if you think otherwise send me some 4 star maps that are actually good and i as a 4* player will play em.
low ar ftwStookbox wrote:
if you think otherwise send me some 4 star maps that are actually good and i as a 4* player will play em.
This still applies even outside the mapping forum, honestly.lewski wrote:
personally i would rather take advice from my grandma with alzheimer's than from a non-mapper claiming to be a 4* player while consistently getting B and C ranks on sub-5* insane diffs
yeah catasthrope (catacylism) is very fun thoJason X wrote:
This is def. in the wrong place.
It's not related to mapping techniques not mapping, but simply asking for 4* maps to be send, which is something for Gameplay & Rankings...
(I've asked the mods to move it)
Anyway, here are some (in my opinion) good 4 star maps:
Cataclysm - beatmapsets/72740#osu/207659
Valkyrie - beatmapsets/57908#osu/174322
pishi's Insane - beatmapsets/716630#osu/1514712
That also applies to the hard diff. quite a bit aswell!Dementedduck wrote:
Most things over it are overmapped to hell unless high bpm lul