
LU-I - wistaria

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, 12 April 2019 at 12:22:39 AM

Artist: LU-I
Title: wistaria
Source: 魔法科高校の劣等生
Tags: Rising Hope Remix LiSA A-Remix Nation 11 The Irregular at Magic High School Japanese Anime
BPM: 185
Filesize: 9103kb
Play Time: 05:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Salvation (5.64 stars, 1419 notes)
Download: LU-I - wistaria
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
48th Map

Hope you enjoy

From A - Remix Nation 11

From My Queue


  1. 00:29:977 (7) - How about move to 336 348? Vocal is in 00:30:139 (1) - here so break 00:29:815 (6,7,1) - this notes flow will be fit with song
  2. 00:40:680 - How about Add circle in here? it has a sound. In my opinion, make stack with 00:39:788 (8) - here
  3. 03:06:058 (2) - I was play this part 25%, can't hear any sound in here, how about del this note and move 03:05:977 (1) - to 68 308
  4. 03:22:680 - you skipped drum sound, how about make 03:22:518 (8) - it to 1/2 slider?
  5. 03:31:437 (3) - In my ear, this slider need 2 more repeat. I think 03:31:680 - here is correct slider's end
  6. 03:57:058 (1) - How about make some pattern 03:56:896 - here to 03:58:680 - here and move this spinner to 03:58:842 - here? when I test this map, this spinner is feel all of the sudden.

Sorry, is it all. I can't fine any problem now. pretty good map.
GL :)
Topic Starter

UnLock- wrote:

From My Queue


  1. 00:29:977 (7) - How about move to 336 348? Vocal is in 00:30:139 (1) - here so break 00:29:815 (6,7,1) - this notes flow will be fit with song changed differently
  2. 00:40:680 - How about Add circle in here? it has a sound. In my opinion, make stack with 00:39:788 (8) - here I will consider, but right now, I don't think it's necessary, and it makes that section more full as it is right now, making it more hectic, which I want to avoid. But I will see what others think of that as well
  3. 03:06:058 (2) - I was play this part 25%, can't hear any sound in here, how about del this note and move 03:05:977 (1) - to 68 308 there is music there, and it's the same as the beat before it
  4. 03:22:680 - you skipped drum sound, how about make 03:22:518 (8) - it to 1/2 slider? following the vocals here
  5. 03:31:437 (3) - In my ear, this slider need 2 more repeat. I think 03:31:680 - here is correct slider's end it does go on longer, but then it makes the transition to 03:31:761 (1) - much harder, which I want to avoid
  6. 03:57:058 (1) - How about make some pattern 03:56:896 - here to 03:58:680 - here and move this spinner to 03:58:842 - here? when I test this map, this spinner is feel all of the sudden. added some notes

Sorry, is it all. I can't fine any problem now. pretty good map.
GL :)

Thanks for the mod~
From my queue
Sorry about delay, i've missed your map somehow.
Blue is an advices or smth
Pink is strongly recommended things.
This color for stuff I don't like but not sure if it should be changed.


  1. 01:20:085 (2,3,4,1) - not sure if this space is reasonable.
  2. 01:31:112 (1) - feel to CTRL+G
  3. 02:01:518 - Fill an empty place here and seal with 4,5,6,7
  4. 02:26:896 (1,2,3,4) - Uhm... Dunno, feels weird
  5. 02:37:437 - missed note
  6. 02:37:761 - same
  7. 03:17:166 (4,1,2) - I'd like to see smth more interesting there
  8. 03:32:734 (12,1) - mighty seal, not sure, it might be a missread
  9. 03:42:626 (2,3,4,1) - Uhm, strange i think, I don't hear such a things at bg actually.
  10. 03:58:356 - From this moment till the end of spinner turn everything into stream?
  11. 04:22:356 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - THE HELL
  12. 04:29:815 - Note miss?
  13. 04:49:923 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Think it must be done in other way. Otherwise it feels like miss highbeat.
  14. There is place and music to map the end after/instead of last spinner

Uhm, nice map.
Good luck
Topic Starter

Hou Rearu wrote:

From my queue
Sorry about delay, i've missed your map somehow.
Blue is an advices or smth
Pink is strongly recommended things.
This color for stuff I don't like but not sure if it should be changed.


  1. 01:20:085 (2,3,4,1) - not sure if this space is reasonable. 1/3 rhythm, so I spaced them out more to show that it is a different rhythm
  2. 01:31:112 (1) - feel to CTRL+G doing an upwards movement as she holds the vocals here
  3. 02:01:518 - Fill an empty place here and seal with 4,5,6,7 you can hear from the synth it's not continuous though
  4. 02:26:896 (1,2,3,4) - Uhm... Dunno, feels weird they drag through the 1 and 3rd beats in the phrase, but that's what the percussion is doing there
  5. 02:37:437 - missed note following the strong vocal beats which are 1/1
  6. 02:37:761 - same ^
  7. 03:17:166 (4,1,2) - I'd like to see smth more interesting there made the first slider angle downwards more to make a sharper turn
  8. 03:32:734 (12,1) - mighty seal, not sure, it might be a missread slightly closer now I guess?
  9. 03:42:626 (2,3,4,1) - Uhm, strange i think, I don't hear such a things at bg actually. I dragged the beats and they are clickable on each of the vocal syllables
  10. 03:58:356 - From this moment till the end of spinner turn everything into stream? I find that too dense, don't want such a stream right after the calm part, the spinner will do the build up instead for the kiai
  11. 04:22:356 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - THE HELL it's the synth like the previous kiai but different shape?
  12. 04:29:815 - Note miss? vocals end at 04:29:653
  13. 04:49:923 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Think it must be done in other way. Otherwise it feels like miss highbeat. but the 1/4s don't last that long, the 1/2 slider then goes with the vocals
  14. There is place and music to map the end after/instead of last spinner the spinner is to cool things off, everything after that is a repetition of what has already been done

Uhm, nice map.
Good luck
thanks for the time~
NM from queue

The song doesn't interest me too much so I'm not going to go very in depth. Sorry about that, I'll do what I can though. Just a quick note, I recommend giving this a map a self mod to check out patterns, some of them were kinda meh overall in terms of structure.

00:15:869 (1) - Sounds better if it ends in the blue tick right before where you end it now

00:25:761 (6,7,8) - the sound here is 1/6 but you map it to 1/4. I think you should just map i to 1/6, especially since the streams later on are 1/6 anyway

00:30:950 (4,5,6) - ^

00:36:139 (6,7,8) - ^ You get the idea, this is a pretty consistent thing. I understand that 1/6 rhythm is weird to play but simply mapping it to 1/4 is not the solution imo. Maybe try reverse sliders?

00:39:869 (9) - NC? I think it's nice to split the stream into two combos.

01:02:247 (6,7,8,9) - overmap, there's no sound to map a stream to here

01:05:734 (4) - overmap, there's no sound here

01:24:139 (6) - really unique sound (high pitched sound and strong), but you don't emphasize it in anyway

01:24:788 (2) - ^ same for this one

01:46:518 (1) - weird shape, make it more symmetrical?

02:13:356 (2) - spacing of this note is noticeably off

02:29:977 (3,1) - dont like the position of these, they're basically right on top of each other

02:51:058 (6,7,8) - 1/6 sound that you map to 1/4

02:56:247 (4,5,6) - ^

03:01:437 (4,5,6) - ^

03:05:166 (9) - NC?

05:05:977 (5,6,7) - - 1/6 sound you map to 1/4

05:11:166 (4,5,6) - ^

05:11:166 (4,5,6,7) - NC?

Good luck! I hope my mod was able to help.
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

NM from queue

The song doesn't interest me too much so I'm not going to go very in depth. Sorry about that, I'll do what I can though. Just a quick note, I recommend giving this a map a self mod to check out patterns, some of them were kinda meh overall in terms of structure.

00:15:869 (1) - Sounds better if it ends in the blue tick right before where you end it now I will adjust with the volume instead for this spinner

00:25:761 (6,7,8) - the sound here is 1/6 but you map it to 1/4. I think you should just map i to 1/6, especially since the streams later on are 1/6 anyway

00:30:950 (4,5,6) - ^

00:36:139 (6,7,8) - ^ You get the idea, this is a pretty consistent thing. I understand that 1/6 rhythm is weird to play but simply mapping it to 1/4 is not the solution imo. Maybe try reverse sliders? I'll just go with reverse sliders when necessary then

00:39:869 (9) - NC? I think it's nice to split the stream into two combos. I'll consider this

01:02:247 (6,7,8,9) - overmap, there's no sound to map a stream to here removed a beat at 01:02:328

01:05:734 (4) - overmap, there's no sound here k

01:24:139 (6) - really unique sound (high pitched sound and strong), but you don't emphasize it in anyway

01:24:788 (2) - ^ same for this one overall I think it's one whole pattern of sound he uses so I have them without any sudden drastic changes for specific tones

01:46:518 (1) - weird shape, make it more symmetrical?

02:13:356 (2) - spacing of this note is noticeably off I shifted the earlier note instead

02:29:977 (3,1) - dont like the position of these, they're basically right on top of each other it doesn't really make the player stationary in this section, and there is a big enough time gap between them to not be so close together

02:51:058 (6,7,8) - 1/6 sound that you map to 1/4

02:56:247 (4,5,6) - ^

03:01:437 (4,5,6) - ^

03:05:166 (9) - NC? same thing as earlier

05:05:977 (5,6,7) - - 1/6 sound you map to 1/4

05:11:166 (4,5,6) - ^

05:11:166 (4,5,6,7) - NC? I don't think that is necessary

Good luck! I hope my mod was able to help.
Hi from my queue


00:48:139 (1) - How about this?
00:50:896 (1,2,3) - ctrl+g? I don't like the sound
00:51:545 (4,5) - slider? or
I think that 00:53:491 (1) - slider 1\2 and 00:53:815 - add note. Better
01:00:464 (2) - notes?
01:02:410 (7,8) - I think that the slider will fit better
maybe 01:10:842 (4) - x:320 y:288 | 01:11:166 (5) - x:356 y:200 | 01:11:328 (6) - x:344 y:376 | 01:11:491 (7) - x:244 y:160.
01:13:437 (3) - x:336 y:52 | 01:13:761 (5) - x:472 y:192 | 01:13:923 (6) - stack with 01:14:247 (1) | 01:14:085 (7) - x:332 y:312
01:58:518 (2,3,4) - maybe As for me but the rhythm is weird
02:00:383 (5) - increase to 02:00:626 (6) i think will be better
02:01:923 - add slider to 02:02:166
02:04:274 (5) - ^^
02:05:085 (2,3) - ctrl+g
02:08:085 (4,5) - ^
02:08:896 (2,3) - ^^
02:15:869 (4,5,6,7) - looks better
02:26:247 (6) - ^
02:43:112 (9) - nc?
02:44:896 (7,1) - slider?
02:47:491 (1,2) - crtl+g
02:50:085 (1,3,4) - ^
02:52:680 (1,2) - ^^
02:57:869 (1,2) - ^^^
instead 03:00:626 (1) - to put the notes
03:06:626 (8) - nc?
03:08:734 (2,5,6) - ctrl+g
03:22:842 (1) - stack with 03:22:518 (8)
maybe 03:56:734 (2) - x:212 y:381 and 03:56:896 (3) - stack with 03:56:734 (2)
04:26:896 (9) - nc?
instead 04:30:788 (4,5) - slider
04:35:815 (3,4) - ^
04:54:626 (1,3,4) - ctrl+g
04:57:220 (1) -
05:05:004 (1) - ^
05:07:599 (1,2) -

hope i helped
good luck
Topic Starter

elZally wrote:

Hi from my queue


00:48:139 (1) - How about this? wanted to emphasize the held vocal at 00:48:139 (1)
00:50:896 (1,2,3) - ctrl+g? I don't like the sound the descending pitch starts at 00:51:220 (2) - so it begins with the use of the circles there
00:51:545 (4,5) - slider? or ^
I think that 00:53:491 (1) - slider 1\2 and 00:53:815 - add note. Better because to emphasize those longer notes more, like 00:53:491 I ave less density for these parts
01:00:464 (2) - notes? but like 01:00:788 (3) - and 00:59:977 (1) - I want to separate them to 3 distinct parts?
01:02:410 (7,8) - I think that the slider will fit better I changed the positioning instead to make it more neat and lenient in angle
maybe 01:10:842 (4) - x:320 y:288 | 01:11:166 (5) - x:356 y:200 | 01:11:328 (6) - x:344 y:376 | 01:11:491 (7) - x:244 y:160.
01:13:437 (3) - x:336 y:52 | 01:13:761 (5) - x:472 y:192 | 01:13:923 (6) - stack with 01:14:247 (1) | 01:14:085 (7) - x:332 y:312 some of them aren't really possible...but I tried to make some of the movements different
01:58:518 (2,3,4) - maybe As for me but the rhythm is weird the doubles is quite unique in the song
02:00:383 (5) - increase to 02:00:626 (6) i think will be better I think the spacing shouldn't be bigger for this section
02:01:923 - add slider to 02:02:166 would lose that intentional gap of the music breakdown over there though, I would still have to consider this one in the long run
02:04:274 (5) - ^^ same as above
02:05:085 (2,3) - ctrl+g there is no beat at 02:05:166 though
02:08:085 (4,5) - ^ would skip the beat at 02:08:166
02:08:896 (2,3) - ^^ ^
02:15:869 (4,5,6,7) - looks better
02:26:247 (6) - ^ 02:26:247 (6) - the repeat slider halts slightly the movement, and unlike why the 2nd kiai has the rhythm, this one is to let players hear that there is the double pattern so they are ready for the next one
02:43:112 (9) - nc? changed 02:40:518 (1) - instead to follow the 2nd kiai
02:44:896 (7,1) - slider? with a repeat slider here you have to move more though, not what I want to show in the stack
02:47:491 (1,2) - crtl+g the held beat is at 02:47:491 though
02:50:085 (1,3,4) - ^ ^
02:52:680 (1,2) - ^^ ^
02:57:869 (1,2) - ^^^ ^
instead 03:00:626 (1) - to put the notes
03:06:626 (8) - nc? not necessary
03:08:734 (2,5,6) - ctrl+g
03:22:842 (1) - stack with 03:22:518 (8)
maybe 03:56:734 (2) - x:212 y:381 and 03:56:896 (3) - stack with 03:56:734 (2) both options are possible, but keeping them unstack also leaves an impression of that part
04:26:896 (9) - nc?
instead 04:30:788 (4,5) - slider
04:35:815 (3,4) - ^
04:54:626 (1,3,4) - ctrl+g
04:57:220 (1) - held note
05:05:004 (1) - ^ ^
05:07:599 (1,2) - ^

hope i helped
good luck
Thanks for looking at the map, there are some I will keep in mind after further consultation with others
00:39:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - This stream shape is really meh. Quite like randomly placed...

00:48:139 (1,2,3) - Pretty imbalanced visual spacing.

01:00:464 (2,3) - Visual spacing too closed too, compared to 01:01:112 (4,1,2,3) - which are really huge.

01:07:437 (7) - Should be NC'ed

01:33:139 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Plays pretty abrupt and weird because you only followed the 1/4s here. In all other sections you are following the vocal.

01:43:518 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Same here.

01:48:626 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^

02:24:301 (1,2) - Either make it curve more or flat. Such slight curve looks really annoying.

03:11:004 (1,2,3) - Again, visual spacing between 1 and 2 is imbalancedly smaller than that between 2 and 3.

Maybe map the outro out. Spinner really does not fit in with that.
Topic Starter

Regraz wrote:

00:39:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - This stream shape is really meh. Quite like randomly placed... I made the spacing change more drastic for the later half, also more circular

00:48:139 (1,2,3) - Pretty imbalanced visual spacing. changed slider shape

01:00:464 (2,3) - Visual spacing too closed too, compared to 01:01:112 (4,1,2,3) - which are really huge. I shifted slider 2 to the right

01:07:437 (7) - Should be NC'ed well sure

01:33:139 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Plays pretty abrupt and weird because you only followed the 1/4s here. In all other sections you are following the vocal. reduced the 1/4s

01:43:518 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Same here. ok

01:48:626 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^ I think this is fine as it is, it leads in to the next section already which begins the build up

02:24:301 (1,2) - Either make it curve more or flat. Such slight curve looks really annoying. it's more curved

03:11:004 (1,2,3) - Again, visual spacing between 1 and 2 is imbalancedly smaller than that between 2 and 3. I swapped places

Maybe map the outro out. Spinner really does not fit in with that. I tried to map that out
Hello :D


  1. Some heels are uncomfortable and bothered me a bit like 00:32:896 (2,3,4,5) -, 04:12:950(5,6,1) - 00:42:139 (2,3,4) - has more but is similar to these. I think they can be improved but it is an opinion

  1. 00:22:031 - It should be something clickable because it's a strong sound the end of the slider end did not represent well and has many similar problems 00:24:301 (4) - 00:26:896 (4) - for example
  2. 00:30:464 (2) - You could increase the distance to give a slightly greater emphasis to the vocal, it would be interesting
  3. 01:03:869 (1,2) - Would be much better a slider for this voice, 01:04:031 (2) - this circle is irrelevant compared to 01:04:356 (4) -
  4. 01:15:869 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this jump gets ugly, you could do something like
  5. 02:01:923 - I think should have a note
  6. 02:07:112 (1,2,3,4) - I do not think it's just 1/4, 1/8 would look better
  7. 02:17:004 - up until 02:17:410 - ^, 02:28:031 (7,8) - ^, 04:11:653 (5,6,7,8) - ^ 04:40:356 (3,4) - ^
  8. 03:27:220 (4,5,6,7) - the format of the stream should be different from 03:28:842(5,6,7,8)- since it represents the different beat
10/10 music

i think Ar 9.2 or higher would fit better for that kind of patterns and jumps

01:33:707 (1) - you should add circle on white tick this slider end there is vocal
01:47:004 (2,3) - i think it would have flow better if these were symmetrical
02:27:139 (2,3) - why is distance and angle changing i think it should be the same as 02:26:896 (1,2) like that
03:33:383 (2,3) - I think you changed distance a bit too much here
04:08:085 (1) - place this one a little bit more lower
04:56:734 (4) - this seems to be too sharp curve
05:28:680 (2) - shouldn't this be the same as 05:26:085 (1)

GL song is nice
m4m from your queue


  1. 00:22:680 (3,4,5) - the wide angle here makes the emphasis on 00:23:004 (5) - fall kinda flat imo. I think a sharper angle could work better here.
  2. 00:51:869 (6) - I think a lower SV on this slider would help a lot with representing the sudden absence of instrumentals here. Would also lend a bit more emphasis on the next note.
  3. 01:01:599 (3,4) - the transition here is kinda sloppy tbh. I think more could be done here to represent the 1/1 gap, like stacking the two objects so the lack of movement indicates 1/1 as an example.
  4. 01:27:383 - should be clickable tbh, since it has the intensity of all the other circles.
  5. 01:31:112 (1) - would look a bit nicer if it was angled a bit more away from 01:30:626 (4) - .
  6. 01:44:734 (3,4,5) - in a section that has a lot of things going on, you should probably map more than just the vocals here. You even mapped a triple here 01:43:923 (5,6,1) - so that suggests you also thought of this. There are also some "rolling" sounds here so maybe map a short reverse slider on 01:44:734 (3) - as a small suggestion?
  7. 02:01:842 (7) - I think a low SV slider works really well here to empasize the "scratchy" sound + the silence.
  8. 02:12:626 (1) - has little emphasis since its in the middle of a linear stream. I recommend changing the angle again like you did for 02:12:301 (8) - .
  9. 02:19:112 (1) - I think the reverse is pretty out of place here. 02:19:437 - deserves to be clickable like you did here 01:30:139 (2) - .
  10. 04:02:896 (1) - ^same
  11. 02:44:247 (6,7,1) - kinda hard to tell the rhythm here even with the NC usage. Maybe bring 02:45:058 (1,2,3) - a bit closer.
  12. 02:56:410 - Could also be clickable imo.
  13. 03:03:220 (1,2) - Kills the buildup by reducing the density. Better to remain as circles imo.
  14. 05:22:031 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - seems a bit too intense for a section thats calmer than most of the song. Maybe map some sliders instead?
  15. 05:24:626 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
my map:

Good Luck o/
Heyo! M4M from your queue! Sorry I'm modding the other map to which I said I would - I didn't realise how chaotic the other song was >.>


00:21:545 (3,4) - Could be blanketed.
00:23:004 (5,6) - Since the sound in the song is so similar, these two sliders should be similar slider shapes too.
00:25:112 (2,3,4,5) - Could add some nice looking symmetry here -
00:54:788 (1,2) - Pretty easy blanket could be made here.
01:03:869 (1,2,3,4,5) - Pentagon isn't perfect - copy paste first 2 notes, rotate by 72 degrees, place notes according to next notes position, yadda yadda until you finish the pentagon.
01:13:274 (2,3,4,5) - Move 5 up to form trapezium with 2,3,4 for better aesthetic.

Not much to change, overall a solid map!

GL, HF! <3

(if you need the link to my mapset again, it can be found here! -
Topic Starter

Alexsander wrote:

Hello :D


  1. Some heels are uncomfortable and bothered me a bit like 00:32:896 (2,3,4,5) -, 04:12:950(5,6,1) - 00:42:139 (2,3,4) - has more but is similar to these. I think they can be improved but it is an opinion I'll take a look through the map again to see if I want to change patterns for smoothness

  1. 00:22:031 - It should be something clickable because it's a strong sound the end of the slider end did not represent well and has many similar problems 00:24:301 (4) - 00:26:896 (4) - for example I'm giving more emphasis on the note coming after it, want to give it the most impact
  2. 00:30:464 (2) - You could increase the distance to give a slightly greater emphasis to the vocal, it would be interesting wanted to focus on the repetition of the section
  3. 01:03:869 (1,2) - Would be much better a slider for this voice, 01:04:031 (2) - this circle is irrelevant compared to 01:04:356 (4) - I changed the 3 circles to a slider
  4. 01:15:869 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this jump gets ugly, you could do something like changed the jump, but used a different shape
  5. 02:01:923 - I think should have a note song cuts there
  6. 02:07:112 (1,2,3,4) - I do not think it's just 1/4, 1/8 would look better
  7. 02:17:004 - up until 02:17:410 - ^, 02:28:031 (7,8) - ^, 04:11:653 (5,6,7,8) - ^ 04:40:356 (3,4) - ^ 1/8 is really a mess, don't think the song really is that intense until it's 1/8
  8. 03:27:220 (4,5,6,7) - the format of the stream should be different from 03:28:842(5,6,7,8)- since it represents the different beat spaced a little more
10/10 music

PeterEU wrote:


i think Ar 9.2 or higher would fit better for that kind of patterns and jumps made 9.3

01:33:707 (1) - you should add circle on white tick this slider end there is vocal ok
01:47:004 (2,3) - i think it would have flow better if these were symmetrical copied slider 2
02:27:139 (2,3) - why is distance and angle changing i think it should be the same as 02:26:896 (1,2) like that made distance more equal but angle change no difference, like how the next chorus is like as well
03:33:383 (2,3) - I think you changed distance a bit too much here shifted slightly closer
04:08:085 (1) - place this one a little bit more lower ok
04:56:734 (4) - this seems to be too sharp curve changed the node
05:28:680 (2) - shouldn't this be the same as 05:26:085 (1) want to intensify the ending with the percussion

GL song is nice

Kaitjuh wrote:

m4m from your queue


  1. 00:22:680 (3,4,5) - the wide angle here makes the emphasis on 00:23:004 (5) - fall kinda flat imo. I think a sharper angle could work better here. should be worked on to make the movement in the map less whacky
  2. 00:51:869 (6) - I think a lower SV on this slider would help a lot with representing the sudden absence of instrumentals here. Would also lend a bit more emphasis on the next note. ok
  3. 01:01:599 (3,4) - the transition here is kinda sloppy tbh. I think more could be done here to represent the 1/1 gap, like stacking the two objects so the lack of movement indicates 1/1 as an example. I stacked 01:01:599 (3,4) - to make the change
  4. 01:27:383 - should be clickable tbh, since it has the intensity of all the other circles. added a circle
  5. 01:31:112 (1) - would look a bit nicer if it was angled a bit more away from 01:30:626 (4) - . ok
  6. 01:44:734 (3,4,5) - in a section that has a lot of things going on, you should probably map more than just the vocals here. You even mapped a triple here 01:43:923 (5,6,1) - so that suggests you also thought of this. There are also some "rolling" sounds here so maybe map a short reverse slider on 01:44:734 (3) - as a small suggestion? I do want to stop with the vocals here with the pause though
  7. 02:01:842 (7) - I think a low SV slider works really well here to empasize the "scratchy" sound + the silence. tried something here
  8. 02:12:626 (1) - has little emphasis since its in the middle of a linear stream. I recommend changing the angle again like you did for 02:12:301 (8) - .
  9. 02:19:112 (1) - I think the reverse is pretty out of place here. 02:19:437 - deserves to be clickable like you did here 01:30:139 (2) - .
  10. 04:02:896 (1) - ^same changed some of the above
  11. 02:44:247 (6,7,1) - kinda hard to tell the rhythm here even with the NC usage. Maybe bring 02:45:058 (1,2,3) - a bit closer. made spacing 1.35x
  12. 02:56:410 - Could also be clickable imo. to go with the movement making this clickable would affect it negatively
  13. 03:03:220 (1,2) - Kills the buildup by reducing the density. Better to remain as circles imo. ok
  14. 05:22:031 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - seems a bit too intense for a section thats calmer than most of the song. Maybe map some sliders instead?
  15. 05:24:626 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^ reduced from 1.6x to 1.5 for the first one
my map:

Good Luck o/

SuperCSGO wrote:

Heyo! M4M from your queue! Sorry I'm modding the other map to which I said I would - I didn't realise how chaotic the other song was >.>


00:21:545 (3,4) - Could be blanketed.
00:23:004 (5,6) - Since the sound in the song is so similar, these two sliders should be similar slider shapes too. should be overhauling this section
00:25:112 (2,3,4,5) - Could add some nice looking symmetry here - shifted 00:25:599 (5) -
00:54:788 (1,2) - Pretty easy blanket could be made here. shifted 00:25:599 (5) - higher
01:03:869 (1,2,3,4,5) - Pentagon isn't perfect - copy paste first 2 notes, rotate by 72 degrees, place notes according to next notes position, yadda yadda until you finish the pentagon. pattern changed from another suggestion
01:13:274 (2,3,4,5) - Move 5 up to form trapezium with 2,3,4 for better aesthetic. making the spacing uneven

Not much to change, overall a solid map!

GL, HF! <3

Thanks for all the mods!
(if you need the link to my mapset again, it can be found here! -
meow m4m thing

00:23:328 (6) - the jump to this slider seems kinda lacking in comparison to the jumps before 00:22:842 (4,5) - and the angle feels like super sharp so maybe make it a little bit more wide and further
00:31:437 (1) - maybe adjust this slider so 00:31:112 (5) - leads more directly into it maybe something like just so the jump is more smooth
00:40:518 (9) - you could like make this a 1/2 slider to reflect the sound better and give a move smooth transition into 00:40:842 (10,11,12,13,1) -
00:43:599 (2,3,4) - maybe adjust rhythm here so the slider heads are on the white ticks so they reflect the instruments instead of the vocals because thats what you were following earlier
00:46:356 - i would adjust rhythm here so this beat is clickable
01:01:923 (4) - having this underneath the head of 01:01:599 (3) - makes this area seem pretty cluttered with notes and it feels kinda awkward in play
01:01:923 (4,5) - i would definitely make these two sliders 1/4 kicks its more easily readable and i think follows the song better
01:02:247 (6) - i would make this a 1/2 slider to reflect the should sound and also delete 01:02:410 (7) - this also give a pretty easy transition into the new section
01:23:328 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe tone down the spacing since here it seems kinda overkill for such a calm section
01:25:923 (1,2) - maybe ctrl g this to give emphasis to the down beat and have the vocal be clickable
01:27:383 (2,3,4,5) - spacing here seems pretty big in comparison to other parts of the song
01:59:896 (2,3) - maybe try a rhythm like to reflect the song a bit better
02:45:058 (1,2,3) - stacking these makes it feel kinda weird and could be misread as a triple
02:47:815 (2,3,4) - this feels like a kinda random wide angle since youve been mostly using sharp angles in places like 02:50:410 (2,3,4,5) -
03:01:923 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - in this jump section i feel you could follow the song a little better like 03:03:058 (8) - could be a slider to reflect he different sound and patterns like 03:02:896 (7,8,1) - doesn't really reflect song intensity and switching to a wide angle with 03:03:545 (3,4,5) - seems kinda random since nothing really changes in the song xd maybe adjust these jumps so its also less cluttered
03:06:220 (4) - i dont really hear a beat here
03:22:518 (8,1) - maybe adjust the visual spacing of these to make it more obvious its a 1/1 gap between the two circles
04:20:410 (3,4,5,6) - i think this would be better as just a stream having a bunch of kicksliders feel kinda weird in play imo
04:26:896 (1) - i dont think the held whistle sound on this slider was intentional
04:45:707 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the jumps here seem kinda random and they dont reflect intensity of the song as they're all the same size just about
04:54:139 (4,1) - ctrl g sounds better imo
05:16:193 (2,3,4,5) - for such a calm section these jumps seem kinda big they are bigger than some of the kiai jumps so maybe nerf them a little

the end of the map seems pretty overkill for such a calm section which to me basically is the biggest issue with the whole map. To me it doesn't really follow the song all that well and some parts seem really overdone such as sections like 03:01:923 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
Topic Starter

Nevo wrote:

meow m4m thing

00:23:328 (6) - the jump to this slider seems kinda lacking in comparison to the jumps before 00:22:842 (4,5) - and the angle feels like super sharp so maybe make it a little bit more wide and further I want to make 00:23:004 (5,6) - a combination together hence they are closer together, but to address some of the angle I rotated them, I also adjusted the spacing for 00:23:004 (5,6,5,6) - to make it similar to the previous similar tune
00:31:437 (1) - maybe adjust this slider so 00:31:112 (5) - leads more directly into it maybe something like just so the jump is more smooth puush failed but I guess I could rework the pattern, so faced the slider the other way and changed the follow objects
00:40:518 (9) - you could like make this a 1/2 slider to reflect the sound better and give a move smooth transition into 00:40:842 (10,11,12,13,1) - sure, 00:40:680 was just to lead in anyway
00:43:599 (2,3,4) - maybe adjust rhythm here so the slider heads are on the white ticks so they reflect the instruments instead of the vocals because thats what you were following earlier the earlier part was also to the vocals though, that was what I was trying to focus on
00:46:356 - i would adjust rhythm here so this beat is clickable I prefer the slider held with the vocal, the underlying percussion doesn't stand out that much
01:01:923 (4) - having this underneath the head of 01:01:599 (3) - makes this area seem pretty cluttered with notes and it feels kinda awkward in play shifting it away doesn't really make sense though, this is also the only stack in this section
01:01:923 (4,5) - i would definitely make these two sliders 1/4 kicks its more easily readable and i think follows the song better i don't mind doing so
01:02:247 (6) - i would make this a 1/2 slider to reflect the should sound and also delete 01:02:410 (7) - this also give a pretty easy transition into the new section I'd rather keep the triplet as a clickable, dragging 6 through just complicates it, doesn't sound like something drags on there either
01:23:328 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe tone down the spacing since here it seems kinda overkill for such a calm section it is using the toned down spacing of the map, because I do agree this part is less intense than other parts
01:25:923 (1,2) - maybe ctrl g this to give emphasis to the down beat and have the vocal be clickable it makes it a little odd because of the note leading up to each strong emphasis 01:26:410 (3,5) -
01:27:383 (2,3,4,5) - spacing here seems pretty big in comparison to other parts of the song shifted 01:27:545 (3,4) - closer
01:59:896 (2,3) - maybe try a rhythm like to reflect the song a bit better I tried to map down to the obvious synth, so this was as basic as I could do to map the rhythm
02:45:058 (1,2,3) - stacking these makes it feel kinda weird and could be misread as a triple I really don't want to give these beats that much of a spacing from each other, because it just doesn't seem right for the repeat 3 beats, I made it close overlaps and hopefully that doesn't make a reverse effect
02:47:815 (2,3,4) - this feels like a kinda random wide angle since youve been mostly using sharp angles in places like 02:50:410 (2,3,4,5) - I reduced the angle
03:01:923 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - in this jump section i feel you could follow the song a little better like 03:03:058 (8) - could be a slider to reflect he different sound and patterns like 03:02:896 (7,8,1) - doesn't really reflect song intensity and switching to a wide angle with 03:03:545 (3,4,5) - seems kinda random since nothing really changes in the song xd maybe adjust these jumps so its also less cluttered the synth rhythm would kill the anticipation here, the slider would break the mood so I went for all the circle 1/2 beats, but I tried to rework each 4 1/2 beat pattern to make phrasing much clearer
03:06:220 (4) - i dont really hear a beat here it's the same ones at 03:05:977 (1,2,3) -
03:22:518 (8,1) - maybe adjust the visual spacing of these to make it more obvious its a 1/1 gap between the two circles made the circle be under 03:23:004 (2) - in the y-axis I guess
04:20:410 (3,4,5,6) - i think this would be better as just a stream having a bunch of kicksliders feel kinda weird in play imo stream would not make the same feeling of seperating each tone at every 1/2 beat the same way
04:26:896 (1) - i dont think the held whistle sound on this slider was intentional can't really hear what difference it made but I just removed it from the body either way
04:45:707 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the jumps here seem kinda random and they dont reflect intensity of the song as they're all the same size just about the constant movement in a single direction is part of the build ups for the subsequent stream once the 1/2 beat rhythm was over, the only jump is at 04:46:842 (8,1) - for the entry of the new 4/1 bar, 1.5x below are the normal fixed spacing used..
04:54:139 (4,1) - ctrl g sounds better imo emphasizing the sound at 04:54:626 though
05:16:193 (2,3,4,5) - for such a calm section these jumps seem kinda big they are bigger than some of the kiai jumps so maybe nerf them a little moved them closer together, I tried making them bigger than normal because of it being the highest pitch reached for the piano

the end of the map seems pretty overkill for such a calm section which to me basically is the biggest issue with the whole map. To me it doesn't really follow the song all that well and some parts seem really overdone such as sections like 03:01:923 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I adjusted some spacing, I don't know why my fixed constant spacing of around 1.3-1.5x seems to be considered too harsh so often lol, but will see for more awkward angles
Thanks for the mod~
m4m thing sorry for (kinda) late
  1. 00:25:599 (5,6) - This is kind of a big jump, probably unintentional :0 (if this was meant though then i think 00:30:788 (3,4) - this should have a bit more space or something alike to what's there already)
  2. 00:39:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - By me, i would've broken the stream ever so slightly 00:39:545 (5) - here to accompany that hitsound electric snare thing like so
  3. 00:43:112 (1,2) - I'm not the biggest fan of this jagged flow here :s
  4. 00:44:896 (2,3) - I think this could be broken up into two 1/2 sliders, or at least a ctrl+g (rhythm-wise) to complement your vocal mapping a bit better since this instance feels a bit odd
  5. 00:54:788 (1) - Don't know if intentional; missing hitsound?
  6. 01:02:410 (7,8) - Imo not strong enough for two circles,, could be changed for 1/4..
  7. 01:18:626 (2,3) - I feel like this part doesn't have the impact it should when it's spaced like the previous other parts
  8. 01:20:518 (3,4) - I didn't even predict these as 1/3 even when first playing D': suggestion would be slider or nc but that's just rlly personal
  9. 02:16:518 (1,2) - These two kicksliders could really benefit from a volume control change
  10. 02:17:815 (1,4) - 02:18:464 (4,1) - Tiny aesthetic complaint that it would look a bit nicer if they weren't touching uwu
  11. 02:26:896 (1,2,3,4) - Imo this pattern doesn't really work well here; just looks a bit aesthetically inconsistent when you consider the order that they have to be hit and stuff
  12. 02:44:896 (7) - A bit misleading perhaps? :'o
  13. 03:01:923 (1) - This section onward is so loud holy moly maybe turn down the volume a bit
  14. 03:14:896 (1,2,3,4,1) - This is cool :0
  15. 03:17:166 (4,2) - Maybe these could be stacked (03:17:815 (2,4) - or this)? super minor suggestion (as well as maybe 03:17:328 (1,3) - these could be separated)
  16. 05:27:220 (1,2) - Kills intensity, imo
map is really good already, my suggestions probably aren't that great >_<
gl approval soon!
Topic Starter

Renumi wrote:

m4m thing sorry for (kinda) late
  1. 00:25:599 (5,6) - This is kind of a big jump, probably unintentional :0 (if this was meant though then i think 00:30:788 (3,4) - this should have a bit more space or something alike to what's there already) made the spacings more comparable
  2. 00:39:220 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - By me, i would've broken the stream ever so slightly 00:39:545 (5) - here to accompany that hitsound electric snare thing like so would want the movement to start only after the next set of 4 notes come
  3. 00:43:112 (1,2) - I'm not the biggest fan of this jagged flow here :s with the previous slider heading upwards at the end moving to the next one is more opposite of each other already
  4. 00:44:896 (2,3) - I think this could be broken up into two 1/2 sliders, or at least a ctrl+g (rhythm-wise) to complement your vocal mapping a bit better since this instance feels a bit odd would not be able to start the slider 00:45:545 (1) - if I did so
  5. 00:54:788 (1) - Don't know if intentional; missing hitsound? added
  6. 01:02:410 (7,8) - Imo not strong enough for two circles,, could be changed for 1/4.. the mash of drums there is strong enough for some beats here
  7. 01:18:626 (2,3) - I feel like this part doesn't have the impact it should when it's spaced like the previous other parts shifted 01:18:626 (2,4) - closer to their respective earlier sliders
  8. 01:20:518 (3,4) - I didn't even predict these as 1/3 even when first playing D': suggestion would be slider or nc but that's just rlly personal really don't know if some NCs here would work, but will note that
  9. 02:16:518 (1,2) - These two kicksliders could really benefit from a volume control change trried adding some changes in audio in that section
  10. 02:17:815 (1,4) - 02:18:464 (4,1) - Tiny aesthetic complaint that it would look a bit nicer if they weren't touching uwu did some adjustments
  11. 02:26:896 (1,2,3,4) - Imo this pattern doesn't really work well here; just looks a bit aesthetically inconsistent when you consider the order that they have to be hit and stuff they move into each other, and they move around in the circular motion
  12. 02:44:896 (7) - A bit misleading perhaps? :'o stacked it then
  13. 03:01:923 (1) - This section onward is so loud holy moly maybe turn down the volume a bit added more volume changes
  14. 03:14:896 (1,2,3,4,1) - This is cool :0
  15. 03:17:166 (4,2) - Maybe these could be stacked (03:17:815 (2,4) - or this)? super minor suggestion (as well as maybe 03:17:328 (1,3) - these could be separated) ok for the first one but not really possible to achieve the latter one for the spacing I wanted to have
  16. 05:27:220 (1,2) - Kills intensity, imo as long as the strength starts there, it does not have to begin before it
map is really good already, my suggestions probably aren't that great >_<
gl approval soon!
hellow =w=

01:05:166 (1) - ctrl+G is more nice imo
01:44:734 (3,4) - it have some confusing cause it have similar DS with other 1/2 jumps imo give more DS like 02:37:274 (1,2) - this?
02:01:842 (7) - NC here?
02:38:247 (7) - u can use some SV in there for instrument's sound imo
02:45:058 (1,2,3) - i know why u put anti-jump in there but it can't emphasis music well imo u can use other rhythm like 04:28:031 (2,3,4,1) - this
02:46:193 (5) - stack in 02:46:356 (1) - this slider's head it's nice than now imo
03:24:464 (2,3,4,5,1) - it's not good flow jump imo
03:42:626 (2,3) - use both sliders and overlap like now?
04:50:572 (7) - use 3/4 slider?

sry for my short mod
Topic Starter

Moa wrote:

hellow =w=

01:05:166 (1) - ctrl+G is more nice imo I think it would contrast too much from the rest of the map
01:44:734 (3,4) - it have some confusing cause it have similar DS with other 1/2 jumps imo give more DS like 02:37:274 (1,2) - this? it's even bigger than that one, and is also bigger spacing compared to the nearby 1/2s so I think it can be seen enough
02:01:842 (7) - NC here? ok
02:38:247 (7) - u can use some SV in there for instrument's sound imo will make use of the red node rather than SV change here
02:45:058 (1,2,3) - i know why u put anti-jump in there but it can't emphasis music well imo u can use other rhythm like 04:28:031 (2,3,4,1) - this their rhythm is different though, the stack comes later for the former one which is absent from the latter
02:46:193 (5) - stack in 02:46:356 (1) - this slider's head it's nice than now imo ok
03:24:464 (2,3,4,5,1) - it's not good flow jump imo change the placements
03:42:626 (2,3) - use both sliders and overlap like now? I think the current overlap isn't too much nor too little which would make things too close
04:50:572 (7) - use 3/4 slider? don't think it warrants an extension from the song

sry for my short mod
  1. 01:19:112 (4) - I think it would be worthwhile making this beat clickable since all the other big drum beats near here are
  2. 02:01:842 (1) - I think you can reflect this pause in the song better, for example a slow SV, 3/4 slider, stacking on top of 02:02:247 (1) - etc, you could even try a combination
  3. 03:22:680 - There is such a big beat here, why did you skip it?
  4. 05:10:356 (1,2,3) - Using a lower spacing would be nice here to better reflect the lowered intensity in the song
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

  1. 01:19:112 (4) - I think it would be worthwhile making this beat clickable since all the other big drum beats near here are I think it's more of just an addition in the song, given how the vocals are in this part as well, the 3 main drum beats are at 01:18:139 (1,1,1) - in regards to why there are larger gaps at 01:20:734 (1,2,3,4) - it's to slow down the song a bit
  2. 02:01:842 (1) - I think you can reflect this pause in the song better, for example a slow SV, 3/4 slider, stacking on top of 02:02:247 (1) - etc, you could even try a combination slowed down the slider even more
  3. 03:22:680 - There is such a big beat here, why did you skip it? this verse and section is havily focused on vocals, so it emphasizes the ending of vocals at 03:22:518
  4. 05:10:356 (1,2,3) - Using a lower spacing would be nice here to better reflect the lowered intensity in the song reduced spacing

Added more tags as well
Topic Starter
anything else to add here?
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

anything else to add here?
Isn't this the same as ? Why title difference?
Topic Starter
He took the Soundcloud info, I took the info from the album.
Nao Tomori
00:32:085 (4,1) - and so on, could you make these symmetrical things symmetrical so that it looks nicer

00:40:518 (1) - doesnt really match the curve of the stream so it looks weird, open it up a bit

00:46:193 (3,4) - the visual spacing here is tiny, it is kind of out of place

00:50:572 (6,1,2) - the song has pretty clear syncopated emphasis here, since you map vocal oriented rhythm in other places this should be adjusted

01:01:923 (4) - nc cuz new sound comes in?

01:18:139 (1) - think you could represent this section better just by following the held out synth rather than trying to do vocals as well, that way you highlight what makes it unique better.

01:25:923 (1,2) - ctrl g for vocal?

01:28:518 - i dont see why you use such high spacing for the really calm part, i think drastically lower sv and spacing would be better so that it feels really different from the surrounding parts...

03:17:328 (1) - this is pretty awkward, a triple into 03:17:491 - would work way better imo

03:22:680 - this 1/1 gap is weird... how about a slider instead lol

03:35:328 (7,8,1,2,3) - i dont think this pattern fits because the song repeats the same phrase at 03:35:328 - and 03:35:977 - but you pattern puts 03:35:653 (1,2,3) - as equal and separate from 03:35:328 (7,8) - even though 03:35:328 (7,8,1) - is the musical phrase

04:46:680 (7,8,1) - this random line jump between patterns plays really weirdly cuz you have a really strong back and forth movement set up and there isnt anything in the song actually dividing the two patterns


ur bg is kinda low rez, can you try and get a better one lol
Topic Starter

Nao Tomori wrote:

00:32:085 (4,1) - and so on, could you make these symmetrical things symmetrical so that it looks nicer I wanted to make them differ more, because the subsequent slider is on a stronger point in the music, so it moves in a different direction as to where it came from, thus making it symmetrical might affect that

00:40:518 (1) - doesnt really match the curve of the stream so it looks weird, open it up a bit adjusted it

00:46:193 (3,4) - the visual spacing here is tiny, it is kind of out of place but in terms of sliderhead they are quite far apart, with the previous slider moving away, it doesn't really seem so tiny visually? But I'll see if anyone points it out

00:50:572 (6,1,2) - the song has pretty clear syncopated emphasis here, since you map vocal oriented rhythm in other places this should be adjusted swapped the objects around

01:01:923 (4) - nc cuz new sound comes in? ok

01:18:139 (1) - think you could represent this section better just by following the held out synth rather than trying to do vocals as well, that way you highlight what makes it unique better. kinda feels too off from what I did though

01:25:923 (1,2) - ctrl g for vocal? changed 01:26:247 (2) - position instead

01:28:518 - i dont see why you use such high spacing for the really calm part, i think drastically lower sv and spacing would be better so that it feels really different from the surrounding parts... with the background music still being as intense as the previous section, I just intended to lower density, but keep the same speed

03:17:328 (1) - this is pretty awkward, a triple into 03:17:491 - would work way better imo keeping more faithful to the long sliders in this section

03:22:680 - this 1/1 gap is weird... how about a slider instead lol I stacked instead

03:35:328 (7,8,1,2,3) - i dont think this pattern fits because the song repeats the same phrase at 03:35:328 - and 03:35:977 - but you pattern puts 03:35:653 (1,2,3) - as equal and separate from 03:35:328 (7,8) - even though 03:35:328 (7,8,1) - is the musical phrase changed pattern

04:46:680 (7,8,1) - this random line jump between patterns plays really weirdly cuz you have a really strong back and forth movement set up and there isnt anything in the song actually dividing the two patterns it's 2 phrases of 2 bars of the build up, which makes up for the 2 patterns being similar but separate


ur bg is kinda low rez, can you try and get a better one lol I see what I can find
hp 7 seems like a really hard, especialy with the overly complex rhythm. maybe 6

"japanese anime" to tags

00:15:869 - just a suggestion but would be cool if you separate spinner after spinner like some map

00:40:842 (2,3,4,5) - claps here and then 00:41:166 (1,2,3,4) - plus claps on each head sounds nice

01:09:301 - maybe add a slider here for the vocal emphasis just like what you did on 01:09:707 (3) - (are you sure that its 1/6 coz i think the vocal is 1/4 no?)

01:55:761 - 01:56:734 - hs here and then maybe a finish on 01:57:058 (1) -

02:08:410 - seems like this clap is inconsistent with the rest

00:25:761 (6,7) - distance is a bit over the top since everything else doesnt and it creates unpleasant feeling while playing, nerf abit

01:12:950 - i abit dislike this part since its filled with high density jumps when the song is already calmed down comparing to others, see if you can maybe nerf stuff with sliders and not spamming circles

01:25:112 (4,5,6) - the angle of the jumps here seems to be transferred unwell, instead of 90 degrees angle can you maybe turn a bit sharp so that it would be more pleasant

02:47:815 (2,3,4) - nerf this jump because song's tensity is decreasing, also being consistent with any other jumps in this part. same here 02:54:950 (4,5,6) - the problem is that 02:56:734 - this spart that shouldve been give more emphasis because of that clap sound so the logic of jumps is conflicted

04:57:220 (1,2) - because of slider leniency the distance here is underwhelming, maybe more space 04:57:545 (2) -
Topic Starter

Uta wrote:

hp 7 seems like a really hard, especialy with the overly complex rhythm. maybe 6 dropped to 6.1

"japanese anime" to tags done

00:15:869 - just a suggestion but would be cool if you separate spinner after spinner like some map I think a spinner all through it makes it the most complete atm

00:40:842 (2,3,4,5) - claps here and then 00:41:166 (1,2,3,4) - plus claps on each head sounds nice sure

01:09:301 - maybe add a slider here for the vocal emphasis just like what you did on 01:09:707 (3) - (are you sure that its 1/6 coz i think the vocal is 1/4 no?) I repeated the slider to 01:09:383 - seems like the other slider was supposed to be 3/4 yeah

01:55:761 - 01:56:734 - hs here and then maybe a finish on 01:57:058 (1) - added whistle, normal clap and finish respectively

02:08:410 - seems like this clap is inconsistent with the rest it's just the the rest without it don't coincide on the white line

00:25:761 (6,7) - distance is a bit over the top since everything else doesnt and it creates unpleasant feeling while playing, nerf abit nerfed I guess

01:12:950 - i abit dislike this part since its filled with high density jumps when the song is already calmed down comparing to others, see if you can maybe nerf stuff with sliders and not spamming circles I changed the pattern and reduced spacing, I think the circle-slider composition is fine as is

01:25:112 (4,5,6) - the angle of the jumps here seems to be transferred unwell, instead of 90 degrees angle can you maybe turn a bit sharp so that it would be more pleasant changed the direction of 01:25:274 (5,6,7,8) -

02:47:815 (2,3,4) - nerf this jump because song's tensity is decreasing, also being consistent with any other jumps in this part. same here 02:54:950 (4,5,6) - the problem is that 02:56:734 - this spart that shouldve been give more emphasis because of that clap sound so the logic of jumps is conflicted they aren't exactly jumps but just equal spaced patterns but either way I scaled down 02:47:815 (2,3,4) - slightly and made the spacing of 02:56:572 (5,1) - more pronounced for the emphasis

04:57:220 (1,2) - because of slider leniency the distance here is underwhelming, maybe more space 04:57:545 (2) - ok
i dont have things to say but, bubbled~
modding v1 :o
Isn't this metadata.... wrong?

Even so

"If the same song exists in the Ranked section already, the metadata should be followed unless it breaks other rules in the Ranking Criteria or the Official Sources state something completely different."

I was already in this thread and I didn't even know it. Holy moly.

tatatat wrote:

Isn't this metadata.... wrong?

Even so

"If the same song exists in the Ranked section already, the metadata should be followed unless it breaks other rules in the Ranking Criteria or the Official Sources state something completely different."

I was already in this thread and I didn't even know it. Holy moly.
"or the Official Sources state something completely different." part trumps here @ map desc
looks good, Ranked
Modding V1 back again

Chippy wrote:

Song title is wrong

it has been 6 days and the rule has not changed
the other beatmap took the soundcloud info, this map took album as the source which is more reliable
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