
Imagine Dragons - Warriors

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Donnerstag, 6. November 2014 at 08:47:39

Artist: Imagine Dragons
Title: Warriors
Source: League of Legends
Tags: Riot Games Collaboration LoL DEMACIA 2014 World Championship alternative symphonic hard rock single
BPM: 78
Filesize: 22675kb
Play Time: 02:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bronze (1,48 stars, 157 notes)
  2. Diamond (4,25 stars, 408 notes)
  3. Gold (3,05 stars, 349 notes)
  4. Silver (2,02 stars, 215 notes)
Download: Imagine Dragons - Warriors
Download: Imagine Dragons - Warriors (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Easy/Bronze - done (Mapped with the 1/4 BSD)
Normal/Silver - done (Mapped with 1/6 BSD)
Hard/Gold - done (Mapped with 1/6 BSD)
Insane/Diamond - done (Mapped with 1/6 BSD)

aaand I will keep the diff names

Special thanks to Mao for editing the Video, vomiting about the mistakes I did and helping me so many times!
Also thanks to Irreversible for his patience and thx to listening to all the few problems I had :D
Thank you Ringating for the nice background picture =)
Topic Starter
OK guys I need a timing expert D:

Timing Fun
There are different ways to time this song.

General problem: The whole song can be divided into 2 different Timing sections.

- First one is a 4/4 metronome with a BPM of 156 (Sounds like the Verse for me) - beginning with the offset 3115
- Second one is a 3/4 metronome (and god damn I am not meaning the BSD, I mean the 3/4 waltz setting in the timing setup) with a BPM of 234 - also beginning with the offset 3115 (sounds like the refrain and the verse background)

Now the different ways (tell me which one to choose :cry: )

- setting only one red timing point with a BPM of 68 - mapping the verse with a 4/4 BSD and the refrain with a 3/4 BSD
- setting only one red timing point with a BPM of 156 - using the 1/6 BSD to map the different parts
- alternate the 3/4 and the 4/4 BPMs - just take an ear on the Test-Diff the you will know what I mean^^

Which one should I use?

Any other suggestions? *runs away*

OK, now no more suggestions I will use the 78 BPM Like SHiro said

SHiro Talk
18:13 Tician: SHiro I got a big problem with timing a song and even Irreversible, Mao, Asphyxia and TicClick (OK he is busy) cant help me. I am feeling like ind of being annoying but I am sick of remapping 12 hours a day, cause every person got a different opinion
18:14 Tician: So.. is there a time you can help me? I got time, I can wait, I just want one opinion I can trust D:
18:15 Shiro: how long is the map
18:16 Tician: 2:50 - and I already got the BPM... it`s difficult the song got a background and refrain with a 3/4 waltz tick and a 4/4 tick lyrik
18:17 Tician: -lyrik +verse
18:18 Shiro: link
18:18 *Tician is editing [ Imagine Dragons Collaboration with RIOT - Warriors [Testing around BPM]]
18:19 Tician: There are 3 different ways to set the timing t/246175
18:21 Tician: Would be nice if you can take a look at the Testing around diff, in my opinion thats the best way
18:22 Shiro: offset 3121 BPM 78,000 4/4 all the way through
18:23 Tician: But it feels like the refrain does not fit with the 4/4. If I clap the refrain it`s 1,2,3,1,2,3...
18:24 Shiro: listen to the drums
18:24 Shiro: with 78 BPM
18:24 Shiro: of course it wont work with 156 BPM since the BPM is wrong
18:25 Tician: Pls take an ear on the 234 BPM with the 3/4 tick (not BSD) at the refrain its the 78 BPM trippled
18:25 Shiro: that is wrong
18:25 Shiro: correct BPM is 78
18:26 Shiro: and 1/4
18:26 Shiro: er, 4/4
18:27 Tician: This is one version of another player using 156 BPM and a 3/4 BSD, he mapped that way an Mao told me to use 3/4 too
18:27 Tician: He mapped it and it sounds awful
18:27 Shiro: both are wrong
18:28 *Tician is editing [ Imagine Dragons - Warriors [Hero]]
18:28 Shiro: this is not a waltz
18:29 Shiro: trust me when it comes to timing
18:29 Tician: Uhm the second one I mean the BSD not the metronome-setting (or whatever it called)
18:29 Shiro: 4/4 is correct through the entire song
18:30 Tician: Can you take a look at the second map? Pls, it`s awful :x
18:31 Shiro: im gonna post something
18:31 Shiro: is it the same mp3 ?
18:31 Tician: no
18:31 Tician: I used to mp3 out of youtube, to fit with the background video
18:32 Shiro: just trust me when it comes to timing
18:32 Shiro: would you discuss a timing Charles did
18:33 Tician: I dont know who Charles is o.o
18:33 Shiro: ... okei.
18:33 Shiro: whatever
18:33 Shiro: just trust me
18:33 Tician: But didnt it sound awful?
18:33 Shiro: :|
18:33 Shiro: it was wrong
18:33 Tician: I will trust you

Update: Using 78 BPM and 1/6 wheee :D
Charles Talk
21:05 Tician: I can wait hours, days no matter I just want somebodyy to listen to me and help me
21:05 Charles445: some songs are hard to time lol
21:06 Charles445: I can give it a quick lookover to see how hard it'd be though
21:07 Tician: I dont think it`s hard to time, I already got the BPMs, I just need a really good advice when to use 3/4 waltz (and I am really sure the song needs that in the refrain) and when to use 4/4
21:07 Charles445: ohh
21:07 Charles445: ok, link me then
21:07 *Tician is listening to [ Imagine Dragons Collaboration with RIOT - Warriors]
21:07 Tician: Maybe take a look at the Test-Diff I made first
21:09 Tician: SHiro told me to use the BPM of 78 with a 4/4 metronome and a 1/4 BSD all song long. I tried that but it`s terrible, that the one normal diff
21:10 Tician: that`s*
21:10 Charles445: it's 78 BPM, it's 4/4, and you'll be using 1/3 snap a lot
21:11 Tician: I made a normal diff using 78 BPM 4/4 and the 1/6 snap - that`s what fitting most in my opinion
21:12 Tician: I don`t know much about music but i found out that the 1/6 I am using is for me a mix of 1/4 and 1/3
21:14 Charles445: yeah
21:14 Charles445: probably
21:14 Charles445: like the vocalist may switch between the two

Sry Shiro for not trusting you :cry:
Just go 156bpm all the way
I'm 99.9% sure the artist is just imagine dragons, i think that riot just asked them to do it and maybe helped with the lyrics but the ones playing it are just imagine dragons.
Topic Starter
Well maybe your right, but I found this one ... ns_song%29

and every other site uses the "collaboration with RIOT"-thing, so I will keep it for now and keep your mention in mind :)

And I am using the original background-video for this song^^
Helped her a bit with the overall set over the last days. It would be too much to post the complete logs (since everything happened on different days as well + random discussions inbetween) so I just post the latest one which is about some general rhythm stuff and placement in the Hard!

German IRC
2014-10-02 23:20 Mao: ich spiele es ja gerade schon xD
2014-10-02 23:20 Mao: komm runter
2014-10-02 23:21 Mao: rhythm hab ich an manchen stellen schlecht spielen können
2014-10-02 23:22 Tician: wahrscheinlich genau die die mit 1/4 weitervgehen^^
2014-10-02 23:23 Mao: 00:51:582 (6,7,8,9) - das hat sich total komisch gespielt weil die wenig betonten noten mit slideranfängen mapped sind
2014-10-02 23:24 Mao:
2014-10-02 23:24 Mao: würde eher einen auf den machen
2014-10-02 23:24 Tician: okidoki
2014-10-02 23:25 Mao: 00:53:120 (3,4,5) - kann dir nicht sagen warum aber das hört sich komisch an. Vielleicht weil du Voclas ignoriert hast
2014-10-02 23:25 Mao: kp xD
2014-10-02 23:26 Tician: +hm ich könnte die 3 als ende der 2 nehmen
2014-10-02 23:26 Mao: die section nach der kiai finde ich total komisch
2014-10-02 23:27 Mao: 00:58:505 (1,2) - wat
2014-10-02 23:27 Mao: 00:59:659 - ist hier nicht ne voll laute note? xD
2014-10-02 23:27 Tician: ja das is etwas seltsam der vocalist singt da anderst zum background ich kann nicht dasselbe machen wie bei der 1. Strophe - merkt man auch bei der normal diff das es da plötzlich anders läuft
2014-10-02 23:28 Mao: 01:01:326 (8) - bitte das selbe wie bei 01:00:428 (6) -
2014-10-02 23:28 Tician: #1. was is damit^^ 2. ich hör nix :D
2014-10-02 23:28 Mao: 01:01:197 - add note
2014-10-02 23:28 Mao: doch beim zweiten sind voll wichtige drums D.
2014-10-02 23:29 Mao: 01:09:274 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - wt
2014-10-02 23:29 Mao: f
2014-10-02 23:30 Tician: was das is ein sauberes 6eck
2014-10-02 23:30 Mao: der rhythmus
2014-10-02 23:30 Tician: gemacht mti dem poly creator dingens
2014-10-02 23:30 Mao: das passt sowas von garnicht
2014-10-02 23:30 Mao: ich hab da nur 100er gemacht
2014-10-02 23:30 Mao: der rote tick da ist total bäääms xD
2014-10-02 23:30 Mao:
2014-10-02 23:31 Mao: 01:19:274 (8) - bitte lass den auf dem roten tick enden
2014-10-02 23:31 Mao: BITTE
2014-10-02 23:31 Mao: ;_;
2014-10-02 23:31 Tician: hm dieselben hab ich auch in der normal ._.
2014-10-02 23:32 Mao: die find ich da ja auch komisch xD
2014-10-02 23:32 Tician: du hast die normal nie richtig angekuckt ._.
2014-10-02 23:33 Mao: hast du die mir je fertig geschickt? .w.
2014-10-02 23:33 Mao: aber ich hatte dir schon bei der version die ich damals hatte gesagt dass der rhythm da komisch ist
2014-10-02 23:33 Mao: 01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - wäre viel cooler :3
2014-10-02 23:34 Tician: willst du echt solche jumps in der hard haben?
2014-10-02 23:34 Mao: 01:34:659 (4,5,6,1) - Ich würde Density hier höher machen, weil da einfach so viel wichtiges ist was die 1/3 noten nicht schaffen
2014-10-02 23:35 Tician: kleiner stream fpr die? :D
2014-10-02 23:35 Mao: 01:39:146 - ich find die Note total wichtig hier als build up zum weißen tick
2014-10-02 23:36 Mao: nah, ich würde ehr zu Slidern tenieren
2014-10-02 23:36 Mao: *tendieren
2014-10-02 23:36 Mao: 02:12:351 (1,2) - die kriegst du aber auch symmetrisch
2014-10-02 23:37 Mao: außerdem ist der rhythm komisch
2014-10-02 23:37 Mao: das einzige hier so richtig sind ja vocals
2014-10-02 23:37 Mao: und das leise instrument da
2014-10-02 23:37 Mao: aber die vocals sind dominant imo
2014-10-02 23:38 Tician: für mich ist das symmetrisch x.X
2014-10-02 23:38 Mao: mach mal STRG+H
2014-10-02 23:38 Mao: wärs symmetrisch würde der slider sich kein stück ändern
2014-10-02 23:38 Mao: bis auf das vertauschen von head und dings
2014-10-02 23:38 Tician: ah ok
2014-10-02 23:39 Tician: ha fixed
2014-10-02 23:40 Mao: 02:15:428 (1,2,3,4) - Muss ich die Logik hinter dem Rhythm verstehen?
2014-10-02 23:40 Mao:
2014-10-02 23:42 Tician: Hm... gute lange slider-shape?
2014-10-02 23:42 Mao: ne wave?
2014-10-02 23:42 Mao: kp, musst sicher ein wenig rearrangen
2014-10-02 23:42 Tician: hoolahoop :D
2014-10-02 23:43 Mao: also bei 02:43:505 - und 02:44:274 - sollten Noten sein imo
2014-10-02 23:43 Mao: die sounds da sind wichtig und formen zusammen mit dem slidertail ein build up zum circle
2014-10-02 23:43 Mao: das sind immer 3 noten die zusammengehören D:
2014-10-02 23:44 Mao: 02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Was ist das für ein gebilde? Das kriegst du aber auch schöner hin xD
2014-10-02 23:44 Mao: lass mich mal überlegen was hier gehen würde
2014-10-02 23:44 Tician: Hä hör dir das mal auf 50% an
2014-10-02 23:46 Tician: Ich bin der meinung das das was du da hörst 02:43:505 das auf dem lilanen strich ist
2014-10-02 23:46 Mao: nichtsdestotrotz ist da ne note die dazugehört
2014-10-02 23:46 Mao: das instrument zieht sich son bisschen lang
2014-10-02 23:46 Mao: über den tick
2014-10-02 23:47 Mao: und auf dem tick ist dann noch ne drum
2014-10-02 23:47 Mao: bis es auf dem lilanen die hauptnote spielt
2014-10-02 23:47 Mao: also es arbeitet sich so gewiss drauf hin imo
2014-10-02 23:47 Mao: bei 02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - würde ich irgendwas schönes mit slidern machen xD
2014-10-02 23:48 Tician: DIe SLider würd ich behalten, nur die Form kann tatsächlich was anderes sein
2014-10-02 23:48 Tician: irgendwas... D:
2014-10-02 23:49 Mao: ich find 02:45:171 (3,4) - passen nicht zusammen
2014-10-02 23:49 Mao: 02:45:684 (5,6) - auch nicht
2014-10-02 23:49 Mao: weil vorher diese eher grade linie war
2014-10-02 23:50 Mao: da ist der abrupte übergang nach links da für mich irgendwie random xD
2014-10-02 23:50 Tician: 02:45:171 (3,4) - da vegintn auch ein neuer Takt das sind immer 3 zusammengehörende
2014-10-02 23:51 Mao: aber 02:45:428 (4,5,6) - sollten dann ähnlich strukturiert sein wie 02:44:659 (1,2,3) -
2014-10-02 23:51 Tician: Hatte ich auch erst aber das sah langweilig aus
2014-10-02 23:51 Mao: das hiert sieht aber doof aus xD
2014-10-02 23:51 Mao: und ich weiß nicht
2014-10-02 23:51 Tician: Ich könnte vlt irgendwas 120° mäßig aus jeweils 3en machen
2014-10-02 23:51 Mao: die gerade bei 02:44:659 (1,2,3) - sieht irgendwie statisch aus
2014-10-02 23:52 Mao: ich weiß nicht ob ich mich damit anfreunden kann tbh
2014-10-02 23:52 Tician: Wie gesagt dann überleg ich mir das mit 120° patterns
2014-10-02 23:53 Mao: gut, an sich wars das mit der hard
2014-10-02 23:53 Mao: ich mag die Kiais größtenteils
2014-10-02 23:53 Tician: Oder einen großen pattern mit 60° o.o
2014-10-02 23:53 Mao: bisschen feinschliff bei den mods
2014-10-02 23:53 Mao: aber das kommt ja später x3
Topic Starter
fixed everything :3
hello~ Request from alacat's modding team

thank you for request!

I will check only the Normal and Easy by your wish.

[ Easy]
  1. 00:32:351 (3) - finish of the end point would be unnecessary. There is no sound like finish there.
  2. 00:43:890 (4). 00:56:197 (5). 01:33:121 (5). 01:45:428 (5). 02:22:351 (6). 02:34:659 (5) - I think normal-hitnormal is more suitable than clap. Because this clap is strange, and it doesn't match the song.
  3. 00:44:659 (5) - finish and clap are unnecessary at the end point. The reason is the same as above. About finish, i think it's unnecessary.
  4. 00:58:120 (7) - I don't know the reason why you put a circle here. This is a strange circle, and this is unnecessary.
  5. 01:12:351 (1) - Remove a new combo in order to keep the consistency.
  6. 01:33:890 (6). 02:23:121 (7). 02:35:428 (6) - Change to normal-hitnormal instead of clap at the end point.
  7. 01:47:351 (7) - One circle is more suitable than the slider. So, remove a slider and add a circle to 01:47:736.
  8. About hitsound : You should also be fix other diffs if you want to fix hitsound.

[ Normal]
  1. 00:52:351 (10) - Add a new combo in order to keep the consistency,
  2. 01:05:428 (1) - Removea new combo. The reason is the same as above
  3. 01:43:120 (3) - You have made a mistake. You should change to 01:43:890 at the end point.
  4. 01:47:736 (x) - Would you like to add a circle? I hope it.
  5. 02:16:967 (6) - Remove a finish at the end point in order to further emphasize 02:18:505.
  6. 02:29:274 (6) - missing normal-hitnormal. You need to add it.
  7. 02:30:813 (1) - Must be extended to 02:31:582 bcause the end point doesn't match the song
  8. 02:36:710 (11) - Spacing error. Please fix it.
  9. 02:40:044 (1) - ^
  10. 02:40:044 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is too difficult for beginner players x_x Please try the rhythm like this~ :3

good luck :D
Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:

hello~ Request from alacat's modding team

thank you for request!

I will check only the Normal and Easy by your wish.

[ Easy]
  1. 00:32:351 (3) - finish of the end point would be unnecessary. There is no sound like finish there. There is no one your right but I wanted the same sound like 01:22:351 and there IS a sound LoL-Players know as the sound when the battle begins - sounds like a "ching" ^^
  2. 00:43:890 (4). 00:56:197 (5). 01:33:121 (5). 01:45:428 (5). 02:22:351 (6). 02:34:659 (5) - I think normal-hitnormal is more suitable than clap. Because this clap is strange, and it doesn't match the song. removed them
  3. 00:44:659 (5) - finish and clap are unnecessary at the end point. The reason is the same as above. About finish, i think it's unnecessary. removed the clap but like the other parts i keep the finish at the sliderstart
  4. 00:58:120 (7) - I don't know the reason why you put a circle here. This is a strange circle, and this is unnecessary.Did it cause of the vocal but the vokal in ont he 1/4 point and I don`t want to use 1/4 in the easy one - so I removed it
  5. 01:12:351 (1) - Remove a new combo in order to keep the consistency. whoops mistake^^ done
  6. 01:33:890 (6). 02:23:121 (7). 02:35:428 (6) - Change to normal-hitnormal instead of clap at the end point. done
  7. 01:47:351 (7) - One circle is more suitable than the slider. So, remove a slider and add a circle to 01:47:736. done
  8. About hitsound : You should also be fix other diffs if you want to fix hitsound.

[ Normal]
  1. 00:52:351 (10) - Add a new combo in order to keep the consistency, done
  2. 01:05:428 (1) - Removea new combo. The reason is the same as above done
  3. 01:43:120 (3) - You have made a mistake. You should change to 01:43:890 at the end point. Uhm I think it's good it's following the vocal "warriors"^^
  4. 01:47:736 (x) - Would you like to add a circle? I hope it. where? :x I did - hope nobody care's about the overlap :D
  5. 02:16:967 (6) - Remove a finish at the end point in order to further emphasize 02:18:505.done
  6. 02:29:274 (6) - missing normal-hitnormal. You need to add it. I don't get it, how can I add a normal hitsound?
  7. 02:30:813 (1) - Must be extended to 02:31:582 bcause the end point doesn't match the song done
  8. 02:36:710 (11) - Spacing error. Please fix it.
  9. 02:40:044 (1) - ^
  10. 02:40:044 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is too difficult for beginner players x_x Please try the rhythm like this~ :3 Thx for the pictures - done

good luck :D
Thx for the Star and the Mod <3
lexa on osu
Hello, it's my post for M4M!
I think my mod will be very helpful for you!
Ok, go!
Use other background, with better quality.
You use skin for this map, but you don't added skin folder to map folder. Fix it.
Too many Kiai Time (1/3 of whole map), remove first two Kiai times, if you want.
Use spacing 1.0 or 0.9, spacing 1.2 too hard for Easy
Use bigger notes (2.8). Hold Shift for precise difficulty adjustment.
00:30:813 (1) , 02:40:044 - On map must be spinners, put them here (place on other diffs, too), if you want.
00:33:890 (1) , 01:23:120 (1) , 02:18:505 (1) - Use sound 50%-70% (on your choose) for better rhythm. (use in other diffs, too)
This diff is good mapped, but make it little easier wit spacing 1.0 or/and adding spinners
Use jumps! It will make map better more interesting to play.
Slider-note streams on whole map are too confusing. Make it easier by removing some parts.
I said in my queue - I can't mod Insane. Sorry!
Topic Starter

Voldemar112 wrote:

Hello, it's my post for M4M!
I think my mod will be very helpful for you!
Ok, go!
Use other background, with better quality.This is the official Video, if there is somebody who can make a better quality out of it without making it over-sized just tell me^^
You use skin for this map, but you don't added skin folder to map folder. Fix it. fixed
Too many Kiai Time (1/3 of whole map), remove first two Kiai times, if you want. asked a BAT, the Kiai should be uses int he refrains and the refrains are long so it doesnt matter
Use spacing 1.0 or 0.9, spacing 1.2 too hard for Easy Sry I read the wikipedia and in fat letters there's this sentence "adjust the distance snap multiplier so that hit circles only one beat apart don't overlap each other" so it came up to 1,2 x
Use bigger notes (2.8). Hold Shift for precise difficulty adjustment. Then it's not fitting with my spread, this is a 1,5* Easy not a 0,5* my spread is about everything's a bit harder
00:30:813 (1) , 02:40:044 - On map must be spinners, put them here (place on other diffs, too), if you want. In my opinion there is no space for spinner in the song it doesn't fir anywhere
00:33:890 (1) , 01:23:120 (1) , 02:18:505 (1) - Use sound 50%-70% (on your choose) for better rhythm. (use in other diffs, too)done
This diff is good mapped, but make it little easier wit spacing 1.0 or/and adding spinners
Use jumps! It will make map better more interesting to play.
Slider-note streams on whole map are too confusing. Make it easier by removing some parts. "make it easier and use jumps are a bit self-defeating don't you think? YOu told me now in every diff to make it easier =/
I said in my queue - I can't mod Insane. Sorry! That's no problem the insane isn't finished
Thx for your mod
lexa on osu

:idea: Maybe this image for background? It has not good quality, but better than yours (cut lower part) :idea:
from my queue:

using a screenshot from this video, I made two BGs. One is a simple cleaned up and resized version of the image, while with the other one I removed the black bars. Here are those two images:choose whichever you like more

no kudosu
Topic Starter
Thank you Ringating for the background <3

00:41:582 (4) - Slide end at 00:42:351 and put a slide in 00:42:736 (5) at 00:43:120
01:43:120 (3) end in 01:44:274
00:26:197 (11) end in 00:26:967 - add note in 00:27:351
00:39:275 (7) - Change to note


LOL, This is Very dificult for Hard 3 stars, this slides 1/6 is complicader, but the problem is this:

Very very hard, and has many parts equal in this map.

00:17:608 at 00:21:967 - ^
00:36:197 (6,7,8,9) - ^
00:46:967 (2,3,4,5) - ^
00:51:582 (6,7,8,9) - ^
01:09:018 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^ G_G
01:38:505 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^
02:25:428 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
02:30:044 (6,7,8,9) - ^
02:43:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ OMG

02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This part is complicated too, but is a nice combo
Topic Starter

Forsaiken wrote:


00:41:582 (4) - Slide end at 00:42:351 and put a slide in 00:42:736 (5) at 00:43:120 I would like to keep the slider it's still fitting to the vocal "warriors"
01:43:120 (3) end in 01:44:274 same
00:26:197 (11) end in 00:26:967 - add note in 00:27:351 fixed
00:39:275 (7) - Change to note - done


LOL, This is Very dificult for Hard 3 stars, this slides 1/6 is complicader, but the problem is this:

Very very hard, and has many parts equal in this map.

00:17:608 at 00:21:967 - ^
00:36:197 (6,7,8,9) - ^
00:46:967 (2,3,4,5) - ^
00:51:582 (6,7,8,9) - ^
01:09:018 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^ G_G made it easier
01:38:505 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^
02:25:428 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
02:30:044 (6,7,8,9) - ^
02:43:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ OMG

02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This part is complicated too, but is a nice combo

Hm.. it's hard not easy or normal and I need the 1/6 to get a spread in the difficulties. I don't know what to do with "OMG" and "G_G", give me a mention how you would do it, I just tried to keep the rhythm. And there are much harder songs, try to play this hard one ;)
Still thx for the mod =)
Topic Starter
Lowering the SV of Gold and DIamond atm...
Kaguya Hourain
Let's go

I will say this one last time and anyone who disagrees with me can go suck a lolipop. BPM is 78,003.
Everything else seems fine.

Wow this is really really good. Not many things to mention really.
01:21:581 (9) - Remove the hitfinish here since it's nonexistent in the music.
01:42:736 (2,3) - That's a bad blanket.
01:44:659 (4) - Move this a bit to the right to completely match the sliderpath.
01:43:121 (3,5) - That overlap might be a bit ugly idk.
02:31:967 (2,3) - Imperfect blanket. Just a very tiny bit.
02:36:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Feels unintuitive but I don't know what else you can do there.
Very beautiful Easy I love it.

00:32:352 (11,12,13,14,15) - Map this to the actual music.
00:41:326 (3,4) - Move the slider's endpoint a little bit to the right to perfect the blanket with 3.
00:41:582 (4) - Actually end this slider on the white tick. Like this:
00:43:121 (6,7,8,9) - Make these into 2 sliders, would be beautiful.
00:48:505 (5) - Turning this into a 1/2 slider would be better imo.
00:50:556 - Adding a circle here would fit.
00:55:171 (4) - Place this on the red tick.
00:55:427 (5,6,7,8) - Same as previously, turn these into 2 sliders.
01:21:582 (11) - Same as Bronze, remove the hitfinish from here.
01:32:095 (5) - Same as before, place this on the red tick.
01:32:351 (6,7,8,9) - And same as before.
01:43:120 (3) - This lands on nothing. You can either land it on the red tick after or the white tick before it.
02:21:326 (6) - Red tick.
02:25:941 (2,3) - Imperfect blanket here.
02:33:633 (5) - Red tick.
Nice ideas for this, highly inconsistent on rhythms though.

00:08:890 (1) - You may want to extend this slider backwards so that it starts at the purple tick right left of the red tick since that's where the vocals begin.
00:27:608 (11,1) - This looks ugly. Space it out a bit so that the blanket shows clearly.
00:33:120 (5,6) - Map this to the rhythm, as with Silver.
00:56:967 (5) - 2 sliders of 1/6 would fit better here.
01:21:582 (5) - Same as in all other diffs. Remove hitfinish.
02:35:428 (5) - Same suggestion as previously.
02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This looks great nice work!

Check your AiMod for unsnaps.
00:14:915 (4,5,2,3) - Stack all these together properly.
00:56:967 (1,2,3,4) - Turn the first slider + circle into 1/6 and make slider 3 2 circles.
02:40:428 (2,3,4) - Wow confusing.
This is actually really cool, apart from the sheer amount of copypaste! I would actually map the second kiai, don't be lazy! :P

Well cool song, nice maps, keep going :D
Topic Starter

Kaguya Hourain wrote:

Let's go

I will say this one last time and anyone who disagrees with me can go suck a lolipop. BPM is 78,003.
Everything else seems fine.

Wow this is really really good. Not many things to mention really.
01:21:581 (9) - Remove the hitfinish here since it's nonexistent in the music. done - even there is a sound LoL-players know as the sound when a champion is logged in- a "ching"
01:42:736 (2,3) - That's a bad blanket. fixed
01:44:659 (4) - Move this a bit to the right to completely match the sliderpath. 01:46:197 (6) - moved this to the left instead if i would move the circle you mentioned it would overlap with the slider
01:43:121 (3,5) - That overlap might be a bit ugly idk. ^
02:31:967 (2,3) - Imperfect blanket. Just a very tiny bit. fixed - I hope..
02:36:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Feels unintuitive but I don't know what else you can do there. me neither XD
Very beautiful Easy I love it. thx <3

00:32:352 (11,12,13,14,15) - Map this to the actual music. done
00:41:326 (3,4) - Move the slider's endpoint a little bit to the right to perfect the blanket with 3. done
00:41:582 (4) - Actually end this slider on the white tick. Like this: I am quite sure "warriors" is not ending on that, but I still fixed it
00:43:121 (6,7,8,9) - Make these into 2 sliders, would be beautiful. done
00:48:505 (5) - Turning this into a 1/2 slider would be better imo. due to the rest which is all snapped to the 1/3 BSD, I used a 2/3 slider >.<
00:50:556 - Adding a circle here would fit. done
00:55:171 (4) - Place this on the red tick. done - but "the" is on the purple one D:
00:55:427 (5,6,7,8) - Same as previously, turn these into 2 sliders. done
01:21:582 (11) - Same as Bronze, remove the hitfinish from here. done
01:32:095 (5) - Same as before, place this on the red tick. done ._.
01:32:351 (6,7,8,9) - And same as before. done
01:43:120 (3) - This lands on nothing. You can either land it on the red tick after or the white tick before it. done
02:21:326 (6) - Red tick. done
02:25:941 (2,3) - Imperfect blanket here. tried to fix it, I can`t see any imperfectness XD
02:33:633 (5) - Red tick. done
Nice ideas for this, highly inconsistent on rhythms though. *cry*

00:08:890 (1) - You may want to extend this slider backwards so that it starts at the purple tick right left of the red tick since that's where the vocals begin. done
00:27:608 (11,1) - This looks ugly. Space it out a bit so that the blanket shows clearly. done
00:33:120 (5,6) - Map this to the rhythm, as with Silver. This is something I wanna wait for frther mod, I really like that part
00:56:967 (5) - 2 sliders of 1/6 would fit better here. where? D: On which ticks?
01:21:582 (5) - Same as in all other diffs. Remove hitfinish. done
02:35:428 (5) - Same suggestion as previously. same question :P
02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This looks great nice work! thx

Check your AiMod for unsnaps.
00:14:915 (4,5,2,3) - Stack all these together properly. I am confused on my screen it's stacked properly, if I click the link i see the circle of an invisible circle which is not stacked...
00:56:967 (1,2,3,4) - Turn the first slider + circle into 1/6 and make slider 3 2 circles. the second thing i understand but I still didn't get what you want me to do with the first 2 objects... this? (sounds damn weird)
02:40:428 (2,3,4) - Wow confusing. C-C-C-COMBOBREAK incoming XD
This is actually really cool, apart from the sheer amount of copypaste! I would actually map the second kiai, don't be lazy! :P

Well cool song, nice maps, keep going :D
Hello. It's only ideas!


Design: Uncheck
- Widescreen support (Not available storyboard, or will be?)
- Epilepsy warning
- Letterbox duringbreaks

Unsnapped note is unrankable. please, fix it.

00:13:633 (12) - Delete slider, and put circle here: 00:13:762 -
00:19:915 (5) - Delete circle, it's not fit here! Change 00:19:531 (4) - slider end here: 00:19:915 - It fits the vocals.
00:26:582 (2,3) - Better placement, looks better:
00:31:454 (3) - Delete circle, and change slider end here: 00:31:454 -
00:41:582 (7,8) - Better placement:
00:44:659 (1,2,3,4) - Please, follow the vocal. Short slider and circles is not fit here! Put 1:3 slider here, and add repeat: 00:44:659 - Timeline image:
01:23:120 - Copy & paste part... Same as before.
02:12:351 - 02:16:774 This part is very bad. Please, map vocal, and use 0,50x or 0.75x slider multiplier.
Timeline example:
02:18:505 - 02:36:967 - Copy & paste part... Same as before.

Okay. This insane difficulty is unnecessary. Some parts is little overmapped, some beats is very low/barely audible. Examples:

00:36:967 (1,2,3,4) - Barely audible.The vocal is stronger!
00:40:428 (2,3,4) - What? It doesn't fit here.
00:55:813 (2,4) - ^ No beat.
01:09:531 (2,4) - What fits?
01:18:120 (5) - ^
01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - ^ This is 1/6 part. Better: timeline: (drums) or: (vocal)

and more...

This is chaos. o_o


00:22:992 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Huhh Please do not accrue a lot of notes here. It's a bit impossible to follow/unreadable.
02:12:351 (1,2,3,1,2) - Bad & unsnapped part. Same as insane.

Okay..... Please, map vocals, and please, use 1,8x distance!

The some parts is extremely difficult, overmapped. (1/4 sliders & slider streams. example.: 02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - )
02:43:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - No. It's bad. Please, follow the violin. Timeline:
02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ Same as above.


Circle size: 3

00:11:582 (5) - This slider Is not fit here. Delete slider, and Put circle here: 00:11:582 -
00:13:121 (9,10,11,12,13) - Please, follow the vocal. Timeline: (1/3 slider & 1/1 slider)
00:15:044 - Put circle here.
00:15:428 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Please, follow the vocal.
00:18:890 (8,9,10,11,12) - ^ Same as timeline example:
00:27:736 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Vocal, please. Background beats is barely audible.
00:47:478 (3) - Delete circle, and change 00:46:967 (2) - slider end here: 00:47:351 -
00:59:659 - 01:10:044 - Vocal, please.
01:13:890 - 01:18:505 - ^
01:44:659 (4,5,6) - ^
02:13:633 (2) - Move circle here: 02:13:505 -
02:25:941 (2) - Movee here: 02:25:813 -
02:27:479 (4) - ^ here: 02:27:351 -



Recommended for all diff: Please fix it unsnapped objects!

Good luck.
Topic Starter

Kazuya wrote:

Hello. It's only ideas!


Design: Uncheck
- Widescreen support (Not available storyboard, or will be?) no, i uncheck it
- Epilepsy warning BAT told me I need this cause of the flashing lights in the video
- Letterbox duringbreaks unchecked

Unsnapped note is unrankable. please, fix it. done

00:13:633 (12) - Delete slider, and put circle here: 00:13:762 - done
00:19:915 (5) - Delete circle, it's not fit here! Change 00:19:531 (4) - slider end here: 00:19:915 - It fits the vocals. done
00:26:582 (2,3) - Better placement, looks better: done
00:31:454 (3) - Delete circle, and change slider end here: 00:31:454 - done
00:41:582 (7,8) - Better placement: done
00:44:659 (1,2,3,4) - Please, follow the vocal. Short slider and circles is not fit here! Put 1:3 slider here, and add repeat: 00:44:659 - Timeline image: fixed
01:23:120 - Copy & paste part... Same as before. fixed
02:12:351 - 02:16:774 This part is very bad. Please, map vocal, and use 0,50x or 0.75x slider multiplier.
Timeline example: fixed it my way ^^
02:18:505 - 02:36:967 - Copy & paste part... Same as before. done

Okay. This insane difficulty is unnecessary. Some parts is little overmapped, some beats is very low/barely audible. Examples:

00:36:967 (1,2,3,4) - Barely audible.The vocal is stronger!
00:40:428 (2,3,4) - What? It doesn't fit here.
00:55:813 (2,4) - ^ No beat.
01:09:531 (2,4) - What fits?
01:18:120 (5) - ^
01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - ^ This is 1/6 part. Better: timeline: (drums) or: (vocal)

and more...

This is chaos. o_o
Yeah this is my very first insane and directly have to map to 1/6 with a totallly difficult rhythm, I am sorry >.<
Most fo the thing (especially the rhythm) I got out of a other map (same song) a BAT recommended me to take a look at, cause it's well done


00:22:992 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Huhh Please do not accrue a lot of notes here. It's a bit impossible to follow/unreadable. fixed
02:12:351 (1,2,3,1,2) - Bad & unsnapped part. Same as insane. Now I am confused, cause on my AiMod it's all snapped and much better than the insane, cause it IS mapped to the vocals

Okay..... Please, map vocals, and please, use 1,8x distance!

The some parts is extremely difficult, overmapped. (1/4 sliders & slider streams. example.: 02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ) looks like the opinions spread here very wide, look what the modder before you said o.o and btw there's not one 1/4 slider in the whole map, cause I am not using 1/4 (except the easy diff)
02:43:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - No. It's bad. Please, follow the violin. Timeline: fixed
02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ Same as above. I will keep it until further Mods, let's see what spread of opinions I get^^


Circle size: 3 I can't then it's the same as easy, I need a spread

00:11:582 (5) - This slider Is not fit here. Delete slider, and Put circle here: 00:11:582 - I just ctried to keep the rhythm they are exactly the same rhythm 00:10:043 (2,3,5,6) -
00:13:121 (9,10,11,12,13) - Please, follow the vocal. Timeline: (1/3 slider & 1/1 slider) I tried it but it sounds weird cause there is a vocal on the red line I don't want to ignore
00:15:044 - Put circle here. again I am confused exactly there is one
00:15:428 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Please, follow the vocal. same as above
00:18:890 (8,9,10,11,12) - ^ Same as timeline example: You really want me to change around 1/4 and 1/6 BSD?
00:27:736 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Vocal, please. Background beats is barely audible. I don't get your vocal thing. "All"-SLider-"The"-SLider-"things"-slider, where is this not based on vocals? :o
00:47:478 (3) - Delete circle, and change 00:46:967 (2) - slider end here: 00:47:351 - the gap in this whole 1/3 part sounds horrible =(
00:59:659 - 01:10:044 - Vocal, please. If I use the vocal now I can also copy the easy diff, I wanted to map to the background
01:13:890 - 01:18:505 - ^
01:44:659 (4,5,6) - ^
02:13:633 (2) - Move circle here: 02:13:505 - This part is the same like this 01:36:710 (2,3,4,5) - I can't change the rhythm in every chorus^^
02:25:941 (2) - Movee here: 02:25:813 -
02:27:479 (4) - ^ here: 02:27:351 -



Recommended for all diff: Please fix it unsnapped objects! done

Good luck.
Thx for the Mod!
As you know, this is a M4M. I think I'm going to put all my effort into the actual structure of the map since that seems to be what's needed here. I'll skip on the hitsounds (they seem to sound okay) and new combos (except on the easy).

  1. 00:09:146 (1) - I would move this to the big white tick. I know this currently follows the vocals, but there's a lot happening on the big white tick in terms of instruments and such, like the piano. It sounds better with the vocals too. I would also shorten it one tick and add a note on the red tick where it used to end.
  2. 00:11:326 - I know you might want to ignore this to give some space into the next pattern, but I think in general the pattern following this timing could be mapped a lot better. It's really messy and it feels far too difficult even for this diff. I would try using more sliders since they flow better from one to the other. Here's an example. I'll include the code if you want to use it as well.
  3. 00:12:351 (6,7) - I would extend this to the red tick while removing (7). In fact, I would suggest you extend all sliders at the beginning of the bars to the red tick not only for consistency but readability too. This will help make it easier to ease into harder patterns.
  4. 00:13:633 - I would add a note here or change the (9) into a...small slider? It should start before where the (9) currently is.
  5. 00:13:890 (1) - This would extend onto the red tick. Just move (2,3) over a tick (I would actually suggest changing (2) to something else as well, like a short slider and a note or something.
  6. 00:15:044 (5,6) - This is a nice sounding ending pattern you have here. I would consider using this more consistently to end measures for better consistency.
  7. 00:18:505 (1) - The sound of the end of this slider is very off-putting. I would just make it a note to bypass this problem.
  8. 00:19:274 (3) - I would also turn this into just a note too for the same reason.
  9. 00:25:044 (2,3) - This spacing is just too hard to read specifically because the timing doesn't change yet it suddenly becomes more dense and complex. I would bring the two closer.
  10. 00:26:967 (3,4) - ^
  11. 00:28:505 (3,4,5,6,1) - I would try to bring these closer together. (4) creates a drop so you can definitely fix this.
  12. 00:29:659 (2,3) - How about combining these into one slider?
  13. 00:30:813 (1) - As mentioned prior, the slider end sounds quite unfitting. I would just replace this with a note. Same goes for 00:31:967 (4).
  14. 00:39:274 (3,4,5,6) - The spacing is far too wide here.
  15. 00:45:428 (6,7,8,9) - To minimize confusion, I would make all of these sliders.
  16. 00:51:197 (2,3,4) - With timing like this, jumps of this sort are not very fun and very difficult to read.
  17. 00:53:762 (5) - Remove for better emphasis on the vocals here. It's epic. Fix spacing following directly after of course.
  18. 00:59:659 - You missed a note here. Adding one not only keeps a good consistency but it also follows the vocals.
  19. 01:10:813 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This entire section's increased spacing with decreased slider velocity makes for a very complicated and unvalidated pattern. I would try to lower the spacing on the notes here. The back and forth pattern of (7,8,9,10) is especially awkward.
  20. 01:15:428 (1) - Maybe try a more clean slider?
  21. 01:16:454 - Despite the previous long slider, the vocals actually end here. Either add a note or extend the slider's end to here.
  22. 01:18:120 (5) - Not necessary. Extend it a tick so it's just like the other sliders. Fix the spacing as well.
  23. 01:19:274 (9,10) - Shorten (9) one tick, and bring (10) a tick left. This is much more consistent and sounds beautiful.
  24. 01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - As stated before, the slider ends end on nothing and though they may fill the silence, it doesn't help emphasize the dramatic vocals here at all. In fact, it's quite anti-climatic. I would try something like this. It doesn't have to be exact, but the emphasis is definitely there.
  25. 01:23:120 (1) - copy/paste? ;) In that case, all first kiai suggestions apply here as well.
  26. 02:15:300 (7,8) - I don't think the extra note (7) fits. Just remove it and move the slider here. I would also remove 02:16:582 (8) - as there's absolutely nothing here in the music to help support the use of this slider. The slider can end somewhere around where this slider once was, like 02:16:582 or the following tick.
  27. 02:16:967 (8) - This would totally be more epic if this were just a note.
  28. 02:18:505 (1) - Same kiai suggestions apply here.
  29. 02:40:428 (2,3,4) - The back and forth movement here...just orz.
  30. 02:41:967 (2) - This note is off of your spacing. The spacing here in general is a bit too far but if that's how you want the ending to be then I guess it's understandable.
  31. 02:42:736 (6) - Reverse selection for better flow.
  32. 02:46:197 (13) - I would new combo this and place it near the top of the grid since it's the last note and in terms of your pattern should be the farthest/hardest jump, no? Like this.
  33. These are just basic suggestions. This difficulty needs a lot more attention and you might want to consider reviewing the composition.
  1. The AR feels way too slow with the fast patterns. At least kick it up a notch (0.5-1).
  2. 00:08:762 (1) - I would consider removing this. The end of the slider follows nothing and I actually found it more confusing to grasp the timing with it there than without.
  3. 00:10:428 (4) - You could easily swap this slider with a note for a less dense combination.
  4. 00:13:505 (4) - This slider is kind of ugly.
  5. 00:14:531 (7,8,9,10) - This feels too hard. I would greatly decrease the follow up notes and try to keep the short sliders to a minimum. Use them to emphasize specific parts in the song.
  6. 00:16:197 (3) - Could easily become a longer slider so you could have less repeats. Goes for segments like 00:18:120 (8,9) - and 00:18:890 (2,3) - as well.
  7. 00:20:556 (7,8,9,10,11) - This all feels way too difficult. At least keep the patterns similar. Use all sliders or all notes and/or you could have a variation lead-in to the next measure.
  8. 00:23:120 (6,7,8) - This spacing is extremely misleading. Please, please, fix this.
  9. 00:30:044 (7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This kind of pattern plays appropriately for the difficulty. I would take this as an example when improving the diff on your own accord.
  10. 00:35:044 (3,4) - To be less confusing, I would just combine these for a repeat slider like (2).
  11. 00:35:428 (5) - This slider is not too pretty. 00:50:813 (5) and 00:52:351 (1) - as well.
  12. 00:55:813 (2,3) - Spacing is misleading.
  13. 01:03:505 (6) - Don't make the pattern harder to read. Just replace this repeat slider with a note on the tick where the repeat is currently situated. This goes for 01:08:120 (2) - as well.
  14. 01:09:146 (5) - Unnecessary triple here. Just get rid of this note and it's fine.
  15. 01:26:582 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Woah, sudden density increase...try to be more consistent.
  16. 01:43:890 (6) - Unsnapped end. Snap it back a tick.
  17. 01:46:966 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - This could be made much easier if you lower the distance snap. It's not necessary for it to be so high.
  18. 02:15:044 (3) - With the long sliders, this is quite anti-climatic.
  19. 02:29:274 (5) - Heh...not so pretty. Goes for 02:30:813 (1) - as well. All previous kiai suggestions apply here too.
  20. 02:36:967 (1) - This slider is very slightly overlapping with the following one. Keeping with your spacing, it shouldn't be. Goes for 02:38:505 (5) - and 02:38:890 (6,7,8) - as well.
  21. 02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Intentionally difficult and quite messy. Why not try mapping to the dramatic background beats like this?
  22. It's kind of a problem if the hard has a very similar combo count to the insane difficulty. You should probably make major adjustments to lower the difficulty and the density in problematic areas.
  23. For a hard, this is kind of too hard. There are multiple ways you can easily make the diff much more appealing and readable.
  1. 00:08:890 (1) - I know you can start mapping at any point in the grid, but don't you think this is a bit too far down?
  2. 00:10:299 (3) - Short sliders like these in a normal? That's not really supposed to be there. Simplifying is key in easier difficulties and there should be no need to map every single beat in the song. To make it easier and more consistent, remove the short slider and create a slider from (2) which ends on the red tick. This goes for 00:11:582 (4,5) - as well.
  3. 00:13:121 (8,9) - A bit too difficult for a normal. Remove (9), extend (8) to fit the vocals. This goes for other sections like 00:18:890 (8,9) - as well.
  4. 00:22:351 (2,3) - Remove the end note and just extend the slider. A very simple method of easing up difficulties.
  5. 00:23:889 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Combine each pair as a slider. Short sliders are bad in easier diffs.
  6. 00:33:890 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is perfect for a normal. Take this as a base in fixing up this difficulty.
  7. 00:46:197 (1,2,3) - Do what you did with ^. This current pattern sounds strange.
  8. 00:49:274 (6) - Could be prettier.
  9. 01:04:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Even this is pushing it for a normal. This is actually quite dense.
  10. 01:09:274 (11,12) - There's actually a nice, simple backbeat you could map to make this easier. Remove (12), extend (11) one tick and move the last note in the measure (now 12) left to the red tick. It should look something like this.
  11. 01:11:582 (2,3) - Remove (3) and extend (2) to end where (3) once was.
  12. 01:13:120 (5,6) - You should know the drill by now.
  13. 01:16:967 (1,2) - ^
  14. 01:29:274 (1) - Isn't the end missing a hitsound?
  15. 01:36:710 (2) - To follow the vocals, this is actually supposed to be on the red tick to the left. Applies to 01:38:249 (4).
  16. 01:43:120 (3) - For consistency, end this one the previous white tick and have a note on the red tick it currently ends on.
  17. 02:13:633 (2) - Again, this should be on the previous red tick. Fix spacing, of course.
  18. 02:15:172 (4) - ^
  19. 02:25:941 (2) - ^
  20. 02:27:479 (4) - ^
  21. 02:43:120 (1) - This could be less curvy? It's kind of ugly as is.
  1. 00:32:351 (3) - More curvy?
  2. 00:41:582 (2) - This could be more evenly curved.
  3. 00:53:890 (3) - The slider would just look better if it were curved around the other slider, not flicked at the end.
  4. 01:01:582 (5) - NC?
  5. 01:07:735 (5) - ^
  6. 01:13:889 (5) - ^ (It seems like your NCs are one every measure except kiai is once every two measures?)
  7. 01:20:044 (5) - ^
  8. 01:30:813 (3) - This could be curved more neatly, like this.
  9. 01:38:505 (5) - ^
  10. 01:40:813 - Add a note here?
  11. 01:47:736 (7) - NC
  12. 02:15:428 (5) - ^
  13. 02:23:121 (7,1) - Since these are so close to each other, why not make them both look the same? Just copy one and flip the selection.
I apologize for the long mod, but I think it's very much needed. I've included basic suggestions that should be addressed. I would advise you to try and create more consistent patterns. Bookmarking segments of the song to distinguish them visually helps.
From From Tari's United Queue. 4m4 round.

  1. 00:08:890 (1) - you should consider just removing this object. it makes much more sense to start the map on the big white line. it is the same concept as here 00:21:582 (1) - and you didnt include the object here.
  2. 00:12:351 (1,2) - copy paste. these have different angles.
  3. 01:16:966 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:32:351 (3) - remove finish from tail, maybe soft whistle sounds better here for what you want.
  5. 00:33:890 (1) - finish spam starting here really doesnt sound that great, I recommend you remove some of these.
  6. 01:47:736 (7) - this break is waaaaaaaaay too long. I think the recommended break length for a 4 minute song is around 15-20 seconds, and this song is half that length, but double that amount.
  7. 02:21:582 (5,6) - put them on same axis.
  8. 02:25:813 (2,3) - fix blanket
  9. 02:36:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this might be a little too much for an easy. try to use some sliders here.
For a Normal, I recommend you map this using 1/4 beat snap divisor. some of the rhythms are quite confusing in this diff. I wont have much to say here, because everything i would point out has to do with rhythms for a normal level map.
  1. 00:08:890 (1) - same as bronze.
  2. 00:36:967 (5) - end at 00:37:736- to catch this sound.
  3. 01:04:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this whole combo you should probably try to simplify, and make it shorter. maybe NC at 01:07:736 (9) -
    alot of stuff in this diff that i pointed out above repeats. and same comment about the break from Bronze.
  1. you need to do something about spacing or object density in this diff. there are alot of ugly overlaps such as this throughout the diff. probably best solution is to slightly increase the distance snap.
  2. 00:12:351 (1,3) - stack properly
  3. 00:43:120 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:15:300 (11,1) - fix blanket
  5. 00:18:377 (9,1) - ^
  6. 00:22:223 (2,3) - put these on same axis maybe? looks sloppy.
    anyway. these are just some examples, I could go on and on, but you will have to go through the entire diff when you change spacing anyway, so be on the lookout for these kinds of things. I cant offer much help with rhythms as I am not familiar with 1/6 beat snap divisor. I really wish I could be of more help. :\
the Diamond diff is a little bit out of my reach, so I really can't provide any good feedback. make sure you look for aesthetic things from the other diffs to make it look nicer.

Good luck with the set!
Topic Starter

Setz206 wrote:

From From Tari's United Queue. 4m4 round.

  1. 00:08:890 (1) - you should consider just removing this object. it makes much more sense to start the map on the big white line. it is the same concept as here 00:21:582 (1) - and you didnt include the object here. done
  2. 00:12:351 (1,2) - copy paste. these have different angles. fixed
  3. 01:16:966 (1,2) - ^ fixed the whole pattern
  4. 00:32:351 (3) - remove finish from tail, maybe soft whistle sounds better here for what you want. removed it
  5. 00:33:890 (1) - finish spam starting here really doesnt sound that great, I recommend you remove some of these. I think they sound good I got this idea from a BAT :D
  6. 01:47:736 (7) - this break is waaaaaaaaay too long. I think the recommended break length for a 4 minute song is around 15-20 seconds, and this song is half that length, but double that amount. I am not able to map to this guitar, I saw somebody trying it it was horrible
  7. 02:21:582 (5,6) - put them on same axis. done
  8. 02:25:813 (2,3) - fix blanket done
  9. 02:36:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this might be a little too much for an easy. try to use some sliders here.
For a Normal, I recommend you map this using 1/4 beat snap divisor. some of the rhythms are quite confusing in this diff. I wont have much to say here, because everything i would point out has to do with rhythms for a normal level map.
  1. 00:08:890 (1) - same as bronze.
  2. 00:36:967 (5) - end at 00:37:736- to catch this sound. I like it the way it is it follows the vocal
  3. 01:04:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this whole combo you should probably try to simplify, and make it shorter. maybe NC at 01:07:736 (9) -
    alot of stuff in this diff that i pointed out above repeats. and same comment about the break from Bronze. I like it the way it is and if I would compare this it would be the same like mapping 1/2 to a ~170 BPM song
  1. you need to do something about spacing or object density in this diff. there are alot of ugly overlaps such as this throughout the diff. probably best solution is to slightly increase the distance snap.
  2. 00:12:351 (1,3) - stack properly
  3. 00:43:120 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:15:300 (11,1) - fix blanket
  5. 00:18:377 (9,1) - ^
  6. 00:22:223 (2,3) - put these on same axis maybe? looks sloppy.
    anyway. these are just some examples, I could go on and on, but you will have to go through the entire diff when you change spacing anyway, so be on the lookout for these kinds of things. I cant offer much help with rhythms as I am not familiar with 1/6 beat snap divisor. I really wish I could be of more help. :\ remappe dthis whole diff with new DS
the Diamond diff is a little bit out of my reach, so I really can't provide any good feedback. make sure you look for aesthetic things from the other diffs to make it look nicer.

Good luck with the set!
Topic Starter

Xakyrie wrote:

As you know, this is a M4M. I think I'm going to put all my effort into the actual structure of the map since that seems to be what's needed here. I'll skip on the hitsounds (they seem to sound okay) and new combos (except on the easy).

  1. 00:09:146 (1) - I would move this to the big white tick. I know this currently follows the vocals, but there's a lot happening on the big white tick in terms of instruments and such, like the piano. It sounds better with the vocals too. I would also shorten it one tick and add a note on the red tick where it used to end. I am going crazy moving this around with every mod, I want to wait now what other's say
  2. 00:11:326 - I know you might want to ignore this to give some space into the next pattern, but I think in general the pattern following this timing could be mapped a lot better. It's really messy and it feels far too difficult even for this diff. I would try using more sliders since they flow better from one to the other. Here's an example. I'll include the code if you want to use it as well. I changed it my way now^^
  3. 00:12:351 (6,7) - I would extend this to the red tick while removing (7). In fact, I would suggest you extend all sliders at the beginning of the bars to the red tick not only for consistency but readability too. This will help make it easier to ease into harder patterns. fixed this one
  4. 00:13:633 - I would add a note here or change the (9) into a...small slider? It should start before where the (9) currently is. I tried not to map every single tick - it's looking overmapped enough ._.
  5. 00:13:890 (1) - This would extend onto the red tick. Just move (2,3) over a tick (I would actually suggest changing (2) to something else as well, like a short slider and a note or something. Want to keep the rhythm
  6. 00:15:044 (5,6) - This is a nice sounding ending pattern you have here. I would consider using this more consistently to end measures for better consistency. I try
  7. 00:18:505 (1) - The sound of the end of this slider is very off-putting. I would just make it a note to bypass this problem. Fixed it my way^^
  8. 00:19:274 (3) - I would also turn this into just a note too for the same reason. like the one before it's completely following the vocals
  9. 00:25:044 (2,3) - This spacing is just too hard to read specifically because the timing doesn't change yet it suddenly becomes more dense and complex. I would bring the two closer. fixed
  10. 00:26:967 (3,4) - ^ done
  11. 00:28:505 (3,4,5,6,1) - I would try to bring these closer together. (4) creates a drop so you can definitely fix this. done
  12. 00:29:659 (2,3) - How about combining these into one slider? My vocals ._.
  13. 00:30:813 (1) - As mentioned prior, the slider end sounds quite unfitting. I would just replace this with a note. Same goes for 00:31:967 (4). yeye fixed it
  14. 00:39:274 (3,4,5,6) - The spacing is far too wide here. fixed
  15. 00:45:428 (6,7,8,9) - To minimize confusion, I would make all of these sliders. same as above, I want to keep active hits on white and red
  16. 00:51:197 (2,3,4) - With timing like this, jumps of this sort are not very fun and very difficult to read. fixed
  17. 00:53:762 (5) - Remove for better emphasis on the vocals here. It's epic. Fix spacing following directly after of course. I need it as a bridge in the vocals
  18. 00:59:659 - You missed a note here. Adding one not only keeps a good consistency but it also follows the vocals. On this part I followed the background^^
  19. 01:10:813 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This entire section's increased spacing with decreased slider velocity makes for a very complicated and unvalidated pattern. I would try to lower the spacing on the notes here. The back and forth pattern of (7,8,9,10) is especially awkward. fixed the back-fourth pattern
  20. 01:15:428 (1) - Maybe try a more clean slider? done
  21. 01:16:454 - Despite the previous long slider, the vocals actually end here. Either add a note or extend the slider's end to here. fixed it my way
  22. 01:18:120 (5) - Not necessary. Extend it a tick so it's just like the other sliders. Fix the spacing as well. fixed
  23. 01:19:274 (9,10) - Shorten (9) one tick, and bring (10) a tick left. This is much more consistent and sounds beautiful. fixed
  24. 01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - As stated before, the slider ends end on nothing and though they may fill the silence, it doesn't help emphasize the dramatic vocals here at all. In fact, it's quite anti-climatic. I would try something like this. It doesn't have to be exact, but the emphasis is definitely there. this was mentioned by a BAT, cause of that I will keep it as it is
  25. 01:23:120 (1) - copy/paste? ;) In that case, all first kiai suggestions apply here as well. yeye I will fix it
  26. 02:15:300 (7,8) - I don't think the extra note (7) fits.Maybe I am thinking to much it fits to the vocals liek "a-waaaa..." Just remove it and move the slider here. I would also remove 02:16:582 (8) - as there's absolutely nothing here in the music to help support the use of this slider. The slider can end somewhere around where this slider once was, like 02:16:582 or the following tick. fixed the sliderthing
  27. 02:16:967 (8) - This would totally be more epic if this were just a note. fixed
  28. 02:18:505 (1) - Same kiai suggestions apply here. yeye
  29. 02:40:428 (2,3,4) - The back and forth movement here...just orz. Like I said to your previous modder... C-C-C-Combobreak XD
  30. 02:41:967 (2) - This note is off of your spacing. The spacing here in general is a bit too far but if that's how you want the ending to be then I guess it's understandable. fixed the issue, but keep the spacing
  31. 02:42:736 (6) - Reverse selection for better flow. fixed
  32. 02:46:197 (13) - I would new combo this and place it near the top of the grid since it's the last note and in terms of your pattern should be the farthest/hardest jump, no? Like this. fixed
  33. These are just basic suggestions. This difficulty needs a lot more attention and you might want to consider reviewing the composition.
  1. The AR feels way too slow with the fast patterns. At least kick it up a notch (0.5-1). moved higher by 0.5 done
  2. 00:08:762 (1) - I would consider removing this. The end of the slider follows nothing and I actually found it more confusing to grasp the timing with it there than without. done
  3. 00:10:428 (4) - You could easily swap this slider with a note for a less dense combination. done
  4. 00:13:505 (4) - This slider is kind of ugly. It's blanketing =(
  5. 00:14:531 (7,8,9,10) - This feels too hard. I would greatly decrease the follow up notes and try to keep the short sliders to a minimum. Use them to emphasize specific parts in the song. done
  6. 00:16:197 (3) - Could easily become a longer slider so you could have less repeats. Goes for segments like 00:18:120 (8,9) - and 00:18:890 (2,3) - as well. done
  7. 00:20:556 (7,8,9,10,11) - This all feels way too difficult. At least keep the patterns similar. Use all sliders or all notes and/or you could have a variation lead-in to the next measure. just deleted the first slider
  8. 00:23:120 (6,7,8) - This spacing is extremely misleading. Please, please, fix this. after the fixing I will completely renew the spacing of this diff
  9. 00:30:044 (7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This kind of pattern plays appropriately for the difficulty. I would take this as an example when improving the diff on your own accord. Will keep it in mind
  10. 00:35:044 (3,4) - To be less confusing, I would just combine these for a repeat slider like (2). done
  11. 00:35:428 (5) - This slider is not too pretty. 00:50:813 (5) and 00:52:351 (1) - as well. blankets T-T
  12. 00:55:813 (2,3) - Spacing is misleading. ^ renew
  13. 01:03:505 (6) - Don't make the pattern harder to read. Just replace this repeat slider with a note on the tick where the repeat is currently situated. This goes for 01:08:120 (2) - as well. Then I would completely ignore the background and had no change t the normal diff
  14. 01:09:146 (5) - Unnecessary triple here. Just get rid of this note and it's fine. done
  15. 01:26:582 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Woah, sudden density increase...try to be more consistent. due to it's easy readable and no overlaps here I would keep it
  16. 01:43:890 (6) - Unsnapped end. Snap it back a tick. will do when renewing
  17. 01:46:966 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - This could be made much easier if you lower the distance snap. It's not necessary for it to be so high. huh? i IS lower than everything else in this song
  18. 02:15:044 (3) - With the long sliders, this is quite anti-climatic. 02:15:172 and 02:15:300 I want to map this and a 1/6 slider would also not fit
  19. 02:29:274 (5) - Heh...not so pretty. Goes for 02:30:813 (1) - as well. All previous kiai suggestions apply here too. let me see what I can do for it
  20. 02:36:967 (1) - This slider is very slightly overlapping with the following one. Keeping with your spacing, it shouldn't be. Goes for 02:38:505 (5) - and 02:38:890 (6,7,8) - as well. renew
  21. 02:44:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Intentionally difficult and quite messy. Why not try mapping to the dramatic background beats like this?
    256,192,166197,5,0,0:0:0:0: I think for a hard it's OK
  22. It's kind of a problem if the hard has a very similar combo count to the insane difficulty. You should probably make major adjustments to lower the difficulty and the density in problematic areas.
  23. For a hard, this is kind of too hard. There are multiple ways you can easily make the diff much more appealing and readable.

  1. 00:08:890 (1) - I know you can start mapping at any point in the grid, but don't you think this is a bit too far down? nah I will keep it^^
  2. 00:10:299 (3) - Short sliders like these in a normal? That's not really supposed to be there. Simplifying is key in easier difficulties and there should be no need to map every single beat in the song. To make it easier and more consistent, remove the short slider and create a slider from (2) which ends on the red tick. This goes for 00:11:582 (4,5) - as well. I ... don't get it :o
  3. 00:13:121 (8,9) - A bit too difficult for a normal. Remove (9), extend (8) to fit the vocals. This goes for other sections like 00:18:890 (8,9) - as well.
  4. 00:22:351 (2,3) - Remove the end note and just extend the slider. A very simple method of easing up difficulties.
  5. 00:23:889 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Combine each pair as a slider. Short sliders are bad in easier diffs.
  6. 00:33:890 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is perfect for a normal. Take this as a base in fixing up this difficulty. rhis is a completely other rhythm
  7. 00:46:197 (1,2,3) - Do what you did with ^. This current pattern sounds strange.
  8. 00:49:274 (6) - Could be prettier. any mentions?
  9. 01:04:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Even this is pushing it for a normal. This is actually quite dense. This is 78 BPM and 1/3... others using 200 BPM and 1/4... I don`t think that this is too hard
  10. 01:09:274 (11,12) - There's actually a nice, simple backbeat you could map to make this easier. Remove (12), extend (11) one tick and move the last note in the measure (now 12) left to the red tick. It should look something like this.
  11. 01:11:582 (2,3) - Remove (3) and extend (2) to end where (3) once was.
  12. 01:13:120 (5,6) - You should know the drill by now.
  13. 01:16:967 (1,2) - ^
  14. 01:29:274 (1) - Isn't the end missing a hitsound? I think not?
  15. 01:36:710 (2) - To follow the vocals, this is actually supposed to be on the red tick to the left. Applies to 01:38:249 (4).
  16. 01:43:120 (3) - For consistency, end this one the previous white tick and have a note on the red tick it currently ends on.
  17. 02:13:633 (2) - Again, this should be on the previous red tick. Fix spacing, of course.
  18. 02:15:172 (4) - ^
  19. 02:25:941 (2) - ^
  20. 02:27:479 (4) - ^
  21. 02:43:120 (1) - This could be less curvy? It's kind of ugly as is. fixed
Sry I nearly fixed nothing of them, I think my feeling of rhythm is quite different as yours and if I only map red and white lines and still ignore the 1/6 I can copy paste the easy diff >.<

  1. 00:32:351 (3) - More curvy? done
  2. 00:41:582 (2) - This could be more evenly curved. It shouln't be symmetric if you mean that
  3. 00:53:890 (3) - The slider would just look better if it were curved around the other slider, not flicked at the end. I wanted it that way to go into the other direction
  4. 01:01:582 (5) - NC? done
  5. 01:07:735 (5) - ^ done
  6. 01:13:889 (5) - ^ (It seems like your NCs are one every measure except kiai is once every two measures?) I don't know o.o - done
  7. 01:20:044 (5) - ^
  8. 01:30:813 (3) - This could be curved more neatly, like this. I didnt't want the sliders to be symmetric
  9. 01:38:505 (5) - ^
  10. 01:40:813 - Add a note here? done
  11. 01:47:736 (7) - NC
  12. 02:15:428 (5) - ^
  13. 02:23:121 (7,1) - Since these are so close to each other, why not make them both look the same? Just copy one and flip the selection.
I apologize for the long mod, but I think it's very much needed. I've included basic suggestions that should be addressed. I would advise you to try and create more consistent patterns. Bookmarking segments of the song to distinguish them visually helps.
Thank you for the long mod, I know it took much time and I am sorry for the things I didn't change
First i wanna to say:you blanket is very good!!I May learn something from your map(that's my flawback)
Hi i m gorgonzoler from your queue for m4m request
Sorry for not find any problem about your arrangement
so i decided to focus on New combo addjustment and hit sound
i complete follow the feel
Diamond's AR set to 8.
01:47:736 - to 02:12:351 - really should fill something in this section.ignore it in Bronze and Sliver.

those you should cancel your NC
00:09:274 (1) -

those you should add your NC
00:10:813 (3) -
00:13:890 (3) -
00:16:967 (3) -
00:20:044 (3) -
00:23:121 (3) -
00:26:198 (3) -
00:29:275 (4) -
00:36:967 (5) -
00:43:120 (3) -
00:49:274 (5) -
00:55:428 (4) -
01:00:043 (3) -
01:01:582 (5) -
01:03:120 (7) -
01:06:197 (3) -
01:07:735 (5) -
01:12:351 (3) -
01:13:889 (5) -
01:15:428 (8) -
01:18:505 (3) -
01:20:043 (5) -
01:26:197 (5) -
01:32:351 (4) -
01:38:505 (5) -
01:44:659 (4) -
01:47:736 (7) -
02:21:582 (5,6,7) - i think NC it all can deal the last section of climax.Your deal.
02:27:736 (5,6) - ^
02:33:890 (4,5,6) - ^

those you should change your hit sound.
00:32:351 (3) - it werid that add a finish hit sound at the end of this slider. cancel it.
02:12:351 - i think you should use soft hit sound is better.because it the section right before the climax(i suggest you use the normal
hitsound at climax as well but you already use Drum.As you wish.)

i think you can NC same as GOLD diffcult.i don't think long combo is a good idea.
well it depend on how you understand the music.And feel free to NC it.if sth wrong.Other modder can point it out.
01:43:120 (3) - remove finish hitsound at the end of this sounds werid.
GOLD is okay to me
and i didn't catch your Diamond's idea because this kind of the song is my first try
and sorry for my stupid englisn :P
Topic Starter

gorgonzoler wrote:

First i wanna to say:you blanket is very good!!I May learn something from your map(that's my flawback)
Hi i m gorgonzoler from your queue for m4m request
Sorry for not find any problem about your arrangement
so i decided to focus on New combo addjustment and hit sound
i complete follow the feel
Diamond's AR set to 8. It's the hardest I will keep it like it is
01:47:736 - to 02:12:351 - really should fill something in this section.ignore it in Bronze and Sliver. I tried it was horrible ;_;

those you should cancel your NC
00:09:274 (1) - deleted the first circle so it`s not neccessary

those you should add your NC
00:10:813 (3) -
00:13:890 (3) -
00:16:967 (3) -
00:20:044 (3) -
00:23:121 (3) -
00:26:198 (3) -
00:29:275 (4) -
00:36:967 (5) -
00:43:120 (3) -
00:49:274 (5) -
00:55:428 (4) -
01:00:043 (3) -
01:01:582 (5) -
01:03:120 (7) -
01:06:197 (3) -
01:07:735 (5) -
01:12:351 (3) -
01:13:889 (5) -
01:15:428 (8) -
01:18:505 (3) -
01:20:043 (5) -
01:26:197 (5) -
01:32:351 (4) -
01:38:505 (5) -
01:44:659 (4) -
01:47:736 (7) -
02:21:582 (5,6,7) - i think NC it all can deal the last section of climax.Your deal.
02:27:736 (5,6) - ^
02:33:890 (4,5,6) - ^

those you should change your hit sound.
00:32:351 (3) - it werid that add a finish hit sound at the end of this slider. cancel it. done
02:12:351 - i think you should use soft hit sound is better.because it the section right before the climax(i suggest you use the normal
hitsound at climax as well but you already use Drum.As you wish.)done

i think you can NC same as GOLD diffcult.i don't think long combo is a good idea.
well it depend on how you understand the music.And feel free to NC it.if sth wrong.Other modder can point it out.
01:43:120 (3) - remove finish hitsound at the end of this sounds werid. done

GOLD is okay to me
and i didn't catch your Diamond's idea because this kind of the song is my first try
and sorry for my stupid englisn :P
Thx for your mod!
Hii! from queue
this song makes me want to punch a wall


  1. I strongly suggest Preview Point starts from 00:33:890 - because it's the start of the chorus, and Preview Point in the middle of the chorus is kinda weird
  2. Well idk about the diff's names, but i suggest you to change them into normal ENHI names before any BATs point this out because t/187555


  • some combos are a bit too long for easiest diff, so a bit of nc mod if you don't mind
    00:12:351 (5) - nc
    00:36:967 (5) - ^
    00:43:120 (3) - ^
    00:49:274 (5) - ^
    00:55:428 (4) - ^
    01:20:043 (5) - ^
    01:26:197 (5) - ^
    01:32:351 (4) - ^
    01:38:505 (5) - ^
    01:44:659 (4) - ^
    02:21:582 (5) - ^
    02:27:736 (5) - ^
    02:33:890 (4) - ^
    02:43:121 (5) - ^

    00:21:582 (1) - only suggestion, since current one is slightly not neat because the distance between this slider and previous one is too close
    00:31:582 (2) - move to 64|40
    00:58:505 (1) - ds is a bit off. move it farther
    00:58:505 (1,2,3) - also make them more symmetrical. i copy-pasted (1) for (3)'s shape
    01:29:274 (1) - starting the break here is kinda weird. would be better if break starts right after 01:47:736 (1) -
    02:36:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - although this pattern really fits the song, it can be hard for beginners. you should change some of them into sliders
    02:46:326 - since the end of the song is a long note, how about adding a spinner from 02:46:326 - until 02:48:505 - ? ofc the hitsound must be lowered gradually until the end. and when the spinner ends, mute it

    some hitsound suggestions
    00:58:505 (1) - would be better if you add normal-hitfinish but it's up to you
    01:10:812 (1) - add clap at slider's head. fits the song. or you can just use finish, as long as it's drum sampleset
    01:12:351 (3) - ^
    01:13:889 (1) - ^
    01:14:658 (2) - ^
    01:15:428 (4) - ^ at slider's head
    01:16:966 (1) - ^
    01:18:505 (3) - ^
    01:47:736 (1) - add finish. to accent the end of chorus
    02:40:044 (1) - add soft-hitfinish at slider's head


  • 00:12:351 (6) - nc
    00:18:505 (7) - ^
    00:24:659 (7) - ^
    00:25:044 (8,11) - they're touching each other. make them like this?
    00:30:813 (7) - nc
    00:36:967 (5) - end this slider at 00:38:120 - . because the previous pattern 00:33:890 (1,2,3,4) - is still in 1/4 beats
    00:43:120 (6) - nc
    00:47:736 (4,5) - copy paste (4) for (5)'s shape is better, for symmetry. and ofc you have to adjust the patterns afterwards
    00:49:274 (6) - nc
    00:51:582 (9,10) - i suggest to make these circles into a slider snapped in 1/6 bsd. adjust the pattern afterwards if you follow
    00:58:505 (1) - ds is off. move it a bit farther
    00:58:505 (1) - add finish at slider's head
    01:02:095 (6) - nc
    01:06:198 (5) - ^
    01:07:736 (9) - ^
    01:13:890 (7) - ^
    01:20:044 (7) - ^
    01:21:582 (11) - use drum-sampleset at slider's tail
    01:29:274 (1) - make sure this slider encircled 01:27:736 (7) - a bit
    01:46:197 (6) - add normal-hitfinish at slider's head
    02:13:633 (2,3) - fix the blanket
    02:15:172 (4,5) - idk only suggestion, stack 02:15:428 (5) - 's tail with 02:13:890 (3) - 's head. i slightly changed 02:15:172 (4,5) - 's position for this and ofc you have to change the pattern afterwards if you follow
    02:21:582 (7) - nc
    02:30:428 (7) - move this to 02:30:556 - ? consistent with 02:25:941 (2,3) -
    02:30:813 (1,2,3,4) - since the rhythm flow continuously, i suggest to change 02:33:505 (5) - into a slider
    02:33:890 (6) - nc
    02:35:044 (9,10) - fix the blanket
    02:36:710 (11) - i suggest to delete this circle, because at this part the vocal isn't standing out thus makes it hard to follow
    02:40:044 (1) - add soft-hitfinish at slider's head
    02:46:326 - same like other diffs. since the end of the song is a long note, how about adding a spinner from 02:46:326 - until 02:48:505 - ? ofc the hitsound must be lowered gradually until the end. and when the spinner ends, mute it


  • why is OD really low lol OD+1 or OD+2, up to you

    00:20:813 (6,7,8,9) - since you're not following the vocal here, i suggest to use the drum-sampleset
    00:32:351 (4) - idk why'd you lowered the sv since it doesn't make any sense for me, but yeah up to you
    00:37:736 (1) - remove nc
    00:58:505 (1) - add soft-hitfinish at slider's head
    00:58:505 (1,2,3) - 00:59:274 (4,5,6) - would be better if you use the usual 1.7x ds for each pattern. because 1.9x is too far and the sv is kinda slow so it's not really pleasant to play
    01:05:428 (1) - remove nc
    01:13:890 (1,2) - rhythm suggestion, since the current one suddenly follows the vocal and it's kinda awkward
    01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - if you want to follow the vocal here, i suggest to change those sliders into circles consecutively. fits the vocal better
    01:33:120 (1) - remove nc
    01:33:120 (1) - add a circle here for consistency, since the overall rhythm pattern here is quite dense
    01:46:966 (7) - nc
    02:16:967 (5) - ^
    02:19:915 - add a circle here and stack it at 02:20:043 (4) - 's head. more fun to play
    02:29:274 (5) - add normal-hitfinish at slider's head
    02:36:967 (1) - soft-hitfinish at slider's head fits the song better than drum-hitwhistle
    02:38:120 (4,5) - don't let them touch each other
    02:40:044 (1) - soft-hitfinish at slider's head fits the song better than drum-hitclap
    02:46:326 - same like other diffs. since the end of the song is a long note, how about adding a spinner from 02:46:326 - until 02:48:505 - ? ofc the hitsound must be lowered gradually until the end. and when the spinner ends, mute it

    yesterday i played this and it was a wreck and now it's gold punpunpunpunpun lol nice diff



  • overall, it has awesome rhythm for insane, but the thing is it's not quite consistent, which makes it uncomfortable to play. for example 00:08:762 (1,1,2,3,4) - , at 00:08:762 (1,1) - you followed the vocal and while still in the same pattern you suddenly followed the normal 1/6 beat after that. it's quite awkward to play.also another example is 00:58:505 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - . the rhythm here 00:58:505 (1,2,3,4) - solely follows the (nearly quiet) violin , and suddenly you followed the usual 1/6 instrument beat after that 01:00:044 (1,2,3,4,5) - idk i played this diff like 3 times yesterday and now i'm used to the rhythm inconsistencies, even though during the firstplay it kinda bugged me

    00:08:762 (1,1) - it would be better if you just start the mapping at 00:09:274 - . these two sliders seems forced and not really pleasant to play. and if you follow this, you might want to change your combo pattern afterwards i really suggest you to follow this one. especially if modders before me also had pointed this out. makes it more fun to play if you follow this suggestion
    00:12:351 (7,8) - bad overlap
    00:13:120 (9,10,1) - yesterday i played this and it's not stacked. i prefer the unstacked one, since the song doesn't indicate anything that requires accentuate such as stacking like this
    00:21:582 (1,2) - don't really like the flow but i'm out of ideas to change this so yeah. if you want, you can ctrl+G each of these sliders 00:21:967 (2) - 00:22:351 (3) - 00:22:736 (4) -
    00:24:274 (3,1) - bad overlap
    00:27:736 (1,2) - you might want to make them a bit farther from each other. looks neater like that
    00:31:967 (4,5) - the rhythm gap between them is kinda big but the ds between the them is only 1.1x . i suggest to separate them farther. also good to avoid bad overlaps
    00:46:967 (2,3) - also bad overlap
    00:53:890 (1,1,2,3,1,2) - the combo is really weird. i suggest to remove nc at 00:54:659 (1) -
    00:58:505 (1) - soft-hitfinish at slider's head fits better
    01:00:044 (1,2,3,4,5) - prior to the rhythm issue i mentioned before, i suggest this rhythm so it'll be consistent with 00:58:505 (1,2,3,4) -
    01:07:736 (1,1,2,1) - also really weird combo pattern, since the music doesn't show significant things that requires nc spam like this or anything like that, so i suggest to remove nc at 01:08:505 (1) -
    01:09:274 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - kinda hard to read when the ds is kinda low like this. i actually prefer your previous pattern but yeah it's up to you
    01:14:146 (2,3) - bad overlap
    01:15:428 (1,2) - why the ds is really low. i suggest to move (2) somewhere else farther
    01:18:377 - add a circle here and stack it at 01:18:505 (5) - 's head
    01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - same like what i've mentioned in Gold diff, i suggest to make these short sliders into consecutive circles. fits the vocal better, and the clicking actually accentuate the vocal better
    01:36:197 (2,3) - bad overlap
    01:46:709 (1) - remove nc
    02:17:351 (10) - nc
    02:17:351 (10,11,12) - since these pattern followed the drum a lot, so i suggest to use the drum-sampleset
    02:19:658 (6,7) - make them a bit farther from each other
    02:25:428 (2,3) - also bad overlap. if you don't make them overlap and make the space between them bigger, it's actually more challenging to play
    02:33:120 (1) - remove nc
    02:36:710 (1) - ^
    02:40:044 (1) - finish at slider's head
    02:44:660 (7) - nc

    this is one of my favourite diff. but aside from rhythm issue i've mentioned before, you might want to fix these 'occasional' low ds like 01:38:504 (1,2) - 02:27:735 (1,2) - etc. there are rather a lot of them. it's really a pity that you copy-pasted all the kiai(s)' rhythm and slider's formations (you just rotate them lol) next time if you're going to remap or smth i hope you don't please don't copy paste like this. kinda boring to play tbh
i guess that's all. awesome vid btw
well get 2 ur map after i wake up ay
Topic Starter

AlpacaCokelat wrote:

Hii! from queue
this song makes me want to punch a wall Why? This sounds so negative D:


  1. I strongly suggest Preview Point starts from 00:33:890 - because it's the start of the chorus, and Preview Point in the middle of the chorus is kinda weird I like it like it is, cause it's the best part of the song
  2. Well idk about the diff's names, but i suggest you to change them into normal ENHI names before any BATs point this out because t/187555 I am going to catch a QAT to ask to get sure -


  • some combos are a bit too long for easiest diff, so a bit of nc mod if you don't mind
    00:12:351 (5) - nc
    00:36:967 (5) - ^
    00:43:120 (3) - ^
    00:49:274 (5) - ^
    00:55:428 (4) - ^
    01:20:043 (5) - ^
    01:26:197 (5) - ^
    01:32:351 (4) - ^
    01:38:505 (5) - ^
    01:44:659 (4) - ^
    02:21:582 (5) - ^
    02:27:736 (5) - ^
    02:33:890 (4) - ^
    02:43:121 (5) - ^
    ok ok due to your the second one tell me this I fixed it ;_;

    00:21:582 (1) - only suggestion, since current one is slightly not neat because the distance between this slider and previous one is too close <-- link failed, but I got the right link out of it - fixed
    00:31:582 (2) - move to 64|40 fixed
    00:58:505 (1) - ds is a bit off. move it farther fixed
    00:58:505 (1,2,3) - also make them more symmetrical. i copy-pasted (1) for (3)'s shape fixed
    01:29:274 (1) - starting the break here is kinda weird. would be better if break starts right after 01:47:736 (1) - I am confused, it is right there where it should be o.o Maybe you deleted something when modding?
    02:36:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - although this pattern really fits the song, it can be hard for beginners. you should change some of them into sliders I got enough slider after them, this is like using 1/1 at 156 BPM it shouln't be too hard for beginners
    02:46:326 - since the end of the song is a long note, how about adding a spinner from 02:46:326 - until 02:48:505 - ? ofc the hitsound must be lowered gradually until the end. and when the spinner ends, mute it Every diff have to end on the same tick, if I do this I have to do this for any other diff too, that's not fitting >.<

    some hitsound suggestions
    00:58:505 (1) - would be better if you add normal-hitfinish but it's up to you I will keep it
    01:10:812 (1) - add clap at slider's head. fits the song. or you can just use finish, as long as it's drum sampleset There are already other sounds on them, I don't want to get these white ticks more attention
    01:12:351 (3) - ^
    01:13:889 (1) - ^
    01:14:658 (2) - ^
    01:15:428 (4) - ^ at slider's head
    01:16:966 (1) - ^
    01:18:505 (3) - ^
    01:47:736 (1) - add finish. to accent the end of chorus added a normal finish
    02:40:044 (1) - add soft-hitfinish at slider's head done and removed the clap instead


  • 00:12:351 (6) - nc done
    00:18:505 (7) - ^ ^
    00:24:659 (7) - ^ ^
    00:25:044 (8,11) - they're touching each other. make them like this? Hum I don't get it it's already like in your picture
    00:30:813 (7) - nc done
    00:36:967 (5) - end this slider at 00:38:120 - . because the previous pattern 00:33:890 (1,2,3,4) - is still in 1/4 beats but it's following the vocal exavtly =(
    00:43:120 (6) - nc done
    00:47:736 (4,5) - copy paste (4) for (5)'s shape is better, for symmetry. and ofc you have to adjust the patterns afterwards I don't it's all blanket anything
    00:49:274 (6) - nc done
    00:51:582 (9,10) - i suggest to make these circles into a slider snapped in 1/6 bsd. adjust the pattern afterwards if you follow done
    00:58:505 (1) - ds is off. move it a bit farther done
    00:58:505 (1) - add finish at slider's head done
    01:02:095 (6) - nc
    01:06:198 (5) - ^
    01:07:736 (9) - ^
    01:13:890 (7) - ^
    01:20:044 (7) - ^ all done
    01:21:582 (11) - use drum-sampleset at slider's tail I don't want it to be the same sound like the others, it's not a hard vocal
    01:29:274 (1) - make sure this slider encircled 01:27:736 (7) - a bit calles blanket :P - done
    01:46:197 (6) - add normal-hitfinish at slider's head I need the drumsound for the tripple-drums
    02:13:633 (2,3) - fix the blanket done
    02:15:172 (4,5) - idk only suggestion, stack 02:15:428 (5) - 's tail with 02:13:890 (3) - 's head. i slightly changed 02:15:172 (4,5) - 's position for this and ofc you have to change the pattern afterwards if you follow done
    02:21:582 (7) - nc done
    02:30:428 (7) - move this to 02:30:556 - ? consistent with 02:25:941 (2,3) - done
    02:30:813 (1,2,3,4) - since the rhythm flow continuously, i suggest to change 02:33:505 (5) - into a slider wow that sounds nice, thx! - done
    02:33:890 (6) - nc done
    02:35:044 (9,10) - fix the blanket done
    02:36:710 (11) - i suggest to delete this circle, because at this part the vocal isn't standing out thus makes it hard to follow done
    02:40:044 (1) - add soft-hitfinish at slider's head done
    02:46:326 - same like other diffs. since the end of the song is a long note, how about adding a spinner from 02:46:326 - until 02:48:505 - ? ofc the hitsound must be lowered gradually until the end. and when the spinner ends, mute it :x


  • why is OD really low lol OD+1 or OD+2, up to you

    00:20:813 (6,7,8,9) - since you're not following the vocal here, i suggest to use the drum-sampleset done
    00:32:351 (4) - idk why'd you lowered the sv since it doesn't make any sense for me, but yeah up to you
    00:37:736 (1) - remove nc done
    00:58:505 (1) - add soft-hitfinish at slider's head not really fitting to my other hitosunds
    00:58:505 (1,2,3) - 00:59:274 (4,5,6) - would be better if you use the usual 1.7x ds for each pattern. because 1.9x is too far and the sv is kinda slow so it's not really pleasant to play I have to it's looking so damn ugly if I turn it down - then I have to use it for everything else
    01:05:428 (1) - remove nc done
    01:13:890 (1,2) - rhythm suggestion, since the current one suddenly follows the vocal and it's kinda awkward done I love your rhythm suggestions, while mapping I was going crazy witht he rhythm of that song
    01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - if you want to follow the vocal here, i suggest to change those sliders into circles consecutively. fits the vocal better I like it as it is D:
    01:33:120 (1) - remove nc done
    01:33:120 (1) - add a circle here for consistency, since the overall rhythm pattern here is quite dense I will keep it for now it's strange to have a gap in the middle of these density
    01:46:966 (7) - nc done
    02:16:967 (5) - ^ done
    02:19:915 - add a circle here and stack it at 02:20:043 (4) - 's head. more fun to play done
    02:29:274 (5) - add normal-hitfinish at slider's head like it as it is
    02:36:967 (1) - soft-hitfinish at slider's head fits the song better than drum-hitwhistle done
    02:38:120 (4,5) - don't let them touch each other moved it a bit
    02:40:044 (1) - soft-hitfinish at slider's head fits the song better than drum-hitclap ok ok
    02:46:326 - same like other diffs. since the end of the song is a long note, how about adding a spinner from 02:46:326 - until 02:48:505 - ? ofc the hitsound must be lowered gradually until the end. and when the spinner ends, mute it

    yesterday i played this and it was a wreck and now it's gold punpunpunpunpun lol nice diff
glad to hear!


oh oh due to you called it platinum, but I changed it to diamond before 2 days, I hope you didn't moded a old version
  • overall, it has awesome rhythm for insane, but the thing is it's not quite consistent, which makes it uncomfortable to play. for example 00:08:762 (1,1,2,3,4) - , at 00:08:762 (1,1) - you followed the vocal and while still in the same pattern you suddenly followed the normal 1/6 beat after that. it's quite awkward to play.also another example is 00:58:505 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - . the rhythm here 00:58:505 (1,2,3,4) - solely follows the (nearly quiet) violin , and suddenly you followed the usual 1/6 instrument beat after that 01:00:044 (1,2,3,4,5) - idk i played this diff like 3 times yesterday and now i'm used to the rhythm inconsistencies, even though during the firstplay it kinda bugged me You are the first person who not told me that the rhythm is wrong, you pointed out which background or vocal I followed I am so damn happy somebody even noticed that!

    00:08:762 (1,1) - it would be better if you just start the mapping at 00:09:274 - . these two sliders seems forced and not really pleasant to play. and if you follow this, you might want to change your combo pattern afterwards i really suggest you to follow this one. especially if modders before me also had pointed this out. makes it more fun to play if you follow this suggestion yeah done
    00:12:351 (7,8) - bad overlap how's a good one looking? I made this on purpose >.< - nvm fixed it
    00:13:120 (9,10,1) - yesterday i played this and it's not stacked. i prefer the unstacked one, since the song doesn't indicate anything that requires accentuate such as stacking like this de-stacked it :D
    00:21:582 (1,2) - don't really like the flow but i'm out of ideas to change this so yeah. if you want, you can ctrl+G each of these sliders 00:21:967 (2) - 00:22:351 (3) - 00:22:736 (4) - I like them as they are
    00:24:274 (3,1) - bad overlap fixed... still wth is a good overlap? T-T
    00:27:736 (1,2) - you might want to make them a bit farther from each other. looks neater like that done
    00:31:967 (4,5) - the rhythm gap between them is kinda big but the ds between the them is only 1.1x . i suggest to separate them farther. also good to avoid bad overlaps hope it's better now
    00:46:967 (2,3) - also bad overlap fixed
    00:53:890 (1,1,2,3,1,2) - the combo is really weird. i suggest to remove nc at 00:54:659 (1) - done
    00:58:505 (1) - soft-hitfinish at slider's head fits better done
    01:00:044 (1,2,3,4,5) - prior to the rhythm issue i mentioned before, i suggest this rhythm so it'll be consistent with 00:58:505 (1,2,3,4) - done
    01:07:736 (1,1,2,1) - also really weird combo pattern, since the music doesn't show significant things that requires nc spam like this or anything like that, so i suggest to remove nc at 01:08:505 (1) - done
    01:09:274 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - kinda hard to read when the ds is kinda low like this. i actually prefer your previous pattern but yeah it's up to you highered the DS a bit
    01:14:146 (2,3) - bad overlap I am out of ideas I am just avoiding, I have to know what's a good overlap ._.
    01:15:428 (1,2) - why the ds is really low. i suggest to move (2) somewhere else farther done
    01:18:377 - add a circle here and stack it at 01:18:505 (5) - 's head done
    01:20:044 (1,2,3,4) - same like what i've mentioned in Gold diff, i suggest to make these short sliders into consecutive circles. fits the vocal better, and the clicking actually accentuate the vocal better :x
    01:36:197 (2,3) - bad overlap fixed
    01:46:709 (1) - remove nc done
    02:17:351 (10) - nc done
    02:17:351 (10,11,12) - since these pattern followed the drum a lot, so i suggest to use the drum-sampleset it alread was...
    02:19:658 (6,7) - make them a bit farther from each other just moved the tail of (6)
    02:25:428 (2,3) - also bad overlap. if you don't make them overlap and make the space between them bigger, it's actually more challenging to play done
    02:33:120 (1) - remove nc done
    02:36:710 (1) - ^ done
    02:40:044 (1) - finish at slider's head
    02:44:660 (7) - nc done

    this is one of my favourite diff. but aside from rhythm issue i've mentioned before, you might want to fix these 'occasional' low ds like 01:38:504 (1,2) - 02:27:735 (1,2) - etc. there are rather a lot of them. it's really a pity that you copy-pasted all the kiai(s)' rhythm and slider's formations (you just rotate them lol) next time if you're going to remap or smth i hope you don't please don't copy paste like this. kinda boring to play tbh
searching for the low DS, thx for your Mod, it was awful!

i guess that's all. awesome vid btw
m4m m808

suggestion thing like i usually do and since i am a horrible modder TT_TT
mod isn't in chronological order btw
00:43:120 (3,4,5) - NC for dese each?
00:55:428 (4,5,6) - ^
01:32:351 (4,5,6) - ^
01:44:659 (4,5,6) - ^
02:21:582 (5,6,7) - ^
02:33:890 (4,5,6) - ^

00:47:736 (3) - dis slider shape doe?
00:51:582 (7,8) - change 2 slider?

02:38:505 (5) - NC?
02:43:121 (5) - NC?
1/6 tim 2 cry lmaoo
00:36:967 (5) - end on red tick?
01:31:967 (5) - sounds off-beat... i think it sounds better at 01:32:095?
01:36:710 (2,4) - red tickkkkkk?
02:21:197 (6) - offbeat
02:33:890 (1,2,3,4) - delete 2 and 4?
02:38:505 (5) - NC?
02:41:582 (3) - NC?
00:58:890 (2,3,5,6) - ahhhhhhh idk it sounds awks
01:41:197 (10,11) - position n time swap
it'd be better if u stacked or changed the circles into streams because it might be too fast for most hard players but ye a good map
mod isn't in chronological order btw
00:35:300 (3,4) - asdf (stack or smth? this is 2 op for a 4.25 star)
01:24:530 (3,4) - asdf again

00:38:505 (1,2) - uhmhmuymhmuhmuh
01:27:735 (1,2) - ^

00:40:428 (2,3,4) - pls
00:51:197 (2,3,4) - ^
01:29:658 (2,3,4) - ^
01:40:427 (2,3,4) - ^
02:18:889 (2,3,4) - ^
02:29:658 (2,3,4) - ^

01:21:582 (5) - airman memes
js 1/6 at this bpm is like single tapping 234 bpm rip
u cud map at the solo for the silver/gold/insane idk lo l
goodluck m8
Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:

m4m m808

suggestion thing like i usually do and since i am a horrible modder TT_TT Just go on modding, you will learn^^
mod isn't in chronological order btw
00:43:120 (3,4,5) - NC for dese each?
00:55:428 (4,5,6) - ^
01:32:351 (4,5,6) - ^
01:44:659 (4,5,6) - ^
02:21:582 (5,6,7) - ^
02:33:890 (4,5,6) - ^

00:47:736 (3) - dis slider shape doe? done
00:51:582 (7,8) - change 2 slider? they fit t the hard vocals

02:38:505 (5) - NC? cause of the pattern I do not use a NC here
02:43:121 (5) - NC?
1/6 tim 2 cry lmaoo
00:36:967 (5) - end on red tick? vocal
01:31:967 (5) - sounds off-beat... i think it sounds better at 01:32:095? I think your right but everone is hearing aynthing else I am keeping as it is for now
01:36:710 (2,4) - red tickkkkkk? they fit
02:21:197 (6) - offbeat same as above
02:33:890 (1,2,3,4) - delete 2 and 4? Have to keep the density here
02:38:505 (5) - NC? pattern
02:41:582 (3) - NC? pattern

00:58:890 (2,3,5,6) - ahhhhhhh idk it sounds awks ._.
01:41:197 (10,11) - position n time swap [/color]
it'd be better if u stacked or changed the circles into streams because it might be too fast for most hard players but ye a good map

mod isn't in chronological order btw
00:35:300 (3,4) - asdf (stack or smth? this is 2 op for a 4.25 star)
01:24:530 (3,4) - asdf again damn you pointed out wnything I didn't got any more cause of changes

00:38:505 (1,2) - uhmhmuymhmuhmuh
01:27:735 (1,2) - ^

00:40:428 (2,3,4) - pls
00:51:197 (2,3,4) - ^
01:29:658 (2,3,4) - ^
01:40:427 (2,3,4) - ^
02:18:889 (2,3,4) - ^
02:29:658 (2,3,4) - ^
THESE TRIANGLES RIPME Already changed everything^^

01:21:582 (5) - airman memes
js 1/6 at this bpm is like single tapping 234 bpm rip converted to 1/4 it's exactly single tapping 104 BPM
u cud map at the solo for the silver/gold/insane idk lo l I watched somebody trying to map this guitar it was horrible so I keep it like it is :D
goodluck m8
Thx for the mod

Tician wrote:

js 1/6 at this bpm is like single tapping 234 bpm rip converted to 1/4 it's exactly single tapping 104 BPM
is it o

Tician wrote:

AlpacaCokelat wrote:

Hii! from queue
this song makes me want to punch a wall Why? This sounds so negative D:
lol no ofc not, this song makes me really pumped xD

I suck at modding, please bare with me ;_;

That long break though.

00:10:299 (3) - I did not like this, not at all.
00:46:967 (2,3) - These 2 notes didnt really fit in with the beat, maybe change them for something else?
That's a long break btw...

Gold (Incoming Victorious Skin)
01:05:941 (4,5) - Half of these notes are literally half outside the playing field.
01:13:120 (5,6,7,8) - Move these abit more inside the playing field.
Aaaaanndd there's the break...

Diamond (What happened to Plat?! D:)
I liked this difficulty.

Good luck on getting this ranked~
Please update the description - different diff names than in the mapset.

00:24:659 (1,2) - Copy and flip the (1), and place it to x:68 y:172 for perfect blanket.
00:32:351 (3) - You could remake the slider by first making it horizontally, and then rotating about 40 degrees. It's a bit steep now. Aim for a shape like this:
02:12:351 (1) - CTRL+G, please.
02:36:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I'm not entirely sure if this is completely suitable for Easy diff, but please consider connecting at least (3,4) and (7,8) as sliders.
It's a beautiful Easy diff.

The 1/6-heavy intro seems really weird compared to the rest of the map, as that kind of placement barely appears ever again. Not sure if that's an issue, just personally think it's rather odd.
00:41:582 (4) - Could be a 1/2 repeat-slider to match the music better.
00:52:351 (1,2,3) - Straight slider patterns are not too creative, just saying.
01:00:044 (3,4) - This overlap doesn't look too good.
01:02:352 (2,3) - Combine into one slider to match the music better.
01:04:659 (1,2) - ^
01:06:198 (1,2) - ^
01:21:582 (5) - Move it one square upwards.
The rest of the diff is all fine by me.

01:11:967 (3) - Not entirely sure about why did you decide to put a 1/6 slider here. Please put a single circle, like at 01:13:505 (8).
02:39:659 (8) - The slider could be bigger, less compressed, you know.

01:05:300 (2) - Start it 1/6 later, and place a circle here.
01:14:146 (2,3,4) - The pattern is alright itself, but the design suffers, honestly. Make the sliders interesting, please.
01:35:427 (1,2) - Perhaps CTRL+G the (2)? That'd remove the random anti-jump and make it flow better.
02:20:043 (7,9) - Slight overlap, could be easily fixed though it's not too big a problem.

Cool mapset and song, good luck with the ranking process!
Topic Starter

Sognux wrote:


I suck at modding, please bare with me ;_;
THIS IS 78 BPM HOW COULD ANYONE HAVE MAPPED THIS?!?!?!? everything is possible^^

That long break though.

00:10:299 (3) - I did not like this, not at all. I do not know what to do else :/
00:46:967 (2,3) - These 2 notes didnt really fit in with the beat, maybe change them for something else? changed
That's a long break btw...

Gold (Incoming Victorious Skin)
01:05:941 (4,5) - Half of these notes are literally half outside the playing field. that's OK as long as the AiMod is not crying about that^^
01:13:120 (5,6,7,8) - Move these abit more inside the playing field. not neccessary
Aaaaanndd there's the break...

Diamond (What happened to Plat?! D:)
I liked this difficulty. It's nearly the same just the diff name is different

Good luck on getting this ranked~
Thx for the mod
Topic Starter

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Please update the description - different diff names than in the mapset. oops didn't saw that hope I can remember that when uploading x.x

00:24:659 (1,2) - Copy and flip the (1), and place it to x:68 y:172 for perfect blanket. oops thx^^
00:32:351 (3) - You could remake the slider by first making it horizontally, and then rotating about 40 degrees. It's a bit steep now. Aim for a shape like this: more curvy, less curvy... I think I will keep it for now and start a poll *joking*^^
02:12:351 (1) - CTRL+G, please. done
02:36:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I'm not entirely sure if this is completely suitable for Easy diff, but please consider connecting at least (3,4) and (7,8) as sliders. I loved that so much, but due to your the 3rd one now I will do this ;_;
It's a beautiful Easy diff.

The 1/6-heavy intro seems really weird compared to the rest of the map, as that kind of placement barely appears ever again. Not sure if that's an issue, just personally think it's rather odd. It's the rhythm it made me crazy, I will listen to any mentions D:
00:41:582 (4) - Could be a 1/2 repeat-slider to match the music better. I understand but I want to keep this one slider for "warriors"^^
00:52:351 (1,2,3) - Straight slider patterns are not too creative, just saying. I know, I know^^
01:00:044 (3,4) - This overlap doesn't look too good.god damn I never do any good overlaps T^T - foxed
01:02:352 (2,3) - Combine into one slider to match the music better. done
01:04:659 (1,2) - ^
01:06:198 (1,2) - ^ fixed both
01:21:582 (5) - Move it one square upwards. done
The rest of the diff is all fine by me.

01:11:967 (3) - Not entirely sure about why did you decide to put a 1/6 slider here. Please put a single circle, like at 01:13:505 (8). I don't know it either o.o - fixed
02:39:659 (8) - The slider could be bigger, less compressed, you know. I understand, it didn't look good so I decided to make a normal curve slider out of it

01:05:300 (2) - Start it 1/6 later, and place a circle here. I moved the slider but I deleted the circle, it's not fitting in my opinion
01:14:146 (2,3,4) - The pattern is alright itself, but the design suffers, honestly. Make the sliders interesting, please. I am out of ideas x.x
01:35:427 (1,2) - Perhaps CTRL+G the (2)? That'd remove the random anti-jump and make it flow better. done
02:20:043 (7,9) - Slight overlap, could be easily fixed though it's not too big a problem. It was made on purpose ;_; fixed

Cool mapset and song, good luck with the ranking process!
Thx for the mod! :3
Topic Starter
Can't update the Beatmap-Description -> t/253192&start=0

The Beatmap itself is up-to-date now, so let the M4M go on! =)

Sognux wrote:

Low BPM are great <3
This is the most frustrating mod yet. I have to retype this post three times when the site went down and my browser crashed. This is why you save drafts.

Anyway, M4M request:

  1. Because this map has a sub-par MP3, I'll provide you the original MP3. If you use it, remember to change the map's offset and resnap all notes.
  2. Remove "(Riot)" from the source since it's already provided in tags, making it redundant. "League of Legends" is fine on its own.
  3. Include the follow to tags:

    • 2014 World Championship alternative symphonic hard rock single
      (self-explanatory; genres of this song; this song was released standalone
  4. I highly recommend adding custom colors to the map. The default colors detract to the video and adding custom colors add would enhance it.
  5. I recommend moving the preview point to either 00:33:890 - or 01:23:120 . It's better to have it on the beginning of the chorus to represent the song fully.
  6. Personally I would disable the epilepsy warning. Comparing to other videos, this one is pretty tame.

  7. There's too much finishing hitsounds in all kiai times. I highly recommend toning it down, like have one finishing hitsound in every new combo or have one in every 3rd white tick.

  1. 00:24:659 (1) - Remove new combo?

  1. Uncheck "Widescreen Support" and "Letterbox during breaks"

    1. 00:09:274 - The first 24 seconds of the map is full of 1/6 beats, but there's little 1/6 beat anywhere. Yet in 00:58:505 - it goes as normal. I highly recommend you to remap this part similar to 00:58:505 . Please it keep it consistent.

  • Fine
  1. 01:23:120 - It's disappointing for me to see this part copied, pasted, and mirrored. Any reason for it?
  2. (UNRANKABLE) 01:25:427 (6) - Slider's end is not snapped
  3. (UNRANKABLE) 01:27:350 (4) - Same as above ^
  4. (UNRANKABLE) 01:30:427 (6) - ^
  5. (UNRANKABLE) 01:32:350 (1) - ^
  6. (UNRANKABLE) 01:33:889 (5) - ^
  7. (UNRANKABLE) 01:35:427 (1) - ^
  8. (UNRANKABLE) 01:38:504 (1) - ^
  9. (UNRANKABLE) 01:45:427 (3) - ^
  10. (UNRANKABLE) 02:21:581 (1) - ^
  11. (UNRANKABLE) 02:24:658 (1) - ^

Other than minor annoyances and fixable problems, the map is fine.

Happy mapping
Topic Starter

Darcsol wrote:

This is the most frustrating mod yet. I have to retype this post three times when the site went down and my browser crashed. This is why you save drafts.

Anyway, M4M request:

  1. Because this map has a sub-par MP3, I'll provide you the original MP3. If you use it, remember to change the map's offset and resnap all notes. That was the thing I was talking about it's not fitting the Video. In my mp3 now the song starts at 3 seconds cause of the "RIOT" Logo that appears at the beginning. I am not able to cut or longer mp3 or anything ._.
  2. Remove "(Riot)" from the source since it's already provided in tags, making it redundant. "League of Legends" is fine on its own. done
  3. Include the follow to tags:

    • 2014 World Championship alternative symphonic hard rock single done
      (self-explanatory; genres of this song; this song was released standalone
  4. I highly recommend adding custom colors to the map. The default colors detract to the video and adding custom colors add would enhance it. done
  5. I recommend moving the preview point to either 00:33:890 - or 01:23:120 . It's better to have it on the beginning of the chorus to represent the song fully. OK ok
  6. Personally I would disable the epilepsy warning. Comparing to other videos, this one is pretty tame. BAT told me to use it, especially the break with the flashing lights in the sky is the problem

  7. There's too much finishing hitsounds in all kiai times. I highly recommend toning it down, like have one finishing hitsound in every new combo or have one in every 3rd white tick.
I keep it for now

  1. 00:24:659 (1) - Remove new combo? oops fixed

  1. Uncheck "Widescreen Support" and "Letterbox during breaks" done

    1. 00:09:274 - The first 24 seconds of the map is full of 1/6 beats, but there's little 1/6 beat anywhere. Yet in 00:58:505 - it goes as normal. I highly recommend you to remap this part similar to 00:58:505 . Please it keep it consistent. I tried that, it's not wirking it's a completely difficult rhythm starting here and the singer is singing to the rhythm

  • Fine
  1. 01:23:120 - It's disappointing for me to see this part copied, pasted, and mirrored. Any reason for it?
  2. (UNRANKABLE) 01:25:427 (6) - Slider's end is not snapped
  3. (UNRANKABLE) 01:27:350 (4) - Same as above ^
  4. (UNRANKABLE) 01:30:427 (6) - ^
  5. (UNRANKABLE) 01:32:350 (1) - ^
  6. (UNRANKABLE) 01:33:889 (5) - ^
  7. (UNRANKABLE) 01:35:427 (1) - ^
  8. (UNRANKABLE) 01:38:504 (1) - ^
  9. (UNRANKABLE) 01:45:427 (3) - ^
  10. (UNRANKABLE) 02:21:581 (1) - ^
  11. (UNRANKABLE) 02:24:658 (1) - ^ done

Other than minor annoyances and fixable problems, the map is fine.

Happy mapping

Tician wrote:

That was the thing I was talking about it's not fitting the Video. In my mp3 now the song starts at 3 seconds cause of the "RIOT" Logo that appears at the beginning. I am not able to cut or longer mp3 or anything ._.
Personally I would ignore the "RIOT" logo or cut it off. It's nothing significant. I still recommend you to find a better quality MP3. In the meantime, I'll try to edit the MP3.
Don't forget that you can change the video's offset. ;)
m4m here

I can't see any sb in this set, so maybe you need to cancel the sb warning
set letterbox all the same to all diffs plz(better to cancel it)
cancel wildscreen to all diffs plz, there's no sb in the set
these diff names are not allowed imo, you can only use custom name for the hardest diff

00:25:428 - 00:25:428 - useless NC here
01:40:813 (2) - missed Normal sampleset here

00:38:120 - the slider should end at here imo
00:46:967 - 00:48:505 - 00:51:582 - missed Normal sampleset
01:13:890 (1,2) - I suggest change them into a single slider, like what you did at 01:10:813 (1) - and 01:12:352 (4) - . then the rhythm would be better imo
01:36:710 (2) - if you want to follow vocal here, this note should be at 01:36:582 - imo
02:30:044 - missed Normal sampleset
02:34:274 (2) - should be at 02:34:403 - imo, if you fixed this also please move 02:35:044 (4) - to 02:35:172 -

00:15:300 (10) - this note breaks the flow a bit, how about moving it to x:16 y:112
01:43:890 (6) - unsnapped slider end? I don't understand why snap it to 1/8 beat, it's a 1/3 song..
02:29:274 - missed Normal sampleset

00:40:428 (2,3,4,5) - this pattern is too hard to be in an Insane diff imo, it's really hard to play the circle streams in such high bpm and large spacing, especially in zig-zag shape
02:29:658 (2,3,4,5) - ^, because you used many duplicate patterns in the diff, I mention the same kind of patterns only 1 time. so you'd better fix all of them if you want to fix

good luck
P.S. I might missed some missed Normal sampleset, you'd better double check the whole set by yourself
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

m4m here

I can't see any sb in this set, so maybe you need to cancel the sb warning done
set letterbox all the same to all diffs plz(better to cancel it) done
cancel wildscreen to all diffs plz, there's no sb in the set done
these diff names are not allowed imo, you can only use custom name for the hardest diff they are, I asked a QAT, cause it's indicating the level of difficulty

00:25:428 - 00:25:428 - useless NC here fixed
01:40:813 (2) - missed Normal sampleset here It shouldn't be a normal sampleset o.o I only used them on the downbeats

00:38:120 - the slider should end at here imo But it's following the vocal T-T I fix it cause it seems that nobody like it ._.
00:46:967 - 00:48:505 - 00:51:582 - missed Normal sampleset fixed
01:13:890 (1,2) - I suggest change them into a single slider, like what you did at 01:10:813 (1) - and 01:12:352 (4) - . then the rhythm would be better imo but it would not follow the vocals =/
01:36:710 (2) - if you want to follow vocal here, this note should be at 01:36:582 - imo I just want to keep it similar in every kiai, even if it's not following the vocal it follows the 1/3 rhythm I want to keep
02:30:044 - missed Normal sampleset ficed
02:34:274 (2) - should be at 02:34:403 - imo, if you fixed this also please move 02:35:044 (4) - to 02:35:172 - I think it fits like it is

00:15:300 (10) - this note breaks the flow a bit, how about moving it to x:16 y:112 I think it's good where it is
01:43:890 (6) - unsnapped slider end? I don't understand why snap it to 1/8 beat, it's a 1/3 song.. I don't know o.o Fixed it
02:29:274 - missed Normal sampleset fixed

00:40:428 (2,3,4,5) - this pattern is too hard to be in an Insane diff imo, it's really hard to play the circle streams in such high bpm and large spacing, especially in zig-zag shape due to the rest it's maybe a little diff-spike but still OK
02:29:658 (2,3,4,5) - ^, because you used many duplicate patterns in the diff, I mention the same kind of patterns only 1 time. so you'd better fix all of them if you want to fix

good luck
P.S. I might missed some missed Normal sampleset, you'd better double check the whole set by yourself
Thx for your mod!
I am so sorry for such a short mod, I found it very uncomfortable :(

  1. I won't touch Silver/Gold/Diamond too much because I know you have a rhythm in mind but I just don't get it :/
  1. 00:20:044 - remove NC?
  2. 00:24:659 - ^
  3. 00:50:813 - I am slightly bothered by the slider curve poking out at the top. Maybe rotate to improve flow?
  4. 01:22:351 - Finish? (you had it in the diamond diff) or ignore (i read prev mods)
  5. 02:45:428 (4) - Try Ctrl+G, Ctrl+H, and reposition 4 and nc1. Feels nicer imo (you can ignore this if u disagree)
  1. 01:22:351 - Finish? (you had it in the diamond diff) or ignore (i read prev mods)
  1. 01:22:351 - Finish? (you had it in the diamond diff) or ignore (i read prev mods)
  1. 01:22:351 - There's a finish here but not in any other diff. May want to address this?

Great song and mapping though! A shame I can't play it :(
Topic Starter

[ Rizen ] wrote:

I am so sorry for such a short mod, I found it very uncomfortable :(

  1. I won't touch Silver/Gold/Diamond too much because I know you have a rhythm in mind but I just don't get it :/
  1. 00:20:044 - remove NC? fixed
  2. 00:24:659 - ^ not ficed, I don't see anything wrong
  3. 00:50:813 - I am slightly bothered by the slider curve poking out at the top. Maybe rotate to improve flow? I keep it like it is =)
  4. 01:22:351 - Finish? (you had it in the diamond diff) or ignore (i read prev mods) removed it from the diamond instead
  5. 02:45:428 (4) - Try Ctrl+G, Ctrl+H, and reposition 4 and nc1. Feels nicer imo (you can ignore this if u disagree) done
  1. 01:22:351 - Finish? (you had it in the diamond diff) or ignore (i read prev mods)removed from diamond
  1. 01:22:351 - Finish? (you had it in the diamond diff) or ignore (i read prev mods) removed from diamond
  1. 01:22:351 - There's a finish here but not in any other diff. May want to address this?Guess what I did o.o :D

Great song and mapping though! A shame I can't play it :( I know the feeling the BPM is quite irritating, the song is about singletapping (or alternating) around 115 BPM
Thx for your mod
:oops: This is awkward, I did the mod yesterday but somehow managed to close the page without posting- or noticing that I didn't post.

So here it is now, sorry my mods are short.

Timing - good as far as I can tell

I like how the maps seem very standard and nothing too hard nor too easy.

00:21:582 Slider 3 - I'd say flip the slider horizontally and move it to about x196 y36. just for looks if you want to.

00:36:967 There are some overlapping sliders which look a bit weird in this map, in my opinion at least. Also two more at 01:26:197 and 02:15:428 If you're okay with that then keep it :P

overall looks fine

01:19:659 circles 6,1,2,3,4 - I feel they should be spaced a bit move vertically

no real problems with it, to me at least

I didn't look over the other mods but I feel like the notes in the song are spaced a bit far in some places:
00:20:813 6-9, +slider 1
00:39:146 6-9, +slider 1
00:45:044 2-5, +slider 1
00:46:967 2-6
00:51:582 6-9, +slider 1
00:58:505 1-6
I think because it's 1/6 beat snap and there are 1/6 beat sliders, the pace feels faster as compared to other 3 star songs. Some people have problems with short sliders lol. If you want me to elaborate I can. Here's an example of how I'd change it: Kind of just nudging each other

It seems fine after I played through it I may come back another time and see.
Topic Starter

RokYang wrote:

:oops: This is awkward, I did the mod yesterday but somehow managed to close the page without posting- or noticing that I didn't post.

So here it is now, sorry my mods are short.

Timing - good as far as I can tell hope so :P

I like how the maps seem very standard and nothing too hard nor too easy.

00:21:582 Slider 3 - I'd say flip the slider horizontally and move it to about x196 y36. just for looks if you want to. I like it like it is :3

00:36:967 There are some overlapping sliders which look a bit weird in this map, in my opinion at least. Also two more at 01:26:197 and 02:15:428 If you're okay with that then keep it :P Maybe I am stupid but I don't see any overlaps =(

overall looks fine

01:19:659 circles 6,1,2,3,4 - I feel they should be spaced a bit move vertically I don't know if you mean that i fixed something there...^^

no real problems with it, to me at least

I didn't look over the other mods but I feel like the notes in the song are spaced a bit far in some places:
00:20:813 6-9, +slider 1
00:39:146 6-9, +slider 1
00:45:044 2-5, +slider 1
00:46:967 2-6
00:51:582 6-9, +slider 1
00:58:505 1-6 I dodn't changed the space of any 1/6 objects the whole diff, I can't do it now
I think because it's 1/6 beat snap and there are 1/6 beat sliders, the pace feels faster as compared to other 3 star songs. Some people have problems with short sliders lol. If you want me to elaborate I can. Here's an example of how I'd change it: Kind of just nudging each other looks nice, let me wait for some other mods, I am sick of changing the SV all time

It seems fine after I played through it I may come back another time and see.
Just an hint: Pls if you want to show somebody the objects in the map, mark them, copy them and paste them here, like you did with the timing, that's m,uch easier than writing the objects manually down here.

Thx for the mod =)
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