
Planetboom - Keys to the world

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2009년 8월 14일 금요일 at 오후 3:34:45

Artist: Planetboom
Title: Keys to the World
Source: DJMAX
BPM: 160
Filesize: 10114kb
Play Time: 01:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.97 stars, 200 notes)
  2. MX (5 stars, 236 notes)
  3. Normal (4.39 stars, 161 notes)
Download: Planetboom - Keys to the World
Download: Planetboom - Keys to the World (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Planetboom - Keys to the world in DJMAX Black Square N DJMAX TECHNIKA :D

6/27 Add MX Difficulty :) (Like 'insane') - mod please.
uh..... I'll just use Korean
일단 화면 상단에 view 보이시죠? 그중 Grid level을 2 ~ 3 정도로 올려주세요. 그러면 스페이싱에 도움을 많이 줄겁니다.

뭐... 눈에 띄는건 스페이싱말고는 없군요 =ㅂ=;; 슬라이더를 좀 더 추가했음 하지만 안해도 상관없을 겁니다.
01:00:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1) - 뭔가 좀 더 추가해보시는게 어떠신지...? 항상 흰띠에만 노트를 놓고 냅두시는 경우가 많더라구요. 뭐 흰띠가 beat이긴 하지만 그래도 뭔가를 좀 더 추가하면 재미있을것 같습니다 ++
01:06:563 (Break time) - 그냥 break time으로 냅두기에는 아까운 파트던데... 이 구간도 한번 만들어 보심이...?

이건 스페이싱말고는 눈에 띄는건 없네요.
00:25:40 (10,11,12) - 좀만 더 아래로 옮겨주세요.
00:30:28 (5) - 3번 슬라이더가 끝나는 부분으로 옮겨주세요. 그 뒤에 노트들도 똑같이 수정해주시구요.
00:31:78 (11) - ^
00:36:28 (5) - ^
00:37:78 (11) - ^
00:38:15 (12) - 너무 가깝네요.
00:42:28 (5,6) - 이같은 대각선으로 놓인 노트들의 스페이싱이 이상하더라구요. 맵에 있는 모든 대각선 노트들을 자세히 살펴봐주세요. 예를 든다면...
01:03:28 (10,11,12,13,14,15) - 이와 같은 경우입니다.
01:06:563 (Break time) - break으로 냅두기엔 아까운 파트...
01:18:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 음... 그냥 냅둬도 상관없을것 같지만 스페이싱이 살짝 어긋납니다.

뭐... 이정도네요. Star'd.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
이번에는 좀 마이너한 것 까지 집어내볼께요.

00:17:90 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - 스페이싱
01:07:40 (4,5,6) - ^
01:08:90 (9,10,11) - ^
01:11:71 (20) - ^
01:13:03 (3) - ^
01:13:78 (6) - ^
01:14:53 (3) - ^
01:15:28 (6) - ^


00:10:96 (3) - 2번 슬라이더 끝과 직선이 이루어지도록 해주세요.
00:18:09 (3) - 스페이싱. 그냥 디스탠스 스냅을 키고 모든 노트들을 확인해주세요. 콤보가 끊나는 지점에서는 스페이싱이 크게 빗나가지만 않으면 괜찮습니다.
00:22:59 (20) - 19번 슬라이더 끝과 직선이 이루어지도록 해주세요.
01:19:21 (4,5,6,7) - 스페이싱

만약에 노트 사이의 거리를 높히고 싶으시면 Timing의 Slider Velocity를 높혀주세요. 슬라이더 속도를 높히는 것인데 스페이싱이 슬라이더의 속도에 좌우되거든요.
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I did it :)
완료 했습니다 :)
Nice map. Brings back memories.

Step 1: shorten your combos. If your really motivated in getting this ranked I HIGHLY reccommend you make those obvious changes.

Step 2: To many notes are clumped together. I suggest spacing them out more to make the entire map less of a "click fest"

Step 3: add more sliders into the song.

Step 4: Don't know if this is on purpose but the both diff's are very similiar, try to mix up the beats to the song if you can.

Final Step: Normal is your first priority to fix up. Needs less copying and more originality.

Thanks for the fun song. =3

Edit: Re-submit to the Work in progress/help section. thanks.

Extra: I found 1.4 slider speed works out pretty good for the map. Your choice if you wanna use it. :D
Hm... I'll try to use English, because none of the modder + BAT likes to read a unreadable post.

[Normal], [Hard]
I know what you meant to do with your combos but really you gotta change your combos.
Just try to add more [New combo].


00:49:21 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Spacing
01:01:40 (2) - aling with the end of #1 slider
01:05:90 (11) - Lower this a bit so it can be align with #10
01:06:28 (1) - Distance snap as you move #11
01:11:34 (18,19,20) - Spacing

00:25:78 (9) - Try not to place under the slider
01:12:09 (14) - Spacing but doesn't looks bad so you could leave it like that if you want.
01:19:96 (9) - Make it in to a same slope with #8
01:20:90 (3) - Align with #2
01:21:46 (1) - Unrankable spinner. Auto(Computer) should be able to gets 2000 or else unrankable.

Nice job with your [Hard] :)

If you have a hard time understanding (because of my grammer) please ask me in #korean or 1:1 chat.
Topic Starter
Thnaks very much both for yours modding :)
Really now. Everything looks good except the lack of new combos. If you can no more than 5 beats per combo. =x (basicly shorten the huge 10+ combos that you have on both diffs)
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Fixed :D
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

bmin11 wrote:

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Really now. Everything looks good except the lack of new combos. If you can no more than 5 beats per combo. =x (basicly shorten the huge 10+ combos that you have on both diffs)
Less then 5????
I'll say less then 20
Right now, the map looks dizzy @_@
My fault. When I meant less than 5 beats a combo I was "using it as an example" but the reccommended combo length is about 10 to 11. >_< Your choice on what you want to do with the map.
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Fixed :)
Sleep Powder
Negative offset?
!summon Zekira

01:11:34 (7,8,9) - Spacing
01:12:65 (1,2,3) - Spacing

01:12:65 (7,8) - Doesn't feel right

Some parts seemed to have wrong spacing.
Good Job though~ :)
Topic Starter

animask wrote:

Negative offset?
!summon Zekira

01:11:34 (7,8,9) - Spacing
01:12:65 (1,2,3) - Spacing

01:12:65 (7,8) - Doesn't feel right

Some parts seemed to have wrong spacing.
Good Job though~ :)

01:11:34 (7,8,9) - Spacing
01:12:65 (1,2,3) - Spacing

The Spacing is right. But I fixed it to be seen good.

01:12:65 (7,8) - Doesn't feel right

Fixed :)
00:10:03 (2) - Not distance snapped correctly
00:11:90 (7) - one grid up, level 3
00:12:65 (9) - Maybe start a new combo here
00:22:78 (7) - DS this too
01:05:90 (7) - 2 grids to the left, level 3
01:09:09 (9, 10) - DS
01:11:34 (7,8,9) - Why is this distance snap slightly different from... say 01:10:40 (3,4,5,6)
01:12:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
01:21:46 (5) - ends weird

This has a different offset, but it's still spot-on like normal... I guess it's okay?

Nothing wrong from a look-through.

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PandaCath wrote:

00:10:03 (2) - Not distance snapped correctly
00:11:90 (7) - one grid up, level 3
00:12:65 (9) - Maybe start a new combo here
00:22:78 (7) - DS this too
01:05:90 (7) - 2 grids to the left, level 3
01:09:09 (9, 10) - DS
01:11:34 (7,8,9) - Why is this distance snap slightly different from... say 01:10:40 (3,4,5,6)
01:12:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
01:21:46 (5) - ends weird

This has a different offset, but it's still spot-on like normal... I guess it's okay?

Nothing wrong from a look-through.

00:10:03 (2) - Not distance snapped correctly
- Fixed :)

00:11:90 (7) - one grid up, level 3
- I couldn't find any defect on this circle...

00:12:65 (9) - Maybe start a new combo here
00:22:78 (7) - DS this too
01:05:90 (7) - 2 grids to the left, level 3

- Fixed :)

01:09:09 (9, 10) - DS
01:11:34 (7,8,9) - Why is this distance snap slightly different from... say 01:10:40 (3,4,5,6)
01:12:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^

- If I turn on the distance snap mode, these circles were never change.
So, I turn off the distance snap mode and fixed it.

01:21:46 (5) - ends weird
- Fixed :)

Thank you :D
There are some symethrical errors but thats nothing annoying or noticeable while playing
so i won't do nazi mod for such things.

Remember, I am making suggestions most of the time, not must need to be fixed fixes.

Very Nice Job, good hitsounds, comboing, etc. Also, capitlize the "W" in "World" in the title, then make a full submission. Anyway, star.

00:21:84 (5) - This part tripped me up because the note next to it made me ignore the repeat, maybe it you move the next note to a different place.
01:00:65 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I found these odd because most of the song had loud hitnoises and a lot, and don't think this whole part needs to be quiet, makes it sound boring.

The Drain Rate seemed to be unforgiving, maybe lower the Drain Rate and/or the Overall Difficulty
00:09:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The really fast sliders in this combo seem to make it too hard. But it's your call, I'm not the best at hard maps.
01:06:65 (1) - Why did the hitsounds get quiet here? Either make the rest of the song the same volume, don't do it, or make the change less noticeable, it just sounds odd the way it is.
00:13:78 (4) - align with 5 from previous combo
00:29:53 (2,3) - the spacing between these 2 is different than the spacing between 4,5 and 6,7
01:04:40 (3) - align with 1
01:14:90 (10) - align with 8?

00:29:53 (3) - align with 1?
00:30:09 (4) - align with 6
00:36:09 (4) - align with 6
00:53:72 (9) - align with 7
01:15:09 (6) - align with 5?
01:19:03 (3) - make the same distance from 2 that 1 is
01:19:40 (5) - make the same distance from 4 that 3 is
01:19:59 (7,8,9) - make a straight line?

Nice map. Star.
Topic Starter

rust45 wrote:

Remember, I am making suggestions most of the time, not must need to be fixed fixes.

Very Nice Job, good hitsounds, comboing, etc. Also, capitlize the "W" in "World" in the title, then make a full submission. Anyway, star.

00:21:84 (5) - This part tripped me up because the note next to it made me ignore the repeat, maybe it you move the next note to a different place.
01:00:65 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I found these odd because most of the song had loud hitnoises and a lot, and don't think this whole part needs to be quiet, makes it sound boring.

The Drain Rate seemed to be unforgiving, maybe lower the Drain Rate and/or the Overall Difficulty
00:09:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The really fast sliders in this combo seem to make it too hard. But it's your call, I'm not the best at hard maps.
01:06:65 (1) - Why did the hitsounds get quiet here? Either make the rest of the song the same volume, don't do it, or make the change less noticeable, it just sounds odd the way it is.

00:21:84 (5) - This part tripped me up because the note next to it made me ignore the repeat, maybe it you move the next note to a different place.[/color

01:00:65 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I found these odd because most of the song had loud hitnoises and a lot, and don't think this whole part needs to be quiet, makes it sound boring.

- Fixed.

The Drain Rate seemed to be unforgiving, maybe lower the Drain Rate and/or the Overall Difficulty
00:09:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The really fast sliders in this combo seem to make it too hard. But it's your call, I'm not the best at hard maps.

- I intended it because it is 'Hard' difficulty :)

01:06:65 (1) - Why did the hitsounds get quiet here? Either make the rest of the song the same volume, don't do it, or make the change less noticeable, it just sounds odd the way it is.
- Fixed.

Thank you :D
Topic Starter

blissfulyoshi wrote:

00:13:78 (4) - align with 5 from previous combo
00:29:53 (2,3) - the spacing between these 2 is different than the spacing between 4,5 and 6,7
01:04:40 (3) - align with 1
01:14:90 (10) - align with 8?

00:29:53 (3) - align with 1?
00:30:09 (4) - align with 6
00:36:09 (4) - align with 6
00:53:72 (9) - align with 7
01:15:09 (6) - align with 5?
01:19:03 (3) - make the same distance from 2 that 1 is
01:19:40 (5) - make the same distance from 4 that 3 is
01:19:59 (7,8,9) - make a straight line?

Nice map. Star.

Fixed it.
Thank you :D

MoonFragrance wrote:

00:21:84 (5) - This part tripped me up because the note next to it made me ignore the repeat, maybe it you move the next note to a different place.[/color
I meant that where the note it just makes me think that it happens sooner then where it is. But now just ignore that part, because it's not even a big deal.

MoonFragrance wrote:

The Drain Rate seemed to be unforgiving, maybe lower the Drain Rate and/or the Overall Difficulty
00:09:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The really fast sliders in this combo seem to make it too hard. But it's your call, I'm not the best at hard maps.
- I intended it because it is 'Hard' difficulty :)
Yeah, I just thought they were too hard, but I see I was wrong, that's why I said it was your call.

Also don't forget to give Kudos to posts that help your map!
53:34(6)-> 길이를 아주 조금 늘려주세요. Beat snap divisor 1/4로 해놓으시면 길이 늘릴때 아주 조금 길어진게 눈에 띄게 보이는데 그 정도로만 늘려주세요
1:12:65(1)-> (11)하고 넘 가까운 것 같습니다. 헷갈림


최하 난이도의 노멀의 난이도가 4.66인걸 보면 왠지 쉬운 난이도가 필요할 것 같지만 별의 갯수만큼 어려워 보이진 않네요.

별 추가합니다. 8개 모으셨으니까 이제 BAT만 있으면 랭크가 가능합니다.
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Fixed it.
Thank you :D
animask has weak summoning powers.

Now, Zekira offset powers goooooooooooooo

Here's what I recommend, 3 uninherited offsets (apply to all diffs.):

1st offset: 5153
2nd offset: 17,528, then do NOT inherit. This will then make sure that a new 1-2-3-4 sequence is made appropriately.
3rd offset: Let's add another one. 20153

Then re-snap to 1/4 obviously. The multiple offsets, though they're all just the samein the timeline, will ensure that the constant 1-2-3-4 sequence is maintained properly throughout the entire song.
Topic Starter
I can't understand 'uninherited offset' and 'multiple offset' @_@

Once, I fixed offset to 5153.

MoonFragrance wrote:

I can't understand 'uninherited offset' and 'multiple offset' @_@

Once, I fixed offset to 5153.
Well, you see this menu, right:

Look at the checkbox 'Inherit Previous timing sections'. If that is unchecked, then it's called an 'uninherited offset'. An uninherited offset will completely change the flow of the beat, while an inherited offset won't. Uninherited offsets are sometimes necessary to keep the beat of a song constant.
Topic Starter
Thanks, I understand it :)
00:20:90 (3,4) - Maybe too confusing for normal.
00:29:15 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Don't use so many claps on a row.
00:33:84 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
00:54:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
01:10:40 (3,4,5,6) - Replace same not with slider, becouse it's maybe to hard for normal.
01:12:65 (1,2,3) - Nazi. Spacing. Sorry.

00:47:90 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Delete claps.
00:54:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Remove claps.
01:21:46 (1) - Spinner should end here 01:22:12. I whink.

Why it have different offset?
Hard but fun diff. Cool. But you again use too many claps.
01:03:46 (2,3) - Spacing?

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

00:35:15 (1) - Move a little more down to make even with (4) and (5).
00:35:15 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - That's a lot of claps. x_x
01:11:53 (8) - Move 1 up on Grid Level 3.
01:12:65 (1) - Move it a little more so it can connect with (2)~

00:42:46 (7) - Finish?
01:12:65 (x) - Add beat here?

00:09:46 (x) - I don't know how DJMax started the song out, but it sounds better if you start it here?
00:17:34 (2) - Move 1 right on Grid Level 3.

I'm impressed. There aren't a lot of errors and this is a pretty solid map.

Topic Starter

Starrodkirby86 wrote:


00:35:15 (1) - Move a little more down to make even with (4) and (5).
00:35:15 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - That's a lot of claps. x_x
01:11:53 (8) - Move 1 up on Grid Level 3.
01:12:65 (1) - Move it a little more so it can connect with (2)~
- Fixed :)

00:42:46 (7) - Finish?
- I added a new circle sounds finish at 00:42:65

01:12:65 (x) - Add beat here?
- Fixed :)

00:09:46 (x) - I don't know how DJMax started the song out, but it sounds better if you start it here?
- My mistake :oops:, Fixed :)

00:17:34 (2) - Move 1 right on Grid Level 3.
- Fixed :)

I'm impressed. There aren't a lot of errors and this is a pretty solid map.

- Thakns :D
A fantastic pink star for your efforts. :>
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DeathxShinigami wrote:

A fantastic pink star for your efforts. :>
Thank you very much :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Alex0686 wrote:

00:48:65 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Didn't hinder me, but spacing is different from the rest.
Why are the hit sounds set to Custom 1?


00:42:09 (8) - Not to be nazi-ish, but maybe make it more parallel to (4,5)

Fixed :) Thank you.
I shot a precieus juicy pink star to get this map na attention from the BATs
oh! good!
eeemod GO!!!
SPOILERS = Naz-eee mods

you might want to add bigger circles, kinda difficult for a [Normal] let alone "the easiest difficulty"
Also, combos go pretty high, you can easily fix this by decreasing the HP drain a bit. The lower the combo, the less HP the player loses, see.
00:20:15 (timing section) - what's this for?
01:09:09 (9,10) - one level three grid to the right, makes it consistent to 01:07:40 (3,4,5)
01:15:28 (11,12,1) - one level three grid to the left ><

01:09:84 (1) - clap on end of slider to keep clap pattern
01:18:27 (timing section) - what's this here for?


00:09:46 (timing section) - what's this here for? you can simply turn the first offset into a Soft sampleset if that's the case.

these timing section stuff may have changed if you added or decreased the offsets at the same time. (i.e. the timing setup panel ~ highlighting all offsets ~ changing it) doing so results in a reset of all inherited timing sections, oh well

otherwise, pretty cool

map is pretty cool, awesome job
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Fixed beatmap by both modding :)
All map is good, just...

All Difficulties-RESNAP ALL NOTES. Please remember this after timing change.

Also, IMO the easist difficulty is still tough for newers, do you want to make an easier one? This is a suggestion.

Get a teletubby star.
You still didn't resnap notes. Timing > Resnap all notes - do this with the 1/4 snap divisor.

I think the slider velocity is a little too fast.
01:21:46 (1) - Maybe add a finish?

01:20:34 (10) - New combo.
01:20:90 (12) - ^

01:16:028 - It feels odd that there's a break then a few notes - you should delete the break and map this section imo.
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deepsea wrote:

All map is good, just...

All Difficulties-RESNAP ALL NOTES. Please remember this after timing change.

Also, IMO the easist difficulty is still tough for newers, do you want to make an easier one? This is a suggestion.

Get a teletubby star.

Fixed. But I think normal isn't hard like star-rated. It is about 3.35~3.75 rated?
So, I think this beatmap don't need to easier map.
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Takuma wrote:

You still didn't resnap notes. Timing > Resnap all notes - do this with the 1/4 snap divisor.

I think the slider velocity is a little too fast.
- I wanted to player can feel speed on this speedy song. If you think this slider velocity make this map extremely hard, then I'll fix it.

01:21:46 (1) - Maybe add a finish?

01:20:34 (10) - New combo.
01:20:90 (12) - ^

01:16:028 - It feels odd that there's a break then a few notes - you should delete the break and map this section imo.
-Then, the difficulty is raised. I don't want that. :(

Fixed :)
01:10:77 (5) - move down a little so that spacing is consistent. Sometimes grid snap makes spacing too far or too close and you have to turn it off to move a note to the right spot

00:12:65 (7) - so many repeats on a long slider in Hard is a bit boring...
00:18:09 (3) - maybe have this above 2 so it isnt on top of 4?
01:05:71 (8,1,1) - this might look a bit cleaner if you move the yellow 1 until it lines up with the green 1
01:21:46 (1) - perhaps have this end silently, since there is no sound in the music where it ends

00:09:65 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this section feels blank without hitsounds...
01:21:46 (1) - end silently

Your map is very polished already, I think that with a little more effort it will be quite beautiful to play :)
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

01:06:09 ( ) - Add a note?

01:14:52 (7) - Clap on the start point.

I gave a star before :P
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