
kamome sano - A Day in the S.I.O.U.

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Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年5月26日 at 23:01:10

Artist: kamome sano
Title: A Day in the S.I.O.U.
Source: ガールフレンド(仮)
Tags: Girl Friend BETA GF UNGLAND 6 dnb drumstep neurofunk 椎名心実 クロエ・ルメール 櫻井明音 望月エレナ 佐藤聡美 丹下桜 佐藤利奈 原田ひとみ mokori M_o_k_o_r_i
BPM: 176
Filesize: 13314kb
Play Time: 05:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Chloe Lemaire (5.44 stars, 1409 notes)
Download: kamome sano - A Day in the S.I.O.U.
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

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#3(1st app)
source :

more GF beta girls??
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Gamu wrote:

Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
succeeded !summon chloe

Chloe wrote:

Kamio Misuzu
cool :)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Kamio Misuzu wrote:

cool :)
i wanna finish this one asap....
dis weebass mappu
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

VINXIS wrote:

dis weebass mappu

thanks ☆!
  • Chloe
  1. 00:47:473 (2,3) - 二つともに選択してちょっとだけ下げてみたら 196・68 お勧め
  2. 01:00:257 (1) - もうすこしバランス的によくしてみたら
  3. 01:47:132 (1) - これはどうかな
  4. 01:57:189 (2) - ちょっと重ねてるのが曖昧って感じ 。前のノートとのスタック気にせず186-175に移した方も
  5. 02:21:734 (2) - 重ねるンだったら完全にしたほうが見た目的にもっといいかも 363-220とか
  6. 03:00:342 (1) - ここ音ほぼなしにしてもいいかも
  7. 03:34:347 (1) - 最後のところを完全に重ねるかはずした方はどうかな

heyheyhey! from in game chat


offset -3 ~ -4 ちょっとずれてない?


  1. 00:02:559 (6) - ここのnote消して00:02:303 (5) - の終点を青線にもってこない?00:00:939 (1,1) - ここと同じ音だしplayする人を考慮して一貫性を重視してもいいかな~って 今のままでも全然問題はないです!
  2. 00:07:758 (5) - ^
  3. 00:27:530 (1) - 頭についてるfinishいらなくない?
  4. 00:43:894 (1) - whislte外してsampleset Normalのfinishにしない? その方が後ろのボコンっ て音に合ってるかな~って思う
  5. 03:00:257 (5) - finish欲しくない~?
  6. 00:56:166 (5) - add nc こういう音が強調されてるとこにnc入れたくない~?
  7. 01:07:246 (2) - ぱこっ~ みたいな感じの音あるし additions Drum の clap 欲しいいいい
  8. 01:07:586 (3) - ^
  9. 01:07:927 (2) - ^
  10. 01:13:382 (2) - ^
  11. 01:18:836 (2) - ^
  12. 05:32:983 (1) - whislte外してsampleset Normalのfinishにしない?

ここみちゃん かわE~w

really nice map! :)

Momovely wrote:

really nice map! :)


015-04-26 17:30 iMage--: 00:20:712 (1,1,1) - 
2015-04-26 17:30 iMage--: ここは1/8くらいで十分だと思います
2015-04-26 17:31 M o k o r i: それは強調だしいいんじゃないって思ってるけどまあ
2015-04-26 17:31 M o k o r i: BNにいわれたら直そうかな
2015-04-26 17:31 iMage--: BNに言われなくてもDQのリスク一気に高まることを頭に入れとけ
2015-04-26 17:31 iMage--: 言うことは
2015-04-26 17:31 iMage--: せいぜいそれと
2015-04-26 17:31 iMage--: 05:32:302 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - もっとスペーシングつけようぜ
2015-04-26 17:31 iMage--: くらい
2015-04-26 17:31 iMage--: です
2015-04-26 17:32 iMage--: ここだけ狭いのは違和感あるぞ
2015-04-26 17:32 M o k o r i: nn~
2015-04-26 17:32 M o k o r i: 〆だし距離逆にあけるのは
2015-04-26 17:32 M o k o r i: 合わないと思うんだよなぁ
2015-04-26 17:33 iMage--: 締めだからこそだよ
2015-04-26 17:33 iMage--: mapperはトドメをさす立場にある
2015-04-26 17:33 M o k o r i: それ性格の問題じゃんwww
2015-04-26 17:33 iMage--: 一番volume高いところを狭くするのはう~んって感じ
2015-04-26 17:34 iMage--: いや、俺のprism sympathy最後クソ優しいから俺はセーフ
2015-04-26 17:34 M o k o r i: (´◔ ‸◔`)
2015-04-26 17:35 iMage--: 1.3x使ってるし広くてもいいと思うんだけどなあ
2015-04-26 17:35 iMage--: どう?
2015-04-26 17:35 iMage--: どうせフルコンそんなにでないし
2015-04-26 17:35 iMage--: (適当
2015-04-26 17:35 M o k o r i: ん~~~
2015-04-26 17:35 M o k o r i: ん~~~
2015-04-26 17:36 M o k o r i: もしくはアレだな
2015-04-26 17:36 M o k o r i: 05:32:813 (7) -
2015-04-26 17:36 M o k o r i: キックにして
2015-04-26 17:36 M o k o r i: 05:32:983 (1) -
2015-04-26 17:36 M o k o r i: とばすかだなー
2015-04-26 17:36 M o k o r i: いやでもそれも意地悪だな
2015-04-26 17:36 iMage--: こんなとこで
2015-04-26 17:36 iMage--: 意地悪とか言ってても仕方ないでしょw
2015-04-26 17:36 iMage--:
2015-04-26 17:37 iMage--: おら配置してやったぞ
2015-04-26 17:37 iMage--: 使え
2015-04-26 17:37 M o k o r i: ごみ
2015-04-26 17:37 M o k o r i: どこかのultraじゃないんじゃ
2015-04-26 17:37 iMage--: せっかくスライダー引いてCtrlShiftF押すなんていう面倒な作業したっていうのに
2015-04-26 17:37 iMage--: この恩知らず
2015-04-26 17:38 M o k o r i: ・。・
2015-04-26 17:38 iMage--: あ
2015-04-26 17:38 iMage--: あと
2015-04-26 17:38 iMage--: 2連打にはNC入れたほうが見やすくない?
2015-04-26 17:38 iMage--: 特に単発とキックをスタックさせてる箇所のあとの2連打は見にくそう
2015-04-26 17:39 M o k o r i: 一理ある
2015-04-26 17:39 M o k o r i: それ変えるか~
2015-04-26 17:39 iMage--: 04:33:324 (3,4,5,6) -
2015-04-26 17:39 iMage--: こういうとこの2連打だけでいいよ
2015-04-26 17:39 iMage--: そのほかは問題ないと思う
2015-04-26 17:40 iMage--: 04:54:120 (4) - ここもあったほうがいいんかな、好きにしてくれ
2015-04-26 17:41 M o k o r i: そこもつけたわ
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Kloyd wrote:

  • Chloe
  1. 00:47:473 (2,3) - 二つともに選択してちょっとだけ下げてみたら 196・68 お勧め
  2. 01:00:257 (1) - もうすこしバランス的によくしてみたら
  3. 01:47:132 (1) - これはどうかな 01:46:620 (1) - の輪郭に沿わせてあるのでkeepで!
  4. 01:57:189 (2) - ちょっと重ねてるのが曖昧って感じ 。前のノートとのスタック気にせず186-175に移した方も
  5. 02:21:734 (2) - 重ねるンだったら完全にしたほうが見た目的にもっといいかも 363-220とか
  6. 03:00:342 (1) - ここ音ほぼなしにしてもいいかも
  7. 03:34:347 (1) - 最後のところを完全に重ねるかはずした方はどうかな


Momovely wrote:

heyheyhey! from in game chat


offset -3 ~ -4 ちょっとずれてない? ところどころ怪しいとこあるので、最終的に直します!(怪しい箇所あるのでたぶんBNかoffset強い人に確認とってみます)


  1. 00:02:559 (6) - ここのnote消して00:02:303 (5) - の終点を青線にもってこない?00:00:939 (1,1) - ここと同じ音だしplayする人を考慮して一貫性を重視してもいいかな~って 今のままでも全然問題はないです! 配置後そっと変えなきゃいけないのでここはkeepさせてください;;
  2. 00:07:758 (5) - ^
  3. 00:27:530 (1) - 頭についてるfinishいらなくない?
  4. 00:43:894 (1) - whislte外してsampleset Normalのfinishにしない? その方が後ろのボコンっ て音に合ってるかな~って思う
  5. 03:00:257 (5) - finish欲しくない~?
  6. 00:56:166 (5) - add nc こういう音が強調されてるとこにnc入れたくない~?
  7. 01:07:246 (2) - ぱこっ~ みたいな感じの音あるし additions Drum の clap 欲しいいいい 神様!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. 01:07:586 (3) - ^
  9. 01:07:927 (2) - ^
  10. 01:13:382 (2) - ^
  11. 01:18:836 (2) - ^
  12. 05:32:983 (1) - whislte外してsampleset Normalのfinishにしない?

ここみちゃん かわE~w まちがいなE~w

really nice map! :)

どうもくろえちゃんの彼氏です :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

red: unrankable issue.
purple: maybe unrankable or Disqualification issue
blue: Highly recommended.
bold: should fix.


  1. 遅延あるヒットサウンドあるから直したのどうぞ、アンランクレベルじゃないからお好みまん
  2. SBいれないならWideチェック外そう

Chloe Lemaire

  1. 00:06:053 (2,1) - この距離の差が気になった、すくなくとも00:00:598 (2,1) - ここと同じ3.5くらいでいいと思う
  2. 00:10:485 (7,8) - よくわからんrhythm、1/6でこっちのが自然に聴こえる
  3. 00:17:985 (1,2,3,4) - ここのDS矛盾してると思う、音はだんだん大きくなっているのに狭くするのはいいアイデアとは思えない、00:11:167 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここみたいに広げてく方がプレイしていて気持ちいい
  4. 00:19:348 (5) - これcircleに変えて00:19:945 - add Note
  5. 00:21:735 (1) - これ強引すぎない?00:21:990 - ここまで伸ばすか1/2にして00:21:990 - Note足したが音にはまる
  6. 00:31:280 (1) - これも無理を感じる1/2sliderに変えて00:31:621 - ここから1/1rhythmのがいい
  7. 00:35:286 (2,3) - いきなりの2連はrhythm的にもプレイアビリティ的にも悪いと思う、ずらすかNote足して3連のがよさげ
  8. 00:46:621 - ここのセクションもう少しSC2Finish使っていいと思う 00:49:348 - 01:00:257 - 01:05:711 - ここらとか明らかにwhistleじゃ弱いし音階つけたがいいと思う
  9. 00:52:075 - ここも00:52:416 - こっちのが明らかに強いのにこの音付けはどうなんだろ
  10. 00:56:166 (1,2,3,4) - ボリュームなりSVなり少しづつ上げた方が合うと思う
  11. 01:15:768 - add Note、手前と音違うから拾って音階あらわしたほうが気持ちいい、てかここらわりとNote追加したい
  12. 01:28:552 - whistleつけたい
  13. 01:45:768 (1,2) - うーんこの位置なら流れ的に2をGしたほうがまだ分かる希ガス
  14. 01:49:348 (1,2) - この流れは個人的に理解できない、1をGしてるなら分かるけど手前から変えた方がいいと思う
  15. 01:52:416 (2,1) - このずれはプレイ中目立つから直したい
  16. 01:57:870 (2,1,1) - この流れも強引な感じある
  17. 02:01:961 (2,1) - これも02:02:132 (1) - Gしたがよくね
  18. 02:38:098 - whistleつけるならここだと思うし、ここクリックさせるべきだと思う
  19. 02:39:291 (2) - Gして傾けない?
  20. 02:45:598 (1) - これもGしたが良いと思う
  21. 03:27:529 (1) - どうでもいいけどもっと綺麗に出来そう
  22. 03:38:438 (1) - ^
  23. 03:40:313 - 03:42:018 - この二つC48にして拾って音増やしていった方がいい
  24. 03:46:620 (9,1) - NC逆のが合うと思う、もっというならここは止めるAimより移動させたが合うと思う
  25. 03:54:802 (8,1) - ^
  26. 03:57:529 (5,1) - ^こういうとことかジャンプさせてるしね
  27. 04:27:529 (2,1) - NC逆
  28. 04:29:574 (7,8,9,10,11) - 04:40:483 (7,8,9,10,11) - 角ばりすぎな感じあるなぁ、もうすこし円綺麗にするなりキック曲げるなりしたい
  29. 04:43:893 (1,1,1,1,1) - Finishつけてって盛り上げた方がかっこよさげ
  30. 05:05:540 - add note 01:30:939 (1,2) - ここと同じじゃないとおかしい
  31. 05:05:711 (1) - Finish、個人的にはwhistle外してNormalFinish
  32. 05:11:165 - ^
  33. 05:20:370 (2,1) - 謎の流れ、1Gなら分かるけどそうすると05:21:052 (2) - ここのジャンプなくなるから何かしら変えた方がいい
  34. 05:26:847 (3,4,5,6) - ここも最初の00:17:985 (1,2,3,4) - と同じ
  35. 00:40:996 (2) - 全体的に連打こういうNCのつけ方してるけど、単発と間違えるからこっからNC入れるべき00:41:167 (1) - こんな途中から入れられても分かり難い


mod time:3 hour
Fushimi Rio
From PM.

[Chloe Lemaire]

Remove the tags of soft-hitwhistle11.wav plz.

00:00:598 (2) - 2nd gird x111 y186, 3rd x171 y133 for better stacking

00:17:985 (1) - ctrl+g?
00:18:326 (2) - ^
00:18:667 (3) - ^
00:19:008 (4) - ^, so these 4 sliders become a pattern without 5. I think it would fit the song better.

00:21:735 (1) - short slider doesn't fit the sample whistle imo. extend it and add a circle at 00:21:990 - ?

00:26:337 (3,4) - move them upward? plays better imo

00:31:280 (1,2,3,4) - try not staking to the slider?

00:37:587 (1) - rotate 5° anti-clockwise

00:57:189 (4) -

00:59:916 (7) - x360 y320 since it's too close to 6 now

01:18:496 - add a circle here? Generally speaking people would like to see some difference in the same pattern when it shows up at 4th time.

01:25:314 (3,4,5,6,7) - scale 0.7x

01:32:643 (2) - just use circle is enough. the sound here should be emphasized. (and in similar patterns you used circle

01:58:041 (1) - ctrl+g, turning direction at 01:58:382 - is better.

02:07:416 (2) - x432 y252

02:13:723 (3,4) - ctrl+g? lol

02:23:950 (1) - 3rd grid x157 y176
and 02:24:461 (1) - x87 y158

02:30:086 (2,3) - try not stack them to the next slider?

02:41:166 (1) - try this?

02:51:393 (2) - change it to a slider coule be better, since 02:51:393 (2,3,4) - sounds similar in the song
02:56:848 (3) - ^

03:22:075 (1,1) - y+3
and slider ends sounds weird from here. just decrease volume of green lines like 03:23:609 - to about 15% will be better.

03:39:802 (1) - 3rd grid x436 y376

04:05:370 (5) - sv*1.5 here

04:10:484 (1) - nc
04:15:938 (6) - ^

05:05:583 - add a note here

05:12:188 (2) - ctrl+g

Orz written too much... Replying this will cost you a lot of time, so you don't need to reply this.
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

-Nanaka- wrote:

どうもくろえちゃんの彼氏です :) :) :) :) :) :) :)   ゆるさん(。・ˇ_ˇ・。​)(。・ˇ_ˇ・。​)(。・ˇ_ˇ・。​)(。・ˇ_ˇ・。​)(。・ˇ_ˇ・。​)(。・ˇ_ˇ・。​)

red: unrankable issue.
purple: maybe unrankable or Disqualification issue
blue: Highly recommended.
bold: should fix.


  1. 遅延あるヒットサウンドあるから直したのどうぞ、アンランクレベルじゃないからお好みまん 差し替えた!ありがとおおおおお
  2. SBいれないならWideチェック外そう あれなんでチェックされてんだwww

Chloe Lemaire

  1. 00:06:053 (2,1) - この距離の差が気になった、すくなくとも00:00:598 (2,1) - ここと同じ3.5くらいでいいと思う 00:05:712 (1,2) - ずらしてfix
  2. 00:10:485 (7,8) - よくわからんrhythm、1/6でこっちのが自然に聴こえる ok!
  3. 00:17:985 (1,2,3,4) - ここのDS矛盾してると思う、音はだんだん大きくなっているのに狭くするのはいいアイデアとは思えない、00:11:167 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここみたいに広げてく方がプレイしていて気持ちいい 確かにそうなんだけど、00:19:689 (6,7,1,2,3,4,1,1,1) - の強調を優先にするとここはいったん落ち着かせて広げる方がいいかなと思った!
  4. 00:19:348 (5) - これcircleに変えて00:19:945 - add Note 今はkeep、でもちょっと色々試してみます
  5. 00:21:735 (1) - これ強引すぎない?00:21:990 - ここまで伸ばすか1/2にして00:21:990 - Note足したが音にはまる 1/2にする!
  6. 00:31:280 (1) - これも無理を感じる1/2sliderに変えて00:31:621 - ここから1/1rhythmのがいい これを1/2にすると間延びする感じになっちゃってだらしなくなるのでこのままで!
  7. 00:35:286 (2,3) - いきなりの2連はrhythm的にもプレイアビリティ的にも悪いと思う、ずらすかNote足して3連のがよさげ 確かに・・・!3連に変更です
  8. 00:46:621 - ここのセクションもう少しSC2Finish使っていいと思う 00:49:348 - 01:00:257 - 01:05:711 - ここらとか明らかにwhistleじゃ弱いし音階つけたがいいと思う 最後以外使いました!
  9. 00:52:075 - ここも00:52:416 - こっちのが明らかに強いのにこの音付けはどうなんだろ うーん個人的にここにつけたいw
  10. 00:56:166 (1,2,3,4) - ボリュームなりSVなり少しづつ上げた方が合うと思う ボリュームアップ↑
  11. 01:15:768 - add Note、手前と音違うから拾って音階あらわしたほうが気持ちいい、てかここらわりとNote追加したい ここは後ろのドラム音に統一してて、01:15:768 - はドラム音無いのでなしで!
  12. 01:28:552 - whistleつけたい イエッサ~
  13. 01:45:768 (1,2) - うーんこの位置なら流れ的に2をGしたほうがまだ分かる希ガス ここGだと1からの距離が結構開いちゃうけど、現状だとスムーズに左上⇒左下ってaimできると思う!
  14. 01:49:348 (1,2) - この流れは個人的に理解できない、1をGしてるなら分かるけど手前から変えた方がいいと思う !!!!!これ詰まってたところ!!!!神提案!!!!!01:49:177 (3,4) - の位置と01:49:348 (1) - ctrl+gした!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. 01:52:416 (2,1) - このずれはプレイ中目立つから直したい なおした(∩・▽・∩)
  16. 01:57:870 (2,1,1) - この流れも強引な感じある 01:58:041 (1) - の角度変えた!
  17. 02:01:961 (2,1) - これも02:02:132 (1) - Gしたがよくね ここも音取り変えたあと配置に困って変になってるところ何だよね・・・修正するけどちょっと形を考えます!
  18. 02:38:098 - whistleつけるならここだと思うし、ここクリックさせるべきだと思う え、神即修正!!!
  19. 02:39:291 (2) - Gして傾けない? Gなしで傾けた!
  20. 02:45:598 (1) - これもGしたが良いと思う ほんとだ修正!
  21. 03:27:529 (1) - どうでもいいけどもっと綺麗に出来そう おkw
  22. 03:38:438 (1) - ^  これ始点をブランケットにするとGとしての形のバランス悪くなるからこれはこのままでw
  23. 03:40:313 - 03:42:018 - この二つC48にして拾って音増やしていった方がいい このピアノ音背景の音にあわせてあって、ここには無いのでなしで!
  24. 03:46:620 (9,1) - NC逆のが合うと思う、もっというならここは止めるAimより移動させたが合うと思う 個人的には止めたいところ!NCもメインの音1から始まってるしこのままで!
  25. 03:54:802 (8,1) - ^ うえにおなじ
  26. 03:57:529 (5,1) - ^こういうとことかジャンプさせてるしね こっちのが5見つけやすい+上の理由でこれもkeepで!
  27. 04:27:529 (2,1) - NC逆 これも見つけやすいってがためにNCつけてないところなのよね、このNCパターン結構気に入ってる・・w
  28. 04:29:574 (7,8,9,10,11) - 04:40:483 (7,8,9,10,11) - 角ばりすぎな感じあるなぁ、もうすこし円綺麗にするなりキック曲げるなりしたい うーんたしかに・・・ちょっと形考えます!
  29. 04:43:893 (1,1,1,1,1) - Finishつけてって盛り上げた方がかっこよさげ これはいい・・・finishつけた!
  30. 05:05:540 - add note 01:30:939 (1,2) - ここと同じじゃないとおかしい ほんまや・・・add noteしますた
  31. 05:05:711 (1) - Finish、個人的にはwhistle外してNormalFinish ok!
  32. 05:11:165 - ^ 同じくok!
  33. 05:20:370 (2,1) - 謎の流れ、1Gなら分かるけどそうすると05:21:052 (2) - ここのジャンプなくなるから何かしら変えた方がいい ん~個人的には特に違和感無いのでこのままでw
  34. 05:26:847 (3,4,5,6) - ここも最初の00:17:985 (1,2,3,4) - と同じ これもジャンプ次から始まるから溜めるみたいな場所にしたい!
  35. 00:40:996 (2) - 全体的に連打こういうNCのつけ方してるけど、単発と間違えるからこっからNC入れるべき00:41:167 (1) - こんな途中から入れられても分かり難い たしかに。。。ただ前後のNCパターン考えるとこれでも悪くないかな~とは思ってる、ちょっと意見色々集めてみる!


mod time:3 hour
ななかさんありがと!有効な指摘めっちゃあって助かった!!! :) :) :)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

imoutosan wrote:

From PM.

[Chloe Lemaire]

Remove the tags of soft-hitwhistle11.wav plz. done lol

00:00:598 (2) - 2nd gird x111 y186, 3rd x171 y133 for better stacking wow good!

00:17:985 (1) - ctrl+g?
00:18:326 (2) - ^
00:18:667 (3) - ^
00:19:008 (4) - ^, so these 4 sliders become a pattern without 5. I think it would fit the song better. good suggestion, all applied

00:21:735 (1) - short slider doesn't fit the sample whistle imo. extend it and add a circle at 00:21:990 - ? extend to 1/2 and not add circle

00:26:337 (3,4) - move them upward? plays better imo hmm keep it

00:31:280 (1,2,3,4) - try not staking to the slider? sry i like it lwl

00:37:587 (1) - rotate 5° anti-clockwise done

00:57:189 (4) - moved like suggestion and ctrl+g'ed 00:57:189 (4) -

00:59:916 (7) - x360 y320 since it's too close to 6 now moved

01:18:496 - add a circle here? Generally speaking people would like to see some difference in the same pattern when it shows up at 4th time. i put stuffs here to fit with back drum sound, and not can be hear here. so keep it

01:25:314 (3,4,5,6,7) - scale 0.7x ok

01:32:643 (2) - just use circle is enough. the sound here should be emphasized. (and in similar patterns you used circle changed!

01:58:041 (1) - ctrl+g, turning direction at 01:58:382 - is better. keep it, but i try to find more fit pattern

02:07:416 (2) - x432 y252 done

02:13:723 (3,4) - ctrl+g? lol tried but it broke flow lol

02:23:950 (1) - 3rd grid x157 y176
and 02:24:461 (1) - x87 y158 great!

02:30:086 (2,3) - try not stack them to the next slider? ok:3

02:41:166 (1) - try this? done!

02:51:393 (2) - change it to a slider coule be better, since 02:51:393 (2,3,4) - sounds similar in the song keep it, i wanna put them with circle
02:56:848 (3) - ^

03:22:075 (1,1) - y+3
and slider ends sounds weird from here. just decrease volume of green lines like 03:23:609 - to about 15% will be better. done!

03:39:802 (1) - 3rd grid x436 y376 ok!

04:05:370 (5) - sv*1.5 here ok!

04:10:484 (1) - nc
04:15:938 (6) - ^ keep them, i want to show here as a group

05:05:583 - add a note here ok!

05:12:188 (2) - ctrl+g keep, current flow is better

Orz written too much... Replying this will cost you a lot of time, so you don't need to reply this.
really thanks imoutosan!! especially suggestions for slider part are so good for me!!
00:04:348 (5,6) - weird space.......
00:38:780 (4,5) - ctrl+g maybe
00:50:711 (3) - use like volume 20% on the tail
00:56:848 (3,4) - well if you follow the rhythm those two should has lager space than 00:56:166 (1,2,3) -
00:58:382 (2,3,4,5) - try to unified the space
01:15:768 (x) - here should has rhythm
01:30:939 (1) - fQ?! (the sound)
02:27:529 (1,2) - blanket, make them more closer like 02:27:529 (1,1) -
02:30:768 (3,1) - try to move them litter bit far
02:39:291 (2) - ctrl+g?
02:44:404 (3,4) - blanket
04:31:108 (4,5) - the flow should be ctrl+g
_(:зゝ∠)_ sorry I cant send your lot of help.........because this map style just like the "Blind spot" for myself..............
but actually you are really daring on the most part, why you be "shy" for the kiai time?
no kd if you dont change anything



y r ur kiai times on a soft part and not on the wubwubwbuwwbuuw part??/??

hitsounds r fine i thikn
le diff
  1. 00:00:258 (1,2) - o look ur signature pattern. I'd ercommend making the 2nd slider smaller so it ends on the red tick, and then place a circle on 00:00:939 (1) - head like this or smth like that. it follows the music better imo
  2. 00:47:473 (2,3,4,5) - FUCK i really hate how this looks. can u pls make the slider look nice and not just a bland curve, it'd make this look so much better ajhdsfg
  3. 01:36:223 (1) - I'dd say to make the slider larger or use like 0.9x SV or smth tbh. It'll look better and read better imo
  4. 02:06:223 (1) - ^
  5. 02:30:257 (1) - might wanna rotate this -38 degress clockwise so it perfectly flows with 02:29:916 (1,2,3) - tbh
  6. 03:35:711 (1,1) - u sud stack imo itll look better
  7. 04:31:449 (6) - possible curve upwards?
  8. 05:11:847 (1,2,1,2) - bad 2 read zzz

Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

tutuhaha wrote:

00:04:348 (5,6) - weird space....... hmm keep it
00:38:780 (4,5) - ctrl+g maybe
00:50:711 (3) - use like volume 20% on the tail
00:56:848 (3,4) - well if you follow the rhythm those two should has lager space than 00:56:166 (1,2,3) -
00:58:382 (2,3,4,5) - try to unified the space
01:15:768 (x) - here should has rhythm
01:30:939 (1) - fQ?! (the sound) lololol
02:27:529 (1,2) - blanket, make them more closer like 02:27:529 (1,1) - keep it
02:30:768 (3,1) - try to move them litter bit far
02:39:291 (2) - ctrl+g? fixed with another way
02:44:404 (3,4) - blanket
04:31:108 (4,5) - the flow should be ctrl+g keep it, i'd like to aim like this
_(:зゝ∠)_ sorry I cant send your lot of help.........because this map style just like the "Blind spot" for myself..............
but actually you are really daring on the most part, why you be "shy" for the kiai time?
no kd if you dont change anything
thx for mod, all fixed with no commented!! :)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

VINXIS wrote:




y r ur kiai times on a soft part and not on the wubwubwbuwwbuuw part??/?? ok let's kiai spam

hitsounds r fine i thikn
le diff
  1. 00:00:258 (1,2) - o look ur signature pattern. I'd ercommend making the 2nd slider smaller so it ends on the red tick, and then place a circle on 00:00:939 (1) - head like this or smth like that. it follows the music better imo good suggestion, but if i do so, 00:00:598 (2) - will be very fast one lol
  2. 00:47:473 (2,3,4,5) - FUCK i really hate how this looks. can u pls make the slider look nice and not just a bland curve, it'd make this look so much better ajhdsfg
  3. 01:36:223 (1) - I'dd say to make the slider larger or use like 0.9x SV or smth tbh. It'll look better and read better imo i put all slow sliders like this with 1.0x, so fixed with no SV change
  4. 02:06:223 (1) - ^ keep this one, not hard to read imo
  5. 02:30:257 (1) - might wanna rotate this -38 degress clockwise so it perfectly flows with 02:29:916 (1,2,3) - tbh
  6. 03:35:711 (1,1) - u sud stack imo itll look better keep it, it's almost same flow and current one is looks better
  7. 04:31:449 (6) - possible curve upwards? i consider here, but keep it for now due to same form with 04:32:643 (5) -
  8. 05:11:847 (1,2,1,2) - bad 2 read zzz maybe it' ok zzz

thx for the mod and tons of stars wtfnext my turn? wtf
no commented = fixed! :)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
asked correct offset to Shiro, and fixed as his suggestion.

Note: If I tell you to place a note at x123 y123, it doesn't mean you have to place it EXACTLY there, just in that general direction (unless otherwise specified)
Note: When I talk about "symmetry" I'm referring to the aesthetic placement of one object relative to the others, which doesn't have to be Andrea-style axis symmetry

  1. You can remove "m_o_k_o_r_i" from tags, since searching "mokori" or "m o k o r i" would both give the same results if your tag is "mokori"
  2. I really advise you find a storyboarder for this set, it could be turned into something amazing
  3. I think you could find a more fitting bg for this, as it is now it seems rather generic. You can pm me in-game if you'd like help with it.
  4. The red combo color provides a stark contrast with the other combos, is there a reason for this?
  5. I'd like to compliment you on this map, I can really see the effort you put into it and it turned out very awesome. Original style and cool sliders. Keep it up!

Chloe Lemaire
Rhythms & Patterns
  1. 00:46:637 (1,2,3,4) - You could really improve this pattern if you fixed the slider and adjusted some note positions, like so
  2. 00:54:478 (6) - This is slightly too close to 00:54:819 (1) - , which kills the blanket you were going for. Try moving it to x345 y200. You can either stack 00:55:842 (3) - afterwards or leave it as-is.
  3. 00:55:671 (2) - ^Following up on this, you could put this circle closer to 00:54:819 (1) - to make the blankets more even. Of course, adjust 00:56:183 (1,2,3) - after that to maintain consistency.
  4. 01:06:239 (4) - I think it would look cleaner if you curved this slider out a bit, like so
  5. 01:18:853 (2,1) - This blanket could use some improvement
  6. 01:31:637 - Nice job! This section is really cool!
  7. 01:49:194 (3,4,1,2,1) - Why don't you try something like this? Would look much smoother in my opinion.
  8. 01:32:489 (1) - I think this would flow way cooler if you ctrl + G'd it
  9. 02:04:876 (1) - Try moving this to x381 y243 instead to prevent the sloppy overlap
  10. 02:07:433 (2) - This is suuuper nitpicky but move this like one osupixel to the right and it'll be perfect!
  11. 04:11:012 (10) - Try turning this into a 1/4 slider and then stack 04:11:183 (1) - on top of 04:10:245 (4) - like this
  12. 04:16:467 (10) - Ctrl + G'ing this would make the flow so much smoother here
  13. 04:24:137 (7,8,9,10) - I think these doubles might be a bit too spaced out internally but it might just be me
  14. 04:54:137 (1,2,3,4) - ^
Sounds good to me!
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Tess wrote:

Note: If I tell you to place a note at x123 y123, it doesn't mean you have to place it EXACTLY there, just in that general direction (unless otherwise specified)
Note: When I talk about "symmetry" I'm referring to the aesthetic placement of one object relative to the others, which doesn't have to be Andrea-style axis symmetry

  1. You can remove "m_o_k_o_r_i" from tags, since searching "mokori" or "m o k o r i" would both give the same results if your tag is "mokori" all my maps have that tag, so i keep it
  2. I really advise you find a storyboarder for this set, it could be turned into something amazing yes i think so too, but it's hard to make ;w;
  3. I think you could find a more fitting bg for this, as it is now it seems rather generic. You can pm me in-game if you'd like help with it. i searched some pictures that fit to this, but there're not so many kind of it. so i chose this generic but clean one
  4. The red combo color provides a stark contrast with the other combos, is there a reason for this? red is related to skirt color on BG xD
  5. I'd like to compliment you on this map, I can really see the effort you put into it and it turned out very awesome. Original style and cool sliders. Keep it up! thanks!!!

Chloe Lemaire
Rhythms & Patterns
  1. 01:06:239 (4) - I think it would look cleaner if you curved this slider out a bit, like so it makes blanket with 01:05:899 (2) - so keep it
  2. 01:31:637 - Nice job! This section is really cool! thanks xD
  3. 01:49:194 (3,4,1,2,1) - Why don't you try something like this? Would look much smoother in my opinion. very nice!!
  4. 01:32:489 (1) - I think this would flow way cooler if you ctrl + G'd it you're right, fixed!
  5. 04:11:012 (10) - Try turning this into a 1/4 slider and then stack 04:11:183 (1) - on top of 04:10:245 (4) - like this sorry i like this pattern and rhytm ;w;
  6. 04:16:467 (10) - Ctrl + G'ing this would make the flow so much smoother here maybe current one works well imo
  7. 04:24:137 (7,8,9,10) - I think these doubles might be a bit too spaced out internally but it might just be me i consider to decrease space but keep it now
  8. 04:54:137 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
Sounds good to me!
thanks for mod ☆ Tess, fixed everything without red comments!!
Someone please bubble

Tess wrote:

Someone please bubble

Chloe Lemaire

General: Why this is marked as a "WIP/Help" map? I think it's ready for ranked. At least you are working on the storyboard or something like that.
The map itself has a lot of creativity, it's amazing to see it from the Editor and to play it as well. The flow used in this map is FANTASTIC, and I'm really like to see people mapping like this. However, I have to disagree with the usage of doubles like no tomorrow. You shouldn't really spam doubles all over the map, that's the only thing I didn't like from it.
The red colour there is so pointless. You should REALLY reconsider removing it as it has nothing to do with the other colours.

00:16:637 (1) - Ctrl+G
00:16:978 (2) - ^
00:17:319 (3) - ^
00:17:660 (4) - ^
These 4 sliders Ctrl+G'd play really really good, and they actually look better than your version, imo.

01:22:944 - Place a circle here!

01:43:399 (1) - What do you think if you actually move this slider more to the right? You will be avoiding an unnecessary overlapping with 01:42:887 (2) - and it will be also easier to hit!

02:14:421 (3) - Place it in the middle of the semi-circle. This slider overlapping with 02:13:825 (4) - looks awful.

03:00:614 (1) - Clap sounds perfectly!

03:22:092 (1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1) - All these sliders should be finished in the last blue tick, because the rhythm is constant.

04:02:916 (9) - This note is not necessary.

04:05:387 (1) - Finish this slider at 04:05:558 -

04:16:467 (10) - Ctrl+G there, PLEASE! This flows better with the next circle 04:16:637 (1) - and the stream as well. It's also better to play!
04:19:535 (2,3,4,5,6) - Ctrl+G maybe?
05:25:842 (5) - ^

04:24:137 (7,8,9,10) - There's a lot of spacing between these doubles. I think that (7,8) should be somewhere near x152 y204 and (9,10) x292 y168
Also you should try NC!

Please, rank this.
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
hello Yuii-!!

Yuii- wrote:

Chloe Lemaire

General: Why this is marked as a "WIP/Help" map? I think it's ready for ranked. At least you are working on the storyboard or something like that.
yes it's on WIP section because it's for approved map, means does have only one difficulty. so i can't submit to pending because of that reason. maybe if this map gets #2 bubble, QAT will move this to pending :)
The map itself has a lot of creativity, it's amazing to see it from the Editor and to play it as well. The flow used in this map is FANTASTIC, and I'm really like to see people mapping like this. However, I have to disagree with the usage of doubles like no tomorrow. You shouldn't really spam doubles all over the map, that's the only thing I didn't like from it. thanks for opinion! as you said, there are many doubles, but it's all fit to song and playable. of course i love doubles, so pls let me keep ;w;
The red colour there is so pointless. You should REALLY reconsider removing it as it has nothing to do with the other colours. sure, you and Tess said red combo color is pointless one, so i removed

00:16:637 (1) - Ctrl+G
00:16:978 (2) - ^
00:17:319 (3) - ^
00:17:660 (4) - ^
These 4 sliders Ctrl+G'd play really really good, and they actually look better than your version, imo. that's also good, but i like current flow and pattern

01:22:944 - Place a circle here! on this part, i put notes with drum sound. exactly there has piano sound, though it's too small and inconsistent with my thought

01:43:399 (1) - What do you think if you actually move this slider more to the right? You will be avoiding an unnecessary overlapping with 01:42:887 (2) - and it will be also easier to hit! i want to make a flow like round at 01:42:546 (1,2,1,1,2,3) - , so if i move that to right, must be lost that flow ;w;

02:14:421 (3) - Place it in the middle of the semi-circle. This slider overlapping with 02:13:825 (4) - looks awful. that's good! fixed!

03:00:614 (1) - Clap sounds perfectly! yey :)

03:22:092 (1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1) - All these sliders should be finished in the last blue tick, because the rhythm is constant. i put NC there all of 4/1 rhythm, because it looks better than finish on blue tick imo. and also, maybe HR player lost much HP here

04:02:916 (9) - This note is not necessary. omg you're right, then i try to make another flow to make here

04:05:387 (1) - Finish this slider at 04:05:558 -

04:16:467 (10) - Ctrl+G there, PLEASE! This flows better with the next circle 04:16:637 (1) - and the stream as well. It's also better to play! it makes also good flow at 04:16:467 (10,1) - , but makes really bad at 04:16:296 (9,10) - , so keep it
04:19:535 (2,3,4,5,6) - Ctrl+G maybe? current flow 04:19:024 (9,1,2) - is better imo
05:25:842 (5) - ^ this one is rotated 05:25:501 (3,4) - , so keep it

04:24:137 (7,8,9,10) - There's a lot of spacing between these doubles. I think that (7,8) should be somewhere near x152 y204 and (9,10) x292 y168
Also you should try NC! maybe spacing is not big, so keep it but added NC on 04:24:137 (1) -

Please, rank this.

thanks for mod!! :oops:
[Chloe Lemaire]
  1. 00:02:575 (6) - ここの音、1/6の音の可能性が・・・00:02:546 -
  2. 00:08:029 (6) - ^
  3. 00:14:592 (1) - 特にNew combo入れなくてもいいと思います。
  4. 00:53:626 (4) - このあたり見ると、00:49:364 (1,2,3) - 、00:47:489 (2,4) - デザイン的にここもこんな感じに配置したい
  5. 01:12:205 (4) - 音とジャンプ的にここからNew combo入れたほうがプレイヤーにもわかりやすいと思います。
  6. 01:17:660 (4) - ,01:20:387 (3) - ^
  7. 01:22:092 (1) - ここは逆にいらないと思います。
  8. 02:13:910 (1,3) - (3)の折り返しがほとんどかさなってる状態なので少しずらして確認できるくらいに配置するか別の配置にしてください~
  9. 02:15:614 (2) - ここらへんのパートすべてスライダーなのでこの速度変化はちょっと差がありすぎかなと思いました。この部分だけx0.7 -> x1.5となっているので、x1.2 or x1.3あたりにしたほうがいいと思います。
  10. 02:16:126 (2) - ^
  11. 02:52:092 (5) - New combo忘れ・・・?
  12. 03:22:262 - sliderslide無音にしてるのでslidertickの音を最低でも20%くらいにしたほうがいいと思います。
  13. 03:23:626 - ^ これ以降の他の部分も同じです
(^q^)<Good luck
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

alacat wrote:

[Chloe Lemaire]
  1. 00:02:575 (6) - ここの音、1/6の音の可能性が・・・00:02:546 -  うわほんとだ・・・直しました!
  2. 00:08:029 (6) - ^ ^
  3. 00:14:592 (1) - 特にNew combo入れなくてもいいと思います。
  4. 00:53:626 (4) - このあたり見ると、00:49:364 (1,2,3) - 、00:47:489 (2,4) - デザイン的にここもこんな感じに配置したい
  5. 01:12:205 (4) - 音とジャンプ的にここからNew combo入れたほうがプレイヤーにもわかりやすいと思います。
  6. 01:17:660 (4) - ,01:20:387 (3) - ^
  7. 01:22:092 (1) - ここは逆にいらないと思います。
  8. 02:13:910 (1,3) - (3)の折り返しがほとんどかさなってる状態なので少しずらして確認できるくらいに配置するか別の配置にしてください~ 別配置に変更です
  9. 02:15:614 (2) - ここらへんのパートすべてスライダーなのでこの速度変化はちょっと差がありすぎかなと思いました。この部分だけx0.7 -> x1.5となっているので、x1.2 or x1.3あたりにしたほうがいいと思います。 x1.2に変更しました~
  10. 02:16:126 (2) - ^ ^
  11. 02:52:092 (5) - New combo忘れ・・・? アッ
  12. 03:22:262 - sliderslide無音にしてるのでslidertickの音を最低でも20%くらいにしたほうがいいと思います。 イエッサ!
  13. 03:23:626 - ^ これ以降の他の部分も同じです
(^q^)<Good luck
all fixです、ありがとうございましたー! :)

[ Chloe Lemaire]
  1. offsetが遅く感じます。 たぶん、252くらいがいい気がします。最初のパートのとこをよく聞いてみると、ずれていることがわかると思います。
  2. 00:35:046 (1,2,3) - 少しこのリズムが取りにくいと感じました。00:35:217にサークルを追加して三連打を作ったほうが良さそうです。あと音もハッキリと聞こえますのでnormal-hitnormalを入れるといいかもです。
  3. 00:51:921 (5) - 1/4じゃなくて1/3だと思います。
  4. 01:07:581 (3) - ここは01:07:240 (2)と同じdrum-hitclapがいい感じがする。(2)と(3)は同じような音が聞こえるので。
  5. 01:23:626 (4) - 1/16は合ってない気がします。1/8が良いかと。あと、伸ばしすぎな感じがするので01:23:796までで良いと思います。音量は少し40%とかにしたほうがいい感じに聞こえます。
  6. 01:31:296 (3) - soft-hitwhistleよりsoft-hitclapかな。

がんばってください~ :)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Gamu wrote:


[ Chloe Lemaire]
  1. offsetが遅く感じます。 たぶん、252くらいがいい気がします。最初のパートのとこをよく聞いてみると、ずれていることがわかると思います。 色々試してみた結果、262で調整しました。
  2. 00:35:046 (1,2,3) - 少しこのリズムが取りにくいと感じました。00:35:217にサークルを追加して三連打を作ったほうが良さそうです。あと音もハッキリと聞こえますのでnormal-hitnormalを入れるといいかもです。 3連打も試しましたが、窮屈になってしまう感じがしたのでここは2連打で置いてあります。normal-hitnormalは追加しました
  3. 00:51:921 (5) - 1/4じゃなくて1/3だと思います。 ほんとだ・・・了解です!
  4. 01:07:581 (3) - ここは01:07:240 (2)と同じdrum-hitclapがいい感じがする。(2)と(3)は同じような音が聞こえるので。
  5. 01:23:626 (4) - 1/16は合ってない気がします。1/8が良いかと。あと、伸ばしすぎな感じがするので01:23:796までで良いと思います。音量は少し40%とかにしたほうがいい感じに聞こえます。
  6. 01:31:296 (3) - soft-hitwhistleよりsoft-hitclapかな。

がんばってください~ :)
ノーコメントのとこは全部直しました、ありがとうございました :)
Hollow Wings


Chloe Lemaire

  1. 03:42:536 (1,2) - still recommend you not overlap the arrow, maybe just drag the arrow to 180,200.
  2. 05:05:377 (1) - you can just set high sv slider here imo w.

can't say too much, star*2.

poke me later when you are ready.
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Hollow Wings wrote:



Chloe Lemaire

  1. 03:42:536 (1,2) - still recommend you not overlap the arrow, maybe just drag the arrow to 180,200.
  2. 05:05:377 (1) - you can just set high sv slider here imo w.

can't say too much, star*2.

poke me later when you are ready.
thx HW, all fixed :)
  1. looks fine
[the only one diff]
  1. 00:53:616 (4) - I think if you change to circles here it really emphasis the beat here really well just like what you did here 00:47:479 (2,3,4) - ,00:54:468 (6,7) - ,00:55:661 (2,3,4) -
  2. 01:23:104 (1,2) - 1/2 spacing here looks pretty similiar to 1/1 spacing here 01:22:423 (4,5) - this can make player a bit confuse when playing imo , I think increase spacing here 01:22:423 (4,5) - would make spacing a bit different from 01:23:104 (1,2,3) - so that make player less confuse imo
  3. 01:31:116 (2) - I think the beat should be here 01:31:158 - (1/8) , I can't hear any beat on 1/2 , not sure tho
  4. 02:00:264 (5) - nc? so iwould make this somehow consistent with the nc pattern here 01:56:002 (2,3,1) - , 02:01:457 (2,3,1) - , 02:04:184 (2,3,1) -
  5. 02:02:820 (3) - you can move this a bit to the right so it not overlap with 02:02:479 (1) - at tail , it make pattern looks more clean without overlap there
  6. 02:04:354 (1) - ctrl+g this ? so it would make flow here 02:04:014 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - nice imo
  7. 02:13:729 (3,4,1) - make them straight , current one flow weird imo
  8. 04:06:741 (7) - stack this with 04:06:229 (4) - would make flow here 04:06:485 (6,7) - better imo
  9. 04:12:366 (8,1) - I think you can make jumps here , would play nice and also make sense with the music here since this beat 04:12:536 (1) - is emphasized lower spacing here is just can give weird feeling to players imo
  10. 04:15:093 (8) - place this at around x312 y204 ? would make flow here 04:14:923 (7,8,1) - nice imo
  11. 04:17:991 (1) - place this at around x244 y284 ? would make flow here 04:17:650 (9,1,2) - nice imo also would make spacing make sense with the others similiar pattern like 04:19:014 (9,1,2) - (spacing 1.5x -> 1.2x) , 04:23:104 (9,1,2) - ( also spacing 1.5x -> 1.2x )
  12. 04:31:968 (1,2,3,4,5) - place like this ? so it would make flow better imo
  13. 05:05:377 (1) - snap slider end to 1/8 ? since the beat is there not on 1/2 , I'm not sure
good luck :)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

CelsiusLK wrote:

  1. looks fine
[the only one diff]
  1. 00:53:616 (4) - I think if you change to circles here it really emphasis the beat here really well just like what you did here 00:47:479 (2,3,4) - ,00:54:468 (6,7) - ,00:55:661 (2,3,4) - ok :3
  2. 01:23:104 (1,2) - 1/2 spacing here looks pretty similiar to 1/1 spacing here 01:22:423 (4,5) - this can make player a bit confuse when playing imo , I think increase spacing here 01:22:423 (4,5) - would make spacing a bit different from 01:23:104 (1,2,3) - so that make player less confuse imo i added NC for that reason, and maybe that spacing is not affect much to play i think
  3. 01:31:116 (2) - I think the beat should be here 01:31:158 - (1/8) , I can't hear any beat on 1/2 , not sure tho yea, here is really strange, sounds like crack of sound. 01:31:116 - has a quiet sound and maybe 1/12 section 01:31:144 - also have strong sound. for comfortable to play, keep current pattern makes good imo
  4. 02:00:264 (5) - nc? so iwould make this somehow consistent with the nc pattern here 01:56:002 (2,3,1) - , 02:01:457 (2,3,1) - , 02:04:184 (2,3,1) -
  5. 02:02:820 (3) - you can move this a bit to the right so it not overlap with 02:02:479 (1) - at tail , it make pattern looks more clean without overlap there
  6. 02:04:354 (1) - ctrl+g this ? so it would make flow here 02:04:014 (1,2,3,1,2,1) - nice imo
  7. 02:13:729 (3,4,1) - make them straight , current one flow weird imo
  8. 04:06:741 (7) - stack this with 04:06:229 (4) - would make flow here 04:06:485 (6,7) - better imo if i do so, flow of 04:06:485 (6,7) - is ok, but 04:06:741 (7,8) - would be get too closer. and current pattern is good as well, so keep it
  9. 04:12:366 (8,1) - I think you can make jumps here , would play nice and also make sense with the music here since this beat 04:12:536 (1) - is emphasized lower spacing here is just can give weird feeling to players imo yea you're right, fixed
  10. 04:15:093 (8) - place this at around x312 y204 ? would make flow here 04:14:923 (7,8,1) - nice imo feel good, fixed
  11. 04:17:991 (1) - place this at around x244 y284 ? would make flow here 04:17:650 (9,1,2) - nice imo also would make spacing make sense with the others similiar pattern like 04:19:014 (9,1,2) - (spacing 1.5x -> 1.2x) , 04:23:104 (9,1,2) - ( also spacing 1.5x -> 1.2x ) ok
  12. 04:31:968 (1,2,3,4,5) - place like this ? so it would make flow better imo fixed with another way
  13. 05:05:377 (1) - snap slider end to 1/8 ? since the beat is there not on 1/2 , I'm not sure hmm i keep it
good luck :)

no commented = fixed
thanks for mod celsius! :)
Hollow Wings
bubbled #1

great job :3
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks HW! (∩・▽・∩)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

sionKotori wrote:

This is what I get for wrecking my stream hand ;_;
Oh wow bubbled already, nice work!

Gogo gadget rank
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Tess wrote:

Oh wow bubbled already, nice work!

Gogo gadget rank
thanks Tess >w<
watched your replay, i can't get over 1000combo i'm noob ;w;w;w;
B-but acc ;_;
Hollow Wings
rebubbled #1

removed useless files.
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Hollow Wings wrote:

rebubbled #1

removed useless files.
thanks~~! ;w;
Bubble #2!
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks Hinsvar!!!!!!
no drumstep in tags? o.o
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Tess wrote:

yes BN pls OvQ

Amamiya Yuko wrote:

no drumstep in tags? o.o
ok, then i'll add it with my last update ₍⁽⁽(ી( ・◡・ )ʃ)₎₎⁾⁾
ramdom bubble check

  1. 05:29:582 (5) - NC?
  2. add tags skystar mentioned.
also I'm a little questionable about 00:35:292 (2) - , I cant hear the beat here in music and prefer to put it at 00:35:207 - , can you give me the reason why put the note here?

others are fine, really fun map.
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Minakami Yuki wrote:

ramdom bubble check

  1. 05:29:582 (5) - NC?
  2. add tags skystar mentioned.
    fixed all!
also I'm a little questionable about 00:35:292 (2) - , I cant hear the beat here in music and prefer to put it at 00:35:207 - , can you give me the reason why put the note here?
yea, exactly drum sound is landing on 00:35:207 - , however i chose to follow "pi" sound on 00:35:292 - instead of that to make there has deffer rhythm with 00:34:354 (1,2,3,4) -

others are fine, really fun map.
thanks yuki chan!
we fixed some spacing issues of stream patterns, and I think the mapset is ready to go now.
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
arigatooooooooooo!!! OvQ

The hitsounds are just aaa!
Excellent map.
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks everyone>w<

VINXIS wrote:

Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

VINXIS wrote:

おめでとー :)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

-Nanaka- wrote:

おめでとー :)
this map is awesome

After internal discussion, we decided to disqualify this map for the following reasons:

There are several quality issues spread over the map that need to be adressed.


Several snappings and extended sliders are questionable. Below are examples for these issues, note that most of them repeat throughout the map.

  1. 00:00:604 (2) - Why is this slider a 3/4-slider? The music is the same as for 00:00:264 (1) except the additional blue tick note at 00:00:860 - , but that doesn't justify to ignore 00:00:775 -. It would work a lot better to split this slider in this way:
  2. 00:02:536 (6) - Why does this slider start on a purple tick, while 00:01:201 was mapped on a blue tick? It's not easy to tell wether this sound is on the blue or purple tick, but it should be followed consistently. We would recommend you to use 1/4 instead of 1/6 snap here.
  3. 00:02:991 (1,2,3,4) - The rhythm seems very empty. It doesn't make sense to suddenly follow the bass only, while you have been following other, more dense instruments before.
  4. 00:05:036 (7) - It would fit the music better to snap these on 1/8, in this way: Same applies for similar 1/6-repeat-sliders used throughout the map.
  5. 01:33:502 (1) - There is absolutely no reason to use an extended slider here. It would fit the music a lot better to end this slider at 01:33:843 - since there is both a strong drum sound at the red tick, but the instrument you are following also stops there (compared to 01:33:246 - for example)
SV Changes

If the SV changes for a couple of objects, there should be some indication / reason in the music, for example a strong / special emphasis on a specific instrument. We didn't find the following SV Changes reasonable, as there is nothing in the music that changes here, which also makes them unintuitive to play:

  1. 00:00:945 -
  2. 00:05:718 -
  3. 00:06:400 -
Overdone / Unreasonable Spacing

Remember that jumps or higher spacings stress the note the player jumps to. If the spacing of a map changes there has to be a reason for that in the music. When a note in the music doesn't have a lot of emphasis, there shouldn't be a huge jump leading to it. See below for examples, that can also repeat themselves throughout the map.

  1. 00:21:400 (1,1) - The giant 1/8-jump between these objects is overdone and most likely causes a slider break. Since these are repeat sliders the player has to stay within the range of the sliderball until the slider is over, which means they just got an 1/8 gap to perform this huge jump.
  2. 00:37:593 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - There is nothing in the music to justify these big 1/4-jumps. Due to the very high Slider Velocity, the kicksliders are fairly long and force the player to move to the left quickly, unlike in maps with lower SV where kicksliders can be played as a hold note. Afterwards the player has to move to the right insanely fast, which makes these play overdone in relation to the music.
  3. 00:42:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - It seems weird that the second part of the stream has lower spacing than the first, even though the music's intensity stays the same. There are more extreme examples to this, such as 01:28:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
  4. 03:56:173 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern's spacing seems a bit random. There are no special emphasized beats (except the white ticks which all have a drum sound), but the jumps are placed between random notes, it seems.
Readability Issues

  1. 00:32:991 (1,2) - Consider to increase the spacing between these objects - Due to the intense speed-up achieved by the Slider Velocity, this gap can be easily misread as 1/4.
  2. 00:35:036 (1,2,3) - The 3/4-gap reads like a 1/2-gap, most likely because in the previous section 00:22:082 - there weren't any 3/4-gaps and therefore it's not really intuitive. Just as an example, you could place the New Combo at 00:35:292 instead of 00:35:036 to show that the gap is different there.
Your map personally impressed me, especially the calmer sections like 00:46:627 - , just fix these issues and you'll be good to go!
This mapset will be handled by the BNG from now on. Good luck!
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks for check Desperate-kun, i reply all of them (´・◡・`)

Desperate-kun wrote:


After internal discussion, we decided to disqualify this map for the following reasons:

There are several quality issues spread over the map that need to be adressed.


Several snappings and extended sliders are questionable. Below are examples for these issues, note that most of them repeat throughout the map.

  1. 00:00:604 (2) - Why is this slider a 3/4-slider? The music is the same as for 00:00:264 (1) except the additional blue tick note at 00:00:860 - , but that doesn't justify to ignore 00:00:775 -. It would work a lot better to split this slider in this way: yea i agree with your opinion, even though i want to keep it. because beginning of this map, i planned to put almost stuffs to tap at white tic.
  2. 00:02:536 (6) - Why does this slider start on a purple tick, while 00:01:201 was mapped on a blue tick? It's not easy to tell wether this sound is on the blue or purple tick, but it should be followed consistently. We would recommend you to use 1/4 instead of 1/6 snap here. fixed!
  3. 00:02:991 (1,2,3,4) - The rhythm seems very empty. It doesn't make sense to suddenly follow the bass only, while you have been following other, more dense instruments before. almost same as the reason for 1st suggestion. to put stuffs on white tic, and they're feel fine for me.
  4. 00:05:036 (7) - It would fit the music better to snap these on 1/8, in this way: Same applies for similar 1/6-repeat-sliders used throughout the map. sure:33
  5. 01:33:502 (1) - There is absolutely no reason to use an extended slider here. It would fit the music a lot better to end this slider at 01:33:843 - since there is both a strong drum sound at the red tick, but the instrument you are following also stops there (compared to 01:33:246 - for example) actuality the drum sound is landing on as you says, but this wub parts are the best parts that i wanted to express my mapping with non-stop i followed almost all of them with wub sounds, except like 01:41:002 (4,5) - . and additionally, of course i tried your suggestion. however i felt something strange about space between drum sound and next object when i do so ;w;
SV Changes

If the SV changes for a couple of objects, there should be some indication / reason in the music, for example a strong / special emphasis on a specific instrument. We didn't find the following SV Changes reasonable, as there is nothing in the music that changes here, which also makes them unintuitive to play:

exactly nothing change of the music there partially, but these SVs are considered with whole flow at the beginning with my sense.
In more detail, there is the sound like something launched at the beginning. so i expressed that sound with high SV sliders. (00:00:264 (1,2) - )
next, 00:05:718 (1,2) - are put to have consistency with above ones.

  1. 00:00:945 -
  2. 00:05:718 -
  3. 00:06:400 -
Overdone / Unreasonable Spacing

Remember that jumps or higher spacings stress the note the player jumps to. If the spacing of a map changes there has to be a reason for that in the music. When a note in the music doesn't have a lot of emphasis, there shouldn't be a huge jump leading to it. See below for examples, that can also repeat themselves throughout the map.

  1. 00:21:400 (1,1) - The giant 1/8-jump between these objects is overdone and most likely causes a slider break. Since these are repeat sliders the player has to stay within the range of the sliderball until the slider is over, which means they just got an 1/8 gap to perform this huge jump. yes i watched some replay and many players made 100 at this part, so replaced 00:21:741 (1) -
  2. 00:37:593 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - There is nothing in the music to justify these big 1/4-jumps. Due to the very high Slider Velocity, the kicksliders are fairly long and force the player to move to the left quickly, unlike in maps with lower SV where kicksliders can be played as a hold note. Afterwards the player has to move to the right insanely fast, which makes these play overdone in relation to the music. hmm i think these kicksliders are enough playing a role as holdnotes, and they are not so far with circles.
  3. 00:42:536 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - It seems weird that the second part of the stream has lower spacing than the first, even though the music's intensity stays the same. There are more extreme examples to this, such as 01:28:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) i agree with your opinion, but i don't make them hell streams. so made space of 1st and 2nd streams the same.
  4. 03:56:173 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern's spacing seems a bit random. There are no special emphasized beats (except the white ticks which all have a drum sound), but the jumps are placed between random notes, it seems.03:56:514 (6,7) - is ctrl+h'd 03:56:173 (4,5) - ones, and 03:57:195 (3,4) - is rotate 90° 03:56:854 (1,2) - ones. only 03:57:536 (5) - is a random jump stuff, but i put this jump to make the flow stopping at here and emphasis that.
Readability Issues

  1. 00:32:991 (1,2) - Consider to increase the spacing between these objects - Due to the intense speed-up achieved by the Slider Velocity, this gap can be easily misread as 1/4. sure, fixed!
  2. 00:35:036 (1,2,3) - The 3/4-gap reads like a 1/2-gap, most likely because in the previous section 00:22:082 - there weren't any 3/4-gaps and therefore it's not really intuitive. Just as an example, you could place the New Combo at 00:35:292 instead of 00:35:036 to show that the gap is different there. fixed!
Your map personally impressed me, especially the calmer sections like 00:46:627 - , just fix these issues and you'll be good to go!
This mapset will be handled by the BNG from now on. Good luck!
thanks!! (∩・▽・∩)

iMage-- wrote:

take it easy
Checked and I guess I can throw bubble #1!
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Hinsvar wrote:

Checked and I guess I can throw bubble #1!
thanks Hinsvar~!!

-kevincela- wrote:

m o k o r i chan ganbare
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Enon wrote:

m o k o r i chan ganbare
Enon chan arigatou ;w;

Flask wrote:

thx for check Flask~!!
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
burning Momovely =w=

A Day in the Y.E.S.
re-congrats :)
NOooooooooooooooooo I am too late with my mod *sigh
I am so sorry!

Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Sioly wrote:


deetz wrote:

A Day in the Y.E.S.
A Day in the V.I.N.X.I.S

sionKotori wrote:


Enon wrote:

re-congrats :)
thanks Enon chan!!

Flask wrote:

waaaaaaaa \o3o/

Chewin wrote:


Kite wrote:

NOooooooooooooooooo I am too late with my mod *sigh
I am so sorry!

nvm! thanks Kite! :)
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Amamiya Yuko wrote:

Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

-kevincela- wrote:

(∩・▽・∩)₍⁽⁽(ી( ・◡・ )ʃ)₎₎⁾⁾(∩・▽・∩)
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