
Shiena Nishizawa - The Asterisk War [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, April 05, 2017 at 12:50:25 PM

Artist: Shiena Nishizawa
Title: The Asterisk War
Source: 学戦都市アスタリスク
Tags: 2nd second season opening gakusen toshi academy city on water j-rock tv size west ground keweft
BPM: 143
Filesize: 3826kb
Play Time: 01:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K Easy - 4Key (1.21 stars, 249 notes)
  2. 4K Hard - 4Key (2.81 stars, 701 notes)
  3. 4K Insane - 4Key (3.52 stars, 935 notes)
  4. 4K Maximum Genestella - 4Key (4.19 stars, 1124 notes)
  5. 4K Normal - 4Key (1.96 stars, 468 notes)
  6. 7K Easy - 7Key (1.25 stars, 267 notes)
  7. 7K Hard - 7Key (3.12 stars, 788 notes)
  8. 7K Insane - 7Key (3.68 stars, 1018 notes)
  9. 7K Maximum Genestella - 7Key (5.08 stars, 1332 notes)
  10. 7K Normal - 7Key (2.02 stars, 508 notes)
Download: Shiena Nishizawa - The Asterisk War
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
the opening theme for the second season of the anime

The Asterisk War
Shiena Nishizawa

Status: RANKED

by Mam Protastic101
by Sir Kawawa


  1. 4K/7K Easy - for beginners. Various basic 1/2 notes patterns with some really easy 1/4 notes.
  2. 4K/7K Normal - for average players. More 1/2 notes and some addition of 1/4 for the percussions.
  3. 4K/7K Hard - for intermediate players. Full percussion notes are implemented in the difficulty, feels like drummer.
  4. 4K/7K Insane - for amateur players that can handle full percussion notes along with other instruments such as power guitar and synthesizers.
  5. 4K/7K Maximum Genestella - for veteran players. More dense in terms of notes and more detailed long sound of guitars and synthesizers. Better set up your strategies, get ready your weapons, and be the best Genestella. Let the ASTERISK WAR begins!

Thank you for these helpful people below!

Modders: count - 17

  1. Syadow- - Modded: 4K Easy, 4K Normal
  2. LuckyLemon - Modded: 4K Easy, 4K Normal, 4K Hard, 4K Insane, 7K Easy, 7K Normal
  3. Aras25 - Modded: 4K Normal, 4K Hard, 4K Insane with Hitsound Mod!
  4. Rivals_7 - Modded: 4K Normal, 4K Hard, 4K Insane, 4K Maximum, 7K Normal, 7K Hard, 7K Insane, 7K Maximum with Hitsound Mod!
  5. Dellvangel - Modded: 4K Normal, 4K Hard, 4K Insane, 4K Maximum
  6. M o M o- Modded: 4K Insane, 4K Maximum
  7. -SoraGami- - Modded: 4K Easy, 4K Normal, 4K Hard, 4K Insane, 7K Easy, 7K Normal, 7K Hard, 7K Insane
  8. Seraphin - Modded: 4K Easy, 4K Normal, 4K Hard, 4K Insane, 4K Maximum
  9. Verniy_Chan - Modded: 4K Easy, 4K Normal, 4K Hard, 4K Insane With Metadata and Hitsound mod!
  10. JztCallMeRon - Modded: 7K Normal, 7K Maximum Genestella
  11. DixonBlackwing - Modded: 4K Easy, 4K Normal, 4K Maximum, 7K Easy, 7K Normal, 7K Maximum
  12. Lenfried- - Modded: 4K Maximum, 7K Insane, 7K Maximum
  13. ArcherLove - Modded: 4K Easy, 7K Easy
  14. dudehacker - Modded: 7K Easy, 7K Normal, 7K Hard and HITSOUNDS!
  15. stryver12 - Modded: ALL 7K Difficulties
  16. Adiopulse - Modded: ALL 4K Diffficulties
  17. Protastic101 - BN CHECK Modded: All Difficulties!
  18. Kawawa - BN CHECK Modded: All Difficulties!


  1. Started mapping - August 21, 2016
  2. Finished All Difficulties - August 22, 2016
  3. Added Temporary BG
  4. Added Hitsound - August 23, 2016
  5. Submitted the map to osu - August 24, 2016
  6. 1st mod applied along with self mod on 7K Normal and 7K Hard - August 25, 2016
  7. 2nd mod applied - August 25, 2016
  8. 3rd mod applied - August 25, 2016
  9. 4th mod applied - August 25, 2016
  10. 5th mod and selfmod applied - August 25, 2016
  11. 6th mod applied - August 26, 2016
  12. 7th mod applied - August 27, 2016
  13. 8th mod applied - August 27, 2016
  14. Some minor changes applied in 4K Maximum Genestella by self-mod - August 27, 2016
  15. 9th mod applied - August 28, 2016
  16. 10th mod applied - August 28, 2016
  17. 11th mod applied - August 29, 2016
  18. 12th mod applied - August 29, 2016
  19. 13th mod applied - October 26, 2016
  20. 14th mod applied - October 26, 2016
  21. 15th mod applied - October 26, 2016
  22. 16th mod applied - October 26, 2016
  23. Added new sets of hitsounds (thanks to dudehacker!) - October 26, 2016
  24. self mod applied. some major fixes applied - October 27, 2016
  25. Changed BG, Image by Keweft - October 31, 2016
  26. 17th mod applied, BEATMAP NOMINATOR Protastic101's - November 19, 2016
  27. BUBBLED! by Mam Protastic - November 21, 2016
  28. 18th mod applied, BEATMAP NOMINATOR Kawawa's - April 05, 2017
  29. Removed "2" at Source, based on - April 05, 2017
  30. QUALIFIED! by Sir Kawawa - April 05, 2017
  31. RANKED! Thank you so much for all the people who helped! :oops:

Thank you for playing! Keep your battle on!
mod mod
feel free to reject
[4k NM]
00:23:783 - add note
00:26:825 (26825|1,27035|2,27245|3) - maybe short note here and add note 00:27:140 -
00:27:664 - add note
00:28:713 (28713|2) - i think this note move to 00:28:818 -
00:30:497 - add note here too
00:32:070 (32070|2) - move to 00:31:965 - and add note here 00:32:175 -
00:33:329 - add note
00:28:504 - u put double here but 00:33:539 - only 1 ? add note
00:35:217 - ^
00:35:532 - add note cuz make me mindblock
00:36:161 - ^
00:37:210 - ^
00:37:839 - 00:37:944 - 00:38:049 - ^
00:38:364 - ^
00:38:888 - ^
00:39:518 - ^
00:40:567 - ^
00:41:196 - ^
00:56:825 - idk add note or empty for this ;w;
01:00:392 - add note for cymbal
01:02:070 - ^
01:13:294 (73294|0,73504|0,73713|0) - to much in col 1 spread it plz
01:17:175 - ^
01:18:853 - ^
[4K hard]
00:22:105 - add note here
00:22:734 - add note
00:27:140 - ^
00:27:664 - ^
00:28:399 - ^
maybe 00:28:713 (28713|1) - move to 00:28:609 -
00:28:818 - add note
00:31:965 - ^
00:32:175 - ^
00:33:434 - ^
maybe 00:33:748 (33748|1) - move to 00:33:853 -
00:35:217 - add note for cymbal
00:37:105 - add note
00:37:734 - ^
i think that diff can make me mindblock at the moment
Check again with other diff
maybe i'll mod again in 2nd part if not busy
Nice map Good luck xD cuu cuu
Topic Starter
blue means applied or applied in a way your suggestion helps
green comments means not applied with reasons.

Syadow- wrote:

mod mod
feel free to reject
[4k NM]

00:23:783 - add note following the guitar here

00:26:825 (26825|1,27035|2,27245|3) - maybe short note here and add note 00:27:140 - changed the LNs to short notes but I won't add note since its only following the guitar

00:27:664 - add note no additional instrument also I am avoiding LN with a note beside it in this difficulty

00:28:713 (28713|2) - i think this note move to 00:28:818 - following the guitar

00:30:497 - add note here too following the guitar

00:32:070 (32070|2) - move to 00:31:965 - and add note here 00:32:175 - same reason

00:33:329 - add note ok!

00:28:504 - u put double here but 00:33:539 - only 1 ? add note fixed
00:35:217 - ^ I let it single since its only for the synth

00:35:532 - add note cuz make me mindblock
00:36:161 - ^
00:37:210 - ^
00:37:839 - 00:37:944 - 00:38:049 - ^
00:38:364 - ^
00:38:888 - ^
00:39:518 - ^
00:40:567 - ^
00:41:196 - ^ I did add some notes but only some piano and vocal with instrument. Still thanks for pointing out!

00:56:825 - idk add note or empty for this ;w; the LN serve as the drum roll so I wont add any note on it.

01:00:392 - add note for cymbal
01:02:070 - ^ added both

01:13:294 (73294|0,73504|0,73713|0) - to much in col 1 spread it plz rearranged

01:17:175 - ^
01:18:853 - ^ added both for cymbals. thanks!

[4K hard]
00:22:105 - add note here ok

00:22:734 - add note ok

00:27:140 - ^ ok

00:27:664 - ^ following the percussion only

00:28:399 - ^ added

maybe 00:28:713 (28713|1) - move to 00:28:609 - ok

00:28:818 - add note ok

00:31:965 - ^ ok

00:32:175 - ^ ok

00:33:434 - ^ ok

maybe 00:33:748 (33748|1) - move to 00:33:853 - ok

00:35:217 - add note for cymbal ok

00:37:105 - add note synth only

00:37:734 - ^ only following synth

i think that diff can make me mindblock at the moment
Check again with other diff
maybe i'll mod again in 2nd part if not busy
Nice map Good luck xD cuu cuu

Thank you so much for that mod and a star as support! Syadow~! Much appreciated :oops:
1st Mod applied and.. UPDATED!

hi, could only do the two easier 7K difficulties as I'm not good with their structure and whats normal or not :)

4K Easy
00:49:063 - why not add a ln here? unless you wasn't following the vocals and was following the other instrument

01:16:336 (76336|3,76755|0) - change this to,

4K Normal
00:31:965 - add note here in 2?

00:49:063 - same as easy add the ln

4K Hard
00:35:846 (35846|2) - move to 1

00:37:525 (37525|0,37839|0) - move to 2

00:37:525 (37525|0,37839|0) - add a note in 3?

00:32:804 (32804|2) - double like previous patterns

4K Insane
01:17:175 (77175|3,77175|0,77175|1) - I don't know why but I just find this part too dense. Would be better if focused on one element such as either just the ln's or the other instruments from the start

On a side note, by just using ln's for the end part it only goes down to 4.2*

7K Easy
00:36:161 - add note here

00:47:280 (47280|3) - delete and replace with two notes, one 00:47:175 - and one 00:47:385 -

7K Normal
01:10:357 (70357|3) - maybe delete to make it more comfortable like the same pattern used here 01:02:909
(62909|0,63119|4,63224|2,63434|6,63539|4,63748|1,63748|0) -

01:08:783 - add another note here

Sorry the mod is quite short, the structure of the whole mapset is very good and, I love those HITSOUNDS!!

Anyway, good luck and I look forward to seeing this ranked :)
Topic Starter

LuckyLemon wrote:

hi, could only do the two easier 7K difficulties as I'm not good with their structure and whats normal or not :)

4K Easy
00:49:063 - why not add a ln here? unless you wasn't following the vocals and was following the other instrument there's no instrument on that part, only vocal alone

01:16:336 (76336|3,76755|0) - change this to, I assume you are pertaining to the guitar but the synth's long sound is more consistent.

4K Normal
00:31:965 - add note here in 2? I am thinking of this as well since its a tom sound and has more consistency. Applied.

00:49:063 - same as easy add the ln vocal alone

4K Hard
00:35:846 (35846|2) - move to 1 moved to 2 instead so it can be same below

00:37:525 (37525|0,37839|0) - move to 2 applied

00:37:525 (37525|0,37839|0) - add a note in 3? only following synths

00:32:804 (32804|2) - double like previous patterns this is only a bass drum, not snare.

4K Insane
01:17:175 (77175|3,77175|0,77175|1) - I don't know why but I just find this part too dense. Would be better if focused on one element such as either just the ln's or the other instruments from the start It has a strong starting sound which is kinda different compared to the 1st phase of the song.

On a side note, by just using ln's for the end part it only goes down to 4.2* yep, and I am avoiding reduce of SR as it will change icon to H haha.

7K Easy
00:36:161 - add note here nice notice~ applied.

00:47:280 (47280|3) - delete and replace with two notes, one 00:47:175 - and one 00:47:385 - nice variation suggestion, applied.

7K Normal
01:10:357 (70357|3) - maybe delete to make it more comfortable like the same pattern used here 01:02:909
(62909|0,63119|4,63224|2,63434|6,63539|4,63748|1,63748|0) - I thought of this as well but it seems it really gets in way, removed

01:08:783 - add another note here great notice! thanks. added.

Sorry the mod is quite short, the structure of the whole mapset is very good and, I love those

Anyway, good luck and I look forward to seeing this ranked :) thank you so much for the support, feedback, and test play~!

Thank you so much for that mod and testplay support! LuckyLemon~ Much appreciated :oops:
2nd Mod applied and.. UPDATED!
let me have the honor to bind a contract with you u.u

HS :
N = Normal
F = Finish
W = Whostle
C = Clap

- 00:38:364 - add?
- 01:14:343 (74343|3,74762|2) - ctrl +j? the idea is to have the "kat" drum at col.1 and 4 in this part, as for 01:14:972 (74972|0) - you can just leave it there as there is this 1/4 stream after it
- 01:15:497 - what do you think?
- 01:22:210 - adding 1 note in 4 is fine I thing, I mean, this song bpm is only 140, and also at this part, there is this "kat kat kat" sounds located here 01:22:210 - here 01:22:630 -, and here 01:23:049 -
- 00:09:308 (9308|1) - it's C here senpai

- 00:09:308 (9308|2) - add 1 note and use C here, same like 00:10:986 (10986|0,10986|1) -
- 00:10:671 (10671|0) - delete, same like 00:08:993 (8993|2) -
- 00:12:664 (12664|1) - add 1
- 00:16:126 (16126|2,16231|3) - ctrl + J? pich will not be followed, but I think it's a better flow, eh, NVM current is fine too
- 00:18:434 - add 1 here? the guitar is just so WOAAAAA
- 00:22:839 (22839|0) - delete? and 00:22:734 (22734|2) - add?
- 00:32:804 (32804|3) - 2 maybe? It's not so loud thou
- 01:08:783 (68783|3) - F here
- for this sound 01:08:678 (68678|1) - , you used C before
- 01:08:888 - missing?
- 01:09:937 - ^

- 00:17:595 (17595|2) - move to 4? to fit with 00:17:909 (17909|0) -
- 00:22:734 (22734|1,22839|3,22839|2) - same like in other diff
- 00:45:287 - at this part, for this diff and harder, how about make it like this? 321 is to easy I think, and 312 feels somewhat more compatible imo
- 01:06:371 - just a "meh" pattern variation suggestion
- 01:21:790 (81790|1) - F
mod on Insane diff is kinda short, so I guess you can count this as 2 diff maybe? nah, IDK, hope this help u.u
out of topic, but will you become BN someday arcwin-senpai? =3=

edit : don't mod ADVANCED diff on my map
Topic Starter
blue means applied or applied in different approach.
green means not applied with reason.

Aras25 wrote:

let me have the honor to bind a contract with you u.u

HS :
N = Normal
F = Finish
W = Whostle
C = Clap

- 00:38:364 - add? nice catch!

- 01:14:343 (74343|3,74762|2) - ctrl +j? the idea is to have the "kat" drum at col.1 and 4 in this part, as for 01:14:972 (74972|0) - you can just leave it there as there is this 1/4 stream after it very nice suggestion~

- 01:15:497 - what do you think? alright~

- 01:22:210 - adding 1 note in 4 is fine I thing, I mean, this song bpm is only 140, and also at this part, there is this "kat kat kat" sounds located here 01:22:210 - here 01:22:630 -, and here 01:23:049 - nice catch~

- 00:09:308 (9308|1) - it's C here senpai thanks for the correction! applied in all difficulties~

- 00:09:308 (9308|2) - add 1 note and use C here, same like 00:10:986 (10986|0,10986|1) - ok!

- 00:10:671 (10671|0) - delete, same like 00:08:993 (8993|2) - ok!

- 00:12:664 (12664|1) - add 1 ok!

- 00:16:126 (16126|2,16231|3) - ctrl + J? pich will not be followed, but I think it's a better flow, eh, NVM current is fine too keeping

- 00:18:434 - add 1 here? the guitar is just so WOAAAAA ikr? :3 but I will not add triples in this difficulty.

- 00:22:839 (22839|0) - delete? and 00:22:734 (22734|2) - add? ok!

- 00:32:804 (32804|3) - 2 maybe? It's not so loud thou added anyway, its a snare so yeah :v

- 01:08:783 (68783|3) - F here Thanks!

- for this sound 01:08:678 (68678|1) - , you used C before Thaanks!

- 01:08:888 - missing? this is very low volumed kick. But it seems yeah, I guess I'll note for it since it kinda feels empty with that gap. added on most difficulty.

- 01:09:937 - ^ thaanks!

- 00:17:595 (17595|2) - move to 4? to fit with 00:17:909 (17909|0) - ok!

- 00:22:734 (22734|1,22839|3,22839|2) - same like in other diff fixed!

- 00:45:287 - at this part, for this diff and harder, how about make it like this? 321 is to easy I think, and 312 feels somewhat more compatible imo ok!

- 01:06:371 - [url=]just a "meh" pattern variation suggestion ok!

- 01:21:790 (81790|1) - F

mod on Insane diff is kinda short, so I guess you can count this as 2 diff maybe? nah, IDK, hope this help u.u every mod is helpful =w=)b
out of topic, but will you become BN someday arcwin-senpai? =3= I do not know about that yet, but without taking BN examination, I won't be a BN and I am not interested in exams coz I am lazy to do that haha :D

edit : don't mod ADVANCED diff on my map got it~
Thank you so much for that mod! Aras25~ Much appreciated :oops:
3rd Mod applied and... UPDATED
arcwin-senpai 777th post is spend to reply my mod, >//<
Hi o/
M4M from your queue :3



soft-hitwhistle is below 100ms

Fix ->

[4K Max Gen]

00:09:308 (9308|2) - should be C? its a same snare like - 00:10:986 (10986|3) -

00:20:532 (20532|2) - add W to emphasize the beat?

00:21:790 (21790|3) - ^

00:28:504 (28504|2) - ^

I quite didnt understand most of the LN usage at - 00:21:790 -> - 00:33:329 - . If its follow guitar, it didnt constant with the pitch. It seems not following vocal either

00:35:532 (35532|0) - 00:36:161 (36161|0) - 00:37:210 (37210|3) - 00:37:839 (37839|3) - 00:38:888 (38888|1) - 00:39:518 (39518|1) -
All of these^ Could be doubled. They have same instrument like - 00:35:846 (35846|0,35846|1) -

00:41:091 -> - 00:41:930 - The pitch change every 1/4? so maybe will be like -

00:57:245 - it seems there's another kick here?

01:00:392 (60392|0) - W?

01:08:678 (68678|2,68783|1) - it seems this should be C|W respectively instead

01:10:462 (70462|2) - W?

01:13:818 (73818|1) - ^

01:15:497 (75497|1,75602|2,75706|1) - C|C|W Respctively?

01:16:755 (76755|3,76755|0) - emm quite faint... reduce one note?

[7K Max Gen]

00:12:664 (12664|0,12664|1) - pretty sure this is louder than - 00:12:769 (12769|5,12769|3,12769|6) - . Also its the same as - 00:12:979 (12979|4,12979|3,12979|6) - so its rather inconsistent layering according to instrument here

00:14:343 (14343|0,14343|1) - 00:16:021 (16021|5,16021|6) - 00:19:378 (19378|0,19378|1) - should be three noter?

00:34:850 (34850|5) - emm what? there's no distort noise like - 00:34:955 (34955|0,35007|1,35060|2,35112|6,35164|5,35217|4) - it seems. so delete?

00:35:532 (35532|4) - 00:36:161 (36161|5) - 00:37:210 (37210|1) - 00:38:888 (38888|1) - This could be double. According to the instrument you mapped (pretty much similar like in 4K)

00:46:021 (46021|6,46441|2) - oookeeyy any reason why you map this but not in 4K? Since both diff are made by you, it seems pretty inconsistent.

01:00:287 (60287|4,60392|3) - C|W respectively? (might applied to the 4K Max Gen, i think I missed it)

[4K Insane]

00:07:315 (7315|0) - make this an LN? short buildup noise tho

00:16:126 - how about

since - 00:16:231 (16231|3) - are pretty loud and seems worthy to be doubled

00:31:965 - seems there's some low snare. add?

01:14:343 (74343|0,74553|0,74762|0) - these seems unecessary, despite these - 01:14:762 (74762|3,74762|0) - having a different drum pitch from the other two noter below. so move - 01:14:762 (74762|0) - to 2

[7K Insane]

00:02:909 (2909|3,3119|3,3329|3) - dunno :/ anchoring the spacebar doesnt seem rly nice, so just move - 00:03:119 (3119|3) - to 3? (quite aesthetical too it seems)

00:03:748 - add on 3 - 00:03:853 - add on 5 or 7. Its the same like - 00:05:427 (5427|2,5532|5) -

00:16:755 (16755|1,16755|2,17070|1,17070|2,17385|2,17385|1,17699|2,17699|1,17909|1) - rip left hand lol.
I guess you can make this balanced. just a suggestion, i'm sure you can do better

00:31:965 - liitle snare. add?

[4K Hard]

00:01:651 (1651|3,2280|2) - this and other similar sound above, how about make it into a 1/2 LN? its a long guitar tho

01:15:916 (75916|2,76021|1) - emm swap? i found - 01:15:706 (75706|2,75916|2) - not rly comfy for me :>

01:23:154 (83154|3,83364|2) - maybe just my preference but it seems better handling if its swapped

[7K Hard]

00:11:406 (11406|4,11616|2) - emm 4K Hard doesnt have this tho. why is this here? i thought both 4K and 7K should be equal in term of layering, especially when both of them are in the similar diff zone ("Hard" diff, in this case)

00:13:084 (13084|4) - same^

00:18:119 (18119|2,18329|4) - ^

01:23:678 (83678|5,83783|1) - move it to 5|3 respectively? i just dont really like these - 01:23:259 (83259|5,83364|1,83469|5,83574|1,83678|5,83783|1) - lel

[4K Normal]

00:34:273 - should add one more note i guess. I heard drum

00:36:161 - 00:37:839 - 00:39:518 - why you ignoring these while - 00:41:196 (41196|0) - not? its the exact same noise

01:02:909 (62909|1,63224|2,63539|3) - seems people with quite low finger independence might have a hard time 300-ed these. I suggest to connect the LN each other sequentially

01:09:623 (69623|2,69937|1,70252|0) - ^

01:12:245 (72245|0,72560|0,72874|0,73084|0,73504|0,73713|0) -
emm sounds heavy on the left side. if possible try to spread them out

[7K Normal]
00:14:657 (14657|2,14762|5,14867|4) - I suggest moving these to 5|3|6 respectively for more comfy gameplay

00:27:245 (27245|6) - should add one more note for loud drum here. maybe at 2

Not really much i guess :/ But yey :D I'm kinda lazy to mod these days so i think my modding skill are kinda missing huehue xD
Good luck :D /
Hi arcwin, M4M from your queue.

[4K Maximum Genestella]
  1. 00:03:748 - add note col 3? i still can hear the hihat sound here, map the hihat like you did at 00:05:427 - .
  2. 00:39:203 (39203|1) - move to col 1? may be with this note too 00:39:518 (39518|1) - if you intend to make it same col each other, just feel too empty at col 1.
  3. 01:14:553 (74553|3) - move to col 3? seems easier to play and more balance because of 01:14:238 (74238|3,74343|3) - .
[4K Insane]
  1. 00:07:525 - , 00:07:944 - add note? i think the piano sound is loud enough for 2 notes since this is insane diff.
  2. 00:31:965 - i still can hear the drum sound here like 00:31:546 (31546|2,31651|3,31755|0) - .
  3. 00:53:469 (53469|2) - move to 2 for balance.
  4. 00:56:406 (56406|0) - move this to col 2? so player can more focus to hit 00:56:616 (56616|0,56616|1,56720|2,56720|3,56825|0,56825|1,56930|3,56930|2,57035|1,57035|0,57140|3,57140|2) - .
  5. 01:05:217 (65217|3) - move to col 3? col 3 just feel too empty here.
  6. 01:11:930 (71930|1) - move to col 1 seems better for me because 01:11:511 (71511|3) - and 01:12:350 (72350|3) - .
[4K Hard]
  1. 00:00:811 (811|2) - extend this to 00:01:651 - ? feels unique and cool to play imo.
  2. 00:08:678 (8678|2) - move to col 4, easier for play.
  3. 00:23:469 (23469|1) - move to col 1? just feel too empty there.
  4. 00:32:070 - map the drum here? because same with 00:31:441 (31441|3,31546|0,31651|2,31755|1) - .
  5. 01:05:741 (65741|1) - move to col 1? i know this is intended but i think this part already too much.
[4K Normal]
  1. 00:33:853 (33853|1) - move to col 1? for balance and avoid same pattern with 00:33:434 (33434|1,33539|2) - .
  2. 00:36:161 - , 00:37:839 - , 00:39:518 - better to map this part imo, feels better to follow the rythm.
good luck! :)
Topic Starter
blue means applied or applied in different approach.
green means not applied with reason.

Rivals_7 wrote:

Hi o/
M4M from your queue :3



soft-hitwhistle is below 100ms

Fix -> Thanks alot!

[4K Max Gen]

00:09:308 (9308|2) - should be C? its a same snare like - 00:10:986 (10986|3) - oh already fixed by the other mod before this (it seems this is the later version)

00:20:532 (20532|2) - add W to emphasize the beat? I'll let the F alone

00:21:790 (21790|3) - ^

00:28:504 (28504|2) - ^

I quite didnt understand most of the LN usage at - 00:21:790 -> - 00:33:329 - . If its follow guitar, it didnt constant with the pitch. It seems not following vocal either It is the guitar, though it might be not pitch relevant pattern, I made it comfortable for the percussion notes.

00:35:532 (35532|0) - 00:36:161 (36161|0) - 00:37:210 (37210|3) - 00:37:839 (37839|3) - 00:38:888 (38888|1) - 00:39:518 (39518|1) -
All of these^ Could be doubled. They have same instrument like - 00:35:846 (35846|0,35846|1) - oooh nice catch! thanks~

00:41:091 -> - 00:41:930 - The pitch change every 1/4? so maybe will be like -
I'll keep my pattern, focusing on vocal's long sound

00:57:245 - it seems there's another kick here? I don't hear any kick here, or if there's a kick, it is quite inaudible

01:00:392 (60392|0) - W?
01:08:678 (68678|2,68783|1) - it seems this should be C|W respectively instead
01:10:462 (70462|2) - W?
01:13:818 (73818|1) - ^
all of them are already fixed on the new version, though I didn't use W but F on some parts since it has cymbals.

01:15:497 (75497|1,75602|2,75706|1) - C|C|W Respctively? whoa great catch! Thanks! applied on all difficulty~

01:16:755 (76755|3,76755|0) - emm quite faint... reduce one note? already reduced in the new version

[7K Max Gen]

00:12:664 (12664|0,12664|1) - pretty sure this is louder than - 00:12:769 (12769|5,12769|3,12769|6) - . Also its the same as - 00:12:979 (12979|4,12979|3,12979|6) - so its rather inconsistent layering according to instrument here oops, seems misplaced that one. Fixed

00:14:343 (14343|0,14343|1) - 00:16:021 (16021|5,16021|6) - 00:19:378 (19378|0,19378|1) - should be three noter? all fixed, thanks!

00:34:850 (34850|5) - emm what? there's no distort noise like - 00:34:955 (34955|0,35007|1,35060|2,35112|6,35164|5,35217|4) - it seems. so delete? I've been thinking about this, but yeah it seems no at this measure line. Moved the note beside the previous note anyway.

00:35:532 (35532|4) - 00:36:161 (36161|5) - 00:37:210 (37210|1) - 00:38:888 (38888|1) - This could be double. According to the instrument you mapped (pretty much similar like in 4K) thanks! rearranged some patterns as well~

00:46:021 (46021|6,46441|2) - oookeeyy any reason why you map this but not in 4K? Since both diff are made by you, it seems pretty inconsistent.
fixed by adding on 4K Maximum Genestella

01:00:287 (60287|4,60392|3) - C|W respectively? (might applied to the 4K Max Gen, i think I missed it) great catch! though the W will be F since cymbals is there. Applied on all difficulty

[4K Insane]

00:07:315 (7315|0) - make this an LN? short buildup noise tho ok!

00:16:126 - how about

since - 00:16:231 (16231|3) - are pretty loud and seems worthy to be doubled applied on a different pattern arrangement, though I didn't doubled just to give way for the double of the snare next to it.

00:31:965 - seems there's some low snare. add? damn I forgot about this, thanks

01:14:343 (74343|0,74553|0,74762|0) - these seems unecessary, despite these - 01:14:762 (74762|3,74762|0) - having a different drum pitch from the other two noter below. so move - 01:14:762 (74762|0) - to 2 alright~

[7K Insane]

00:02:909 (2909|3,3119|3,3329|3) - dunno :/ anchoring the spacebar doesnt seem rly nice, so just move - 00:03:119 (3119|3) - to 3? (quite aesthetical too it seems) ok!

00:03:748 - add on 3 - 00:03:853 - add on 5 or 7. Its the same like - 00:05:427 (5427|2,5532|5) - ok!

00:16:755 (16755|1,16755|2,17070|1,17070|2,17385|2,17385|1,17699|2,17699|1,17909|1) - rip left hand lol.
I guess you can make this balanced. just a suggestion, i'm sure you can do better
ok! but on different approach~

00:31:965 - liitle snare. add?

[4K Hard]

00:01:651 (1651|3,2280|2) - this and other similar sound above, how about make it into a 1/2 LN? its a long guitar tho won't add LN for guitar on this difficulty

01:15:916 (75916|2,76021|1) - emm swap? i found - 01:15:706 (75706|2,75916|2) - not rly comfy for me :> rearranged on a different approach.

01:23:154 (83154|3,83364|2) - maybe just my preference but it seems better handling if its swapped ok!

[7K Hard]

00:11:406 (11406|4,11616|2) - emm 4K Hard doesnt have this tho. why is this here? i thought both 4K and 7K should be equal in term of layering, especially when both of them are in the similar diff zone ("Hard" diff, in this case) added this as variation for 4K Hard so it can be higher SR. When two difficulties are exactly the same but different keys like 4K and 7K, 4K is higher on SR (tested). I want the 7Ks' harder than 4Ks'

00:13:084 (13084|4) - same^

00:18:119 (18119|2,18329|4) - ^

01:23:678 (83678|5,83783|1) - move it to 5|3 respectively? i just dont really like these - 01:23:259 (83259|5,83364|1,83469|5,83574|1,83678|5,83783|1) - lel applied your idea and rearrange the doubles after those singles.

[4K Normal]

00:34:273 - should add one more note i guess. I heard drum kinda hard to execute

00:36:161 - 00:37:839 - 00:39:518 - why you ignoring these while - 00:41:196 (41196|0) - not? its the exact same noise ok!

01:02:909 (62909|1,63224|2,63539|3) - seems people with quite low finger independence might have a hard time 300-ed these. I suggest to connect the LN each other sequentially I'll keep since its the exact length of the long sound synth

01:09:623 (69623|2,69937|1,70252|0) - ^

01:12:245 (72245|0,72560|0,72874|0,73084|0,73504|0,73713|0) -
emm sounds heavy on the left side. if possible try to spread them out moved 01:12:560 (72560|1) - to 2 instead

[7K Normal]
00:14:657 (14657|2,14762|5,14867|4) - I suggest moving these to 5|3|6 respectively for more comfy gameplay ok
00:27:245 (27245|6) - should add one more note for loud drum here. maybe at 2 applied on different approach

Not really much i guess :/ But yey :D I'm kinda lazy to mod these days so i think my modding skill are kinda missing huehue xD very helpful mod to be honest~
Good luck :D/ thanks!
Thank you so much for that mod! Rivals_7~ Much appreciated :oops:
4th Mod applied and... UPDATED
Topic Starter

Dellvangel wrote:

Hi arcwin, M4M from your queue.

[4K Maximum Genestella]
  1. 00:03:748 - add note col 3? i still can hear the hihat sound here, map the hihat like you did at 00:05:427 - .oh my, nice catch!
  2. 00:39:203 (39203|1) - move to col 1? may be with this note too 00:39:518 (39518|1) - if you intend to make it same col each other, just feel too empty at col 1. alright
  3. 01:14:553 (74553|3) - move to col 3? seems easier to play and more balance because of 01:14:238 (74238|3,74343|3) - .

[4K Insane]
  1. 00:07:525 - , 00:07:944 - add note? i think the piano sound is loud enough for 2 notes since this is insane diff. I'll keep it single
  2. 00:31:965 - i still can hear the drum sound here like 00:31:546 (31546|2,31651|3,31755|0) - . fixed on previous mod
  3. 00:53:469 (53469|2) - move to 2 for balance. ok!
  4. 00:56:406 (56406|0) - move this to col 2? so player can more focus to hit 00:56:616 (56616|0,56616|1,56720|2,56720|3,56825|0,56825|1,56930|3,56930|2,57035|1,57035|0,57140|3,57140|2) - . ok!
  5. 01:05:217 (65217|3) - move to col 3? col 3 just feel too empty here. ok!
  6. 01:11:930 (71930|1) - move to col 1 seems better for me because 01:11:511 (71511|3) - and 01:12:350 (72350|3) - . ok!
[4K Hard]
  1. 00:00:811 (811|2) - extend this to 00:01:651 - ? feels unique and cool to play imo. ok!
  2. 00:08:678 (8678|2) - move to col 4, easier for play. ok!
  3. 00:23:469 (23469|1) - move to col 1? just feel too empty there. ok!
  4. 00:32:070 - map the drum here? because same with 00:31:441 (31441|3,31546|0,31651|2,31755|1) - .its only hihat and a guitar sound
  5. 01:05:741 (65741|1) - move to col 1? i know this is intended but i think this part already too much. ok!
[4K Normal]
  1. 00:33:853 (33853|1) - move to col 1? for balance and avoid same pattern with 00:33:434 (33434|1,33539|2) - . ok!
  2. 00:36:161 - , 00:37:839 - , 00:39:518 - better to map this part imo, feels better to follow the rythm. fixed already on previous mod
good luck! :) Thank you!
Thank you so much for that mod! Dellvangel~ Much appreciated :oops:
5th Mod applied and... UPDATED
o yea, dunno if you notice yet. But pls compress the background from PNG to JPG pls xD
it tooks 1,65mb :u
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

o yea, dunno if you notice yet. But pls compress the background from PNG to JPG pls xD
it tooks 1,65mb :u
Png seems fine though, I used it on my previous ranked map @@
but this is just a temporary BG, will change soon~

Aras25 wrote:

arcwin-senpai 777th post is spend to reply my mod, >//<
Alright! >w<)b
[ M o m o ]
Hi arcwin :3/ for M4M
Columns 1,2,3,4
4K Maximum Genestella
00:04:168 (4168|3) - Extend this ln to 00:04:378 - (Is same sound here 00:04:797 (4797|3) -)
00:09:203 - I think this is better for this reason
00:10:462 - ^ same reason
00:12:560 (12560|0) - ^ move to 2
00:15:182 - ^ same reason
00:17:175 - ^
^ it's just a suggestion :3
00:27:664 - You like this? for this reason 00:27:874 - i think this need double note
00:29:762 - 00:31:441 - 00:33:119 - add a note, is same sound here 00:23:049 - 00:24:727 - 00:26:406 -
00:39:832 (39832|1) - move to 1
01:16:021 - I think this is better
4K Insane
00:05:741 - add a note?
00:39:518 - try this same sound here 00:36:476 -
Sorry for short mod xD is nice map
Topic Starter
blue means applied or applied in a different way
green means not applied with reason

[ M o m o ] wrote:

Hi arcwin :3/ for M4M
Columns 1,2,3,4
4K Maximum Genestella
00:04:168 (4168|3) - Extend this ln to 00:04:378 - (Is same sound here 00:04:797 (4797|3) -) it is quite different, the guitar long sound is not the same as 00:03:958 while 00:04:588 (4588|1,4797|3,5007|0) - are 1/2 guitar long sound(3958|0) -

00:09:203 - I think this is better for this reason applied on a different way, I don't really like 1|3 2|4 as it gives off feeling imo, and I think its fine to have these stacks as long it is comfortable to play. still thanks for pointing~

00:10:462 - ^ same reason keeping

00:12:560 (12560|0) - ^ move to 2 ok!

00:15:182 - ^ same reason

00:17:175 - ^

^ it's just a suggestion :3 I'll keep my pattern, I dun really like 1|3 2|4 @@ its throwing me off while playing :o

00:27:664 - You like this? for this reason 00:27:874 - i think this need double note keeping, the single note only represent a single kick sound

00:29:762 - 00:31:441 - 00:33:119 - add a note, is same sound here 00:23:049 - 00:24:727 - 00:26:406 - really nice catch! how could I forgot these. thanks!

00:39:832 (39832|1) - move to 1 seems already fine for me imo

01:16:021 - I think this is better oh right! thanks!

4K Insane
00:05:741 - add a note? ok!

00:39:518 - try this same sound here 00:36:476 -ok!

Sorry for short mod xD is nice map thanks!
Thank you so much for that mod! [ M o m o ]~ Much appreciated :oops:
6th Mod applied and... UPDATED
Hi Arcwin :3/

M4M from your queue
oke here's my love mod

4K = |1|2|3|4|
7K = |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|

~~~ open me ~~~
[4K Easy]
- 00:07:315 (7315|2) - why not make this LN? technically same with 00:06:685 (6685|1)

- im not sure, i feel weird playing these 1/2s 00:09:413 (9413|2,9623|1,9832|0) or maybe it is just me, but i think this one 00:09:413 (9413|2) - should be in the blue line here? 00:09:308 - because the sound is more stronger than the red line, the flow should be just like in the kiai only 1/2 apart to make it convenient, what do you think?

- 00:11:091 (11091|1) and 00:12:769 (12769|3) - same with these, should be in the blue line also? same for the other similar cases...

- 00:38:154 - add note to 1? i hear a piano sound here also here

- also here 00:40:567 - add also, i think adding these two will make this calm part more better, it makes feel the piano sound more

- 00:46:336 (46336|0) - i dont know what sound you are following in this note, i think it should be here? 00:46:231 if you follow the piano

- 01:10:776 (70776|2) - i think there should be no note here, and having here instead? 01:11:091 - should actually look this this 01:04:168 (64168|2,64378|0,64483|1) for consistency

- also add here 01:12:769 - for consistency too

- 01:18:224 (78224|1) - should be in here 01:18:119 like i said before, same with the others

[7K Easy]
almost the same on what pointed out in 4k

- 01:14:448 (74448|3) - intentionlly different snap with 4k?

- 01:20:086 (80086|6) - remove xD

[4K Normal]
- 00:07:525 (7525|2,7944|1) - ctrl + h? for pattern with 00:06:685 (6685|2,7000|0,7315|3) and pitch with 00:07:525 (7525|2,7944|1)

- 00:08:364 - add note? strong sound here

- 00:23:049 (23049|2,23259|3) - switch columns? pitch and to differ 00:23:259 (23259|3) to 00:23:469 (23469|0,23678|3,23888|0) it emphasize ore the patterns

- 00:24:727 (24727|1,24937|0) - this too switch

- 01:16:651 - missing note here?

[7K Normal]
- 00:07:315 (7315|2,7525|4) - ctrl + h? for pitch

- 00:19:378 - after playing too much wide patterns, this feels like came out out f nowhere, how about this? more fitting i guess

- 00:26:406 (26406|3) - moving this to 7 would be more comfortable i think

- 01:13:294 - add note here? or if you want to keep, consider removing it on 4k because it has a note here, but i think adding note would be better and making this 01:13:189 single instead because it doesnt have cymbals and sounds this like 01:11:720 so for the sake of consistency for doubles

- 01:14:762 (74762|3,74972|1) - move to left once, more balance and much easier for the 1/4 to execute

[4K Hard]
- 00:26:091 - add note here? i think it is loud enough just like 00:22:734

- 00:31:441 - add note for consistency, strong sound like 00:29:762

- 01:09:413 - add note?

- 01:13:399 - would be a lot more better if the double would be here i think and also for the consistency of the sounds like the ones in here 01:11:720 :screen:

- 01:22:769 (82769|2,82909|3) - ctrl + g? the pitch is going on the other direction with 01:22:769 (82769|2,82909|3)

[7K Hard]
- 00:08:364 - how about this? it plays more nice i think

- 00:10:462 (10462|6) - move to 6 for balance?

- 00:11:825 (11825|3,12455|5) - move to right once, for comfy pattern because i think the center is generating too much pressure specially after the 1/4 (based on my experience xD)

- 00:13:818 (13818|3) - move to 6?

- 00:18:539 (18539|3,19168|1) - move to left once, same on what i mention earlier

- 00:17:175 (17175|0) - move to 2?

- 00:15:497 (15497|0,15811|1) - switch columns?

- 00:20:217 (20217|3) - move to 2 for balance?

- 00:23:888 (23888|3) - move to 3 for pattern

- 00:27:560 (27560|3,27769|3) - move to 3? i think it is more nice in this way since col5 used a lot than col3

- 01:09:413 - add note here?

- 01:11:406 - add note, strong sound, it is also double in 4k so i guess it is fine

- 01:13:399 - doubles should be here, like on what i mention too in 4k for the consistency of the drum

- 01:15:077 - should be doubles, white line has stronger sound

[4K Insane]
- 00:19:588 - i think this one should be double ?_?

- 00:26:091 - add note? the drum is loud enough

- 00:35:217 - add note, it is alsou double in hard diff, so i guess it is fine to make it as hard in this part

- i think the trill should start here 01:23:364

- if you accept the mod above^, 01:22:210 - how about ?

really neat :D

[7K Insane]
- 00:03:958 - i think this one should be double note? some guitar sounds are double

- 00:05:637 - thiss too ^

- 00:06:790 - add note here?

- 00:12:140 (12140|3) - move to 3, for more comfy pattern

- 00:19:483 (19483|1,19483|0) - move to right once for balance

- 00:30:392 - add note here

- 00:29:762 - add note, i think this should have same density with 00:23:049 ,really place good as an emphasis on the strong sound also for consistency

- 00:31:441 - here too? ^

- 01:09:727 (69727|3) - move to 3? for balance

- 01:12:979 (72979|0,73084|5,73189|1) - i think this one should be still doubles, based on your pattern in 4k

- 01:13:399 - and also the doubles should be here, just like on what i mention before on the lower diffs

- 01:15:182 - missed a note?

- 01:23:364 - doubles should technically start here... also if you did accept this one, don't forget to change it also on the genestella 4k diff :D

Wow Really cool map~ :D
i really enjoy playing this xD
Good luck Arcwin~ i hope my mod can help you~
rusty mod of sorts, sorry...
for M4M with friend's map, but if that's not ok, just normal mod, lol
feel free to ignore all suggestions. seems like previous modders got most of it, so just a few detailed suggestions for each difficulty rather than a bunch for one.

mod started around 24 hours ago, so my mod might overlap with some other ones after that time

4k Easy
- 00:40:881 (40881|3) - it seems like this is following the vocals, but the notes before it aren't and it feels very out of the blue

rest ok. I can't mod easy well, sorry

4k Normal
- consider adjusting 00:05:951 (5951|2,6685|2) - to 2 and 00:06:266 (6266|0,6476|0) - to 4 to give better finger balance
- it really feels like 00:52:944 (52944|0) - should be moved to 2 and 00:53:049 (53049|1) - to 1 considering the previous [2][1][3][4] even though that pattern is a little hard for this sr, I think it's ok in this situation considering this map has harder patterns
- 01:13:713 (73713|0) - move this to 3 or 4 and 01:13:818 (73818|3,73818|2) - to [12] to give better hand balance considering the amount of [34] jumps before and after it

4k Hard
- 00:59:657 (59657|3,59657|2,59762|1,59867|0,59972|2,59972|3) - flip this pattern since there's more right hand heavy patterns before it
- 01:22:630 (82630|0,82630|1,82769|2,82909|3,83049|1,83049|0,83154|2,83259|0,83364|3) - to this seems like it'd make a more interesting pattern and break up the previous repetitive [12] jumps without increasing difficulty


4k Insane
- 00:13:609 (13609|3,13713|1,13713|2,13818|0,13818|3,13923|2,14028|1,14028|0,14133|3,14133|2,14238|1) - is there any reason this pattern isn't this? I figure you probably wanted to avoid repetitiveness but the pattern doesn't play very repetitively in the first place and I feel like the way it is now is kind of hard to play on second thought I don't like this suggestion but I'll leave it here just in case you like it
- 00:33:539 (33539|0) - add note for emphasis like with the other hands during the ln section?
- this seems like something someone else would have mentioned but I didn't see anything so sorry if someone else did but 00:49:063 - why is there no ln here?
- 01:21:790 (81790|3,81790|1,81790|0,81895|2,82000|3,82000|1,82105|0) - this pattern creates a feeling of being a repeat of the previous ones but isn't exactly the same causing me to trip up with an expectation that it'll be the same as the previous pattern for the next pattern. consider trying this to mix it up?

4k Maximum Genestella
- 00:03:958 (3958|0) - I think this ln pattern is too hard compared to all the other noodling parts of this map imo, even the end
- 00:05:427 (5427|3,5532|1,5637|3,5637|2,5741|0,5846|1,5951|2,5951|3) - I think this should be changed to this to match how at 00:01:651 (1651|3) - and 00:02:280 (2280|3) - the lns are on the same side
Along with that, change 00:03:224 (3224|2,3329|0,3329|1,3539|3,3644|1,3644|0,3748|2,3853|3) - to this to match how 00:06:685 (6685|0) - becomes the same as the other lns in the section
- 00:54:832 (54832|2) - feels like this should be a jump
- 01:00:287 (60287|2,60392|1,60392|2) - this odd minijack here makes this annoying and uncomfortable to hit (my only cb first run). may just want to remove [3] from the quad even though I know you want to have the quad emphasis and there's lots of mini jacks in other places
- I know I'm asking a lot, but I think removing all the minijacks during the ln run at 01:17:175 (77175|1) - drastically improves the playability and fun of that part imo

Topic Starter
blue means applied or applied in a diffferent way.
green means not applied with a reason.

-SoraGami- wrote:

Hi Arcwin :3/

M4M from your queue
oke here's my love mod

4K = |1|2|3|4|
7K = |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|

~~~ open me ~~~
[4K Easy]
- 00:07:315 (7315|2) - why not make this LN? technically same with 00:06:685 (6685|1) ok!

- im not sure, i feel weird playing these 1/2s 00:09:413 (9413|2,9623|1,9832|0) or maybe it is just me, but i think this one 00:09:413 (9413|2) - should be in the blue line here? 00:09:308 - because the sound is more stronger than the red line, the flow should be just like in the kiai only 1/2 apart to make it convenient, what do you think? seems I have to really go with the percussion, going to do something about it on a different way.

- 00:11:091 (11091|1) and 00:12:769 (12769|3) - same with these, should be in the blue line also? same for the other similar cases... fixing on a different way.

- 00:38:154 - add note to 1? i hear a piano sound here also here great catch!

- also here 00:40:567 - add also, i think adding these two will make this calm part more better, it makes feel the piano sound more ok!

- 00:46:336 (46336|0) - i dont know what sound you are following in this note, i think it should be here? 00:46:231 if you follow the piano ok!

- 01:10:776 (70776|2) - i think there should be no note here, and having here instead? 01:11:091 - should actually look this this 01:04:168 (64168|2,64378|0,64483|1) for consistency ok!

- also add here 01:12:769 - for consistency too ok!

- 01:18:224 (78224|1) - should be in here 01:18:119 like i said before, same with the others fixed on a different way

[7K Easy]
almost the same on what pointed out in 4k

- 01:14:448 (74448|3) - intentionlly different snap with 4k? fixed!

- 01:20:086 (80086|6) - remove xD HOLY WTF JUST HOW THAT NOTE- anyway Thanks HAHAHA epic

[4K Normal]
- 00:07:525 (7525|2,7944|1)
- ctrl + h? for pattern with 00:06:685 (6685|2,7000|0,7315|3) and pitch with 00:07:525 (7525|2,7944|1) ok!

- 00:08:364 - add note? strong sound here I'll leave it single, making the SR lower to 7K but still the same SR fok

- 00:23:049 (23049|2,23259|3) - switch columns? pitch and to differ 00:23:259 (23259|3) to 00:23:469 (23469|0,23678|3,23888|0) it emphasize ore the patterns ok!

- 00:24:727 (24727|1,24937|0) - this too switch ok!

- 01:16:651 - missing note here? fixed!

[7K Normal]
- 00:07:315 (7315|2,7525|4) - ctrl + h? for pitch ok!

- 00:19:378 - after playing too much wide patterns, this feels like came out out f nowhere, how about this? more fitting i guess rearranged on different way

- 00:26:406 (26406|3) - moving this to 7 would be more comfortable i think kinda feels off

- 01:13:294 - add note here? or if you want to keep, consider removing it on 4k because it has a note here, but i think adding note would be better and making this 01:13:189 single instead because it doesnt have cymbals and sounds this like 01:11:720 so for the sake of consistency for doubles ok!

- 01:14:762 (74762|3,74972|1) - move to left once, more balance and much easier for the 1/4 to execute ok!

[4K Hard]
- 00:26:091 - add note here? i think it is loud enough just like 00:22:734 ok!

- 00:31:441 - add note for consistency, strong sound like 00:29:762 ok!

- 01:09:413 - add note? ok!

- 01:13:399 - would be a lot more better if the double would be here i think and also for the consistency of the sounds like the ones in here 01:11:720 :screen: ok!

- 01:22:769 (82769|2,82909|3) - ctrl + g? the pitch is going on the other direction with 01:22:769 (82769|2,82909|3)same pitch as before. keeping.

[7K Hard]
- 00:08:364 - how about this? it plays more nice i think keeping

- 00:10:462 (10462|6) - move to 6 for balance? ok!

- 00:11:825 (11825|3,12455|5) - move to right once, for comfy pattern because i think the center is generating too much pressure specially after the 1/4 (based on my experience xD) rearranged on a different way

- 00:13:818 (13818|3) - move to 6? moved before note instead to make it not too pressured on left

- 00:18:539 (18539|3,19168|1) - move to left once, same on what i mention earlier ok!

- 00:17:175 (17175|0) - move to 2? ok!

- 00:15:497 (15497|0,15811|1) - switch columns? ok!

- 00:20:217 (20217|3) - move to 2 for balance? rearranged instead

- 00:23:888 (23888|3) - move to 3 for pattern okl

- 00:27:560 (27560|3,27769|3) - move to 3? i think it is more nice in this way since col5 used a lot than col3 rearranged on different pattern!

- 01:09:413 - add note here? ok!

- 01:11:406 - add note, strong sound, it is also double in 4k so i guess it is fine ok!

- 01:13:399 - doubles should be here, like on what i mention too in 4k for the consistency of the drum ok!

- 01:15:077 - should be doubles, white line has stronger sound ok!

[4K Insane]
- 00:19:588 - i think this one should be double ?_? I made it single to give way for snare double

- 00:26:091 - add note? the drum is loud enough ok!

- 00:35:217 - add note, it is alsou double in hard diff, so i guess it is fine to make it as hard in this part ok!

- i think the trill should start here 01:23:364 the snare sound got louder at 01:23:469 -

- if you accept the mod above^, 01:22:210 - how about ? though I didn't accept above, I think this pattern is proper, rearranged

really neat :D thanks!

[7K Insane]
- 00:03:958 - i think this one should be double note? some guitar sounds are double ok!

- 00:05:637 - thiss too ^ ok!

- 00:06:790 - add note here? ok!

- 00:12:140 (12140|3) - move to 3, for more comfy pattern ok!

- 00:19:483 (19483|1,19483|0) - move to right once for balance ok!

- 00:30:392 - add note here ok!

- 00:29:762 - add note, i think this should have same density with 00:23:049 ,really place good as an emphasis on the strong sound also for consistency ok!

- 00:31:441 - here too? ^ ok!

- 01:09:727 (69727|3) - move to 3? for balance rearranged on diffferent

- 01:12:979 (72979|0,73084|5,73189|1) - i think this one should be still doubles, based on your pattern in 4k ok!

- 01:13:399 - and also the doubles should be here, just like on what i mention before on the lower diffs ok!

- 01:15:182 - missed a note? ok!

- 01:23:364 - doubles should technically start here... also if you did accept this one, don't forget to change it also on the genestella 4k diff :D keeping, the last four are actually the loudest @@

Wow Really cool map~ :D thanks!
i really enjoy playing this xD oh my~
Good luck Arcwin~ i hope my mod can help you~ really helpful!
Thank you so much for that mod and that two stars! -SoraGami- ! Much appreciated :oops:
7th Mod applied and... UPDATED!
Topic Starter
blue means applied / fixed or applied in a different way
green means not applied with reason.

[Seraphin] wrote:

rusty mod of sorts, sorry...
for M4M with friend's map, but if that's not ok, just normal mod, lol
feel free to ignore all suggestions. seems like previous modders got most of it, so just a few detailed suggestions for each difficulty rather than a bunch for one.

mod started around 24 hours ago, so my mod might overlap with some other ones after that time

4k Easy
- 00:40:881 (40881|3) - it seems like this is following the vocals, but the notes before it aren't and it feels very out of the blue fixed~

rest ok. I can't mod easy well, sorry

4k Normal
- consider adjusting 00:05:951 (5951|2,6685|2) - to 2 and 00:06:266 (6266|0,6476|0) - to 4 to give better finger balance rearranged in a different way, still thanks

- it really feels like 00:52:944 (52944|0) - should be moved to 2 and 00:53:049 (53049|1) - to 1 considering the previous [2][1][3][4] even though that pattern is a little hard for this sr, I think it's ok in this situation considering this map has harder patterns I think I'll keep my pattern, I want it easy with a simple stair.

- 01:13:713 (73713|0) - move this to 3 or 4 and 01:13:818 (73818|3,73818|2) - to [12] to give better hand balance considering the amount of [34] jumps before and after fixed and rearranged some patterns.

4k Hard
- 00:59:657 (59657|3,59657|2,59762|1,59867|0,59972|2,59972|3) - flip this pattern since there's more right hand heavy patterns before it seems already find to me as its already having alternate hand presses

- 01:22:630 (82630|0,82630|1,82769|2,82909|3,83049|1,83049|0,83154|2,83259|0,83364|3) - to this seems like it'd make a more interesting pattern and break up the previous repetitive [12] jumps without increasing difficulty rearranged on a different pattern, still thanks~


4k Insane
- 00:13:609 (13609|3,13713|1,13713|2,13818|0,13818|3,13923|2,14028|1,14028|0,14133|3,14133|2,14238|1) - is there any reason this pattern isn't this? I figure you probably wanted to avoid repetitiveness but the pattern doesn't play very repetitively in the first place and I feel like the way it is now is kind of hard to play on second thought I don't like this suggestion but I'll leave it here just in case you like it keeping

- 00:33:539 (33539|0) - add note for emphasis like with the other hands during the ln section? I'll just go for double finger press.

- this seems like something someone else would have mentioned but I didn't see anything so sorry if someone else did but 00:49:063 - why is there no ln here? it is only vocal alone

- 01:21:790 (81790|3,81790|1,81790|0,81895|2,82000|3,82000|1,82105|0) - this pattern creates a feeling of being a repeat of the previous ones but isn't exactly the same causing me to trip up with an expectation that it'll be the same as the previous pattern for the next pattern. consider trying this to mix it up? pretty nice idea~ applied

4k Maximum Genestella
- 00:03:958 (3958|0) - I think this ln pattern is too hard compared to all the other noodling parts of this map imo, even the end keeping, reasonable LN since guitar + that sfx

- 00:05:427 (5427|3,5532|1,5637|3,5637|2,5741|0,5846|1,5951|2,5951|3) - I think this should be changed to this to match how at 00:01:651 (1651|3) - and 00:02:280 (2280|3) - the lns are on the same side
Along with that, change 00:03:224 (3224|2,3329|0,3329|1,3539|3,3644|1,3644|0,3748|2,3853|3) - to this to match how 00:06:685 (6685|0) - becomes the same as the other lns in the section keeping, I did it on purpose so it won't be that repetitive and as a change of phase.

- 00:54:832 (54832|2) - feels like this should be a jump on purpose

- 01:00:287 (60287|2,60392|1,60392|2) - this odd minijack here makes this annoying and uncomfortable to hit (my only cb first run). may just want to remove [3] from the quad even though I know you want to have the quad emphasis and there's lots of mini jacks in other places I get your point, I hate this part as well haha. damn that mini jack. Removed [3]

- I know I'm asking a lot, but I think removing all the minijacks during the ln run at 01:17:175 (77175|1) - drastically improves the playability and fun of that part imo keeping, this is actually almost the same as intro but with LNs for the continuous synth melody. I placed the notes comfortably for the jacks just to be clear in terms of vision. It can be really hard to those who cannot LN though.

GL thanks!
Thank you so much for that mod and that two stars! Seraphin! Much appreciated :oops:
8th Mod applied and... UPDATED!

Hi Arcwin-sama

Mod Via arcwinolivirus' mania M4M-only contract queue

4K = |1|2|3|4|

(Focus : Pattern , Pitch, Hitsounds)
  1. Delete (TV Size) from tittle, there's no need to use TV Size and then add to tags, according official website and refference other ranked map. I've already experience this before, with IamKwaN~ lel
    source : and
  2. Delete Asterisk and double the from tags, that was overlap with tittle song. And 1 more thing, why J-Pop? i think the genre song is Rock XD
  3. Could add WEST GROUND as commposer in tags
4K Easy

OD : 7
HP : 6,5
  1. 00:19:902 (19902|3) - move to |3| more better than shield pattern
  2. 00:45:602 (45602|2,46231|0,47280|1) - i'am not really understand all note in blue tick, seem it's low pitch and didn't followed the main instrument. How about it : just focus in white tick 1/1 snap or red tick 1/2 snap like Normal diff instead of mixed with blue tick.
  3. 00:51:581 (51581|0) - move |2| or |3| since 00:52:000 (52000|0) - different pitch
  4. 01:21:266 (81266|2,81476|2) - i suggest to avoid this jack for the sake of begginer player
  5. 01:23:574 (83574|1,83678|2) - Ctrl+G, this pattern more easy than stair pattern, the reason same as above
Notes : Although it's a bit hard hard to used grace notes for easy diff, but it's really nice pattern
4K Normal

OD : 7
HP : 7
  1. 00:18:434 (18434|1) - move to |1| for hand balance and there's cymbal sound, so.. add F
  2. 01:03:748 - until 01:04:797 - not really reccomend this repeat pattern like this, try another pattern, make it more varieity, same as from 01:05:427 - until 01:06:476 -
  3. 01:15:706 (75706|3,76021|3) - wow.. advanced pattern, it so challenging for novice player :3
  4. 01:22:210 (82210|3) - add F, there's cymbal sound
Notes : Great diff, more challenging
4K Hard

OD : 7,5
HP : 7,5
  1. 00:08:364 - if you intentional to put chord in here, it mean you know there high pitch/loud sound, same as 00:15:077 - you can add F
  2. 00:12:035 (12035|1) - move to |1|, for balance and overused collum |2|
  3. 00:18:434 (18434|3) - add F for low cymbal sound
  4. 00:32:175 (32175|0) - missed W for kick sound
  5. 00:33:434 (33434|1) - wrong hitsound, should be C as snare sound
  6. 00:33:539 - add W for kick
  7. 01:07:105 (67105|3) - add F for cymbal sound
  8. 01:08:783 - missed W for kick sound, also :
    01:10:462 - and please check carefully other main white tick
  9. 01:17:175 - add C, there's snare
  10. 01:22:210 (82210|0) - add F for cymbal again
Notes : Almost perfect pattern, just careful with missing Hitsounds, i will focus and detect missing HS in next difficulties (4K Insane)
4K Insane

OD : 8
HP : 7,5
  1. 00:08:364 - add F (Cymbal), also :
    00:18:434 -
    00:50:322 -
    01:03:748 -
    01:07:105 -
    01:22:210 -
  2. 00:33:539 (33539|3) - add W (kick), also :
    01:00:392 -
    01:02:070 -
    01:03:748 -
    01:08:783 -
    01:10:462 -
    01:13:818 -
    01:18:853 -
  3. 00:58:713 - until 00:59:133 - maybe try semi bracket grace pattern 1/4 snap |1||3| - |2||4| for variety pattern, there's so many your pattern with |1||2| - |3||4| or |1||4| - |2||3|, i didn't force you since it's your mapping sytle~
    example :
  4. 01:17:175 - add C (snare)
  5. 01:23:154 (83154|1) - remove C, there's no cymbal in here
  6. 01:23:259 (83259|3) - remove W, there's no kick in here
Notes : Just fix missing/messed up hitsounds, apply it to all diff. About Pattern, it's already high quality but still need more variety

Verniy_Chan wrote:

INVALID (Only modded 4K difficulties)


just for fun only, don’t take it seriously
Хорошо~ Good Luck..
Just go rank already!!!
ahh I'm so hyped xD
Haiiii some minor mods :) (first time modding hehe XD) feel free to reject lol

[box=[7k Maximum Genestella:1337]]
00:01:651 I think [4] should be extended to 00:01:965
00:02:280 Same goes for [4] to be extended to 00:02:595
00:03:329 | 4 to be extended to 00:03:644
00:03:958 | 4 to be extended to 00:04:273
00:05:007 | 4 to be extended to 00:05:322
00:05:637 | 4 to be extended to 00:05:951
[box=[7k Normal:1337]]
00:49:063 - 00:49:483 Maybe add a long note here? XD
Topic Starter
no reply means applied.
green means not applied with reason.

Verniy_Chan wrote:

Hi Arcwin-sama

Mod Via arcwinolivirus' mania M4M-only contract queue

4K = |1|2|3|4|

(Focus : Pattern , Pitch, Hitsounds)
  1. Delete (TV Size) from tittle, there's no need to use TV Size and then add to tags, according official website and refference other ranked map. I've already experience this before, with IamKwaN~ lel
    source : and
  2. Delete Asterisk and double the from tags, that was overlap with tittle song. And 1 more thing, why J-Pop? i think the genre song is Rock XD
  3. Could add WEST GROUND as commposer in tags

4K Easy

OD : 7
HP : 6,5
  1. 00:19:902 (19902|3) - move to |3| more better than shield pattern
  2. 00:45:602 (45602|2,46231|0,47280|1) - i'am not really understand all note in blue tick, seem it's low pitch and didn't followed the main instrument. How about it : just focus in white tick 1/1 snap or red tick 1/2 snap like Normal diff instead of mixed with blue tick. keeping. Its the piano sound.
  3. 00:51:581 (51581|0) - move |2| or |3| since 00:52:000 (52000|0) - different pitch keeping since its too far anyway and its the mirror of the first pattern.
  4. 01:21:266 (81266|2,81476|2) - i suggest to avoid this jack for the sake of begginer player
  5. 01:23:574 (83574|1,83678|2) - Ctrl+G, this pattern more easy than stair pattern, the reason same as above it is easier with a stair pattern rather than a 1/4 alternative hand.
Notes : Although it's a bit hard hard to used grace notes for easy diff, but it's really nice pattern

4K Normal

OD : 7
HP : 7
  1. 00:18:434 (18434|1) - move to |1| for hand balance and there's cymbal sound, so.. add F
  2. 01:03:748 - until 01:04:797 - not really reccomend this repeat pattern like this, try another pattern, make it more varieity, same as from 01:05:427 - until 01:06:476 -
  3. 01:15:706 (75706|3,76021|3) - wow.. advanced pattern, it so challenging for novice player :3
  4. 01:22:210 (82210|3) - add F, there's cymbal sound
Notes : Great diff, more challenging
4K Hard

OD : 7,5
HP : 7,5
  1. 00:08:364 - if you intentional to put chord in here, it mean you know there high pitch/loud sound, same as 00:15:077 - you can add F
  2. 00:12:035 (12035|1) - move to |1|, for balance and overused collum |2| keeping, not really stacked enough and seems manageable
  3. 00:18:434 (18434|3) - add F for low cymbal sound
  4. 00:32:175 (32175|0) - missed W for kick sound
  5. 00:33:434 (33434|1) - wrong hitsound, should be C as snare sound
  6. 00:33:539 - add W for kick
  7. 01:07:105 (67105|3) - add F for cymbal sound
  8. 01:08:783 - missed W for kick sound, also :
    01:10:462 - and please check carefully other main white tick
  9. 01:17:175 - add C, there's snare
  10. 01:22:210 (82210|0) - add F for cymbal again
Notes : Almost perfect pattern, just careful with missing Hitsounds, i will focus and detect missing HS in next difficulties (4K Insane)
4K Insane

OD : 8
HP : 7,5
  1. 00:08:364 - add F (Cymbal), also :
    00:18:434 -
    00:50:322 -
    01:03:748 -
    01:07:105 -
    01:22:210 -
  2. 00:33:539 (33539|3) - add W (kick), also :
    01:00:392 -
    01:02:070 -
    01:03:748 -
    01:08:783 -
    01:10:462 -
    01:13:818 -
    01:18:853 -
  3. 00:58:713 - until 00:59:133 - maybe try semi bracket grace pattern 1/4 snap |1||3| - |2||4| for variety pattern, there's so many your pattern with |1||2| - |3||4| or |1||4| - |2||3|, i didn't force you since it's your mapping sytle~ keeping style.
    example :
  4. 01:17:175 - add C (snare)
  5. 01:23:154 (83154|1) - remove C, there's no cymbal in here
  6. 01:23:259 (83259|3) - remove W, there's no kick in here
Notes : Just fix missing/messed up hitsounds, apply it to all diff. About Pattern, it's already high quality but still need more variety

Verniy_Chan wrote:

INVALID (Only modded 4K difficulties)


just for fun only, don’t take it seriously
Хорошо~ Good Luck.. thank you so much for that very helpful metadata and hitsound mod! ^o^)b

JztCallMeRon wrote:

Haiiii some minor mods :) (first time modding hehe XD) feel free to reject lol

[box=[7k Maximum Genestella:1337]]
00:01:651 I think [4] should be extended to 00:01:965
00:02:280 Same goes for [4] to be extended to 00:02:595
00:03:329 | 4 to be extended to 00:03:644
00:03:958 | 4 to be extended to 00:04:273
00:05:007 | 4 to be extended to 00:05:322
00:05:637 | 4 to be extended to 00:05:951 the long sound of guitar isn't just one strum, the 2nd and 3rd strum can be heard clearly after the LN (play on 25% feedback)

but on the other hand, hey thanks for pointing this out because even though I did not applied those, I found some missing notes on hihat on these sections which really helped alot :)

[box=[7k Normal:1337]]
00:49:063 - 00:49:483 Maybe add a long note here? XD only vocal, no instrument.
Thank you so much for that mod , Verniy_Chan and JztCallMeRon! Much appreciated :oops:
9th and 10th mod applied and... UPDATED!
Topic Starter

Aras25 wrote:

Just go rank already!!!
ahh I'm so hyped xD
Oh my!! that 8 STARZZZZ!
Thank you so much, Aras! will do my best to get this ranked >w<)b
Hello Arcwin :D
mod via your queue :3/

[for all diff]

00:00:811 (811|3) - i'm pretty sure the LN starts at 00:00:602 - ? the beginning of the rising sound is there, it's more fit.

[4K Easy]
00:16:336 (16336|3) - move this to col 2? this is to alternate the hand with 00:16:755 (16755|3,16860|2) - , bcause right now, you have 00:16:336 (16336|3,16755|3,16860|2) - which all needs right hand, it's more comfortable if you try to alternate between each hands like you did at 00:15:077 (15077|0,15182|1,15497|3) -
00:19:902 (19902|3) - maybe you can sort of move this to col 3? the shield at col 4 makes it uncomfortable even for me.
00:27:455 (27455|2) - move this to 4 to flow better with vocal here.
00:40:881 - the pattern started from here kinda flows awkward because of 00:41:720 (41720|1,41930|0) - , try: , should be sync better with vocal.
00:46:546 - well this is just my suggestion, but instead of continuing follow the (piano?) , you can try to transitioned it to go back follow vocal? the piano fade away too much here, it's unrecognizeable and the momentum towards the kiai doesn't match either. give the pattern boost with following vocal seems more fit imo.
00:51:581 (51581|0) - move to col 3, same reason as 00:16:336 (16336|3) -
01:02:070 (62070|0) - make the LN ends at 01:02:490 - ? it will give more emphasis to the drum at 01:02:490 (62490|1,62699|2) -
01:08:678 - i felt section here are too empty.. you sure you didn't miss note here? xd
01:12:769 - hmm, this section are already a group of roll drums instead of 2 notes consistency drum that you use before, maybe you can try make it like: , explanation: the roll drum starts at 01:12:769 - , the deep drum sound started at 01:13:189 - instead of 01:13:084 - here, and i felt the drum at 01:13:399 - are better with notes instead of LN here bcause there's actually no sound at 01:13:609 - .

[7K Easy]
00:10:986 (10986|4,11301|0,11720|6,11825|3,12140|5,12350|0,12455|3) - Ctrl+H this? to make the LN consistent with 00:12:664 (12664|4,14343|4,14657|0) - , more neat imo.
00:16:126 (16126|4) - delete this and add LN at 00:16:021 - ? idk why breaks the consistency here.
00:27:245 (27245|4) - move to col 6? so it could be matched with 00:27:455 (27455|1) -
00:33:958 (33958|3) - move to col 3 here?
01:11:091 - missed a note? you have a note at 4k easy
01:12:769 - ^ same.
01:14:028 - i think it's alright to add here.
01:14:972 - since this is 7k, i'd suggest to add here as well.
01:15:077 (75077|5) - not become LN instead? make it like 4k easy is fine imo..
01:21:476 (81476|3) - move to col 3, the jack fits with drum sound as it is.

[4K Normal]
00:22:000 (22000|0) - move to col 2?
00:31:441 (31441|0,31546|2,31651|1) - make it 4-2-3? for 2 reasons: 1. to make a mirror with 00:31:126 (31126|0,31231|2) - . 2. to make a mirror stairs with 00:31:860 (31860|0,31965|1,32070|2) -
00:34:168 (34168|1) - turning to LN? for roll drum?
00:47:804 - if you follow bg piano sound, this should be added as well.
01:09:098 (69098|0,69203|3) - col 3 and col 1? for mirroring purpose :p
01:15:497 (75497|3) - to col 3? the shield kinda unexpected imo.
01:20:217 - a bit empty i think xd

[7K Normal]
00:07:525 (7525|2) - move to col 2? i find a col 2 lacks note around this area.
00:22:000 (22000|5) - move to col 7? i find it intuitively more comfortable.
00:26:301 (26301|1) - not move to col 1? or the lack of notes at col 1 intentional?
00:28:084 (28084|3) - to col 3? col 3 lacks note there xd
00:34:588 - not sure what is this note for, if you want to keep this, you should also have one at 00:35:007 -
00:56:720 (56720|0) - it'd be make more sense in col 2 to accompany the note at 00:56:511 - , bcause the note at 00:56:511 - alone a bit odd here.
01:00:392 (60392|1,62070|5) - i got stumbled by these two notes when sighread it, maybe you could make something like: ? (SS starts at 01:00:287 - )
01:08:259 (68259|4) - i think it's alright make it at col 7.

[4K Maximum Genestella]
00:09:308 - i see that you constantly doing 12-34 jumptrill right before the LN , just say you can make something like: , more variative and accentuate the drum sound that fluctuate on its own better. you can apply it at similar place as well.
00:10:042 (10042|3) - i suggest move this to 2, the shield won't be matter, in fact it will make it easier.. the way it is now, hitting the note precisely at 00:10:147 (10147|1) - is hard , also bcause of 00:10:042 (10042|3,10147|3,10357|3,10462|3) - as well..
00:13:399 (13399|3) - same thing
00:21:266 - 00:21:371 - a bit awkward you didn't make it double despite that you did at 00:21:056 - which have same sound, it won't be too hard imo..
00:31:546 - add note to be consistent with 00:28:609 -
00:27:664 - add note? even you add one on weaker sound such as 00:27:035 -
00:37:420 - i was hoping you'd make some sort of LN wall as a twist like you did at 00:03:958 -
01:01:860 (61860|0) - move this note to 01:01:755 - ? you know what i mean ;p
01:02:909 - this section feels rather underwhelming.. i expect it to be more dense due to deep drum sounds here. make it 2-1-2-1 jumpstream doesn't contemplating with music well imo.
01:07:105 - i still think you need to make this triple.. the jack won't be hard imo.
01:12:769 (72769|3) - move to 2? to alleviate the jack at col 4.
01:17:175 - I realize that you already made your reply about this section at the previous mod, but i will keep say it, that this section is like many times harder than the intro due to the jacks... However, if you still wanna keep it, then i will tell that the only thing that i can't tolerate is 01:17:595 (77595|3,77804|3,77909|3,78119|3,78329|3,78434|3) - , you stack all the jack at col 4 there while other parts in this section you didn't do that, try (from 01:18:119 - ) : , much more comfortable to hit.

[7k Maximum Genestella]
00:09:308 - add note for crash?
00:10:986 - ^the same
00:13:189 (13189|2,13294|3) - swap col for PR?
00:13:399 (13399|5,13399|4) - move to the right one time? more fit with the pattern you try to make i think.
00:16:651 - add note for drum
00:25:776 - also add? the same as 00:25:147 -
00:26:091 - add for crash
00:47:804 - also add here? i think it has the same back piano as 00:47:595 - ?

Overall really solid, i like it :3
Good luck :D
Topic Starter
no reply means applied
blue means applied in a different pattern/approach
green means not applied with reason

DixonBlackwing wrote:

Hello Arcwin :D
mod via your queue :3/

[for all diff]

00:00:811 (811|3) - i'm pretty sure the LN starts at 00:00:602 - ? the beginning of the rising sound is there, it's more fit. the sound there is quite inaudible not like in white line where it can be heard clearly enough as start.

[4K Easy]

00:16:336 (16336|3) - move this to col 2? this is to alternate the hand with 00:16:755 (16755|3,16860|2) - , bcause right now, you have 00:16:336 (16336|3,16755|3,16860|2) - which all needs right hand, it's more comfortable if you try to alternate between each hands like you did at 00:15:077 (15077|0,15182|1,15497|3) -

00:19:902 (19902|3) - maybe you can sort of move this to col 3? the shield at col 4 makes it uncomfortable even for me.

00:27:455 (27455|2) - move this to 4 to flow better with vocal here.

00:40:881 - the pattern started from here kinda flows awkward because of 00:41:720 (41720|1,41930|0) - , try: , should be sync better with vocal. rearranged in a different pattern

00:46:546 - well this is just my suggestion, but instead of continuing follow the (piano?) , you can try to transitioned it to go back follow vocal? the piano fade away too much here, it's unrecognizeable and the momentum towards the kiai doesn't match either. give the pattern boost with following vocal seems more fit imo.

00:51:581 (51581|0) - move to col 3, same reason as 00:16:336 (16336|3) -

01:02:070 (62070|0) - make the LN ends at 01:02:490 - ? it will give more emphasis to the drum at 01:02:490 (62490|1,62699|2) - following the bass guitar

01:08:678 - i felt section here are too empty.. you sure you didn't miss note here? xd

01:12:769 - hmm, this section are already a group of roll drums instead of 2 notes consistency drum that you use before, maybe you can try make it like: , explanation: the roll drum starts at 01:12:769 - , the deep drum sound started at 01:13:189 - instead of
01:13:084 - here, and i felt the drum at 01:13:399 - are better with notes instead of LN here bcause there's actually no sound at 01:13:609 - . rearrange on different pattern.

[7K Easy]
00:10:986 (10986|4,11301|0,11720|6,11825|3,12140|5,12350|0,12455|3) - Ctrl+H this? to make the LN consistent with 00:12:664 (12664|4,14343|4,14657|0) - , more neat imo.

00:16:126 (16126|4) - delete this and add LN at 00:16:021 - ? idk why breaks the consistency here.

00:27:245 (27245|4) - move to col 6? so it could be matched with 00:27:455 (27455|1) - seems already fine since vocal are on 1 | 3

00:33:958 (33958|3) - move to col 3 here?

01:11:091 - missed a note? you have a note at 4k easy

01:12:769 - ^ same. on purpose

01:14:028 - i think it's alright to add here.

01:14:972 - since this is 7k, i'd suggest to add here as well.

01:15:077 (75077|5) - not become LN instead? make it like 4k easy is fine imo..

01:21:476 (81476|3) - move to col 3, the jack fits with drum sound as it is.

[4K Normal]
00:22:000 (22000|0) - move to col 2?

00:31:441 (31441|0,31546|2,31651|1) - make it 4-2-3? for 2 reasons: 1. to make a mirror with 00:31:126 (31126|0,31231|2) - . 2. to make a mirror stairs with 00:31:860 (31860|0,31965|1,32070|2) -

00:34:168 (34168|1) - turning to LN? for roll drum? I'll keep it single

00:47:804 - if you follow bg piano sound, this should be added as well.

01:09:098 (69098|0,69203|3) - col 3 and col 1? for mirroring purpose :p

01:15:497 (75497|3) - to col 3? the shield kinda unexpected imo.

01:20:217 - a bit empty i think xd

[7K Normal]
00:07:525 (7525|2) - move to col 2? i find a col 2 lacks note around this area.

00:22:000 (22000|5) - move to col 7? i find it intuitively more comfortable.

00:26:301 (26301|1) - not move to col 1? or the lack of notes at col 1 intentional? rearranged some patterns

00:28:084 (28084|3) - to col 3? col 3 lacks note there xd

00:34:588 - not sure what is this note for, if you want to keep this, you should also have one at 00:35:007 - removed

00:56:720 (56720|0) - it'd be make more sense in col 2 to accompany the note at 00:56:511 - , bcause the note at 00:56:511 - alone a bit odd here. rearranged pattern instead

01:00:392 (60392|1,62070|5) - i got stumbled by these two notes when sighread it, maybe you could make something like: ? (SS starts at 01:00:287 - ) rearranged on a different pattern instead.

01:08:259 (68259|4) - i think it's alright make it at col 7. already fine with 5

[4K Maximum Genestella]
00:09:308 - i see that you constantly doing 12-34 jumptrill right before the LN , just say you can make something like: , more variative and accentuate the drum sound that fluctuate on its own better. you can apply it at similar place as well. keeping my style

00:10:042 (10042|3) - i suggest move this to 2, the shield won't be matter, in fact it will make it easier.. the way it is now, hitting the note precisely at
00:10:147 (10147|1) - is hard , also bcause of 00:10:042 (10042|3,10147|3,10357|3,10462|3) - as well.. quite hard to execute since 2 index fingers and also close with the LN before it.

00:13:399 (13399|3) - same thing ^

00:21:266 - 00:21:371 - a bit awkward you didn't make it double despite that you did at 00:21:056 - which have same sound, it won't be too hard imo.. 00:21:266 - added but not on the one with LN

00:31:546 - add note to be consistent with 00:28:609 - the double is a snare, the single is a tom

00:27:664 - add note? even you add one on weaker sound such as 00:27:035 - I'll leave it as single press to emphasize the snares after and before it

00:37:420 - i was hoping you'd make some sort of LN wall as a twist like you did at 00:03:958 - thanks for pointing out! added LNs as well as to other parts

01:01:860 (61860|0) - move this note to 01:01:755 - ? you know what i mean ;p keeping since the sound there is quite inaudible

01:02:909 - this section feels rather underwhelming.. i expect it to be more dense due to deep drum sounds here. make it 2-1-2-1 jumpstream doesn't contemplating with music well imo.

01:07:105 - i still think you need to make this triple.. the jack won't be hard imo.

01:12:769 (72769|3) - move to 2? to alleviate the jack at col 4.

01:17:175 - I realize that you already made your reply about this section at the previous mod, but i will keep say it, that this section is like many times harder than the intro due to the jacks... However, if you still wanna keep it, then i will tell that the only thing that i can't tolerate is 01:17:595 (77595|3,77804|3,77909|3,78119|3,78329|3,78434|3) - , you stack all the jack at col 4 there while other parts in this section you didn't do that, try (from 01:18:119 - ) : , much more comfortable to hit. rearrange on a different pattern instead. still thanks

[7k Maximum Genestella]
00:09:308 - add note for crash?

00:10:986 - ^the same

00:13:189 (13189|2,13294|3) - swap col for PR?

00:13:399 (13399|5,13399|4) - move to the right one time? more fit with the pattern you try to make i think.

00:16:651 - add note for drum quite not audible as other kick

00:25:776 - also add? the same as 00:25:147 - removed a note on the you mentioned instead

00:26:091 - add for crash

00:47:804 - also add here? i think it has the same back piano as 00:47:595 - ? keeping it single so the LNs vision can be clearer

Overall really solid, i like it :3
Good luck :D thank you so much! your mod is solid as well :3/
Thank you so much for that mod , DixonBlackwing! Much appreciated :oops:
11th mod applied and... UPDATED!
from kd farm, though this message is done on such a short notice, if you feel like it, could you take this map for m4m

its cool if you decide to pass


mmmmm 5* tv saizu

7k maximum
Nice low bpm staccatos really cool stuff

00:02:280 (2280|0,2595|1) - id say swap these for 1) full lane coverage and 2) 00:01:965 (1965|2,1965|1,2595|2,2595|1) - setting a difference between these two sounds that seem to have different pitches

00:05:007 - now with a section this short, a thing that i would do is swap the laning, if this idea doesnt interest you or is against your mapping style, go to the next suggestion.
Consequently, you can pull off a more balanced LN structure for 00:04:483 - . Ignoring Pr here because idk how to PR
Also, with that said, you would end up doing some work and if you did apply my first suggestion don't forget to do something similar for this bit

00:40:881 (40881|5,40881|6,40986|4) - kind of an asshat LN usage here so might as well buff the other less complex side by moving 00:41:720 (41720|5) - to 3

will fiddle all looped chord usages for kiai so if the chord loops are intentional, don't both checking this out
01:01:336 (61336|1,61336|0) - move right once
01:03:748 - is this providing variation for kiai by not variating a small bit? Anyway i find this kinda bland same for 01:05:427 -
01:10:776 (70776|3,70881|2) - move one of these to 7

4k maximum
00:21:161 - i like jumpgluts so yeah


7k insane
01:16:860 (76860|3,76860|4,76965|2) - shift to the left to eliminate chord looping and shift from right thumb to left thumb focus instead of being a 100% right thumb heavy bit

4k insane looks ocake

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Lenfried- wrote:

from kd farm, though this message is done on such a short notice, if you feel like it, could you take this map for m4m

its cool if you decide to pass


mmmmm 5* tv saizu

7k maximum
Nice low bpm staccatos really cool stuff

00:02:280 (2280|0,2595|1) - id say swap these for 1) full lane coverage and 2) 00:01:965 (1965|2,1965|1,2595|2,2595|1) - setting a difference between these two sounds that seem to have different pitches keeping. I don't hear any change on pitch. The guitar strum is still the same as it is. Also the swap can cause a gap between doubles which will break the consistency for the same sounds 00:05:322 (5322|1,5322|0,5951|1,5951|2) -

00:05:007 - now with a section this short, a thing that i would do is swap the laning, if this idea doesnt interest you or is against your mapping style, go to the next suggestion.
Consequently, you can pull off a more balanced LN structure for 00:04:483 - . Ignoring Pr here because idk how to PR
Also, with that said, you would end up doing some work and if you did apply my first suggestion don't forget to do something similar for this bit keeping my pattern here. The LN pattern on the right side feels off to play since and also PR affinity reduced

00:40:881 (40881|5,40881|6,40986|4) - kind of an asshat LN usage here so might as well buff the other less complex side by moving 00:41:720 (41720|5) - to 3 rearranged that LN for more comfortable pattern and rearranged some patterns a bit. thanks!

will fiddle all looped chord usages for kiai so if the chord loops are intentional, don't both checking this out these are intentional, keeping them.
01:01:336 (61336|1,61336|0) - move right once
01:03:748 - is this providing variation for kiai by not variating a small bit? Anyway i find this kinda bland same for 01:05:427 -
01:10:776 (70776|3,70881|2) - move one of these to 7

4k maximum
00:21:161 - i like jumpgluts so yeah I'll keep my pattern for comfortability.

ET no @@

7k insane
01:16:860 (76860|3,76860|4,76965|2) - shift to the left to eliminate chord looping and shift from right thumb to left thumb focus instead of being a 100% right thumb heavy bit keeping, most 7K are left thumbers including me and I find this already comfortable. If moved, it will stress out left hand as it is to press index + thumb, then middle + ring.

4k insane looks ocake thanks

Good luck! thank you
Thank you so much for that mod , Lenfried-! Much appreciated :oops:
12th mod applied and... UPDATED!
in behalf of protastic101

I will give you my rust mod wheee
if I can even see errors ;_;

key=1~7 1~4

4k easy

00:12:455 (12455|0) - move to 2?
00:14:133 (14133|3) - move to 3?

7K Easy

01:21:476 (81476|2) - move to 4?

also I have problem with 00:22:420 (22420|2,22734|4,23049|6) - something like this, why not
00:24:098 (24098|4,24413|2,24727|0) - 00:25:776 (25776|2,26091|4,26406|6) - 00:29:133 (29133|0,29448|3,29762|6) -
00:30:811 (30811|6,31126|3,31441|0) - 00:32:490 (32490|0,32804|6,33119|3) - etc ;w; it's so hard to acc ;~;

4k normal


7k normal


4k hard


7k hard


4k insane


7k insane


4k extra


7k extra


wow wtf good bakarcwin

if not helped no kds please, let prot mod this later ;w;
From your modding Q

Your hitsound is pretty good, but I think you missed a cymbal part starting at 00:42:560
I have made a hitsound difficulty by copying all your hitsounds from 7K Maximum Genestella difficulty, then added my suggestion on it.
The part I added is :
00:42:560 (42560|3,42979|3,43399|3,43818|3,44238|3,44657|3,45077|3,45497|3,45916|3,46336|3,46755|3,47175|3,47595|3) - added cymbol sound here at red lines. listen to the music without hitsound and you can hear it.
00:49:483 (49483|2,49535|2,49588|2,49640|2,49692|2,49745|2,49797|2,49850|2,49902|6,49955|6,50007|6,50060|6,50112|6,50164|6,50217|6,50269|6,50322|6) - I made 2 new hitsound from your soft-hitwhistle and made it Left and Right channel only, to fit the actual instrument.

01:21:790 (81790|4) - I added a clap here.
Last note drum:
01:23:888 (83888|6,83888|0) - moved your finish here, and added a drum hit
It is kinda wierd that your song would end on a blue line, I suggest you add notes here for all difficulties. I apologize if I am wrong about this, I sorta have bad hearing.

Use a hitsound copy program to apply it to your other difficulties.
If you aren't familiar with this , I can copy the hitsound to your other difficulties.


7K Easy
00:24:413 (24413|2) - This is 1 tick early i think, should be on the red line at 00:24:518 because the beat is here. And vocal starts on the white line before at 00:24:308
00:38:154 (38154|3) - Dont follow vocal here please, you have been following instrument the whole section here 00:35:217 (35217|6,35532|5,35846|4,36161|3,36476|2,36685|4,36895|0,37210|1,37525|2,37734|5,37944|1,38154|3,38574|6) -
Make it as 2 notes , 00:38:154 on track 4 and 00:38:364 on track 5

I honestly think this easy difficulty is one of the hardest "easy" I seen for 7K, you ,might scare newbies away from touching 7K. Personally, I don't think a linear difficulty progression across difficulty is good, because the easy difficulty is what people use to learn the game, you should let it boost their confidence instead of making them feel depressed. I am saying this because I had failed many times to make my std friends get into 7K.

Pattern 1
00:21:790 (21790|6,22000|5,22210|4,22420|2,22734|4,23049|6) -
I think it would be easier for beginners to follow drum beats instead of this sound 00:21:790 (21790|6,22000|5,22210|4) - this is too quiet.
00:22:420 (22420|2,22734|4,23049|6) - Beginners are not good with LN at all, I don't think you should put so many vertically close to each other.


I think it is better to make 1 LN followed by 4 notes
Idk what position it would be good just randomly placed them.

Apply this from 00:21:790 to 00:33:119

00:33:958 (33958|2,34797|4) - I would remove this 2 notes, it is very hard for beginner to hit a note while holding LN.

Pattern 2
00:35:217 (35217|6,35532|5,35846|4,36161|3,36476|2,36685|4,36895|0,37210|1,37525|2,37734|5,37944|1,38154|3,38364|4,38574|6,38888|0,39203|4,39518|2,39832|3,40042|4,40252|1,40567|5,40881|3,41091|0,41301|4,41511|1,41720|5) -

You should follow 1 instrument consistently for easy

I would do something like this
00:35:217 (35217|6,35532|5,35846|4,36161|3,36476|2,36685|4,36895|0,37210|1,37525|2,37839|3,38154|4,38364|2,38574|6,38888|5,39203|4,39518|3,39832|2,40042|4,40252|0,40567|1,40881|2,41196|3,41511|4,41720|2) -

Pattern 3
00:41:930 (41930|0,42140|3,42350|6,42560|1,42769|2,42979|5,43189|4,43609|0,43818|3,44028|1,44238|4,44448|2,44657|5,44867|3,45287|6,45602|2,45916|5,46231|1,46546|5,46755|3,46965|0,47175|2,47385|4,47595|6) -
This section is sorta calm, right before the kiai mode filled with fast drum. having lots of slow LN would be fitting for music and as well as give player a breathing room before the hard part comes.


01:00:287 (60287|4,60392|0,60811|3,61126|6,61231|2,61651|3,62070|4,62490|0,62699|2) -
This feels weird, idk how to fix it. At least don't put make player hit another column while holding a LN please

01:13:818 (73818|0,74028|3) - same don't put a note while there is a LN, remove 01:14:028 (74028|3) -

7K Normal
As mentioned before in 7K easy, I still don't like the white and red line pattern for the following section:
00:41:930 to 00:48:644

Suggetsion: Put double LN

01:03:853 (63853|2) - this note is too close to 01:03:748 (63748|0,63748|1) - , you should move it to another column , like column 4
you have always had 1 horizontal space between the 2 timing as seen here: 00:59:867 (59867|2,59972|4,59972|5) - 00:58:189 (58189|4,58294|2,58294|1) -

7K Hard
00:21:790 (21790|0,21790|2,21790|1) - don't put a 3 chords together like this, spread them out a bit

00:28:084 (28084|6,28504|4,28504|5,28504|3) - you should remove 1 note here and re arrange the pattern because this 00:28:609 (28609|2) - is hard to play
and I don't understand why is there 4 at this time when other is only 3


00:49:483 (49483|0) - The slow motion right before this note, your SV makes the quiet part seems way too long, I think you should slowly accelerate more as you approach this note.
your SV starts at 00:48:748 at 0.25 speed and becomes 0.80 at 00:49:483

I am not expert on SV, but I think it would be better if you change the 0.25 to 0.45 speed

The 7K maximum Genestella is too hard for me, can't testplay it
For Contract Signing
I have a bad feeling modding this really.... since it's already well made....

Focus more on 7K if possible
Column notation: 1-7

00:58:713 (58713|6,58818|3,59133|3,59343|0,59448|3) - (for column balancing :p, might be too hard however)
01:00:811 (60811|3,61651|3) - Uhh... I suggest not putting these at the spacebar, let each hand focus only on one job if you know what I mean (assuming left spacebar player...)
01:14:972 (74972|3) - hmmm... move to 5th column (better comfortability for beginners imo)
01:15:916 (75916|1,76021|3,76336|6,76755|4) - (for PR)
01:21:476 (81476|2) - the only 1/2 jack here... maybe you want to move it, but since the song has action oriented feel.... up to you then

00:19:692 (19692|0,19692|3,19902|0,19902|3) - hmm... spread it out? (1st & 7th column would be fine)
00:41:930 - add a note (should be fine imo)

Somewhat nazi symmetrism mod incoming.... (Because this diff contains lots of nice symmetric patterning here...)
00:08:783 (8783|6) - Shift 1 column to the left
00:17:699 (17699|4) - Shift 1 column to the right
00:20:532 (20532|3) - Shift 1 column to the left

01:00:287 - Missing note?
01:21:790 (81790|6,81790|5,81895|3,82000|0,82000|1) - was planning to propose this (for patterning style consistency at current measure) - but...

01:15:916 (75916|4,75916|5,76021|3,76021|0) - ctrl-H ? (imo it looks better)
01:22:630 - add a note here should be fine imo...

7Asterisk (Maximum Genestella)
other than 00:42:245 (42245|1,42245|2) - ghost note? (not quite sure, since the guitar sound feels there but it sounds like echoes of the guitar from 00:42:140 - )
and 01:23:678 (83678|1,83678|0,83678|2) - move the LN to the first column
the rest is fine...
Adiopulse's #requests Mod

all diffs 4K
4k Easy---------------------------------------------------------
00:49:063 add ln col 2

00:00:497 thats where 00:00:811 (811|3) should start

00:45:602 (45602|2,45916|1,46231|0) what are these mapped too?

00:47:595 (47595|3) ln ends here 00:48:224

4k Normal---------------------------------------------------------
00:01:651 doubles to piano sounds
01:09:413 note for vocal

00:00:497 ln starts here

00:34:797 (34797|3) i dont see it mapped to a sound really

4k Hard---------------------------------------------------------
00:01:651 doubles to piano sounds

u know what 00:00:602 ,00:00:811 (811|2)
01:04:692 (64692|3,64692|2,65007|2,65007|3,65532|3,65532|2,65846|3,65846|2,66161|2,66161|3) u gatta do some varierty man, this is pretty boring
01:08:049 (68049|0,68049|1,68364|1,68364|0,68678|1,68678|0,69203|0,69203|1,69518|1,69518|0) yawn
try going for like doubles in col 1,3 2,4 ect

4k Insane:---------------------------------------------------------
00:07:944 note col 2
00:49:063 ln for vocal

00:49:063 -
u know 00:00:602
00:08:364 hella repetative patterning man

why are these here? 00:42:140 (42140|0,42140|1,42560|0,42560|1,42979|2,42979|1,43399|1,43399|0) but not 00:45:287 -

4k Max---------------------------------------------------------
u know 00:00:602 -
Topic Starter
No reply OR blue reply means = APPLIED
green reply means = Not applied with reasoning.

ArcherLove wrote:

in behalf of protastic101

I will give you my rust mod wheee
if I can even see errors ;_; owo)b

key=1~7 1~4

4k easy

00:12:455 (12455|0) - move to 2?
00:14:133 (14133|3) - move to 3?

7K Easy

01:21:476 (81476|2) - move to 4?

also I have problem with 00:22:420 (22420|2,22734|4,23049|6) - something like this, why not the reason is that the guitar long sound of strum is only 1/2 long, if listened at 50% you'll hear it has no sound gap every guitar strums.

00:24:098 (24098|4,24413|2,24727|0) - 00:25:776 (25776|2,26091|4,26406|6) - 00:29:133 (29133|0,29448|3,29762|6) -

00:30:811 (30811|6,31126|3,31441|0) - 00:32:490 (32490|0,32804|6,33119|3) - etc ;w; it's so hard to acc ;~;

if not helped no kds please, let prot mod this later ;w; really helped, thanks!

dudehacker wrote:

From your modding Q

Your hitsound is pretty good, but I think you missed a cymbal part starting at 00:42:560
I have made a hitsound difficulty by copying all your hitsounds from 7K Maximum Genestella difficulty, then added my suggestion on it.
The part I added is :
00:42:560 (42560|3,42979|3,43399|3,43818|3,44238|3,44657|3,45077|3,45497|3,45916|3,46336|3,46755|3,47175|3,47595|3) - added cymbol sound here at red lines. listen to the music without hitsound and you can hear it.
00:49:483 (49483|2,49535|2,49588|2,49640|2,49692|2,49745|2,49797|2,49850|2,49902|6,49955|6,50007|6,50060|6,50112|6,50164|6,50217|6,50269|6,50322|6) - I made 2 new hitsound from your soft-hitwhistle and made it Left and Right channel only, to fit the actual instrument.

01:21:790 (81790|4) - I added a clap here.
Last note drum:
01:23:888 (83888|6,83888|0) - moved your finish here, and added a drum hit
It is kinda wierd that your song would end on a blue line, I suggest you add notes here for all difficulties. I apologize if I am wrong about this, I sorta have bad hearing.

Use a hitsound copy program to apply it to your other difficulties.
If you aren't familiar with this , I can copy the hitsound to your other difficulties.

Thank you very much for the hitsounds! Very much appreciated, Sir! :)


7K Easy
00:24:413 (24413|2) - This is 1 tick early i think, should be on the red line at 00:24:518 because the beat is here. And vocal starts on the white line before at 00:24:308 following the guitar's strum here.

00:38:154 (38154|3) - Dont follow vocal here please, you have been following instrument the whole section here 00:35:217 (35217|6,35532|5,35846|4,36161|3,36476|2,36685|4,36895|0,37210|1,37525|2,37734|5,37944|1,38154|3,38574|6) -
Make it as 2 notes , 00:38:154 on track 4 and 00:38:364 on track 5 I think I'll keep the LN, sure it follows the vocal but it is along the other instrument. The LN is just for the emphasis of the long sound vocal which is really easy to execute and quite satisfying for the Easy-level players.

I honestly think this easy difficulty is one of the hardest "easy" I seen for 7K, you ,might scare newbies away from touching 7K. Personally, I don't think a linear difficulty progression across difficulty is good, because the easy difficulty is what people use to learn the game, you should let it boost their confidence instead of making them feel depressed. I am saying this because I had failed many times to make my std friends get into 7K.

Pattern 1
00:21:790 (21790|6,22000|5,22210|4,22420|2,22734|4,23049|6) -
I think it would be easier for beginners to follow drum beats instead of this sound 00:21:790 (21790|6,22000|5,22210|4) - this is too quiet.
00:22:420 (22420|2,22734|4,23049|6) - Beginners are not good with LN at all, I don't think you should put so many vertically close to each other.


I think it is better to make 1 LN followed by 4 notes
Idk what position it would be good just randomly placed them.

Apply this from 00:21:790 to 00:33:119

00:33:958 (33958|2,34797|4) - I would remove this 2 notes, it is very hard for beginner to hit a note while holding LN.

Applied some parts in Suggestion #1 and pretty much comfortable to play now

Pattern 2
00:35:217 (35217|6,35532|5,35846|4,36161|3,36476|2,36685|4,36895|0,37210|1,37525|2,37734|5,37944|1,38154|3,38364|4,38574|6,38888|0,39203|4,39518|2,39832|3,40042|4,40252|1,40567|5,40881|3,41091|0,41301|4,41511|1,41720|5) -

You should follow 1 instrument consistently for easy

I would do something like this
00:35:217 (35217|6,35532|5,35846|4,36161|3,36476|2,36685|4,36895|0,37210|1,37525|2,37839|3,38154|4,38364|2,38574|6,38888|5,39203|4,39518|3,39832|2,40042|4,40252|0,40567|1,40881|2,41196|3,41511|4,41720|2) - I think I'll be keeping this as I have no problem with its comfortability and note placements. Following 1 instruments are applied on Normal I believe.

Pattern 3
00:41:930 (41930|0,42140|3,42350|6,42560|1,42769|2,42979|5,43189|4,43609|0,43818|3,44028|1,44238|4,44448|2,44657|5,44867|3,45287|6,45602|2,45916|5,46231|1,46546|5,46755|3,46965|0,47175|2,47385|4,47595|6) -
This section is sorta calm, right before the kiai mode filled with fast drum. having lots of slow LN would be fitting for music and as well as give player a breathing room before the hard part comes. hmm.. I do not find the guitar strums to be consistent with mini LNs. Though if I will add LN, it will be on the parts where the vocal has 1/2 long sound. But yeah, I think I'll keep it short single notes.


01:00:287 (60287|4,60392|0,60811|3,61126|6,61231|2,61651|3,62070|4,62490|0,62699|2) -
This feels weird, idk how to fix it. At least don't put make player hit another column while holding a LN please Fixed, no more note with LNs. Though holding while hitting 1/1 is no problem imo. Even my gf which actually an Easy-level player (actually she does not actually a player in osu lol) can hit it without problem. So I believe it is not forbidden to add a note or 1/1 note with a very long LN.

01:13:818 (73818|0,74028|3) - same don't put a note while there is a LN, remove 01:14:028 (74028|3) -

7K Normal
As mentioned before in 7K easy, I still don't like the white and red line pattern for the following section:
00:41:930 to 00:48:644

Suggetsion: Put double LN

double LN is quite overkill for Normal imo. I'll keep it single note as I see no problem with it owo

01:03:853 (63853|2) - this note is too close to 01:03:748 (63748|0,63748|1) - , you should move it to another column , like column 4
you have always had 1 horizontal space between the 2 timing as seen here: 00:59:867 (59867|2,59972|4,59972|5) - 00:58:189 (58189|4,58294|2,58294|1) -

7K Hard
00:21:790 (21790|0,21790|2,21790|1) - don't put a 3 chords together like this, spread them out a bit
applied on a different approach

00:28:084 (28084|6,28504|4,28504|5,28504|3) - you should remove 1 note here and re arrange the pattern because this 00:28:609 (28609|2) - is hard to play
and I don't understand why is there 4 at this time when other is only 3 keeping. This is actually not that hard to execute as it is not stressing both hands. And it is 3 = 3 keypresses which is also the same as before. Do not count the end of a long note as a note as it is a 'release' and not a 'press' that initiate a note representing an instrument.


00:49:483 (49483|0) - The slow motion right before this note, your SV makes the quiet part seems way too long, I think you should slowly accelerate more as you approach this note.
your SV starts at 00:48:748 at 0.25 speed and becomes 0.80 at 00:49:483 the reason here is hear is that: 0.25 is the 'pull string effect' while 0.8 is the start of that 1/8th sound that will be noted for the harder difficulty. Applying 0.45 will give an headache to the player as it is really hard to play 0.5 below speeds with timing.
I am not expert on SV, but I think it would be better if you change the 0.25 to 0.45 speed

The 7K maximum Genestella is too hard for me, can't testplay it still thanks!

stryver12 wrote:

For Contract Signing
I have a bad feeling modding this really.... since it's already well made....

Focus more on 7K if possible
Column notation: 1-7

00:58:713 (58713|6,58818|3,59133|3,59343|0,59448|3) - (for column balancing :p, might be too hard however)
01:00:811 (60811|3,61651|3) - Uhh... I suggest not putting these at the spacebar, let each hand focus only on one job if you know what I mean (assuming left spacebar player...)
01:14:972 (74972|3) - hmmm... move to 5th column (better comfortability for beginners imo)
01:15:916 (75916|1,76021|3,76336|6,76755|4) - (for PR)
01:21:476 (81476|2) - the only 1/2 jack here... maybe you want to move it, but since the song has action oriented feel.... up to you then

00:19:692 (19692|0,19692|3,19902|0,19902|3) - hmm... spread it out? (1st & 7th column would be fine) keeping as they are the same sounds
00:41:930 - add a note (should be fine imo)

Somewhat nazi symmetrism mod incoming.... (Because this diff contains lots of nice symmetric patterning here...)
00:08:783 (8783|6) - Shift 1 column to the left
00:17:699 (17699|4) - Shift 1 column to the right
00:20:532 (20532|3) - Shift 1 column to the left

01:00:287 - Missing note?
01:21:790 (81790|6,81790|5,81895|3,82000|0,82000|1) - was planning to propose this (for patterning style consistency at current measure) - but... rearranged in a different approach

01:15:916 (75916|4,75916|5,76021|3,76021|0) - ctrl-H ? (imo it looks better) nicee
01:22:630 - add a note here should be fine imo... decided to keep it doubles

7Asterisk (Maximum Genestella)
other than 00:42:245 (42245|1,42245|2) - ghost note? (not quite sure, since the guitar sound feels there but it sounds like echoes of the guitar from 00:42:140 - ) quite audible so I decided to add note there
and 01:23:678 (83678|1,83678|0,83678|2) - move the LN to the first column nice one~!
the rest is fine...

Adiopulse wrote:

Adiopulse's #requests Mod

all diffs 4K
4k Easy---------------------------------------------------------
00:49:063 add ln col 2 avoiding vocal mapping without any instrument along it

00:00:497 thats where 00:00:811 (811|3) should start white line is where the sound is being very audible

00:45:602 (45602|2,45916|1,46231|0) what are these mapped too? it is the chime-like sound at the background, I can hear it clearly

00:47:595 (47595|3) ln ends here 00:48:224 The LN is for that long sound phase of guitar and raising sound which fits as the sound stops there.

4k Normal---------------------------------------------------------
00:01:651 doubles to piano sounds
01:09:413 note for vocal I'll leave it empty

00:00:497 ln starts here stated as previous

00:34:797 (34797|3) i dont see it mapped to a sound really its for that distorted-like sound

4k Hard---------------------------------------------------------
00:01:651 doubles to piano sounds

u know what 00:00:602 ,00:00:811 (811|2)
01:04:692 (64692|3,64692|2,65007|2,65007|3,65532|3,65532|2,65846|3,65846|2,66161|2,66161|3) u gatta do some varierty man, this is pretty boring you're the first one to say that lol as most other says its awesome. anyway, this is for the drum feeling for left and right hand. Sure let say its quite repetitive but I find it really fun to play. Though I agree that it is boring for players who are way beyond in this level.

01:08:049 (68049|0,68049|1,68364|1,68364|0,68678|1,68678|0,69203|0,69203|1,69518|1,69518|0) yawn
try going for like doubles in col 1,3 2,4 ect yawn... my style 8-)

4k Insane:---------------------------------------------------------
00:07:944 note col 2 keeping it single
00:49:063 ln for vocal stated as previous

00:49:063 -
u know 00:00:602 stated as previous
00:08:364 hella repetative patterning man No problems with being repetitive if it is fun and very comfy and deal accordingly with the instruments. Most of my test players find this difficulty the best one as it have the balance and drum feeling. Players who find it boring can just play shitmaps or spam dumps :D
00:50:322 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :lol:

why are these here? 00:42:140 (42140|0,42140|1,42560|0,42560|1,42979|2,42979|1,43399|1,43399|0) but not 00:45:287 - the guitars are emphasized on the first part + hihat which results doubles. The 2nd part emphasizes the hihat and the guitar sounds became quite inaudible.

4k Max---------------------------------------------------------
u know 00:00:602 - stated as previous

better watch your usage of words and try to explain further. Just an advice if you are ever going to apply for BN :lol:
though still thanks since some of those suggestions helped me to notice some minor mistakes o/

Thank you so much for those mods, guys! Much appreciated :oops:
13th, 14th, 15th and 16th mod applied and... UPDATED!

Topic Starter

KcHecKa wrote:

Thank you so much for the support~! :)

Still waiting patiently for the BNs :oops:

arcwinolivirus wrote:

Still waiting patiently for the BNs :oops:



  1. Ok, that soft-hitnormal is pretty much impossible to hear with the music/effect at 80/100. Please replace it with something more audible like this
  2. The 1/4 use in the Easies makes me kind of nervous since I don't really approve of using 1/4 in Easy, but the tempo is also pretty slow, so idk Discussed this with you and agreed to nerf the 1/4 usage ever so slightly.
  3. Just curious, what's the meaning of the last diff names (Maximum Genestella)?


[4K Easy]00:42:140 (42140|3,42560|1,42979|2,43399|0,43818|3,44238|1,44657|2,45077|0) - I'd rather you begin the minijacks here rather than at 00:45:497 - cause the style of music doesn't really change so there's nothing to really warrant a change in pattern imo.
00:49:902 (49902|2) - I'd consider moving this to 3 instead since the hitsound is focused on the right speaker.
01:00:392 (60392|0,61231|1,62070|2) - These 3 LNs feel a little bland imo. Maybe try to end them where the snare hits at like 01:00:811 - 01:01:650 - 01:02:490 - , so it'd look like this
01:03:748 - I'd also just recommend a double here since it's the start of a new phrase, and also crash.
01:15:706 (75706|2,76021|1,76336|3) - Since this is the easy, I really would consider connecting these LNs together as the short space between them will probably catch a lot of players off guard.

[7K Easy]00:42:140 (42140|5,42560|1,42979|5,43399|1,43818|4,44238|2,44657|5,45077|3) - Same stuff I mentioned in 4K easy about stacking these.
00:49:483 (49483|3,49902|0) - I think it'd make more sense to players if you moved the first LN onto column 1, and the second LN into 7 (make sure to move the short note) since the hitsound goes left -> right.
01:00:392 (60392|0,61231|3,62070|6) - Same thing I mentioned about the LNs in 4k easy. it's better to make them 1/1 and use a short note at the end for the snare imo.
01:12:874 (72874|1,73084|3) - Shift this once to the right so that it's a mirror of 01:12:140 (72140|6,72560|4) -
01:13:399 (73399|4,73609|2) - if the above is accepted, then I'd make this [6][2] so it'd look like this

[4K Normal]00:45:287 - Doesn't really make sense to decrease the note density here when this is the big build up into the kiai. Therefore, I'd suggest adding notes on the white ticks like 00:45:706 - 00:46:126 - so that the chart actually remains about the same in intensity.
01:02:909 (62909|1,63224|2,63539|3) - Connecting these would be a bit easier to time and hit imo, since players of this level might not be expecting a 1/4 pause between each.
01:06:895 (66895|3,67000|0) - Since there's only 1/2 pause between the 1/4 minibursts here, I'd suggest making this notes [1][2] instead so that it's easier to read imo like this
01:09:623 (69623|2,69937|1,70252|0) - Again, connected LNs would probably be better imo, but I think that the 1/4 roll at 01:10:042 - would be more important to follow, so it'd look like this
01:22:350 (82350|1,82490|2,82630|0,82630|3,82769|2,82909|1) - Since this is a normal, I'd really suggest just making this all single notes as that double at 01:22:630 (82630|0,82630|3) - is more of a hard kind of pattern which might trip up a few players.

[7K Normal]00:19:378 (19378|5,19483|1,19588|4) - Imo, a roll would be cool too, and (at least for me) easier to hit.
00:26:825 (26825|1,27035|3,27245|5) - I can't understand the point of these LNs. Are they for the vocal? If they are, try to make it consistent with the 4K normal as you only use single notes there
01:22:350 (82350|5,82490|2,82630|5,82630|6,82769|1,82909|4) - Similar to what I mentioned in the 4K Normal, having these all as singles would be recommended for readability, cause you have to think about the target audience this diff is aimed towards. Maybe try a more straightforward roll like this?

[4K Hard]00:49:483 (49483|2,49902|1,50322|2) - Flip this so that the first LN is on the left and the second LN is on the right. I kind of wish you'd do that for all diffs since it's such an important lead into the kiai, that the repetition of those note placements adds to emphasize that.
01:16:336 (76336|1,76441|2,76546|3,76650|0,76860|1,76965|3,76965|2) - For all these notes, I think it's important that you also follow the synth too, like you did with 01:15:706 (75706|3,76021|3) - as that's probably what the player is expecting. So maybe something like this I did remove a double from 01:16:965 - since I thought it felt a bit uncomfortable there, but idk
01:22:350 (82350|3,82490|1,82769|0,82909|2) - Kind of had a cool but stupid thought with these notes: why not try jacking them instead to show that they're a 1/3 as opposed to 1/4. I was thinking like this or something

[7K Hard]00:04:588 (4588|5,4588|2,4797|4,4797|1,5007|3,5007|0) - Seems pretty inconsistent for this to be the only place in the intro that uses double notes. Make them single instead?
00:21:056 (21056|4,21056|3,21161|1,21161|2,21266|6,21266|5,21371|1,21371|0,21581|5,21581|6) - I think it's fine if these notes were made into single notes since they only represent the tom drums which isn't as important as the kicks or snares. Also, you mapped them as singles at 01:02:909 -
00:23:049 (23049|0) - I can't understand why there's an LN here tbh. There isn't one in the 4K Hard, but that may be due to less columns. But yeah, LNs feel unnecessary since the bass guitar (which is what I assume it's for) blends into the background way too much.
00:27:664 - Why not add an LN here and end at 00:28:084 - for that guitar screech kind of sound?
00:54:727 (54727|2,54832|3) - Control J? A roll would look nice with 00:54:623 (54623|4,54937|1) - imo
01:13:818 (73818|4) - I'd consider moving this to 1 to avoid a 1/2 minijack with 01:13:609 (73609|4) -
01:10:462 (70462|0,72140|6) - Also am not understanding why there are LNs here when there aren't LNs anywhere else in this section for that bass guitar.

[4K Insane]00:49:483 (49483|4,49483|6,49902|2,49902|0) - Not sure how difficult this would be, but could you flip it so the first two LNs are on the left side cause left hitsound and vice versa? inb4 shot
01:22:210 (82210|3,82210|2,82350|3,82350|1,82490|2,82490|0) - and 01:22:630 (82630|0,82630|1,82769|2,82769|3,82909|3,82909|1) - Similar to how I mentioned using jacks in Hard, I'd also consider using a 1/3 jack like this as it's easier to read.

[7K Insane]ok

[4K Maximum Genestella]00:40:881 (40881|3,40986|0,41196|3,41406|2) - I think it'd be better to make these short notes since they're pretty difficult to notice right away until 00:41:511 -
00:45:602 (45602|1,46021|3,46441|1,46860|1,47280|2) - These notes sound like ghost notes to me. You could try to justify it with the synth or guitar, but the guitar blends into one long sound for me, and the synth is so difficult to hear, it's not really worth mapping imo. I'd map this kind of the way you did 4K insane.
01:03:119 (63119|2,63119|1,63224|0,63224|3,63329|1,63329|2) - Since these are toms, I think they're better as single notes since doubles feel too emphasized for them.
01:22:210 (82210|3,82350|2,82490|1,82630|0,82769|1,82909|2) - The LNs are definitely not 1/3, and while I understand why you made them that way, they're still snapped incorrectly. Make them short notes or use a poly rhythm here.

[7K Maximum Ganestella]00:31:650 (31650|4,31650|1,31755|5,31755|2) - These notes are quieter than the kicks which you mapped using doubles, O i'd highly recommend reducing these to singles and arranging the pattern to look kind of like this
01:22:210 (82210|6,82350|5,82490|4,82630|0,82769|1,82909|2) - Same thing I mentioned in 4K about the LNs being snapped incorrectly.
01:17:175 (77175|3,78853|6,80532|0,82210|3) - One last thing I wanna mention are the measure long LNs. I get that they're for the guitar, but they've also been playing during the first kiai and other parts similar to that, but wasn't mapped. The fact that these LNs constrict you to 6 lanes means the note density is much higher and crowds the columns more, leading to more ministacks like 01:18:224 (78224|5,78434|5,78644|5) - or 01:17:909 (77909|1,78119|1,78329|1) - for example. Idk, I just think it'd be best to remove the measure long LNs.
Awaiting your response
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

arcwinolivirus wrote:

Still waiting patiently for the BNs :oops:



  1. Ok, that soft-hitnormal is pretty much impossible to hear with the music/effect at 80/100. Please replace it with something more audible like this I am using the same hitsound as and it is pretty much acceptable. The only thing is not acceptable is 0% volume as it says in the ranking criteria "Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable."
  2. The 1/4 use in the Easies makes me kind of nervous since I don't really approve of using 1/4 in Easy, but the tempo is also pretty slow, so idk Discussed this with you and agreed to nerf the 1/4 usage ever so slightly. yap o/
  3. Just curious, what's the meaning of the last diff names (Maximum Genestella)? genestella is a special power terminology in the anime.


[4K Easy]
00:42:140 (42140|3,42560|1,42979|2,43399|0,43818|3,44238|1,44657|2,45077|0) - I'd rather you begin the minijacks here rather than at 00:45:497 - cause the style of music doesn't really change so there's nothing to really warrant a change in pattern imo. ok!

00:49:902 (49902|2) - I'd consider moving this to 3 instead since the hitsound is focused on the right speaker. ok!

01:00:392 (60392|0,61231|1,62070|2) - These 3 LNs feel a little bland imo. Maybe try to end them where the snare hits at like 01:00:811 - 01:01:650 -
01:02:490 - , so it'd look like this ok!

01:03:748 - I'd also just recommend a double here since it's the start of a new phrase, and also crash. I decided not to add any doubles in my Easy difficulty.

01:15:706 (75706|2,76021|1,76336|3) - Since this is the easy, I really would consider connecting these LNs together as the short space between them will probably catch a lot of players off guard. keeping as its the right length of those long guitar sound. Connecting them are quite awkward with the sound.

[7K Easy]
00:42:140 (42140|5,42560|1,42979|5,43399|1,43818|4,44238|2,44657|5,45077|3) - Same stuff I mentioned in 4K easy about stacking these. ok!

00:49:483 (49483|3,49902|0) - I think it'd make more sense to players if you moved the first LN onto column 1, and the second LN into 7 (make sure to move the short note) since the hitsound goes left -> right. ok!

01:00:392 (60392|0,61231|3,62070|6) - Same thing I mentioned about the LNs in 4k easy. it's better to make them 1/1 and use a short note at the end for the snare imo. ok!

01:12:874 (72874|1,73084|3) - Shift this once to the right so that it's a mirror of 01:12:140 (72140|6,72560|4) - rearranged on a different pattern instead.

01:13:399 (73399|4,73609|2) - if the above is accepted, then I'd make this [6][2] so it'd look like this ^

[4K Normal]
00:45:287 - Doesn't really make sense to decrease the note density here when this is the big build up into the kiai. Therefore, I'd suggest adding notes on the white ticks like 00:45:706 - 00:46:126 - so that the chart actually remains about the same in intensity. the notes for white ticks are done in Hard difficulties. Adding notes on white ticks will make the part the same as Hard's

01:02:909 (62909|1,63224|2,63539|3) - Connecting these would be a bit easier to time and hit imo, since players of this level might not be expecting a 1/4 pause between each. same reason as Easy's

01:06:895 (66895|3,67000|0) - Since there's only 1/2 pause between the 1/4 minibursts here, I'd suggest making this notes [1][2] instead so that it's easier to read imo like this Keeping as it gives more emphasis on the snare triplet sounds. Having right and left hands work like you are on a drum.

01:09:623 (69623|2,69937|1,70252|0) - Again, connected LNs would probably be better imo, but I think that the 1/4 roll at 01:10:042 - would be more important to follow, so it'd look like this did something similar to the image you suggested.

01:22:350 (82350|1,82490|2,82630|0,82630|3,82769|2,82909|1) - Since this is a normal, I'd really suggest just making this all single notes as that double at 01:22:630 (82630|0,82630|3) - is more of a hard kind of pattern which might trip up a few players. keeping as this is only 1/3, if its 1/4th I would make it single. Also the finishing part of song.

[7K Normal]
00:19:378 (19378|5,19483|1,19588|4) - Imo, a roll would be cool too, and (at least for me) easier to hit. ok!

00:26:825 (26825|1,27035|3,27245|5) - I can't understand the point of these LNs. Are they for the vocal? If they are, try to make it consistent with the 4K normal as you only use single notes there keeping as to be quite different for the 4K. Variation.

01:22:350 (82350|5,82490|2,82630|5,82630|6,82769|1,82909|4) - Similar to what I mentioned in the 4K Normal, having these all as singles would be recommended for readability, cause you have to think about the target audience this diff is aimed towards. Maybe try a more straightforward roll like this? keeping, same reason as previous. Also doubles gives more emphasis to the snares.

[4K Hard]
00:49:483 (49483|2,49902|1,50322|2) - Flip this so that the first LN is on the left and the second LN is on the right. I kind of wish you'd do that for all diffs since it's such an important lead into the kiai, that the repetition of those note placements adds to emphasize that. ok! actually done with all diffs

01:16:336 (76336|1,76441|2,76546|3,76650|0,76860|1,76965|3,76965|2) - For all these notes, I think it's important that you also follow the synth too, like you did with 01:15:706 (75706|3,76021|3) - as that's probably what the player is expecting. So maybe something like this I did remove a double from 01:16:965 - since I thought it felt a bit uncomfortable there, but idk keeping as the long sounds you selected are actually guitar long sounds. I decided not to add long note for the synth at this part as it seems percussion is more consistent here which flows very well in the current pattern.

01:22:350 (82350|3,82490|1,82769|0,82909|2) - Kind of had a cool but stupid thought with these notes: why not try jacking them instead to show that they're a 1/3 as opposed to 1/4. I was thinking like this or something keeping. Not really a fan of jacks ;;(though I like jacks, wait what)

[7K Hard]
00:04:588 (4588|5,4588|2,4797|4,4797|1,5007|3,5007|0) - Seems pretty inconsistent for this to be the only place in the intro that uses double notes. Make them single instead? keeping, guitar emphasis + it is along with the synth-like bg melody.

00:21:056 (21056|4,21056|3,21161|1,21161|2,21266|6,21266|5,21371|1,21371|0,21581|5,21581|6) - I think it's fine if these notes were made into single notes since they only represent the tom drums which isn't as important as the kicks or snares. Also, you mapped them as singles at 01:02:909 - the reason why they are doubles is that, the toms are along with the synthesizer. This gives power/emphasis for those kind of sounds. The notes you selected are not along with the continuous synth sounds.

00:23:049 (23049|0) - I can't understand why there's an LN here tbh. There isn't one in the 4K Hard, but that may be due to less columns. But yeah, LNs feel unnecessary since the bass guitar (which is what I assume it's for) blends into the background way too much. Its the high pitch guitar sounds. I can hear it clearly. I could even have add long note at 00:23:469 - and 00:25:147 - because its the same 1/1 long guitar sound but decided not to.

00:27:664 - Why not add an LN here and end at 00:28:084 - for that guitar screech kind of sound? ok!

00:54:727 (54727|2,54832|3) - Control J? A roll would look nice with 00:54:623 (54623|4,54937|1) - imo ok!

01:13:818 (73818|4) - I'd consider moving this to 1 to avoid a 1/2 minijack with 01:13:609 (73609|4) - moved to 6 instead

01:10:462 (70462|0,72140|6) - Also am not understanding why there are LNs here when there aren't LNs anywhere else in this section for that bass guitar. it is to emphasize the sudden power of the bass guitar.

[4K Insane]
00:49:483 (49483|4,49483|6,49902|2,49902|0) - Not sure how difficult this would be, but could you flip it so the first two LNs are on the left side cause left hitsound and vice versa? inb4 shot ok!

01:22:210 (82210|3,82210|2,82350|3,82350|1,82490|2,82490|0) - and 01:22:630 (82630|0,82630|1,82769|2,82769|3,82909|3,82909|1) - Similar to how I mentioned using jacks in Hard, I'd also consider using a 1/3 jack like this as it's easier to read. keeping same reason as before and the change of patterns fits along with the bass' pitch (which is changing)

[7K Insane]ok thanks!

[4K Maximum Genestella]
00:40:881 (40881|3,40986|0,41196|3,41406|2) - I think it'd be better to make these short notes since they're pretty difficult to notice right away until 00:41:511 - keeping, they are pretty much the same sound and I feel its quite awkward if they are on different kind of notes.

00:45:602 (45602|1,46021|3,46441|1,46860|1,47280|2) - These notes sound like ghost notes to me. You could try to justify it with the synth or guitar, but the guitar blends into one long sound for me, and the synth is so difficult to hear, it's not really worth mapping imo. I'd map this kind of the way you did 4K insane. removed some of the 1/4th, some 1/4ths are actually clear on sounds like 00:45:602 - , 00:46:860 - , 00:47:280 - listen at 25% playback rate.

01:03:119 (63119|2,63119|1,63224|0,63224|3,63329|1,63329|2) - Since these are toms, I think they're better as single notes since doubles feel too emphasized for them. keeping as it just feels right to me. I would actually do a jumptrill on that but decided not to since I want to emphasize for the synth as well (that's why 01:03:224 - is double)

01:22:210 (82210|3,82350|2,82490|1,82630|0,82769|1,82909|2) - The LNs are definitely not 1/3, and while I understand why you made them that way, they're still snapped incorrectly. Make them short notes or use a poly rhythm here. keeping as the bass guitar sounds are actually long sound if listened carefully, and here it fits along with the intense of that synth as well.

[7K Maximum Ganestella]
00:31:650 (31650|4,31650|1,31755|5,31755|2) - These notes are quieter than the kicks which you mapped using doubles, O i'd highly recommend reducing these to singles and arranging the pattern to look kind of like this keeping. These are more like low-toms, the first two are high toms and I made the toms' sound = doubles.

01:22:210 (82210|6,82350|5,82490|4,82630|0,82769|1,82909|2) - Same thing I mentioned in 4K about the LNs being snapped incorrectly. same reason, bass long sound

01:17:175 (77175|3,78853|6,80532|0,82210|3) - One last thing I wanna mention are the measure long LNs. I get that they're for the guitar, but they've also been playing during the first kiai and other parts similar to that, but wasn't mapped. The fact that these LNs constrict you to 6 lanes means the note density is much higher and crowds the columns more, leading to more ministacks like 01:18:224 (78224|5,78434|5,78644|5) - or 01:17:909 (77909|1,78119|1,78329|1) - for example. Idk, I just think it'd be best to remove the measure long LNs. Keeping. Yes they are for the guitar and yes I didn't added them for the 1st kiai. The reason is that I want to emphasize them at the ending part, making part harder and for variation compared to the first kiai. I call this bridge-difficulty where a map gets hard as it goes until the end. Many o2jam charts did this and some ranked beatmaps as well like and
Awaiting your response pm'd you >w<)b
recheck wee


[7K Easy]00:32:909 (32909|4) - Need whistle

[7K Normal]00:45:706 (45706|5) - Remove Cymbal light
00:50:322 (50322|0) - Replace with normal hitwhistle

[4K Hard]00:50:322 (50322|2) - Replace with normal hitwhistle (current one you're using is the panned right ver)

[7K Hard]00:50:322 (50322|6) - same as the last diffs, just make this the normal hitwhistle

[4K Insane]00:50:322 (50322|0) - Same as the other diffs

[7K Insane]00:50:322 (50322|4) - fam y

[4K Maximum Genestella]00:50:322 (50322|0) - ._.

[7K Maximum Genestella]00:50:322 (50322|4) - I ded
Ok, fix those HS and then I'll bubble
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

recheck wee


[7K Easy]00:32:909 (32909|4) - Need whistle

[7K Normal]00:45:706 (45706|5) - Remove Cymbal light
00:50:322 (50322|0) - Replace with normal hitwhistle

[4K Hard]00:50:322 (50322|2) - Replace with normal hitwhistle (current one you're using is the panned right ver)

[7K Hard]00:50:322 (50322|6) - same as the last diffs, just make this the normal hitwhistle

[4K Insane]00:50:322 (50322|0) - Same as the other diffs

[7K Insane]00:50:322 (50322|4) - fam y

[4K Maximum Genestella]00:50:322 (50322|0) - ._.

[7K Maximum Genestella]00:50:322 (50322|4) - I ded
Ok, fix those HS and then I'll bubble
All fixed and double checked all HS on every difficulty :oops:
dmca incoming
Topic Starter

Ayachi- wrote:

dmca incoming
hopefully not :v but kinda expecting that after rank lol.
Have a bubble then
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

Have a bubble then
Thank you so much, ETastic, you are the true ET :oops:
Isn't this song is restricted by DMCA?

placeholder anyway
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Isn't this song is restricted by DMCA?

placeholder anyway
No. Only the 1st OP is restricted.
[ A v a l o n ]
I'm really really sorry arcwin, i didn't come to your map for long period of time due to my stressful irl qwq
i'll let Kuo Kyoka handle this map for now, since i've so many list to do with my other BN request too
Topic Starter

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

I'm really really sorry arcwin, i didn't come to your map for long period of time due to my stressful irl qwq
i'll let Kuo Kyoka handle this map for now, since i've so many list to do with my other BN request too
Whoa whoa its fine Sir Avalon, I understand @w@
You've done alot to help me and I very much appreciate your post here in my map. Take it easy and goodluck o/
Hello, Arcwin!
I had a very fun when modding this chart(patterns are too interesting)
I really like those solid map, thought It already nice!

※ Unnecessary Green Section.

For example :: 4K Easy

00:08:364 It must be used as like "Hitsound Volume, Kind of sample, SV, Kiai Start / End"
but It did not used for anything, seems mistake when bubble check.
so It will be calculated as unnecessary option, check it once again carefully. some difficulties were issues.

[4K Normal]
01:10:042 (70042|0) - It looks expressed a electric guitar or something(drum of bundle),
but I prefer to make it like 7K Normal rhythm. consider it once again.

[4K Insane]
00:56:616 - ~ 00:57:455 - It looks too repeated. feels was bad this part only.
If you can try it various patterns on the main timing section, It will be better to feel than now.

[7K Insane]
00:22:105 - 00:23:783 - 00:25:462 - I think It missed a note?
compared with 00:28:818 - 00:30:497 - 00:32:175 -
And you can remove a note here 00:33:329 -
consider them once again, they're all up to you!

[4K Maximum Genestella]
00:34:955 (34955|0) - Maybe It can be calculated as ghost note.
Because 1/8 FX sounds are started from 00:35:007 - obviously.
I recommend you to remove it. 7K too.

[7K Maximum Genestella]
00:34:955 (34955|0) - Same reason with 4K Mapset.

00:48:119 (48119|0) - Remove this one.
Actually your mapset is too solid, I mean consitency with 4K.
so I did not see this note at 4K Maximum diff.
If Is not that your intention, you can remove it or Add it 4K too.

Tell me when you done! :)
Topic Starter

Kawawa wrote:

Hello, Arcwin!
I had a very fun when modding this chart(patterns are too interesting) Thank you!
I really like those solid map, thought It already nice! thanks, this is because of the help of those helpful modders out there :oops:

※ Unnecessary Green Section.

For example :: 4K Easy

00:08:364 It must be used as like "Hitsound Volume, Kind of sample, SV, Kiai Start / End"
but It did not used for anything, seems mistake when bubble check.
so It will be calculated as unnecessary option, check it once again carefully. some difficulties were issues. deleted all of those unnecessary points in Easy and Normal.

[4K Normal]
01:10:042 (70042|0) - It looks expressed a electric guitar or something(drum of bundle),
but I prefer to make it like 7K Normal rhythm. consider it once again. ok!

[4K Insane]
00:56:616 - ~ 00:57:455 - It looks too repeated. feels was bad this part only.
If you can try it various patterns on the main timing section, It will be better to feel than now.
Feedback:: ok! applied the suggested screenshot

[7K Insane]
00:22:105 - 00:23:783 - 00:25:462 - I think It missed a note?
compared with 00:28:818 - 00:30:497 - 00:32:175 - ok! added note.
And you can remove a note here 00:33:329 - ok! even at the hardest difficulty its a single note.
consider them once again, they're all up to you!

[4K Maximum Genestella]
00:34:955 (34955|0) - Maybe It can be calculated as ghost note.
Because 1/8 FX sounds are started from 00:35:007 - obviously.
I recommend you to remove it. 7K too. the FX sounds that can be heard started at 00:34:902 - which is quite low volume until it can be heard clearly at 00:35:007 - . I quad triple check this with 25% playback rate and I can still hear the FX at 00:34:955 - (atleast on my headset uwu)

[7K Maximum Genestella]
00:34:955 (34955|0) - Same reason with 4K Mapset.

00:48:119 (48119|0) - Remove this one. ok!
Actually your mapset is too solid, I mean consitency with 4K.
so I did not see this note at 4K Maximum diff.
If Is not that your intention, you can remove it or Add it 4K too. removed it instead o u o)b

Also I removed the "2" on the metadata:Source as based on the recently ranked of the same map:

Tell me when you done! :) pm'd you for notification, Sir :)
Thank you so much for BN Check, Sir Kawawa! Much appreciated :oops:
17th mod for qualification applied and... UPDATED!
Alright, Congratz!!
Topic Starter

Kawawa wrote:

Alright, Congratz!!
After 4 months of being idle in bubble state and now.. its qualified... Thank you so much Sir Kawawa! :oops:
Finally! congratz arcwin >w<
Cra Dow

arcwinolivirus wrote:

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Isn't this song is restricted by DMCA?

placeholder anyway
No. Only the 1st OP is restricted.
Oh that is cool only the 1st heh. 8-)
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