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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domenica 12 luglio 2009 at 2.48.31

Artist: AN CAFE
BPM: 201
Filesize: 4939kb
Play Time: 01:55
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,19 stars, 101 notes)
  2. Henkie's Despair (4,9 stars, 394 notes)
  3. Insane (4,98 stars, 455 notes)
  4. Normal (4,49 stars, 159 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
New An Cafe map! Part of the NYAPPY GO AROUND osu! Project
This time it's Zetsubou, a song I love from their 5th anniversary mini-album "Koakuma Usagi no Koibumi to Machine Gun e.p."
It has a custom skin that I hope will be used for the next An Cafe maps too, but I'm not sure if it's too confusing, need opinions on that.
Special thanks go to HenkieBP for his difficulty (yeah it's called Despair cause Zetsubou = Despair), Starrodkirby86 for all the help with timing, storyboard and modding, and Yumiko for beta-testing all my maps :D

-osuplayer111's fixes on Normal and Insane.
-osuplayer111's fixes on Henkie's Despair.
-CardN'FoRcE's fixes
-Doomsday93's fixes
-Yumiko's fixes on Normal and Insane (including offset change +5ms)
-eee's fixes
-EEeee's fixes
-Updated Henkie's Despair
-Mafiamaster's fixes on Normal and Insane (including offset change +10ms)
-Updated Henkie's Despair
-Added Easy
-Updated Easy
-SFG's fixes
-Remmy's fixes
-vyt's fixes.
Private sex talk about timing.

Got to something like BPM 201.00 and offset 8019.

Plays just fine on 1/3~
Helping again~

Changed storyboard from:
//Background and Video events
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Failing)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Passing)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples

//Background and Video events
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Failing)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Passing)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples

Will mod map sooner or later on a better computer.
PERFECT don't change anything, bubble and rank right away 8DDD
lol.. no serious, this song is fantastic and the diffuclties turned out great
star from me of course

00:42:352 - Questa serie di break è inutile secondo me...
01:07:42 (1) - Fallo finire qui, 01:08:919 e fixa il break
01:30:113 - Questa serie di break è inutile secondo me...
01:37:17 (6) - Metti il finish anche all'inizio :D dello slider.
01:44:34 (4,5) - Credo sia troppo per una normal.
01:55:18 (1) - Fallo finire qui, 01:56:680 ;)

[Henkie's Despar]

00:26:73 (1) - Questo spinner non può essere ranked. Minimo bonus con auto : 2000.
00:46:531 - Questa sezione muta è davvero brutta :<
01:30:113 - Come la tua, inutile break.
01:37:87 (1) - Troppo lontano dagli altri, credo confonda troppo.
02:58:37 (4,5,6) - Hard to read.
03:04:74 (1) - Fallo finire qui, 03:05:785 ;)


00:39:06 (4,5) - Spacing confusionario.
00:58:77 (1,1) - Questi ultimi 2 jumps possono confondere.
01:26:82 (5,6) - Spacing confusionario.
01:30:113 - Break inutili <3
02:39:56 (1) - Questo spinner non può essere ranked. Minimo bonus con auto : 2000.

Nice map, and cool SB. Star <3
Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:


00:42:352 - Questa serie di break è inutile secondo me... Ok, rimossi :)
01:07:42 (1) - Fallo finire qui, 01:08:919 e fixa il break Fatto
01:30:113 - Questa serie di break è inutile secondo me... Tolti anche questi XD
01:37:17 (6) - Metti il finish anche all'inizio :D dello slider. Ottima idea! :D
01:44:34 (4,5) - Credo sia troppo per una normal. Mmh, non mi sembra così difficile, aspetterò altre moddate prima di cambiarlo
01:55:18 (1) - Fallo finire qui, 01:56:680 ;) Fatto


00:39:06 (4,5) - Spacing confusionario. OMG non me n'ero accorto o__o"
00:58:77 (1,1) - Questi ultimi 2 jumps possono confondere. Anche per questo preferisco aspettare ulteriore modding
01:26:82 (5,6) - Spacing confusionario. Di nuovo, OMG
01:30:113 - Break inutili <3 Tolti!
02:39:56 (1) - Questo spinner non può essere ranked. Minimo bonus con auto : 2000. Fixato ç_ç Stupide regole...

Nice map, and cool SB. Star <3

osuplayer111 wrote:

[Henkie's Despair] < You forgot the " i " :U

00:26:73 (1) - Questo spinner non può essere ranked. Minimo bonus con auto : 2000. Expanded
00:46:531 - Questa sezione muta è davvero brutta :< Shortened
01:30:113 - Come la tua, inutile break. It supposed to be andy
01:37:87 (1) - Troppo lontano dagli altri, credo confonda troppo. That's called a JUMP thank you very much
02:58:37 (4,5,6) - Hard to read. Ok moved (6) away from (5)
03:04:74 (1) - Fallo finire qui, 03:05:785 ;) We're working in 1/3, not 1/4 so it sounds perfect
Difficulty sent to oru over skype.
Card N'FoRcE
- Normal:
00:55:33 (1) - 1/8 after (red tick)
00:56:58 (4,5,6,7) - maybe it's a little consusing for a normal
01:04:88 (1) - 1/8 after (red tick)
01:07:42 (1) - end 1/4 before and fix break
01:21:65 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - forse sono io, ma non ci capisco quasi niente... D:
01:41:75 (7,8,9) - di solito non accettano cose così per le normal: stack con 3 note di timing non simile non vanno bene, mettile separate
01:52:60 (1) - 1/8 after (red tick)
01:55:18 (1) - end 1/8 after (blue tick)

- Insane:
00:58:96 (1) - remove new combo (si capisce meglio)
01:00:06 (1) - delete this one
01:08:82 (1) - secondo me finirebbe molto meglio a 1:10:113 (ovviamente aggiusta la pausa se lo fai)
01:27:12 (1) - end at 1:27:912
02:16:41 (7) - 1/8 after
02:25:23 (1) - end 1/8 after (fix break)
02:33:39 (1,2,3) - ???
02:54:39 (1) - delete this
02:54:49 (2) - new combo

- Henkie's:
01:25:67 (1) - 1/8 after

Anyway, timing feels so weird but it's fine when hearing it in the editor... D:

Great effort, Oru <3
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- Normal:
00:55:33 (1) - 1/8 after (red tick)
00:56:58 (4,5,6,7) - maybe it's a little consusing for a normal Fixed
01:04:88 (1) - 1/8 after (red tick)
01:07:42 (1) - end 1/4 before and fix break
01:21:65 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - forse sono io, ma non ci capisco quasi niente... D: Vediamo cosa ne pensano gli altri allora, perchè non mi viene in mente un altro modo per mappare quel pezzo D:
01:41:75 (7,8,9) - di solito non accettano cose così per le normal: stack con 3 note di timing non simile non vanno bene, mettile separate Fixed
01:52:60 (1) - 1/8 after (red tick)
01:55:18 (1) - end 1/8 after (blue tick)

- Insane:
00:58:96 (1) - remove new combo (si capisce meglio) Done
01:00:06 (1) - delete this one Done :D
01:08:82 (1) - secondo me finirebbe molto meglio a 1:10:113 (ovviamente aggiusta la pausa se lo fai) Sounds better, done
01:27:12 (1) - end at 1:27:912
02:16:41 (7) - 1/8 after
02:25:23 (1) - end 1/8 after (fix break)
02:33:39 (1,2,3) - ??? ???
02:54:39 (1) - delete this Done
02:54:49 (2) - new combo Done!

Anyway, timing feels so weird but it's fine when hearing it in the editor... D:

Great effort, Oru <3
I didn't fix any of the timing cause the song is divided in 1/3s and I don't feel like going into 1/8s. I'll wait for more feedback about that. Thanks a lot for the rest though, really helpful :D
Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these, but you may be able to get away with not changing it
Red = major issues. you need to change these


seems fine to me. spinners might be a little short for a normal diff. but thats just my opinion. good job.


maybe put the overall difficulty up by 1? seems a little to slow to me at its current setting.

01:10:11 (4) - maybe move this under the end of (3) instead?
01:57:87 (4) - ^


that HP drain is evil. i barely survived it. maybe lower it by one notch?

00:39:26 (5) - odd beat. maybe remove it?
01:27:02 (6) - ^
01:56:28 (1) - spacing issues. it was probably intended as a jump but it just confuses me. maybe make the start of this slider shorter so the end is still stacked on the other sliders here

also, the spinners at 00:44:441, 02:55:28, and 03:05:33 are too short, auto can only get +1000 on them, make them just a little longer (by 1/4 or maybe just by 1/8) so auto can get +2000 on them

pretty good map. fun too, even if the drain on insane kicked my ass

Topic Starter

Doomsday93 wrote:


seems fine to me. spinners might be a little short for a normal diff. but thats just my opinion. good job. Thanks ^^


maybe put the overall difficulty up by 1? seems a little to slow to me at its current setting. Done

01:10:11 (4) - maybe move this under the end of (3) instead?
01:57:87 (4) - ^


that HP drain is evil. i barely survived it. maybe lower it by one notch? Done!

00:39:26 (5) - odd beat. maybe remove it? Done
01:27:02 (6) - ^ Done, thanks for these two, I figured out something sounded wrong but I couldn't find the messed up beat D:
01:56:28 (1) - spacing issues. it was probably intended as a jump but it just confuses me. maybe make the start of this slider shorter so the end is still stacked on the other sliders here Fixed this one, but I'm afraid it could be more confusing now...

also, the spinners at 00:44:441, 02:55:28, and 03:05:33 are too short, auto can only get +1000 on them, make them just a little longer (by 1/4 or maybe just by 1/8) so auto can get +2000 on them Done

pretty good map. fun too, even if the drain on insane kicked my ass

Thanks a lot for modding :D
Nice map!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

Yumiko wrote:


00:22:94 (2,3,4) - rivedi lo spacing con il DS Done
00:24:74 (1,2,3) - ^ Done
01:23:14 (10) - qualcosa non mi quadra con la posizione di questo slider..sembra quasi che sia troppo vicino al 9, anche se il DS dice che la posizione è giusta D: io lo allontanerei dal 9 ma vedi tu se ti pare più giusto farlo o meno This slider feels weird in anyway, but until further modding, done.
01:45:63 (1) - troppo vicino al 7, correggi anche la posizione del 2 e del 3 Done

00:58:96 (2) - credo che la posizione di questo 2 sia poco intuitiva, prova ad avvicinarlo un pò all'uno, se ti va, anche se dovrebbe bastare il modo in cui hai messo i "new combo" a far capire quando va cliccato Done
02:54:49 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - la loro posizione non è correttissima, dovrebbero essere tutti più distanti dal 7, ma penso sia passabile, quindi vedi tu se correggerlo o meno xD Done

Good job, starred :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Awesome beatmap. I love the Henkie's Difficulty *_*
I give to you a little star XD
00:34:29 (6) - new Combo
01:22:05 (6,7,8,9,10) - spacing is somewhat weird in all this, fix the whole combo, and add new combo to 6

k that is all, but I think its a bit too hard for normal, switch it to hard, and make a easy

fix breaks :P, they are off
01:04:94 (1) - move the endpoint of this slider 1/6 forward so it ends at 01:05:093
02:15:49 (5) - new combo
02:16:38 (7) - ^
02:16:33 (7,8) - move 1/6 back just a bit
03:05:34 (1) - end hear, cause where it is now, sounds bad, and u can't move it back or it will be an illegal spinner
so, just end it hear, sounds awesome, plus add finish 03:07:133
wow, I really like this, one of the best insane maps I played recently :P

Henkie's Despair
spinners must be 2000+, I think eee posted something about this, and I guess u didn't fix yet

00:38:47 (1,1,1,1) - new combo not needed, but I guess u can keep it for style :P
00:54:49 (1) - k, I don't see style here, remove new combo
01:02:05 (1,1,1,1,1) - nice
oooooh, fun map, fix ur breaks dawg

* hehe star
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

I suggest you to change slidertick to 1, on easy sounds more good.

00:24:75 (1) - Remove new combo.

The others difficulty i have modded already. :3
Funnest map of the day. Bubb+star
00:25:35 (2) - finish the end
00:29:83 (6) - why is this on the less emphasized beat? the more emphasized beat was one beat earlier
00:33:11 (3) - end a tick earlier please
00:58:78 (2) - finish the end
01:07:44 (1) - finish
01:22:06 (5) - ^
01:45:65 (1) - clap the middle

set tick rate to "3"
00:35:70 (1) - finish
01:07:44 (1) - finish

01:23:16 (1) - increase hitvolume
why is slider tick rate .5? thats never right.
01:53:61 (3) - move 1/3 beat earlier
02:11:32() - particularly conspicuous silence

set slider tick rate to "3"
00:34:30 (2) - stacking
pretty nice

popping until you fix the slider tick rates and anything else you deem appropriate
Topic Starter

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:25:35 (2) - finish the end Done
00:29:83 (6) - why is this on the less emphasized beat? the more emphasized beat was one beat earlier Fixed
00:33:11 (3) - end a tick earlier please Doesn't sound good, imo
00:58:78 (2) - finish the end Done
01:07:44 (1) - finish Done
01:22:06 (5) - ^ Done
01:45:65 (1) - clap the middle Done

set tick rate to "3" Done
00:35:70 (1) - finish Done
01:07:44 (1) - finish Done

01:23:16 (1) - increase hitvolume No D:
why is slider tick rate .5? thats never right. Changed to 1
01:53:61 (3) - move 1/3 beat earlier No
02:11:32() - particularly conspicuous silence I like it this way

set slider tick rate to "3" Done
00:34:30 (2) - stacking Done
pretty nice Thanks :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
looks good

looks good


looks fine

ok someBAT check the timing and rank it -_-
Can you make your SB at the end of the map difficulty specific? imo, its rather unnecessary to have to wait so long for it without playing (for normal and easy). Yes i realize theres a skip button, i just think its unnecessary.

In terms of offset? try +20ms, I'm not a professional, dunt kill me

Henkie's Dispair:
Are such short breaks at 01:30:128 and 01:32:516 really necessary?

I'm a bit on the fence about the slider ticks.

Over all, very well done.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Alace wrote:

OK the map is fine for me
The only issue is (why do you use slider tickrate 3 in normal and insane wwww)
I think 2 is better(up to you)

i will time it with other peole
plz wait for me
SFG popped my bubble because of the tickrate, saying that 2 doesn't fit any song divided in thirds. I admit I like both 2 and 3.

Btw, I don't want to sound cocky, but I'm pretty sure the timing is fine.... ._.
But I'll wait :3
This song has both 1/4 1/3 1/2 divisor
I am sure that slidertick 3 doesn`t sound so good
It is too noisy in some parts
It`s up to you anyway
I will use slidertick 0.5 personally

I can`t tell what the offsety is better
Maybe you need other BAT`s help

I am sorry that i can`t help you
Topic Starter

Alace wrote:

This song has both 1/4 1/3 1/2 divisor
I am sure that slidertick 3 doesn`t sound so good
It is too noisy in some parts
It`s up to you anyway
I will use slidertick 0.5 personally

I can`t tell what the offsety is better
Maybe you need other BAT`s help

I am sorry that i can`t help you

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I'm just here to star!

Star'd <3
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Celestral wrote:

I'm just here to star!

Star'd <3
Aw thanks!! :3
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vytalibus wrote:

00:52:81 (1) - Just a suggestion: move end point back by two 1/6 ticks and make it a Finish spinner. Iunno, sounds so epic that way, but it's just a suggestion. Done
01:04:05 (5) - Another suggestion: make this into a Finish hitcircle. Done
01:40:57 (1) - Same with 00:52:81. Done
01:51:81 (5) - Same with 01:04:05. Done

00:32:51 (2) - Too far for my liking. Fixed
01:07:44 (1) - Just a suggestion: move end point back by two 1/6 ticks and make it a Finish spinner. Iunno, sounds so epic that way, but it's just a suggestion. Done

There are a lot of deadly spaces here, and I mean "deadly". With the very high HP drain rate in mind, there are a lot of spaces here that really drains the bar out. Even something as small as the space between 02:16:84 (2,1) is quite scary.

Either decrease the HP drain rate, or do something about those spaces.
Not changing anything on Insane, cause yeah, it is supposed to be hard, deadly and INSANE. D:
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
WTF >:( the normal is garbage.
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FrozenPower wrote:

WTF >:( the normal is garbage.
I'm not really going to take this into consideration if you don't elaborate.
I like this map.
Topic Starter

tieff wrote:

I like this map.
Thanks tieff :3

tieff wrote:

I like this map.
Me too *_*
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