Hello! I'm a mapper and I'm willing to mod maps from mappers of all skill levels. Note this isn't updated when I'm asleep or away.
Preferably, your request should have the artist, song name, link to map(set)'s thread, the difficulty/ies you want to have modded, and any other details, such as maybe information about the mapping style used. You don't have to follow this, but it just makes my job a little easier and is much appreciated
Queue Information:
Type - NM (though modding https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/701163/discussion will guarantee you a mod, and of a high standard.
Gamemode(s) - osu!standard
Availability - See Last Post!
Range - I can map pretty much anything higher than a 3*. Anything lower is an issue.
Note - Queue will be first come first served, however uninteresting maps, and those that break multiple guidelines will not be prioritised. Maps that break several guidelines or the rules will be ignored until any breaches are resolved .
Type - NM (though modding https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/701163/discussion will guarantee you a mod, and of a high standard.
Gamemode(s) - osu!standard
Availability - See Last Post!
Range - I can map pretty much anything higher than a 3*. Anything lower is an issue.
Note - Queue will be first come first served, however uninteresting maps, and those that break multiple guidelines will not be prioritised. Maps that break several guidelines or the rules will be ignored until any breaches are resolved .
1. English only mods/requests. I'm British, and not fluent in any other language as of right now (Learning Japanese, so may be opening Japanese Mod Queue in a while)
2. Song Cannot be longer than 10 minutes. I don't mind compilation maps as they're usually loads of smaller maps and therefore are interesting, though I won't usually write a full mod due to time :/
3. Maps being modded must be mostly complete. I don't plan on modding a half complete beatmap. If you're new to mapping I may make an exception, though only to assist your mapping.
4. No Farm maps! I don't want to be clogged with Harumachi Clovers and Granats that are overmapped and overemphasised for the SR
5. Be open to mods, If you're the kind of person to decline suggestions just because it doesn't make sense to you, or meet your preferences and you have no basis to back up your arguments, I'll just ignore your request. Part of mapping is being able to take criticism and use it to improve, after all (atleast, if you want to get ranked/approved)
1. English only mods/requests. I'm British, and not fluent in any other language as of right now (Learning Japanese, so may be opening Japanese Mod Queue in a while)
2. Song Cannot be longer than 10 minutes. I don't mind compilation maps as they're usually loads of smaller maps and therefore are interesting, though I won't usually write a full mod due to time :/
3. Maps being modded must be mostly complete. I don't plan on modding a half complete beatmap. If you're new to mapping I may make an exception, though only to assist your mapping.
4. No Farm maps! I don't want to be clogged with Harumachi Clovers and Granats that are overmapped and overemphasised for the SR
5. Be open to mods, If you're the kind of person to decline suggestions just because it doesn't make sense to you, or meet your preferences and you have no basis to back up your arguments, I'll just ignore your request. Part of mapping is being able to take criticism and use it to improve, after all (atleast, if you want to get ranked/approved)
I will allow exceptions to this set of preferences, but i'm generally less likely to mod maps that break these.
1.Maps shouldn't be longer than 5:00.
I'm not hugely bothered by length, as long as it's not overly repetitive and real long, like marathon length. That, and I'd rather not have spend ages modding a long map, so more experienced mappers for longer maps would be great <3
2. Maps should be aiming for Ranked/Approved. Exceptions can be made for maps going for Loved, assuming that the mapper is able and map in question is appropriate
I will allow exceptions to this set of preferences, but i'm generally less likely to mod maps that break these.
1.Maps shouldn't be longer than 5:00.
I'm not hugely bothered by length, as long as it's not overly repetitive and real long, like marathon length. That, and I'd rather not have spend ages modding a long map, so more experienced mappers for longer maps would be great <3
2. Maps should be aiming for Ranked/Approved. Exceptions can be made for maps going for Loved, assuming that the mapper is able and map in question is appropriate
I am a student, and I'm heavily invested in osu! right now. This does mean I won't be modding 24/7. Because of this, Modding can take from 1 hour to 1 week per mapset depending on availability, and how much work the mod will take.
I appreciate it when people help me, but don't expect me to prioritize your map if you provide me help or try and m4m. That and the only map I have submitted is for the graveyard to be deleted at a later date.
To show if you read this, c/p this into your post.; circleclicker.
I obviously won't mod everything that gets posted here, that'd be stupid. Because of this, and my rules/guidelines, if you get declined, it's tough for you. I understand being denied hurts, but I have everything set up like this for a reason, so respect my decision and find a new mod queue if you need mods.
I'm not hugely experienced with moddingv2. Chances are, I'll make a mistake, and if so, please tell me so i can improve on my modding
I am a student, and I'm heavily invested in osu! right now. This does mean I won't be modding 24/7. Because of this, Modding can take from 1 hour to 1 week per mapset depending on availability, and how much work the mod will take.
I appreciate it when people help me, but don't expect me to prioritize your map if you provide me help or try and m4m. That and the only map I have submitted is for the graveyard to be deleted at a later date.
To show if you read this, c/p this into your post.; circleclicker.
I obviously won't mod everything that gets posted here, that'd be stupid. Because of this, and my rules/guidelines, if you get declined, it's tough for you. I understand being denied hurts, but I have everything set up like this for a reason, so respect my decision and find a new mod queue if you need mods.
I'm not hugely experienced with moddingv2. Chances are, I'll make a mistake, and if so, please tell me so i can improve on my modding

Preferably, your request should have the artist, song name, link to map(set)'s thread, the difficulty/ies you want to have modded, and any other details, such as maybe information about the mapping style used. You don't have to follow this, but it just makes my job a little easier and is much appreciated