
osu! Skin Manager

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Note: If you can't read English very well, here is a link to the German thread of the Application:

Hey guys!
Today I want to show you a program where you can create and edit your skin. The system is simple: At the first startup you have to choose your skin folder from osu! And here you are! Now you can start your project. Also you have the possibility to create HD Skins with one click, mix two or more skins together and so on.
But one picture says more than tousand words, here is a screenshot (of both skins) :

And if you need help with the program, just click on "Help" and then on "Quickhelp" (or you press Ctrl + H) at the top menu of the program.

  1. .NET Framework 4.5
  2. A monitor which is 800x600 px big (or bigger)
  3. For the simulator: A monitor which is bigger than 800x600 px (support for this screen size is coming soon)
  4. For automatic updates: a working internet connection
Downloadlink: Download (Mediafire) - Official installer (Full Version 4.2.1) (last update: 15.08.2015)
Mirror: Download (Bitbucket)

What is in the osu! Skin Manager included:
  1. Audio support (.mp3, .wav)
  2. Supports normal and HD Skins
  3. Skin Mixer
  4. Half Resolution Creator (needs a HD skin)
  5. Skin template-downloader
  6. (BETA) Simulator to look how your skin will look like
  7. Easy skin export and import
  8. Threadtext creator
  9. Auto-detect the osu! skin folder
What's next?
  1. The simulator has his limits concerning on the use of resources. At the moment you can only load a defined number of elements. If a big red X on a white background appears, this means you've exceeded the limit. I am working on a dynamic limit ;)
  2. The application will detect your skin folder, also the stupid folder search dialog will be replaced by a better one Done!

Known bugs:
  1. Some of you may experience crashes and errors when trying to open a skin. The source of this crash is unknown for now, but I try to fix this ASAP
FAQ (also interesting stuff for programmers ^^)
Q: What is the "osu! Skin Manager"?
A: The osu! Skin Manager is a multifunctional tool to create, edit and save your skins for osu!.

Q: Why is it multifunctional?
A: Because you can't just do these three things, no, you can
  1. Export your skin as an .osk file
  2. Create new skins easily
  3. Mix two skins together
  4. Quickly edit the skin.ini
  5. Automatically resize images to half size (for HD skins)
  6. (New since 2.5.3) Create a thread text with auto-fill (Name, Version, Author and release date)
Q: Where are my exported skins?
A: You find them in your osu! directory under "Exports" (where osu! normally puts your exported files in)

Q: I can't see my audio files. Where can I display them?
A: Minimum required version: Beta 2.3 or newer. From this version on you see your WAV and MP3 Files.

Q: How can I replay my selected audio file?
A: Simply just click on the window where the program displays your image. Above you can see if the sound is playing or not.

Q: I just started the application, he says he loads a skin but nothing happens. What should I do?
A: This can be done in a few steps:
1. Open the settings and go to th tab "Other"
2. Deactivate "Automatically load the last edited skin after startup" and restart the application

Q: When is the next update?
A: There isn't any fix date for updates, because it's a hobby project. But you can subscribe this topic to stay up to date.

Q: Has the program an update function?
A: Since Update 2.7 yes, so grab your copy and install :D

Q:The update isn't working, why?
A: Keyword ClickOnce. Please uninstall the old version with ClickOnce (Version 3.8 and below) and download and install the Setup above. This makes updating easier and looks better ;)

Q:How do the themes of the application look like?
A: Click on this link:

Q:What is behind the application? (Interesting for programmers)
A: Over 5000 lines of code in C# are used in the application to let you do all the things. Currently I am using the following libaries:
  1. SharpZipLib (for packing and unpacking skins)
  2. CustomTabControl from JacksonSoft (instead of the old TabControls)
  3. NAudio (for Audio Playback)
The installer, uninstaller and updater are all written by myself (C#, both installer & uninstaller using a XML manifest to get administrator privileges), which includes another 1500 lines of code.

  1. 15.08.2015
    1. Added: If the application crashes, a crash log with anonymous system specifications. This can be deactivated in the settings and if you want to see what exactly is sent to me, press the "System Specs" button in the settings
    2. Added: Users can now send their logs to the server (Don't try to abuse it, it has a built-in cooldown)
    3. Changed: The message, which asks you if you really want to load another skin, will only show up if you have changed something in the skin
    4. Changed: Update message has a new look
    5. Fixed: Sometimes the application tried to load the empty "Temporary" folder.
    6. Fixed: The application crashed at startup when searching for updates with no internet connection
    7. Fixed: Loading skins is now much faster (On some systems skins loaded very slow)
    8. Fixed: Tooltips in the sttings are now translated in German too
  2. 19.07.2015
    1. Added: Three new themes, "Spotify theme (Green)", "Spotify theme (Red)" and "Spotify theme (Blue)"
    2. Added: A splitter in the main window with which you can adjust the size of the skin selection and the preview
    3. Changed: Cancel, Abort and Close buttons are now colored red (no matter which skin is selected)
    4. Changed: If you select a skin, a preview of the skin is shown (menu-background)
    5. Changed: If you open a .osk file, the info window ("The osu! Skin Manager is now loading the files...") will not show up
    6. Changed: The "Select folder" dialogue (where you select your skin folder) is now affected too from the selected theme
    7. Changed: The tabs have now another appearance
    8. Changed: Small changes to the GUI of some windows
    9. Changed: Very small changes to the GUI in the main window
    10. Changed: The previews and the buttons in the skin mixer change their size and location dynamically
    11. Changed: Changed the font to "Segoe UI Light"
    12. Changed: If no skin is loaded, the Skin Mixer shows up immediately if you want to open it
    13. Changed: Changed some keybinds:
      1. Open the Quickhelp by pressing F1
      2. Edit the skin.ini by pressing F2
      3. Start the simulator by pressing F3
      4. Open the settings by pressing F4
    14. Fixed: Clicking "Apply" in the settings and then Cancel ignored the new settings
    15. Fixed: Import and export of settings should work again
    16. Fixed: After closing the Skin Mixer, the apllication crashed
    17. Fixed: The GUI of the Skin Manager in the english version had a weird behaviour
    18. Fixed: The selected language hadn't an effect on background threads (Updating, etc)
    19. Removed: The gradient from the top bar in fullscreen mode
    20. Disabled: The small window that appeared when clicking on a hitcircle element
  3. 10.07.2015
    1. Added: A new installer + updater
    2. Added: New icon
    3. Added: Skin Preview in the skin selection (menu-background required)
    4. Added: .osk files can now be opened with the application. WARNING: The loaded .osk is temporary, if you close the application or load another skin all changes will be lost! Save the skin before closing or loading another skin.
    5. Added: "Save Skin under" function (CTRL + Shift + S)
    6. Changed: Settings Hotkey changed from CTRL + Shift + S to CTRL + Shift + C
    7. Changed: "Import" is now "Import file"
    8. Fixed: Exporting a skin was a little big buggy
    9. Fixed: The Author of a skin wasn't displayed in the German version of the application
    10. Removed: The old and ugly "installer"
  4. 20.04.2015
    1. Added: A new folder browser dialogue
    2. Added: The application can now detect your osu! skin folder
    3. Fixed: When the skin folder is empty, the application crashes
    4. Removed: The old folder browse dialogue at the first startup
  5. 03.03.2015
    1. Changed: The log is now more precise
    2. Changed: The name of the selected audio file is now displayed over the element viewer
    3. Fixed: Some weird bugs (after saving your skin, he didn't updated the element view anymore)
  6. 14.02.2015 QuickFix
    1. Added: "Valentines Day" Background
    2. Changed: New icon :D
    3. Fixed: The application crashed at startup after mixing skins
  7. 13.02.2015 QuickFix
    1. Added: You will now be asked if you're going to delete all skin backups
    2. Added: Your settings will now be temporarily exported in the installation folder after closing the application (more safety if the application can't read his own settings)
    3. Changed: The logfile-system is reworked. This gives me a better overlook if you run into problems :)
    4. Fixed: The size of the backup folder was not displayed right
    5. Fixed: Exporting your settings didn't worked properly
  8. 13.02.2015
    1. Changed: If a sound was stopped, the info text said "Audio is playing". Changed to "Audio is stopped" when not playing
    2. Changed: Your skins will now be loaded in an extra thread. This means that you can use the application while the skin is loading. Also the skins will be loaded faster :)
    3. Fixed: Through update 3.4 you weren't able to load a skin when pressing Enter
    4. Fixed: The Back button didn't worked when you created a threadtext
  9. 10.02.2015
    1. Added: Drag & Drop a skin or the skin.ini in the application to load the skin
    2. Added: In fullscreen mode, the application can now be minimized
    3. Added: A volume control in the skin mixer
    4. Changed: If you click on "Load Skin" (Ctrl + O) while in skin selection, the selected skin will be loaded
    5. Fixed: Changing the size of the application has moved the update status text & progressbar
    6. Fixed: When you switched to the skin selection after a skin was loaded, the name of the skin remained in the title bar
  10. 09.02.2015
    1. Added: Volume control in the bottom right of the controlpanel
    2. Added: Fullscreen support, changeable in the settings. Press F11 to toggle Fullscreen
    3. Changed: If youre screen is smaller than 800x600 px, the application does not start. Also if youre screen is not bigger than 800x600px, the simulator will not start
  11. 20.12.2014
    1. Changed: The Syntax checking is now expanded (checking if the value is valid or not) and bugs are fixed
    2. Fixed: A bug in the skin.ini editor, which occured when deleting the last blank line, stopped you from editing the last line
  12. 13.12.2014
    1. Changed: The Half Resolution Creator has been changed slightly
    2. Fixed: Removed the limit of 800 elements in the Half Resolution Creator
  13. 12.12.2014 Quickfix
    1. Changed: Updated the "Settings" section in the tutorial
    2. Fixed: Skins with more than 800 elements couldn't be loaded
  14. 12.12.2014
    1. Fixed: The setting for day specific themes (snow in december,...) didn't worked properly
  15. 11.12.2014
    1. Added: Before downloading the default skin template, you can now choose between old and new skin template (Note: If you choose as Version "1.0", he downloads automatically the old template)
    2. Added: The program creates now a log, where errors will be listed.
    3. Added: The application has now a Simulator, where you can look how your skin will look like
    4. Changed: Half Resolution Creator improved
    5. Changed: Small changes to the themes
    6. Changed: Loading a skin asks now if your really want to load another skin
    7. Changed: Most of the dialog buttons (e.g. "Would you like to do this...") are set to "No" by default
    8. Fixed: Importing the Skin from the Mixer back into the Manager caused a program crash
    9. Removed: The old settings window. The new window should be much more better and clear ;)
  16. 28.11.2014
    1. Added: The language "German" is now supported (language will be chosen automatically by the application if you live in german regions)
    2. Added: Import and export your settings
    3. Added: Backup function (Backup your whole Skin folder, backup your actual skin at crash, backup before mixing two skins)
    4. Added: When you export your skin, your skin.ini will be checked on mistakes
    5. Changed: Better error-checking (empty names didn't worked, but names conataing only spaces worked)
    6. Changed: Some mistakes in the tutorial were removed
    7. Changed: Tutorial expanded ("Settings" Section updated, new section: "Backup Settings", German screenshots if your program is in German)
    8. Changed: Minimalistic changes to the Skin Mixer (changed some labels)
    9. Fixed: Updating didn't worked; the installer thought you have already installed the latest version
    10. Fixed: If you've changed the osu! skin folder path, he saved the path instantly
  17. 20.11.2014
    1. Added: Now you can deactivate the update notification
    2. Added: Added tooltips in the settings window
    3. Added: At startup, the application shows a tutorial (can be deactivated by clicking "Do not show again")
    4. Changed: While updating, you can see the progress
    5. Changed: You can now abort the download of the default skin
    6. Changed: The RAM Usage in the settings updates now every second
    7. Changed: "Elements" when changing a skin is now "Skins"
    8. Fixed: The last loaded skin couldn't be delete
    9. Fixed: The graphic was buggy when choosing a mp3 file
    10. Fixed: The update bar "stays" in the upper right corner
    11. Removed: The old Help window (it was ugly). Now the application has a new Help section (the tutorial)
  18. 12.11.2104
    1. Added: Update function! Finally I got it to work. From now on, the Application checks for updates at startup. If Updates are found, he downloads and opens the installer automatically.
    2. Changed: The dialog "Load Skin" in the menu "Manage" has been removed, now the skin list is loaded into the listbox
    3. Changed: Deleted skins will now be moved in the Recyle Bin so you can restore the skin
    4. Changed: Default skin.ini is now more clearly
    5. Fixed: The startup dialog accepts now all directories with the name "skin". You can change the directory in the settings
  19. 10.11.2014
    1. Added: An menu point under "Skin", where you can create a forum post for your skin (he automatically inserts some things when you use templates)
    2. Added: (Beta) CircleSize window, where you can look how your hitcircle will look with different CS
    3. Changed: Settings can now be opened with CTRL+ Shift + S
    4. Fixed: At the first startup, he only accepted in the path "osu", not "Osu" (i hate case sensitive...)
  20. 09.11.2014
    1. Added: Support of mp3 files
    2. Added: When you download the default skin, you see a window which shows you the progress of the download
    3. Changed: The skin.ini editor is now coloured (Beta, it could have his problems)
    4. Changed: New logo
  21. 02.09.2014:
    1. Added: Support for Wave (.wav) files. Mp3 file support will be added in a future version
    2. Added: Half-Resolution Creator: creates half resolution images (e.g. an image which is 200px x 200px big will be copied and resized to 100px x 100px)
    3. Added: New look which can be deactivated in the settings
    4. Added: Reset button to reset a change on the selected skin element
    5. Changed: "File" at the top menu is now "Manage"
    6. Changed: If no skin is loaded you can quickly access any skin in your directory
    7. Changed: If you load another skin, open the skin mixer or something else, the images will be disposed (deloaded) to save RAM (BETA)
    8. Changed: "Choose Skin" is now "Load Skin"
    9. Changed: The important buttons are a little bit bigger
    10. Fixed: Mistakes in the help
    This is an big update (bigger than the other) so there could be some bugs. I've tested it and I didn't ran into issues, but if you run into problems, report the bug here and I'll give my best to fix it :)
  22. 15.08.2014:
    1. Added: The program shows you which gamemodes are supported
    2. Added: You can now change settings (I know this is really late to publish, but at the beginning I didn't thought about that ^^")
    3. Added: You can now change the backgroundcolor in the skin mixer
    4. Changed: As long as you didn't have chosen a skin you can't use "Export Skin", "Import" "Save Skin" and "Edit skin.ini"
    5. Changed: "Edit" at the top menu is now "Skin"
    6. Fixed: When you switched from the osu! Skin Mixer back to the Manager, the skin wasn't loaded again
    7. Fixed: If you clicked on "Export", "Import" or "Save Skin" while no skin was loaded, the program crashed
    8. Fixed: If you first started the program, the chosen skin folder wasn't saved (and so you could not save or export your skin)
    9. Fixed: Found and removed some spelling mistakes
  23. 09.08.2014: QuickFix: Fixed a program crash when you choose you osu! skin folder at the startup
  24. 08.08.2014:
    1. Added: Skin Mixer
    2. Added: A new Help Section for the skin mixer
    3. Changed: The picture on the main screen (while editing a skin) is now scrollable (now you can watch your images completely :D)
  25. 04.08.2014: QuickFix: Fixed an error while creating a new skin (he tried to download a file, but the link was wrong). Solution: Switched from Mediafire to Dropbox
  26. 04.08.2014: First release

If you find bugs, error reports or something, please don't be shy and post it here or send me a pn. (how you write an error report is included in the program under "Help" -> "How to write an error report")

You want to see a new feature or changes on the application? Suggestions are alway welcome :D

This thread should be in 2 i bet...
Anyway, that's nice. UI quite sucks.
i told him he can post it here
Topic Starter

OsuMe65 wrote:

This thread should be in 2 i bet...
Anyway, that's nice. UI quite sucks.
Hmm, the UI could be better, that's true :/
Any ideas?
Sorry, rus-_-

Подробная информация об использовании оперативной
(JIT) отладки вместо данного диалогового
окна содержится в конце этого сообщения.

************** Текст исключения **************
System.Net.WebException: Сервер нарушил протокол. Section=ResponseStatusLine
в System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
в System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
в osu__Skin_Manager.newSkin.btn_create_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
в System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
в System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Загруженные сборки **************
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18444 built by: FX451RTMGDR
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
osu! Skin Manager
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/ncuh/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0/5DP2GY0X.QJH/VM3A828Y.0ZB/osus..tion_76e887192c657440_0001.0000_42a53b3a54b24ee6/osu!%20Skin%20Manager.exe
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_ru_b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.resources.dll
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/mscorlib.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_ru_b77a5c561934e089/mscorlib.resources.dll
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32:
CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/ncuh/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0/5DP2GY0X.QJH/VM3A828Y.0ZB/osus..tion_76e887192c657440_0001.0000_42a53b3a54b24ee6/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.DLL
Версия сборки:
Версия Win32: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_ru_b77a5c561934e089/System.resources.dll

************** Оперативная отладка (JIT) **************
Для подключения оперативной (JIT) отладки файл .config данного
приложения или компьютера (machine.config) должен иметь
значение jitDebugging, установленное в секции
Приложение также должно быть скомпилировано с включенной


< jitDebugging="true" />

При включенной отладке JIT любое необрабатываемое исключение
пересылается отладчику JIT, зарегистрированному на данном компьютере,
вместо того чтобы обрабатываться данным диалоговым окном.

Topic Starter
good that the important things are in english :)looks like the program runs into a problem while he downloads the Default Skin. I give my best to fix this bug, thanks for the report anyway

EDIT: The update is released and uploaded. Simply download and start the setup and follow the instructions.
Nice work ^^
But not sure if the set-up should be in German owo
Topic Starter

A i k a wrote:

But not sure if the set-up should be in German owo
I knew there was something wrong :o

Now it should be english. If not, Visual Studio is too stupid for creating an english setup on a german PC^^
It's really a good job!

I noticed just one thing:

1) The pc identify the program as virus. That's because there isn't an author name, so maybe you can put your name (?) XD

And I have one suggestion: You can make possible to "mix" in a simple way. In the left side we can upload a skin and in the right side another one. And, with some arrow to change elements (or just a button "change") we can "mix" properly ahah

Thank you for your work :P
Topic Starter

ziogio wrote:

It's really a good job!

I noticed just one thing:

1) The pc identify the program as virus. That's because there isn't an author name, so maybe you can put your name (?) XD

And I have one suggestion: You can make possible to "mix" in a simple way. In the left side we can upload a skin and in the right side another one. And, with some arrow to change elements (or just a button "change") we can "mix" properly ahah

Thank you for your work :P
Nice idea, I'll try my best to get this idea to work :D
After searching the web for the virus problem I found out that web-based actions (my program contains a download function) get detected by anti-virus software. But if someone needs a virustotal check, I'll add this as fast as possible ;)

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

ziogio wrote:

It's really a good job!

I noticed just one thing:

1) The pc identify the program as virus. That's because there isn't an author name, so maybe you can put your name (?) XD

And I have one suggestion: You can make possible to "mix" in a simple way. In the left side we can upload a skin and in the right side another one. And, with some arrow to change elements (or just a button "change") we can "mix" properly ahah

Thank you for your work :P
Nice idea, I'll try my best to get this idea to work :D
After searching the web for the virus problem I found out that web-based actions (my program contains a download function) get detected by anti-virus software. But if someone needs a virustotal check, I'll add this as fast as possible ;)
Yeah, it could be useful :) I trust you (LOL), but maybe for other people could be important :)

I can't wait to see the update of this software :D
Topic Starter
Working on it, but it's difficult to manage two skins where all images are loaded :/ But if you want to see the Window itself, here is a preview:

Don't wonder about "lb_leftSkin" and so on. These are only shown in Visual Studio :D

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

Working on it, but it's difficult to manage two skins where all images are loaded :/ But if you want to see the Window itself, here is a preview:

Don't wonder about "lb_leftSkin" and so on. These are only shown in Visual Studio :D

Cool! :D
Topic Starter
Update! Finally I got the skin mixer to work :D
  1. Added: Skin Mixer
  2. Added: A new Help Section for the skin mixer
  3. Changed: The picture on the main screen (while editing a skin) is now scrollable (now you can watch your images completely :D)
Have fun ;)
So, I decided to try this, and the program told me to choose my osu!skin folder, when I chose C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins, I got the "this program has stopped working" window.

Just for clarification, which one is osu! skin folder? C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins or the one with the default skin?
I can't open the program. It closes after choosing the osu! skin. There's no error code, or anything, it just closes.
Topic Starter

piruchan wrote:

So, I decided to try this, and the program told me to choose my osu!skin folder, when I chose C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins, I got the "this program has stopped working" window.

Just for clarification, which one is osu! skin folder? C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins or the one with the default skin?
Okay, the problem is a code in the program that should check if you have chosen a skin in the Skins folder.

sheela901 wrote:

I can't open the program. It closes after choosing the osu! skin. There's no error code, or anything, it just closes.
Hmm strange. Do you mean you choose a skin and it closes or do you mean you want to choose the osu! skin folder?

EDIT: Updated now the QuickFix, which removes the crash when you choose the osu! skin folder
Topic Starter
Big Update!
Many, many bugfixes and changes are in this version:
  1. Added: The program shows you which gamemodes are supported
  2. Added: You can now change settings (I know this is really late to publish, but at the beginning I didn't thought about that ^^")
  3. Added: You can now change the backgroundcolor in the skin mixer
  4. Changed: As long as you didn't have chosen a skin you can't use "Export Skin", "Import" "Save Skin" and "Edit skin.ini"
  5. Changed: "Edit" at the top menu is now "Skin"
  6. Fixed: When you switched from the osu! Skin Mixer back to the Manager, the skin wasn't loaded again
  7. Fixed: If you clicked on "Export", "Import" or "Save Skin" while no skin was loaded, the program crashed
  8. Fixed: If you first started the program, the chosen skin folder wasn't saved (and so you could not save or export your skin)
  9. Fixed: Found and removed some spelling mistakes
Sry for these bugs, I didn't notice them :I
Congrats! Cool update! :D
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Thank you :D
Next on the ToDo List: the support of audio files (playing and changing sounds)
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After the project was frozen a little bit (because I didn't had time for the program), I release now the Beta 2.4!

What's new:
  1. Added: Support for Wave (.wav) files. Mp3 file support will be added in a future version
  2. Added: Half-Resolution Creator: creates half resolution images (e.g. an image which is 200px x 200px big will be copied and resized to 100px x 100px)
  3. Added: New look which can be deactivated in the settings
  4. Added: Reset button to reset a change on the selected skin element
  5. Changed: "File" at the top menu is now "Manage"
  6. Changed: If no skin is loaded you can quickly access any skin in your directory
  7. Changed: If you load another skin, open the skin mixer or something else, the images will be disposed (deloaded) to save RAM (BETA)
  8. Changed: "Choose Skin" is now "Load Skin"
  9. Changed: The important buttons are a little bit bigger
  10. Fixed: Mistakes in the help
This is an big update (bigger than the other) so there could be some bugs. I've tested it and I didn't ran into issues, but if you run into problems, report the bug here and I'll give my best to fix it :)
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After 2 Months, I'm back with good news:
  1. Added: Support of mp3 files
  2. Added: When you download the default skin, you see a window which shows you the progress of the download
  3. Changed: The skin.ini editor is now coloured (Beta, it could have his problems)
  4. Changed: New logo
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And again an update:
  1. Added: An menu point under "Skin", where you can create a forum post for your skin (he automatically inserts some things when you use templates)
  2. Added: (Beta) CircleSize window, where you can look how your hitcircle will look with different CS
  3. Changed: Settings can now be opened with STRG + Shift + S
  4. Fixed: At the first startup, he only accepted in the path "osu", not "Osu" (i hate case sensitive...)
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I'm proud to present to you Version 2.7 of the osu! Skin Manager:
  1. Added: Update function! Finally I got it to work. From now on, the Application checks for updates at startup. If Updates are found, he downloads and opens the installer automatically.
  2. Changed: The dialog "Load Skin" in the menu "Manage" has been removed, now the skin list is loaded into the listbox
  3. Changed: Deleted skins will now be moved in the Recyle Bin so you can restore the skin
  4. Changed: Default skin.ini is now more clearly
  5. Fixed: The startup dialog accepts now all directories with the name "skin". You can change the directory in the settings
Feedback is welcome :)

Notice: The update function is still in testing, I've tested the function many times, and every time it worked but I can not promise that everything works 100% correct. We will see if it works when I publish a new version ;)
EDIT: Could someone move this thread to Developement pls? I think I would reach more people there :)

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

EDIT: Could someone move this thread to Developement pls? I think I would reach more people there :)
i suppose i could for you o3o
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deadbeat wrote:

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

EDIT: Could someone move this thread to Developement pls? I think I would reach more people there :)
i suppose i could for you o3o
Thank you :D

Version 2.7.5 is out!
  1. Added: Now you can deactivate the update notification
  2. Added: Added tooltips in the settings window
  3. Added: At startup, the application shows a tutorial (can be deactivated by clicking "Do not show again")
  4. Changed: While updating, you can see the progress
  5. Changed: You can now abort the download of the default skin
  6. Changed: The RAM Usage in the settings updates now every second
  7. Changed: "Elements" when changing a skin is now "Skins"
  8. Fixed: The last loaded skin couldn't be delete
  9. Fixed: The graphic was buggy when choosing a mp3 file
  10. Fixed: The update bar "stays" in the upper right corner
  11. Removed: The old Help window (it was ugly). Now the application has a new Help section (the tutorial)
I'm proud to say that the application has over 3000 lines of code! At the beginning I've never thought that the program would be that big.
You want to see a new feature in this application? Write me a private message or write a post in this thread ;)
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Version 3.0 Full is out! Now with German support and skin.ini checker!
  1. Added: The language "German" is now supported (language will be chosen automatically by the application if you live in german regions)
  2. Added: Import and export your settings
  3. Added: Backup function (Backup your whole Skin folder, backup your actual skin at crash, backup before mixing two skins)
  4. Added: When you export your skin, your skin.ini will be checked on mistakes
  5. Changed: Better error-checking (empty names didn't worked, but names conataing only spaces worked)
  6. Changed: Some mistakes in the tutorial were removed
  7. Changed: Tutorial expanded ("Settings" Section updated, new section: "Backup Settings", German screenshots if your program is in German)
  8. Changed: Minimalistic changes to the Skin Mixer (changed some labels)
  9. Fixed: Updating didn't worked; the installer thought you have already installed the latest version
  10. Fixed: If you've changed the osu! skin folder path, he saved the path instantly
Note: If you want to help me with implementing new languages, send me a pm and I will send you all necessary informations how you can help me ;)
[ Scarlet Red ]
Omg I could definitely use this, might decide to download this now. Thanks :3
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reyder wrote:

Omg I could definitely use this, might decide to download this now. Thanks :3
No problem ;)
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Version 3.2 Full is out! How will my skin look like? Let's check this in the simulator...
  1. Added: Before downloading the default skin template, you can now choose between old and new skin template (Note: If you choose as Version "1.0", he downloads automatically the old template)
  2. Added: The program creates now a log, where errors will be listed.
  3. Added: The application has now a Simulator, where you can look how your skin will look like
  4. Changed: Half Resolution Creator improved
  5. Changed: Small changes to the themes
  6. Changed: Loading a skin asks now if your really want to load another skin
  7. Changed: Most of the dialog buttons (e.g. "Would you like to do this...") are set to "No" by default
  8. Fixed: Importing the Skin from the Mixer back into the Manager caused a program crash
  9. Removed: The old settings window. The new window should be much more better and clear ;)
Note: The simulator is still in developement! Dependent on your computer performance could the simulator take a few seconds up to a minute to load all elements!
The following elements will be added in a further version:
SliderSpinnerCursorHit-GraphicsAnimationsThe Modselection screenAlso the simulator only supports the standard osu! mode, taiko, ctb and mania will be added soon...
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Quickfix 3.2.1 Full!
  1. Fixed: The setting for day specific themes (snow in december,...) didn't worked properly
This looks great! I'll be sure to download and take a look at it :)
Keep up the good work!
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CanadianPaws wrote:

This looks great! I'll be sure to download and take a look at it :)
Keep up the good work!
I will ;)

Quickfix 3.2.2 Full!
  1. Changed: Updated the "Settings" section in the tutorial
  2. Fixed: Skins with more than 800 elements couldn't be loaded
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Quickfix 3.2.4 Full!
  1. Changed: The Half Resolution Creator has been changed slightly
  2. Fixed: Removed the limit of 800 elements in the Half Resolution Creator
Can someone who speaks German please put up a quick how-to-install guide, please? Thanks in advance!
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FieryLight wrote:

Can someone who speaks German please put up a quick how-to-install guide, please? Thanks in advance!
There is a german thread ;)

German installation guide
Einfach herunterladen, entpacken und die setup.exe ausführen. Danach öffnet sich das Setup bei welchem du auf "Installieren" klicken musst, der Rest geschieht automatisch und öffnet im Anschluss das Programm.

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

FieryLight wrote:

Can someone who speaks German please put up a quick how-to-install guide, please? Thanks in advance!
There is a german thread ;)

German installation guide
Einfach herunterladen, entpacken und die setup.exe ausführen. Danach öffnet sich das Setup bei welchem du auf "Installieren" klicken musst, der Rest geschieht automatisch und öffnet im Anschluss das Programm.
Oh, I worded that badly didn't I? xD

What I meant was that the installation is currently in German and I would appreciate it if someone could show me how to install the program in English, haha. Thanks for replying though =)
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The installation is still in German? xD
Usually the installer should change the langauage based on your computer language, but ClickOnce seems to be the worst solution for installations. Unfortunately it's the only free tool for creating an installer. I will search the internet for a better solution ;)

But the installation is easy: Start the setup.exe, click on "Installieren" and the installer will do everything for you. The application will start automatically after the installation ;)
Actually, I'm getting this: which I just realized means that I just don't have the .NET framework yet and I can probably find an English version for that online in the morning. But if the installation afterwards is still in German, I'll know what to do ;D
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FieryLight wrote:

Actually, I'm getting this: which I just realized means that I just don't have the .NET framework yet and I can probably find an English version for that online in the morning. But if the installation afterwards is still in German, I'll know what to do ;D
.NET Framework 4.5 Here you are ;)
[Kanzaki Ranko]

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

Working on it, but it's difficult to manage two skins where all images are loaded :/
Why so, RAM issues?
You could instead store the directories in the RAM and load the images on click. This would make the upper limit for element count nearly infinite (as strings take up almost no space compared to bitmaps).

Sorry if a problem like this has already been addressed, haha
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Flameu wrote:

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

Working on it, but it's difficult to manage two skins where all images are loaded :/
Why so, RAM issues?
You could instead store the directories in the RAM and load the images on click. This would make the upper limit for element count nearly infinite (as strings take up almost no space compared to bitmaps).

Sorry if a problem like this has already been addressed, haha
This problem is already solved ;) But the images themselves are not loaded into the RAM.
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Update 3.3 Full is now avaible!
  1. Changed: The Syntax checking is now expanded (checking if the value is valid or not) and bugs are fixed
  2. Fixed: A bug in the skin.ini editor, which occured when deleting the last blank line, stopped you from editing the last line
b]IMPORTANT: A deinstallation is recommended before installing this version, otherwise updates could not work![/b]
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Update 3.4 Full is now avaible!
  1. Added: Volume control in the bottom right of the controlpanel
  2. Added: Fullscreen support, changeable in the settings. Press F11 to toggle Fullscreen
  3. Changed: If youre screen is smaller than 800x600 px, the application does not start. Also if youre screen is not bigger than 800x600px, the simulator will not start
And yes, I am still developing this ^^
Does this support HD skins ? (the @2x.png files)

Agrrox wrote:

Does this support HD skins ? (the @2x.png files)

bl8ckdr8gon wrote:

Today I want to show you a program where you can create and edit your skin. The system is simple: At the first startup you have to choose your skin folder from osu! And here you are! Now you can start your project. Also you have the possibility to create HD Skins with one click, mix two or more skins together and so on.
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Agrrox wrote:

Does this support HD skins ? (the @2x.png files)
Yes it does support HD skins ;)
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Update 3.6 Full is now avaible! Some new stuff and minor bug fixes are coming with this version.
  1. Added: Drag & Drop a skin or the skin.ini in the application to load the skin
  2. Added: In fullscreen mode, the application can now be minimized
  3. Added: A volume control in the skin mixer
  4. Changed: If you click on "Load Skin" (Ctrl + O) while in skin selection, the selected skin will be loaded
  5. Fixed: Changing the size of the application has moved the update status text & progressbar
  6. Fixed: When you switched to the skin selection after a skin was loaded, the name of the skin remained in the title bar
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Update 3.7 Full is now avaible!
  1. Changed: If a sound was stopped, the info text said "Audio is playing". Changed to "Audio is stopped" when not playing
  2. Changed: Your skins will now be loaded in an extra thread. This means that you can use the application while the skin is loading. Also the skins will be loaded faster :)
  3. Fixed: Through update 3.4 you weren't able to load a skin when pressing Enter
  4. Fixed: The Back button didn't worked when you created a threadtext
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Update 3.7.3 Full is now avaible! This update contains an Quickfix for the "export settings" function
  1. Added: You will now be asked if you're going to delete all skin backups
  2. Added: Your settings will now be temporarily exported in the installation folder after closing the application (more safety if the application can't read his own settings)
  3. Changed: The logfile-system is reworked. This gives me a better overlook if you run into problems :)
  4. Fixed: The size of the backup folder was not displayed right
  5. Fixed: Exporting your settings didn't worked properly
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