
livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [OsuMania]

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halo '<_'
m4m request by chat in game '<_' /
(mungkin ini gak seberapa ngaruh di map nya :3)

osu need more short ver. =w=) b

Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World (Short ver.)

B_Ex's NM
00:44:226 (44226|1) - ini panjangin sampe red line aja, soalnya itu ngikutin suara vocal
00:20:226 (20226|3,21026|3) - enak di pake in LN, masih ngikut suara vocal juga
00:20:626 (20626|1) - pindahin ke 00:20:826 -
00:21:826 - add 1
00:22:226 (22226|1) - LN harusnya
00:22:626 (22626|3,22626|0) - down sampe 00:23:026 - terus tambahin LN di situ
okeh mungkin itu aja yang kurang, good luck '<_' /
Topic Starter



halo '<_'
m4m request by chat in game '<_' /
(mungkin ini gak seberapa ngaruh di map nya :3)

osu need more short ver. =w=) b

Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World (Short ver.)

B_Ex's NM
00:44:226 (44226|1) - ini panjangin sampe red line aja, soalnya itu ngikutin suara vocal
00:20:226 (20226|3,21026|3) - enak di pake in LN, masih ngikut suara vocal juga
00:20:626 (20626|1) - pindahin ke 00:20:826 -
00:21:826 - add 1
00:22:226 (22226|1) - LN harusnya
00:22:626 (22626|3,22626|0) - down sampe 00:23:026 - terus tambahin LN di situ
okeh mungkin itu aja yang kurang, good luck '<_' /
thank you! its really helping >< on the way modding your map~ ditunggu ya :3
yoo halo '-')/

mod req via pm.



| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4|

00:04:239 - add note.konsisten sama 00:07:432 -
00:08:926 (8926|3) - mulai dari sini 00:09:032 - end in here 00:09:632 -
00:17:026 (17026|0) - move to 4
00:19:726 (19726|1,19726|2) - pindah ke garis putih diatasnya
00:22:226 (22226|2) - move to 1
00:20:635 - ini enaknya ubah kayak gini deh biar lebih gampang :D
00:23:851 - add note.
00:23:926 (23926|0) - delete.
00:25:226 (25226|3,25226|0) - ngikut apa?. del
00:26:426 (26426|2) - move to 4
00:26:826 (26826|1) - move to 1
00:27:226 (27226|3,27226|1) - ctrl + <
00:27:426 (27426|2) - move to 2
00:29:026 (29026|2) - move to 4
00:29:226 (29226|1) - move to 3
00:29:426 (29426|0) - move to 1
00:35:040 - add note. soalnya di bunyi dug (:'v) kamu nambahin note
00:37:126 (37126|2) - ini ikut apa?. del
00:37:326 (37326|0) - ^
00:37:426 (37426|1) - move to 1
00:38:426 (38426|2,38826|2,39226|2,39626|1,40026|1,40426|0) - plis konsisten sama note note sebelumnya. itu lebih cocok dijadiin long note menurutku tapi gacocok kalo diubah jadi long note krn ini diff nm. di note note sebelumnya kamu gak nambahin note di nada ini.jadi usahain di nada sebelumnya (nada yg sama) kamu tambahin note.
00:44:226 (44226|0,44226|1) - move to 3 & 4
00:45:026 (45026|1,45026|2) - ctrl + <
00:45:226 (45226|0) - move to 3
00:45:426 (45426|1,45426|0) - ctrl + >
00:45:626 (45626|2) - move to 1
00:46:226 (46226|1) - move to 1
00:47:126 (47126|1,47226|2) - ini kecil banget suaranya. mending del deh ._.
00:47:026 (47026|0) - move to 2. add note
00:50:026 (50026|1,50126|2,50226|1,50326|3,50426|0,50526|3) - - ini hampir gak kedengeran suaranya. del
00:49:826 (49826|3) - del
00:49:826 (49826|0) - jadiin LN. end in here 00:50:645 - jadinya kayak gini
00:50:630 - add note

yg gak ku kasih reason itu alasannya sama kayak note yg sebelumnya. usahain jangan ngejack yah ^^ soalnya ini masih diff nm biar agak lebih mudah :D
and..... jangan sampe ada ghost note ya :D konsisten sama note note sebelumnya

00:08:776 (8776|2) - mending del deh. suara pianonya hampir gk kedengeran
00:08:838 - add note
00:28:242 - mending 2 LN aja disini note diatas LNnya pada dua. 00:28:226 (28226|1) - del
00:37:292 (37292|1,37292|0) - unsnap note
00:50:455 - kebanyakan mba ._. 3 note aja
00:53:835 - ^



| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

00:27:926 (27926|3) - move to 6. agak susah kalo ngejack soalnya ini diff nm :3
00:31:426 (31426|1) - move to 1. jangan ngejack sama 00:31:826 (31826|1) -
00:31:826 (31826|3) - move to 7. biar agak lebih mudah
00:34:026 (34026|3) - move to 2.
00:34:326 (34326|3) - ini ikut apa ya?. delete
00:34:426 (34426|6) - move to 6.
00:35:026 (35026|2) - move to 2.
00:35:626 (35626|2) - move to 2.
00:39:026 (39026|0) - move to 2.
00:42:026 (42026|2) - move to 2.
00:42:226 (42226|3) - move to 3.
00:43:426 (43426|2) - move to 1.00:43:626 (43626|4) - move to 2. 00:43:826 (43826|1) - move to 3. tar jadinya kayak gini
00:44:226 (44226|2) - move to 1.
00:44:626 (44626|5) - move to 2. soalnya ini agak susah buat diff nm
00:46:075 - del 1 note. sama kayak 00:46:626 (46626|5) - disitu cuma satu note ;)
00:45:426 (45426|3,45826|3,46226|3) - usahain jangan ngejack yah ^^
00:45:826 (45826|5,46226|5,46626|5) - ^
00:46:826 (46826|1,47026|3,47226|1,47426|3) - ^
00:53:826 (53826|3) - move to 7. biar lebih mudah
00:48:426 (48426|4) - ikut apa?. delete
00:49:226 (49226|2) - delete. ghost note sama kayak note lain yg harus di delete
00:50:026 (50026|5,50426|1) - ini juga. del
00:55:026 (55026|4) - move to 4.
00:55:226 (55226|5) - move to 7.

Pika's 7K MX
00:05:026 (5026|1,5126|1) - del. mending jangan ikut vokal deh
00:07:426 (7426|0) - konsisten sama note yg dibawah ya. saran >
00:08:326 (8326|3,8626|3,8926|3) - ikutin apa? del. inget jangan ada ghost note. konsisten juga sama note dibawah. saran
00:53:826 (53826|3) - move to 3

Goodluck :D

Let me know part apa aja yang kamu ubah sama alasannya :D

Don't give kudos kalo modnya gak membantu :D
Topic Starter

aisyahumairah22 wrote:

yoo halo '-')/

mod req via pm.



| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4|

00:04:239 - add note.konsisten sama 00:07:432 - okay~
00:08:926 (8926|3) - mulai dari sini 00:09:032 - end in here 00:09:632 - okay~
00:17:026 (17026|0) - move to 4 okay~
00:19:726 (19726|1,19726|2) - pindah ke garis putih diatasnya okay~
00:22:226 (22226|2) - move to 1 no. biar long note nya nempel sama LN lain (?)
00:20:635 - ini enaknya ubah kayak gini deh biar lebih gampang :D okay~
00:23:851 - add note. no. jadinya ghost note
00:23:926 (23926|0) - delete. no. biar afdol (?) sama suara mouse kalau dua note
00:25:226 (25226|3,25226|0) - ngikut apa?. del no, ngikutin drum
00:26:426 (26426|2) - move to 4 okay~
00:26:826 (26826|1) - move to 1 okay~
00:27:226 (27226|3,27226|1) - ctrl + < okay~
00:27:426 (27426|2) - move to 2 okay~
00:29:026 (29026|2) - move to 4 okay~
00:29:226 (29226|1) - move to 3 okay~
00:29:426 (29426|0) - move to 1 okay~
00:35:040 - add note. soalnya di bunyi dug (:'v) kamu nambahin note okay~
00:37:126 (37126|2) - ini ikut apa?. del no, ngikut suara drum
00:37:326 (37326|0) - ^ okay~
00:37:426 (37426|1) - move to 1 okay~
00:38:426 (38426|2,38826|2,39226|2,39626|1,40026|1,40426|0) - plis konsisten sama note note sebelumnya. itu lebih cocok dijadiin long note menurutku tapi gacocok kalo diubah jadi long note krn ini diff nm. di note note sebelumnya kamu gak nambahin note di nada ini.jadi usahain di nada sebelumnya (nada yg sama) kamu tambahin note. o-okay..
00:44:226 (44226|0,44226|1) - move to 3 & 4 okay~
00:45:026 (45026|1,45026|2) - ctrl + < okay~
00:45:226 (45226|0) - move to 3 okay~
00:45:426 (45426|1,45426|0) - ctrl + > okay~
00:45:626 (45626|2) - move to 1 okay~
00:46:226 (46226|1) - move to 1 okay~
00:47:126 (47126|1,47226|2) - ini kecil banget suaranya. mending del deh ._. no, masih cukup jelas
00:47:026 (47026|0) - move to 2. add note no. add note aja biar ga ngejack
00:50:026 (50026|1,50126|2,50226|1,50326|3,50426|0,50526|3) - - ini hampir gak kedengeran suaranya. del no. kedengeran jelas ko
00:49:826 (49826|3) - del no, kurang afdol kalau cuma 1
00:49:826 (49826|0) - jadiin LN. end in here 00:50:645 - jadinya kayak gini okay~
00:50:630 - add note okay~

yg gak ku kasih reason itu alasannya sama kayak note yg sebelumnya. usahain jangan ngejack yah ^^ soalnya ini masih diff nm biar agak lebih mudah :D
and..... jangan sampe ada ghost note ya :D konsisten sama note note sebelumnya

00:08:776 (8776|2) - mending del deh. suara pianonya hampir gk kedengeran
00:08:838 - add note
00:28:242 - mending 2 LN aja disini note diatas LNnya pada dua. 00:28:226 (28226|1) - del
00:37:292 (37292|1,37292|0) - unsnap note
00:50:455 - kebanyakan mba ._. 3 note aja
00:53:835 - ^



| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

00:27:926 (27926|3) - move to 6. agak susah kalo ngejack soalnya ini diff nm :3
00:31:426 (31426|1) - move to 1. jangan ngejack sama 00:31:826 (31826|1) -
00:31:826 (31826|3) - move to 7. biar agak lebih mudah
00:34:026 (34026|3) - move to 2.
00:34:326 (34326|3) - ini ikut apa ya?. delete
00:34:426 (34426|6) - move to 6.
00:35:026 (35026|2) - move to 2.
00:35:626 (35626|2) - move to 2.
00:39:026 (39026|0) - move to 2.
00:42:026 (42026|2) - move to 2.
00:42:226 (42226|3) - move to 3.
00:43:426 (43426|2) - move to 1.00:43:626 (43626|4) - move to 2. 00:43:826 (43826|1) - move to 3. tar jadinya kayak gini
00:44:226 (44226|2) - move to 1.
00:44:626 (44626|5) - move to 2. soalnya ini agak susah buat diff nm
00:46:075 - del 1 note. sama kayak 00:46:626 (46626|5) - disitu cuma satu note ;)
00:45:426 (45426|3,45826|3,46226|3) - usahain jangan ngejack yah ^^
00:45:826 (45826|5,46226|5,46626|5) - ^
00:46:826 (46826|1,47026|3,47226|1,47426|3) - ^
00:53:826 (53826|3) - move to 7. biar lebih mudah
00:48:426 (48426|4) - ikut apa?. delete
00:49:226 (49226|2) - delete. ghost note sama kayak note lain yg harus di delete
00:50:026 (50026|5,50426|1) - ini juga. del
00:55:026 (55026|4) - move to 4.
00:55:226 (55226|5) - move to 7.

Pika's 7K MX
00:05:026 (5026|1,5126|1) - del. mending jangan ikut vokal deh
00:07:426 (7426|0) - konsisten sama note yg dibawah ya. saran >
00:08:326 (8326|3,8626|3,8926|3) - ikutin apa? del. inget jangan ada ghost note. konsisten juga sama note dibawah. saran
00:53:826 (53826|3) - move to 3

Goodluck :D

Let me know part apa aja yang kamu ubah sama alasannya :D

Don't give kudos kalo modnya gak membantu :D
sudah aku mod semua, tapi reason nya masih di NM+, sisanya menyusul XD makasih makasih >w<)b
Balesan M4M

Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World (Short ver.)


Mapset: Penamaan Diffnya salah. Seharusnya dari,
B_Ex's NM ---> B_Ex's 4K NM
NM+ ---> 4K NM+
HD ---> 4K HD
Zancer's MX ---> Zancer's 4K MX

Ingat: Penting untuk namain diff itu disebut banyak keymodenya klo bikin mapset hybrid-keymode.

[B_Ex's 4K NM]
00:08:026 (8026|1,8426|2,8826|3) - Mending jangan LN deh. Soalny suara model begini pas d pattern sebelum ini normal note semua.
00:08:626 - D sini tambah not juga biar konsisten sm pattern sebelum ini. D sini msih kedengeran juga loh suaranya.
00:09:026 - LN buat bell mulai dri sini seharusnya abis d 00:09:826
00:20:226 ke 00:22:626 - Kenapa pattern beda? Suaranya sama soalnya.
00:22:626 - 1 LN cukup. TohUpliftingnya cuman 1 doang.
00:23:026 (23026|2) - Ini ngikut vocal? Saran delete soalnya Sebelum ini gk ngecover vocal.
00:24:026 (24026|2,24226|1,24426|0,24626|3,24826|2) - Ini juga delete deh. Vocal sedari tadi gk d cover. Ganti jdi kyk d 00:24:226
00:37:026 - Mending 1/4nya jdi kyk deh. Kyk gitu susah buat Diff NM.
00:55:826 (55826|0,56426|3) - Ini 2 LN abis d 00:58:426

[7K NM]
00:08:826 (8826|6) - Jadiin Normal Note. Biar konsisten sm pattern sebelumnya + LN gk ngecover apa2 d sini.
00:09:026 - D sini bru bikin LN smp 00:09:826 buat instrumen gemerincing belnya.
00:23:426 (23426|3) - Delete ini, LN 00:22:226 (22226|5,22226|1) mulai dri 00:21:826 abisin d 00:23:826 buat instrumen upliftingnya. Lebih instrument-wise sm lebih enak dimaininnya.
00:23:926 (23926|2,23926|4) - Delete. Suara kliknya gk usah ikut d map klo buat NM. Terlalu susah dipencetnya.
00:24:026 (24026|1,24226|5,24426|6,24626|5,24826|4) - Ini juga delete deh, dri tdi gk vocal-mapping soalnya.
00:24:226 - Pas d sini bsa d bikin pattern jdi kyk buat suara uplifting sm Clapnya.
00:34:226 - Coba pas d sini patternny jadiin kyk . Lebih enak mencetnya dan seimbang penempatan not d tiap kolomnya.
00:37:326 (37326|0) - Delete. Gk ad instrumen d sini.
00:39:626 (39626|2) - Pindah k 00:39:826 . Biar konsisten sm 00:38:626
00:43:826 (43826|4) - Pindah k 1. Biar seimbang penempatan not d tiap kolomnya.
00:55:826 (55826|5,55826|1,56226|6,56226|0) - Ini normal note aja cukup. Klo LN kesannya overmap untuk NM.
00:56:426 (56426|4,56426|2) - LN ini abisnya d 00:58:426

[4K NM+]
Hmm, sebenernya klo 4K ad NM+, 7K juga hrus ad NM+. Dan NM ke NM+ itu interval Star Ratingnya deket bgt. Coba ini NM+ d bump biar star ratingnya jadi sekitar 2,2 atau 2,3. Biar jarak dri NM k NM+ sm NM+ k HD gk kejauhan.
00:08:926 (8926|3) - Ini LN harusnya mulai dri 00:09:026 abisnya d 00:09:826 . Denger aja suara gemerincing belnya.
00:09:826 - D sini bsa d bikin LN abisin d 00:10:626 buat suara uplifting. Nanti patternnya jadi kyk d situ.
00:10:626 (10626|2,11426|0) - Ini bsa d delete. Sebagai gantinya bsa d msukin not kyk buat instrumen bassnya.
00:12:426 - Tambah not d 1 sm 3. Buat bass sm Piano konsisten sebelumnya.
Mungkin lebih tepatnya isi dri 00:10:626 k 00:22:626 jaraknya 1/2 snap (Putih k merah dan vice versa)
00:22:226 (22226|2,22626|3,23026|2) - Hmm, ini LN2 d remap deh. Gk sinkron sm lagunya. Coba bikin jdi kyk biar relevan sm instrumen2nya.
00:23:926 (23926|0,23926|3) - Ini klik mending delete aja deh. Soalnya rada berlebihan klo buat map setingkat NM+
00:32:226 ke 00:35:826 - Itu delete LN2nya bikin jdi kyk pattern sebelumnya.
00:36:026 - D sini satu not aja cukup. Hihat doang.
00:37:326 (37326|0) - Delete. Gk ad instrumen d sini.
Sisanya coba d bikin biar Star Ratingnya 2,2 atau 2,3.

[Tray's 7K HD]
00:01:026 smp 00:08:826 - Bikin jdi Single note sm Single LN aja. Biar konsisten sm 00:10:626 ke depan.
00:09:026 (9026|6,9226|6,9426|5,9626|5,9826|4,10026|4,10226|3,10426|3) - Hmm, delete. Ini not2 gk ad suara yg diikutin. Lebih pas klo coba d bikin patternnya jadi kyk
00:22:626 - Bikin LN dri sini abisin d 00:23:826
00:23:426 (23426|6,23426|2,23626|2,23826|5,23826|1,24026|1,24226|4,24226|0,24426|0) - Delete juga. Ini not2 gk ad suara yg d ikutin.
Sebenerny kebanyakan Double sm Triple itu gk begitu bagus buat HD, jdi klo bsa coba d cek lg apa not2nya sinkron sm instrumennya atau gk. Pke Playback Rate 25 atau 50% biar lebih teliti denger instrumen2nya.

[HD & Zancer's 4K MX]
Hmm, lewat IRC aja klo mau. Susah juga ngemodnya. :/

Hmm, this map still needs more improvement. A lot. Msih rada kacau. Dan STDnya itu mau d bikin full set atau gimana?
Good Luck then~
Hai ^^
req mod from PM

karena ada 4K dan 7K, harusnya yg 4K juga dikasih tulisan "4K' juga didepannya kyk yg 7K, Jadi:
B_Ex's 4K NM
4K NM+

Zancer's 4K MX


Modnyaa~ >,<
[B_EX's 4K NM]
00:24:026 (24026|2,24226|1) - geser 1 kolom ke kiri
00:24:426 (24426|0) - move ke 3
00:37:026 (37026|2) - move ke 4 for balance
00:45:826 - add note di 4 ? ada suara drum, dan klo kosong kerasa hampa :v
00:55:826 (55826|0,56426|3) - LN end di 00:58:426 -

[4K NM+]
00:08:626 (8626|1,8826|0) - ctrl+G
00:19:726 (19726|2,19726|1) - btw ini ngikut suara apa ._. kyknya sih salah tempat :v pencet K
00:24:626 - add note di 1
00:35:226 (35226|2) - delete? 1 note aja cukup kyknya
00:37:226 (37226|1,37326|0,37426|1) - coba jdi kyk gini
00:40:726 (40726|2,40826|3) - geser 1 kolom ke kiri
00:44:126 (44126|0,44226|0,44226|1) - :o ubah jdi kyk gini
00:47:026 (47026|0) - move ke 2
00:47:126 (47126|1) - move ke 4
00:47:426 (47426|2) - move ke 2
00:53:826 (53826|1) - move ke 3
00:56:026 (56026|0) - delete?

[4K HD]
00:09:026 - smpai 00:10:626 - coba pattern kyk gini
00:23:226 (23226|2) - move ke 2
00:24:526 (24526|3,24626|3) - hindari mini jack kyk gini >,<
00:23:426 - smpai 00:24:626 - coba pattern kyk gini
00:37:292 (37292|1) - delete
00:37:026 - smpai 00:37:292 - try this
00:50:426 (50426|1,50426|0) - delete?
00:50:626 - mungkin 4 note cocok disini ._.

Gomen cmn bisa 4K dan smpe HD >,<
Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

MEGAtive wrote:

Balesan M4M

Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World (Short ver.)


Mapset: Penamaan Diffnya salah. Seharusnya dari,
B_Ex's NM ---> B_Ex's 4K NM
NM+ ---> 4K NM+
HD ---> 4K HD
Zancer's MX ---> Zancer's 4K MX

Ingat: Penting untuk namain diff itu disebut banyak keymodenya klo bikin mapset hybrid-keymode.

[B_Ex's 4K NM]
00:08:026 (8026|1,8426|2,8826|3) - Mending jangan LN deh. Soalny suara model begini pas d pattern sebelum ini normal note semua.
00:08:626 - D sini tambah not juga biar konsisten sm pattern sebelum ini. D sini msih kedengeran juga loh suaranya.
00:09:026 - LN buat bell mulai dri sini seharusnya abis d 00:09:826
00:20:226 ke 00:22:626 - Kenapa pattern beda? Suaranya sama soalnya.
00:22:626 - 1 LN cukup. TohUpliftingnya cuman 1 doang.
00:23:026 (23026|2) - Ini ngikut vocal? Saran delete soalnya Sebelum ini gk ngecover vocal.
00:24:026 (24026|2,24226|1,24426|0,24626|3,24826|2) - Ini juga delete deh. Vocal sedari tadi gk d cover. Ganti jdi kyk d 00:24:226
00:37:026 - Mending 1/4nya jdi kyk deh. Kyk gitu susah buat Diff NM.
00:55:826 (55826|0,56426|3) - Ini 2 LN abis d 00:58:426

[7K NM]
00:08:826 (8826|6) - Jadiin Normal Note. Biar konsisten sm pattern sebelumnya + LN gk ngecover apa2 d sini.
00:09:026 - D sini bru bikin LN smp 00:09:826 buat instrumen gemerincing belnya.
00:23:426 (23426|3) - Delete ini, LN 00:22:226 (22226|5,22226|1) mulai dri 00:21:826 abisin d 00:23:826 buat instrumen upliftingnya. Lebih instrument-wise sm lebih enak dimaininnya.
00:23:926 (23926|2,23926|4) - Delete. Suara kliknya gk usah ikut d map klo buat NM. Terlalu susah dipencetnya.
00:24:026 (24026|1,24226|5,24426|6,24626|5,24826|4) - Ini juga delete deh, dri tdi gk vocal-mapping soalnya.
00:24:226 - Pas d sini bsa d bikin pattern jdi kyk buat suara uplifting sm Clapnya.
00:34:226 - Coba pas d sini patternny jadiin kyk . Lebih enak mencetnya dan seimbang penempatan not d tiap kolomnya.
00:37:326 (37326|0) - Delete. Gk ad instrumen d sini.
00:39:626 (39626|2) - Pindah k 00:39:826 . Biar konsisten sm 00:38:626
00:43:826 (43826|4) - Pindah k 1. Biar seimbang penempatan not d tiap kolomnya.
00:55:826 (55826|5,55826|1,56226|6,56226|0) - Ini normal note aja cukup. Klo LN kesannya overmap untuk NM.
00:56:426 (56426|4,56426|2) - LN ini abisnya d 00:58:426

[4K NM+]
Hmm, sebenernya klo 4K ad NM+, 7K juga hrus ad NM+. Dan NM ke NM+ itu interval Star Ratingnya deket bgt. Coba ini NM+ d bump biar star ratingnya jadi sekitar 2,2 atau 2,3. Biar jarak dri NM k NM+ sm NM+ k HD gk kejauhan.
00:08:926 (8926|3) - Ini LN harusnya mulai dri 00:09:026 abisnya d 00:09:826 . Denger aja suara gemerincing belnya.
00:09:826 - D sini bsa d bikin LN abisin d 00:10:626 buat suara uplifting. Nanti patternnya jadi kyk d situ.
00:10:626 (10626|2,11426|0) - Ini bsa d delete. Sebagai gantinya bsa d msukin not kyk buat instrumen bassnya.
00:12:426 - Tambah not d 1 sm 3. Buat bass sm Piano konsisten sebelumnya.
Mungkin lebih tepatnya isi dri 00:10:626 k 00:22:626 jaraknya 1/2 snap (Putih k merah dan vice versa)
00:22:226 (22226|2,22626|3,23026|2) - Hmm, ini LN2 d remap deh. Gk sinkron sm lagunya. Coba bikin jdi kyk biar relevan sm instrumen2nya.
00:23:926 (23926|0,23926|3) - Ini klik mending delete aja deh. Soalnya rada berlebihan klo buat map setingkat NM+
00:32:226 ke 00:35:826 - Itu delete LN2nya bikin jdi kyk pattern sebelumnya.
00:36:026 - D sini satu not aja cukup. Hihat doang.
00:37:326 (37326|0) - Delete. Gk ad instrumen d sini.
Sisanya coba d bikin biar Star Ratingnya 2,2 atau 2,3.

[Tray's 7K HD]
00:01:026 smp 00:08:826 - Bikin jdi Single note sm Single LN aja. Biar konsisten sm 00:10:626 ke depan.
00:09:026 (9026|6,9226|6,9426|5,9626|5,9826|4,10026|4,10226|3,10426|3) - Hmm, delete. Ini not2 gk ad suara yg diikutin. Lebih pas klo coba d bikin patternnya jadi kyk
00:22:626 - Bikin LN dri sini abisin d 00:23:826
00:23:426 (23426|6,23426|2,23626|2,23826|5,23826|1,24026|1,24226|4,24226|0,24426|0) - Delete juga. Ini not2 gk ad suara yg d ikutin.
Sebenerny kebanyakan Double sm Triple itu gk begitu bagus buat HD, jdi klo bsa coba d cek lg apa not2nya sinkron sm instrumennya atau gk. Pke Playback Rate 25 atau 50% biar lebih teliti denger instrumen2nya.

[HD & Zancer's 4K MX]
Hmm, lewat IRC aja klo mau. Susah juga ngemodnya. :/

Hmm, this map still needs more improvement. A lot. Msih rada kacau. Dan STDnya itu mau d bikin full set atau gimana?
Good Luck then~
hueee makasih banyakk :3 okay aku usahain make a lot of improvement! >w<)b STD nya rencana mau hilangin huehue
Topic Starter

Adtw_ wrote:

Hai ^^
req mod from PM

karena ada 4K dan 7K, harusnya yg 4K juga dikasih tulisan "4K' juga didepannya kyk yg 7K, Jadi:
B_Ex's 4K NM
4K NM+

Zancer's 4K MX


Modnyaa~ >,<
[B_EX's 4K NM]
00:24:026 (24026|2,24226|1) - geser 1 kolom ke kiri
00:24:426 (24426|0) - move ke 3
00:37:026 (37026|2) - move ke 4 for balance
00:45:826 - add note di 4 ? ada suara drum, dan klo kosong kerasa hampa :v
00:55:826 (55826|0,56426|3) - LN end di 00:58:426 -

[4K NM+]
00:08:626 (8626|1,8826|0) - ctrl+G
00:19:726 (19726|2,19726|1) - btw ini ngikut suara apa ._. kyknya sih salah tempat :v pencet K
00:24:626 - add note di 1
00:35:226 (35226|2) - delete? 1 note aja cukup kyknya
00:37:226 (37226|1,37326|0,37426|1) - coba jdi kyk gini
00:40:726 (40726|2,40826|3) - geser 1 kolom ke kiri
00:44:126 (44126|0,44226|0,44226|1) - :o ubah jdi kyk gini
00:47:026 (47026|0) - move ke 2
00:47:126 (47126|1) - move ke 4
00:47:426 (47426|2) - move ke 2
00:53:826 (53826|1) - move ke 3
00:56:026 (56026|0) - delete?

[4K HD]
00:09:026 - smpai 00:10:626 - coba pattern kyk gini
00:23:226 (23226|2) - move ke 2
00:24:526 (24526|3,24626|3) - hindari mini jack kyk gini >,<
00:23:426 - smpai 00:24:626 - coba pattern kyk gini
00:37:292 (37292|1) - delete
00:37:026 - smpai 00:37:292 - try this
00:50:426 (50426|1,50426|0) - delete?
00:50:626 - mungkin 4 note cocok disini ._.

Gomen cmn bisa 4K dan smpe HD >,<
Good luck~ :)
waah sankyuu! >.<)/
00:45:826 - add

00:39:626 - move a note to 00:39:826

4K NM+
00:55:626 and 00:56:026 - delete

00:44:026 - move a note to 00:44:126
00:47:926 - how about adding notes?
Topic Starter

NlHIL wrote:

00:45:826 - add

00:39:626 - move a note to 00:39:826

4K NM+
00:55:626 and 00:56:026 - delete

00:44:026 - move a note to 00:44:126
00:47:926 - how about adding notes?
okay thank youuu >w<)b
Hi~~~ M4M request From my queue :)

Column 1|2|3|4

Most of these mods are just advice, feel free to reject~~so Lets start~~ :D

  1. 1. check you AIMOD please, make sure to solve all those things.
  2. 2. change Artist from 'Hatsune Miku' to 'livetune feat. Hatsune Miku'
  3. 3. Tag add 'vocaloid' 'vocaloid2' 'google chrome' 'kz' 'Nicovideo' and delete 'hatsune miku' 'tell your world' 'sherrysina' since those have appeared in Title/Artist/Creator
  4. 4. About diff name: when you have a mapset combined with 4k and 7k, 4k diffs should be named after '4k', same as what you've done on 7k diffs. Please rename all you 4k diffs with prefixion ‘4k’

B_Ex's NM
*00:21:026 - (suggestion) this pattern may be better for Pitch Relevancy

*00:24:026 (24026|2) - move to 2
00:24:226 (24226|1,24426|0,24626|3,24826|2) - move to 4-3-2-3

*00:37:026 (37026|2,37126|1,37226|2) - maybe too hard for this diff, move to 3-2-1

*00:45:826 - add

nice diff :D

*00:08:826 (8826|0,8926|3) - wrong snap.
00:08:826 (8826|0) - this sound is here 00:08:776 -
00:08:926 (8926|3) - this sound is here 00:08:826 -
00:09:226 (9226|3) - the voice here is no need following, as it also appears 00:08:926 (8926|3) - here and etc.
In this diff, since it's NM+ so I suggest only put LN from 00:08:826 - to 00:09:626 -

*00:19:626 - add at 2
00:19:726 (19726|1) - delete
00:19:726 (19726|2) - delete.

*00:24:626 - add two notes here

*00:25:026 - from here on... didn't get what sound you're following, better check again or ask others for advice

*00:37:426 - add a LN at column 4 end at 00:37:826 -

*00:56:026 (56026|0) - delete

*00:06:226 - add

*00:24:526 (24526|3,24626|3) - too hard for HD, 00:24:626 (24626|3) - move to 2

*00:25:026 - from here on... didn't get what sound you're following, better check again or ask others for advice

*00:56:026 (56026|1,56026|3) - delete

That's all, sorry I didn't mod all diffs

Good luck on this map~~ :D
Topic Starter

paperlens wrote:

Hi~~~ M4M request From my queue :)

Column 1|2|3|4

Most of these mods are just advice, feel free to reject~~so Lets start~~ :D

  1. 1. check you AIMOD please, make sure to solve all those things.
  2. 2. change Artist from 'Hatsune Miku' to 'livetune feat. Hatsune Miku'
  3. 3. Tag add 'vocaloid' 'vocaloid2' 'google chrome' 'kz' 'Nicovideo' and delete 'hatsune miku' 'tell your world' 'sherrysina' since those have appeared in Title/Artist/Creator
  4. 4. About diff name: when you have a mapset combined with 4k and 7k, 4k diffs should be named after '4k', same as what you've done on 7k diffs. Please rename all you 4k diffs with prefixion ‘4k’

B_Ex's NM
*00:21:026 - (suggestion) this pattern may be better for Pitch Relevancy

*00:24:026 (24026|2) - move to 2
00:24:226 (24226|1,24426|0,24626|3,24826|2) - move to 4-3-2-3

*00:37:026 (37026|2,37126|1,37226|2) - maybe too hard for this diff, move to 3-2-1

*00:45:826 - add

nice diff :D

*00:08:826 (8826|0,8926|3) - wrong snap.
00:08:826 (8826|0) - this sound is here 00:08:776 -
00:08:926 (8926|3) - this sound is here 00:08:826 -
00:09:226 (9226|3) - the voice here is no need following, as it also appears 00:08:926 (8926|3) - here and etc.
In this diff, since it's NM+ so I suggest only put LN from 00:08:826 - to 00:09:626 -

*00:19:626 - add at 2
00:19:726 (19726|1) - delete
00:19:726 (19726|2) - delete.

*00:24:626 - add two notes here

*00:25:026 - from here on... didn't get what sound you're following, better check again or ask others for advice

*00:37:426 - add a LN at column 4 end at 00:37:826 -

*00:56:026 (56026|0) - delete

*00:06:226 - add

*00:24:526 (24526|3,24626|3) - too hard for HD, 00:24:626 (24626|3) - move to 2

*00:25:026 - from here on... didn't get what sound you're following, better check again or ask others for advice

*00:56:026 (56026|1,56026|3) - delete

That's all, sorry I didn't mod all diffs

Good luck on this map~~ :D
its okay~ thank you very much! >w<)b
  1. Remove "ft. Hatsune Miku" from the artist title
  2. Remove "Short Ver." Since it's uneeded
  3. Add "hatsune miku to the tag"

No complains. You supposed to know why.
Topic Starter

XeroiZi HD wrote:

  1. Remove "ft. Hatsune Miku" from the artist title
  2. Remove "Short Ver." Since it's uneeded
  3. Add "hatsune miku to the tag"

No complains. You supposed to know why.
o...kay.. thank you thank you ~

Hi Modding from Voltexer's modding queue~

Hello B_Ex, sherry~!


[B_Ex's 4K NM]

Open it :D
00:08:426 (8426|2,8626|1) - ctrl + H and move left(Piano scale)
00:08:826 (8826|2) - add note (Missed note)

[4K NM+]

Open it :D
HP : 7
OD : 7

00:01:026 - add note like 00:04:226 (4226|3,4226|2)
00:12:226 (12226|3,12226|1) - delete note (Pitch problem)
00:17:826 - add note (Pitch problem)
00:37:826 - ^
00:43:226 (43226|2) - move to 2

Sorry, I can not get a lot of issues. :C

Good Luck :e
Satoshi Kazuki
sorry can mod 4K only


Add Brian_Ex Pikachi- Astray- zancers BANGKEANJAY at tags...since they GD your map

B_Ex's 4K NM
00:45:426 (45426|0) - to 4 for balance

4K NM+
00:09:626 (9626|1) - if this starter for voice better delete it...i dint hear any beat..except voice
00:10:026 (10026|3,10226|2,10426|1) - ^ not voice
00:10:626 (10626|1) - this vocal are ok to me...since it suitable for LN
00:16:226 (16226|3,16226|1,16426|2,16426|0,16626|3,16626|1,16826|0,16826|2) - rearrange
00:17:426 (17426|2) - voice? if voice end - 00:18:026 - here...after that rearrange this - 00:18:026 (18026|2,18026|1) -
00:22:426 - add note
00:22:826 - ^
00:23:026 (23026|2) - that LN - 00:23:826 - end here and add new LN at 4
00:24:626 - double..there has clap sound
00:37:426 - ^
00:37:826 (37826|0) - what this Ln for?
00:25:426 - to - 00:49:626 - pattern look very messed up...because you suddenly created jack and the pattern are out of flow

00:01:026 (1026|0) - del
00:01:226 (1226|1) - all the piano double note...change to single...beat wasnt loud to make double..even you want to make it harder
00:09:026 (9026|3,9126|2,9226|1,9326|0,9426|2,9526|3,9626|0,9726|1,9826|2,9926|3,10026|0,10126|1,10226|2,10326|3,10426|2,10526|1) - doest hit a single beat...1/8 may be useful...try use 25% to catch thier beat
00:13:826 (13826|3,13826|0,14026|1,14226|0,14226|3,14426|2,14626|0,14626|3) - this pattern look so messed up
00:15:626 (15626|1,15826|2,15826|1,16026|2,16226|1,16226|2,16426|1,16626|2,16626|1) - this to...better rearrange
00:17:826 (17826|0,17826|2,18026|1,18226|0,18226|2,18426|1,18626|2,18626|0) - ^
00:23:426 (23426|2,23526|1,23626|0,23726|1,23826|2,23926|3,24026|2,24126|1,24226|0,24326|1,24426|2,24526|1) - use 1/8 or change to LN
00:25:426 (25426|0,25426|1,25426|2,25626|2,25626|1,25826|1,25826|2,25826|3,26026|2,26026|1,26226|2,26226|0,26226|1,26426|2,26426|1) - i dont like this
my advice:remove all note and re map it's so messed up

Zancer 4K MX
Re map all pattern...totally messed up and out of flow
remove or fix the SV you kill the player...importanly at 1.2x part...just change to 1.00x
00:58:526 (58526|1,58526|3,58626|2,58726|1,58726|3,58826|2,58826|0) - but i love this one

Good Luck :D
Topic Starter

Satoshi Kazuki wrote:

sorry can mod 4K only


Add Brian_Ex Pikachi- Astray- zancers BANGKEANJAY at tags...since they GD your map

B_Ex's 4K NM
00:45:426 (45426|0) - to 4 for balance

4K NM+
00:09:626 (9626|1) - if this starter for voice better delete it...i dint hear any beat..except voice
00:10:026 (10026|3,10226|2,10426|1) - ^ not voice
00:10:626 (10626|1) - this vocal are ok to me...since it suitable for LN
00:16:226 (16226|3,16226|1,16426|2,16426|0,16626|3,16626|1,16826|0,16826|2) - rearrange
00:17:426 (17426|2) - voice? if voice end - 00:18:026 - here...after that rearrange this - 00:18:026 (18026|2,18026|1) -
00:22:426 - add note
00:22:826 - ^
00:23:026 (23026|2) - that LN - 00:23:826 - end here and add new LN at 4
00:24:626 - double..there has clap sound
00:37:426 - ^
00:37:826 (37826|0) - what this Ln for?
00:25:426 - to - 00:49:626 - pattern look very messed up...because you suddenly created jack and the pattern are out of flow

00:01:026 (1026|0) - del
00:01:226 (1226|1) - all the piano double note...change to single...beat wasnt loud to make double..even you want to make it harder
00:09:026 (9026|3,9126|2,9226|1,9326|0,9426|2,9526|3,9626|0,9726|1,9826|2,9926|3,10026|0,10126|1,10226|2,10326|3,10426|2,10526|1) - doest hit a single beat...1/8 may be useful...try use 25% to catch thier beat
00:13:826 (13826|3,13826|0,14026|1,14226|0,14226|3,14426|2,14626|0,14626|3) - this pattern look so messed up
00:15:626 (15626|1,15826|2,15826|1,16026|2,16226|1,16226|2,16426|1,16626|2,16626|1) - this to...better rearrange
00:17:826 (17826|0,17826|2,18026|1,18226|0,18226|2,18426|1,18626|2,18626|0) - ^
00:23:426 (23426|2,23526|1,23626|0,23726|1,23826|2,23926|3,24026|2,24126|1,24226|0,24326|1,24426|2,24526|1) - use 1/8 or change to LN
00:25:426 (25426|0,25426|1,25426|2,25626|2,25626|1,25826|1,25826|2,25826|3,26026|2,26026|1,26226|2,26226|0,26226|1,26426|2,26426|1) - i dont like this
my advice:remove all note and re map it's so messed up

Zancer 4K MX
Re map all pattern...totally messed up and out of flow
remove or fix the SV you kill the player...importanly at 1.2x part...just change to 1.00x
00:58:526 (58526|1,58526|3,58626|2,58726|1,58726|3,58826|2,58826|0) - but i love this one

Good Luck :D
thank you! ><
Topic Starter

Shirou wrote:

Hi Modding from Voltexer's modding queue~

Hello B_Ex, sherry~!


[B_Ex's 4K NM]

Open it :D
00:08:426 (8426|2,8626|1) - ctrl + H and move left(Piano scale)
00:08:826 (8826|2) - add note (Missed note)

[4K NM+]

Open it :D
HP : 7
OD : 7

00:01:026 - add note like 00:04:226 (4226|3,4226|2)
00:12:226 (12226|3,12226|1) - delete note (Pitch problem)
00:17:826 - add note (Pitch problem)
00:37:826 - ^
00:43:226 (43226|2) - move to 2

Sorry, I can not get a lot of issues. :C

Good Luck :e
thanks a lot! >.<)b
-[ AmiShici ]-
Yahallo Minna-san o/

sorry for delay

4K = |1|2|3|4|
mod inside
[4K NM]
00:23:026 - add LN di 2 ampe 00:23:826 -
00:37:026 - add note
00:44:226 - add kick
00:40:226 - 00:41:026 - 00:44:226 - 00:47:426 - 00:49:826 - 00:46:626 - ^

[4K NM+]00:13:826 - add kick
00:14:826 - ^
00:23:426 - add bell
00:25:426 - 00:25:826 - add drum
00:25:626 (25626|3,25626|0) - delete slaah atu
00:29:226 - add kick

[4K HD] 00:50:626 (50626|0,50626|1,50626|3,50626|2) - lel 4 note . delete salah atu

[4K MX]00:01:026 - ~ 00:07:826 - menurut ane terlalu berlebih menggunakan DN dan TN di low sound
00:27:926 - add drum
00:34:326 - ^
00:37:426 (37426|2,37426|1,37526|3,37526|0,37626|2,37626|1,37726|3,37726|0,37826|2,37826|1) - for what? ane dengernya piano pitchnya turun 1/8s :3

Well. Good Luck =w=)b
take my kudosu star :3
Topic Starter

-[ AmiShici ]- wrote:

Yahallo Minna-san o/

sorry for delay

4K = |1|2|3|4|
mod inside
[4K NM]
00:23:026 - add LN di 2 ampe 00:23:826 -
00:37:026 - add note
00:44:226 - add kick
00:40:226 - 00:41:026 - 00:44:226 - 00:47:426 - 00:49:826 - 00:46:626 - ^

[4K NM+]00:13:826 - add kick
00:14:826 - ^
00:23:426 - add bell
00:25:426 - 00:25:826 - add drum
00:25:626 (25626|3,25626|0) - delete slaah atu
00:29:226 - add kick

[4K HD] 00:50:626 (50626|0,50626|1,50626|3,50626|2) - lel 4 note . delete salah atu

[4K MX]00:01:026 - ~ 00:07:826 - menurut ane terlalu berlebih menggunakan DN dan TN di low sound
00:27:926 - add drum
00:34:326 - ^
00:37:426 (37426|2,37426|1,37526|3,37526|0,37626|2,37626|1,37726|3,37726|0,37826|2,37826|1) - for what? ane dengernya piano pitchnya turun 1/8s :3

Well. Good Luck =w=)b
thank you! >.<)/ dan btw, MX nya lagi dalam maintenance (?) masih di re-map sama yang punya diff :D
Topic Starter

Pikachi- wrote:

take my kudosu star :3
aww makasih pinny! >.<
i love you <3
Topic Starter

UPDATED: zancers ft. sherry 4K MX
[ A v a l o n ]
Hi sherry . . .
here's my mod

I only mod 4K pattern here . . .
so . . .


pertama, mp3nya agak bad quality . . .
kedua, dalam lagunya terdapat "suara2" diluar BGM soundnya seperti ada suara "klik mouse", "keyboard", dan suara "riuh penonton" yang pada asalnya itu dari video musiknya google . . . w saranin videonya juga ditambahin dalam mapset ini, biar jelas sebab dari mana asalnya datang suara itu . . .

  • [B_Ex 4K NM]
  1. gw yakin, 00:08:826 - LN seharusnya start mulai dari sini
  2. 00:20:026 (20026|0) - move ke 3, lebih enakan
  3. 00:22:426 - missing, add note
  4. 00:22:626 (22626|0) - LN cut disini 00:23:426 - atau bisa juga ditambahin LN baru disana, krna ada suara yg beda
  5. 00:33:626 (33626|0) - delete, gak ada suara kek ini 00:33:226 -
  6. 00:38:826 - add note, ada snare kek ini 00:38:226 -
  7. 00:42:026 - add note, same reason as ^
  8. 00:45:226 - 00:46:026 - 00:48:426 - add note ^

    [4K NM +]
  9. 00:08:826 - LN harusnya start disini, suaranya start disana . . . dan liat aja LN-LN sebelumnya
  10. 00:11:426 (11426|2) - basicnya, vocal stop di 00:11:826 -
  11. 00:17:826 - dengan 00:18:426 - sama kan suaranya ? konsisten la . . .
  12. 00:21:626 - dengan 00:21:026 - juga sama suaranya, usahakan sama juga jumlah notenya . . . dan masih banyak lagi kek itu . . . w hanya kasi contoh XD
  13. 00:25:426 - add note, strong sound
  14. 00:26:426 - delete 1 note, low sound . . . gak sekuat ini suaranya 00:26:026 -
  15. 00:27:026 - add note , buat strong kick
  16. 00:27:426 - add note juga buat kick . . . bedakan jumlah notenya dengan suara yg kecil seperti ini 00:27:226 - dan masih banyak yang tidak konsisten notenya . . ini w juga cuma kasih poin-poinnya aja . . . selanjutnya bisa di cek sendiri XD
  17. 00:37:826 (37826|0) - ini LN buat apa ? . . . kalo buat vocal, harusnya sampai 00:40:226 - . . . kalo nggk buat apa2, w saranin di delete aja XD
  18. 00:38:826 - add note, strong snare . . .dan masih banyak lagi, silahkan di cek untuk suara2 yang seperti ini
  19. 00:55:826 (55826|1) - jadikan LN aja

    [4K HD]
  20. 00:04:426 - add note, yg lainnya buat piano pake 2, ini kok 1
  21. 00:06:226 - ini juga
  22. 00:07:626 (7626|1,7826|2) - hmmm ? gini aja deh . .w saranin mulai dari sini 00:01:026 - buat low piano kek 00:01:226 (1226|2,1226|1,1426|3,1426|2) - w saranin pake 1 note aja . . . ga usah pake 2, dan terapkan juga untuk suara piano berikutnya . . . supaya konsisten
  23. 00:09:026 (9026|3,9126|2,9226|1,9326|0,9426|2,9526|3,9626|0,9726|1,9826|2,9926|3,10026|0,10126|1,10226|2,10326|3) - w saranin jangan ngikutin suara klik keyboardnya . . itu bukan suara musik yg asli lol . .. dan snapnya pun tidak 1/4 . . . melainkan tidak beraturan . . . ikutin instrumen musiknya aja udah biar simple XD
  24. karena ini HD diff, w saranin tambahin note aja buat suara2 snare kek di timing ini 00:11:426 - 00:12:026 - 00:12:426 - 00:12:626 - dan masih banyak lagi . . . =w=)b
  25. 00:15:026 - pindahin salah satu note yg ada disini ke timing ini 00:15:226 - ada snare kek 00:14:226 - disana
  26. 00:16:126 - add note
  27. 00:16:426 - add note . . . sama suaranya kek 00:16:226 - dan saran w . . . dari sini 00:15:626 - sampai 00:17:026 - di re-arrange aja notenya . . . dibagusin dikit lah XD
  28. cukup disini aja dulu . . rata-rata problemnya sama kok, yaitu "konsistensi" . . .perhatikan aja nanti kalau kamu make snare dan kick 2 note ya diharapkan konsisten untuk sepanjang lagu berjalan itu jumlahnya 2 note . . . jangan ada yg 1 ada yg 2 . . . kan awkward jadinya XD
    di cek lagi ya yg bener2 . . :3 sekalian latihan mapping =w=)v
Goodluck Sherry . . . XD
keep learning and improve your skill =w=)v
tambahan :3
kasih nama GDers nya di tag sherry

sekian dan terima kasih :3 ea ea
I Love You Too >,<
Topic Starter

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

Hi sherry . . .
here's my mod

I only mod 4K pattern here . . .
so . . .


pertama, mp3nya agak bad quality . . .
kedua, dalam lagunya terdapat "suara2" diluar BGM soundnya seperti ada suara "klik mouse", "keyboard", dan suara "riuh penonton" yang pada asalnya itu dari video musiknya google . . . w saranin videonya juga ditambahin dalam mapset ini, biar jelas sebab dari mana asalnya datang suara itu . . .

  • [B_Ex 4K NM]
  1. gw yakin, 00:08:826 - LN seharusnya start mulai dari sini
  2. 00:20:026 (20026|0) - move ke 3, lebih enakan
  3. 00:22:426 - missing, add note
  4. 00:22:626 (22626|0) - LN cut disini 00:23:426 - atau bisa juga ditambahin LN baru disana, krna ada suara yg beda
  5. 00:33:626 (33626|0) - delete, gak ada suara kek ini 00:33:226 -
  6. 00:38:826 - add note, ada snare kek ini 00:38:226 -
  7. 00:42:026 - add note, same reason as ^
  8. 00:45:226 - 00:46:026 - 00:48:426 - add note ^

    [4K NM +]
  9. 00:08:826 - LN harusnya start disini, suaranya start disana . . . dan liat aja LN-LN sebelumnya
  10. 00:11:426 (11426|2) - basicnya, vocal stop di 00:11:826 -
  11. 00:17:826 - dengan 00:18:426 - sama kan suaranya ? konsisten la . . .
  12. 00:21:626 - dengan 00:21:026 - juga sama suaranya, usahakan sama juga jumlah notenya . . . dan masih banyak lagi kek itu . . . w hanya kasi contoh XD
  13. 00:25:426 - add note, strong sound
  14. 00:26:426 - delete 1 note, low sound . . . gak sekuat ini suaranya 00:26:026 -
  15. 00:27:026 - add note , buat strong kick
  16. 00:27:426 - add note juga buat kick . . . bedakan jumlah notenya dengan suara yg kecil seperti ini 00:27:226 - dan masih banyak yang tidak konsisten notenya . . ini w juga cuma kasih poin-poinnya aja . . . selanjutnya bisa di cek sendiri XD
  17. 00:37:826 (37826|0) - ini LN buat apa ? . . . kalo buat vocal, harusnya sampai 00:40:226 - . . . kalo nggk buat apa2, w saranin di delete aja XD
  18. 00:38:826 - add note, strong snare . . .dan masih banyak lagi, silahkan di cek untuk suara2 yang seperti ini
  19. 00:55:826 (55826|1) - jadikan LN aja

    [4K HD]
  20. 00:04:426 - add note, yg lainnya buat piano pake 2, ini kok 1
  21. 00:06:226 - ini juga
  22. 00:07:626 (7626|1,7826|2) - hmmm ? gini aja deh . .w saranin mulai dari sini 00:01:026 - buat low piano kek 00:01:226 (1226|2,1226|1,1426|3,1426|2) - w saranin pake 1 note aja . . . ga usah pake 2, dan terapkan juga untuk suara piano berikutnya . . . supaya konsisten
  23. 00:09:026 (9026|3,9126|2,9226|1,9326|0,9426|2,9526|3,9626|0,9726|1,9826|2,9926|3,10026|0,10126|1,10226|2,10326|3) - w saranin jangan ngikutin suara klik keyboardnya . . itu bukan suara musik yg asli lol . .. dan snapnya pun tidak 1/4 . . . melainkan tidak beraturan . . . ikutin instrumen musiknya aja udah biar simple XD
  24. karena ini HD diff, w saranin tambahin note aja buat suara2 snare kek di timing ini 00:11:426 - 00:12:026 - 00:12:426 - 00:12:626 - dan masih banyak lagi . . . =w=)b
  25. 00:15:026 - pindahin salah satu note yg ada disini ke timing ini 00:15:226 - ada snare kek 00:14:226 - disana
  26. 00:16:126 - add note
  27. 00:16:426 - add note . . . sama suaranya kek 00:16:226 - dan saran w . . . dari sini 00:15:626 - sampai 00:17:026 - di re-arrange aja notenya . . . dibagusin dikit lah XD
  28. cukup disini aja dulu . . rata-rata problemnya sama kok, yaitu "konsistensi" . . .perhatikan aja nanti kalau kamu make snare dan kick 2 note ya diharapkan konsisten untuk sepanjang lagu berjalan itu jumlahnya 2 note . . . jangan ada yg 1 ada yg 2 . . . kan awkward jadinya XD
    di cek lagi ya yg bener2 . . :3 sekalian latihan mapping =w=)v
Goodluck Sherry . . . XD
keep learning and improve your skill =w=)v
ayy ayy sir! =v=)7 thank you! >w<
Topic Starter

Pikachi- wrote:

tambahan :3
kasih nama GDers nya di tag sherry

sekian dan terima kasih :3 ea ea
I Love You Too >,<
in the end i give you a kudos =w=)/ thanks anyways pinny :3
b-but i love you more
Hello, mod as requested from my Queue . .

Coloumn : l 0 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l

Black --> My Suggestion/opinion
Red --> Unrankable issue
Blue --> Comment
Green --> Positive Support

Mod Inside
[7K NM]

00:01:026 - try to make consistency pattern I suggest u intro pattern: . . 00:01:026 (1026|5) - move to 6

00:01:226 (1226|3,1426|1,1626|2) - move to 2,4,6

00:02:026 (2026|0,2226|2,2426|4) - block, and move 1 coloumn to right

00:02:826 (2826|6,3026|4,3226|0) - move to 0,2,4

- - - - - - - - -

00:27:826 (27826|6) - move to 1, for comfortable at playing

00:45:226 (45226|2,45426|3) - move 1 coloumn to left .


00:07:226 (7226|2) - move to 5, then 00:07:426 (7426|5) - move to 3

00:08:426 (8426|4) - move to 1

00:36:857 - delete, kick sound end here 00:36:626

00:40:426 (40426|1) - move to 5, this make minijack from 00:40:226 00:40:226 (40226|1) for comfortablility

00:46:026 (46026|5) - move to 3

[Tray's 7K HD]

HP 5 change to --> 7
OD 5 change to --> 8

00:07:426 (7426|1) - add one more note here, follow the piano's intro sound .

00:23:426 - add LN until 00:23:826 - following bells sound

00:39:226 - 2 note is enough, try to make conssistance pattern, use triple note for kick or bass sound, acctually cymbal got extra note

00:49:026 (49026|2) - delete

00:56:026 - triple note for? no sound here . . delete or this'll make unrankable issue or 1 note is enough if u have hitsound or for pattern transtition . .

Goodluck for this beatmap! keep ur hardwork xD

Language : English
Hi Sherry, Brian, Bangke, Tray, Pika & Zancer

Mod Via PM in Game
: Seem Nothing Issue
: Still Questionable
: Unrankable Issue
■ Mapset

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The lowest difficulty must be below 2.0 stars

7K NM = 2,01* please reduce star difficulties until below 2*

■ Metadata

Wrong Tittle, i've link source this song but somehow each link diffirent tittle, lel.. here : : livetune feat. 初音ミク - Tell Your World : kz, livetune feat. 初音ミク - Tell Your World : livetune feat.初音ミク - Tell Your World without space

■ Timing

your kiai too short XD
better increase kiai timing is more interesting or add 2nd kiai here 00:37:826

■ Audio

  1. Preview Point unsnaped, must here 00:24:026 - please check each diff
  2. You must use Hitsounds
  3. I'am not sure about mp3, because original song don't have any effect sounds like your mp3.. but somehow this mp3, you took from a ranked map XD
■ Background

■ Other

sorry, i still not check yet your video

4K = |1|2|3|4|

(Focus : Note Presence , Hand/Row Balance, Variety/Consistency Pattern)

B_Ex's 4K NM
HP : 7
OD : 7

00:10:626 - add note, loud sound here

00:25:826 - are you sure kick sound have 2 note? but IMO it will be nice if kick only 1 note XD since 00:27:626 - only have 1 note

00:40:726 - add note? check 00:47:126 -

00:44:026 - remove? since it same rhytim like 00:42:426

00:45:226 - add note, since snare 2 note, sound like 00:44:626

00:50:626 - remove, i don't hear any sound here except piano sound like 00:50:826 (50826|3,51026|2,51226|1) -
4K NM+
HP : 7,5
OD : 7,5

00:08:826 (8826|2) - still awkward play here, i think long sound like 00:09:026 (9026|3) - should start here

00:12:426 - can you explain why 2 note here?

00:16:426 - i not sure 2 note here & here 00:16:826 - because rhytim 00:16:226 - 00:16:826 - same pitch

00:24:626 (24626|2) - move to 4, row balance

00:30:226 (30226|2,30426|0) - Ctrl + G

00:30:826 (30826|1,31026|0) - Ctrl + G

00:31:226 (31226|0) - move to 4

00:31:426 (31426|1,31626|0) - Ctrl + G

00:32:426 (32426|0,32626|2) - Ctrl + G

00:33:426 (33426|2) - move to 4

00:36:226 - try like this

00:38:226 - i think here snare sound

00:43:826 (43826|3,43926|2,44026|1,44126|0) - i don't hear stream sounds here except long sound XD

00:53:426 (53426|2) - move to 1, avoid shield pattern

some note is incosistent, somehow kick have 2 note & 1 note, please check again
HP : 7,5 or 8
OD : 7,5 or 8

00:07:626 (7626|1,7826|2,8026|3) - should 2 note, consistency

00:10:626 (10626|2) - move to 4

00:13:026 - add note, clap sound check 00:13:026

00:13:626 - ^

00:16:226 (16226|1,16426|1,16626|1) - better avoid 3 jack

00:18:426 - clap

00:20:026 - ^

00:21:026 - ^

00:22:026 - missing note here

00:23:926 (23926|3,24026|2,24126|1,24226|0,24326|1,24426|2,24526|1) - ghost note, i don't hear any sounds here except effect sounds XD

00:28:826 - 00:30:826 - i think wrong pattern here, please check sounds & tick

00:37:426 - add note? because loud sound here

00:43:026 (43026|2) - move to 1

00:45:226 - add note

same reason like previous diff

Verniy_Chan wrote:

My Rating


please ignore it, just for fun only
Thanks for requesting
Хорошо~ Good Luck..
Topic Starter

Niji wrote:

Hello, mod as requested from my Queue . .

Coloumn : l 0 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l

Black --> My Suggestion/opinion
Red --> Unrankable issue
Blue --> Comment
Green --> Positive Support

Mod Inside
[7K NM]

00:01:026 - try to make consistency pattern I suggest u intro pattern: . . 00:01:026 (1026|5) - move to 6

00:01:226 (1226|3,1426|1,1626|2) - move to 2,4,6

00:02:026 (2026|0,2226|2,2426|4) - block, and move 1 coloumn to right

00:02:826 (2826|6,3026|4,3226|0) - move to 0,2,4

- - - - - - - - -

00:27:826 (27826|6) - move to 1, for comfortable at playing

00:45:226 (45226|2,45426|3) - move 1 coloumn to left .


00:07:226 (7226|2) - move to 5, then 00:07:426 (7426|5) - move to 3

00:08:426 (8426|4) - move to 1

00:36:857 - delete, kick sound end here 00:36:626

00:40:426 (40426|1) - move to 5, this make minijack from 00:40:226 00:40:226 (40226|1) for comfortablility

00:46:026 (46026|5) - move to 3

[Tray's 7K HD]

HP 5 change to --> 7
OD 5 change to --> 8

00:07:426 (7426|1) - add one more note here, follow the piano's intro sound .

00:23:426 - add LN until 00:23:826 - following bells sound

00:39:226 - 2 note is enough, try to make conssistance pattern, use triple note for kick or bass sound, acctually cymbal got extra note

00:49:026 (49026|2) - delete

00:56:026 - triple note for? no sound here . . delete or this'll make unrankable issue or 1 note is enough if u have hitsound or for pattern transtition . .

Goodluck for this beatmap! keep ur hardwork xD
Thanks a lot, Niji! >.<)9
Topic Starter

Verniy_Chan wrote:

Language : English
Hi Sherry, Brian, Bangke, Tray, Pika & Zancer

Mod Via PM in Game
: Seem Nothing Issue
: Still Questionable
: Unrankable Issue
■ Mapset

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The lowest difficulty must be below 2.0 stars

7K NM = 2,01* please reduce star difficulties until below 2*

■ Metadata

Wrong Tittle, i've link source this song but somehow each link diffirent tittle, lel.. here : : livetune feat. 初音ミク - Tell Your World : kz, livetune feat. 初音ミク - Tell Your World : livetune feat.初音ミク - Tell Your World without space

■ Timing

your kiai too short XD
better increase kiai timing is more interesting or add 2nd kiai here 00:37:826

■ Audio

  1. Preview Point unsnaped, must here 00:24:026 - please check each diff
  2. You must use Hitsounds
  3. I'am not sure about mp3, because original song don't have any effect sounds like your mp3.. but somehow this mp3, you took from a ranked map XD
■ Background

■ Other

sorry, i still not check yet your video

4K = |1|2|3|4|

(Focus : Note Presence , Hand/Row Balance, Variety/Consistency Pattern)

B_Ex's 4K NM
HP : 7
OD : 7

00:10:626 - add note, loud sound here

00:25:826 - are you sure kick sound have 2 note? but IMO it will be nice if kick only 1 note XD since 00:27:626 - only have 1 note

00:40:726 - add note? check 00:47:126 -

00:44:026 - remove? since it same rhytim like 00:42:426

00:45:226 - add note, since snare 2 note, sound like 00:44:626

00:50:626 - remove, i don't hear any sound here except piano sound like 00:50:826 (50826|3,51026|2,51226|1) -
4K NM+
HP : 7,5
OD : 7,5

00:08:826 (8826|2) - still awkward play here, i think long sound like 00:09:026 (9026|3) - should start here

00:12:426 - can you explain why 2 note here?

00:16:426 - i not sure 2 note here & here 00:16:826 - because rhytim 00:16:226 - 00:16:826 - same pitch

00:24:626 (24626|2) - move to 4, row balance

00:30:226 (30226|2,30426|0) - Ctrl + G

00:30:826 (30826|1,31026|0) - Ctrl + G

00:31:226 (31226|0) - move to 4

00:31:426 (31426|1,31626|0) - Ctrl + G

00:32:426 (32426|0,32626|2) - Ctrl + G

00:33:426 (33426|2) - move to 4

00:36:226 - try like this

00:38:226 - i think here snare sound

00:43:826 (43826|3,43926|2,44026|1,44126|0) - i don't hear stream sounds here except long sound XD

00:53:426 (53426|2) - move to 1, avoid shield pattern

some note is incosistent, somehow kick have 2 note & 1 note, please check again
HP : 7,5 or 8
OD : 7,5 or 8

00:07:626 (7626|1,7826|2,8026|3) - should 2 note, consistency

00:10:626 (10626|2) - move to 4

00:13:026 - add note, clap sound check 00:13:026

00:13:626 - ^

00:16:226 (16226|1,16426|1,16626|1) - better avoid 3 jack

00:18:426 - clap

00:20:026 - ^

00:21:026 - ^

00:22:026 - missing note here

00:23:926 (23926|3,24026|2,24126|1,24226|0,24326|1,24426|2,24526|1) - ghost note, i don't hear any sounds here except effect sounds XD

00:28:826 - 00:30:826 - i think wrong pattern here, please check sounds & tick

00:37:426 - add note? because loud sound here

00:43:026 (43026|2) - move to 1

00:45:226 - add note

same reason like previous diff

Verniy_Chan wrote:

My Rating


please ignore it, just for fun only
Thanks for requesting
Хорошо~ Good Luck..
okay thank you >.<)/

Verniy_Chan wrote:

Language : English
Hi Sherry, Brian, Bangke, Tray, Pika & Zancer

Mod Via PM in Game
: Seem Nothing Issue
: Still Questionable
: Unrankable Issue
■ Mapset

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The lowest difficulty must be below 2.0 stars

7K NM = 2,01* please reduce star difficulties until below 2*

■ Metadata

Wrong Tittle, i've link source this song but somehow each link diffirent tittle, lel.. here : : livetune feat. 初音ミク - Tell Your World : kz, livetune feat. 初音ミク - Tell Your World : livetune feat.初音ミク - Tell Your World without space

■ Timing

your kiai too short XD
better increase kiai timing is more interesting or add 2nd kiai here 00:37:826

■ Audio

  1. Preview Point unsnaped, must here 00:24:026 - please check each diff
  2. You must use Hitsounds
  3. I'am not sure about mp3, because original song don't have any effect sounds like your mp3.. but somehow this mp3, you took from a ranked map XD
■ Background

■ Other

sorry, i still not check yet your video

4K = |1|2|3|4|

(Focus : Note Presence , Hand/Row Balance, Variety/Consistency Pattern)

B_Ex's 4K NM
HP : 7
OD : 7

00:10:626 - add note, loud sound here

00:25:826 - are you sure kick sound have 2 note? but IMO it will be nice if kick only 1 note XD since 00:27:626 - only have 1 note

00:40:726 - add note? check 00:47:126 -

00:44:026 - remove? since it same rhytim like 00:42:426

00:45:226 - add note, since snare 2 note, sound like 00:44:626

00:50:626 - remove, i don't hear any sound here except piano sound like 00:50:826 (50826|3,51026|2,51226|1) -
4K NM+
HP : 7,5
OD : 7,5

00:08:826 (8826|2) - still awkward play here, i think long sound like 00:09:026 (9026|3) - should start here

00:12:426 - can you explain why 2 note here?

00:16:426 - i not sure 2 note here & here 00:16:826 - because rhytim 00:16:226 - 00:16:826 - same pitch

00:24:626 (24626|2) - move to 4, row balance

00:30:226 (30226|2,30426|0) - Ctrl + G

00:30:826 (30826|1,31026|0) - Ctrl + G

00:31:226 (31226|0) - move to 4

00:31:426 (31426|1,31626|0) - Ctrl + G

00:32:426 (32426|0,32626|2) - Ctrl + G

00:33:426 (33426|2) - move to 4

00:36:226 - try like this

00:38:226 - i think here snare sound

00:43:826 (43826|3,43926|2,44026|1,44126|0) - i don't hear stream sounds here except long sound XD

00:53:426 (53426|2) - move to 1, avoid shield pattern

some note is incosistent, somehow kick have 2 note & 1 note, please check again
HP : 7,5 or 8
OD : 7,5 or 8

00:07:626 (7626|1,7826|2,8026|3) - should 2 note, consistency

00:10:626 (10626|2) - move to 4

00:13:026 - add note, clap sound check 00:13:026

00:13:626 - ^

00:16:226 (16226|1,16426|1,16626|1) - better avoid 3 jack

00:18:426 - clap

00:20:026 - ^

00:21:026 - ^

00:22:026 - missing note here

00:23:926 (23926|3,24026|2,24126|1,24226|0,24326|1,24426|2,24526|1) - ghost note, i don't hear any sounds here except effect sounds XD

00:28:826 - 00:30:826 - i think wrong pattern here, please check sounds & tick

00:37:426 - add note? because loud sound here

00:43:026 (43026|2) - move to 1

00:45:226 - add note

same reason like previous diff

Verniy_Chan wrote:

My Rating


please ignore it, just for fun only
Thanks for requesting
Хорошо~ Good Luck..

-BANGKE- wrote:

hi verniy :3 *run

-BANGKE- wrote:

fast mod buat videonya, video nya keputer cuma di diff Pika's 7K MX doang, yg lainya engga
Topic Starter

-BANGKE- wrote:

-BANGKE- wrote:

fast mod buat videonya, video nya keputer cuma di diff Pika's 7K MX doang, yg lainya engga
oke ~
sedikit perubahan

GL sherr :)
Hi! From M4M.


7k: |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|

Pika's 7k MX
  1. 00:09:026 (9026|6,9126|5,9226|4,9326|3) - 00:46:626 (46626|0,46726|1,46826|2,46926|3) - There's no sound here, suggest remove.
  2. 00:11:326 - 00:13:326 - 00:15:926 - 00:18:126 - 00:20:726 - 00:23:926 - 00:33:726 - You can add a note here
  3. 00:30:726 - I suggest this.

Tray's 7k HD
  1. 00:06:826 (6826|0,6826|6,7026|2,7026|4,7226|6,7226|3,7426|5,7426|1) - Why those notes are doublechords? Only 00:07:426 (7426|1,7426|5) - HAve more sound than other piano notes. I suggest to use single notes here.
  2. 00:15:826 (15826|3,16026|3) - Why jacking here? Try to not jack in this way in easy diffs like HDs.
    00:15:826 (15826|3,15826|5) - Ctrl + Right arrow
    00:16:026 (16026|1,16026|3) - Ctrl + Left arrow
  3. 00:16:826 (16826|0,17026|0) - Same as above. I suggest:
    00:16:626 (16626|5,16626|6) - Ctrl + Left arrow
    00:16:826 (16826|1,16826|0) - Ctrl + Right arrow
  4. 00:20:026 (20026|1,20226|1,20826|6,21026|6) - Same reason, why jacking?
    00:20:226 (20226|1) - Move to 2
    00:21:026 (21026|5) - Move to 4
    00:20:626 (20626|5,20826|6) - Ctrl + J. Then if you apply it you can Ctrl + J also 00:21:426 (21426|1,21626|0) - and reaggange 00:21:826 (21826|1,21826|2,22026|5,22026|4,22226|2,22226|1) - In order to not jack.
  5. 00:22:426 (22426|3,22626|3) - Same. Jacking not necessary.
  6. 00:28:226 (28226|1) - Always for jacking, move to 2
  7. 00:29:026 (29026|5) - Move to 2/3 for the same reason above.
  8. 00:31:426 (31426|2,31426|4) - Jacking with 00:31:226 (31226|4,31426|4) - my suggestion:
    00:31:426 (31426|4) - to 5
    00:31:426 (31426|2) - to 2
  9. 00:31:826 (31826|3,32026|3) - This jack have sense for example. So you can keep it.
  10. 00:51:026 (51026|5,51226|5) - I suggest this in order to not jack.
  11. 00:55:026 (55026|6,55226|6) - Move 00:55:026 (55026|6) - to 5

I've skipped the 4ks because I'm not so good in modding 4ks, and other 7ks diffs seems ok for me. So this is my mod! I hope you'll get this ranked, it's so relaxing.
Topic Starter

_Xenophilius_ wrote:

Hi! From M4M.


7k: |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|

Pika's 7k MX
  1. 00:09:026 (9026|6,9126|5,9226|4,9326|3) - 00:46:626 (46626|0,46726|1,46826|2,46926|3) - There's no sound here, suggest remove.
  2. 00:11:326 - 00:13:326 - 00:15:926 - 00:18:126 - 00:20:726 - 00:23:926 - 00:33:726 - You can add a note here
  3. 00:30:726 - I suggest this.

Tray's 7k HD
  1. 00:06:826 (6826|0,6826|6,7026|2,7026|4,7226|6,7226|3,7426|5,7426|1) - Why those notes are doublechords? Only 00:07:426 (7426|1,7426|5) - HAve more sound than other piano notes. I suggest to use single notes here.
  2. 00:15:826 (15826|3,16026|3) - Why jacking here? Try to not jack in this way in easy diffs like HDs.
    00:15:826 (15826|3,15826|5) - Ctrl + Right arrow
    00:16:026 (16026|1,16026|3) - Ctrl + Left arrow
  3. 00:16:826 (16826|0,17026|0) - Same as above. I suggest:
    00:16:626 (16626|5,16626|6) - Ctrl + Left arrow
    00:16:826 (16826|1,16826|0) - Ctrl + Right arrow
  4. 00:20:026 (20026|1,20226|1,20826|6,21026|6) - Same reason, why jacking?
    00:20:226 (20226|1) - Move to 2
    00:21:026 (21026|5) - Move to 4
    00:20:626 (20626|5,20826|6) - Ctrl + J. Then if you apply it you can Ctrl + J also 00:21:426 (21426|1,21626|0) - and reaggange 00:21:826 (21826|1,21826|2,22026|5,22026|4,22226|2,22226|1) - In order to not jack.
  5. 00:22:426 (22426|3,22626|3) - Same. Jacking not necessary.
  6. 00:28:226 (28226|1) - Always for jacking, move to 2
  7. 00:29:026 (29026|5) - Move to 2/3 for the same reason above.
  8. 00:31:426 (31426|2,31426|4) - Jacking with 00:31:226 (31226|4,31426|4) - my suggestion:
    00:31:426 (31426|4) - to 5
    00:31:426 (31426|2) - to 2
  9. 00:31:826 (31826|3,32026|3) - This jack have sense for example. So you can keep it.
  10. 00:51:026 (51026|5,51226|5) - I suggest this in order to not jack.
  11. 00:55:026 (55026|6,55226|6) - Move 00:55:026 (55026|6) - to 5

I've skipped the 4ks because I'm not so good in modding 4ks, and other 7ks diffs seems ok for me. So this is my mod! I hope you'll get this ranked, it's so relaxing.
thank you so much!

mod here :3

- 00:11:626 (11626|1) - move to 1
- 00:19:026 (19026|1,19226|2) - move to left for balance
- 00:28:426 (28426|3) - 00:31:626 (31626|1) - 00:34:826 (34826|0) - delete this notes, so it can be consistent with this 00:25:226 - , for me it has better flow for a normal diff but it's up to you :3
- 00:27:026 (27026|3) - move to 1; 00:27:226 (27226|2) - move to 4 to avoid jack since in the other parts there are no jacks
- 00:29:426 (29426|3) - move to 2 if you want to make a jack like here 00:26:026 (26026|1,26226|1) -
- 00:30:826 - add, because you double here 00:33:826 - 00:27:626 -
- 00:37:026 - i think this is same sound with 00:36:826 - ? so add note, you can swap columns for this 00:37:126 (37126|2,37226|1) - to prevent jack
- 00:55:226 (55226|2) - you can end it here 00:55:826 - since it has a fading sound
- 00:01:026 (1026|0,1226|1,1426|2) - move to the right, jack doesnt suit for this kind of sound or 00:01:626 (1626|2) - move this to 4
- 00:03:826 (3826|2) - move to 2 for balance and better flow of patterns
- 00:10:826 (10826|1) - it's more comfortable if you move this to 3
- 00:11:826 (11826|2) - move to 1 for balance and better flow
- 00:15:026 (15026|0) - move to 4 for balance
- 00:16:626 (16626|2) - move to 4 (there's a 3 consecutive jacks)
- 00:18:426 (18426|2,18626|3) - ctrl + g
- 00:22:826 (22826|2) - move to 2 (3 jacks again)
- 00:26:226 (26226|2) - move to 4 for better flow
- 00:48:426 (48426|3) - move to 1
- 00:49:226 (49226|2) - move to 4
- 00:50:026 (50026|0) - move to 2
- 00:51:026 (51026|3) - move to 2 for a one directional flow
- 00:58:426 - the LNs ended here
- 00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|3) - crtl + g
- 00:13:626 (13626|3) - move to 3 for balance
- 00:14:226 (14226|2) - move to 2 same reason
- 00:37:026 - add note
- 00:39:426 (39426|0) - move to 2; 00:39:826 (39826|1) - move to 3
- 00:52:426 (52426|2,52626|1) - move to right?

Good Luck!~
Topic Starter

-SoraGami- wrote:


mod here :3

- 00:11:626 (11626|1) - move to 1
- 00:19:026 (19026|1,19226|2) - move to left for balance
- 00:28:426 (28426|3) - 00:31:626 (31626|1) - 00:34:826 (34826|0) - delete this notes, so it can be consistent with this 00:25:226 - , for me it has better flow for a normal diff but it's up to you :3
- 00:27:026 (27026|3) - move to 1; 00:27:226 (27226|2) - move to 4 to avoid jack since in the other parts there are no jacks
- 00:29:426 (29426|3) - move to 2 if you want to make a jack like here 00:26:026 (26026|1,26226|1) -
- 00:30:826 - add, because you double here 00:33:826 - 00:27:626 -
- 00:37:026 - i think this is same sound with 00:36:826 - ? so add note, you can swap columns for this 00:37:126 (37126|2,37226|1) - to prevent jack
- 00:55:226 (55226|2) - you can end it here 00:55:826 - since it has a fading sound
- 00:01:026 (1026|0,1226|1,1426|2) - move to the right, jack doesnt suit for this kind of sound or 00:01:626 (1626|2) - move this to 4
- 00:03:826 (3826|2) - move to 2 for balance and better flow of patterns
- 00:10:826 (10826|1) - it's more comfortable if you move this to 3
- 00:11:826 (11826|2) - move to 1 for balance and better flow
- 00:15:026 (15026|0) - move to 4 for balance
- 00:16:626 (16626|2) - move to 4 (there's a 3 consecutive jacks)
- 00:18:426 (18426|2,18626|3) - ctrl + g
- 00:22:826 (22826|2) - move to 2 (3 jacks again)
- 00:26:226 (26226|2) - move to 4 for better flow
- 00:48:426 (48426|3) - move to 1
- 00:49:226 (49226|2) - move to 4
- 00:50:026 (50026|0) - move to 2
- 00:51:026 (51026|3) - move to 2 for a one directional flow
- 00:58:426 - the LNs ended here
- 00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|3) - crtl + g
- 00:13:626 (13626|3) - move to 3 for balance
- 00:14:226 (14226|2) - move to 2 same reason
- 00:37:026 - add note
- 00:39:426 (39426|0) - move to 2; 00:39:826 (39826|1) - move to 3
- 00:52:426 (52426|2,52626|1) - move to right?

Good Luck!~
wow, fast respond o.o
i applied some mods, those are really useful to me.
thank you very much! :3 /me bows

Hello 0/
Mod requested by Sovyonok Camp Queue
Sorry if my mod is useless,i'm newbie.
Let's go
B_Ex' NM
00:02:026 (2026|2,2226|1,2426|0) - Ctrl+j
00:02:826 (2826|3,3026|2,3226|1) - Ctrl+j
00:05:226 (5226|2,5426|1,5626|0) - Ctrl+j
00:06:026 (6026|3,6226|2,6426|1) - Ctrl+j
00:14:226 (14226|0) - Move to 2
00:14:626 (14626|2) - Move to 4
00:20:026 (20026|2) - Move to 1
00:52:426 (52426|3,52626|2,52826|1) - Ctrl+j
00:53:226 (53226|2,53426|1,53626|0) - ctrl+j
That's all.Sorry for poor mod.
Good luck with map ;)
Topic Starter

AnatOWJIya wrote:

Hello 0/
Mod requested by Sovyonok Camp Queue
Sorry if my mod is useless,i'm newbie.
Let's go
B_Ex' NM
00:02:026 (2026|2,2226|1,2426|0) - Ctrl+j okay
00:02:826 (2826|3,3026|2,3226|1) - Ctrl+j no
00:05:226 (5226|2,5426|1,5626|0) - Ctrl+j okay
00:06:026 (6026|3,6226|2,6426|1) - Ctrl+j no
00:14:226 (14226|0) - Move to 2 okay
00:14:626 (14626|2) - Move to 4 hmm no... it will be jack with 00:15:226 (15226|3) -
00:20:026 (20026|2) - Move to 1 no
00:52:426 (52426|3,52626|2,52826|1) - Ctrl+j okay
00:53:226 (53226|2,53426|1,53626|0) - ctrl+j hmm.. no...
That's all.Sorry for poor mod.
Good luck with map ;)
thank you! >w<)9
Davin Fortune
Mark :)

Mod Request from PM :)
MOD Request via PM :D

B_Ex's NM
00:14:826 - add note

00:15:826 - tambah 1 note
00:42:826 (42826|2) - delete
00:46:026 (46026|2) - ^
00:49:226 (49226|1) - ^
00:56:426 (56426|3) - pindah ke kolom 4

maaf kalo gak full mod.. dan maaf kalo jelek XD.. GOOD LUCK sher :D
Topic Starter

erlinadewi- wrote:

MOD Request via PM :D

B_Ex's NM
00:14:826 - add note okay

00:15:826 - tambah 1 note no
00:42:826 (42826|2) - delete no
00:46:026 (46026|2) - ^ no
00:49:226 (49226|1) - ^ no
00:56:426 (56426|3) - pindah ke kolom 4 okay

maaf kalo gak full mod.. dan maaf kalo jelek XD.. GOOD LUCK sher :D
gapapa, thank you ><

F4W's Modding Notice

*From F4W's Mania Modding Queue


*If you reject some of my mods, kindly explain it so I can understand.

Title: Tell Your World (Short Ver.) The original song is about 4 minutes.
Difficulty: zancers x sherry's MX
Source: Vocaloid It's clearly the song is from a vocaloid.
Tags: Remove "vocaloid" since it's on the source.
HP Drain (HP): NM and NM+ must be 6 not 7; HD must be 7 not 8.
Overall Difficulty (OD): NM must be 6 not 7; HD must be 7 not 8

B_Ex's NM
00:01:426 (1426|2,1626|1) - Flip Horizontally (Ctrl+H), for hand balance and pitch pattern.
00:04:626 (4626|2,4826|1) - Same as above.
00:07:826 (7826|2,8026|1) - Same as above.
00:12:026 (12026|3) - Move to 2, for hand balance.
00:13:826 (13826|2) - Move to 4, for hand balance.
00:16:426 (16426|1,16626|0,16826|1,17026|2) - Move to 4, 2, 3 and 2 respectively, for note consistency and hand balance.
00:44:626 (44626|2) - Move to 1, for hand balance.
00:51:026 (51026|2) - Move to 1, for hand balance.
00:54:226 (54226|1,54426|0) - Switch columns, for pitch pattern and hand balance.

00:01:226 (1226|2,1426|1) - Move to 2 and 1 respectively, for hand balance and reverse pitch pattern.
00:02:026 (2026|1,2226|0) - Switch columns, for pitch pattern and hand balance.
00:05:226 (5226|1) - Move to 4, for reversed pitch pattern.
00:07:826 (7826|1) - Move to 1, for hand balance.
00:10:826 (10826|2,11026|1) - Flip Horizontally (Ctrl+H) for pitch pattern.
00:13:026 (13026|3,13226|2,13426|1) - Move to 3, 2 and 1 respectively, for note consistency.
00:47:426 (47426|3) - Move to 3, for note density.

00:01:026 (1026|0) - Move to 4, for pitch pattern and note density.
00:14:826 (14826|1) - Move to 3, for note consistency.
00:48:626 (48626|3) - Move to 3, to avoid too much jacks.
00:49:426 (49426|2,49426|0) - Flip Horizontally (Ctrl+H), for hand balance and to avoid too much jacks.

zancers ft. sherry MX
00:07:626 (7626|0) - Move to 3, for note density.
00:10:226 (10226|1,10226|2,10426|2,10626|1) - Flip Horizontally, for hand balance and pitch pattern.
00:11:626 (11626|2) - Move to 4, for hand balance.
00:13:826 (13826|2) - Move to 1, for easier hit and note density.
00:21:426 (21426|3) - Move to 1, to avoid densed jacks.
00:25:826 (25826|1,26026|2) - Move to 4 and 2 respectively, for hand balance.
00:34:026 (34026|3) - Move to 2, same as above.
00:42:226 (42226|2) - Move to 4, same as above.
00:48:226 (48226|1) - Move to 4, same as above.
00:50:026 (50026|0,50226|1,50426|0,50626|1,50826|0) - Switch columns, for note density.
00:51:026 (51026|1) - Move to 4, to avoid jacks in the mod above.
Topic Starter

FreeezeForward wrote:

F4W's Modding Notice

*From F4W's Mania Modding Queue


*If you reject some of my mods, kindly explain it so I can understand.

Title: Tell Your World (Short Ver.) The original song is about 4 minutes. i dont think to change this. since i already write those and the other modder said to delete it
Difficulty: zancers x sherry's MX ....
Source: Vocaloid It's clearly the song is from a vocaloid. i dont think that vocaloid is the right source
Tags: Remove "vocaloid" since it's on the source. ... @@
HP Drain (HP): NM and NM+ must be 6 not 7; HD must be 7 not 8. keep
Overall Difficulty (OD): NM must be 6 not 7; HD must be 7 not 8

B_Ex's NM
00:01:426 (1426|2,1626|1) - Flip Horizontally (Ctrl+H), for hand balance and pitch pattern. keep
00:04:626 (4626|2,4826|1) - Same as above. same as above
00:07:826 (7826|2,8026|1) - Same as above. same as above
00:12:026 (12026|3) - Move to 2, for hand balance. keep
00:13:826 (13826|2) - Move to 4, for hand balance. okay
00:16:426 (16426|1,16626|0,16826|1,17026|2) - Move to 4, 2, 3 and 2 respectively, for note consistency and hand balance. keep
00:44:626 (44626|2) - Move to 1, for hand balance. keep
00:51:026 (51026|2) - Move to 1, for hand balance. keep
00:54:226 (54226|1,54426|0) - Switch columns, for pitch pattern and hand balance.

00:01:226 (1226|2,1426|1) - Move to 2 and 1 respectively, for hand balance and reverse pitch pattern. no... this is balanced already
00:02:026 (2026|1,2226|0) - Switch columns, for pitch pattern and hand balance. okay
00:05:226 (5226|1) - Move to 4, for reversed pitch pattern. keep
00:07:826 (7826|1) - Move to 1, for hand balance. okay
00:10:826 (10826|2,11026|1) - Flip Horizontally (Ctrl+H) for pitch pattern. okay
00:13:026 (13026|3,13226|2,13426|1) - Move to 3, 2 and 1 respectively, for note consistency. okay
00:47:426 (47426|3) - Move to 3, for note density. keep

00:01:026 (1026|0) - Move to 4, for pitch pattern and note density. keep
00:14:826 (14826|1) - Move to 3, for note consistency. keep
00:48:626 (48626|3) - Move to 3, to avoid too much jacks. welp okay @@
00:49:426 (49426|2,49426|0) - Flip Horizontally (Ctrl+H), for hand balance and to avoid too much jacks. okay okay

zancers ft. sherry MX
00:07:626 (7626|0) - Move to 3, for note density. keep
00:10:226 (10226|1,10226|2,10426|2,10626|1) - Flip Horizontally, for hand balance and pitch pattern. okay
00:11:626 (11626|2) - Move to 4, for hand balance. keep
00:13:826 (13826|2) - Move to 1, for easier hit and note density. keep
00:21:426 (21426|3) - Move to 1, to avoid densed jacks. okay
00:25:826 (25826|1,26026|2) - Move to 4 and 2 respectively, for hand balance. okay
00:34:026 (34026|3) - Move to 2, same as above. okay
00:42:226 (42226|2) - Move to 4, same as above. keep
00:48:226 (48226|1) - Move to 4, same as above. okay
00:50:026 (50026|0,50226|1,50426|0,50626|1,50826|0) - Switch columns, for note density. keep
00:51:026 (51026|1) - Move to 4, to avoid jacks in the mod above. keep
thank you~~

sherrysina wrote:

FreeezeForward wrote:

F4W's Modding Notice

*From F4W's Mania Modding Queue


*If you reject some of my mods, kindly explain it so I can understand.

Title: Tell Your World (Short Ver.) The original song is about 4 minutes. i dont think to change this. since i already write those and the other modder said to delete it
Difficulty: zancers x sherry's MX ....
Source: Vocaloid It's clearly the song is from a vocaloid. i dont think that vocaloid is the right source
Tags: Remove "vocaloid" since it's on the source. ... @@
HP Drain (HP): NM and NM+ must be 6 not 7; HD must be 7 not 8. keep
Overall Difficulty (OD): NM must be 6 not 7; HD must be 7 not 8

thank you~~
Who told you to delete the "Short Ver."? Just asking.
Topic Starter

FreeezeForward wrote:

Who told you to delete the "Short Ver."? Just asking.
i dont remember, but i'm sure many modders said to delete the "Short Ver."
I don't think the Short Ver. must be removed. For QAT's, the title "Tell Your World" itself means it is the full version of the song. Anything else shorter than that may be TV Size or Short Ver. ; unless the long version of the song is the extended version of the original. I think you should check this metadata to a BN or a QAT.
Hi there nyan~ I don't know if it will be a really long mod but i'll try
hope it will help :3
How I do mod
My mods are meant to Help simply , all of it is Simples suggestion and advice mostly based on every mapper styles and way to places notes
feel free to reject anything you find wrong , I'm back to my initial intention about modding , I just wish to help simply . ;3
Collumn 4K = 1/2/3/4
[zancers ft. sherry]
00:22:426 (22426|1) - I think this LN should start here : 00:22:626 -
00:51:226 (51226|2) - Should be 2 LNs since HD have two LNs for this sounds .
same for all the next LNs
00:52:026 (52026|1) -
00:52:826 (52826|0) -
00:54:426 (54426|3) -
00:55:226 (55226|0) -
00:41:026 (41026|1) - add another note according to previous pattern : 00:34:626 (34626|2,34626|0) - < I think it should be two notes
00:30:826 (30826|0) - this should be Two notes according to this pattern 00:35:426 (35426|3,35426|1,35626|0,35626|2,35826|0,35826|1) -
[B_Ex's NM]
00:25:826 (25826|1) - this should be Two notes according to this pattern : 00:29:026 (29026|1,29026|3) -

hawa , really super short mod ;w; , I can't really help for pattern , so it's mainly concistency thingys feel free to reject anything~
Good Luck~ Tell your world is sugoi song~~
Hi Sherry :3 /
Mod Requested, sorry for the delay :'

B_Ex's NM
  1. 00:13:826 - add note ? consistency with 00:10:626 -
  2. 00:17:026 - ^ ?
  3. 00:29:226 - delete 1 note ? since u placed 1 note on 00:30:826 - 00:32:426 - etc
  4. 00:52:426 (52426|1,52826|3) - Ctrl + G, for pitch,

  1. 00:10:626 - add 1 more note ?
  2. 00:27:226 (27226|2) - move to 1 ?
  3. 00:28:026 (28026|0) - delete, 1 note is enough
  4. 00:30:826 - add note, for clap. like 00:29:226 -
  5. 00:48:626 (48626|1) - move to 1 pls

  1. 00:23:426 (23426|0) - should end at 00:23:826 -

FreeezeForward wrote:

I don't think the Short Ver. must be removed. For QAT's, the title "Tell Your World" itself means it is the full version of the song. Anything else shorter than that may be TV Size or Short Ver. ; unless the long version of the song is the extended version of the original. I think you should check this metadata to a BN or a QAT.
Topic Starter

Eternalie wrote:

Hi there nyan~ I don't know if it will be a really long mod but i'll try
hope it will help :3
How I do mod
My mods are meant to Help simply , all of it is Simples suggestion and advice mostly based on every mapper styles and way to places notes
feel free to reject anything you find wrong , I'm back to my initial intention about modding , I just wish to help simply . ;3
Collumn 4K = 1/2/3/4
[zancers ft. sherry]
00:22:426 (22426|1) - I think this LN should start here : 00:22:626 -
00:51:226 (51226|2) - Should be 2 LNs since HD have two LNs for this sounds .
same for all the next LNs
00:52:026 (52026|1) -
00:52:826 (52826|0) -
00:54:426 (54426|3) -
00:55:226 (55226|0) - i think, 1 note is okay..
00:41:026 (41026|1) - add another note according to previous pattern : 00:34:626 (34626|2,34626|0) - < I think it should be two notes okay
00:30:826 (30826|0) - this should be Two notes according to this pattern 00:35:426 (35426|3,35426|1,35626|0,35626|2,35826|0,35826|1) - but i dont hear any drum sound D:
[B_Ex's NM]
00:25:826 (25826|1) - this should be Two notes according to this pattern : 00:29:026 (29026|1,29026|3) - okay~

hawa , really super short mod ;w; , I can't really help for pattern , so it's mainly concistency thingys feel free to reject anything~
Good Luck~ Tell your world is sugoi song~~ thank you Etlie! ><

From Han & Aliscea's Mania Modding Plaza!!!
Good song, good map. I have few suggestions though...

Here's my Mod:
00:10:626 (10626|2) - move to 2 to put some notes on column 2. feels unbalanced imo, but it looks better
00:13:426 (13426|1,13626|0) - change columns, fits more
00:12:426 (12426|0,12826|1) - better swap these if you apply ^
00:16:226 - try this rough suggestion
00:19:626 (19626|2) - move to 1, change of sound, better make this far from 00:19:426 (19426|3)
00:24:626 (24626|1) - move to 1, putting a space inbetween emphasizes the sound
00:37:826 - these sliders are hard for a normal difficulty imo, there are even notes. I suggest remove those sliders
00:09:026 (9026|3) - strange slider... shouldn't the slider be at 00:08:826? ( ref. NM diff. )
00:10:626 - add a note, different sound with 00:10:826 ( optional, it also follows a bit of the NM difficulty )
00:17:626 - add a note if you're following the bell sounds ( is that even a bell xD )
00:18:426 - from this part to 00:19:626 column 1 feels empty. put some notes in it
00:19:626 - why 2 notes?
00:50:826 - 00:52:426 - column 1 feels empty...
00:55:826 - add note? same with NM diff
00:56:426 - strong sound, add note.

I hope these can help you :D
Good luck with your map! :)
Topic Starter

Adinata28 wrote:

Hi Sherry :3 /
Mod Requested, sorry for the delay :'

B_Ex's NM
  1. 00:13:826 - add note ? consistency with 00:10:626 - okay, i also re-arranged the reff part
  2. 00:17:026 - ^ ? ^
  3. 00:29:226 - delete 1 note ? since u placed 1 note on 00:30:826 - 00:32:426 - etc okay, re-arranged
  4. 00:52:426 (52426|1,52826|3) - Ctrl + G, for pitch,

  1. 00:10:626 - add 1 more note ? okay
  2. 00:27:226 (27226|2) - move to 1 ? okay
  3. 00:28:026 (28026|0) - delete, 1 note is enough okay
  4. 00:30:826 - add note, for clap. like 00:29:226 - i dont think its a clap sound..
  5. 00:48:626 (48626|1) - move to 1 pls

  1. 00:23:426 (23426|0) - should end at 00:23:826 -

FreeezeForward wrote:

I don't think the Short Ver. must be removed. For QAT's, the title "Tell Your World" itself means it is the full version of the song. Anything else shorter than that may be TV Size or Short Ver. ; unless the long version of the song is the extended version of the original. I think you should check this metadata to a BN or a QAT.
thank you mastah sefuh :3
Topic Starter

AlisceaSparku wrote:

From Han & Aliscea's Mania Modding Plaza!!!
Good song, good map. I have few suggestions though...

Here's my Mod:
00:10:626 (10626|2) - move to 2 to put some notes on column 2. feels unbalanced imo, but it looks better
00:13:426 (13426|1,13626|0) - change columns, fits more
00:12:426 (12426|0,12826|1) - better swap these if you apply ^
00:16:226 - try this rough suggestion
00:19:626 (19626|2) - move to 1, change of sound, better make this far from 00:19:426 (19426|3)
00:24:626 (24626|1) - move to 1, putting a space inbetween emphasizes the sound
00:37:826 - these sliders are hard for a normal difficulty imo, there are even notes. I suggest remove those sliders
00:09:026 (9026|3) - strange slider... shouldn't the slider be at 00:08:826? ( ref. NM diff. )
00:10:626 - add a note, different sound with 00:10:826 ( optional, it also follows a bit of the NM difficulty )
00:17:626 - add a note if you're following the bell sounds ( is that even a bell xD )
00:18:426 - from this part to 00:19:626 column 1 feels empty. put some notes in it
00:19:626 - why 2 notes?
00:50:826 - 00:52:426 - column 1 feels empty...
00:55:826 - add note? same with NM diff
00:56:426 - strong sound, add note.

I hope these can help you :D
Good luck with your map! :)
thank you aliscea! applied some of the mods above. sorry i cant reply one by one :c

Modding Notice

Hello Sherrysina ^^

You were requested to me via in-game request. I do not point out all thing in this mod so there might be more issues that can be found across the mapset. Make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap.

livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [OsuMania]



I felt HS isn't done yet, even HD still no HS..........
zancers ft. sherry MX :arrow: zancers ft. sherry's MX (grammar pls :v )


00:22:026 (22026|1,22426|0) - col 1 and 2 respectively? seems more symmetrical.
00:47:026 (47026|1,47126|2,47226|3) - geser kiri. seems more comfortable to hit

00:08:776 (8776|2) -

left= HD
Right= zancers ft. sherry MX

CMIIW tapi ini bisa jadi kemunkinan Unrankable issues karena note ini unsnapped. note ini juga gak ada di MX.

00:13:826 (13826|3,13826|0,14226|0,14226|3,14626|3,14626|0,15026|0,15426|3,15426|0,15826|0,15826|3,16226|0,16226|3) - imo this pattern can be improved tho, recommend to rearrange this somehow

00:35:826 (35826|0,36226|2) - col 3 and 2 respectively. avoid triple jack pattern.

00:51:226 - till the song end.
Please compare with MX diff

why HD have 2 LN while MX has 1 LN? take note that MX should be harder on any term besides just to increase the Star Rating, but also the pattern, should be harder.

so HD should have 1 LN and MX should have 2 LN.

[zancers ft. sherry MX]

00:09:826 (9826|2,10026|2,10026|3,10226|2,10226|1,10426|3) - eh...... I don't think there's any relevant noise that can be used for 2 note presses (1 SN and 1 LN = 2 note presses) suggest to delete the short notes there.

Side Note
As -BANGKE- has stated in multiplayer game chat before, that the rule of Minimum draining time ( t/352472 ) Could be applied anytime. If you really want this to get ranked, you should be fast now. since the rule can be applied anytime.

If you found that this mod isn't helpful to you, don't give kudosu. If there's any Misunderstanding , You can PM me anytime to clarify the issues that i've been pointed out.
The other modder should handle this mapset from now on.

Good Luck sherrysina and friends ^^

Hi, from queue, col 1234

The NM diffs seem fine to me~

00:37:626 - Add note
00:37:726 - ^
00:44:126 - ^

How come there's no video for this diff? D:
00:14:426 - Add note, same sound as 00:14:026 (14026|1)
00:16:126 - Add note, I think that it's fine to have a 1/4 pattern in the hardest diff
00:37:626 - Add note for snare
00:37:726 - ^
00:51:826 (51826|2,52026|1,52426|3,52626|2,52826|0) - Just a mild nitpick that these should staircase to the left for pitch relevancy

Good luck with ranked!
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Modding Notice

Hello Sherrysina ^^

You were requested to me via in-game request. I do not point out all thing in this mod so there might be more issues that can be found across the mapset. Make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap.

livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [OsuMania]



I felt HS isn't done yet, even HD still no HS..........
zancers ft. sherry MX :arrow: zancers ft. sherry's MX (grammar pls :v ) okay xDD


00:22:026 (22026|1,22426|0) - col 1 and 2 respectively? seems more symmetrical. okay
00:47:026 (47026|1,47126|2,47226|3) - geser kiri. seems more comfortable to hit okay

00:08:776 (8776|2) -

left= HD
Right= zancers ft. sherry MX

CMIIW tapi ini bisa jadi kemunkinan Unrankable issues karena note ini unsnapped. note ini juga gak ada di MX.

00:13:826 (13826|3,13826|0,14226|0,14226|3,14626|3,14626|0,15026|0,15426|3,15426|0,15826|0,15826|3,16226|0,16226|3) - imo this pattern can be improved tho, recommend to rearrange this somehow done~

00:35:826 (35826|0,36226|2) - col 3 and 2 respectively. avoid triple jack pattern. okay

00:51:226 - till the song end.
Please compare with MX diff

why HD have 2 LN while MX has 1 LN? take note that MX should be harder on any term besides just to increase the Star Rating, but also the pattern, should be harder. done~ but, can i keep MX has 1 LN?

so HD should have 1 LN and MX should have 2 LN.

[zancers ft. sherry MX]

00:09:826 (9826|2,10026|2,10026|3,10226|2,10226|1,10426|3) - eh...... I don't think there's any relevant noise that can be used for 2 note presses (1 SN and 1 LN = 2 note presses) suggest to delete the short notes there.

Side Note
As -BANGKE- has stated in multiplayer game chat before, that the rule of Minimum draining time ( t/352472 ) Could be applied anytime. If you really want this to get ranked, you should be fast now. since the rule can be applied anytime. UHHHH YES YES YES THANK YOU!

If you found that this mod isn't helpful to you, don't give kudosu. If there's any Misunderstanding , You can PM me anytime to clarify the issues that i've been pointed out. this is helpfuull!! kudosu gifted =w=)/
The other modder should handle this mapset from now on.

Good Luck sherrysina and friends ^^

Topic Starter

Aphrodena wrote:

Hi, from queue, col 1234

The NM diffs seem fine to me~ whoaaa *o*

00:37:626 - Add note no
00:37:726 - ^ no
00:44:126 - ^ no

How come there's no video for this diff? D: eh....... added the video, hope its already has the video :3
00:14:426 - Add note, same sound as 00:14:026 (14026|1) okay
00:16:126 - Add note, I think that it's fine to have a 1/4 pattern in the hardest diff ....
00:37:626 - Add note for snare i dont hear any snare sound there..
00:37:726 - ^ ^
00:51:826 (51826|2,52026|1,52426|3,52626|2,52826|0) - Just a mild nitpick that these should staircase to the left for pitch relevancy ...

Good luck with ranked! thank you!
Thx for the 100th Kudos xD


sesuai Deal nya

aku take NM nya

and here's the MOD

-focus on Consistency and Ghost Scanning-


00:08:626 (8626|0) - idk kau Focus ke instru ato sama Vocal.. but lebih baik ke instru.. jadi ini delete aja

00:09:826 (9826|0) - next Sound start nya di 00:10:226 - bukan di situ

00:14:426 - missing note?? aku denger ada sound di sini

00:15:026 - sama white line atasnya juga.. ngga missing note??

noting more

- HD -

00:16:226 (16226|3,16226|0,16426|1,16426|2,16626|3,16626|0,16826|2,16826|1,17026|3,17026|0) - what is this for?

00:08:826 (8826|0) - missing mini stream here.. coba di didenger lagi.. kek nya pake 1/8

- MX -

00:08:826 (8826|0) - missing mini stream here
00:09:626 - missing Vocal note here.. soalnya aku denger yang 3 LN di atasnya ngikut Vocal

sorry kalo dikit.... soalnya memang itu yang bisa aku temuin

ada sih yang kedengeran nya ghosting.. but pas aku denger lagi.. ada faint sound.. jadi aku ragu itu ghost ato bukan

wait for my NM
kyknya blm nyumbang star :v /
Topic Starter

Pharos21 wrote:


sesuai Deal nya

aku take NM nya okay~

and here's the MOD

-focus on Consistency and Ghost Scanning-


00:08:626 (8626|0) - idk kau Focus ke instru ato sama Vocal.. but lebih baik ke instru.. jadi ini delete aja tapi ini suara piano...

00:09:826 (9826|0) - next Sound start nya di 00:10:226 - bukan di situ okay

00:14:426 - missing note?? aku denger ada sound di sini um...

00:15:026 - sama white line atasnya juga.. ngga missing note?? hmm... seharusnya cuma ngikut drum, kick, sama piano sih..

noting more

- HD -

00:16:226 (16226|3,16226|0,16426|1,16426|2,16626|3,16626|0,16826|2,16826|1,17026|3,17026|0) - what is this for? itu kick..

00:08:826 (8826|0) - missing mini stream here.. coba di didenger lagi.. kek nya pake 1/8 okay

- MX -

00:08:826 (8826|0) - missing mini stream here okay
00:09:626 - missing Vocal note here.. soalnya aku denger yang 3 LN di atasnya ngikut Vocal okay

sorry kalo dikit.... soalnya memang itu yang bisa aku temuin

ada sih yang kedengeran nya ghosting.. but pas aku denger lagi.. ada faint sound.. jadi aku ragu itu ghost ato bukan

wait for my NM oke >,<)/
makasih kak sep~
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Thx for the 100th Kudos xD

you're welcome xD
Topic Starter

-BANGKE- wrote:

kyknya blm nyumbang star :v /
belum memang =w=
some IRC with cherrysina, eh i mean, sherry c:
18:44 sherrysina: BANGJAAAY!!
18:46 sherrysina: mana mod mod di thread??
18:46 sherrysina: sherry bantuin, lagi free banget nih :3
18:47 -BANGKE-: wokay xD
18:47 -BANGKE-: bentar
18:47 *-BANGKE- is playing [ dj TAKA meets DJ YOSHITAKA - Elemental Creation [4K EXTREME]] <osu!mania> |4K|
18:48 sherrysina: hwee oke xD
18:58 -BANGKE-: eh sherry
18:58 -BANGKE-: udah di apply map mu?
18:58 -BANGKE-: mod nya
19:01 sherrysina: udah..
19:01 -BANGKE-: okay
19:01 sherrysina: dan NM nya di replace sama punya pharos
19:01 -BANGKE-: aku cek lagi
19:01 -BANGKE-: without video kok 10 mb =w=
19:02 *-BANGKE- is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [zancers ft. sherry's MX]]
19:02 -BANGKE-: ready?
19:03 sherrysina: ngga tau =w=
19:03 sherrysina: IRC kah?
19:03 -BANGKE-: iya
19:03 -BANGKE-: nanti aku post
19:03 sherrysina: ready =w=)b
19:03 -BANGKE-: :3
19:03 sherrysina: sama IRC yang kemaren itu owo
19:03 -BANGKE-: just suggestion : 00:01:626 (1626|2) - move col 4, 00:01:426 (1426|3) - col 1
19:03 -BANGKE-: 00:02:426 (2426|3,3226|3) - jadi biar sejajar sama kedua LN ini
19:04 -BANGKE-: 00:05:626 (5626|1) - col 1
19:04 -BANGKE-: 00:10:626 - whoops, missing note xD
19:05 sherrysina: ^ added note
19:05 -BANGKE-: 00:25:026 - triplet much better, kiai part
19:05 -BANGKE-: add 1
19:06 sherrysina: 2 untuk konsistensi..
19:07 -BANGKE-: nothing else, nice
19:07 *-BANGKE- is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [HD]]
19:07 sherrysina: YEAY
19:08 sherrysina: sudah ke HS yang HD =w=)b
19:08 *sherrysina is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [HD]]
19:08 -BANGKE-: suggest : 00:16:226 (16226|1) - col 4, 00:16:026 (16026|3) - col 2
19:09 sherrysina: applied
19:09 -BANGKE-: 00:40:726 (40726|0,40826|2) - untuk lebih nyamanya, ctrl + j
19:10 sherrysina: okay
19:10 -BANGKE-: nothing else again, nice =w=)b
19:10 *-BANGKE- is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [NM+]]
19:10 sherrysina: YEAY
19:10 *sherrysina is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [NM+]]
19:11 -BANGKE-: 00:03:826 (3826|1,4026|0) - geser ke kanan
19:11 -BANGKE-: 00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|2) - mirror dari ini
19:11 -BANGKE-: 00:10:226 (10226|0) - whoops, kelewatan LN nya xD
19:11 -BANGKE-: 00:10:626 - seharusnya di sini akhirnya
19:12 sherrysina: wait
19:12 sherrysina: mirror?
19:12 -BANGKE-: yang tadi itu, yg ku suruh geser
19:12 -BANGKE-: itu mirror dari yg itu
19:12 -BANGKE-: =w=)b
19:13 sherrysina: ohh iya iya =w=)b
19:13 sherrysina: okay sudah turunin LN sampe garis putih bawahnya
19:13 -BANGKE-: 00:32:626 (32626|0) - col 4?
19:13 -BANGKE-: 00:33:826 (33826|2) - ^ ?
19:13 -BANGKE-: 00:37:426 (37426|3,37426|0) - menurutku ini, change jadi LN (?)
19:14 -BANGKE-: suggestion ._.
19:14 -BANGKE-: 00:42:626 (42626|1,42626|3) - ngga ke HS nih xD
19:14 sherrysina: applied yang di paling atas
19:15 sherrysina: ohiya ketinggalan...
19:15 -BANGKE-: 00:52:026 (52026|3) - col 3, 00:52:826 (52826|2) - col 2?
19:16 -BANGKE-: nice again =w=)b
19:16 *-BANGKE- is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [Pharos' NM]]
19:16 sherrysina: hmm nope..
19:16 sherrysina: yeahh =w=)b
19:16 -BANGKE-: yg diff ini blm ke HS yah
19:16 -BANGKE-: ?
19:17 sherrysina: ehh belum ya?
19:17 -BANGKE-: belum..
19:17 -BANGKE-: seems no problem in pheros diff eh pharos
19:17 *-BANGKE- is listening to [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World]
19:17 sherrysina: yey =w=)b
Topic Starter

-BANGKE- wrote:

some IRC with cherrysina, eh i mean, sherry c:
18:44 sherrysina: BANGJAAAY!!
18:46 sherrysina: mana mod mod di thread??
18:46 sherrysina: sherry bantuin, lagi free banget nih :3
18:47 -BANGKE-: wokay xD
18:47 -BANGKE-: bentar
18:47 *-BANGKE- is playing [ dj TAKA meets DJ YOSHITAKA - Elemental Creation [4K EXTREME]] <osu!mania> |4K|
18:48 sherrysina: hwee oke xD
18:58 -BANGKE-: eh sherry
18:58 -BANGKE-: udah di apply map mu?
18:58 -BANGKE-: mod nya
19:01 sherrysina: udah..
19:01 -BANGKE-: okay
19:01 sherrysina: dan NM nya di replace sama punya pharos
19:01 -BANGKE-: aku cek lagi
19:01 -BANGKE-: without video kok 10 mb =w=
19:02 *-BANGKE- is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [zancers ft. sherry's MX]]
19:02 -BANGKE-: ready?
19:03 sherrysina: ngga tau =w=
19:03 sherrysina: IRC kah?
19:03 -BANGKE-: iya
19:03 -BANGKE-: nanti aku post
19:03 sherrysina: ready =w=)b
19:03 -BANGKE-: :3
19:03 sherrysina: sama IRC yang kemaren itu owo
19:03 -BANGKE-: just suggestion : 00:01:626 (1626|2) - move col 4, 00:01:426 (1426|3) - col 1
19:03 -BANGKE-: 00:02:426 (2426|3,3226|3) - jadi biar sejajar sama kedua LN ini
19:04 -BANGKE-: 00:05:626 (5626|1) - col 1
19:04 -BANGKE-: 00:10:626 - whoops, missing note xD
19:05 sherrysina: ^ added note
19:05 -BANGKE-: 00:25:026 - triplet much better, kiai part
19:05 -BANGKE-: add 1
19:06 sherrysina: 2 untuk konsistensi..
19:07 -BANGKE-: nothing else, nice
19:07 *-BANGKE- is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [HD]]
19:07 sherrysina: YEAY
19:08 sherrysina: sudah ke HS yang HD =w=)b
19:08 *sherrysina is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [HD]]
19:08 -BANGKE-: suggest : 00:16:226 (16226|1) - col 4, 00:16:026 (16026|3) - col 2
19:09 sherrysina: applied
19:09 -BANGKE-: 00:40:726 (40726|0,40826|2) - untuk lebih nyamanya, ctrl + j
19:10 sherrysina: okay
19:10 -BANGKE-: nothing else again, nice =w=)b
19:10 *-BANGKE- is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [NM+]]
19:10 sherrysina: YEAY
19:10 *sherrysina is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [NM+]]
19:11 -BANGKE-: 00:03:826 (3826|1,4026|0) - geser ke kanan
19:11 -BANGKE-: 00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|2) - mirror dari ini
19:11 -BANGKE-: 00:10:226 (10226|0) - whoops, kelewatan LN nya xD
19:11 -BANGKE-: 00:10:626 - seharusnya di sini akhirnya
19:12 sherrysina: wait
19:12 sherrysina: mirror?
19:12 -BANGKE-: yang tadi itu, yg ku suruh geser
19:12 -BANGKE-: itu mirror dari yg itu
19:12 -BANGKE-: =w=)b
19:13 sherrysina: ohh iya iya =w=)b
19:13 sherrysina: okay sudah turunin LN sampe garis putih bawahnya
19:13 -BANGKE-: 00:32:626 (32626|0) - col 4?
19:13 -BANGKE-: 00:33:826 (33826|2) - ^ ?
19:13 -BANGKE-: 00:37:426 (37426|3,37426|0) - menurutku ini, change jadi LN (?)
19:14 -BANGKE-: suggestion ._.
19:14 -BANGKE-: 00:42:626 (42626|1,42626|3) - ngga ke HS nih xD
19:14 sherrysina: applied yang di paling atas
19:15 sherrysina: ohiya ketinggalan...
19:15 -BANGKE-: 00:52:026 (52026|3) - col 3, 00:52:826 (52826|2) - col 2?
19:16 -BANGKE-: nice again =w=)b
19:16 *-BANGKE- is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [Pharos' NM]]
19:16 sherrysina: hmm nope..
19:16 sherrysina: yeahh =w=)b
19:16 -BANGKE-: yg diff ini blm ke HS yah
19:16 -BANGKE-: ?
19:17 sherrysina: ehh belum ya?
19:17 -BANGKE-: belum..
19:17 -BANGKE-: seems no problem in pheros diff eh pharos
19:17 *-BANGKE- is listening to [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World]
19:17 sherrysina: yey =w=)b
makasih kak leo, eh maksudnya bangjay xD
Deep Sea
Hello sherrysina
mod for you ready

[Pharos' NM]

00:10:026 -
00:15:226 (15226|2) - move to 4
00:15:626 (15626|1) - move to 3
00:17:626 (17626|1) - move to 1
00:18:426 (18426|0) - move to 4
00:18:826 (18826|2) - move to 1
00:26:824 (26824|1) - unsnapped note
00:37:426 (37426|2) - move to 1


00:04:226 (4226|2) - move to 1
00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|2) - ctrl + g
00:05:226 (5226|1) - move to 4
00:34:026 (34026|2) - move to 4
00:34:226 (34226|3) - delete
00:34:626 -
00:49:226 -

HP 7

turn off widescreen support

00:08:876 (8876|2,8926|3) - delete and add note to 4 here 00:08:826 -
00:13:826 (13826|2) - move to 4
00:20:226 (20226|2,20226|1) - vocal? end here 00:20:826 - , delete 00:20:226 (20226|1) - and add note to 2 here 00:20:826 -
00:21:226 (21226|1) - delete
00:25:826 (25826|2) - move to 1
00:29:826 -
00:31:426 (31426|1) - delete
00:31:826 -
00:35:826 -
00:38:226 (38226|1) - move to 3
00:38:826 (38826|2) - move to 1
00:39:026 (39026|0) - move to 2
00:39:426 (39426|3) - move to 1
00:39:626 (39626|0) - move to 4
00:41:426 -
00:46:826 (46826|3) - move to 2
00:49:026 (49026|0) - move to 4
00:49:426 (49426|1) - move to 1

[zancers ft. sherry's MX]

turn off widescreen support

00:21:626 -
00:43:826 (43826|2) - move to 1
00:44:026 (44026|0) - move to 3

very good MX

Good luck :3
Topic Starter

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

Hello sherrysina
mod for you ready

[Pharos' NM]

00:10:026 -
00:15:226 (15226|2) - move to 4
00:15:626 (15626|1) - move to 3
00:17:626 (17626|1) - move to 1
00:18:426 (18426|0) - move to 4
00:18:826 (18826|2) - move to 1
00:26:824 (26824|1) - unsnapped note
00:37:426 (37426|2) - move to 1


00:04:226 (4226|2) - move to 1
00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|2) - ctrl + g
00:05:226 (5226|1) - move to 4
00:34:026 (34026|2) - move to 4
00:34:226 (34226|3) - delete
00:34:626 -
00:49:226 -

HP 7

turn off widescreen support

00:08:876 (8876|2,8926|3) - delete and add note to 4 here 00:08:826 -
00:13:826 (13826|2) - move to 4
00:20:226 (20226|2,20226|1) - vocal? end here 00:20:826 - , delete 00:20:226 (20226|1) - and add note to 2 here 00:20:826 -
00:21:226 (21226|1) - delete
00:25:826 (25826|2) - move to 1
00:29:826 -
00:31:426 (31426|1) - delete
00:31:826 -
00:35:826 -
00:38:226 (38226|1) - move to 3
00:38:826 (38826|2) - move to 1
00:39:026 (39026|0) - move to 2
00:39:426 (39426|3) - move to 1
00:39:626 (39626|0) - move to 4
00:41:426 -
00:46:826 (46826|3) - move to 2
00:49:026 (49026|0) - move to 4
00:49:426 (49426|1) - move to 1

[zancers ft. sherry's MX]

turn off widescreen support

00:21:626 -
00:43:826 (43826|2) - move to 1
00:44:026 (44026|0) - move to 3

very good MX

Good luck :3
Thank you Shana! >.<

i hope you do bub ;w;

sherrysina wrote:

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

Hello sherrysina
mod for you ready

[Pharos' NM]

00:10:026 -
00:15:226 (15226|2) - move to 4
00:15:626 (15626|1) - move to 3
00:17:626 (17626|1) - move to 1
00:18:426 (18426|0) - move to 4
00:18:826 (18826|2) - move to 1
00:26:824 (26824|1) - unsnapped note
00:37:426 (37426|2) - move to 1


00:04:226 (4226|2) - move to 1
00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|2) - ctrl + g
00:05:226 (5226|1) - move to 4
00:34:026 (34026|2) - move to 4
00:34:226 (34226|3) - delete
00:34:626 -
00:49:226 -

HP 7

turn off widescreen support

00:08:876 (8876|2,8926|3) - delete and add note to 4 here 00:08:826 -
00:13:826 (13826|2) - move to 4
00:20:226 (20226|2,20226|1) - vocal? end here 00:20:826 - , delete 00:20:226 (20226|1) - and add note to 2 here 00:20:826 -
00:21:226 (21226|1) - delete
00:25:826 (25826|2) - move to 1
00:29:826 -
00:31:426 (31426|1) - delete
00:31:826 -
00:35:826 -
00:38:226 (38226|1) - move to 3
00:38:826 (38826|2) - move to 1
00:39:026 (39026|0) - move to 2
00:39:426 (39426|3) - move to 1
00:39:626 (39626|0) - move to 4
00:41:426 -
00:46:826 (46826|3) - move to 2
00:49:026 (49026|0) - move to 4
00:49:426 (49426|1) - move to 1

[zancers ft. sherry's MX]

turn off widescreen support

00:21:626 -
00:43:826 (43826|2) - move to 1
00:44:026 (44026|0) - move to 3

very good MX

Good luck :3
Thank you Shana! >.<

i hope you do bub ;w;

-BANGKE- wrote:

shana quit, isnt it?

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

Hello sherrysina
mod for you ready

[Pharos' NM]

00:10:026 - // pitch.. no.. sorry
00:15:226 (15226|2) - move to 4 // pitch arn't too high. keep
00:15:626 (15626|1) - move to 3 // pitch are same with 00:14:826 (14826|1) -
00:17:626 (17626|1) - move to 1 // the pitch are not lower than 00:18:426 (18426|0) - so keep
00:18:426 (18426|0) - move to 4 // re- arrange
00:18:826 (18826|2) - move to 1 // re- arrange
00:26:824 (26824|1) - unsnapped note //Fixed
00:37:426 (37426|2) - move to 1

Good luck :3
Update sent

Ps: kyaaaaa mikuuuuu
do you have clean version of this song ? because im not really sure with this mp3
Topic Starter

DE-CADE wrote:

do you have clean version of this song ? because im not really sure with this mp3
nope. if i change it to the clean version, keliatannya jadi agak beda dari videonya...........
00:11:426 - add, piano + vocal + clap emphasis. It deserves more than 1 note
00:13:826 (13826|2,13826|3) - I don't usually use double chords for soft kick sound esp. in NM+ diff. If I were you, I'll use double chords for sound like this 00:15:226 (15226|2) - or long vocal sound like this 00:21:026 (21026|2) -
00:25:826 (25826|0,25826|2,26026|3,26026|1,26226|0,26226|2) - this is HD's pattern. NM players won't happy to play this
00:33:826 (33826|2,34026|2) - esp. this
00:01:026 (1026|0) - why there's only one single note? NM+ has double chords here
00:08:826 (8826|0) - do you mind to explain this?
00:16:026 (16026|1) - add 1/4 after this note, pretty loud hi-hat
00:22:626 (22626|3) - missing 1/2 notes in this area, NM+ has those 1/2s
00:31:426 (31426|0) - ^
00:34:626 (34626|0) - ^
00:37:426 (37426|0) - ^ and 1/4
...maybe its just me but I think some hitsounds are missing
Topic Starter

puxtu wrote:

00:11:426 - add, piano + vocal + clap emphasis. It deserves more than 1 note
00:13:826 (13826|2,13826|3) - I don't usually use double chords for soft kick sound esp. in NM+ diff. If I were you, I'll use double chords for sound like this 00:15:226 (15226|2) - or long vocal sound like this 00:21:026 (21026|2) -
00:25:826 (25826|0,25826|2,26026|3,26026|1,26226|0,26226|2) - this is HD's pattern. NM players won't happy to play this
00:33:826 (33826|2,34026|2) - esp. this
00:01:026 (1026|0) - why there's only one single note? NM+ has double chords here
00:08:826 (8826|0) - do you mind to explain this?
00:16:026 (16026|1) - add 1/4 after this note, pretty loud hi-hat
00:22:626 (22626|3) - missing 1/2 notes in this area, NM+ has those 1/2s
00:31:426 (31426|0) - ^
00:34:626 (34626|0) - ^
00:37:426 (37426|0) - ^ and 1/4
...maybe its just me but I think some hitsounds are missing
applied some, thx!
M4M :

yoo :3 udah lama gak nge lngsung aja ye :3

00:04:226 (4226|2) - better if you move to 1 (for balance)
00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|2) - ctrl + H
00:22:826 (22826|1) - move 1 for balance
00:40:626 (40626|3,40726|1,40826|2) - umm my suggest >>
bila sherry nge take yg di atas tadi next nya >> 00:41:026 (41026|1) - move ke 3

00:27:826 (27826|1) - move 4
00:34:226 (34226|2) - move 1
00:34:626 (34626|2,34626|0) - ngikut vocal ? klo gak...disama in ma pattern yg ini 00:28:226 (28226|3,28226|0) -
00:40:826 (40826|0) - move 3
00:41:026 (41026|3,41026|1) - geser ke kiri 1x

MX ma punya pharos...kyk nya udah gak di permasalahin lagi deh (udah pass)

oke good luck map nya sherry ~
Topic Starter

Draftnell wrote:

M4M :

yoo :3 udah lama gak nge lngsung aja ye :3

00:04:226 (4226|2) - better if you move to 1 (for balance)
00:04:426 (4426|1,4626|2) - ctrl + H
00:22:826 (22826|1) - move 1 for balance
00:40:626 (40626|3,40726|1,40826|2) - umm my suggest >>
bila sherry nge take yg di atas tadi next nya >> 00:41:026 (41026|1) - move ke 3

00:27:826 (27826|1) - move 4
00:34:226 (34226|2) - move 1
00:34:626 (34626|2,34626|0) - ngikut vocal ? klo gak...disama in ma pattern yg ini 00:28:226 (28226|3,28226|0) -
00:40:826 (40826|0) - move 3 nope
00:41:026 (41026|3,41026|1) - geser ke kiri 1x nope

MX ma punya pharos...kyk nya udah gak di permasalahin lagi deh (udah pass) makasiiih ><)/

oke good luck map nya sherry ~
no reply means okay. ;)
thanks draft-nii!
Hello,short check here.
1 2 3 4
00:10:026 (10026|3) - This hold seems uncomfortable,i suugest you delete or start at 00:10:226 -

00:15:026 - 00:15:826 - Here suggest you add 1 note.Becuz the piano sound is clearly,the other sound you catched is unfriendly for NM Player

Haven't some big problems but i see you have too many 12 43 patterns in the kiai time so give you some suggestions:
00:35:826 (35826|1,36026|3) - Ctrl+J

00:42:026 (42026|3,42226|2) - Ctrl+J

00:45:826 (45826|3,46026|0,46226|1) - Move to 1 2 3

00:22:626 (22626|3) - Suggest you change this to note and 00:23:426 (23426|0) - to Hold,more suitable imo.

00:55:226 (55226|2) - Feel little strange.Suggest you end at 00:55:826 - or change to note.

00:08:626 (8626|2,8826|0) - here hasn't sound what you catched,i recommend you delete
and 00:08:426 (8426|1) - move this to 1 or 3 and change to hold.

00:16:626 (16626|3,16626|0) - Choose 1 to only have single sound.
If feel pattern will be crashed i suggest you 00:16:826 (16826|1,17026|3) - Ctrl+J or reverse.

00:20:226 (20226|2) - Since you catch this vocal sound,you need place completely.

00:55:226 (55226|0) - The same likes NM+ Mod.

00:23:026 - Suggest you add 1 hold at 1,end at 00:23:426 - .Here seems very empty.

00:41:026 (41026|1) - This vocal sound should be end at 00:43:826 -

00:44:226 (44226|2) - End at 00:45:826 - and make new hold.

That's all.Good Luck
Topic Starter

Bruce wrote:

Hello,short check here.
1 2 3 4
[NM] i take over this diff
00:10:026 (10026|3) - This hold seems uncomfortable,i suugest you delete or start at 00:10:226 -

00:15:026 - 00:15:826 - Here suggest you add 1 note.Becuz the piano sound is clearly,the other sound you catched is unfriendly for NM Player hmm...nope

Haven't some big problems but i see you have too many 12 43 patterns in the kiai time so give you some suggestions:
00:35:826 (35826|1,36026|3) - Ctrl+J

00:42:026 (42026|3,42226|2) - Ctrl+J

00:45:826 (45826|3,46026|0,46226|1) - Move to 1 2 3

00:22:626 (22626|3) - Suggest you change this to note and 00:23:426 (23426|0) - to Hold,more suitable imo.

00:55:226 (55226|2) - Feel little strange.Suggest you end at 00:55:826 - or change to note.

00:08:626 (8626|2,8826|0) - here hasn't sound what you catched,i recommend you delete
and 00:08:426 (8426|1) - move this to 1 or 3 and change to hold. hmm.. nope

00:16:626 (16626|3,16626|0) - Choose 1 to only have single sound.
If feel pattern will be crashed i suggest you 00:16:826 (16826|1,17026|3) - Ctrl+J or reverse.

00:20:226 (20226|2) - Since you catch this vocal sound,you need place completely.

00:55:226 (55226|0) - The same likes NM+ Mod.

00:23:026 - Suggest you add 1 hold at 1,end at 00:23:426 - .Here seems very empty.

00:41:026 (41026|1) - This vocal sound should be end at 00:43:826 -

00:44:226 (44226|2) - End at 00:45:826 - and make new hold. nope

That's all.Good Luck
no reply meand ok. thanks!!
[ A v a l o n ]
tell your world
Finally bubbled owo
Hell your world xD
-[ AmiShici ]-
Wogh 7K's diff lost :o

Gudlack on qualifing >w<)b
after re-check my diff again.. no problem Found.

Go for Qualify!!
Deep Sea
Hi sherrysina
BN Check

[Pharos' NM]
turn off N+1 style

00:08:426 -
00:12:826 (12826|2) - move to 2

other diff checked with sherrysina
2015-10-02 15:57 [Shana Lesus]: you want irc check?
2015-10-02 15:58 sherrysina: sure~
2015-10-02 15:58 [Shana Lesus]: ACTION is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [zancers ft. sherry's MX]]
2015-10-02 15:58 [Shana Lesus]: turn off N+1 style
2015-10-02 15:59 sherrysina: ehh where to turn it off?
2015-10-02 15:59 [Shana Lesus]: song setup
2015-10-02 15:59 [Shana Lesus]: advanced
2015-10-02 16:00 sherrysina: done~
2015-10-02 16:00 [Shana Lesus]: 00:08:026 -
2015-10-02 16:01 [Shana Lesus]: 00:09:626 (9626|2,10026|3,10226|2,10426|1) - vocal ?
2015-10-02 16:02 sherrysina: yup
2015-10-02 16:02 sherrysina: 00:09:626 (9626|2) - this following the pitch
2015-10-02 16:03 [Shana Lesus]: oki
2015-10-02 16:03 [Shana Lesus]: 00:22:426 - add note to 1
2015-10-02 16:04 sherrysina: okay
2015-10-02 16:04 [Shana Lesus]: 00:22:426 (22426|0) - add hs drum 1 20 %
2015-10-02 16:05 sherrysina: okay~
2015-10-02 16:06 [Shana Lesus]: ok, fine
2015-10-02 16:06 [Shana Lesus]: ACTION is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [HD]]
2015-10-02 16:06 sherrysina: ACTION is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [HD]]
2015-10-02 16:07 [Shana Lesus]: 00:23:026 (23026|1) - change on LN, end here 00:23:426 -
2015-10-02 16:08 sherrysina: okay
2015-10-02 16:09 [Shana Lesus]: 00:22:426 (22426|2) - add drum1 20 %
2015-10-02 16:11 [Shana Lesus]: again turn off N+1 style
2015-10-02 16:12 sherrysina: okay~
2015-10-02 16:12 [Shana Lesus]: ACTION is editing [ livetune feat. Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World [NM+]]
2015-10-02 16:12 [Shana Lesus]: same
2015-10-02 16:12 [Shana Lesus]: N+1
2015-10-02 16:13 sherrysina: okay~
2015-10-02 16:16 sherrysina: anything else? :3
2015-10-02 16:16 [Shana Lesus]: wait i check
2015-10-02 16:19 [Shana Lesus]: 00:22:026 (22026|0) - here kick1 20 %
2015-10-02 16:19 [Shana Lesus]: 00:22:426 (22426|1) - delete kick and add drum1
2015-10-02 16:20 sherrysina: should i add one more note?
2015-10-02 16:20 [Shana Lesus]: no owo
2015-10-02 16:21 sherrysina: done x)
2015-10-02 16:25 [Shana Lesus]: oki

call me after update
Gratz your map has been checked!

*pake gaya alek
Topic Starter

bilqiscutee wrote:

Gratz your map has been checked!

*pake gaya alek
hbd bilqis
gogogo for rank!

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

Hi sherrysina
BN Check

[Pharos' NM]
turn off N+1 style

00:08:426 - // didn't hear anything here 00:08:626 - except vocal
00:12:826 (12826|2) - move to 2 // same pitch with this 00:13:226 (13226|2) - Keep
Update.. sorry for the wait... Tugas menumpuk
Topic Starter
Fixed conflict artist in MX diff as stated in AiMOD!
Deep Sea
lemme first, GRATZ!
Topic Starter

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

OMG thank you!

bilqiscutee wrote:

Gratz your map has been checked!

*pake gaya alek
apa"an ini?!!

grats! owo/
Grats mba :^)

Hbd alek
O well
already qualified. Gratz 030
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