
Itou Kanako - Find the blue (Short Ver) [Osu|Taiko|CatchTheB

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Shohei Ohtani

01:23:059 (5) - Add clap on repeat

That's about it.
Jussayin', I am not sure if it's clever if CDFA qualifies this if he bubbled it twice already. Better find a third BAT to check this out. Just to be on the very safe side..
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I'm tired with searching BATs already
They will come if they want.
Shohei Ohtani
I'm like 95% sure I'm allowed to rank it since I'm not the one that is currently the bubbler.

CDFA wrote:

I'm like 95% sure I'm allowed to rank it since I'm not the one that is currently the bubbler.
Do it then.
But if you ask me it can never hurt to ask another person to confirm. Especially since many people seemed to be doubtful about this map in the past, otherwise it wouldn't have taken that long. I can't stop you anyway, so go ahead with whichever step you prefer the most.
Shohei Ohtani
its ok i asked Jesus and he said it was ok
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CDFA wrote:

its ok i asked Jesus and he said it was ok
Shohei Ohtani
kurokami stop loling and fix that repeat slider so i can qualify this
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Being on the forum and in-game is two different thing. I can only be online when I'm free from work for a day, but I can be on the forum everyday.
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Shohei Ohtani
jk captin1 told me i wasn't allowed to rank.

I'll ask someone to rank it for me
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I also wondered about that as well. It looks like I was right after all.
I already told you. I'll try to find another BAT as well, in case we'll never find any.
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CDFA, fix that bubble. q.q You popped it after all.
Shohei Ohtani
oh yeah uh sorry about that lol.
baka master lol

placeholder ~ as your and CDFA's request here damn you guys call me when i'm in midtest, fortunely tomorrow only a listening test so i dont need to study

  • General
  1. remove the space of the romanised artist, it should be "いとうかなこ". i asked japanese people for confirm it
  2. add "カオスヘッド" as source, move "Chaos;Head" in tags also add "ChäoS;HEAd" (i saw this one on the video) to tags. Source that i get :;Head

  • Easy
  1. 00:12:476 - keep to use normal default finish here since the music is clearly a cymbal
  2. 00:19:534 (3) - nazi but the slider is too closer with previous slider, i would move to 448,176 here
  3. 00:23:770 - same as
  4. 00:28:887 - i'm sure you need to map this one because the strong music, i would say change 00:28:005 (3,4) - become like
  5. 00:33:652 (3) - nazi, but the curve of the slider is too curvy for me. i would make it smoother by move the node of tail to 76,16
  6. 00:39:829 (3) - finish at tail, cymbal sound here
  7. 01:04:707 (1) - finish at head, cymbal
  8. 01:08:236 (2) - i'm sure you can make better blanket here lol
  9. 01:14:588 (1,2,3) - hmm that circle at red tick imo can make newbie confuse since the gap isnt like 1/1 or 2/1. would be better to use 3/2 slider repeat instead
  10. 01:16:001 (1) - remove finish on tail, the music only a drum here. use clap instead
  11. 01:16:707 (2) - ^
  12. 01:24:118 (4) - finish on tail? the music quite strong here o.o
  13. 01:24:824 (1,2) - the rhythm is a little bit complicated for Easy diff here. you can make simple rhythm example
  14. 01:35:765 (4,1) - swap the NC for consistency that NC'ed every 2 stanza
  15. 01:37:176 (1,2,3) - same as 01:24:824 (1,2) -
  16. 01:42:823 (1) - you can make the spinner a little bit longer around 01:45:648 - since imo the music is stronger there

  • Normal
  1. 00:05:417 (3) - finish on head. the music like cymbal here :3
  2. 00:40:533 (1) - since i hear a drum sound at 00:40:887 - would be better to change this circle to 1/1 slider here
  3. 00:43:181 (4) - the diff is Normal so imo less 1/2 rythm is bad for me, i would say to follow vocal here by make 1/1 slider in 00:43:005 -
  4. 00:48:476 (5,6) - same reason as above, i would say here instead
  5. 01:04:310 - this is just my taste but i love to map last vocal before kiai time :3
  6. 01:14:589 (1,2,3) - too easy for Normal diff, i would say more complicated rhythm by space 1/2 here
  7. 01:27:295 (1) - finish on head
  8. 01:28:001 (2,3) - too simple rhythms here, i would say to make it a little bit harder (also skip this vocal 01:29:412 - is not really good for me)
  9. 01:30:471 - you can add note here. this is Normal diff after all
  10. 01:31:354 (3) - finish at head
  11. 01:37:177 (3,4,1) - would be better with a little bit harder rhythm here
  12. the main problem imo is too much 1/1 and lack of 1/2 here. dont worry i already mentioned some harder rhythm for this diff, should be fine after you fixed them all

  • Hard
  1. 00:05:417 (1,2,3,4) - tbh the space of this pattern is too small, the overlaps aren't really good to see for me. i would say use 1,3x here like and for 00:06:829 (1,2) - you can arrange like
  2. 01:00:472 (1,2,3,4) - oh man these sliders would be nice if you make jumps here ><
  3. 01:03:119 - make 1/4 slider repeat here to emphasize the drums?
  4. 01:14:589 (1,2,3) - this is Hard diff so it should be harder :C
    okay checked all, hitsound is fine, rhythm can improved a little bit, placement a little bit messy because the spacing. would be better if use 1,2x as normal spacing instead of 1,0x (for 1,0x SV) and 1,6x spacing for 0,75x SV

  • Insane
  1. 00:42:829 (4,5) - would be better to follow vocal on blue tick here 00:43:093 - , i would give example like
  2. 00:48:476 (3,4) - same as above, try follow vocal on 00:48:740 -
  3. 01:04:707 (4) - NC because kiai start x.x
  4. 01:18:118 (8) - i would say to not skip the vocal on 01:18:295 - , you can make 1/2 slider repeat for this one
  5. 01:23:059 (5) - finish on head
  6. 01:28:530 (5) - the anti jump here definitely read as 1/2 lol, NC it or move it further
  7. 01:37:177 (5) - cymbal sound here. should be a jump instead of anti jump here

  • CtB
  1. i told you in game already what hitsounds that you need to fix for this diff~

Poke me when you're done
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Xinely wrote:

baka master lol

placeholder ~ as your and CDFA's request here damn you guys call me when i'm in midtest, fortunely tomorrow only a listening test so i dont need to study

  • General
  1. remove the space of the romanised artist, it should be "いとうかなこ". i asked japanese people for confirm it Sure. I used this before but someone said I should add space. q.q
  2. add "カオスヘッド" as source, move "Chaos;Head" in tags also add "ChäoS;HEAd" (i saw this one on the video) to tags. Source that i get :;Head I don't want to use the japanese source at all. There are many ppl out there who can't read japanese so for them the japanese source is annoying. It better to use a clean and understandable one.

  • Easy
  1. 01:14:588 (1,2,3) - hmm that circle at red tick imo can make newbie confuse since the gap isnt like 1/1 or 2/1. would be better to use 3/2 slider repeat instead
  2. 01:37:176 (1,2,3) - same as 01:24:824 (1,2) -

  • Normal
  1. 00:48:476 (5,6) - same reason as above, i would say here instead True, but this will ruin my pattern and honestly I don't really like 1/2 repeat sliders at this level.
  2. 01:04:310 - this is just my taste but i love to map last vocal before kiai time :3 Yeah, but just mapping the last vocal sounds a bit bad to me. I would like to map the whole vocal but then the spinner will be too close. q.q
  3. 01:37:177 (3,4,1) - would be better with a little bit harder rhythm here Not exactly this way but fixed. :3
  4. the main problem imo is too much 1/1 and lack of 1/2 here. dont worry i already mentioned some harder rhythm for this diff, should be fine after you fixed them all Personally I think 1/2 rhythms are a bit hard thats why I used only 1/1 which can be hard as well. But I fixed all thing from this mod. :3

  • Hard
    okay checked all, hitsound is fine, rhythm can improved a little bit, placement a little bit messy because the spacing. would be better if use 1,2x as normal spacing instead of 1,0x (for 1,0x SV) and 1,6x spacing for 0,75x SV Since I'm not the mapper of this diff I won't touch it anymore but I saved the original file if the GDer wants to apply this for himself. The GDer is inactive for a month now.

  • Insane
  1. 01:18:118 (8) - i would say to not skip the vocal on 01:18:295 - , you can make 1/2 slider repeat for this one
  2. 01:28:530 (5) - the anti jump here definitely read as 1/2 lol, NC it or move it further I want to keep the pattern here and that is impossible if I move it further so I used NC.

Poke me when you're done
Everything else which is not listed here is changed. Thank you for your fast mod. I'm still unsure about the title, I want to keep the dot since it has nothing to do with romanization.

  • General
  1. the correct title is "Find the blue(Short Ver)" (without ".") ... =FPBD-0073 (thanks Lanturn \w/)
  2. 01:00:472 (1) - change this one into greenline one. it doesnt give any metronome reset or effect in timing
  3. offset on kiai time start is off here. as i found i got 01:04:688 - but better if you ask timing expert
  4. first offset move to -229 since objects before previous first redlines are mapped w/o timing lol

  • Easy
  1. 00:20:946 (1) - no need finish here since the music is normal, it doesnt have cymbal
  2. 00:23:770 (1) - use default normal finish on head. cymbal is crash here
  3. 00:16:711 (3,4) - try another rhythm that it can map 00:17:593 - this time? you can do it in 00:28:358 (4) - so i believe consistency would be nice here
  4. 00:28:358 (4) - sampleset normal. piano is strong here. better to use crash finish instead of drum one

  • Normal
  1. 00:17:417 (4) - sampleset normal and add finish here (on tail)
  2. 00:23:770 (1) - sampleset normal. cymbal is crash here
  3. 00:28:711 (4) - same as 00:17:417 (4) -

  • Hard
  1. 00:23:770 (1) - change sampleset to normal. crash cymbal
  2. 00:25:887 (6) - move to 328,88 to avoid the overlap
  3. 01:17:236 (4) - you need to map 01:17:412 - , a little bit faint but the music is cymbal here o.o
  4. 01:53:412 (6,7,1) - i dont like the overlaps here maybe just increase the spacing a little bit

  • Insane
  1. 00:17:593 - same as Normal (if you fix it ><)
  2. 00:23:770 (1) - same as Hard
  3. 00:28:887 - same as 00:17:593 -
  4. 00:46:181 (2) - separate this slider into a circle and 1/2 slider. cymbal on stanza isn't good if you map it with repeat. we need a little bit jump there
  5. 00:48:123 (2) - a little bit closer with previous slider imo. would be neater if move it 308,96
  6. 01:17:236 (6) - same as 00:46:181 (2) - , 01:17:412 - is cymbal here
  7. 01:52:707 (1) - finish at head coz cymbal

  • Rain
  1. 00:46:181 (3) - dont skip the stanza here since it has cymbal at 00:46:358 - , feel empty aaa
  2. 01:00:472 (2,3,4,1) - use normal or soft default finish for their heads, the cymbals are crash so drum finish doesnt emphasize them clearly
  3. 01:15:824 (6) - move to x:160? we need HDash on cymbal (next slider) imo
  4. 01:22:883 (1) - finish on head. cymbal
  5. 01:25:706 (3) - ^
  6. 01:42:648 (1) - better to end the spinner 01:45:295 - since red tick one has a quite faint sound imo

make sure to fix red mentions. i will give another recheck it fixed
First of all, the red line at 01:00:476 - is not needed , if you remove it you can see the timeline ticks barely move, and notes are changed by like some ms. (but notes pretty much start at the same time as the music ) and to fix downbeat? there is no downbeat to fix, the first note at 01:00:472 (1) - starts at the downbeat (big white tick) so its correct.

Also for all diffs : 01:03:605 - to 01:04:310 - I suggest you don't map, that part has some really soft vocal.
01:03:605 - Can be removed too.

All these extra red lines aren't really needed, keeping with just the first is fine.

Good Luck Kami!

But I do find the offset little early, maybe +8 to offset?
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Xinely wrote:


  • Hard
  1. 01:17:236 (4) - you need to map 01:17:412 - , a little bit faint but the music is cymbal here o.o Since I'm not the mapper of this diff I leave this one untouched.

make sure to fix red mentions. i will give another recheck it fixed
Everything else fixed.
unsnapped greenline in Insane 00:17:425 -

unsnapped greenline in Hard diff 01:42:131 - (1 ms wtf lol)

Insane :
01:17:425 (1,2,3) - the sliders of (1) and (2) a little bit closer here. i would say to increase the spacing a little bit to make neater design here

that's all
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i only can rebubble because timing ><

well have your bubble back (ノ>∨<)ノ
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Well, thank you anyway. :3
Let's put an end to this pain.

I'd suggest to add another 500ms to the lead-in.

[ Easy]
00:35:425 (1) - I don't find this spinner fitting well here, as the spinner ends in a really awkward time, leaving a really strong beat like 00:37:895 unmapped isn't too nice in an Easy imo.

[ Normal]
01:00:484 (1) - End the spinner like in Easy?
00:35:425 (1) - Similar in Easy, this time said beat fits more being a clickable object than a point to end a spinner.

[ Hard]
00:12:837 - 00:17:601 and 00:23:778 - 00:28:895 should have the same sampleset for the hitsounds, one having the normal and the other drums it's really weird as the music is not that different in both parts.

[ Rain]
01:41:337 - I know nothing about CtB, but this part sounds really weird without an object.

Rest looks good =w=b
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Applied all except I used different timeline on Normal. The one in the example is easier than the one I used on Easy.

My bubble popped again. *sob* /me cries in a corner
Are you keeping the normal samples in the Hard instead the drum? because you used the drum in the other diffs, so it's a bit weird x_x
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I know but we are speaking about a GD. Since the mapper is kinda unreachable I made some changes to move this mapset forward but I do not want to touch it too much. His hitsounding is different from mine but not that bad in overall. If you think this will lead to unqualification I will change it when I will be at home after work.
Unfortunately,I can't touch with this game anymore because I'm too busy due to my research.
I have read all comments for my diff, but I don't have enough time to response its for all modders, awfully sorry.
So, this is my last update. My diff has different hitsounding compared Kurokami's, just my opinion, it sounds better for this song. So,keep current way.

To Kurokami: Sorry for my laziness, but I believe that this map will get Ranked soon. I know your oldest Insane, and current diff looks much better than it.

Thanks for all modders!
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Thank you for your last check @kaji, I tried to contact you but when I saw your last activity was a month ago I just made changes on my own. Well, they were minor anyway, declined any bigger ones. Thank you for your comment, I changed my style and cleared it although I stopped mapping standard due this mapset. The first insane was awful but it felt good back then. q.q

To the following modders/QATs/BATs, I don't need to move the offset to minus since its possible to have beats before the first downbeat. Just take a look at this article.

3 years... wow.

Hihetetlen, hogy ranked lett, komolyan. Pedig azt hittem, még 1 hétig minimum nem lesz. Gratz. : d
Finally congratz!
gratz~~ :)
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It actually happened. Finally ranked. :3 After so many re-map and struggling I was able to rank this. I gave up hope one this one many times but revived it anyway, it looks like it worth it. Thank you Dake. o/ And thanks to everyone who helped me in the past 2 and half a year.

Mapset so old that the taiko spread does not need a muzu :O
Finally! Congratulations! (Also to me. lol)
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Lust wrote:


Mapset so old that the taiko spread does not need a muzu :O
Although there is a muzu included in the description. Its unmoded and probably not even playable but muzu. \o/
I remember this 9028190589025890years ago congratzzz
Yay, finally :3
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I think most of the current BATs remembers this mapset. :3 The current priority is not the real one (90). When the new system came this mapset already has 15+ pages with mods and those are not counted. q.q

Anyway, thank you. :3
congrats Kuro and others :3 you finally did it!
congratz Kuro :3
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Thank you guys/girls. :3
Woo! :D :D
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Congrats for your first post lussy. :3 /me runs
Congratz! Congratz!! Congratz!!! owo
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