
COOL&CREATE - Locked Girl

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, December 04, 2009 at 11:08:41 PM

Title: Locked Girl
Source: touhou
Tags: patchuoli marisa laugh maker bump of chicken embodiment of scarlet devil
BPM: 88.75
Filesize: 18031kb
Play Time: 03:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.91 stars, 217 notes)
  2. Hard (4.82 stars, 394 notes)
  3. Lunatic (4.98 stars, 503 notes)
  4. Normal (4.38 stars, 311 notes)
Download: COOL&CREATE - Locked Girl
Download: COOL&CREATE - Locked Girl (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
A parody of Bump of Chicken's "Laugh Maker," except with a touhou-ish twist by COOL&CREATE.

Locked Girl is love story between two girls, and one's hardships of trying to set the other free. It's quite a touching story, I would say so myself~

The translations were done by me with lots of help from google, WWWJDIC, and a Japa-Eng dictionary. Mind you, they're not exact translations, they're made to sound at least decent when sung in English.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Great map, great song. Your mapping was very fun. I enjoyed it...or at least up till the part where it got really repetitive in the center, of course. Before that, it was phantastic. Hope to see more difficulties.

Actually, could i possibly make a difficulty on this song?
Touhou wiki says that those lyrics are correct.... (And that is the best site i know when it comes to touhou)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
1. Offset: 912ms BPM: 88.75
2. Offset: 9,024ms BPM: 87.00
3. Offset: 11,798ms BPM: 88.00
4. Offset: 19,987ms BPM: 87.00
5. Offset: 22,760ms BPM: 87.65
6. Offset: 33,706ms BPM: 88.50
7. Offset: 44,557ms BPM: 89.50
8. Offset: 52,621ms BPM: 87.50
9. Offset: 55,363ms BPM: 88.00
10. Offset: 63,548ms BPM: 87.50
11. Offset: 77,260ms BPM: 88.25
12. Offset: 131,644ms BPM: 90.50
13. Offset: 136,947ms BPM: 87.50
14. Offset: 142,415ms BPM: 88.50
15. Offset: 147,838ms BPM: 90.00
16. Offset: 153,173ms BPM: 88.75
17. Offset: 163,991ms BPM: 89.75
18. Offset: 172,014ms BPM: 89.25
19. Offset: 185,463ms BPM: 88.50
20. Offset: 193,598ms BPM: 87.50

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Remember: The following should be treated as suggestions/opinion from myself!
[i]I'm also not a very picky modder, MOST of the time.[/b]

01:43:09 (3) - 1/4th earlier.
I'm fine with this~

00:33:70 (x) - Add note here? (If so reinsert the break.)

Nothing... >_>

Star, its a fun Hard! :D

this is one of my WIP maps aswell :o
This map is nice and easy to play and for the first time in a while I got 0ms when testing, perfect timing, I'll not comment any further on the translation... Here are some suggestions mainly to do with symmetry where I think it will make the most difference, take whatever suggestions you want :D :


Add a source.


00:22:76 (1) - Left one square.
00:30:28 (5,1,2) - Down one square.
02:39:93 (3,4,1,2) - Move up 1 square.
02:45:32 (3,4,5,6) - Make this symmetrical please, moving 3 and 5 one square right works.


This is mapped in grid 1 for no reason, re space and map in grid 3 like you did for Easy. For symmetry you would have to use grid 3, I'll point out where its not symmetrical and its up to you whether you change it.

00:02:09 (4,5) - Slightly lower than 00:01:41 (2,3) -
00:12:99 (4,5) - ^ applies to 00:12:30 (2,3) -
00:45:73 (4,5) - Right 1 [You can use grid 1 for this.]
00:52:43 (9,10) - Move up 1 and right 1 [Can use grid 1]
03:10:88 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Maybe make this a little more symmetrical?
03:15:65 (3,4) - I think these might work well as single beats instead of sliders.


Again this is mapped in grid 1, its personal choice/style so it's up to you whether you change it.

02:11:97 (2,3,4) - This pattern is odd, try making a shape or stack / slider them.
02:12:80 (5) - Move to the blue tick I think it better adjusts to the timing change.
02:14:62 (2,3,4) - Same suggestion as 02:11:97 (2,3,4)
02:16:11 (7) - Blue tick [one tick right]
02:46:33 (8) - Same line as 02:45:66 (6) - [would need grid 3 for this]

Nice map, check the translation for those glaring errors I pointed out in IRC, starred!
Combo mod:
00:55:36 (2) - new combo to be consistent with 00:11:79 (1)

Timing section mod:
you might want to move the inherited timing sections that are directly on notes a quarter note back

Normal mod:
I found the split stacks quite hard to read for a normal diff (ex. 01:43:26 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) and 02:23:77 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1))

Combo mod:
00:22:40 (1,2) - it fits the lyrics better if you remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 2 (and to be consistent with 00:30:63 (6,1))
00:25:15 (1,2) - ^
00:27:89 (1,2) - ^
01:05:94 (1,2) - ^
01:08:69 (1,2) - ^
01:11:43 (1,2) - ^
03:10:88 (1) - remove new combo?

Timing section mod:
you might want to move the inherited timing sections that are directly on notes a quarter note back

Combo mod:
00:27:89 (1,2) - it fits the lyrics better if you remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 2 (also consistent with 00:25:49 (1) and 00:30:97 (1))
01:44:45 (10) - new combo?\
02:35:53 (1,2) - it fits the lyrics better if you remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 2
02:49:00 (1,2) - ^

Timing section mod:
you might want to move the inherited timing sections that are directly on notes a quarter note back

Nice map. Star.
nice :D

here's two things for ya

1 :


2: Starred
Let's get straight into it.

The need for many timing sections seems very unnecessary but it's awp's timing...

One thing I would like to point out is that going back to soft hitsounds at 02:33:51 - ruins the effect of the song and you should continue using normal hitsounds until 03:05:45 -

01:18:61 [2] - Finish sound is not needed, just whistle will do fine.

01:55:33 [1, Spinner, Spinner] - does not go well with the beat. You could probably replace it with something else.

I'm probably not much help but... that's all I've got.
Giv me a cookie or i'll eat your face.
01:55:033 (1) - This slider sounds a little weird. Extending it so there is only 1 repeat sounds better imo. Could just be me though :P
02:28:017 (1,1,1) - Remove new combos, I see what were doing there but they really aren't necessary

01:18:044 (4) - imo it would play better to replace the last repeat with a hitcircle

02:12:096 (6) - Extend to blue tick?

Solid map, I liked it :)
You can probably get rid of "star.png" from the song folder since it's isn't actually used anywhere in the song (it's normally used to display the star difficulty of the song when used in a skin)

Add Kiai at 02:33:017 - 02:54:070?



03:05:046 (1) - This note still has the normal hit whistle sample, not sure if this was intended. [Normal] has this note as a normal finish and [Easy] has it as a clap.

02:40:947(4) - line up with 3

00:33:370(5) - extend to white IMO

01:16:062(5,6,7,8) - is this supposed to be lined up?

00:47:023 (5) - Crooked slider.
00:51:093 (7,8) - Shift these so that 5-6-7-8 becomes a diamond?
01:19:029 (3) - Not lined up with 1.
01:19:097 (1) - Line up with the previous 2?
01:58:022 (1,1) - Combine these into 1? A bit fast as of right now.


02:19:000 (4) - Line up with 2,3?


Fine for what I can see at 3 AM.

Starred. :)

Blue = Suggestion

01:07:066 (3) - Slider
01:10:006 (x) - Add Note
01:10:074 (x) - ^


00:59:011 (1,2) - Delete this
00:58:009 (9) - +2 repetition

Good !
Sorry, I can't star again :Þ
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I thought i star'd this already >_<
Hope you DO finish the insane though :)
[Spelling and Grammar]
0:17:423 - "will be hear" maybe should be "will be heard"?
2:06:891 - "a girls rhaspy voice" -> "a girl's raspy voice"?

[Easy, Normal, Hard]
Normally I'd complain about there being too much cymbal, but meh.

Consider having the lyrics fade a bit more, rather than popping up and disappearing so suddenly.
01:16:057 - Friendship sign? Huh?


00:28:092 (3,4,5,1,2) - Blocking lyrics.
01:12:046 (3,4) - ^
01:28:013 - Consider adding a note here.
01:46:049 (1) - Covers up the last line. :(
01:55:033 (1) - Consider lowering the volume here.
02:39:093 (4) - Blocks lyrics.


00:48:091 (1,2) - Lyrics. :P
00:55:087 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Could be a nicer triangle.
01:02:069 (7) - Put this right where 2 was?
01:55:033 (1) - The slider hold sound is kinda irritating too, so lower the volume and consider removing that.
02:18:031 (2,3,4) - Make this a straight line?
03:05:045 (1) - Up a grid to align with 2.


01:39:086 (3) - Lyrics!
01:55:033 (1) - Same comments apply here as before.

/me disappears.
Got bored.

Disclaimer: Like always, these are suggestions, not commands

00:06:032 (1) - Whistle?
00:11:079 (1) - ^
00:17:025 (4) - ^
00:22:076 (1) - Whistle+finish?
00:23:044 (2) - Not whistle?
00:24:012 (3) - Whistle?
00:25:049 (2) - Whistle+finish?
00:28:023 (2) - ^
00:26:018 (3,4) - Not whistle, whistle?
00:28:092 (3,4) - ^
00:30:097 (2) - Whistle+finish?
00:44:055 (1) - Whistle?
00:49:092 (1) - ^
00:53:099 (1) - Remove whistle from end?
00:55:036 (1) - Whistle?
01:00:081 (1) - ^
01:05:026 (3) - Remove finish?
01:12:046 (3,4) - Not whistle, whistle?
01:14:051 (2) - Whistle+finish?
01:16:057 (5) - Add finish on end?
01:17:026 (6) - Add whistle?
01:22:001 (2) - Remove finish?
02:35:087 (2) - Add whistle?
02:38:058 (2) - ^
02:41:028 (1) - ^
02:43:099 (2) - ^
02:46:066 (2) - ^
02:49:033 (2) - ^
02:52:001 (1) - ^
Insane is an absolutely flawless map. It looks fantastic! :D Have a well deserved star

or maybe rename it lunatic, to keep with Touhou tradition?
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Oh one other minor thing while you're changing the difficulty name:


03:05:80 (2) - Move this inherited timing section back 1/4 so it won't sound wrong when someone hits it early.
Everything appears to be in order.

Nice map,star~
Rank. <3
This is a timing disaster.

EDIT: To clarify, i had to play with -25ms, and shit was STILL late. On top of that, shit was now early, by like -25 ms now, maybe even more. This timing is all over the fucking place.

Cyclone wrote:

This is a timing disaster.

EDIT: To clarify, i had to play with -25ms, and shit was STILL late. On top of that, shit was now early, by like -25 ms now, maybe even more. This timing is all over the fucking place.
Are you sure? On all the playtest passes I made of this I was getting 21% mistimed and about 0-3ms late with an UO of 16ms.

I mean, it looked iffy, but it played out fine so I assumed it was all good.
Yeah i'm pretty positive. It didn't play fine for me at all.
This is the second time this has happened.

Bad Apple played fine for me, and Locked Girl does too.

Something is amiss.
I assessed this beatmap passed to me and it plays just fine.

It's too much of a coincidence that even I find no problems with Locked Girl.

This can't do if we're going to repeatedly end up with offset problems.
Well I got 13 ms late when playing the start of [Normal]. Dunno what this means though.

EDIT: Holy crap that is a lot of timing sections.
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