
osu!taiko World Cup 2017 - Discussion Thread

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Welcome to the osu!taiko World Cup 2017 Discussion Thread.
Here you can discuss everything related to the biggest worldwide osu! tournament.
time to be first :) gl
h y p e
Here we go again
Looking forward to this. Whether I get to play or not I'll be interested to see how the tournament plays out.
Time to see Score v2 in action !
This is Australia's year, watch out peeps!
I can't wait to see what's going to happen with the new score system being implemented in this TWC compared to previous TWC Tournaments. Hopefully they'll be a lot more surprises and turnabouts along the way. Good Luck to everyone who'll be competing this year. I'm looking forward to having another amazing and exciting TWC Year with you guys. :D
Hi Guys, I have a question. Do I need to have the cutting edge version installed to participate in the tournament? Since when trying to install this, I send an error and then the osu! If it crashes, then I want to know if I need to install it or if they using that version can see my score in V2 score.
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Stable should suffice by then. You won't be able to use Fallback though.

Loctav wrote:

Stable should suffice by then. You won't be able to use Fallback though.

Oh... I see :? Thank you Loctav.

Loctav wrote:

Stable should suffice by then. You won't be able to use Fallback though.
WHY JUST WHY :( rip crash again for me
WELL WELL WELL, what do we have. Oh, TWC2017, are you here already? omg, now i have to buy a new keabord D:
My Angel oserry

Alt wrote:

WELL WELL WELL, what do we have. Oh, TWC2017, are you here already? omg, now i have to buy a new keabord D:

That time has come :D
Reviving and surviving during a map gets considered as passing it.

Can you revive in score v2?
Akiyama Mizuki

Loctav wrote:

You won't be able to use Fallback though.
p/5816578#p5816578 ... 1700809730 (read its thread)

...well i wouldn't say it's very fair
hii ! i just wAnt to know if it's gonna have a ''live'' or something we can see osu!taiko ??

cara-sama wrote:

hii ! i just wAnt to know if it's gonna have a ''live'' or something we can see osu!taiko ??
All the world cups are streamed on twitch. Although in early rounds of the tournament not every single match will be streamed as many occur simultaneously.
Good hype, I'm excited to see how everyone does
As well as Score v2 in action. Been a little skeptical about it but maybe I'll be proven wrong
Akiyama Mizuki

bbj0920 wrote:

still no response lol
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can't help it, bbj, fallback is a non supported game version and won't receive any updates anymore (for over a year already, I suppose)
as we develop our game and tournament forward, it is mandatory to use the newest game version. you use an ancient client version and we can't support these anymore whatsoever.
Akiyama Mizuki
wow that's pretty outrageous, well then i hope my classmates don't recognize me at pc cafes lol
is it still possible to register
i just read about the scorev2 thing that big notes wont count as combo break and whatever and decided to register after all but now i can t even though it says it closes today shouldnt i be able to register today?

animexamera wrote:

is it still possible to register
i just read about the scorev2 thing that big notes wont count as combo break and whatever and decided to register after all but now i can t even though it says it closes today shouldnt i be able to register today?

From the news page:
"Hand in your registration before 19. February 2017." before
"Remember that any registrations past the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances"

Since your excuse for not registering in time was completely avoidable, I doubt they'd let you in. :/
So based on the calendar dates it says when registration ends and when drawings for brackets will be. But is there an expected time for when captains will be chosen and teams picked ect?
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between both?
Start nya kapa sih??? kepo deh
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The first team list has been pushed to the wiki. It might take a little bit to propagate, so don't be surprised if it doesn't show up at instant
Norway, Finland and Ukraine have teams again, sweet

no japan?

pmriva wrote:

no japan?
Still waiting, there's only 23 teams listed
hello 2017
^One of our players is in the exact same situation
Kapan nih mulainya??? pengen cepet2 ngeliput gw ahahahahhaha :D :) ;) 8-)
Well I got replaced after I was accepted into twc :(
Good luck everyone.
No one plays taiko in my country anymore... feelsbadman ;(
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updated wiki. keep in mind to wait a bit to distribute.
mfw you map std for something around 5 years and your taiko map was picked for twc
are you guys retarded lol what the fuck is this pool

Backfire wrote:

are you guys retarded lol what the fuck is this pool
that's the most of us thinking right now :thinking:
nakanotsu nimi

Backfire wrote:

are you guys retarded lol what the fuck is this pool

what is a 7* doing in group stage lol

Pohm wrote:

Backfire wrote:

are you guys retarded lol what the fuck is this pool
what is a 7* doing in group stage lol
exactly, this is all honestly strange and some answers would be nice because this is not at all what should normally be here. Did they accidentally post semifinals?

Pohm wrote:

Backfire wrote:

are you guys retarded lol what the fuck is this pool
what is a 7* doing in group stage lol
lolololol scattered faith on grandfinal?

Rufoel wrote:

Hi. I registered for TWC2017 but according to my captain I'm not on the candidates list. Can I get information on what happened?
i try to ask by email but nobody answered me

Hey that happened to me too
i ask them by email too and their reply is not helping at all
i am disappointed because i got no explanation, i dont feel like i broke the rule for the past 1 year

Some answers would be nice

Niko-nyan wrote:

Backfire wrote:

are you guys retarded lol what the fuck is this pool

that's the most of us thinking right now :thinking:

also whats wrong with the pool, 7* on a group stage rofl

Good luck to everyone who parcitipated :)

pmriva wrote:

Rufoel wrote:

Hi. I registered for TWC2017 but according to my captain I'm not on the candidates list. Can I get information on what happened?
i try to ask by email but nobody answered me

Hey that happened to me too
i ask them by email too and their reply is not helping at all
i am disappointed because i got no explanation, i dont feel like i broke the rule for the past 1 year
Some answers would be nice

Same here

By the way can you staff upload mappack to mega instead mediafire? mediafire was blocked in china :<

lop wrote:

By the way can you staff upload mappack to mega instead mediafire? mediafire was blocked in china :<
I'm sure you can just download the maps one by one. If you don't know already, all the links are available on the wiki page. :idea:
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