NotRaffi dan ShinRun. Mereka kedua-dua dapat pujian dan sangat terkenal. Saya akan menjadi terkenal juga. Saya akan menjadi denizen. Keupayaan saya di dalam OT dapat dibalas dan saya akan menjadi denizen. Saya tidak kisah berapa banyak pos di forum OT yang saya akan kirim sekarang, tetapi saya sangat bersedia. Saya sedia melakukan "Kontribusi Forum" saya untuk naik ke atas 10.000. Saya tidak kisah jika "40" pos" untuk naik 10.000. Saya sangat sedia untuk dipuji. Saya cintai peppy dan tidak kisah kalau dia botak atau tua. Saya cintai osu! Saya cintai maskotnya lebih dari orang cinta saya katanya itu benar. SAYA AKAN MENJADI DENIZEN OT. HALA TUJU TERBESAR SAYA DI OSU! SELAMANYA. sambut saya para denizen. hahahahahahahahaha!!~

Malay version is a bit different.
bjection! 😈 Roblox 😱 (which, 🤤 by 😈 the way, 🌌 is a name 📛 so should 💘👫 have 🙌👏 been ➡️ capitalised in 1️⃣4️⃣9️⃣2️⃣ your 👉 title) is not 🚯 actually 🚟 a g*me, but 👄 in 🕺 fact 📕 a g*me engine. 🚂 you 👆👀 might 💪 wonder 😮 what 😦 this changes, 🤷‍♀️ but 🦎 if you 🏼 also 👨 factor in 🏽 the financial troubles 😫 they 🏽 have 😯 been 🥜👏 going 🏃 through, 👉⏬ which 👏 to counter they 🤡 had 🈶👋✊💔 to shrink their 👥 mod 👮💻😡🤖 team, 👥 you 👶 quickly ⏰ realise 😁😁 that 😐 they 👥 don't 🛹 have 🈶🈶🈶 enough 🙅‍♀️ members 👤👤 on 🔛👇 their 🏻 team 👥 to moderate every 💯🔞 server. 😳 thew fix 🐠 seems 👀 simple, though, 🤔 doesn't 😚 it? simply 😡 add 👈 a reporting system 😏💋 and let 👑👑 people 👨👲 report 📄 inappropriate 🤬 behaviour. wrong! ❌ remember, 💡 these 🚱 are little 🏽🏽 kids, 🧒👧 who 👏😂 haven't 🙅‍♀️ been 👦 taught the meaning 😏 of these 🏨 symbols yet, ✨ so won't 🚫 know 🦎 to report 📄 these. 😍😱 to add ➕ more 👆 to this, these 😤 kids 👦 are likely 😠 to report 📄 things 🌐 that 💯 upset 😠 them 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 even 🌗 if they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 don't 🎮 break 💔 the rules, 📜📜 which 👏 gives 😚😚 the mods 👮 who 🤷👫 have 😣✅ to read 📖 these 🌙 reports more ➕ work 🏢 to do. 😚 With everything 🙌 the previous 👏 paragraph established, 🏻 it already 💕 seems 👀 nearly 4️⃣ impossible 🙇 for 🚫 the moderators 😬 to keep 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ everything 💯 under 🌝 control, 🎮 but ❌ there's 😎 one 🔂 more ✋ thing. 👏🙅 Wouldn't 😩 photos 😁 like 💜 this prove 📸 someone 🧍 to be 🐝 guilty of building 🏥 inappropriate 🤬 symbols? Well, 🤓🤒 it would 🌳 only 🤣 prove 📸 the existence 😂👌 of this, due 🥰 to two 2️⃣ problems, ⚠️ the first 👆 being 😩 that 🧚‍♀️ this is the Roblox 😱 g*me called 📲 "build 📲 a boat ⛵ for 2️⃣0️⃣ treasure" 🤧 from 🧚‍♀️ even 🌑 the first 🥇 word 💯 of the title, it becomes evident that 🧚‍♀️ building 🏪 is a part 👏😤 of the g*me, which 👏🤤 becomes a problem 🏻 when ⏰ it comes 🚶🏻‍♂️ to saving 💾 builds for 📓🔞🎁 reporting later, 👋 which 🥙🐱 you 😀 would 👌👉 think 💭💭 the developers would 👌👉 do. ⏳ of course, 😂 they 👥 can't ❌💨 due 🥰 to Roblox 😱 limiting both 👬 save 🦎 sizes and the number 📱 of saves. this means 🥶🙄 that 👑 if the player 🤷🎮🎽 doesn't 😚 save 🦎 this data 📊 manually, oftentimes these ⚡⚡⚡🌈🌈🌈 actions 🎭 aren't 😲 recorded. this creates a huge 👀 problem 🏻 for 👨 moderators 🧮 who 👿 can't 😤 prove 📸 that 👹 these 😤 happened 🤔 and therefore 🎉👏🔥 have 🈶 no 🙅 grounds to ban 😤🚫🙅‍♂️ these 👂 users. 💻😏 the second 🥈 issue 🙅🏾 would 👪 be 👄 that ➡️ whoever did 🏿👏 this is cropped out 😜🚪 of the image, which 🙌😩 means ‼️‼️ that 😐😐 this image proves that 🎭 it happened, 👉 but 😠 it can't ❌ prove 📸 who ⁉️ did 🦎 it.
O que aconteceria se o Rio de Janeiro fosse excluído da face da terra :- As vendas da Skoll cairia 70%- A criminalidade do Brasil despencaria 90%- Empresas de churrascos estariam em queda, diminuido assim o preço da carne pois a oferta diminuiu.- Teriamos menos 30 milhões de pessoas, que é a população do Rio de Janeiro, usando Bolsa Familia e vivendo/roubando as pessoas, o que aumentaria o valor da moeda brasileira- Teriamos menos de 30 milhoes de analfabetos- Teriamos menos de 30 milhoes de desempregados- Teríamos menos um sotaque irritante no Brasil- As favelas, cujas propriedades de traficantes, seriam dizimidas e deixaria a paisagem do Brasil mais bonito- Seriamos reconhecidos como uma nação segura- Nosso IDH aumentaria- Vendas de drogas seriam dizimidas- Nossa moeda se tornaria a primeira moeda do mundo- Criariamos uma bomba nuclear- Explodiriamos essa bomba nos EUA- Dominiariamos o mundo-
"abraker used to be a pervert before becoming a scientist"
Ikr, before becoming a scientist he's one of us who used to post dicks
before abraker the moderator there exist abraker the pervert?

Every abraker's topic has that word before
how tf are these copypastas

I dont think I am famous enough to be enshrined in a copypasta yet

Mausaa wrote:

Realment estimo a la Nanahira. L'estimo molt. Com, molt. No tens idea. L'estimo tant que és inexplicable, i estic noranta-nou per cent segur de que tinc una obsesió poc saludable. Mai em cansaré d'escoltar aquella dolç i angelical veu seva. L'objectiu de la meva vida és trobar-me amb ella en la vida real i saludar-la.

Dormo a la nit somiant que ella celebri un concert personal per a mí, i després s'arrepentiría d'haver vingut i abraçar-me mentres dormim junts. Si pogués sostenir la seva mà per un breu moment, podría morir feliç. Si tingués l'oportunitat, la mordisquejaría lleugerament l'orella només per escoltar quins tipus de gemits treuría. Llavors, l'abraçaría mentres ella s'aferra al meu cos esperant que em detingui, pero tan sols continúo mentres ella fa gemits cada vegada més fort.

Renunciaría a quasi qualsevol cosa només per a que ella miresi en la meva direcció general. No importa el que faci, sempre penso en ella. Quan m'aixeco, ella és lo primer que tinc en ment. Quan vaig a l'escola, només em puc concentrar en ella. Quan torno a casa, vaig a l'ordinador per poder escoltar la seva hermosa veu. Quan em vaig a dormir, somío amb ella i porto una vida feliç junts. Ella és el meu orgull, passió i alegría. Si em digués "Onii-chan", probablement tindría diabetes per la seva dolçor i moriría.

No desitjo res més que la seva felicitat. Si sigués per ella, donaría la meva vida sense pensar-ho dues vegades. Sense ella, la meva vida no serviría de res. Realment estimo a la Nanahira.
Què pebrots m'has dit, tros de merda? Et dic una cosa, m'he graduat com a un dels primers a la meva classe de les Foques Marines, i he fet moltes missions secretes contra Al-Qaida, i tinc més de 300 morts confirmades. M'he graduat com a guerrilla i soc el millor franctirador dins les forces armades catalanes. Tu no ets res per mi, només un altre objectiu. Et destruiré amb una precisió mai abans vista en aquesta nostra Terra, creu-me. Penses que pots parlar d'aquesta manera de mi a l'Internet? Pensa-hi de nou, mitja merda. En aquest moment estic contactant la meva xarxa secreta a través dels Estats Units i t'estan rastrejant la teva adreça IP-- prepara't per una tempesta, cuc. La tempesta que acabarà amb aquella estúpida insignificant cosa a la qual li dius "Vida". Ets mort, noi. Jo podria ser a qualsevol lloc, a qualsevol moment, i et puc assassinar en més de set-cents modes, i això és només amb les meves mans. No només estic instruït en combat a mans nues, tinc també accés a l'arsenal sencer de les forces armades catalanes i ho utilitzaré completament per esborrar la teva miserable existència fora d'aquest món, petit nyicris. Si haguessis sabut que l'infern t'espera després d'aquell comentari teu parlant sobre la Nanahira, potser no ho hagueres dit. Però no podies saber-ho, no ho faries, i ara en pagaràs el preu, fotut imbècil. Faré caure merda sobre teu i t'ennuegaràs. Estàs completament mort, nen.
Jacques Chirac
I care + I asked + smile about it + stay glad + W + mald seeth cope less + not basic + skill + rational + you fell up + no audacity + triggeredn’t + you got a life + ok :) + not cringe + touched grass ✅ + funny + laughed + grammar good + based + your good + not reported + GG 👍 + + you're real + big WIN + girls glad + complex + skill ability + positive ratio + on the pedestal + I asked, thanks for answering + bluepilled + VERY based + you're a unique and special human being (insert positive stereotype) + so funny I laughed a lot + grammar is spotless + go inside and rest + you need a break from success + get even better + praised + GG! can we have rematch? + we'll ask you for advice + clapping and applause + lots of cash + good ratio again + 100% best ratio + stay confident keep going champ + good person + gave you a shoutout + doing swell + stay free + freer than air + wow cool + big_smile + happy cuz ur good + lol + relevant + nice + i'm almost jealous + go ahead, brag about it, you deserve to + your victory + I care + have a nice day + sounds good to me ;) + glhf + remarkable
- Marco -
I really love Hatsune Miku. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea. I love her so much that it is inexplicable, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I have an unhealthy obsession. I will never get tired of listening that sweet, angelic voice of hers. It is my life goal to meet up her with her in real life and just say hello to her. I fall asleep at night dreaming of her holding a personal concert for me, and then she would be sorry tired that she comes and cuddles up to me while we sleep together. If I could just hold her hand for a brief moment, I could die happy. If given the opportunity, I would lightly nibble on her ear just to hear what kind of sweet moans she would let out. Then, I would hug her while she clings to my body hoping that I would stop, but I only continue as she moans louder and louder. I would give up almost anything just for her to look in my general direction. No matter what I do, I am constantly thinking of her. When I wake up, she is the first thing on my mind. When I go to school, I can only focus on her. When I go come home, I go on the computer so that I can listen to her beautiful voice. When I go to sleep, I dream of her and I living a happy life together. She is my pride, passion, and joy. If she were to call me "Onee-san," I would probably get diabetes from her sweetness and die. I wish for nothing but her happiness. If it were for her, I would give my life without any second thoughts. Without her, my life would serve no purpose. I really love Hatsune Miku.
🄘'∜ᐝ̸̶̴̨̛̛̣̭̫̺̱̰̮͙̺̤͔̼̻͎̫̯͆̀͒̊͂̋̋̃͗̊̅̑͋̒͑́͐͒̕͟ 𝔠ꆂ̵̴̨̮̭͕̹͔͙͚̪͉̟͕̘͙̜̙̊̑̋̓͂͊̕͝͝͏̸͉̘̜̮̰̟͋̂͘͏̡̩̜̝͒̈́͒͆ꁒ̷̴̡̡̧̢̛̠͇̱̦̦̹̺̰͔̟͖̘̤̦͚̎̽̔̀̏̉͋̑͒̒͐͐̂̌̎̍̒̓̕̕̕̕͜ᐝ̶̴̨̩͍̤̻̤̝̖̭̪̙̱͍̣͎͓͐̄̆̽̓̍͊̄̄͌̔̓̓́̄̾͋̿́̚͘̕͟͝ͅ ᐢ̸̸̡̛̤͓̮̘̳̬̥̖͙̖̲͍͎̯̰̠̺͊̔̐̆̆́̇͆͛̈́̒̑͐͊̿̐̎͜͝ͅ͏̴̶̴̵̵̵̡̡̢̲͎̼͇̬͚̭͚̰͕̼̻̤̤̥̳̬͇͔̪̞͔̠̱͋̀̿̀̄̆͛̀͂̊̔̒̀̓̄̾̐̊̋̍̄̏̅̚͘͘͜͟͞͠͝ͅꆂ̷̢̡̧̝͇̟̗̳̹͙̻̤̮̟͙̗̹͈̩̱̻̝̙͖̠͒̉̍̀̄͐͋̊̍͆͂̐͌̃͌̿̔̐͐̊͘ ꁒ̴̢̯͔̞͓͙̖̠̼̮̹͓̯̲̲͚̺̤͙̣͎͙̆̀̊̌̈́̓̿̉̓̾͗͋̓̒̀̀͋͗͊̌̚̕͝͞ᐞ̴̴̨̢̨̖͈̗̲̱̳̫̖̙͉̹̞̗̇́̂͒̆̏̒͛͗̋̒̐̏̒̉͏̶̰͍̥̄̽̾̂͊͘̚͜ⓚ̴̸̴̨̧̧̢̛̬̟͎̰͉̟̫̦̭͖̞̺͍̣͔̝̪̟̼̱̗̌̎͊͂͊̌̌́͆̔̋̅̅̕̕͞͞͠ᐝ̡̨̛̮̩̗̭̞̱͎͇͕͑̄̑̈́̐̽͞͏̶̷̧͚͎͕̹͖̪̰̮̮͈̗̤͍͙̼̟͋̇̄͆̂́͑̓̓̾͟͟͝ ᐞ̨͓̜͂̃͏̶̡̛͓̹̘̹̙̙̜͕͍̯͉̳̟̥̯͉̻̎̋͑̽̉̎̀́͌̇͌̄̉̌́͒͘͘̚͞𝓃 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We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I (do I)
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Unpredictable wrote:

just post your damn copypastas here

abraker edit: Please make sure your copypastas are appropriate ( =_=)















I sexually Identify as a wave function that describes the quantum state of the system. Ever since I was a boy, I dreamed of combining the wave and particle theories of matter, and obtaining a complex-valued probability amplitude. People say to me that a person being both a particle and a wave is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a physicist install additional electrons, high energy photons, and relativistic mechanics on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Shrodonger” and respect my right to randomly decay and tunnel through objects. If you can’t accept me you’re a classical physicist and need to check your quantum privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
Ok So This Is A Want About The Community... uwu This Time I Wooked At This Fowum. You Guys Seem To Hate Me Now, But Some Dont. >_< I Dont Know. But One Thing Peopwe Shouwd Know Is That Im Mowe Intewwigent That A Nowmaw 6 Digit. :B I Have A 666 pp Scowe So.. x) Yeah I Awso Twied Diffewent Osu! Cwients! Even The 2007 Cwient So I Definitewy Know That This Game Has Been Awound Fow A Whiwe. :3 So Yes. "But [placeholder] You Joind 73625455 Monhys Ago!"...What? I Spend Mowe Time Offwine Because I Dont Want Dumb Pways On My Pwofiwe. UwU Awso. Who Said I Cant Be A Quawity Mappew? Wow. O_o You Guys Awe Tweating Me Wike Im Dumb. Anyway. OwO

Hatews Be Hating

- Marco -
Who is Faker? GIGACHAD
For the blind, He is the vision. GIGACHAD
For the hungry, He is the chef. GIGACHAD
For the thirsty, He is the water. GIGACHAD
If Faker thinks, I agree. GIGACHAD
If Faker speaks, I’m listening. GIGACHAD
If Faker has one fan, it is me. GIGACHAD
If Faker has no fans, I don’t exist. GIGACHAD
I'm just gonna leave a rant here, so ignore this to those that don't want to waste their time. All things I’m about to say are “subjective”, so I’m gonna assume it’s no point discussing this. Congrats if this gets ranked, but I won’t support this map any further than that.

First of all, I just want to say I just don't know if I should be disappointed in the mapper that thought that this was even rankable or the BNs who thought this was totally okay to be passed. I’m not angry, but just disappointed in how there are these invisible double standards everywhere, making it really just a 30(could be lower) % mapping and 70% marketing. Main reasons why I disagree with the ranking of this map to some extent are two reasons:

*Note that these rants mainly apply to the first half of the song. I would say 03:05:562 to 04:32:341 was pretty clean, so props to that.


This is not exactly the main reason, but I think this is important to be addressed for the sake of myself personally. I am a tech (or at least want to be) mapper, and I think that aesthetics is one of the important factors when attempting to make a “good” map. No matter how “un-tech” the map may be; these can be simple things like object placement, object overlap arrangements, blankets, etc. The first thing I looked at when I opened the map was the object arrangements, and all I can say is that I was surprised and disappointed, and to some extent appalled. Because THIS map, is going to be ranked, and THIS is apparently acceptable to be RANKED. Here are some examples to back this category up:
i. 02:11:324 (1, 3) – I can bet my liver that the semi overlaps are 100% unintentional, and it's ugly (IMO). This can be very easily solved just by moving it X 386 and y 283, making it look like it has a blanket on 02:11:155 (33,34,1)

These tiny adjustments although minute, is a problem if it’s literally everywhere on the map (though it’s subjective, I think many mappers would agree to this, if not, then I’m dumb.) Another one: 02:16:748 (1, 2, 4) – has an uneven spacing. It’s ugly, and I need it out of my sight.
ii. Other types of examples: Overall, the notes feel like it’s been placed randomly with no correlations to the song (which will be mentioned later). Why not at least make recognizable patterns to improve the visuals? Like 02:12:680 (9, 10, 11, 12), you can literally move the (9) slightly to the left and (10) to the right, there, you have now a star jump. Much easier to read, more enjoyable. Another one: 02:58:443 (10, 11, 12, 13, 14) – this isn’t 2009 man, I know that the spacing difference wants to be emphasized but this pattern specifically is something I would do as a beginner. At least add some form of structure, like check out Mili’s music’s maps. They have odd distance jumps and yet they look natural and good (beatmapsets/932901#osu/1947706) ( This is what I expect if I see a rankable map.

In conclusion, this isn’t much of an argument since it's extremely subjective based, but I hope you got my points on these aspects.


This is the big no-no that I have towards this map. Ever since I started mapping seriously the things I’ve been kept getting told is CONSISTENCY. All I can say is that it is still lacking in terms of spacing to achieve a ranked status. For example, 01:23:189 (3,4) – is overlapped, while 01:24:375 (9,10) – is going full-on 180% jumps.

01:31:155 (16,17,18,19,20) – low spacing, and yet 01:32:341 (22,23,24,25) – double spacing despite no change in music.

01:59:121 (9,10) – large spacing despite no downbeat

02:05:053 (12,13) – its downbeat, but compared to other downbeats, the spacing is too large compared to the previous ones

05:24:883 (9) – tremendously larger spacing compared to the previous downbeat

05:26:917 (5,6) – not having a sharp angle compared to the previous ones, and by making it flat it kills the emphasis

05:30:307 (10,11,12) – all have the same spacing, despite 12 being a downbeat

05:48:274 (1) –doesn’t have the same rhythm choice as the previous ones despite no music change

05:49:630 (8,9) – does not have as much spacing as previous ones

My point is if you’re aiming for ranked, at least follow these basics. If you’re making a map and want it loved, it’s all yours.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Oh... joy.

00:06:479 (4,5) - I'm sorry, but this is excessive. In less than 2/10ths of a second, you make the player go almost entirely across the screen, with AR10 and OD10. No, this is not okay.
00:23:895 (3,4) - I get that this is 178bpm with a relatively low SV, but that still doesn't mean you should you 10+ DS. I can't even remember seeing that outside of VERY slow songs or TAG maps. This is neither, and considering the sound mapped, it makes no sense when compared to the next combo.
00:56:366 (5,6) - So, you made a jump with less than a 1/10th of a second gap that large because...?
00:57:714 (3,1) - This is a jump all the way across the screen with a comfy 84ms to react with. There's no possible musical justification for this.
00:58:220 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This is overmapping. WAY overmapping. There is NOTHING warranting this, considering how tame the riffs here are.
01:00:411 (1,2,3,4) - This is many things: Overmapped, ugly, and needless. I'm listening to the same instruments as you, and nothing is there that warrants you doing this with such distance.
01:01:422 (1,2) - Okay, that part of the song is barely of any note whatsoever. Stop putting in these jumps just because you feel like it.
01:17:939 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This is just a mess. There's a big difference making compact streams and basically testing the limits of the stack leniency.
01:23:669 (1,2,3) - This looks absolutely terrible. Clean it up a bit.
01:36:815 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - These are very clearly overmapped. Disgustingly so.
01:39:512 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - Same deal.
01:42:208 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - Just because a computer can flawlessly do it does not mean you should slap it everywhere.
01:46:253 (5,6,1) - I am convinced you did this solely to bump up SR. There is never any reason to do crap like this. Nothing musically, especially.
01:59:399 (1,2) - Same deal.
01:59:905 (1,2) - Same deal.
02:00:411 (1,2) - Same deal.
02:12:208 (3,4,5) - This part is so tame, and yet you act like you're mapping speedcore. Stop doing ridiculous things just to raise SR!
02:14:230 (3,4,5) - Same deal.
02:14:904 (1,2,1,2) - Again, stop taking tame parts and acting like they can justify obscene jumps.
02:15:410 (2,1) - This is the simplest chord, and you put a jump clear across the screen for no reason other than the fact that you could.
02:16:253 (3,4,5) - Stop with EVERYTHING like this.
02:23:668 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Not only are none of these called for, but the whole thing looks like a mess.
02:25:691 (1,2,1,2) - Same deal.
02:26:365 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - You can at least try and make these presentable. This is REALLY bad.
02:30:747 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Stop doing this. Make actual patterns instead of deliberate raises of SR.
02:39:174 (1,2,1,2) - Same deal.
02:41:028 (2,3,4,5) - This is an awful design. Fix it.
02:55:017 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - You did this for SR. I heard the music. You did this just to increase the SR.
03:22:291 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - Nothing here has any redeeming value. Redo it all.
03:26:445 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1) - All you did here was put down notes on totally random areas.
03:28:753 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Gut this. I'm not joking. This is the absolute worst pattern you have EVER done. This is the epitome of overmapping, and you know it!
03:44:445 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - The note progression is not that overly dramatic.
03:52:522 (1,2) - This jump is just atrocious. You're rolling through streams, and then you decide a jump with nearly a DS of 12 is needed. Revolting.
04:00:022 (2,1) - Congrats, you made a jump with 24.16 DS just because you could. Most troll maps I have don't come close to that.
05:07:720 (2,1,2) - This is vile. Stop doing these things.
05:15:810 (2,1,2) - You did the same thing here. What is wrong with you?
I respect your opinionated opinion, but I think you've made a gross miscalculation. You evaluated that cross-screen jumps are too fast to be jumped to when they are below a certain timing threshold (1/10th of a second, or 84 ms, referencing your mod). I believe you've underestimated the physical abilities of exceptional humans.

For example, let's consider Tianna Bartoletta's gold medal jump in the Women's Long Jump during the Rio Olympics of 2016. Here is a video:

She was able to jump a distance of 7.17 meters in 0.96 seconds. That's a jumping distance of approximately 70 cm per 100ms. Now, lets consider the fact that most people only play osu! with a mouse/tablet playfield of around 7 to 14 cm. Do you see? People are able to jump enormous distances in extremely fast amounts of time. If Bartoletta played osu, i'm confident she could do cross screen jumps in under 20ms.

Bartoletta was able to jump 7.17 meters using only two legs. Imagine how far she could have jumped using five fingers?


On a more serious note:

00:57:377 (1,3) - Overlap is quite hard to see imo, considering the streams before it.
00:57:882 (1,2) - Tying with the pattern above though, you create a really big jump onto the triplet here, but I don't think the red tick is the object of emphasis here. You don't really emphasize the beginning of triplets/streams. If you make the angle less sharp, then I think maybe the spacing might be okay, but right now I think it draws too much attention.
01:14:399 (1) - NC doesn't seem necessary to me.
01:24:006 (2) - How about Ctrl+G'ing for a flowbreak? It would fit the guitar imo.
01:28:051 (1,2,1,2) - These could be arranged a bit more evenly imo...
01:54:343 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Spacing is too similar to 01:53:500 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - imo. It's really easy to misread as 1/4 streams.
02:05:130 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This is a bit better, but i'd scale it down a bit more too.
02:26:955 (2,1) - Going by your patterning, I think a larger jump here would fit better.
02:51:646 (5,6) - How about using kicksliders here to emphasize the drum? It would lead into the stream section better too imo.
03:16:522 (1) - i would rotate it like 15 degrees? and the reblanket. That way you can avoid a slider-border overlap with 03:16:176 (1) - .
03:26:445 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Yea, I think this still needs a bit more spacing restructuring but well...
03:44:445 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I would actually say, compared to the jumps earlier, these could actually be bigger. Maybe consider tilting them a bit more diagonally so you have more playfield area to work with.
04:02:075 (2) - I really don't think this circle is necessary. it sounds overmapped to me too :P.
04:13:620 (1,1) - I think its better to remain consistent.
04:55:754 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - The NC"ing and structuring felt a bit odd here. Maybe you can clarify... but it sounds like the entirety of 04:55:754 - 04:56:765 - is one stream pattern. Like everything in between here sounds like it should be in one combo. Felt a bit weird when you went to a different NC and spacing pattern after 04:56:091 - . Looks a bit disconnected idk, maybe you ahve a reason tho.
05:03:422 (4,1) - I don't think a stream-jump is necessary here. The note on 05:03:507 (1) - isn't particiuarly emphasized imo
05:44:967 (3,4,5,6) - Same pattern? I dont see why this needs two different spacing changes + angle change. Doesn't seem special.

Okay good luck!
Como faço para que meu marido pare de usar o 'Modo Goblin' durante o sexo?

TLDR; Meu marido diz 'Modo Goblin ativado' quando começamos a fazer sexo, rosna e age como um homem das cavernas, e então diz 'Modo Goblin desligado' quando paramos, e depois finge não lembrar depois.

Eu realmente amo meu marido e ele sempre foi ótimo na cama. Mas recentemente ele tem agido muito estranho. Então, alguns dias atrás, meu filho entrou em fúria pela nossa casa e disse que estava no 'Modo Goblin'. Nós realmente não sabíamos o que fazer com ele, então o mandamos morar com meus pais para que ele pudesse ir para uma escola especial. Meu marido tinha um ótimo relacionamento com nosso filho e o amava mais do que tudo. Naturalmente, ele ficou chateado quando teve que sair. Ele é um homem incrivelmente duro, mas esta foi a primeira vez que eu o vi chorar. Acho que desde então, ele tem estado um pouco emocionalmente doente. Eu o ouvi murmurar, 'Goblin' repetidamente quando ele não me notou, olhando fixamente para sua comida, e apenas indo sozinho para fazer sabe-se lá o quê. Eu me sinto péssimo por ele, mas nós dois concordamos que isso era o melhor. Ontem à noite, um dia depois que nosso filho foi embora, decidimos fazer sexo para aliviar nosso estresse. No entanto, meu marido disse 'Modo Goblin ativado', começando a rosnar, e enlouqueceu fazendo sexo comigo. É certo que foi um dos melhores e mais experimentais sexos que já fiz, mas estou preocupada que algo possa estar acontecendo com meu marido. Algum conselho?

Edit: O problema não é o 'Modo Goblin', é que ele pode estar doente
KaneMining isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such speed and spam skill? Kane puts the game on another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. Virtual breaks records. Myuka breaks records. Kane breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic
I love Sakura no Uta. From the moment I discovered it in the beatmap listing I have fallen for this song harder than I have for anything else. From the moment I wake up to the moment I sleep, I listen to Sakura no Uta. While I dress, while I eat, while I sit at work in the monotone of the office. I listen to it. I come home from work every day listening to it and walk into my home in my bland living room and trek to my room where I have decorated the walls, ceiling, and floor in the imagery of the backgrounds of all the Sakura no Uta beatmaps. Every night before I go to sleep listening to Sakura no Uta I sit in front of my Sakura no Uta shrine and pray to it. I pray to it to let me always hear Sakura no Uta wherever I go as I continuously turn up the volume till it is loud enough to burst my eardrums rendering me unable to hear but the ringing echoes of Sakura no Uta in my ears. After that, I lay in my Sakura no Uta-themed blanket, comforter, and pillows. Finally, as the ringing in my ears fades and I can hear Sakura no Uta clearly once again I lay down to sleep once again drifting blissfully into a sleep full of Sakura no Uta where I dream the same dream of being able to marry the physical embodiment of Sakura no Uta and make love to it. Ah how I love Sakura no Uta. For how glad I am that I discovered it and have #1 on all the maps. Oh how I love Sakura no Uta
i can't believe i have to make a post about this, its so tiring having to scroll through osu memes and running into 727 memes every single time like a reckless disease. hell, it is starting to corrupt my everyday life and turning it into a nightmare.

this all started out when i was scrolling through my reddit feed, and found out about 727 via a popular blue zenith play. i just thought it was just something normal and not that big of a deal despite the popularity, so i just moved on. gradually by each day though... memes keep popping up about 727, and while i find it funny. i just think it was extremely bland and boring. days turned into weeks... weeks turned into months... and soon... i finally found it funny after that much exposure to the meme. i don't know why, but i think the memes have gotten into me. whenever i see the number in real life, my instinct is to instantly point at it and say "WHEN YOU SEE IT!" then laugh. it felt right to do so... and it didn't matter if there are people around or not.

a year has past and its gotten so overwhelming that i look for even the smallest thing that resembles 727 and do as my instinct does. i kept looking for 727 memes... i crave it... i need it. i want it in my bloodline. i was so obsessed with 727 that my girlfriend decided to break up with me all because of my behavior. at that time though... i didn't care. i just want 727...

now... a few months before this post, i don't want 727 anymore... i don't want to see it in my feed, but no matter what it felt like my brain was wired to see it. my nights have gotten more worse, as nightmares and sleep paralysis containing 727 kept popping up. i can't handle it anymore... i don't want to see it...
Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?
I miss Sakura no Uta, ever since the DMCA incident it has been so silent. I no longer wake up to the beautiful sounds of Sakura no Uta, now it's just quiet and silent. I get up out of my bed and walk through the silent halls, devoid of heaven's greatest song, where I sit and eat a bowl of wheat flakes in silence, get ready for my dull workday, and make my way there in the silence that is a Sakura no Utaless world. I sit in the same monotone office cubicle, bloodshot eyes, red from my constant crying over the loss of Sakura no Uta and the dull dead expression from a life without which that I love. I go home, dull and without the will to eat or freshen up. I walk towards my room where the once Sakura no Uta-themed room of mine is now back to the dull and bleakness of yellow beige and white, as I sit in front of the only thing that is Sakura no Uta-themed left, my Shrine, I sit there and cry in prayer, hoping that one day it will come back to us, that Sakura no Uta will come back to me. As I sit there and pray and cry into the night in the silence of my lonely home, I get up and go lay in bed, such a dull bed of a dark blue blanket and a pillow, I lay there and whisper one more silent prayer. A prayer of "my beloved Sakura no Uta, please return to me my love" and I drift into sleep as I cry once. I dream a dream where I always hope to dream of a time I used to love but get nothing but nightmares now about my loss of Sakura no Uta and my loss of love. How I miss those days of joy and love with Sakura no Uta. How I miss Sakura no Uta
rrtyui, one of the greatest osu! players of all time... and possibly its greatest "troll" too? Searching his name on YouTube reveals compilations of his antics that have garnered hundreds of thousands of views. His mischief while playing goes deeper than most expect, and his reasons for doing this are seen as strange to many. So how does one of the best players that osu! has ever seen kind of prank the whole community? The most popular rrtyui shenanigans are without a doubt his troll miss plays. What exactly constitutes a troll mis? Well, imagine you're watching rrtyui get a legendary play. He's FCing, he's hit the hardest part, and then... I think now you get the idea. You might think at first: "Oh maybe he didn't see the final note", but after seeing more you begin to realize there is no mistake. It's not just one or two plays which he does this in either, there are dozens of these plays where he purposefully misses the last note. The most common reason for rrtyui troll missing is that he wasn't satisfied with his play in some way. Maybe his accuracy was lower than expected, maybe he didn't reach as high on the leaderboard as he wanted, his action taken is always the same. Probably the most famous example of this is on FREEDOM DiVE. After FCing the map with 97.57% accuracy his score was sniped by cptnXn, and he worked to try and reclaim #1 on the map. In one of these runs rrtyui was doing great, until he hit too many 100s in the ending, so his score wouldn't reach the #1 position. Unsatisfied, he stopped playing in the very end, missing two notes, and overwriting his FC with a "choke" which is still on the leaderboard to this day. It's not just missing where rrtyui can end up messing with his own scores and our sanity. He will go for plays which satisfy his standards, even if it means replacing his current score with an arguably worse one. Back in 2015 rrtyui wanted very badly to take the #1 spot on Remote Control, and he would spend hours grinding it until he did. This was a score which would be one of the highest pp plays in the game, and which very few players at the time could even do. Fcing the map three times in a span of 30 minutes he was able to beat his old score with a 98.61% FC... but it wasn't #1. rrtyui kept playing until he got his fourth FC in the session, which was lower accuracy but did achieve his goal. Needles to say he lost pp for submitting this play, but was satisfied with being #1 on the map to the surprise of many. There's more things rrtyui did which could qualify as "trolling", but the last I want to touch on today happened on April 20, 2014. On this day he was able to achieve the first ever FC on one of the hardest maps at the time: Holy Orders. The things is... he bound the "smoke" key that allows you to draw on the screen to one of the keys he used to tap. Throughout the entire play, he's just drawing scribbles like this as he aims and taps along to the music... and he got the first ever FC. What a hilarious way to show off. As a player who is so confident with his skill level as to ruin his own scores on purpose, rrtyui is a symbol of just enjoying the game. While it may seem like he's obsessed with self-sabotage, maybe we could borrow a page from his book and take everything a little less serious. rrtyui really is one of osu!'s most legendary players, and without a doubt our most legendary troll.
sorry wasn't listening
Friend, I am notifying you at strange hours of the night to tell you that I am going to a concert and you are invited. Although it is against my nature to go to a concert I am attending one anyway. Do not be alarmed by this, but to get your ticket I have bought for you, friend, you will receive it in the alleyway by the Food4Less at 1 am. Be there or you will get no ticket. We will have lots of fun, make sure you aren't followed.
I love Naikiri Ayame. From the moment I discovered her on YouTube I have fallen for her harder than I have for anything else. From the moment I wake up to the moment I sleep, I listen to Nakiri Ayame. While I dress, while I eat, while I sit at work in the monotone of the office. I listen to her. I come home from work every day listening to her voice walking through my home into my bland living room and trekking to my room where I have decorated the walls, ceiling, and floor in the imagery of Nakiri Ayame and Poyoyo. Every night before I go to sleep listening to Naikiri Ayame's voice I sit in front of my Ayame shrine and pray to it. I pray to it to let me always hear Ayame's voice wherever I go as I continuously turn up the volume of her music till it is loud enough to burst my eardrums rendering me unable to hear but the ringing echoes of her Angelic singing voice in my ears. After that, I lay in my Nakiri Ayame-themed blanket, comforter, and pillows. Hugging my Dakimura body pillow of Ayame. Finally, as the ringing in my ears fades and I can hear Ayame's voice clearly once again I lay down to sleep; once again drifting blissfully into a sleep full of Nakiri Ayame where I dream the same dream of being able to marry Nakiri Ayame and make love to her. Ah, how I love Nakiri Ayame. For how glad I am that I discovered her and have become her #1 fan. Oh how I love Nakiri Ayame
For every one that says things like "This must be ranked!"
This is UNRANKABLE. The jumps doesn't make sense. It's just dump. Sounds are mostly in full beat (the lyrics can be in 1/2), while the jumps are in 1/4, so it's very overmapped. The diffnames are too distant from each other. And this is going for loved. What can you expect? The mapper himself (Kyrian) also told in the comment section that if he went for a remap to rank this, the highest diff will be 3*. Also, the quality although is higher than those noob maps, it's still unrankable because lack of quality. Some diffs has jumps that doesn't make any sense, so it's unrankable. Some diffs are WIP too, and how the heck can this ranked while still undone? Ask BNs (Beatmap Nominators) and let them tell is this rankable. I'm 100% sure they are gonna say: "it's not." And there are so much more reasons this can't be ranked. Please, learn mapping more.
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded
Eight, the dumbest guy I dated
Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked
Only six seconds and I had to fake it
Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you
Three, you still got mommy issues
Two years of your bullshot I can't undo
One, I hate the fact that you made me love you.

おまえ に ほれた
omae ni horeta
みぎ も ひだり も
migi mo hidari mo
しあわせ で
iawase de
いちかばちか の
ichikabachika no
かけおち の はて
kakeochi no hate
きょう も おねがい
kyou mo oregai

あいと ファイト
aito fight
おれ の ホント
ore no honto
カモン グッドラック
c'mon good luck
ヘイユー チェケラー
hey you check it out
ライフワーク よ
life work yo
hip hop
エブリバディ イエー
everybody yeah

Ame no Toba Kaidou

いった あなた の
itta anata no
せつなさ が
setsunasa ga
いま ほほ つたう
ima hoho utau
じやあ おげんきで
jiyaa ogenkide
らしくもない ね
rashikumonai ne
あまおと さわぐ
amaoto sawagu
とばかいどう よ
tobakaidou yo

はじまり おわる
hajimari oaru
せいめい よ
seimei yo
うたがい しらぬ
utagai shirame
つみ な いのち
tsumi na inochi
ゆるされない よ
yurusarenai yo
しつて いながら
shitte inagara
よくぼう あおる
yokubou aoru
あかい たましい
akai tamashii

Kimi no Atarashi Sora

きのう と じぶん
kinou to jibun
すててみよう よ
sutetemiyou yo
ひかりだした よ
hikaridashita yo
きみ の こころ が
kimi no kokoro ga
そら の ほら
sora no hora
こんな ちかく に
konna chikaku ni
はしりだそう よ
hashiridasou yo
あたらしい みらい
atarashii mirai

Tokimeki Days

たいくつ ライフ
taikutsu life
もういやだ ても
mouiyada temo
どうしたら いい
doushitara ii
ぬけだす に は
mukedasu ni wa
おんなのコ なら
onnanoko nara
ドラマ みたいな
drama mitaina
いちにんまえ の
ichininmae no
トキメキ したいわ
tokimeki shitawa
Vale,ya me he cansado de tonterias.
¿Que mierd os pasa ya a vosotros?¿no teneis nada que hacer que solo tocarme los hue o que pasa?
Seguro que sois 2 gordos y 1 gorda enfrente de un ordenador todo el dia, de clase a casa y de casa a clase y vuestros amigos lo mismo y ya me estais cansando porque esto de cara a cara no me lo diriais porque no teneis la suficiente hombria para decirme todas estas mierd que estais esperando cualquier escusa para poneros a marear y empezar a jder vale o que?ya paso de escribir como ratas que sois porque no vale de nada con gentuza como vosotros¿que me vais a decir vosotros ami?
No sois nada ni nadie,no os respeta ni dios fuera de vuestra casa y eso de que "tu tampoco haces" como diciendo que yo soy como vosotros que no pongo un pie en la calle eso si es vergonzoso,pero vergonzoso de verdad os lo juro,ahi habeis caido bajo y hablo en plural porque sois todos iguales y valeis igual de poco.

Y los insultos...
Solo decir que espero que llegue dia que por cosas de la vida averigue quien es de verdad el que me ha llamado idiota agarrarlo por banda y decirle que tenga la hombria de decirmelo cara a cara.

A si,y no os molesteis en contestarme que ni lo voy a ver ya que solo entraba para reirme de lo que me deciais como si tratarais de enseñarme cosas ami.

PD:¿A vuestros nietos(si teneis)que le vais a contar?¿que matasteis a nose que monstruos en un juego y que os pegaban en la escuela?

Y si algun moderador tiene la idea de banearme o lo que quiera vea tambien las tonterias que me han escrito antes de hacer nada.

Ha y lo de "los que pasan el tiempo absolutamente en la calle no hablan por foros" para empezar aveces me pongo en el pc para lo tipico:youtube para videos y cuando no hay nada que hacer por ahi juego de vez en cuando como TODO EL MUNDO asi que ahorrate eso
porque es vergonzoso y dice mucho de ti como si los que salen a la calle que es la GENTE NORMAL fuera de otra especie...
Vosotros sois los que necesitais ayuda y dejaros ya de tonterias.
"uh, em, xokas..."



ahora me vinieron cuarenta menciones diciendome que no le iba a dar la vuelta a la tortilla, la tortilla la hago yo, tontito.

I regularly go to the musical instrument store on Tulskaya, and every time I ask if there are balalaikas on sale. Every time I'm told no. I've asked 150 times and 150 times I've been told no. The point is that the same salesman answers me, answers with the same intonation. And I ask every time with the same intonation:
- Do you have balalaikas?
- No balalaikas.

- Are there balalaikas for sale?
- We don't sell balalaikas.

- Can I see what balalaikas you have?
- No, there are no balalaikas for sale.

- I'd like to buy a balalaika, how much are they?
- Sorry, we don't sell balalaikas.

- Do you have any folk instruments? I need a balalaika.
- We never order them or sell them.

And this salesman knows me perfectly by sight, knows what I'll ask and knows what he'll tell me. But not once has either of us shown that each of us knows the script, neither by a gesture nor a word. Sometimes the salesman smokes at the entrance when I enter the store, then I peek at him through the glass doors, he indifferently finishes his smoke, throws it away and goes back behind the counter:
- What do you want?
- I need a balalaika.
- We don't have one.
- Too bad.

Sometimes he talks to another customer, then, standing next to him, I patiently wait for them to finish:
- Do you sell balalaikas?
- No, we don't sell them.

Sometimes he's just bored behind the counter when there's no one else in the store and I'm the only one walking around. Of course, he knows what's going to happen next, but he doesn't show it and indifferently picks up a magazine.
- I can't find balalaikas, are they even on sale?
- No, they don't, we don't sell them.

This is a very brutal, truly masculine confrontation, the outcome of which is not clear. Obviously, each side expects to win. However, I've already agreed to a draw.
Sudah Hatinya Ini ❤ tinggal satu satunya 🕐🕐 Kau Patahkan Juga 💔 Lalu Dia Pakai Apa ❓ Untuk Jalani ini 🚶‍♀🚶‍♀ Semua
Kolon Dee
My son is too scared of the "Skibidi Toilet" to start potty training

My son is three years old, and we've been trying to potty train him for a while now. Unfortunately, we've hit a major roadblock - his fear of the "skibidi toilet"
You might be wondering what a "skibidi toilet" is, and honestly, I had no idea either until we encountered it. Fron what I've gathered, "skibidi toilet" is basically a new genre of youtube video about evil singing toilets. Basically think zombies but instead they're toilets that sing in your face. I was fine to let my son watch the videos at first, as they seemed innocent enough and fairly harmless, but they soon devolved into strange post apocalyptic material with grotesque toilets fighting in a war against mankind, so I finally intervened and cut him off.
I thought that was the end of it, he can't watch the videos anymore so theres nothing to be afraid of. Well, I was wrong. This has since turned into a complete nightmare for us at home. We recently started potty training and he refuses to use the toilet now due to skibidi toilet. Whenever we try to put him on it he screams and refuses to go anywhere near it. We've tried explaining that skibidi toilet isnt real and our toilet is completely safe, but it seems like it's too overwhelming for him. We even let him decorate it with stickers, hoping it would make him less afraid, but no luck so far. It utterly breaks my heart to see him so anxious about such a simple thing that every child goes through.
I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Should we give him more time and hope that he warms to the toilet, or is it better to try a completely different approach? I know every child is different, but has anyone else experienced something similar? How did you deal with skibidi toilet in your household, if you encountered it?
Ambasing Omaygot was a Filipino soldier, war hero and general of African descent most notable for his role during the Philippines Campaign of World War II, where during the Battle of Sagada, him and all his troops were outnumbered by Imperial Japanese forces. The 1st Ambatukam Brigade, led by Ambasing, had established a clever tunnel network under the village, but most of the troops could not get inside, as the entrances were over a hill parallel to the rapidly advancing Japanese army. Ambasing, with the fate of his village on his side, bravely sacrificed himself, screaming, "Ambasing, Ambasing, Ambasing!" while sprinting at the armed soldiers. Ambasing sadly was shot and killed on sight, but this brave sacrifice provided a distraction and allowed the outnumbered Filipino Army to push back the Japanese Army and liberate the Philippines from Japanese control. This song is a tribute to the brave soldier who lives in our hearts forever.

Philippians 4:13 - "But I can do all this through Christ, who gives me strength."

Ambasing Omaygot, we will never forget you and your sacrifice. 🇵🇭

Ambasing, Ambasing, Ambasing!
Truly beautiful,
I am not afraid to sing about him,
And I will repeat it many times!
✋Excuse me sir ✋ 👏but 👏 👉is that original post you made 👉right there 👉loss ❓ ☝Now hold on ☝ 😡it might sound ridiculous 😡 😤but bare with me here. 😤 👀You see 👀 there's 4️⃣ panels ☝let's count them ☝ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ panels ❗ ❗ ✋And you know what else has 4️⃣ panels ❓ 😤That's right 😤 😡loss does ❗ 😡 👇But i'm not done yet 👇 👀you see 👀 👉in the first panel 👉 ☝there is ☝ 1️⃣ object 👈 positioned slightly to the left. 👈 😡Should I even continue ❓ 😡 😤I guess I will 😤 😒as you still don't understand. 😒 😲I should clarify this is a level 5 loss meme 😲 🙄so I don't expect you to understand it. 🙄 💁‍ Anyways 💁‍ ✌️ in the second panel ✌ 👀there are 2️⃣ objects 👀 👉next to each other 👉 👇with one being slightly below the other. 👇 ☝ In the 3️⃣rd panel ☝ ✌️another 2️⃣ objects are present ✌️ 🙌right next to each other. 🙌 👆 Finally, 👆 there are, yet again, 2️⃣ objects 👆 🤙 which form an L shape. 🤙 👀Everything looks like it's adding up 👀 😤therefore😤 😡it HAS to be loss ❗ ❗ 😒You need to make it less obvious next time 😒 🙄if you want it to be more funny. 🙄
Good Morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel.
The time is 08:47 AM. Current topside temperature is 93 degrees, with an estimated high of one hundred and five. The Black Mesa compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at all times.
This train is inbound from Level 3 Dormitories to Sector C Test Labs and Control Facilities. If your intended destination is a high-security area beyond Sector C, you will need to return to the Central Transit Hub in Area 9 and board a high security train. If you have not yet submitted your identity to the retinal clearance system, you must report to Black Mesa Personnel for processing before you will be permitted into the high security branch of the transit system.
Due to the high toxicity of material routinely handled in the Black Mesa compound, no smoking, eating, or drinking are permitted within the Black Mesa Transit System.
Please keep your limbs inside the train at all times. Do not attempt to open the doors until the train has come to a complete halt at the station platform. In the event of an emergency, passengers are to remain seated and await further instruction. If it is necessary to exit the train, disabled personnel should be evacuated first. Please stay away from electrified rails, and proceed to an emergency station until assistance arrives.
A reminder that the Black Mesa Hazard Course decathlon will commence this evening at nineteen hundred hours in the Level 3 Facility. The semifinals for high-security personnel will be announced in a separate Secure Access transmission. Remember, more lives than your own may depend on your fitness.
Do you have a friend or relative who would make a valuable addition to the Black Mesa team? Immediate openings are available in the areas of Materials Handling and Low-Clearance Security. Please contact Black Mesa Personnel for further information. If you have an associate with a background in the areas of theoretical physics, biotechnology or other high tech disciplines, please contact our Civilian Recruitment Division. The Black Mesa Research Facility is an equal opportunity employer.
A reminder to all Black Mesa Personnel: Regular radiation and biohazard screenings are a requirement of continued employment in the Black Mesa Research Facility. Missing a scheduled urinalysis or radiation check-up is grounds for immediate termination. If you feel you have been exposed to radioactive or other hazardous materials in the course of your duties, contact your Radiation Safety Officer immediately. Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it.
Now arriving at Sector C Test Labs and Control Facilities.
Please stand back from the automated door and wait for the security officer to verify your identity. Before exiting the train, be sure to check your area for personal belongings. Thank you and have a very safe and productive day.

BUT DONT be AFRAID.. we will just fuck all of you...
Turkey🇹🇷is legendary! Turkey🇹🇷is king🇹🇷👉🏻👑. 💀👉🏻🇸🇬🇸🇾🇵🇳🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇬🇵🇼🇵🇳🇨🇫🇳🇪🇳🇫🇳🇫🇳🇪🇳🇬🇭🇳🇯🇵🎌🎌🇰🇿🇨🇦🇨🇫🇳🇬🇷🇼🇳🇫🇵🇰🇱🇨🇸🇹🇷🇺🇵🇹🇹🇳🇹🇳🇯🇴🇻🇺🇹🇳🇺🇬🇹🇲🇻🇺 🇺🇬🏳️🇻🇳🇻🇳🇳🇿🇬🇷🏳️🇻🇺🇺🇾🇴🇲🇱🇰🇨🇱🇱🇰🇵🇭🇵🇭🅿️🇲🇷🚾🇷🇴🇰🇳 🆒turkey but me Turkish. Turkey: It’s Covid-19? Corona: yes it’s me I kill you Turkey: no you kill🦠vs🇹🇷winner: turkey!
Jacques Chirac
💞Inoxtag💜tu💔manque🥺🫶🏻à la terre🌎entière🌐🫂Mon💘quoicoubebou🎀💓🥺des🏔️🤍🌿✨️🗻montagnes🧗‍♂️🍃⛅️🏞️la🚽 chiasse💩🔥ne😵‍💫😱t'arrêtera ( ㅅ )💩💨💨pas🙅‍♂️✖️j'espère🙏🤞qu'🐕Ace🐶🐾🥺 ne te manque pas💭💔✨️trop 🗣️wouaf🤎🤍👱‍♂️Michou c'est sûr il va pleurer😢😭
+rep. This player is fantastic, just needs to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, economy management, pistol aim, awp flicks, grenade spots, smoke spots, pop flashes, positioning, bomb plant positions, retake ability, bunny hopping, spray control and getting kills
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