
toby fox - Finale

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Fatfan Kolek
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Samstag, 10. März 2018 at 20:51:35

Artist: toby fox
Title: Finale
Tags: flowey boss fight chiptune soundtrack radiation
BPM: 190
Filesize: 2163kb
Play Time: 01:50
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (5,43 stars, 488 notes)
  2. Determination (5,8 stars, 584 notes)
  3. Easy (1,45 stars, 110 notes)
  4. Expert (4,77 stars, 470 notes)
  5. Hard (3,1 stars, 312 notes)
  6. Insane (4,14 stars, 407 notes)
  7. Normal (2,08 stars, 179 notes)
Download: toby fox - Finale
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Hey o/ M4M, hier ist meine Map:

00:06:412 (2) - Ich sehe keinen Grund warum hier ein roter Anker ist. Passt nicht im Vergleich zu den restlichen Slidern in dem Part.
00:09:570 (5) - Sollte glaube ich eher ein Soft sein, Normal wirkt etwas zu "stark" für den leisen Part hier.
00:19:044 (5) - ^ (Also auf dem letzten Sliderend)
00:20:307 (1) - Der hier sollte hier 00:20:623 - aufhören, da der Sound da stärker ist als der danach.
00:22:833 (1) - ^
00:26:623 (2) - ^ (hast du bei allen Slidern der Art gemacht - you get the point)
00:21:570 (3) - Mach statt dem hier einen 1Beat Slider mit nem Reverse Arrow und einen Circle bei 00:22:518 -
01:46:360 (1) - Soft pls
Allgemein würde ich mehr Circles verwenden, diese sind für neue Spieler oft einfacher als Slider, und die Diff ist sehr Sliderheavy.

00:03:570 - Circle
00:08:939 (3) - Würde vorschlagen hier ein Reverse Arrow zu plazieren so dass der Slider auf der 00:09:570 (4) - endet. Passt mit der Musik. Sonst bei 4 auch bitte den Soft Hitsound.
00:19:044 (3) - ^
00:20:307 (1) - Same wie bei Easy.
01:46:360 (1) - Soft pls

00:09:570 (2) - Soft pls
00:19:675 (2) - Soft pls
01:46:360 (1) - Soft pls

00:09:570 (3) - Soft pls
00:19:675 (3) - Soft pls
00:25:044 (1) - Würde ich ändern - es sieht sehr nach einem 1/4 Slider aus und es gibt keinen Indikator für den SV Change hier. Ich würde den Slider genau so wie die davor lassen.
00:35:149 (1) - ^
01:08:307 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - die Map war bis hier hin extrem einfach zu readen, und diser Teil kommt sehr plötzlich und wirkt out of place. Würde es zu etwas ändern was man normal readen kann.
01:18:412 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
01:28:518 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Zwar etwas leichter zu readen als das davor, würde es dennoch ändern.
01:38:623 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
01:46:360 (1) - Soft pls

00:09:570 (3) - Soft pls
00:19:675 (3) - Soft pls
00:25:044 (1) - Same wie bei Insane
00:35:149 (1) - ^
01:46:360 (1) - Soft pls

Jau das war's - wie schon gesagt ich bin unerfahren, also sorry wenn alles was ich geschrieben habe komplett falsch ist oder was auch immer, viel Erfolg noch!

00:03:886 (1,2,3,4) - There should be bigger spacing cuz it's a bit confusing after the faster triples before
00:21:728 - There should be a 1 more note (it sounds better i think)
00:26:781 - Same
00:28:518 (4) - Get this slider a littlebit to left (should be in flow with note before this)
00:31:833 - Get there 1 note again
00:36:886 - Same
00:38:623 (4) - Get this slider a bit to left
01:35:070 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - This is a bit ugly and not too harmonic.
01:04:202 (2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - This is too hard for insane i think. Try to make this pattern more readable (for insane)
01:19:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This is too confusing for insane.
01:30:097 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Make these streams more smoother
01:40:202 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Same
00:10:202 (1) - Get this note to end of that slider before this note
00:13:991 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Get all these notes a bit up
00:23:465 (4) - Change this slider to a note

Ok that's all I found. Good luck with getting ranked :)
Topic Starter
Fatfan Kolek
thanks you two! applied some suggestion and redesigned a few patterns in the last diff~

  1. Same problem as Normal, the SV changes, but this time they don't effect much on the map itself

  1. The major problem on this diff are those SV changes, for normal, it's quite confusing yet make the DS quite consistent, but i am not sure is it rankable by now, and making some notes unreadable like 00:39:570 (4,1) -
  2. 01:00:097 (5) - Please don't use too much repeats on 1 slider for lower diffs, players don't have enough time to read
  3. Other than that, the rhythm is nice

  1. nothing that i can mention

  1. 00:19:675 (3) - NC for SV change
  2. 01:09:570 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This looks very cramped which is quite unreadable on insane, i suggest spacing it out
  3. 01:19:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^

  1. 00:25:044 (1) - I would do something on the shape, since the SV slow down is quite large and sudden, so changing it a little bit could help on readability more
  2. 00:35:149 (1) - ^
  3. 00:49:991 (3,4) - Should be 4 stacked circles just like 00:48:728 (3,4,5,6) - ,since in this part the pattern was played twice so you not doing the same here might be too sudden
    Although i prefer your old symmetric style, this map does have some image on it

Nice mapset

Good luck~
pretty good mapset overall, i'll only be looking at insane / top


  1. 00:03:570 (5,1,2,3,4,1) - spacing
  2. 00:08:939 (1,2) - is stronger than 00:08:623 (5,1) - yet has lower spacing
  3. 00:09:570 (3) - with the sliderslide it's messy, either don't use a slider or silence sliderslide hitsound for this part
  4. 00:13:991 (1,2,3,4) - spacing goes up, and goes down for no reason (same sounds / intensity here)
  5. 00:18:728 (4,1,2,3) - ^
  6. that's something that repeats a lot, so :
  7. 00:21:570 (1,2) - here you leave the red tick blank ; you skip the sound you're actually mapping on 00:22:044 (3) - .
  8. And it's really bad consistency since sometimes you map it, sometimes you don't
  9. 00:25:044 (1,1) - this kind of sv change is kinda useless, and doesn't make any sense
  10. 00:26:623 (1,2) - etc
  11. 00:31:675 (1,2) - asdasd
  12. 00:35:149 (1,1) -
  13. 00:41:149 (3,4,5,6) - 380bpm singletap on a calm part lol
    it sounds good, so keep it with sliders like in 00:43:675 (3,4,3,4) -
    00:46:202 (3,4,5,6,3,4,5,6) - Same goes here, it's beautiful and all, but it's too fast for a calm part.
    (same until 00:58:202 (1) - )
  14. 01:00:097 (2,3) - here you could have done a cool jump, but it's boring sliders
  15. 01:43:675 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,1) - Make the hitsounds lower by 2% every 1/2 (use a keybind to place a green line if you don't already) and add it to all the diffs


  1. 00:00:097 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Rework spacing, it's messy
  2. 00:21:570 (1,2,3) - again missing some notes. (same for the rest of the map)
  3. 00:23:149 (2,3,4,5) - do something more readable, average insane player will panic (i did when sightreading) (same for the rest of the map)
  4. 00:25:044 (1,1) - this kind of sv change is kinda useless, and doesn't make any sense (again xd) (same for the rest of the map)
  5. 00:56:307 (3,4,5,6,1) - again too much singletapping
  6. 01:04:833 (1,2,1,2) - add a slider for stamina
  7. 01:08:939 (1,2) - add a slider for stamina
  8. 01:14:938 (1,2,1,2) - add a slider for stamina
hope it helped, gl! also nice last goodbye map =D
Topic Starter
Fatfan Kolek

Firis Mistlud wrote:


  1. Same problem as Normal, the SV changes, but this time they don't effect much on the map itself yee, i think it's kinda ok here :D

  1. The major problem on this diff are those SV changes, for normal, it's quite confusing yet make the DS quite consistent, but i am not sure is it rankable by now, and making some notes unreadable like 00:39:570 (4,1) - well here, i kind of fixed it by increasing the SV on that part by 0.25
  2. 01:00:097 (5) - Please don't use too much repeats on 1 slider for lower diffs, players don't have enough time to read not sure yet about this, need more opinions
  3. Other than that, the rhythm is nice :D

  1. nothing that i can mention

  1. 00:19:675 (3) - NC for SV change mhh ok
  2. 01:09:570 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This looks very cramped which is quite unreadable on insane, i suggest spacing it out actually like that pattern a lot :D
  3. 01:19:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^ ^

  1. 00:25:044 (1) - I would do something on the shape, since the SV slow down is quite large and sudden, so changing it a little bit could help on readability more it doesn't effect the gameplay in the slightest, that's why it's fitting, i think i'll leave it like this for now
  2. 00:35:149 (1) - ^
  3. 00:49:991 (3,4) - Should be 4 stacked circles just like 00:48:728 (3,4,5,6) - ,since in this part the pattern was played twice so you not doing the same here might be too sudden ugh, tried to bring variation in it, like circle - circle, slider - slider, circle - slider
    Although i prefer your old symmetric style, this map does have some image on it

Nice mapset

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Fatfan Kolek

FruityEnLoops wrote:

pretty good mapset overall, i'll only be looking at insane / top


  1. 01:43:675 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,1) - Make the hitsounds lower by 2% every 1/2 (use a keybind to place a green line if you don't already) oh hey, i will do that if i'm not too lazy since it's quite a bit of work lol
hope it helped, gl! also nice last goodbye map =D
as you requested

*might be nice to start decreasing the volume from 01:43:044 - as the song's fading slowly and the hitobjects are getting louder which is not really good
*4939524-omega+flowey bg is still in the folder? o_o
*disable widescreen support and enable countdown they're both useless at this moment
*tags are missing

*00:16:518 (2) - you've just missed an hitwhistle at slider's tail
*01:01:991 (3,1,2) - the flow is a bit broken here as i can see why? it's because it flows a bit weird and the movement of the cursor feels a bit uncomfortable imo something like this => would improve the flow really much (yeah you have to re-arrange 01:04:518 (2,3) - pattern ;_;)
*01:10:202 (2,1) - tbh, i would avoid doing 2/1 stacks here as it is an easy diff and the target players might confuse it with an 1/1 stack so would be better to unstack them // 01:20:307 (2,1) - same
*01:20:939 (1,2) - you started to nerf here all of by sudden but frankly, this is inconsistent to 01:00:728 (1,2) - as the song's intensity remains the same imo considering to do the same here as you did with your previous pattern // 01:31:044 (1,2) - same

*from 00:20:307 (1) - the overlaps are a little bit crampy and with hr mod they will look even less noticeable try to make them less crampy (i mean a bit noticeable lol) // 00:45:570 - those are even almost not noticeable D:
*00:11:465 (3,4) - that's pretty weird to change the rhythm as the song is still similar you didn't use 1/2 polarity on your previous patterns which makes inconsistent with the first patterns imo as the song remains the same lol would be nice to do the rhythm as you did for the first measure of song's intro
*00:14:623 (4) - missing hitwhistle on slider's head
*01:00:097 (5) - never and EVER use something like this in E/N diffs the target players aren't familiar enough with slider with multiple repeats yet would be better to replace it with 2 1/2 sliders would be more appropiate for the diff itself (but you have to nerf this one 01:00:728 (1,2,3) - a bit to make the overall rhythm and pattern familiar to target players)
*01:03:254 (1,2) - 1/2 polarity doesn't work really well here because the instruments are changing at 01:03:570 - so it's not an extension try something different here like make from this 3/4 slider an 1/1 slider for instance // 01:13:359 (1,2) - same // 01:23:465 (1,2) - etc.

*ar8 on an hard diff? o_o it might play rough and also it's pretty higher cool it down to 7
*00:04:518 (2) - a hitwhistle on its head would be nice for the piano part // 00:14:623 (2) - same
*01:30:412 (3) - this one can use only two repeats like the previous 1/4 sliders with repeat, 01:29:781 (1,2) - the player might confuse it with an 1/4 slider with two repeats and he/she can get easily a sliderbreak (that happened to me aswell) also it is the only 1/4 slider with three repeats from 01:29:781 (1,2,3) - // 01:40:518 (3) - same

*ar9 plays fine, but in the way how the diff was mapped, ar8.5 would be much better imo
*00:00:097 (1) - talking about intro's jumping structure, 00:00:412 (2,3) - has the spacing bigger than 00:01:044 (3,1) - and i'm asking why does 00:01:044 (3,1) - not has jump aswell the piano is still intense....well, a bit intense anyway it would worth spacing them more than putting only antijumps because:
1. it plays a little bit weird lol
2.there's no any given emphasis nor build-up effect to the piano by putting only antijump
that applies on whole 00:00:097 (1) - ~ 00:00:097 (1) - section

*00:21:728 - i don't understand why you leave 1/1 gap here and on the rest of this section the music is still ongoing and on that 1/2 tick there's a pretty noticeable beat so a 1/2 circle there would be nice in order to give emphasis to that beat there's actually no reason to leave 1/1 gap // 00:31:833 - same
*00:24:728 (4,1) - you still can space them more because you'll give more emphasis and build-up effect to the instruments, even if you decreased the sv of 00:25:044 (1) - // 00:34:833 (4,1) - same
*00:25:360 (1,2) - // 00:26:623 (1,2) - // 00:27:886 (1,2,3) - etc. now seriously why do you use antijumps where the instruments are so intense? :c it plays pretty weird here as antijumping and it does not even give enough emphasis to the intense instruments consider spacing them more
*01:03:254 (1,2,3) - // 01:03:886 (1,2,3) - // 01:07:044 (1,2,3) - etc. same discussion about jumping structure it's obvious that 01:03:570 (2) - let's say is more stronger than 01:03:728 (3) - so 01:03:254 (1,2) - should be spaced more and 01:03:570 (2,3) - less because at 01:03:570 (2) - the beat is very intense and prominent and it really deserves more emphasis and build-up effect, not 01:03:728 (3) -which has less intensity
*01:45:570 (1,2) - these are overlapping uuugh

*00:10:518 (2,3) - // 00:11:781 (2,3) - // 00:13:044 (2,3) - // 00:15:570 (2,3) - etc. their spacing is less than of the patterns in insane consider spacing them more
*00:21:728 - // 00:31:833 - same thing as i said in insane with 1/1 gap thingy in addition stopping in the middle of the song when it is so intense can make the play pretty weird and a bit confusing imo
*00:49:360 (1,2) - the song's intensity is the same as 00:46:833 (1) - does so you have to space them like you did at 00:46:833 (1) - // 00:48:097 (1) - the song gets more intense here a little bit so this is not taken in consideration
*01:09:886 (3,4) - // 01:10:518 (3,4) - spacing them like this (that's an antijump actually) makes it to play pretty confusing and uncomfortable tbh consider spacing them more as the song is still so intense that's why it plays confusing and uncomfortable at its current state // 01:19:991 (3,4) - same // 01:20:623 (2,3) - etc.
*01:20:465 (1) - this NC isn't supposed to be here as the new stanza isn't here

i know the kiai is very intense but you have to cool down a bit the spacing seems kinda overdone imo xd
Topic Starter
Fatfan Kolek
revived the set, applied much stuff from your mod byby, changed AR on all diffs to make a better spread and reworked some of the SV changes in the lower diffs -_-

should be ready now though :3
placeholder, sorry for not moding it today
hi, just passing by to add this cute star icon to your map

  1. Would be really nice if you could make the combo colors Red → Green → Red → Green instead of Green → Green → Red → Red. It might visually looks like the combo is really long and that's something that could be improved. Just exchange the colors.
  2. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not but you could add some decreasing volume there 01:43:691 - as the song is fading out. The hitsounds are way too loud there.
  1. 00:58:218 (1) - I feel like this spinner is a bit too much for beginners, it's rather short and some new players might not react well to it as it's way too short. Would be better if you could map this short section.
  2. 01:42:428 (3) - Not really nice to make this slider offbeat as you were always mapping the downbeats with circles or with a slider head. My suggestion would be to make it clickable. 01:44:955 (2) - It's fine here, though, as there's barely any sound.
  1. I don't really like the idea of having a 1,25x SV in Kiai, specially in a Normal difficulty. It's way too fast. It's cool to do it in Hard but it just feels and plays too much for a Normal, make it 1,00x or if you REALLY want to increase it, make it 1,10x.
  2. 00:34:534 (4,5) - Make these a circle → slide transition instead of the opposite, would feel much better if you could make 00:34:849 - clickable. You can ctrl + G to see the rhythm.
  1. 00:49:376 (5) - NC here!
  2. 01:00:113 (2,3) - Would be really cool if you could make these 4 circles, just like you did here 00:58:534 (2,3,4) - . Making these clickable really play nicely. Try something like this.
  1. 01:00:113 (2,3) - Same thing I suggested in Hard, if you agreed to do there would be nice to do here as well.
  2. 01:05:955 (2,3,4) - I really really liked this triplet you made here and would be really nice if you could do the same at 01:07:060 (1) - and 01:08:323 (1) - for consistency. Would also play really nicely.
  3. 01:26:955 (2,1,2,3) - The way you arranged these isn't the best option to the flow there as it would be more convenient to click the 2 circles after clicking the first slider, but you organized it in a way that you have to go back the whole way and click the slider again. Moving 01:27:586 (2,3) - to x:312 y:261 would fix this.
  1. 01:10:849 (1) - Spacing could be longer here as you were mapping a lot of jumps there + this is a strong beat. Doesn't make much sense to decrease the DS there. ctrl + G works pretty nice there~
  1. 00:21:823 - Don't really like the idea of having a break there, specially when there's a sound and that you've mapped it later. Would be definitely better if you could add something there. Same would apply here 00:31:691 (1) - .
  2. 01:15:902 (1) - Would be nicer if you could keep your back and forth jumps here like you were doing before. Stacking this to x:260 y:48 would solve this.
  3. 01:28:534 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You're starting the star with high spacing then you lower it but I can hear that the song is actually getting stronger, not weaker. You can either do the opposite or keep the DS consistent. Same here 01:38:639 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - if you agreed with me.
  1. 00:49:377 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,1) - I get that you're making this section increase its spacing and that's really cool, but why decrese it here while you could keep it as big as the previous one?
  2. 01:29:323 (2,1) - Flow here would be much better if you ctrl + G these as it would keep the same jump structure you were following.
  3. 01:45:903 (5,6,7,8,9) - Decrease the spacing a bit more as the song is really low there.

call me back after Namki's mod!
Topic Starter
Fatfan Kolek

Kuron-kun wrote:

hi, just passing by to add this cute star icon to your map

  1. Would be really nice if you could make the combo colors Red → Green → Red → Green instead of Green → Green → Red → Red. It might visually looks like the combo is really long and that's something that could be improved. Just exchange the colors. LOL this confused the shit out of me at first xD but i got what you mean eventually and switched the colors now :D
  2. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not but you could add some decreasing volume there 01:43:691 - as the song is fading out. The hitsounds are way too loud there. ofc, changed it in all difficulties
  1. 00:58:218 (1) - I feel like this spinner is a bit too much for beginners, it's rather short and some new players might not react well to it as it's way too short. Would be better if you could map this short section. i actually mapped it out before, but added the spinner afterwards, because i felt like the SV change was a bit uncomfortable withou the spinner. i don't think it's that suprising for newer players though, i think they can react to it! :D
  2. 01:42:428 (3) - Not really nice to make this slider offbeat as you were always mapping the downbeats with circles or with a slider head. My suggestion would be to make it clickable. 01:44:955 (2) - It's fine here, though, as there's barely any sound. alrighty, fixed :3
  1. I don't really like the idea of having a 1,25x SV in Kiai, specially in a Normal difficulty. It's way too fast. It's cool to do it in Hard but it just feels and plays too much for a Normal, make it 1,00x or if you REALLY want to increase it, make it 1,10x. aaa, it does make sense spreadwise though, i increased SV by 0.2 after every difficulty and kept sv changes for different parts rather same, it's not really over the top
  2. 00:34:534 (4,5) - Make these a circle → slide transition instead of the opposite, would feel much better if you could make 00:34:849 - clickable. You can ctrl + G to see the rhythm.oke, fixed c:
  1. 00:49:376 (5) - NC here! good catch, thank you!
  2. 01:00:113 (2,3) - Would be really cool if you could make these 4 circles, just like you did here 00:58:534 (2,3,4) - . Making these clickable really play nicely. Try something like this aaa sry, but i haven't used 4 circles in any difficulty, because i want to keep that part rather calm.
  1. 01:00:113 (2,3) - Same thing I suggested in Hard, if you agreed to do there would be nice to do here as well. ^
  2. 01:05:955 (2,3,4) - I really really liked this triplet you made here and would be really nice if you could do the same at 01:07:060 (1) - and 01:08:323 (1) - for consistency. Would also play really nicely. mhh, i think i wont add them, because imo that would make the rhythm too dense for a 4* diff which is not really what i want here :o
  3. 01:26:955 (2,1,2,3) - The way you arranged these isn't the best option to the flow there as it would be more convenient to click the 2 circles after clicking the first slider, but you organized it in a way that you have to go back the whole way and click the slider again. Moving 01:27:586 (2,3) - to x:312 y:261 would fix this. yeah, you're right, fixed :3
  1. 01:10:849 (1) - Spacing could be longer here as you were mapping a lot of jumps there + this is a strong beat. Doesn't make much sense to decrease the DS there. ctrl + G works pretty nice there~ ctrl+g wont really work for me with the antijump slider then :o i used antiemphasis here which makes this pattern as whole pretty good imo ;_; i'll leave it like this
  1. 00:21:823 - Don't really like the idea of having a break there, specially when there's a sound and that you've mapped it later. Would be definitely better if you could add something there. Same would apply here 00:31:691 (1) - . but it adds diversity rhythmwise and not makes everything monotone 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 if you know what i mean :o i know that i could've mapped this sound, but adding new rhyhtm elements keeps the map fresh :3
  2. 01:15:902 (1) - Would be nicer if you could keep your back and forth jumps here like you were doing before. Stacking this to x:260 y:48 would solve this. oh, i want to make the patterns seperate, that's why im not continuing with the back and forth
  3. 01:28:534 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You're starting the star with high spacing then you lower it but I can hear that the song is actually getting stronger, not weaker. You can either do the opposite or keep the DS consistent. Same here 01:38:639 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - if you agreed with me. oh yeah sure, changed :D
  1. 00:49:377 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,1) - I get that you're making this section increase its spacing and that's really cool, but why decrese it here while you could keep it as big as the previous one? it makes sense to get to the lowest spacing again in a slow way, it goes from big spacing 00:48:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - to middle spacing 00:49:377 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - to small spacing again, so it feels more comfortable imo
  2. 01:29:323 (2,1) - Flow here would be much better if you ctrl + G these as it would keep the same jump structure you were following. i very much like how these (kind of) squares play as i wanted to emphasise this special sound
  3. 01:45:903 (5,6,7,8,9) - Decrease the spacing a bit more as the song is really low there. yeah, changed c:

call me back after Namki's mod!i will \:D/

  1. Insane, Expert and Another have a bit strange NCing in kiai section, like, I understand why did u use NC every upbeat in the top diff (bc of big amount of 1/4) but lower diffs do not have high intensity patterns, so isn't it better to make NC every new measure, instead?
  2. You have 00:10:060 - / 00:20:165 - etc. - silenced in the top diff but they're not in Insane, Hard, Expert and Another. Consider silencing.
  3. Hitsounding seems a bit weird to me. Like, there's only 00:41:797 (6) - soft whistle on it but here 00:41:166 (3) - normals sampleset soft whistle but 00:41:797 (6) - is more prominent. Literally every new measure tick except NCed ones has only soft whistle on it. I'd highly recommend you to place just a normal sampleset or a finish.
  1. 00:09:586 (4,1) - you may want to move that circle like 2px futrher to avoid that tiny overlap. It just looks neater.
  1. 01:26:639 (1,2) - newbies really can hit sliderend instead of a head. Here as well 01:30:428 (4,1) - , and 01:36:744 (1,2) - . Even if they go consistently they're not that obvious to the new players tbh. You can just lift to make them visually seem like 01:03:902 (1,2) - .
aaaaa, what a neat map, can't event find anything.
i think it doesn't really matter whom you call back first
Topic Starter
Fatfan Kolek

Namki wrote:


  1. Insane, Expert and Another have a bit strange NCing in kiai section, like, I understand why did u use NC every upbeat in the top diff (bc of big amount of 1/4) but lower diffs do not have high intensity patterns, so isn't it better to make NC every new measure, instead? uhh i kinda guess what you mean, but i think it works this way. i did reNC the first slow part of Hard though as the combo were only 2 notes long most of the time there and it looked weird with the SV change NC
  2. You have 00:10:060 - / 00:20:165 - etc. - silenced in the top diff but they're not in Insane, Hard, Expert and Another. Consider silencing. oh yeah, fixed it everywhere :3
  3. Hitsounding seems a bit weird to me. Like, there's only 00:41:797 (6) - soft whistle on it but here 00:41:166 (3) - normals sampleset soft whistle but 00:41:797 (6) - is more prominent. Literally every new measure tick except NCed ones has only soft whistle on it. I'd highly recommend you to place just a normal sampleset or a finish. added drum whistle :D
  1. 00:09:586 (4,1) - you may want to move that circle like 2px futrher to avoid that tiny overlap. It just looks neater.yeh fixed
  1. 01:26:639 (1,2) - newbies really can hit sliderend instead of a head. Here as well 01:30:428 (4,1) - , and 01:36:744 (1,2) - . Even if they go consistently they're not that obvious to the new players tbh. You can just lift to make them visually seem like 01:03:902 (1,2) - .fixed, fixed and fixed
aaaaa, what a neat map, can't event find anything.
i think it doesn't really matter whom you call back first
Meta confirmed by Lanturn, thank you Lanturn.
nice map!
Ayyy congratz
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