Isn't your tongue a little uncomfortable in your mouth? And you can see your nose, right in your periphery, just always sitting there. You're currently itchy somewhere on your body and you can feel the weight of your clothes all over. You're manually breathing. You're manually blinking. Your jaw is clenched. You can feel it in your teeth. You can feel the saliva building in your mouth. Swallow it. Swallow the saliva. What's that faint background noise you've been ignoring? It's getting louder. Your arms have weight and now you're unsure of where to put them. Every blink feels too long or maybe too short. Never quite right. And the subtle tension in your neck is starting to get unbearable. Laying in bed does not take away the feeling of gravity pulling your weight down, meaning you cant fully relax until you fall asleep and your brain turns off. But right now you feel a slight hunger growing in your belly, oh and you are reminded of that thing you have tomorrow. Theres that humming sound again. An existential thought. You suddenly feel warm and clammy. Your eyes are strained and watery and the hand holding your phone is tired and shaking. You are restlessly awake, heavily pressing your ear into the pillow, not able to lie comfortably.