
Rie Fu - For You (TV size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on October-16-11 at 7:42:06 PM

Artist: Rie fu
Title: For You (TV size)
Source: Hourou Musuko
Tags: wandering son Funakoshi
BPM: 100.01
Filesize: 11123kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cry (2.66 stars, 99 notes)
  2. Dream (4.58 stars, 169 notes)
  3. Smile (3.47 stars, 113 notes)
Download: Rie fu - For You (TV size)
Download: Rie fu - For You (TV size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
11th beatmap created. 4th beatmap uploaded

SEEKING TIMING HELP. It has been pointed out that this song is in 1/4 AND 1/6, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Allow me to share with you For You by Rie Fu, the ED / ending theme for the winter 2011 season (currently airing) anime Hourou Musuko (the Wandering Son). It's quite good and something different, plus the music and art are very nice

February 5th, 2011: Initial submission
February 7th: Offset and BG changed, hitsounds and notes added
February 8th: Notes, sliders, and hitsounds changed
February 9th: Sliders and spacing fixed, ending spacing, placements, combos changed, note added, AR+1 in Cry
February 10th: Slider tweaked in Dream
February 13th: New offset and timing, resnapped some parts using 1/6 divisor, spacing fixed in Cry and hitsounds, volume increased near chorus
February 14th: HP and OD +1 in Cry, OD+1 in Smile, notes and sliders changed, unneeded timing sections deleted, Dream resnapped to 1/4
February 15th: Smile resnapped to 1/4, sliders and notes changed / moved
February 16th: Hitsound addition
Febraury 17th: Note adjustment, note added and placements changed
February 19th: Notes deleted, added, and changed, tried to change more of Dream to fit the music
February 20th: Notes and sliders changed and redesigned
February 22nd: Dream slightly remapped
February 25th: Tags changed, slider changed to two notes and placed differently in Smile
February 28th: Note added in Smile, notes and sliders changed in Dream
March 2nd: Slider changed in Dream, notes added
March 4th: AR-1 in Dream, hitsounds and sliders changed, notes deleted
March 6th: Some notes and sliders changed / added
March 7th: Notes / sliders tweaked
March 11th: Patterns in Dream changed
March 17th: Hitsound change, notes added in Dream
April 4th: Added note in Dream, hitsound changes
April 9th: Minor changes (note placement, slider points)
April 19th: Spacing, slider point, and hitsound volume changes
April 21st: AR+1 in Smile
April 25th: Spacing changes in Dream
May 1st: Spacing and volume changed
May 6th: New background
May 30th: Hitsound changes
June 2nd: Sliders changed, note added
June 7th: Hitsounds changed and spacing fixed
June 16th: Slight spacing and slider changes
June 19th: Spacing adjusted, note added in Dream
June 27th: Letterbox disabled, hitsound added, artist changed
June 28th: New video, added tag
July 1st: Note added in Dream
July 2nd: Spacing changed in Cry
July 4th: Spacing fixed in Cry, jumps and stacks added in Dream. Added new star image (skin)
July 6th: Hitsound volume lowered, hitsound changed, some jumps removed, spacing fixed, offset made earlier
July 17th: Note added in Dream
July 20th: Combos changed
August 3rd: New video
August 5th: New audio
August 14th: Offset changed
August 15th: Notes snapped, tick rate changed to 1
August 21st: Many hitsound changes, other adjustments in Dream
August 23rd: Some more hitsound changes. Added new comboburst image (skin)
August 24th: Minor slider and combo changes in Dream
September 1st: Spacing changed a bit in Dream
September 9th: Pattern changed in Cry, note added in Dream
September 11th: Note added in Dream
September 21st: Notes added in Dream, slight slider adjustment in Smile, AR-1 in Cry
September 29th: Hitsound additions, note added, many slider tweaks
October 1st: More slider changes, notes replaced with slider in Dream
October 3rd: Combo colour and tags changed, OD-1 in Smile
October 6th: Combo colours made slightly darker, timing and ending changed
October 8th: Circles / slider switched in Dream
October 16th: Added old default cursor and cursortrail (skin), colour combos changed
The timing sounds off because the vocal starts earlier than the beats. I suggest offset -10ms..Not only for vocal but also current one is a little off.

Nice song~ Have my star~
Hi! Random mod >w<

- Timing like Selee said is off, umm I would suggest you do what Selee said (-10ms) or maybe -12 ms
- I didn't like how the BG was so I made this, yeah, well actually I took your BG and did something with it, I could make a vector of it if you want but it won'te be the same
Btw you should change the name of it to something like BG or stuff that is shorter than the actual name

- Bigger circle for the easiest diff =w=
- 00:27:454 >> Align with (3) then align (5) with this
- 00:29:854 >> Add a note here or add a repeat to (1)
- 01:02:554 >> I'm not a fan of whistle on the slider's body >w>
- 01:21:154 >> It actually sound good here, but is just plain weird that you just use it in 2 sliders >w>
- 01:25:054 (1,2) >> Umm, spacing ??
- Overall, you could make your patterns and sliders more pretty and stuff but I'm just like that I worry to much about the looks of the map hahaha anyways good diff, just yeah work on the looks, pretty sliders fun patterns big smiles >w<

- Umm, what distance snap do you use ??
- 00:49:366 >> Whistle on slider's body ?? Umm, consider creating a pattern with it ??
- 01:21:266 >> ^ and actually sound good
- Same comments as Cry but this diff is quite appealing to the eye

- 00:21:766 >> Extend to the white tick
- 01:00:166 >> ^
- Nice, work on you pattern and sliders, also try to make a pattern with the slider's body whistle ??

* Star ~
oh hey Evian ;)

Nice song choice.

00:57:766 -Hitsounds are rather louder then a song.Probably through all the map,but here mostly,maybe because of claps..they don't fit perfectly,maybe find some cutsom hitsound that will sound more softly and smooth? Think about it.
01:02:566 - Add finish maybe?
01:26:566 (2) - Well,it's out of distance,if you still want to keep it here - put it in new combo.But my suggestion is to put in farther,using DS,to avoid early clicking from novices.
Otherwise it's nice!

01:02:566 (1) - Finish?
01:16:966 - I'd change finish to whistle here.
01:26:566 (3) - Same as suggestion as in "Cry"

00:30:616 - Add a note?
00:30:916 - ^
01:26:566 (4) - Yeah,same.

Cute difficulties,nothing wrong with them.
Good luck!
I've been working on this map thinking about uploading it, but I decided not to continue.
Even though, I have [Hard] diff. Do you want it as a guest diff? There will be too much work to make this work with your mp3 and offset, so I'll pass.

Try these colours out:
Combo1 : 218,243,147
Combo2 : 227,191,208
Combo3 : 153,227,232
Combo4 : 208,193,229
Topic Starter

Selee wrote:

The timing sounds off because the vocal starts earlier than the beats. I suggest offset -10ms..Not only for vocal but also current one is a little off.

Nice song~ Have my star~
OK thanks, I'll use that :)

lovhin456 wrote:

Hi! Random mod >w< Lol hi, thanks? XD

- Timing like Selee said is off, umm I would suggest you do what Selee said (-10ms) or maybe -12 ms
- I didn't like how the BG was so I made this, yeah, well actually I took your BG and did something with it, I could make a vector of it if you want but it won'te be the same Haha OK thanks I'll use this :P
Btw you should change the name of it to something like BG or stuff that is shorter than the actual name

- Bigger circle for the easiest diff =w= Maybe, I don't like the biggest circle 'cus it looks so clunky >_<
- 00:27:454 >> Align with (3) then align (5) with this I think it looks better unaligned D;
- 00:29:854 >> Add a note here or add a repeat to (1) I think this is too crowded >_<
- 01:02:554 >> I'm not a fan of whistle on the slider's body >w> Haha OK changed
- 01:21:154 >> It actually sound good here, but is just plain weird that you just use it in 2 sliders >w> XD What do you mean exactly 2 sliders? :P
- 01:25:054 (1,2) >> Umm, spacing ?? It's meant to be like a slowing down thing but I'll think about it if it'll be too confusing for new players (personally I think it's OK but w/e XD)
- Overall, you could make your patterns and sliders more pretty and stuff but I'm just like that I worry to much about the looks of the map hahaha anyways good diff, just yeah work on the looks, pretty sliders fun patterns big smiles >w< :3 Thanks XD

- Umm, what distance snap do you use ?? Errr 0.9 I think? XD
- 00:49:366 >> Whistle on slider's body ?? Umm, consider creating a pattern with it ?? I already used whistle on the slider body o_O
- 01:21:266 >> ^ and actually sound good That's good ... right? XD
- Same comments as Cry but this diff is quite appealing to the eye Ah that's good I tried XD

- 00:21:766 >> Extend to the white tick Mmm ... undecided about this XD
- 01:00:166 >> ^
- Nice, work on you pattern and sliders, also try to make a pattern with the slider's body whistle ?? Haha OK I'll try but I'm not very good with the slider whistle haha X_X

* Star ~
Thanks :D
Topic Starter

IceBeam wrote:

oh hey Evian ;) Haaaiiiiis :D

Nice song choice.

00:57:766 -Hitsounds are rather louder then a song.Probably through all the map,but here mostly,maybe because of claps..they don't fit perfectly,maybe find some cutsom hitsound that will sound more softly and smooth? Think about it. Hmm OK thank you very much, I will try my best to look for some ^_^
01:02:566 - Add finish maybe?
01:26:566 (2) - Well,it's out of distance,if you still want to keep it here - put it in new combo.But my suggestion is to put in farther,using DS,to avoid early clicking from novices. Hmm well you're the 2nd person, one more and I'll change :P
Otherwise it's nice!

01:02:566 (1) - Finish? Mmm I don't think so
01:16:966 - I'd change finish to whistle here. Again I think I like it better this way >_<
01:26:566 (3) - Same as suggestion as in "Cry"

00:30:616 - Add a note? OK
00:30:916 - ^
01:26:566 (4) - Yeah,same. Mmm well I like this effect so I think I'll keep it :P

Cute difficulties,nothing wrong with them.
Good luck!
Thanks for all your help ^_^

nante wrote:

I've been working on this map thinking about uploading it, but I decided not to continue.
Even though, I have [Hard] diff. Do you want it as a guest diff? There will be too much work to make this work with your mp3 and offset, so I'll pass.

Try these colours out:
Combo1 : 218,243,147
Combo2 : 227,191,208
Combo3 : 153,227,232
Combo4 : 208,193,229
Oh ... why not? There can be more than one song ;O
Thanks for the colours, I used some of them - all of them looks a bit too plain IMO :P

EvianBubble wrote:

lovhin456 wrote:

- 00:49:366 >> Whistle on slider's body ?? Umm, consider creating a pattern with it ?? I already used whistle on the slider body o_O
- 01:21:266 >> ^ and actually sound good That's good ... right? XD
Oh ~~ What I meant here is why you're using slider whistle (1st suggestion) and why not make a pattern if you're going to use it there, because is kind of weird if you just use it in a few sliders and not in a pattern. The 2nd suggestion, I meant what I said about the first suggestion just that here it actually sounds good xD
Feels good, so I have only suggestions :)

00:27:756 (5) - make this 2 ticks shorter and add circle at 00:28:656 like this ?
00:57:156 (5) - add finish here and change finish for whistle here 00:57:756 (1) ?
01:02:556 (1) - finish?

00:55:356 - add a timing section from here till 00:55:506 with normal audio sample set, also remove finish. try it.
01:22:656 - add circle to follow the piano?

00:36:756 (1) - maybe you can make 'watashi' feel better if you add a triplet or repeating slider here?
00:55:356 (1) - same idea as in Smile.
00:17:256 (5) - remove whistle
00:23:406 (4) - remove whistle
00:23:706 (5) - add whistle
00:21:756 (1,2,3,4,5) - As for me, sounds bad. but I can't suggestion something here
00:40:956 (1,2,3) - (1) make longer for white section, (2) and (3) remove 1/4 later


AR -1
01:21:156 (1) - remove whistle sliderslide

Not bad, in general :P

  1. I think DS 1,0 works better for the map. I don't like the way things overlap in general. I feel they are... way too overlapped xD Plus, the distances aren't always consistent in your map. So check that back carefully with DS=1.
  2. The objects are placed too randomly, IMO. Perhaps some order and some symmetry would fit :P We'll fix that via IRC.
Not much more to say now.


Ah this looks better.

  1. 27:756 (6) - Move the middle node 1 gird up and one grid left. Note: the nodes are those points you use to "draw" the slider.
  2. 43:056 (5) - I really feel that this shouldn't be under (4). You know, spread it out. But that's just my opinion.
  3. 59:856 (1) - How about removing the new combo and adding it to the next slider? To keep consistency with the upcoming objects :P
  4. 1:26:556 (3) - Use the correct spacing for this. It's too close to (2)


Let's say that this diff is way too easy to be the hardest on the set. I did full combo with just 3 100s, while looking at the background video and not the objects xD

So then, to make it harder:
  1. Add jumps every now and then. They can fit quiet well n.n
  2. Maybe rise the slider velocity. I feel it is too slow. But these "feelings" are just opinions, you know!
I don't mid doing a "hardest" guest difficulty :)

So that's it. I guess I can star this :O
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

Oh ~~ What I meant here is why you're using slider whistle (1st suggestion) and why not make a pattern if you're going to use it there, because is kind of weird if you just use it in a few sliders and not in a pattern. The 2nd suggestion, I meant what I said about the first suggestion just that here it actually sounds good xD
Ohhh I see XD Haha thanks for the clarification, I'll think about doing that :)

senaya wrote:

Feels good, so I have only suggestions :)

00:27:756 (5) - make this 2 ticks shorter and add circle at 00:28:656 like this ? Sounds cool
00:57:156 (5) - add finish here and change finish for whistle here 00:57:756 (1) ? I think it sounds better as is
01:02:556 (1) - finish? No :P

00:55:356 - add a timing section from here till 00:55:506 with normal audio sample set, also remove finish. try it. Hmm ... I like this but I also kind of don't O_O Considering
01:22:656 - add circle to follow the piano? Yea ... I like this but also don't O_O WHY AM I SO PICKY LOL XD

00:36:756 (1) - maybe you can make 'watashi' feel better if you add a triplet or repeating slider here? Hmm I'm kind of following the piano pattern here ... but yea it does feel kind of funny, lemme experiment a bit :P
00:55:356 (1) - same idea as in Smile.
Thanks for your help :)
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

00:17:256 (5) - remove whistle OK
00:23:406 (4) - remove whistle
00:23:706 (5) - add whistle Did these two
00:21:756 (1,2,3,4,5) - As for me, sounds bad. but I can't suggestion something here Yea it's weird 'cus it's on the blue ticks right? Unfortunately I can't think of anythign else either >_<
00:40:956 (1,2,3) - (1) make longer for white section, (2) and (3) remove 1/4 later A bit unclear on what you mean, I tried at what I think it meant and it didn't sound good to me :S


AR -1 No, I think it's pretty low already X_X
01:21:156 (1) - remove whistle sliderslide All the other diffs have them and I think it fits well so I'm going to keep this one
Thanks for looking! :D

narakucrimson wrote:


Not bad, in general :P

  1. I think DS 1,0 works better for the map. I don't like the way things overlap in general. I feel they are... way too overlapped xD Plus, the distances aren't always consistent in your map. So check that back carefully with DS=1. Derp. Well personally I think 0.9 is good enough, but I agree the snap for 0.9 for the half beats were way too close that's why I used the current distance. It looks all right atm and doesn't seem TOO badly overlapping I think ... :?
  2. The objects are placed too randomly, IMO. Perhaps some order and some symmetry would fit :P We'll fix that via IRC. Lol all righty XD
Not much more to say now.


Ah this looks better.

  1. 27:756 (6) - Move the middle node 1 gird up and one grid left. Note: the nodes are those points you use to "draw" the slider. Sure thing O_O
  2. 43:056 (5) - I really feel that this shouldn't be under (4). You know, spread it out. But that's just my opinion. Well I'm trying to make a pattern ish thing here ... maybe it didn't quite work out XD
  3. 59:856 (1) - How about removing the new combo and adding it to the next slider? To keep consistency with the upcoming objects :P OK fixed
  4. 1:26:556 (3) - Use the correct spacing for this. It's too close to (2) So is for other diffs ... well if I change one I might change them all but I kinda like this effect XD


Let's say that this diff is way too easy to be the hardest on the set. I did full combo with just 3 100s, while looking at the background video and not the objects xD Gosh it's not my fault you're so good at this game! D; Well I guess the song just feels kind of relaxing to me ... so I don't want to overmap it ...? XD

So then, to make it harder:
  1. Add jumps every now and then. They can fit quiet well n.n I'll try ... but I'm quite bad at these haha XD
  2. Maybe rise the slider velocity. I feel it is too slow. But these "feelings" are just opinions, you know! Derp
I don't mid doing a "hardest" guest difficulty :) XD Well, if you want to? I'll think about it :P

So that's it. I guess I can star this :O
So you have a good memory, thanks :P

00:45:756 (3) - Make this look a bit nicer
01:25:056 (1) - End it 1/2 later? Also, (2) is too close to this.


01:21:156 (1) - Remove the whistle on the body of this slider?
01:26:556 (3) - Too close to (2)


00:55:356 (1,2,3) - Too far apart
01:13:356 (2,3,4) - ^
01:21:156 (1) - Remove the whistle on the body of this slider?
01:26:556 (4) - Too close to (3)

Nice map. *stars*
Timing looks fine, maybe not perfect, but I can't find a better one.
Topic Starter

pieguy1372 wrote:


00:45:756 (3) - Make this look a bit nicer All right, well I tried XD
01:25:056 (1) - End it 1/2 later? Also, (2) is too close to this. Well since you're the third person to mention this I'll change it :P


01:21:156 (1) - Remove the whistle on the body of this slider? I like this
01:26:556 (3) - Too close to (2) Yar fixed


00:55:356 (1,2,3) - Too far apart OK I moved (2) down one grid
01:13:356 (2,3,4) - ^ Position of (2, 3) slightly adjusted
01:21:156 (1) - Remove the whistle on the body of this slider? No
01:26:556 (4) - Too close to (3) Done and all that jazz

Nice map. *stars*
Thank you very much :)

Astom wrote:

Timing looks fine, maybe not perfect, but I can't find a better one.
Haha well thanks for checking anyways :D
[Song Folder]
Remove the audio from the video, since the video is being gigantic for a 1 minute and a half map, also the video is causing lots of lag, which usually shouldnt happen since i have a pretty decent computer yet, this map is making my framerate drop from 600 to 45 fps so please look into compressing at a lower resolution or a codec that doesnt use that much processing which would probably end up into your vide being too big, but since you gotta remove the audio anyways you will need to recompress it to begin with.

[All Difficulties]
Set slider tick rate to 1

00:12:156 (1,2,3) - Spacing inconsistence.
00:27:456 (7,8,9,10,11) - New combo on 7 and i think you could do something better with this pattern, for example a triangle or something.
00:38:856 (1) - Maybe make it start on the left side of the end of the other slider and go around the outline of the slider end?
00:38:856 (1,2,3,4,5) - These turns are kinda harsh, and the difficulty itself seems to be aiming for something smooth so how about this?
Please note that it would be better if 2,3,4,5 were a couple grids more up, but i noticed this afterwards.
00:47:856 (1) - Since you seem pretty good at doing sliders, i think this would be better if it curved exactly outside the next slider like this
00:52:956 (1,2) - Try to make 1 more smooth and then make 2 into a mirror of 1 and put it at the other side for a nice arc split into 2 sliders.
01:01:206 (4,5,6) - Flip them so that they face to the other side, then flip (1) of the next combo vertically so that it flows directly into the next note like this, idk you but i think this looks and flows better.
If you do this make sure you space the follow up notes accordingly
01:06:456 (7,1) - Switch new combo.

00:10:656 (X) - Add a note.
00:16:956 (3) - Sounds really awkward and i cant tell what you're following since it doesnt seem to be either i recommend you rearrange this.
00:33:156 (4,1) - This direction change is breaking the nice smooth flow the map has had so far, intentional?
01:04:956 (1) - This is better left as 3 notes or a lone combo slider, and then make (2) new combo.

Slider speed 1.0 instead? or AR+1
Distance spacing 1.0x instead of 0.9x? If you decrease slider speed.

Good Luck with your map!~
In some parts slider sound bothers me. for example like slider at 00:50;556(cry), sliding sound kinda bothers me but not a big deal

AR +1
00:16:956(3) curved slider looks nicer here
00:17:856 (7) this finish doesnt feel good to me.. instead 00:16:356(2) feels better to me but up to you

00:17:856 (7) this finish doesnt feel good to me.. instead put it at end of the 00:16:356(2) feels better to me but up to you

AR +1?
00:17:856 (7) this finish doesnt feel good to me.. instead 00:16:356(2) feels better to me but up to you
00:27:456 (7) new combo
01:17:556 (1,2,3) (nazi)unsymmetrical, since (4) is there I guess this is alright but just in case if this was mistake
01:20:556 (3) (nazi) 1 grid up

like i said in my queue I can't really mod well-experienced mapper's map, but tried my best.

star of course!
Topic Starter

Sakura Hana wrote:

[Song Folder]
Remove the audio from the video, since the video is being gigantic for a 1 minute and a half map, also the video is causing lots of lag, which usually shouldnt happen since i have a pretty decent computer yet, this map is making my framerate drop from 600 to 45 fps so please look into compressing at a lower resolution or a codec that doesnt use that much processing which would probably end up into your vide being too big, but since you gotta remove the audio anyways you will need to recompress it to begin with. I'm going to try to do this but if I can't I'll ask for some help X_X

[All Difficulties]
Set slider tick rate to 1 I think 0.5 fits better >_<

00:12:156 (1,2,3) - Spacing inconsistence. Thanks for catching this, fixed
00:27:456 (7,8,9,10,11) - New combo on 7 and i think you could do something better with this pattern, for example a triangle or something. Added, but (8 - 10 AKA 2 - 4) are already in a triangle shape ;O
00:38:856 (1) - Maybe make it start on the left side of the end of the other slider and go around the outline of the slider end?
00:38:856 (1,2,3,4,5) - These turns are kinda harsh, and the difficulty itself seems to be aiming for something smooth so how about this? OK I changed it so it's curvy like ;P
Please note that it would be better if 2,3,4,5 were a couple grids more up, but i noticed this afterwards.
00:47:856 (1) - Since you seem pretty good at doing sliders, i think this would be better if it curved exactly outside the next slider like this Hmm I actually like this "falling" effect but I'm going to see if I can shape it better XD
00:52:956 (1,2) - Try to make 1 more smooth and then make 2 into a mirror of 1 and put it at the other side for a nice arc split into 2 sliders. Hmm I can see this working out as well but I kind of like the effect I have atm :?
01:01:206 (4,5,6) - Flip them so that they face to the other side, then flip (1) of the next combo vertically so that it flows directly into the next note like this, idk you but i think this looks and flows better. OK, did this ... or tried XD
If you do this make sure you space the follow up notes accordingly
01:06:456 (7,1) - Switch new combo. I think it looks better as is

00:10:656 (X) - Add a note. OK
00:16:956 (3) - Sounds really awkward and i cant tell what you're following since it doesnt seem to be either i recommend you rearrange this. Mm well this is following the piano in the BG, I think it fits fine but if other people don't like this as well I will change it
00:33:156 (4,1) - This direction change is breaking the nice smooth flow the map has had so far, intentional? Not quite sure what you mean but I tried flipping it and placing it in the same spot but didn't quite look as good so I'm going to leave this for now
01:04:956 (1) - This is better left as 3 notes or a lone combo slider, and then make (2) new combo. TBH I don't quite understand why it should be its own combo, I think it fits in quite nicely with the notes after X_X

Slider speed 1.0 instead? or AR+1 OK, did AR+1
Distance spacing 1.0x instead of 0.9x? If you decrease slider speed.

Good Luck with your map!~
Thanks so much for modding this :D

haha5957 wrote:

In some parts slider sound bothers me. for example like slider at 00:50;556(cry), sliding sound kinda bothers me but not a big deal Well I don't have slider whistle there, maybe you're thinking of a different part? :O

AR +1 Yep
00:16:956(3) curved slider looks nicer here I like this one straight actually X_X
00:17:856 (7) this finish doesnt feel good to me.. instead 00:16:356(2) feels better to me but up to you Ya I'm going to keep these finishes, I like them here better XD

00:17:856 (7) this finish doesnt feel good to me.. instead put it at end of the 00:16:356(2) feels better to me but up to you

AR +1? Mmm well I don't want it too high 'cus I don't like that rush rush feeling (lolwat) so I'll keep this for now XD
00:17:856 (7) this finish doesnt feel good to me.. instead 00:16:356(2) feels better to me but up to you
00:27:456 (7) new combo Done
01:17:556 (1,2,3) (nazi)unsymmetrical, since (4) is there I guess this is alright but just in case if this was mistake Haha well it was intentional but if someone else thinks it's really ugly I'll change this XD
01:20:556 (3) (nazi) 1 grid up Sure

like i said in my queue I can't really mod well-experienced mapper's map, but tried my best.

star of course!
Haha well I don't really consider myself "experienced", but thank you all the same ^_^
Hello! The same EvianBubble who mapped DJ Okawari? Oh yesss. :)

I think you should lower the volume a bit of some of the sections for hitsounds, since the MP3 is a bit low.
The timing feels off for me, but I can't seem to find a better offset, as Astom said above.
01:08:556 (3) - A bit nazi, but this slider isn't even. Raise the endpoint up a tick, and change the midpoint tick to the Y axis?
01:14:556 (1,2,3,4) - This part feels so weird to me, maybe you should place more beats?
What a pretty diff overall, though!

I have no complaints for this! What a simple yet awesome diff. :)

Same as Smile!

Quite an interesting song choice you have here!
I think the s in your "TV size" should be capitalized. :P
You have creative difficulty names. That's always great.

Take a star!
Topic Starter

dkun wrote:

Hello! The same EvianBubble who mapped DJ Okawari? Oh yesss. :) *blush* I didn't know I was so well known! XD

I think you should lower the volume a bit of some of the sections for hitsounds, since the MP3 is a bit low. Maybe I'll try to find a better MP3 ...? Ah but that means resnapping troubles ... OTL Aight then
The timing feels off for me, but I can't seem to find a better offset, as Astom said above. D;
01:08:556 (3) - A bit nazi, but this slider isn't even. Raise the endpoint up a tick, and change the midpoint tick to the Y axis? All right, done
01:14:556 (1,2,3,4) - This part feels so weird to me, maybe you should place more beats? Urgh ... lemme do some experimenting! XD
What a pretty diff overall, though!

I have no complaints for this! What a simple yet awesome diff. :)

Same as Smile!

Quite an interesting song choice you have here!
I think the s in your "TV size" should be capitalized. :P XD Well unless it has to be I'm not gonna go through the trouble ... lazy FTW XD
You have creative difficulty names. That's always great. I always try do this, I think it's more interesting ;D

Take a star!
Thank you very much! ^_^
If you have spare time,you can add a new dif.Because your song include one minutes only.

I can't find any objective problems.Thank you
Topic Starter

kissfly wrote:

If you have spare time,you can add a new dif.Because your song include one minutes only.

I can't find any objective problems.Thank you
Haha, I should be the one thanking YOU! :)
i just dot kown how to mod those blue line objects(00:22:506 (2,3,4,5) - )
it not follow the Vocal or Piano.
so i decide not to modding your map
Before I mod, here's what I want you to take notice.

Offset 2544
And this song use COMPOUND TIMING (aka. using 1/6 beat snap divisor).

Please go over all diffs and re-snap the notes.
In some cases a verse is purely using 1/6, other occasions require switching from 1/4 to 1/6 then back to 1/4 very frequently.

This is one hard song to map.
Feel free to PM me when you've fixed the notes.

(do NOT kudosu this post)

  1. 00:46:956 (4)-Fix the spacing on this.
  2. 01:07:356 (1)-^
  3. 01:09:756 (1)-Add a whistle on the beginning.
  4. 01:18:156 (2, 4)-Fix the spacing on those two.

Nothing I can point out, I suppose.


Same thing on this difficulty.

Pretty awesome map. ;)

Good luck getting this ranked!

Topic Starter

sico91212 wrote:

i just dot kown how to mod those blue line objects(00:22:506 (2,3,4,5) - )
it not follow the Vocal or Piano.
so i decide not to modding your map
Oh all right, thank you for looking anyway :)

yongtw123 wrote:

Before I mod, here's what I want you to take notice.

Offset 2544
And this song use COMPOUND TIMING (aka. using 1/6 beat snap divisor).

Please go over all diffs and re-snap the notes.
In some cases a verse is purely using 1/6, other occasions require switching from 1/4 to 1/6 then back to 1/4 very frequently.

This is one hard song to map.
Feel free to PM me when you've fixed the notes.

(do NOT kudosu this post)
Oh dear ... all right, thank you for this, I will attempt to make sure everything fits XD

Roddie wrote:


  1. 00:46:956 (4)-Fix the spacing on this. Not entirely sure what you mean but moved one grid right and up
  2. 01:07:356 (1)-^ Moved one down
  3. 01:09:756 (1)-Add a whistle on the beginning. Sure
  4. 01:18:156 (2, 4)-Fix the spacing on those two. Fixed

Nothing I can point out, I suppose.


Same thing on this difficulty.

Pretty awesome map. ;)

Good luck getting this ranked!

Thank you very much! :D

EvianBubble wrote:

Roddie wrote:

[list][*]00:46:956 (4)-Fix the spacing on this. Not entirely sure what you mean but moved one grid right and up
Sorry, I could have told you to use the distance snap to fix the spacing on that. I should have been more specific. u_u
By Mod Request:

This is just a suggestion but maybe you can make the volume increase as you go on, and maybe high volume in the kiai time..?

This may be a little nazi but a better BPM is 100.3 and offset is 2564. First was fine though... except in the kiai time the claps seemed a little late....

01:00:044 (2) - move to the blue tick back

Eh, nothing much, don't kudosu this unless it was actually helpful...
Topic Starter

Roddie wrote:

Sorry, I could have told you to use the distance snap to fix the spacing on that. I should have been more specific. u_u
Haha well no worries, it all worked out right? :P

chamelepeace710 wrote:

By Mod Request:

This is just a suggestion but maybe you can make the volume increase as you go on, and maybe high volume in the kiai time..? All right, done *waits for someone to say it's too loud* XD

This may be a little nazi but a better BPM is 100.3 and offset is 2564. First was fine though... except in the kiai time the claps seemed a little late.... Nevermind, I tried changing the BPM and it ended up messing the timing up X_X I'm going to keep it, sorry

01:00:044 (2) - move to the blue tick back Snapped on 1/6 so ... :S

Eh, nothing much, don't kudosu this unless it was actually helpful...
Well ... yea, I guess the only thing I changed was the volume ... ^_^"
Thank you for looking anyways! :3
  1. Uh, I tried to check the video but there's only a black screen and the music in double time ._.
    When I play it on the game it works but I freeze a lot (maybe only because of the video quality lol) anyway you should check this.
    If the video works well for you well maybe it's just me D:
  1. HP Drain +1
  2. Overall difficulty +1
  1. Overall difficulty +1
  2. 00:26:444 (3,4) - Uh mapped on 1/6, it's weird to play. You should make a slider instead of 2 notes, or move the note to 1/4 (1/6 fit to the voice and 1/4 fit to the piano so if you move on 1/4 add a note at 00:27:144 )
  3. 00:43:344 - 00:44:244 - Those timing points shouldn't be here since the volume of the song doesn't decrease. And they're only on this diff lol.
Sometimes you follow the vocals, sometimes you don't. So sometimes there's those 1/6 notes and sometimes it's 1/4, it's a bit weird.

Also I could do some nazi mod but I won't, there's some sliders that you should change a little so the shape feels better, try to check it.

Anyway it's a great relaxing map, I like it :3 Have a star.
I've just noticed one thing, when you snap a slider to any beat snap divisor A, you can't snap the end of it with another beat snap divisor B.
Now that further complicates the mapping of this song...
Yes it will be very unintuitive if the vocals were followed perfectly, so you'd be mapping to rhythm and not (majorly) to vocal.
I now doubt whether asking you to map with 1/6 is a bad suggestion or not :? .

01:00:144 (1,2,3) - not pretty
01:02:544 (1) - Long sliders like this breaks the "clap" rhythm, so I suggest 1) turn on slidertick and use custom hitsound, or 2) make sliders shorter. There are many other sliders like these so I won't point them all out.
01:14:544 (1,2) - shorten these two sliders to their own previous blue tick?
01:10:644 (2,4) - I suggest delete these two, as the rhythm is already unnatural in a "not-following-the-vocal" sense.

Uh, don't have time now, I'll edit after two days. (Two-days leave.)
Topic Starter

footix31 wrote:

  1. Uh, I tried to check the video but there's only a black screen and the music in double time ._.
    When I play it on the game it works but I freeze a lot (maybe only because of the video quality lol) anyway you should check this.
    If the video works well for you well maybe it's just me D: Huh really? Odd. Well I am trying to find a way to remove the audio, but it works fine for me, so ... O_O
  1. HP Drain +1
  2. Overall difficulty +1 Both done
  1. Overall difficulty +1 OK
  2. 00:26:444 (3,4) - Uh mapped on 1/6, it's weird to play. You should make a slider instead of 2 notes, or move the note to 1/4 (1/6 fit to the voice and 1/4 fit to the piano so if you move on 1/4 add a note at 00:27:144 ) OK I moved (3) onto the white tick and made it a repeating slider, I think it fits all right
  3. 00:43:344 - 00:44:244 - Those timing points shouldn't be here since the volume of the song doesn't decrease. And they're only on this diff lol. Yea removed them, I don't even know why I did this lol XD
Sometimes you follow the vocals, sometimes you don't. So sometimes there's those 1/6 notes and sometimes it's 1/4, it's a bit weird.

Also I could do some nazi mod but I won't, there's some sliders that you should change a little so the shape feels better, try to check it.

Anyway it's a great relaxing map, I like it :3 Have a star.
Thank you very much for checking ... yea ... Dream is a bit odd because of the whole 1/4 1/6 thing ... urgh X_X

yongtw123 wrote:

I've just noticed one thing, when you snap a slider to any beat snap divisor A, you can't snap the end of it with another beat snap divisor B.
Now that further complicates the mapping of this song...
Yes it will be very unintuitive if the vocals were followed perfectly, so you'd be mapping to rhythm and not (majorly) to vocal.
I now doubt whether asking you to map with 1/6 is a bad suggestion or not :? . Lol, well it was a good piece of info to know definitely ... well if it doesn't work out I could always just resnap back into 1/4 so no harm done, really XD

01:00:144 (1,2,3) - not pretty Tried reshaping the sliders
01:02:544 (1) - Long sliders like this breaks the "clap" rhythm, so I suggest 1) turn on slidertick and use custom hitsound, or 2) make sliders shorter. There are many other sliders like these so I won't point them all out. I'm going to leave the sliders, I personally don't like the slidertick suggestion and I think the pattern will live to see another day :P
01:14:544 (1,2) - shorten these two sliders to their own previous blue tick? I think for here having them one beat long is all right ... it doesn't sound terribly bad, and well ... meh *shrug* XD
01:10:644 (2,4) - I suggest delete these two, as the rhythm is already unnatural in a "not-following-the-vocal" sense. Hmm ... that's true ... I think these are fine though ...? Let me ponder over this XD

Uh, don't have time now, I'll edit after two days. (Two-days leave.)
Oh OK then ... well er, I'll wait until you edit for kudosu then ...? :O
irc modded~
star too, well mapped.

offset to 2560 seems better imo.


00:24:160(1) - move to 00:24:010, then make slider end at 00:25:060
00:25:360(2) - move 1/4 tick earlier
00:56:860(6) - sounds better if you end this repeat slider at 00:57:460 in my opinion
01:12:160(1) - move 1/4 tick earlier and still end at 01:12:760
01:13:060(x) - add note?


00:22:810(3) - either end at 00:23:410
00:23:860(4) - move 1/4 tick earlier
00:24:160(1) - move 1/4 tick earlier
00:46:810(3) - spacing is a little far, but still easily readable. ( i just couldn't help but notice right when i saw these two notes lol Dx.)
01:10:960(4) - one more repeat of slider, then make the slider face the new combo


01:19:944(x) - add note?
01:22:344(x) - add note?

Wow... didn't know rie fu could speak english so smoothly. A lot of times I kinda chuckle or make some gesture when i hear certain japanese pop singers speak english words. This, however, almost made me think it was going to be an english song lol, since the first few words were in english.

Anyways, nicely made map :3
Topic Starter

aston wrote:

irc modded~
star too, well mapped.
Thanks for your help :)

winber1 wrote:


offset to 2560 seems better imo. I'm going to seek pro timing help ehehe X_X


00:24:160(1) - move to 00:24:010, then make slider end at 00:25:060 Done
00:25:360(2) - move 1/4 tick earlier I don't like the way that sounds so I'm going to leave this for the piano part
00:56:860(6) - sounds better if you end this repeat slider at 00:57:460 in my opinion Going to keep this
01:12:160(1) - move 1/4 tick earlier and still end at 01:12:760 OK
01:13:060(x) - add note? Mm ... I like this but I want a break here so no :P


00:22:810(3) - either end at 00:23:410 Not really sure what you mean but I forgot to snap this back so thanks XD
00:23:860(4) - move 1/4 tick earlier
00:24:160(1) - move 1/4 tick earlier
00:46:810(3) - spacing is a little far, but still easily readable. ( i just couldn't help but notice right when i saw these two notes lol Dx.) I'm just gonna change this into a slider
01:10:960(4) - one more repeat of slider, then make the slider face the new combo I want the break here so leaving this


01:19:944(x) - add note? I kinda like these gaps so keeping them
01:22:344(x) - add note?

Wow... didn't know rie fu could speak english so smoothly. A lot of times I kinda chuckle or make some gesture when i hear certain japanese pop singers speak english words. This, however, almost made me think it was going to be an english song lol, since the first few words were in english.

Anyways, nicely made map :3
Haha yea I was surprised by her English as well XD Thanks for your help :)
HI ! I received your request :).

It's funny that you mention checking the offset, because seeing your message in another subject, I decided to check it even BEFORE you asked me :O ! (tum tum tum). I tried another later offset (2 565) that's more centered to the beat, but when I played, looking at the constant 21ms late, it got me back to the actual offset (2 544) to get 1ms late/early with a 15% mishit rate (which is the closest I can get considering my skills at Osu! :P).

So I'm gonna say your offset is actually very precisely correct IMO :). Even if maybe it doesn't sound quite the case with the timing tick (and with beat sounds maybe?), it FEELS being the correct offset in gameplay.


winber1 wrote:

00:22:810(3) - either end at 00:23:410
LOL. i was in the middle of a thought, and then i kinda didn't want to say, so i skipped it and was going to go back and write it in, but i forgot xD. i was just going to say you could end it on the white tick, or put it on the blue tick and make the next two notes on blue ticks as well.

(i always check these mod posts when i'm bored lol.)
Topic Starter

MathiasXII wrote:

HI ! I received your request :).

It's funny that you mention checking the offset, because seeing your message in another subject, I decided to check it even BEFORE you asked me :O ! (tum tum tum). I tried another later offset (2 565) that's more centered to the beat, but when I played, looking at the constant 21ms late, it got me back to the actual offset (2 544) to get 1ms late/early with a 15% mishit rate (which is the closest I can get considering my skills at Osu! :P).

So I'm gonna say your offset is actually very precisely correct IMO :). Even if maybe it doesn't sound quite the case with the timing tick (and with beat sounds maybe?), it FEELS being the correct offset in gameplay.

Haha wow really? That's a funny coincidence XD
Anyways that's a great explanation, probably explains why I play better with this offset even though it sounds off :P Thank you very much for checking! :)
Er ... not sure if I should give Kudosu in this case ... I didn't actually change anything so ... uh ... >_<

winber1 wrote:

LOL. i was in the middle of a thought, and then i kinda didn't want to say, so i skipped it and was going to go back and write it in, but i forgot xD. i was just going to say you could end it on the white tick, or put it on the blue tick and make the next two notes on blue ticks as well.

(i always check these mod posts when i'm bored lol.)
Ah I see. I was thinking that it didn't really make sense ... XD
No harm, I usually do as well, see if I pointed out useless things so I can try to improve ahahaha XD
onyl suggestions

01:06:744 : clap ? ooo delete and add whistle :D

01:06:744 (3) : clap no sound nice D: , test whistle :cry:

Very fine
try for "Slider Tick Rate" in 2
to make the score is more high

star for dedication

EvianBubble wrote:

Er ... not sure if I should give Kudosu in this case ... I didn't actually change anything so ... uh ... >_<
Topic Starter

Revengexsoyah wrote:

onyl suggestions

01:06:744 : clap ? ooo delete and add whistle :D Well I compromised, kept clap but I added whistle on the end :P

01:06:744 (3) : clap no sound nice D: , test whistle :cry: Same thing as above

Very fine
try for "Slider Tick Rate" in 2 Sorry I think 0.5 sounds better, I don't want to increase this just to increase score lol
to make the score is more high

star for dedication
Thanks :)

MathiasXII wrote:

LOL OK then XD I want to keep my carrots! :3
I think better to put 1 Slider Tick Rate everywhere,not 0,5

Everything is ok here

It is a bit harder than 'Cry' difficulty,but I think it is not enough. Better to increase your Slider Velocity here.

00:26:844 - 1 grid right,1 grid up
well,better to increase your slider velocity here too,because it is the hardest difficulty.

Hey hey. Just a little suggestions ^_^

Change title to For You (TV Size) XD *wondering why anybody mentioned it before*

00:46:944 (4) - instead of this beat, make a slider that starts at 00:46:644 and finishes at 00:46:644. Sounds better imo

00:16:644 (x) - add a note here

01:09:594 (1) - this slider sounds a little off for me. start it at 01:09:444?

Nice map for a cute song, starr'd
Topic Starter

Giorgos wrote:

I think better to put 1 Slider Tick Rate everywhere,not 0,5 No, I think 0.5 fits better >_<

Everything is ok here

It is a bit harder than 'Cry' difficulty,but I think it is not enough. Better to increase your Slider Velocity here. Mmm really? I don't think it's too bad ... I'm going to leave this >_<

00:26:844 - 1 grid right,1 grid up Moved up but not right
well,better to increase your slider velocity here too,because it is the hardest difficulty.

Thank you very much :)

Wiinter wrote:

Hey hey. Just a little suggestions ^_^

Change title to For You (TV Size) XD *wondering why anybody mentioned it before* D; Er ... I'll look up how to I guess? X_X Don't think it really matters though haha

00:46:944 (4) - instead of this beat, make a slider that starts at 00:46:644 and finishes at 00:46:644. Sounds better imo Err ... that slider would start and finish in the same spot? XD

00:16:644 (x) - add a note here OK

01:09:594 (1) - this slider sounds a little off for me. start it at 01:09:444? I think it sounds better starting where it is X_X

Nice map for a cute song, starr'd
Thanks for your mod ^_^

Wiinter wrote:

Hey hey. Just a little suggestions ^_^

00:46:944 (4) - instead of this beat, make a slider that starts at 00:46:644 and finishes at 00:46:644. Sounds better imo Err ... that slider would start and finish in the same spot? XD
OH damn, sorry >__<" I typed wrong. I'll correct it tomorrow when I get here cuz now I'm out of time ;w;
She sounds like she's got a southern accent (in english). This song makes me crack up.

you've got plenty of mods, so take everything I say as a suggestion. I'm going to be very critical, but this map is pretty good as is.

00:09:144 (1) - do you need to map the pickup notes? Just start on beat 1 and extend the slider into (2)
00:13:044 (2,5) - I don't like these since they don't fit the song.
00:16:944 (3,4,5) - make it one big repeating slider
00:22:644 (2,5) - don't fit
00:26:544 (2,3,4) - repeating slider
01:25:044 (1) - do you have to map the lyrics? just start on beat 1 and shorten the slider

I'm not feeling it, so I'm skipping it. See [dream]

okay, these songs suck to map. You're either brave for trying to map this, or you didn't know it was gonna be this hard.
Here's [dream] with some notes I moved around which sound closer (there's a few 8ths, but those can be 6ths too, and 6ths seem to fit better usually. The odd thing is that in music I usually play, it's rare to have a 6th, but fairly common to have an 8th). The problem is that it just plainly sounds weird to be hitting on those notes. The solution? Don't map them. Anything you were mapping the lyrics and it feels slightly off, map the drums instead, or the piano. The piano has some kickass parts, like at 00:16:944. Drumroll at 00:47:544, along with a driving (jumpy?) piano line.

I hate to see all your work go to waste, but go play hatsune miku - hato, and you'll clearly see a song that people like and obviously enjoy which is completely terrible in my eyes due to being mapped incorrectly. I wish you luck in how you want to proceed. Star because even though I don't like the current beatmap, I do like the song, and it's got potential.
Ouch I actually agree with ziin.

This song is very difficult to map even if timed correctly.
The vocal sometimes lands on 1/4, sometimes 1/6, and sometimes, after careful listening, nowhere.
Usually if you have to use 1/8 to map, something is not right.

I can't complete my mod on time because I myself am troubled with how the rhythm should be placed.
Yea, follow ziin's advice first.
It'll be better to follow the instrumental.

(No worry I'll pay attention to your progress.)
- Rche -
oh my first time to mod.

00:10:344 (x) - add a note?
00:29:244 (1) - this looks a bit strange to me.
00:34:044 (1,2) - don't stack?
01:20:244 (x) - add a note?

Oh. Perfect~

the stacks looks not very pretty though.
(trying to be picky)


oh the professionals are ahead.
i do agree what ziin and yongtw said.
try to make [Dream] more fit to play.
0:34:944 (3) - +1 Repeat ( just rotate the end for resolving spacing problem
00:35:544 (4) - Make it 1/2 shorter
00:36:744 (1) - Delete and
00:36:594 (x) - This is at 1/8, Create a 3/8 slider and add one repeat

00:32:994 (x) - Add Note
01:13:794 (x) - ^
01:14:094 (x) - ^


yongtw123 wrote:

Ouch I actually agree with ziin.
you say that like it hurts to agree with me :(

ziin wrote:

yongtw123 wrote:

Ouch I actually agree with ziin.
you say that like it hurts to agree with me :(
I meant it to sound like "Ouch, that hit the spot (of what I want to say)" lol
Anyways let's wait and see what EvianBubble will say.
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

She sounds like she's got a southern accent (in english). This song makes me crack up.

you've got plenty of mods, so take everything I say as a suggestion. I'm going to be very critical, but this map is pretty good as is.

00:09:144 (1) - do you need to map the pickup notes? Just start on beat 1 and extend the slider into (2) Sounds better to me IMO
00:13:044 (2,5) - I don't like these since they don't fit the song. I deleted (2)
00:16:944 (3,4,5) - make it one big repeating slider They feel like separate notes to me though :S
00:22:644 (2,5) - don't fit Deleted (2)
00:26:544 (2,3,4) - repeating slider Doesn't fit IMO
01:25:044 (1) - do you have to map the lyrics? just start on beat 1 and shorten the slider Yea, because I think it fits better >_<

I'm not feeling it, so I'm skipping it. See [dream]

okay, these songs suck to map. You're either brave for trying to map this, or you didn't know it was gonna be this hard.
Here's [dream] with some notes I moved around which sound closer (there's a few 8ths, but those can be 6ths too, and 6ths seem to fit better usually. The odd thing is that in music I usually play, it's rare to have a 6th, but fairly common to have an 8th). The problem is that it just plainly sounds weird to be hitting on those notes. The solution? Don't map them. Anything you were mapping the lyrics and it feels slightly off, map the drums instead, or the piano. The piano has some kickass parts, like at 00:16:944. Drumroll at 00:47:544, along with a driving (jumpy?) piano line.

I hate to see all your work go to waste, but go play hatsune miku - hato, and you'll clearly see a song that people like and obviously enjoy which is completely terrible in my eyes due to being mapped incorrectly. I wish you luck in how you want to proceed. Star because even though I don't like the current beatmap, I do like the song, and it's got potential.
Thank you very much for your comments. I DID try mapping it to 1/6, but then decided against it because as you said, it just sounds kind of odd >_< I will take your suggestions and try to map to the drum / piano instead. I'll also have a look at the map you said, to see what you mean
Oh, and it's definitely the latter ... I thought it was going to be easier ahahaha XD

yongtw123 wrote:

Ouch I actually agree with ziin.

This song is very difficult to map even if timed correctly.
The vocal sometimes lands on 1/4, sometimes 1/6, and sometimes, after careful listening, nowhere.
Usually if you have to use 1/8 to map, something is not right.

I can't complete my mod on time because I myself am troubled with how the rhythm should be placed.
Yea, follow ziin's advice first.
It'll be better to follow the instrumental.

(No worry I'll pay attention to your progress.)
Thank you for your input as well. I will do that. Oh and sorry for a bit of a delay, I was out yesterday so I couldn't check my mods ahaha XD
Topic Starter


:O Thank you!

justnobody wrote:

oh my first time to mod.

00:10:344 (x) - add a note? Not here D;
00:29:244 (1) - this looks a bit strange to me. K, I tried to rearrange this
00:34:044 (1,2) - don't stack? Changed into a slider
01:20:244 (x) - add a note? I kind of want these gaps so no D;

Oh. Perfect~

the stacks looks not very pretty though.
(trying to be picky)


oh the professionals are ahead.
i do agree what ziin and yongtw said.
try to make [Dream] more fit to play.
OK I'm gonna work on that, thanks! :)

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

0:34:944 (3) - +1 Repeat ( just rotate the end for resolving spacing problem I think it sounds better with only 3 repeats here
00:35:544 (4) - Make it 1/2 shorter
00:36:744 (1) - Delete and
00:36:594 (x) - This is at 1/8, Create a 3/8 slider and add one repeat I tried this but it sounds kind of awkward to me X_X So I'm going to keep what I used to have :S

00:32:994 (x) - Add Note OK
01:13:794 (x) - ^ I don't really think these two are needed
01:14:094 (x) - ^

Thank you very much
actually, the discrepancy of some notes is very little to me... try to use 200 BPM ( it's like having a double rate and needed to use rate like 1/12 and 1/16... ) and more than half slider velocity ( imho tht's the difficult part ).
It was good if some notes could be snapped at 1/6 and some other at 1/8... but there are notes that some a very lil' bit early/late..
it should help you

NO KUDOSU for this :D

01:04:344 (3) - move to the right and up one grid point


00:46:644 (2) - not sure if you still want people to tell you if things end or start in 1/6th but this does.


00:17:144 (4,5,6,7) - in 1/6th (again still dont know if you want people to tell you that.) if this was meant that way, these 4 notes sound bad then

Thats all i found.

Nice mapset overall. star.
Hi hi

The vocal inside this song are very tricky. There are some vocal are stick to the blue tick (1/4), BUT, there is some vocal are stick to the YELLOW TICK (1/8). I already check this timing with 0,25% playback rate. So yeah, you should map the 1/4 and 1/8 and make sure some object are stick with vocals by using 0,25% playback rate (lower-right). Also, your offset seems downbeat, offset should be 154 (I am not sure ._.)

00:21:744 (1) - I think would be nice, if approachcircle at 00:21:144 (4) are stick to the sliderlines at 00:21:744 (1). Like this one
00:29:244 (1) - Add 1 repeating slider?
00:43:644 (1) - ^
01:00:144 (1,2,3) - You can make a nice pattern like this one

00:15:744 (2) - Consider to make this?
00:24:144 (1) - Move and make a slider like this?
01:21:144 (1) - Remove whistle at slider trace (keep the whistle at head and tail)

00:17:144 (4,5,6,7) - This seems very tweaking, change something please

That's all
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

actually, the discrepancy of some notes is very little to me... try to use 200 BPM ( it's like having a double rate and needed to use rate like 1/12 and 1/16... ) and more than half slider velocity ( imho tht's the difficult part ).
It was good if some notes could be snapped at 1/6 and some other at 1/8... but there are notes that some a very lil' bit early/late..
it should help you

NO KUDOSU for this :D
Haha yes all right, I suppose I will have to snap some things in 1/6 after all right? ^_^"

Zelos wrote:


01:04:344 (3) - move to the right and up one grid point Just moved one right because it'd be too close otherwise I think


00:46:644 (2) - not sure if you still want people to tell you if things end or start in 1/6th but this does. I think this one is OK so I'm going to keep this


00:17:144 (4,5,6,7) - in 1/6th (again still dont know if you want people to tell you that.) if this was meant that way, these 4 notes sound bad then Haha yea I was experimenting, I'll fix this

Thats all i found.

Nice mapset overall. star.
Thank you very much :)

Leorda wrote:

Hi hi

The vocal inside this song are very tricky. There are some vocal are stick to the blue tick (1/4), BUT, there is some vocal are stick to the YELLOW TICK (1/8). I already check this timing with 0,25% playback rate. So yeah, you should map the 1/4 and 1/8 and make sure some object are stick with vocals by using 0,25% playback rate (lower-right). Also, your offset seems downbeat, offset should be 154 (I am not sure ._.) I will be sure to go through the difficulties again. I am going to keep the offset for now though, since I'm not sure either :P

00:21:744 (1) - I think would be nice, if approachcircle at 00:21:144 (4) are stick to the sliderlines at 00:21:744 (1). Like this one Ooh interesting idea, I tried to do that at least XD
00:29:244 (1) - Add 1 repeating slider? No
00:43:644 (1) - ^ K I did it here
01:00:144 (1,2,3) - You can make a nice pattern like this one How did you make those so nicely?! XD I tried to :P

00:15:744 (2) - Consider to make this? Sorry I can't quite tell the difference >_<
00:24:144 (1) - Move and make a slider like this? OK
01:21:144 (1) - Remove whistle at slider trace (keep the whistle at head and tail) Done

00:17:144 (4,5,6,7) - This seems very tweaking, change something please Currently experimenting XD

That's all
Thanks for your mod! :D
So then, I went through an made a "taiko" difficulty without hitsounds (so it's not a real taiko difficulty).

I mapped everything I could hear in the background (ie not the lyrics, except once during a stream). There is an 1/8th drum beat too.

So then, there are quite few options:
You can ignore me / say no (I won't be offended, I didn't put much effort into mapping the rhythm).
You (or someone else) can make it into a taiko difficulty.
You can use some of the rhythms in your "Dream" difficulty, or ANY of the difficulties for that matter.
You can edit it and make your own "insane".
I can make a guest difficulty with it. I'd probably call it "nightmare".

No credit is necessary unless I make the guest, you can treat this as your own, or give it away to someone else.

If you decide to use them in one of your difficulties, you can copy/paste from the .osu files (it won't overwrite any notes, just make sure you have access to your old beatmap first) so you can hear the rhythms along with what you have right now. If you have anything on a beat that doesn't exist in my map, it *probably* shouldn't be mapped, at least in my opinion. If the note is on the end of a slider, I don't think there's a problem, since you don't actually have to hit that note in time (except for taiko).

no kudos for this post.

Download: Rie Fu - For You (TV size) (EvianBubble) [blah].osu

ziin wrote:

So then, I went through an made a "taiko" difficulty without hitsounds (so it's not a real taiko difficulty).
I went on and elaborated based on ziin's diff.
This time I mapped closer to the vocal, using some 1/6 streams.
This diff should play out good as a taiko diff, but would require some ingenuity if converted to osu standard diff.

By the way, you can simplify either ziin's diff or this one and optimize the rhythm on the easier difficulties.
Don't have to follow, but anyways, as a reference.

(Of course, don't kudosu this.)

Download: Rie Fu - For You (TV size) (EvianBubble) [blehhhhhh].osu
Looks nice!

Also looks nice.

How about mapping the small 1/4 vocal parts, rather than staying with the beat? Feels better to me.

00:34:644 - Maybe add a note here?

00:37:344 (3,4) - Same as the first thing I said.

Rest is fine!
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

So then, I went through an made a "taiko" difficulty without hitsounds (so it's not a real taiko difficulty).

I mapped everything I could hear in the background (ie not the lyrics, except once during a stream). There is an 1/8th drum beat too.

So then, there are quite few options:
You can ignore me / say no (I won't be offended, I didn't put much effort into mapping the rhythm).
You (or someone else) can make it into a taiko difficulty.
You can use some of the rhythms in your "Dream" difficulty, or ANY of the difficulties for that matter.
You can edit it and make your own "insane".
I can make a guest difficulty with it. I'd probably call it "nightmare".

No credit is necessary unless I make the guest, you can treat this as your own, or give it away to someone else.

If you decide to use them in one of your difficulties, you can copy/paste from the .osu files (it won't overwrite any notes, just make sure you have access to your old beatmap first) so you can hear the rhythms along with what you have right now. If you have anything on a beat that doesn't exist in my map, it *probably* shouldn't be mapped, at least in my opinion. If the note is on the end of a slider, I don't think there's a problem, since you don't actually have to hit that note in time (except for taiko).

no kudos for this post.
Thanks! I'll have a look at this, I'll probably incorporate some rhythms into my other difficulties :)

yongtw123 wrote:

ziin wrote:

So then, I went through an made a "taiko" difficulty without hitsounds (so it's not a real taiko difficulty).
I went on and elaborated based on ziin's diff.
This time I mapped closer to the vocal, using some 1/6 streams.
This diff should play out good as a taiko diff, but would require some ingenuity if converted to osu standard diff.

By the way, you can simplify either ziin's diff or this one and optimize the rhythm on the easier difficulties.
Don't have to follow, but anyways, as a reference.

(Of course, don't kudosu this.)
Thank you as well, I will use both of your contributions to hopefully making my diffs make a bit more sense XD
I honestly have no idea how Taiko diffs work, if you want to include them it's fine by me, but I won't submit them unless you want me to :P
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

Looks nice!

Also looks nice.

How about mapping the small 1/4 vocal parts, rather than staying with the beat? Feels better to me. I think here I'm going to keep it

00:34:644 - Maybe add a note here? I made (2) a slider until here

00:37:344 (3,4) - Same as the first thing I said.

Rest is fine!
Thanks for your mod :D
tags : move ending and ed away

00:22:494 (2,3,4,5) - let all 1/4 later

00:46:644 (2) - you really want to 1/6? change to 1/4

maybe hitsound is a bit louder...and whistle is too much here

nothing else , catch my star
Topic Starter

eveless wrote:

tags : move ending and ed away OK done

00:22:494 (2,3,4,5) - let all 1/4 later That sounds kind of off X_X

00:46:644 (2) - you really want to 1/6? change to 1/4 I made it into two notes and changed the timing

maybe hitsound is a bit louder...and whistle is too much here

nothing else , catch my star
Thank you for your mod :)
I can't find anything otherwise, really. I tried nazi-ing and everything
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

I can't find anything otherwise, really. I tried nazi-ing and everything
Er ... I don't like spinners? XD
Lol, well, thanks for looking anyways! :)
request modding

0.17.244(4) - try return slider.

nothing other :)

Snowy Dream
00:47:544 (4) - Add a note

AR8?Maybe it's hard for me.But it doesn't matter.

00:22:494 (2,3,4,5,1) - oh,all on blue lines? :?
00:46:644 (7) - Consider adding an arrow.
01:26:694 - Add a spinner , end at 01:28:944
OK,other things are fine.
Topic Starter

frost-b-spec wrote:

request modding

0.17.244(4) - try return slider. You know what? I am just going to change this part because it sound so weird X_X

nothing other :)

Thanks! ;)

Snowy Dream wrote:

00:47:544 (4) - Add a note OK

AR8?Maybe it's hard for me.But it doesn't matter. Well it was 7 at first but someone told me to make it 8 :P

00:22:494 (2,3,4,5,1) - oh,all on blue lines? :? K I extended the slider and moved them 1/4 later so now it's following more the piano
00:46:644 (7) - Consider adding an arrow. Done
01:26:694 - Add a spinner , end at 01:28:944 No, 'cus then I'd want to do it for all the diffs XD
OK,other things are fine.
Thank you very much :D

Gah, this show freaks me out. What the hell is wrong with those kids? T_T

01:09:594 (1) - shorten by 1/4 and add a circle at 01:09:444 and 01:09:594
01:13:044 - add a note

Maybe add a spinner to the end?

Spacing is kinda inconsistent. You should check it, at least for this diff, twice. I dunno about this.

And add a spinner to the end, if you feel like it.

Spacing is inconsistent. Keeps going up from 0,9x down to 0,8x to 1,0x. That shouldn't be here ._.
Oh, and add a spinner to the end.
Topic Starter

Tenshi-nyan wrote:


Gah, this show freaks me out. What the hell is wrong with those kids? T_T

01:09:594 (1) - shorten by 1/4 and add a circle at 01:09:444 and 01:09:594 Well I'm going to assume you meant 01:10:194 for the second note, because that's what I did XD
01:13:044 - add a note K

Maybe add a spinner to the end?

Spacing is kinda inconsistent. You should check it, at least for this diff, twice. I dunno about this.

And add a spinner to the end, if you feel like it.

Spacing is inconsistent. Keeps going up from 0,9x down to 0,8x to 1,0x. That shouldn't be here ._. Well I fixed some stuff, but the only reason why is probably because I don't like distance snap, it's overlapping too much and looks way too cluttered X_X Besides, I think it's fairly obvious what spacing means what, so it should be all right
Oh, and add a spinner to the end.
No spinners :P Thanks~!
[Dream] Are you sure you want to use AR8? AR7 fits better in my opinion...

But other than that I really see no errors. This is most definitely Star worthy.
00:26:994 (6,7) - remove whislte on (6) , whistle on (7) (or no whistle)
01:01:494 (4,5) - (4) whislte, (5) no whistle?
01:01:944 (6,7,8,9,1) - don't fit the music well. Also remove clap on (6), clap on beginning of slider
01:03:894 (2) - delete
01:26:544 (4) - a bit loud at the end... whistle instead of finish?

no problem~

nice spacing, no big problems, star~
Sorry for being late~ Here I go...

00.12.544 (1) Make this symmetrical
00.53.844 (2) ^
01.01.344 (3) Copy/paste and flip (1) instead

00.10.644 (3) Doesn't exactly go together with the vocal 'for' in the back, it sounds something like 1/8 beat earlier...Whatever it is it's off-sync, isn't a timing problem, and isn't easily fixed without resorting to 1/8...Maybe remove this?
00.25.944 (2,3) Nazi: One grid down
00.50.544 (2) Make this symmetrical
00.51.744 (3) ^

00.10.644 (5) Same as Normal
00.20.544 (5) Suggestion: Copy/paste (3) and flip 180?
00.58.944 (3) Suggestion: Copy/paste (1) and flip 180+horizontal flip?

Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

[Dream] Are you sure you want to use AR8? AR7 fits better in my opinion...

But other than that I really see no errors. This is most definitely Star worthy.
All right, I changed it :P Thanks!

wmfchris wrote:

00:26:994 (6,7) - remove whislte on (6) , whistle on (7) (or no whistle) Changed
01:01:494 (4,5) - (4) whislte, (5) no whistle? OK
01:01:944 (6,7,8,9,1) - don't fit the music well. Also remove clap on (6), clap on beginning of slider No
01:03:894 (2) - delete Done
01:26:544 (4) - a bit loud at the end... whistle instead of finish? This is fine

no problem~

nice spacing, no big problems, star~
Thank you very much :D

aquabluu wrote:

Sorry for being late~ Here I go...

00.12.544 (1) Make this symmetrical Fixed, I think
00.53.844 (2) ^
01.01.344 (3) Copy/paste and flip (1) instead Not really sure what you mean but I tried ... stuff, and it looked bad, so this will be staying

00.10.644 (3) Doesn't exactly go together with the vocal 'for' in the back, it sounds something like 1/8 beat earlier...Whatever it is it's off-sync, isn't a timing problem, and isn't easily fixed without resorting to 1/8...Maybe remove this? OK
00.25.944 (2,3) Nazi: One grid down Sure
00.50.544 (2) Make this symmetrical Well, I changed it at least
00.51.744 (3) ^

00.10.644 (5) Same as Normal All right
00.20.544 (5) Suggestion: Copy/paste (3) and flip 180? Did it the other way round
00.58.944 (3) Suggestion: Copy/paste (1) and flip 180+horizontal flip? I tried, but I didn't like it, so not changed

Thanks for the input :)
Hi again !! >w< I just felt like modding this again, I don't know, also no kds please, I have already modded this and there's no need to give me kds ~

- All the timing sections should have the same volume, maybe except for the kiai, also please make the volume 55% or 60% (I'll with 55% or even 50%) This goes for all diffs, I assume you have the same settings as this diff ~
- 00:13:344 (2,3) >> I think is better if you make (2,3) into a slider
- 00:23:544 (3,4) >> I think is better to make (3) into a slider that ends at the red tick, also make (4) a slider that ends at the next white tick
- 00:28:644 (6,7) >> Easier to hit if made into a slider, also sounds better
- 00:37:644 (3,4) >> Flows better if made into a slider
- 00:41:844 (2,3) >> ^
- 00:55:644 >> Make a slider here and end where (2) is, obviously delete (2)
- 00:56:844 (4,5) >> Make into a slider, flows better

- 00:16:944 >> Doesn't sound good, extend by 1 tick, delete 5. Also there is something that you can do, an extra, after you do that take out 1 repetition of (4) and put a note in the space, sounds better
- 00:37:644 (3,4) >> Make into a slider ~
- 00:46:644 (2,3) >> ^
- 01:10:944 >> Delete a repeat and put a note instead (where the repeat ended)

- 00:31:644 >> Make a slider instead, that ends at the blue tick
- 00:32:844 >> ^ I'm not totally sure here ~
- 00:36:744 >> ^ I'm sure here ~
- 00:42:144 >> ^
- 00:42:894 >> Add a note ?
- 00:45:294 >> Make a slider instead ? That ends at the red tick ~
- 01:01:194 >> Make a slider instead, ends at blue tick
- 01:01:944 >> This note and the next, mix them into a slider
- 01:04:644 >> Maybe make a slider that ends at the blue tick then add a repetition OR you could just add a note at the blue tick
- 01:25:044 >> I think you should just extend the slider to where (3) is, sounds better

* Good luck !! >w<
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

Hi again !! >w< I just felt like modding this again, I don't know, also no kds please, I have already modded this and there's no need to give me kds ~

- All the timing sections should have the same volume, maybe except for the kiai, also please make the volume 55% or 60% (I'll with 55% or even 50%) This goes for all diffs, I assume you have the same settings as this diff ~ Well I don't think that all the timing sections should have the same volume, but I will make them softer
- 00:13:344 (2,3) >> I think is better if you make (2,3) into a slider Sounds good
- 00:23:544 (3,4) >> I think is better to make (3) into a slider that ends at the red tick, also make (4) a slider that ends at the next white tick I like the gap here but I made (3) the slider instead
- 00:28:644 (6,7) >> Easier to hit if made into a slider, also sounds better No, I like these better as separate notes
- 00:37:644 (3,4) >> Flows better if made into a slider
- 00:41:844 (2,3) >> ^
- 00:55:644 >> Make a slider here and end where (2) is, obviously delete (2) This doesn't sound bad, but I like it the way it is
- 00:56:844 (4,5) >> Make into a slider, flows better I think the opposite actually >_<"

- 00:16:944 >> Doesn't sound good, extend by 1 tick, delete 5. Also there is something that you can do, an extra, after you do that take out 1 repetition of (4) and put a note in the space, sounds better Well I'm just following the piano pattern here, I agree what you suggested sounds good but it's the same pattern as in Cry, so I want to do something different
- 00:37:644 (3,4) >> Make into a slider ~ Sorry, these feel like separate notes to me >_<
- 00:46:644 (2,3) >> ^
- 01:10:944 >> Delete a repeat and put a note instead (where the repeat ended) OK

- 00:31:644 >> Make a slider instead, that ends at the blue tick Mm, I don't think these really fit
- 00:32:844 >> ^ I'm not totally sure here ~
- 00:36:744 >> ^ I'm sure here ~
- 00:42:144 >> ^
- 00:42:894 >> Add a note ? I made (4) a shorter repeating slider here
- 00:45:294 >> Make a slider instead ? That ends at the red tick ~ Don't really like this
- 01:01:194 >> Make a slider instead, ends at blue tick OK
- 01:01:944 >> This note and the next, mix them into a slider No, I want this kind of mini stream ish thing :P
- 01:04:644 >> Maybe make a slider that ends at the blue tick then add a repetition OR you could just add a note at the blue tick Done
- 01:25:044 >> I think you should just extend the slider to where (3) is, sounds better I want (3) to be its own note

* Good luck !! >w<
Thanks for the extra mod! Are you sure you don't want a kudosu? ;O

EvianBubble wrote:

Thanks for the extra mod! Are you sure you don't want a kudosu? ;O
I'm sure ~ Good luck with your map >w< By the way now I'm curious about the anime xD
Green = Design
Blue = Suggestion
Red = Change This!

01:01:344 (3) - Move 1 Grid up

01:23:544 (4) - Move 1 Grid up

00:40:944 (1) - Move first sliderpoint 1 grid up
01:01:944 (5) - New Combo
01:01:944 (5) - Remove New Combo
01:04:344 (2) - If ^ New Combo

01:06:444 (8) - New Combo
01:07:344 (1) - If ^ Remove New Combo

01:25:044 (2) - Move first sliderpoint 1 Grid up

Nice Map
Have a Star~
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

I'm sure ~ Good luck with your map >w< By the way now I'm curious about the anime xD
Haha, well you could always start watching it? XD

KillerRind wrote:

Green = Design
Blue = Suggestion
Red = Change This!

01:01:344 (3) - Move 1 Grid up This is fine

01:23:544 (4) - Move 1 Grid up OK

00:40:944 (1) - Move first sliderpoint 1 grid up Done
01:01:944 (5) - New Combo Nah, I don't think that warrants a new combo
01:01:944 (5) - Remove New Combo
01:04:344 (2) - If ^ New Combo
01:06:444 (8) - New Combo Actually on second though, I'm going to keep this for consistency
01:07:344 (1) - If ^ Remove New Combo
01:25:044 (2) - Move first sliderpoint 1 Grid up Done

Nice Map
Have a Star~
Thanks! Wow, fast mod :P
All Suggestion :3

offset 2,552 (?)

00:09:144 (1) - start here?00:09:744


00:29:844 (2,3,4,5) - how?
00:36:744 (1,2,3,4) - how?
00:59:844 add note?
01:01:794 ^
01:04:944 (5) - new combo?

nice map~ :)
Hey, here's my mod. Green stuff can be ignored completely, they are merely a design opinion.

  1. The video file looks weird to me. I cannot open it in any player properly (it works in osu though). However, the video file has sound. Since you're using your mp3 for the map you should remove the sound from the video. Also, it is using 1280x720 resolution with h264 codec. This will put an insane load on weaker machines. I suggest you re-encode this to 800x600 at most (black bars on top and bottom), will also reduce the file size while the quality won't be affected much.
  2. Mp3 quality seems a bit low, have you tried to find a better raw/sub for the song and rip it from there?
  1. Why not use the biggest circles for this diff? Most easy diffs use that. Doesn't look that bad though.
  1. -
  1. 01:02:544 (1) - End this slider at 01:03:144 and add 3 circles on the red, blue and white tick. After that add a circle on the red tick as well, so the combo doesn't look empty. Also, add clap at the end of the slider. It could look something like this, 2-3-4-5 is a mirror of 6-7-8-1.
  2. 01:04:944 (9) - New combo.
Couldn't really find any wrong stuff apart from the video file. I strongly suggest to do the change on the Dream diff, because that long slider doesn't fit the difficulty profile.
Hope this helped and good luck. :3

edit: correction, the video is .flv not h264, still it deals a huge blow on weaker machines. :3
Topic Starter

val0108 wrote:

All Suggestion :3

offset 2,552 (?) I am not sure about this either, so I am just going to keep what I have so it doesn't mess up lol ^_^"

00:09:144 (1) - start here?00:09:744 Nah, I like where it starts and the pause after


00:29:844 (2,3,4,5) - how? I didn't do this exact thing but I did do something like this, nice suggestion!
00:36:744 (1,2,3,4) - how? No
00:59:844 add note? Nah
01:01:794 ^
01:04:944 (5) - new combo? OK

nice map~ :)
Thanks :)

lolcubes wrote:

Hey, here's my mod. Green stuff can be ignored completely, they are merely a design opinion.

  1. The video file looks weird to me. I cannot open it in any player properly (it works in osu though). However, the video file has sound. Since you're using your mp3 for the map you should remove the sound from the video. Also, it is using 1280x720 resolution with h264 codec. This will put an insane load on weaker machines. I suggest you re-encode this to 800x600 at most (black bars on top and bottom), will also reduce the file size while the quality won't be affected much. All right. Unfortunately I don't know much about encoding and such, but I'll try to find some video help :P
  2. Mp3 quality seems a bit low, have you tried to find a better raw/sub for the song and rip it from there? Well my computer says it's 192kbps which is the max, unless it's wrong, so I don't think I'll need to change this
  1. Why not use the biggest circles for this diff? Most easy diffs use that. Doesn't look that bad though. I personally don't like the biggest circles, because they are TOO big IMO and look very cluttered >_<
  1. -
  1. 01:02:544 (1) - End this slider at 01:03:144 and add 3 circles on the red, blue and white tick. After that add a circle on the red tick as well, so the combo doesn't look empty. Also, add clap at the end of the slider. It could look something like this, 2-3-4-5 is a mirror of 6-7-8-1. Used most of this suggestion but I put (5) on the blue tick
  2. 01:04:944 (9) - New combo. I put the new combo at (5) as suggested above
Couldn't really find any wrong stuff apart from the video file. I strongly suggest to do the change on the Dream diff, because that long slider doesn't fit the difficulty profile.
Hope this helped and good luck. :3
Thank you very much :D
If you get me the source, I can make the video file for you.
As for mp3, while it's 192kbps it's a really bad rip. Just saying, it's not like it's the end of the world. :p
Kudosu Star :D
Sorry for the delay

+9 on offset

01:21:144 (1) - Is this supposed to have slidingwhistle? It sounds a bit rough

01:03:894 (5) - 1/4 later and space away a bit?
01:07:344 (1) - This sounds better for me if placed 1/4 earlier and extended by 1/4
01:13:344 (3,4,5) - This sounds better for if placed 1/4 earlier on start of vocal; add beat 01:13:644 ?
01:14:694 - Add beat?
01:15:294 - ^
01:15:594 - ^

Mapset is good and diffspread too, song is also nice.
Good job
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

If you get me the source, I can make the video file for you.
As for mp3, while it's 192kbps it's a really bad rip. Just saying, it's not like it's the end of the world. :p
Sorry for uber late reply, but TBH I don't really remember where I got the video, I might have just cut the file after I watched it? XD Audio sounds fine to me, so ... whatever lol XD

LuPiiTa wrote:

XD Thanks! :)

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

Kudosu Star :D
Thank you very much! :D

Kite wrote:

Sorry for the delay

+9 on offset Like I said, I am not sure about timing but I think this is OK so I will keep it :P

01:21:144 (1) - Is this supposed to have slidingwhistle? It sounds a bit rough Yes it was intentional, but I removed it

01:03:894 (5) - 1/4 later and space away a bit? Nah I tried that, I think it sounds better here
01:07:344 (1) - This sounds better for me if placed 1/4 earlier and extended by 1/4 Well yea the vocals are a bit odd, but I think it sounds all right here
01:13:344 (3,4,5) - This sounds better for if placed 1/4 earlier on start of vocal; add beat 01:13:644 ? Meh, no thanks
01:14:694 - Add beat? OK
01:15:294 - ^
01:15:594 - ^

Mapset is good and diffspread too, song is also nice.
Good job
Thank you :)
Nothing found and star
As per mod request from queue~

- Timing for this is tricky, ah haha.

-Consider increasing circle size by 1 Might wanna reconsider my obsession with large size easy. T_T

- =)

- 00:10:644 - Feel like missing a beat here, no?
- 00:21:744 (1) - Not sure if the whistle at the slider end here is intended. Doesn't seem to fit overall hitsounding.
- 00:40:944 (1,2,3) - Whistle at slider head and (3) instead?
- 00:43:644 (1) - Consider removing the whistle here?

Kinda lost track over Dream's hitsounding(dreamy! D:), but overall a fine map to play with.
Topic Starter

Kurisuchianu wrote:

Nothing found and star
Late, but thanks :P

Soul-less wrote:

As per mod request from queue~

- Timing for this is tricky, ah haha. Unfortunately so haha XD

-Consider increasing circle size by 1 Might wanna reconsider my obsession with large size easy. T_T Don't like the largest size personally, it's too crowded >_<

- =)

- 00:10:644 - Feel like missing a beat here, no? Aight, added
- 00:21:744 (1) - Not sure if the whistle at the slider end here is intended. Doesn't seem to fit overall hitsounding. Removed
- 00:40:944 (1,2,3) - Whistle at slider head and (3) instead? OK, changed
- 00:43:644 (1) - Consider removing the whistle here? Nah, I like it

Kinda lost track over Dream's hitsounding(dreamy! D:), but overall a fine map to play with.
Thank you very much :)
00:26:994 (6) - 1 grid up

sry can't find any problem :o
00:45:744 (1) - 1 Grid down to fit the curve better

00:48:744 (2) - Move midpoint 1 grid up 1 grid left, and endpoint 1 grid right, to curve around (3,4) properly.

As expected for a +50 or so map, virtually error-free. Plays quite nicely, starred!
Topic Starter

yangzd88 wrote:

00:26:994 (6) - 1 grid up OK

sry can't find any problem :o
No problem, thanks for looking ^_^

akrolsmir wrote:

00:45:744 (1) - 1 Grid down to fit the curve better Done

00:48:744 (2) - Move midpoint 1 grid up 1 grid left, and endpoint 1 grid right, to curve around (3,4) properly. Looks good

As expected for a +50 or so map, virtually error-free. Plays quite nicely, starred!
Thank you for your help. Yea, I've been trying to get MAT / BAT attention, but you know ... :P

00:33:144 (5) - 1grid right
00:56:844 (6) - 1grid down & lef
01:08:244 (2) - 1grid down
01:14:244 (7) - 1grid up
01:22:644 (3) - 1grid down



All suggestion
nice map =~=d
nice hitsounding! I like this :D
01:00:144 (1) hwo about adjust this slider more symmetrical?



good! :)
(no kudosu plz this post)
The beatmap is great and doesn't need more to get ranked, but I though doing those would be nice...

01:16:944 - Whistle instead of finish, or turn the volume down a bit on this point for the finish~

Good luck getting this ranked, Kudo star~
Topic Starter

Holoaz wrote:


00:33:144 (5) - 1grid right
00:56:844 (6) - 1grid down & lef
01:08:244 (2) - 1grid down
01:14:244 (7) - 1grid up
01:22:644 (3) - 1grid down



All suggestion
nice map =~=d
nice hitsounding! I like this :D
Fixed everything, thanks! I think the spacing's way better now lol XD

banvi wrote:

01:00:144 (1) hwo about adjust this slider more symmetrical? Hmm OK, I moved the middle point up a bit



good! :)
(no kudosu plz this post)
Lol OK, thanks anyway~ :)

Hushu wrote:

The beatmap is great and doesn't need more to get ranked, but I though doing those would be nice...

01:16:944 - Whistle instead of finish, or turn the volume down a bit on this point for the finish~ OK, and I did it with the other diffs as well

Good luck getting this ranked, Kudo star~
Thanks a lot! :D
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