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Fill in the 1st and 2nd steps, then the person under would say if it worked or not OwO

  1. User 1:

    Step 1: Eat a duck
    Step 2: Let the duck eat you
    Step 3: Profit!
  2. User 2:

    It worked! The duck ate me! >;D

    Step 1: Post something weird
    Step 2: Get it locked by Stefan
    Step 3: Profit!
  3. User 3:

    It didn't work D;

And so on... ;3
Step 1: Become Blitzfrog
Step 2: Get all the girls
Step 3: Profit!
Didn't work, i became an idiot instead

Step 1: go to
Step 2: subcribe to Keemstar
Step 3: Profit!
Zain Sugieres
This game has no fucking point and you should die for using owo

Zain Sugieres wrote:

This game has no fucking point and you should die for using owo
It's an interesting concept still, let's see how many people can use their creativity to make a funny profit.
Step 1: Find a magical cat that took your soul to grant a wish
Step2 : beat the cat to subm.... i mean make a wish ... yeah wish
Step3: profit.
Caput Mortuum
where the fuck is step 4

Eraser wrote:

where the fuck is step 4
You erased it

Step 1: Become Blitzfrog
Step 2: Put $100/session at the front of your door
Step 3: Profit
It worked. I've become a bot-... for 3 years and made my earnings.
Step 1: Take an art class.
Step 2: Become an artist.
Step 3: Profit!
Nate Bait
Everything except step 3 worked; currently freelancing on the streets as the class annihilated my bank account

1. Get a drawing tablet
2. Download 15 PP maps
3. Profit
doesn't work...

Step 1: Launch osu
Step 2: Play Sotarks map
Step 3: Profit!
Zelzatter Zero
It didn't work.... All Sotarks maps have been detected as virus by my antivirus software.

1. Go to OT.
2. Post "woof."
3. ...
4. Profit.


Step 1: Play Fortnite
Step 2: Buy V-Bucks
Step 3: Profit!
Didn't work. Never like to play fortnite before.
Step 1: Learn Calculus.
Step 2: Struggling to score well.
Step 3: Profit.
Tateshina Eve
It worked because I'm good at maths, so I became a maths teacher and now I'm literally making huge profits.

1. Find the girl you have a crush on
2. Kiss her
3. Profit!!!!!
Doesn't work, the girl slaped me oof

Step 1: Buy a sport car (like Audi, Ferrari, Lamborghini, ...)
Step 2: Go in a germany autobahn
Step 3: Profit
Didn't work. I still had to learn German.

Step 1: Cookies.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Grofit!
haha i rolypoly
didn't work. Burned to death
1:drink some water
2: dont drink too much but enough in which it is healthy.
3: profit
It works! But when I give someone H2O too, they died. :C.
Step 1: Find a button.
Step 2: Push the button.
Step 3: Profit!
Oh fuck, this is the button of a nuclear nuke!

Step 1: Read step 2
Step 2: Read step 3
Step 3: Read step 1 and profit!
It didn't work. No profits can be found here.
Step 1: Quit osu!.
Step 2: Join part of the denizens in OT.
Step 3: Profit!
It didn't work. Failed at step 1. You're here forever


Step 1: Throw a pen in the air.
Step 2: Catch it.
Step 3: Profit!
furry hater
It didn't work. I lost my pen at step 2.


Step 1: Start up a pizzeria.
Step 2: Make everything slightly overpriced.
Step 3: Profit!
it didn't work, there is nothing to sell
step 1: draw a circle around you
step 2: ???
step 3: profit!
Nate Bait
works well! the circle really helps at fending off seabears]

1. Click those circles
2. Click them to the beat
3. Profit
Cool, works only in maps less than 4 stars

Step 1: Buy osu! supporter
Step 2: Use osu! direct
Step 3: Profit!
Uh... not enough balance.

Play more.
P L A Y M O R E.
haha i rolypoly
did work i now have 200 pp play in osu standard
step 1: forget to make a profit.
step 2: make the person below kinda angry
step 3: profit
It worked. No one seems interested.
Step 1: Sell your property.
Step 2: Buy yourself a small living van.
Step 3: Profit!
If this is a low-cost way to get a van, yes, but i'm not interested.

Step 1: Buy something
Step 2: Throw him some eggs
Step 3: Profit
Great! The cake I made with the cake mix ended up being the most delicious thing ever!

Step 1: Step forward.
Step 2: Step back.
Step 3: Profit!
It worked! I look like an idiot being a horse.
Step 1: Listen to a song you like.
Step 2: Dance with it.
Step 3: Profit!
It's great that it worked, I just somehow got a 5* in Just Dance.


Step 1: Whisk a pair of eggs.
Step 2: Cook them on a pan.
Step 3: Profit!
Nate Bait
if it's not burnt it's not cooked right?

1. Have Marfan syndrome
2. Sell your soul to the devil
3. Profit
No. I won't do Step 2.
Step 1: Revive a dead game.
Step 2: Bring new people to play with.
Step 3: Profit!
i played gmod and it's great, i hope someone will play it with me

Step 1: Read this
Step 2: Reply to this
Step 3: Profit!
Profit? I'm still broke!

Step 1: Get fruit juice.
Step 2: Freeze it.
Step 3: Profit!
Hoshimegu Mio
Nope. I got a chunk of ice which didn't sell at all.

Step 1: Pet me.
Step 2: Ask me for rewards.
Step 3: Profit!
It worked! Both of us gets a reward.
Step 1: Learn to draw.
Step 2: Becoming a drawer.
Step 3: Profit!
Mydrawing are ugly as fuck...
Step 1: Read the step 2
Step 2: Read the step 3
Step 3: Read the step 1
Hoshimegu Mio
Nope. I got into an infinite circulation.

Step 1: Change the time displayed on your PC.
Step 2: Time travel.
Step 3: Profit!
Read step 4 Thanks for the time travel tip

Step 1: catch a ralsei
Step 2: make it hold a gun
Step 3: profit!
Hoshimegu Mio
I got a corne. Not sure what to do.

Step 1: Download deltarune.
Step 2: Kill the rabbits 2000000 times.
Step 3: Profit!
It didn't work. I'll get the message, "But they never came..."
Step 1: Download osu!.
Step 2: Uninstall osu!.
Step 3: Profit!
Hoshimegu Mio

JustABeginner wrote:

It didn't work. I'll get the message, "But they never came..."
That can't happen in Deltarune.

I got nothing from doing that. Just wasted my time.

Step 1: Complete a genocide run in Undertale.
Step 2: Complete a pacifist run in Undertale.
Step 3: Profit!
It worked! I uninstalled it later because I finished the game.
Step 1: Waving goodbye to Forum Games.
Step 2: Waving goodbye to friends in Forum Games.
Step 3: Non-profit!
Hoshimegu Mio

Step 1: Take apart your PC.
Step 2: Buy a better PC.
Step 3: Profit!
It worked! Got a new PC and I'm in debt.
Step 1: Learn to love.
Step 2: Get a boyfriend/girlfriend.
Step 3: Profit!
Hoshimegu Mio
But I am too young!

Step 1: Suicide.
Step 2: Respawn.
Step 3: Profit!
Advise not to.
1.) Follow the plan.
2.) Interrupted by thoughts.
3.) Profit.
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