
Kari Kimmel - Where You Belong

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2018 at 21:23:20

Artist: Kari Kimmel
Title: Where You Belong
Source: The Fosters
Tags: Lumael Serie TV Show Netflix Foster Maia Mitchell Cierra Ramirez Jake T. Austin Noah Centineo Teri Polo Sherri Saum Hayden Byerly David Lambert Danny Nucci calm slow piano Freeform
BPM: 80
Filesize: 7792kb
Play Time: 00:37
Difficulties Available:
  1. Fosters (2,72 stars, 70 notes)
  2. Hard (2,21 stars, 56 notes)
  3. Lumael's Normal (1,68 stars, 44 notes)
Download: Kari Kimmel - Where You Belong
Download: Kari Kimmel - Where You Belong (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Opening theme from The Fosters. Enjoy.

retirado da deepweb
19:04 *Marianna is editing [ Kari Kimmel - Where You Belong [Fosters]]
19:04 Marianna: 00:01:823 (3,4) - achei isso aqui ta um pouco mal representado, o tom do piano é o mesmo de 00:01:073 (1,2) - , ficaria melhor se fosse aqui 00:02:573 (1,2) -
19:18 Marianna: ta, muda isso aqui tbm
19:19 Marianna: 00:28:823 (1) - é um slider muito intenso, tenta deixar ele mais coerente com o vocal
19:19 *Marianna is editing [ Kari Kimmel - Where You Belong [Advanced]]
19:19 Marianna: 00:05:573 (3) - aqui tem nc em todas as outras diffs
19:20 Marianna: 00:11:948 (2) - coloca em x:256 y:160 pra ficar um triângulo mais bonitinho
19:20 MkGuh: o slider tá legal com o som de finish da musica eu gostei
19:20 MkGuh: consertei o NC
19:20 MkGuh: brigado fofa
19:21 MkGuh: nem era p ser triangulo isso dai
19:21 MkGuh: mas ok vou colocar
19:22 MkGuh: toppen viadum mt brigado
19:22 Marianna: é só isso
19:22 Marianna: vou postar como irc
19:22 Marianna: tirar só as partes importantes

Lumael's - 00:19:448 (2) - É uma coisa mínima, mas desconfortável, esse é o único slider que começa de um tick vermelho, ele deixa o ritmo do mapa muito estranho.

o resto ta F I N E
hi hi

What are you think about making sliderslide sound muted? It sounds very noisy at beginning.

  1. 00:28:823 (3,1) - What are you think about moving spinner a bit more away from 00:28:823 (3) - this slider to give beginners less stressful gameplay?
  1. 00:06:698 (3,1) - I think you need here bigger spacing to emphasise that's stronger sound here.
  2. 00:12:323 (3,4,5) - 00:24:323 (6,7,8) - these stacks seem to be a bit unexpectable because there's no that important triple sound here. I think you should use 2x1/2 instead.
  3. 00:16:073 (1) - It seems like you have emphasised every sound like this but not this one. I prefer to increase this spacing.
  1. 00:02:573 (1,2) - this stack/overlap seems a bit weird in comparsion to the rest of this map. It should be spaced more.
  2. 00:14:385 (4,1) - 00:11:573 (1,2) - there's the same kind of vocal. you should stack 00:14:385 (4,1) - these objects too. // 00:23:385 (4,1) - 00:26:573 (3,4) - here too i guess
short and good map, good luck~
Topic Starter

Venix wrote:

hi hi

What are you think about making sliderslide sound muted? It sounds very noisy at beginning. ok

  1. 00:28:823 (3,1) - What are you think about moving spinner a bit more away from 00:28:823 (3) - this slider to give beginners less stressful gameplay?
  1. 00:12:323 (3,4,5) - 00:24:323 (6,7,8) - these stacks seem to be a bit unexpectable because there's no that important triple sound here. I think you should use 2x1/2 instead. I can hear the vocals there, let's see if someone else complains about it,
  2. 00:16:073 (1) - It seems like you have emphasised every sound like this but not this one. I prefer to increase this spacing. It is already emphasized.
  1. 00:02:573 (1,2) - this stack/overlap seems a bit weird in comparsion to the rest of this map. It should be spaced more. I did it cuz the low piano sound
  2. 00:14:385 (4,1) - 00:11:573 (1,2) - there's the same kind of vocal. you should stack 00:14:385 (4,1) - these objects too. // 00:23:385 (4,1) - 00:26:573 (3,4) - here too i guess but why? xD
short and good map, good luck~
thanks a lot!
  1. Não deveriam todas as sections usar o sampleset custom?
  2. 00:05:948 - Essa nota aqui não devia ter hitsound, deveria usar Sampleset de drum
  3. 00:06:323 (3) - Não seria melhor clap em vez de whistle? Ele tem um som bem podre em muitas skins, e independente dessa parte, acho que o clap combina bem mais com a batida da música
  4. 00:07:073 (1) - Drum me soa melhor que Normal também. Ou então deixa no auto e usa finish + whistle
  5. Expliquei melhor na dificuldade do Lumael, mas eu acho que esse mapa poderia ser bem mais valorizado com a adição de whistles em vários toques de pianos que estão sem hitsound, checa lá e vê se está de acordo, isso se aplica a todas as dificuldades
[Lumael's Simple]
  1. 00:09:323 (4) - Tem um whistle aqui no sliderend que não faz sentido pra mim, acho que foi misplaced
    Algumas coisas opcionais sobre o hitsound. Não são omg must have, mas eu acho que a presença deles acrescenta bastante no mapa, já que existem muitos ticks brancos sem hitsound que poderiam ter hs e valorizariam demais a música
  2. 00:10:073 (1) - Whistle no final do sliderend me parece válido
  3. 00:12:323 (5) - Podia ter um whistle no sliderstart, que tem o mesmo som do 00:11:573 (3), que está whistled
  4. 00:15:323 (3) - Mesma coisa
  5. 00:19:448 (2) - Whistle no sliderend
  6. 00:21:323 (4) - ^
  7. 00:22:073 (1) - ^
    Enfim, dá uma analisada e vê se você concorda. Eu acho que tá tudo bem não colocar eles, mas esse piano sempre tem um toque que se destaca na música nesses ticks brancos, e alguns estão sendo enfatizados com o whistle, enquanto outros não estão, e isso é meio estranho. Colocando tais whistles não deixam o mapa "overhs'd", então eu acho que é pretty fine fazer as mudanças
  1. 00:02:573 (3) - Ó faltou hs aqui. Mesmo sendo um tom mais fraco do piano, você acabou usando hs no slider seguinte, então tem que acertar isso ai
  1. 00:05:573 (2) - Esse som aqui é um finish e não um whistle bb
  2. 00:18:698 (7) - Abaixa isso aqui 1px pra deixar alinhado com o slider anterior
boa sorte bj te amo
random mod


  1. where did you get the video from? at the end of it appears this thing maybe consider to cut this part as it is pretty weird to see an advertisment like this while playing (well ok you finish playing then but still it's weird imo) in addition consider to cut the last 3-4 seconds as the blank part feels mostly useless tbh and it's a bit "too" long
  1. only 00:01:073 (1) - has S:C1 and the sliderslide is taken in consideration but starting from 00:05:948 (2) - you have S (sampleset not rank lol) and effectively it ignores the sliderslide all you have to do is to change the sampleset to S:C1 so the sliderslide will be taken in consideration
lumael's simple

  1. 00:04:823 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - the pattern itself feels pretty cramping speaking of flow structure i meant its flow feels a bit forced imo to make it more smoothlier you can do something like this
  1. 00:09:323 (4) - seems like you accidentally added a hitwhistle on its tail

  1. 00:02:573 (3) - you've just missed a hitwhistle on sliderhead
  1. 00:05:573 (3,1) - swap NC? the new stanza is on 00:05:573 (3)- as i can see here // 00:05:573 (3,1,2) - speaking about spacing here maybe the spacing between (3) - and (1) - should be less than (1) - and (2) -'s spacing as the very intensified vocal lands on 00:06:323 (2) - and not on 00:05:948 (1) - practically you still can make jump between (3) - and (1) - but (1) - and (2) -'s spacing should be higher than the previous pair of hitobjects
  1. 00:16:073 (1) - i have no idea what are you exactly following: vocal or piano if you follow mostly the vocal having the rhythm structured by 1/4 polarity like this would be nice as the vocal lands mostly on 1/4 here (there is 1/2 too ugh...)
  1. 00:20:573 (4,5,6) - i feel like its spacing is more higher in comparison with 00:08:573 (4,5,6) - why don't use the same spacing here too? it's the same intensity here

  1. as simple is structured as an normal diff and advanced diff as advanced, this is supposed to be a hard diff but seems like it got mostly structured as an insane diff due to: jumps like 00:10:073 (1,2,3) - for instance they can be cooled down a bit just because to be playable enough for advanced players as the diff is supposed to be a hard one, not an insane one (likely is kind of diff spike)
solid map
Topic Starter

Pulse wrote:

  1. Não deveriam todas as sections usar o sampleset custom? n sei a byby tb disse isso mas eu queria o muted slider slide só pra parte do piano
  2. 00:05:948 - Essa nota aqui não devia ter hitsound, deveria usar Sampleset de drum colkoquei sampleset drum mas o finish é necessário
  3. 00:06:323 (3) - Não seria melhor clap em vez de whistle? Ele tem um som bem podre em muitas skins, e independente dessa parte, acho que o clap combina bem mais com a batida da música eu gosto do whistle padrão ai, acho q combina melhor com o som pléc de fundo
  4. 00:07:073 (1) - Drum me soa melhor que Normal também. Ou então deixa no auto e usa finish + whistle o finish normal combina melhor imagino
  5. Expliquei melhor na dificuldade do Lumael, mas eu acho que esse mapa poderia ser bem mais valorizado com a adição de whistles em vários toques de pianos que estão sem hitsound, checa lá e vê se está de acordo, isso se aplica a todas as dificuldades eu n quero colocar whistle na mesma parte q tem clap, acho q combina melhor deixar sem mesmo. até pq os whistle seguem mais a vocal sem ser na parte do piano.
  1. 00:02:573 (3) - Ó faltou hs aqui. Mesmo sendo um tom mais fraco do piano, você acabou usando hs no slider seguinte, então tem que acertar isso ai
  1. 00:05:573 (2) - Esse som aqui é um finish e não um whistle bb como assim lindo, whistle é melhor q finish ai d:
boa sorte bj te amo

ByBy wrote:

random mod


  1. where did you get the video from? at the end of it appears this thing maybe consider to cut this part as it is pretty weird to see an advertisment like this while playing (well ok you finish playing then but still it's weird imo) in addition consider to cut the last 3-4 seconds as the blank part feels mostly useless tbh and it's a bit "too" long It seems fine, it is part of the video series, so is no problem at all
  1. only 00:01:073 (1) - has S:C1 and the sliderslide is taken in consideration but starting from 00:05:948 (2) - you have S (sampleset not rank lol) and effectively it ignores the sliderslide all you have to do is to change the sampleset to S:C1 so the sliderslide will be taken in consideration I want the muted slider slide only for the piano part, I guess this is fine.

  1. 00:02:573 (3) - you've just missed a hitwhistle on sliderhead
  1. 00:05:573 (3,1) - swap NC? the new stanza is on 00:05:573 (3)- as i can see here // 00:05:573 (3,1,2) - speaking about spacing here maybe the spacing between (3) - and (1) - should be less than (1) - and (2) -'s spacing as the very intensified vocal lands on 00:06:323 (2) - and not on 00:05:948 (1) - practically you still can make jump between (3) - and (1) - but (1) - and (2) -'s spacing should be higher than the previous pair of hitobjects
NC Is like that cuz I am emphasizing the drum part as a whole, this is a Hard diff so i don't think I should be putting jumps like that. The drum section is already emphasized with a big spacing than the other onws so it's fine.
  1. 00:16:073 (1) - i have no idea what are you exactly following: vocal or piano if you follow mostly the vocal having the rhythm structured by 1/4 polarity like this would be nice as the vocal lands mostly on 1/4 here (there is 1/2 too ugh...) Made it more simple.
  1. 00:20:573 (4,5,6) - i feel like its spacing is more higher in comparison with 00:08:573 (4,5,6) - why don't use the same spacing here too? it's the same intensity here


  1. as simple is structured as an normal diff and advanced diff as advanced, this is supposed to be a hard diff but seems like it got mostly structured as an insane diff due to: jumps like 00:10:073 (1,2,3) - for instance they can be cooled down a bit just because to be playable enough for advanced players as the diff is supposed to be a hard one, not an insane one (likely is kind of diff spike) Advanced is supposed to be an hard while this one is supposed to be harder than the hard one but not necessarily an insane snce this song doesnt fit a insane diff, I'll change the diff names to avoid misunderstanding.
solid map
Thanks you both! :)

  1. Show me from where you got your metadata
  2. I know there are lesbians in the show, but putting lesbians as a tag is not fine. If the song was specifically talking about lesbians or was an lgbt dedicated song then it would make sense, so it would be nice if you remove that tag.
  3. 00:32:582 - the green lines in the spinner, starting here, are unsnapped, pls snap them (all diffs)
[Lumael's Normal]
  1. 00:01:073 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this part is as dense as the hard diff rhythm-wise, pls use a couple of 1/1 sliders in this section and more 1/2 with a repeat so there's more contrast in the spread
  1. 00:22:448 (2) - you should move it a bit up so the alignment with (3) is more similar as when you did it at 00:10:448 (2,3) - . Perhaps you could work on both patterns and make the 1/4 slider be centered in the middle rather than being closer to a start/end of the 1/2 slider for a neater design.
  2. 00:28:073 (1,3) - improve this blanket plsss
  1. 00:02:573 (1,2) - uhh this is the only antijump you make, the diff should be better without it
Topic Starter
Ok but tags are fine, they dont need to be related to the song at all. I even put the series actors in the tags too.

metadata shouldn't be wrong, it is pretty easy to know this was sung by Kari Kimmel and the name is pretty much it too. I dont think we will have problems with it and I cant find good sources.

MkGuh wrote:

Ok but tags are fine, they dont need to be related to the song at all. I even put the series actors in the tags too.

metadata shouldn't be wrong, it is pretty easy to know this was sung by Kari Kimmel and the name is pretty much it too. I dont think we will have problems with it and I cant find good sources.
Tags have to be relevant to the song or the source of the song, the actors are fine I guess, but this specific tag is not imo because, as I said earlier, the show's main focus isn't about that. Anyway, I'll let you have your tag cuz I don't wanna fight over something like that.

Now, about metadata, even if you think the artist and title of the song are correct, you still have to show some proof of it because it's a requirement and the smallest mistake can cause a disqualification. If you have trouble finding metadata, just ask for help; you're in the discord metadata server..

The artist has an official website
I couldn't find this specific song there, but she linked her youtube channel there. I found this video in her channel


It seems you don't have to make any metadata changes, but we have something to show now~

Call me back when you're done with the mod~
netflix and lesbians in tags? Put America in tags too since that's where this song was made; oh and daytime since it's daytime both in the bg and during the times where they shot the tv show. I think one of the actor's favourite food was chicken so make sure to add that too
Topic Starter
I don't like your tone, you don't need to use irony like that, I thought tags were used to make the beatmap easier to find. I admit I am wrong though, as ezek said, the show is not specifically about gay people, and I don't think anyone will use this word to look for the song. I do think netflix is fine though, this show is pretty much known for appearing in netflix, and to those who watches netflix a lot and would like to search for series opening beatmaps, should be ok.

@ezek: I am already done with the mod, everything was applied. xD
Sorry, I thought you would have taken it lightheartedly; I didn't meant to patronise you.

I don't understand the variable combo lengths. 00:13:073 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - You use 2 NCs in 1 measure here and 1 NC for measure with 00:16:073 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) . And this happens frequently throughout the map. It doesn't really seem pattern dependant as many of your big patterns could have been split up into smaller combos since they have gaps 1/1 gaps in rhythms too. The normal uses consistent combo lengths

00:28:823 (1) - This slider just looks random. If it were an adaption from the style of the map then fair enough but it's not so yh..

00:28:823 (3) - Could be a nice idea to NC this so the player would get more hp before the final spinner which is a bit longer than usual
OD 6.5 and 7.5 are too high for the Hard and Top diff. You can say that it's mapped at like a hard and insane (which would also make your OD for hard too high anyways) but it doesn't match the bpm and rhythm density/complexity.

I would also state that the ARs are too high too since they only allow for about 2-3 objects on at a time (depending on if there is a triplet). These diffs are still low SR and far below 3* so there is no real need to make it such a struggle for beginners.

Topic Starter
AR may be too high, and SR too low, but the top diffs requires lot of aims, beginners can't play it properly so it is not really meant to beginners. But I lowered the AR and the OD to make it fit more with the song.

Applied the combo and the NC at the slider in hard. I'd like to keep my slider art at the end on the top diff, song was asking for a long slider so why not making an slider art there.

pls adopt this bubble
We need more tv series openings tbh :3
Oi Guh, parabéns pela bubble, me ensina <3


  1. I'd highly recommend you to cut the last part of the mp3/video that is unnecesary because there's nothing important from them, remember that it's not an excuse to use "It seems fine, it is part of the video series, so is no problem at all" It's the same thing as I did for "Pretty Little Liars" set, I mean, there are basically 4 seconds of empty sounds, which could reduce the weight of the mp3 itself, the same goes for the video. (There you go), I've edited them, as you requested it.

  1. 00:04:073 (1,2,3) - I wonder why you didn't keep the same kind of distance regarding this objects while 00:01:073 (1,2,3,4) - that here, which is basically the same rhythm you went with x2.0, I'd like to be consistent with both sections.
  2. 00:05:198 (1,2,3,4,5) - Come on, you could do this better than the current pattern. I mean the flow, and jump is pretty neat. But I'm pretty sure that this circle could be inside of (2) (3) and (1) just like this, and then when the drums plays the spacing could be increased like this.
  3. 00:14:573 (5,6,1,3) - This would make sense if it were a Hard or even an Advanced, but since this is basically like a Hard + ignoring the vocals which you have been following up until this point, but being ignored so suddenly makes an inconsistency which isn't alright at all. You could do either this, or this, up to you. (00:22:073 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Take in mind that you should be consistent with this as well, due that is the same part of the song).
  4. 00:16:635 (2,3) - Same goes to this.
  5. 00:24:510 - Vocals.
Call me back, so I can give your bubble back. Such a shame that ezek is not around anymore.

Metadata: <- She linked this SoundCloud from her official site. ... =663069947 <- Taken from her official Youtube account.
Video uploaded by herself where it shows the title and artist.
Topic Starter
Please adopt this Gero
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:



  1. I'd highly recommend you to cut the last part of the mp3/video that is unnecesary because there's nothing important from them, remember that it's not an excuse to use "It seems fine, it is part of the video series, so is no problem at all" It's the same thing as I did for "Pretty Little Liars" set, I mean, there are basically 4 seconds of empty sounds, which could reduce the weight of the mp3 itself, the same goes for the video. (There you go), I've edited them, as you requested it.

  1. 00:04:073 (1,2,3) - I wonder why you didn't keep the same kind of distance regarding this objects while 00:01:073 (1,2,3,4) - that here, which is basically the same rhythm you went with x2.0, I'd like to be consistent with both sections. I am emphasizing only the harder sounds of the piano as u can see, and when the vocals/drums starts to show out I change the focus to the drums and the vocal entonation.
  2. 00:05:198 (1,2,3,4,5) - Come on, you could do this better than the current pattern. I mean the flow, and jump is pretty neat. But I'm pretty sure that this circle could be inside of (2) (3) and (1) just like this, and then when the drums plays the spacing could be increased like this. I like it like that, as you said, everything is neat, and I think visual look neat also. (Which doesn't even matter since players don't know anything about aesthetics so who will care while playing?)
    Fixed all the vocals stuff.
Call me back, so I can give your bubble back. Such a shame that ezek is not around anymore.

Metadata: <- She linked this SoundCloud from her official site. ... =663069947 <- Taken from her official Youtube account.
Video uploaded by herself where it shows the title and artist.
Please adopt this Gero
Yes what a shame
We've fixed some other rhythms that were ignored. Moved an object to fix aesthetics. Added some hitsounds.

~ Bubbled ~
ur intro is off

rest of the map is good tho. call me/gero back!
Topic Starter
~ Rebubbled ~
Topic Starter
What is 24 hours more when you've waited 2 months already, huh?! xD

MkGuh wrote:

What is 24 hours more when you've waited 2 months already, huh?! xD
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