LegoTonix wrote:
I think DT worth more HR is bad on easy maps <2.7* or under AR 8.5
1 because if you check scoreboreder on AR 7-8 maps 2 * if you check you will see in most case 15 DTHD score, and 2-3 HRHD score, on maps under 2.7* HR is ways harder DT isn't so hard on this maps
2 CS 5+ is very very hard in HR if you look CS 5+ AR 7-8 have only few score in HR or even no score at all i see a lot maps in CS 5+ have 0 score in HR
and for CS 6-7 is HR is almost impossble unless be a god like exgon or other pro player
3 this will broken score for AR 7-8 maps this will be spam DTHD spins to win for get #1 ranking and HRHD will worthless and get bad rank, even if is way harder
I personally feel like this won't actually solve the problem of what is harder, this is just a blanket for the problem, because there are plenty of difficult AR8 DT maps, but I do agree DT is not always more difficult than HR, and you also mention this. I (still) think it should be determined by the star difficulty after the mods are applied
So for example, lets say a map is 2 stars.
You apply HR and it increases to 2.54 stars
You apply DT and it increases to 2.86 stars
DT should in this case be given a higher score multiplier than HR, but if HR were to increase the star rating more it should have the higher multiplier.
Less plays with certain mods doesn't necessarily make a map harder, what if less people just bothered to FC it with that mod combination? I see where your coming with that, but for example take this map here, in standard this is considered an easy DT map, with many DT fc's, but there is only one HDHR score even submitted, that doesn't mean its harder with HR, but just that no one wanted to do it with those mods. I am aware standard and CtB are completely different, but its just an example (and i couldn't think of a CtB map off the top of my head lol)
Zak wrote:
The first post of the thread says not to discuss pp here as ScoreV2 is strictly for CWC.
I personally interpreted this being meant in regards to suggestions for changes in the pp system, I could be wrong (and if i am i will edit this post) but just talking about the system as it is should be allowed.
Zak wrote:
Also a thought that just came to me is that I don't really see much need to weigh DT vs HR for a tournament as you're never able to see DT vs HR in a tournament setting, even in a free mod pool, it's impossible to have DT on unless it's on for everyone, so there's no need to worry about HR giving more score.
True... but I think they eventually want to make scorev2 roll out to more than just tournaments, so I think we should come up with a score system that will be better for both.