I am ready to pitch my idea in for the Mania star rating system.
1. SR calculated by adding up points per measure and adjust bonuses/penalties
calculate break time and decrease SR based on length (biggest decrease)
calculate length of low difficulty and decrease SR (lower difficulty = bigger decrease)
if difficulty is >= previous measure, bonus difficulty + .2
2. for every additional note on same time receives .5
ex. 3 note chord highest difficulty = 1 + .5 + .5 = 2, as opposed to 3
this gives chord values less of a difficulty than broken chords, rolls and such
for every chord that is the same as the previous will receive a penalty of difficulty*(.9)
3. for every LN = 1.5x value of a normal note, each additional LN during the duration
will add the difficulty by (1 if only one start/ending point is the same)
or (1.25 if both starting and ending points are different) or (.75 if both start
and end points are the same)
(highest difficulty calculated during the time LN are overlapped)
ex. 3 LN same time = 1.5 + .75 + .75 = 3
ex. 3 LN: 1 pair same start different end, 1 different start and end = 1.5 + 1 + 1.25 = 3.75
ex. 3 LN: 1 same start/end, 1 different start/end = 1.5 + .75 + 1.25 = 3.5
4. tighter jacks deserve exponential difficulty depending on tightness. because repetative notes/chords will decrease difficulty
and jacks that carry over multiple measures receive bonus difficulty due to same level of difficulty, the curve will be more balanced.
difficulty = (1 second/(note distance)*c)^2
c=constant (set to whatever feels right)
lets give c=4
ex. distance between notes = 1 sec: (1/4)^2 = .125 points
ex. distance = .2 sec (5x per sec): 1.5625 points
ex. distance = .1 sec (10x per sec): 6.25 points
5. balancing
part 1:
4k start same as 7k, scales higher
7k start same as 4k, scales lower
reason: as songs become more difficult, stamina will be the key factor in judging this section of difficulty, 4k is easier to maintain stamina at same difficulty
part 2:
4k start higher in this category but will scale lower
7k will start lower but will scale higher
reason: easier to learn low key amounts quickly and recognize positions compared to higher key amounts
part 3:
4k start same as 7k, scale lower
7k start same as 4k, scale higher
reason: beginners will usually be face with 1 or 2 ln's at a time, but due to having more keys = more ln's at a time
part 4:
4k start higher, scales higher
7k start lower, scales lower
reason: less columns = more notes hitting on same lane. that being said, 4k starts to focus on speed earlier and is mostly about speed end game
by combining all calculations into a scaled star rating, I think will represent a much more precise
measurement in every mania beatmap