
Your opinion on American Politics?

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Another reason why democracy is shit female suffrage

Khelly wrote:

Also Ted Cruz looks like he's perpetually going to cry or he is going to take a big shit. Is that just me who sees this?

Khelly wrote:

I think people who pander to illegal immigrants are alienating legal immigrants by devaluing the process those people went through to legitimately come intonthe country.
as an legal immigrant with a green card, I can tell you that it's 100% true
quality huffpost article
very nice

Khelly wrote:

I think people who pander to illegal immigrants are alienating legal immigrants by devaluing the process those people went through to legitimately come intonthe country.
also this
1.You opened the wrong can of worms and 2.I also wish to move outta the us for a while to see what the rest of the world is like
I'd move if I had money to
Why does everyone want to move to Canada and not Mexico?

Khelly wrote:

Why does everyone want to move to Canada and not Mexico?
That's not very easy to answer.
Because Mexico is a shithole, perhaps?

Khelly wrote:

Why does everyone want to move to Canada and not Mexico?
Canada is more like the US i guess

Khelly wrote:

Why does everyone want to move to Canada and not Mexico?
because mexico has tons of crime, a weak infrastructure, and no job market

Khelly wrote:

Why does everyone want to move to Canada and not Mexico?
maybe because they have to learn a new language?

I don't know what's so hard about this question.
Topic Starter

Khelly wrote:

Why does everyone want to move to Canada and not Mexico?

and because its so close, it doesnt take that long to get there

like, from where I am, it is just a 4 hour drive and boom im in ontario
delete this post
Zain Sugieres
Topic Starter

B1rd wrote:

No, biased information is worse than no information. You don't see me linking stuff from Stormfront, do you? Link to objective facts, not sites that will try to manipulate information to suit their agenda. Like the information that I already debunked.
Data don't lie. AFAIK I summoned data rather than the opinion section.

Also "liberal" claims are generally more true than conservative ones. According to (an independent project launched by the Tampa Bay Times that won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting (i.e., can't argue with this shit))...



I'm not going to argue with the rest because it's opinion.
Politifact is biased against conservatives.

repr1se wrote:

who the fuck bumped this thread
A roshan thread got to page 11 without being locked, amazing
yeah but its the worst thread ot had this year so

FuZ wrote:

who the fuck bumped this thread

FuZ wrote:

yeah but its the worst thread ot had this year so
I have an idea: if you don't like it, don't go into it and stop bitching about it.
what if i want to

FuZ wrote:

what if i want to
Expect backlash
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

A roshan thread got to page 11 without being locked, amazing
I'm surprised too, but the thing that is more confusing to me

is when this thread is gonna die
When Donald Trump wins the presidency in 2017.
btw this thread sucks
Topic Starter

FuZ wrote:

btw this thread sucks

Khelly wrote:

the truth is biased against conservatives.
Really in America we get the fantastic choice of a) liars and crooks and b) full on retarded chimpanzees

It's amazing how democracy was started in America and done better virtually everywhere else
Topic Starter

Philosofikal wrote:

Khelly wrote:

the truth is biased against conservatives.
Really in America we get the fantastic choice of a) liars and crooks and b) full on retarded chimpanzees

It's amazing how democracy was started in America and done better virtually everywhere else
i wanna go to canada
I wanna go to Japan, just because. Take a vacation from the strife here
then you realize japaneses hate foreigner

FuZ wrote:

then you realize japaneses hate foreigner
only the weebs though

Oh wait.

Aomi wrote:

FuZ wrote:

then you realize japaneses hate foreigner
only the weebs though

Oh wait.
I wouldn't say I'm a weeb, I genuinely love Japanese culture other than anime and manga.
I hate Japanese culture. Learn Japanese so you can learn to hate it
I am learning it and what I've learned is that I enjoy it more than i thought. There may be flaws, but it isn't too bad
Japanese is shit language.

Khelly wrote:

Japanese is shit language.
How so? What in your opinion makes it shit?
It's a backwards, unintuitive, lengthy, full of vacuous phrases and expressions language.


Example of shit phrase saying する事ができる instead of 出来る. Or replace 出来るwith any other verb in potential form.

Also in dictionaries how every definition ends with something like また、そのさま or そのようだ

I could also try to find some really shitty sentences that mean nothing but are entire lines long that the Japanese seem to be fond of.
I guess in that sense that makes sense. But English is basically a mash-up of a bunch of languages, so personally I hate my own native tongue. I live with it though. Every language has it's flaws.
And thus I hate Japanese.

Khelly wrote:

And thus I hate Japanese.
I guess, good for you?
You asked.

Khelly wrote:

You asked.
And i was giving you my response.

It seems like every post you make is an attempt to be hostile but fails. Or at least on the threads I've seen you on.
That's just, like, my personality mate.
khelly likes to be an edgy motherfucker

FuZ wrote:

khelly likes to be an edgy motherfucker
People like this are cancer to society, imo

[22/04/2016 22:55:50] Cieran Deery: i think you are too uncaring about your bros
[22/04/2016 22:56:10] #1 VS3025 fan: I think I am incapable of caring too much
[22/04/2016 22:56:57] Cieran Deery: you're a bad human being
[22/04/2016 22:57:00] #1 VS3025 fan: Yes
me too thanks

Khelly wrote:

That's just, like, my personality mate.
i like your personality

Aomi wrote:

Khelly wrote:

That's just, like, my personality mate.
i like your personality
Khelly's personality is like marmite
this thread is no longer shit
voting for dtrump
To make America great again

Kisses wrote:

Khelly's personality is like marmite
ACtually I'm a pork faggot.

Hika wrote:

voting for dtrump
To make America great again

Hika wrote:

voting for dtrump
To make America great again
america was never great. Just look at all the americans in the thread

Kisses wrote:

america was never great
be my bride

FuZ wrote:

be my bride
I dont see myself wearing a wedding dress, sorry
But I see myself in one. Fuz is my fiancee.
i will force you

FuZ wrote:

i will force you
no you wont, I lift
I'm 165 cm I'm tall enough to be a good bride
derailed threads ftw
how can you have an anime avatar and lift, this is not compatible. don't lie to me love

FuZ wrote:

how can you have an anime avatar and lift, this is not compatible. don't lie to me love
you got me bro
Topic Starter
jfc where has this thread gone

roshan117 wrote:

jfc where has this thread gone
The abyss

roshan117 wrote:

jfc where has this thread gone
you're to blame

repr1se wrote:

Data don't lie. AFAIK I summoned data rather than the opinion section.

I'm not going to argue with the rest because it's opinion.
So you're just gonna ignore everything I wrote for some reason? If you say that I'll just assume that I 'won' the debate.

Data is misleading, it's very easy to manipulate numbers to look like they suit your argument. Like I already pointed out how I just tweak a few things then suddenly the numbers show the opposite.

And you're not proving anything by giving examples from your biased left wing site. You can't arbitrarily assign different level of 'truths' to certain statements then pass if off as facts. And even if it completely accurate, it doesn't prove anything. I know Donald Trump used a lot of hyperbole and exaggerations in his speeches, he creates a persona like that to gain popularity and media attention.
i see it as a comedy tbh

B1rd wrote:

If you say that I'll just assume that I 'won' the debate.
> winning debates

The goal of a debate isn't to "win" in terms of having your opponent to not say anything, the goal of a debate is to turn neutrals to your side m8
the goal of a debate is to tell shit until your opponent give up because of ur autism
I hate politics. If it comes down between Hillary and Trump, I'd vote Trump. Not a Trump supporter though and not actually going to vote for any of these pieces of shit tbh

Mahogany wrote:

B1rd wrote:

If you say that I'll just assume that I 'won' the debate.
> winning debates

The goal of a debate isn't to "win" in terms of having your opponent to not say anything, the goal of a debate is to turn neutrals to your side m8
I know, but if he's just gonna say that he's not gonna reply to my text block that took me like an hour to formulate because of some silly reason like 'it's just your opinion'...
Oh, this is interesting

To be honest, I never really liked the american government due to its bullshit that it's spewing in the past few years. Personally, I think I can compare it to cats are often valued by humans for companionship and for their ability to hunt vermin. There are more than 70 cat breeds; different associations proclaim different numbers according to their standards.

Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with a strong, flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals. They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smell than humans. Cats, despite being solitary hunters, are a social species and cat communication includes the use of a variety of vocalizations (mewing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting), as well as cat pheromones and types of cat-specific body language.

Cats have a high breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by neutering and the abandonment of former household pets has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, requiring population control. This has contributed, along with habitat destruction and other factors, to the extinction of many bird species. Cats have been known to extirpate a bird species within specific regions and may have contributed to the extinction of isolated island populations. Cats are thought to be primarily, though not solely, responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds, and the presence of feral and free ranging cats makes some locations unsuitable for attempted species reintroduction in otherwise suitable locations.

I like cats

Aomi wrote:

I like cats
I like you

/me Aomi

get it?

Kisses wrote:

Aomi wrote:

I like cats
I like you

/me Aomi

get it?
haaha that's cute

yo man back the fuck up

i'm actually just joking :^)

Kisses wrote:

Aomi wrote:

I like cats
I like you

/me Aomi

get it?
let's kisses

AutoMedic wrote:

Oh, this is interesting

To be honest, I never really liked the american government due to its bullshit that it's spewing in the past few years. Personally, I think I can compare it to cats are often valued by humans for companionship and for their ability to hunt vermin. There are more than 70 cat breeds; different associations proclaim different numbers according to their standards.

Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with a strong, flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals. They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smell than humans. Cats, despite being solitary hunters, are a social species and cat communication includes the use of a variety of vocalizations (mewing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting), as well as cat pheromones and types of cat-specific body language.

Cats have a high breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by neutering and the abandonment of former household pets has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, requiring population control. This has contributed, along with habitat destruction and other factors, to the extinction of many bird species. Cats have been known to extirpate a bird species within specific regions and may have contributed to the extinction of isolated island populations. Cats are thought to be primarily, though not solely, responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds, and the presence of feral and free ranging cats makes some locations unsuitable for attempted species reintroduction in otherwise suitable locations.

This is why I dislike cats. It should be legal to kill freeroaming/feral cats that do not have a tag, and the owners of the tagged cats that are off of their property should be fined.
Vuelo Eluko
the question is who gives a fuck about birds
they do nothing for us
literally nothing

if you put a gun to my head and told me i had to either wring a cat or a bird by the neck i pick the bird every time
ill go through 10 birds before i touch the cat
birds are very important
Vuelo Eluko
birds make awful pets, ive had one

as someone who loves peace & quiet, the entertaining interactions you can have with a bird are not worth the random and often incessant noises that seem to be optimized by their very nature to pierce through your ears like a hot knife every time whenever you try to sleep or do something else
is hamster a good pet?
birds can do skateboard

birds can do cooking

what can your dog do other than licking his own balls
Vuelo Eluko
again it's all well and good to see birds in pictures or even see/hold someone elses, but actually owning one is a nightmare
get one, we'll see if you're still a fan when you can't sleep for more than 4 hours at a time and you get earplugs to try to get some peace at night but between the stress and desperation you become hypersensitive to the noise and even the slightest bit getting through, as it always does, will keep you awake

you just find yourself lying there, listening for it, focusing on it. unable to have lucid thoughts with this intermittent water-torture esque squeal chipping away at your sanity night after night until you 'accidentally' let your uncle's Ferret get a hold of it and pretend to be distraught around other genuinely distraught family members that somehow got used to the sound but inside you're just so happy. The twang of regret from seeing the bird dead is well overshadowed by the elation of the idea that the night terrors are over

and then there's cats, they leave the the F U C K alone.

hamsters are alright but they live such pitifully short lives compared to either cats or birds, so getting emotionally invested is hard
sorry but my arguments are better than yours
Cruz is out of the race.


B1rd wrote:

Cruz is out of the race.

RIP the United States
You can deport yourself to Canada if you'd like, you won't be missed.
You'll see more of Ted Cruz in the years to come. His days aren't over just yet. He still has one job he can do...


the meme magic is real
>mfw cuckchan actually has legitimate Cruz supporters
>mfw they actually think lyin' Ted has a better chance against Shillary than Trump

Vuelo Eluko
ted dropped out of the race though

B1rd wrote:

>mfw cuckchan actually has legitimate Cruz supporters
>mfw they actually think lyin' Ted has a better chance against Shillary than Trump



So I guess this settles who will be the Republican nominee then?
Not exactly an avid follower of murrican politics, so I was kind of wondering if, all le ebin memes aside, Trump would actually have a shot at winning a presidential election. Winning the GOP nomination is one thing, but I always thought that in the end most people would prefer to vote for that madwoman Hillary, if only for her being Democrat/a woman/not Trump, who seems to constantly get shit from most media and is loathed by even many of his fellow Republicans.
Flip side: Trump is getting shit from the media and still is going to win the GOP nomination even though the party disn't want him to

AutoMedic wrote:

B1rd wrote:

>mfw cuckchan actually has legitimate Cruz supporters
>mfw they actually think lyin' Ted has a better chance against Shillary than Trump



Topic Starter

Raesboudn wrote:

So I guess this settles who will be the Republican nominee then?
Not exactly an avid follower of murrican politics, so I was kind of wondering if, all le ebin memes aside, Trump would actually have a shot at winning a presidential election. Winning the GOP nomination is one thing, but I always thought that in the end most people would prefer to vote for that madwoman Hillary, if only for her being Democrat/a woman/not Trump, who seems to constantly get shit from most media and is loathed by even many of his fellow Republicans.
yeah trump is the nominee, because theres nobody else lol, because kasich dropped out too
All lost before our new POTUS
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