
Kagamine Rin - Kokoro

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Topic Starter
Miu Matsuoka
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年8月1日 at 22:25:53

Artist: Kagamine Rin
Title: Kokoro
Source: Toraboruta-P
Tags: ignorethis wmfchris vocaloid
BPM: 140
Filesize: 10329kb
Play Time: 04:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.28 stars, 177 notes)
  2. ignore's Hard (4.86 stars, 509 notes)
  3. Insane (4.92 stars, 526 notes)
  4. Normal (3.87 stars, 350 notes)
  5. Wmf's Taiko (4.89 stars, 1389 notes)
Download: Kagamine Rin - Kokoro
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Kagamine Rin - Kokoro
鏡音リン - ココロ

Please REDOWNLOAD the mapset if you downloaded before 1/8.

Special Thanks:
kawaiipandah for lovely Kagamine skin and HakuNoKaemi for compressing
Al-Azif & TristanShi for beatmap's elements
ignorethis for Hard difficulty
wmfchris for Taiko difficulty
All those who modded my map~ <3

~ Last update: 1/8 ~
Ready for ranking!

Download: Rin Kagamine - Kokoro (Miu Matsuoka) [yznoob's mIx].osu

Download: Rin Kagamine - Kokoro (Miu Matsuoka) [Hard].osu
finished, I added 6 to offset

a few suggestions: Add Al-Azif to thanks list (since you're using his skin and BG) and remove SB code from the osu files

Download: Rin Kagamine - Kokoro (cheukhin1985) [ignore's Hard].osu
add oil austin , hope u can get ur first approved or even ranked beatmap :)
Topic Starter
Miu Matsuoka
Thanks for starring >:D
Support You!~
good luck!! :)
I love this song~
Go go~ :D
Need a Extra diff?I made diff for you..It's up to you>_<~~

Download: Rin Kagamine - Kokoro (cheukhin1985) [yznoob's mIx].osu

some suggestion..
Remove some stream and rename to Hard+?
and...where is preview point.. :(
0:13:929 (1,2) spacing
0:54:643 (5) left 1 grid
1:120:286 (1,2,3,4,5) stright line plz
看了一半看不過眼請先resnap :3 誤差在1~2格之內 最好減到0.5格誤差吧

[ign's hard]
mod later, very sleepy +_+

need taiko diff?
Topic Starter
Miu Matsuoka
lol Thanks a lot :D
Topic Starter
Miu Matsuoka

wmfchris wrote:

0:13:929 (1,2) spacing
0:54:643 (5) left 1 grid
1:120:286 (1,2,3,4,5) stright line plz
看了一半看不過眼請先resnap :3 誤差在1~2格之內 最好減到0.5格誤差吧

[ign's hard]
mod later, very sleepy +_+

need taiko diff?
Thanks, why not~
I update my diff..snaping problem= =||

Download: Rin Kagamine - Kokoro (cheukhin1985) [yznoob's mIx].osu
Don't give me kudosu if I don't help you ,thanks
random visit :D

you've got a nearly 20mb osz file, which is nearly voliating the ranking criteria and very annoying to download(also the chance of not completeing download is higher, which is obviously bad for your map). consider recompressing the video file with a lower bitrate with a better format, for example H.264 (I checked it with Mediainfo, it says MEPG-4, which give worse results on the same bitrate than many other codecs), and remove the audio track from video if you hadn't. I can do it for you if you don't know how to do it, just tell me if you want

EDIT: although you have yangnoob's mIx in your post, I didn't see it in the mapset, have you forgot to add it?
EDIT2: lol Insane resembles Al-Azif Mix so much :D

no kds

good luck
lol tag要加上所有collab人的ID

怎么觉得一个脑比Hard+难好多= =
U need to reupload cause I didn't see the sb pic... :(

[Hard+](Now it is a Hard now lol)
01:27:429 (1) - Use 2× timing line and don't use new timing.

And it's a collab map now..I suggest u to add "creator's ID storyboard".
For example:Add "Difficuly by eggpainignorethis" etc.

Just a minor change and no kd plz.
so fun map , so good Song!
Sorry for taking so long to get to this. >_>

So many difficulties ending at different points in the song. :/
yznoob's mIx is too long for ranking and will have to go for approval if some of the map isn't truncated (play time needs to be less than 240 seconds)
With your own difficulties, it's appreciated that you keep your break times and kiai times consistent. As it is, easy feels as if it was far too many breaks.
04:10:285 - Mapping after this point in the song feels wasteful imo. It's long enough as it is, and with one of the difficulties going beyond the play time barrier for ranking, I'd really suggest truncating that part of the map.
Hard+ is the only difficulty with a preview point. Please add to it all difficulties in the same place.
Remove "rin" and "kagamine" from tags since it's in the artist field.
Add Toraboruta-P to tags (composer/video)
It's strange to see Len used in the various skin elements considering the song.

[Easy, Normal, and Hard+, ignore's Hard]
01:27:429 - There's no need for this uninherited timing section. Please remove it.
01:29:143 - ^

AR and OD are really really high for an Easy difficulty. I'd recommend somewhere around this:
Where you chose to end the map feels odd considering it's right in the middle of the most powerful part of the piece. You also have your kiai still running and timing sections all over afterward. Please map this until the end, or at least until a more appropriate spot.
00:47:786 (1,2) - Could you arrange these so they're not overlapping each other so much?
02:24:214 (1,4) - ^
03:03:428 (1,1) - Yeah, this doesn't look very good at all. Please don't overlap so much with sliders. ><
02:58:285 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Also, way too many new combos. Try doing a new combo every other slider instead.
03:10:285 (1) - Move this right one grid. Also would be better if it ended at 03:12:000 -
03:13:714 - Start kiai here
03:32:571 (1,1,1,1) - Please avoid using continuous new combos like this. It messes with the HP drain metric.
The last kiai section felt kind of bland since it was all mapped linearly. Try to make it more flowy and smooth for a better visual effect.

00:39:429 (7,1) - These big jumps between combos are fairly large for a Normal. Think you can tone them down a little bit to what you did later on at 00:51:000 (5,1) - ?
00:49:714 (1) - Really soon after a spinner for a normal. Please give a bit more time for recovery.
00:53:143 (1,2) - Check your spacing here
01:17:143 (1) - Soon after spinner again
All these tiny combos seem to have no gameplay justification, so:
01:19:072 (1) - Remove new combo
01:21:000 (1) - ^
01:22:500 (1) - ^
01:23:572 (1) - ^
01:24:429 (1) - ^
01:42:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'm really not liking all of these streams of notes for a normal. There's so much more music you can follow that isn't just a long sequence of 1/8th notes.
03:01:714 (1,2,3,4) - This kind of stacking tends to work if you have a higher AR and faster sliders. With this setup, it's not very visually appealing. I'd try something else.
Open up your .osu file through the File -> Open .osu in notepad.
Hit control + F and enter 217714. On that line that shows up, enter this in that line's place.
You'll end up with this:
Parts of this felt really linear and not that great to look at (straight lines with hard-edged turns) and the excessive 1/8th note streams made this kind of bland to play, plus possibly a little too hard for a Normal. Try going through this and see what you can do to maybe make this more appealing to a normal-level player.

You should really end this where Normal ends.
01:19:929 (9) - Use 1/4 snap here, not 1/8. :/
01:23:357 (10) - ^
01:27:429 (1,1,1) - Just make it one combo please. There are later instances that you should change into just one combo as well. I'll leave it to you to change them back.
01:46:285 (1,2,3) - These don't really fit the song that well.
01:59:357 (6) - :/
02:47:357 (4) - ^ etc. etc.
02:54:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why? It's a slow part of the song... I don't see why you want to go off making up your own faster rhythms for that.

[ignore's Hard]
HP Drain 1 and OD 1? Seriously? Raise those up. A lot.
Waaay too many slider speed changes too. Guidelines are at 3 a map, which includes the 1x, though I do agree that what you've used is quite tasteful.
From 03:48:001 (1) - to 03:53:144 (5) - is kinda boring since you're doing the same thing. Over. And over. And over. Mix it up a bit after the echos stop.

[Wmf's Taiko]
01:59:893 - Strange spot to stop the kiai.
02:03:429 (201) - During this section, doesn't it feel like overkill to you playing that many notes for such a slow part of the song?
04:07:286 - Move this to the beginning of the spinner.

[yznoob's mIx]
As stated earlier, you need to truncate the length of this map (i recommend ending where Normal does) otherwise it needs to go for approval.
00:19:714 (1) - This note seems unnecessary.
00:50:357 (2,3,4,5) - This doesn't feel like a good spot for accelerated spacing.
02:03:429 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - What? Why? This is the SLOW part of the song, not the asfldj stream section. -_-
02:09:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - More inappropriate accelerated spacing.
02:50:143 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
02:57:000 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ etc. etc. They don't fit at all. :/
03:00:857 (1,2,3,4) - This is still the slow part of the song. Why streams?
03:01:714 (1,2,3,4) - ^ etc. etc.
03:12:000 - Hold sliders that use an uninherited timing section are now considered unrankable. Please map something else here.

Phew, there you go. Keep working at it!
Topic Starter
Miu Matsuoka

Garven wrote:

Sorry for taking so long to get to this. >_>

So many difficulties ending at different points in the song. :/
yznoob's mIx is too long for ranking and will have to go for approval if some of the map isn't truncated (play time needs to be less than 240 seconds)
With your own difficulties, it's appreciated that you keep your break times and kiai times consistent. As it is, easy feels as if it was far too many breaks.
04:10:285 - Mapping after this point in the song feels wasteful imo. It's long enough as it is, and with one of the difficulties going beyond the play time barrier for ranking, I'd really suggest truncating that part of the map.
Hard+ is the only difficulty with a preview point. Please add to it all difficulties in the same place.ok
Remove "rin" and "kagamine" from tags since it's in the artist field. ok
Add Toraboruta-P to tags (composer/video) ok
It's strange to see Len used in the various skin elements considering the song. um, forget it, i am too lazy to make a spinner just with Rin inside :P

[Easy, Normal, and Hard+, ignore's Hard] changed

[Easy] changed
blah and blah and blah...

[Normal] changed
blah blah blah blah blah blah

[Hard+] changed
blah and blah blahblah

[ignore's Hard] changed

[Wmf's Taiko]
01:59:893 - Strange spot to stop the kiai. changed
02:03:429 (201) - During this section, doesn't it feel like overkill to you playing that many notes for such a slow part of the song? seems this need to be edited by the author
04:07:286 - Move this to the beginning of the spinner. changed

[yznoob's mIx] seems this need to be edited by the author
As stated earlier, you need to truncate the length of this map (i recommend ending where Normal does) otherwise it needs to go for approval.
00:19:714 (1) - This note seems unnecessary.
00:50:357 (2,3,4,5) - This doesn't feel like a good spot for accelerated spacing.
02:03:429 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - What? Why? This is the SLOW part of the song, not the asfldj stream section. -_-
02:09:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - More inappropriate accelerated spacing.
02:50:143 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
02:57:000 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ etc. etc. They don't fit at all. :/
03:00:857 (1,2,3,4) - This is still the slow part of the song. Why streams?
03:01:714 (1,2,3,4) - ^ etc. etc.
03:12:000 - Hold sliders that use an uninherited timing section are now considered unrankable. Please map something else here.

Phew, there you go. Keep working at it!
Thanks a lot, Garven!! It's great that finally a MAT came up to mod my map. The beaetmap had been idling since last update. Again, thanks for your modding Garven~ :)

1. yznoob's mIx is being truncated
2. reduce breaks in [Easy]
3. Edit [Wmf's Taiko] from 02:03:429 (201)

Anyone who can be a volunteer:
Make a spinner skin with Rin only~

Garven wrote:

So many difficulties ending at different points in the song. :/
yznoob's mIx is too long for ranking and will have to go for approval if some of the map isn't truncated (play time needs to be less than 240 seconds)W-what? app?

[yznoob's mIx]
As stated earlier, you need to truncate the length of this map (i recommend ending where Normal does) otherwise it needs to go for approval. OK :D
00:19:714 (1) - This note seems unnecessary. No.
00:50:357 (2,3,4,5) - This doesn't feel like a good spot for accelerated spacing. fixed.
02:03:429 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - What? Why? This is the SLOW part of the song, not the asfldj stream section. -_- We only use zxcv to play osu rofl No.
02:09:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - More inappropriate accelerated spacing. Ok.I use jump in 02:10:071 (6,1).
02:50:143 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ OK.
02:57:000 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ etc. etc. They don't fit at all. :/ ^ Sry for my overusing it
03:00:857 (1,2,3,4) - This is still the slow part of the song. Why streams? OK.
03:01:714 (1,2,3,4) - ^ etc. etc. ^
03:12:000 - Hold sliders that use an uninherited timing section are now considered unrankable. Please map something else here.

Phew, there you go. Keep working at it!
Go go :D

Download: Rin Kagamine - Kokoro (cheukhin1985) [yznoob's mIx].osu
nice song...staaar! :)
._. kokoro
Star :D
加油 :oops:
New kokoro?!
star ~ :D
03:48:000 (1,1) - Is this allowed? O.o

[ignore's Hard]
00:08:573 (1) - Unsnapped
You're usin' more than 3 different slider speeds

[yznoob's mIx]
211 objects aren't snapped
You're usin' more than 3 different slider speeds

your map looks nice~
Nice skin :3
nice, star~
star da☆ze~
Well, here I am since you were very helpful on my map :)

Easy cakes
01:21 (2) Not in line with the other thing. Not like that matters.
02:27:857 (5) Maybe turn sideways to give more of a clue it is not like the others in terms of timing?
03:34:286 (1) I feel dizzy...

Really, though, just have a Star!
[yz's mix]
2:07:714 (4,5) stack properly

no problem for me

modded long time ago, so not much to be fixed.
no star
Sry for using 8 sv..
(I saw the ranking criteria after I mapped this suck diff..)

Remapping and I'll post it soon :D

star Orz

13/1/2011 EDIT: modded through MSN by request
woooooow i love this song, a star for you :B
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