
Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 19. Juli 2010 at 18:26:27

Artist: Rise Against
Title: Prayer of the Refugee
Tags: Guitar Hero Aqua92
BPM: 150,5
Filesize: 3460kb
Play Time: 03:14
Difficulties Available:
  1. Aqua92's Prayer (4,93 stars, 535 notes)
  2. Easy (2,97 stars, 164 notes)
  3. Hard (4,91 stars, 481 notes)
  4. Normal (3,69 stars, 279 notes)
Download: Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Well... 3rd try...
I loved that song in Guitar Hero 3... so i decided to map that one :)

Kubu's Insane Status:
*DELETED* (Cause he wished so!)

Finally ranked... even if it's without kubu's Insane now...
Here, for those who wanna try it unranked: kubu's Insane (This songs folder number is 11090)
Credits of SB quotes goes to Aqua92! :3

Edit: Fixed an awful bug
Edit2: Added Easy, Modified Normal, Edited some hitsounds
Edit3: Fixed SB
Edit4: Gladi's timing fixes
Edit5: James2250's and Gladi's suggestions
Edit6: ShaggoN's suggestions
Edit7: Mukku's suggestions
Edit8: Took new mp3 and tried to cut it perfectly so i won't need timing changes
Edit9: Snapped Objects in Normal
Edit10: eee's suggestions
Edit11: KillerRind's suggestions
Edit12: Doomsday93's suggestions
Edit13: Nharox's suggestions
Edit14: Added Aqua92's Prayer and his stuff, some (SB-) edits
Edit15: SB edits, Some of Xero_HT's suggestions
Edit16: Rena-chan's suggestions
Edit17: Added kubu's Insane
Edit18: Beuchi-chan's suggestions
Edit19: Dangaard's 1st suggestions
Edit20: Dangaard's 2nd suggestions
Edit21: jockeytiyan's suggestions
Edit22: Added SB to kubu's Insane
Edit23: Larto's suggestions
Edit24: Matma_Rex's suggestions and deleted kubu's Insane
Edit25: blissfulyoshi's timing fixes
Edit26: ErufenRito's suggestions
Edit27: Starrodkirby86's suggestions
Edit28: Added kubu's Insane again cause he asked me to xD
Edit29: Starrodkirby86's 2nd suggestions (for kubu)
Edit30: Lybydose's suggestions (for kubu)
Edit31: Gens' Suggestions and moved SB into a separated folder
Edit32: RemmyX25's suggestions
Edit33: Shinxyn's suggestions and deleted kubu's Insane... again! >.<

Thx @ all for your support :3
I like it, it seems to be well done! :)
You NEED to rethink some of that spacing, just played it (Normal) with CTB and it is impossible.
However (Hard) has been done excelently.
Topic Starter
ohh shit... i see what you mean...
it was just like the slider were invisible in osu! Standard but in CTB it was like this...
i think it appeared after reupload... but thanks for noticing

No problem, Rise against is one of my favourite bands. So I'll keep an eye on this beatmap for you. If I see anything, I'll tell you.

Star for you.
Sternchen 4 you^^

Kinaya wrote:

Sternchen 4 you^^
Let's do the offset/bpm fix~
First delete all timing sections you have, then replace it with this.
  1. 1. Offset 6.900 - BPM 150,30
  2. 2. Offset 19.640 - BPM 151,00
  3. 3. Offset 30.770 - BPM 196,05
  4. 4. Offset 53.345 - BPM 150,20
  5. 5. Offset 59.700 - BPM 150,60
  6. 6. Offset 72.440 - BPM 151,00
  7. 7. Offset 83.570 - BPM 196,05
  8. 8. Offset 154.140 - BPM 196,05
After you've fixed this, contact me and I'll mod the diff's ;)
Star for now~
Topic Starter

Gladi wrote:

After you've fixed this, contact me and I'll mod the diff's ;)
Star for now~
Wow... uhm... fixed!...?
*pokes Gladi*
Best song on guitar hero~
Put source/tags if possible

overall diff/hp drain slightly high for an easy

02:25:390 (3) - need to separate start/end point (and personally I don't think it looks nice)
03:07:804 - add notes here?

01:43:615 - break not really needed
02:10:088 (2) - wouldn't have it like this (repeat is hidden)
02:13:149 (9) - ^

  1. Put in some tags!
  1. 00:03:374 (1,2,3) - Please delete this, it doesn't look nice and it doesn't play nice.
  2. 00:34:442 (x) - Add extra note here.
  3. 00:44:235 (x) - ^
  4. 00:50:968 (1) - Remove finish hit sound.
  5. 01:27:242 (x) - Add extra note here.
  6. 01:37:035 (x) - ^
  7. 01:44:534 (2) - Remove this hit circle.
  8. 02:25:390 (1) - Remove finish hit sound.
  9. 02:37:812 (x) - Add extra note here.
  10. 02:47:605 (x) - ^
  1. Decrease Overall Difficulty by two.
  2. 00:34:136 (4) - Add reverse arrow.
  3. 00:43:929 (4) - ^
  4. 00:50:968 (1) - Remove finish hitsound.
  5. 01:26:936 (4) - Add reverse arrow.
  6. 01:36:729 (4) - ^
  7. 02:25:390 (3) - This isn't a really pretty slider, please shape it diffrently.
  8. 02:37:659 (5) - Make slider start 1/2 later, and add a hit circle on it. Like this.
  9. 02:47:452 (5) - ^
  1. Decrease Overall Difficulty by two, and Drain Rate by one.
  2. 00:34:136 (4,5) - Just like in Normal and Hard, fix this by adding an extra note in between.
  3. 00:43:929 (4,5) - ^
  4. 00:50:968 (1) - Remove finish hitsound.
  5. 01:26:936 (3) - Add reverse arrow.
  6. 01:36:729 (3) - ^
Topic Starter
Fixed both suggestions... and added Tag
thx for modding :3
gonna star it for you :P
nice map, couldn't find anything wrong >O<
Blue: Sugestion. Not necessary, but should take good effects.
Green: Notification or cosmetic thing. May, but don't have to be changed.
Orange: Should be fixed.
Red: Have to be fixed.

Perfect :)

  1. 02:14:679 (5-8) - This formation is too much confusing on Normal, but it's only my opinion.
Perfect :)

Pure awesomeness. Starrr'd :D
Topic Starter
Perfect now? xD
No. I forgot one thing. Give You a kudos star ;)


01:43:156 (5) - You could remove the distance snap to make the gap between this slider and 4 same as all the previous notes in this combo. Moving it in grid snap wouldn't work becouse the gap between 5 and 3 would be different than in 1 - 3 or 2 - 4.
02:07:028 (3,4) - Move 1 grid down in the most precise grid snap (level 3).

00:08:896 (8) - Remove grid snap to make the gap smaller. Compare to 6 - 7 for example.
00:39:033 (3) - This note is fine but I think it would be better to use grid snap for it. Move to the same height as the next combo's 1, 2, 3, 4
01:08:265 (1,2,3) - Spacing

Yeah only spacing issues found. Great maps o/
Topic Starter
thaaaank youuuu :>
Aaaaaaargh your mp3 makes me sick. Use this mp3, and consider begging Rolled to finish his difficulty. ;)

Download: Rise Against - Prayers of the Refugee.mp3
heyyyyyy yaaaaaaaaaa starrrrrrrr
lov this beatmap great uuuujo 1 star xDD
eeemod GO!!!

I can't find much, do what you will.

01:43:156 (5) - add a reverse arrow to this
02:29:981 (1) - delete this and add a break (?) so it'll be like [Hard]

good map, not great, but it's good, nicely done. song is awesome too ;)
Hai ^^

00:25:997 - Remove spinner and map spinner + break?
01:07:668 (5,6) - Replace wit a spinner?
01:43:768 - End Spinner here?

00:13:486 - Add note?
01:38:260 (1) - 1 Grid down ^^
if ^ then 01:40:708 (1) - 1 Grid down
02:25:390 (3) - Spinner? Slider looks ugly D:
02:54:951 (4) - looks ugly ):
02:59:847 (4) - looks ugly <.<'

00:50:662 (6) - Move left to (5) like the others

Sternchen ;)
Lets go

Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these, but you may be able to get away with not changing it
Red = major issues. you need to change these

  1. Timing looks good. I'm a little wary about the one at 00:06:900 but after double checking it it seemed fine, so I guess it works.[/color]
  2. You could use a better MP3. the one you have doesn't sound great.
  3. No source. Is there an album name you could put here?
  4. When the BPM changed for the chorus, it feels jarring when it comes in. Thats the songs fault though, so that can't be helped :P

01:08:464 (1) - This sounds better when moved 1/2 forward to me
02:16:209 (1) - This might be a little close to that spinner for an easy. Maybe you could delete this beat, and make the spinner a whole beat longer.


Looks good


'tis fine

Not bad. The map didn't blow my mind but its solid. I quite liked those Storyboarded arrows. I like little things like that :)

Topic Starter
Fixed 'dat all
thx @ all :D
Did you say you added the new MP3? If so, I haven't got it. do a full resubmit with the new MP3. That should fix it.
Topic Starter
Ahh right xD
Just replaced my mp3...
Oh jeez... noo...
That's why everyone said that timing was ok even with the new mp3... o.o
They all downloaded the map with the old mp3 -.-

ok then... now someone go for timing checks pls...
I checked the timing, and by the looks of things you don't need to do anything with the timing. It fits fine with the new MP3. All lights are green here.

W00T! Rise Against!

Pls let me do a Difficult ! Pls :(

RA - my absolute favourite band :)
Topic Starter

Aqua92 wrote:

Pls let me do a Difficult ! Pls :(
Well... From my side... Sure, why not ^^
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
A bit IRC modding, maps are fine. ;)
Soo bin fertig.

Bitte (wenns geht) alles uppen :)

Mit dem diff namen bin ich mir noch net sicher....
Und auch bissl bugged an manchen stellen :/

Aber naja^^

Download: 11090 Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee.rar

Kleines EDIT:
Falls du meine diff übernimmst, könntest du bitte dein sb diff spezifisch machen?^^
das mischt sich mit meinem >.<
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Xero_HT wrote:

Was Combos angeht bin ich mir echt nicht sicher.. Bin ja auch noch neu im Modden ^^
Du hast dir sicher Mühe mit dem SB gemacht, aber das pulsierende RA Logo geht gar nich sorry. Das lenkt zu sehr ab.
Die Zitate sind aber cool =).
Soo schlimm find ichs garnet^^ Man darf sich halt nur nicht ablenken lassen.
Und ausserdem: Gibt schlimmeres ;) Siehe Happy-Diffs :P
Ich find das kann bleiben
Wenn du meinst. Aber so ein SB kann das ranken verhindern...
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
I can't agree with you in some points, Xero_HT... This mod wasn't really helpful imo
Changed some points... but not much
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Your god accepts,
Seems fine to me, if anything you should raise OD by one tick..

03:12:089 (1,1,1,1) - Stack the startpoints of these.
Also, raise OD by one tick. Some parts are pretty hard to read like this.

>Aqua92's Prayer
00:50:050 (1) - Stack on the end of the slider.
01:21:750 (5,6) - Align horizontally with the slider.
01:27:548 (6,8) - Stack on end of the slider, move 01:27:854 (7) - accordingly.
01:30:302 (1) - Stack end on 01:29:384 (3) -
01:34:893 (6) - Stack on end of the slider.
01:37:648 (8,9) - Align vertically with the end of the slider.
01:44:381 (3) - ^
03:00:765 (7,8,9) - Place so (8) is stacked on the end of the slider.
03:12:395 (1,2,3,4) - Stack on end of the slider.
Also, raise OD one tick.

00:43:011 (1) - Align like this:
01:24:780 (4) - Stack end on (3)
01:34:573 (4) - ^
02:51:890 (2) - Stack on the beginning of (1)

>Easy, Normal, Hard
Disable letterboxing during breaks. It looks stupid.
Topic Starter
Ok... Fixed everything. Thx for your help :>
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee (bLaTzK) [kubu's Insane].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Hi hi! :)

Some suggestions for your map, you don't have to change them if you don't agree :P
Let's go!!

~All Diffs~
- Easy and Normal have a very similar difficulty modifiers, also Easy is way too hard for an Easy map :(
- Make combocolours be the same on all diffs.
- Text lines on the SB dissapear too suddenly, fade them.
- You need to change offset, some diffs start before the first timing section... I can't seem to find one good offset for it, sorry :(
- Add kuburaczek to Tags.

- This is too hard for an Easy... but if you increase circle size it becomes so hard to see... :/
- Maybe consider to delete some circles or short sliders or make spacing more readable, there are no more problems though...

02:22:330 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wow, this is like a stream, too hard for a Normal imo ._.'

- I don't like those spaced streams... :/

00:10:275 (4) - Make a SB warning for this? It's hard to see and the reverse arrow is kind of hidden :/
00:19:642 (7) - Spacing (nazi! D:!)

~Aqua92's Prayer~
- Why the SB has another image just on this diff? o.O Also, this image becomes so annoying on some parts (specially at the end)
- There is a New Combo inconsistency... there are so short combos and so long combos, consider balance them.

02:06:110 (17) - Make a SB warning for this.
02:35:364 (4) - ^
02:36:588 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Wtf o_o'
02:40:260 (5,6,7,8,9) - Same o_o'
03:01:377 (10) - Hidden reverse arrow, change this please.

~kubu's Insane~
- Oh my it seems like the circles are going to eat you if you play this right after Aqua's diff xDD. Buuut big hitcircles ftw <3
- Overall Difficulty it's a bit high imo oxo.
- This diff is... too crazy :/ but Miku no shoushitsu is ranked so go ahead :<

00:40:869 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - OMG...
00:42:399 (1,2,3) - Decrease spacing please this is too much.
01:26:004 (1,2,3,4) - I don't know what to say about this... (2,3) are almost hidden :/
01:35:338 (1,2,3,4) - Decrease spacing please this is too much.
01:41:000 (1,1) - I think these sliders (were those called burai sliders?) are unrankable... oxo
01:43:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - OMG x_x
01:51:712 (2) - Needs an SB warning, you can't tell where is this going.
02:11:298 (1) - Same as before, I'm sure this is unrankable :/
02:19:868 (1,2,3,4) - Space them a bit more, they're almost hidden.
From 02:34:140 to 02:54:951 - Seriously... wtf is this spacing xD

Good luck with this ^_^ *star*
Star :) beautiful map
You should add the guest mapper's names to all diffs (or at least to the corresponding diff).
Those SB warnings *facepalm*, they are pretty nice, though I really don't like this stuff cause it doesn't really help, it says there is a speed up in the next few seconds but you still can't really tell when, you just get more confused and distracted afterwards. But for some reason some people always request those. Imo it's useless and ugly...

You got some return sliders at the end with different return cout which makes is kinda hard to predict when they are ending. Since it's an Easy diff, this should be mentioned, new players might not be able play this well.

02:54:951 (4) - You got an SB arrow, but still you can't tell which way this slider is going before it's too late.

00:10:275 (4) - the return arrows are well hidden
02:52:502 (1) - The SB arrow is really not needed here imo, this is not even hard to read

New combo settings are weird here: There are random 1-beat-combos and other stuff making your combos look kinda random. Also the color setting is different from the other diffs and don't fit the Guitar Hero colors.

New combo settings are quite weird here as well, appear pretty random on some parts.

00:30:668 (7,8) - sounds wrong, that's not how the drums go in the song
01:11:635 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - triplet should be on (1) to (2) if you follow the drums
01:33:655 (2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - might be hard readable
01:41:000 (1,1) - this kind of return slider is unrankable
01:51:712 (2) - you can't tell which way this goes
02:11:298 (1) - unrankable return slider again

The end is pretty much overmapped and very hard to read, I don't bother going into detail, just want to let you know that there are different ways to make a map fun ( In case you consider overmapping as fun)

Ah well, pretty nice map, only the 2 guest diffs had quite some problems.
fumoffu star :3

I think there are some unused files in your folder
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