
Shimotsuki Haruka - Kibou no Sora

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年3月16日 at 9:27:25

Artist: Shimotsuki Haruka
Title: Kibou no Sora
Source: Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana
Tags: opening Cabbit visual novel eroge キミへ贈る、ソラの花
BPM: 169
Filesize: 15195kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.68 stars, 88 notes)
  2. Hard (4.95 stars, 194 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 262 notes)
  4. Normal (4.23 stars, 110 notes)
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Kibou no Sora
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Kibou no Sora (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
hi hi from my queue :3

let'su go


- 00:10:223 (3,5,6) - make blanket with them could be good :3
- 00:18:566 (3) - x:68,y:232 and then ..
- 00:18:921 (4) - x:68,y:152 and finnally ..
- 00:19:453 (5) - x:116,y:80.
- 00:20:874 (2,3) - like this ?
- 00:30:637 (5) - NC ?
- 00:37:382 (1) - middle point x:104,y:80, end point x:148,y:68
- 00:38:270 (3) - middlt point x:380,y:80
- 00:39:335 (6,7) - same as 00:20:874 (2,3)
- 00:45:371 (5,6) - x:140,y:252
- 00:51:939 (2) - 1 grid to the left
- 00:58:152 (3,4) - ctrl G ?
- 01:04:187 (4) - better to not stack, move to x:28,y:200
- 01:14:838 (2,3) - what about exchange position, and then stack (3) with 01:14:306 (1) what i mean :
Funny to play ! :3


- 00:05:075 (8) - middle point x:372,340, better flow imo
- 00:24:956 (8) - clap
- 00:26:377 (2) - remake the shape i think
- 00:48:388 (9,10) - this align break the flow move (10) x:116,y:44 for exemple to make curve
- 00:54:424 (1) - Ctrl G and then move to x:320,y:236 ?
-01:07:737 (6) -
- 01:08:093 (7,8,1) - just a suggestion :
- well that's all for this diff >.<

As your request only hard and insane, lovely song well mapped so star, btw if you're looking for an easy diff, can i make her ? that's all good luck o/
Topic Starter

-Umi- wrote:

hi hi from my queue :3

let'su go


\- 00:18:921 (4) - x:68,y:152 and finnally .. liner placement doesn't look good for the jump.
- 00:30:637 (5) - NC ? keep my pattern
- 00:39:335 (6,7) - same as 00:20:874 (2,3) current seems fine
- 00:58:152 (3,4) - ctrl G ? just consider now.
- 01:04:187 (4) - better to not stack, move to x:28,y:200 nop
- 01:14:838 (2,3) - what about exchange position, and then stack (3) with 01:14:306 (1) what i mean : I guess the stack makes the flow more better than you suggest imo.
Funny to play ! :3


- 00:26:377 (2) - remake the shape i think the jump follow the flow so no xhanged.
- 00:48:388 (9,10) - this align break the flow move (10) x:116,y:44 for exemple to make curve maybe I'll change when I have some ideas.
- 00:54:424 (1) - Ctrl G and then move to x:320,y:236 ? no fixed.
01:08:093 (7,8,1) - just a suggestion : keep rotationally flow.
- well that's all for this diff >.<

As your request only hard and insane, lovely song well mapped so star, btw if you're looking for an easy diff, can i make her ? that's all good luck o/
no comment = fixed
thanks for modding & star.
but sorry, I'll make all diffs by my own >< also thanks to be interested in.
I have some suggestions for your map!

The slider at 00:27:974 is off-beat, since its not on the white ticks. This can be considered dangerous for easy mode. Try splitting it into a smaller slider and hit circle:
From this: -->

Normal mode:
Consider lowering the approach rate by 1 maybe?

Hard mode:
Slider at 00:47:323 appears slightly unsnapped. It's too high from the previous one.

Wow..your map is almost perfect! :D There's barely any mistakes I've found.
I can see this map being ranked already lol.

Hope this helps~! :)
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

I have some suggestions for your map!

The slider at 00:27:974 is off-beat, since its not on the white ticks. This can be considered dangerous for easy mode. Try splitting it into a smaller slider and hit circle: fixed
From this: -->

Normal mode:
Consider lowering the approach rate by 1 maybe? AR5 looks commonly.

Hard mode:
Slider at 00:47:323 appears slightly unsnapped. It's too high from the previous one. consider now,

Wow..your map is almost perfect! :D There's barely any mistakes I've found.
I can see this map being ranked already lol.

Hope this helps~! :)
thanks for modding.
Hi! from my queue (M4M)

  1. Fine~
  1. 00:22:471 - & 00:22:826 - 1/41/1スライダーを入れるなどして、埋めてあった方が好きです。変に空白があると、却って初心者にとって難しくなるような気がします。
  2. 00:45:193 (3) - 細かいですが、もう少し右上に置くと流れが良くなると思いました。
  3. 01:10:045 (3) - 折り返しにfinish追加、個人的な好みです。
  1. 00:27:264 (3) - 右上に向かっていくスライダーの方が好きです、ボーカルの音階が上昇しているのに対して縮こまった印象があったので。
  2. 00:40:223 (1) - 水平方向に少し角度を抑えて、00:41:288 (2) - に対してblanketを作る、もしくはblanketの成りそこないと間違われないように垂直方向に角度をきつくしてあげると綺麗だと思います。
  3. 00:59:394 (3) - add clap? 一応スネアドラムは鳴っているので
  1. 01:21:939 (2) - 時計回りに12°くらい回転させて、01:21:406 (1) - に垂直にさせると整って見えると思います。
  1. 00:23:181 (1) - 00:22:826 (7,8,9,10) - のカーブの角度に合うような形にすると良さそうです。
  2. 00:36:495 (9) - スライダーだと曲の"止まった"感じが出にくいように思います、Hardと同じようにstackしたcircle2つだとどうでしょう?
  3. 01:18:921 (5) - 2つのスライダーの中央の位置に。(464,216)辺り?
以上です、Good Luck :)
Edit: 1箇所書き間違いがあったので修正、4分音符だと思って間違えました・・・・・・
Topic Starter

Cah-m wrote:

Hi! from my queue (M4M)

  1. Fine~
  1. 00:22:471 - & 00:22:826 - 1/41/1スライダーを入れるなどして、埋めてあった方が好きです。変に空白があると、却って初心者にとって難しくなるような気がします。 アップロードミスですね、自分のには付いていました。
  2. 00:45:193 (3) - 細かいですが、もう少し右上に置くと流れが良くなると思いました。 fixed
  3. 01:10:045 (3) - 折り返しにfinish追加、個人的な好みです。 やや大きいかなーと思うのでこのままで
  1. 00:27:264 (3) - 右上に向かっていくスライダーの方が好きです、ボーカルの音階が上昇しているのに対して縮こまった印象があったので。 今のところ保留で
  2. 00:40:223 (1) - 水平方向に少し角度を抑えて、00:41:288 (2) - に対してblanketを作る、もしくはblanketの成りそこないと間違われないように垂直方向に角度をきつくしてあげると綺麗だと思います。 fixed
  3. 00:59:394 (3) - add clap? 一応スネアドラムは鳴っているので fixed
  1. 01:21:939 (2) - 時計回りに12°くらい回転させて、01:21:406 (1) - に垂直にさせると整って見えると思います。 fixed
  1. 00:23:181 (1) - 00:22:826 (7,8,9,10) - のカーブの角度に合うような形にすると良さそうです。 fixed
  2. 00:36:495 (9) - スライダーだと曲の"止まった"感じが出にくいように思います、Hardと同じようにstackしたcircle2つだとどうでしょう? Insaneではあまり空白を作りたくないので今の形にしています。
  3. 01:18:921 (5) - 2つのスライダーの中央の位置に。(464,216)辺り? fixed
以上です、Good Luck :)
Edit: 1箇所書き間違いがあったので修正、4分音符だと思って間違えました・・・・・・
thanks for modding~
hello, kajiyatta.

here is the result what i checked:
Timing & Offset:OK
Note:i think all are OK
i can't find anything problem in this beatmap. sorry :(
please don't give me kds. because i can't help you.
Hello, deepest apologises for being that late.


  1. Remove "(Short Ver.)" from title in case if it's not part of official title according to rules change

*AR 8 feels too slow, honestly. Try AR 9, it will perfectly fits your patterns here! If you will apply it, raise OD by 1 tick too to keep settings balanced.

  1. 00:05:607 (9,1) - Please swap those NCs follow new parts of music and to keep your pattern more clean
  2. 00:07:737 (5) - NC please
  3. 00:43:063 (1) - You can add finish to beginning of sliders to emphazire vocals here
  4. 00:44:483 (5) - Finish to beginning of slider, you forgot it
  5. 00:45:903 (1) - ^
  6. 00:51:584 (1) - ^
Overral very good placement, but i feel lack of hitsounds, especially whistles on kiai parts. You can add some of them to emphazire vocals actually. Catch me in-game, i'd gladly give more detail suggestions about whistles if you want.


*AR 7 feels almost unreadable. Raise to 8 please (if you agree with me raise OD by 1 tick please too)

  1. 00:10:045 (2) - NC please follow new part on music
  2. 00:18:566 (3,4) - Is they supposed to be not symmetrial?Looks more like error for me.
  3. 00:24:246 (3,4) - Same. Try just to move (3) at x460 y336 (dont forget to fix spacing after this)
  4. 00:40:755 (2,3) - Some symmetrial problems again
  5. 00:43:063 (1) - You can add finish to beginning of sliders to emphazire vocals here
  6. 00:44:483 (3) - ^
  7. 00:51:584 (1) - This jump looks kinds forced & unexpected. How about Ctrl+G?
Pretty much same here - awesome patterns but lack of hitsounds :\


  1. 00:21:761 (3,4,1) - tiny spacing error
  2. 00:26:022 (1,2) - ^
  3. 00:35:252 (2) - Add whistle to beginning of slider to emphazire vocals here.
  4. 00:59:394 (3) - Please add NC follow new part of music

  • 00:43:063 (1,2,3) - Not symmetrial
I just wondering why you not added finishes on hard & insane what you added in normal & easy, honestly hitsounds on easiest diffs sounds better for me than hitsounds in hard & insane, but this is probably onliest small thing. Nice map overral!

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Kodora wrote:

Hello, deepest apologises for being that late.


  1. Remove "(Short Ver.)" from title in case if it's not part of official title according to rules change I will, but XAT says.

*AR 8 feels too slow, honestly. Try AR 9, it will perfectly fits your patterns here! If you will apply it, raise OD by 1 tick too to keep settings balanced. same as Hard, I don't like to use AR9 unless fast song [/color]

  1. 00:05:607 (9,1) - Please swap those NCs follow new parts of music and to keep your pattern more clean I know your mean, but I usually put NCs for 8 beats. this is my pattern...
  2. 00:07:737 (5) - NC please
  3. 00:43:063 (1) - You can add finish to beginning of sliders to emphazire vocals here I suppose clap sounds enough.
  4. 00:44:483 (5) - Finish to beginning of slider, you forgot it
  5. 00:45:903 (1) - ^
  6. 00:51:584 (1) - ^
Overral very good placement, but i feel lack of hitsounds, especially whistles on kiai parts. You can add some of them to emphazire vocals actually. Catch me in-game, i'd gladly give more detail suggestions about whistles if you want.


*AR 7 feels almost unreadable. Raise to 8 please (if you agree with me raise OD by 1 tick please too) well, it isn't high BPM I suppose, AR7 looks commonly.

  1. 00:10:045 (2) - NC please follow new part on music I don't like spamming NC...
  2. 00:18:566 (3,4) - Is they supposed to be not symmetrial?Looks more like error for me.
  3. 00:24:246 (3,4) - Same. Try just to move (3) at x460 y336 (dont forget to fix spacing after this)
  4. 00:40:755 (2,3) - Some symmetrial problems again
  5. 00:43:063 (1) - You can add finish to beginning of sliders to emphazire vocals here I just follow music, so nt added.
  6. 00:44:483 (3) - ^
  7. 00:51:584 (1) - This jump looks kinds forced & unexpected. How about Ctrl+G? just consider.
Pretty much same here - awesome patterns but lack of hitsounds :\


  1. 00:21:761 (3,4,1) - tiny spacing error
  2. 00:26:022 (1,2) - ^
  3. 00:35:252 (2) - Add whistle to beginning of slider to emphazire vocals here.
  4. 00:59:394 (3) - Please add NC follow new part of music intension.

  • 00:43:063 (1,2,3) - Not symmetrial

I just wondering why you not added finishes on hard & insane what you added in normal & easy, honestly hitsounds on easiest diffs sounds better for me than hitsounds in hard & insane, but this is probably onliest small thing. Nice map overral!

Good luck!
no comment = fixed
thanks for modding.
m4m in game req~


  • 00:03:477 (2) - this not good , remove whistle
    00:06:317 - ^
    00:06:495 - ^
    00:08:181 (8) - ^
    00:17:501 (1) - finish?
    00:26:022 (1) - to 00:36:495 (9) - map by follow piano plz Orz
    00:55:666 (5) - clap
    00:59:306 (4,5) - be missing for hitsound
    01:00:814 (3) - !? why clap here?
    01:21:051 (4,5,6,7,1) - take it arch


  • need more near slider
    00:03:477 (2) - this not good , remove whistle
    00:06:317 - ^
    00:06:495 - ^
    00:08:181 (8) - ^
    00:10:045 (2,3,4) - so far
    00:15:903 (4) - finish?
    00:26:022 (1) - to 00:36:495 (9) - map by follow piano plz Orz
    01:00:814 (3) - same at insane


  • 00:03:477 - this not good , remove whistle
    01:00:814 - same at insane
    so better~


  • 01:00:814 - same at insane
    so great~

that all ;w;
GL~~~ :) :)
Topic Starter

kantokun wrote:

m4m in game req~


  • 00:03:477 (2) - this not good , remove whistle same as Hard
    00:06:317 - ^
    00:06:495 - ^
    00:08:181 (8) - ^
    00:17:501 (1) - finish? it sounds loudly I suppose
    00:26:022 (1) - to 00:36:495 (9) - map by follow piano plz Orz
    00:55:666 (5) - clap
    00:59:306 (4,5) - be missing for hitsound
    01:00:814 (3) - !? why clap here?
    01:21:051 (4,5,6,7,1) - take it arch


  • need more near slider
    00:03:477 (2) - this not good , remove whistle I just follow the piano, so no fixed.
    00:06:317 - ^
    00:06:495 - ^
    00:08:181 (8) - ^
    00:10:045 (2,3,4) - so far it is allowed...
    00:15:903 (4) - finish? sounds loudly
    00:26:022 (1) - to 00:36:495 (9) - map by follow piano plz Orz
    01:00:814 (3) - same at insane


  • 00:03:477 - this not good , remove whistle
    01:00:814 - same at insane
    so better~


  • 01:00:814 - same at insane
    so great~

that all ;w;
GL~~~ :) :)
thanks for modding~


00:22:471 try this it can have good blanket incase you do this snap the next note too
00:31:702 remove nc then move nc on 00:32:412


00:16:081 bend this more?
00:21:761 add finish head for your hitsound pattern
00:48:033 delete?


00:11:377 missing a note here because the drum sound
00:26:022 can you just make this straight? the slider was pretty small it didnt have good blanket though


00:05:607 nc?
00:07:915 nc

nice mapset
Topic Starter

YunoFanatic wrote:



00:22:471 try this it can have good blanket incase you do this snap the next note too a bit changed
00:31:702 remove nc then move nc on 00:32:412 sorry keep current becauseof pattern.


00:16:081 bend this more?
00:21:761 add finish head for your hitsound pattern I usually add finish at downbeat.
00:48:033 delete? nope


00:11:377 missing a note here because the drum sound this is a Hard diff, so triplet looks difficult I suppose.
00:26:022 can you just make this straight? the slider was pretty small it didnt have good blanket though


00:05:607 nc? keep my pattern now.
00:07:915 nc ^

nice mapset
no comment = fixed
thanks for modding
wiki shiori

Ello! ^^ Wow its been so long since I've last seen this map o.o Time for a re-check

00:08:980 A note here with a finish is preferable, to emphasize the end of the piano intro. Spinner should start at 00:09:158 instead.

00:59:749 (4) - Add whistle.

Really nice o3o

00:07:737 (5) - NC?
00:13:240 (6) - ^

Wow this map looks pretty much perfecto! :P Good luck on ranking!
Hope this helps~!
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello! ^^ Wow its been so long since I've last seen this map o.o Time for a re-check

00:08:980 A note here with a finish is preferable, to emphasize the end of the piano intro. Spinner should start at 00:09:158 instead. I know you rmean but it is easiest diff, so only spinner looks fine I suppose.

00:59:749 (4) - Add whistle. clap added, I suppose clap sounds more fine.

Really nice o3o

00:07:737 (5) - NC? keep my pattern but others say that, I'll change.
00:13:240 (6) - ^

Wow this map looks pretty much perfecto! :P Good luck on ranking!
Hope this helps~!
thanks for modding.
Hellow, mod from queue. :3
Dunno if it's helpful, though. x:
and sorry if I mention something already said, I didn't read all posts above.
  1. combo colours! the green doesn't match with the other colours imo, you could use yellow instead?
    it'd be a more corresponding colour to orange.. not to pink or blue, but it's not that hard of a contrast. c:
  1. 00:04:542 (3) - move further down ~ x74 y263 to get a smoother flow.
    to keep the DS you'd have to move 00:05:785 (4) to x192 y244.
  2. 00:08:093 (3,1) - I'd prefer a slider that points more to the center of the playfield instead of one that points that far outwards before a spinner. maybe you can rotate it a little?
    oh, and it looks nice if you curve 00:07:027 (2) a tiny little bit, like this.
  3. 00:17:501 (1) - I like the symmetry, but I think if you ctrl+j this and move it so the DS is correct it flows better.
  4. 00:26:022 (1,2) - move 1 to x222 y325 and 2 to x173 y216, it looks a bit less .. 'squashed'.
    I don't know the english word, sorry. >__<
    00:30:637 (2,1) - 2 to x281 y111 and 1 to x280 y190 for the same reason
    00:42:353 (4) - a bit further down to x334 y212 and
  5. 00:43:063 (1) - to x485 y245
    also you could shape this one differently. it matches the style very well, but looks a bit.. well, lonely, down there in the cornern. :c
    maybe something like this slider
  6. 00:54:424 (1,2,3) - round out the "overall curve" a bit more?
Nice diff! and sorry for nitpicking. >-<
  1. .. uhm, there actually isn't that much I found in this diff. you could curve a few sliders like 00:05:607 (4) to get a smoother flow, but it'd be kinda sad to mess up your style.. hmmh. >-<
  2. 00:06:672 (2,3,4) - I don't like the movement from 2 to 3 here. I know it's intentional, but it really seems a bit out of place.
    there are a few more objects like that, like 00:19:986 (4)
    you could move that one to x208 y193 btw, but I guess you placed it that way at some point and decided against that already.. xD
    and 00:37:382 (1,2) and 00:40:223 (1,2) ~
  3. regarding 00:37:382 (1,2,3,4) this one.. maybe you could ctrl+g 2 -> -click
    and place 3 and 4 like this: -click-
    you'd just have to adjust the following objects..

And I have to go unexpectedly, so I'll continue this later, but the first two diffs are done.. I'll edit this once I mod the others. :3

  1. (It does say the same in Normal, I just forgot to write it down.. but it doesn't in Easy.. o-o')
  2. 00:10:933 (5) - feels really unnatural cause of the spacing
  3. 00:47:323 (4,5,6,7,8) - this is plain awesome, I LOVE this part!!
  4. 01:00:814 (3,4) - ctrl+g for 3 and place 4 at the start of 3 (the end of 3 atm)... at x130 y211? just think it'd work well here.. .o.
There's not much too say.. >n<
  1. overall, I think you can use a few more NCs
    that's just personal taste though, cause I really really really dislike combos above 10. two digits are just sooo ugly. x:
  2. and I have the feeling the 'star-pattern' is a bit overused..? It's not bad, but it just gets a little boring after a while.. and it kinda makes the movement predictable, even though it could be totally different and more interesting.
  3. 00:06:140 (1) - looks better if you use the same shape as you do for 2, just flipped around.
    like this
  4. 00:30:104 (4) - I'm not sure why but this one looks out of place.. it's so in the middle of the playfield and.. I don't know, it just feels a bit weird. o:

And that's all again. u_u
Hoped I could do a little more, but really can't find a thing!
Good luck with getting this ranked! ~ ^__^/ *squee*
Topic Starter

Squirrel wrote:

Hellow, mod from queue. :3
Dunno if it's helpful, though. x:
and sorry if I mention something already said, I didn't read all posts above.
  1. combo colours! the green doesn't match with the other colours imo, you could use yellow instead?
    it'd be a more corresponding colour to orange.. not to pink or blue, but it's not that hard of a contrast. c: yellow looks similar to orange, and I suppose green fits to the BG.
  1. 00:04:542 (3) - move further down ~ x74 y263 to get a smoother flow.
    to keep the DS you'd have to move 00:05:785 (4) to x192 y244.
  2. 00:08:093 (3,1) - I'd prefer a slider that points more to the center of the playfield instead of one that points that far outwards before a spinner. maybe you can rotate it a little?
    oh, and it looks nice if you curve 00:07:027 (2) a tiny little bit, like this.
  3. 00:17:501 (1) - I like the symmetry, but I think if you ctrl+j this and move it so the DS is correct it flows better.
  4. 00:26:022 (1,2) - move 1 to x222 y325 and 2 to x173 y216, it looks a bit less .. 'squashed'.
    I don't know the english word, sorry. >__<
    00:30:637 (2,1) - 2 to x281 y111 and 1 to x280 y190 for the same reason
    00:42:353 (4) - a bit further down to x334 y212 and current looks fine I suppose.
  5. 00:43:063 (1) - to x485 y245
    also you could shape this one differently. it matches the style very well, but looks a bit.. well, lonely, down there in the cornern. :c
    maybe something like this slider
  6. 00:54:424 (1,2,3) - round out the "overall curve" a bit more? the flow looks fine, imo.
Nice diff! and sorry for nitpicking. >-<
  1. .. uhm, there actually isn't that much I found in this diff. you could curve a few sliders like 00:05:607 (4) to get a smoother flow, but it'd be kinda sad to mess up your style.. hmmh. >-<
  2. 00:06:672 (2,3,4) - I don't like the movement from 2 to 3 here. I know it's intentional, but it really seems a bit out of place.
    there are a few more objects like that, like 00:19:986 (4) to follow the music, it's ok if there is much spacing.
    you could move that one to x208 y193 btw, but I guess you placed it that way at some point and decided against that already.. xD
    and 00:37:382 (1,2) and 00:40:223 (1,2) ~
  3. regarding 00:37:382 (1,2,3,4) this one.. maybe you could ctrl+g 2 -> -click
    and place 3 and 4 like this: -click-
    you'd just have to adjust the following objects.. the overlapped looks not good I suppose.

And I have to go unexpectedly, so I'll continue this later, but the first two diffs are done.. I'll edit this once I mod the others. :3

  1. (It does say the same in Normal, I just forgot to write it down.. but it doesn't in Easy.. o-o') no proble, it's fine.
  2. 00:10:933 (5) - feels really unnatural cause of the spacing consider, if others say that I'll change.
  3. 00:47:323 (4,5,6,7,8) - this is plain awesome, I LOVE this part!! :3
  4. 01:00:814 (3,4) - ctrl+g for 3 and place 4 at the start of 3 (the end of 3 atm)... at x130 y211? just think it'd work well here.. .o sorry I like current pattern..
There's not much too say.. >n<
  1. overall, I think you can use a few more NCs I know but it's my pattern.
    that's just personal taste though, cause I really really really dislike combos above 10. two digits are just sooo ugly. x:
  2. and I have the feeling the 'star-pattern' is a bit overused..? It's not bad, but it just gets a little boring after a while.. and it kinda makes the movement predictable, even though it could be totally different and more interesting.
  3. 00:06:140 (1) - looks better if you use the same shape as you do for 2, just flipped around.
    like this
  4. 00:30:104 (4) - I'm not sure why but this one looks out of place.. it's so in the middle of the playfield and.. I don't know, it just feels a bit weird. o: aim to rotationally flow...

And that's all again. u_u
Hoped I could do a little more, but really can't find a thing!
Good luck with getting this ranked! ~ ^__^/ *squee*
sorry for dalay, no comment = fixed,.
thanks for modding.
00:14:661 (1)~00:25:489 (10)
00:37:382 (1)~最後まで

00:15:903 (5) - finish追加?でも入れるならスライダーの始点で入れたいところですが・・・
00:17:501 (1) - finish追加
00:21:406 (3) - 少し狭い気がします x:72y:32とかどうでしょう?
00:21:761 (4) - ここはそのままでfinish追加?
00:22:116 (5) - ここも少し広げてx:156y:334?
00:22:471 (6) - こんな形とかどうですか?あとclapを始点+終点or終点に入れる音付けもありかもです
00:35:075 (5) - 終点にwhistle追加? harddiffにはあったぽいので・・・
00:42:353 (7,8) - 細かいところなんですが7、8間のスペーシングが狭い気がしたので7を右と下1gridずつ移動、
そうするとこれにスタックしていた前の00:41:288 (4)もずれるので移動して00:40:578 (2)を00:38:625 (4)にスタックさせるときれいにできるかもです。
00:55:134 (3) - 下から上がってくるような感じでこっち曲がりのスライダー?
00:57:264 (1) - 始点にfinish追加
00:59:394 (5) - 始点にclap追加
00:59:749 (6) - 終点clap削除
01:08:625 (1) - 始点にfinish追加
01:08:980 (2) - 終点に^
01:12:175 (3.5) - 窮屈に感じたので(3)をx:412y:116 (5)をx:484y:56とかどうでしょうか
01:17:678 (2) - 最後なのでかっけつけるために始点にfinish追加?
01:18:566 (4) - ^
01:19:098 (6) - ^
01:19:986 (1) - ^
01:20:341 (2) - 終点にfinish追加

00:14:661 (1) - もう少し曲げてあげると次に入りやすいかもです
00:15:903 (5)~00:22:471 (6)のfinish,clapはInsaneと同様です
00:55:134 (3) - こんなのどうでしょう
01:07:382 (5) - 直線でなくほんの少しV字っぽく曲げてあげると見栄えもいいかもです
01:08:625 (1) - 始点にfinish追加 ここからのfinishもInsane同様ですが一応かいときます
01:09:158 (2) - ^
01:17:678 (2) - ^
01:18:566 (4) - 始点にfinish
01:19:098 (5) - ^
01:19:986 (1) - ^
01:20:341 (2) - ^

00:14:661 (1) - あんまり変わらないかもだけど・・・こんなのとか

00:30:637 (2) - 少し曲げてあげるとやさしいかもです
01:02:945 (1) - これも同様にくの字に少し曲げるとやさしいかもです

Topic Starter

Pandiar wrote:

00:14:661 (1)~00:25:489 (10)
00:37:382 (1)~最後まで
個人的にはボーカルが綺麗なので合わせて入れて欲しいです、バスの音だけだとちょっと寂しい・・・ あくまでピアノの音に合わせてつけてるので、ドラム音の部分は付けてません。

00:15:903 (5) - finish追加?でも入れるならスライダーの始点で入れたいところですが・・・ 一拍目のnote(長い白線)であればfinishをつけるのも分かるんですが、それ以外の部分で必要以上に付けるのはかえって耳障りなのでここもつけてません
00:17:501 (1) - finish追加no, 次の(1)ではシンバル音が聞こえるので付けてますが、ここではそれがないので何も付けてません
00:21:406 (3) - 少し狭い気がします x:72y:32とかどうでしょう?
00:21:761 (4) - ここはそのままでfinish追加? ^
00:22:116 (5) - ここも少し広げてx:156y:334? 少し広げました
00:22:471 (6) - こんな形とかどうですか?あとclapを始点+終点or終点に入れる音付けもありかもです ここは同じスペーシングでジャンプさせたいのでこのままで
00:35:075 (5) - 終点にwhistle追加? harddiffにはあったぽいので・・・
00:42:353 (7,8) - 細かいところなんですが7、8間のスペーシングが狭い気がしたので7を右と下1gridずつ移動、
そうするとこれにスタックしていた前の00:41:288 (4)もずれるので移動して00:40:578 (2)を00:38:625 (4)にスタックさせるときれいにできるかもです。
00:55:134 (3) - 下から上がってくるような感じでこっち曲がりのスライダー? 悪くないんですが、今の形と比べてどっちもいい悪いがあるので今のところ保留です
00:57:264 (1) - 始点にfinish追加
00:59:394 (5) - 始点にclap追加
00:59:749 (6) - 終点clap削除
01:08:625 (1) - 始点にfinish追加 ここはちょっと合わないような気がするので
01:08:980 (2) - 終点に^ ^
01:12:175 (3.5) - 窮屈に感じたので(3)をx:412y:116 (5)をx:484y:56とかどうでしょうか 一応×1.1のうスペーシングは元々確保してあるので、狭くなってるとは思わなかったんですが、少し広げました
01:17:678 (2) - 最後なのでかっけつけるために始点にfinish追加? この部分も、特段何か音が強調されているわけでもないのでこのままで。
01:18:566 (4) - ^
01:19:098 (6) - ^
01:19:986 (1) - ^
01:20:341 (2) - 終点にfinish追加

00:14:661 (1) - もう少し曲げてあげると次に入りやすいかもです
00:15:903 (5)~00:22:471 (6)のfinish,clapはInsaneと同様です
00:55:134 (3) - こんなのどうでしょう
01:07:382 (5) - 直線でなくほんの少しV字っぽく曲げてあげると見栄えもいいかもです
01:08:625 (1) - 始点にfinish追加 ここからのfinishもInsane同様ですが一応かいときます Insane同様です
01:09:158 (2) - ^
01:17:678 (2) - ^
01:18:566 (4) - 始点にfinish
01:19:098 (5) - ^
01:19:986 (1) - ^
01:20:341 (2) - ^

00:14:661 (1) - あんまり変わらないかもだけど・・・こんなのとか 直前の(1)(2)のスライダーの真ん中にこのスライダーの始点を置きたいのでこのままで

00:30:637 (2) - 少し曲げてあげるとやさしいかもです あくまで個人の見解ですが、下手に曲げるよりは直線の方が初心者には分かりやすいかなと思います(好みの問題かもしれませんが…
01:02:945 (1) - これも同様にくの字に少し曲げるとやさしいかもです 前のスライダーと対称配置にしているのでこのままで

modding ありがとうございます~
- Miomio Chii -
Hi there, here is my mod. From My Queue.



rhythm ok, but i think hitsound is feel a bit heavy.
this song feel like briskly, maybe you can use some snares or clap. kick is a bit heavy.

End of this mod, sorry i cant catch any mistake. :(
彡★ shoot a star to begin with an apology.
Topic Starter

- Miomio Chii - wrote:

Hi there, here is my mod. From My Queue.



rhythm ok, but i think hitsound is feel a bit heavy.
this song feel like briskly, maybe you can use some snares or clap. kick is a bit heavy. If another suitable hitsound found, I'll change. now, some minor fixed.

End of this mod, sorry i cant catch any mistake. :(
彡★ shoot a star to begin with an apology.
thanks for modding.
Hi ~
As requested :roll:

Why not use 00:03:300 - for offset line ? give me explanation please ;w;

  1. A 1/1 slider from 00:06:672 - to 00:07:027 - would be better IMO.. the hitsound at 00:06:850 - it's quite bothering me >.<
  2. 00:10:223 (2) - Maybe add drum additions ? drum clap fit better to the music
  3. 00:14:306 (10) - Add NC here to indicate the stream ? it's necessary enough IMO cause this is the part when the song increase it rhytm
  4. 00:19:986 (10) - Same Reason as above
  5. 00:23:181 (1) - Nazi.. it should be 1 grid right to fit the angle of the stream
  6. 00:24:424 (6,7) - Swap finish will sound better at this time.. i found that 00:24:601 - will fit if it emphasized by whistle or clap.. because there are piano sound at this time
  7. 00:30:637 (5) - Try to remove the whistle from the reverse point.. the Vocal doesn't loud enough for this emphasize, and it sounds strange
  8. 00:30:104 (4,5) - This spacing was really weird in gameplay.. because you used slider's end for stanza. If you follow vocal it would be better if you change (4) to a single note.
  9. 00:35:962 - NC to point the change of phase ? up to you..
  10. 00:48:566 (10) - Clap here to indicate drum sound at the music.. it sounds good even the music doesn't make it loud enough
  11. 00:51:584 (1) - Change to a 1/2 slider and a note ? follow the vocal better
  12. 00:55:134 (3) - Err... rotate 180* with ctrl G ? the pattern will make better flow IMO
  13. 01:01:880 (6) - Minor one.. maybe replace it to 308 64 ? so the slider (5) will align correctly to this slider
  14. 01:14:306 (1,3) - Why don't make blanket here ? it will make the pattern more sweet.. if you agree.. don't forget to re-stack the slider
  15. 01:22:826 (10) - This note follows a spinner.. better to add NC if necessary o.o

  1. 00:03:832 (2) - Remove whistle from the reverse slider. the piano doesn't loud enough to get emphasized
  2. 00:10:400 (4,5) - This spacing was really confusing. why don't you use correct DS or stack instead ?
  3. 00:15:371 (3) - Use 324 20 for the tail point ? it'll make drop off flow that nice to look and fun to play xD
  4. 00:17:146 (7) - This jump it's too big for a "non special" part of this song IMO.. stack it with end of (5) will play better and fit for Hard
  5. 00:35:962 - For this one.. NC to indicate the jump.. lol
  6. 00:38:980 (5,6) - This slider seems inverted. the high vocal started here 00:38:980 - so there's no reason to skip clap at 00:39:513 - o.o Will be better if you reverse the rhytm. (5) into 1/1 slider and (6) into 1/2 slider
  7. 00:47:856 (5) - Add clap to the reverse point.. you know why >.<
  8. 00:55:666 (4,5,6) - This pattern so messy for me.. change it to pattern that you use often ? something like this that 666
  9. 01:22:382 - Flow better with this pattern IMO

  1. 00:03:832 (2) - Remove whistle from the tail.. same reason as Hard
  2. 00:04:542 (3) - ^ at reverse point o.o
  3. 00:27:974 (4) - 360 88 for tail point to make a better blanket
  4. 00:49:808 (2,4) - the slight overlap between them kinda bothering me orz.. it's only normal diff after all
  5. 00:59:039 - Add note here ? it sounds boring with no clap emphasize since it sounds so loud

GL~ :D
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:

Hi ~
As requested :roll:

Why not use 00:03:300 - for offset line ? give me explanation please ;w; No reason, just did it.

  1. A 1/1 slider from 00:06:672 - to 00:07:027 - would be better IMO.. the hitsound at 00:06:850 - it's quite bothering me >.< I want to follow the piano at head.
  2. 00:10:223 (2) - Maybe add drum additions ? drum clap fit better to the music
  3. 00:14:306 (10) - Add NC here to indicate the stream ? it's necessary enough IMO cause this is the part when the song increase it rhytm This is a my pattern to add NC per 8 beats.
  4. 00:19:986 (10) - Same Reason as above
  5. 00:23:181 (1) - Nazi.. it should be 1 grid right to fit the angle of the stream
  6. 00:24:424 (6,7) - Swap finish will sound better at this time.. i found that 00:24:601 - will fit if it emphasized by whistle or clap.. because there are piano sound at this time [/color]
  7. 00:30:637 (5) - Try to remove the whistle from the reverse point.. the Vocal doesn't loud enough for this emphasize, and it sounds strange
  8. 00:30:104 (4,5) - This spacing was really weird in gameplay.. because you used slider's end for stanza. If you follow vocal it would be better if you change (4) to a single note.
  9. 00:35:962 - NC to point the change of phase ? up to you.. ^
  10. 00:48:566 (10) - Clap here to indicate drum sound at the music.. it sounds good even the music doesn't make it loud enough
  11. 00:51:584 (1) - Change to a 1/2 slider and a note ? follow the vocal better
  12. 00:55:134 (3) - Err... rotate 180* with ctrl G ? the pattern will make better flow IMO
  13. 01:01:880 (6) - Minor one.. maybe replace it to 308 64 ? so the slider (5) will align correctly to this slider Current one seem fine for me.
  14. 01:14:306 (1,3) - Why don't make blanket here ? it will make the pattern more sweet.. if you agree.. don't forget to re-stack the slider changed a bit.
  15. 01:22:826 (10) - This note follows a spinner.. better to add NC if necessary o.o This is a last note, so I don't think it is necessary.

  1. 00:03:832 (2) - Remove whistle from the reverse slider. the piano doesn't loud enough to get emphasized
  2. 00:10:400 (4,5) - This spacing was really confusing. why don't you use correct DS or stack instead ?
  3. 00:15:371 (3) - Use 324 20 for the tail point ? it'll make drop off flow that nice to look and fun to play xD Too sharped for me.
  4. 00:17:146 (7) - This jump it's too big for a "non special" part of this song IMO.. stack it with end of (5) will play better and fit for Hard [/color]
  5. 00:35:962 - For this one.. NC to indicate the jump.. lol Kepp my pattern.
  6. 00:38:980 (5,6) - This slider seems inverted. the high vocal started here 00:38:980 - so there's no reason to skip clap at 00:39:513 - o.o Will be better if you reverse the rhytm. (5) into 1/1 slider and (6) into 1/2 slider I know your mean, but current follows a piano sound, so I'll change if others say that.
  7. 00:47:856 (5) - Add clap to the reverse point.. you know why >.<
  8. 00:55:666 (4,5,6) - This pattern so messy for me.. change it to pattern that you use often ? something like this that 666
  9. 01:22:382 - Flow better with this pattern IMO It's a nice idea, but I want to avoid with overlapped.

  1. 00:03:832 (2) - Remove whistle from the tail.. same reason as Hard
  2. 00:04:542 (3) - ^ at reverse point o.o
  3. 00:27:974 (4) - 360 88 for tail point to make a better blanket
  4. 00:49:808 (2,4) - the slight overlap between them kinda bothering me orz.. it's only normal diff after all [/color]
  5. 00:59:039 - Add note here ? it sounds boring with no clap emphasize since it sounds so loud I want to follow the vocal, so keep blank.

GL~ :D
no comment = fixed.
Thanks for modding.
From my queueueueueueeueue~

I love this song >w>

This difficulty was fun to play! I just have some few qualms and quips about this.
  1. 00:12:885 (5) - this could blanket 00:12:708 (4) better
  2. 00:27:619 (6) - angle this slider end downwards a bit so 00:27:264 (5) blankets it (would look way better in my opinion)
  3. 00:31:524 (6) - replace this with circles
Very solid hard, I liked it very much!
  1. 00:21:406 (3) - angle slider head downwards a bit to blanket 00:20:874 (2) better
  2. 00:31:524 (6) - would be better as two circles
Could not find any problems!
  1. 00:43:063 (1,2,3) - here i can see you want (3) to blanket 00:45:903 (1) but the whole pattern beforehand looks very ugly, please change it up so it flows better

Very nice mapset! Good luck with rank. Take my star~
Topic Starter

Lust wrote:

From my queueueueueueeueue~

I love this song >w>

This difficulty was fun to play! I just have some few qualms and quips about this.
  1. 00:12:885 (5) - this could blanket 00:12:708 (4) better Current looks fine...?
  2. 00:27:619 (6) - angle this slider end downwards a bit so 00:27:264 (5) blankets it (would look way better in my opinion)
  3. 00:31:524 (6) - replace this with circles
Very solid hard, I liked it very much!
  1. 00:21:406 (3) - angle slider head downwards a bit to blanket 00:20:874 (2) better
  2. 00:31:524 (6) - would be better as two circles
Could not find any problems!
  1. 00:43:063 (1,2,3) - here i can see you want (3) to blanket 00:45:903 (1) but the whole pattern beforehand looks very ugly, please change it up so it flows better

Very nice mapset! Good luck with rank. Take my star~
No comment = fixed.
Thanks for modding.
HI :) m4m from My Queue

umm... did you edit the link sometime today? I'm sure this is the map you posted yesterday :( anyway, i'll just mod this one. Just say in reply if you want your other map modded too, I'll be happy to take a look :)

my opinion on this map : Perfecto! so hard to find mistakes ^^


00:35:607 (2) - +whistle?


00:35:252 (2) – tail +whistle?

00:50:874 (4) – head+finish?


00:29:217 (2) – tail +whistle?

00:36:850 (8) – tail +clap?


00:13:240 (6) – Ctrl+G?

00:30:282 (4,5) - make 4 closer to 3 or 5 farther?

00:37:737 (2,4) - something like this? (just a suggestion)

00:34:365 (1) – make it farther?

01:11:465 (1,2,3) – make 2 to 3 same as 1 to 2 (there seems to be no gap in the music for a jump?)

Hope this was helpful, and love the song! go rank!
Topic Starter

Kiyura wrote:

HI :) m4m from My Queue

umm... did you edit the link sometime today? I'm sure this is the map you posted yesterday :( anyway, i'll just mod this one. Just say in reply if you want your other map modded too, I'll be happy to take a look :) Sorry for cofusing, it's enough since you modded one of my maps.
my opinion on this map : Perfecto! so hard to find mistakes ^^


00:35:607 (2) - +whistle? This piano sounds weakly so I don't add but if someone tell me same opinion, I'll change.


00:35:252 (2) – tail +whistle?

00:50:874 (4) – head+finish?
Sorry no fixed ;w;

00:29:217 (2) – tail +whistle?

00:36:850 (8) – tail +clap? No sound here.


00:13:240 (6) – Ctrl+G? The flow from(5) to (6) looks bad I suppose.

00:30:282 (4,5) - make 4 closer to 3 or 5 farther?

00:37:737 (2,4) - something like this? (just a suggestion) Umm... sorry keep current shape.

00:34:365 (1) – make it farther?

01:11:465 (1,2,3) – make 2 to 3 same as 1 to 2 (there seems to be no gap in the music for a jump?) Put jumping to follow the beginning the vocal.

Hope this was helpful, and love the song! go rank!
No comment = fixed.
Thanks for modding.
hi kajiyatta :3

  1. I think it'll be better if you add this source " キミへ贈る、ソラの花 " and add the current one to the tags instead, since japanese source are allowed now owo

  1. 00:04:187 (2) - it's easy diff, and the bpm is a bit high so why not making the easy diff a bit i suggest you to remove this note and leave some space, for the players to take some time to read
  2. 00:27:797 (2) - ^
  3. 00:33:477 (3) - this slider is a bit too sudden..since it's an easy diff, i don't suggest you to do stuff like this, so how about adding a note to here 00:33:655 instead
  4. 00:58:329 (2) - ^

nice normal diff :3

  1. 00:22:826 (7) - move this slider 1 grid down and 1 grid left so it'll stuck under the 00:21:406 (3) - head

  1. 00:04:542 (1) - add nc here since it'll follow the melody pretty nicely and also the combo went a bit high here
  2. 00:07:737 (1) - ^
  3. 00:13:240 (6) - ^
  4. 00:17:501 (1) - i think you missed a finish sound on slider's head
  5. 00:18:921 (5) - nc
  6. 01:10:045 (6) - ^
  7. 01:15:726 (1) - ^
I think this diff combo is a bit odd, and i kinda didn't understand it at all orz...but it is nice anyway o3o

That's all i found good luck :3
Topic Starter

Sekai-nyan wrote:

hi kajiyatta :3

  1. I think it'll be better if you add this source " キミへ贈る、ソラの花 " and add the current one to the tags instead, since japanese source are allowed now owo I'll add it if XAT say that.Personally I don't like to add Japanese name in Tags.

  1. 00:04:187 (2) - it's easy diff, and the bpm is a bit high so why not making the easy diff a bit i suggest you to remove this note and leave some space, for the players to take some time to read Blank would be confused ofr not consistence rhythm.
  2. 00:27:797 (2) - ^
  3. 00:33:477 (3) - this slider is a bit too sudden..since it's an easy diff, i don't suggest you to do stuff like this, so how about adding a note to here 00:33:655 instead
  4. 00:58:329 (2) - ^

nice normal diff :3

  1. 00:22:826 (7) - move this slider 1 grid down and 1 grid left so it'll stuck under the 00:21:406 (3) - head

  1. 00:04:542 (1) - add nc here since it'll follow the melody pretty nicely and also the combo went a bit high here
  2. 00:07:737 (1) - ^
  3. 00:13:240 (6) - ^
  4. 00:17:501 (1) - i think you missed a finish sound on slider's head It sounds not suitable for me.
  5. 00:18:921 (5) - nc
  6. 01:10:045 (6) - ^
  7. 01:15:726 (1) - ^
I think this diff combo is a bit odd, and i kinda didn't understand it at all orz...but it is nice anyway o3o
About NCs, fixed some.

That's all i found good luck :3
No comment = fixed. Thanks for modding.
Hi kajiyatta~
00:59:394 (3) - you can apply it to new combo.
And that's all because your beatmap is quite perfect.
Topic Starter

cirnocon wrote:

Hi kajiyatta~
00:59:394 (3) - you can apply it to new combo.
And that's all because your beatmap is quite perfect.
Added NC on Easy and Normal.
Thanks for modding.
omg sry for late mod OAO I forgot bout this one ><"


00:32:412 (2,3) - Try this instead cuz (3) is hard to hit. This sounds nicer too

00:57:264 (1,2) - same ^


00:34:542 (1,2) - This sounds nicer

00:47:323 (1) - NC?

00:56:554 (3) - Move to x136 y256


Uh... no problem. I suck at modding hards anyways ^^"

sory if mod is short O^O" (well song's pretty short anyways)
Topic Starter

yurunneram wrote:

omg sry for late mod OAO I forgot bout this one ><"


00:32:412 (2,3) - Try this instead cuz (3) is hard to hit. This sounds nicer too

00:57:264 (1,2) - same ^


00:34:542 (1,2) - This sounds nicer Current sounds better imo.

00:47:323 (1) - NC? Keep my pattern for consistence.

00:56:554 (3) - Move to x136 y256


Uh... no problem. I suck at modding hards anyways ^^"

sory if mod is short O^O" (well song's pretty short anyways)
No comment = fixed.
Thanks for modding.
Hi~! from my queue!

  • 00:06:140 (1) - distance
    00:18:211 (2) - more bent
    00:23:181 (1) - ^
    00:28:862 (1,2) - remove that overlap lightly
    00:38:093 (2,3) - better blanket
    00:57:264 (1,2) - ^
    01:00:104 (1) - distance

    • 00:06:672 (2,3) - better blanket

      • Good :3

        • Good :3
Topic Starter
Can't quote, so fixed some blanket placement on Easy and Normal.
Thanks for modding.
Hi,kajiyatta,M4M mod req.I consider for a while,I want mod your map this day,thanks your mod.

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




00:43:063 (1) - Maybe can add whistle in slider head,enlarge the vocal.
00:45:903 (1) - ^
00:47:323 (3) - ^
00:58:329 (2) - A bit overlap.
01:08:625 (1,3) - Feel that symmetry crooked off.


00:38:093 (2,3) - Seems can be symmetry.


00:09:513 (2) - Have a rhythm at this here,try add a note?
00:38:270 (3) - Use (1) ctrl+h,you will found this (3) is crooked off,not symmetry.


00:35:962 (6,8) - Feel this pentagon's DS is a bit crooked off,especially this 2 notes,try to move up a bit?
00:43:063 (1,5) - Maybe can add whistle in big white line,enlarge the vocal.
00:45:903 (1,5) - ^
00:55:311 (4) - Turn a bit angle make flow better: 01:20:341 (2) - Seems can blanket the (1) slider head.

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.
4.Overall so good,so I shoot a star for you,GL.
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

Hi,kajiyatta,M4M mod req.I consider for a while,I want mod your map this day,thanks your mod.

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




00:43:063 (1) - Maybe can add whistle in slider head,enlarge the vocal. No, I don't add whistles in this part.
00:45:903 (1) - ^ -
00:47:323 (3) - ^ ^
00:58:329 (2) - A bit overlap.
01:08:625 (1,3) - Feel that symmetry crooked off.


00:38:093 (2,3) - Seems can be symmetry.


00:09:513 (2) - Have a rhythm at this here,try add a note? Sorry no, on here there is no emphasized sound.
00:38:270 (3) - Use (1) ctrl+h,you will found this (3) is crooked off,not symmetry.


00:35:962 (6,8) - Feel this pentagon's DS is a bit crooked off,especially this 2 notes,try to move up a bit?
00:43:063 (1,5) - Maybe can add whistle in big white line,enlarge the vocal. Same as Insane.
00:45:903 (1,5) - ^ ^
00:55:311 (4) - Turn a bit angle make flow better: 01:20:341 (2) - Seems can blanket the (1) slider head.

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.
4.Overall so good,so I shoot a star for you,GL.
No comment = fixed.
Thanks for modding!
hey~ i'm here from my queue :D.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: Should be fixed/highly suggested.
Green: Suggestion.
Blue: Comments, Advice or Other.


00:04:187 (2) - delete this note for 2 reasons. i feel that beginners would feel uncomfortable hitting this during gameplay, and i also feel that this part should follow the loud notes in the piano instead of the quieter notes to make it easier to follow.
00:07:027 (2,3) - same idea here. try something like this instead? same reason as above.
00:08:980 (1) - this spinner should end at 00:10:400 - with a finish instead of the clap because it stands out the most in this part, and it gives more time for beginners to recover in time during gameplay.
00:30:637 (2) - it'll follow the vocals more properly if you remove the repeat and a circle in its place. the slider follows "da-a" and the circle follows "te" in this part of the vocals during gameplay IMO.
00:33:477 (3) - this could be pretty misleading for beginners because they might not react to this as a slider. with the length if the slider, it'd most likely read as a circle, or a last second hesitation. remove the repeat on (2), and add a slider that ends till 00:33:655 - to make it easier for beginners to read during gameplay. also it'll follow the vocals a lot smoother than before as well.
00:45:193 (3) - move this to the right a bit for an even smoother transition during gameplay. i'm not feeling the sense of flow in this part during gameplay when it's moved here.
00:55:489 (2,3) - move this here instead. same reason as above.
00:58:329 (2) - same as 00:33:477.
besides the 1/2 sliders and rhythms, this isn't a bad diff.

00:17:501 (1,2) - why don't you try a 2/1 slider and a circle instead to follow the music more properly? the 2/1 slider would follow the guitar riff, and the circle would follow the beat.
00:30:637 (3) - perhaps a circle and a 1/1 slider would work here? same reason as above, but the vocals.
00:34:187 - i highly suggest that you add a note here because it can be pretty misleading to follow from the previous note during gameplay. it'd keep the flow steady, and you'd be following the piano for this part of the song.
00:41:643 (3,4) - i think you can replace this for a circle followed by a 1/1 repeat slider, or a circle followed by a 1/2 slider and another circle. same reason as 00:17:501.
00:47:323 (3,4,5,6) - move this a bit to the right for a smoother transition in this combo like this.
01:09:690 (2,3,4) - i feel that this rhythm can play a lot better. either try this to follow the vocals, or this to follow the BGM in this part of the song.
01:15:726 (3) - align this to (2) for a smoother transition and symmetry in this pattern during gameplay. the transition as it stands feels somewhat uncomfortable during gameplay.
a pretty good normal, i can say that much.

00:08:181 (7,8) - orz this triplet doesn't fit with the piano in this part of the song. it feels a bit uncomfortable to follow during gameplay if the piano is playing like this. for this one, i highly suggest that you do this instead to follow the music more properly during gameplay.
00:11:820 (1,2,3) - i feel that you can space out (2) to 1.50 at least to make the diff more fun to follow during gameplay. (2,3) feeling a bit uncomfortable to follow since the piano doesn't stand out as much compared to the guitar at (1,2).
00:38:270 (3,4,5) - i think you can do a better rhythm than this. replace this for 3 circles and 2 1/2 sliders. it'll follow the vocals and BGM nicely during gameplay, also i feel that this would keep the flow steady during gameplay as well.
00:55:134 (3) - perhaps you can move this down for a nice triangular pattern for (1,2,3)?
00:59:394 (2) - NC here. this follows the vocals and (1) follows the drums, so it'll make more sense to see which combo is following which during gameplay.
good hard, but i feel that there can be minor improvements.

00:08:093 (3,4,5) - same idea as hard. try a different rhythm of your own instead. same reason.
00:18:921 (5,6,7) - perhaps you can do something like this for a better setup for the jump and it'll be easier to follow as well during gameplay.
00:26:909 (3,4,5) - what about doing this to keep the flow steady and so that it'd be more readable during gameplay. also that big jump from (4,5) ruins the calmness of this part of the song.
00:33:655 (6) - use Ctrl+G instead. yes it shows emphasis in the piano, but this jump would make most players feel uncomfortable to follow during gameplay.
00:34:187 - add a note here. you'd be keeping the flow steady if you follow the piano in this part of the song.
00:57:797 (3) - same as 00:33:655.
some of your jumps and patterns feel uncomfortable to follow during gameplay. there are some that fit yes, so i didn't say that all jumps are uncomfortable.

and that's all i got. i feel that your insane can improve in the transitioning in patterns and sense of flow. i'm not saying that you have to re-map this. you got the right rhythm, just the placement isn't there IMO. for now get at least 2-3 more detailed mods before calling me back for a re-check. there can be minor improvements like i mentioned in hard. anyways GL and don't give up on this map :D.
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

hey~ i'm here from my queue :D.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: Should be fixed/highly suggested.
Green: Suggestion.
Blue: Comments, Advice or Other.


00:04:187 (2) - delete this note for 2 reasons. i feel that beginners would feel uncomfortable hitting this during gameplay, and i also feel that this part should follow the loud notes in the piano instead of the quieter notes to make it easier to follow.
00:07:027 (2,3) - same idea here. try something like this instead? same reason as above. No, I clearly here piano sound on here, so this slider will follow music properly I suppose.
00:08:980 (1) - this spinner should end at 00:10:400 - with a finish instead of the clap because it stands out the most in this part, and it gives more time for beginners to recover in time during gameplay.
00:30:637 (2) - it'll follow the vocals more properly if you remove the repeat and a circle in its place. the slider follows "da-a" and the circle follows "te" in this part of the vocals during gameplay IMO. In Japanese, on this vocal " ta-a-te" says one words ( the meaning is " stand" in English), so I don't suppose it is better to separate this slider to two notes for newbie.
00:33:477 (3) - this could be pretty misleading for beginners because they might not react to this as a slider. with the length if the slider, it'd most likely read as a circle, or a last second hesitation. remove the repeat on (2), and add a slider that ends till 00:33:655 - to make it easier for beginners to read during gameplay. also it'll follow the vocals a lot smoother than before as well.
00:45:193 (3) - move this to the right a bit for an even smoother transition during gameplay. i'm not feeling the sense of flow in this part during gameplay when it's moved here.
00:55:489 (2,3) - move this here instead. same reason as above.
00:58:329 (2) - same as 00:33:477.
besides the 1/2 sliders and rhythms, this isn't a bad diff.
Others fixed.

00:17:501 (1,2) - why don't you try a 2/1 slider and a circle instead to follow the music more properly? the 2/1 slider would follow the guitar riff, and the circle would follow the beat.
00:30:637 (3) - perhaps a circle and a 1/1 slider would work here? same reason as above, but the vocals.
00:34:187 - i highly suggest that you add a note here because it can be pretty misleading to follow from the previous note during gameplay. it'd keep the flow steady, and you'd be following the piano for this part of the song.
00:41:643 (3,4) - i think you can replace this for a circle followed by a 1/1 repeat slider, or a circle followed by a 1/2 slider and another circle. same reason as 00:17:501.
00:47:323 (3,4,5,6) - move this a bit to the right for a smoother transition in this combo like this.
01:09:690 (2,3,4) - i feel that this rhythm can play a lot better. either try this to follow the vocals, or this to follow the BGM in this part of the song.
01:15:726 (3) - align this to (2) for a smoother transition and symmetry in this pattern during gameplay. the transition as it stands feels somewhat uncomfortable during gameplay. Remapped in the last part.
a pretty good normal, i can say that much.
Others fixed.

00:08:181 (7,8) - orz this triplet doesn't fit with the piano in this part of the song. it feels a bit uncomfortable to follow during gameplay if the piano is playing like this. for this one, i highly suggest that you do this instead to follow the music more properly during gameplay.
00:11:820 (1,2,3) - i feel that you can space out (2) to 1.50 at least to make the diff more fun to follow during gameplay. (2,3) feeling a bit uncomfortable to follow since the piano doesn't stand out as much compared to the guitar at (1,2).
00:38:270 (3,4,5) - i think you can do a better rhythm than this. replace this for 3 circles and 2 1/2 sliders. it'll follow the vocals and BGM nicely during gameplay, also i feel that this would keep the flow steady during gameplay as well. Changed in my own.
00:55:134 (3) - perhaps you can move this down for a nice triangular pattern for (1,2,3)?
00:59:394 (2) - NC here. this follows the vocals and (1) follows the drums, so it'll make more sense to see which combo is following which during gameplay.
good hard, but i feel that there can be minor improvements.
All fixed.

00:08:093 (3,4,5) - same idea as hard. try a different rhythm of your own instead. same reason.
00:18:921 (5,6,7) - perhaps you can do something like this for a better setup for the jump and it'll be easier to follow as well during gameplay.
00:26:909 (3,4,5) - what about doing this to keep the flow steady and so that it'd be more readable during gameplay. also that big jump from (4,5) ruins the calmness of this part of the song.
00:33:655 (6) - use Ctrl+G instead. yes it shows emphasis in the piano, but this jump would make most players feel uncomfortable to follow during gameplay.
00:34:187 - add a note here. you'd be keeping the flow steady if you follow the piano in this part of the song.
00:57:797 (3) - same as 00:33:655.
some of your jumps and patterns feel uncomfortable to follow during gameplay. there are some that fit yes, so i didn't say that all jumps are uncomfortable.

All fixed and some remapped.

and that's all i got. i feel that your insane can improve in the transitioning in patterns and sense of flow. i'm not saying that you have to re-map this. you got the right rhythm, just the placement isn't there IMO. for now get at least 2-3 more detailed mods before calling me back for a re-check. there can be minor improvements like i mentioned in hard. anyways GL and don't give up on this map :D.
It helped a lot, thanks for modding!
From my Queue. (M4M)

This color means something you can either choose to fix or not to fix cause I prefer to do this.
And this color means some issue to fix I think.

Good map and a little suggestions here.
Nothing found here! Really good map!
Good map. Almost nothing to say.
01:21:939 (4) - No reverse here is better. Because I think the vocal is clean and the voice "da" is better not to be disturbed by the reverse of the slider.
Good map.
00:34:187 - Recommend a note here.. Because the distance of the slider 4,1 is kinda hard to read, and here a piano is suitable to get a note.
00:42:708 (8,1) - For better flow, you can move slider 8 a little right
Quite clean and tidy placement! I like it!
00:15:371 (3,4) - Considering that the distance between 2,3 and the timing space is the same with 3,4, and the flow here is a quite sharp turn, so I suggest a smaller distance .Stacking 2,4 will be a good choice, though it may not so pretty to look..
00:16:081 (6,7) - This kind of flow is kinda tough.. But changing it may not so easy.. Or just ok.. Not so bad here.
00:18:921 (5,6) - A sharp turn and jump here, if you use jump, maybe the flow should be easier, or just make a smaller distance..
00:21:761 (4,5) - Just to say the flow here is strange.. But I don't know whether it is fine or how to fix it.. If you want to change it, slider 6 will be changed too..
00:24:246 (5,6) - Maybe the height of the 2 slider should be the same? Also 00:24:069 (4,7) and following notes.. And the flow 6,7 is not so smooth I think. But changing here will be hard..
(00:39:158 (5,6,7) - Good pattern! But using this pattern means abandoning the smooth flow you know)
00:42:885 (8,1) - A big jump with a sharp turn on the slider..
00:46:258 (2,3) - Sharp turn and a big jump... Still it is good looked and so hard to change.............= = Changing the position of 2 will be a choice.. (Maybe?)
00:47:323 (5,6) - The flow can be better.. Changing the direction of slider 8 may be suitable to find a good flow(At least better flow imo.)
00:50:519 (6,7) - I prefer Ctrl+G.. For a better flow..
01:09:335 (3,4,5) - Another sharp turn and jump.. Make a smaller distance between 3,4 will be fine

That's my suggestions. Thanks for requesting.If you have any questions feel free to send pm to me.:) .
Topic Starter

Atrue wrote:

From my Queue. (M4M)

This color means something you can either choose to fix or not to fix cause I prefer to do this.
And this color means some issue to fix I think.

Good map and a little suggestions here.
Nothing found here! Really good map!
Good map. Almost nothing to say.
01:21:939 (4) - No reverse here is better. Because I think the vocal is clean and the voice "da" is better not to be disturbed by the reverse of the slider. I just aim to follow vocal, so no changed.
Good map.
00:34:187 - Recommend a note here.. Because the distance of the slider 4,1 is kinda hard to read, and here a piano is suitable to get a note.
00:42:708 (8,1) - For better flow, you can move slider 8 a little right
Quite clean and tidy placement! I like it!
00:15:371 (3,4) - Considering that the distance between 2,3 and the timing space is the same with 3,4, and the flow here is a quite sharp turn, so I suggest a smaller distance .Stacking 2,4 will be a good choice, though it may not so pretty to look..
00:16:081 (6,7) - This kind of flow is kinda tough.. But changing it may not so easy.. Or just ok.. Not so bad here.
00:18:921 (5,6) - A sharp turn and jump here, if you use jump, maybe the flow should be easier, or just make a smaller distance.. aim to jump, so I wanto to keep it.
00:21:761 (4,5) - Just to say the flow here is strange.. But I don't know whether it is fine or how to fix it.. If you want to change it, slider 6 will be changed too..
00:24:246 (5,6) - Maybe the height of the 2 slider should be the same? Also 00:24:069 (4,7) and following notes.. And the flow 6,7 is not so smooth I think. But changing here will be hard..
(00:39:158 (5,6,7) - Good pattern! But using this pattern means abandoning the smooth flow you know)
00:42:885 (8,1) - A big jump with a sharp turn on the slider.. ?
00:46:258 (2,3) - Sharp turn and a big jump... Still it is good looked and so hard to change.............= = Changing the position of 2 will be a choice.. (Maybe?) For Insane, this jump isn't huge I suppose.
00:47:323 (5,6) - The flow can be better.. Changing the direction of slider 8 may be suitable to find a good flow(At least better flow imo.)
00:50:519 (6,7) - I prefer Ctrl+G.. For a better flow..
01:09:335 (3,4,5) - Another sharp turn and jump.. Make a smaller distance between 3,4 will be fine Again, I feel jumping would be better.

That's my suggestions. Thanks for requesting.If you have any questions feel free to send pm to me.:) .
No comment = fixed.
Thanks for modding!
From my modding queues~
  1. 00:05:607 (9) - NC
  2. 00:06:140 (1) - remove NC
  3. 00:07:737 (1) - NC
  4. 00:18:921 (5,6,7,8,9) - check the img↓. Red and green line not balance in distance. Light green flow in my mine. Yellow circle my view. Blue line for the shortest of distance.
  5. 00:22:116 (5) - make it blanket.
  6. 00:22:826 (7,8,9,10,1) - you can make it more beautiful.
  7. 00:27:087 (4) -not balance in distance. Move to X:496 Y:204
  8. 00:37:737 (2,3,4) - make it blanket.
  9. 00:41:643 (5) - I think there is two circle in 00:41:643 - and 00:41:820 - as well.
  10. 00:49:986 (4,5,6,7,8) - flow problem.
    try to change↓
  11. 00:58:507 (6) - X:388 Y:312 easily to hit it and follow next item well.
  12. 01:14:306 (1) - move to X:356 Y:219 to overlap with 01:13:240 (6) -

    Good song and good in rhythm.
    Good luck~
Topic Starter

tellertheworld wrote:

From my modding queues~
  1. 00:05:607 (9) - NC Aim to put NCs to follow downbeat, sorry.
  2. 00:06:140 (1) - remove NC
  3. 00:07:737 (1) - NC
  4. 00:18:921 (5,6,7,8,9) - check the img↓. Red and green line not balance in distance. Light green flow in my mine. Yellow circle my view. Blue line for the shortest of distance. Remapped.
  5. 00:22:116 (5) - make it blanket.
  6. 00:22:826 (7,8,9,10,1) - you can make it more beautiful.
  7. 00:27:087 (4) -not balance in distance. Move to X:496 Y:204 I suppose it's wrong placement since here is a slider, and not visiable.
  8. 00:37:737 (2,3,4) - make it blanket. Remapped.
  9. 00:41:643 (5) - I think there is two circle in 00:41:643 - and 00:41:820 - as well.
  10. 00:49:986 (4,5,6,7,8) - flow problem. Remapped.
    try to change↓
  11. 00:58:507 (6) - X:388 Y:312 easily to hit it and follow next item well. Remapped.
  12. 01:14:306 (1) - move to X:356 Y:219 to overlap with 01:13:240 (6) -

    Good song and good in rhythm.
    Good luck~
No comment = fixed.
Thanks for modding.
Hi, from my queue here.


  1. Clear \:D/


  1. 00:10:400 (3,4) - This DS makes me feel uncomfortable when playing D: I would prefer stacking 00:10:933 (4) with 00:10:400 (3) .
  2. 00:15:903 (5,6) - This would be nice if you combine them into one slider only to follow the electric guitar. And u also follow it before at 00:14:661 (1). If you keep it, try not to use jumps, because the pitch of the sound doesn't rise so much.
  3. 00:16:436 (7) - Makes this as curvy shape too, like that of 00:15:548 (4,6,8,9).
  4. 00:26:909 (3,4,5) - This jump sounds weird. The tone of vocal keeps low and raises at 00:27:619 (6) . So, I may recommend you to place jump between 00:27:264 (5,6) or do not apply jumps.
  5. 00:29:217 (2) - The jump here is not consistent that of 00:26:377 (2) but the rhythm should be the same. Try CTRL+G?
  6. 00:31:524 (6,7) - Jump is not that fit too at the end of the vocal imo. Or I prefer sth like stacking 00:31:702 (7) with 00:32:412 (1) or somewhere upper but not on the reverse slider coz the sounds like going up.
  7. Um.. I also think that jumps between 00:26:022 - 00:58:684 are too frequent and some jumps are forced to be there to fit the symmetry pattern which makes the kiai and prelude differ little. D: I don't know whether others would share the same feeling with me, but I just post my little opinion here.
  8. 00:44:483 (5,6) - Combine them into one slider too?
  9. 00:57:797 (2,3,4,5,6) - Suggestion on the jumps, the sound becomes larger and larger, try to use increasing spacing?
  10. 00:58:507 (6) - finish?


  1. 00:07:737 (5,6) - The flow seems bad imo D:
  2. 00:26:377 (2,3) - I have 2 suggestions on the rhythm:
    1. Change 00:26:909 (3) to 2 circles which better fit vocal imo
  3. 00:31:524 (6,7) - Reverse jump here doesn't sound nice imo, see what I mention in Insane.
  4. 00:35:075 (3) - The middle node only follows the softsoftsoft piano sound. Try doing a pause here?
  5. 00:43:951 (2) - Would this be better without a slider starting at red tick but not following vocal?


  1. Kiai is much easier than the prelude makes me feel surprised lol
  2. 00:16:081 (3,4) - Nazi, blanket here can definitely be improved.
  3. 00:57:974 (2) - I wonder if this would be too hard in a Normal. Since the slider is short, the reverse sign is quite difficult to see clearly which may cause a readability problem. Use sliders with anchors instead?!
  4. 00:59:394 (3) - NC is an alternative to indicate the pause of vocal and instruments.
  5. Nothing to say about EZ.

Yay, good luck!
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

Hi, from my queue here.


  1. Clear \:D/


  1. 00:10:400 (3,4) - This DS makes me feel uncomfortable when playing D: I would prefer stacking 00:10:933 (4) with 00:10:400 (3) .
  2. 00:15:903 (5,6) - This would be nice if you combine them into one slider only to follow the electric guitar. And u also follow it before at 00:14:661 (1). If you keep it, try not to use jumps, because the pitch of the sound doesn't rise so much.
  3. 00:16:436 (7) - Makes this as curvy shape too, like that of 00:15:548 (4,6,8,9). Remapped.
  4. 00:26:909 (3,4,5) - This jump sounds weird. The tone of vocal keeps low and raises at 00:27:619 (6) . So, I may recommend you to place jump between 00:27:264 (5,6) or do not apply jumps. This jump looks small so I suppose it would be fine.
  5. 00:29:217 (2) - The jump here is not consistent that of 00:26:377 (2) but the rhythm should be the same. Try CTRL+G?
  6. 00:31:524 (6,7) - Jump is not that fit too at the end of the vocal imo. Or I prefer sth like stacking 00:31:702 (7) with 00:32:412 (1) or somewhere upper but not on the reverse slider coz the sounds like going up.
  7. Um.. I also think that jumps between 00:26:022 - 00:58:684 are too frequent and some jumps are forced to be there to fit the symmetry pattern which makes the kiai and prelude differ little. D: I don't know whether others would share the same feeling with me, but I just post my little opinion here.
  8. 00:44:483 (5,6) - Combine them into one slider too? Sorry no, here is drum sound so I justfollowed it.
  9. 00:57:797 (2,3,4,5,6) - Suggestion on the jumps, the sound becomes larger and larger, try to use increasing spacing? I just suppose current jumping would be beter.
  10. 00:58:507 (6) - finish? Maybe clap is enouhgh.


  1. 00:07:737 (5,6) - The flow seems bad imo D:
  2. 00:26:377 (2,3) - I have 2 suggestions on the rhythm: Keep current way since it followed vocal.
    1. Change 00:26:909 (3) to 2 circles which better fit vocal imo
  3. 00:31:524 (6,7) - Reverse jump here doesn't sound nice imo, see what I mention in Insane.
  4. 00:35:075 (3) - The middle node only follows the softsoftsoft piano sound. Try doing a pause here? I don't want to make a blank here.
  5. 00:43:951 (2) - Would this be better without a slider starting at red tick but not following vocal? Another changed.


  1. Kiai is much easier than the prelude makes me feel surprised lol
  2. 00:16:081 (3,4) - Nazi, blanket here can definitely be improved.
  3. 00:57:974 (2) - I wonder if this would be too hard in a Normal. Since the slider is short, the reverse sign is quite difficult to see clearly which may cause a readability problem. Use sliders with anchors instead?! Maybe current is allowed because of following blank.
  4. 00:59:394 (3) - NC is an alternative to indicate the pause of vocal and instruments.
  5. Nothing to say about EZ.

Yay, good luck!
No comment = fixed.
Thanks for modding.
ooh sounds like barely anything was mentioned in the easy diff. i'll try to improve to the best of my ability.

00:04:542 (2) - i say that adjust this to make it straight, and move it here. it'll feel more comfortable for beginners during gameplay.
00:17:501 (1,2) - just a suggestion but try a 2/1 slider and a circle to make it more easier to follow considering that it follows the riff of the guitar nicely during gameplay.
00:32:412 (2) - there should be a clap here IMO. it'll emphasize that thump in the BGM.
00:41:643 (3,4) - this rhythm doesn't fit with the main vocals of the song since they're separate here, so for this one, replace this for s circle followed by a 1/1 repeat, or a circle, followed by a 1/1 repeat and another circle to follow the vocals properly during gameplay.
00:47:323 (3) - move this to the left for the transition to be even smoother than before during gameplay.
01:02:945 (1,2) - use a 3/2 repeat slider instead. it's more fitting than following the BGM here during gameplay.

00:16:081 (3,4) - a circle and a 1/1 repeat slider makes more sense for better emphasis in the guitar during gameplay.
00:31:702 (1) - i think making this symmetrical with the last 2 notes is better than aligning it to 00:29:749 (2) - because it feels a bit awkward to follow during gameplay.

00:18:921 (5,6,7) - since you have the transition like that, re-arrange it like this. the current one feels really awkward to follow considering the transition from (4,5).
00:59:394 (5) - NC here. it'd be consistent with the hard diff considering you made those NCs.
01:21:584 (2,3) - i think switching these notes around(Ctrl+G) would feel a lot smoother and more straightforward for players during gameplay IMO.

better. call me back after you finished this re-check of mine.
From tellertheworld queue. Sorry for slow reply!

00:57:974 (2) - こうしてみませんか?

Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

ooh sounds like barely anything was mentioned in the easy diff. i'll try to improve to the best of my ability.

00:04:542 (2) - i say that adjust this to make it straight, and move it here. it'll feel more comfortable for beginners during gameplay. Changed similar way.
00:17:501 (1,2) - just a suggestion but try a 2/1 slider and a circle to make it more easier to follow considering that it follows the riff of the guitar nicely during gameplay. Fixed.
00:32:412 (2) - there should be a clap here IMO. it'll emphasize that thump in the BGM. Added.
00:41:643 (3,4) - this rhythm doesn't fit with the main vocals of the song since they're separate here, so for this one, replace this for s circle followed by a 1/1 repeat, or a circle, followed by a 1/1 repeat and another circle to follow the vocals properly during gameplay. Changed to fit with vocal more.
00:47:323 (3) - move this to the left for the transition to be even smoother than before during gameplay. Fixed.
01:02:945 (1,2) - use a 3/2 repeat slider instead. it's more fitting than following the BGM here during gameplay. Fixed.

00:16:081 (3,4) - a circle and a 1/1 repeat slider makes more sense for better emphasis in the guitar during gameplay. Fixed.
00:31:702 (1) - i think making this symmetrical with the last 2 notes is better than aligning it to 00:29:749 (2) - because it feels a bit awkward to follow during gameplay. Remapped in this part.

00:18:921 (5,6,7) - since you have the transition like that, re-arrange it like this. the current one feels really awkward to follow considering the transition from (4,5). Good, fixed.
00:59:394 (5) - NC here. it'd be consistent with the hard diff considering you made those NCs. My fault, fixed.
01:21:584 (2,3) - i think switching these notes around(Ctrl+G) would feel a lot smoother and more straightforward for players during gameplay IMO. Sorry no changed since from (3) to (4) needs big jumping to follow emphasized instrumental and vocal I suppose.

better. call me back after you finished this re-check of mine.
Thanks for rechecking.

Anchor wrote:

From tellertheworld queue. Sorry for slow reply!

00:57:974 (2) - こうしてみませんか?

一箇所の問題しか見つかりませんでした、申し訳ありません! 次のnoteを打つのがNormalにしては少し難しいと思うので、この形にしています。
Thanks for modding.
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