With the permission of the forum moderators, givenameplz and me decided to compile all the apps, programs and so on, so the people can access them faster and more easily. He did all the hard work. If you want to have your app included, leave a post or send me a PM.
- [Windows 8] Desktop composition disabler
- Approach Rate Calculator
- AIBat
- Auto-downloader for Bloodcat (osu! beatmaps mirror)
- Bulk Beatmap downloader
- ClickMeter
- Cursor Tracing Program (osu!trace)
- Hitsounds copier
- MyLittleOsu (Beatmap Download Manager)
- o!verlay - Transparent-like menu bg creator!
- o2jam to osu!mania converter
- opsu! - an open-source osu! client (UNOFFICIAL)
- OSU Beatmap downloader No official support
- osu! (OS X)
- osu! API library
- osu! AR11Maker
- osu! Beatmap API
- osu! Beatmap BPM Changer
- osu! Beatmap Modifier (sliders, ar, cs, od)
- osu! changelog & search (Rainmeter)
- osu! Input Delay Remover
- osu! last.fm scrobbler
- osu! MIE (editing multiple .ini files)
- osu! mouse simulator for Leap
- osu! Music Player
- osu! Public Release (2007-09)
- osu! Replay Analyzer (preview)
- osu! Replay API
- osu! Skin Manager
- osu! Stats Watcher
- osu! Trainer - find maps near your skill
- osu!AR10
- osu!calm - enjoy a more silent startup!
- osu!Collections No official support
- osu!DND (for Skype) v2 [22/07/14]
- osu!HitCounter - Count your clicks
- osu!Post - Live osu! status for your signatures Beta
- osu!Profile
- osu!rc - osu! irc client (in alpha test)
- osu!Skype
- osu!Sync | Share your beatmaps
- osu!Tapspeed-Meter
- osu!tt - count your time spent in osu!
- Osu!UserInfo
- osu!vd (osu! Video Deleter)
- osu!widget
- Q! me up! -An osu! Matchmaking Client
- SGL Tool - Generate Storyboards
- Skype tool for osu!
- SpinnyProgram - Test your spinning speed!
- Stream speed tester
- Synaptic Absolution
- Osu Skin Creator Work in progress
- Osu!Desktop Tools
- [osu!] - [web] extended pp listing
- osu stats
- osu! Beatmap Pack Mirror
- osu! Community Localisation Project
- osu! level calculator
- osu! Ranked Beatmap Mirror
- osu! signature thread
- osu! Skins Database
- osu!Bancho stats and logs!
- osu!grab v.2
- osu!record - automatic osu! replay .OSR to Youtube service
- osu!station - The beatmap radio station
- osu!time
- osu!track User Stats Tracker
- osu!userbar
- osu!wiki project
- osudl project - find and download beatmaps!
- osuReImg (WIP) - Generate signature images from your replays
- pp graphics
- osu! uebu Work in progress
- osu!stream (External link)