
Hideyuki Fukasawa - Theme of Taskmaster [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 11:04:22 AM

Artist: Hideyuki Fukasawa
Title: Theme of Taskmaster
Source: Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Tags: ultimate umvc3 mvc3 mvc tony masters playstaion ps3 xbox 360 taiko
BPM: 148
Filesize: 3059kb
Play Time: 01:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.49 stars, 67 notes)
  2. Futsuu (4.35 stars, 184 notes)
  3. Hard (4.91 stars, 173 notes)
  4. Insane (5 stars, 296 notes)
  5. Muzukashii (4.76 stars, 297 notes)
  6. Normal (4.17 stars, 116 notes)
  7. Oni (4.89 stars, 420 notes)
Download: Hideyuki Fukasawa - Theme of Taskmaster
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hey there, slick! We meet again...
10/26-Accepted Kayesara's taiko mod.
11/11-Accepted _Gezo_'s taiko mod.
11/13-Taiko bg added.
11/14-Changed the slider velocity from 1.60 to 1.40 on Oni and Muzukashii.
-Taiko Futsuu added.
11/15-Accepted Star Stream's mod.
-Accepted jesse7419's mod.
-Accepted Static Noise Bird's mod.
-Accepted Weez's mod.
12/27-Accepted Fukima's mod.
-Accepted Gabe's mod.
-Accepted BeatofIke's mod.
-Accepted MerryGate's mod.
01/06-failsound audio replaced.
-applause audio worked on and added in a few nice touches.
01/11-Accepted Snepif's mod.
01/15-Taiko background removed.
01/21-Accepted Scorpiour's mod.
02/08-Switched the Artist name around and put in his name in Japanese, changed one combo color, added new stuff needed for the tags. Thanks, p3n.
-Accepted Kokatsu's Taiko mod.
02/28-score png files removed.
03/06-Accepted Elly-chan's taiko mod.
03/17-Accepted Garven's mod with the help of lolcubes included.
03/18-Accepted Kawayi Rika's mod.

00:03 Roddie: hi
00:03 KayeSara: HI!
00:03 Roddie: don't mean to bother you but...
00:04 Roddie: I could use your help
00:04 Roddie: i noticed you make taiko diffs
00:05 KayeSara: Yes :3
00:05 KayeSara: And?
00:05 Roddie: there is a question I got to ask
00:05 KayeSara: Yes?
00:06 Roddie: a taiko diff named Kantan. I assume that's the easiest taiko diff.
00:06 Roddie: the OD is 3
00:07 Roddie: the rules for taiko diffs states that the OD should be around 4 ~ 7
00:08 KayeSara: Hmmm, OD 3 is fine for easiest diff if it suit for the Map IMO
00:08 Roddie: okay
00:09 Roddie: well, thank you
00:09 Roddie: that's all I needed to understand
00:09 KayeSara: Cuz I awalys use 5 in oni, 3 is not too low I think
00:11 KayeSara: Actually I don't think the OD really influence the Taiko
00:12 KayeSara: opps the accuracy
00:13 Roddie: alright, thanks
00:14 KayeSara: np
00:42 Roddie: sorry to bother you again but I need your opinion on something
00:43 KayeSara: I'm here
00:44 Roddie: could you test play two taiko diffs from this map?
00:44 *Roddie is listening to [ Hideyuki Fukasawa - Theme of Taskmaster]
00:45 Roddie: and let me know what you think of them?
00:45 KayeSara: Sure!
00:47 KayeSara: Is that your first Taiko map?
00:47 Roddie: no
00:47 KayeSara: Pretty nice!
00:50 KayeSara: You want me mod some?
00:50 Roddie: sure
00:58 KayeSara: 00:22:617 - k
00:59 Roddie: oni right?
00:59 KayeSara: yes, Taiko Muzukashii are all fine
00:59 Roddie: 00:22:719 (94)-
01:00 Roddie: you mean this one here right?
01:00 KayeSara: no
01:00 KayeSara: 00:22:617 - here need more beat
01:00 KayeSara: 00:25:557 (107,108,109,110,111) - like what you did here
01:01 Roddie: oh okay
01:03 Roddie: fixed
01:03 KayeSara: 00:47:854 - need more beat, I feel like a k here
01:04 KayeSara: 00:47:955 (226) - remove
01:04 KayeSara: 00:48:158 - add one more
01:04 KayeSara: 00:48:361 - remove
01:04 KayeSara:
01:05 KayeSara: k ddk, that's it
01:06 KayeSara: I mean start from 00:47:854 -
01:07 KayeSara: 01:22:989 (427) - d
01:07 KayeSara: That's all
01:11 Roddie: all fixed. thank you very much (:
Taiko mod as I asked you.

The use of ddk 1/4 isn't very encouraged, still allowed but limit these, please.
Normal sampleset + 50% volume ?
No kiai time ?

3-note ddk that still can play good with these patterns (and possible changes on following notes) :
00:06:705 (2,3,4,5) - ddd k sounds better than ddk d to me. I don't know how you feel it compared to your pattern, but it's your call.
00:08:327 (10,11,12,13) - ^
00:08:124 (9,10,11,12,13) - k ddd k, same reason.
00:24:543 (79,80,81,82) - ddd k ?
00:25:151 (83,84,85) - ddd only ?

00:11:367 (25,26,27,28) - kddk instead (1/2) ?
00:27:584 (94,95,96) - Might sound better with them being big notes.
00:22:719 (72,73,74,75,76,77,78) - ^
00:26:570 (90) - ^
00:29:813 (102) - ^ (Unsure)
00:29:205 (100) - ^ (Unsure)
00:30:827 (106,107,108) - ^
00:32:448 (112,114) - ^ (Unsure)

01:05:793 (234) - I found it odd that without that note it sounded better, honestly, haha

01:23:530 (1) - Why is there a finish at the end of the slider ?
Overwall, very nice map !

Normal sampleset + 50% volume ?
No kiai time ?

00:22:617 (94) - I would delete that to make 00:22:719 (95,96,97,98,99,100,101) - big notes.
00:30:725 (136) - ^ with 00:30:827 (137,138,139) - as bigs
00:37:313 (167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183) - Can you change it to something easier ? It felt out of place compared to the rest of the map pretty much based on it's easiness.
01:11:165 (344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378) - ... This is not even better XD
I'd recommend either cutting it in 5-note streams all 1/1 apart, or using a spinner/drumroll.

Still a very nice map to be honest, keep up the good work!

Nice song choice and BGM as always ! By the way, wtf is that laugh when I miss
Topic Starter

_Gezo_ wrote:

Taiko mod as I asked you.

The use of ddk 1/4 isn't very encouraged, still allowed but limit these, please. Okay, I'll try.
Normal sampleset + 50% volume ? Doesn't really matter but okay. I changed the samepleset to Normal and lowered the volume to 50% on Oni too.
No kiai time ? No kiai time. I think kiai time really isn't needed. This applies to the other diffculties in this mapset too.

3-note ddk that still can play good with these patterns (and possible changes on following notes) :
00:06:705 (2,3,4,5) - ddd k sounds better than ddk d to me. I don't know how you feel it compared to your pattern, but it's your call. Okay.
00:08:327 (10,11,12,13) - ^ ^
00:08:124 (9,10,11,12,13) - k ddd k, same reason. ^
00:24:543 (79,80,81,82) - ddd k ? Nah, that doesn't found fitting.
00:25:151 (83,84,85) - ddd only ? Okay.

00:11:367 (25,26,27,28) - kddk instead (1/2) ? No, but I've done something different.
00:27:584 (94,95,96) - Might sound better with them being big notes. Sure.
00:22:719 (72,73,74,75,76,77,78) - ^ ^
00:26:570 (90) - ^ Nah.
00:29:813 (102) - ^ (Unsure) ^
00:29:205 (100) - ^ (Unsure) ^
00:30:827 (106,107,108) - ^
00:32:448 (112,114) - ^ (Unsure) ^

01:05:793 (234) - I found it odd that without that note it sounded better, honestly, haha Nah, I disagree.

01:23:530 (1) - Why is there a finish at the end of the slider ? Yeah, that was silly of me to do that. I'll remove it.
Overwall, very nice map !

Normal sampleset + 50% volume ?
No kiai time ?

00:22:617 (94) - I would delete that to make 00:22:719 (95,96,97,98,99,100,101) - big notes. Yeah, okay.
00:30:725 (136) - ^ with 00:30:827 (137,138,139) - as bigs Nah.
00:37:313 (167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183) - Can you change it to something easier ? It felt out of place compared to the rest of the map pretty much based on it's easiness. Sure. lol
01:11:165 (344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377,378) - ... This is not even better XD
I'd recommend either cutting it in 5-note streams all 1/1 apart, or using a spinner/drumroll. I've done something different. (:

Still a very nice map to be honest, keep up the good work!

Nice song choice and BGM as always ! By the way, wtf is that laugh when I miss

Taskmaster's laugh. Well, that's his taunt from mvc3. I wanted to use that as a combobreak.
Thank you, Gezo.
Star Stream
From your queue

  1. I don't like the Enable countdown for this music <.<
  1. 00:21:097 (2) - copy/paste 00:19:475 (1) -
  2. 00:27:584 (2,3,4) - your rhythm feels a bit weird, try this?
  3. 00:34:070 (3) - finish doesn't fit well here imo, whistle instead
  4. 01:17:854 (1,2) - i think you'd better keep 3/2 slider for 01:17:854 - , then 2 should start from 01:19:475 -
  1. 00:16:030 (5) - start combo from here? better to read imo
  2. 00:17:651 (3) - ^
  3. 01:13:800 (4) - ctrl+g for better movement?
  4. 01:21:097 (1) - i think drum-whistle sound would be better
  1. 00:11:165 (4) - delete? there's no sound and it doesn't make sense for me..
  1. Fine for me
Hope it's helpful for you~
Hi~ from M4M in your queue

00:18:969 - unless Inherited
01:08:124 (1) - Make it prettier? more curve
01:19:070 (5) - use hitsound with D is good to flow 01:20:692 (5) -

01:16:232 (3) - Make it prettier
01:18:462 (3) - move 1 right and down grid

00:42:178 (1) - 1 right grid
00:49:475 (2) - symmetry to (1)?
00:36:807 (2) - I think should move to x:376 y:320 to symmetry (1)
01:01:232 (7,8,9,10,1,2) - do this? will look more pretty

think can help you. GL~
You might want to lower the hitsounds volume a bit

00:14:611 (3,4) - Incorrect spacing
00:43:800 (2,3) - Move both one square right (grid lv. 4)

01:17:854 (1,2,3,4,5) - Looks awkward, maybe move 2,3,4 down a bit and curve them?

00:37:313 (1,2,3) - Start the first slider at x148 y296 and then make a path of those sliders to the 4th slider. They turn so weirdly and it looks, well, weird.

That's all I got, also nice song choice(s on all your pending maps)~
Roddie!!! \:D/

00:27:584 (2,3,4) - Pattern here doesn't really fit for me, especially 3. Try rearranging to something like this so it follows along better:
00:44:611 (3,4,1) - Looks better if they were straight line like so:

00:15:219 (4,5) - Doesn't flow properly, has a weird pause from 4 to 5. Move 4 forward 1 tick and add a hitcircle at 00:15:219.

00:18:867 (6,7,1,2) - To me those short pauses between 7 to 1 and 1 to 2 really break the flow of that section. Consider a different pattern, something like at 00:25:962 (1,2,3)

01:18:766 (6) - Up 2 please :P

Thats all :)
Nice map
Stop making perfect maps. >.>
Topic Starter

Mercurial wrote:

Stop making perfect maps. >.>

Star Stream wrote:

From your queue

  1. I don't like the Enable countdown for this music <.< I like it myself though. I don't know about you but I find it fitting. I'll leave it the way it is.

  1. 00:21:097 (2) - copy/paste 00:19:475 (1) - Um... Okay, sure.
  2. 00:27:584 (2,3,4) - your rhythm feels a bit weird, try this? Alright, that sounds like it has a good rhythm to it. Rearranged.
  3. 00:34:070 (3) - finish doesn't fit well here imo, whistle instead If you listen to the song closely, you'll hear a finish. That sounds more fitting than a whistle.
  4. 01:17:854 (1,2) - i think you'd better keep 3/2 slider for 01:17:854 - , then 2 should start from 01:19:475 - Nah, I'll just leave them like that.
  1. 00:16:030 (5) - start combo from here? better to read imo I'll just delete the 5th note and created a repeat for slider 4.
  2. 00:17:651 (3) - ^ I deleted the 3rd note and created a repeat for slider 2
  3. 01:13:800 (4) - ctrl+g for better movement? Alright.
  4. 01:21:097 (1) - i think drum-whistle sound would be better No, I disagree.
  1. 00:11:165 (4) - delete? there's no sound and it doesn't make sense for me.. Nah, its fine like that.
  1. Fine for me
Hope it's helpful for you~
It certainly was. Thanks.

jesse7419 wrote:

Hi~ from M4M in your queue

00:18:969 - unless Inherited I think you meant to say useless, not unless lol. Anyway, deleted.
01:08:124 (1) - Make it prettier? more curve Sure.
01:19:070 (5) - use hitsound with D is good to flow 01:20:692 (5) - Nah.

01:16:232 (3) - Make it prettier Okay.
01:18:462 (3) - move 1 right and down grid I've done something different.

00:42:178 (1) - 1 right grid Sure.
00:49:475 (2) - symmetry to (1)?
00:36:807 (2) - I think should move to x:376 y:320 to symmetry (1) Fixed.
01:01:232 (7,8,9,10,1,2) - do this? will look more pretty

think can help you. GL~

Static Noise Bird wrote:

You might want to lower the hitsounds volume a bit No.

00:14:611 (3,4) - Incorrect spacing Fixed.
00:43:800 (2,3) - Move both one square right (grid lv. 4) Okay.

01:17:854 (1,2,3,4,5) - Looks awkward, maybe move 2,3,4 down a bit and curve them? I've done something different.

00:37:313 (1,2,3) - Start the first slider at x148 y296 and then make a path of those sliders to the 4th slider. They turn so weirdly and it looks, well, weird. Okay.

That's all I got, also nice song choice(s on all your pending maps)~
Much appreciated.

Weez wrote:

Roddie!!! \:D/ Hi.

00:27:584 (2,3,4) - Pattern here doesn't really fit for me, especially 3. Try rearranging to something like this so it follows along better: I already fixed that from the previous mod.
00:44:611 (3,4,1) - Looks better if they were straight line like so: Nah.

00:15:219 (4,5) - Doesn't flow properly, has a weird pause from 4 to 5. Move 4 forward 1 tick and add a hitcircle at 00:15:219. Nah, I've did something different.

00:18:867 (6,7,1,2) - To me those short pauses between 7 to 1 and 1 to 2 really break the flow of that section. Consider a different pattern, something like at 00:25:962 (1,2,3) Yeah, that does sound like its a good idea. Okay, rearranged.

01:18:766 (6) - Up 2 please :P Okay (:

Thats all :)
Nice map
Thanks, Weez. :D
M4M owo

Nothing to say !

00:31:232 (3) - make a red point at the center of slider and drag it up a bit will flow more imo
01:17:854 (1) - add finish at start of slider ?

01:23:530 (1) - spinner-osu will blind this note and make players can't find the start of slider imo, How about to put it down like this ?

00:19:273 (7) - NC this note and delete NC next note ? because of vocal.
00:29:002 (6) - ^

00:09:340 (5,6,7,8) - use 0.8 spacing and make them like this will be better flow for player

[Taiko Fuutsu]
00:14:002 (2,1) - d k ?
00:15:219 - add d ?
00:15:421 (1) - delete this note if you add above
00:22:313 (1) - k
00:36:300 (2) - ^
01:23:530 (1) - Add finish to this slider ?

[Taiko Muzukashii]
00:23:530 (4) - K
00:50:286 (3) - ^
01:06:807 (1) - k ?
01:23:530 (1) - Same as Fuutsu

[Taiko Oni]
00:06:705 (2,1,2) - ddk concider by this 00:08:327 (2,3,1) - and this 00:09:948 (2,3,1) -
01:14:611 (5) - d ?
01:23:530 (5) - Same as Fuutsu and Muzukashii

That's all for me :D

  1. 00:29:611 (2) - I have no problem with the slider itself, but the emplacement on the timeline makes it sound a bit wrong and bad. By seeing your previous reverse arrow that starts at 00:27:584, it would be better if you move this one to 00:30:827 which has the same sound. It would sound better to be honest. So maybe you could do that or reverse the emplacement of this slider and the next 1/2 slider.
  2. 00:38:935 (1) - This slider is unsymmetrical, it's obvious when you do Ctrl+J. Maybe you could try to make it more symmetric?
  3. 01:12:178 (2,3) - For these two sliders, I really think it isn't good to have both beginning and end to have a whistle. It makes it a bit annoying to hear and yeah. I suggest you to only keep the whistles at the end only.
  1. 00:13:800 (2) - Could you try to make a better blanket here?
  2. 00:14:205 - Wouldn't it be better if this slider's end has a drum sound like the previous slider? It will make it consistent and it will sounds maybe.. less empty?
  3. 00:14:611 (3,1) - I don't really like the way they are so close to each others. To be honest, they are really overlapping each other in a bad way. You could maybe keep the same slider, but rotate it a bit? Here's what I've done:
  4. 00:17:854 (1,1) - Seems like you wanted to stack these objects, but it didn't worked. I think you should fix it by stacking the end of the slider (1) with the circle (1). Here's a picture that demonstrate the imperfect stack.
  5. 00:35:692 (1,2) - To be honest, these finishes are way too loud. Okay, it fits well but! The second finish (which is placed on the redtick) makes it a bit loud since there's another finish right after. I'm suggesting you to replace it by a whistle to make it more softer.
  6. 01:02:854 (3) - Actually, I don't think you should have a slider here because there's a loud sound at 01:03:259 and you are skipping it. Which makes it a bit weird to hear.
  1. 00:19:475 - It will sound better if you add something more loud.. maybe a finish? To be honest, it will sound way more better because right now, it's a bit empty and a finish will make it louder.
  2. 00:27:584 (3) - I think you should add a new combo here because right now, the combo seems to be a bit long and also, you've added a new combo to 00:30:827 (1) - which has the same sound. So why not?
  1. 01:09:746 (1) - Delete this new combo, it doesn't belong here. Mostly that the previous combo doesn't have a new combo at this place, I don't understand why there's one here.
Taiko Futsuu
  1. 00:15:421 (1) - This don plays a bit weird here and I think it should be placed to 00:15:624 instead. Mostly that it will do the same thing as 00:13:394 (1,2) - .
  2. 00:20:286 (1) - That's the same thing has the point above but right now, it doesn't sound good because it's placed on a 1/2 like the three previous circles. It would be preferred if it's moved to 00:20:489.
  3. 00:39:746 (1) - It's the same thing as the two points above, but the sound goes to 00:39:543.
Taiko Muzukashii
  1. 00:15:624 (1) - I don't understand why this katsu is placed there. It doesn't sounds good and there's no actual sound that would emphasize it. I guess you should move it to 00:15:421 since there's a sound. Which it will be good with the katsu.
Taiko Oni
  1. 00:12:178 - It sounds better if you add a katsu here to finish the pattern.
I couldn't find anything wrong in general. It's an already solid mapset.
Greetings Roodie! Mod 4 Mod Request from your modding queue! I'm modding this map because I like to challenge myself in improving my Taiko modding skills. Here's my honest mod:

-> Dat failsound XD! Genius!
-> You should try to make your slider paterns a bit more nicer.

00:38:124 (4) - At least move this hit circle at x:188 y:188 so it's symmetical with circle 2.

00:35:692 (1,2) - Sounds a bit strage here. Try removing the soft finish at the end of this slider and replace it with a drum finish instead. Same thing with the next silder.
00:48:665 (1,2) - Same as above. Although, it sounds offbeat with the music because of the reverse arrow.
01:02:854 (3) - You should rearrange the rhythm here. Try adding a 1/1 slider here and add a circle at 01:03:665 (4).

00:22:719 (1,2) - Blanklet these sliders better by copy/pasting slider 1 and rotating 180 degrees. Also don't forget to add the finish at the slider head afterwards.
00:24:543 (1) - I prefer a straight mini-slider here.
00:38:935 (1,2) - Same suggestion as 00:22:719 (1,2) but add a whistle this time.
00:42:989 (3,4) - Same suggestion as 00:22:719 (1,2) and 00:38:935 (1,2).

00:25:557 (7,8,9,10,1) - I suggest making this streams more smoother to increase flow.
00:37:313 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This circular stream looks distorted! Try making this stream more circular here. It would also looks cool if you stack circle 6 with circle 3 at previous combo. Here's what I mean:


01:02:854 (4) - I think adding a don sounds better here.
01:04:475 (7) - Same as above. Consider adding a don here.
01:17:448 (3) - Add a Don here as well.
01:20:894 (1) - A Don feels strange to me. I prefer a kat here.

-> Not sure if really necessary but your Combo Color 1 is inconsistent compare to your othe taiko Difficulties. Please change the color to this:
00:25:354 (4) - A Don sounds nice here. Give it a try! :3
00:33:563 (2) - A kat sounds better here.

00:47:854 (1) - I prefer a Kat here. It sounds better with the music imo.
00:48:259 (1) - A Kat here also sounds better here.

Excellent Mapset Overall! Your Taiko Difficulties are very well made. I was really impressed on your hitsound usage and rhythm choice! I think I rate this map 10 out of 10 overall!
01:11:367 (1,2,3,4) - whistle is a little noisy.Vol-10%~-15%?
01:21:097 (1) - Sound becomes smaller,reduce the volume in phases.(except for the last)

Pointed out above are the same in all of standard diff.

00:17:854 (1,1) - Overlap.nazi
00:44:611 (6) - such placement looks better

hmm...a little higher difficulty?
00:06:705 (2) - straight slider is better.nazi
00:42:989 (3,4) - Unification of form

00:11:367 (1) - remove whisle
00:22:313 (7,8,9,10,1) - 1grid to upper right.nazi
00:58:394 (1) - a little round?

Im a beginner,but these are great diff!
challenge to taiko mod~

00:33:665 (2) - k
00:44:205 (1,1) - hmm...swap?
00:42:178 (1) - K
00:42:786 (1) - ^

00:40:354 (2,3) - kkd
00:56:570 (2,3) - ^
01:03:563 (5) - D?

00:19:780 (1) - d
00:24:746 (3) - d
00:25:252 (2,1) - If 00:24:746 (3) - was changed,these swap.
00:32:448 (1) - hmm...D?
00:56:063 (4,1) - swap
00:56:367 (1) - k

I couldnt many pointed out :(
Drum sound is particularly great :)
good luck~

Edit:I fixed my mistakes lol
because of M4M let's try >.<

00:19:475 (1) - move it to y:192
00:24:746 (2) - stack it with 00:22:313 (3)
00:29:205 (1,2,3) - move only this one 00:31:232 (3) - to do a triangle i think looks better

use different distant spacing as normal i think is to near to each other atm

00:13:800 (2) - curve it more to do a good blanket
00:17:854 (1) - it's to near to the precedent slider please fix distance spacing
00:18:665 (2) - do a better blanket
00:44:611 (6) - do a blanket for the next slider

00:06:705 (2) - useless white point
01:00:016 (3) - stack this slider with 00:58:192 (4)
01:17:448 (3) - stack this with 01:15:827 (4)
01:24:340 - what about to reduce this revers-slider and add a cicle at the end

00:23:023 (2,3,1,2,3) - maybe do a star jump here? looks better
00:48:665 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - give a form to this jums it seems like you put they randomly
00:58:394 (1) - blanket for the next slider (?)
01:07:111 (1) - can be a better blanket

>.< sorry for noob mod i'm not able to mod taiko ;_;
Topic Starter

Fumika wrote:

M4M owo

Nothing to say !

00:31:232 (3) - make a red point at the center of slider and drag it up a bit will flow more imo I rearranged to something different.
01:17:854 (1) - add finish at start of slider ? Okay. I don't know why I thought a whistle would be a good idea to have so... fixed.

01:23:530 (1) - spinner-osu will blind this note and make players can't find the start of slider imo, How about to put it down like this ? Okay.

00:19:273 (7) - NC this note and delete NC next note ? because of vocal. No because I don't see that fitting.
00:29:002 (6) - ^ ^

00:09:340 (5,6,7,8) - use 0.8 spacing and make them like this will be better flow for player Nah, I disagree.

[Taiko Fuutsu]
00:14:002 (2,1) - d k ? Nah.
00:15:219 - add d ? Okay! :D
00:15:421 (1) - delete this note if you add above Nope, can't agree to that.
00:22:313 (1) - k Nah.
00:36:300 (2) - ^ Nah, it sounds find the way it is.
01:23:530 (1) - Add finish to this slider ? Hm, Alright.

[Taiko Muzukashii]
00:23:530 (4) - K Alright.
00:50:286 (3) - ^ Okay.
01:06:807 (1) - k ? Nah, its fine like that.
01:23:530 (1) - Same as Fuutsu Sure.

[Taiko Oni]
00:06:705 (2,1,2) - ddk concider by this 00:08:327 (2,3,1) - and this 00:09:948 (2,3,1) - Okay.
01:14:611 (5) - d ? ^
01:23:530 (5) - Same as Fuutsu and Muzukashii Very well.

That's all for me :D
Thank you, Fumika

Gabe wrote:


  1. 00:29:611 (2) - I have no problem with the slider itself, but the emplacement on the timeline makes it sound a bit wrong and bad. By seeing your previous reverse arrow that starts at 00:27:584, it would be better if you move this one to 00:30:82 7 which has the same sound. It would sound better to be honest. So maybe you could do that or reverse the emplacement of this slider and the next 1/2 slider. I rearranged to something different that may be more suitable.
  2. 00:38:935 (1) - This slider is unsymmetrical, it's obvious when you do Ctrl+J. Maybe you could try to make it more symmetric? I believe its fine like that.
  3. 01:12:178 (2,3) - For these two sliders, I really think it isn't good to have both beginning and end to have a whistle. It makes it a bit annoying to hear and yeah. I suggest you to only keep the whistles at the end only. I left them out that way for them to follow this part of the song instrumentally. So, that part will stay the way it is.
  1. 00:13:800 (2) - Could you try to make a better blanket here? Okay, I'll try.
  2. 00:14:205 - Wouldn't it be better if this slider's end has a drum sound like the previous slider? It will make it consistent and it will sounds maybe.. less empty? Its fine like that honestly.
  3. 00:14:611 (3,1) - I don't really like the way they are so close to each others. To be honest, they are really overlapping each other in a bad way. You could maybe keep the same slider, but rotate it a bit? Here's what I've done:
  4. 00:17:854 (1,1) - Seems like you wanted to stack these objects, but it didn't worked. I think you should fix it by stacking the end of the slider (1) with the circle (1). Here's a picture that demonstrate the imperfect stack. Rearranged to something different.
  5. 00:35:692 (1,2) - To be honest, these finishes are way too loud. Okay, it fits well but! The second finish (which is placed on the redtick) makes it a bit loud since there's another finish right after. I'm suggesting you to replace it by a whistle to make it more softer. Okay.
  6. 01:02:854 (3) - Actually, I don't think you should have a slider here because there's a loud sound at 01:03:259 and you are skipping it. Which makes it a bit weird to hear. Okay, rearranged.
  1. 00:19:475 - It will sound better if you add something more loud.. maybe a finish? To be honest, it will sound way more better because right now, it's a bit empty and a finish will make it louder. Nah, I'll lave it like that.
  2. 00:27:584 (3) - I think you should add a new combo here because right now, the combo seems to be a bit long and also, you've added a new combo to 00:30:827 (1) - which has the same sound. So why not? Sure.
  1. 01:09:746 (1) - Delete this new combo, it doesn't belong here. Mostly that the previous combo doesn't have a new combo at this place, I don't understand why there's one here.
Taiko Futsuu
  1. 00:15:421 (1) - This don plays a bit weird here and I think it should be placed to 00:15:624 instead. Mostly that it will do the same thing as 00:13:394 (1,2) - . Alright.
  2. 00:20:286 (1) - That's the same thing has the point above but right now, it doesn't sound good because it's placed on a 1/2 like the three previous circles. It would be preferred if it's moved to 00:20:489. ^
  3. 00:39:746 (1) - It's the same thing as the two points above, but the sound goes to 00:39:543. ^
Taiko Muzukashii
  1. 00:15:624 (1) - I don't understand why this katsu is placed there. It doesn't sounds good and there's no actual sound that would emphasize it. I guess you should move it to 00:15:421 since there's a sound. Which it will be good with the katsu. I'll just add a note on -00:15:421 and a kat. I think that'll follow with the next kat nicely.
Taiko Oni
  1. 00:12:178 - It sounds better if you add a katsu here to finish the pattern. Not really.
I couldn't find anything wrong in general. It's an already solid mapset.
Thanks, gabe!

BeatofIke wrote:

Greetings Roodie! Mod 4 Mod Request from your modding queue! I'm modding this map because I like to challenge myself in improving my Taiko modding skills. Here's my honest mod:

-> Dat failsound XD! Genius! :D
-> You should try to make your slider paterns a bit more nicer. Fine :P

00:38:124 (4) - At least move this hit circle at x:188 y:188 so it's symmetical with circle 2. Okay.

00:35:692 (1,2) - Sounds a bit strage here. Try removing the soft finish at the end of this slider and replace it with a drum finish instead. Same thing with the next silder. I'll use a soft whistle instead.
00:48:665 (1,2) - Same as above. Although, it sounds offbeat with the music because of the reverse arrow. ^Same Response.
01:02:854 (3) - You should rearrange the rhythm here. Try adding a 1/1 slider here and add a circle at 01:03:665 (4). I'll leave it as it is.

00:22:719 (1,2) - Blanklet these sliders better by copy/pasting slider 1 and rotating 180 degrees. Also don't forget to add the finish at the slider head afterwards. Nah.
00:24:543 (1) - I prefer a straight mini-slider here. Nope. I like the rhythm I put in here.
00:38:935 (1,2) - Same suggestion as 00:22:719 (1,2) but add a whistle this time. Nah.
00:42:989 (3,4) - Same suggestion as 00:22:719 (1,2) and 00:38:935 (1,2). ^

00:25:557 (7,8,9,10,1) - I suggest making this streams more smoother to increase flow. I only moved the 1st slider upwards and that's it. With that, the stream should be fine.
00:37:313 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This circular stream looks distorted! Try making this stream more circular here. It would also looks cool if you stack circle 6 with circle 3 at previous combo. Here's what I mean: Thanks for that, man.


01:02:854 (4) - I think adding a don sounds better here. Okay, I suppose.
01:04:475 (7) - Same as above. Consider adding a don here. ^
01:17:448 (3) - Add a Don here as well. ^
01:20:894 (1) - A Don feels strange to me. I prefer a kat here. Yeah, okay.

-> Not sure if really necessary but your Combo Color 1 is inconsistent compare to your othe taiko Difficulties. Please change the color to this: It's not necessary and it doesn't really matter.
00:25:354 (4) - A Don sounds nice here. Give it a try! :3 I disagree.
00:33:563 (2) - A kat sounds better here. Sure.

00:47:854 (1) - I prefer a Kat here. It sounds better with the music imo. Sure, I guess.
00:48:259 (1) - A Kat here also sounds better here. ^

Excellent Mapset Overall! Your Taiko Difficulties are very well made. I was really impressed on your hitsound usage and rhythm choice! I think I rate this map 10 out of 10 overall!
Thanks you, Ike.

MerryGate wrote:

01:11:367 (1,2,3,4) - whistle is a little noisy.Vol-10%~-15%? No. It'll be almost to quiet, man.
01:21:097 (1) - Sound becomes smaller,reduce the volume in phases.(except for the last) No, its fine like that.

Pointed out above are the same in all of standard diff.

00:17:854 (1,1) - Overlap.nazi The previous mod post mentioned the same thing. It's already fixed.
00:44:611 (6) - such placement looks better I don't seem to understand. Its probably fine the way it is?

hmm...a little higher difficulty? I think it plays out well the way it is.
00:06:705 (2) - straight slider is better.nazi Yeah, okay.
00:42:989 (3,4) - Unification of form Fixed that already thanks to the previous mod that listed about that.

00:11:367 (1) - remove whisle No. I the sounds nice and fitting.
00:22:313 (7,8,9,10,1) - 1grid to upper right.nazi Ah, very good. Got that fixed.
00:58:394 (1) - a little round? Done.

Im a beginner,but these are great diff!
challenge to taiko mod~

00:33:665 (2) - k I must have did some changes here before I got a look this suggestion. Not sure that I have though.
00:44:205 (1,1) - hmm...swap? Nah, Its fine like that.
00:42:178 (1) - K Must have done changes to this too.
00:42:786 (1) - ^ ^

00:40:354 (2,3) - kkd Sure.
00:56:570 (2,3) - ^ ^
01:03:563 (5) - D? Nah.

00:19:780 (1) - d Yeah, okay.
00:24:746 (3) - d Okay.
00:25:252 (2,1) - If 00:24:746 (3) - was changed,these swap. Its fine like that.
00:32:448 (1) - hmm...D? Nah.
00:56:063 (4,1) - swap Alright.
00:56:367 (1) - k Mhm.

I couldnt many pointed out :(
Drum sound is particularly great :)
good luck~

Edit:I fixed my mistakes lol
Thanks for the mod, Merry. ;)
Hello Roddie~~
Let's see what we find


Folder seems okay, all good~~


00:29:611 (2,3) - This doesn't flow quite well and looks messy... what about doing this:
Or something similar, just an idea of how to make it more polite
00:32:448 (1,2) - Make them equal? Looks and plays nicer:
00:37:313 (3,4) - Uhmmm jumps in Easy diff? I think it's a bad idea honestly :/ Put (4) closer to (3), there's no musical reason to make a jump there and also it's an Easy diff.
00:42:178 (1) - Move the middle sliderpoint 2 grids right so it makes a perfect blanket with 00:41:367 (3) -
00:52:313 (2) - This should be a perfect copy of 00:50:286 (2) - but it isn't, it looks kinda weird because of this, make it a perfect copy (see how they are not perfectly equal? I stacked them to show you that)
00:57:989 (3,1) - Moving these two objects a bit down makes them flow much better with the previous slider curve:
01:00:016 (2) - (nazi, but wanna make the map perfect :3 ) Move the middle point two grids right and one grid down
01:12:989 (3) - Same thing as ^, move the middle point one grid left and two grids down
01:17:854 (1,2) - These two sliders sound and play kiiiinda weird to me, I suggest deleting the repeat from (1) and simply adding another slider afterwards, like this:

This way it sounds good, fits the music and is simple for begginers.


00:08:732 (2) - I don't like how this passes through the path of the previous combo :/ looks messy... maybe open it like this? :
Just an idea though, put them the way you want.
00:20:692 (4) - Shouldn't this note have that clap-ish sound like 00:18:665 (2) -'s end and so on?
00:20:894 (5) - Move it up so it flows with the circular pattern:
00:27:584 (3) - Imo this doesn't flow with the previous slider... it's to... it's like a very little angle, what about opening it like this:
00:35:692 (1) - This overlap looks kinda ugly to me! Try to make them not touch each other
00:44:611 (6,1) - Woww this is ugly (no offense it just caught my attention immediately :3), it's like a super weird blanket o.o, make it polite:
00:48:665 (1,2) - Basically same thing as ^ but less ugly hehe, make them more polite:
*And then, you can move the next note like this:
00:55:557 (1,2) - Bad blanket, improve it:
01:05:894 (4) - Move it a bit right in order to flow better:
01:09:138 (2) - Improve blanket:
01:12:989 (3,4) - Make them equal, they look weird right now, do this:
01:16:232 (3) - Move the middle point 3 grids left and 1 grid down


00:09:340 (4,1) - This plays kinda bad, what about doing this:
00:38:935 (1,2) - They look ugly, make them equal:
00:42:989 (3,4) - ^ Make them equal again~~
00:46:232 (2,3) - Improve this blanket:
00:55:151 (1,2) - Improve blanket:
01:13:800 (7) - Move 1 grid left, to make it equally distant to (5) as (6) is
01:17:448 (3) - Stack with 01:15:827 (4) -


00:09:340 (5,6,7,8,1) - Wow this lacks flow and is very uncomfortable, I suggest making a nice curve or something
00:17:043 (4,5) - Make them equal, they look bad:
00:19:475 (1,3) - Make these two equal as well, like, mirrored.
00:25:557 (7,8,9,10,1) - This curve is ugly and bad, make it perfect:
00:40:557 (1) - Banana slider, hehe, move the middle point more to the middle, just like 00:39:746 (2) -
00:58:394 (1,2) - Make this blanket more polite:
01:04:171 (1,2) - SUPER unintuitive, those sudden blue ticks man :/ replace with sliders or something, they are just too unreadable and prolly everyone will make 100s or 50s in the first 10 tries lol
01:17:144 (1,2) - ^. Watch Charles445's "polarity" video to understeand the blue tick thingy better, catch me ingame if you dont know where to find it.
01:22:719 (1,2,3,4) - Really REALLY bad idea o.o the spacing makes it look like 1/2s and you didn't have any 1/3s before which makes this super unreadable. I suggest using 1.0 spacing or sliders.

Well that was all. The map lacks flow but it will get better with eventual modding~~ Other than that, good job.

Good luck and hooray for more umvc3 maps :3
See you Roddie!
Topic Starter

Snepif wrote:

Hello Roddie~~
Let's see what we find


Folder seems okay, all good~~


00:29:611 (2,3) - This doesn't flow quite well and looks messy... what about doing this: Okay.
Or something similar, just an idea of how to make it more polite
00:32:448 (1,2) - Make them equal? Looks and plays nicer: I did something different.
00:37:313 (3,4) - Uhmmm jumps in Easy diff? I think it's a bad idea honestly :/ Put (4) closer to (3), there's no musical reason to make a jump there and also it's an Easy diff. Oh wow, how did that happen? lol Anyway, Fixed.
00:42:178 (1) - Move the middle sliderpoint 2 grids right so it makes a perfect blanket with 00:41:367 (3) - Did something different.
00:52:313 (2) - This should be a perfect copy of 00:50:286 (2) - but it isn't, it looks kinda weird because of this, make it a perfect copy (see how they are not perfectly equal? I stacked them to show you that) Okay.
00:57:989 (3,1) - Moving these two objects a bit down makes them flow much better with the previous slider curve: ^
01:00:016 (2) - (nazi, but wanna make the map perfect :3 ) Move the middle point two grids right and one grid down ^
01:12:989 (3) - Same thing as ^, move the middle point one grid left and two grids down ^
01:17:854 (1,2) - These two sliders sound and play kiiiinda weird to me, I suggest deleting the repeat from (1) and simply adding another slider afterwards, like this: Did something different.

This way it sounds good, fits the music and is simple for begginers.


00:08:732 (2) - I don't like how this passes through the path of the previous combo :/ looks messy... maybe open it like this? : I don't see how this well affect the gameplay of this difficulty. So, that won't be changed.
Just an idea though, put them the way you want.
00:20:692 (4) - Shouldn't this note have that clap-ish (Its called a drum). sound like 00:18:665 (2) -'s end and so on? No, its not needed.
00:20:894 (5) - Move it up so it flows with the circular pattern: No, I like it how it is.
00:27:584 (3) - Imo this doesn't flow with the previous slider... it's to... it's like a very little angle, what about opening it like this: Okay.
00:35:692 (1) - This overlap looks kinda ugly to me! Try to make them not touch each other Got that rearranged.
00:44:611 (6,1) - Woww this is ugly (no offense it just caught my attention immediately :3), it's like a super weird blanket o.o, make it polite: Sure.
00:48:665 (1,2) - Basically same thing as ^ but less ugly hehe, make them more polite: Okay.
*And then, you can move the next note like this: Got that covered.
00:55:557 (1,2) - Bad blanket, improve it: Okay.
01:05:894 (4) - Move it a bit right in order to flow better: Sure.
01:09:138 (2) - Improve blanket:
01:12:989 (3,4) - Make them equal, they look weird right now, do this: ^
01:16:232 (3) - Move the middle point 3 grids left and 1 grid down ^


00:09:340 (4,1) - This plays kinda bad, what about doing this: Okay.
00:38:935 (1,2) - They look ugly, make them equal: I did the best I could.
00:42:989 (3,4) - ^ Make them equal again~~ ^
00:46:232 (2,3) - Improve this blanket:
00:55:151 (1,2) - Improve blanket: ^
01:13:800 (7) - Move 1 grid left, to make it equally distant to (5) as (6) is ^
01:17:448 (3) - Stack with 01:15:827 (4) - Got it.


00:09:340 (5,6,7,8,1) - Wow this lacks flow and is very uncomfortable, I suggest making a nice curve or something ^
00:17:043 (4,5) - Make them equal, they look bad: That's the best I can do.
00:19:475 (1,3) - Make these two equal as well, like, mirrored. Okay.
00:25:557 (7,8,9,10,1) - This curve is ugly and bad, make it perfect: ^
00:40:557 (1) - Banana slider, hehe, move the middle point more to the middle, just like 00:39:746 (2) - ^
00:58:394 (1,2) - Make this blanket more polite: ^
01:04:171 (1,2) - SUPER unintuitive, those sudden blue ticks man :/ replace with sliders or something, they are just too unreadable and prolly everyone will make 100s or 50s in the first 10 tries lol I did something complete different that might solve that problem.
01:17:144 (1,2) - ^. Watch Charles445's "polarity" video to understeand the blue tick thingy better, catch me ingame if you dont know where to find it. ^
01:22:719 (1,2,3,4) - Really REALLY bad idea o.o the spacing makes it look like 1/2s and you didn't have any 1/3s before which makes this super unreadable. I suggest using 1.0 spacing or sliders. I won't use sliders but I will use a distance spacing of 1.0x.

Well that was all. The map lacks flow but it will get better with eventual modding~~ Other than that, good job.

Good luck and hooray for more umvc3 maps :3
See you Roddie!
hi there~~mod for request~~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. Inconsistent Kiai in Taiko Futsuu & Taiko Muzukashii. I suppose it's better to make it same to taiko oni , or make taiko oni same to them at least.
  1. 00:25:557 (3) - slider end on downbeat here is weird a bit.. how about add a repeat to 00:24:746 (2) - and place a note at 00:25:962 - ?
  2. 01:19:070 (2) - ^, similar... change to two notes?
  1. 00:59:408 (3) - the beat around here is heard strange... consider this :
  2. 01:06:502 (6,7,1) - ^
  3. 01:23:124 (1) - i suppose the clap here is not suitable...
  1. 00:13:394 (1) - i suppose it's better to move it to prev blue tick 00:13:293 -
  2. 00:19:881 (1) - ^,start from prev blue tick?
  3. 00:29:611 (1) - ^
  4. 00:51:097 (2) - flip it vertical?
  5. 01:23:124 - the clap here is really ...weird..
  1. 00:20:084 (2) - move it to 300:228 ? looks better imo
  2. 00:26:773 (2) - move to 140:128 for a better triangle pattern?
  3. 00:28:394 (1) - recommend to start from prev white tick and extend to 3/4 length
  4. 00:29:205 (1,2) - 3/4 beat is heard much better here than 1/1 or 1/2...e.g...
  5. 00:31:739 (1) - same as 00:28:394 (1) - , start from prev white tick?
  6. 00:34:982 (1) - ^
  7. 00:41:469 (3) - ^
  8. 00:43:090 (3) - ^
  9. 00:47:955 (1) - ^
  10. 01:23:124 (4) - bad clap Q_Q
that's all i think~~call me back to recheck when you're ready :>
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

hi there~~mod for request~~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. Inconsistent Kiai in Taiko Futsuu & Taiko Muzukashii. I suppose it's better to make it same to taiko oni , or make taiko oni same to them at least. All set.
  1. 00:25:557 (3) - slider end on downbeat here is weird a bit.. how about add a repeat to 00:24:746 (2) - and place a note at 00:25:962 - ? Sure.
  2. 01:19:070 (2) - ^, similar... change to two notes? Nah, I think its fine like that.
  1. 00:59:408 (3) - the beat around here is heard strange... consider this : Your idea sounds good but having 1/4 repeat sliders on a normal difficulty just isn't for me. So, I'll leave them out the way it is.
  2. 01:06:502 (6,7,1) - ^ ^
  3. 01:23:124 (1) - i suppose the clap here is not suitable... Its suitable to me. Everyone has different tastes and I understand that but this is what I wanted myself and it sounds alright. :D
  1. 00:13:394 (1) - i suppose it's better to move it to prev blue tick 00:13:293 - Nah, I got a better idea...
  2. 00:19:881 (1) - ^,start from prev blue tick? ^
  3. 00:29:611 (1) - ^ ^
  4. 00:51:097 (2) - flip it vertical? Yeah, okay.
  5. 01:23:124 - the clap here is really ...weird.. Same response to that I left out coming from Normal.
  1. 00:20:084 (2) - move it to 300:228 ? looks better imo I rearranged to something different. I added a repeat to the previous slider.
  2. 00:26:773 (2) - move to 140:128 for a better triangle pattern? Sure thing. :D
  3. 00:28:394 (1) - recommend to start from prev white tick and extend to 3/4 length Thanks for showing that but I'm going to decline. This is the mapping design I wanted to have and follow to; the player is gonna have to adjust and adapt to that. A slider isn't too bad. Its no worse than a note being place there.
  4. 00:29:205 (1,2) - 3/4 beat is heard much better here than 1/1 or 1/2...e.g... It does too me. I wanted the end point to follow the drum which is on 1/1. I don't want it on 1/4 because it doesn't suit well, in my opinion.
  5. 00:31:739 (1) - same as 00:28:394 (1) - , start from prev white tick? Same response I felt out regarding to 00:28:394.
  6. 00:34:982 (1) - ^ ^
  7. 00:41:469 (3) - ^ This isn't too bad. Its a double which I like to have and it follows the rhythm.
  8. 00:43:090 (3) - ^ ^
  9. 00:47:955 (1) - ^^
  10. 01:23:124 (4) - bad clap Q_Q Same response to that I left out coming from Normal.
that's all i think~~call me back to recheck when you're ready :>
Thanks, Scorpiour. :)
irc recheck with mapper, fixed a kiai error~~

Gratz Roddie! :3
Taskmaster...king of cheap assists :P

- Asian artist's names have to be written in the correct order so change the artist name to "Fukasawa Hideyuki"
- Change "Artis Unicode" to the actual name of the artist 深澤 秀行
- ComboColor 3 is very hard to see against the dark parts of the BG, change to something with a bit more contrast like RGB 75/70/175
- Consider adding MVC3 and MVC to tags aswell because those don't return your map atm

Hitsounds are a bit different for each diff but I like how they feel when playing. Neat little set. Just catch me ingame or PM as soon as you've gone through the little things mentioned here.

Edit: I'll get a few ppl to test/mod the Taiko diffs as I feel they play a bit strange. Now, I'm no expert on Taiko gameplay but I guess a few more Taiko specific mods won't hurt. At least the alternating triplets in the Muzukashii are not allowed so you'll have to change them.
p3n forced me to mod the Taikos. q.q


I really was surprised by the density and hardiness of this Futsuu, I expected something more plain. You change your patterns way too often, making it too less repititive to fit an easy Taikodiff. I really disagree with the patterns as being Futsuu-like and would recommend you to really think about this map as a beginners diff. There are too many alternating patterns and as a beginner, you have troubles reading wether it's don or kat at all, that, combined with the unusual and unintuitive rhythm, make this map unpleasent to play. I would say, delete it, but that's not the way to go, so I just try to keep the pattern plain, please think about every suggestion I make twice before declining it. Just to save time, I'll not explain every change here, just keep these words in mind and you should know why I mentioned these aspects.

00:07:516 (2,1) - dd
00:09:138 (2,1) - dd
00:10:354 (1) - delete
00:10:759 (1,1) - kk
00:11:773 (1,1,2) - kkk or ddd
00:14:002 (2,1) - dd
00:15:219 (1) - delete
00:15:624 (1,1,2,1) - kkkd
00:17:043 (1,1,1,1) - You should use something more easy here, like this:

00:18:259 (2,1,1) - ^
00:20:894 (1) - delete
00:21:502 (2,3,1) - kkk
00:22:516 (3) - delete
00:24:138 (1) - delete
00:24:746 (1,1,1,1,2,3) - kk dddD
00:26:367 (4,1,2,1) - kk dd
00:29:611 (1,1,2,1) - dd kk
00:32:043 (3,4,1) - ddd
00:33:867 (1) - delete
00:34:678 (1,1) - Use this instead:

00:35:489 (2) - delete
00:36:300 (2) - delete
00:37:111 (3) - move to next white tick, change to big kat.
00:37:415 (1) - If you changed above, reduce spinnerlength and spinnerstart correspondingly.
00:39:948 - From here, change to: (last and first note on each picture are the same in the timeline)

00:52:921 (1,2) - dd
00:56:165 (1,1) - kk
00:59:611 (1,1) - k d
01:01:435 (1) - delete
01:06:097 (2,1) - k d
01:07:111 (2) - d
01:07:719 (1,2,1) - ddd or kkk
01:09:138 (3,1) - dd
01:12:178 (1,2,1,2,3) - d k d k d
01:14:408 (2) - delete
01:15:624 (1,2) - delete both, add a kat at 01:15:827
01:18:665 (1,1,1) - ddd
01:19:881 (1,1) - kk
01:20:489 (1,1,2) - ddd


This one's alot better. :D However, the mix of following the music (3/4 beat) and "own" patterns (2/4 beat) mix up weird.

00:14:813 (1,3) - Delete, so you can still follow the main music here, it fits better.
00:16:435 (2) - Delete, the combo here gets too long (counting the slider) and there is no real beat in the music.
00:23:530 (4,5,6) - All big kat, to stress it the same way as the pattern before.
00:24:543 (8,9,1) - You should stick to non-mixed triplets in Muzukashiis, so please use kkk here
00:28:496 (1) - This note needs to be 1/4 earlier, according to the music. This will also make the following k k k easier to play, since there is a "standard" 1/1 gap between them.
00:31:739 (1) - ^
00:34:881 (5) - ^
00:38:327 (3,4,5) - kkk, same reason as above.
00:40:354 (1,2,1) - ddd ^
00:45:827 (1) - Put this 1/4 earlier to follow the music?
00:47:448 (2) - If you did the previous change, also apply it here.
00:47:854 - If you did above changes, you need a note here. You should also delete the following kat then.
00:50:286 (3,4,5,1,1,2,3) - Since this part is much more heavy compared to the one just before, you should amphesize that with big notes. Use D D D K K K D here.
00:52:111 (4,5,1) - kkk, same reason as above.
00:53:530 (2,1,2,1) - The triplet should be kkk, if you change that, a don before the stream would fit better.
00:56:570 (1,2,1) - ddd here.
01:02:246 (1) - This should be don, if you compate the music here with 01:01:638 (3) this note, you will see that it's same pitched, so there is no reason to use a don and a kat for the same music.
01:05:692 (1,2,1) - Again, you should use a same-colour stream here, however, I had trouble finding a good solution without the pattern sounding weird. This was the best solution I found:

01:11:570 (3,4,1) - ddd here.
01:13:192 (2,3,1) - ^


This still sounds weird, but it's fine.

00:15:523 (2,1) - Inbetween all these uneven patterns, I wouldn't add an even one. Add a don on the white tick to get a ddk triplet here.
00:28:496 (1,2,3,1,1,1,2) - Weird snapping here, I would move the first single note 1/4 earlier and add a kat on the red tick to get k kkkdkdd
00:31:739 (1,1,1) - Move these notes all 1/4 earlier and add a don after the dk, so you will get k dkd
00:34:982 (1,1,1) - ^ You could use dkk here, for vatiation.
00:50:286 (1,1,2,1,1,2,3) - Same as in Muzu, D D D K K K D.
00:56:063 (1,1) - Add a kat to get kkd? This creates a better transition IMO.
00:57:685 (1,1) - ^ You could use dkd here for variation.
01:02:043 (2) - Move 1/4 earlier to follow the music.
01:15:016 (2) - If you did above, you should also apply it here, to keep consistency.
01:17:144 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1) - Same as 00:28:496 (1,2,3,1,1,1,2).

Phew, took some time, lol.

Good luck with rank. :)
Kokatsu seemed to do a pretty good job at modding, so I won't take a look until you update them. I'll come back to do a (hopefully) final inspection when that's done.

Xakyrie wrote:

Kokatsu seemed to do a pretty good job at modding.
Topic Starter

p3n wrote:

Taskmaster...king of cheap assists :P

- Asian artist's names have to be written in the correct order so change the artist name to "Fukasawa Hideyuki" Okay.
- Change "Artis Unicode" to the actual name of the artist 深澤 秀行 ^
- ComboColor 3 is very hard to see against the dark parts of the BG, change to something with a bit more contrast like RGB 75/70/175 ^
- Consider adding MVC3 and MVC to tags aswell because those don't return your map atm You've made your point. I'll add those in.

Hitsounds are a bit different for each diff but I like how they feel when playing. Neat little set. Just catch me ingame or PM as soon as you've gone through the little things mentioned here.

Edit: I'll get a few ppl to test/mod the Taiko diffs as I feel they play a bit strange. Now, I'm no expert on Taiko gameplay but I guess a few more Taiko specific mods won't hurt. At least the alternating triplets in the Muzukashii are not allowed so you'll have to change them.
Okay. Thanks for checking, p3n.

Kokatsu wrote:

p3n forced me to mod the Taikos. q.q


I really was surprised by the density and hardiness of this Futsuu, I expected something more plain. You change your patterns way too often, making it too less repititive to fit an easy Taikodiff. I really disagree with the patterns as being Futsuu-like and would recommend you to really think about this map as a beginners diff. There are too many alternating patterns and as a beginner, you have troubles reading wether it's don or kat at all, that, combined with the unusual and unintuitive rhythm, make this map unpleasent to play. I would say, delete it, but that's not the way to go, so I just try to keep the pattern plain, please think about every suggestion I make twice before declining it. Just to save time, I'll not explain every change here, just keep these words in mind and you should know why I mentioned these aspects.

00:07:516 (2,1) - dd Okay.
00:09:138 (2,1) - dd ^
00:10:354 (1) - delete ^
00:10:759 (1,1) - kk Fine.
00:11:773 (1,1,2) - kkk or ddd I'll stick with ddd.
00:14:002 (2,1) - dd Okay.
00:15:219 (1) - delete^
00:15:624 (1,1,2,1) - kkkd ^
00:17:043 (1,1,1,1) - You should use something more easy here, like this: I did something different around that.

00:18:259 (2,1,1) - ^ Nah.
00:20:894 (1) - delete Um, okay.
00:21:502 (2,3,1) - kkk Mhm.
00:22:516 (3) - delete ^
00:24:138 (1) - delete ^
00:24:746 (1,1,1,1,2,3) - kk dddD ^
00:26:367 (4,1,2,1) - kk dd ^
00:29:611 (1,1,2,1) - dd kk ^
00:32:043 (3,4,1) - ddd ^
00:33:867 (1) - delete Nah, I'll leave it like that.
00:34:678 (1,1) - Use this instead: Very well then.

00:35:489 (2) - delete Okay.
00:36:300 (2) - delete ^
00:37:111 (3) - move to next white tick, change to big kat. ^
00:37:415 (1) - If you changed above, reduce spinnerlength and spinnerstart correspondingly. ^
00:39:948 - From here, change to: (last and first note on each picture are the same in the timeline) I agree to all the screenshots you listed below.

00:52:921 (1,2) - dd Okay.
00:56:165 (1,1) - kk ^
00:59:611 (1,1) - k d ^
01:01:435 (1) - delete No, but I will form it up to part of ddd
01:06:097 (2,1) - k d
01:07:111 (2) - d
01:07:719 (1,2,1) - ddd or kkk ddd is fine enough for me.
01:09:138 (3,1) - dd Nope, but a kk is okay with me.
01:12:178 (1,2,1,2,3) - d k d k d
01:14:408 (2) - delete Nope.
01:15:624 (1,2) - delete both, add a kat at 01:15:827 Okay.
01:18:665 (1,1,1) - ddd Sure.
01:19:881 (1,1) - kk ^
01:20:489 (1,1,2) - ddd ^


This one's alot better. :D However, the mix of following the music (3/4 beat) and "own" patterns (2/4 beat) mix up weird.

00:14:813 (1,3) - Delete, so you can still follow the main music here, it fits better.Okay then...
00:16:435 (2) - Delete, the combo here gets too long (counting the slider) and there is no real beat in the music. ^
00:23:530 (4,5,6) - All big kat, to stress it the same way as the pattern before. Okay, then I might as well get rid of one big kat then.
00:24:543 (8,9,1) - You should stick to non-mixed triplets in Muzukashiis, so please use kkk here That just takes away the fun, man. But fine, I'll get rid of the kat.
00:28:496 (1) - This note needs to be 1/4 earlier, according to the music. This will also make the following k k k easier to play, since there is a "standard" 1/1 gap between them. I want this note to follow the drum. Honestly it plays pretty good the way it is. I'll change it if the next modder mentions this part in his/her mod.
00:31:739 (1) - ^ ^
00:34:881 (5) - ^ ^
00:38:327 (3,4,5) - kkk, same reason as above. *Sigh* I'll just leave this as ddd
00:40:354 (1,2,1) - ddd ^ ^
00:45:827 (1) - Put this 1/4 earlier to follow the music? Okay, sure.
00:47:448 (2) - If you did the previous change, also apply it here. ^
00:47:854 - If you did above changes, you need a note here. You should also delete the following kat then. ^
00:50:286 (3,4,5,1,1,2,3) - Since this part is much more heavy compared to the one just before, you should amphesize that with big notes. Use D D D K K K D here. Okay.
00:52:111 (4,5,1) - kkk, same reason as above. ddd is okay with me.
00:53:530 (2,1,2,1) - The triplet should be kkk, if you change that, a don before the stream would fit better. ^
00:56:570 (1,2,1) - ddd here Mhm..
01:02:246 (1) - This should be don, if you compate the music here with 01:01:638 (3) this note, you will see that it's same pitched, so there is no reason to use a don and a kat for the same music. Alright.
01:05:692 (1,2,1) - Again, you should use a same-colour stream here, however, I had trouble finding a good solution without the pattern sounding weird. This was the best solution I found: I'll have those form up to be ddd and that's that.

01:11:570 (3,4,1) - ddd here. Okay then...
01:13:192 (2,3,1) - ^ ^


This still sounds weird, but it's fine.

00:15:523 (2,1) - Inbetween all these uneven patterns, I wouldn't add an even one. Add a don on the white tick to get a ddk triplet here. Nah, I'll leave it like this. Its pretty much my style to have doubles that correspond well with the song.
00:28:496 (1,2,3,1,1,1,2) - Weird snapping here, I would move the first single note 1/4 earlier and add a kat on the red tick to get k kkkdkdd I have a better idea... You can go have a look when I update Oni.
00:31:739 (1,1,1) - Move these notes all 1/4 earlier and add a don after the dk, so you will get k dkd Nope, I'm leaving them like that.
00:34:982 (1,1,1) - ^ You could use dkk here, for vatiation. ^
00:50:286 (1,1,2,1,1,2,3) - Same as in Muzu, D D D K K K D.
00:56:063 (1,1) - Add a kat to get kkd? This creates a better transition IMO. Okay.
00:57:685 (1,1) - ^ You could use dkd here for variation. ^
01:02:043 (2) - Move 1/4 earlier to follow the music. I'll leave this as it is.
01:15:016 (2) - If you did above, you should also apply it here, to keep consistency. ^
01:17:144 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1) - Same as 00:28:496 (1,2,3,1,1,1,2). ^

Phew, took some time, lol.

Good luck with rank. :)
Thanks, Kokatsu.
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
  1. No suggestions.
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
  1. No suggestions.
Taikomap Design
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and structure are found here.)
  1. 00:10:759 (2) - Shouldn't this be a o for consistency? Also there is no sound really to support it being a kat anyways.
  2. 00:11:773 (4,5,6) - Hear how dominant the (6) is in this triple? If you remove (4,5) you can really make this dramatic. It also supports the structure as a nice lead-in. Simple, but powerful. Optional: make (3) a o to make the drum at (6) even more obvious.
  3. 00:16:232 (1,1,1,2,3,4) - This pattern here should resemble bar 1. So lets promote some consistency so it follows the music more: remove the first (1), and move both (2,3) together back two ticks. See how bar one and three are consistent?
  4. 00:19:273 - A nice o to make a triple here would still be okay to increase density since the music supports it. Wouldn't hurt to make the first two kats if you'd like.
  5. 00:21:097 (3) - Definitely a o on this downbeat. The music supports the use of a don here.
  6. 00:21:908 (6) - As above, both these as dons would help the player understand the patterns more, since there's more consistency. It also follows the trumpet unintentionally.
  7. 00:22:719 (3,1,1,1) - It would sound nice if you removed the two kats here. The finishers play nicely on their own and by removing these you give them more significance. It would make it more fun for the futsuu player without them, since they only have to focus on playing one colour at this time. Finishers can be hard to hit for any new player, and since this is the easiest diff it would fit well.
  8. 00:25:354 (1,2,3) - For the same part before, you used a ooo to sound it out. I suggest doing the same here. Consistency is key in taiko.
  9. 00:26:367 (1) - See how the horn is the most dominant sound? You should consider making this section much easier by deleting notes that do not follow it such as this. Make sure all the notes that follow the horn are the same colour and/or follow the pitch of it. For example, 00:29:205 (1) - the kat is symbolic of the horn here, but later you use a a don 00:29:813 (2) - to accentuate the same sound. I can trust you can fix this yourself without me delving into much more detail.
  10. 00:32:448 (5,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - Please fix this section for consistency with previous phrases as such and follow the horn so that it's easier to follow for the futsuu player.
  11. 00:37:415 (1) - Okay for sure I think you can end the spinner earlier in order to give the end of the spinner up to a O. All you need to do is at least shorten it one tick. I highly suggest this ><
  12. 00:44:611 (4) - Remove so it's consistent with the previous bar.
  13. 00:46:840 - As the next bar also has a triple 1/2 lead-in to the spinner, I think it would help if you added a don here for the player to identify with in preparation of the next one. Also change (1) to a don as well.
  14. 00:48:665 (1) - Same suggestion as before. Also fixes this new combo problem (dons are kats, vice versa).
  15. 00:55:557 - Two options here: either add a note here to make this third bar a more dense version of bar one, or move (6) back to this spot.
  16. 00:56:165 (1,2) - Both dons for consistency as explained above and such.
  17. 00:56:773 (1,2) - Then these are supposed to be kats in order to promote uniformity 0.0
  18. 00:58:394 (1,1,1,2) - Try using your previous phrases as an example to fix this. A back and forth don-kat pattern in a 1/1 timing does not follow anything in particular and actually decreases the structure of your map. I highly suggest you fix this.
  19. 01:01:232 (3,4) - oo maybe? It's a bit boring and it keeps consistent with your other drumlines. It helps accentuate the preceding downbeat as well.
  20. 01:02:854 (7) - Kat here again does the same as above. As well: 01:04:475 (3) -
  21. 01:04:881 (8,1,1,1) - I explained this already so you know what to do.
  22. 01:07:719 (3,4) - Again with the kats -w-
  23. 01:10:759 - A kat so that the consistency flows well with the previous bar.
  24. 01:14:205 (1,2) - Make these kats for the previous reasons.
  25. 01:17:448 (3) - Same reason as before to make a kat.
  26. 01:18:665 (1) - Move this back two ticks and make it a kat so it's consistent with the upcoming pattern. The double dons creates a nice setup for the final line of dons at the end.
  27. 01:21:097 (1) - Same suggestion as before (have a note here but don't make it a finisher).
  28. 01:23:530 (1) - End this on the last repeat and end the map on the downbeat with a finisher.
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
  1. No suggestions.
(Based on the mapper's setup of notes and patterns.)
  1. 00:54:138 (2) - There's a new combo you forgot around here. The spinner caused this problem I think, since the dons after this are the correct colour.
  2. 00:59:611 (2) - Another new combo error, lol.
  3. 01:00:624 (1) - ^
  4. 01:01:232 (1) - ^
  5. 01:01:435 (1) - ^
  6. 01:06:502 (2) - ^
  7. 01:07:719 (1) - ^
  8. 01:13:800 (2) - ^
  9. 01:14:205 (1) - ^
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
Taikomap Design
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and structure are found here.)
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
(Based on the mapper's setup of notes and patterns.)
  • Song Setup
    (Suggestions for appropriate difficulty based on the song to offer more fluent and comfortable playing.)
(Problems that must be fixed because of its unrankability, or its extremely borderline case.)
Taikomap Design
(The basis of the map, such as flow, consistency, and structure are found here.)
Inherited Timing Points/Volume
(Overall volume of the beatmap to induce a certain style and effect on the player.)
(Based on the mapper's setup of notes and patterns.)

I guess I left a lot of work for you to do on your own in terms of fixing and pattern creating without solutions provided. I'll come back to check when you finish to make sure you fixed them appropriately.
NOTE: only futsuu is done. I'll finish the rest tomorrow.

Xakyrie wrote:

NOTE: only futsuu is done. I'll finish the rest tomorrow.

*whips* >:(

p3n wrote:

Xakyrie wrote:

NOTE: only futsuu is done. I'll finish the rest tomorrow.
Classic Xakyrie.

Xakyrie wrote:

NOTE: only futsuu is done. I'll finish the rest tomorrow.
And.. 2 weeks after...
Gonna need a bigger whip! *stares at Xakyrie*
Taiko Mod Request~! ovo//

  1. 00:10:759 - d k instead of k d
  2. 00:11:773 - d d k or k k d instead
  3. 00:17:246 - add a d; if you add a d, make these three notes d k k
  4. 00:17:651 - remove this note
  5. 00:19:273 - add a d; if you add a d, make these three notes k k d
  6. 00:21:097 - d
  7. 00:21:908 - d
  8. 00:25:354 - k
  9. 00:29:813 - d k k d ((for 1 2 and 1 2))
  10. 00:30:827 - k
  11. 00:32:043 - k k d
  12. 00:37:313 - K
  13. 00:38:935 - shorten the spinner and add a d here, plays better
  14. 00:45:016 - k k d
  15. 00:51:908 - shorten the spinner and add a d here, plays better
  16. 00:52:313 - k
  1. 00:14:408 - k d
  2. 00:15:219 - k k d
  3. 00:15:827 - the slider doesn't play really well, do kkk d here instead
  4. 00:20:894 - k d
  5. 00:22:719 - i'd be careful with the extreme D usage; consult somebody about this? ;w;//
  6. 00:28:496 - move this to 00:28:394 -
  7. 00:29:205 - d
  8. 00:32:448 - d
  9. 00:33:867 - k?
  10. 00:34:374 - k d k
  11. 00:39:340 - move this to 00:39:239 -
  12. 00:41:773 - the slider doesn't play really well, do ddd k instead
  13. 00:44:408 - k d
  14. 00:46:840 - k d
  15. 01:14:205 - the slider doesn't play really well, do ddd k instead
  1. 01:02:854 - replace this with ddkkd
  2. 01:15:827 - also replace this with ddkkd
overall, just watch the big D/K usage, it sounds odd and plays odd in some places, maybe consult somebody and find their opinion on this? >w<
Topic Starter

Elly-chan wrote:

Taiko Mod Request~! ovo//

  1. 00:10:759 - d k instead of k d Okay.
  2. 00:11:773 - d d k or k k d instead I'll use d d k.
  3. 00:17:246 - add a d; if you add a d, make these three notes d k k Okay.
  4. 00:17:651 - remove this note^
  5. 00:19:273 - add a d; if you add a d, make these three notes k k d ^
  6. 00:21:097 - d ^
  7. 00:21:908 - d ^
  8. 00:25:354 - k ^
  9. 00:29:813 - d k k d ((for 1 2 and 1 2)) ^
  10. 00:30:827 - k There is already a kat.
  11. 00:32:043 - k k d Okay.
  12. 00:37:313 - K ^
  13. 00:38:935 - shorten the spinner and add a d here, plays better ^
  14. 00:45:016 - k k d ^
  15. 00:51:908 - shorten the spinner and add a d here, plays better ^
  16. 00:52:313 - k ^
  1. 00:14:408 - k d Okay.
  2. 00:15:219 - k k d ^
  3. 00:15:827 - the slider doesn't play really well, do kkk d here insteadReally? The drum roll seems to follow along the song very well actually. So nope, I've leave it the way it is.
  4. 00:20:894 - k d Okay.
  5. 00:22:719 - i'd be careful with the extreme D usage; consult somebody about this? ;w;// Very well, I'll ask.
  6. 00:28:496 - move this to 00:28:394 - Nah, I wanted that note to follow the drum, not the guitar. So... leave it like that.
  7. 00:29:205 - d Okay.
  8. 00:32:448 - d ^
  9. 00:33:867 - k? ^
  10. 00:34:374 - k d k ^
  11. 00:39:340 - move this to 00:39:239 - ^
  12. 00:41:773 - the slider doesn't play really well, do ddd k instead Nope.
  13. 00:44:408 - k d Very well.
  14. 00:46:840 - k d ^
  15. 01:14:205 - the slider doesn't play really well, do ddd k instead Nope.
  1. 01:02:854 - replace this with ddkkd Nah, I'm sure it's fine the way it is.
  2. 01:15:827 - also replace this with ddkkd ^
overall, just watch the big D/K usage, it sounds odd and plays odd in some places, maybe consult somebody and find their opinion on this? >w< I'll do that.
Thank you, Elly! :D
I would love to rank this right away. But some added notes in Insane and Normal plus the many changes in the Taiko diffs require a re-bubble first.

I guess this wont take much longer ;D

Contraz Bubble! :3333333333
changed dimensions of the hitburst

bubble restored (>o_o)>
I actually started up a mod, but didn't have time to finish it as I need to contact others to mind about the Taikos. here's what I have so far. I'll try and finish up the Hard/Insane later. So far, the osu! maps are fine, but the taikos need a lot of work.

Just remove "taiko" from the difficulty names and add "taiko" to tags.

01:23:530 (1) - This is really soon after a spinner for an Easy difficulty.

01:23:124 (1) - This is really soon after a spinner for a Normal difficulty.

07:09 lolcubes: 00:17:043 (1,1) - this is bad
07:09 lolcubes: you suddenly swap to the melody here when following drums until here
07:09 lolcubes: thats not something you should do in a futsuu tbh
07:09 lolcubes: you should keep the rhythm consistent
07:09 lolcubes: 00:21:502 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - i would say this is bad too
07:10 lolcubes: 2 triple patterns when you have 2+4 in music hehe
07:10 lolcubes: rhythmwise
07:10 lolcubes: rhythm is more important than melody at least
07:10 lolcubes: always
07:10 lolcubes: 00:23:124 (1,1,1) - also these 2 kats between
07:10 lolcubes: i would suggest to remove
07:10 lolcubes: they aren't "snapped" correctly to make the correct rhythm in the music
07:10 lolcubes: so tension is lost
07:10 lolcubes: would rather just have 2 2/1 notes
07:11 lolcubes: but that's just me
07:11 lolcubes: i usually listen to the rhythms in the music so much
07:11 lolcubes: than sometimes i forget about variety hehe

07:39 lolcubes: 00:37:313 (1) - i dont like this spinner btw
07:39 lolcubes: i would rather end it at 00:38:124 -
07:39 lolcubes: and then map a real note at the downbeat
07:39 lolcubes: spinners are spammed
07:39 lolcubes: and then you have an empty downbeat hehe
07:39 Garven: Yeah, it bugs me when people time the end to a beat
07:40 lolcubes: 00:39:340 (1) - seems misplaced too
07:40 lolcubes: the rhythm was already established to be on red ticks
07:40 lolcubes: using white is meh
07:40 lolcubes: moving it to 00:39:543 - sounds much better
07:40 lolcubes: or can just map both
07:40 lolcubes: both works
07:40 Garven: Both works better for me
07:41 lolcubes: 00:41:975 (2) - i would rather have this note on 00:41:773 -
07:41 lolcubes: because isolating the downbeat makes it have a better impact
07:41 lolcubes: 00:43:800 (1,1,1,1,1,2,1) - this is kinda silly
07:41 lolcubes: first 3 notes dont follow anything
07:41 lolcubes: then last 4 try to follow melody
07:42 lolcubes: stick to drums imo
07:42 lolcubes: they are interesting enough
07:42 lolcubes: cause 3/4 spacing between
07:42 lolcubes: 00:48:665 (1) - big no haha
07:42 lolcubes: rather map 2/1 finishers
07:43 lolcubes: 00:52:313 (1) - and this note is a problem
07:43 lolcubes: cause of 00:55:759 (4) - this one
07:43 lolcubes: inconsistent and sounds bad
07:43 lolcubes: 01:00:016 (1) - this kat seems random
07:43 lolcubes: ruins the rhythm
07:44 lolcubes: 01:11:367 (1,1,1,2,1,2,3) - yeah this goes against the drums
07:44 lolcubes: you cant map melody like this
07:44 lolcubes: you would need sliders
07:44 lolcubes: or something
07:44 lolcubes: i would still recommend to stay with the drums
07:44 lolcubes: also drain +1 and circle size +1

00:30:827 (1,2,3) - Surprised these weren't KKK

07:52 lolcubes: i dont like how oni plays though :<
07:52 lolcubes: it feels like it goes from drums to melody and back
07:52 lolcubes: back and forth all the time
07:52 lolcubes: dont like that hehe
07:56 lolcubes: i need to read every note individually ignoring the music
07:56 lolcubes: to play this
07:56 lolcubes: its not always bad to have such things
07:56 lolcubes: but i think the streams have a bad design
07:58 lolcubes: those streams of 6
07:58 lolcubes: make no sense to me :D
07:58 lolcubes: and kdkkd is awkward here imo but i guess thats just me
07:59 lolcubes: 00:11:367 (1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2) - this plays terrible
08:01 lolcubes: 01:15:827 (1) - also i find this slider
08:01 lolcubes: very useless
08:01 lolcubes: because 01:16:536 (2,3) - are finishers
08:01 lolcubes: you would expect a finisher on the downbeat too
08:01 lolcubes: i would probabl
08:01 lolcubes: remove the finisher from 2
08:01 lolcubes: leave it on 3
08:02 lolcubes: and instead of the slider just map ddkkd
08:02 lolcubes: 01:15:016 (2) - would probably turn this into kat too
08:02 lolcubes: meh
08:02 lolcubes: this diff is hard to mod
08:02 lolcubes: cause i would change too many things
08:02 lolcubes: especially kdkkd
08:03 lolcubes: i would probaly use a spinner end as well, somehow that slider doesn't really fit oni diff
08:04 lolcubes: or if you really want to be evil
08:04 lolcubes: a 1/6 ddddddddddd drumroll
08:04 lolcubes: :D
08:04 lolcubes: since 1/3 was used just before that might just work haha
08:04 lolcubes: but yeah thats kinda evil and inconsistent

00:14:611 (3,4) - Switching the emphasis from the melody to the percussion in the background in the middle of the phrase is plain confusing. It'd be better if you kept with the rhythm you used at 00:21:097 (5) -

00:29:205 (1) - Surprised you didn't end at 00:29:509 - and add a circle at 00:29:611 -

As an aside, I also had MMzz take a peek (only at the Oni that I know of) and he said that it was okay.

Anyway, updating icon to popped for now. Let me know what happens!
Just saying but all above are my opinions pretty much, considering I just played through the diffs. I don't like when maps go against the song, and that's the feeling I get at times here. Take them as you will, but I would definitely recommend a really thorough taiko mod on this though. Up to you if you want that or not, not saying the diffs are bad, it's just not my cup of tea and I think it would be better to do stuff I wrote, for the most part.

Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

I actually started up a mod, but didn't have time to finish it as I need to contact others to mind about the Taikos. here's what I have so far. I'll try and finish up the Hard/Insane later. So far, the osu! maps are fine, but the taikos need a lot of work.

Just remove "taiko" from the difficulty names and add "taiko" to tags. 'k

01:23:530 (1) - This is really soon after a spinner for an Easy difficulty. *sigh...* k, fixed.

01:23:124 (1) - This is really soon after a spinner for a Normal difficulty. ^
07:09 lolcubes: 00:17:043 (1,1) - this is bad
07:09 lolcubes: you suddenly swap to the melody here when following drums until here
07:09 lolcubes: thats not something you should do in a futsuu tbh
07:09 lolcubes: you should keep the rhythm consistent
07:09 lolcubes: 00:21:502 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - i would say this is bad too
07:10 lolcubes: 2 triple patterns when you have 2+4 in music hehe
07:10 lolcubes: rhythmwise
07:10 lolcubes: rhythm is more important than melody at least
07:10 lolcubes: always
07:10 lolcubes: 00:23:124 (1,1,1) - also these 2 kats between
07:10 lolcubes: i would suggest to remove
07:10 lolcubes: they aren't "snapped" correctly to make the correct rhythm in the music
07:10 lolcubes: so tension is lost
07:10 lolcubes: would rather just have 2 2/1 notes
07:11 lolcubes: but that's just me
07:11 lolcubes: i usually listen to the rhythms in the music so much
07:11 lolcubes: than sometimes i forget about variety hehe

07:39 lolcubes: 00:37:313 (1) - i dont like this spinner btw
07:39 lolcubes: i would rather end it at 00:38:124 -
07:39 lolcubes: and then map a real note at the downbeat
07:39 lolcubes: spinners are spammed
07:39 lolcubes: and then you have an empty downbeat hehe
07:39 Garven: Yeah, it bugs me when people time the end to a beat
07:40 lolcubes: 00:39:340 (1) - seems misplaced too
07:40 lolcubes: the rhythm was already established to be on red ticks
07:40 lolcubes: using white is meh
07:40 lolcubes: moving it to 00:39:543 - sounds much better
07:40 lolcubes: or can just map both
07:40 lolcubes: both works
07:40 Garven: Both works better for me
07:41 lolcubes: 00:41:975 (2) - i would rather have this note on 00:41:773 -
07:41 lolcubes: because isolating the downbeat makes it have a better impact
07:41 lolcubes: 00:43:800 (1,1,1,1,1,2,1) - this is kinda silly
07:41 lolcubes: first 3 notes dont follow anything
07:41 lolcubes: then last 4 try to follow melody
07:42 lolcubes: stick to drums imo
07:42 lolcubes: they are interesting enough
07:42 lolcubes: cause 3/4 spacing between
07:42 lolcubes: 00:48:665 (1) - big no haha
07:42 lolcubes: rather map 2/1 finishers
07:43 lolcubes: 00:52:313 (1) - and this note is a problem
07:43 lolcubes: cause of 00:55:759 (4) - this one
07:43 lolcubes: inconsistent and sounds bad
07:43 lolcubes: 01:00:016 (1) - this kat seems random
07:43 lolcubes: ruins the rhythm
07:44 lolcubes: 01:11:367 (1,1,1,2,1,2,3) - yeah this goes against the drums
07:44 lolcubes: you cant map melody like this
07:44 lolcubes: you would need sliders
07:44 lolcubes: or something
07:44 lolcubes: i would still recommend to stay with the drums
07:44 lolcubes: also drain +1 and circle size +1

00:30:827 (1,2,3) - Surprised these weren't KKK Okay.

07:52 lolcubes: i dont like how oni plays though :<
07:52 lolcubes: it feels like it goes from drums to melody and back
07:52 lolcubes: back and forth all the time
07:52 lolcubes: dont like that hehe
07:56 lolcubes: i need to read every note individually ignoring the music
07:56 lolcubes: to play this
07:56 lolcubes: its not always bad to have such things
07:56 lolcubes: but i think the streams have a bad design
07:58 lolcubes: those streams of 6
07:58 lolcubes: make no sense to me :D
07:58 lolcubes: and kdkkd is awkward here imo but i guess thats just me
07:59 lolcubes: 00:11:367 (1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2) - this plays terrible
08:01 lolcubes: 01:15:827 (1) - also i find this slider
08:01 lolcubes: very useless
08:01 lolcubes: because 01:16:536 (2,3) - are finishers
08:01 lolcubes: you would expect a finisher on the downbeat too
08:01 lolcubes: i would probabl
08:01 lolcubes: remove the finisher from 2
08:01 lolcubes: leave it on 3
08:02 lolcubes: and instead of the slider just map ddkkd
08:02 lolcubes: 01:15:016 (2) - would probably turn this into kat too
08:02 lolcubes: meh
08:02 lolcubes: this diff is hard to mod
08:02 lolcubes: cause i would change too many things
08:02 lolcubes: especially kdkkd
08:03 lolcubes: i would probaly use a spinner end as well, somehow that slider doesn't really fit oni diff
08:04 lolcubes: or if you really want to be evil
08:04 lolcubes: a 1/6 ddddddddddd drumroll
08:04 lolcubes: :D
08:04 lolcubes: since 1/3 was used just before that might just work haha
08:04 lolcubes: but yeah thats kinda evil and inconsistent

00:14:611 (3,4) - Switching the emphasis from the melody to the percussion in the background in the middle of the phrase is plain confusing. It'd be better if you kept with the rhythm you used at 00:21:097 (5) - Okay.

00:29:205 (1) - Surprised you didn't end at 00:29:509 - and add a circle at 00:29:611 - YES!

As an aside, I also had MMzz take a peek (only at the Oni that I know of) and he said that it was okay.

Anyway, updating icon to popped for now. Let me know what happens!
I did all I could to fix futsuu and oni. Thanks Garven and cubes.

Garven wrote:

Just remove "taiko" from the difficulty names and add "taiko" to tags.
I've heard that it's better to keep Taiko in the Diff Name and that Taiko should only be used in Taiko Mapsets or in the TnT Soundtracks.
You have a corresponding icon for taiko mode now, and the taiko tag would mark the full mapset. This can be better when you have mapsets with weird guest diff names so having it in tags is better than in the diff name, because keeping taiko in the diff name is kinda redundant due to that icon.
Alright, let's do this.
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Roddie ~ :)

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 01:22:719 - Change kiai time end point to here? same as other diff.


  1. 01:24:340 - You are forgot add soft finish to here.
  2. 01:22:719 - Change kiai time end point to here? same as other diff.

OK ~ That's all ~ Nice job ~!

Call me back ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ Roddie ~ :)

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 01:22:719 - Change kiai time end point to here? same as other diff. Okay.


  1. 01:24:340 - You are forgot add soft finish to here. ^
  2. 01:22:719 - Change kiai time end point to here? same as other diff. ^

OK ~ That's all ~ Nice job ~!

Call me back ~
Thanks, Rika. :D
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Looks much better ~

Here you go <3

Yey!! :D
Congratz Rod!! ;)
Congratz. o3o
yay, gratz Roddie♥
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