
Average spins per minute

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So whats your average spins per minute that appears during a spinner? GO.
~700+ RPM
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500-600 when I'm testing the waters on a map and/or playing it safe, 750-775 average, and 850 if my shoulder allows me to. Anything beyond that is beyond my comprehension.
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~500 if my finger and laptop touchpad behave.
Average 710-730. Good spin is about 750, great spin over 800. Anything below 700 is bad for me.

One thing that helps is that I don't need to start slowing down in the end like others since I use the esc-trick. I also use a very high sensitivity setting. Windows sensitivity almost at the highest possible, mouse dpi setting at middle and game sensitivity at 2.5x-2.8x.

Gemi wrote:

I use the esc-trick.
ANGER !kill Gemi|osu

My osu sensitivity is 1x and, since I never reinstalled my mouse drivers when I got my new computer, my Windows sensitivity is default mid. >>
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If there was a class at school for spinners, I'd get a D-. I can pass them, but can't get good bonuses. XP Lessee, my average would be... 480-something on a spinner that's about 10 seconds or so long. Around 550 or so on shorter ones. Yeah, I need to figure out a good way to spin. Maybe make smaller circles.

EDIT: I get about 380 on really short ones with my adjusted mouse sensitivity (changed it to 1.4[used to be 1.0], I do better in everything but... spinners. -.-;)
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esc trick eww. i did that in one of hito's maps and i promised that i'll never do it again

as for spinners, i wont tell. lets just say that im worse than Ekaru :(

lukewarmholiday wrote:

550-700 on painfully long spinners 850-1050 on good spins 1200 max on spins i see coming and aren't painfully long
Mad. Really.
I average around five hundred, though it often dips far below. I blame my mouse for not being able to detect movement fast enough. That and my shoulder. I don't want to break it.

Okay, my mouse is now somehow better. Average 650. Anything around 700 or so, and there's a 20% chance I can't compensate fast enough for the next note.
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~800SPM unless I'm testing the waters so it'll average at around 500-600.

Did a nice ~1100SPM round though. My shoulder didn't like it that much, though.
Card N'FoRcE
Always about 500 SPM, but if I know the song and the spinners is quite long i can go up to 650.
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Ahhaah i was thinkin of making this post, and here it is :P.

My Avg is ~800 and in frenzy i reached 1050 :3.
But after that kind of spinners i miss almost evert note xDDD.
So usually i go like 700 to 800 :P.


PS: Sory My bad english im from argentina :P.
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Maybe my details for the SPM is wrong since I can get ~1000 in a overall difficulty 1 beatmap.

So, what are your SPM in these overall difficulties..
Overall difficulty 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Check in edit mode what is the overall difficulty of the song...

James wrote:

Maybe my details for the SPM is wrong since I can get ~1000 in a overall difficulty 1 beatmap.

So, what are your SPM in these overall difficulties..
Overall difficulty 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Check in edit mode what is the overall difficulty of the song...

length seems to be a factor too
I play with a tablet and hug the cursor around the rotating point. On overall 6+, I usually only manage to get around 680 on a good spin.
I usually do 900~1100, or if I'm having a lazy hand, its usually 700~900. ;)
believe it or not, I've gotten up to 1400 before. as strange as it is, its the computer (or the mouse)that does it. Thepassingshadow also played on the same computer and also got 1400 spins. But we both average around is beyond me. ill try and get a Screen shot of it next time it happens. (other than spins, the mouse totally sucks)
Hrrmm... I'd have to say my average is around 700~750. I have gotten up to 1200 if I'm in a good mood/highly caffeinated.
My top is about 750. :S
I got horrific average from 570 to 603 T_T\

make that 300 when I don't use a good mouse.
I only get 550-680 and if my hand doesnt hurt i get 690+ if im lucky
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Currently: Around 300 SPM, always above that on a good spin, always below when I'm tired.
I use a tablet and spin as close to the center as possible. With the new counting I do 380-410 on average. I can push it to 450-470 if I feel like killing my forearm.
I'm spinning around 400. A bit over when I'm doing good, and could go as low as 300 if I'm sucking.
I get only 280 average. Lowest 190, highest 340. Spinning closely to the center doesn't seem to work for me.
Because I don't want to exacerbate any conditions I have, I spin quite slowly. At my best using my new spinner technique, which pretty much guarantees at least a 100, I reach around 320. My normal speed is 290, around there.
Bluarg! I almost had a heartattack when I read 1000+ at the start of the thread.

I would have to say that 280-310 is the area I am mostly at in the semi long spins.

Hara wrote:

Bluarg! I almost had a heartattack when I read 1000+ at the start of the thread.
Don't worry, 1000+ isn't possible anymore. ;x

Anyways, with the new calc, I spin at an average of 410ish. I've hit 450 a couple times.
I'm getting around 320 - 350 now..A lot better with my new mouse. :D

Edit: Apologies for digging up a thread

usually, not often w/ 400+ but close sometimes :P
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Swiftwolf Yellowtail
I usually get ~250 SPM, but if I push myself, I can get ~320 SPM. Also, if I'm spinning toward the center, I usually do ~140 SPM, unless I push myself. Then I do ~200 SPM.
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Regularly I just get around 300 to pass through the spinner; that's if I'm not going for a bonus.

Bonus I go 320-400. :)

I can get 400+ in 800 * 600 when I'm on, say, 1.0x sensitivity. On my current full screen, 0.5x, I can get up to 380 at times, depends on how I spin and such. Around 300 is what I do when wrist-spinning on shorter spinners, to pass them without missing the note afterwards.
Getting up towards the mid-300s on good days. Bad days my spinning can get a lot lower than that, often around the 250 area but I've seen it drop to 200 on a couple really bad days.
I'm actually quite exceptional at spinning: my average is along 390. I can spin real hard and get it up to 470, and on bad days I'd have 330.
430 average, once hit 500 : þ
Usually over 400 :P
320 average. Got my first 400 on Underground Mozart, though. ~
280 average
My mousepad was scratched by my mouse :(
I have to change it.
Kitty McWittles
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