
Kano - Konoha no Sekai Jijou

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Ushiro T
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013년 1월 24일 목요일 at 오후 6:46:14

Artist: Kano
Title: Konoha no Sekai Jijou
Source: Nico Nico Douga
Tags: VocaloidTACU
BPM: 220
Filesize: 17979kb
Play Time: 02:40
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.91 stars, 136 notes)
  2. Hard (5 stars, 594 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 729 notes)
  4. Normal (4.14 stars, 227 notes)
  5. TACU (5 stars, 485 notes)
Download: Kano - Konoha no Sekai Jijou
Download: Kano - Konoha no Sekai Jijou (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
[TACU] - Guest by VocaloidTACU (Hard)
Do you love Kano?
I love Kano !!!@@@!!@ >_<

Remapped Insane ... (kiai part) 1月19日

겟난 완성입니다

왠지 인세인의 다른버전이 된거같은 하드이지만

^^ 업로드 부탁드립니다
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

VocaloidTACU wrote:

겟난 완성입니다

왠지 인세인의 다른버전이 된거같은 하드이지만

^^ 업로드 부탁드립니다

오오오 감사합니다!! 히히

만들어주신것만으로도 ㄳㄳ ㅠㅠ

00:26:099 (1) - 시작점을 00:26:508로 해주세요
00:34:689 (1) - 역시 시작점을 00:35:235로 해주세요
00:53:917 (1) - 이것도 시작점을 00:54:326로 해주세요
01:09:462 (2) - 1/2박자 늘려주세여
01:33:053 (1) - 1/2박자 늘려주세여
01:34:144 (2) - 단노트로 바꾸시고, 스핀을 그대로 놔두는것이 더 좋지 않을까요?
01:53:917 (1) - 시작점을 01:54:053로 해주세요
02:08:508 (1) - 시작점을 02:08:371로 해주세여
02:10:553 부터 왜 다시 하얀선에 노트를 놓기 시작했죠? 이게 의문이네여.. 통일해 주시는 게 좋을 것 같습니다.
제가 지적한 이외에 지금 스핀이 노트뒤에 바로 나오는 것들 수정해주세요
이하 스핀은 지적하지 않겠습니다

00:36:871 (1,2) - 약간 배치가 어색해 보여요. 완전히 붙이던지 조금 떼어 놓으시는게 좋을 것 같아요.
02:37:281 (2,3,4) - 1/2박자씩 앞으로 땡기세요

00:47:098 (4) - 슬라가 가려집니다. 슬라 경로가 보이게 수정하세요.
00:54:734 (3) - 1/6박자 앞으로 땡겨주세요.

제가 잘 모르는 비트네여 ㅇㅅㅇ;;; Pass~

00:55:552 (2) - 서클이 가려지네여,,
01:07:280 (3) - 대단한 건 아니지만, 이런건 슬라 끝에 맞춰주시면 맵이 깔끔해보여요 ㅎ
01:24:052 (4,6,7) - 뭔가 이런 패턴 진짜 싫어하는데 ,,, 슬라경로가 가려지네여
01:30:325 (5) - 01:07:280 (3)과 동일
01:32:098 (4) - 00:55:552 (2)과 동일

저보다 잘 만드시는 것 같아서, 스핀이나 패턴 지적밖에 못하겟네여.. ㄷㄷ
Topic Starter
Ushiro T
예압 확인했습니다 ^o^ gaten님

모딩 감사합니다.

I think offset need be the same for all diffs fix plz..


Use distance snap to 1.0
00:25:417 add finish
00:34:144 add finish
00:53:780 ^
01:03:326 (3,4) - Use distance snap this is so hard to read for anew player
01:26:917 add clap?
01:34:144 finish it in 01:34:417
01:58:008 this need finish in 01:58:690
02:06:189 need start in 02:06:326
02:25:280 add finish
02:36:735 resnap it in 02:36:871
02:39:599 slider need finish in 02:39:871


00:25:962 add finish
00:26:508 move spinner to 00:26:780
00:37:280 (2) - move it to x: 256 y: 184
00:39:053 (1,2) - again use distance snap to 1.0 on normal and easy diff
00:41:235 (1,2) - ^
00:52:690 (2,3) - ^
01:10:144 add finish


00:10:552 add finish
00:30:325 add clap
01:10:552 add finish
01:26:916 clap
01:54:052 finish
02:27:871 ^


00:10:552 add finish
00:36:325 why this finish on blue tick? 00:36:598 remove it and make more big slider
00:38:234 (3,4) - ^
00:39:052 (1,2) - ^
00:41:234 (1,2) - ^
00:53:780 finish
01:34:621 spinne should be start in 01:34:689
02:28:007 finish
02:41:234 finish


00:59:098 clap
02:39:869 finish

this diff look really good
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

Natsu wrote:


I think offset need be the same for all diffs fix plz..


Use distance snap to 1.0
00:25:417 add finish
00:34:144 add finish
00:53:780 ^
01:03:326 (3,4) - Use distance snap this is so hard to read for anew player
01:26:917 add clap?
01:34:144 finish it in 01:34:417
01:58:008 this need finish in 01:58:690
02:06:189 need start in 02:06:326
02:25:280 add finish
02:36:735 resnap it in 02:36:871
02:39:599 slider need finish in 02:39:871


00:25:962 add finish
00:26:508 move spinner to 00:26:780
00:37:280 (2) - move it to x: 256 y: 184
00:39:053 (1,2) - again use distance snap to 1.0 on normal and easy diff
00:41:235 (1,2) - ^
00:52:690 (2,3) - ^
01:10:144 add finish


00:10:552 add finish
00:30:325 add clap
01:10:552 add finish
01:26:916 clap
01:54:052 finish
02:27:871 ^


00:10:552 add finish
00:36:325 why this finish on blue tick? 00:36:598 remove it and make more big slider
00:38:234 (3,4) - ^
00:39:052 (1,2) - ^
00:41:234 (1,2) - ^
00:53:780 finish
01:34:621 spinne should be start in 01:34:689
02:28:007 finish
02:41:234 finish


00:59:098 clap
02:39:869 finish

this diff look really good

Checked it :D thanks ~!
its "Nico Nico Douga" in source.

no kudosu please
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

-Cloudchaser wrote:

its "Nico Nico Douga" in source.

no kudosu please

Okay . haha
i'll pix it


00:43:007 (6,7,8) - 이게 더 예쁠까요
01:02:916 (2) - 이렇게 하면 더 감싸주는 느낌이 날거여요
다른 부분도 02:10:933 - 키아이처럼 쭉 흘러가게 배치를 해주셨으면 좋겠어요, 맵이 계속 끊기면 흥이 떨어짐

AR 8
00:56:370 (1,2) - 이렇게 약간 기울이시는게 더 나을 듯 하네요
01:10:280 (3,4,5) - 벌리다 이것!

00:07:280 (1,2) - (3) 슬라이더와 합동되게
01:26:916 (1) - 모양을 내주시면 더 좋겠지 말입니다.

Topic Starter
Ushiro T

jieusieu wrote:



00:43:007 (6,7,8) - 이게 더 예쁠까요
01:02:916 (2) - 이렇게 하면 더 감싸주는 느낌이 날거여요
다른 부분도 02:10:933 - 키아이처럼 쭉 흘러가게 배치를 해주셨으면 좋겠어요, 맵이 계속 끊기면 흥이 떨어짐

AR 8
00:56:370 (1,2) - 이렇게 약간 기울이시는게 더 나을 듯 하네요
01:10:280 (3,4,5) - 벌리다 이것!

00:07:280 (1,2) - (3) 슬라이더와 합동되게
01:26:916 (1) - 모양을 내주시면 더 좋겠지 말입니다.

Some pixed.

야호 SP!
Hi there, from my queue.
* = Slightly more suggested than others.


  • For Normal and Easy, I personally think it would be better if you ended that map at 02:28:007 instead. There's nothing really important at 02:36:734 through 02:41:234 and it just makes it end at an odd place imo.
    For Normal and Easy, its really weird that the choruses are mainly on the red ticks and doesn't sound too right . I think that the chorus at 02:10:962 to 02:28:007 by far follows the rhythm the best and I suggest that you use that as a guideline for the previous choruses.

    [Easy:] [list:47d13]
    00:24:326 (1,2) Would probably look better if you did something like this instead.

  • * You need to find a new background. Its not tall enough and just leaves black bars on the top and bottom.
    * 01:37:280 (2) It would be better if you space this out from 1, especially since beginner players might not catch that.
    * 01:39:462 (2) and 01:41:644 (2) ^
Nothing for Konoha


  • 00:33:052 (2,3) You could just stack these over 4.
    00:45:462 (3) Just a thought, it might player better if this was stacked under 1 instead.
    00:50:234 (2,3) See 00:33:052 Above
    00:53:234 (1,2,3) Imo, it would be better if you followed the lyrics and add a circle a 1/2 beat after 3, and another one a 1/2 beat after the one that was just added.
    02:24:325 (2,3,4) Imo, it might be better if you switched the locations of 3 and 4 maybe?


  • 00:20:508 (5) It would follow the lyrics better if you split it into two sliders like 00:19:690 (2,3)
    00:26:508 (4) It would follow the rhythm better if you made this start a 1/2 beat earlier and extend it so that it still ends at the same place
    00:42:053 (3,4) Imo, it would look better if you unstacked these.
    00:52:690 (1,2,3,4) Eh, you could make this look a tad bit nicer.
    00:53:235 (1) It might be better if you stacked this under 00:52:690 (1)
    * 01:08:370 (1) This would sound much better if you shorten it in half.
    01:10:552 Click "Insert Break Time" here since the break is kind of lagging.
Nice song. Good luck with mapping. :)
M4M request~ sorry for late

겟난을 제외한 난이도에서는 키아이 타임이 무조건 같아야 해요 조절해주세요
TACU난이도에서만 timing section 4개나 쓰셧는데 1개로 줄이시거나 다른 난이도를 TACU 난이도 처럼 설정해주세요
bg가 1024x768 또는 800x600으로 하시는걸 추천드려요 4:3 비율만 지키면 되는건지는 잘모르겠지만..
태그에 kano , enlxodutls , konoha no sekai jijou 삭제해주세요 아티스트와 맵제작자와 타이틀은 태그에 따로 안넣으셔도 되요
그리고 vocaloidtacu 태그에 추가해주세요 겟난매퍼의 이름은 태그에 필수적으로 넣어주셔야해요
개인적으로 힛사가좀 아쉽네요, 노래하고 따로 노는 느낌이라나..

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at
00:55:282 - snap to 00:55:280
01:10:555 - snap to 01:10:552
01:19:692 - snap to 01:19:689
01:55:282 - snap to 01:55:280
00:55:282 - snap to 00:55:280
01:55:282 - snap to 01:55:280
00:55:282 - snap to 00:55:280
01:10:555 - snap to 01:10:552
02:10:008 - snap to 02:10:006
02:10:553 - snap to 02:10:551
02:28:008 - snap to 02:28:006

딱히 잡을건 없네요

01:37:280 (2) - 이건좀 헷갈릴거같아요 디스텐스 지켜주세요
01:39:462 (2) - ^
01:41:644 (2) - ^
01:51:599 (4) - 애매하게 닿이는거 같은데 조금만 내려주세요
02:24:735 (2) - 0.8x 디스텐스 추천드려요
02:25:825 (2) - ^

Konoha (인세인으로 바꾸시는게 좀더 나을거 같아요)
01:07:825 (5) - 뉴콤보 추가
01:08:098 (1) - ^ 삭제
01:22:143 (8) - ctrl g
01:33:052 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
01:42:871 (6,7) - 1/8이 치기가 너무 힘들어요 둘다 지우시고 차라리 1/4슬라이더 하나 넣으시는 거추천드려요 ( 물론 반복 넣고 )
01:45:189 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
01:54:052 (1) - hp바에 닿여요
02:22:689 (5) - 이것도 살짝 가리는거 같은데...
02:52:962 (1,1) - 뉴콤보 삭제


00:04:144 (1) - 리핏애로우가 300점에 가려요
00:08:507 (1) - ^
00:19:962 (2) - 노트 추가 ( 추가하고 싶지 않으시다면 00:22:416 (4) - 이걸 지워주세요 )
00:21:189 (6,7) - 이 2개 슬라이더를 00:21:053 (6,7) - 여기로 옮겨주세요
00:23:370 (8) - 이거를 00:23:234 (8) - 여기로 옮기시고 반복 한번추가
00:24:325 (4) - 노트추가
00:25:552 (9) - 이걸 00:25:416 (9) - 여기로 옮기시고 00:25:689 (10) - 1/2슬라이더 추가
00:26:643 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
00:29:234 (4) - 여기 비우신거 일부러 다 비워두신거 같은데 보컬에 맞춘것도아니고 딱히 악기도 없는거 같은데 다른부분들도 여기에
노트 넣어주시면 좀더 원활한 플레이가 가능할거 같아요
01:26:916 (1) - 여기 뉴콤보 빼셔도되요
02:41:098 (4) - 이거 지우시고 02:40:962 (3) - 이거 복사하셔서 ctrl + H

00:44:235 (4) - 슬라이더 끝을 00:44:508 (1) - 여기 시작점에 붙여주시면 좀더 보기 좋을거 같아요
00:56:643 (2) - 시작점에 클랩
01:12:734 - 여기까지 브레이크타임을 늦추셧는데 노래를 들어봐도 굳이 늦출필요가 없다고 봅니다 없애주세요
굳이 늦추실거면 01:12:870 - 여기까지 늘려주세요
01:26:916 (3) - 슬라속도가 갑자기 반토막나니 뉴콤보 넣는거 추천드려요
01:37:961 (2) - ^
02:17:097 (1) - 슬라이더 앞에 피니시
02:18:188 (4) - 피니시
02:25:551 (3) - 뉴콤보 추천드려요~

노래 좋네요 ㅋㅋ 좀더 빨리 발견해서 겟난 넣을껄 그랬어요, 다시한번 늦어서 죄송하고 랭크 기대할께요~
아 모딩 너무 늦었네요 ㅈㅅ합니다


00:26:507 (1) - 스피너 말고 다르게 할것
지적할게 없는데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

하드같아요 ㄷㄷ

00:42:599 (4) - 노멀에서 노트 겹치는건 좀 아닌거같은데;; ㄷㄷ
01:37:280 (2) - 이거 그냥 밑으로 따로 빼세요
01:37:552 - 노트추가
01:39:462 (2) - 이것도 따로 뺄것
01:41:644 (2) - ^
01:53:780 (5) - 슬라이더 별로 안좋아 보여요;; 그냥 직선으로 짧게 하시는건?
02:23:644 (7) - ^

지적할거 없음

에잇! 뭐예요!! 다 지적할거 없어요!! ㅠㅠ
나보다 고퀄;;ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

별드리고 싶은데 쿠도스가 업서;;ㄷㄷ

쿠도스 생기면 하나 드리겠음

Topic Starter
Ushiro T

CrestRising wrote:

Hi there, from my queue.
* = Slightly more suggested than others.


  • For Normal and Easy, I personally think it would be better if you ended that map at 02:28:007 instead. There's nothing really important at 02:36:734 through 02:41:234 and it just makes it end at an odd place imo.
    For Normal and Easy, its really weird that the choruses are mainly on the red ticks and doesn't sound too right . I think that the chorus at 02:10:962 to 02:28:007 by far follows the rhythm the best and I suggest that you use that as a guideline for the previous choruses.

    [Easy:] [list:f8d98]
    00:24:326 (1,2) Would probably look better if you did something like this instead.

  • * You need to find a new background. Its not tall enough and just leaves black bars on the top and bottom.
    * 01:37:280 (2) It would be better if you space this out from 1, especially since beginner players might not catch that.
    * 01:39:462 (2) and 01:41:644 (2) ^
Nothing for Konoha


  • 00:33:052 (2,3) You could just stack these over 4.
    00:45:462 (3) Just a thought, it might player better if this was stacked under 1 instead.
    00:50:234 (2,3) See 00:33:052 Above
    00:53:234 (1,2,3) Imo, it would be better if you followed the lyrics and add a circle a 1/2 beat after 3, and another one a 1/2 beat after the one that was just added.
    02:24:325 (2,3,4) Imo, it might be better if you switched the locations of 3 and 4 maybe?


  • 00:20:508 (5) It would follow the lyrics better if you split it into two sliders like 00:19:690 (2,3)
    00:26:508 (4) It would follow the rhythm better if you made this start a 1/2 beat earlier and extend it so that it still ends at the same place
    00:42:053 (3,4) Imo, it would look better if you unstacked these.
    00:52:690 (1,2,3,4) Eh, you could make this look a tad bit nicer.
    00:53:235 (1) It might be better if you stacked this under 00:52:690 (1)
    * 01:08:370 (1) This would sound much better if you shorten it in half.
    01:10:552 Click "Insert Break Time" here since the break is kind of lagging.
Nice song. Good luck with mapping. :)

Thanks for modding ! it helped me much :D
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

HelloSCV wrote:

M4M request~ sorry for late

겟난을 제외한 난이도에서는 키아이 타임이 무조건 같아야 해요 조절해주세요
TACU난이도에서만 timing section 4개나 쓰셧는데 1개로 줄이시거나 다른 난이도를 TACU 난이도 처럼 설정해주세요
bg가 1024x768 또는 800x600으로 하시는걸 추천드려요 4:3 비율만 지키면 되는건지는 잘모르겠지만..
태그에 kano , enlxodutls , konoha no sekai jijou 삭제해주세요 아티스트와 맵제작자와 타이틀은 태그에 따로 안넣으셔도 되요
그리고 vocaloidtacu 태그에 추가해주세요 겟난매퍼의 이름은 태그에 필수적으로 넣어주셔야해요
개인적으로 힛사가좀 아쉽네요, 노래하고 따로 노는 느낌이라나..

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at
00:55:282 - snap to 00:55:280
01:10:555 - snap to 01:10:552
01:19:692 - snap to 01:19:689
01:55:282 - snap to 01:55:280
00:55:282 - snap to 00:55:280
01:55:282 - snap to 01:55:280
00:55:282 - snap to 00:55:280
01:10:555 - snap to 01:10:552
02:10:008 - snap to 02:10:006
02:10:553 - snap to 02:10:551
02:28:008 - snap to 02:28:006

딱히 잡을건 없네요

01:37:280 (2) - 이건좀 헷갈릴거같아요 디스텐스 지켜주세요
01:39:462 (2) - ^
01:41:644 (2) - ^
01:51:599 (4) - 애매하게 닿이는거 같은데 조금만 내려주세요
02:24:735 (2) - 0.8x 디스텐스 추천드려요
02:25:825 (2) - ^

Konoha (인세인으로 바꾸시는게 좀더 나을거 같아요)
01:07:825 (5) - 뉴콤보 추가
01:08:098 (1) - ^ 삭제
01:22:143 (8) - ctrl g
01:33:052 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
01:42:871 (6,7) - 1/8이 치기가 너무 힘들어요 둘다 지우시고 차라리 1/4슬라이더 하나 넣으시는 거추천드려요 ( 물론 반복 넣고 )
01:45:189 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
01:54:052 (1) - hp바에 닿여요
02:22:689 (5) - 이것도 살짝 가리는거 같은데...
02:52:962 (1,1) - 뉴콤보 삭제


00:04:144 (1) - 리핏애로우가 300점에 가려요
00:08:507 (1) - ^
00:19:962 (2) - 노트 추가 ( 추가하고 싶지 않으시다면 00:22:416 (4) - 이걸 지워주세요 )
00:21:189 (6,7) - 이 2개 슬라이더를 00:21:053 (6,7) - 여기로 옮겨주세요
00:23:370 (8) - 이거를 00:23:234 (8) - 여기로 옮기시고 반복 한번추가
00:24:325 (4) - 노트추가
00:25:552 (9) - 이걸 00:25:416 (9) - 여기로 옮기시고 00:25:689 (10) - 1/2슬라이더 추가
00:26:643 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
00:29:234 (4) - 여기 비우신거 일부러 다 비워두신거 같은데 보컬에 맞춘것도아니고 딱히 악기도 없는거 같은데 다른부분들도 여기에
노트 넣어주시면 좀더 원활한 플레이가 가능할거 같아요
01:26:916 (1) - 여기 뉴콤보 빼셔도되요
02:41:098 (4) - 이거 지우시고 02:40:962 (3) - 이거 복사하셔서 ctrl + H

00:44:235 (4) - 슬라이더 끝을 00:44:508 (1) - 여기 시작점에 붙여주시면 좀더 보기 좋을거 같아요
00:56:643 (2) - 시작점에 클랩
01:12:734 - 여기까지 브레이크타임을 늦추셧는데 노래를 들어봐도 굳이 늦출필요가 없다고 봅니다 없애주세요
굳이 늦추실거면 01:12:870 - 여기까지 늘려주세요
01:26:916 (3) - 슬라속도가 갑자기 반토막나니 뉴콤보 넣는거 추천드려요
01:37:961 (2) - ^
02:17:097 (1) - 슬라이더 앞에 피니시
02:18:188 (4) - 피니시
02:25:551 (3) - 뉴콤보 추천드려요~

노래 좋네요 ㅋㅋ 좀더 빨리 발견해서 겟난 넣을껄 그랬어요, 다시한번 늦어서 죄송하고 랭크 기대할께요~
ㅎㅋㅎ 예압 감사합니다 !
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

HabiHolic wrote:

아 모딩 너무 늦었네요 ㅈㅅ합니다


00:26:507 (1) - 스피너 말고 다르게 할것
지적할게 없는데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

하드같아요 ㄷㄷ

00:42:599 (4) - 노멀에서 노트 겹치는건 좀 아닌거같은데;; ㄷㄷ
01:37:280 (2) - 이거 그냥 밑으로 따로 빼세요
01:37:552 - 노트추가
01:39:462 (2) - 이것도 따로 뺄것
01:41:644 (2) - ^
01:53:780 (5) - 슬라이더 별로 안좋아 보여요;; 그냥 직선으로 짧게 하시는건?
02:23:644 (7) - ^

지적할거 없음

에잇! 뭐예요!! 다 지적할거 없어요!! ㅠㅠ
나보다 고퀄;;ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

별드리고 싶은데 쿠도스가 업서;;ㄷㄷ

쿠도스 생기면 하나 드리겠음

읭ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 모딩감사해여
스타까지주신다니 감사를 한번 더드리죠
aiaiclala fans club presents
Background images must be at a maximum of 1024x768 pixels
converted every bg for you:
and i think all diffs should be mapped to the end
and don't forget to keep kiai time synchronized in all diffs you mapped
Some parts of the timing signature seems wrong, not sure though

OD-1? kinda hard
00:26:643 (1) - too close to previous object
01:06:462 (2) - NC?
01:08:098 (6) - - ^
02:52:825 (1,2,3) - i thought this is stream when i played...

02:10:552 (1) - this part is too fast for a hard imo..
02:40:825 (2,3,4) - looks like stream..

00:28:552 (3) - add note?
01:54:325 (1) - too close to previous object

sv a little too high for normal imo
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

Heatherfield wrote:

Background images must be at a maximum of 1024x768 pixels
converted every bg for you:
and i think all diffs should be mapped to the end
and don't forget to keep kiai time synchronized in all diffs you mapped
Some parts of the timing signature seems wrong, not sure though

OD-1? kinda hard
00:26:643 (1) - too close to previous object
01:06:462 (2) - NC?
01:08:098 (6) - - ^
02:52:825 (1,2,3) - i thought this is stream when i played...

02:10:552 (1) - this part is too fast for a hard imo..
02:40:825 (2,3,4) - looks like stream..

00:28:552 (3) - add note?
01:54:325 (1) - too close to previous object

sv a little too high for normal imo
Thanks for advice and modding !
it helped me :3
Hi there, from my mod queue.

00:54:325 (1) I'm not confident that this spinner should exist here, especially for an Easy. I'd recommend you delete this or make the break between this and the next note longer.
02:00:189 (2) Do something like this?
Other: I suggest adding some simple notes or sliders in the break from 02:28:143 to 02:36:325, because the last part before the end is rather short :|

Other: I suggest adding something in the break from 02:28:143 to 02:36:325 because ^

Up till now, this is my favorite of the three I've modded. I think the only issue I have here is the exact same thing in the other diffs where the last break was unnecessary and needs to be filled.

Modding this as well because my mods in the previous diffs rather felt empty.
00:21:189 (2,3) Ctrl + G.
00:29:916 (2,3) ^
00:38:098 (3,4) ^
01:21:189 (2,3) ^
01:32:098 (2,3) ^
01:33:189 (3,4) ^
01:52:825 (4,5) ^
02:09:189 (3,4) ^
02:58:552 (5) Ctrl + J.

I hope this helps! Good luck! :)

fyi, I'm a masochist. o.o
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

PROGUY wrote:

Hi there, from my mod queue.

00:54:325 (1) I'm not confident that this spinner should exist here, especially for an Easy. I'd recommend you delete this or make the break between this and the next note longer.
02:00:189 (2) Do something like this?
Other: I suggest adding some simple notes or sliders in the break from 02:28:143 to 02:36:325, because the last part before the end is rather short :|

Other: I suggest adding something in the break from 02:28:143 to 02:36:325 because ^

Up till now, this is my favorite of the three I've modded. I think the only issue I have here is the exact same thing in the other diffs where the last break was unnecessary and needs to be filled.

Modding this as well because my mods in the previous diffs rather felt empty.
00:21:189 (2,3) Ctrl + G.
00:29:916 (2,3) ^
00:38:098 (3,4) ^
01:21:189 (2,3) ^
01:32:098 (2,3) ^
01:33:189 (3,4) ^
01:52:825 (4,5) ^
02:09:189 (3,4) ^
02:58:552 (5) Ctrl + J.

I hope this helps! Good luck! :)

fyi, I'm a masochist. o.o
it is helpful !
Thanks :D
Yep, mod.

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems.

  1. Oh my... The size of the files for the BGs are around 400-700 KBs. I think you can reduce them to around ~150 KBs without much quality reduction...
  2. Uh, the S:C2 clap sounds a bit too loud compared to other hitsounds, IMO... Reduce the volume of it?
  1. Seriously, why 1-object combos everywhere without any reason...
  2. 00:59:644 (5,1) - Swap NC?
  3. 01:09:462 (1) - Remove NC?
  4. 01:20:235 (1,1) - ^. And for 01:20:235 (1), make it look like this instead for a slightly better flow?
  5. 01:22:690 (1,1) - Yep, remove NC? I think the usage of NC is a bit too much here...
  6. 01:25:417 (1,1) - ^
  7. 01:38:508 (1) - ^
  8. 01:40:689 (1) - ^
  9. 01:42:871 (1,1,1,1) - ^
  10. 01:47:508 (1,1) - ^
  11. 01:51:053 (1,1,1) - ^
  12. 01:56:371 (1,1,1,1) - ^
  13. 02:01:826 (1,1) - ^
  14. 02:05:099 (1,1,1) - ^
  15. 02:09:462 (1,1,1) - ^
  16. 02:13:962 (1,1) - ^
  17. 02:18:599 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^
  18. 02:23:780 (1,1) - ^
  19. 02:31:143 (1) - ^
  1. Hmm, idk, can't find any real problems, but overall, this seriously feels like an Insane diff. It might be because of the BPM, but still...
  1. 00:53:235 (1,2) - Considering the spacing was pretty consistent before this moment, the jump becomes really, really unexpected. Reduce the spacing, maybe?
  2. 00:53:780 (1) - Just stack this below 00:53:235 (1)? I think it's pretty weird to have a "back-and-forth"-ish pattern like this...
  3. 00:55:280 (1,2,3,4,5) - The flow here would be better if (4) is placed higher (higher y-axis value) than (3) and (5). Here's an example (I altered 00:55:280 (1,2,3)'s position too, btw).
  4. 01:53:779 (1) - Similar to 00:53:780 (1).
Sorry for the shitty mod; couldn't find things on Normal and couldn't play Insane at all orz

Good luck on the way 8-)
BG 하나로 통일시켜 주세요 여러개 쓰실려면 상관은 없는데 쓰기 전에 BG 크기 800x600 아니면 1024x768 로 맞춰주세요 지금 이것들 다
16:9 에서 16:10 bg들인데 이대로 바로 줄이면 그림 뭉개지니까 가장자리 잘라서 위의 두가지 해상도에 꼭 맞추셔야 해요!!
지금 이 bg크기들은 언랭이에요

인세인은 노래가 끝까지 다있는데 나머지 난이도들은 10% 버렸네요? 이것도 만드셔야되요

01:37:553 (1) - 스피너다음에 노트 나오는게 너무 멀어요 2박 떨어져 있다고 해도 bpm이 220의 이지라는걸 감안 하셔야 될 것 같아요
01:49:962 (1) - 이런식으로 아래로 휘어지는게 초보자들에게 더 좋을꺼같아요
01:55:826 (1) - 188, 144 여기나 이 근방으로 옮겨주세요 0.8디스탠스 유지되고 중심에서 좀 더 가깝게(중심에 놓으시면 안되요)
02:25:962 (1) - 스피너 나오는게 좀 빠른거같아요 02:25:280 (2) - 이걸 지우시고 02:25:416 - 여기에 노트 하나 놓는건 어떨까요?
02:28:416 (1) - 이것도 스피너 중심에서 나오는 위치가 너무 멀어요
02:31:689 (2) - 이런식으로 마우스가 한방향으로 가게 해주세요 아무래도 이지란걸 감안해야죠
02:36:735 (1) - 그 전 슬라이더와 안 겹치게 해주세요

00:34:144 (4) - 위치를 아래로 좀 더 내리는게 어떨까요??
00:43:417 (1,2,3,4) - 좀더 동글동글 하게 하는게 좀 더 맵이 깔끔 해 지는 것 같아요
02:02:235 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 노멀에선 이런 패턴 무지 어려워요 이대로 놔두면 어차피 나중에 지적당하니까 지금 고치는게 좋아요
02:17:508 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 이것도 마찬가지
02:19:962 (3,4,5,6) - 이것도 마찬가지 저도 멋모르고 만들거없어서 이거 썼었다가 욕 먹음 ㅠㅠ

하드에 AR8은 빠른거같아요 차라리 7로 한단계 내려주세요
00:23:098 (7) - 노트대신 반박자 슬라 한개로 대처하는게 박자상 더 맞는거같네요 노래 전체적으로 박자 비어있는게 많은데 컨셉으로 그런거라면 그냥 그런갑다 하는데 다른사람들이 보기에는 어쩔줄 몰라요 특히 맷뱃이 보고 비어있는 박자 많아서 허전하다고 할 가능성도 전혀 없는건 아니니 일단 이렇게박자 비어있는부분 이대로 가실려면 상관없을 꺼 같아요
00:46:416 (6,7) - 이 두개 패턴 좀 더 알아먹기 쉽게 해주세요
00:48:871 (1,2) - 이런식의 박자는 별로인가요?? 저 두개의 중간이 비어있으니 너무 허전해요
01:26:916 (3) - 뉴콤 해주세요 갑자기 변속 오는데 이전과 콤보가 이어진다면 언랭 요소로 알고있어요
02:10:552 - 여기부터 갑자기 변속이 오니까 너무 어려워 보여요.. 이건 분명 하든데 어프곡 뺨침
02:39:325 (1) - 이거에 스택시켜주세요 02:38:371 (3) -
02:40:825 (2,3,4) - 그냥 한곳에 놓으세요

하.. 하드까지 하는데 1시간 걸렸음

00:46:416 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - 알아먹기 너무 힘듬... 패턴을 바꾸든가 뭘 하든가 해야될 것 같아요
00:58:280 (5) - 뉴콤보
00:58:689 (2,3) - 이 두개 자리 바꾸세요 너무 어려워요
01:00:462 (6) - 뉴콤보
01:05:098 (7) - 뉴콤보
01:06:734 (4) - 뉴콤보
01:21:598 (5) - 뉴콤보
01:45:053 (1,2,3,4) - 심각하게 어렵네요

솔직히 말하자면 인세인 단타 패턴 심각하게 어려워요 패턴 죄다 갈아 엎어야 할 판인데 하나씩 잡으면 한도 끝도 없으니. 알아서 좀 만 더 쉽게 고치세요

타쿠 난이도는.. 모딩 안할래여
너무 힘들고 노래가 빠른걸 계속 보니까 현기증남
Hi~ enlxodutls :3

lead-in이 난이도마다 제각각이에요. 3초는 너무 길고 1초 ~ 1.5초 정도로 수정해주세요.
85는 소리가 좀 큰거 같아요. 75~80정도만 해도 적당할 듯 해요.
00:10:552 (8) - 슬라이더 전체에 피시니 넣지 마시고 끝에만 넣어주세요.
00:19:962 - 여기 박자가 필요 해 보여요. 다른 난이도처럼 보컬에 맞춰서 넣어주세요.
00:53:780 (3,1) - 3번 슬라이더랑 1번 서클노트 사이거리가 너무 멀어요. 줄여주세요.
00:56:643 - 노트 넣어주세요. 전체적인 배치로 봤을 때나 리듬감으로 봤을때 여기 혼동 되기 쉬울듯 해요. 그게 싫으시면 배치만이라도 바꿔주세요.
02:40:825 (2,3,4) - 하드 난이도에서 별로 추천하고싶지 않은 배치에요.

00:10:690 (1) - 이 앞에 스피너를 넣어주면 더 좋을듯 싶어요. 00:08:507 여기서 시작해서 00:10:416 으로 끝내주세요.
02:10:552 (6) - 슬라이더 시작부분에 피니시 추가해주세요.

Topic Starter
Ushiro T

Hinsvar wrote:

Yep, mod.

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems.

  1. Oh my... The size of the files for the BGs are around 400-700 KBs. I think you can reduce them to around ~150 KBs without much quality reduction...
  2. Uh, the S:C2 clap sounds a bit too loud compared to other hitsounds, IMO... Reduce the volume of it?
  1. Seriously, why 1-object combos everywhere without any reason...
  2. 00:59:644 (5,1) - Swap NC?
  3. 01:09:462 (1) - Remove NC?
  4. 01:20:235 (1,1) - ^. And for 01:20:235 (1), make it look like this instead for a slightly better flow?
  5. 01:22:690 (1,1) - Yep, remove NC? I think the usage of NC is a bit too much here...
  6. 01:25:417 (1,1) - ^
  7. 01:38:508 (1) - ^
  8. 01:40:689 (1) - ^
  9. 01:42:871 (1,1,1,1) - ^
  10. 01:47:508 (1,1) - ^
  11. 01:51:053 (1,1,1) - ^
  12. 01:56:371 (1,1,1,1) - ^
  13. 02:01:826 (1,1) - ^
  14. 02:05:099 (1,1,1) - ^
  15. 02:09:462 (1,1,1) - ^
  16. 02:13:962 (1,1) - ^
  17. 02:18:599 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^
  18. 02:23:780 (1,1) - ^
  19. 02:31:143 (1) - ^
  1. Hmm, idk, can't find any real problems, but overall, this seriously feels like an Insane diff. It might be because of the BPM, but still...
  1. 00:53:235 (1,2) - Considering the spacing was pretty consistent before this moment, the jump becomes really, really unexpected. Reduce the spacing, maybe?
  2. 00:53:780 (1) - Just stack this below 00:53:235 (1)? I think it's pretty weird to have a "back-and-forth"-ish pattern like this...
  3. 00:55:280 (1,2,3,4,5) - The flow here would be better if (4) is placed higher (higher y-axis value) than (3) and (5). Here's an example (I altered 00:55:280 (1,2,3)'s position too, btw).
  4. 01:53:779 (1) - Similar to 00:53:780 (1).
Sorry for the shitty mod; couldn't find things on Normal and couldn't play Insane at all orz

Good luck on the way 8-)
Thanks !
I learned many rank guideline at this modding
and fixed many of this
but i don't know why there r many NC at Easy :3..
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

Asgard wrote:

BG 하나로 통일시켜 주세요 여러개 쓰실려면 상관은 없는데 쓰기 전에 BG 크기 800x600 아니면 1024x768 로 맞춰주세요 지금 이것들 다
16:9 에서 16:10 bg들인데 이대로 바로 줄이면 그림 뭉개지니까 가장자리 잘라서 위의 두가지 해상도에 꼭 맞추셔야 해요!!
지금 이 bg크기들은 언랭이에요

인세인은 노래가 끝까지 다있는데 나머지 난이도들은 10% 버렸네요? 이것도 만드셔야되요

01:37:553 (1) - 스피너다음에 노트 나오는게 너무 멀어요 2박 떨어져 있다고 해도 bpm이 220의 이지라는걸 감안 하셔야 될 것 같아요
01:49:962 (1) - 이런식으로 아래로 휘어지는게 초보자들에게 더 좋을꺼같아요
01:55:826 (1) - 188, 144 여기나 이 근방으로 옮겨주세요 0.8디스탠스 유지되고 중심에서 좀 더 가깝게(중심에 놓으시면 안되요)
02:25:962 (1) - 스피너 나오는게 좀 빠른거같아요 02:25:280 (2) - 이걸 지우시고 02:25:416 - 여기에 노트 하나 놓는건 어떨까요?
02:28:416 (1) - 이것도 스피너 중심에서 나오는 위치가 너무 멀어요
02:31:689 (2) - 이런식으로 마우스가 한방향으로 가게 해주세요 아무래도 이지란걸 감안해야죠
02:36:735 (1) - 그 전 슬라이더와 안 겹치게 해주세요

00:34:144 (4) - 위치를 아래로 좀 더 내리는게 어떨까요??
00:43:417 (1,2,3,4) - 좀더 동글동글 하게 하는게 좀 더 맵이 깔끔 해 지는 것 같아요
02:02:235 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 노멀에선 이런 패턴 무지 어려워요 이대로 놔두면 어차피 나중에 지적당하니까 지금 고치는게 좋아요
02:17:508 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 이것도 마찬가지
02:19:962 (3,4,5,6) - 이것도 마찬가지 저도 멋모르고 만들거없어서 이거 썼었다가 욕 먹음 ㅠㅠ

하드에 AR8은 빠른거같아요 차라리 7로 한단계 내려주세요
00:23:098 (7) - 노트대신 반박자 슬라 한개로 대처하는게 박자상 더 맞는거같네요 노래 전체적으로 박자 비어있는게 많은데 컨셉으로 그런거라면 그냥 그런갑다 하는데 다른사람들이 보기에는 어쩔줄 몰라요 특히 맷뱃이 보고 비어있는 박자 많아서 허전하다고 할 가능성도 전혀 없는건 아니니 일단 이렇게박자 비어있는부분 이대로 가실려면 상관없을 꺼 같아요
00:46:416 (6,7) - 이 두개 패턴 좀 더 알아먹기 쉽게 해주세요
00:48:871 (1,2) - 이런식의 박자는 별로인가요?? 저 두개의 중간이 비어있으니 너무 허전해요
01:26:916 (3) - 뉴콤 해주세요 갑자기 변속 오는데 이전과 콤보가 이어진다면 언랭 요소로 알고있어요
02:10:552 - 여기부터 갑자기 변속이 오니까 너무 어려워 보여요.. 이건 분명 하든데 어프곡 뺨침
02:39:325 (1) - 이거에 스택시켜주세요 02:38:371 (3) -
02:40:825 (2,3,4) - 그냥 한곳에 놓으세요

하.. 하드까지 하는데 1시간 걸렸음

00:46:416 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - 알아먹기 너무 힘듬... 패턴을 바꾸든가 뭘 하든가 해야될 것 같아요
00:58:280 (5) - 뉴콤보
00:58:689 (2,3) - 이 두개 자리 바꾸세요 너무 어려워요
01:00:462 (6) - 뉴콤보
01:05:098 (7) - 뉴콤보
01:06:734 (4) - 뉴콤보
01:21:598 (5) - 뉴콤보
01:45:053 (1,2,3,4) - 심각하게 어렵네요

솔직히 말하자면 인세인 단타 패턴 심각하게 어려워요 패턴 죄다 갈아 엎어야 할 판인데 하나씩 잡으면 한도 끝도 없으니. 알아서 좀 만 더 쉽게 고치세요

타쿠 난이도는.. 모딩 안할래여
너무 힘들고 노래가 빠른걸 계속 보니까 현기증남
힘든모딩 감사합니다 >.<
하드는 50%로 들으면서 곡자체 드럼소리에 맞춘박자에요.
인센은 한번 단타 거리를 줄여보도록 하겠습니다.
Thanks ~
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

B2IN wrote:

Hi~ enlxodutls :3

lead-in이 난이도마다 제각각이에요. 3초는 너무 길고 1초 ~ 1.5초 정도로 수정해주세요.
85는 소리가 좀 큰거 같아요. 75~80정도만 해도 적당할 듯 해요.
00:10:552 (8) - 슬라이더 전체에 피시니 넣지 마시고 끝에만 넣어주세요.
00:19:962 - 여기 박자가 필요 해 보여요. 다른 난이도처럼 보컬에 맞춰서 넣어주세요.
00:53:780 (3,1) - 3번 슬라이더랑 1번 서클노트 사이거리가 너무 멀어요. 줄여주세요.
00:56:643 - 노트 넣어주세요. 전체적인 배치로 봤을 때나 리듬감으로 봤을때 여기 혼동 되기 쉬울듯 해요. 그게 싫으시면 배치만이라도 바꿔주세요.
02:40:825 (2,3,4) - 하드 난이도에서 별로 추천하고싶지 않은 배치에요.

00:10:690 (1) - 이 앞에 스피너를 넣어주면 더 좋을듯 싶어요. 00:08:507 여기서 시작해서 00:10:416 으로 끝내주세요.
02:10:552 (6) - 슬라이더 시작부분에 피니시 추가해주세요.

모딩 감사합니다 >.< !
K i A i
01:47:508 (2) - 가운데 컨트롤 포인트를 밑으로 내리는게 더 좋을 것 같아요~ (예 x:260 y:80)
02:32:780 (1) - 3 그리드 위로 올려주세요~

00:21:053 (4) - 다음 노트를 볼 때 가운데 컨트롤 포인트를 밑으로 내리는게 더 좋아보여요~ (예 x:372 y:324)
00:34:144 (4) - 디스턴스 0.9가 되도록 해주세요~
02:03:052 (4,5) - 오류 수정해주세요~

00:04:144 (1) - 디스턴스 유지해주세요~
00:06:325 (1) - ^
00:08:507 (1) - ^
00:21:462 (6) - 점프를 하실 거면 확실하게 띄어주시고, 아니면 디스턴스 유지해주세요~

00:02:098 (2,3,4) - 이 부분은 그냥 디스턴스 유지하는게 좋아보여요~
00:46:007 (2) - 안티점프가 아닌걸로 헷갈릴 수도 있어요.. 그냥 디스턴스 유지해보시는건 어떤가요?
00:49:280 (2) - ^

00:44:508 (1) - ^
01:28:143 (2) - 디스턴스 유지하는게 좋을 것 같아요

딱히 지적할 부분이 안보이는군요.. star
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

K i A i wrote:

01:47:508 (2) - 가운데 컨트롤 포인트를 밑으로 내리는게 더 좋을 것 같아요~ (예 x:260 y:80)
02:32:780 (1) - 3 그리드 위로 올려주세요~

00:21:053 (4) - 다음 노트를 볼 때 가운데 컨트롤 포인트를 밑으로 내리는게 더 좋아보여요~ (예 x:372 y:324)
00:34:144 (4) - 디스턴스 0.9가 되도록 해주세요~
02:03:052 (4,5) - 오류 수정해주세요~

00:04:144 (1) - 디스턴스 유지해주세요~
00:06:325 (1) - ^
00:08:507 (1) - ^
00:21:462 (6) - 점프를 하실 거면 확실하게 띄어주시고, 아니면 디스턴스 유지해주세요~

00:02:098 (2,3,4) - 이 부분은 그냥 디스턴스 유지하는게 좋아보여요~
00:46:007 (2) - 안티점프가 아닌걸로 헷갈릴 수도 있어요.. 그냥 디스턴스 유지해보시는건 어떤가요?
00:49:280 (2) - ^

00:44:508 (1) - ^
01:28:143 (2) - 디스턴스 유지하는게 좋을 것 같아요

딱히 지적할 부분이 안보이는군요.. star

우오 빠르시닷 ㅎㅎ
모딩감사! (_ _) 스타감사! (_ _) :3
Mod request from Koka's Modding Queue

hitclap can't be used in this way since this is a duplication of the normal hitsounds. It happens sometimes that they are automatically not right placed because of this duplication, and that makes the map sound in some parts really weird. Change this to be able to avoid such sound-issues.


00:17:235 (1,1) - Since this is an easy, I would suggest to have a 4/1 break(deleting circle (1)), so the beginner has more time to prepare himself for the (2). Else the beginner will miss way too easily.
00:26:508 (1,1) - Same as before. I would do it also in similiar sections. It makes beginners miss easily.
00:37:553 (1) - About such notes I'm not sure. I doubt it that beginners will be even able to hit it right. Sudden change of the rythem because you follow now half voice and half beat. I would suggest to have this kind of constlation: - It is simple and easier to hit.
00:39:735 (1,2,3) - Same here. But this time you could use a reverse-slider instead of 3 single notes:
00:41:917 (1) - And this could be changed to a single circle like you before:
00:45:053 (5) - - I think it fits to the flow of following notes better.
01:00:735 (3,4) - Kinda hard as well. Try to make it more linear?
01:21:326 (3) - x:80 y:208, so it would be a smoother transition from (2) to (3)?
01:24:326 (3) - Hm. I don't think it looks nice to have suddenly a grade-slider here. How about having a curve again?:
01:25:962 (5) - Same here.
01:34:144 (2,1) - Putting a slider and spinner that near together is in my opinion not a good idea 'cause of beginners reaction to this speedy transition. I could be wrong though.
02:01:826 (3,4,1) - You should really make this more simple. There is no way a beginner can recognise how to hit those notes.
02:10:552~02:19:416 - This is totally offbeat and must be in my opinion changed. I can't even play it, so how a beginner should do then...?
02:19:416~02:28:007 - A bit better, but too hard. Just try to make it more simple please, since this isn't a Normal/Hard diff where you can variate so easy with more-or-less own beats.
02:22:417 (2,3,4) - Same as before, I doubt it beginner we be even able to recognise how to hit these...

In my opinion the easy is mapped decent, but you used way too many off-placed notes which has no real use in an Easy. I mean, it is supposed to be for beginners, so we should map it beginner-friendly which means: More easy patterns and linear use of notes.


01:01:144 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure about this one. Maybe consider to make it a bit easier? It's really confusing because of the vocal. :/
01:25:690 (4) - Moving it to x:276 y:152 has probably more flow.
01:37:962 (3,4) - How about this: - Going up and down makes the transition to (1),(2) weird.
01:51:053 (3) - ctrl + g?
02:24:190 (1,2,1,2) - You had not such pattern constalations before, how about make it more simple? So it dosen't come from a sudden.

Sometimes it is kinda hard to follow the vocal when you play it.


- Try for once AR 9, it is better readable as with AR 8.
- This is too hard to be called as [Hard]. The map could be kept way more simple. Right now there are patterns which are [Insane] like for example: 00:44:507 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - and more of course.
That's why I strngly suggest you to rename it as [Insane] while the actual insane can be renamed as [Extra] or so.

00:08:098 (6,1,2) - This dosen't fit to the music well. Try following:
00:21:189 (5,6) - Delete (6) and reversearrow for (5). You map to the vocal, so please continue like that.
00:33:052 (2,3,4) - I would rather suggest something like that since it fits better to the vocal:
00:34:552 - Instead of having notes how about a spinner which goes up to 00:36:871 ? The spinner would fit good with 00:37:280 (1) - this note.
00:39:052 (1) - Make this note a bit rounder by moving the second tick of the slider.
First kiai is pretty good. No confusing patterns or something else.
01:21:734 (3) - This note should be removed. Too much and sounds better without it because of the deep sound.
01:23:916 (2) - ^
01:32:507 (8) - See? You did it here as well. Sounds better in my opinion.
01:33:052 (2,3,4,1) - Probably not necessary to change the distance between (4) and (1).
02:12:462 (8,9,1) - Too high jump which comes suddenly. Make it a smaller or delete it.


00:20:371 (4,1) - Please don't play around with the spacing like that, combo colour changes are no real reason to show player when a jumo is coming. There is no occasion in the music to use such a jump.
00:21:052 (1,2,3,4) - This is fine IMO.
00:21:598 (1) - This breaks just the flow of the circle you have prepared, so please use ctrl + g
00:22:416 (5) - this could be changed by using once again ctrl + g and moveing it near (4).
00:27:734 (1,2) - There is no reason to use tripplets here. Without it sounds better.
00:35:780 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Many different spaces. Please lower some of them a bit.
00:43:416 (1) - ctrl + g would maybe better because of flow. So or so it is allready jumpy here.
00:46:416 (3,4,1,2,3) - Bad flow, especially note (2) to (3), and the spacings make it a bit messy here and dosen't look nice.
00:51:598 (3,4,5,6) - Good idea to have rising distance but it dosen't fit here since you don't use it at 00:52:689 (1,2,3,4) - either, or more like you can't because of the space. This makes it overall not well fitting.
01:25:280 (6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Avoid such jumps please, there is one more time no real occasion for such jumps, everything is mapped1/2, so why don't you keep the same distance as well? It makes it look like really messi, especially (4) to (1). Not to forget that it is beeing overlapped by the hit300.
01:45:053 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - No. Please.

To be honest, this Insane lacks of organization. You forced it to be hard by jumps, but it makes it more messy, which lowers the fun when playing. I didn't said anything to the kiais because this is also too much because this isn't even given by the song. Jumps are fine, but there is a border of using them.
Also at the end you used suddenly a different mapping style; having a mirrow effect. It's better to stick on one style instead of changing it suddenly.
Sounds maybe a bit rude of me? My bad if it is so, didn't wanted to hurt you or so.


00:26:371 (4,5) - Not sure about the jump, but seems reasonable.
00:53:780 (1,2,3) - stacking those notes would be probably good for hard level because of this big jump.
01:53:779 (1,2,3) - Maybe stacking?
02:20:097 (4,1) - Flow is a bit broken because of change of direction.

Hm, I think overall it is fine. Nice.

Overall the map-set is fine, but naming of [Hard] and spacings in [Insane] are really questionable. I wish you good luck with your project and hope I could help you somehow.
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

OnosakiHito wrote:

Mod request from Koka's Modding Queue

hitclap can't be used in this way since this is a duplication of the normal hitsounds. It happens sometimes that they are automatically not right placed because of this duplication, and that makes the map sound in some parts really weird. Change this to be able to avoid such sound-issues.


00:17:235 (1,1) - Since this is an easy, I would suggest to have a 4/1 break(deleting circle (1)), so the beginner has more time to prepare himself for the (2). Else the beginner will miss way too easily.
00:26:508 (1,1) - Same as before. I would do it also in similiar sections. It makes beginners miss easily.
00:37:553 (1) - About such notes I'm not sure. I doubt it that beginners will be even able to hit it right. Sudden change of the rythem because you follow now half voice and half beat. I would suggest to have this kind of constlation: - It is simple and easier to hit.
00:39:735 (1,2,3) - Same here. But this time you could use a reverse-slider instead of 3 single notes:
00:41:917 (1) - And this could be changed to a single circle like you before:
00:45:053 (5) - - I think it fits to the flow of following notes better.
01:00:735 (3,4) - Kinda hard as well. Try to make it more linear?
01:21:326 (3) - x:80 y:208, so it would be a smoother transition from (2) to (3)?
01:24:326 (3) - Hm. I don't think it looks nice to have suddenly a grade-slider here. How about having a curve again?:
01:25:962 (5) - Same here.
01:34:144 (2,1) - Putting a slider and spinner that near together is in my opinion not a good idea 'cause of beginners reaction to this speedy transition. I could be wrong though.
02:01:826 (3,4,1) - You should really make this more simple. There is no way a beginner can recognise how to hit those notes.
02:10:552~02:19:416 - This is totally offbeat and must be in my opinion changed. I can't even play it, so how a beginner should do then...?
02:19:416~02:28:007 - A bit better, but too hard. Just try to make it more simple please, since this isn't a Normal/Hard diff where you can variate so easy with more-or-less own beats.
02:22:417 (2,3,4) - Same as before, I doubt it beginner we be even able to recognise how to hit these...

In my opinion the easy is mapped decent, but you used way too many off-placed notes which has no real use in an Easy. I mean, it is supposed to be for beginners, so we should map it beginner-friendly which means: More easy patterns and linear use of notes.


01:01:144 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure about this one. Maybe consider to make it a bit easier? It's really confusing because of the vocal. :/
01:25:690 (4) - Moving it to x:276 y:152 has probably more flow.
01:37:962 (3,4) - How about this: - Going up and down makes the transition to (1),(2) weird.
01:51:053 (3) - ctrl + g?
02:24:190 (1,2,1,2) - You had not such pattern constalations before, how about make it more simple? So it dosen't come from a sudden.

Sometimes it is kinda hard to follow the vocal when you play it.


- Try for once AR 9, it is better readable as with AR 8.
- This is too hard to be called as [Hard]. The map could be kept way more simple. Right now there are patterns which are [Insane] like for example: 00:44:507 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - and more of course.
That's why I strngly suggest you to rename it as [Insane] while the actual insane can be renamed as [Extra] or so.

00:08:098 (6,1,2) - This dosen't fit to the music well. Try following:
00:21:189 (5,6) - Delete (6) and reversearrow for (5). You map to the vocal, so please continue like that.
00:33:052 (2,3,4) - I would rather suggest something like that since it fits better to the vocal:
00:34:552 - Instead of having notes how about a spinner which goes up to 00:36:871 ? The spinner would fit good with 00:37:280 (1) - this note.
00:39:052 (1) - Make this note a bit rounder by moving the second tick of the slider.
First kiai is pretty good. No confusing patterns or something else.
01:21:734 (3) - This note should be removed. Too much and sounds better without it because of the deep sound.
01:23:916 (2) - ^
01:32:507 (8) - See? You did it here as well. Sounds better in my opinion.
01:33:052 (2,3,4,1) - Probably not necessary to change the distance between (4) and (1).
02:12:462 (8,9,1) - Too high jump which comes suddenly. Make it a smaller or delete it.


00:20:371 (4,1) - Please don't play around with the spacing like that, combo colour changes are no real reason to show player when a jumo is coming. There is no occasion in the music to use such a jump.
00:21:052 (1,2,3,4) - This is fine IMO.
00:21:598 (1) - This breaks just the flow of the circle you have prepared, so please use ctrl + g
00:22:416 (5) - this could be changed by using once again ctrl + g and moveing it near (4).
00:27:734 (1,2) - There is no reason to use tripplets here. Without it sounds better.
00:35:780 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Many different spaces. Please lower some of them a bit.
00:43:416 (1) - ctrl + g would maybe better because of flow. So or so it is allready jumpy here.
00:46:416 (3,4,1,2,3) - Bad flow, especially note (2) to (3), and the spacings make it a bit messy here and dosen't look nice.
00:51:598 (3,4,5,6) - Good idea to have rising distance but it dosen't fit here since you don't use it at 00:52:689 (1,2,3,4) - either, or more like you can't because of the space. This makes it overall not well fitting.
01:25:280 (6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Avoid such jumps please, there is one more time no real occasion for such jumps, everything is mapped1/2, so why don't you keep the same distance as well? It makes it look like really messi, especially (4) to (1). Not to forget that it is beeing overlapped by the hit300.
01:45:053 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - No. Please.

To be honest, this Insane lacks of organization. You forced it to be hard by jumps, but it makes it more messy, which lowers the fun when playing. I didn't said anything to the kiais because this is also too much because this isn't even given by the song. Jumps are fine, but there is a border of using them.
Also at the end you used suddenly a different mapping style; having a mirrow effect. It's better to stick on one style instead of changing it suddenly.
Sounds maybe a bit rude of me? My bad if it is so, didn't wanted to hurt you or so.


00:26:371 (4,5) - Not sure about the jump, but seems reasonable.
00:53:780 (1,2,3) - stacking those notes would be probably good for hard level because of this big jump.
01:53:779 (1,2,3) - Maybe stacking?
02:20:097 (4,1) - Flow is a bit broken because of change of direction.

Hm, I think overall it is fine. Nice.

Overall the map-set is fine, but naming of [Hard] and spacings in [Insane] are really questionable. I wish you good luck with your project and hope I could help you somehow.

Thank you for modding and sorry for late... i traveled somewhere with brother last 9 days.
I checked it by my cell phone, but could not fix and quote.
and i didn't hurt by your good advices because i know i'm noob at mapping. ( i start mapping 3 month ago )
so, what i want to say is just thank you :D
Hi there.

  1. Adjust the Audio Lead-In to 1500
  • - 01:56:371 (2,3,4) - Try something like this
    - 02:23:780 (3) - New combo to keep your pattern
    - 02:29:507 (2) - This slider is touching a little the offscreen, maybe move up?
  • - 00:30:325 (4,1) - Interchange new combos
    - 00:54:052 (1) - I would like to see this spinner in the white tick
    - 01:08:507 (7,1) - New combo here and remove in (1)
    - 02:39:598 (1) - I don't the new combo is really needed here, remove it
  • - 01:10:621 (1) - Replace this clap for a finish-whistle
    - 01:19:962 (x) - Add a note here, sounds good to me
  • - 01:55:552 (1) - nazi* Move this slider in another place to avoid the overlap with the another previous slider
  • - 00:37:962 (1) - Why you add a new combo here? Remove it
    - 00:54:325 (x) - Remove this break, is too short and I don't think is needed
    - 02:39:598 (3) - This note sounds strange with the music, I suggest to put a slider with an arrow-reverse, like this
Overall, some jumps are so hard to read but is a good map for me :)
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

MoodyRPG wrote:

Hi there.

  1. Adjust the Audio Lead-In to 1500
  • - 01:56:371 (2,3,4) - Try something like this
    - 02:23:780 (3) - New combo to keep your pattern
    - 02:29:507 (2) - This slider is touching a little the offscreen, maybe move up?
  • - 00:30:325 (4,1) - Interchange new combos
    - 00:54:052 (1) - I would like to see this spinner in the white tick
    - 01:08:507 (7,1) - New combo here and remove in (1)
    - 02:39:598 (1) - I don't the new combo is really needed here, remove it
  • - 01:10:621 (1) - Replace this clap for a finish-whistle
    - 01:19:962 (x) - Add a note here, sounds good to me
  • - 01:55:552 (1) - nazi* Move this slider in another place to avoid the overlap with the another previous slider
  • - 00:37:962 (1) - Why you add a new combo here? Remove it
    - 00:54:325 (x) - Remove this break, is too short and I don't think is needed
    - 02:39:598 (3) - This note sounds strange with the music, I suggest to put a slider with an arrow-reverse, like this
Overall, some jumps are so hard to read but is a good map for me :)
Isn't it 1500 Lead-In ? i checked it and they are all 1500...
and Thanks for modding!~ i fixed them all :D
Gloria Guard
Hi enlxodutls~

From my fourm PM~


01:37:552 (1,2,3) -> change?

01:39:462 (3,1) 박자에 맞게 딱딱 떨어트려놓으신거같은데 스페이싱을 맞추시는걸

01:41:643 (3,1) ^

01:45:871 (5,1) ^

01:47:234 (1,2) ^

01:47:916 (2,3,4) change?

01:56:916 (2,3,4) 이렇게 하는게 더좋겠네요

02:02:916 (3,4,1) 이지치곤 디스턴스가 너무크네요.

02:04:825 (1,2) 여기도 디스턴스가 너무큽니다 스페이싱도 맞춰주세요.

02:07:552 (3,1) ^

02:10:194 (2,1,3) 디스턴스가 너무큽니다 스페이싱도 맞춰주세요

02:13:280 (1,2,3) 이렇게 추천합니다

02:19:143 (3,1) 스페이싱 맞춰주세요.

02:21:598 (3,1,2) 여기도 마찬가지입니다.

02:23:623 (1) ^

02:29:234 (1,2) 여기도 스페이싱 맞춰주세요.

02:30:893 (2,1,2) ^

02:32:519 (2,1) ^

02:36:462 (4,1) ^


00:19:689 (1,2) 스페이싱 맞춰주세요

00:22:825 (2,3,4) 추천합니다

00:37:633 (2,3) 노말치고는 디스턴스가 너무큽니다..

00:38:848 (3,1) ^

00:39:666 (2,3) ^

00:41:439 (1,2) 디스턴스변화가 너무크네요.. 일정하게 바꿔주세요

00:43:507 (5,1) 여기도마찬가지입니다..

00:46:085 (1,2) 스페이싱 맞춰주세요

00:47:334 (2,3,4) ^

00:57:121 (3,1) 디스턴스가 너무 큽니다 줄여주시는걸 추천합니다

01:37:621 (2,3) ^

01:39:257 (1,2,3) 스페이싱 맞춰주세요.

01:41:098 (5,1,2) ^

01:42:063 (2,3) 디스턴스가 너무큽니다 줄여주시는걸 추천합니다.

01:49:484 (5,1) ^

02:10:962 ~ 02:39:598 전혀 박자가 맞지않네요. 여기는 리매핑하시는걸 추천합니다.


00:02:371 (2) 이걸추천합니다

00:04:552 (2)

00:27:871 (1,2) 00:27:871 (2) 노트 제거하시고 1번 슬라를 00:27:871 까지 늘려주세요

00:37:143 (1,2) 00:37:143 (2) 노트 제거하시고 1번슬라를 00:37:143 까지

00:38:507 (1,2) 여기도 마찬가지로 2번노트제거하시고 00:38:507 까지 1번슬라 늘려주세요

00:40:143 (2,3) 여기도 노트제거하시고 슬라끝을 00:40:143 까지

00:42:257 (3) 노트제거

00:45:052 (7,8) 00:45:052 노트제거하시고 여기까지 슬라이더끝을 늘려주세요

01:05:984 (2) 노트제거

01:37:962 (2,3) 3번 노트제거하시고 슬라끝을 늘려주세요

01:40:143 (2,3) 여기도 마찬가지 ^

01:42:325 (2,3) ^

01:45:052 (3,4) ^

01:53:507 (1,2) ^


00:02:916 (1,3) 이런 모양 비추입니다 플레이하기쉽게 만들어주세요

00:48:871 (1) 플레이하기 힘든 모양입니다 다른모양을 추천드려요

01:24:871 (5) ^

01:30:325 (1) ^

01:37:280 (3) ^

02:02:371 (1) ^

02:02:916 (1) ^

전체적으로 박자나 노트 배치들이 그리 좋지않습니다.. 히트사운드도 다른걸로 바꾸시는걸 추천합니다.

Good Luck
modding time~
  • --Common-- --Warning-- --Strongly recommendation-- --Emphasis--
[ General]
  1. Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn: - [Easy] : 1511 - [Hard] : 1511 - [Insane] : 1511 - [Normal] : 1500 - [TACU] : 1500
    i feel that there has a distance between Normal and Hard diff.. now the Hard diff is so difficult imo, try to make a easier diff for hard or just adjust the present hard easier?..
[ Easy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. Unsnapped inherited (green) sections (they are later than when they should in.. fix them to keep their effect of these green line):
    2. 01:10:555 - snap to 01:10:552
      01:19:692 - snap to 01:19:689
      01:55:282 - snap to 01:55:280
 Beatmap design/Suggestion
( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
  1. 00:34:962 (1) - umm.. the start of spinner is not appropriate with the music imo. since i can heard that the rhythm is begin at 00:34:962 rather than 00:35:234. so i suggest bring forward 1/1 tick for the correct rhythm. :3
( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
  1. 00:55:280 (1) - add a whistle with clap and finish here?.. make consistency with 00:57:462 (3) make me feel much better to heard.~
  2. 02:39:598 (3) - how about to set a whistle on that tail? since there has a whistle with finish on the next spinner, i feel that the whistle here can make the spinner's hitsounds not such abrupt~.
[ Normal]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 02:24:190 (1) - wrong spacing.
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:26:917 (1) - remove the nc? since the combo brust is not very suitable at 01:25:962 (5).. there is very quiet on that end imo.~
    2. 02:25:280 (2) - randomly shape of slider.. make it seems symmetrical with the previous slider? just like
    3. 02:28:416 (1) - so closed with the previous spinner, and i feel that the circle is needless from my heard.. maybe.. consider to remove this note? :d
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 01:04:007 ~01:10:552 - some notes is silenced in this part.. honestly that's sounds wired.. just full them with normal hitsound sampleset?..idk.. :p
    2. 01:40:690 (5) - these whistles are so serried.. a bit noisy really.. how about remove the whistle on that head?~ then the rest of them sounds much more reasonable.
    3. 01:43:962 (2) - sounds like there should be a clap on that head..
    4. 01:47:780 (3) - same point as above. :3
    5. 01:50:508 (2) - there should be a clap to make consistency with 01:51:599 (4) . now sounds wired also.
[ Hard]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. you should not to use OD7 on that Hard diff, it is such difficult for the diff itself.. anyway, i think OD5~6 can works much better.
    2. 00:09:325 (3,5,7) - so hard for this diff.. not only because the high bpm, but the pattern is also really confused for me and plays wired.. i suggest that move them to the next slider's head.
    3. 00:51:325 (2) - wrong rhythm. try this? (fixed nc also.)
    4. 00:54:734 (3) - the start of the slider is out of the music completely..
    5. 01:08:371 - there should be put a circle rather than skipping the beat..~ you can put one at x:326 y:98~
    6. 01:09:462 (1) - the nc is useless.. remove it.
    7. 01:10:552 (3) - same as above?
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:10:552 (8) - remove the whistle on that tail~~. so noisy.. and it is also not fit here.
[ Insane]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. Also has unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 01:55:282 - snap to 01:55:280
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:31:689 (2) - for a much better flow, i recommend to ctrl+g this slider and then do the same thing on 00:31:962 (1,2) ~ also plays funnier imo~
    2. 00:34:416 (2) - umm.. change the sliderslide downward seems much better imo.. like this.
    3. 00:54:734 (3) - the same rhythm issue as the same place in the hard diff.
    4. 00:59:507 (1) - overmapped here.. can't heard anything from bgm for this note, you'd better remove this.. (so hard also xD
    5. 01:01:416 (2) - notice the spacing, always makes me confused.. just say that..
    6. 01:02:643 (1) - same as above.. don't do the distance like that.. really awkward on such insane and high-bpm map..
    7. 01:08:098 (1) - ^
    8. 01:23:507 (1) - useless nc.
    9. 01:22:416 (1) - ^
    10. 01:28:689 (2,3) - ctrl+g for a better flow??~
    11. 01:31:825 (7,1) - same as above, really better imo. and then don't forget to remove the nc here 01:31:962 (1)
    12. 01:42:871 (6,7) - the pattern is confused.. just change them to double single circle?.. idk..Q.Q
    13. 01:58:552 (7) - since you had put a nc here 01:56:371 (1) , you should also set one here.
    14. 02:58:143 (2,4) - ctrl+g flows better.
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:10:552 (1) - same as hard diff, remove the whistle on that tail?
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. Many unsnapped slidesr and circles. checking them.
    2. Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 01:10:555 - snap to 01:10:552
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:32:779 (1) - i'd prefer to make a distance with the previous note.. it is not very suitable for the such a high-bpm map i feel after i tested the whole diff.. just like?
    2. 01:33:870 (3) - same as above.
    3. 02:02:643 (4) - wired rhythm.. try this
    4. 02:13:824 (1) - convert to a 1/2 slider + circle?
    5. 02:24:733 (1) - i know that you decreased the sv here but don't reduce the spacing plz.. it is easy to read as 1/4 after the previous slider..
    6. 02:25:415 (2,1) - stagger them rather than stacking? such as
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 01:26:916 (1) - silence the slider's end?
    2. 02:37:415 (4) - the clap should on that end rather than repeat..
nice map but need some more work.~
Good luck then~
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

Gloria Guard wrote:

Hi enlxodutls~

From my fourm PM~


01:37:552 (1,2,3) -> change?

01:39:462 (3,1) 박자에 맞게 딱딱 떨어트려놓으신거같은데 스페이싱을 맞추시는걸

01:41:643 (3,1) ^

01:45:871 (5,1) ^

01:47:234 (1,2) ^

01:47:916 (2,3,4) change?

01:56:916 (2,3,4) 이렇게 하는게 더좋겠네요

02:02:916 (3,4,1) 이지치곤 디스턴스가 너무크네요.

02:04:825 (1,2) 여기도 디스턴스가 너무큽니다 스페이싱도 맞춰주세요.

02:07:552 (3,1) ^

02:10:194 (2,1,3) 디스턴스가 너무큽니다 스페이싱도 맞춰주세요

02:13:280 (1,2,3) 이렇게 추천합니다

02:19:143 (3,1) 스페이싱 맞춰주세요.

02:21:598 (3,1,2) 여기도 마찬가지입니다.

02:23:623 (1) ^

02:29:234 (1,2) 여기도 스페이싱 맞춰주세요.

02:30:893 (2,1,2) ^

02:32:519 (2,1) ^

02:36:462 (4,1) ^


00:19:689 (1,2) 스페이싱 맞춰주세요

00:22:825 (2,3,4) 추천합니다

00:37:633 (2,3) 노말치고는 디스턴스가 너무큽니다..

00:38:848 (3,1) ^

00:39:666 (2,3) ^

00:41:439 (1,2) 디스턴스변화가 너무크네요.. 일정하게 바꿔주세요

00:43:507 (5,1) 여기도마찬가지입니다..

00:46:085 (1,2) 스페이싱 맞춰주세요

00:47:334 (2,3,4) ^

00:57:121 (3,1) 디스턴스가 너무 큽니다 줄여주시는걸 추천합니다

01:37:621 (2,3) ^

01:39:257 (1,2,3) 스페이싱 맞춰주세요.

01:41:098 (5,1,2) ^

01:42:063 (2,3) 디스턴스가 너무큽니다 줄여주시는걸 추천합니다.

01:49:484 (5,1) ^

02:10:962 ~ 02:39:598 전혀 박자가 맞지않네요. 여기는 리매핑하시는걸 추천합니다.


00:02:371 (2) 이걸추천합니다

00:04:552 (2)

00:27:871 (1,2) 00:27:871 (2) 노트 제거하시고 1번 슬라를 00:27:871 까지 늘려주세요

00:37:143 (1,2) 00:37:143 (2) 노트 제거하시고 1번슬라를 00:37:143 까지

00:38:507 (1,2) 여기도 마찬가지로 2번노트제거하시고 00:38:507 까지 1번슬라 늘려주세요

00:40:143 (2,3) 여기도 노트제거하시고 슬라끝을 00:40:143 까지

00:42:257 (3) 노트제거

00:45:052 (7,8) 00:45:052 노트제거하시고 여기까지 슬라이더끝을 늘려주세요

01:05:984 (2) 노트제거

01:37:962 (2,3) 3번 노트제거하시고 슬라끝을 늘려주세요

01:40:143 (2,3) 여기도 마찬가지 ^

01:42:325 (2,3) ^

01:45:052 (3,4) ^

01:53:507 (1,2) ^


00:02:916 (1,3) 이런 모양 비추입니다 플레이하기쉽게 만들어주세요

00:48:871 (1) 플레이하기 힘든 모양입니다 다른모양을 추천드려요

01:24:871 (5) ^

01:30:325 (1) ^

01:37:280 (3) ^

02:02:371 (1) ^

02:02:916 (1) ^

전체적으로 박자나 노트 배치들이 그리 좋지않습니다.. 히트사운드도 다른걸로 바꾸시는걸 추천합니다.

Good Luck
많이 고쳤어요ㅎㅎ
바쁘신데 모딩 감사합니다 @.@
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

Strawberry wrote:

modding time~


( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
  1. 01:26:917 (1) - remove the nc? since the combo brust is not very suitable at 01:25:962 (5).. there is very quiet on that end imo.~ I feel good with NC ..
  2. 02:28:416 (1) - so closed with the previous spinner, and i feel that the circle is needless from my heard.. maybe.. consider to remove this note? :d if i fix it there will be blank .. and i don know how to fill in here


00:51:325 (2) - wrong rhythm. try this? (fixed nc also.)
i fill rhythms Hard with song's drum beat.. so i didn't fix rhythm all.


01:42:871 (6,7) - the pattern is confused.. just change them to double single circle?.. idk..Q.Q hear 25% and you find why i set this rhythm.,

02:25:415 (2,1) - stagger them rather than stacking? such as
there's many stakked notes at whole map so i dont feel to fix[/list]

nice map but need some more work.~
Good luck then~
Thanks for delicate modding :D
i'll endeavor to make good map !
Star Stream
From my queue

  1. Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn
  2. Inconsistency in Kiai Times:Insane diff
  1. 00:07:417 (1) - 딱히 여기서 시작한다는 음도 없는데 스피너 있으니 어색하네요 지워주세요
  2. 00:10:689 - 대신 여기서부터 노트 더 넣어주세요
  3. 00:19:962 (1) - 정 가운데에서 한칸 오른쪽이네요, 상관은 없겠지만 실수라면 가운데에 맞춰주세요
  4. 00:26:508 (1) - 저라면 스피너 대신 2/1슬라에 화살표 하나 넣고 서클 하나 넣었겠네요
  5. 00:28:689 (1) - 비피엠이 220이면 2/1만큼 쉬어도 부족해요 지워주시거나 ^처럼 스피너 고쳐주세요
  6. 01:02:235 (4,5) - 다음이 5/2만큼 쉬어서 굉장히 불안정하네요, 차라리 5번서클 지우고 4번에 화살표 하나 넣어주면 완전히 끝나는 느낌이라 더 쉬울듯
  7. 01:09:462 (2) - 머리부분에 서클로 놓고 꼬리랑 다음 서클을 슬라로 묶는게 더 플레이 하기 좋을거같네요
  8. 01:53:234 (5) - 01:54:052 - 부분 소리가 너무 무시하기 힘드네요, 화살표 하나 더 늘려주세요
  9. 01:54:053 (1) - 이지에서 이런 짧은 스피너 쓰는거 아니에요
  10. 02:01:826 (4) - 이런식으로 자연스럽게 박자 맞춰주세요
  11. 02:07:826 (3) - 보컬은 계속 이어지는데 갑자기 공백이 많아지면 어색해요, 지우고 다른 박자 생각해주세요
    전체적으로 박자가 좀 어색하네요 특히 뒷부분이
  1. 00:07:962 (1) - 이지랑 같음
  2. 00:36:871 (1,2) - 슬라이더로 묶는게 더 음이랑 맞을듯 하네요
  3. 00:39:052 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:41:234 (1,2) - ^
  5. 00:53:235 (4) - 이지랑 같음
  6. 01:01:144 (4) - 불규칙 공백때문에 많이 어색하네요, 뉴콤보 넣는게 좋을듯
  7. 02:07:826 (4,1) - 서클-슬라 순으로 바꿔주세요
  8. 02:12:734 (1) - 맵 끝에 닿아요, 올려주세요
  • 쉽게 리맵해주세요, 이건 인세인이죠
  • 이것도
  • 개인적으로 모든 노트 디스탠스 1.2x로 다시 조정해주시면 더 깔끔할거같네요
  1. 00:28:416 (2) - 뉴콤보
  2. 00:54:325 - 브레이크 넣어주세요
    이것도 리맵, 너무 지저분하네요
리맵 리맵 했다고 제가 귀찮아서 그러는게 아니라 고칠게 너무 많고 분명 더 좋은 맵 퀄리티가 나올수 있어서 하는말이니 너무 실망하지 않으셨음 좋겠네요
Topic Starter
Ushiro T

Star Stream wrote:

From my queue

  1. Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn
  2. Inconsistency in Kiai Times:Insane diff
  1. 00:07:417 (1) - 딱히 여기서 시작한다는 음도 없는데 스피너 있으니 어색하네요 지워주세요
  2. 00:10:689 - 대신 여기서부터 노트 더 넣어주세요
  3. 00:19:962 (1) - 정 가운데에서 한칸 오른쪽이네요, 상관은 없겠지만 실수라면 가운데에 맞춰주세요
  4. 00:26:508 (1) - 저라면 스피너 대신 2/1슬라에 화살표 하나 넣고 서클 하나 넣었겠네요
  5. 00:28:689 (1) - 비피엠이 220이면 2/1만큼 쉬어도 부족해요 지워주시거나 ^처럼 스피너 고쳐주세요
  6. 01:02:235 (4,5) - 다음이 5/2만큼 쉬어서 굉장히 불안정하네요, 차라리 5번서클 지우고 4번에 화살표 하나 넣어주면 완전히 끝나는 느낌이라 더 쉬울듯
  7. 01:09:462 (2) - 머리부분에 서클로 놓고 꼬리랑 다음 서클을 슬라로 묶는게 더 플레이 하기 좋을거같네요
  8. 01:53:234 (5) - 01:54:052 - 부분 소리가 너무 무시하기 힘드네요, 화살표 하나 더 늘려주세요
  9. 01:54:053 (1) - 이지에서 이런 짧은 스피너 쓰는거 아니에요
  10. 02:01:826 (4) - 이런식으로 자연스럽게 박자 맞춰주세요
  11. 02:07:826 (3) - 보컬은 계속 이어지는데 갑자기 공백이 많아지면 어색해요, 지우고 다른 박자 생각해주세요
    전체적으로 박자가 좀 어색하네요 특히 뒷부분이
  1. 00:07:962 (1) - 이지랑 같음
  2. 00:36:871 (1,2) - 슬라이더로 묶는게 더 음이랑 맞을듯 하네요
  3. 00:39:052 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:41:234 (1,2) - ^
  5. 00:53:235 (4) - 이지랑 같음
  6. 01:01:144 (4) - 불규칙 공백때문에 많이 어색하네요, 뉴콤보 넣는게 좋을듯
  7. 02:07:826 (4,1) - 서클-슬라 순으로 바꿔주세요
  8. 02:12:734 (1) - 맵 끝에 닿아요, 올려주세요
  • 쉽게 리맵해주세요, 이건 인세인이죠
  • 이것도
  • 개인적으로 모든 노트 디스탠스 1.2x로 다시 조정해주시면 더 깔끔할거같네요
  1. 00:28:416 (2) - 뉴콤보
  2. 00:54:325 - 브레이크 넣어주세요
    이것도 리맵, 너무 지저분하네요
리맵 리맵 했다고 제가 귀찮아서 그러는게 아니라 고칠게 너무 많고 분명 더 좋은 맵 퀄리티가 나올수 있어서 하는말이니 너무 실망하지 않으셨음 좋겠네요
으.. 아무래도 제가 실력에도안맞는 곡을 선택해버렷나봅니다
더배우고와서 나중에 다시 만들어야겠네요 쩝..
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