
IOSYS - Taihen na Mono no Shoushitsu

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 10 กันยายน 2553 at 22:51:34

Artist: IOSYS
Title: Taihen na Mono no Shoushitsu
Source: Nico Nico Douga
Tags: hatsune miku cosmo bousou-p fujisaku karin alice margatroid CDFA ignorethis KanaRin
BPM: 240
Filesize: 5432kb
Play Time: 02:51
Difficulties Available:
  1. CDFA's Normal (4.01 stars, 201 notes)
  2. Easy (1.57 stars, 163 notes)
  3. Hard (4.58 stars, 332 notes)
  4. ignore's Taiko (4.94 stars, 848 notes)
  5. Kana's CTB (5 stars, 642 notes)
  6. Lost (5 stars, 659 notes)
Download: IOSYS - Taihen na Mono no Shoushitsu
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
100th beatmap!!

Marisa wa Taihen na Mono wo Nusunde Ikimashita
Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu
Taihen na Mono no Shoushitsu



Other Taiko & CTB difficulties can be downloaded here.
I'll BE FIRST!!!!!!!!!!
im scared
What a strange pair of songs to mix together.

The beginning feels kind of empty without much in the hit sounding department, but I hear what you're going for, so eh.
01:37:030 (1) - Maybe lower this a little to get rid of overlap?

01:48:530 (4) - Maybe scoot this left a little bit to smooth out the curve?
01:50:530 (4) - Same, but right?

Heh, neat.
posting in a 100 maps milestone thread
Wait, I expected it to be harder.
Get your touhou out of my miku o_o (No, really, do it <_<)

/me looks at hard and normal... ...are you going to map something in between? The star rating gap is kinda high o_o.
Look carefully at the spinner meter animation, I think something is off...
N-No breaks?

[Normal] <- THIS IS EASY <.<"!
God, there are a lot of distancesnap breaks for the easiest difficulty, even in the name of symmpetry, if this is the easiest diff, spacing shouldn't break (A few examples below + the normal mod).
00:39:030 (1) - Example
00:59:030 (1) - Example
01:06:530 (4) - (shouln't this be an horizontal flip of 01:04:530 (2) to follow the same pattern?, if you do this, pull 01:07:030 (1) down. In fact, copy/paste 01:03:030 (1) into his place and add the repeat.)
01:26:030 (4) - Example
01:28:030 (2) - Example
01:30:030 (4) - Example
01:41:030 (1) - Avoid using whistle+finish in the same note.
01:41:780 (3) - ^
02:07:030 (1) - THE best example (Hey, 02:03:030 up to 02:10:530 is not that fun to play anyways imo)
02:19:030 (1) - Example (Maybe rotating (1,2,3,4) by -45 would help, then rotate the next combo 02:23:030 (1,2,3,4) by 45)
02:27:030 (1,2,3,4....,1,2,3,4) - Finish abuse o_o
02:47:030 (1) - Example

Spacing issues between combos here could be ignored (considering that this is a hard...), but I'll point out some that could be fixed wihout breaking the pattern.
00:37:030 (1,2...8) - Pull the whole combo up a bit?
00:40:530 (7,8) - Put them closer to the Y axis, and the copy, paste in the following combo, reverse selection and make some hitsound changes to fiz the spacing between (8) and (1)
00:40:780 (8) - Avoid using Clap+Finish in the same note. Finish doesn't beling here imo.
00:41:780 (4) - ^
01:11:030 (1) - Why don't you alling it with (7)? I mean, everything else is alligned before.
01:47:030 (1,2,3,4,5) - What about this? (apply to the next combo too if you do)
01:55:030 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - What about this? & (Here's the code)
02:00:030 (4) - Remove the clap at the end.
02:01:530 (3) - Why is this clapped? If anything, a finish would suit it at the end.
02:08:530 (4) - Remove the finish+clap at the end. If you want a finish, add one at 02:09:030 (1)'s start
02:16:780 (8) - Remove the finish+clap. 02:17:030 (1)'s finish is enough
02:18:280 (6) - Remove the finish+clap
So much finsih abuse o_o"! If youre gonna finsih abuse, at least tune down the hitsounds volume a bit.

Can't play like this, can't mod it.


EDIT: Did you all at least try to mod this? (Well, at least garven did)
EDIT2: Inb4 DJPop's 200th map is "Hatsune miku Stole the Precious thing" or "Miku's Perfect Math Class"
I really thought you would bring a map out that's harder than everything before.. Seems like i was wrong.
However, good map! Won't mod it because you didn't check the 1st and 2nd mod yet.
since you got no comments on this one


00:37:030 (1) - are completely hidden sliders rankable? Fine with me, actually, but..

00:59:280 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is highly uncreative, even boring, just TOO MUCH copypaste, it's fine when it's about 4-6, maybe 8 times, but 14 times... I highly suggest you remapping all of these before 01:09:280 to music, rather than to UN! U-UN!, than it'll be much more reasonable

01:44:592 (1) - eh, people are expecting this map to have hellish lot of streams (me included) you could make a stream here synced to her scream, just a suggestion

02:33:030 (1) - maybe a new pattern here as new vocal appears? That clicking to UN UN UN UN UN UN UN UN gets a bit boring after a while

last stream is a funny idea, reverse arrows make it look scary, but actually, it's easy as pie
Heh... lolsong is enough for me. Don't care if it doesn't feel like a DJPop map rofl
Topic Starter


31's Taiko by samiljul

DJPop's Taiko by DJPop

Verdi's Taiko by Verdisphena

Zeki-katsu's Judged Taiko by Zekira

Crow's CTB by crowzen2

pieguy's CTB by pieguy1372

yoki's CTB by yokijudai



lepidopodus wrote:

I asked several players and they think ignore's Taiko is best cause it's the easiest one. Yeah, seems players like easy map and others are quite hard.

MMzz wrote:

/me had an idea after reading all of lepido's and Zeki-don's post.
Solution = Just don't add a taiko since this song is obviously to retarded to map. (It's a good song just in mapping sense it's terrible)

MMzz wrote:

DJPop wrote:

Isn't "Lost" alone too difficult to play in Taiko? :<
I think Zekira's Taiko would satisfy most skilled Taiko players since Lost's last part is a machine gun lol
yeah but there is nothing we can do about the lost diff since it's osu!, it will get played on Taiko anyways.
No need for 2 crazy things for taiko. >_>

matthewhln wrote:

To conclue,
There might be really need a taiko difficult for this since Lost is too hard for taiko
I will suggest [Ignore's taiko] among them

wmfchris wrote:

Conclusion: ign's taiko : >


Catch The Beats

Darksoul wrote:

i choose siupain's ctb (Kana's CTB)
the beginning of pieguy's is good ,but after beginning,there r too many hyperdash,i dont think is necessary
and yoki's ctb...hmm i dont think its a map,that;s all
and crow'ctb.i think it;s good but some part should hard but he did easyD: and some part should easy but have many jump D:

arien666 wrote:

[crowzen2] Rate = 8.2 / 10
(aru's CtB difficulty line) 86+3/100+20(89/120) :3(Violet)
Good patterns, but some droplets are like ;_;

[KanaRin] Rate = 7.9 / 10
(aru's CtB difficulty line) 93+8/100+20(101/120) :3(Silver)
Some quick dash are hard imo ;_;

[pieguy1372] Rate = 8.4 / 10
(aru's CtB difficulty line) 78+1/100+20(79/120) :3(mid-Violet)
Enough easy and Enough hard :3

[yokijudai] Rate = 7.9 / 10
(aru's CtB difficulty line) 59+0/100+20(59/120) :3(Red)
So so :3

Another judging but...
I'm not good at CtB ;_;

joynama wrote:

siupain's CTB (Kana's CTB) is nice~

-maJu wrote:

My opinion is that kana's CtB is the best... :3

ZHSteven wrote:

crow's ctb:i think this diff cannot catch the whole darksoul says..when i think the place will be hard, it is easy...but the seems easy part contains losts of red fruit= =
kana's ctb:the whole diff is great~XD but only one problem..i don't like the way using red makes it almost like tag map. it is not good for a normal map contains the jump like tag map~~XD
pieguy's ctb:wow~it contains a lot of traingle fruit which i cannot do well....i like the way using these traingles~but maybe... it can be more jumper(only my suggest~)
yoki's ctb:well.... i don't know how to say but..these exteme jumps like flyaway will be human killer...i guess even a very skilful player cannot do it well...
so i think pieguy's maybe the best~

TheVileOne wrote:

Personally I think all the CTB diffs are completely unplayable with those custom beats. You shouldn't be able to see through the beats. It makes the notes blend so much with the background, it's ridiculous to play.

corno wrote:

I'm not really good at criticizing, but the best CtB difficulty so far is pieguy's.
For Kana's: I think inclining the sliders that start at 02:03:030 would be good, your difficulty is my favorite. :D

[JPSNS]Shana wrote:

hmm.. i'm not maper , but I think
[CTB diff]
Kanarin Diff is best..
like slider , Hehe :D

[Beatrice] wrote:

kana's CTB is very good!!! (x4)

hitmantutor wrote:

Kana's CTB = 8/10
great, i think kana is good at making ctb diffs lol
ctb gods will be satisfied by this ._.

pieguy's CTB = 8.5/10
this diff suits me the best, idk why lol

yoki's CTB = 6.5/10
sorry but in my opinion as a ctb player, slow bpm with little beats to catch is annoying -_-"

singma wrote:

i think kana's CTB is the best :)

First kudosu star :O
Tomoka Rin

Congratulations for 100th maps
Mapper 31
Hi <3
May I make Taiko diff?
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

01:37:030 (1) - Maybe lower this a little to get rid of overlap?

01:48:530 (4) - Maybe scoot this left a little bit to smooth out the curve?
01:50:530 (4) - Same, but right?

Natteke desu wrote:

Wait, I expected it to be harder.
Score is too high D:

Krisom wrote:

/me looks at hard and normal... ...are you going to map something in between? The star rating gap is kinda high o_o.
Don't trust star levels ._.
Look carefully at the spinner meter animation, I think something is off...
Nothing wrongs :/
N-No breaks?
Yeah lol

[Normal] <- THIS IS EASY <.<"!
Easy+ , so it can be called Normal.
God, there are a lot of distance snap breaks for the easiest difficulty, even in the name of symmetry, if this is the easiest diff, spacing shouldn't break (A few examples below + the normal mod).
Spacings are fine if they're clear and able to read.
00:39:030 (1) - Example
00:59:030 (1) - Example
01:06:530 (4) - shouln't this be an horizontal flip of 01:04:530 (2) to follow the same pattern?
01:26:030 (4) - Example
01:28:030 (2) - Example
01:30:030 (4) - Example
01:41:030 (1) - Avoid using whistle+finish in the same note.
01:41:780 (3) - ^
02:07:030 (1) - THE best example (Hey, 02:03:030 up to 02:10:530 is not that fun to play anyways imo)
02:19:030 (1) - Example (Maybe rotating (1,2,3,4) by -45 would help, then rotate the next combo 02:23:030 (1,2,3,4) by 45)
02:27:030 (1,2,3,4....,1,2,3,4) - Finish abuse o_o
Listen to the song.
02:47:030 (1) - Example

00:37:030 (1,2...8) - Pull the whole combo up a bit?
00:40:530 (7,8) - Put them closer to the Y axis, and the copy, paste in the following combo, reverse selection and make some hitsound changes to fix the spacing between (8) and (1)
00:40:780 (8) - Avoid using Clap+Finish in the same note. Finish doesn't being here imo.
Listen carefully.
00:41:780 (4) - ^
01:11:030 (1) - Why don't you alling it with (7)? I mean, everything else is alligned before.
01:47:030 (1,2,3,4,5) - What about this? (apply to the next combo too if you do)
01:55:030 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - What about this? &
02:00:030 (4) - Remove the clap at the end.
02:01:530 (3) - Why is this clapped? If anything, a finish would suit it at the end.
I'd like to add it.
02:08:530 (4) - Remove the finish+clap at the end. If you want a finish, add one at 02:09:030 (1)'s start
02:16:780 (8) - Remove the finish+clap. 02:17:030 (1)'s finish is enough
02:18:280 (6) - Remove the finish+clap
So much finsih abuse o_o"! If you're gonna finish abuse, at least tune down the hitsounds volume a bit.

EDIT2: Inb4 DJPop's 200th map is "Hatsune miku Stole the Precious thing" or "Miku's Perfect Math Class"
Depends on what is in Nico Nico Douga that time =P

TKiller wrote:

00:37:030 (1) - are completely hidden sliders rankable? Fine with me, actually, but..
00:59:280 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is highly uncreative, even boring, just TOO MUCH copypaste, it's fine when it's about 4-6, maybe 8 times, but 14 times... I highly suggest you remapping all of these before 01:09:280 to music, rather than to UN! U-UN!, than it'll be much more reasonable
01:44:592 (1) - eh, people are expecting this map to have hellish lot of streams (me included) you could make a stream here synced to her scream, just a suggestion
A bit hard to guess what to follow.
02:33:030 (1) - maybe a new pattern here as new vocal appears? That clicking to UN UN UN UN UN UN UN UN gets a bit boring after a while

samiljul wrote:

May I make Taiko diff?
Sorry, I'm planning to map Taiko soon.
yeah, now that's much better, nice
Shohei Ohtani
Uninstalll, Unnnninstallll

oh wait wrong song (ノ゚ω゚)ノ
เพลงนี้ที่เฝ้าคอย ~ :)
Lemon Water_old
(ノ゚ω゚)ノ (ノ゚ω゚)ノ (ノ゚ω゚)ノ (ノ゚ω゚)ノ (ノ゚ω゚)ノ Star~!

DJPop wrote:

samiljul wrote:

May I make Taiko diff?
Sorry, I'm planning to map Taiko soon.
*showing interest*
Ah, anyway, 100th map, nice~
Just loled yay!!!
gratz for 100th map
Shohei Ohtani
hard is a bit win with doubletime on :D
Sorry, I'm planning to map Taiko soon.
Taiko modding force shall wait lol
Miku x Alice? lol XD
Anyway, take star!
Now I can say to my grandchildren:
I stared DJPop's 100th map.

roxkyuubiforever wrote:

Now I can say to may grandchildren:
I stared DJPop's 100th map.

Blue Dragon wrote:

roxkyuubiforever wrote:

Now I can say to may grandchildren:
I stared DJPop's 100th map.

roxkyuubiforever wrote:

Now I can say to my grandchildren:
I stared DJPop's 100th map.
What a epic map.
Topic Starter

LoweH wrote:

lol sorry for double post, ;_; broswer sucks ~
No, you are the best! thanks XD


DJPop wrote:

LoweH wrote:

lol sorry for double post, ;_; broswer sucks ~
No, you are the best! thanks XD

Louis Cyphre
You should have evil star too :: )

DJPop wrote:

LoweH wrote:

lol sorry for double post, ;_; broswer sucks ~
No, you are the best! thanks XD

LOL :D btw evil streams /o/

roxkyuubiforever wrote:

Now I can say to may grandchildren:
I stared DJPop's 100th map.
On another note, it needs more streams :(
nice map XD
i love it :3
o god, 100th map o3o

Diff [Lost]: You could think to CtB players, and do harder to this mode <3
Topic Starter
Taiko added...

ignorethis wrote:

Sorry for denied your map, as I said, I'd map Taiko by myself :o

mikhe wrote:

Diff [Lost]: You could think to CtB players, and do harder to this mode <3
How about map a new specific CTB map? :D
And thanks for a pink star :)

I don't know much how CTB map should be, much appreciate if someone can map it XD

100 maps already xD
So, DJPOP made Taiko diff... As y******* requested to mod this, so I'll mod.

Taiko Oni
You should have consider BPM is 240. Really high. And it seems it's too hard. It's something like 'the map only for y******* or some player like him'.
BPM is 240 so even very simple pattern (like ddd, kkk, ddddd, ddk, etc.) can be quite challenging with even qualified players. I suggest to use less complicated patterns, and split long 1/4 streams to short ones. Well It's your choice to make this map hard.

uh... and is there any particular reason for SV=1.28?

There's one lvl. 10(so it's one of the hardest) map in Taiko no Tatsujin with BPM 230, so maybe it can be helpful:

00:50:530 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - Kinda big obstacle for FC ._.
00:57:030 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - Really big obstacle for FC.
02:27:030 ~ 02:34:780 - ^. I think it's too much
01:45:530 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5) - Yeah, it's hard.
02:43:030 ~ 02:46:905 (8) - It's really hard for getting full score with this ._.
02:47:030 (1) - end this slider in 02:50:905 or 02:50:780 or something like that, as there's no sound with the end of the slider in Taiko.
02:51:092 (1) - move this to 02:51:030.

Well, I think I maybe come back...
Colin Hou
Kono Hentai !!! :D
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