
League of Legends

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Colin Hou
<--------- only Lv. 28 Orz.

and I'm at CN/ChinaTel-1 T^T

Ephemeral wrote:

elo dont mean shit in solo son. you can carry until the cows come home but if your init/tank is shit, you're done
gj not understanding what you were replying to but, for the sake of argument, yes low elo does mean you are a bad player
3rd day in a row the NA server goes down for jackshit. Riot es best

Two wrote:

Ephemeral wrote:

elo dont mean shit in solo son. you can carry until the cows come home but if your init/tank is shit, you're done
gj not understanding what you were replying to but, for the sake of argument, yes low elo does mean you are a bad player
not in solo queue
At EU, there is always queue to enter to the server. Im always waiting for 1 hour just to enter ;__;
This is when EU server is about to explode.

Thank you for you great service Riot.
lol both US and EU servers gg
1 hour 30 minutes queue on EU, fuck this.
NA server is up.

inb4 1 hour queque

Edit: Awesome, games are screwed up again. I heard that all of this is happening because of the division of the EU server. Sucks huh?
Playing at USA server while EU maintenance is done :P. Didnt know, switching just take few minutes.

On a side note: Bugs everywhere, constant technical issues, aaaaah - _-
f e a r
Stoopid riot is stoopid :/ cant play akali if servers r down orz
Server has split, will transfer to west ASAP, meanwhile enjoying 15 days of free IP boost 8-)
why is my nickname on EU (East?) taken by a guy who gets no AD for yi and stacks AP for Zilean :(
Ahah, awesome IP boost.

Anyways i've been playing the game some more (as Kassadin) and i'm starting to notice that, much of the time, our turrets and inhibitors start to get smashed BEFORE we can push on into their base and take their Nexus. I have this moment in the last 10 mins of the game that they're going to win, and then miraculously we start working as a team and push back.

My question is, does this often happen, or am i/other random solo queuers just bad at teamwork?

(suspect it might somewhat be the latter)
It happens A LOT, at least in my case, I've won a lot of matches after almost surrendering and/or being defeated, an ace or an ambush can make the difference you know.
We were at mid
Turret destroyed
Turret destroyed
Inhibitor destroyed
Turret destroyed
Inhibitor destroyed
Turret destroyed
Turret destroyed

True story
Fucking glorious 404 PI *__*
sing es #1 troll en brasil

and ya im smurfing with some newb frens huehue
Smurfs kind of ruin the low level experience =/

Unless you give them advice while you own them then that justifies it
nah I do it so my buddies can have an easier time against smurfs on opposing teams, and also because they won't be able to handle level 20s if I play on my lv30 lol

and that I like it when 5 people start chasing me and 2 of them end up dying...
f e a r

Glass wrote:

sing es #1 troll en brasil

and ya im smurfing with some newb frens huehue

Topic Starter

Randy96 wrote:

Smurfs kind of ruin the low level experience =/

Unless you give them advice while you own them then that justifies it
nah, after a few games you get put on "smurf island" and every game is like 9/10 smurfs.

I love Anivia.
I spend too much time on this game....

Level 30, with all but 4 champions.. and 12386 takedowns :(

Started playing HoN though, as it is £6, so I thought it would be good, and if you like LoL, you'd like HoN. :P
So i played some Twisted Treeline earlier today, and found it much easier than Summoner's - not just in terms of pushes being much easier. I got a lot more early game ganks (as Kassadin) than on Summoner's and got on with mah build much quicker.

inb4 coolstorybro.jpg

Side note: YAY no more login queues =D

tyrael6192 wrote:

So i played some Twisted Treeline earlier today, and found it much easier than Summoner's - not just in terms of pushes being much easier. I got a lot more early game ganks (as Kassadin) than on Summoner's and got on with mah build much quicker.

inb4 coolstorybro.jpg

Side note: YAY no more login queues =D

lol Twisted Treeline is more fun in my opinion too

Chuggles wrote:

and if you like LoL, you'd like HoN. :P

Two wrote:

Chuggles wrote:

and if you like LoL, you'd like HoN. :P
If you play too much Twisted Treeline you'll get cancer.

Which champion can jungle well without specific runes or even masteries? I always sucked at it, but wanna try again.
Topic Starter
Xin Zhao, Warwick, Trundle, Nunu, probably Udyr

You really need at least 8 points in Utility for the exp mastery though.

Two wrote:

Chuggles wrote:

and if you like LoL, you'd like HoN. :P
It's a bit more complicated but the basics are the same - ganking, farming, teamfights... it's a bit harder in that the items are a bit IMO, but it's got more champions, as is really fun :D

Lybydose wrote:

Xin Zhao, Warwick, Trundle, Nunu, probably Udyr

You really need at least 8 points in Utility for the exp mastery though.
I dunno bout the others but Udyr jungle is horrible without runes
Topic Starter

Randy96 wrote:

Lybydose wrote:

Xin Zhao, Warwick, Trundle, Nunu, probably Udyr

You really need at least 8 points in Utility for the exp mastery though.
I dunno bout the others but Udyr jungle is horrible without runes
actually no, it works just fine

Sorry, I had to post this.
Yes, I'm a noob.
I wonder. What makes a person want NOT to play a map perfectionised over 6 years, and instead take an unbalanced new one?

Also, if you like fun you will like HoN. But HoN was really only good up too like 8-10 months ago. Now they have realized DotA 2 is on the way, and they are spewing out skins and heroes for people to buy. And that leads to no time for game and hero balancing.

Backstabber wrote:

Also, if you like fun you will like HoN.
if I ever decide to become a comedian, I will first look to the internet for inspiration
IGN: Suzumiya H
Server: North American Server

IGN: HaruhiSuzu
Server: Europe West

Add me up.
"Let's reduce Annie's abilities damage while increasing her ratios, then reduce them both in the next patch!" fuck you, Riot :(
Dude, they're nerfing corki, what the fuck :(
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