
Itou Kanako - Find the blue (Short Ver) [Osu|Taiko|CatchTheB

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Kurokami wrote:

Kawayi Rika wrote:

That's all ~ Map still need more work ~ If that's all, then why the map need more work? XD
You sir, deserve a golden star. Here you go~

Makar8000 wrote:

Hello, from my queue~ Going to take Haruka's place in modding the standard diffs. Sorry for the wait
This is a continued mod post from our queue. Sorry it's taken us so long!
As stated, Makar had previously modded the standard diffs. I'll be taking care of the taiko diffs.

[Lussy's Taiko]

There is no way I'm going to be modding this, not until there is some kind of organization in the editor. It's an eyesore and quite irritating to be sorting out the notes while modding this. There's a lot we should be going through, so I don't wanna be spending all day desperately sorting out the notes myself. Of course this is not mandatory, but it is a recommendation under the Taiko Rules and Guidelines. You can choose not to do this, but it's just a suggestion for the future since other taiko modders can find taikos with reasonable hitobject-placement much more enjoyable to mod, not to mention that it may also allow them to mod more efficiently. I'm personally deciding not to mod this until I see at least colour contrasts between dons and kats because I don't have much time on my hands right now, but I'm always willing to help you out. Call me back at a later time, if you wish.

[Norbi's Taiko Oni]

I see you are half following the vocals and half following the drums, in addition to making your own patterns on the side. My objective is going to be helping you take your existing patterns and create consistency. Please try to avoid making your own random patterns, and try to stick to either strictly vocal mapping or mapping to the drums (hint: taiko is a drum game). But please, do unto your map as you so wishfully desire—it is your map after all.

  1. 00:04:107 - don fits nice here with your pattern.
  2. 00:04:459 (2) - remove this to keep your pattern consistent.
  3. 00:09:754 - don here if you followed my first suggestion.
  4. 00:10:459 (3) - make this a kat to follow the drums.
  5. 00:10:636 (1) - don, again because of drums.
  6. 00:11:518 (2) - kat here; same reason.
  7. 00:11:607 - kat here sounds pleasant to me, but it's up to you~
  8. 00:11:695 (1) - another don.
  9. 00:11:871 (1) - another kat.
  10. 00:16:107 (2) - this is purely by preference, but see if you like this as a kat. :oops:
  11. 00:18:224 - a kat sounds fitting here.
  12. 00:18:401 (2) - this should be made a don.
  13. 00:21:048 (1) - remove please.
  14. 00:21:577 (2) - keeping consistency with the previous pattern, make this a don.
  15. 00:21:754 - like the above reason, add kat.
  16. 00:22:107 (1) - remove for the same reason.
  17. 00:24:048 - 00:35:165 - I'm not even joking. You should delete everything you have from this section and copy and paste everything you have from 00:12:754 (1) - 00:23:695 (1). This is to keep consistency and also because what you have here is unfortunately just very random. If you decide not to copy and paste, I suggest you take into consideration everything you have up to this point (including the mods you've applied from me) to ensure this part is less random. Assuming you copy/pasted, I'll skip to the next part.
  18. 00:35:342 (1) - sounds like this note calls for a finish, so make this a D.
  19. 00:37:107 (2) - sounds better if you remove this.
  20. 00:37:812 (2) - remove the finish from this and consider making this a don.
  21. 00:38:518 (1) - make this a don for consistency's sake (and ffs, this is definitely a don; you can hear it in the music. :|).
  22. 00:39:930 (1) - remove for the same reason (seriously, there's no vocals or drums there).
  23. 00:43:283 (1) - let's break up some of this density! Remove this please.
  24. 00:44:342 (1) - as above, remove.
  25. 00:46:636 (1) - 00:51:577 (1) - remove everything you have in this section and copy/paste what you have from 00:41:695 (1) - 00:46:283 (2) to 00:46:989.
  26. 00:46:636 - if you follow the above correctly, you should be able to add a don here now.
  27. 00:52:989 (1) - remove.
  28. 00:53:165 - don here.
  29. 00:53:518 (2) - remove.
  30. 00:54:577 - kat here.
  31. 00:55:107 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4,1) - remove all this.
  32. 00:55:107 - 00:56:871 - should be what you have from 00:52:283 (1) - 00:54:048 (1).
  33. 00:57:224 - kat.
  34. 00:57:401 - don.
  35. 00:57:577 - kat.
  36. 00:57:930 - forgot what was here, but kat.
  37. 01:02:695 (9,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - this is a prime example of mixing vocal mapping and mapping to the drums. :?
  38. 01:03:842 (6,7,1,2,3) - I would normally suggest removing this, and it does sound good by doing this, but it's up to you. By you mixing what you're mapping, I guess it sounds fine the way it is now too.
Oh now we're onto the kiai, lol. :lol: I'll just work with what you have, but just remember that these are only suggestions~

  1. 01:06:577 - don here.
  2. 01:07:018 - ^
  3. 01:07:107 (1) - make this a kat?
  4. 01:07:636 (2) - remove.
  5. 01:08:783 - add a don?
  6. 01:08:871 (4) - if you applied the above, make this a kat.
  7. 01:09:754 (3) - make this a kat.
  8. 01:10:195 - kat would sound good here, imo.
  9. 01:10:460 (1) - remove.
  10. 01:10:636 (2) - D?
  11. 01:15:136 - add a don.
  12. 01:16:283 (1) - 01:25:901 - delete all this and copy and paste everything from 01:04:989 (1) - 01:14:518 (1).
  13. 01:26:165 (4) - make this a don.
  14. 01:26:871 (2,3,4) - triple kat? :D
  15. 01:28:460 (4) - kat.
  16. 01:31:018 - add a don? :>
  17. 01:31:812 - add a kat.
  18. 01:32:165 (2) - make this a kat.
  19. 01:32:342 - kat here.
  20. 01:32:607 (6) - make this a kat.
  21. 01:32:783 - add a kat here.
  22. 01:33:754 (2) - make this a kat?
  23. 01:34:283 (6) - 01:34:283 (6) - kat.
  24. 01:36:224 (1) - remove?
  25. 01:37:812 (5,1,1) - reverse this from don kat don to kat don kat.
  26. 01:39:401 (2) - kat for consistency.
  27. 01:39:754 - don.
  28. 01:39:842 - ^
  29. 01:43:107 - aaaaaand from this last part on, I highly suggest copy/pasting what you have from the respective part at the beginning for consistency.
Dear God, this map lacks structure. I tried approaching this by aiding you in creating consistency, which hopefully, if you applied and considered most of my suggestions, conceived even the slightest formation. I just progressively got lazier throughout this mod... hopefully this helps. Also, remember when I say copy/paste, I don't mean you have to completely copy and paste. I mean, you can always switch up a few notes here and there, or remove one or two, or add one or two to keep a creative sound. On a side note, some of your don/kat colour distinctions are incorrect in some areas, as in, if it was coloured a don, it actually turned out to be a kat; or maybe it was just me messing around while modding this. In any case, just pointing that out in the instance that it is true, in which case you might want to fix that.

If you have any questions, aren't sure about any of my suggestions, or just plain need help, I'll be willing to assist you in-game. ;)
Good luck to you Kurokami with the rest of this mapset!
Topic Starter

Haruka wrote:

[Lussy's Taiko]

There is no way I'm going to be modding this, not until there is some kind of organization in the editor. It's an eyesore and quite irritating to be sorting out the notes while modding this. There's a lot we should be going through, so I don't wanna be spending all day desperately sorting out the notes myself. Of course this is not mandatory, but it is a recommendation under the Taiko Rules and Guidelines. You can choose not to do this, but it's just a suggestion for the future since other taiko modders can find taikos with reasonable hitobject-placement much more enjoyable to mod, not to mention that it may also allow them to mod more efficiently. I'm personally deciding not to mod this until I see at least colour contrasts between dons and kats because I don't have much time on my hands right now, but I'm always willing to help you out. Call me back at a later time, if you wish.
I added combo colors on the diff. It took me forever, but I finished. xd I mentioned this problem to the creator when I got this diff, but she just told me "just submit it". I did it since the diff is good and both taiko are following a different part of the song.
Anyways, I leave everything else to the creators and waiting for you to mod this taiko diff too.
(I have been pm'd)

Haruka's mod

Haruka wrote:

[Norbi's Taiko Oni]

I see you are half following the vocals and half following the drums, in addition to making your own patterns on the side. My objective is going to be helping you take your existing patterns and create consistency. Please try to avoid making your own random patterns, and try to stick to either strictly vocal mapping or mapping to the drums (hint: taiko is a drum game). But please, do unto your map as you so wishfully desire—it is your map after all.

  1. 00:04:107 - don fits nice here with your pattern.
  2. 00:04:459 (2) - remove this to keep your pattern consistent.
  3. 00:09:754 - don here if you followed my first suggestion.
  4. 00:10:459 (3) - make this a kat to follow the drums.
  5. 00:10:636 (1) - don, again because of drums.
  6. 00:11:518 (2) - kat here; same reason.
  7. 00:11:607 - kat here sounds pleasant to me, but it's up to you~
  8. 00:11:695 (1) - another don.
  9. 00:11:871 (1) - another kat.
  10. 00:16:107 (2) - this is purely by preference, but see if you like this as a kat. :oops:
  11. 00:18:224 - a kat sounds fitting here.
  12. 00:18:401 (2) - this should be made a don.
  13. 00:21:048 (1) - remove please.
  14. 00:21:577 (2) - keeping consistency with the previous pattern, make this a don.
  15. 00:21:754 - like the above reason, add kat.
  16. 00:22:107 (1) - remove for the same reason.
  17. 00:24:048 - 00:35:165 - I'm not even joking. You should delete everything you have from this section and copy and paste everything you have from 00:12:754 (1) - 00:23:695 (1). This is to keep consistency and also because what you have here is unfortunately just very random. If you decide not to copy and paste, I suggest you take into consideration everything you have up to this point (including the mods you've applied from me) to ensure this part is less random. Assuming you copy/pasted, I'll skip to the next part.
  18. 00:35:342 (1) - sounds like this note calls for a finish, so make this a D.
  19. 00:37:107 (2) - sounds better if you remove this.
  20. 00:37:812 (2) - remove the finish from this and consider making this a don.
  21. 00:38:518 (1) - make this a don for consistency's sake (and ffs, this is definitely a don; you can hear it in the music. :|).
  22. 00:39:930 (1) - remove for the same reason (seriously, there's no vocals or drums there).
  23. 00:43:283 (1) - let's break up some of this density! Remove this please.
  24. 00:44:342 (1) - as above, remove.
  25. 00:46:636 (1) - 00:51:577 (1) - remove everything you have in this section and copy/paste what you have from 00:41:695 (1) - 00:46:283 (2) to 00:46:989.
  26. 00:46:636 - if you follow the above correctly, you should be able to add a don here now.
  27. 00:52:989 (1) - remove.
  28. 00:53:165 - don here.
  29. 00:53:518 (2) - remove.
  30. 00:54:577 - kat here.
  31. 00:55:107 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4,1) - remove all this.
  32. 00:55:107 - 00:56:871 - should be what you have from 00:52:283 (1) - 00:54:048 (1).
  33. 00:57:224 - kat.
  34. 00:57:401 - don.
  35. 00:57:577 - kat.
  36. 00:57:930 - forgot what was here, but kat.
  37. 01:02:695 (9,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - this is a prime example of mixing vocal mapping and mapping to the drums. :?
  38. 01:03:842 (6,7,1,2,3) - I would normally suggest removing this, and it does sound good by doing this, but it's up to you. By you mixing what you're mapping, I guess it sounds fine the way it is now too.
Oh now we're onto the kiai, lol. :lol: I'll just work with what you have, but just remember that these are only suggestions~

  1. 01:06:577 - don here.
  2. 01:07:018 - ^
  3. 01:07:107 (1) - make this a kat?
  4. 01:07:636 (2) - remove.
  5. 01:08:783 - add a don?
  6. 01:08:871 (4) - if you applied the above, make this a kat.
  7. 01:09:754 (3) - make this a kat.
  8. 01:10:195 - kat would sound good here, imo.
  9. 01:10:460 (1) - remove.
  10. 01:10:636 (2) - D?
  11. 01:15:136 - add a don.
  12. 01:16:283 (1) - 01:25:901 - delete all this and copy and paste everything from 01:04:989 (1) - 01:14:518 (1).
  13. 01:26:165 (4) - make this a don.
  14. 01:26:871 (2,3,4) - triple kat? :D
  15. 01:28:460 (4) - kat.
  16. 01:31:018 - add a don? :>
  17. 01:31:812 - add a kat.
  18. 01:32:165 (2) - make this a kat.
  19. 01:32:342 - kat here.
  20. 01:32:607 (6) - make this a kat.
  21. 01:32:783 - add a kat here.
  22. 01:33:754 (2) - make this a kat?
  23. 01:34:283 (6) - 01:34:283 (6) - kat.
  24. 01:36:224 (1) - remove?
  25. 01:37:812 (5,1,1) - reverse this from don kat don to kat don kat.
  26. 01:39:401 (2) - kat for consistency.
  27. 01:39:754 - don.
  28. 01:39:842 - ^
  29. 01:43:107 - aaaaaand from this last part on, I highly suggest copy/pasting what you have from the respective part at the beginning for consistency.
Dear God, this map lacks structure. I tried approaching this by aiding you in creating consistency, which hopefully, if you applied and considered most of my suggestions, conceived even the slightest formation. I just progressively got lazier throughout this mod... hopefully this helps. Also, remember when I say copy/paste, I don't mean you have to completely copy and paste. I mean, you can always switch up a few notes here and there, or remove one or two, or add one or two to keep a creative sound. On a side note, some of your don/kat colour distinctions are incorrect in some areas, as in, if it was coloured a don, it actually turned out to be a kat; or maybe it was just me messing around while modding this. In any case, just pointing that out in the instance that it is true, in which case you might want to fix that.

If you have any questions, aren't sure about any of my suggestions, or just plain need help, I'll be willing to assist you in-game. ;)
Good luck to you Kurokami with the rest of this mapset!
That's some really accurate mod we have here. Also really friendly written down.
But I would suggest you next time rather to make mods which keep up with the mappers style. It may be mostly correct what you wrote down, but no mapper would take all mods(not like he should), especially in the play-modus Taiko, since we have many individual styles here. Following the beat is just one of them which isn't even Namco using everytime(they do use freestyle, too).

An exeption, which is nowadays more rarly then in the past, is modding and then suggesting at the end of it to remap the whole map if it is really necessary because of a mess; too much different styles; rule breaks; not fitting patterns and etc..

Haruka wrote:

But please, do unto your map as you so wishfully desire—it is your map after all.
^ Well, since you said your statment clearly, there is still much freedom for the mapper who got the mod.
Still, it takes on both sites really much time and effort to mod and change things by such long posts which probably most of the mappers not even take. orz
That's my point. So next time mentioning that, ,,this and that style shouldn't be normaly used here, please keep that next time in mind" is enough.

Looking forward to your post, you seam to have potential.

Haruka wrote:

[Norbi's Taiko Oni]

I see you are half following the vocals and half following the drums, in addition to making your own patterns on the side. My objective is going to be helping you take your existing patterns and create consistency. Please try to avoid making your own random patterns, and try to stick to either strictly vocal mapping or mapping to the drums (hint: taiko is a drum game). But please, do unto your map as you so wishfully desire—it is your map after all.

  1. 00:04:107 - don fits nice here with your pattern.
  2. 00:04:459 (2) - remove this to keep your pattern consistent.
  3. 00:09:754 - don here if you followed my first suggestion.
  4. 00:10:459 (3) - make this a kat to follow the drums.
  5. 00:10:636 (1) - don, again because of drums.
  6. 00:11:518 (2) - kat here; same reason.
  7. 00:11:607 - kat here sounds pleasant to me, but it's up to you~
  8. 00:11:695 (1) - another don.
  9. 00:11:871 (1) - another kat.
  10. 00:16:107 (2) - this is purely by preference, but see if you like this as a kat. :oops:
  11. 00:18:224 - a kat sounds fitting here.
  12. 00:18:401 (2) - this should be made a don.
  13. 00:21:048 (1) - remove please.
  14. 00:21:577 (2) - keeping consistency with the previous pattern, make this a don.
  15. 00:21:754 - like the above reason, add kat.
  16. 00:22:107 (1) - remove for the same reason.
  17. 00:24:048 - 00:35:165 - I'm not even joking. You should delete everything you have from this section and copy and paste everything you have from 00:12:754 (1) - 00:23:695 (1). This is to keep consistency and also because what you have here is unfortunately just very random. If you decide not to copy and paste, I suggest you take into consideration everything you have up to this point (including the mods you've applied from me) to ensure this part is less random. Assuming you copy/pasted, I'll skip to the next part.
  18. 00:35:342 (1) - sounds like this note calls for a finish, so make this a D.
  19. 00:37:107 (2) - sounds better if you remove this.
  20. 00:37:812 (2) - remove the finish from this and consider making this a don.
  21. 00:38:518 (1) - make this a don for consistency's sake (and ffs, this is definitely a don; you can hear it in the music. :|).
  22. 00:39:930 (1) - remove for the same reason (seriously, there's no vocals or drums there).
  23. 00:43:283 (1) - let's break up some of this density! Remove this please.
  24. 00:44:342 (1) - as above, remove.
  25. 00:46:636 (1) - 00:51:577 (1) - remove everything you have in this section and copy/paste what you have from 00:41:695 (1) - 00:46:283 (2) to 00:46:989.
  26. 00:46:636 - if you follow the above correctly, you should be able to add a don here now.
  27. 00:52:989 (1) - remove.
  28. 00:53:165 - don here.
  29. 00:53:518 (2) - remove.
  30. 00:54:577 - kat here.
  31. 00:55:107 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4,1) - remove all this.
  32. 00:55:107 - 00:56:871 - should be what you have from 00:52:283 (1) - 00:54:048 (1).
  33. 00:57:224 - kat.
  34. 00:57:401 - don.
  35. 00:57:577 - kat.
  36. 00:57:930 - forgot what was here, but kat.
  37. 01:02:695 (9,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - this is a prime example of mixing vocal mapping and mapping to the drums. :?
  38. 01:03:842 (6,7,1,2,3) - I would normally suggest removing this, and it does sound good by doing this, but it's up to you. By you mixing what you're mapping, I guess it sounds fine the way it is now too.
Oh now we're onto the kiai, lol. :lol: I'll just work with what you have, but just remember that these are only suggestions~

  1. 01:06:577 - don here.
  2. 01:07:018 - ^
  3. 01:07:107 (1) - make this a kat?
  4. 01:07:636 (2) - remove.
  5. 01:08:783 - add a don?
  6. 01:08:871 (4) - if you applied the above, make this a kat.
  7. 01:09:754 (3) - make this a kat.
  8. 01:10:195 - kat would sound good here, imo.
  9. 01:10:460 (1) - remove.
  10. 01:10:636 (2) - D?
  11. 01:15:136 - add a don.
  12. 01:16:283 (1) - 01:25:901 - delete all this and copy and paste everything from 01:04:989 (1) - 01:14:518 (1).
  13. 01:26:165 (4) - make this a don.
  14. 01:26:871 (2,3,4) - triple kat? :D
  15. 01:28:460 (4) - kat.
  16. 01:31:018 - add a don? :>
  17. 01:31:812 - add a kat.
  18. 01:32:165 (2) - make this a kat.
  19. 01:32:342 - kat here.
  20. 01:32:607 (6) - make this a kat.
  21. 01:32:783 - add a kat here.
  22. 01:33:754 (2) - make this a kat?
  23. 01:34:283 (6) - 01:34:283 (6) - kat.
  24. 01:36:224 (1) - remove?
  25. 01:37:812 (5,1,1) - reverse this from don kat don to kat don kat.
  26. 01:39:401 (2) - kat for consistency.
  27. 01:39:754 - don.
  28. 01:39:842 - ^
  29. 01:43:107 - aaaaaand from this last part on, I highly suggest copy/pasting what you have from the respective part at the beginning for consistency.
Dear God, this map lacks structure. I tried approaching this by aiding you in creating consistency, which hopefully, if you applied and considered most of my suggestions, conceived even the slightest formation. I just progressively got lazier throughout this mod... hopefully this helps. Also, remember when I say copy/paste, I don't mean you have to completely copy and paste. I mean, you can always switch up a few notes here and there, or remove one or two, or add one or two to keep a creative sound. On a side note, some of your don/kat colour distinctions are incorrect in some areas, as in, if it was coloured a don, it actually turned out to be a kat; or maybe it was just me messing around while modding this. In any case, just pointing that out in the instance that it is true, in which case you might want to fix that.

If you have any questions, aren't sure about any of my suggestions, or just plain need help, I'll be willing to assist you in-game. ;)
Good luck to you Kurokami with the rest of this mapset!

Well, thanks for remapping. lol This is my mapping style for songs that have vocals. Also see Ono's post for more of my thoughts.

Also: (hint: taiko is a drum game) <- I think I know more about taiko games than you think.

I'll list here what I've used from your mod.

  1. 00:10:459 (3) - make this a kat to follow the drums.
  2. 00:10:636 (1) - don, again because of drums.
  3. 00:11:518 (2) - kat here; same reason.
  4. 00:11:607 - kat here sounds pleasant to me, but it's up to you~
  5. 00:11:695 (1) - another don.
  6. 00:11:871 (1) - another kat.
  7. 00:35:342 (1) - sounds like this note calls for a finish, so make this a D.
  8. 00:37:107 (2) - sounds better if you remove this.
  9. 00:37:812 (2) - remove the finish from this and consider making this a don. - Only finish removal.
  10. 00:38:518 (1) - make this a don for consistency's sake (and ffs, this is definitely a don; you can hear it in the music. :|).
  11. 00:53:165 - don here.
  12. 01:09:754 (3) - make this a kat.
  13. 01:28:460 (4) - kat.
  14. 01:31:812 - add a kat.
  15. 01:34:283 (6) - kat.
  16. 01:39:754 - don.
00:39:930 (1) - remove for the same reason (seriously, there's no vocals or drums there). - I could hear something here, so it's okay.

Also, there were parts where it was already don/kat as you wanted them to be. :D My style is a bit overmapping, so that's why at parts it could be weird.

Oh, and I made my custom changes to the map as well while editing it.

And with that, thanks for the mod!
Sorry, ignore this T.T
Topic Starter

Konei wrote:

Sorry, ignore this T.T
Shohei Ohtani
Dude this song is like, amazing.

If there weren't like, so many diffs already, I would make a diff ouo.

Another star~.

but yeah dude you'll have to remove that (Short Ver.)
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

Dude this song is like, amazing.

If there weren't like, so many diffs already, I would make a diff ouo.

Another star~.

but yeah dude you'll have to remove that (Short Ver.)
If you want to do a diff, try it. It doesn't matter if I need to remove one of my diffs. Well, its your decision. :3
I know about the new rule but this is the official short version which is findable in the ost so I think this will not be a problem.
Thanks for the another star. :3

I had a rather long IRC mod with the map creator. Many things were changed and fixed.
Computer froze before i could save previous irc chat, so i only have this difficulty.


Overall the patterns are ragged and oddly shaped, and there's little symmetry. I blame the song though. Hitsounds were nice and the flow worked for the most part.

00:09:058 (2,3) - This doesn't look very good in my opinion
00:34:469 (5) - Maybe moving this more to the right of 4 would look better.
00:49:117 (5) - Move to x 400 y 56. I think it looks better there.
00:57:058 (5,6) - Center this better between 3,4?
01:07:469 (5) - something feels wrong with this transition. The vocal in between may be playing with my ability to find the beat through the stack. If this were moved 1/2th back plays a lot better IMO.
01:10:646 (1) - It would better to unstack this.
If you do so do the same to this 01:12:058 (4) - for consistency.
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:


I had a rather long IRC mod with the map creator. Many things were changed and fixed.
I saved it, so if someone wants it just ask. :3 Thanks for the really helpful mod. Now this map is one step closer to be ranked, I hope. o.o

TheVileOne wrote:



Overall the patterns are ragged and oddly shaped, and there's little symmetry. I blame the song though. Hitsounds were nice and the flow worked for the most part.

00:09:058 (2,3) - This doesn't look very good in my opinion fixed
00:34:469 (5) - Maybe moving this more to the right of 4 would look better. fixed
00:49:117 (5) - Move to x 400 y 56. I think it looks better there. fixed
00:57:058 (5,6) - Center this better between 3,4? fixed
01:07:469 (5) - something feels wrong with this transition. The vocal in between may be playing with my ability to find the beat through the stack. If this were moved 1/2th back plays a lot better IMO. I think this stack isn't weird so no fixed.
01:10:646 (1) - It would better to unstack this. fixed
If you do so do the same to this 01:12:058 (4) - for consistency. fixed
thanks for modding :D
Hi, here's your mod... Nothing for Easy because it was too good :oops:.

00:28:999 - No new combo
00:29:705 - New combo here instead
00:52:293 (1) - Rotate by 27 degrees
01:27:587 - Step 1. Use the whole available space on the grid, the left side is unused here when it should actually because the prev. combo was on the right side, do something like THIS and THIS with the fallowing combo. Step 2. The combo at 01:33:234,- drag your mouse along the timeline up til 01:41:705 to select them and flick horizontally. (Don't do step 2 without doing step 1).

[kajiyatta's Hard]
00:52:822 (2,3) - Remove. Instead form a slider from here 1/1 bar long (red tick - red tick).
01:54:058 (3) - (2) started directly under the end of (1) so make (3) start exactly on the same x line as (2) ended on?

Sounds are sometimes weird in these difficulty, especially the whistles. I would double check if they sound good and whether there should be an additional whistle in some places.
00:21:234 - I pointed this out because the game play and maps are better when they use the whole available space. You could of used the left side of the grid so that the whole grid is used, because this combo besically is like the previous combo going backwards. I would say you could turn (2) 90o anticlockwise & then snap it to x:280 and y:96, put (3) at x:184 and y:120, (4) at x:112 and y:48, (5) at x:32 and y:112, (6) at x:56 and y:209 then the new combo slider I would remove it and copy the slider at 00:19:646, turn vertically + reverse selection, the (2) after reverse selection & snap. Eventually it will look something like THIS.
00:41:705 (4) - Whistle at the end.
00:45:764 (6) - Clap
00:48:058 (2) - Whistle at the beginning
00:48:764 (4) - Whistle
00:49:999 (1) - Clap
00:53:528 (5) - Whistle on end
00:57:587 (5) - Finish as well as the clap?
00:59:175 - New combo
01:42:587 (2) - Turn vertically
Topic Starter

Jebok wrote:

Hi, here's your mod... Nothing for Easy because it was too good :oops:.

00:28:999 - No new combo
00:29:705 - New combo here instead haha, yeah. :D fixed
00:52:293 (1) - Rotate by 27 degrees it will looks better, thats true, but i placed it this way this way in purpose. Anyways, I changed a bit.
01:27:587 - Step 1. Use the whole available space on the grid, the left side is unused here when it should actually because the prev. combo was on the right side, do something like THIS and THIS with the fallowing combo. Step 2. The combo at 01:33:234,- drag your mouse along the timeline up til 01:41:705 to select them and flick horizontally. (Don't do step 2 without doing step 1). You got my placements soul and changed a bit into something awesome. Thanks a lot. :3

[kajiyatta's Hard]
00:52:822 (2,3) - Remove. Instead form a slider from here 1/1 bar long (red tick - red tick).
01:54:058 (3) - (2) started directly under the end of (1) so make (3) start exactly on the same x line as (2) ended on?

Sounds are sometimes weird in these difficulty, especially the whistles. I would double check if they sound good and whether there should be an additional whistle in some places. i removed some whistles, maybe its better now.
00:21:234 - I pointed this out because the game play and maps are better when they use the whole available space. You could of used the left side of the grid so that the whole grid is used, because this combo besically is like the previous combo going backwards. I would say you could turn (2) 90o anticlockwise & then snap it to x:280 and y:96, put (3) at x:184 and y:120, (4) at x:112 and y:48, (5) at x:32 and y:112, (6) at x:56 and y:209 then the new combo slider I would remove it and copy the slider at 00:19:646, turn vertically + reverse selection, the (2) after reverse selection & snap. Eventually it will look something like THIS. I agree with you on some things, but it is using the whole grid, even tho they are being a separated combo. I want to try your suggestion, but even with the screenshot, i unable to get it since the combos kinda messed up. o.o If you are able to, please try to find another placement for this part since yours on the screenshot, looks random.
00:41:705 (4) - Whistle at the end. no
00:45:764 (6) - Clap no, too many clap
00:48:058 (2) - Whistle at the beginning k
00:48:764 (4) - Whistle if I add this, i need to remove the one at 00:49:117 (6) - I want to hear your opinion about this
00:49:999 (1) - Clap no, it will be too many, actually the drum sound is 1/2 earlier
00:53:528 (5) - Whistle on end k
00:57:587 (5) - Finish as well as the clap? yea, maybe
00:59:175 - New combo oh, well
01:42:587 (2) - Turn vertically k
I changed most of them. Honestly maybe I just not changed 4 things or fewer. The main problem is that combo on insane. Your placement seems a bit random to me. Anyways, thanks for the mod and star. :3

Kurokami wrote:

Jebok wrote:

00:21:234 - I pointed this out because the game play and maps are better when they use the whole available space. You could of used the left side of the grid so that the whole grid is used, because this combo besically is like the previous combo going backwards. I would say you could turn (2) 90o anticlockwise & then snap it to x:280 and y:96, put (3) at x:184 and y:120, (4) at x:112 and y:48, (5) at x:32 and y:112, (6) at x:56 and y:209 then the new combo slider I would remove it and copy the slider at 00:19:646, turn vertically + reverse selection, the (2) after reverse selection & snap. Eventually it will look something like THIS. I agree with you on some things, but it is using the whole grid, even tho they are being a separated combo. I want to try your suggestion, but even with the screenshot, i unable to get it since the combos kinda messed up. o.o If you are able to, please try to find another placement for this part since yours on the screenshot, looks random.
Yep, I didn't really make it too clear. Coordinates:
(1) - x:376 and y:96
(2) - x:280 and y:96 ( After turning it 90o clockwise)
(3) - x:184 and y:120
(4) - x:112 and y:48
(5) - x:32 and y:104
(6) - x:56 and y:200
(1) - x:136 and y:264 (After copying the previous combo at 00:19:646 slider to here as well as turning it vertically + reversing its selection
(2) - x:440 and y:184 (After reverse selection and doing coordinates for shaping boxes - or what else they are, I am meaning those which coordinates show in red. 1st box: x:440 and y:184, 2nd: x:384 and y:160 and 3rd: x:336 and y:192)
(3) - x:256 and y:232
It's not an entirely the same idea, because I haven't saved the previous but works great at its based on what I've read from my notes above. Here is the screenshot but base it on coordinates.

00:48:764 (4) - Whistle if I add this, i need to remove the one at 00:49:117 (6) - I want to hear your opinion about this
Hmm... How about you remove that whistle then, place the whistle i wanted you to place, and add a whistle at the beginning of slider (7)? It sounds fine when you hear it.
Oh and I know I didn't mention this in the post but... if you do the above idea, it matches if instead of doing whistles at the end of 00:50:705 (4) and (6) you do them at the beginning of these sliders.
No kudo for this!
Topic Starter

Jebok wrote:

00:21:234 - I pointed this out because the game play and maps are better when they use the whole available space. You could of used the left side of the grid so that the whole grid is used, because this combo besically is like the previous combo going backwards. I would say you could turn (2) 90o anticlockwise & then snap it to x:280 and y:96, put (3) at x:184 and y:120, (4) at x:112 and y:48, (5) at x:32 and y:112, (6) at x:56 and y:209 then the new combo slider I would remove it and copy the slider at 00:19:646, turn vertically + reverse selection, the (2) after reverse selection & snap. Eventually it will look something like THIS. I agree with you on some things, but it is using the whole grid, even tho they are being a separated combo. I want to try your suggestion, but even with the screenshot, i unable to get it since the combos kinda messed up. o.o If you are able to, please try to find another placement for this part since yours on the screenshot, looks random.
Yep, I didn't really make it too clear. Coordinates:
(1) - x:376 and y:96
(2) - x:280 and y:96 ( After turning it 90o clockwise)
(3) - x:184 and y:120
(4) - x:112 and y:48
(5) - x:32 and y:104
(6) - x:56 and y:200
(1) - x:136 and y:264 (After copying the previous combo at 00:19:646 slider to here as well as turning it vertically + reversing its selection
(2) - x:440 and y:184 (After reverse selection and doing coordinates for shaping boxes - or what else they are, I am meaning those which coordinates show in red. 1st box: x:440 and y:184, 2nd: x:384 and y:160 and 3rd: x:336 and y:192)
(3) - x:256 and y:232
It's not an entirely the same idea, because I haven't saved the previous but works great at its based on what I've read from my notes above. Here is the screenshot but base it on coordinates.[/color] Now I was able to try it. 00:21:234 (2) - i needed to turn this slider to anticlockwise, but w/e. Uhm, the main problem with this spacing is the flow, between (5) and (1) you are starting to turn clockwise, but then suddenly back to anticlockwise, which makes a player go crazy at this point, since it breaks the flow. And after your placement, this: 00:21:764 (3,4,5,6) - looks messy, this is the smallest problem tho.
Anyways, I changed the placement here a bit, but still it's focusing the grid's right side. ._.

00:48:764 (4) - Whistle if I add this, i need to remove the one at 00:49:117 (6) - I want to hear your opinion about this
Hmm... How about you remove that whistle then, place the whistle i wanted you to place, and add a whistle at the beginning of slider (7)? It sounds fine when you hear it.
Oh and I know I didn't mention this in the post but... if you do the above idea, it matches if instead of doing whistles at the end of 00:50:705 (4) and (6) you do them at the beginning of these sliders.

No kudo for this!
all fixed. thanks for modding~

If you didnt know about it that is.
Topic Starter

Lolicore Flandre wrote:

If you didnt know about it that is.
Thanks. I wrote in the thread.
Hi, mod request from my modding queue.

You have used the same kiai time's start in all diffs. I highly suggest you to make the kiai time's end consistent too:

00:11:705 (3) - To keep a consistency with the previous part: 00:05:352 (2,3,4) I'd remove finish from this slider's tail
00:17:352 (2) - Just use whistles on the slider's head and repeat, removing it completely from the slider. Use finish on the slider's end instead.
00:35:352 (1) - This finish would sound much better with 60% volume
01:07:822 (6) - New combo and remove from the next slider 01:08:175 (1)
01:09:234 (2) - Ugly blanket, you can improve it using this code:
01:47:352 (1) - CTRL + R it, it flows better

01:16:293 (1) - You haven't used finish where you should use it? xD Use finish here

[kajiyatta's Hard]
00:47:528 These is a missed sound here from the vocal. Then.. add a circle?
00:57:234 (6) - I don't think you did it on purpose but.. you should improve this overlap

00:15:587 (2) - I guess you forgot a whistle here
01:26:528 (8,9) - Selecting and flipping them horizontally would flow better
01:52:999 (6) - Remove whistle?

That's all :3 Good luck >w<
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Hi, mod request from my modding queue.

You have used the same kiai time's start in all diffs. I highly suggest you to make the kiai time's end consistent too:
fixed except Hard, since there is a spinner which will looks awkward.

00:11:705 (3) - To keep a consistency with the previous part: 00:05:352 (2,3,4) I'd remove finish from this slider's tail fixed
00:17:352 (2) - Just use whistles on the slider's head and repeat, removing it completely from the slider. Use finish on the slider's end instead. fixed, I hope
00:35:352 (1) - This finish would sound much better with 60% volume fixed
01:07:822 (6) - New combo and remove from the next slider 01:08:175 (1) fixed
01:09:234 (2) - Ugly blanket, you can improve it using this code: fixed
01:47:352 (1) - CTRL + R it, it flows better true, fixed

01:16:293 (1) - You haven't used finish where you should use it? xD Use finish here hehe, yea, fixed

[kajiyatta's Hard]
00:47:528 These is a missed sound here from the vocal. Then.. add a circle?
00:57:234 (6) - I don't think you did it on purpose but.. you should improve this overlap
the creator will decide about them

00:15:587 (2) - I guess you forgot a whistle here hmm, if I remember right it was actually there. o.o Anyways, fixed.
01:26:528 (8,9) - Selecting and flipping them horizontally would flow better yep, fixed
01:52:999 (6) - Remove whistle? k

That's all :3 Good luck >w<
Thank you very much. :3
thanks for modding~
all fixed
Hm I actually took an interest into this, but I don't have time to do a full mod before the weekend. Here are just some things that I can tell/give you without even taking a detailed look.

*Timing: Offset too early. Try 1482. edit: Actually your mp3 sounds like crap too. Here is a better one, directly from the game video.Use offset 1465 for this mp3.
*Hitsounding: The default hits are almost inaudible (actually they are inaudible on my setup). This is unrankable, you need a clear feedback of what you're hitting. Although, I myself don't like hitsounding like this because it blends with the song too much and makes it hard to play in general.
*Video: The file size is way too big for it's quality and it looks like crap. Here is a direct rip from the game which is smaller and of much better quality.
*Do a full submit after changing the mp3 and the video.

I will edit this post later on with a full mod and let you know. I also have a lot of suggestions for your insane diff and I would like to discuss them with you via in-game chat because I would run out of space here. I need to prepare it first though, so after I am not this busy (in a day or 2) we can discuss this.

Okay here's the stuff:
*Timing: I know I provided you timing, but I was sure I was off, except for the offset which generally works. The problem is the calm part just before the kiai where it gets earlier and earlier while your offset seems quite late. Here's what I got:
BPM 170 Offset 1465
BPM 170 Offset 62848
BPM 170 Offset 63530 (don't remove the 0.5x timing section, but move it exactly on top of this one)
BPM 170 Offset 64994 WARNING: The note which begins kiai and the kiai itself should be located on 01:04:941! This is problematic because you cannot have a slider starting the kiai, because it will be unsnapped. Regular sliders can be haxed through notepad so that's okay to use, but repeaters (such as in the hard diff) cannot be there.

I will try to confirm this with more experienced timers, for now I find that this works nicely. This could bring issues such as unsnapped sliders, but I already explained that above.

*General opinion: Easy does not mean that you need to map 1/1. You should just follow the music. While your diff looks solid, it probably would have been much better if you made it with this in mind.
*While it's easy enough for rankable standards, since you have a full diff spread, you should probably make this a little easier. I'll point out certain things which should probably get changed, because some of the patterns fit more of a normal diff criteria. It starts nice and easy, and then it gets packed with almost every beat, which is probably unnecessary.
*00:18:759 (1) - Probably missing a clap.
*00:18:759 (1,2,3) - Here's an idea: This follows the music better and is more interesting to listen to.
*00:24:053 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This is fairly uninteresting because it doesn't follow anything in particular. A good spot to make it more sparse too. There is a problem if you change this though, and that is that it breaks the consistency of pretty much everything, so you will have to change multiple parts maybe. I will not tell you how to do this, but here's an example of what I would have done: Notice how I moved 00:28:288 (2) by 1/2 tick earlier, suddenly it sounds much better, because not only it starts where vocal starts, it also ends where the music is more expressed. Elements follow mostly the vocal and is pretty intuitive and more fun (in my opinion).
*00:29:700 (1,2,3) - This is fairly ok, but you missed a key point in the music which is at 00:30:935. Just starting your slider earlier or moving it would be a bit too hard for an easy though, so if you can think of something else here, maybe you should do just that. Here's an example:
*00:32:523 (1,2,3,4) - Same thing here, you ignored the vocals completely, and pretty much everything else, and just mapped a bland 1/1 rhythm. Here's an example: Here, we mapped points where the vocals land, and moved the spinner a bit farther, so we can map the whole vocal.
*00:38:876 (1,2) - This would be nice if it was located somewhere else. Currently these get covered by your skin when you end the spinner, and covering gameplay elements in easy diffs is bad. Also consider changing this to something like this: It follows the music better. I will stop suggesting things like this from here on, instead I will just give you an edited .osu with other suggestions at the end of the diff.
*01:04:994 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is completely unnecessary and quite hard for an easy. If you remove the circle 2 and start you slider earlier and make it longer it becomes better. Things like this work for the whole part here, just map key beats and other important places in the music (which mostly fall on red ticks, so use sliders a lot), instead of metronome ticks (1/1 mapping).
*01:14:876 (1,2,3) - I am highlighting this because this is awesome. It's challenging, but not hard, and it follows the music perfectly. Good job.
*01:28:288 (1,2,1,2,3) - This makes no sense, because you just randomly mapped certain things. While the first combo follows the vocals nicely, the 2nd one doesn't. Even though they are split into 2 combos, it's the same musical line and should be treated as such. You should probably remove 01:30:053 (1) and end your previous slider there.
*01:32:170 - This slider tick hitsound is unnecessary and sounds off because the music is different here.
*01:38:523 (3) - This should be a new combo.
**Here's my edit on your easy diff: I am not telling you how to map this, because it's your map, but I am giving you suggestions on how to improve it (in my opinion), also how to make it a bit easier. Just keep in mind that I didn't actually map it on the field, or hitsounded, it's just the timeline, so both patterns and spacing IS off. Make a new diff and copy this stuff into a new diff, so you don't lose your current Easy diff.

*General opinion: Pretty much the same as easy. I won't give you much suggestions here though, because most of them can be found in the edited easy diff (I mean the spots you could map instead of just 1/1). It's a bit too hard as well, removing most of mini streams would help, as well as following the song more.
*00:35:347 (3) - This should be a new combo instead of 00:34:288 (1).
*00:37:288 (2) - Same here, this one should be a new combo. I can see what you were trying to do with your comboing here, but this fits better if you ask me.
*00:38:876 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - This just sounds plain wrong. I can't figure out what you're following here. Best way to fix it would be to do something like this: Easy fix.
*01:30:406 (1,2,3) - This sounds bad and is disorienting because you follow the vocals, and then suddenly you want to map the drum and ignore the vocals. Try this: Follows the vocals much better.
*01:41:347 - This tick sound makes no sense. There is a drumroll in the music, keeping your rhythm doesn't make it more interesting, should probably remove it completely.
*01:42:406 (1) - I don't like this because it starts too soon. You are ignoring "find the blue" lyrics completely when you can map it normally. That's the song name, right? Try this:

*General opinion: A pretty solid diff, however it still doesn't map certain important parts in the music. It does keep a constant rhythm flow nicely though, so it's not that bad. I will point out certain spots which you should probably do differently.
*Hitsounds: Well, some parts are with custom hitsounds, some aren't. Intentional? Default claps sound bland to be honest.
*AR+1, HPDrain -1. AR6 feels a little slow, and lower HPdrain will make it a little more accessible to newer people.
*00:09:053 (2,3) - This stack feels random. Should probably unstack these.
*00:14:170 (3) - Why not start this at 00:13:994? Follows the vocal and sounds better.
*00:19:817 (4) - This note makes no sense. If you move it to 00:19:641 it sounds much better.
*00:22:288 (4,5) - This sounds bad because the vocal starts at 00:22:464. Try mapping a circle instead of a slider and then start the slider 5 earlier.
*00:25:464 (5,6,7,8) - This is boring. You can try to map the vocals and add the drum to it. Try this: I didn't map the final white tick on purpose, because you are mostly following the vocals here. Atleast to me, this sounds much better.
*00:31:112 (4) - This also sounds boring and it doesn't play well. Seems a bit random to me. If you move this slider a bit earlier it follows the vocals, but repeats don't make sense then. Try a regular slider and then fill the rhythm up after it with other objects. Example:
*00:32:876 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is also boring and doesn't follow the music well. Example:
*01:07:641 (7,1) - The vocal starts where your 7 is, and that's where the music focus is. Try removing the circle and start the slider there, you will see that it sounds much better. (you actually did this here: 01:17:523 (4) and that's a good thing)
*01:19:465 (3,4) - Try putting the finish at the start of 4 instead. It brings much better impact and sounds better too.
*01:23:347 (1) - Try starting this slider at 01:23:170, it sounds much better.
*01:33:935 (2) - Start this at 01:33:758. I tripped here multiple times because thats how the music goes and thats how I expected it to be. Sounds much better too.
*01:34:641 (3) - A 1/1 double repeater isn't really fun. Especially when it doesn't really follow anything distinct, just your regular 1/1 rhythm. Try doing something else here, also start the slider 01:36:053 (1) at 01:35:876 instead, because thats where the vocal lands.
*01:37:465 (3) - Same thing here, although the vocal is atleast mapped correctly. However, try having a circle at 01:38:523 instead, put a new combo on that circle as well. You will see that it follows the music better.
*01:41:699 (1) - I don't like this because it ignores the most epic vocals in the song (in my opinion). Maybe try mapping that instead of putting this spinner?

[Muzukashii taiko]
*Center the difficulty settings because that's the standard.
*Overall I find this quite hard on occasion, for a muzukashii. On another occasion I find it too easy. I can see the Oni got some modding but I don't really see any mods for this diff. This diff really needs mods, especially from very experienced taiko modders because in it's current state, it's quite bad. No offense here.
*Generally, you shouldn't be using a lot of ddk/kkd or similar patterns, a few of them is fine but not many, atleast not in a muzukashii diff.
*00:00:759 (1,2,3,4) - This seems bad because it doesn't complete the drums. It's quite a nasty way to start a muzukashii. Try this:
*00:02:347 (1,2,1) - The song hasn't even started yet and you already have such a pattern. Just remove the 2. Same goes for 00:03:759 (1,2,1).
*00:12:053 (1,2,1) - This is bad because a slider shouldn't really start a new section in my opinion. Try ending it at 00:12:406 if you want to keep the drumroll and then map a don at 00:12:759.
*00:13:464 (2,1,1) - This comboing doesn't match the hitsound pattern you have here. What's the point of using combos to make dons/kats easier to read when they aren't correct?
*00:14:170 (2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - I'll be honest. This makes no sense. This doesn't follow the vocal, nor the music. I may not be taiko expert but I just can't play this because I have no idea what should this follow. Try focusing on the vocal a bit more.
*00:24:053 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Why kats only? Also why 1/1 only? This is not a muzukashii pattern :\.
*00:28:994 (16,1,1) - Check this part here: 00:17:700 (2,1,2,1). I like it better than what you have currently.
*00:30:759 (1,1,2) - The focus is on 00:30:935, so the extra beat (2) makes no sense.
*00:33:582 (1,1,2,1,1,2) - I find this quite unfitting. Try something like: I don't really know a better way how to do this.
*00:38:170 (1,1) - Yeah, well, this slider definitely shouldn't be this long. Try ending it at 00:38:876 and then map something at 00:39:406. Example: Check how I edited the upcoming pattern, I find it much better like that.
*00:42:406 (1) - Move it by 1/2 earlier, sounds better, plays better.
*00:43:641 (3) - ^
*00:44:876 (1,1,2,1,2) - Try kd dk instead of dkkdd. Fits the music better.
*00:56:170 (1) - This finish sounds bad to me because this is not the focus in the music. Should just remove it.
*00:57:229 (1) - Move it by 1/2 earlier as well, sounds much better.
*00:57:582 (1,1,1) - Try kkd or kdd instead, sounds better.
*00:57:935 (1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Don't really have to be pure 1/1, can add a few notes to fit the vocals better.
*01:02:876 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Don't like this, plays and sounds awkward. (timing needs to get fixed here too). Try adding a k at 01:02:700 and remove 01:03:053 (3). 01:03:229 (4,5,6,7) - This sounds better if they are kkkk, however just 4 notes may be a little confusing. Why not add the 5th note afterwards? Would play better.
*01:03:935 (8,9,10,11,12) - You can try using lower SV here, like 0.75x or something, fits.
*01:04:994 - After this point I just have no idea what's going on. Some parts are too hard for me to play because I have no idea what the objects follow in the music and it just sounds plain wrong. I will just say whats completely wrong from this point onwards, you should definitely get more mods on this diff as my taiko expertise isn't that high.
*01:15:582 (1) - This is horrible. Move it to 01:15:759. Breaks the flow, rhythm and sounds wrong as it is currently.
*01:31:465 (3) - Could move it to 01:31:288 to follow the vocals, which I think was your intention.
*01:32:435 (2,3,4) - Uh, this is not snapped correctly.
*01:35:700 (1,2,3,4) - This sounds bad. Try this:
*01:42:406 (7,8) - Try changing these to kats and add a kat at 01:42:759. Finally, try adding a big don at 01:42:935. This would follow the most important part of the whole song nicely.
*01:43:112 (9) - This makes no sense whatsoever. The vocal starts 1/2 earlier. Maybe try a spinner instead? (my previous suggestion covers the vocal part)

Here's something to work on. This took enormous amount of time and I am still not done. In the meantime, see how you change your stuff and definitely get more mods on the muzukashii taiko diff, it really needs more modding. I will get to the rest some other day when I have more time.

Sorry for being so slow but I am extremely busy lately.

I am not saying it's a bad thing having guest diffs, but for a first map having this many, well that's a lot of chaos and most of the time you don't know whats going on there either. 8 diffs is current maximum and this is hard to get mods on, so I am not that much surprised it's taking this long to be honest, especially when people don't bother checking all of the diffs. :\
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Hm I actually took an interest into this, but I don't have time to do a full mod before the weekend. Here are just some things that I can tell/give you without even taking a detailed look.

*Timing: Offset too early. Try 1482. edit: Actually your mp3 sounds like crap too. Here is a better one, directly from the game video.Use offset 1465 for this mp3.
*Hitsounding: The default hits are almost inaudible (actually they are inaudible on my setup). This is unrankable, you need a clear feedback of what you're hitting. Although, I myself don't like hitsounding like this because it blends with the song too much and makes it hard to play in general.
*Video: The file size is way too big for it's quality and it looks like crap. Here is a direct rip from the game which is smaller and of much better quality.
*Do a full submit after changing the mp3 and the video.

I will edit this post later on with a full mod and let you know. I also have a lot of suggestions for your insane diff and I would like to discuss them with you via in-game chat because I would run out of space here. I need to prepare it first though, so after I am not this busy (in a day or 2) we can discuss this.
Changed the mp3 and video file. Actually I wanted to use a soft drumhit as a normal hitsound bit I'm noob with this kind of thing and when I asked for a hitsound I got nothing. Soft hitnormal is not really fit the music, and from the normal hitsound set is way too loud. So yea, I needed a custom one, a soft drumhit, but .... And also the finish is kinda on the left side so that's not the best too but I couldn't able to find a better version.

EDIT: ops, I forgot to answer to the other thing. -_- in-game discuss is okay for me, but please pm me irc first, because I need to log out then back to use osu!. You will find me with the name: Kurokami|irc

EDIT2: I added you a kudosu since you provided me 2 things and also that post will contains the mod too. :3
Edited my post with a small (lol) part of the mod. Expect more to come soon.

lolcubes wrote:

[Muzukashii taiko]
*Center the difficulty settings because that's the standard. - I know that pretty well, but wanted this look like a "Hard" taiko map.
*Overall I find this quite hard on occasion, for a muzukashii. On another occasion I find it too easy. I can see the Oni got some modding but I don't really see any mods for this diff. This diff really needs mods, especially from very experienced taiko modders because in it's current state, it's quite bad. No offense here. - I know, will search for mods.
*Generally, you shouldn't be using a lot of ddk/kkd or similar patterns, a few of them is fine but not many, atleast not in a muzukashii diff. - My first easier than Oni/overmap taiko map ever, so yeah...
*00:00:759 (1,2,3,4) - This seems bad because it doesn't complete the drums. It's quite a nasty way to start a muzukashii. Try this: - Ok.
*00:02:347 (1,2,1) - The song hasn't even started yet and you already have such a pattern. Just remove the 2. Same goes for 00:03:759 (1,2,1). - Ok.
*00:12:053 (1,2,1) - This is bad because a slider shouldn't really start a new section in my opinion. Try ending it at 00:12:406 if you want to keep the drumroll and then map a don at 00:12:759. - Done.
*00:13:464 (2,1,1) - This comboing doesn't match the hitsound pattern you have here. What's the point of using combos to make dons/kats easier to read when they aren't correct? - Because I overmap. lol
*00:14:170 (2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - I'll be honest. This makes no sense. This doesn't follow the vocal, nor the music. I may not be taiko expert but I just can't play this because I have no idea what should this follow. Try focusing on the vocal a bit more. - Will do, although wanted to map without vocal, if I mapped vocal on the Oni.
*00:24:053 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Why kats only? Also why 1/1 only? This is not a muzukashii pattern :\. - Because I tried not to map the vocals.
*00:28:994 (16,1,1) - Check this part here: 00:17:700 (2,1,2,1). I like it better than what you have currently. - Fixed.
*00:30:759 (1,1,2) - The focus is on 00:30:935, so the extra beat (2) makes no sense. - Fixed.
*00:33:582 (1,1,2,1,1,2) - I find this quite unfitting. Try something like: I don't really know a better way how to do this. - Done.
*00:38:170 (1,1) - Yeah, well, this slider definitely shouldn't be this long. Try ending it at 00:38:876 and then map something at 00:39:406. Example: Check how I edited the upcoming pattern, I find it much better like that. - Fixed.
*00:42:406 (1) - Move it by 1/2 earlier, sounds better, plays better. - Fixed.
*00:43:641 (3) - ^ ^
*00:44:876 (1,1,2,1,2) - Try kd dk instead of dkkdd. Fits the music better. - Done.
*00:56:170 (1) - This finish sounds bad to me because this is not the focus in the music. Should just remove it. - Fixed.
*00:57:229 (1) - Move it by 1/2 earlier as well, sounds much better. - Fixed.
*00:57:582 (1,1,1) - Try kkd or kdd instead, sounds better. - k k d used.
*00:57:935 (1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Don't really have to be pure 1/1, can add a few notes to fit the vocals better. - Added a few more notes to the vocals (although didn't want that).
*01:02:876 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Don't like this, plays and sounds awkward. (timing needs to get fixed here too). Try adding a k at 01:02:700 and remove 01:03:053 (3). 01:03:229 (4,5,6,7) - This sounds better if they are kkkk, however just 4 notes may be a little confusing. Why not add the 5th note afterwards? Would play better. - They're still dons, but added a fifth one.
*01:03:935 (8,9,10,11,12) - You can try using lower SV here, like 0.75x or something, fits. - Added (also for the Oni).
*01:04:994 - After this point I just have no idea what's going on. Some parts are too hard for me to play because I have no idea what the objects follow in the music and it just sounds plain wrong. I will just say whats completely wrong from this point onwards, you should definitely get more mods on this diff as my taiko expertise isn't that high. - As I said, I'll get more mods for this muzukashii, it's my first one.
*01:15:582 (1) - This is horrible. Move it to 01:15:759. Breaks the flow, rhythm and sounds wrong as it is currently. - Fixed.
*01:31:465 (3) - Could move it to 01:31:288 to follow the vocals, which I think was your intention. - Wasn't, but fixed.
*01:32:435 (2,3,4) - Uh, this is not snapped correctly. - lol
*01:35:700 (1,2,3,4) - This sounds bad. Try this: - Fixed.
*01:42:406 (7,8) - Try changing these to kats and add a kat at 01:42:759. Finally, try adding a big don at 01:42:935. This would follow the most important part of the whole song nicely. - Done.
*01:43:112 (9) - This makes no sense whatsoever. The vocal starts 1/2 earlier. Maybe try a spinner instead? (my previous suggestion covers the vocal part) - Changed the slider to a spinner.

Here's something to work on. This took enormous amount of time and I am still not done. In the meantime, see how you change your stuff and definitely get more mods on the muzukashii taiko diff, it really needs more modding. I will get to the rest some other day when I have more time.

Sorry for being so slow but I am extremely busy lately.

I am not saying it's a bad thing having guest diffs, but for a first map having this many, well that's a lot of chaos and most of the time you don't know whats going on there either. 8 diffs is current maximum and this is hard to get mods on, so I am not that much surprised it's taking this long to be honest, especially when people don't bother checking all of the diffs. :\ - I can remove this taiko diff, just wanted to make a Muzukashii as a test.
Thanks for the mod, lolcubes. I've updated my map:
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I`m reply w/o quote now since its a bit easier in my case. My pc is dead now and I dunno when I will get my new one (probably in one month). I know with 8 diff its kinda hard to get mods but that wasn`t a problem since most modders can`t mod ctb or taiko. So just 4 diff. CtB isn`t need too many mod now, since the rules isn`t established yet. With the taikos Im lucky since wmf like this song and he is good with taiko, kinda. I originally planned one taiko but since I got another one w/o asking and also they aren`t similar I added both. Muzukashii is added not so long ago because of the new taiko rule therefore no mods until now.

Please write the mods for the remaining diffs here which you think is important. When I have my new pc I will send you a pm and ask about the remaining ones. This way we will able to speak on irc. Of course, if this is good to you too. I`m very unlucky in these days. ._.

Kurokami wrote:

I I know with 8 diff its kinda hard to get mods but that wasn`t a problem since most modders can`t mod ctb or taiko. So just 4 diff.
Actually that's a real problem. :p
Every diff should get modded, to the point where less experienced modders can't find anything wrong (they can still give you suggestions though).

In any case, I am sorry for your PC, and hope you solve it quickly. It does give me some breathing room though, because my schedule for the upcoming 2 weeks is hell and I have no idea if I will be able to squeeze my final mod in that time for this map.
Don't worry though, I'll try to help you with this map as much as I can.

lolcubes wrote:

*General opinion: A pretty solid diff, however it still doesn't map certain important parts in the music. It does keep a constant rhythm flow nicely though, so it's not that bad. I will point out certain spots which you should probably do differently.
*Hitsounds: Well, some parts are with custom hitsounds, some aren't. Intentional? Default claps sound bland to be honest.
*AR+1, HPDrain -1. AR6 feels a little slow, and lower HPdrain will make it a little more accessible to newer people. fixed
*00:09:053 (2,3) - This stack feels random. Should probably unstack these. fixed
*00:14:170 (3) - Why not start this at 00:13:994? Follows the vocal and sounds better. fixed
*00:19:817 (4) - This note makes no sense. If you move it to 00:19:641 it sounds much better. fixed
*00:22:288 (4,5) - This sounds bad because the vocal starts at 00:22:464. Try mapping a circle instead of a slider and then start the slider 5 earlier. fixed
*00:25:464 (5,6,7,8) - This is boring. You can try to map the vocals and add the drum to it. Try this: I didn't map the final white tick on purpose, because you are mostly following the vocals here. Atleast to me, this sounds much better.fixed
*00:31:112 (4) - This also sounds boring and it doesn't play well. Seems a bit random to me. If you move this slider a bit earlier it follows the vocals, but repeats don't make sense then. Try a regular slider and then fill the rhythm up after it with other objects. Example: fixed
*00:32:876 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is also boring and doesn't follow the music well. Example: fixed
*01:07:641 (7,1) - The vocal starts where your 7 is, and that's where the music focus is. Try removing the circle and start the slider there, you will see that it sounds much better. (you actually did this here: 01:17:523 (4) and that's a good thing) fixed
*01:19:465 (3,4) - Try putting the finish at the start of 4 instead. It brings much better impact and sounds better too. fixed
*01:23:347 (1) - Try starting this slider at 01:23:170, it sounds much better. fixed
*01:33:935 (2) - Start this at 01:33:758. I tripped here multiple times because thats how the music goes and thats how I expected it to be. Sounds much better too. fixed
*01:34:641 (3) - A 1/1 double repeater isn't really fun. Especially when it doesn't really follow anything distinct, just your regular 1/1 rhythm. Try doing something else here, also start the slider 01:36:053 (1) at 01:35:876 instead, because thats where the vocal lands.
*01:37:465 (3) - Same thing here, although the vocal is atleast mapped correctly. However, try having a circle at 01:38:523 instead, put a new combo on that circle as well. You will see that it follows the music better. fixed
*01:41:699 (1) - I don't like this because it ignores the most epic vocals in the song (in my opinion). Maybe try mapping that instead of putting this spinner?
I think this part fits with spinner of course your suggestion is right I think. but I don't change this part sorry.
almost fixed and remapped.
thanks for moddings~
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

I I know with 8 diff its kinda hard to get mods but that wasn`t a problem since most modders can`t mod ctb or taiko. So just 4 diff.
Actually that's a real problem. :p
Every diff should get modded, to the point where less experienced modders can't find anything wrong (they can still give you suggestions though).

In any case, I am sorry for your PC, and hope you solve it quickly. It does give me some breathing room though, because my schedule for the upcoming 2 weeks is hell and I have no idea if I will be able to squeeze my final mod in that time for this map.
Don't worry though, I'll try to help you with this map as much as I can.
I easily got mods for every diff (except muzu, since its a new diff). The main problem is with the missing suggestion for standard so now I have a good but kinda borring mapset. Thanks for your help. I really need it.
nah gyerünk már legyen ranked ez a map xD hát meddig tart már :P nem kell annyi guest difficulty-t elfogadni és akkor kevesebb modolni való van :D hát csillagot nem adok, mert úgy látom van elég xD de hajrá! :D
Topic Starter

MystykAMV wrote:

nah gyerünk már legyen ranked ez a map xD hát meddig tart már :P nem kell annyi guest difficulty-t elfogadni és akkor kevesebb modolni való van :D hát csillagot nem adok, mert úgy látom van elég xD de hajrá! :D
Nincs is sok quest map. O.o A két taiko (Norbi féle) az elõírás, Lucáét hozzátettem mert teljesen más, mint Norbi-é. Hard map-et meg nem tudtam csinálni ezért elfogadtam. A taiko map-ekkel amúgy sincs sok baj, csakúgy mint a CtB-vel. Std-ból meg csak 4 van. Szerintem már rég ranked lenne ha tudnék vele foglalkozni. o.o

More Star higher priority. \o/
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Okey, I updated it. I used almost everthing from your mod, lolcubes. Except one thing, I dunno where, (forgot already), but I used your slider-note suggestion instead a slider which ends where you placed the note. Well, its hard to explain this way. ._. Thanks for your help again.

@kajiyatta Please take a look at your map, the timing points are messed up some slider at the end, but probably there is more.
ok fixed.
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I remapped the Insane diff a bit along with the easy/normal. So if someone read this please try them. This isn't a mod request, I just want some oppinion.
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I dunno if it will work, but resurrecting post. :3
you need another ctb diff to make this rankable ^^'
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eldnl wrote:

you need another ctb diff to make this rankable ^^'
Kidding with me, aren't you?

You mean I need to map an easier one too or I need to re-map this one?
Shohei Ohtani
I think this rule might apply to CtB maps too. I'm not 100% sure, and you ARE the CtB BAT and all, lol >w<

Also this song is kawaii



eldnl wrote:

you need another ctb diff to make this rankable ^^'
The mapset was created before CTB mapsets were made rankable. There's no need to make another diff.
lol i was looking at this ctb diff

make CS smaller?

00:12:053 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
00:21:053 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:23:876 (1,2,3,4) -
00:39:582 (1,2,3,4,6,7) -
01:06:406 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
01:34:641 (1,2,3,4,5) -
01:40:288 (1,2,3) -

whats with the sudden jumps? they dont fit imo
Topic Starter

Seph wrote:

lol i was looking at this ctb diff

make CS smaller? No, I prefer this one

00:12:053 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This is a stream and not jump.
00:21:053 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think they slightly fit, but changed a bit.
00:23:876 (1,2,3,4) - Moved them a bit closer.
00:39:582 (1,2,3,4,6,7) - Same as above.
01:06:406 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
01:34:641 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:40:288 (1,2,3) - Goes after 'Hikari', no change.

whats with the sudden jumps? they dont fit imo
I think they were fit, but still changed them a bit. But to be honest, this was my worst creation, I'm planning to re-map it (or remove from the mapset). Will decide later.
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[Okay, some changed made by myself.]

Lussy_6's taiko added back with the correct timing settings.
New hitcircleoverlay.
CtB difficulty re-mapped and renamed to Rain!-ing Delusions. (Old version still available in the description.)
Corrected some serious issue in Insane difficulty which were created by the new timing settings.


Thats all so far, I hope lolcubes mod the Insane soon and finally gives me my first bubble. I dunno what else can be made in this mapset, I can't change anything even after I changed my mapping style a bit.
Hi~ Random modding

Please tell me what did you fix and did not fix. It can help me to improve my mod quality.

  1. 00:55:266 (3,1) - start at same place

  2. 02:22:619 (1,2,3) - seperate
  3. 02:53:502 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - can be another

  4. 03:06:737 (1,1) - remove them and put a spinner. 03:05:413 ~ 03:07:178

  5. 03:31:443 (5,2) - overlap

  1. 00:19:972 (1) - ctrl + g

  2. 00:27:913 (1,1,1) - i don't think they need NC

  3. 00:47:325 (3,5) - make perfectly cover. for beautiful shape

  4. 00:51:737 (1) - ctrl + g

  5. 00:52:178 (2) - ctrl + g

  6. 02:08:722 (6,7,8) - seperate it ->
  7. 02:10:156 (3) - remove it

  8. 02:11:149 (2,3,4) - distance check

  9. 02:21:185 (6) - remove

  10. 03:04:752 (1,2,3,4) - ->
  11. 03:33:208 (5,6,7,8) - increase distance little

  12. 03:34:090 (1,2,3,4) - ^

  13. 03:34:972 (5,6,7) - ^

Done. GL ;)
Topic Starter

[ Sana ] wrote:

Hi~ Random modding

Please tell me what did you fix and did not fix. It can help me to improve my mod quality.

  1. 00:55:266 (3,1) - start at same place

  2. 02:22:619 (1,2,3) - seperate
  3. 02:53:502 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - can be another

  4. 03:06:737 (1,1) - remove them and put a spinner. 03:05:413 ~ 03:07:178

  5. 03:31:443 (5,2) - overlap

  1. 00:19:972 (1) - ctrl + g

  2. 00:27:913 (1,1,1) - i don't think they need NC

  3. 00:47:325 (3,5) - make perfectly cover. for beautiful shape

  4. 00:51:737 (1) - ctrl + g

  5. 00:52:178 (2) - ctrl + g

  6. 02:08:722 (6,7,8) - seperate it ->
  7. 02:10:156 (3) - remove it

  8. 02:11:149 (2,3,4) - distance check

  9. 02:21:185 (6) - remove

  10. 03:04:752 (1,2,3,4) - ->
  11. 03:33:208 (5,6,7,8) - increase distance little

  12. 03:34:090 (1,2,3,4) - ^

  13. 03:34:972 (5,6,7) - ^

Done. GL ;)
I started to apply(consider) these changes and I was think something is off, then after I reached your first picture I realized. What you modded is not this map. So even if I want to give you feedback, I can't.

EDIT: Oh, and I don't give you kudos. :P
Oh my god

What did i do?! So stupid sorry XD
I am sorry that I need so long but I had a lot of exam stress the last days. I will mod this as soon as possible.
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you don't need to hurry, since my HDD is broken now. So as long as you don't forget it, it will be fine. :3
Mod info:

Suggestion, not really a must to fix.
Highly suggest you to fix that!
Unrankable issue!


  1. Awesome mapset. Please inform me when you have finished checking my mod advices and I call a BAT for recheck.
  2. Slider Tick Rate 0,5? Why so? According to its rhythm 1,0 is much better here.
  3. 00:09:582 (4) - 00:10:994 (4) - , Personally I think it's not enjoyable to play when these ones reach the border of the screen. There are two options to improve this part. 1) Reduce the grid of your map and put move 00:08:523 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:09:935 (1,2,3,4) - more to the middle. 2) Choose the ones I mentioned in first step and move all of them 1 grid more to the middle (though that will be a big distance and I don't know if you want it like that).
  4. Does it really have to be so much on the border? I suggest you to move it a bit more right, a HDash so close on the border of the screen is really not comfortable to play.
  5. 00:35:347 (1,2,3,4) - You put a HDash here, same rhythm is following at 00:38:700 (4,5,1,2) - . Both sections are very different right now. I suggest you to decide for one of those sections and repeat it or even making the distance a bit higher on the second part, but still the same structure.
  6. 00:38:700 (4,5,1,2) - You were using sections like this pretty often but I do not suggest you to use them since it's strange when the sliders suddenly change their shape a bit (I feel that while playing), there are more sections of this kind. Please make them symmetrical, this gives your whole mapset a better structure and more flow.
  7. 00:40:288 (4) - Center the note between 3 and 1 to keep a better flow here.
  8. 00:49:994 (1) - Same here as above, you can simply avoid that by CTRL + G 00:50:170 (2) - , this slider also reaches the bottom of the screen anyway. Can you move the whole section a bit more to the right, please?
  9. 01:32:435 (4,5,6,7) - Those parts are too spiky and could be much more comfortable to play, try to reduce the distance a bit with a lower distance snap and don't make it so spiky as it is right now. Same counts for 01:41:170 (1,2,3,4,5) - ofc.
  10. 01:42:758 (3,1,1) - I highly suggest you not to keep a 1/2 distance between notes and spinners. I quote the Ranking Criterias here for you: "Avoid placing notes closer than 1/2 to a spinner (1/2 is acceptable) as far as possible. This is because, depending on the BPM of the song and length of the spinner self, fruits are largely indistinguishable from spinner fruits when too close together.". 1/2 is accepted, however your song is having a pretty high BPM. With this BPM fruits become unreadable before and after the spinner. Also spinner is normally ending on the left side but the next note appears apruptly on the right side. I have no option in mind now but keep a 1/1 distance at least here.
  11. 01:49:641 (3,4) - How about to move 4 more to the right to keep the same distance of notes as in the slider? x:288 should be working here well.
  12. 01:53:700 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This time it's pretty nice, it fits well with the drums and I like playing it :) Creates a cool ending feeling. :p
Really cool Rain, I enjoyed it a lot.
Topic Starter

Sey wrote:

Mod info:

Suggestion, not really a must to fix.
Highly suggest you to fix that!
Unrankable issue!


  1. Awesome mapset. Please inform me when you have finished checking my mod advices and I call a BAT for recheck.
  2. Slider Tick Rate 0,5? Why so? According to its rhythm 1,0 is much better here. I don't how how this happened, corrected.
  3. 00:09:582 (4) - 00:10:994 (4) - , Personally I think it's not enjoyable to play when these ones reach the border of the screen. There are two options to improve this part. 1) Reduce the grid of your map and put move 00:08:523 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:09:935 (1,2,3,4) - more to the middle. 2) Choose the ones I mentioned in first step and move all of them 1 grid more to the middle (though that will be a big distance and I don't know if you want it like that). I moved (3,4) in both combo one grid closer to the middle. This way the distance only became smaller between (2,3) and I think its still looks good.
  4. Does it really have to be so much on the border? I suggest you to move it a bit more right, a HDash so close on the border of the screen is really not comfortable to play. No. lol
  5. 00:35:347 (1,2,3,4) - You put a HDash here, same rhythm is following at 00:38:700 (4,5,1,2) - . Both sections are very different right now. I suggest you to decide for one of those sections and repeat it or even making the distance a bit higher on the second part, but still the same structure. I used the first pattern since I like that more.
  6. 00:38:700 (4,5,1,2) - You were using sections like this pretty often but I do not suggest you to use them since it's strange when the sliders suddenly change their shape a bit (I feel that while playing), there are more sections of this kind. Please make them symmetrical, this gives your whole mapset a better structure and more flow. Eh, we are using the same color. :3 Anyways, since I changed this I think its now better, I will look at the others too.
  7. 00:40:288 (4) - Center the note between 3 and 1 to keep a better flow here. Done.
  8. 00:49:994 (1) - Same here as above, you can simply avoid that by CTRL + G 00:50:170 (2) - , this slider also reaches the bottom of the screen anyway. Can you move the whole section a bit more to the right, please? I moved the whole combo two grid to right.
  9. 01:32:435 (4,5,6,7) - Those parts are too spiky and could be much more comfortable to play, try to reduce the distance a bit with a lower distance snap and don't make it so spiky as it is right now. Same counts for 01:41:170 (1,2,3,4,5) - ofc. I moved the outer ones 2 grid to the center in both case. I think its better now.
  10. 01:42:758 (3,1,1) - I highly suggest you not to keep a 1/2 distance between notes and spinners. I quote the Ranking Criterias here for you: "Avoid placing notes closer than 1/2 to a spinner (1/2 is acceptable) as far as possible. This is because, depending on the BPM of the song and length of the spinner self, fruits are largely indistinguishable from spinner fruits when too close together.". 1/2 is accepted, however your song is having a pretty high BPM. With this BPM fruits become unreadable before and after the spinner. Also spinner is normally ending on the left side but the next note appears apruptly on the right side. I have no option in mind now but keep a 1/1 distance at least here. Removed (3) and used CTRL+H on everything after the spinner. This should help to catch the next slider.
  11. 01:49:641 (3,4) - How about to move 4 more to the right to keep the same distance of notes as in the slider? x:288 should be working here well. Done, in a mirrored position because of the previous mirroring.
  12. 01:53:700 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This time it's pretty nice, it fits well with the drums and I like playing it :) Creates a cool ending feeling. :powo Thanks. This one is completely missing any other diff so I think at least CtB most contain this rhythm. :3

Really cool Rain, I enjoyed it a lot.
Thanks for your mod. I was lucky to be online when you posted it so the changes were fast. I used everything in order to create a really good map. I improved my mapping in the last few month and the previous map was sucks so I remapped it from scratches. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed this unmoded version of the map. Now I know my mapping isn't as bad as I though. Thanks for your mod. :3
  1. There's no need to have "ctb" in tags nowadays.
[Rain!-ing Delusions]

Nice to see this map again! The beginning looks so interesting! But the kiai compared to it is quite boring sometimes... I've tried to focus some points in adding difficulty to the kiai time.

  1. Why this difficulty doesn't have a standardised name as the other ones? (Rain)
  2. I believe there's not a real need of adding those extra uninherited timing sections. The beginning of the kiai is completely off, and after the uninherited section 01:07:641 the metronome is completely wrong, making main beats where red ticks are. I'm not a timing expert, but you should try finding one to fix it. Imo, the only "off-timed" notes should be the ones between ~01:03:530 - start of kiai, where there's only a vocal part.
  3. 00:12:670 (10) - That note doesn't make sense there. The stream can finish perfectly in (9), where the singer starts, and you would avoid an unnecessary 1/4 HDash there. Therefore, it's better to remove it.
  4. 00:19:994 (3) - It could sound stupid, but moving this note 1 grid at the left with that grid snap, you'll reduce the surprise-effect to hit properly the next note, which needs a relatively sharp dash. Same can be applied to the mirrored one that follows.
  5. 00:26:700 (1,2) - You got 2 options here, and both imply starting the slider (3) in the next red tick. It's up to you to make a 3-plet adding a note in
  6. 00:26:788, or just leaving that blue tick without anything.
  7. 00:29:523 (2,3) - I expected for both notes a HDash, or just a dash, cos it's a rhythm change. Is it possible to include one?
  8. 00:34:112 (2,3) - Invert the position of both notes, please. 2 where 3 is, and viceversa to create a better effect.
  9. 00:34:464 (3,4) - If you applied the previous suggestion, I suggest you to put those sliders a bit more separated. x=128,384?
  10. 00:37:112 (7,8) - Make those sliders inclined, or at least put them closer to each other. After those HDashes, it's not that easy to handle them.
  11. 00:43:641 (7) - More separated from the previous note? A lil dash could fit to the high voice.
  12. 00:45:759 (5,1,2) - The HDash doesn't fit in (1) imo. Try to invert the direction of (2) and move it to x=~416, to create a HDash at the end of this slider.
  13. 00:52:112 (1) - Again a pace change without anything remarkable in the map. I'd split that slider with repetition into note + slider (1/2 long), and a dash between them would be perfect.
  14. 01:03:882 (1,2,3,4) - I'd leave those notes more calm. It's just the bridge to the chorus, which doesn't need to be remarked specially. Just the HDash (4,1) you have could be enough.
  15. 01:09:052 (5,1) - Please HDash.
  16. 01:10:464 (1) - Split this 1/1 slider into note + 1/2 slider, adding a dash between them. You're missing an important beat right now.
  17. 01:13:817 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - To emphazise this part, it's necessary to re-arrange some notes. There's an example of what you can do: / In the 2nd picture, (3) is in the same position as (5). I hope it's visible enough.
  18. 01:18:935 (1) - Again a slider that could be splitted to cause a better effect...
  19. 01:19:993 (3,4) - Stacked? There's a main beat in (4) which suggests to add at least a dash there.
  20. 01:22:993 (4,1) - Main beat in (1), but the distance is quite short between those notes. Is it possible to increase it?
  21. 01:29:876 (1,2,3,4) - To keep a similar effect with those jumps, try to move the beginning of (2) and (3) at the same X value as (1). (4) could be in the mirrored position as (3) then.
  22. 01:32:876 (1,2) - Too close to each other once more ^^"
  23. 01:42:758 - Add a note? It looks quite empty, and the singer cannot "Find the BURU", just "Find the" /badjoke
  24. 01:47:876 (2) - x=224? To keep a similar distance (1,2,3) and avoid that surprise jump.
  25. 01:53:700 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - If you hear properly the melody, the stream would end a bit later, where the spinner begins atm. I'd suggest you to add 2 more notes for that stream, and start that spinner 1/2 later.
I'd be more confident to give you an apple icon after some more mods, and seeing that timing fine. Poke me up then!

Timing check.
Topic Starter

Deif wrote:

  1. There's no need to have "ctb" in tags nowadays. Meh, pain in the ass, removed. lol
[Rain!-ing Delusions]

Nice to see this map again! The beginning looks so interesting! But the kiai compared to it is quite boring sometimes... I've tried to focus some points in adding difficulty to the kiai time.

  1. Why this difficulty doesn't have a standardised name as the other ones? (Rain) I'm using this on every CtB specific diff which mapped by me. I prefer it this way and makes my maps unique. :3
  2. I believe there's not a real need of adding those extra uninherited timing sections. The beginning of the kiai is completely off, and after the uninherited section 01:07:641 the metronome is completely wrong, making main beats where red ticks are. I'm not a timing expert, but you should try finding one to fix it. Imo, the only "off-timed" notes should be the ones between ~01:03:530 - start of kiai, where there's only a vocal part. Will ask some expert about this, maybe Charles or Andrea willing to take a look.
  3. 00:12:670 (10) - That note doesn't make sense there. The stream can finish perfectly in (9), where the singer starts, and you would avoid an unnecessary 1/4 HDash there. Therefore, it's better to remove it. Done.
  4. 00:19:994 (3) - It could sound stupid, but moving this note 1 grid at the left with that grid snap, you'll reduce the surprise-effect to hit properly the next note, which needs a relatively sharp dash. Same can be applied to the mirrored one that follows. Hmm, done.
  5. 00:26:700 (1,2) - You got 2 options here, and both imply starting the slider (3) in the next red tick. It's up to you to make a 3-plet adding a note in
  6. 00:26:788, or just leaving that blue tick without anything. Added a 1/4 triplet and started a repeat slider at the red tick as you mentioned. Small change hope it's better now.
  7. 00:29:523 (2,3) - I expected for both notes a HDash, or just a dash, cos it's a rhythm change. Is it possible to include one? I put (2) in the other direction made a jump with this way. Hope its good.
  8. 00:34:112 (2,3) - Invert the position of both notes, please. 2 where 3 is, and viceversa to create a better effect. Done.
  9. 00:34:464 (3,4) - If you applied the previous suggestion, I suggest you to put those sliders a bit more separated. x=128,384? Done too. Yeah, looks better. :3
  10. 00:37:112 (7,8) - Make those sliders inclined, or at least put them closer to each other. After those HDashes, it's not that easy to handle them. Placed them closer by 2 grid from each side.
  11. 00:43:641 (7) - More separated from the previous note? A lil dash could fit to the high voice. I placed the start at the center of y line.
  12. 00:45:759 (5,1,2) - The HDash doesn't fit in (1) imo. Try to invert the direction of (2) and move it to x=~416, to create a HDash at the end of this slider. Ctrl+H always helps. :3 Done and moved.
  13. 00:52:112 (1) - Again a pace change without anything remarkable in the map. I'd split that slider with repetition into note + slider (1/2 long), and a dash between them would be perfect. Done and hopefully it is good. :3
  14. 01:03:882 (1,2,3,4) - I'd leave those notes more calm. It's just the bridge to the chorus, which doesn't need to be remarked specially. Just the HDash (4,1) you have could be enough. I think a small jump to (2) still good and changed that way. Placed them in one line as they appearing.
  15. 01:09:052 (5,1) - Please HDash. Placed (5) at the repeat of (4) make a HDash between (5,1) as you said.
  16. 01:10:464 (1) - Split this 1/1 slider into note + 1/2 slider, adding a dash between them. You're missing an important beat right now. Hmm, I liked that slider. o.o Done.
  17. 01:13:817 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - To emphazise this part, it's necessary to re-arrange some notes. There's an example of what you can do: / In the 2nd picture, (3) is in the same position as (5). I hope it's visible enough.
    I like your changes. applied. :3
  18. 01:18:935 (1) - Again a slider that could be splitted to cause a better effect... Hmm, hope it's better now.
  19. 01:19:993 (3,4) - Stacked? There's a main beat in (4) which suggests to add at least a dash there. Uhm, you mean between (4,5) right? If yes done.
  20. 01:22:993 (4,1) - Main beat in (1), but the distance is quite short between those notes. Is it possible to increase it? Increased a bit, but the placement does not allowed me more. q.q
  21. 01:29:876 (1,2,3,4) - To keep a similar effect with those jumps, try to move the beginning of (2) and (3) at the same X value as (1). (4) could be in the mirrored position as (3) then. I like it, done. :3
  22. 01:32:876 (1,2) - Too close to each other once more ^^" I mirrored (1), maybe better this way.
  23. 01:42:758 - Add a note? It looks quite empty, and the singer cannot "Find the BURU", just "Find the" /badjoke It was there until the last mod post. o.o Steven asked for removing. /me goes and kill him.
  24. 01:47:876 (2) - x=224? To keep a similar distance (1,2,3) and avoid that surprise jump. Done.
  25. 01:53:700 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - If you hear properly the melody, the stream would end a bit later, where the spinner begins atm. I'd suggest you to add 2 more notes for that stream, and start that spinner 1/2 later. Hmm, done.
I'd be more confident to give you an apple icon after some more mods, and seeing that timing fine. Poke me up then! I will try search some more CtB modder then. :3 About timing, I hope it will be better soon.
Thanks for the mod. Really refreshing to know my new mapping style is way better then the previous one. :3
I promise to mod this again when I get my osu! fixed u.u
hi ! (o.o)/ # ctb modreqs via pm >.<

well.. i rarely play Rain (overdose,deluge) diffs but i'll try to mod this.. >.<

00:02:523 (5) - end combo..
00:02:700 (6) - start new combo here, end combo 00:03:935 (5) -
00:03:582 (4) - ^
00:06:229 (5) - ^
00:13:817 (4) - ^
00:15:229 (5) - ^
00:15:229 (5) - remove this..
00:16:641 (7) - start new combo ~
00:18:053 (1) - remove this slider..
00:18:406 (12) - move this to the right side.. (ctrl-H)
00:18:406 (6) - start new combo
00:20:523 (5) - ^
00:22:112 (5) - ^ end combo 00:23:523 (4) -
00:23:700 (1) - start new combo
00:25:112 (7) - ^ end combo 00:26:347 (6) -
00:27:053 (5) - start new combo
00:27:935 (3) - ^
00:30:935 (6) - ^ end combo 00:31:464 (2) -
00:31:112 (1) - Ctrl- G
00:31:817 (3) - ^
00:33:053 (1) - start new combo
00:36:053 (1) - ^
00:36:935 (4) - ^
00:39:053 (5) - ^ end combo 00:40:288 (5) -
00:41:700 (5) - start new combo, end combo 00:42:759 (3) -
00:45:759 (5) - start new combo, end combo 00:46:288
00:49:288 (10) - move this a little bit to the left , its too hard to catch followed by a hyper dash >.<
00:47:876 (4) - start new combo
00:49:288 (5) - ^
00:50:700 (4) - ^
00:53:170 (4) - ^
00:54:935 (5) - ^ , end combo 00:55:817
00:58:817 (4) - start new combo
00:59:876 (6) - ^
01:00:406 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - i like this part! nice ~ :3
01:01:817 (4) - ^
01:02:848 (3) - ^
01:02:700 - remove clap
01:29:704 - add finish
.. uhh too much for that start/end combo >.<, from what i have read in Ranking Criteria of CtB: "Make sure your combos aren't too long (15+)! Have in mind that sliders count as two fruits (and some slider lines/droplets) on Ryuuta's plate, and that can make you unable to see new fruits while in gameplay. A good, general baseline is a maximum of ten (10) fruits for a full combo. This is so that the fruit you catch doesn't block your view!" pls fix your combos..

that's all i can help, sorry if my mod doesn't help you >.< btw the ctb diff is really nice! ~ Good luck for Ranking this!
Topic Starter

newtoniorock8 wrote:

hi ! (o.o)/ # ctb modreqs via pm >.<

well.. i rarely play Rain (overdose,deluge) diffs but i'll try to mod this.. >.<

00:02:523 (5) - end combo..
00:02:700 (6) - start new combo here, end combo 00:03:935 (5) -
00:03:582 (4) - ^
00:06:229 (5) - ^
00:13:817 (4) - ^
00:15:229 (5) - ^
00:15:229 (5) - remove this..
00:16:641 (7) - start new combo ~
00:18:053 (1) - remove this slider..
00:18:406 (12) - move this to the right side.. (ctrl-H)
00:18:406 (6) - start new combo
00:20:523 (5) - ^
00:22:112 (5) - ^ end combo 00:23:523 (4) -
00:23:700 (1) - start new combo
00:25:112 (7) - ^ end combo 00:26:347 (6) -
00:27:053 (5) - start new combo
00:27:935 (3) - ^
00:30:935 (6) - ^ end combo 00:31:464 (2) -
00:31:112 (1) - Ctrl- G
00:31:817 (3) - ^
00:33:053 (1) - start new combo
00:36:053 (1) - ^
00:36:935 (4) - ^
00:39:053 (5) - ^ end combo 00:40:288 (5) -
00:41:700 (5) - start new combo, end combo 00:42:759 (3) -
00:45:759 (5) - start new combo, end combo 00:46:288
00:49:288 (10) - move this a little bit to the left , its too hard to catch followed by a hyper dash >.<
00:47:876 (4) - start new combo
00:49:288 (5) - ^
00:50:700 (4) - ^
00:53:170 (4) - ^
00:54:935 (5) - ^ , end combo 00:55:817
00:58:817 (4) - start new combo
00:59:876 (6) - ^
01:00:406 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - i like this part! nice ~ :3
01:01:817 (4) - ^
01:02:848 (3) - ^
01:02:700 - remove clap
01:29:704 - add finish
.. uhh too much for that start/end combo >.<, from what i have read in Ranking Criteria of CtB: "Make sure your combos aren't too long (15+)! Have in mind that sliders count as two fruits (and some slider lines/droplets) on Ryuuta's plate, and that can make you unable to see new fruits while in gameplay. A good, general baseline is a maximum of ten (10) fruits for a full combo. This is so that the fruit you catch doesn't block your view!" pls fix your combos..

that's all i can help, sorry if my mod doesn't help you >.< btw the ctb diff is really nice! ~ Good luck for Ranking this!
I unable to tell you where I changed the combos but I sortened them at a few place. Yeah some of them was really long and I for some reason can't notice it. And one other thing, because of your mod I realized some notes weren't snapped at the start of the kiai, I corected it. So your mod was useful even tho it is full of NC. :3 You will be better in no time so even if the first mods are looking like this they will improve in the future.

Thanks for your fast mod. It really helpes to make this mapset one step closer to the ranking.

Rain :

00:44:523 (2) - how about ctrl+g this one ? I like the flow hyper dash right + hyper dash left
01:11:876 (1) - add a dash or hyper dash ? it fit the vocal
01:30:405 (2) - I prefer make this jump a lil harder, like spacing x2,3
01:30:935 (3) - ^
01:54:229 (7,8,9) - how about x1,8 spacing between 7 and 8, and x1,2 between 8 and 9 ? I find it more easier to catch

well my mod is really poor, that all I can say <_<
nice map \o
Topic Starter

Kin wrote:


Rain :

00:44:523 (2) - how about ctrl+g this one ? I like the flow hyper dash right + hyper dash left Done.
01:11:876 (1) - add a dash or hyper dash ? it fit the vocal I changed a bit but because of the following spacing I can't do much.
01:30:405 (2) - I prefer make this jump a lil harder, like spacing x2,3 How? I don't really know what you want here. o.o The spacing is currently around x2,1 now.
01:30:935 (3) - ^ I changed a bit for better symetry but also can't do much about it.
01:54:229 (7,8,9) - how about x1,8 spacing between 7 and 8, and x1,2 between 8 and 9 ? I find it more easier to catch Changed, a bit weird jump but I like it.

well my mod is really poor, that all I can say <_<
nice map \o
Thanks for your mod. I dunno maybe I need a few more to ask Deif again, but .... Anyways, with your mod this mapset is moved again one step closer for ranked. :3 I really want to see this as bubbled already. o.o
As promised I come~
I noticed I only have the old version of this diff....looks like you completely remap it =.=

The new Rain seems no problem for me, Nothing much to say, a well-made diff. I think this is ready to go.

If you dont mind I give some nazi modding then I will look in detail, but trust me it is really unnecessary...(just some pattern suggestion, hyperdash movements, etc)

just 1 gereral thing: 00:07:112 (1,2,3,4) - pattern like this can be further adjust. the spacing between 12 and 34 changes too much. x2.5 for 12 and only 1.5 for 34. that cannot perform this pattern well.
consider lower down 1,2 a bit and higher 3,4 a bit.
Usually for this kind of BPM, x0.6 variation could be maximum in my mind(meaning note--> Jump--> lower x0.3-->lower x0.3). Same goes for your other movement jumping pattern.
just for a referance.

+☆ first
Topic Starter
Okay, I changed them a bit at least at 2 from 3. Will try to do something about them on my future maps but here my movements are kinda restricted from the patterns. Thank you for your mod. Lets look after Deif now. /me searches

And another note, yeah I remaped it since my mapping style changed and I just couldn't stand if something is bad in my collection. :3

  1. Using a custom Taiko BG with that overlay is not allowed anymore, since osu! generates it automatically now. Also, try to keep the same BG through all your difficulties, if possible.
[kajiyatta's Hard]
  1. 01:03:556 (1) - This object has to be snapped via editor, I'm afraid.
[Rain!-ing Delusions]
  1. HP8 is quite cruel, imo. It's quite hard to recover the HP bar when the player is only at those 1/2 parts. Try using HP7 please.
  2. 00:18:406 (2) - Is it possible to move the beginning of the slider more to the left? That way you'll create a HDash similar to 00:29:523 (2,3), to fit the lyrics.
  3. 01:22:997 (4,1) - A HDash between those notes would be highly appreciated as well. Same reason as before.
After fixing those unsnapped notes mentioned in IRC, this should be ready to go. Take a look at those last suggestions and call me back.
Topic Starter

Deif wrote:


  1. Using a custom Taiko BG with that overlay is not allowed anymore, since osu! generates it automatically now. Also, try to keep the same BG through all your difficulties, if possible. Sad, but I prefer as they are for now. I will try to look after a new bg soon.
[kajiyatta's Hard]
  1. 01:03:556 (1) - This object has to be snapped via editor, I'm afraid. I'm afraid I need some knowledge first or I need to contact with the mapper about how this is possible to be solved through re-map.
[Rain!-ing Delusions]
  1. HP8 is quite cruel, imo. It's quite hard to recover the HP bar when the player is only at those 1/2 parts. Try using HP7 please. Hehe, yeah, thats why I almost never passed. lol Done.
  2. 00:18:406 (2) - Is it possible to move the beginning of the slider more to the left? That way you'll create a HDash similar to 00:29:523 (2,3), to fit the lyrics. I moved a bit to the left, well I forgot to check if its got hdash or not. orz
  3. 01:22:997 (4,1) - A HDash between those notes would be highly appreciated as well. Same reason as before. Done, although maybe a bit weird now. o.o
After fixing those unsnapped notes mentioned in IRC, this should be ready to go. Take a look at those last suggestions and call me back.
/me calls Deif back
Topic Starter

/me eats it

Yay, it has been Appleved. /o/

Now where is my Taiko BAT? ;_;
Request taken from ono's baka modding queue

This song is not easy for mapping taiko.

Before talking about notes, the map is actually unrankable

just to see your diff name, what is Lussy's Taiko? However you have Norbi's Taiko Oni as the other taiko diff, so I will consider you use "Name" + "Taiko" +"diff level" as your naming method. So Lussy's Taiko should be something like Lussy's Taiko Oni or Lussy's Taiko Muzu or whatever. You must unify your diff name.

And as suggestion, the new naming method of taiko diff should be "Name"+"Diff level". In this case should be Norbi's Oni, and Lussy's whatever.

After checking Lussy's Taiko, it is ONI diff, and this makes 2 oni diff without a muzu in a mapset. This is also unrankable, you can have 2 oni but you MUST have a muzu or easier diff. Actually I see a muzu on the description board, you have to put it together in order to get to the basic requirement.

[Lussy's Taiko]
00:25:112 - add d

00:29:170 (109) - D

00:47:788 (182) - delete

00:48:847 - add d

00:52:112 (208) - delete

00:56:700 - add k

01:17:439 (347) - delete

01:27:057 (395) - d

01:30:939 (407) - D

01:42:586 (467,468) - d , k

[Norbi's Taiko Oni]

00:04:288 (1) - D

00:29:170 (1) - K

01:08:527 (2) - D

01:14:968 - add k

01:31:027 - add d

01:31:380 (4) - delete
Topic Starter

LunaticP wrote:

Request taken from ono's baka modding queue

This song is not easy for mapping taiko.

Before talking about notes, the map is actually unrankable

just to see your diff name, what is Lussy's Taiko? However you have Norbi's Taiko Oni as the other taiko diff, so I will consider you use "Name" + "Taiko" +"diff level" as your naming method. So Lussy's Taiko should be something like Lussy's Taiko Oni or Lussy's Taiko Muzu or whatever. You must unify your diff name.

And as suggestion, the new naming method of taiko diff should be "Name"+"Diff level". In this case should be Norbi's Oni, and Lussy's whatever.
First of all, I don't even give a shit about the naming method. (deleted content.) Secondly, Lussy's diff is easier but not that easy to call it as Muzu so thats why it is just a normal Taiko. And I heard nothing about it, if this is wrong or not.

After checking Lussy's Taiko, it is ONI diff, and this makes 2 oni diff without a muzu in a mapset. This is also unrankable, you can have 2 oni but you MUST have a muzu or easier diff. Actually I see a muzu on the description board, you have to put it together in order to get to the basic requirement.
This map is more older than any rules about this. So its not unrankable because of this. And NO I will never add another taiko to this mapset. If you need just download from the description.

LunaticP wrote:

Request taken from ono's baka modding queue

This song is not easy for mapping taiko.

Before talking about notes, the map is actually unrankable

just to see your diff name, what is Lussy's Taiko? However you have Norbi's Taiko Oni as the other taiko diff, so I will consider you use "Name" + "Taiko" +"diff level" as your naming method. So Lussy's Taiko should be something like Lussy's Taiko Oni or Lussy's Taiko Muzu or whatever. You must unify your diff name.

And as suggestion, the new naming method of taiko diff should be "Name"+"Diff level". In this case should be Norbi's Oni, and Lussy's whatever.

I think taiko in the diff name doesn't matter, and I like having it there. Also this mapset was made long ago before this became a rule or guideline or whatever. Lussy's Taiko is just... taiko, because she didn't want to put Oni in there, and my diff is harder anyways. But I'll change the diff name if really need to.

After checking Lussy's Taiko, it is ONI diff, and this makes 2 oni diff without a muzu in a mapset. This is also unrankable, you can have 2 oni but you MUST have a muzu or easier diff. Actually I see a muzu on the description board, you have to put it together in order to get to the basic requirement.

This mapset was made long ago before this became a rule, if you didn't notice. So having only Onis is acceptable in this mapset.

[Norbi's Taiko Oni]

00:04:288 (1) - D Sure.

00:29:170 (1) - K ^

01:08:527 (2) - D ^

01:14:968 - add k ^

01:31:027 - add d ^

01:31:380 (4) - delete ^
So yeah, used everything you suggested, thanks for the mod.

Here's the new file, Kurokami:
Topic Starter
  1. 00:55:112 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like much how this pattern looks, I'd try something like this instead for better looking and flow.
  2. 01:30:939 (2,3) - I'd prefer if you could try to avoid this small overlap here, it doesn't look so good to me.
  3. 01:35:880 (4) - New combo due to the new stanza and music change.
  4. 01:37:468 (1) - Remove new combo.
  5. 01:38:527 (3) - New combo.
  6. 01:40:292 (1) - Remove new combo.
  7. 01:42:409 (4) - New combo.
  1. 00:08:523 (1) - This new combo here feels not necessary, I'd remove it.
  2. 01:40:821 (4) - I don't know why but this slider has a really weird shape if you ask me, I'm sure you can make it much better than this.
  3. 01:42:409 (1,2,3) - This triple all of a sudden after a break feels way too hard to play, change these 3 circles into a slider with repeat instead.
  4. 01:47:351 (1) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner.
~kajiyatta's Hard~
  1. Increase HP Drain by 1 tick to balance with the difficulty settings.
  1. 01:03:556 (1) - Slider end is unsnapped.
  2. 01:23:174 (5,6) - Add a finish at the begin on (5) and add a clap at the begin of (6), it seems like you missed to hitsound these two.
  3. 01:52:998 (1,2,3) - Make the spacing of this pattern consistent, it looks somehow bad rhythm now.
  1. 00:42:759 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing is inconsistent here, please fix it properly with distance snap enabled.
  2. 00:50:700 (4,5,6) - ^
  3. 01:04:083 (1) - This slider doesn't follow anything and it's also silenced so it's completely unrankable.
  4. 01:05:969 (4,5) - Something went wrong with the snapping here, make sure to fix it.
  5. 01:08:703 (6) - This sliderend sounds weird to me, but it might be just me.
  6. 01:29:880 (8) - Remove the clap from this sliderstart and add it on the previous sliderend on (7).
  7. 01:37:468 (5,6) - Really bad anti-jump, it ruins the flow of the whole difficulty if you ask me.
  8. 01:38:174 (7) - This stack could be improved if you disable the grid snap.
This map could use still some more improvement for the standard difficulties.
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

  1. 00:55:112 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like much how this pattern looks, I'd try something like this instead for better looking and flow. Done.
  2. 01:30:939 (2,3) - I'd prefer if you could try to avoid this small overlap here, it doesn't look so good to me. Done.
  3. 01:35:880 (4) - New combo due to the new stanza and music change. Done.
  4. 01:37:468 (1) - Remove new combo. Done.
  5. 01:38:527 (3) - New combo. Done.
  6. 01:40:292 (1) - Remove new combo. Done.
  7. 01:42:409 (4) - New combo. Done.
  1. 00:08:523 (1) - This new combo here feels not necessary, I'd remove it. O_O Done.
  2. 01:40:821 (4) - I don't know why but this slider has a really weird shape if you ask me, I'm sure you can make it much better than this. Old style slider lol. Changed it.
  3. 01:42:409 (1,2,3) - This triple all of a sudden after a break feels way too hard to play, change these 3 circles into a slider with repeat instead. Done.
  4. 01:47:351 (1) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner.New system give it automatically, but meh...o.o.
~kajiyatta's Hard~
  1. Increase HP Drain by 1 tick to balance with the difficulty settings.Done.
  1. 01:03:556 (1) - Slider end is unsnapped. Done.
  2. 01:23:174 (5,6) - Add a finish at the begin on (5) and add a clap at the begin of (6), it seems like you missed to hitsound these two. Done.
  3. 01:52:998 (1,2,3) - Make the spacing of this pattern consistent, it looks somehow bad rhythm now. Done.
  1. 00:42:759 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing is inconsistent here, please fix it properly with distance snap enabled. Done.
  2. 00:50:700 (4,5,6) - ^ 00:50:700 (4) -
  3. 01:04:083 (1) - This slider doesn't follow anything and it's also silenced so it's completely unrankable. This was originally followed the "boku a mata" part, which is now 1/2 earlier so changed. Also there is nothing to hear in the music and it was just 60% volume so it wasn't silenced at all.
  4. 01:05:969 (4,5) - Something went wrong with the snapping here, make sure to fix it. Yeah, (4) needs to be on red tick.
  5. 01:08:703 (6) - This sliderend sounds weird to me, but it might be just me. Nope it was wrong to begin with..
  6. 01:29:880 (8) - Remove the clap from this sliderstart and add it on the previous sliderend on (7). Done.
  7. 01:37:468 (5,6) - Really bad anti-jump, it ruins the flow of the whole difficulty if you ask me. Changed.
  8. 01:38:174 (7) - This stack could be improved if you disable the grid snap. Muhahaha, this is changed along with the previous one.
This map could use still some more improvement for the standard difficulties. Indeed, but I need a really good modder for it and its rare. o.o So my only choice is to search after BATs. :3 Thank you for the mod I hope this mapset will be at least bubbled once. *_*
From my queue~

  1. For Easy-diff, SV is a little high, imo
  2. 00:54:053 (3) - end at 00:54:759 (and, check DS)
  3. 01:23:351 (3) - start at 01:23:174
  4. 01:42:409 (1,1) - I prefer this
  1. 00:06:759- add a note
  2. 00:23:347 (4) - it is better to change for a slider: 00:23:347~00:23:700 and add finish at 00:23:700
  3. 00:35:700 (1) - end at 00:39:582 ?
  4. 00:40:464 (1) - it is better to end at 00:40:817
  5. 00:59:170 (4) - end at 01:00:053
  6. 01:10:468 (1) - how about this?
  7. 01:23:174 (3) - finish?
  8. 01:26:174 (3) - move to 01:25:998
  9. 01:40:821 (2) - end at 01:41:704 and finish
  10. 01:43:115 (1) - start at 01:42:939
[kajiyatta's Hard]
  1. 00:23:700- I prefer to add a note and delete 00:23:700 (1) -
  2. 01:04:955- NC?
  3. 01:25:998- finish
  4. 01:33:233 (1,2) - too close

  1. 00:09:229- remove clap
  2. 00:42:053- add a note and clap
  3. 00:43:464- ^
  4. 00:47:700- ^
  5. 00:49:817- ^
  6. 01:00:759- remove clap?
  7. 01:23:174 (7) - rotate 2 degree anti-clockwise
  8. 01:27:233- add a note
  9. 01:29:880 (8) - move to 01:30:057
  10. 01:30:057- clap?
Good job for your long work, you'll reach ranked nearly ;)
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. For Easy-diff, SV is a little high, imo Well, yeah, I'm using 0,8x nowadays but I won't change this now since it will be pain in the ass.
  2. 00:54:053 (3) - end at 00:54:759 (and, check DS) Dat DS. o.o I changed it and the placement until the spinner too.
  3. 01:23:351 (3) - start at 01:23:174 Done.
  4. 01:42:409 (1,1) - I prefer this Okay. :3
  1. 00:06:759- add a note k
  2. 00:23:347 (4) - it is better to change for a slider: 00:23:347~00:23:700 and add finish at 00:23:700 Done.
  3. 00:35:700 (1) - end at 00:39:582 ? Done.
  4. 00:40:464 (1) - it is better to end at 00:40:817 Done.
  5. 00:59:170 (4) - end at 01:00:053 If I want to keep that repeat slider, this is impossible. I leave this for now.
  6. 01:10:468 (1) - how about this?
  7. 01:23:174 (3) - finish? Done.
  8. 01:26:174 (3) - move to 01:25:998 Done.
  9. 01:40:821 (2) - end at 01:41:704 and finish Done.
  10. 01:43:115 (1) - start at 01:42:939 Done.
[kajiyatta's Hard]
  1. 00:23:700- I prefer to add a note and delete 00:23:700 (1) - Although its hard to understand this but I think its done.
  2. 01:04:955- NC? Done.
  3. 01:25:998- finish Done.
  4. 01:33:233 (1,2) - too close ?
I applied this ones quickly, if kajiyatta want to change something just post it and I will update it.

  1. 00:09:229- remove clap k
  2. 00:42:053- add a note and clap k
  3. 00:43:464- ^ k
  4. 00:47:700- ^ k
  5. 00:49:817- ^ k
  6. 01:00:759- remove clap? k
  7. 01:23:174 (7) - rotate 2 degree anti-clockwise Hopefully done.
  8. 01:27:233- add a note k
  9. 01:29:880 (8) - move to 01:30:057 Done.
  10. 01:30:057- clap? Sure.
Good job for your long work, you'll reach ranked nearly ;) I need to get a taiko icon (don-chan) first and then I will ask some BAT for checking. Until then I will gather some more mods especially for insane.
~Good Luck~
Thank you for the mod. My mapping style is so different now so I fear to touch my mapset. q.q But I hope I will get this ranked before the new ranking system. :3
Topic Starter
So long since I last posted here. o.o But now I have a reason. Since I re-maped each difficulty except Hard I want to request a second check from everyone who is still following this thread and have some free time to do it. I only need ~5 mod before asking a BAT to check this out so please help me with it. I will try to lurk around mod queues subforum but I need experienced modders to get enough help.

I also want to contact with a Staff to ask around a bit about give a second kudo to everyone with a mod post. I know the rule but since I re-maped the whole set I think its reasonable enough. So I can reward everyone even if it is his/her second mod post in this thread.

Thanks in advance to everyone who is willing to help.
Original Insane was much better, imo.
Topic Starter
I can still bring it back as a second Insane but I don't really want. The flow was bad and too many symetry used during mapping. And at least I can play this one. \o/
Mod on insane as requested (if I remember correctly you wanted a mod on Insane, right? but just tell me again if you need a mod on the other diffs too).

00:04:288 (1,1) - add finish, you also added finish here 00:09:935 (1,1) - so it will be more consistent, and it will fit to the song
00:10:288 (2,3) - small thing, but put (3) a little bit up to make it look better, since they are too close
00:12:494 - and 00:12:670 - add a hit circle to make the stream full and to follow the music better
00:21:759 (2,3,4) - the overlap doesn't look nice so try to change the pattern a bit to make it nicer, example: and
00:31:817 (6) - remove clap because 3 claps sound weird and because 00:20:523 (6,7,8) - this is similar and you used only 2 claps
00:33:759 (4,5) - don't make them overlap, it doesn't look nice and it's a bit confusing, this would look nicer imo - - and you could just stack the sliderend with 00:34:994 (6) -
00:35:700 (2,3) - ugly overlap, try this? -
00:37:288 (4,5,6) - select these and use ctrl+G on them (on the timeline) - (please only look at the timeline) OR maybe this? (this one follows that drum on the white tick) or etc...
00:40:817 (2) - add finish to the beginning of the slider? I think it would fit quite well
00:50:170 (2,3) - replace these only a little bit, so that the sliderend won't overlap with the other slider -
00:54:405 (5) - remove clap, same reason as 00:31:817 (6) -
00:55:112 (1,2) - sliderend and slider overlaps again T_T
01:02:347 (5,6) - it looks like this is too close to the previous note, put it a little further please
01:03:909 (1) - I think this doesn't really play nice, try to replace it with 1/2 hit circles or shorter sliders or mix them etc...but a long reverse slider is kind of boring and weird
01:12:586 (7) - you miss to hit the beat at 01:13:115 - so I think lengthening this slider would make it better and it also sounds a bit weird to end the slider at that point -
01:14:880 (5) - add NC? because you also emphasized it with a finish sound and it should be also emphasized with a NC imo
01:19:646 (2,3) - remove (3) and make (2) a reverse slider, because she is singing "sora" (or whatever) where you end the slider and having nothing between (2) and (3) is awkward and ruins the flow, so try this - and afterwards just replace this a bit - 01:21:586 (5) -
01:25:115 (1,2,3,4) - this looks like forced symmetry, you should try to follow the vocals more here, it would be more fun, because you could make a nice jumpy pattern which fits better to the vocals, example:
01:30:057 (7,1) - these are too close again, put them a few grids further from each other
01:46:292 (1) - add NC after spinner
01:46:292 (1,2,3) - put them a little further from each other to make the pattern nicer -
01:48:762 (1) - I think you should add a finish here, it would emphasize the new section in the music better (the melody change or whatever...)
01:49:468 (3,4) - same as 01:46:292 (1,2,3) -
01:50:880 (3,4) - ^

Also open AiMod, it says some objects are not snapped. I think that's it for now, good luck!
Topic Starter

Mystyk wrote:

Mod on insane as requested (if I remember correctly you wanted a mod on Insane, right? but just tell me again if you need a mod on the other diffs too).

00:04:288 (1,1) - add finish, you also added finish here 00:09:935 (1,1) - so it will be more consistent, and it will fit to the song
00:10:288 (2,3) - small thing, but put (3) a little bit up to make it look better, since they are too close
00:12:494 - and 00:12:670 - add a hit circle to make the stream full and to follow the music better
00:21:759 (2,3,4) - the overlap doesn't look nice so try to change the pattern a bit to make it nicer, example: and
00:31:817 (6) - remove clap because 3 claps sound weird and because 00:20:523 (6,7,8) - this is similar and you used only 2 claps
00:33:759 (4,5) - don't make them overlap, it doesn't look nice and it's a bit confusing, this would look nicer imo - - and you could just stack the sliderend with 00:34:994 (6) - Nope, I won't stack notes under sliders. Its way more confusing than it is currently. And the slider's end is seeable a bit if you look closely. :3
00:35:700 (2,3) - ugly overlap, try this? -
00:37:288 (4,5,6) - select these and use ctrl+G on them (on the timeline) - (please only look at the timeline) OR maybe this? (this one follows that drum on the white tick) or etc...
00:40:817 (2) - add finish to the beginning of the slider? I think it would fit quite well
00:50:170 (2,3) - replace these only a little bit, so that the sliderend won't overlap with the other slider -
00:54:405 (5) - remove clap, same reason as 00:31:817 (6) -
00:55:112 (1,2) - sliderend and slider overlaps again T_T
01:02:347 (5,6) - it looks like this is too close to the previous note, put it a little further please There is a timeline change so the distance is the correct one tho it looks bad.
01:03:909 (1) - I think this doesn't really play nice, try to replace it with 1/2 hit circles or shorter sliders or mix them etc...but a long reverse slider is kind of boring and weird This is a small resting place right before the kiai as there is no music to begin with. I leave as it is for now til someone else comes saying the same.
01:12:586 (7) - you miss to hit the beat at 01:13:115 - so I think lengthening this slider would make it better and it also sounds a bit weird to end the slider at that point - There was a note but I deleted it. Re-added.
01:14:880 (5) - add NC? because you also emphasized it with a finish sound and it should be also emphasized with a NC imo
01:19:646 (2,3) - remove (3) and make (2) a reverse slider, because she is singing "sora" (or whatever) where you end the slider and having nothing between (2) and (3) is awkward and ruins the flow, so try this - and afterwards just replace this a bit - 01:21:586 (5) - I don't want to replace (5) so just added a note which follows the drum there.
01:25:115 (1,2,3,4) - this looks like forced symmetry, you should try to follow the vocals more here, it would be more fun, because you could make a nice jumpy pattern which fits better to the vocals, example: I will try out something here. :3
01:30:057 (7,1) - these are too close again, put them a few grids further from each other The distance is 0,9x so they are at the good distance. If you have problem go to peppy or whoever taking care of the editor. \o/ Moved (7) one grid upper.
01:46:292 (1) - add NC after spinner it changes nothing.
01:46:292 (1,2,3) - put them a little further from each other to make the pattern nicer -
01:48:762 (1) - I think you should add a finish here, it would emphasize the new section in the music better (the melody change or whatever...)
01:49:468 (3,4) - same as 01:46:292 (1,2,3) -
01:50:880 (3,4) - ^

Also open AiMod, it says some objects are not snapped. I think that's it for now, good luck!
Edit: I forgot to say a few things like thank for mod. lol And I only commented at the ones where I didn't do anything. Or I needed to say something. Also I forgot to check AiMod but I did it before the previous submit. Any error is probably just comes because of the timing.

/And I requested a full mod (Easy, Normal, Insane).

Mystyk wrote:

01:46:292 (1) - add NC after spinner it changes nothing.
that's not true :P it changes the next person when playing tag coop in multiplayer, if it has no new combo it will be the previous person (who played before the spinner) but if you add a new combo then it will be the next person's turn

Rest of the mod, obviously no kudosu:

00:04:288 (1) - add finish to the beginning of the slider because it has a similar sound in the music
00:05:700 (3) - ^
00:40:112 (3,1) - it was very weird to play this, because 00:40:994 (1) - should be on a red tick, because of the vocals and the background sound, so I would suggest removing (1) and lengthening (3) until the red tick (00:40:817 - ), you can hear the drums in the background, it would be better if the slider ended on the big finish sound (in the music) and contained all of the smaller drum sounds, well it's hard to explain, and I'm not sure you'll change this, but it would play better -
00:48:053 (1) - too much new combo spam, remove it, the vocals still belong to the previous one, and most of your combos here have 2 length, so it wouldn't be a problem to have one which is 3 long, but having something for only 1 is kind of a spam
00:53:700 (1) - remove clap from the end of the slider, the clap should be in the middle of the slider, don't use a clap at the end just to make up for the missing clap at the middle, and you also put a clap 00:54:759 (2) - so 2 claps next to each other don't sound that nice
00:56:170 (2) - add clap, according to your hitsound pattern it looks like you missed one here
01:08:527 (2) - add clap to the end of the slider because of the previous reason
01:12:057 (3) - add clap to the middle of the slider because ^
01:13:115 (4) - ^
01:15:409 (2) - add finish because it will fit to the strong vocals
01:17:704 (2) - add finish to the beginning of the slider maybe? since you also used a finish at the other similar slider beginnings and it sounds kind of empty without it
01:21:586 (3) - missing clap again
01:23:174 (3) - add finish to emphasize the big beat and the strong vocals
01:24:409 (4) - I would rather add clap to the beginning of the slider than the end of the slider, because the beginning has that kind of drum that you used to put a clap on
01:25:115 (1) - add finish because of the sound in the song
01:28:292 (1) - add clap to the beginning of the slider because of the drum sound in the song
01:30:409 (1) - add clap to the end of the slider because ^
01:37:468 (1,2) - it's not quite clear why you placed (2) on a red tick, because I didn't hear anything, but after removing it and listening I understood, so it would be better to use a slider here since the big beats in the music are not so loud, if you don't want to change it, at least add a hitsound on (2)
01:41:174 (3) - add aí bit more curve to make a nicer blanket (since you have nice blankets throughout the whole difficulty)
01:42:409 (1) - I think it would be better if you made this slider go upwards rather than going downwards because in your way it goes back to where the previous slider was, which doesn't play so well imo, but if you made it go upwards it would play better and fit more to the vocals as well (because she finished singing blue on a high note), example:
01:43:115 (1) - add finish because this part of the diff has too low volume and it's also empty without a finish, and since the volume is low using a finish won't hurt
01:48:762 (1,3,1,3) - add finish to the beginning of the sliders just like you did at the previous parts, I know this is a bit different but it's a bit boring just to have claps and no finishes

00:04:288 (1,1) - add finish because of the reasons I already said in the Insane and Easy mod
00:31:111 (3) - remove clap from the end of the slider, it sounds weird to have 2 of them near, just I already said previously in the other diffs
00:43:464 (4,1,2,3,4) - it's just my opinion but it was a bit boring to play so many hit circles after each other, maybe you could change some of them to sliders or something
00:54:053 (4) - remove clap from the middle of the slider, there are too many claps and it doesn't sound good
00:56:170 (2) - add clap (looks like it's missing)
01:05:705 (2,3) - ugly pattern, mert tiszta ferdének néz ki (3), I would rather try something different like this: or
01:08:880 (3) - add clap (it's missing)
01:12:057 (3) - ^ in the middle of the slider
01:13:115 (4) - ^
01:15:409 (2) - add finish because that part is loud and because it should be emphasized since it's on a red tick
01:20:174 (2) - add clap because of previous reasons
01:21:586 (4) - ^
01:23:174 (3) - add finish to emphasize the strong vocals and the loud music
01:24:409 (4) - add clap to the beginning of the slider because the drum sound is there and remove it from the end of the slider
01:25:115 (1) - add finish because the music is loud
01:28:292 (1) - add clap to the beginning because of the drum in the song
01:37:468 (3,4) - same that I mentioned on the previous diff, use a slider or add a hitsound to (4)
01:42:409 (1) - same as on Easy about slider leading downwards where it came from, but instead it should lead upwards
01:43:115 (1) - add finish because the song has that sound and because it's too empty without it
01:48:762 (1,1,1,1) - add finish to the circles + beginning of the sliders to vary the hitsounds and because of the previous places where you used to use finish sounds

That's all, good luck! The difficulties were quite alright, but you seemed to miss a lot of hitsounds.

EDIT: Garven says the mp3 quality is too bad and needs to be higher quality.
Topic Starter
I won't answer you as I did before since I dunno what I changed and what not. But thanks for your mod, it was useful as almost always. \o/
Raiku mod!


It seems like all the audio lead-ins are conflicting upon each other in each diff. Something is definitely affecting the timing across the board from where I'm at.

I will put this mod on hold until I find out whats going on, contact me and we can sort it out together :)
Hi,Kurokami, sorry for delay response.
I just feel weird current timing. Based on my Ranked version, I just suggest new timing point and BPM here.
Also I'll remake my Hard diff since it's too old.

Topic Starter
Okay, this will be the last timing change. I will change it no more. q.q Please change the timing for your diff because due to my poor internet right now, I can only update this next week.
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Updated with the latest timing. Kinda different than yours kajiyatta but that is because of the different mp3 file.
Latest my diff. Applied to your last timing.
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Requested Taiko mod by Kurokami


Current Taiko BGs are unrankable. Please fix that.
Since we have two old taiko diffs here, having two Onis is fine.

[ Oni]

Not urgent, but change the sampleset to Normal please (the notes audio).

Actually a nice difficulty when I consider how old this set is.


00:14:601 (58,59,60,61,62,63,64) - I would rather recommend pattern in puush since these 1/4 don't fit that well here, when considering that afterwards there are no more 1/4 coming (00:17:425).

00:25:895 - Oh look, you did that in this part. lol
00:42:837~00:45:307 - How about this pattern (you could do something similar to patterns like 00:49:542 ) - This is not a must. Just a suggestion.

00:55:542 - Recommending to make this to don and 00:56:248 change the last three notes to k d k. Fits better to your kat usage I think.
00:57:307 - I'm pretty sure kkk fits better here since you have already many dons in this part.
01:05:085 (271) - Wrong snapped. Move to white tick.
01:11:592 - kat for the vocal.
01:13:004, 01:13:533, 01:14:239 - These as kat might fit better. Vocal-beat wise at least.
01:15:651 - kat finisher. Alternates nice and fits to vocal.
01:18:827 - kkk and 01:19:180 d k k fits probably better.
01:22:709 and 01:23:415 as kat?
01:27:298 - Might be not a bad idea to stop the kiai here and restart it at 01:42:651 and end it at 01:54:121 . You used many notes in these parts and the songs climax changes as well in this way, if you ask me.
01:27:298 (396) - Normaly I don't use any finisher at the beginning of a stanza either, but here a finisher might fit pretty good due to the cymbals in the background.
01:31:357 - finisher, vocal wise.
01:32:592 - k k D ?
01:36:121, 01:36:827, 01:37:533 - kat?
01:40:004 - k kkd for vocal and add d at 01:40:621 ? ( k kkd ddd kkkkddd )

[ Inner Oni]

Not urgent, but change the sampleset to Normal please (the notes audio).


This time I will keep explanations short. I'm either following the vocal or a certain beat.

00:49:189 (1,1,2) - try kkd
00:49:895 (2,3,1,1,1) - kkkkd, kkdkd sound here strange as single pattern if oyu ask me.
01:03:662 - Better just delete these patterns. It's way too off beat.
01:15:739 (2,3) - Suggesting to delete these to be able to differ the parts from each other.
01:18:121 - kkd x k d might fit better hwen considering the vocal.
01:21:298~01:24:474 - Suggetsing following pattern:

01:27:298 - Starting from here up to 01:32:945 I would reommcend you to use less notes. This part is rather calm compared to the others, so having less notes would emphasize this more and make it more noticeable.
01:27:298 - Might be not a bad idea to stop the kiai here and restart it at 01:42:651 and end it at 01:54:121 . You used many notes in these parts and the songs climax changes as well in this way, if you ask me.

Hm... I don't want to overtake it at this point, but how about trying to remap your map? While I was modding, I noticed that you have some parts which follow the beat or the vocal of the song. Those beat follwing parts are pretty nice. They have a system which you can see at the beginning and the end of the map. But once you start to map to the vocals, the system in your mapping gets losts and patterns have no real connections to each other anymore. You also start mapping against the main beat d x k x d x k ... which make the pattern sometimes sound weird or look messy. Parts like 00:41:425 actually sound nice as pattern, but when considering the song in the background(especially the beat) you map against it.

Well, it's up to you. A remap is not that urgent at all. The map itself isn't bad, but the mapping style is in this song rather questionable. Probably it would be better to map to the vocal by following the elementary beat at the same time.

Try to find some more mods from experienced mappers before calling me back again. This still needs some workout.
But in general I see good attempts already (also the maps are old).

Good luck for now.
Topic Starter
Ono, next time please add the xxx's parts too since it took me 1 hour to figure out which is which. lol

For the Oni I only leave out "01:05:085 (271) - Wrong snapped. Move to white tick.", because I sunno what wrong there. o.o

As for the Inner oni, tho the mapper is still alive more or less, I modified the difficulty. Except "01:03:662 - Better just delete these patterns. It's way too off beat." It is offbeat on all diff, i want to ask for a timing check before doing anything here.

About the bgs, it should be rankable since this mapset is order than that rule. orz Anyways, I know, just need a good bg which can be used with all diff and looks cute at the same way. :3

Thanks for your check. I will be sure to call back after 3-4 mod from others. :3

@Norbi I'm not sure if you will read it, but do not update (if I ever be able to upload it), first you should make a copy of your version since maybe few things will not be your favor.
Topic Starter
Updated finally. \o/ Timing also changed a little bit, now those notes on the two taikos are perfectly fitting. :3
Hi, modding as requested wheeeeeeee~

Actual BG fits nicely as Taiko BG.

00:24:837 - Add a don, to have consistency with previous part, also this feels a bit empty right now.
00:25:013 - Add a kat, same reason as above.
00:31:013 - Add a don, same reason.
00:47:248 (179,180,181) - I'd suggest to swap the color of these notes, to keep mapping to the beat, which you're mostly doing in the beatmap.
00:53:160 (214) - Move this either to 00:52:807 or 00:52:631, same reason as above, if you do, make 00:52:895 (212) a don.
01:00:837 - Add a big don, to emphasize this part even more along with vocals.
01:01:366 - ^
01:06:033 (277) - Try removing this note and making 01:06:121 (278,279,280) a ddk pattern, it'd plays nicely along with both beat and vocals.
01:14:768 - How about emphasizing this part with more big notes, like here? Note: all selected notes have finish.

01:11:062 (311) - Maybe use a don instead, this would follow the beat a bit better.
01:16:885 (344,345) - Swapping the color of this would be nice to follow the beat.
01:17:327 (347) - I think this quintuple is kinda overmapped, maybe remove it?
01:19:357 (361) - Maybe use a don instead? This would help to keep your pattern of kat.
01:32:769 (415) - A don fits better here imo.
01:40:621 (457) - Maybe remove this one, it feels a bit overmapped.
01:42:121 (466,467,468,469) - Make all big notes?
01:53:592 (534,535) - Maybe use don for these two, being all notes kat in this stream feels a bit odd, imo.

To be honest, I'd really want to extend myself here a bit, the diff itself isn't bad, but it has a bit of inconsistencies which feels awkward to play, I agree with Ono here, since the beginning until 00:12:484, some parts in the middle and from 01:27:298 until the end are yummy to play, while some others are a bit messy due the change from drums/beat -> vocals. Don't be afraid of being a bit repetitive, consistency is always welcome. This is up to you of course, I'll limit myself to give a few suggestions here and don't go nuts here, it's a style matter after all.
00:18:131 (2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - This is a small suggestion for what I meant above, a pattern like this one, would be a basic to follow the beat, the second one shows an alternative if you want to add a few of variety, while following the beat. You can also make your own patterns if you find something that fits you better.Only follow this if you are planning to change the next similar part in the song, if you're not, don't do this, or map will be messier.

00:34:542 (1,2,3,1) - Switch for k ddd, it'd follow the beat better, which you are following here, I think.
00:40:895 (3,4,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2) - Similar as the first large suggestion. You can follow this or make something very similar which fits better for you. As in there, only follow this if you are planning to change the next similar part in the song, if you're not, don't do this, or map will be messier.

00:49:984 (3) - Remove this note, this 5-note stream feels overmapped.
01:00:837 (3,5,7) - Use finishes for these too?
01:05:062 (1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) - This will be the last large suggestion. Only follow this if you are planning to change the next similar part in the song, if you're not, don't do this, or map will be messier.

01:11:239 (1,1) - Swapping colors for this this would be nice for mapping the beat.
01:14:592 (2,3,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - This whole pattern being kkd k ddk d k would play better along with both beat and vocals.
01:32:238 (4,6) - Switch both to kat, this would create a nice pattern to play along with the previous dk in 01:31:797 (1,2).
01:42:121 (1,1,1,1) - Use finishes for all this?

Also, a few suggestions for osu! difficulties.
00:10:719 (4) - Reversing this (Ctrl+G) would keep the flow you had for 00:09:660 (1,2) and create a more fitting jump.
00:51:660 (6,7) - Considering you are mostly using a constant DS, reversing (Ctrl+G) this would keep this consistency.
01:07:886 (5,6) - ^

01:53:239 (6) - This slider feels very odd, as the music has a stronger emphasis in 01:53:415 and not in 01:53:239. Try something like this.

00:01:190 - 00:18:131 - I find short combos a bit bad, stick NC'ing each 2 downbeats like you did in the next part.
00:23:778 - 00:29:425 - ^
01:47:062 - 01:54:121 - ^
00:17:426 (2) - Make this a 1/2 slider? Skipping a strong beat is a bit weird in a Normal.
00:28:720 (2) - ^
00:40:720 (1) - Move 1/2 backwards or remove and make 00:40:367 (3) a 1/2 slider?
01:07:533 (1) - Finish in the beginning?
01:17:415 (3) - ^

00:12:484 - 00:18:131 - Same as in Normal about comboing.
00:23:778 - 00:29:425 - ^
00:40:719 - 01:00:484 - ^
00:02:601 (3) - This doesn't follow very nicely the song, try a 2/1 beat slider and maybe a circle in 00:03:660.
00:08:248 (3) - ^
00:17:425 (2) - Maybe use a single circle instead, mapping over an empty beat feels a bit odd.
00:28:719 (2) - ^
00:40:719 (1) - I'd suggest to remove this note and extend 00:39:837 (3) by 1/2 beat.
01:07:533 (1) - Finish in the beginning?
01:49:886 (3) - As in the first suggestion, try a 2/1 beat slider and maybe a circle in 01:50:945.
That'd be all from my part, good luck \o/
Topic Starter
I changed almost everything. Norbi is busy nowadays so I changed his difficulty too tho I think he should take a look for himself. Lussy is "quited' and entrusted her taiko diff to me to do what I want with it so I changed everything there.

About the Standards, tho I dislike short sliders on easier diffs I made an exception now since the beat is there. I'm not sure if its okay to be mapped like that tho. o.o Changed Hard too, tho I want the mapper to take a look at that and change it as he likes. About those jumps on Insane, I changed them for now since its easy to add them back but they followd the high pitched vocal part.

Thanks for modding both mod. :3
Requested by aabc.
I will handle the Taikos here.

As for the timing of this mapset, here is the further adjustment:

1. Offset: 1,182ms BPM: 170.00
2. Offset: 60,472ms BPM: 170.00
3. Offset: 63,605ms BPM: 170.00
4. Offset: 64,707ms BPM: 170.00


  1. Is the (Short ver.) in the title offically released?
  2. The mapset here missed a Muzukashii (As I see, both diffs are Oni.)
  3. That's it.

Lussy's Taiko

  1. Most of them are suggestions (mainly about the use of finishers / the changes of drums)
  2. 00:11:072 (43) - I will strongly suggest you to add finish here in order to have the consistency.
  3. 00:37:895 (135) - ^ same reason actually, it sounds better if we can have big don here.
  4. 00:46:366 (175) - ^
  5. 01:01:013 (260) - We can hear the snare-drum here, so therefore, Big Kat is better.
  6. 01:02:072 (261) - ^ same as above, snare-drum with Big Kat.
  7. 01:04:710 (268) - Add finish here.
  8. 01:09:210 - Add a don here ( that means a ddk here ), to have more vivid pattern.
  9. 01:23:416 (379) - snare-drum here, better to use kat.
  10. 01:47:857 (498) - that's kat actually, sounds better.
  11. 01:53:062 (529) - ^ snare-drum.
  12. You can follow the drums well, and more importantly, this map used the most simple patterns but it showed the well-organized structure,
    giving a joyful feeling to play. Good job!
Norbi's Taiko

  1. 00:00:484 (1,2,3,4) - I will say that kat is better than don. (that's exactly used snare-drum here)
  2. 01:01:013 (260) - We can hear the snare-drum here, so therefore, Big Kat is better.
  3. 01:02:072 (261) - ^ same as above, snare-drum with Big Kat.
  4. 01:08:504 - how about add a kat here? that means kd d k.
That's all.
Good luck. ;)
Topic Starter

KanaRin wrote:

Requested by aabc.
I will handle the Taikos here.

As for the timing of this mapset, here is the further adjustment:

1. Offset: 1,182ms BPM: 170.00
2. Offset: 60,472ms BPM: 170.00
3. Offset: 63,605ms BPM: 170.00
4. Offset: 64,707ms BPM: 170.00
Man, how I hate applying new timings on 7 diffs. q.q


  1. Is the (Short ver.) in the title offically released? It is. Same name on the soundtracks cover, in-game and if I remember correctly there was a special single with this track too.
  2. The mapset here missed a Muzukashii (As I see, both diffs are Oni.) I can play both of them just fine and I can even pass harder Onis. And this mapset is 2 years old way older then the rule about easier diff so as Ono said its fine to have two Onis.
  3. That's it.

Lussy's Taiko

  1. Most of them are suggestions (mainly about the use of finishers / the changes of drums)
  2. 00:11:072 (43) - I will strongly suggest you to add finish here in order to have the consistency.
  3. 00:37:895 (135) - ^ same reason actually, it sounds better if we can have big don here.
  4. 00:46:366 (175) - ^
  5. 01:01:013 (260) - We can hear the snare-drum here, so therefore, Big Kat is better.
  6. 01:02:072 (261) - ^ same as above, snare-drum with Big Kat.
  7. 01:04:710 (268) - Add finish here.
  8. 01:09:210 - Add a don here ( that means a ddk here ), to have more vivid pattern.
  9. 01:23:416 (379) - snare-drum here, better to use kat.
  10. 01:47:857 (498) - that's kat actually, sounds better.
  11. 01:53:062 (529) - ^ snare-drum.
  12. You can follow the drums well, and more importantly, this map used the most simple patterns but it showed the well-organized structure,
    giving a joyful feeling to play. Good job!
Norbi's Taiko

  1. 00:00:484 (1,2,3,4) - I will say that kat is better than don. (that's exactly used snare-drum here)
  2. 01:01:013 (260) - We can hear the snare-drum here, so therefore, Big Kat is better.
  3. 01:02:072 (261) - ^ same as above, snare-drum with Big Kat.
  4. 01:08:504 - how about add a kat here? that means kd d k.
Applied all of your suggestions mainly because I think they fit well.

That's all.
Good luck. ;)
Thanks for your mod. I think I will ask one more modder then ask Ono once more. *.*
Topic Starter
Updated finally. \o/
From your PM request. Taiko mod only.

  1. Red - Unrankable issue, you must fixed
  2. Purple - Highly recommended, consider to use it
  3. Black - Suggestion, feel free to fixed or not
  4. Gray - Personal preference

    d=don D=big don
    k=kat K=big kat
  1. As KanaRin mentioned, maybe your mapset need a Muzukashii, but well I also noticed Ono said it is fine, so.. hope that won't affect it going ranked
[ Lussy's Taiko]
  1. Fine
  1. Fine
  1. 00:23:770 (89) - Change to K for cymbal in the music
  2. 00:53:064 (216) - Change to k here to have the consistency
  3. 01:17:942 (358) - Also change to k here, it has the same tune with 01:17:589 (356) - and 01:18:119 (359) - , k make this pattern flows better
A little boring, but overall it is fine.

[ Norbi's Taiko Oni]
  1. Fine :>
  1. Also nice
  1. 00:18:123 (2) - We can hear cymbal here, so I think a finisher here is better
  2. 00:23:770 (2) - Same as above, change this d to K
  3. 00:26:593 (1) - If you fixed the mod I mentioned above, you can also change this to k to have the consistency
  4. 00:29:417 (1) - Consider add a finish here for cymbal in the music
  5. 00:31:181 (2) - Remove the finisher? I can't find what it fit, no cymbal here. Remove this finisher then add a d to 00:31:005 - may be better
  6. 01:10:707 (1) - Change to k here for consistency
  7. 01:12:118 (1,2,1) - Change to kdd? Voice went down here so I think it is a better choice
Also a nice diff.

That's all from me. Good Luck on getting it ranked! :)
Topic Starter

OniJAM wrote:

From your PM request. Taiko mod only.

  1. Red - Unrankable issue, you must fixed
  2. Purple - Highly recommended, consider to use it
  3. Black - Suggestion, feel free to fixed or not
  4. Gray - Personal preference

    d=don D=big don
    k=kat K=big kat
  1. As KanaRin mentioned, maybe your mapset need a Muzukashii, but well I also noticed Ono said it is fine, so.. hope that won't affect it going ranked
    There is a Muzukashii in the description, but removed due too many difficulties. Not matter anymore so I can add it back if it really must but I rather not.
[ Lussy's Taiko]
  1. Fine
  1. Fine
  1. 00:23:770 (89) - Change to K for cymbal in the music k.
  2. 00:53:064 (216) - Change to k here to have the consistency k.
  3. 01:17:942 (358) - Also change to k here, it has the same tune with 01:17:589 (356) - and 01:18:119 (359) - , k make this pattern flows better k.
A little boring, but overall it is fine.

[ Norbi's Taiko Oni]
  1. Fine :>
  1. Also nice
  1. 00:18:123 (2) - We can hear cymbal here, so I think a finisher here is better k.
  2. 00:23:770 (2) - Same as above, change this d to K k.
  3. 00:26:593 (1) - If you fixed the mod I mentioned above, you can also change this to k to have the consistency k.
  4. 00:29:417 (1) - Consider add a finish here for cymbal in the music k.
  5. 00:31:181 (2) - Remove the finisher? I can't find what it fit, no cymbal here. Remove this finisher then add a d to 00:31:005 - may be better k.
  6. 01:10:707 (1) - Change to k here for consistency k.
  7. 01:12:118 (1,2,1) - Change to kdd? Voice went down here so I think it is a better choice k.
Also a nice diff.

That's all from me. Good Luck on getting it ranked! :)
Thanks for your fast and good mod. Now I'm going to poke Ono once more.

OniJAM wrote:

[ Norbi's Taiko Oni]
Also a nice diff.
Thanks! I like reading positive words/sentences about my maps.
From xLoupGarou's Modding Queue

I edited you BG dunno if you'll like it
* Ver. 1
* Ver. 2

Ready for Rank

Ready for Rank

kajiyatta's Hard
01:03:605 add a note
01:03:781 ^
01:03:957 ^
01:04:134 ^
01:04:310 ^
(Give it a little push)

01:03:605 End the Long Note Here 01:03:957 ( but keep the repeat )
01:04:134 add a note
01:04:310 ^
(Give the map a little more insanity)

You Should Call a BAT Already if this diffs are Final
Good Luck~

DakeDekaane wrote:

Hi, modding as requested wheeeeeeee~

01:53:239 (6) - This slider feels very odd, as the music has a stronger emphasis in 01:53:415 and not in 01:53:239. Try something like this.
Already fixed?

xLoupGarou wrote:

From xLoupGarou's Modding Queue

kajiyatta's Hard
01:03:605 add a note
01:03:781 ^
01:03:957 ^
01:04:134 ^
01:04:310 ^
(Give it a little push)
No fixed since there are two red line, so the rhythm is really odd in this part. For hard, maybe no notes better for playing.

Thanks for modding.
Topic Starter
I forgot to mention the bgs you provided. I edited it with the text and the original is actually textfree. I will think about changing it tho but not for now.
Yo Kuro!
Im here to give you a food :3

00:00:476 and 00:00:829 - Make it steam 3 slider without HS[//box]

[Norbi's Taiko Oni]
00:06:034 (3) - k
00:11:417 (1,1) - d
00:12:829 (1,1,1) - kdk
01:16:001 (1,1) - dk
01:17:589 (2) - d
01:17:765 (3) - k
01:20:942 - Copy this note to 01:20:854 ( make it 3 stream ) ddk
01:21:118 - kdd to 01:21:295
01:22:001 (1) - d
01:48:471 (1) - d - 01:48:295 - k

[Lussy's Taiko]
00:16:005 (63) - k
00:26:417 (98) - k
01:03:605 - dkkkk

No seriously problemoo :v
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