
REDALiCE Feat. Ayumi Nomiya - Little Star [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年6月4日 at 23:11:39

Artist: REDALiCE Feat. Ayumi Nomiya
Title: Little Star
Source: beatmania IIDX
Tags: 20th tricoro ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Vol.1 jubeat saucer Philippines BakaHuang Lundlerol cRyo[iceeicee] xsrsbsns collab
BPM: 183
Filesize: 7828kb
Play Time: 01:54
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (5 stars, 746 notes)
  2. Beginner (3.03 stars, 127 notes)
  3. Extra (5 stars, 567 notes)
  4. Hyper (5 stars, 350 notes)
  5. Lundle's Taiko Muzukashii (4.72 stars, 478 notes)
  6. Lundle's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 696 notes)
  7. Standard (4.54 stars, 221 notes)
Download: REDALiCE Feat. Ayumi Nomiya - Little Star
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Extra - cRyo[iceeicee]&xsrsbsns 100%
Another - 100%
Hyper - Bakahuang 100% (hitsound by me
Standard - Philippines 100% (hitsound by me
Beginner - 100%
Taiko diffs - Lundlerol
Starwa - Yuko&Kiiwa
cool 0.0
yeah comeon
求gd! XD
I love this song <3
coooooooool 8-)
new LKs map yeeahyeeaah

[Another] is so fun <3
not a mod haha just good luck with rank!!
Yuko and LKs :D

2diff finished.
Oni & Muzu

LKs wrote:

Hi~Lundle's Taiko mod :)

[Lundle's Oni]

00:04:341 (2,1) - ここの2つ違和感あるかな。 になってるけどの方がいいと思う

00:06:554 (10) - dの要素が薄いと思う。バックのドドドドドってドラムの音5つしか入ってないよー

00:35:161 (7) - d & 00:35:243 (8) - del
つまりkの連打は 00:35:324 (8) -   ここからの方がいいかと

01:49:751 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ここの連打最初に言ったところと同じパターン。
01:50:160 (7) - をdelでもいいし、まあ終盤だからノーツ1つ多くても違和感はなかった。任せますw

00:21:882 (1,1) - ここは一体どこのおとどりなんだろう??kdの要素・・・3連kkkの調整かな?w

[Lundle's Muzukashii]
次Muzukashiiね :D

00:46:144 (2,1) - kd ( 00:45:324 (1,1) - ここは前のkがあるから違和感なかった。任せる
01:30:734 (2,1) - 同じパターン^

01:45:653 (3) - を 01:45:735 (3) - に移動。もし、そこはバックの音に合わしてるんだ!
ってことなら01:45:653 (3) - kで。(でも01:47:456 (1,2) - ここのとかドラムに合わしてるからry)

まーGoooooood map!頑張ってね!

LKs... Go Go Ranked!! I like this song and map^^
(^^)/~~~ :) :D :) :D

jomnhnk wrote:

Hi~Lundle's Taiko mod :)

[Lundle's Oni]

00:04:341 (2,1) - ここの2つ違和感あるかな。 になってるけどの方がいいと思う

00:06:554 (10) - dの要素が薄いと思う。バックのドドドドドってドラムの音5つしか入ってないよー

00:35:161 (7) - d & 00:35:243 (8) - del
つまりkの連打は 00:35:324 (8) -   ここからの方がいいかと

01:49:751 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ここの連打最初に言ったところと同じパターン。
01:50:160 (7) - をdelでもいいし、まあ終盤だからノーツ1つ多くても違和感はなかった。任せますw No delの意味とは

00:21:882 (1,1) - ここは一体どこのおとどりなんだろう??kdの要素・・・3連kkkの調整かな?w ? ノーツがあることに謎と言っているのかk dにした事を謎と言っているのかわからないので遠まわしに言うのやめてもらえますか。僕はmodしたときの答えが欲しいんです。

[Lundle's Muzukashii]
次Muzukashiiね :D

00:46:144 (2,1) - kd ( 00:45:324 (1,1) - ここは前のkがあるから違和感なかった。任せる
01:30:734 (2,1) - 同じパターン^

01:45:653 (3) - を 01:45:735 (3) - に移動。もし、そこはバックの音に合わしてるんだ!
ってことなら01:45:653 (3) - kで。(でも01:47:456 (1,2) - ここのとかドラムに合わしてるからry) fixed

まーGoooooood map!頑張ってね! thx mod

LKs... Go Go Ranked!! I like this song and map^^
(^^)/~~~ :) :D :) :D

Lundlerol wrote:

jomnhnk wrote:

Hi~Lundle's Taiko mod :)

[Lundle's Oni]

00:04:341 (2,1) - ここの2つ違和感あるかな。 になってるけどの方がいいと思う

00:06:554 (10) - dの要素が薄いと思う。バックのドドドドドってドラムの音5つしか入ってないよー

00:35:161 (7) - d & 00:35:243 (8) - del
つまりkの連打は 00:35:324 (8) -   ここからの方がいいかと

01:49:751 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ここの連打最初に言ったところと同じパターン。
01:50:160 (7) - をdelでもいいし、まあ終盤だからノーツ1つ多くても違和感はなかった。任せますw No delの意味とは

00:21:882 (1,1) - ここは一体どこのおとどりなんだろう??kdの要素・・・3連kkkの調整かな?w ? ノーツがあることに謎と言っているのかk dにした事を謎と言っているのかわからないので遠まわしに言うのやめてもらえますか。僕はmodしたときの答えが欲しいんです。ddの方がいい

[Lundle's Muzukashii]
次Muzukashiiね :D

00:46:144 (2,1) - kd ( 00:45:324 (1,1) - ここは前のkがあるから違和感なかった。任せる
01:30:734 (2,1) - 同じパターン^

01:45:653 (3) - を 01:45:735 (3) - に移動。もし、そこはバックの音に合わしてるんだ!
ってことなら01:45:653 (3) - kで。(でも01:47:456 (1,2) - ここのとかドラムに合わしてるからry) fixed

まーGoooooood map!頑張ってね! thx mod

LKs... Go Go Ranked!! I like this song and map^^
(^^)/~~~ :) :D :) :D

Topic Starter

kg2161012 wrote:


难度已经太多了 sry
moding only Taiko in private chat
[Lundle's Taiko (Oni & Muzukashii)]

22:23 Lundlerol: (威圧
22:27 JUDYDANNY: ファッ!?
22:34 JUDYDANNY: どこまで突っ込んでいいのか
22:34 JUDYDANNY: まだよくわかりませんけどw
23:51 Lundlerol: ふむ?

23:51 JUDYDANNY: 00:41:226 (2) - d
23:52 JUDYDANNY: ってのはいらないのじゃないかなと
23:52 JUDYDANNY: サビの他の部分にはここのタイミングでノーツ置かれてないので
00:01 JUDYDANNY: 00:51:718 (2) -
00:01 JUDYDANNY: 01:25:817 (2) -
00:01 JUDYDANNY: 01:36:308 -
00:02 JUDYDANNY: には置いてないのに
00:02 JUDYDANNY: 41のだけ置いてあるってこと
00:02 Lundlerol: じゃあそれぞれ言っていきます
00:02 JUDYDANNY: あ、はい
00:02 Lundlerol: 00:51:718 -  鈍い音d
00:03 Lundlerol: 01:25:817 - 同上
00:03 Lundlerol: 01:36:308 (1) -  同上

00:04 JUDYDANNY: 了解です^^
00:04 Lundlerol: ん
00:04 Lundlerol: 00:51:718 -
00:04 Lundlerol: こっちから見たらここ
00:04 Lundlerol: 置いてあるよ?
00:05 JUDYDANNY: あれ…w
00:05 JUDYDANNY: おいてないw
00:05 Lundlerol: !?
00:05 JUDYDANNY: ww
00:06 JUDYDANNY: ごめん難しいにある話でした

00:07 JUDYDANNY: 難しいは2番に3連符あるので
00:07 JUDYDANNY: カットの方向でいいと思います
00:07 Lundlerol: hoi

00:08 JUDYDANNY: むず今見てるなら
00:09 JUDYDANNY: 01:45:406 - add
00:09 Lundlerol: 3連のがいいかな?
00:09 Lundlerol: うん
00:10 JUDYDANNY: そうですね
00:10 JUDYDANNY: 01:46:226 -
00:10 JUDYDANNY: にも置いてほしいですけど
00:10 JUDYDANNY: 鬼だと直前にddd ddみたいのがあったんで
00:10 Lundlerol: うむ
00:10 JUDYDANNY: 難しいならddd dでいいかなと
00:11 Lundlerol: ああね
00:11 JUDYDANNY: そうすれば01:46:226 - も置かなくて済むと思う

00:14 JUDYDANNY: 最後のところ
00:14 JUDYDANNY: 01:52:866 - add
00:15 JUDYDANNY: 01:53:522 - add
00:15 JUDYDANNY: 追加でもいいと思います
00:15 Lundlerol: そこねー
00:15 Lundlerol: ddkkddの1/2が続くから
00:16 Lundlerol: ちょっと迷ってたんだけども
00:16 JUDYDANNY: なるほど
00:16 JUDYDANNY: あれなら01:53:522 - だけって手も
00:17 JUDYDANNY: まぁ結構ノリで思ってることなんであれですけどw
00:17 Lundlerol: ww
00:17 Lundlerol: 01:51:389 (2) -
00:17 Lundlerol: 01:52:701 (1) -
00:17 Lundlerol: 01:53:357 (1) -
00:17 Lundlerol: 音が共通なのはわかりますか
00:17 JUDYDANNY: うん
00:18 JUDYDANNY: それなら分かったw
00:18 Lundlerol: そこで区切ってるつもり
00:18 JUDYDANNY: なるほど

00:19 JUDYDANNY: むずはたぶんこれが最後
00:19 Lundlerol: ほい
00:19 JUDYDANNY: 00:01:226 (1) -
00:19 JUDYDANNY: 趣味のレベルだけど
00:19 JUDYDANNY: D(大)のが
00:20 JUDYDANNY: むずにあってる気がする
00:20 Lundlerol: Kのがいいかなぁと思ってる
00:21 JUDYDANNY: やっぱKかw
00:21 JUDYDANNY: だったらKのがいいと思います
00:21 Lundlerol: ほい
00:21 JUDYDANNY: うん、リズムが取りやすいと思う
00:22 Lundlerol: _(:3 」∠)_
00:24 JUDYDANNY: いい譜面だと思います!

I add as favorite. GREAT SONG ,and map !
これからも頑張ってください :)


moding only Taiko in private chat
[Lundle's Taiko (Oni & Muzukashii)]

22:23 Lundlerol: (威圧
22:27 JUDYDANNY: ファッ!?
22:34 JUDYDANNY: どこまで突っ込んでいいのか
22:34 JUDYDANNY: まだよくわかりませんけどw
23:51 Lundlerol: ふむ?

23:51 JUDYDANNY: 00:41:226 (2) - d
23:52 JUDYDANNY: ってのはいらないのじゃないかなと
23:52 JUDYDANNY: サビの他の部分にはここのタイミングでノーツ置かれてないので
00:01 JUDYDANNY: 00:51:718 (2) -
00:01 JUDYDANNY: 01:25:817 (2) -
00:01 JUDYDANNY: 01:36:308 -
00:02 JUDYDANNY: には置いてないのに
00:02 JUDYDANNY: 41のだけ置いてあるってこと
00:02 Lundlerol: じゃあそれぞれ言っていきます
00:02 JUDYDANNY: あ、はい
00:02 Lundlerol: 00:51:718 -  鈍い音d
00:03 Lundlerol: 01:25:817 - 同上
00:03 Lundlerol: 01:36:308 (1) -  同上

00:04 JUDYDANNY: 了解です^^
00:04 Lundlerol: ん
00:04 Lundlerol: 00:51:718 -
00:04 Lundlerol: こっちから見たらここ
00:04 Lundlerol: 置いてあるよ?
00:05 JUDYDANNY: あれ…w
00:05 JUDYDANNY: おいてないw
00:05 Lundlerol: !?
00:05 JUDYDANNY: ww
00:06 JUDYDANNY: ごめん難しいにある話でした

00:07 JUDYDANNY: 難しいは2番に3連符あるので
00:07 JUDYDANNY: カットの方向でいいと思います
00:07 Lundlerol: hoi

00:08 JUDYDANNY: むず今見てるなら
00:09 JUDYDANNY: 01:45:406 - add
00:09 Lundlerol: 3連のがいいかな?
00:09 Lundlerol: うん
00:10 JUDYDANNY: そうですね
00:10 JUDYDANNY: 01:46:226 -
00:10 JUDYDANNY: にも置いてほしいですけど
00:10 JUDYDANNY: 鬼だと直前にddd ddみたいのがあったんで
00:10 Lundlerol: うむ
00:10 JUDYDANNY: 難しいならddd dでいいかなと
00:11 Lundlerol: ああね
00:11 JUDYDANNY: そうすれば01:46:226 - も置かなくて済むと思う

00:14 JUDYDANNY: 最後のところ
00:14 JUDYDANNY: 01:52:866 - add
00:15 JUDYDANNY: 01:53:522 - add
00:15 JUDYDANNY: 追加でもいいと思います
00:15 Lundlerol: そこねー
00:15 Lundlerol: ddkkddの1/2が続くから
00:16 Lundlerol: ちょっと迷ってたんだけども
00:16 JUDYDANNY: なるほど
00:16 JUDYDANNY: あれなら01:53:522 - だけって手も
00:17 JUDYDANNY: まぁ結構ノリで思ってることなんであれですけどw
00:17 Lundlerol: ww
00:17 Lundlerol: 01:51:389 (2) -
00:17 Lundlerol: 01:52:701 (1) -
00:17 Lundlerol: 01:53:357 (1) -
00:17 Lundlerol: 音が共通なのはわかりますか
00:17 JUDYDANNY: うん
00:18 JUDYDANNY: それなら分かったw
00:18 Lundlerol: そこで区切ってるつもり
00:18 JUDYDANNY: なるほど

00:19 JUDYDANNY: むずはたぶんこれが最後
00:19 Lundlerol: ほい
00:19 JUDYDANNY: 00:01:226 (1) -
00:19 JUDYDANNY: 趣味のレベルだけど
00:19 JUDYDANNY: D(大)のが
00:20 JUDYDANNY: むずにあってる気がする
00:20 Lundlerol: Kのがいいかなぁと思ってる
00:21 JUDYDANNY: やっぱKかw
00:21 JUDYDANNY: だったらKのがいいと思います
00:21 Lundlerol: ほい
00:21 JUDYDANNY: うん、リズムが取りやすいと思う
00:22 Lundlerol: _(:3 」∠)_
00:24 JUDYDANNY: いい譜面だと思います!

I add as favorite. GREAT SONG ,and map !
これからも頑張ってください :)
some fixed
mod thx~_(:3 」∠)_

Edit: Please update LKs_(:3 」∠)_Muzu
Topic Starter

Amamiya Yuko wrote:


No hit sounds. I think you could add them cause I'm not good at this. lol
Hi, m4m from your queue


3.13? I think the SR should be < 3...

01:38:767 (x) - It would sound better if you add a note here, my suggestion is to make an unique slider with 01:38:931 (2)
01:39:751 (x) - The same ^
01:54:669 (1) - Maybe replace with a slider that ends in 01:55:325


What about changing the name from "Normal" to "Standard"? Beatmania maps use this name for normals

00:03:194 (2,3,4) - This is a bit hard to read for a Normal...
00:34:013 (1) - Add a finish?
01:43:522 (1) - I'm not sure about this, it's too short and the note after is really near... It's too hard for a normal in my opinion
01:54:669 (4) - I'm not sure but this is supposed to end in 01:55:325 since the sound ends in this point


00:36:063 (7,8) - Why do these sliders start on a blue tick? I'd remove 00:35:981 (6) and make them start on white ticks and maybe put a single note here 00:36:636
In any case I suggest you to put a finish here 00:36:636
01:37:948 (1,2) - These are not perfectly stacked
01:41:554 (5,6) - ^
01:41:226 (4) - Try a ctrl+g?
01:42:866 (3) - A ctrl+g here would flow better maybe
01:45:735 (x) - There is a sound here, I'd add a note
01:54:669 (2) - Same as beginner, I'd add a slider here and end it in 01:55:325


00:04:341 (2) - Really hard to read imo, you have a sound here 00:04:177 that is 1/4 distance from the slider. When I played it I thought that that note was 1/4 far from the slider. I have two suggestions. Or increase the spacing or add a note in 00:04:177
00:07:456 (x) - A note here is necessary imo
00:10:407 (1,2,1,2,3) - Really hard to read...
01:00:243 (1) - In other diffs you didn't add any finish on this note. Remove the finish or add a finish in other diffs


Really awesome. I love your maps, I hope this gets ranked. The only thing that I noticed is that the Normal diff is a bit hard.
Anyways take my star and good luck for ranking!

  1. shift the BG to
  1. 00:06:144 (5,6,7,8,9,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - this part is a bit hard i think. try this?
  2. 00:17:620 - there is a k but 00:12:374 - isn't,i suggest remove this 00:17:620 - or add note on 00:12:374 -
  3. 00:29:095 (1,1) - reverse these 2 notes ,because the accent of vocal is here 00:29:095 -
  1. 00:04:013 - add d here,it's not impact the map but also let player play smoothly
  2. 00:17:620 - same as muzu
  3. 00:48:112 (2,3) - change to d,it can emphasize this note 00:48:112 (2,3) -
that's all i can find ~
good luck~ :)
Hi from your queue

  • Clean
  • 00:03:849 i think is better if you move this to y:342 to be in line with previous (5) on the stream also get a better flow and is most natural for play
    00:03:849 also can you add a finish since fit alot with the song and mark the end of the stream imo
    00:10:653 (2,1,2,3) - in my point of view this part can be real confuse cuz the antijump (2) is after a stream orz maybe do a jump gonna be better and more readable just my opinion
    00:20:079 (1,2) - stack they perfect (nazi feel like hitler)
    00:51:390 (5) - the end of stream i thing is so weird maybe move it to other place maybe x:265 y:168
    01:38:440 extend the distance maybe 1.10 feel better when you play actually is like a break on the nice flow of the map also is consistent with the distance you use here 01:38:767 (3,4) -
    01:54:669 sexy slider :D just have to point it offtopic i love this kind of slider o3o
  • AR 7 fit this diff better imo also for better diff spread considering another have 9 and normal have 5 7 have sense for me
    00:03:030 i preffer iif you stack 7 on (8) slider maybe in the middle of it or move (7) a little down of (8) actually way i thing dont look good maybe this is nazi but i want to point it
    00:05:161 (1,2,3) - finish fit better on this since when i was modding another i feel good sound of finish there maybe you can add they on this diff too
    00:10:407 (1,2) - same as above i know you use differents way to hitsound the diffs but i thing finish are necesary to empathize music also you use finish on 00:10:899 (3) - i thing gonna be nice f you add on 1 and 2 too
    00:13:686 this double repeat make me fail my combo orz is a little confuse why dont delete one repeat and add a circle? jus my opinion
    00:18:522 1 grid down to be stacked perfect with previous slider lol feel like hittler
    01:21:226 add finish here too i feel is necesary
    00:42:210 x:367 y:326 look better and play better i mean look better stacked with 4* and make it more readable with next slider is nazi too xD
    01:41:882 i feel weird this tail stack since you leave (7) unstacked i thing gonna be better flow if (6) is unstacked also feel more natural for me for play
    why this not finish here 01:55:325 like another? you should do it for consistency also i love this diff im shooting a start for this
  • 00:36:664 add finish is necesary imo
    00:58:440 maybe can add a repeat slider here to fit the sounds on 00:58:604 and 00:58:767 actually feel so empty considering the next object is a spinner i like i f you follow this
    00:58:931 add finish maybe you forget it orz
    01:18:604 add finish on the spinner fit alot
    also suggest you to change the diff name too medium or standard
  • since nothing to complain here just maybe 01:54:669 remove new combo no sensefor me orz
    01:44:833 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner. aimod orz
Nice map hope I help you in something GL also shooting a star here and sorry for shoort mod orz
From your queue


01:00:244 (1) - you may know here


  1. re-name to standard?

HP -1

00:13:849 - add note or make 00:13:686 (2,3) - these two notes to 1/1 slider? feels empty now
00:52:374 (1) - add clap on repeat ( or delete clap 01:36:964 (1) - here )
00:58:931 (1) - same opinion with hyper


00:18:931 (1) - delete NC
00:20:899 (4) - try ctrl G this slider, plays better
00:45:161 (3) - you pursed to stack witht 00:44:341 (7) - this? then check again -nazi
00:46:964 (5) - touching HP bar
00:58:931 (1) - add finish like another?
01:19:259 (3) - whistle on head


00:10:407 (1,2,1) - i'm expect some jumps here instead anti-jump when playing
00:21:554 (5) - NC
00:58:931 (9) - ^ like 01:43:521 (1) - here?
01:10:571 (7,8) - this slider can be missed easily when playing , just change 2 repeat 1/8 slider is better
01:32:210 (2) - missed finish on head?

nice rhythm game song lol good luck for rank
Hi; modding here.

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems.

  1. The BGs' filesize... They are both 1.15 and 1.16 MB. They don't need to be this large, seriously. The size can be reduced to ~200 KB without any noticeable quality reduction in order to make the .osz's size smaller (by ~1.8 MB!), so I suggest you to do it (reducing both BGs to ~200 KB ofc).
  1. ...This is supposed to be an Easy diff, right? This really feels like a Normal diff because many notes are placed 1/2 beats after the previous one. I'm sure enough you can simplify the rhythm so things like that wouldn't happen frequently. Remember, this song is already pretty damn fast (183 BPM), so why do you make a diff like this?
  2. 00:10:407 - Add a finish here? The sound here is just as loud as the one at 00:05:161, so it will be weird if there isn't any finish here like that one.
  3. 00:26:472 - Remove the finish here? The finish at 00:26:636 can be more emphasized this way, and I myself think that it's a better way to hitsound on this spot.
  4. 00:30:079 (1,1,1,1) - Is there any reason to make the combo pattern like this? I suggest to stay applying an NC every two stanzas.
  5. 00:56:308 - Finish? The sound on the music is loud enough to the point where it needs a finish hitsound.
  6. 01:00:243 (1) - ^
  7. 01:13:358 - ^
  8. 01:19:915 (3,4,5,6) - Change them into two 1/1 sliders instead? Five circles in a row on a 183 BPM Easy diff is too hard for beginners, I think.
  9. 01:33:358 - Finish? Reason's the same as 00:56:308.
  10. 01:40:899 (1) - ^
  11. 01:44:833 (1) - ^
  12. 01:47:455 (1) - ^
  13. 01:54:013 - ^. This one's really recommended, IMO, as it feels awkward to hear a finish 3/4-beats later (01:54:259) while this spot, which definitely needs a finish hitsound, doesn't have it.
  14. 01:54:505 - Remove the finish here? I don't think it needs one, and it will emphasize the finish at 01:54:669 (1) better.(Also consider my hitsound suggestions on harder diffs.)
  1. 00:05:161 (1) - Add finishes on this slider so it will be consistent with Beginner. (And the hitsounds seem to be kinda inconsistent between diffs on some parts too, like 00:15:653 (1)... I hope you want to check them by yourself. And yes, on all diffs.)
  2. 00:25:325 (2,3,4) - ...This pattern might be confusing, since (2) is placed near (4)'s head and may make players think that you should hit the slider first instead of the circle. Just saying.
  3. 00:31:390 (1) - Add finishes like 00:30:079 (1)? It's just weird to not have them there.
  4. 00:41:882 (1,2) - Why don't you add claps on the ends? It feels awkwardly silent there... (Applies to similar parts.)
  5. 00:53:686 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Similar problem with 00:30:079 (1,1,1,1) on Easy.
  6. 01:38:276 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Use 00:53:686 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2)'s hitsound pattern? The pattern here is... weird for me.
  7. 01:46:145 (1,2) - Swap the finishes? It sounds more fitting to the song that way.
  1. 00:02:538 (6) - NC? You're applying NCs every beginning of a stanza later on the map, so why no NC here?
  2. 00:05:407 (2) - I'm not sure why, but this feels awkward to hit.
  3. 00:13:686 (3) - I don't think players are going to expect the second repeat. Make this only repeat once and add a circle at 00:14:177?
  4. 00:16:145 (4) - The spacing changes here, so NC?
  5. 00:16:964 - Finish? There is a cymbal sound here...
  6. 00:20:899 (4) - NC because it's on the beginning of a stanza? (Actually, I have noticed that you sometimes apply an NC every two stanzas, and to be honest I can't see the reason about why should you do that.)
  7. 00:56:145 - Finish to emphasize the vocal?
  8. 00:58:276 (3,4) - Ctrl+G them after selecting the two of them at once? The flow is better like that.
  9. 01:38:440 (2) - Finish? It definitely goes well with the song and makes the hitsound pattern here more awesome that way.
  1. ...I'm not sure with this diff actually. The diff has a weird flow and things going around here, and this diff's max score (18 millions) is just too far ahead from Hyper's (4 millions), which is a bad thing, IMO. I also think this borders on Insane+ (and that's already taking the BPM into account), so I think we'll need an easier Insane diff to solve the difficulty spread problem.
  2. 00:02:046 (4,5) - There's nothing on the song that indicates the need for a jump this big here, thus making the jump feel really unfitting, so just make them spaced normally or reduce the distance, at least?
  3. 00:03:194 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This stream is overmapped. I wouldn't mind if it goes well with the song, but it isn't. It's badly overmapped, and it seems to be only there to make the map difficult. It feels awkward to hit the notes on the blue tick, because there weren't supposed to be any notes there...
  4. 00:04:341 (2) - A 3/4-beats anti-jump would be confusing here, seriously. Just make a slider from 00:04:177 - 00:04:341.
  5. 00:06:964 (4,5) - Same as 00:02:046 (4,5).
  6. 00:08:767 - Add a circle with a clap and stack it below 00:08:604 (6)? I find it really nice and represents the song pretty good.
  7. 00:28:767 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I don't really find the jumps here to be readable and fit the song, but that might be just me.
Uh, that's all I guess...?

Good luck on the way 8-)
vocal段太坠毁 无法直视

qoot8123 wrote:


  1. shift the BG to
  1. 00:06:144 (5,6,7,8,9,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - this part is a bit hard i think. try this?
  2. 00:17:620 - there is a k but 00:12:374 - isn't,i suggest remove this 00:17:620 - or add note on 00:12:374 - oh.. i forgot it. thx qoot
  3. 00:29:095 (1,1) - reverse these 2 notes ,because the accent of vocal is here 00:29:095 -
all done.
  1. 00:04:013 - add d here,it not only impact the map but also let player play smoothly
  2. 00:17:620 - same as muzu I forgot it.. thx.
  3. 00:48:112 (2,3) - change to d,it can emphasize this note 00:48:112 (2,3) - I forot iiiit orz
all done.
that's all i can find ~
good luck~ :)
thx mod~
all done~.
Please update LKs san~
Taiko Oni & Muzu
Louis Cyphre

- Your 'Beginner' is not beginner at all, i can't call this even an Easy. This is true Normal. You must map some easier then your 'Beginner'.- Your difficulty names are a bit inconsistent. You used 'Beginner' as a difficulty name, which simply means a person, that has not experience at all, your second difficulty name is Normal, which means a difficulty, that has average level of hardness. Either you set names like person experience level, or like level of difficulties hardness.
Just my opinion:

Easy - Beginner
Normal - Middling
Hard - Advanced
Insane - Experienced
Extreme - Champion

- Your background image size is wrong. It's not 4:3, not even 16:9, it's 4:(~2), which is unrankable.
- Your mp3 has 196 kb/s, which is unrankable, i think you know very well maximum and minimum
- There no azure, and creamy orange colors on background, why did you use them?
- Song starts after 3 seconds and 227 ms,which is a bit late, i recomend to to set audio lead-in 1263 points (2,5 seconds at total).
- Any reasons why Letterbox during breaks is disabled?
- You have some unsnapped objects in various difficulties, consider to fix them all!


00:54:669 (2) - move this slider somewhere to avoid weird overlap 00:56:308 (1) - here.
01:00:243 (1) - add finish sound.
01:22:538 (1) - ^?
01:41:554 (3) - to make it look good, i suggest to copy this slider 01:40:243 (3) - and adjust it instead of current one.


00:30:079 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - reconstruct into hexagon of repeat sliders intead of repeated triangle pattern.
01:44:833 (1) - if you really regard this as a normal difficulty (which i really doubt), then you must fix this issue: it's too soon after spinner for middling players.
01:54:669 (4) - ^ same as above, this is hard to read, hard to understand for middling players.
01:54:013 (1,2,3) - ^ 1/4 triangle, which is also hard to get/understand/read for middling players.


00:11:390 (5,6) - move this 1 grid up to make perfect stream and perfect blanket of start of this slider 00:12:210 (2) -
00:13:686 (3) - Unexpected second repeat, i highly suggest to reconstruct this slider into various objects
00:25:817 (3) - just a personal thing, i really don't like such overlaps
00:36:964 (1,2,3) - These notes are too quiet, you must increase volume by at least 10%, but i highly recomend to incease by 15%.
01:21:554 (1,2,3) - ^


00:03:194 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - there are no stream in the song.
00:21:554 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ^
00:33:358 (4,5,6,7) - ^
00:37:948 - uh... from this point i see heavy overmap :(
I have nothing to say else.
Topic Starter
thanks guys, will check your mods later
Hahaha :) It is the only Taiko Mod
じゃあまぁ 結構仕上がってるとおもいますが
それとな~く 提案していきますね!


  • 00:03:029 - add k?
    00:47:292 (3) - Kのほうが 面白みありませんか?
    00:48:112 (2,3,4) - 後ろのぴりゅりゅりゅりゅりゅりゅ の音なら この3つd? 結構難しいので いいのでわ?
    01:45:406 (2) - k
    01:45:735 (6) - k
    01:47:128 (2) - - ここ は 前者の部分から 多分 バックのドゥ!ってやつより シンセサイザー? の音でk
    置いてると 感じたので 01:47:128 (2) - こやつは kにして
    01:47:292 (1,2,1) -  この kkd:arrow: ddkに!
    01:48:357 (2) - これもkですね
    ここ迷いますね… あれ迷ってませんかね? :?

曲もノリがいいし 譜面も難しめで 個人的に 楽しめました
頑張ってください!←は頑張ったあとなので おかしいかな?
頑張りましたね! 上から目線ですね ごめんなさい…
これからも たくさんいい譜面を! ぼんぼってください!

azunyan556 wrote:

Hahaha :) It is the only Taiko Mod
じゃあまぁ 結構仕上がってるとおもいますが
それとな~く 提案していきますね!


  • 00:03:029 - add k? 既においてました。
    00:47:292 (3) - Kのほうが 面白みありませんか? fixed. 面白みというのはちょっとわかりませんが変化がほしいという意味では採用しました。
    00:48:112 (2,3,4) - 後ろのぴりゅりゅりゅりゅりゅりゅ の音なら この3つd? 結構難しいので いいのでわ? そうですか?個人的にはこの連打を外すとBGMでは音がなっているのにノーツがないっていうのは寂しい気がします。
    01:45:406 (2) - k nope.鈍い音に沿っているだけなので。
    01:45:735 (6) - k ^
    01:47:128 (2) - - ここ は 前者の部分から 多分 バックのドゥ!ってやつより シンセサイザー? の音でk
    置いてると 感じたので 01:47:128 (2) - こやつは kにして
    01:47:292 (1,2,1) -  この kkd:arrow: ddkに!
    01:48:357 (2) - これもkですね
    ここ迷いますね… あれ迷ってませんかね? :? kの提案はOK. ddkの提案はkkdのままで。01:48:603 (3,4,1) - そして意見を参考にここをddkからkkdに変えました。他はnoで。

曲もノリがいいし 譜面も難しめで 個人的に 楽しめました
頑張ってください!←は頑張ったあとなので おかしいかな?
頑張りましたね! 上から目線ですね ごめんなさい…
これからも たくさんいい譜面を! ぼんぼってください!
mod thx~
Oni & Muzu
Please update ;w;
are you forgot it?

00:59:587 (1) -

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

vocal段太坠毁 无法直视


快rank 我请你吃饭
Topic Starter

RikiH_ wrote:

Hi, m4m from your queue


3.13? I think the SR should be < 3...

01:38:767 (x) - It would sound better if you add a note here, my suggestion is to make an unique slider with 01:38:931 (2)
01:39:751 (x) - The same ^
01:54:669 (1) - Maybe replace with a slider that ends in 01:55:325


What about changing the name from "Normal" to "Standard"? Beatmania maps use this name for normals Normal is also used in iidx tho, ok, changed the name

00:03:194 (2,3,4) - This is a bit hard to read for a Normal...
00:34:013 (1) - Add a finish? ok
01:43:522 (1) - I'm not sure about this, it's too short and the note after is really near... It's too hard for a normal in my opinion
01:54:669 (4) - I'm not sure but this is supposed to end in 01:55:325 since the sound ends in this point will consider this later


00:36:063 (7,8) - Why do these sliders start on a blue tick? I'd remove 00:35:981 (6) and make them start on white ticks and maybe put a single note here 00:36:636
In any case I suggest you to put a finish here 00:36:636 fixed
01:37:948 (1,2) - These are not perfectly stacked ok
01:41:554 (5,6) - ^
01:41:226 (4) - Try a ctrl+g?
01:42:866 (3) - A ctrl+g here would flow better maybe
01:45:735 (x) - There is a sound here, I'd add a note sure
01:54:669 (2) - Same as beginner, I'd add a slider here and end it in 01:55:325


00:04:341 (2) - Really hard to read imo, you have a sound here 00:04:177 that is 1/4 distance from the slider. When I played it I thought that that note was 1/4 far from the slider. I have two suggestions. Or increase the spacing or add a note in 00:04:177 added a not
00:07:456 (x) - A note here is necessary imo
00:10:407 (1,2,1,2,3) - Really hard to read... will consider this later
01:00:243 (1) - In other diffs you didn't add any finish on this note. Remove the finish or add a finish in other diffs


Really awesome. I love your maps, I hope this gets ranked. The only thing that I noticed is that the Normal diff is a bit hard.
Anyways take my star and good luck for ranking!

Natsu wrote:

Hi from your queue

  • Clean
  • 00:03:849 i think is better if you move this to y:342 to be in line with previous (5) on the stream also get a better flow and is most natural for play
    00:03:849 also can you add a finish since fit alot with the song and mark the end of the stream imo will redo hitsound
    00:10:653 (2,1,2,3) - in my point of view this part can be real confuse cuz the antijump (2) is after a stream orz maybe do a jump gonna be better and more readable just my opinion
    00:20:079 (1,2) - stack they perfect (nazi feel like hitler)
    00:51:390 (5) - the end of stream i thing is so weird maybe move it to other place maybe x:265 y:168 fixed
    01:38:440 extend the distance maybe 1.10 feel better when you play actually is like a break on the nice flow of the map also is consistent with the distance you use here 01:38:767 (3,4) -
    01:54:669 sexy slider :D just have to point it offtopic i love this kind of slider o3o
  • AR 7 fit this diff better imo also for better diff spread considering another have 9 and normal have 5 7 have sense for me
    00:03:030 i preffer iif you stack 7 on (8) slider maybe in the middle of it or move (7) a little down of (8) actually way i thing dont look good maybe this is nazi but i want to point it moved down
    00:05:161 (1,2,3) - finish fit better on this since when i was modding another i feel good sound of finish there maybe you can add they on this diff too
    00:10:407 (1,2) - same as above i know you use differents way to hitsound the diffs but i thing finish are necesary to empathize music also you use finish on 00:10:899 (3) - i thing gonna be nice f you add on 1 and 2 too
    00:13:686 this double repeat make me fail my combo orz is a little confuse why dont delete one repeat and add a circle? jus my opinion
    00:18:522 1 grid down to be stacked perfect with previous slider lol feel like hittler
    01:21:226 add finish here too i feel is necesary
    00:42:210 x:367 y:326 look better and play better i mean look better stacked with 4* and make it more readable with next slider is nazi too xD fixed
    01:41:882 i feel weird this tail stack since you leave (7) unstacked i thing gonna be better flow if (6) is unstacked also feel more natural for me for play agree
    why this not finish here 01:55:325 like another? you should do it for consistency also i love this diff im shooting a start for this
  • 00:36:664 add finish is necesary imo
    00:58:440 maybe can add a repeat slider here to fit the sounds on 00:58:604 and 00:58:767 actually feel so empty considering the next object is a spinner i like i f you follow this
    00:58:931 add finish maybe you forget it orz
    01:18:604 add finish on the spinner fit alot
    also suggest you to change the diff name too medium or standard
  • since nothing to complain here just maybe 01:54:669 remove new combo no sensefor me orz ok
    01:44:833 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner. aimod orz ok
Nice map hope I help you in something GL also shooting a star here and sorry for shoort mod orz
thanks a lot

HelloSCV wrote:

From your queue


01:00:244 (1) - you may know here yes


  1. re-name to standard?

HP -1 ok

00:13:849 - add note or make 00:13:686 (2,3) - these two notes to 1/1 slider? feels empty now
00:52:374 (1) - add clap on repeat ( or delete clap 01:36:964 (1) - here )
00:58:931 (1) - same opinion with hyper


00:18:931 (1) - delete NC ok
00:20:899 (4) - try ctrl G this slider, plays better ok
00:45:161 (3) - you pursed to stack witht 00:44:341 (7) - this? then check again -nazi
00:46:964 (5) - touching HP bar
00:58:931 (1) - add finish like another?
01:19:259 (3) - whistle on head


00:10:407 (1,2,1) - i'm expect some jumps here instead anti-jump when playing will consider
00:21:554 (5) - NC ok
00:58:931 (9) - ^ like 01:43:521 (1) - here?
01:10:571 (7,8) - this slider can be missed easily when playing , just change 2 repeat 1/8 slider is better
01:32:210 (2) - missed finish on head? yes

nice rhythm game song lol good luck for rank

Hinsvar wrote:

Hi; modding here.

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems.

  1. The BGs' filesize... They are both 1.15 and 1.16 MB. They don't need to be this large, seriously. The size can be reduced to ~200 KB without any noticeable quality reduction in order to make the .osz's size smaller (by ~1.8 MB!), so I suggest you to do it (reducing both BGs to ~200 KB ofc). done
  1. ...This is supposed to be an Easy diff, right? This really feels like a Normal diff because many notes are placed 1/2 beats after the previous one. I'm sure enough you can simplify the rhythm so things like that wouldn't happen frequently. Remember, this song is already pretty damn fast (183 BPM), so why do you make a diff like this? I think 1/2 fits, and the frequency of them are far from too dense to hurt a newbie
  2. 00:10:407 - Add a finish here? The sound here is just as loud as the one at 00:05:161, so it will be weird if there isn't any finish here like that one.
  3. 00:26:472 - Remove the finish here? The finish at 00:26:636 can be more emphasized this way, and I myself think that it's a better way to hitsound on this spot.
  4. 00:30:079 (1,1,1,1) - Is there any reason to make the combo pattern like this? I suggest to stay applying an NC every two stanzas.
  5. 00:56:308 - Finish? The sound on the music is loud enough to the point where it needs a finish hitsound.
  6. 01:00:243 (1) - ^
  7. 01:13:358 - ^
  8. 01:19:915 (3,4,5,6) - Change them into two 1/1 sliders instead? Five circles in a row on a 183 BPM Easy diff is too hard for beginners, I think. ok
  9. 01:33:358 - Finish? Reason's the same as 00:56:308.
  10. 01:40:899 (1) - ^
  11. 01:44:833 (1) - ^
  12. 01:47:455 (1) - ^
  13. 01:54:013 - ^. This one's really recommended, IMO, as it feels awkward to hear a finish 3/4-beats later (01:54:259) while this spot, which definitely needs a finish hitsound, doesn't have it.
  14. 01:54:505 - Remove the finish here? I don't think it needs one, and it will emphasize the finish at 01:54:669 (1) better.(Also consider my hitsound suggestions on harder diffs.) yes
  1. 00:05:161 (1) - Add finishes on this slider so it will be consistent with Beginner. (And the hitsounds seem to be kinda inconsistent between diffs on some parts too, like 00:15:653 (1)... I hope you want to check them by yourself. And yes, on all diffs.)
  2. 00:25:325 (2,3,4) - ...This pattern might be confusing, since (2) is placed near (4)'s head and may make players think that you should hit the slider first instead of the circle. Just saying.
  3. 00:31:390 (1) - Add finishes like 00:30:079 (1)? It's just weird to not have them there.
  4. 00:41:882 (1,2) - Why don't you add claps on the ends? It feels awkwardly silent there... (Applies to similar parts.)
  5. 00:53:686 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Similar problem with 00:30:079 (1,1,1,1) on Easy.
  6. 01:38:276 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Use 00:53:686 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2)'s hitsound pattern? The pattern here is... weird for me.
  7. 01:46:145 (1,2) - Swap the finishes? It sounds more fitting to the song that way.
  1. 00:02:538 (6) - NC? You're applying NCs every beginning of a stanza later on the map, so why no NC here? dik llol, fixed
  2. 00:05:407 (2) - I'm not sure why, but this feels awkward to hit. fixed
  3. 00:13:686 (3) - I don't think players are going to expect the second repeat. Make this only repeat once and add a circle at 00:14:177?
  4. 00:16:145 (4) - The spacing changes here, so NC?
  5. 00:16:964 - Finish? There is a cymbal sound here...
  6. 00:20:899 (4) - NC because it's on the beginning of a stanza? (Actually, I have noticed that you sometimes apply an NC every two stanzas, and to be honest I can't see the reason about why should you do that.)
  7. 00:56:145 - Finish to emphasize the vocal?
  8. 00:58:276 (3,4) - Ctrl+G them after selecting the two of them at once? The flow is better like that. [/color]
  9. 01:38:440 (2) - Finish? It definitely goes well with the song and makes the hitsound pattern here more awesome that way.

  1. ...I'm not sure with this diff actually. The diff has a weird flow and things going around here, and this diff's max score (18 millions) is just too far ahead from Hyper's (4 millions), which is a bad thing, IMO. I also think this borders on Insane+ (and that's already taking the BPM into account), so I think we'll need an easier Insane diff to solve the difficulty spread problem.
  2. 00:02:046 (4,5) - There's nothing on the song that indicates the need for a jump this big here, thus making the jump feel really unfitting, so just make them spaced normally or reduce the distance, at least?
  3. 00:03:194 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This stream is overmapped. I wouldn't mind if it goes well with the song, but it isn't. It's badly overmapped, and it seems to be only there to make the map difficult. It feels awkward to hit the notes on the blue tick, because there weren't supposed to be any notes there...
  4. 00:04:341 (2) - A 3/4-beats anti-jump would be confusing here, seriously. Just make a slider from 00:04:177 - 00:04:341.
  5. 00:06:964 (4,5) - Same as 00:02:046 (4,5).
  6. 00:08:767 - Add a circle with a clap and stack it below 00:08:604 (6)? I find it really nice and represents the song pretty good.
  7. 00:28:767 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I don't really find the jumps here to be readable and fit the song, but that might be just me.
Uh, that's all I guess...?

Good luck on the way 8-)

Louis Cyphre wrote:


- Your 'Beginner' is not beginner at all, i can't call this even an Easy. This is true Normal. You must map some easier then your 'Beginner'.- Your difficulty names are a bit inconsistent. You used 'Beginner' as a difficulty name, which simply means a person, that has not experience at all, your second difficulty name is Normal, which means a difficulty, that has average level of hardness. Either you set names like person experience level, or like level of difficulties hardness. changed normal to standard, however I don't think the beginner is hard, a beginner will fail on every map despite of it's difficulty, once he can play the easiest map he isn't the beginner described by you.
Just my opinion:

Easy - Beginner
Normal - Middling
Hard - Advanced
Insane - Experienced
Extreme - Champion

- Your background image size is wrong. It's not 4:3, not even 16:9, it's 4:(~2), which is unrankable. [color=#0000FF]it's 16:9, no decimal can be displayed tho[/color]
- Your mp3 has 196 kb/s, which is unrankable, i think you know very well maximum and minimum [/color]
- There no azure, and creamy orange colors on background, why did you use them?
- Song starts after 3 seconds and 227 ms,which is a bit late, i recomend to to set audio lead-in 1263 points (2,5 seconds at total). moved to 1500
- Any reasons why Letterbox during breaks is disabled? enabled
- You have some unsnapped objects in various difficulties, consider to fix them all!


00:54:669 (2) - move this slider somewhere to avoid weird overlap 00:56:308 (1) - here.
01:00:243 (1) - add finish sound.
01:22:538 (1) - ^?
01:41:554 (3) - to make it look good, i suggest to copy this slider 01:40:243 (3) - and adjust it instead of current one. sure


00:30:079 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - reconstruct into hexagon of repeat sliders intead of repeated triangle pattern.
01:44:833 (1) - if you really regard this as a normal difficulty (which i really doubt), then you must fix this issue: it's too soon after spinner for middling players. fixed
01:54:669 (4) - ^ same as above, this is hard to read, hard to understand for middling players.
01:54:013 (1,2,3) - ^ 1/4 triangle, which is also hard to get/understand/read for middling players. Idk why you're this familiar to midddlling players and this confident but I agree to fix it, tho


00:11:390 (5,6) - move this 1 grid up to make perfect stream and perfect blanket of start of this slider 00:12:210 (2) -
00:13:686 (3) - Unexpected second repeat, i highly suggest to reconstruct this slider into various objects
00:25:817 (3) - just a personal thing, i really don't like such overlaps
00:36:964 (1,2,3) - These notes are too quiet, you must increase volume by at least 10%, but i highly recomend to incease by 15%. yes
01:21:554 (1,2,3) - ^


00:03:194 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - there are no stream in the song. you can't hear it, in fact
00:21:554 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ^
00:33:358 (4,5,6,7) - ^
00:37:948 - uh... from this point i see heavy overmap :(
I have nothing to say else.


will redo hitsound and some parts in another

adjusted hitsound and some parts in Insane
Topic Starter

00:00:169 (1,2,3,4) - since I have to move the red section to 00:01:317 (1) - , idk if the hitsound before sounds okay now, I can add some custom hitsound if needed
00:00:489 (2,3,4) - this stack, looks weird while playing (testplay it)
00:02:628 (1,2) - silence these two sliderticks
00:07:874 (1,2) - ^
00:46:398 (1,2) - ^
00:18:694 (6) - turn down volume of the head by 30%? and others like this are supposed to do so
00:27:054 (1) - stack
01:10:743 (2,3,4) - hmm, I don't really recommend this, what's more 01:45:251 (1,2,3) - you have small spacing between 1/4 like this
01:54:103 (1,2,3) - & 00:10:497 (1,2,3,4) - normal-hitwhistle doesn't sound fitting I'd say, try sth else?

LKs wrote:


00:00:169 (1,2,3,4) - since I have to move the red section to 00:01:317 (1) - , idk if the hitsound before sounds okay now, I can add some custom hitsound if needede
i have no idea how to silense slider's end without green section, but adding green line behind red section turning everything into a mess, if you know how to fix it please do, just silence sliders end + tick and lower volume a bit (-10%?/15%? from next part)
00:00:489 (2,3,4) - this stack, looks weird while playing (testplay it)
00:02:628 (1,2) - silence these two sliderticks
00:07:874 (1,2) - ^
00:46:398 (1,2) - ^
00:18:694 (6) - turn down volume of the head by 30%? and others like this are supposed to do so
00:27:054 (1) - stack
01:10:743 (2,3,4) - hmm, I don't really recommend this, what's more 01:45:251 (1,2,3) - you have small spacing between 1/4 like this dont understand how do they related to each other but ok changed to 1/4
01:54:103 (1,2,3) - & 00:10:497 (1,2,3,4) - normal-hitwhistle doesn't sound fitting I'd say, try sth else? i think they match preety well ._.
fixed minnor stuff aswell
cRyo是女生                           香草LKs
Topic Starter

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:


LKs wrote:


00:00:169 (1,2,3,4) - since I have to move the red section to 00:01:317 (1) - , idk if the hitsound before sounds okay now, I can add some custom hitsound if needede
i have no idea how to silense slider's end without green section, but adding green line behind red section turning everything into a mess, if you know how to fix it please do, just silence sliders end + tick and lower volume a bit (-10%?/15%? from next part)
00:00:489 (2,3,4) - this stack, looks weird while playing (testplay it)
00:02:628 (1,2) - silence these two sliderticks
00:07:874 (1,2) - ^
00:46:398 (1,2) - ^
00:18:694 (6) - turn down volume of the head by 30%? and others like this are supposed to do so
00:27:054 (1) - stack
01:10:743 (2,3,4) - hmm, I don't really recommend this, what's more 01:45:251 (1,2,3) - you have small spacing between 1/4 like this dont understand how do they related to each other but ok changed to 1/4
01:54:103 (1,2,3) - & 00:10:497 (1,2,3,4) - normal-hitwhistle doesn't sound fitting I'd say, try sth else? i think they match preety well ._.
fixed minnor stuff aswell
I'm seriously worried with Another's AR. Raise it by 1 tick. D: I might mod this when I have the mood. Btw, feel free to tweek anything in my diff. As I'm so lazy mapping atm.
  1. 0,0,"1.jpg",1,1
  1. you should to curtail the density of new combo on 00:11:800 - to 00:22:128 - & 01:11:472 - to 01:18:358 -
  2. 00:39:341 (1) - moving to x~244 y~346 for symmetry?
  3. 00:39:997 (2) - yea once you changed above, this slider should be moved onto x~447 y~310 for correct spacing~
  4. 01:23:931 (1,2) - same as above.
  5. 01:32:620 (2) - i'd like to move it onto x~93 y~288 so that it could be made a blanket with the previous slider (1). and you can make a tiny adjustment about spacing with the following slider (3)~
  1. 00:19:013 (4) - i'd like to set a new combo here for a notice about rhythm.
  2. 00:53:194 (7) - remove it? i have no idea but it sounds a bit weird for me..
  3. 01:37:784 (7) - same ^
  1. 00:00:735 (3,4) - um.. for the stack leniency, the stack here looks awkward during play. strongly recommend to separate a bit like this.
  2. 00:29:013 (2,4) - i think you should ctrl+g them for decreasing the spacings since the drum is raising here, you know. it doesn't work good on account of use the similar spacings throughout imo..
  3. 00:59:095 - how about a spinner here till 01:00:325 - . the main vocal is continuing.
  4. 01:54:751 (4) - the hitsound of the slidertick on 01:54:915 should be silenced imo.. and try to adjust the flow of that tail like this?
Topic Starter

Strawberry wrote:

  1. 0,0,"1.jpg",1,1
  1. you should to curtail the density of new combo on 00:11:800 - to 00:22:128 done - & 01:11:472 - to 01:18:358 - slightly adjusted
  2. 00:39:341 (1) - moving to x~244 y~346 for symmetry? ok
  3. 00:39:997 (2) - yea once you changed above, this slider should be moved onto x~447 y~310 for correct spacing~ .我按你说的改了之后没发现间距变了啊 或者你看看现在的行不行
  4. 01:23:931 (1,2) - same as above.
  5. 01:32:620 (2) - i'd like to move it onto x~93 y~288 so that it could be made a blanket with the previous slider (1). and you can make a tiny adjustment about spacing with the following slider (3)~ e, x93 y228? moved to there
  1. 00:19:013 (4) - i'd like to set a new combo here for a notice about rhythm.
  2. 00:53:194 (7) - remove it? i have no idea but it sounds a bit weird for me..
  3. 01:37:784 (7) - same ^

fixed all
btw, I moved the position of BG in taiko diffs to make them look better

wait for xsr&cryo's reply
1&4 fixed (exept slider shape)
2&3 without changes (prefer current one)
Thx for mod!
GoGo~~ X3
Kawayi Rika
这个不要一起静音啊 normal-sliderslide2,normal-slidertick2 你懂的 ~

本来想看看的 ~ 懒戳了 ~
Those stars! o.o
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

这个不要一起静音啊 normal-sliderslide2,normal-slidertick2 你懂的 ~

本来想看看的 ~ 懒戳了 ~
NC2只在extra的开头2秒钟用在了一个有tick的slider上 我觉得应该没啥问题
awesome map <3
rank this
made some changes, will post soon
you didnt upload last diff, after Strawberry mod ._.

BeatofIke wrote:

Those stars! o.o
He who must not be named in the thread now, damn BeatofIke what have you done o(;△;)o

LKs wrote:

NC2只在extra的开头2秒钟用在了一个有tick的slider上 我觉得应该没啥问题
One instance is more than zero. Please change it. We have rules for a reason.

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

BeatofIke wrote:

Those stars! o.o
He who must not be named in the thread now, damn BeatofIke what have you done o(;△;)o
Lord Voldemort
00:00:161 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
00:58:358 (1,2,3,4,1) -

Frostmourne wrote:

Lord Voldemort
mod my mapu Frost (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

kirei deshou
Topic Starter
oops, updated your diff and made the sliderslide audible(tell me if you prefer audible slidertick)
muted ticks fits song best
dont show this to Garven /o3o\
Cryo you made my day.

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

muted ticks fits song best
dont show this to Garven /o3o\

( Д ) ゚ ゚
Really awesome map!
I love all diffs in this map.

00:20:981(1)- 换个头
00:35:735(2,3,4,5,6)- (6)明明在slider(1)下面啊..莫名被移位置
00:37:046(1,2,3)-其实这里3个note静音不如换成个x0.5 or x0.75的slider
00:42:292(4,1)-...i cloth
Topic Starter

BakaHuang wrote:


00:20:981(1)- 换个头
00:35:735(2,3,4,5,6)- (6)明明在slider(1)下面啊..莫名被移位置
00:37:046(1,2,3)-其实这里3个note静音不如换成个x0.5 or x0.75的slider
00:42:292(4,1)-...i cloth
Shohei Ohtani
>Kudosu Stars
irc checked with mapper, fixed incorrect skin size.

since Strawberry agreed me to handle this~~

Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ LKs ~ :)

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add 'collab' in tags.
  2. Please remove unused file 'wrwrwr'.
  3. Change AudioLeadIn 1000 to Beginner,and 2000 to oher diffs.


  1. 01:10:653 (7,8,1) - 这个真的没有关系吗? 太突然了,问过几个人不好打,直接换成一个折返slider会好.


  1. 01:00:325 - You are forgot add finish to here.


  1. 00:55:243 (1,2) - Change a 1/2 repeat slider,follow with lyrics.
  2. 01:39:833 (1,2) - Same as above.


  1. 01:22:620 - You are forgot add finish to here.

OK ~ That's all ~ Awesome map ~

Call me back ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ LKs ~ :)

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add 'collab' in tags. done
  2. Please remove unused file 'wrwrwr'. done
  3. Change AudioLeadIn 1000 to Beginner,and 2000 to oher diffs.


  1. 01:10:653 (7,8,1) - 这个真的没有关系吗? 太突然了,问过几个人不好打,直接换成一个折返slider会好. done


  1. 01:00:325 - You are forgot add finish to here.


  1. 00:55:243 (1,2) - Change a 1/2 repeat slider,follow with lyrics. 听着可以啊 感觉不用改
  2. 01:39:833 (1,2) - Same as above.


  1. 01:22:620 - You are forgot add finish to here.

OK ~ That's all ~ Awesome map ~

Call me back ~
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Always nice job ~

Here you go <3

Congratz~ :3
gratz \o/
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