
Demetori - Youyou Bakko ~ Who done it!!!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017 at 17:34:43

Artist: Demetori
Title: Youyou Bakko ~ Who done it!!!
Source: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Tags: touhou project perfect cherry blossom stream yakumo ran Le Grimoire De reve 妖々跋扈 ~ who done it!!!
BPM: 182
Filesize: 13180kb
Play Time: 05:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Extra Stage (6,03 stars, 2367 notes)
Download: Demetori - Youyou Bakko ~ Who done it!!!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Banner by Pyo

Ending is hard

Thanks both of you~

Thanks to Bonsai for timing check
Silent Spica for metadata
xfraczynho for his constant support
GoldenWolf for better quality MP3
All mods and testplayers~
- titan
hi, nm from queue
00:10:177 (1,1) - time after the spinner is pretty short. it seems really sudden
00:33:584 (1) - uncover this for readability?
00:36:303 (8,1,2,3,4) - make this "blanket" better
00:36:716 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^ same thing
00:39:600 (3,1) - not a fan of this being stacked
00:46:605 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - make this look more circular? it helps with playability and it looks better
01:00:782 (1,2,3,4) - at such a high speed, back and forth movement is really uncomfortable. i'd suggest changing this to something with better circular flow
01:04:655 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this "blanket" can be improved
01:23:034 (1,2) - blanket?
01:25:012 (4,5) - ^
01:30:782 (3,5) - ^
02:11:857 (2,4) - ^ :/
02:48:286 (2,1) - ^
02:50:594 (1,2) - these 2 whistles in a row sounds bad imo
02:55:154 (2,3,4,5) - hard to tell this is 1/6
02:55:594 (6,1,2,3,4,5,1) - same thing about high speed and circular flow
02:56:445 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - i don't really like the super short gaps between spinners and stuff
03:01:720 (1,1,1,1) - ^
03:05:264 (2,3) - double check this blanket
03:30:319 (1,2,3,4,1) - make this a tiny bit more circular
04:01:646 (4) - ctrl+g ?
04:41:145 (1,2) - why is this spacing so high wtf
04:45:145 (8,1) - imperfect blanket

for the most part, this map plays pretty well.
nice map and good luck!
Topic Starter

- titan wrote:

hi, nm from queue
00:10:177 (1,1) - time after the spinner is pretty short. it seems really sudden hmm it's fine for me but maybe for others isn't,
there isn't much i can do tbh, it's a small issue too talking about the very beginning

00:33:584 (1) - uncover this for readability? sure
00:36:303 (8,1,2,3,4) - make this "blanket" better
00:36:716 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^ same thing very small but fixed those
00:39:600 (3,1) - not a fan of this being stacked yeah it might be odd for some people, i'll wait for more feedback on this tho, thanks for pointing out
00:46:605 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - make this look more circular? it helps with playability and it looks better yeah, it's ugly but i think it's necessary for the emphasis i put here, don't feel to change it rn, will wait for some more feedback
01:00:782 (1,2,3,4) - at such a high speed, back and forth movement is really uncomfortable. i'd suggest changing this to something with better circular flow
01:04:655 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this "blanket" can be improved moved a bit
01:23:034 (1,2) - blanket? it's fine for me
01:25:012 (4,5) - ^ fixed
01:30:782 (3,5) - ^ fixed?
02:11:857 (2,4) - ^ :/ fixed
02:48:286 (2,1) - ^ ^
02:50:594 (1,2) - these 2 whistles in a row sounds bad imo yeah, switched with finish
02:55:154 (2,3,4,5) - hard to tell this is 1/6 yeah kinda, spacing is very low on 1/6 through the map but this doesn't have the combo changes, applied that
02:55:594 (6,1,2,3,4,5,1) - same thing about high speed and circular flow i think it's fine
02:56:445 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - i don't really like the super short gaps between spinners and stuff yeah they feel uncomfortable, cut them to red tick
03:01:720 (1,1,1,1) - ^
03:05:264 (2,3) - double check this blanket oops
03:30:319 (1,2,3,4,1) - make this a tiny bit more circular sure
04:01:646 (4) - ctrl+g ? would break visual flow
04:41:145 (1,2) - why is this spacing so high wtf yeah it is, but i think it's fine to represent the fade out with this
04:45:145 (8,1) - imperfect blanket should be fine now

for the most part, this map plays pretty well.
nice map and good luck! thank you for modding~
halo nub mod from my queue

01:01:111 (4,2) - uhh fix overlap xd
01:43:144 (1) - whats withthe nc here
01:45:946 (1,2) - swap nc
01:49:336 (1,1) - ^
02:13:176 (4,6) - would overlap these two insted stacking it to 02:14:660 (3) - wont be noticed anyway
02:37:242 (5,8) - would nc imo to emphasize the drums
02:55:044 (1) - unnesscary nc
03:05:264 (2,3) - would nc
03:09:550 (3) - nc
03:15:484 (1,2) - swap nc
04:02:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - idk but there's something u could improve here to emphasize the guitar more it doesnt fit for me
05:28:978 (11) - nc
05:43:479 (6) - too far imo

very soorry for the bad mod im sicc ;(
very gud map tho goodluck~
Topic Starter

AJamez wrote:

halo nub mod from my queue

01:01:111 (4,2) - uhh fix overlap xd 1 is completely faded when 4 comes in, it's fine
01:43:144 (1) - whats withthe nc here LUL didn't noticed, thanks
01:45:946 (1,2) - swap nc sure
01:49:336 (1,1) - ^ make them the same combo
02:13:176 (4,6) - would overlap these two insted stacking it to 02:14:660 (3) - wont be noticed anyway yeah it's kinda unnecessary
02:37:242 (5,8) - would nc imo to emphasize the drums why not
02:55:044 (1) - unnesscary nc fixed
03:05:264 (2,3) - would nc mm it isn't necessary tho
03:09:550 (3) - nc missed that one
03:15:484 (1,2) - swap nc sure
04:02:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - idk but there's something u could improve here to emphasize the guitar more it doesnt fit for me yeah maybe,
but i can't find something to put more emphasis, i even simplified the rhythm to fit with guitar so idk

05:28:978 (11) - nc removed te NC from 05:27:812 (1) - here, my intention here was to represent the drum kicks with a long low distance stream, and because of the kicks consistency they shouldn't have a NC(leaving other sounds out basically)
05:43:479 (6) - too far imo yeah, a bit, fixed

very soorry for the bad mod im sicc ;( hey dw, that helped me a lot
very gud map tho goodluck~ thank you for modding~
from queue

00:22:705 (2) - fix overlap with 00:23:364 (6)
01:00:782 (1,2,3,4) - i feel like the sliders and the 3 notes should be in opposite places, the slider first then the notes, so the player knows it's switching to 1/3
02:13:671 (6) - change the overlap so it overlaps the middle of the slider without touching the slider head or tail
03:50:477 (5,8) - don't overlap these

not too many issues i could see cause im noob modder
Topic Starter

lilligantEX wrote:

from queue

00:22:705 (2) - fix overlap with 00:23:364 (6) oh i don't mind this, it doesn't look bad
01:00:782 (1,2,3,4) - i feel like the sliders and the 3 notes should be in opposite places, the slider first then the notes, so the player knows it's switching to 1/3 yeah you're right, i like how it is now tbh but if someone else tell me to change it i will
02:13:671 (6) - change the overlap so it overlaps the middle of the slider without touching the slider head or tail mm it shouldn't be a problem cause everyone uses no sliderend, but just in case, fixed
03:50:477 (5,8) - don't overlap these i'll keep this, i think it represents the intensity change well and keeps the comfortable angle, i think it's fine

not too many issues i could see cause im noob modder Thank you for modding~
o/ perdón la demora ):


  1. Background size: Por alguna extraña razón tu bg es de 1366x769, arréglalo para que sea 1366x768 xD
  2. Audio bitrate: Aunque sea 128 igual suena bastante bien, si puedes pillar uno 192 sería mejor anyways :p
  3. OD and HP: OD 9 podría ser suficiente (o 8,5)? 9,2 es un poco exagerado imo
  4. Metadata suggestions (tags and design): 'Marathon' no es necesario :p. Agrega 'Le Grimoire De reve' :arrow: álbum. También no estoy muy seguro pero en los otros set he visto '妖々跋扈 ~' como tag y no como título, creo que es mejor los set de ahora, junto con esto vi algo de 東方妖々夢 como Source, podrías preguntarle a alguien que cache más japo xD
  5. Kiai times: 00:54:188 - no te tinca terminar el primer Kiai acá? Como que se termina la acción
  6. Hitsound comment: normal-hitwhistle4.wav :arrow: bórralo que no se usa en la diff :p
[Extra Stage]
  1. 00:25:177 - no me gusta mucho cómo se ve visualmente, es raro ver un patrón recto después del flow que vienes teniendo, quizás mueve 00:25:342 (2) - a 332,280
  2. 00:39:518 - encuentro ese comienzo inncesariamente confuso, como player me gustaría ver que empieze desde ahí la distancia :p
  3. 00:44:298 - quizás usar el mismo DS que usaste en 00:43:639 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - o algo un poquito más bajo, se siente muy distinto y no es tanta la diferencia de intensidad. Sería mejor que esa distancia comienze desde 00:44:628 -
  4. 00:47:924 - quizás hacer un poquito más distanciado o hacer algo decreciente, siento que calzaría mejor por la misma razón de arriba
  5. 00:49:490 (4,1) - un poquito más cerca quizás, se ve raro xD
  6. 00:56:166 (1,2,3) - quizás mantener el DS algo similar a lo del principio, se veía mejor (aplica para la sección)
  7. 00:58:803 - ^likethis
  8. 01:00:782 - me gusta el punto, pero podría ser un poco más cercano para que no sea tan difícil al sightread
  9. 01:15:287 - no sé en realidad acá, siento que no fillea tan preciso, quizás kick sliders o algunos sliders fáciles? (like 01:34:902 - )
  10. 01:26:496 - nice
  11. 01:28:474 - escucha esta sección al 50%, hay algunos drum que podrían ser mejor que el guitar follow
  12. 01:37:265 (3,1) - la distancia entre esos dos la siento muy grande, casi lo mismo que 01:37:705 (1,2) - y son ritmos diferentes
  13. 01:48:254 (1) - acercarlo un poco a la stream maybe :p
  14. 01:55:374 (1) - ^
  15. 01:58:011 (1) - ^no los comento más xD, aunque depende de ti siento que se sienten mejor al jugar :p
  16. 02:07:572 (1) - podría ser más bonito este slider, like
  17. 02:22:077 (1) - quiero comentar este de nuevo (sorry xD) pero se vería harto mejor
  18. 02:56:253 (5,1) - esta distancia igual es muy grande, quizás stackea 02:56:363 (1) - con 02:56:033 (3) - y se forma un lindo triángulo xD


Dejaré hasta ahí crissiño, cuando apliques me tomaré el tiempo de la otra mitad, aunque por lo que vi la mayoría de las suggest se repiten :D
Ya están mis trellitass, gl ~
Topic Starter

xfraczynho wrote:

o/ perdón la demora ):


  1. Background size: Por alguna extraña razón tu bg es de 1366x769, arréglalo para que sea 1366x768 xD lol ni me fije cuando lo recorte,
    fixed xD
  2. Audio bitrate: Aunque sea 128 igual suena bastante bien, si puedes pillar uno 192 sería mejor anyways :p done! (firetruck problemitas de offset xD)
  3. OD and HP: OD 9 podría ser suficiente (o 8,5)? 9,2 es un poco exagerado imo mmh en verdad no lo siento mucho, 8.8 seems good?
  4. Metadata suggestions (tags and design): 'Marathon' no es necesario :p. Agrega 'Le Grimoire De reve' :arrow: álbum. También no estoy muy seguro pero en los otros set he visto '妖々跋扈 ~' como tag y no como título, creo que es mejor los set de ahora, junto con esto vi algo de 東方妖々夢 como Source, podrías preguntarle a alguien que cache más japo xD sure, arregle unas cosas, cambie el source por el nombre del juego tambien, revise por ahi y salia eso en vez de touhou como tal
  5. Kiai times: 00:54:188 - no te tinca terminar el primer Kiai acá? Como que se termina la acción see, lo veo mejor asi, fixed
  6. Hitsound comment: normal-hitwhistle4.wav :arrow: bórralo que no se usa en la diff :p verdad, ty
[Extra Stage]
  1. 00:25:177 - no me gusta mucho cómo se ve visualmente, es raro ver un patrón recto después del flow que vienes teniendo, quizás mueve 00:25:342 (2) - a 332,280 mm yo no lo veo mal, es cierto q no es lo mismo comparado a los otros pero no tiene nada relevante, el overlap se notaba demasiado con la posicion q me diste tambien:( por el momento creo q lo mantendre asi
  2. 00:39:518 - encuentro ese comienzo inncesariamente confuso, como player me gustaría ver que empieze desde ahí la distancia :p mmm lo puse ahi para q no fuera dificil de leer teniendo el otro slider encima, pero creo q va mejor si lo dejo debajo del slider 2
  3. 00:44:298 - quizás usar el mismo DS que usaste en 00:43:639 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - o algo un poquito más bajo, se siente muy distinto y no es tanta la diferencia de intensidad. Sería mejor que esa distancia comienze desde 00:44:628 - me gusta como esta por el momento, representa bien el cambio de seccion y creo q es una buena forma de dar enfasis al cambio de intensidad
  4. 00:47:924 - quizás hacer un poquito más distanciado o hacer algo decreciente, siento que calzaría mejor por la misma razón de arriba aumente el spacing de 00:47:952 (3,4,5,6,1) -
  5. 00:49:490 (4,1) - un poquito más cerca quizás, se ve raro xD todos estos cambios medianos a la distancia son para enfatizar los kicks,
    finishes y cambios fuertes de intensidad, los use en todo el map y funcionan parecido a los streams del principio, los mantendre por ahora
  6. 00:56:166 (1,2,3) - quizás mantener el DS algo similar a lo del principio, se veía mejor (aplica para la sección)creo q deberia mantenerse la distancia q use dependiendo de la velocidad del slider, veo mejor q el player al jugar un slider mas rapido tenga q recorrer un poco mas de distancia para llegar a la siguiente nota siendo un patron como este
  7. 00:58:803 - ^likethis arregle unos sliders para q fueran consistentes con lo q dije arriba
  8. 01:00:782 - me gusta el punto, pero podría ser un poco más cercano para que no sea tan difícil al sightread entiendo perfectamente por que lo dices, y viendolo desde ese punto de vista es valido hacerlo mas legible y comodo para jugar, pero me gustaria mantener este patron(y el resto de patrones 1/3 del tipo) por el "factor sorpresa" del map, de por si el ritmo q elegi en general es bien simple, me gusta el contraste q le dan estas secciones al map
  9. 01:15:287 - no sé en realidad acá, siento que no fillea tan preciso, quizás kick sliders o algunos sliders fáciles? (like 01:34:902 - ) aqui me centre en el kick de la bateria para darle un enfasis mayor a 01:16:304 (3) - con un poco de contraste en el movimiento del cursor, lo mantendre por el momento
  10. 01:26:496 - nice ty owo
  11. 01:28:474 - escucha esta sección al 50%, hay algunos drum que podrían ser mejor que el guitar follow creo q por el momento mantendre esto, introduzco asi la guitarra para q el patron siguiente ( 01:29:820 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - )no se sienta tan meh en intensidad comparado a como esta mas adelante en la cancion, donde hay muchas mas notas, asi tambien mantengo un poco la dificultad creciente
  12. 01:37:265 (3,1) - la distancia entre esos dos la siento muy grande, casi lo mismo que 01:37:705 (1,2) - y son ritmos diferentes seh tienes razon, lo mantendre tambien por lo q dije arriba sobre los patrones 1/3, aparte creo q tiene buen flow, no encuentro un mejor lugar para ponerlo tampoco sin romper la estructura del patron tampoco rip(si me lo mencionan denuevo probablemente lo cambie)
  13. 01:48:254 (1) - acercarlo un poco a la stream maybe :p
  14. 01:55:374 (1) - ^
  15. 01:58:011 (1) - ^no los comento más xD, aunque depende de ti siento que se sienten mejor al jugar :p los acerque un poco mas para q se overlapearan pero mantuve el concepto:p
  16. 02:07:572 (1) - podría ser más bonito este slider, like los cambie al mismo shape q use con el resto de sliders del tipo:p
  17. 02:22:077 (1) - quiero comentar este de nuevo (sorry xD) pero se vería harto mejor aqui el stream anterior fue incrementando el spacing de a poco, no quise hacerlo mas exagerado para q no se viera el followpoint en el ultimo slider so
  18. 02:56:253 (5,1) - esta distancia igual es muy grande, quizás stackea 02:56:363 (1) - con 02:56:033 (3) - y se forma un lindo triángulo xD si he tenido unos problemitas en como representar este patron, creo q esta bien por el momento ya q la ultima nota es la mas intensa y el flow es bastante bueno por lo q no deberia haber problema


Dejaré hasta ahí crissiño, cuando apliques me tomaré el tiempo de la otra mitad, aunque por lo que vi la mayoría de las suggest se repiten :D
Ya están mis trellitass, gl ~
valeee por el mod man, se aprecia, ty~
Smol mod uwu
  • Extra Stage
  1. 00:36:084 (5,6,7,8) - uh i think that has a lack of emphasize like u doing streams with different spacing but i dont get why/when u are changing the ds of the streams like u don't do it consistently on the guitar it maybe should be more like 00:34:436 (1,5) - here until there spacing increases just a bit every stream 00:35:755 (1,5) - on these 2 they increase more noticably and then they decrease cuz its pretty much what the pitch of the guitar is doing
  2. 00:38:062 (5,6,7,8) - looks a bit weird lol maybe do a curved stream here like 00:31:139 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
  3. 00:40:700 (1,2,3,4) - why does spacing decrease here? pitch is increasing
  4. 00:54:656 (3,4) - spacing between these 2 and 00:54:216 (1,2,3) - seem a bit weird maybe stack it on 00:53:969 (6) - ?
  5. 00:55:040 (1,1,1) - nc spam on 1/6 is weird u normaly do it only on 1/3 (or not at all) u maybe should remove it 03:47:014 (4,5,6,7) - 03:06:281 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - and here for example u did 1/6 without nc spam (i once used nc spam on 1/6 and people complained about it lol)
  6. 00:56:194 (1,2) - 00:56:853 (1,2) - 00:57:513 (1,2,1,2) - uh why are they different spacing? its kinda consistently repeated but eh... why???
  7. 01:05:425 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - guitar is changing in pitch there pretty noticably and same spacing maybe increase the ds of that stream probably fits better lol
  8. 01:10:040 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - i dont quite get what u trying to follow there 01:10:370 (3,4) - here u skipped the guitar and mapped the drum but 01:10:700 (1) - here u skipped the drum and mapped the guitar thats kinda inconsistent... 01:21:249 (1,2) - and here u didnt skipped the drums lol so i guess make 01:20:919 (4,5) - 01:10:370 (3,4) - to 1/4 slider?
  9. 01:46:469 (4) - heres a strong sound and it has same spacing as before maybe make it more spaced and sharp angled to emphasize that?
  10. 02:11:391 (1,1,1) - well i explained it before already
  11. 02:55:182 (1,1) - well...
  12. 03:08:094 (2,2) - this 2 1/4 slider feel weird cuz u mapped 1/4 slider on that part for strong sounds but u use them for non strong sounds too so u might want to change the weaker ones to repeat sliders

Well other than that the map looks really nice (btw i think od9 - 9.3 would fit much better to that map lol)

oh and title of the song should be "妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!!!" lul
Topic Starter
Thank you, i'll add an edit here tomorrow or something, can't check now~
Nao Tomori
[extra stage]
00:22:403 (6,7,1) - wouldn't it make sense to space these too

00:30:480 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - your hitsounding doesn't really suggest jumpstreams the way you divided them here imo. like if you put jumps on claps, then 00:31:304 (3) - should have a jump and 00:31:469 (1,2,3,4) - should be drastically more spaced out than the others.

also i don't really think the jump stream concept is that good for representing the song, like the divisions between each group of 4 are not strong enough to support jumps like you did. i think mapping them normally with spacing and angle changes that aren't as drastic as a jump stream is better.
some examples:
00:34:436 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - there isnt really a division in the melody that suggests a jump

00:35:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 5678 should be emphasized, true, but since all of them are higher pitched it makes more sense to just space the group out more than to put a jump on 5 and emphasize only that.

and then its kinda weird to abandon the entire concept during the kiai lol

00:52:897 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - imo shouldn't be as spaced as 00:51:249 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - which has much more intense guitars

01:00:480 (3) - red point slider would be cool so you could have a thing where you put red points on all the crashes or something

01:02:788 (1,2,3) - uhh are these snapped right

01:10:370 (3,4,5) - imo making 34 a kickslider would work better to follow the melody cuz atm the extra click kinda messes up the melody focus

consider this in other places too

02:14:852 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - seems like weirdly low spacing considering how big 02:14:523 (2,3,4) - is

02:35:787 (3,4) - eeeee the melody is so clearly on the offbeat, skipping that is weird imo

02:39:578 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - i dont really see why these are all nc'd (same as previous one) they are all in one musical phrase anyway

03:10:732 (2) - add clap? or make 03:10:567 (1) - a 1/2 cuz theres nothing on 03:10:732 (2) - like at 03:11:885 (1,2) - for example

03:17:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i dont think this rhythm is good, the guitar is not doing anything stronger on the white ticks and doing this kinda seems weird cuz theres a constant scale going on imo

03:57:507 (6,1,2,3) - is like tiny spacing frm 6 to 1 so the movement is kinda uncomfrtable

03:58:174 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - would be nice to acknowledge the offbeat melody with a variation somehow

04:51:840 (1) - think a circle works better here

05:46:507 (1,2,3,4,5) - this isn't enough to introduce 1/3 imo, since there was a spaced 1/4 burst earlier people will expect this to be 1/4 ass well

05:48:729 (1,2,3,4) - seems much harder than otheer patterns cuz sharp angle in the middle of it

fuck these ending spinners dude, nobody likes spinning for 30 seconds, it's super cancer lol

anyway i think the map looks nice and stuff but needs a bit of work. good luck!
Topic Starter
I'm sorry, i took so long to reply, personal stuff z

Moge-ko wrote:

Smol mod uwu
  • Extra Stage
  1. 00:36:084 (5,6,7,8) - uh i think that has a lack of emphasize like u doing streams with different spacing but i dont get why/when u are changing the ds of the streams like u don't do it consistently on the guitar it maybe should be more like 00:34:436 (1,5) - here until there spacing increases just a bit every stream 00:35:755 (1,5) - on these 2 they increase more noticably and then they decrease cuz its pretty much what the pitch of the guitar is doingyah i get your point, but if i change every stream distance it would be a bit messy imo, this pattern that you pointed at is empasized with some distance and with movement, i limited myself to 3 different distances on these patterns
  2. 00:38:062 (5,6,7,8) - looks a bit weird lol maybe do a curved stream here like 00:31:139 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i think it's k, guitar doesn't change that much to deserve a curved shape
  3. 00:40:700 (1,2,3,4) - why does spacing decrease here? pitch is increasing fixed
  4. 00:54:656 (3,4) - spacing between these 2 and 00:54:216 (1,2,3) - seem a bit weird maybe stack it on 00:53:969 (6) - ? i think it's ok,
    it's clean and represents the fade out pretty well imo
  5. 00:55:040 (1,1,1) - nc spam on 1/6 is weird u normaly do it only on 1/3 (or not at all) u maybe should remove it 03:47:014 (4,5,6,7) - 03:06:281 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - and here for example u did 1/6 without nc spam (i once used nc spam on 1/6 and people complained about it lol) i missed these with the NC thing, there shouldn't be any problem since i use them consistently so i wont remove them
  6. 00:56:194 (1,2) - 00:56:853 (1,2) - 00:57:513 (1,2,1,2) - uh why are they different spacing? its kinda consistently repeated but eh... why??? Drums+HS emphasis, i kept the SV change distance modify
  7. 01:05:425 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - guitar is changing in pitch there pretty noticably and same spacing maybe increase the ds of that stream probably fits better lol could be great but i represented drums/rhythm guitar mostly, that spike on the middle of the stream is enough imo
  8. 01:10:040 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - i dont quite get what u trying to follow there 01:10:370 (3,4) - here u skipped the guitar and mapped the drum but 01:10:700 (1) - here u skipped the drum and mapped the guitar thats kinda inconsistent... 01:21:249 (1,2) - and here u didnt skipped the drums lol so i guess make 01:20:919 (4,5) - 01:10:370 (3,4) - to 1/4 slider? yyeah i get your point, but i do it consistently, i mean, i represent every long guitar sound with 1/2 sliders and add intensity with drum tripples
  9. 01:46:469 (4) - heres a strong sound and it has same spacing as before maybe make it more spaced and sharp angled to emphasize that? yeah, i had something weird with this pattern
  10. 02:11:391 (1,1,1) - well i explained it before already
  11. 02:55:182 (1,1) - well...
  12. 03:08:094 (2,2) - this 2 1/4 slider feel weird cuz u mapped 1/4 slider on that part for strong sounds but u use them for non strong sounds too so u might want to change the weaker ones to repeat sliders i kept this pattern monotone and boring in purpose, i just took it and repeated it some times

Well other than that the map looks really nice (btw i think od9 - 9.3 would fit much better to that map lol) yeah gonna lock OD into 9 i think

oh and title of the song should be "妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!!!" lul aswell as other Demetori maps, i put the romanized title as the actual tittle, what you did suggested is on tags:P
Thank you~~
Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

[extra stage]
00:22:403 (6,7,1) - wouldn't it make sense to space these too yeah it would make sense but i want this to be a jump into a triple, it doesn't have a good representation tho so im gonna move the complete triple farther

00:30:480 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - your hitsounding doesn't really suggest jumpstreams the way you divided them here imo. like if you put jumps on claps, then 00:31:304 (3) - should have a jump and 00:31:469 (1,2,3,4) - should be drastically more spaced out than the others. you're right,
should be fine now

also i don't really think the jump stream concept is that good for representing the song, like the divisions between each group of 4 are not strong enough to support jumps like you did. i think mapping them normally with spacing and angle changes that aren't as drastic as a jump stream is better.
some examples:
00:34:436 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - there isnt really a division in the melody that suggests a jump

00:35:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 5678 should be emphasized, true, but since all of them are higher pitched it makes more sense to just space the group out more than to put a jump on 5 and emphasize only that.

and then its kinda weird to abandon the entire concept during the kiai lol i agree, i though that this section was unnecessarily hard to follow and a bit messy, also that i continued the kiai with a different concept is meh, gonna remap it

00:52:897 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - imo shouldn't be as spaced as 00:51:249 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - which has much more intense guitars fixed

01:00:480 (3) - red point slider would be cool so you could have a thing where you put red points on all the crashes or something fixed,
i think lol

01:02:788 (1,2,3) - uhh are these snapped right uggh, mp3 change issue, fixed

01:10:370 (3,4,5) - imo making 34 a kickslider would work better to follow the melody cuz atm the extra click kinda messes up the melody focus yeah, gonna check it, seems to work pretty well

consider this in other places too

02:14:852 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - seems like weirdly low spacing considering how big 02:14:523 (2,3,4) - is should be fine now

02:35:787 (3,4) - eeeee the melody is so clearly on the offbeat, skipping that is weird imo agree, fixed

02:39:578 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - i dont really see why these are all nc'd (same as previous one) they are all in one musical phrase anyway i changed this according to another mod to add emphasis, but i think it's a bit unnecessary so i'll make em the same

03:10:732 (2) - add clap? or make 03:10:567 (1) - a 1/2 cuz theres nothing on 03:10:732 (2) - like at 03:11:885 (1,2) - for example i just repeated the pattern twice in this section, there are 2 emphasized pair of sliders and 2 non emphasized pair, just wanted to make it a bit monotone

03:17:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i dont think this rhythm is good, the guitar is not doing anything stronger on the white ticks and doing this kinda seems weird cuz theres a constant scale going on imo i get your point, but i think this part is fine, i wanted to add some emphasis to the intro of that solo,
i think the issue is with the next stream (03:19:468 (1) - ) wich has pretty low distance, gonna move it so it fits better with the beginning

03:57:507 (6,1,2,3) - is like tiny spacing frm 6 to 1 so the movement is kinda uncomfrtable yeah, fixed

03:58:174 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - would be nice to acknowledge the offbeat melody with a variation somehow could be great, i'll see what can i do

04:51:840 (1) - think a circle works better here oh sure

05:46:507 (1,2,3,4,5) - this isn't enough to introduce 1/3 imo, since there was a spaced 1/4 burst earlier people will expect this to be 1/4 ass well yeah.. now that i look it, gonna do something

05:48:729 (1,2,3,4) - seems much harder than otheer patterns cuz sharp angle in the middle of it yeah.. i wanted to keep this hard part but i think it's just too difficult, gonna nerf it

fuck these ending spinners dude, nobody likes spinning for 30 seconds, it's super cancer lol but what can i doOOoOooo, i don't wanna just throw that sound off but yeah i agree on that, it's annoying, maybe i'll wait for more feedback

anyway i think the map looks nice and stuff but needs a bit of work. good luck!
Thank you~~
ok nm

ex stage

01:34:930 (1,2) - swap nc?
Since the sound of 01: 35: 095 - is larger than 01: 34: 930 -, NC is suitable for 01: 35: 095 - .
01:35:919 (1,2) - ^

02:10:567 (5,1) -
If 02: 11: 061 (1) - is NC, 02: 10: 567 (5) - is also NC better

05:22:340 - add circle better imo.
There is a loud noise here, but you ignore it xd
i think it's not good that 05:22:285 - which is smaller than 05:22:340 - is mapped but 05:22:340 - is not mapped.

that's all.
nice mapping
Hi, from my queue

01:53:424 (5,6,7) - I can't find any reason why direction here is changed as it breaks flow
02:28:369 (3) - Better flow if put lower than 2
02:55:622 (2,1,2) - No flow here

I can't find more, good map
Hope will be helpful :)
Topic Starter

Asuka_- wrote:

ok nm

ex stage

01:34:930 (1,2) - swap nc?
Since the sound of 01: 35: 095 - is larger than 01: 34: 930 -, NC is suitable for 01: 35: 095 - . sure
01:35:919 (1,2) - ^ i won't swap them here, hitsounds represent a pretty clear change so i'll keep this

02:10:567 (5,1) -
If 02: 11: 061 (1) - is NC, 02: 10: 567 (5) - is also NC better you're right, fixed

05:22:340 - add circle better imo.
There is a loud noise here, but you ignore it xd
i think it's not good that 05:22:285 - which is smaller than 05:22:340 - is mapped but 05:22:340 - is not mapped. actually this slider is 1/4,
not 1/3, so i fixed that but not the clickeable thing, i think it's ok for representing the guitar

that's all.
nice mapping

Milar001 wrote:

Hi, from my queue

01:53:424 (5,6,7) - I can't find any reason why direction here is changed as it breaks flow there's not a "reason" other than adding some kind of variation, yeah it breaks flow a bit but it's not that strong to confuse the player
02:28:369 (3) - Better flow if put lower than 2 i like that little zig zag here, it makes the player to be more aware on what he's playing,
that helps to emphasize guitar too

02:55:622 (2,1,2) - No flow here yeah it's a bit uncomfortable, i fixed next pattern so it feels better to move to but i think 2,1,2 is ok, emphasis is pretty clear on drums there

I can't find more, good map
Hope will be helpful :)
Thank you for modding~
m4m return, sorry for the wait

¿existe alguna razon del spam de ncs en parte donde hay 1/3?

00:33:612 (1) - esto es 1/3, puedes escuchar bien en 25% de playback
01:31:139 (5) - nc para consistencia con los 2 patrones anteriores
01:37:073 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - deberia hacer algo para distinguirlos, los nuevos combos y el stack actual no ayudan y puede ser dificil pasarlo con hd

tu mapa es demasiado bueno, por lo que no encontré bastante (no necesitas darme kudos), suerte
Topic Starter
I wont be able to respond to mods this week cause internet stuff, Will still check and give kudo if i think It's useful~
This Map Is So Good

1 thing:
05:53:257 (1) - i think VERY SLOW SLIDER here i better than Spinner(2nd spinner is ok)

That's all this map is so good i can do nothing here xD :D
Topic Starter

Gibcio wrote:

This Map Is So Good

1 thing:
05:53:257 (1) - i think VERY SLOW SLIDER here i better than Spinner(2nd spinner is ok) i agree, it could be cool to have, but hp kills you at the middle so it's impossible

That's all this map is so good i can do nothing here xD :D
Thank you! But i can't give you Kudo for this:(
Glad u liked it~~
Topic Starter

Underforest wrote:

m4m return, sorry for the wait

¿existe alguna razon del spam de ncs en parte donde hay 1/3? no en realidad, solo quise separar los espacios de alguna forma, pero creo que quedarian mejor si no lo hago tan seguido

00:33:612 (1) - esto es 1/3, puedes escuchar bien en 25% de playback tienes razon, fixed
01:31:139 (5) - nc para consistencia con los 2 patrones anteriores sure
01:37:073 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - deberia hacer algo para distinguirlos, los nuevos combos y el stack actual no ayudan y puede ser dificil pasarlo con hd al ser la segunda vez que se ve este patron, creo que esta bien darle esos angulos, quizas con los cambios de NC mejore un poco

tu mapa es demasiado bueno, por lo que no encontré bastante (no necesitas darme kudos), suerte Gracias!
Gracias por el mod~
no kudosu
Can you add a silent sliderslide for the normal sampleset, the default is too loud
05:44:507 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - This part seems like the sounds on 1/2s are much more prominent, I think using 1/4 kicksliders would map this section better.

Looks like a great map, but I've never modded anything from this genre before so it's not something I can mod well. gl
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

no kudosu
Can you add a silent sliderslide for the normal sampleset, the default is too loud sure
05:44:507 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - This part seems like the sounds on 1/2s are much more prominent, I think using 1/4 kicksliders would map this section better. you're right, fixed

Looks like a great map, but I've never modded anything from this genre before so it's not something I can mod well. gl Thank you~
Changes were quite big so i'll give you kudo anyway o/
Hello! from your queue who requested a M4M!

  1. 00:26:194 (7,8,9) - you can make this a sharper cleaner jump by moving it to the left a little bit, so 1 is directly below it
  2. 00:36:743 (5) - NC here since the distance snap is much smaller than 1-4
  3. 00:42:018 (5) - Same here?
  4. 00:46:304 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - distance in this stream is inconsistent, increasing in each beat, though i noticed most your streams have equal distance until they reach a NC
  5. 00:46:799 (9,10,1,2,3) - Make this corner look rounder or sharper
  6. 00:50:837 (4,5,6,7,8) - Distance here becomes small with each beat, but the next stream and the stream before uses equal distance snap, (Suggestion:
    Reverse it make the first part of this combo 00:50:590 (1) - closer in distance snap, and increase in distance with time till it's equal
    with the next stream)
  7. 01:10:205 (2,3) - move this a bit farther
  8. 01:20:095 (5) - move this to where the head of 01:20:919 (4) ?
  9. 01:35:590 (4,5) - move this farther since the other kick sliders are far apart
  10. 01:42:513 (1) - just asking, can you make this into a better shape? since your map usually uses overlaps in sliders and sharp slider edges this seems out of
  11. 01:42:513 (1) - make this into a perfect curve that leads into 1? since sliders are supposed to be treated like sliders?
  12. 02:47:984 (1) - just like earlier
  13. 03:19:798 (5) - NC?
  14. 03:37:600 (5) - ^?
  15. 04:28:840 (5) - ^?
  16. 05:24:840 (5) - ^?
  17. 05:27:840 (1,24) - combo is too long, try to put a NC somewhere here (imo)
  18. 05:40:673 (1) - Move this lower so that the outer circle of 05:40:173 (3) doesn't clip it
  19. 05:46:173 (1,2,3,4) - Nothings wrong here, it's just this part is nasty if you aren't prepare for it
  20. 06:15:173 (1) - End this one the red tick it feels better imo

Well maps like this that have so much streams arent much of my specialty but i tried my best
Also this is a cool map, though i cant even play it since im still a 6 digit :)
Topic Starter

Zxozmo wrote:

Hello! from your queue who requested a M4M!

  1. 00:26:194 (7,8,9) - you can make this a sharper cleaner jump by moving it to the left a little bit, so 1 is directly below it hm i don't think it would make a big difference, the pattern flows well as i noticed
  2. 00:36:743 (5) - NC here since the distance snap is much smaller than 1-4
  3. 00:42:018 (5) - Same here? it would break my NC pattern here, as it is, i always change it every 2/1
  4. 00:46:304 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - distance in this stream is inconsistent, increasing in each beat, though i noticed most your streams have equal distance until they reach a NC
  5. 00:46:799 (9,10,1,2,3) - Make this corner look rounder or sharper fixed
  6. 00:50:837 (4,5,6,7,8) - Distance here becomes small with each beat, but the next stream and the stream before uses equal distance snap, (Suggestion:
    Reverse it make the first part of this combo 00:50:590 (1) - closer in distance snap, and increase in distance with time till it's equal
    with the next stream) it changes as the guitar pitch does, on the first stream there is a distance difference 00:50:919 (5) - here, all 5 of these have the same distance following the same rule
  7. 01:10:205 (2,3) - move this a bit farther i think they're fine, guitar has a little fade out so distance is ok here
  8. 01:20:095 (5) - move this to where the head of 01:20:919 (4) ? i think it's fine, i wanted to remark the 5 to 6 as a little fadeout and represent a jump from 4 to 5, stacking isn't necessary either, it isn't noticeable when playing
  9. 01:35:590 (4,5) - move this farther since the other kick sliders are far apart they're attached to intensity, 01:35:919 (1) - this gets emphasized by finish, it isn't a problem because of the flow from 5
  10. 01:42:513 (1) - just asking, can you make this into a better shape? since your map usually uses overlaps in sliders and sharp slider edges this seems out of
    place sure
  11. 01:42:513 (1) - make this into a perfect curve that leads into 1? since sliders are supposed to be treated like sliders? made a red anchor shape to keep consistency with others of the same type
  12. 02:47:984 (1) - just like earlier same
  13. 03:19:798 (5) - NC?
  14. 03:37:600 (5) - ^?
  15. 04:28:840 (5) - ^?
  16. 05:24:840 (5) - ^? applied the rule of the beginning o/
  17. 05:27:840 (1,24) - combo is too long, try to put a NC somewhere here (imo) it's a raw representation of kicks, i like how it is
  18. 05:40:673 (1) - Move this lower so that the outer circle of 05:40:173 (3) doesn't clip it sure
  19. 05:46:173 (1,2,3,4) - Nothings wrong here, it's just this part is nasty if you aren't prepare for it yeah transition is pretty hard to get,
    but if you payed attention before you could assimilate it well

  20. 06:15:173 (1) - End this one the red tick it feels better imo

Well maps like this that have so much streams arent much of my specialty but i tried my best
Also this is a cool map, though i cant even play it since im still a 6 digit :)
Thank you for modding~

I'll get to your map later o/
source should be
東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
(the dot at the end is necessary lol)

unicode title
妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!!!
refer to:

not really sure about how 妖々跋扈 is supposed to be romanized though :/

soft-hitwhistle3/drum-hitwhistle3 are really focused on one channel which makes them sound really weird and irritating

00:11:853 - should put 5% and soft default sampleset imo since it doesn't end on any beat
00:31:139 (1) - finish?

would mute normal sliderslide since parts like 01:48:282 - sound pretty weird with it (or change the sliders in this part to soft sampleset on the sliderbody)

00:16:881 (2,3) - 00:21:496 (2,3) - think it would be nice to space this a bit to make the cymbal on downbeat stand out more, like

00:22:403 (6,7,1) - why not keep the 1/4 spacing from before? not like the drums become less intense, something like could be nice. would differentiate if better from all the weaker triples

00:39:381 (2) - this one is kinda weird as 3/4 since guitar starts on the red tick already. could probably just do

01:00:810 (1,2,3,4) - can you start with the repeat instead? would make transition to 1/3 rhythm so much nicer.

01:39:875 (1) - extended slider over snare is so weird here, either end it on red tick and map a double after or just use a 1/1 slider

02:13:699 (6) - sudden overlap looks out of place with your other visuals here, why not stack on 02:13:204 (4) - head?

02:20:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why not 4 note combos to match guitar and your patterns?

02:55:072 (1,1,1,1) - this is such an unexpectable rhythm, the sudden combination of 1/3 and 1/6. how about ? (or more sliders for the 1/6)

04:41:173 (1,2) - can you space the 1/3 here not so close to the 1/2 jumps before lol

actually wondering if the ending spinners are really needed, you have way over 5 min drain anyways and spinners of this length are just really annoying lol
and it's only a fade out

map looks alright for someone with no ranked maps, so I'm fine with giving this a chance.
(also the hitsounds are really cute)
just need metadata stuff confirmed
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

source should be
東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
(the dot at the end is necessary lol) oops, okay then

unicode title
妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!!!
refer to:

not really sure about how 妖々跋扈 is supposed to be romanized though :/ changed, will search for someone to confirm the romanized title, will keep current for now

soft-hitwhistle3/drum-hitwhistle3 are really focused on one channel which makes them sound really weird and irritating
=> changed

00:11:853 - should put 5% and soft default sampleset imo since it doesn't end on any beat sure
00:31:139 (1) - finish? missed it, done

would mute normal sliderslide since parts like 01:48:282 - sound pretty weird with it (or change the sliders in this part to soft sampleset on the sliderbody) i already added a muted sliderslide from a suggestion before

00:16:881 (2,3) - 00:21:496 (2,3) - think it would be nice to space this a bit to make the cymbal on downbeat stand out more, like looks nice, added

00:22:403 (6,7,1) - why not keep the 1/4 spacing from before? not like the drums become less intense, something like could be nice. would differentiate if better from all the weaker triples yeah, i used more distance to remark that little pause but this seems to fit better

00:39:381 (2) - this one is kinda weird as 3/4 since guitar starts on the red tick already. could probably just do i had my doubts about this, seems to be more clean now

01:00:810 (1,2,3,4) - can you start with the repeat instead? would make transition to 1/3 rhythm so much nicer. sure

01:39:875 (1) - extended slider over snare is so weird here, either end it on red tick and map a double after or just use a 1/1 slider took the double

02:13:699 (6) - sudden overlap looks out of place with your other visuals here, why not stack on 02:13:204 (4) - head? it was ok for me but yeah, helps with visuals overall

02:20:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why not 4 note combos to match guitar and your patterns? seems good here

02:55:072 (1,1,1,1) - this is such an unexpectable rhythm, the sudden combination of 1/3 and 1/6. how about ? (or more sliders for the 1/6)i'll take the repeat

04:41:173 (1,2) - can you space the 1/3 here not so close to the 1/2 jumps before lol done

actually wondering if the ending spinners are really needed, you have way over 5 min drain anyways and spinners of this length are just really annoying lol
and it's only a fade out well they aren't really needed, but i just felt to map that section with something, i agree with they being annoying and because of the same opinion from a lot of people i think it's time to say goodbye:(

map looks alright for someone with no ranked maps, so I'm fine with giving this a chance.
(also the hitsounds are really cute)
just need metadata stuff confirmed going!
Thank you~

*According to Touhou Wiki the literal romanized title is "Youkai Domination ~ Who done it!" so it should be fine how it is now
from: ... tage_theme

**Nvm, talking with Silent Spica we came to the conclussion that "Youyou Bakko" is a more accurate taking in count the context behind it, everything from a discussion from touhou wiki: ... B.E6.89.88
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

ooh man, thank you a lot!
gogogo <3 <3
Did an IRC, the map has timing issues so I'm forced to pop here. I can rebub after everything is fixed and perhaps get a second timing check to confirm that it is correct.
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

Did an IRC, the map has timing issues so I'm forced to pop here. I can rebub after everything is fixed and perhaps get a second timing check to confirm that it is correct.
Fixed timing according to IRC, should've taken a look before rip :(
rebub @lasse double check the timing before heart i guess
I've been clickbaited

numbers are kinda "wrong" from 03:38:600 on and generally just a giant mess from 03:43:436 until 03:45:773 -, also wrong at the ending 05:46:518 -, here's a fixed timing-diff featuring:
  1. no random slidertick at 03:45:526 -
  2. this important beat being snapped 06:21:629 -
Topic Starter

Bonsai wrote:

I've been clickbaited

numbers are kinda "wrong" from 03:38:600 on and generally just a giant mess from 03:43:436 until 03:45:773 -, also wrong at the ending 05:46:518 -, here's a fixed timing-diff featuring:
  1. no random slidertick at 03:45:526 -
  2. this important beat being snapped 06:21:629 -
Fixed all timing issues according to this diff
Thank you a lot Bonsai~
just update with the new timing then
timing changes require a rebubble anyways
I can check after getting some sleep since I'm in bed already
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

just update with the new timing then
timing changes require a rebubble anyways
I can check after getting some sleep since I'm in bed already
04:18:519 - add kiai on this red line
if you put a red and green line on the same spot they have to use same kiai/volume/sampleset settings
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

04:18:519 - add kiai on this red line
if you put a red and green line on the same spot they have to use same kiai/volume/sampleset settings
Done, fixed two early Drum sampleset from Bonsai's diff too

Lasse wrote:

Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

Lasse wrote:

Thank youu~
dont click
The intent is to provide internet users with a sense of pride and accomplishment for purchasing access to different websites. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from your search history and other info from recently signed terms and conditions. Among other things, we're looking at average per-user internet traffic rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that users have domain blocks that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via small payment. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the internet has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Your ISPs will continue to make changes and monitor your internet activity to update everyone as soon and as often as we can.
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

dont click
The intent is to provide internet users with a sense of pride and accomplishment for purchasing access to different websites. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from your search history and other info from recently signed terms and conditions. Among other things, we're looking at average per-user internet traffic rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that users have domain blocks that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via small payment. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the internet has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Your ISPs will continue to make changes and monitor your internet activity to update everyone as soon and as often as we can.
T h a n k Y o u u u~
Nice song, gratz!
Man that mp3 quality is kinda poop tbh, it sounds like a ~128kbps reencoded into 192 xd
While it's still rankable, you can easily notice the difference and net loss on the high pitched guitar notes and cymbals, which this song has a lot of.
If you care enough, here's a decent quality mp3, straight from the CD.

Also here are some frequencies comparison:

as requested
Topic Starter

GoldenWolf wrote:

Man that mp3 quality is kinda poop tbh, it sounds like a ~128kbps reencoded into 192 xd
While it's still rankable, you can easily notice the difference and net loss on the high pitched guitar notes and cymbals, which this song has a lot of.
If you care enough, here's a decent quality mp3, straight from the CD.

Also here are some frequencies comparison:

You're totally right, thank you a lot for the new mp3~
Fixed offset and changed mp3
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