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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 25 September, 2017 at 17:25:46

Title: Rebirth
Source: 東方Project
Tags: みぃ c85 comiket 85 東方幻奏響UROBOROS ~fANTASIAsPIRALoVERdRIVE~ touhou Hakurei Reimu 少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio 春色小径~Colorful Path 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients 東方妖恋談
BPM: 150
Filesize: 8298kb
Play Time: 05:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again (4,29 stars, 832 notes)
Download: GET IN THE RING - Rebirth
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Thanks to everyone who modded and to Naxess and Mir for nominating!
Hello from my modding room

00:03:384 (1) - NC here is unnecessary
00:06:584 (1) - ^
00:09:784 (1) - ^
00:22:584 (1,3) - not accerate overlap here
01:39:584 - lost note here, the sound is there too. U can stack this note with the end of this slider 01:39:784 (1) -
01:58:784 (1) - some sliders u can make more pretty
u have a lot of long sliders without any angle.
02:01:384 (3,2) - not the same sliders
02:04:784 (5,6) - why u stop flow here, just a jump pattern
03:23:584 (1,2) - u can make it more pretty
03:24:984 (1) - too straight here
03:50:984 (1,2,3) - not the same blankets
04:00:584 (1,2,1) - ^
04:19:184 (5,6) - it was higher in post
04:50:184 (1,3) - patterns like this really better to make more pretty. u have a lot of it and they are the same

Very good map, very. So close to rank i think. Very comfortable to play, but try to use more forms for the sliders. Most of forms u ctrl+c ctrl+v without any change. Because of this the map looks sometimes boring and monotonous
Hello Hello~
M4M ^^

Paradise Tries To Be Reborn Again
Firstly I don't know if To and Be need to be capitalized? But that's just me :P
Also when I write "could be stacked", some of those are me wondering if they are meant to be separated more, or vice versa.

00:01:984 (4,1) - A little hard to read this first jump. Starting the NC on Object 4 might help.
00:05:184 (4,1) - Same thing here.
00:12:784 (2,3,4) - Due to a varying rhythm going on here, change Object 2 and 4 to hit circles and spacing them out a little could work better?
00:13:784 (2,3,4,5) - Not quite parallel. Nudge Object 5 left a little.
00:14:784 (1,3) - Could be stacked?
00:18:784 (4) - I understand you were stacking downwards here but 4 spring up under the slider end. Not sure if intentional or not
00:31:784 (3,4) - Might be better to stack these.
00:38:184 (1,2) - The drum gets louder over time so maybe you could do the same with the hit sound level as well?
01:01:384 (1) - nudge up 1 tick to fit the blanket better?
01:15:584 (4,1,2) - triangle could be improved. (1 and 2 closer)
01:25:584 (2,2) - Not sure if this unstack was intentional or not. It's half the spacing compared to 01:25:784 (3,4)
01:25:984 (4) - Because this is a "semi-star", moving this object so it's perpendicular might help. (A little to the right atm)
01:30:184 (1,2,3) - You could have the slider end of 1 be in the middle of 2 and 3.
01:30:184 (1,1) - Could be stacked
01:39:784 (1,2,3) - Same thing as before
03:23:584 (1,2) - Make them parallel perhaps?
03:24:984 (1) - The slider end not facing object 03:24:784 looks a little off. imo looks better if the slider end is adjusted to face object 4.

04:09:784 (4,1) - Stacking this object?
04:16:984 (2) - Nudge up and left 1 tick for better blanket
04:25:384 (3,2) - Could be stacked?
04:32:184 (4,1) - Stacking this object?

All in all, I love the gimick of not stacking objects and reading said "stacks". Good map ^^
Topic Starter
Will reply to mods and give kds either tomorrow when I get back or on friday
Huomenta, NM feat. finglish

00:12:984 (3) - Sen sijaan että sä lähtisit kakkosta tai nelosta muuttamaan, suosittelen muuttamaan kolmosen kahdeksi hitcircleksi sillä se oikeastaan koostuu kahdesta soinnusta mitkä sä olet mäpänny kakkosen ja nelosen päiden alle

00:14:784 (1) - 00:16:184 (1) - jne. Tämäntyyppiset sliderit tuntuivat aika oudolta pelatessa, sillä teoriassa sekä sliderin päässä että lopussa on sointu, joka on saatu nousemaan esiin soft-hitclapin avulla, joka saa sliderin lopun tuntemaan siltä, että siinä olisi jotain jota olisi pitänyt korostaa pelituntumassa myös (eli suoraan sanottuna hitcircle). Paras tapa tämän muuttamiseen olisi vain lyhentää näitä slidereitä tickillä ja heittämällä hitcirclen siihen mihin ne nyt loppuu, että sliderin pohjassa pitämisen tunne tulee esille, mutta hitclappi ei korosta liikaa ollessa mäpättynä sliderin loppuun

00:18:984 (1,2,3) - Musta ainakin tuntuu että tässä pitäis hyppyjen suurentua pienentymisen sijaan ainakin sen perusteella että ton mikälie viulun/synan ääni on huomattavasti menossa korkeampaan suuntaan. Niin oot ainakin nämä 00:25:384 (1,2,3) - mäpänny huomattavasti suuremmilla väleillä kuin nämä 00:24:584 (1,2,3,4) - niin olis parempi varmaan myös 00:18:984 (1,2,3) - tohon saada jotain samanlaista

00:21:784 (2) - CTRL G vois toimia ihan kivasti tässä. Ensinnäkin objektien väli olisi huomattavasti lähempänä näitä 00:14:784 (1,2) - jotka on mäpätty samantyyppisille melodialle plus 00:22:184 (3,4) - ainakin mun mielestä tuntuu enemmän pelatessa mikä sopisi hyvin noiden kahden vahvan rummuniskun kanssa

00:26:984 (3,4) - Joo on nää ihan ok silleen. En siis painosta muuttamaan tai mitään mut mun mielest ois ollu aika kiva jos noi 1/1 välit ois tehty silleen et esim nelonen täs 00:26:984 (3,4) - olis stäckätty kolmosen alle niin se korostais hyvin tommosta hetkeä kun biisin melodiassa ei tapahtuisi juurikaan mitään

01:26:384 (2) - Voisit ainaki miettiä et jos pistäisit ton joko suoraan tota edeltävän ykkosen alle tai jotenkin samaan tyyliin miten nämä 01:25:784 (3,4) - on pistetty, kun toi on mäpätty huomattavasti vähemmän tärkeään ääneen kuin ykkonen kolmonen tai nelonen

01:39:384 (3) - Tässä toimisi ihan hyvin slideri, todennäköisesti paremmin kuin yksi hitcircle, koska sä käytät heti sen jälkeen samanlaiselle soinnulle slideriä ( 01:39:784 (1) - ) joten on parempi vähän myös tuoda sitä hold-effektiä siihen edelliseen sointuun.

02:34:984 (2) - 1/2 slideri ois mun mielestä parempi vaihtoehto kuin vaan yksi hitcircle, koska tuossa punaisella tickillä on pieni muutos pianon soinnussa, aika lailla samaan tyyliin kuin tässä 02:43:384 (2) -

04:02:184 (1) - En oikeen usko että tätä tarvitsisi new combottaa kun oot yleensä tossa osassa new combottanut vaan joka toisen ison valkosen tickin eikä tässä kohdassa nyt päällepäin ole mitään niin erikoista, että tuota "konseptia" pitäisi lähetä muuttamaan

04:11:784 (1,2,3,4) - Tämä tuntuu ehkä vähän oudolta verrattuna siihen, että yleensä nämä patternit tässä mäpissä perustuu lineaariseen tai pyöreään liikkeesen eikä 04:12:184 (2,3,4) - tämän tyyppiseen väljään, mutta kulmikkaaseen edestakaiseen liikkeeseen. Ei kai se nyt niin huono juttu ole jos on vaihtelua, mutta omasta mielestäni ei ole hyvä asia

Jos haluat kiinnittää huomiota yleiseen rakenteeseen, niin kannattaa tämän 00:05:784 (3,2) - 02:14:784 (5,4) - 05:00:784 (4,2) - jne. tyyppiset enemmän tai vähemmän tahattomat päällekkäisyydet poistaa. (Pistä hit animantions pois päältä, jos nuo eivät näy)


Ihan hyvältä näyttää. Harmi ettei oo BN oikeuksia vielä

your offset should be -2 imo

00:02:184 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 00:05:384 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - 00:08:584 (1,1,2,1,2) - 00:11:784 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - I think the way you nc'd these is inconsistent because at least for these, the nc is more pattern/music-change based instead of music structure based which 00:00:584 (1,2,3,4) - is. To change 00:00:584 (1,2,3,4) - to be music-change based you would have to nc (3). I recommend just doing music structure based throughout the whole intro instead because there isn't really much to emphasize with the increase nc density.
00:12:184 (1,2,3,4) - note this is also strange with your current nc because to fit the music-change based nc you would need to nc 00:12:784 (2,3) - these two. (ignore this if you went for the music structure nc work)
00:16:384 - 00:22:584 (1) - a couple of notes here, this is a beat in the music you would normally map, but if you were going for the bump to the mapping it then 1. its not correctly bumping (you can check with tickrate 2) and 2. Its not really effective to bump for emphasis because players at this skill level abuse sliderleniency as much as allowed.
00:25:784 (3) - it would make more sense to have this lower spaced because the sound its mapped to isn't as strong as the sounds 00:25:384 (1,2) - were mapped to but the spacing is the same.
00:47:784 - this section is pretty cool not gonna lie
04:28:384 (2,3,4) - this rhythm is a bit off because for the whole kiai up to this you prioritized the vocals and for this (3) has a vocal on the tail and not the head is inconsistent
04:30:384 - skipping this vocal is a bit inconsistent too.

otherwise 😎 solid map
00:16:384 - slider extends over 00:16:384 - which has quite audible sound why not just make a circle and 1/1 slider. same applies for the next slider in the same section

03:11:284 - audible blue tick

03:26:584 (5) - there is a little bit of sound on red tick why not just 1/2
03:30:584 (2) - stack

05:12:184 (1) - more curvy, it looks weird
same for the next wave one

The map is very consistent with the rhythm composition, and consistently mapped.
The map is also fairly polished already.

Good luck with the ranking process.
Hi, from my queue

00:12:984 (3) - Kinda hard to read
00:13:284 - There's no sound here, slider's end represents nothing. You should make it 1/1 or put a circle
00:15:784 (3,4) - These two are like 00:14:184 (3,4) - so you think of stacking it
00:16:384 - There's a sound here you omit, so put a circle on 00:16:184 - and decrease the slider's lenght to be 1/1 and move it here
00:22:584 (1) - ^
00:38:184 (1) - It represent nothing, there's sound only on white tick
02:30:984 (1,2) - Looks like gap between them is 1/4, snap little more

I can't find anything in the second part, good job
Hope it will be helpful :)
Topic Starter
Lots of mods

Firebool wrote:

Hello from my modding room

00:03:384 (1) - NC here is unnecessary
00:06:584 (1) - ^
00:09:784 (1) - ^ Changed ncs
00:22:584 (1,3) - not accerate overlap here It is the way I want it to be
01:39:584 - lost note here, the sound is there too. U can stack this note with the end of this slider 01:39:784 (1) - Skipped for emphasis
01:58:784 (1) - some sliders u can make more pretty
u have a lot of long sliders without any angle. Personal preference
02:01:384 (3,2) - not the same sliders fixed
02:04:784 (5,6) - why u stop flow here, just a jump pattern Doesn't need jump imo
03:23:584 (1,2) - u can make it more pretty Personal preference
03:24:984 (1) - too straight here Personal preference
03:50:984 (1,2,3) - not the same blankets fixed
04:00:584 (1,2,1) - ^ fixed I think
04:19:184 (5,6) - it was higher in post same response
04:50:184 (1,3) - patterns like this really better to make more pretty. u have a lot of it and they are the same I think it's pretty

Very good map, very. So close to rank i think. Very comfortable to play, but try to use more forms for the sliders. Most of forms u ctrl+c ctrl+v without any change. Because of this the map looks sometimes boring and monotonous I guess it's just how I do my visuals

Renquiem wrote:

Hello Hello~
M4M ^^

Firstly I don't know if To and Be need to be capitalized? But that's just me :P
Also when I write "could be stacked", some of those are me wondering if they are meant to be separated more, or vice versa.

00:01:984 (4,1) - A little hard to read this first jump. Starting the NC on Object 4 might help. Nah works better this way imo, ncing the other one would be really inconsistent with other ncs
00:05:184 (4,1) - Same thing here. ^
00:12:784 (2,3,4) - Due to a varying rhythm going on here, change Object 2 and 4 to hit circles and spacing them out a little could work better?Yeah it could work but, they're kind of held sounds so I wanted to use 1/4 sliders to reflect that. and while 3 could be 2 circles for both sounds on it yeah, but I honestly dont think a triplet works here too well so I decided to make it look different from the other 2 instead.
00:13:784 (2,3,4,5) - Not quite parallel. Nudge Object 5 left a little. Moved 2 a bit instead
00:14:784 (1,3) - Could be stacked? I like it better this way
00:18:784 (4) - I understand you were stacking downwards here but 4 spring up under the slider end. Not sure if intentional or not Yeah I wanted it to be that way
00:31:784 (3,4) - Might be better to stack these. Yeah stack could actually work there better
00:38:184 (1,2) - The drum gets louder over time so maybe you could do the same with the hit sound level as well? Why not
01:01:384 (1) - nudge up 1 tick to fit the blanket better? Slightly adjusted
01:15:584 (4,1,2) - triangle could be improved. (1 and 2 closer) It's not meant to be an equilateral triangle
01:25:584 (2,2) - Not sure if this unstack was intentional or not. It's half the spacing compared to 01:25:784 (3,4) Yeh, intentional
01:25:984 (4) - Because this is a "semi-star", moving this object so it's perpendicular might help. (A little to the right atm) adjusted slightly
01:30:184 (1,2,3) - You could have the slider end of 1 be in the middle of 2 and 3. But it kinda is in the middle?
01:30:184 (1,1) - Could be stackedI could but then 01:30:184 (1,3) - would be too close and would need to rearrange a lot of stuff so nah
01:39:784 (1,2,3) - Same thing as before Same as before, I don't see an issue here
03:23:584 (1,2) - Make them parallel perhaps? I prefer them this way
03:24:984 (1) - The slider end not facing object 03:24:784 looks a little off. imo looks better if the slider end is adjusted to face object 4. nah it's on purpose like that, I like it more that way

04:09:784 (4,1) - Stacking this object? Fixed
04:16:984 (2) - Nudge up and left 1 tick for better blanket Sure
04:25:384 (3,2) - Could be stacked? fixed
04:32:184 (4,1) - Stacking this object? Quite sure they are stacked already

All in all, I love the gimick of not stacking objects and reading said "stacks". Good map ^^

DTM9 Nowa wrote:

Huomenta, NM feat. finglish

00:12:984 (3) - Sen sijaan että sä lähtisit kakkosta tai nelosta muuttamaan, suosittelen muuttamaan kolmosen kahdeksi hitcircleksi sillä se oikeastaan koostuu kahdesta soinnusta mitkä sä olet mäpänny kakkosen ja nelosen päiden alle Hmm mietin ite samaa mapatessa mutta en halunnu tohon kohtaan triplaa koska sekään ei sovi taas mun mielestä... Tossa ideana nyt oli se että 2 ja 4 on samanlaiset ja toi 3 on peilattu nii erottuis kans, kattoo nyt jos viel keksin tohon jotain.

00:14:784 (1) - 00:16:184 (1) - jne. Tämäntyyppiset sliderit tuntuivat aika oudolta pelatessa, sillä teoriassa sekä sliderin päässä että lopussa on sointu, joka on saatu nousemaan esiin soft-hitclapin avulla, joka saa sliderin lopun tuntemaan siltä, että siinä olisi jotain jota olisi pitänyt korostaa pelituntumassa myös (eli suoraan sanottuna hitcircle). Paras tapa tämän muuttamiseen olisi vain lyhentää näitä slidereitä tickillä ja heittämällä hitcirclen siihen mihin ne nyt loppuu, että sliderin pohjassa pitämisen tunne tulee esille, mutta hitclappi ei korosta liikaa ollessa mäpättynä sliderin loppuun Ymmärrän kyl mitä haet täl mut imo 3/4 sliderit ei vaan sovi tohon ja muutenkaan en yleensä tykkää käyttää niit kun tietyis tilanteis. Toi 1/1 toimii mun mielest ihan hyvin kun toi sliderhead on kumminkin tos vahvempi kun slidertail vaik molemmis on hitclap

00:18:984 (1,2,3) - Musta ainakin tuntuu että tässä pitäis hyppyjen suurentua pienentymisen sijaan ainakin sen perusteella että ton mikälie viulun/synan ääni on huomattavasti menossa korkeampaan suuntaan. Niin oot ainakin nämä 00:25:384 (1,2,3) - mäpänny huomattavasti suuremmilla väleillä kuin nämä 00:24:584 (1,2,3,4) - niin olis parempi varmaan myös 00:18:984 (1,2,3) - tohon saada jotain samanlaista Hmm joo vois toimia

00:21:784 (2) - CTRL G vois toimia ihan kivasti tässä. Ensinnäkin objektien väli olisi huomattavasti lähempänä näitä 00:14:784 (1,2) - jotka on mäpätty samantyyppisille melodialle plus 00:22:184 (3,4) - ainakin mun mielestä tuntuu enemmän pelatessa mikä sopisi hyvin noiden kahden vahvan rummuniskun kanssa Juu

00:26:984 (3,4) - Joo on nää ihan ok silleen. En siis painosta muuttamaan tai mitään mut mun mielest ois ollu aika kiva jos noi 1/1 välit ois tehty silleen et esim nelonen täs 00:26:984 (3,4) - olis stäckätty kolmosen alle niin se korostais hyvin tommosta hetkeä kun biisin melodiassa ei tapahtuisi juurikaan mitään Hmm joo, mut siin on kumminkin laulua viel taustal nii meh

01:26:384 (2) - Voisit ainaki miettiä et jos pistäisit ton joko suoraan tota edeltävän ykkosen alle tai jotenkin samaan tyyliin miten nämä 01:25:784 (3,4) - on pistetty, kun toi on mäpätty huomattavasti vähemmän tärkeään ääneen kuin ykkonen kolmonen tai nelonen Hmm joo periaattees mut tos on kumminkin tommonen pieni build-up nii siks aattelin et sopis paremmin näin.

01:39:384 (3) - Tässä toimisi ihan hyvin slideri, todennäköisesti paremmin kuin yksi hitcircle, koska sä käytät heti sen jälkeen samanlaiselle soinnulle slideriä ( 01:39:784 (1) - ) joten on parempi vähän myös tuoda sitä hold-effektiä siihen edelliseen sointuun. Mun mielestä toi tos oleva 1/1 tauko taas korostaa paremmin noita molempia sekä 3 että 1 koska tos on muuten aika lailla vaan 1/2 välejä.

02:34:984 (2) - 1/2 slideri ois mun mielestä parempi vaihtoehto kuin vaan yksi hitcircle, koska tuossa punaisella tickillä on pieni muutos pianon soinnussa, aika lailla samaan tyyliin kuin tässä 02:43:384 (2) - Juu

04:02:184 (1) - En oikeen usko että tätä tarvitsis i new combottaa kun oot yleensä tossa osassa new combottanut vaan joka toisen ison valkosen tickin eikä tässä kohdassa nyt päällepäin ole mitään niin erikoista, että tuota "konseptia" pitäisi lähetä muuttamaan Hmm toi intensiivisyys kasvaa tis 04:00:584 - nii sen jälkeen aloin sit laitaan nc jokasel isol valkosel tickil.

04:11:784 (1,2,3,4) - Tämä tuntuu ehkä vähän oudolta verrattuna siihen, että yleensä nämä patternit tässä mäpissä perustuu lineaariseen tai pyöreään liikkeesen eikä 04:12:184 (2,3,4) - tämän tyyppiseen väljään, mutta kulmikkaaseen edestakaiseen liikkeeseen. Ei kai se nyt niin huono juttu ole jos on vaihtelua, mutta omasta mielestäni ei ole hyvä asia Juu, muutin tota vähäsen

Jos haluat kiinnittää huomiota yleiseen rakenteeseen, niin kannattaa tämän 00:05:784 (3,2) - 02:14:784 (5,4) - 05:00:784 (4,2) - jne. tyyppiset enemmän tai vähemmän tahattomat päällekkäisyydet poistaa. (Pistä hit animantions pois päältä, jos nuo eivät näy) No toi keskimmäinen nyt ei ees näy pelatessa mut noi kaks muuta korjasin lol, yleensä koitan kattoo tämmöset jo mapatessä mut joskus jää huomaamatta


Ihan hyvältä näyttää. Harmi ettei oo BN oikeuksia vielä

_83 wrote:

MY 👨 ANGEL 👼 MIR owo

your offset should be -2 imo Okay

00:02:184 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 00:05:384 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - 00:08:584 (1,1,2,1,2) - 00:11:784 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - I think the way you nc'd these is inconsistent because at least for these, the nc is more pattern/music-change based instead of music structure based which 00:00:584 (1,2,3,4) - is. To change 00:00:584 (1,2,3,4) - to be music-change based you would have to nc (3). I recommend just doing music structure based throughout the whole intro instead because there isn't really much to emphasize with the increase nc density.
00:12:184 (1,2,3,4) - note this is also strange with your current nc because to fit the music-change based nc you would need to nc 00:12:784 (2,3) - these two. (ignore this if you went for the music structure nc work) Yeah okay, I changed some ncs here, I hope it's better now.
00:16:384 - 00:22:584 (1) - a couple of notes here, this is a beat in the music you would normally map, but if you were going for the bump to the mapping it then 1. its not correctly bumping (you can check with tickrate 2) and 2. Its not really effective to bump for emphasis because players at this skill level abuse sliderleniency as much as allowed. Hmm yeah I kinda see what you mean there. The reason it's not perfectly bumped to the tick is basically because of visuals. The sound changes pitch there but it's kind not enough imo for a clickable thing there so I went with this instead. Regardless I think it works fine but if you have some better alternatives feel free to tell me.
00:25:784 (3) - it would make more sense to have this lower spaced because the sound its mapped to isn't as strong as the sounds 00:25:384 (1,2) - were mapped to but the spacing is the same. To me they felt pretty much equal hence the back and forth pattern and equal spacing.
00:47:784 - this section is pretty cool not gonna lie o
04:28:384 (2,3,4) - this rhythm is a bit off because for the whole kiai up to this you prioritized the vocals and for this (3) has a vocal on the tail and not the head is inconsistent Hmm idk about this one really. I did the same thing on previous kiai simply because I couldn't come up with a better rhythm for that part... I'll try to think of something but then again that works fine too imo.
04:30:384 - skipping this vocal is a bit inconsistent too. oops missed this one, fixed

otherwise 😎 solid map

timemon wrote:

00:16:384 - slider extends over 00:16:384 - which has quite audible sound why not just make a circle and 1/1 slider. same applies for the next slider in the same section Reasoning above ^

03:11:284 - audible blue tick Yeah there was a plenty of blue ticks I left unmapped there, mostly because it's already the most rhythmically dense part of the map so I wanted to avoid using them when I could

03:26:584 (5) - there is a little bit of sound on red tick why not just 1/2 Quite inaudible and I wanted to emphasize the cymbals here.
03:30:584 (2) - stack fixed

05:12:184 (1) - more curvy, it looks weird
same for the next wave one Changed them a bit

The map is very consistent with the rhythm composition, and consistently mapped.
The map is also fairly polished already.

Good luck with the ranking process.
That was a lot, thanks for all the mods!
Topic Starter

Milar001 wrote:

Hi, from my queue

00:12:984 (3) - Kinda hard to read Should be fine
00:13:284 - There's no sound here, slider's end represents nothing. You should make it 1/1 or put a circle Used to emphasize the held sound
00:15:784 (3,4) - These two are like 00:14:184 (3,4) - so you think of stacking it Nah, the second one has a kick there, the first one doesn't
00:16:384 - There's a sound here you omit, so put a circle on 00:16:184 - and decrease the slider's lenght to be 1/1 and move it here Answered on previous mods.
00:22:584 (1) - ^ ^
00:38:184 (1) - It represent nothing, there's sound only on white tick There's clear drums there, you can disable hitsounds and slow it down if you can't hear it
02:30:984 (1,2) - Looks like gap between them is 1/4, snap little more Same gap as others in this section, should be readable

I can't find anything in the second part, good job
Hope it will be helpful :)
Sorry wasn't too helpful this time :(
halo from Q

[diff name]
add something to tags?
lol remove countdown
i'd increase hp by 1 since this diff is just a 4* it suits better imo
01:19:582 - idk but this feels awkward even tho there's a vocal sound here. i would 01:19:782 (1) - delete this note and make a repeat slider on 01:19:782 (1) - instead to emphasize the percussion more. or just a note on that part
01:56:582 (3) - shouldnt the SV change here already cus the music is going downbeat
02:04:782 (5,6) - underspaced imo
02:55:782 (5) - put nc here?
02:56:582 (1,2) - swap NC
04:38:582 (4) - quite awkward if it's blanket imo just overlap with 04:37:782 (2) - ?
05:19:482 (1) - silence this slider

really good song choice i like it
Topic Starter

AJamez wrote:

halo from Q

[diff name]
add something to tags? I'll add something here later
lol remove countdown oops
i'd increase hp by 1 since this diff is just a 4* it suits better imo I rather keep it lower since it's a 5min map, no fun failing at the end just because of high drain :P
01:19:582 - idk but this feels awkward even tho there's a vocal sound here. i would 01:19:782 (1) - delete this note and make a repeat slider on 01:19:782 (1) - instead to emphasize the percussion more. or just a note on that part Hmm I don't really see an issue myself but I'll think about it
01:56:582 (3) - shouldnt the SV change here already cus the music is going downbeat I was changing SV based on the general intensity of the section so not going to change this one
02:04:782 (5,6) - underspaced imo Hmm... Should be fine since it's a lower intensity part and it helps to emphasize 02:05:182 (1) -, dunno yet might change.
02:55:782 (5) - put nc here? not needed imo
02:56:582 (1,2) - swap NC I prefer it like this
04:38:582 (4) - quite awkward if it's blanket imo just overlap with 04:37:782 (2) - ? I prefer it this way, and I've used similar things elsewhere too 02:01:382 (3,4) - , 02:14:982 (1,2) - etc
05:19:482 (1) - silence this slider missed this one, fixed

really good song choice i like it

00:02:182 (1,2) - Because of this note, 00:02:982 (1,2,3,4) - this notes' reading can be hard. others are, too.
00:12:882 - this part doesn't have any beats, but you set same pattern with 00:12:982 (1,2) - , looks werid for seeing.
00:46:982 (1,2) - you jumped in here only for stacking? you used antijump in this part, So I suggest antijump too.
01:07:382 (4,5) - antijump doesn't fit with music, intense gets higher imo.
01:37:782 (4) - gtrl G for make consistent DS.
01:49:382 (1,2,3) - Suddenly you reduced notes in here, I don't know why you reduced notes in here even if this part's intense gets higher. 01:49:382 (1,2) - My suggeston is using 1/2 sliders.
02:01:782 (4,1) - 01:55:382 (4,1) - same music part, too different intense. I suggest making consistent DS. 01:55:382 (4,1) - has too low DS imo, for seeing 02:08:182 (4,1) -
02:53:382 (1,2,3) - flow looks hard imo.
03:18:582 (1) - looks little bit dangerous for rank imo. it touches score status, img
03:31:382 (1,2) - 03:18:582 (1,2) - set consistent DS
04:29:982 (3,4) - too big DS in here. this part doesn't have specific emphasis, could you reduce DS?
05:11:782 (2,1) - don't make antijump since you made this low DS in 1/2. and for consistenct with 05:18:182 (3,1) - .

Topic Starter

Neoskylove wrote:


00:02:182 (1,2) - Because of this note, 00:02:982 (1,2,3,4) - this notes' reading can be hard. others are, too. should be fine, sparse rhythm and you can easily retry since it's first few secs of map
00:12:882 - this part doesn't have any beats, but you set same pattern with 00:12:982 (1,2) - , looks werid for seeing. changed since many people mentioned it
00:46:982 (1,2) - you jumped in here only for stacking? you used antijump in this part, So I suggest antijump too. The song gets more intense there so didnt use a stack
01:07:382 (4,5) - antijump doesn't fit with music, intense gets higher imo. not more intense imo
01:37:782 (4) - gtrl G for make consistent DS. Changed 01:34:582 (4) - instead
01:49:382 (1,2,3) - Suddenly you reduced notes in here, I don't know why you reduced notes in here even if this part's intense gets higher. 01:49:382 (1,2) - My suggeston is using 1/2 sliders. Imo circles feel better here
02:01:782 (4,1) - 01:55:382 (4,1) - same music part, too different intense. I suggest making consistent DS. 01:55:382 (4,1) - has too low DS imo, for seeing 02:08:182 (4,1) - Changed 01:55:382 (4,1) -
02:53:382 (1,2,3) - flow looks hard imo. Changed slightly
03:18:582 (1) - looks little bit dangerous for rank imo. it touches score status, img Fixed, needed to changed the following patterns a bit too
03:31:382 (1,2) - 03:18:582 (1,2) - set consistent DS ctrl + g
04:29:982 (3,4) - too big DS in here. this part doesn't have specific emphasis, could you reduce DS? reduced spacing
05:11:782 (2,1) - don't make antijump since you made this low DS in 1/2. and for consistenct with 05:18:182 (3,1) - . changed


Good mod, thanks!
hello from the M4M q~

  • 00:05:382 (1,2,3) - Make 1/2 timing with a gray combo and 1/1 with brown?
    00:11:582 (2,2) - Overlap those
    01:03:382 (2,4) - ctrl + g and move them back
    01:04:582 (1) - Form a triangle with 01:03:782 (3,4) ?
    01:31:782 (1) - This slider is the only downbeat in this section missing spacing emphasis
    01:46:782 (2) - Moving it a little more away from teh slider could be better since it helps (at least me personally) aim it better
    01:51:382 (3,4) - Stacking here is sort of anticlimatic as this jump section should be aimed to be different from the previous part which contained a lot of them
    01:52:182 (2,3) - Space out more? As the two strongest sounds in the buildup they should be clearly further apart
    01:56:582 (3,1) - Bad flow, use lower half of the screen and clokwise rotation to help the player re-aim after the slider before
    02:06:382 (5) - ctrl + j? (I'd stick to keeping the flow and change the rotation on a downbeat)
    02:11:382 (4) - Suggest placing this one more in front of the slider (or further from it) - makes the patter's movement a lot smoother
    02:13:382 (1) - - Would ctrl + j as it fits the previous slider's movement requirements more efficiently
    03:13:582 (2) - Kind of kills the purpose of spacing out the downbeat (overlap with 03:12:782 (2) ? ) (also best section in the map I think <3)
    03:17:782 (2) - Place higher? The placement forces slider leniency abuse but this might be too much and also could be harder to read
    03:21:382 (1) - Switch rotation here and not at the (4)
    03:34:182 (1) - ^
    04:12:582 (3) - I don't like the placement of this note since it disrupts the flow
    04:12:782 (4,1) - You could go for a blanket here
    04:35:182 (4,1) - ^
    04:35:582 (1,2,3) - Form an equilateral triangle here
    05:12:182 (1,2) - You stacked 1/2s but didn't do it here, why?
Overall, your map was very aestetically pleasing and fun to play, good luck :)
Topic Starter

AlphaDude95 wrote:

hello from the M4M q~

  • 00:05:382 (1,2,3) - Make 1/2 timing with a gray combo and 1/1 with brown? Meh, not worth colorhaxing imo
    00:11:582 (2,2) - Overlap those Not needed imo
    01:03:382 (2,4) - ctrl + g and move them back Uhh... Not sure what you mean here
    01:04:582 (1) - Form a triangle with 01:03:782 (3,4) ? 01:03:982 (4,1) - kinda is already a triangle, also triangle wouldn't work with the slider shape
    01:31:782 (1) - This slider is the only downbeat in this section missing spacing emphasis Same as this tho 01:28:382 (5,1) - :?:
    01:46:782 (2) - Moving it a little more away from teh slider could be better since it helps (at least me personally) aim it better Hmm, moved slightly
    01:51:382 (3,4) - Stacking here is sort of anticlimatic as this jump section should be aimed to be different from the previous part which contained a lot of them Fair enough
    01:52:182 (2,3) - Space out more? As the two strongest sounds in the buildup they should be clearly further apart Makes sense
    01:56:582 (3,1) - Bad flow, use lower half of the screen and clokwise rotation to help the player re-aim after the slider before Forced flow on purpose
    02:06:382 (5) - ctrl + j? (I'd stick to keeping the flow and change the rotation on a downbeat) ^
    02:11:382 (4) - Suggest placing this one more in front of the slider (or further from it) - makes the patter's movement a lot smoother ^
    02:13:382 (1) - - Would ctrl + j as it fits the previous slider's movement requirements more efficiently Meh, would mess up visuals too
    03:13:582 (2) - Kind of kills the purpose of spacing out the downbeat (overlap with 03:12:782 (2) ? ) (also best section in the map I think <3) Hmm that would feel underspaced imo... I'll think about possible change tho
    03:17:782 (2) - Place higher? The placement forces slider leniency abuse but this might be too much and also could be harder to read Moved slightly but for a different reason
    03:21:382 (1) - Switch rotation here and not at the (4) Not really a rotation based pattern
    03:34:182 (1) - ^ ^
    04:12:582 (3) - I don't like the placement of this note since it disrupts the flow Works fine imo, if you have better suggestions feel free to tell me
    04:12:782 (4,1) - You could go for a blanket here Nah I'd rather not
    04:35:182 (4,1) - ^ ^
    04:35:582 (1,2,3) - Form an equilateral triangle here Works better this way imo
    05:12:182 (1,2) - You stacked 1/2s but didn't do it here, why? Good point, fixed
Overall, your map was very aestetically pleasing and fun to play, good luck :)
Thanks for the mod!

from my queue

[Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again]

  1. 00:31:782 (3) - I think that note should be apart from (4,5). These next notes follows instrumentals, but it also matches vocals, so you could try something a little bit different. Note that on 00:34:982 (3) - you do different than previous case.
  2. 03:27:582 (4) - I think that sampleset is messed up right here. This note doesn't provide sound feedback at all.
  3. 04:12:782 (4) - Minor suggestion but I think that a shape more like this looks and fits better.
  4. 04:18:582 (3) - ^
Sorry by short modding, but this map is already really great, good job!

Take a star, good luck!
Topic Starter

Pulse wrote:

from my queue

[Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again]

  1. 00:31:782 (3) - I think that note should be apart from (4,5). These next notes follows instrumentals, but it also matches vocals, so you could try something a little bit different. Note that on 00:34:982 (3) - you do different than previous case. sure
  2. 03:27:582 (4) - I think that sampleset is messed up right here. This note doesn't provide sound feedback at all. ye
  3. 04:12:782 (4) - Minor suggestion but I think that a shape more like this looks and fits better. sure
  4. 04:18:582 (3) - ^ Nah I prefer straight slider here
Sorry by short modding, but this map is already really great, good job! Thanks owo

Take a star, good luck!
Thanks for the mod and star!
Hi~ another candy from my queue :3

Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again (Nice diff name :3)

  1. 00:08:382 (2,1) - I think this NC needs a spaced placement like you did on 00:01:982 (2,1) - , 00:05:182 (2,1) - , etc. .
  2. 00:10:982 (1,1) - nazi stack
  3. 01:06:582 (2) - Maybe you can place this circle around 01:06:982 (3) - 's head ? the current pattern looks similar to 01:04:582 (1,2,3) - , 01:01:382 (1,2,3) - , etc. and it feels a bit weird to play since it has a different snapping. You can apply something like 01:12:982 (2,1) - , it feels better.
  4. 01:58:382 (4,1) - This flow feels a bit weird if I can say. Their movement doesn't related to each other. Personally, it gives a bad feedback when I testplay it. If we're talking about flow and movement, I mean something "related" like this, or something else if you have a different idea.
  5. 03:38:182 (1,2) - idk why but this movement kinda bother me personally, I like the movement on 03:38:782 (2,3) - but not on this one.
  6. 03:50:182 (4) - Maybe you can ctrl+g on it ? It would give a better transition to the next slider. If you do this, you'll need to move 03:49:382 (3) - too.
  7. 05:13:982 (1,2) - How about use a same pattern like 05:10:782 (3,1) - ? It follows both vocal and instrument nicely.
  8. I think you need one more red line with 150bpm on 05:09:413 - the vocal and acoustic guitar sounds a bit late from here so the notes sounds a bit to early.

Well, nothing much I can say here ;w;
This song is very cool >< and it also mapped well :3
here take some o/
Good Luck!~
Topic Starter

Blizs wrote:

Hi~ another candy from my queue :3

Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again (Nice diff name :3)

  1. 00:08:382 (2,1) - I think this NC needs a spaced placement like you did on 00:01:982 (2,1) - , 00:05:182 (2,1) - , etc. . fair enough
  2. 00:10:982 (1,1) - nazi stack fix
  3. 01:06:582 (2) - Maybe you can place this circle around 01:06:982 (3) - 's head ? the current pattern looks similar to 01:04:582 (1,2,3) - , 01:01:382 (1,2,3) - , etc. and it feels a bit weird to play since it has a different snapping. You can apply something like 01:12:982 (2,1) - , it feels better.fix
  4. 01:58:382 (4,1) - This flow feels a bit weird if I can say. Their movement doesn't related to each other. Personally, it gives a bad feedback when I testplay it. If we're talking about flow and movement, I mean something "related" like this, or something else if you have a different idea. Hmm sure I guess
  5. 03:38:182 (1,2) - idk why but this movement kinda bother me personally, I like the movement on 03:38:782 (2,3) - but not on this one.03:38:782 (2,1) - rotated 03:38:782 (2,1) - a bit
  6. 03:50:182 (4) - Maybe you can ctrl+g on it ? It would give a better transition to the next slider. If you do this, you'll need to move 03:49:382 (3) - too. sure
  7. 05:13:982 (1,2) - How about use a same pattern like 05:10:782 (3,1) - ? It follows both vocal and instrument nicely. Nice idea
  8. I think you need one more red line with 150bpm on 05:09:413 - the vocal and acoustic guitar sounds a bit late from here so the notes sounds a bit to early. Good call. Changed it and I hope it won't feel too shit to play with the triple there, although the slider leniency should (hopefully) make it pretty unnoticeable. We'll see if I need to do something more about this

Well, nothing much I can say here ;w;
This song is very cool >< and it also mapped well :3
here take some o/
Good Luck!~
Good mod and thanks for the stars! :D
Nao Tomori
[edgy diffname]
00:16:182 (1) - i get what you're going for but i think a click is still better ;w;

00:18:382 (2) - tbh the nc should b on this 1 cuz u swwitched instrumentz

also u shd separate that pattern from the previous guitar thing for the same reazson !

01:33:282 - triple!

02:01:682 - you followed the 3/4 thing earlier with a repeat, ignoring it here is weird.

02:34:982 (2,3) - ctrlg ??

03:02:982 (1,2) - ??? hello map the really intense guitar plz dont just ignore it for 1/2 drums

04:31:382 (2,3) - not spaced enough, cursor movement here is really slow even tho u hav much much biggerj umps on calmer parts like 04:28:982 (4,5,1) - which doesnt even follow anything loud in the song

yea basically map the guitar properly in the solo and dont ignore all the 3/4 vocals that you ignored and it'll be better
Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

[edgy diffname]
00:16:182 (1) - i get what you're going for but i think a click is still better ;w; I'll look into it if I can change it in a way I like

00:18:382 (2) - tbh the nc should b on this 1 cuz u swwitched instrumentz the drum pattern starts at 00:18:182 (1) -

also u shd separate that pattern from the previous guitar thing for the same reazson ! Ehh... Maybe

01:33:282 - triple! Meh, it's a calm section so I think it's fine to skip this one

02:01:682 - you followed the 3/4 thing earlier with a repeat, ignoring it here is weird. I see your point here but I disagree, the vocals aren't as clear here and there's other sounds around it so I don't think a 3/4 slider would work any better there (and wouldn't be any different from 02:06:982 (1,2) - ) and sliderend triples wouldn't really work either imo

02:34:982 (2,3) - ctrlg ?? yeh

03:02:982 (1,2) - ??? hello map the really intense guitar plz dont just ignore it for 1/2 drums I see where you're coming from but the drums here are more intense than in other places too so I think it's fine. Not to mention the guitar rhythm is really messy there so it felt more natural to map to the drums there (and stream spam wouldn't really fit imo as it's pretty low sr)

04:31:382 (2,3) - not spaced enough, cursor movement here is really slow even tho u hav much much biggerj umps on calmer parts like 04:28:982 (4,5,1) - which doesnt even follow anything loud in the song It's not any different from 02:07:382 (2,3) - or 04:44:182 (2,3) - tho? and as for 04:28:982 (4,5,1) I can't agree it's calmer, it feels heavier and more intense there in general imo so I feel the higher spacing is justified.

yea basically map the guitar properly in the solo and dont ignore all the 3/4 vocals that you ignored and it'll be better
Topic Starter

pretty solid actually

  • [General]
  1. 05:09:413 - Did you want 20% or 30%? Refer to the conflicting timing settings

    [Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again]
  2. 00:10:382 (2) - Would have removed this in order to contrast the rhythms between 00:09:382 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:10:182 (1,2,3) - more, since they're different things in the song. This'd also follow your 00:00:582 (1,2) - 00:03:782 (1,2) - 00:06:982 (1,2) - concept and make it more recognizable than what it is currently.
  3. 00:13:382 - So from this point I really think you should get rid of the S:C1 hitwhistle, as it's way too distinct, loud and frequent to just suddenly disappear after 00:14:382 - only to return for 2 seconds at 00:19:782 - and then stop again at 00:20:782 - . Just that section though, 00:26:982 - works fine due to it being in predictable intervals.
  4. 00:15:782 (3,1) - So it'd probably look more structured if these had the same amount of visual space between them as 00:15:382 (2,4) - , since 00:16:182 (1,2) - are awkwardly close at the moment, unlike what you did later at 03:18:582 (1,2) - 03:24:982 (1,2) - .
  5. 00:16:182 (1) - Current way works, but I doubt the bump in the slider will really emphasize things more than just visually hm. An alternative to this is moving the whole slider 1/2 forwards and shortening it, then placing a circle at 00:16:182 - (I tried half-stacking on the head of the slider to stop momentum). Note now that this'll seem strange because the feedback of the circle will be stronger than the feedback of the slider, if hitsounded as it was done currently. However, if you leave a hitfinish on 00:16:382 - , it will play much better, and act more as an extension of the actual finish at 00:16:182 - than a separate one. This is one of the cases where additive hitsounding actually works. Anyway, this is only if you actually want an alternative. Both ways would work in my opinion, just depends what you want to emphasize; melody/guitar or absence of drums.
  6. 00:18:582 (3,4) - Considering that 00:18:982 (1) - is rather strong in the song, I'd try overlapping these, like you did at 00:24:982 (3,4) - . That way the player would stop motion and then quickly speed up again, making it more emphasized. While we're here you could also try moving 00:18:782 (4) - out from 00:17:382 (3,5,2,4) - as it seems a bit cluttery atm.
  7. 00:51:382 (1) - 00:57:782 (1) - These shapes seem a bit weird considering that most other shapes meant to reflect this part are straight and jagged. They also stand out considerably since it's a unique shape to this section unlike 00:49:782 (1) - , which also appears at 00:22:582 (1) - . Well regardless, if you're going to keep them as-is, try rounding the circular part a bit more, so it's not visually imbalanced.
  8. 01:28:382 (5,1) - 01:31:582 (5,1) - So you had this concept, but then it just disappears halfway through this part. 01:34:582 (4) - 01:40:982 (4) - would have been 2 circles if the concept kept going, for example. Just seems a bit strange and inconsistent conceptually, as previous parts have managed to keep to things they've introduced. Regardless, I would try keeping to that concept, as it plays pretty well in my opinion, and makes the section stand out in comparison to the others.
  9. 01:14:182 - These S:C1 hitwhistles are pretty inconsistent here as well. They just seem to randomly appear and disappear without any pattern. To fix this, 01:15:582 (4) - 1/2 before the second downbeat, which is the same as 01:18:782 - , so place a hitwhistle there. 01:20:182 - move this to 01:20:382 - , refer to 01:17:182 - . 01:21:982 - again, 1/2 before the downbeat so place a whistle. 01:23:582 - 1/2 before the hypermeasure change, so place whistle.
  10. 01:26:982 - So for this part I can't really tell how you're hitsounding it with the whistles... it kinda seems like the previous, but you're making the same mistakes here in that case, missing 01:28:782 - and placing 01:29:782 - too early. Then at 01:34:782 - 01:37:982 - 01:41:182 - etc you're even ignoring the one that the others had, 01:31:582 - 01:28:382 - . Anyway as it is currently it's way too barren and it doesn't seem like they really relate, even if they'd be in a consistent pattern. I'd suggest doing the 1/2 before the 2nd downbeat + the 1/2 after, like the previous section had, so stuff like 01:41:182 - 01:41:582 - would have whistles. Anyway I'm not really sure what you're doing with the whistle hitsound so maybe look over things again throughout the whole map to make sure things are all consistent.
  11. 01:54:182 (1,3,4,1) - Visual spacing seems a bit imbalanced when looking at (3). Could probably space it further from 01:54:182 (1) - so it's equal in visual spacing between it and 01:55:382 (4,1) - . I mean even looking at 01:54:582 (2,3,4) - , it becomes pretty obvious. Similar sort of thing at 01:55:582 (1,2,3) - and 02:06:982 (1,3,4) - . Same goes for the other kiai that sounds like this as well, 04:08:582 (1,3,1) - 04:09:982 (1,2,3) - 04:12:782 (4,1,2) - etc. Not really too important, but thought I'd mention it since most of the time you apply it but then randomly overlook some.
  12. 02:35:182 (3) - I realize that this whole section is following the paino, but the gap between (2) and (3) here seems a bit too intense for what the song is suggesting. The piano impact itself is rather weak, so using a whole slider for it like this seems a bit questionable. Since clickables generally work better on white ticks, and are almost more predictable that way, and there's a vocal on 02:35:382 - , I'd have moved this slider to start there and ctrlged it back to how it was originally. This way you'd cover 02:35:582 - and place the emphasis on 02:35:382 - , where the vocal impacts, as well as giving plenty of space on the timeline between (2) and (3) to be able to click calmly. As for the contradicting instrumental layer, just treat it as a temporary switch.
  13. 02:53:382 - imo it'd be pretty cool if this part had a clearly different visual aesthetic compared to the rest of the map, as it seems very different in the song. I get that you're trying to put some curves into some of the sliders like 02:54:782 (1) - 03:02:982 (1) - etc, but doing so for all sliders here would probably be more powerful and contrast 03:15:782 - in more than just rhythm and spacing. So you would turn stuff like 02:53:382 (1) - into something like this, 02:54:182 (3) - into this, and so on, you get the idea. Basically trying to incorporate the concept as a theme, happening constantly, rather than as something that is varied between and only appearing occasionally. You could also colorhax it to some different color to differentiate it from the rest of the map, this way emphasizing it even more visually, if you'd like.
  14. 03:02:982 - I kind of feel like this is missing the opportunity to be more elaborate. This is the only part in the map as far as I can see that has a 1/3 section, so I'm thinking we could use that to differentiate it. So things like 03:02:982 (1) - could become a 1/3 repeat, same for 03:03:782 (4) - . By doing this, you're still maintaining the same rhythm and emphasis, except now it also reflects the 1/3 in the background.
  15. 03:22:182 (1,2,3) - Could try keeping the overlaps of around equal spacing so it doesn't look like 03:22:182 (1,2) - is a smaller gap than 03:22:582 (2,3) - .
  16. 04:56:582 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing seems pretty excessive here, I'd think something like 05:02:982 (1,2,3) - would work better here to emphasize 04:57:782 (5,1) - , in accordance to the song. Compared to 04:58:982 (3,4,1) - , the last note in 04:56:582 (1,2,3) - isn't much stronger than the circles.
  17. 05:01:782 (3,4,1) - Similarly here to as was mentioned earlier, I think something like 05:08:182 (3,4,1) - for this would bring a larger difference in motion, and as such accentuate 05:02:182 (1) - more.
ok basically fix your hitsounding and we'll irc the rest I guess lo
Topic Starter
Wow that's a lot of text, I'm not home atm but I'll get to it on thursday/friday
Cherry Blossom
Hello from my modding queue.

Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again

  1. 00:14:382 (4,5) - there should be more distance between these notes to emphasize the sound better as you did for 00:20:782 (4,5,1) - . These two patterns don't give the same impression, the second one gives the best impression.
  2. 00:54:182 (1,2) - if i take each patterns one by one, this one is poor concerning its placement, i mean there should be a higher distance between 00:54:182 (1,2) - as you did for 01:00:582 (1,2) - , because the jump between 00:53:982 (4,1) - and the song suggest it.
  3. 01:13:982 (4,1) - this could play a little forced due to the large angle between 01:13:782 (3,4,1) - and the higher distance between previous circles. It would be nice if you reduce the distance between 01:13:982 (4,1) - a little.
  4. 01:40:382 (2,3,4) - i didn't see the same kind of transition before, and it looks quite surprising when seeing it because it doesn't really feel natural. It looks like you ran out of idea or space here. i'd rather see something like this instead :
  5. 01:54:982 (3,4,1) - I'd rather see another transition which looks more confortable to play between 01:55:382 (4,1) - and not feel "sheared" and rather more fluid like :
  6. 03:31:382 (1,2) - Same as i said before if i take your patterns one by one. There is a lower distance than 03:18:582 (1,2) - or 03:24:982 (1,2) - . so there should be the same distance between 03:31:382 (1,2) -

Good luck ~
Topic Starter

Naxess wrote:


pretty solid actually

  • [General]
  1. 05:09:413 - Did you want 20% or 30%? Refer to the conflicting timing settings Oops, was supposed to be 30% , forgot to change red line

    [Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again]
  2. 00:10:382 (2) - Would have removed this in order to contrast the rhythms between 00:09:382 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:10:182 (1,2,3) - more, since they're different things in the song. This'd also follow your 00:00:582 (1,2) - 00:03:782 (1,2) - 00:06:982 (1,2) - concept and make it more recognizable than what it is currently. While I partially agree with your point I think it's better to have a circle here. The song gets progressively a bit louder and more audible especially on places like 00:03:982 - so I wanted to somehow signify it here I did alter the pattern a bit visually tho so it looks different from 00:05:382 (1,2,3) -
  3. 00:13:382 - So from this point I really think you should get rid of the S:C1 hitwhistle, as it's way too distinct, loud and frequent to just suddenly disappear after 00:14:382 - only to return for 2 seconds at 00:19:782 - and then stop again at 00:20:782 - . Just that section though, 00:26:982 - works fine due to it being in predictable intervals. Fair enough, the whistles were kind of a mess and I wanted to do something with them anyway
  4. 00:15:782 (3,1) - So it'd probably look more structured if these had the same amount of visual space between them as 00:15:382 (2,4) - , since 00:16:182 (1,2) - are awkwardly close at the moment, unlike what you did later at 03:18:582 (1,2) - 03:24:982 (1,2) - . Adjusted the patterns around 00:15:782 (3,1) - to make it more visually consistent
  5. 00:16:182 (1) - Current way works, but I doubt the bump in the slider will really emphasize things more than just visually hm. An alternative to this is moving the whole slider 1/2 forwards and shortening it, then placing a circle at 00:16:182 - (I tried half-stacking on the head of the slider to stop momentum). Note now that this'll seem strange because the feedback of the circle will be stronger than the feedback of the slider, if hitsounded as it was done currently. However, if you leave a hitfinish on 00:16:382 - , it will play much better, and act more as an extension of the actual finish at 00:16:182 - than a separate one. This is one of the cases where additive hitsounding actually works. Anyway, this is only if you actually want an alternative. Both ways would work in my opinion, just depends what you want to emphasize; melody/guitar or absence of drums. While the alternative you suggested is valid and something I thought myself, I'd rather keep it the way as it is. I feel that the cymbal at 00:16:182 - and lack of drums until 00:16:782 - is a reason to do something a bit different on these.
  6. 00:18:582 (3,4) - Considering that 00:18:982 (1) - is rather strong in the song, I'd try overlapping these, like you did at 00:24:982 (3,4) - . That way the player would stop motion and then quickly speed up again, making it more emphasized. While we're here you could also try moving 00:18:782 (4) - out from 00:17:382 (3,5,2,4) - as it seems a bit cluttery atm. Adjusted 00:18:182 (1,2,3,4) -
  7. 00:51:382 (1) - 00:57:782 (1) - These shapes seem a bit weird considering that most other shapes meant to reflect this part are straight and jagged. They also stand out considerably since it's a unique shape to this section unlike 00:49:782 (1) - , which also appears at 00:22:582 (1) - . Well regardless, if you're going to keep them as-is, try rounding the circular part a bit more, so it's not visually imbalanced. Made them straight and jagged while keeping a semi unique shape for them (mostly because of their length)
  8. 01:28:382 (5,1) - 01:31:582 (5,1) - So you had this concept, but then it just disappears halfway through this part. 01:34:582 (4) - 01:40:982 (4) - would have been 2 circles if the concept kept going, for example. Just seems a bit strange and inconsistent conceptually, as previous parts have managed to keep to things they've introduced. Regardless, I would try keeping to that concept, as it plays pretty well in my opinion, and makes the section stand out in comparison to the others. Fair enough, changed some patterns accordingly.
  9. 01:14:182 - These S:C1 hitwhistles are pretty inconsistent here as well. They just seem to randomly appear and disappear without any pattern. To fix this, 01:15:582 (4) - 1/2 before the second downbeat, which is the same as 01:18:782 - , so place a hitwhistle there. 01:20:182 - move this to 01:20:382 - , refer to 01:17:182 - . 01:21:982 - again, 1/2 before the downbeat so place a whistle. 01:23:582 - 1/2 before the hypermeasure change, so place whistle.
    Yeah thanks, the whistles are a mess
  10. 01:26:982 - So for this part I can't really tell how you're hitsounding it with the whistles... it kinda seems like the previous, but you're making the same mistakes here in that case, missing 01:28:782 - and placing 01:29:782 - too early. Then at 01:34:782 - 01:37:982 - 01:41:182 - etc you're even ignoring the one that the others had, 01:31:582 - 01:28:382 - . Anyway as it is currently it's way too barren and it doesn't seem like they really relate, even if they'd be in a consistent pattern. I'd suggest doing the 1/2 before the 2nd downbeat + the 1/2 after, like the previous section had, so stuff like 01:41:182 - 01:41:582 - would have whistles. Anyway I'm not really sure what you're doing with the whistle hitsound so maybe look over things again throughout the whole map to make sure things are all consistent. I tried to fix things, will probably need more adjusment still lol
  11. 01:54:182 (1,3,4,1) - Visual spacing seems a bit imbalanced when looking at (3). Could probably space it further from 01:54:182 (1) - so it's equal in visual spacing between it and 01:55:382 (4,1) - . I mean even looking at 01:54:582 (2,3,4) - , it becomes pretty obvious. Similar sort of thing at 01:55:582 (1,2,3) - and 02:06:982 (1,3,4) - . Same goes for the other kiai that sounds like this as well, 04:08:582 (1,3,1) - 04:09:982 (1,2,3) - 04:12:782 (4,1,2) - etc. Not really too important, but thought I'd mention it since most of the time you apply it but then randomly overlook some. Tried to adjust most visual spacing errors I could find
  12. 02:35:182 (3) - I realize that this whole section is following the paino, but the gap between (2) and (3) here seems a bit too intense for what the song is suggesting. The piano impact itself is rather weak, so using a whole slider for it like this seems a bit questionable. Since clickables generally work better on white ticks, and are almost more predictable that way, and there's a vocal on 02:35:382 - , I'd have moved this slider to start there and ctrlged it back to how it was originally. This way you'd cover 02:35:582 - and place the emphasis on 02:35:382 - , where the vocal impacts, as well as giving plenty of space on the timeline between (2) and (3) to be able to click calmly. As for the contradicting instrumental layer, just treat it as a temporary switch. I guess it feels more natural that way and that's how it originally was anyway
  13. 02:53:382 - imo it'd be pretty cool if this part had a clearly different visual aesthetic compared to the rest of the map, as it seems very different in the song. I get that you're trying to put some curves into some of the sliders like 02:54:782 (1) - 03:02:982 (1) - etc, but doing so for all sliders here would probably be more powerful and contrast 03:15:782 - in more than just rhythm and spacing. So you would turn stuff like 02:53:382 (1) - into something like this, 02:54:182 (3) - into this, and so on, you get the idea. Basically trying to incorporate the concept as a theme, happening constantly, rather than as something that is varied between and only appearing occasionally. You could also colorhax it to some different color to differentiate it from the rest of the map, this way emphasizing it even more visually, if you'd like. This is actually a pretty nice idea, I also applied some basic colorhaxing to the whole map
  14. 03:02:982 - I kind of feel like this is missing the opportunity to be more elaborate. This is the only part in the map as far as I can see that has a 1/3 section, so I'm thinking we could use that to differentiate it. So things like 03:02:982 (1) - could become a 1/3 repeat, same for 03:03:782 (4) - . By doing this, you're still maintaining the same rhythm and emphasis, except now it also reflects the 1/3 in the background. Fair enough.
  15. 03:22:182 (1,2,3) - Could try keeping the overlaps of around equal spacing so it doesn't look like 03:22:182 (1,2) - is a smaller gap than 03:22:582 (2,3) - . fixed
  16. 04:56:582 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing seems pretty excessive here, I'd think something like 05:02:982 (1,2,3) - would work better here to emphasize 04:57:782 (5,1) - , in accordance to the song. Compared to 04:58:982 (3,4,1) - , the last note in 04:56:582 (1,2,3) - isn't much stronger than the circles.Nerfed spacing on 04:56:582 (1,2) - but kept them as circles as there's still some overlapping vocals from the chorus so I wanted to have circles for that.
  17. 05:01:782 (3,4,1) - Similarly here to as was mentioned earlier, I think something like 05:08:182 (3,4,1) - for this would bring a larger difference in motion, and as such accentuate 05:02:182 (1) - more. Here I personally prefer to have them this way as first of all this section I find more intense than the one on the intro without vocals and I think the first patterns decreasing spacing is enough to have a clear difference in motion.
ok basically fix your hitsounding and we'll irc the rest I guess lo
That was a long mod and took me a fair amount of time to apply all the changes, thanks Naxess (If you still want to discuss some of the changes in irc I'll try to catch you online sometime)

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hello from my modding queue.

Paradise Tries to Be Reborn Again

  1. 00:14:382 (4,5) - there should be more distance between these notes to emphasize the sound better as you did for 00:20:782 (4,5,1) - . These two patterns don't give the same impression, the second one gives the best impression. Moved 00:14:582 (5) -
  2. 00:54:182 (1,2) - if i take each patterns one by one, this one is poor concerning its placement, i mean there should be a higher distance between 00:54:182 (1,2) - as you did for 01:00:582 (1,2) - , because the jump between 00:53:982 (4,1) - and the song suggest it. Increased the spacing slightly on 00:54:182 (1,2) -
  3. 01:13:982 (4,1) - this could play a little forced due to the large angle between 01:13:782 (3,4,1) - and the higher distance between previous circles. It would be nice if you reduce the distance between 01:13:982 (4,1) - a little. Hmm I wanted to feel it a bit forced there and I don't really see an issue it with it so I won't change it for now.
  4. 01:40:382 (2,3,4) - i didn't see the same kind of transition before, and it looks quite surprising when seeing it because it doesn't really feel natural. It looks like you ran out of idea or space here. i'd rather see something like this instead : Changed it based on naxess' mod
  5. 01:54:982 (3,4,1) - I'd rather see another transition which looks more confortable to play between 01:55:382 (4,1) - and not feel "sheared" and rather more fluid like : I literally had it like this when I first mapped this lol. I changed it later on and it should play pretty well regardless because of slider leniency.
  6. 03:31:382 (1,2) - Same as i said before if i take your patterns one by one. There is a lower distance than 03:18:582 (1,2) - or 03:24:982 (1,2) - . so there should be the same distance between 03:31:382 (1,2) - Not a big issue imo but increased the spacing slightly

Good luck ~
Thanks for the mod!
Changed some hitsounds, added tags and fixed some more colorhaxing for the middle kiai.

Back off BNs, this one is mine.

Hi sweetie.~

Long Edgy Diffname

ok that's all I have. Call me back tomorrow for qualify.

Darned Naxess fixing all the problems before I even look. asdf
Topic Starter

Mir wrote:

Back off BNs, this one is mine.

Hi sweetie.~

Long Edgy Diffname
- 04:07:782 - SAD WHY NO MAP THIS DISTORTION I'm bad, so just thought spinner is fine lol

ok that's all I have. Call me back tomorrow for qualify.

Darned Naxess fixing all the problems before I even look. asdf
Hi Mir :D
Topic Starter
fixed a green line smh
Metaku's first qualified map - qualified by his Angel. Cute. :3c

Topic Starter
I'm late ;w;
but gratzzz ><
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