
Hatsune Miku - Sweet*Drops After the Rain

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 8:42:11 PM

Artist: Hatsune Miku
Title: Sweet*Drops After the Rain
Source: OSTER project
Tags: vocaloid FutanariP Project Diva ame nochi
BPM: 135
Filesize: 6610kb
Play Time: 02:54
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.29 stars, 235 notes)
  2. Insane (4.94 stars, 435 notes)
  3. Normal (2.38 stars, 167 notes)
  4. Taiko (4.83 stars, 746 notes)
Download: Hatsune Miku - Sweet*Drops After the Rain
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
For my BFFF, Tea <3__<3 You are Popo.
very good map :D

star <3

อยากใส่ ♥♥♥ hitsound ♥♥♥ เก่งๆแบบนี้มั้งจังเลย 8-)
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back to WIP

  1. 00:24:889 (1) - Put Whitsle only on 1 and 2 points. It sounds bad on 3rd one.
  2. 00:27:778 (5) - Remove whistle.
  3. 00:43:111 (2,3) - Uguu! Big jump.
  4. 01:21:778 (5) - Whistle sounds bad on reverse >.<
  5. 01:26:667 (3) - Same
  6. 01:31:334 - Section is kinda useless 'cause you can change soundset on previous one.
  7. 01:36:556 - This is just useless. (Same for next 3 sections)
  8. 02:30:667 (1) - Same thing with whistles.
Kinda intense for Normal o.o

  1. 00:19:778 (6) - New combo?
  2. 00:23:556 (5) - ^
  3. 00:37:556 (6) - ^
  4. 00:55:334 (6) - ^
  5. 00:58:889 (6) - ^
  6. 01:20:222 (5) - ^
  7. 02:02:445 (1) - Move new combo to (2)?
  8. 02:04:222 (1) - Remove new combo
  9. 02:06:445 (8) - Put new combo
  10. 02:08:000 (1) - Remove new combo
  11. 02:35:556 (7,8) - Wrong stuck :

    I think you should increase Approach Rate by 1-2 ticks.
Nce map. Luv <3
I couldn’t find anything specific to pick at. These maps look great :)

01:24:445 (5,6) – a little too hard for an normal?
-in general I feel this difficulty might be a bit too hard

Sorry, I can’t mod taiko :(

02:24:667 (1,1,1,1,1,1) – why the different combos? Although it does look pretty :P

~Twinkle twinkle little star~

Ps: I love your vocaloid maps :D
Hi ~ I said yes to your mod request Yes :3

Info of the Song;
- Everything is okk ~
- Umm, I wonder, why but in the BG image in right-lower corner it says Project Oster ... add to tags ??

- BG should be 1024x768 or 800x600
- Delete the osb. file ~
- Consider cutting the mp3 if you're not going to map it all ~

- I couldn't resist since I had already made these for a map I'm working on right now but-but they looked so well with this map too ~ + resized BG

- Some of your sliders are too curved, maybe make sliders look like this
- 00:21:334 >> remove new combo and new combo to the next note
- 00:24:889 >> ^
- 00:28:445 >> ^
- 01:23:111 >> one grid left
- 01:29:889 >> maybe add a spinner here that ends at 01:31:556
- 02:42:000 >> one grid right
- 02:54:667 >> 2nd kiai time ends here ~

- Umm, Taiko Drops ?? xD
- No kiai time :< ??

- Great ~ Love the hitsounds :> ... just ...
- 02:54:667 >> 2nd kiai time ends here ~

* Star ~ :3
I-I told you to ask me for a mod when this was ready ;_;!!!

I'll check this as soon as you check the modpost avobe
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Krisom wrote:

I-I told you to ask me for a mod when this was ready ;_;!!!

I'll check this as soon as you check the modpost avobe
ahh. i forgot. please forgive me orz

@lovhin456 i think i might make some of my own skin elements but i'll take a look at yours if i decide not to. thank you for the help <3
Ok then, I'll do my best on this...

General -
· You need an easier difficulty to get this ranked. Gudelines say about 3 stars or below, I'd suggest you to map something that newbies can play.
· For consistency with your other miku ranked map, I'd personally ask you to change the source to the composer of the song, "OSTER Project".Everything else can go in tags. Add "FutanariP" in tags too please.
· There is an osb. file in the folder, please delete and full submit.
· Why didn't you use the project diva version of the song? (The short one?) At least you should cut this one somewhere to save space, as there's more than 1 unmapped minute of the song here
· BG size is not matching the criteria, it should be either 800x600 or 1024x768
· Mp3 filesize seems to be rankeable (I'm getting 256 kbps)

Taiko -
· Recomended sliderspeed for taiko maps is 1.40, consider changing it to that
· As far as I know, breaks should be avoided on taiko maps x:
I'll ask a taiko specialist to mod this, as I can't mod taiko in depth

Normal -
01:21:778 (5) - Consider removing the whistle from the sliderend to give emphasis to the finish

Hard -
01:10:889 (1,2,3) - This jump is kinda unexpected, doesn't flow very well with the music. You may want to spread out (1) to the left and (3) to the right
01:29:111 - Add a note, hopefully, an horizontal flip from (1)
01:36:889 (1,2,3,4) - The spacing is not consistent within this combo, I'd suggest reshaping it
02:19:334 (2,3,4,5) - Can't you move some things a bit up so that the spacing after (5) feels better?
02:54:667 (1) - Make this an horizontal flip of 02:54:222 (1)

Yup, just as I remember, this bright, outgoing and cheerful style I used to play when I was starting to map is really typical from your maps, and I seriously love it, even though my own style is completely different from yours, I'd wish I could do something like this someday.

Expect more mods from other people soon.

Yes wrote:

@lovhin456 i think i might make some of my own skin elements but i'll take a look at yours if i decide not to. thank you for the help <3
No prob, I actually like this song so if you want skin elements I'd be glad to make them ~ :3
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I haven't cut the mp3 or edit the background yet but I will very soon! Thanks all for the great mods and nice comments <3

I don't understand why breaks aren't recommended for taiko maps though? ;_;
Well, here's a stab at a quick cut of the background, since it's a 4:3 ratio you want.

Perhaps adding a second kiai fountain at 02:40:445 - may be nice for the second iteration of the chorus here, but up to you.
And I guess Krisom got all the technical bits out of the way, so straight to the mod then~

Wow, surprised to see catmull sliders that aren't that horrid looking, hehe.
01:04:445 (1,2) - Hrm, could you either reduce the distance of this jump or make it consistent between these and 02:15:556 (1,2) - ? If you want the bigger jump, I'd do it later on since the player would be more expecting of it the second time around.

The general guidelines that are currently being debated for taiko can be found here in case you were wondering about why Krisom said what he did. The listen I gave sounded fine to me though, minus the break. Too hard for me. T_T

00:30:889 (1,1,1,1) - These are frowned upon since they really mess with the HP drain metric (you get a big HP boost at the end of combos, and at this point there doesn't seem to be a need for this)
01:29:111 - Haha, I was kind of expecting a note right in the center here, or at least a note somewhere at this point.
02:24:667 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - Same comment as earlier

There were a few sliders scattered around that had kind of sharp corners that I wouldn't hate you for if you smoothed out a bit.
But yeah, sneak in that easy diff and you should be good.
Lovely Crab
nice map..
i love the hitsounds in the map.
STAR~ ;)
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Thanks a lot! n_n
Added a normal and fixed most mods above.
Oo, that was fast. Then I'll do a quick mod on the easy too

Just make the AR/OD the same. Having a higher OD than the AR seems counterintuitive on an easy difficulty. It would fit the slider speed a bit better that way too.
00:30:556 (1) - Seems kind of short for an easy spinner. It might be better to just map through it.
01:09:334 (1) - This feels better to me at 01:09:111 -

Oh, not finished yet? That'd explain the swiftness, haha.

Don't kudosu since it's just an extension of the previous mod.
Yay my first request ;3

00:48:222 (2) - The slider ticks sound weird
00:55:334 (3) - ^
01:28:667 (x) - Add a note?

02:11:556 (5) - idk Remove the clap?

I can't mod taiko

01:29:111 (x) - Add a note?

Are all of the diff is done?
[taiko] nice enough.

0:33:334 (2) up 1 grid
0:36:445 (3) right 0.5 grid?
2:06:000 (7,8) down 1 grid
2:34:889 (2,3,4) uneven spacing

nice~ :3

(Pssst, you forgot to add "Project Diva" to the tags...)

Oh look, I can shoot kudosu to this !

(don't kudosu this)
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Thanks!! >w<

And I think I want to have a short Easy difficulty, so it is finished! :)

you should map more stuff, man
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I'm working on it :) :) Thanks for the star!

>:o That was so long ago! Hehe!
00:34:889 (4) - I don't think this repeat is in the right place,I can't hear any lyrics or beats at 00:35:445.
How about making reverse slider(00:34:889,00:35:334,00:35:778) and adding additional note(circle) at 00:36:000?
00:48:222 (2) - ^ Again,same suggestion.
00:51:334 - Add a note? Feels like some lyrics is missing w/o it.
00:55:334 (3) - Yep,lyrcis on the red tick,as well as beat,so I'm not sure if this slider is correct.

01:55:111 (3,1) - Just a suggestion: I don't like how this pattern sounds,check out my notes,please: 01:55:111 (3),01:55:556 (4),01:55:778 (5),01:56:222 (6),01:56:445 (7).

00:34:889 (7) - Could you allign better?

Great job,star~
Here is my taiko mod~
Mod request by Yes

Blue~ Critical issues, you must fix this
Purple~ I think you should fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only


Normal taiko diff will not use a lot of short sliders in the middle of a song imo. I think you should only add sliders at the end of a particular part of the song, such as 01:00:000~01:00:889 and 02:53:778~02:54:667. I know this could be a style issue, so ignore me if you want to keep those short sliders~

Consider adding a kiai time from 01:15:111~01:31:111 ?

Consider ending the 1st kiai time at 02:40:000 instead of 02:40:334?

02:12:000 (114) Change to d ( Red note ) ?

No errors found~ It's great to see an osu standard player to make such nice taiko diff :)
Really like this song~ Star and good luck~ ;)
Offset +5 from current.

I find this difficulty healthy as it is not undermapped like the myriad of Easy's that are existing.
I really think this should be Normal though.
00:31:556 (2) - Circles under sliders are a bit too hard for an Easy.
00:32:000 (3,1) - lol overlap... :/
00:36:000 (5,1) - switch new combos
00:44:667 (2) - this slider's ugly? Well that's a bit picky of me, but w/e
01:28:667 (1) - remove new combo

I think that this difficulty should be Normal+, though I don't like using + difficulties... I don't know, I feel that there's too many 1/2s for a Normal, but it's too easy for a Hard.
EDIT: Never mind, this can actually border the difficulty of Hard actually.
00:32:000 (4) - too high
00:38:667 (1,3) - remove NC from 1, put on 3
00:55:334 (1,3,1) - remove NC from 1 and 1, put on 3
02:04:889 (4,1) - switch new combos
02:36:222 (1,4,1) - remove NC from 1 and 1, put on 4

You can probably call this Insane then.
Insane can range from 'intense Hard' to 'WTF is this' anyway. Insane is probably the broadest difficulty name to use, so go ahead.
01:25:778 (8) - new combo
02:24:667 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - IMO this is a technique and it doesn't need NC spam. It hurts my eyes lol
02:54:445 (1,1) - remove NCs

-Turn all drumrolls into notes please, they seem to be really random.
-Put a kiai on the first chorus too.
-Remove the kiai fountain in the last chorus and just make it a long kiai.

This map is OK, though I'm not too comfortable to say that I'll bubble this on recheck yet, so don't PM me lol. You could, however, get in the next rounds of my queue and if by then your map has improved much more, I might just do so.
As you request... Might be harsh this time.

- Hmm... Personally I don't like those short drum rolls. You know, it's somewhat different from sliders in osu standard maps.
- Remember that there's no sounds in the end of the drum rolls (if you don't hit or missed the last tick. Well, it happens quite a lot cause it does not affects combos, and players have to hit the note next to drum roll properly so they simply stop before the end of drum rolls.) and spinners (usually it's completed before it ends.)
- Balancing between variety and consistenct of pattern is important. And I think this one leans to variety quite much. (Well others can think different. I'm kinda conservative about this.)
- Most part of this map is full of notes. I mean, this song is kinda light but the pattern is too 'heavy'.
- HP drain is too low for this Oni styled map and OD is kinda low too.

00:22:222 (22) - I prefer putting some notes than drum roll here.
00:28:889 (53) - I can't understand this big note here, as music isn't that different from before.
00:30:445 (61,62) - D D? (I mean, put finish?) (I mean, that d is short for don(ドン), which indicates red notes. This word is from Taiko no Tatusjin game, so you don't need to indicate red note as don actually, though it's wildly used in osu Taiko mapping community. D means big notes with don.)
00:36:000 (86) - I think this drum roll isn't that fit here... How about d d d?
00:38:667 (98,99,100,101) - d k d d? (k is short for Katsu(カツ) or Kat(カッ), and this indicates blue notes. K means big note with Kat.)
00:40:445 (105) - I think this drum roll isn't that fit here.
00:50:889 (159) - ^
00:56:222 (182) - ^
01:08:667 (247) - Isn't it too quite for drum roll? I think dk dk is better.
01:11:556 (261~270) - I think 01:12:222 and 01:13:111 are better for big notes than 01:12:000 and 01:12:889. (Don't use big notes in 1/4 streams if you fix this.)
01:15:111 (283) - You can start kiai from here to 01:29:334 if you want, as this part is kinda similar with current kiai part.
01:24:889 (334) - I can't understand this big note here, as music isn't that different from others.
01:22:222 (320,321,322,323,324) - k d k dk?
01:26:667 (345,346) - I think this drum roll(346) isn't that fit here, and I think a big note in 01:27:334 would be better
01:29:334 (1) - Shorthen this by 1/2 or 1/1 and add a note in 01:31:111.
01:32:889 (5) - Isn't it too quite for drum roll?
01:49:556 (1) - Shorthen this by 1/2 or 1/1 and add a note in 01:50:667.
02:04:445 (74) - I think this drum roll isn't that fit here.
02:13:778 (122) - ^
02:22:667 (172~193) - Similar with 01:11:556 (261~270).
02:40:889 (274) - d?
02:43:111 (286) - I can't understand this big note here, as music isn't that different from others, and you didn't put big notes before in similar parts...
02:46:667 (307) - ^ (I know it's kinda finale but this part isn't that impressive compared to other parts with similar melody.)
02:52:667 (338) - How about a big note?
02:54:445 (349,350) - K D? (I think don is better for 'finish' something.)

Yeah, as always, crappy modding.

I think you have potential with Taiko map... (Though need to be somewhat 'trimmed'...?)
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Yay! Thanks! I changed up Taiko difficulty a lot. :)
Also, I kept the difficulty names the same because I think they are good as is.

lepidopodus wrote:

Yeah, as always, crappy modding.
Definitely not true :P

Hmmm. I think the offset I have right now sounds good, but I'm not good at timing x_u
Can someone else do timing check to confirm +5?
  1. An update was needed after Downloading. Try to Full Submit it will probably fix it.
  2. Suggestion: Resize BG to 800x600 :o
  3. Taiko: Enable Countdown.
  1. 00:27:111 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  2. 00:43:556 (2) - Add "Clap" it sound better imo.
  3. 01:06:667 (2) - ^
  1. 00:30:445 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  2. 00:31:111 (X) - I feel like a note is missing here (?)
  3. 00:49:111 (5,1,2,3,4) - Suggestion: Unstack (5) It belongs to a different combo.
  4. 01:14:000 (5) - It looks like Cotton Candy <3 ~
  5. 02:04:000 (1) - Remove New Combo.
  6. 02:52:000 (3,4,5,1) - Suggestion: Unstack (1) It belongs to a different combo.
  1. 01:26:667 (1,2,3,4) - Suggestion: Reduce spacing, is not easy to read.
  2. 01:49:334 (1) - Remove New Combo

osu! Timing Help!
  • 1. Offset 2230 (+7)
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Changed to 2228. For now... :o

Thanks for the help! Hopefully the download works correctly now, too.
Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

unused .osb file..
comboburst.png can not be more than 500 pxs width, a resize is needed.
seems a heat discussion about offset here... what i got is 2225 or about...

it's Normal.. but at least it gets <3.25 stars...(though mostly because of the difficulty set w)
map the full song maybe. now here's a score gap between Easy and Normal.
01:09:116 - add a note.

00:50:227 (1,2,3,4) - move them down a bit and right a bit, then after stacking it gets a nicer spacing.
00:58:672 (3) - remove.
02:07:561 (4) - don't know what is this following.. maybe change to sth like this?

00:42:894 (8,1,2) - emm.. the spacing is about the same but different beats.. consider change the spacing... though there's a new combo.
01:41:339 (9,1) - a bit far for a after triple jump..= =...
02:42:005 (8) - new combo.
02:43:561 (1,2) - switch new combo

fine to me.

1) Your comboburst is too large, maximum is 500x500 (current 553x579)
2) I think would be nice if sun face at score-kidanger.png is changed from sad face into neutral face

*) The spacing is way too high for easy diff
*) Don't stack the object, because begginer player (not all, lol) is hard to read the stack. Example 00:19:561 (2,3)
*) The slider velocity is a little bit high, I think
*) As other modder said, half-mapping is inconsistent mapping. Please map it full

00:23:339 (4) - Remove whistle from slider slider please, it's feel awkward (I guess~)
01:11:561 (1,2,3,4) - Way to horrid for new player......
01:23:783 (2) - Remove whistle from slider slider please, it's feel awkward (I guess~)

00:19:783 (3) - Remove whistle from slider slider please, it's feel awkward (I guess~)
00:21:339 (5) - Make symetric?
00:27:561 (3,4,5) - These whistle are little bit not relaxing, I guess~ Maybe remove whistle at 00:27:783 (4)?
01:06:227 (3) - Make symetric?
01:25:783 (1) - Remove whistle from slider slider. It's very loud for me (I guess~)
01:26:672 (2) - ^


00:19:783 (1) - Remove whistle from slider slider please, it's feel awkward (I guess~)
01:36:894 (1,2,3,4) - Please fill the object between these, otherwise, the HP Drain will fall apart

Nice song
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I don't see the need to map Easy all the way to the end. Also.. although this is probably something like Easy+, I don't think it's too difficult for a beginner to pass. :|
i like :D
Firo Prochainezo
00:56:894: (4) Start the combo here?
01:28:894: (2) Remove this slider and start the spinner there?

00:33:116: (1) Remove the hitcircle?
01:09:561: (3) Move this slider to a white tick.
01:18:672: (1) Start the combo here.
02:00:894: Add a hitcircle here?
02:30:225: (2) Add hitclap?

00:46:339: (6) Remove hitclap.

I don't see any problems! Good map too :) star'd
00:43:450 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - sounds better triplets instead of doubles here
01:42:005 (1,2,3,4,5) - plays better if you lay this combo like this this way 1 will be farther from prev 1, just like in time line ^^ that's my opinion
01:43:778 - useless timing section ><
01:54:561 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - sounds better triplets instead of doubles here too

01:25:667 - useless timing section

I found this a bit hard for easiest diff ><
00:22:556 - useless timing section
01:20:778 - same
01:27:222 - same

I don't mod taiko ><

Pretty map!!
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Updated. Thanks!
i really can't find anything wrong with this map, your patterns are all well-made and organized, the notes are not cluttered or too sparse, and the song, skin and combo colours are all upbeat and make me happy :)

big star
Hey :3

00:58:227 (3) - move this to y: 256? to make a perfect triangle with (1) and (2)
01:22:894 (2) - circle is overlapping slider a bit, move it

Easy, Normal, and Taiko seems fine

Star :3
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Hi :)

  1. Your offset feels like it's a bit early. I got Offset: 2,236
  2. I would put Vocaloid in the source, and OSTER Project in the tags, since most Vocaloid maps I see use Vocaloid as a source. I think It'd be nicer to keep it consistent with the other Vocaloid maps.
  3. For ranking, your comboburst is a bit too wide. the max size for combobursts is 388x767, while yours is 477x500. Could you shrink it so it fits in the max size?
  4. Also, I found those combo colours hard to see on the background. especially the blue (Blue circles on blue background :cry:) Could you darken them a bit so they are easier to see on the bright background? (and change the 2/blue as well? since that is hard to see even if it's darker)
Looking at the difficulties, they look a bit too hard for their names, so what I would do is rename them:

Easy < Normal
Normal < Hard
Hard < Insane

imo, these fit the actual difficulties better. :)


I wouldn't really call it an easy (Looks like my idea of a Normal. heh), but it's a nice map, and not too tough for the easiest difficulty.
Could you map it up to the end of the song though? Since Normal and hard map to the end, this one feels incomplete.

Oh, and if you rename this to Normal, don't forget to increase the difficulty sliders (HP Drain, Overall Difficulty etc). I would increase HP Drain by 2 notches, and Overall Difficulty and Approach Rate by 1 notch.


Increase the Approach rate and Overall Difficulty by 1 notch? Looks quite low for a normal (If you rename this to hard, I would increase them by something like 3 notches instead, and HP Drain by something like 2 notches. Your call though)

Map itself is looking good. Pretty fun too.


00:43:450 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Delete (4) and (6)? Here, Only the first stack fits in properly with the lyrics imo, since you can hear 2 beats in the lyrics. There is only 1 beat in the lyrics for where you put the other stacks, so I think you only need 1 beat for those. If you do this. It might be a good idea to move (5) up a bit too since the spacing should be a bit wider with (4) gone.
01:26:672 (1,2,3,4) - I didn't like these jumps. I can't hear how they fit in, and they seem to come out of nowhere. Mind removing them?
01:40:005 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Mind moving these closer together. Again, the jumps don't fit in well imo. That, and the rhythm's here are awkward to do when you have to do jumps as well.
01:54:561 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Delete (2), (4) and (6)? Kinda like at 0:43, except none of them need 2 beats imo. You could leave this one though since it works as a nice pattern on it's own, but I found it awkward to play with those lyrics. :(

I might've had a lot to rag on with this, but I do like this diff. I found it pretty fun.


Feels a bit too random at times, but it's alright. Just one thing:

01:49:561 (1) - Could you put a long slider (drumroll) here instead of a spinner? I think it would fit better than a tiny spinner.

This is a nice little map really. Hard might have abused triplets a little, but it was still pretty fun, and Easy and Normal are great. Good stuff :)

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Thanks :)
Uploading with some fixes!

T_T.. I finally changed the difficulty names. Although I didn't really want to because Insane to me means a wtfhard beatmap :( :? :(

Oh. And I left the combo burst the same size because others were saying the max width is 500px. Not sure which is correct.
First Kiai time start is not snapped.
Second Kiai time start is not snapped. (Except for Insane).
Third Kiai time start is not snapped (Except for Taiko).

Second Kiai time start is not snapped.

Forgot to map the rest of the diff? sorry but i dont bubble maps that have half-mapped difficulties
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Mapped Normal until the end orz
Even if you did make it darker I still don't like that teal color against the background (especially doing kiai time) but might just be me

Also do you want to change what doomsday said?:
"I would put Vocaloid in the source, and OSTER Project in the tags, since most Vocaloid maps I see use Vocaloid as a source. I think It'd be nicer to keep it consistent with the other Vocaloid maps."

My mistake, this isn't a good thing to do

I guess PM me or Sakura after to check for bubble?
try offset 2,234 and resnap all note if you like ~
mapset look fine so far

if no then just call me again ja ~
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Changed the colors!

James2250 wrote:

Also do you want to change what doomsday said?:
"I would put Vocaloid in the source, and OSTER Project in the tags, since most Vocaloid maps I see use Vocaloid as a source. I think It'd be nicer to keep it consistent with the other Vocaloid maps."
I'm not going to change this. My other Vocaloid map is tagged with the person who made the song. I checked other vocaloid songs and there are a lot that use the artist of the song as the source as well.

orioncomet wrote:

try offset 2,234 and resnap all note if you like ~
mapset look fine so far

if no then just call me again ja ~
Ploy <3

:o I am not that good at timing, but I think that the offset I have right now is more accurate. Offset checks have been inconsistent so idk u_u
It's fineeeeee ~ dont worry ><!!~

I like older combo color cuz It was cute and match with song + BG..
but w/e I like this map cuz It's DTable.. so
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Thank you!!

I like older colors too ;_; But I don't want people to go blind :cry: :cry:

Edit: Okie I popped bubble because my song title was incorrect. I think this should be right now.
Can I shorten it to Sweet*Drops? orz
Re-bubbled. Except it's a pointy bubble instead of a poofy bubble, and you have a lot of pointy bubbles already so it's really not that special.
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