
Hatsune miku - One-way Route

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* Your BG is very low-quality and very small BG. You need some bigger image and good quality
* I have 2 OSB in your mapset. Remove them
* Set the preview time to 01:06:581
* I think 1st and 4th kiai is not fit to the song



00:10:657 (1) - These spinner are too short. You need to extend it or replace this into one slider. Otherwise, some noobs is don't have a time to clear this spinner
00:11:798 (1) - Do not place the circle after spinner, it's not beginner friendly
00:31:363 (1) - Again, it's short spinner
00:32:668 (1) - Same issue as 00:11:798 (1)
01:06:581 (1) - Too far from spinner, you need close this to spinner. Otherwise, noobs can't reach this object while gameplay
01:48:320 (1,1,1,1) - You don't need add some combo like this
01:53:537 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^
02:03:972 (1) - Not stack perfectly with previous note
02:22:233 (1) - Same issue as 00:11:798 (1)
02:27:450 (1) - I think placing this slider on HP Bar is odd to see. Can you move this slider down?
02:47:668 (2) - The slider body is hidden because the tail slider. If the slider body is hidden, the noobs is confusing where to slide the slider
02:53:537 (1) - Too far from spinner, you need close this to spinner. Otherwise, noobs can't reach this object while gameplay
03:06:581 (1) - Inconsistent spacing


00:10:657 (1) - Unstack this? I think it's odd having a stack in 1/2 stream in this diff.....
00:58:592 (5,1) - Stack with tail slider?
01:04:624 (1) - Remove new combo
01:04:950 (2) - Unstack this? I get confuse this while gameplay
01:05:440 (1) - Remove new combo
01:05:917 (1) - ^
01:14:407 (1,1,1,1) - You don't need add some combo like this
01:26:798 (1) - The repeating arrow is hidden, because the slider and hitburst. It's unrankable you know
01:55:820 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - IMO, this combos are make no sense
02:09:679 (1) - Remove new combo
02:10:168 (1) - ^
02:24:842 (1,1,1,1) - You don't need add some combo like this
02:25:494 (1,1,2,3) - Make this pattern more pretty please..... It's kinda odd to look
03:13:755 (1,1,1) - You don't need add some combo like this


00:08:700 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:35:113 (1) - ^
01:07:396 (3) - Too close from tail slider
01:17:342 (2) - Make this hitsound from soft-hitnormal to normal-hitnormal
01:52:233 (1,1,1,1) - You don't need add some combo like this
02:17:016 (1,1,1,2,1,1) - These combos are make no sense at all


I think these map needs more work, but not bad at all
Also, sorry for very long mod~ :(
Kyonko Hizara
Topic Starter

KyonkoHizara wrote:

thank for you start!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Nice map Star :)
Topic Starter
Thanky for yanhan1064 and Shiki!!!!
Shiki I love you so much!!!!!!!! :)
专业送星 星到付款XD
T s u k a s a
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:cry: 感动的一塌糊涂LS的两位T口T
Megurine Luka
Topic Starter

--AR +1 (I would prefer you AR +2 tho, but at least +1)
--I find the spacing to be a little small actually. If the spacing was larger, i'd find the song more fun to play :3.. oh well

--in all honesty, i actually want more notes to be placed in the kiai section. (in these kiai times: 01:06:581 - , 02:01:363 - , 03:03:972 - ) I'd like it better if it was mostly constant 1/2 ticks :3

00:30:874 (x) - add note. This space is very awkward.
00:38:374 (2) - *nazi* up 1 grid
01:06:907 (2,3) - anti-spacing doesn't fit here imo. Although I actually read it correctly (on AR 9), I don't really like it here.
01:08:700 (8,9) - blanket combo 8 better? >_>
01:16:352 (3) - add one more repeat on to the note
01:19:950 (2,3) - why did you change the spacing like this o_o... space the same as before?
01:27:287 (3) - unstack?
01:39:353 (4) - this placement of the note really bothers me... also, it just looks like you didn't know where else to put the note even if it's not the case
02:36:581 (11,1) - erm.. i don't like this anti-spacing either.
02:39:679 (1) - remove new combo


--Use AR 6 or 7.
--If this is supposed to be a hard, the OD and HP drain are WAY too low..

00:03:646 (5) - not perfectly stacked..
00:07:885 (5,6) - spacing.
00:09:842 (1) - remove combo
01:05:440 (1) - ^
01:14:896 (1,1) - ^
01:26:472 (1,1) - ^
01:55:820 (1) - ^
02:00:711 (1) - ^
02:09:679 (1,1) - ^
02:10:820 (5) - new combo
02:25:168 (1,1,1) - remove combo
03:04:787 (3,4) - i would space this out more..


--Use OD 3 or something, and perhaps decrease hp drain by 1 to match the OD?

01:50:929 (1) - remove combo
01:52:233 (1) - ^
01:54:842 (1,1,1) - ^
02:19:624 (1,1) - the slider seems to come after the spinner a little soon. so you can end spinner at 02:21:581?
02:27:450 (1,2) - spacing
02:36:581 (5,1) - ^
02:53:537 (1) - This note comes a little soon and it definitely too far away from the center. so you should end the spinner a little earlier.
03:13:755 (1) - end spinner here?

Cool map! :3
Topic Starter

winber1 wrote:


--AR +1 (I would prefer you AR +2 tho, but at least +1)
--I find the spacing to be a little small actually. If the spacing was larger, i'd find the song more fun to play :3.. oh well

--in all honesty, i actually want more notes to be placed in the kiai section. (in these kiai times: 01:06:581 - , 02:01:363 - , 03:03:972 - ) I'd like it better if it was mostly constant 1/2 ticks :3

00:30:874 (x) - add note. This space is very awkward.
00:38:374 (2) - *nazi* up 1 grid
01:06:907 (2,3) - anti-spacing doesn't fit here imo. Although I actually read it correctly (on AR 9), I don't really like it here.
01:08:700 (8,9) - blanket combo 8 better? >_>
01:16:352 (3) - add one more repeat on to the note
01:19:950 (2,3) - why did you change the spacing like this o_o... space the same as before?
01:27:287 (3) - unstack?
01:39:353 (4) - this placement of the note really bothers me... also, it just looks like you didn't know where else to put the note even if it's not the case
02:36:581 (11,1) - erm.. i don't like this anti-spacing either.
02:39:679 (1) - remove new combo


--Use AR 6 or 7.
--If this is supposed to be a hard, the OD and HP drain are WAY too low..

00:03:646 (5) - not perfectly stacked..
00:07:885 (5,6) - spacing.
00:09:842 (1) - remove combo
01:05:440 (1) - ^
01:14:896 (1,1) - ^
01:26:472 (1,1) - ^
01:55:820 (1) - ^
02:00:711 (1) - ^
02:09:679 (1,1) - ^
02:10:820 (5) - new combo
02:25:168 (1,1,1) - remove combo
03:04:787 (3,4) - i would space this out more..


--Use OD 3 or something, and perhaps decrease hp drain by 1 to match the OD?

01:50:929 (1) - remove combo
01:52:233 (1) - ^
01:54:842 (1,1,1) - ^
02:19:624 (1,1) - the slider seems to come after the spinner a little soon. so you can end spinner at 02:21:581?
02:27:450 (1,2) - spacing
02:36:581 (5,1) - ^
02:53:537 (1) - This note comes a little soon and it definitely too far away from the center. so you should end the spinner a little earlier.
03:13:755 (1) - end spinner here?

Cool map! :3
thank you for you mod XD!
00:33:972 (3,4,5) - 不同的間距?
02:48:972 (4) - 堆疊! 需要把(4)擺在(3)的結尾上 完全重疊!

01:20:113 (3,4,5) - 不同的間距?
02:07:722 (5,6) - 不好看~容易造成誤解

01:06:907 (2,3) - 不容易看懂spacing的位置 因為(1)(2)的間距和(2)(3)還有(3)(4)的間距完全相同
01:27:124 (2,3,4,5,6) - 說實話有點不好看...改一下吧[nazi]
02:05:929 (8) - 結尾出去外面了...上下是OK的 可是左右CTB會接不到...改一下吧

話說看到你的map讓我聯想到Hatsune Miku - Kusaregedou to Chocolate XDDD
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

00:33:972 (3,4,5) - 不同的間距?
02:48:972 (4) - 堆疊! 需要把(4)擺在(3)的結尾上 完全重疊!

01:20:113 (3,4,5) - 不同的間距?
02:07:722 (5,6) - 不好看~容易造成誤解

01:06:907 (2,3) - 不容易看懂spacing的位置 因為(1)(2)的間距和(2)(3)還有(3)(4)的間距完全相同
01:27:124 (2,3,4,5,6) - 說實話有點不好看...改一下吧[nazi]
02:05:929 (8) - 結尾出去外面了...上下是OK的 可是左右CTB會接不到...改一下吧

話說看到你的map讓我聯想到Hatsune Miku - Kusaregedou to Chocolate XDDD
Topic Starter

Daigurenhyourinmaru wrote:

Mod :o

(Modding 2 only because of queue rules)

• Your background needs to be at least 800x600 (1024x768 is recommended though.)
• Tick rate should be the same on all difficulties.
• Audio lead-in 1500
• Ew combo colors.

• AR -1
• OD -1
00:07:559 (2) - Move this to the other side of the slider?
00:26:798 (2,3) - Right 1 grid (level 3)
00:35:929 (4) - Spacing?
00:43:103 (4) - Remove Combo
01:00:711 (4) - New Combo
01:01:363 (1) - Remove Combo
01:03:972 (1) - Make the timeline like this?
01:49:624 (1) - What is with all the new combos in this section...
02:19:624 (1) - Add finish
02:34:624 (2) - Place directly on the end of the slider
02:48:972 (4) - ^
02:58:429 (4) - Try not to overlap this?

• Make the first 'B' a capital in the difficulty name
• HP +1
• AR -2
• OD +4 (What. The. Hell.)
00:03:646 (5) - Place directly on the sliders end.
00:43:103 (8) - Remove Combo
01:27:287 (1) - ^
02:19:624 (1) - Remove Note, start spinner here, end at same time as before.
02:51:010 (1) - Start at 02:51:092.

Star 8-)
All i can do is give a star because i couldnt find any problems :P

offset: 1372 (+8),另外lead-in建议记事本进osu改成1000
我没看出手动变combo color的原因……

00:42:777 (3,1) - 按照slider轨迹的延长线摆过去不好么,现在很生硬。
01:14:896 (2) - 结尾音很多余,考虑换circle或降低尾音音量
02:27:450 (1) - 碰到血条了,美观上差些
02:50:929 (1) - 建议结尾在02:52:722,现在的位置后面note跟的太快了,对EASY来讲

00:23:211 (3,4) - 难看,主要在于3和4重叠部分太多了,显得非常挤
00:27:124 (8,1) - spacing
00:29:081 - 加音建议
01:04:950 (3,4) - 可以的话不建议和前面的2叠,因为除了增加难度似乎没什么意义,而和Easy比这够难了
01:26:798 (3) - ctrl+r
01:59:733 (2,3,4) - 虽然想法不错,但是真心太挤
02:02:994 (5,6) - 不建议。这难度里大部分的叠用的1/2,这里可能会混淆
02:10:331 (4) - 碰到血条了
02:38:211 (3,4,5) - spacing
03:13:755 (1,2,3) - [stress]摆开一点吧

AR没必要9 (BPM184并非很快,你又不遮,没什么考验读的地方)OD+1拉到7。圈可以大一号
00:10:331 (8) - 拉出去不要和7叠,然后把1叠在上面,来造这个停顿感
00:36:418 (1) - sliderwhistle消掉
01:42:940 (1,2,3) - spacing
01:48:320 (1) - 这里开始的几个小节明显是一种结构,而你摆01:48:972 (3,4,5,6) 和01:50:277 (3,4,5,6) 这些却显得过于随意了,如果能把结构处理好,相信图的质量也会上一层
02:01:690 (2,3) - 这个在Insane里永远是被读成1/2的,建议改
02:42:940 (1,2) - ^
Topic Starter

NatsumeRin wrote:

offset: 1372 (+8),另外lead-in建议记事本进osu改成1000
我没看出手动变combo color的原因……

00:42:777 (3,1) - 按照slider轨迹的延长线摆过去不好么,现在很生硬。
01:14:896 (2) - 结尾音很多余,考虑换circle或降低尾音音量
02:27:450 (1) - 碰到血条了,美观上差些
02:50:929 (1) - 建议结尾在02:52:722,现在的位置后面note跟的太快了,对EASY来讲

00:23:211 (3,4) - 难看,主要在于3和4重叠部分太多了,显得非常挤
00:27:124 (8,1) - spacing
00:29:081 - 加音建议
01:04:950 (3,4) - 可以的话不建议和前面的2叠,因为除了增加难度似乎没什么意义,而和Easy比这够难了
01:26:798 (3) - ctrl+r
01:59:733 (2,3,4) - 虽然想法不错,但是真心太挤
02:02:994 (5,6) - 不建议。这难度里大部分的叠用的1/2,这里可能会混淆
02:10:331 (4) - 碰到血条了
02:38:211 (3,4,5) - spacing
03:13:755 (1,2,3) - [stress]摆开一点吧

AR没必要9 (BPM184并非很快,你又不遮,没什么考验读的地方)OD+1拉到7。圈可以大一号
00:10:331 (8) - 拉出去不要和7叠,然后把1叠在上面,来造这个停顿感
00:36:418 (1) - sliderwhistle消掉
01:42:940 (1,2,3) - spacing
01:48:320 (1) - 这里开始的几个小节明显是一种结构,而你摆01:48:972 (3,4,5,6) 和01:50:277 (3,4,5,6) 这些却显得过于随意了,如果能把结构处理好,相信图的质量也会上一层
02:01:690 (2,3) - 这个在Insane里永远是被读成1/2的,建议改
02:42:940 (1,2) - ^

谢谢Rin老师 :) BG我找不到比较好的就只能自己截图miku的图都是超级青春活泼要不就很黑暗风的我找不到啊T T。。。其他的我都有改进,再次谢谢!
- One-way
00:33:328 (4,5) - Spacing
01:11:154 (7) - New combo
02:10:013 (4,5) - Semi jump... New combo for 5 plz.
02:15:393 (4) - New combo for jump
02:24:035 (6) - New combo
02:29:252 (8) - ^
03:07:404 (6) - ^
The spacing is a bit weird

Just that, ~.~
STAR and good luck
Topic Starter

KingsAL2 wrote:

- One-way
00:33:328 (4,5) - Spacing
01:11:154 (7) - New combo
02:10:013 (4,5) - Semi jump... New combo for 5 plz.
02:15:393 (4) - New combo for jump
02:24:035 (6) - New combo
02:29:252 (8) - ^
03:07:404 (6) - ^
The spacing is a bit weird

Just that, ~.~
STAR and good luck
thank you thank youXD!
• Tick rate should be the same on all difficulties.
well, that's not obligatory in guests, plus it's a guideline

Higher Distance Snap could had made you avoid some overlaps
01:23:219 (3) - Add a repeat :3 (follow voice+drums better and feels good)
02:47:024 (3,4) - You could had avoided this and other overlap like it.

Strange name.... if balbal it's the creator better call it "Balbal's Hard"
MUCH better with CS + 1 and much more with CS + 2, well you will remove all those fastidious ovelaps in one move ...
01:17:513 (3) - 2 less repeat, then add a note at 01:17:839 and 01:18:002, feel better
01:24:198 (2,1) - Move (1) as it's not overlapped
01:26:806 (3,1) - Place them like this

You shouldn't make it more difficult without following music
00:03:491 (4) - Delete it (Don't follow hats only for one note), it's better without it
00:30:719 (1,2,3,4,5) - meke them angle snapped like this
my mod :D

maybe resize background to 1024x768 ? better quality ^-^
in the folder are 2 .osb files... but you haven't SB, so delete this files and full submission ^^

01:04:062- spinner maybe start at 01:04:143?

5 notes aren't snapped >.< open aimod to check or resnap all notes

4 notes aren't snapped >.< ^
00:11:806- let the break start here

thanks for your mod request >////< i begin to ♥love♥ this song :)
star and good luck ^^
The 08 team_Bourdon
Hi Hi~

- too much KIAI time.

- snap your KIAI time.
00:20:692 - delete this Drag break.
00:28:437 (2,3) - delete this two slider, and make a one slider at here.
00:31:371 (1) - too short of this spinner, for [Beginner] a bit hard to spin it.
00:51:996 - again. delete this Drag break.
01:36:344 - ^
01:47:024 (1) - a bit ugly of this slider.
02:50:611 (2) - down+right 2 grid
02:50:937 (1) - this spinner end at 02:52:893

00:21:181 - delete this Drag break
00:37:241 (4,5,6) - down 2 grid?
00:52:486 - delete this Drag break
01:36:833 - ^
02:05:611 (5) - make it more beautiful
02:09:198 (1,2,4) - ^
02:23:382 (4) - right 5 or 6 grid

snap your KIAI time.
other look fine~

STAR... ;)
in the folder are 2 .osb files... but you haven't SB, so delete this files and full submission ^^
said much times, it's not obligatory as 2 empty osb's are only a few bytes. only do while full submitting for other thing...
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

in the folder are 2 .osb files... but you haven't SB, so delete this files and full submission ^^
said much times, it's not obligatory as 2 empty osb's are only a few bytes. only do while full submitting for other thing...
OMG I forget it.....
Wait for some time because my Internet is no good.......

-I downloaded ths map few seconds ago, but I still see two .osb files. Delete both of them (or at least one) and FULL SUBMIT.
[In fact, two .osb are unrankble even they are blank.]
-Refer to Rin's suggestions on tag and source?

-delete duplicated timeline: 28103, 36417, 37069, 41635, 42124, 67722, 68212, 69516, 75548, 77016, 82560, 104733, 126581, 129192, 130331, 133429, 142070, 154958, 186259. why some many useless timeline xD
00:31:045 (3) - down 1 grid so that (1,2,3) forms a stright line?
00:35:611 (2,3,4) - remove whistle on (2,3), add whistle on beginning of (4)?
00:37:893 (6) - remove whistle?
00:53:871 (2) - snap this to x:100 to fit with (1)
00:59:741 (4,5,1) - confusing spacing
01:16:208 (2) - left 2 grids for consistant spacing
01:26:806 (1) - rotate a bit such that its orientation is perpendicular to (2,3,4,5,6)?
01:45:393 (6) - confusing spacing, try (256,32)
01:56:154 (2) - new combo here instead of (1) to fit the previous config
01:58:681 (5) - whistle finish at ending instead of beginning?
02:33:980 (5) - try this code

Maybe there're too many whistles orz

HP, OD+2~3, this is a hard so the current OD is too low.
01:08:545 (5) - try this code such that it ends y:224 which fits with its beginning

not much problem here, but I certainly agree with NatsumeRin that the map is quite crowdy currently. You can try a larger spacing in a hard, applying smalelr circle or rising AR, etc., in your next map.

delete duplicated timeline: 33328, 65929
00:31:371 (s) - Not sure about this, but the spinner might be too short as in the easiest diff in the map, the next (1) is too close to the spinner perhaps
00:58:763 (1) - remove new combo since you didn't NC it in 0:41
S t a r ~
Topic Starter

KiriNoMorii wrote:

S t a r ~
:) thank~~~~~!
S o r d a
Sorry for late

  1. 00:01:372 ~ 00:11:806 The volume between here is small I guess
  2. BG 800x600 or 1024x728 change Please

  1. HP+1
  2. 00:35:121 (5) - Delete note? sound good
  3. 01:14:904 - like this?
  4. 02:53:545 (1) - Soft Finish
  5. 02:56:154 (1) - ^
  1. 00:34:632 (5) - end finish
  2. 00:55:502 (6) - ^
  1. 00:35:937 (3,4) - Spacing
  2. 00:58:763 (1,2) - ^
  3. 01:23:219 (3,4) - Spacing far
  4. 01:58:763 (1,2,3,4) - Why Next Spacing 1.0?
  5. 02:07:893 (2,3) - Spacing
  6. 02:15:067 (2,3) - ^
  7. 02:55:828 (3,1) - ^
  8. 03:00:719 (2,1) - ^ far
BG is fine. Don't listen to them ;) (it is 4:3 and fits without black borders)

I suggest using 1,0x or 1,1x spacing here to avoid overlapping as this is more difficulty appropriate imo. You should disable grid-snapping when rearranging the notes (hold [Ctrl] to snap notes every 45° if needed).

Other than that pretty nice map.


01:49:795 (X) - add stacked note here?
02:08:382 (X) - definetely add a note here ><
02:50:121 (4) - turn this into an "S" slider to better fit the guitar that is mapped here?

Nice "normal" map so far! The partly messy spacings and inconsistent gaps and overlaps between notes are not gamebreaking so you may leave it as is imo.

Grid-snap messing with your map? Disabled distance-snapping? Something went wrong here in some parts...
00:06:100 (4,5) - messy spacing, at least keep it consistent inside patterns/hit-combos: (no grid-snap, hold ctrl to place (3) directly above (2), place (4) with ctrl directly right of (3), place (5) with ctrl below (4), select (2,3,4,5) and rotate by ~25°, set distance spacing to 1,0 and place until prev/next are ~1,00x) or use:
00:08:708 (2,1) - spacing error (don't tell me this is an intended anti-jump cause this would be ridiculous)
00:09:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - That pattern looks and plays really weird. Maybe stick to more consistent angles between the pairs: or use:
00:22:567 (2,3) - spacing
00:26:806 (1,2) - partly hidden behind slider, (2) is ok imo but (1) will get you in trouble
00:34:143 (1,2) - spacing error
00:35:285 (1,2) - this jump makes no sense to me, better keep it smooth here
00:36:426 (1,2) - spacing
00:38:219 (1,2,3) - maybe 1,0x was intended here?
00:39:035 (2,3) - ^
00:40:828 (6) - new combo to indicate jump?
00:42:785 (5,6,1) - turn this into 1 combo?
00:56:154 (1,2,3) - weird spacing, if you intend to do a jump here, at least keep the jump distance consistent
01:02:350 (4) - new combo?
01:05:448 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - looks messy, use this:
01:07:078 (3,4,5) - keep jump distances between these 3 notes consistent
01:07:730 (5,6) - maybe fix spacing here but it is still playable
01:16:698 (4) - maybe stack this
01:20:774 (5,6) - weird spacing, maybe curve this around the ending point instead of stacking the two endings
01:24:850 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - keep spacing for this notefollow pinpoint exact, especially for the (4,1) combo transitions
02:00:230 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - just use the same pattern as provided for 01:05:448 (1,2,3,4,5,6), just ctrl+h and rotate it to fit here
02:12:948 (5,6,7) - maybe fix spacing between the 3 sliders
02:14:089 (8,1,2) and 02:14:904 (3,4) - those jumps feel kinda fake
02:21:263 (7) - 1 grid left to make it symmetrical
02:21:589 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - move complete stack to 278/254 to avoid stacking bug and start this stream-stack exactly in the middle of (5,7,8)
02:24:524 (7,8,1) - keep jump distances consistent between the 3 objects
02:25:176 (2,3) - move (2) 4 grids left; Ctrl+R on (3)
02:27:132 (7,8) - this jump makes no sense...
02:27:132 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - ...turn this into one combo and do something like this:
02:30:393 (2) - Ctrl+R this slider, move it to 152/143 and...
02:30:711 (3) - ...move this circle to 258/54 (I have no clue what's wrong with (4) but it seems this slider is unsnapped or from a different SV mapping)
02:31:861 (5) - wrong timed, move back to white tick to map the beat, fix spacing of (5,6) afterwards
02:33:328 (3) - Ctrl+R
02:34:958 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - again messy pattern, use something similar to 00:09:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
02:57:295 (5,6) - weird antijump
03:08:545 (10,11,12) - turn this into a new combo?
03:10:828 (2,3,4,1) - this pattern doesn't fit imo. Maybe try this: add 1x repeat to (2), delete (3,4) but make a new slider from ending point (3) and starting point (4):

This map has some really interesting parts and I think it has some potential but the grid-snapped spacing- and pattern-mess really kills it atm.

The "hard" map sill needs a lot of work but I think you will work this out somehow. Overall very solid mapset. ~star well deserved.
I'm sad to say this. I like this Hatsune Miku song...

Use more hitsounds overall, just only using Finishes is a bit...terrible.

You have some unsnapped objects. Check AIMod.
I dislike how this difficulty is created. Your spacing isn't consistent with the Slider Velocity. SV is too fast and your spacing is to close together. Also, the rules currently state that having a Easy, Hard, Insane spread is not allowed...but that's still under debate so I wouldn't stress about it THAT much yet.

Unsnapped notes.

However, it's nice. I like it.
Topic Starter

Lilac wrote:

I'm sad to say this. I like this Hatsune Miku song...

Use more hitsounds overall, just only using Finishes is a bit...terrible.

You have some unsnapped objects. Check AIMod.
I dislike how this difficulty is created. Your spacing isn't consistent with the Slider Velocity. SV is too fast and your spacing is to close together. Also, the rules currently state that having a Easy, Hard, Insane spread is not allowed...but that's still under debate so I wouldn't stress about it THAT much yet.

Unsnapped notes.

However, it's nice. I like it.
thank you so much! :)
BG尺寸不对 我给你弄好了,换掉FULL SUBMIT就行
这是HARD把? 是的话 AR 7 OD HP至少+1 用大圈不如小一号了 看起来自然点
00:10:665 (1,2) - 这里减速很奇怪。。要变速也应该加速吧?
00:11:806 (3) - new combo?
00:31:371 (1) - 这个转盘不符合歌曲,删了吧
00:54:524 (3,4) - 这里节奏不好
02:23:382 (4,5) - ^
02:27:458 (1,2,3,1) - ^
03:14:252 (3) - 结尾FINISH
这个DIFF问题挺多的 加油了.

00:11:480 (3,4) - new combo?
03:09:361 加个NOTE更舒服点

另外建议你下次把图作到你认为比较完美了在找MAT ,这样一发给星,接着给泡的几率要大的多。毕竟MAT很忙,第一印象决定一切。
Topic Starter

Kanon wrote:

BG尺寸不对 我给你弄好了,换掉FULL SUBMIT就行
这是HARD把? 是的话 AR 7 OD HP至少+1 用大圈不如小一号了 看起来自然点
00:10:665 (1,2) - 这里减速很奇怪。。要变速也应该加速吧?
00:11:806 (3) - new combo?
00:31:371 (1) - 这个转盘不符合歌曲,删了吧
00:54:524 (3,4) - 这里节奏不好
02:23:382 (4,5) - ^
02:27:458 (1,2,3,1) - ^
03:14:252 (3) - 结尾FINISH
这个DIFF问题挺多的 加油了.

00:11:480 (3,4) - new combo?
03:09:361 加个NOTE更舒服点

另外建议你下次把图作到你认为比较完美了在找MAT ,这样一发给星,接着给泡的几率要大的多。毕竟MAT很忙,第一印象决定一切。
谢谢你简直太好人了T T
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