
"This score doesn't look right" Thread

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Hakeru Prismriver wrote:

TouchScreenPro wrote:

sinistro checked me yesterday and said i was legit
proof now ..
He's telling the truth. I haven't seen any conclusive evidence of him being a cheater or a multi accounter so far, although initally I was far more suspicious.

Sinistro wrote:

He's telling the truth. I haven't seen any conclusive evidence of him being a cheater or a multi accounter so far, although initally I was far more suspicious.
So, he made an account called "TouchScreenPro" before even playing Osu, has various rank 1's using Flashlight/hidden/DT after TWO days of registration and played a grand total of 451 times as of posting the report.

The guy is a multi, 100% There's no need to even think about it, it's just common sense. He may as well wear a big sign saying "HEY GUYS, LOO, I'M RETARDED ENOUGH TO CALL ATTENTION TO MYSELF, I'M A MULTI LOL"

This guy is so funny hahaha, just see Niko a maid of fire hahaha!

Sinistro wrote:

He's telling the truth. I haven't seen any conclusive evidence of him being a cheater or a multi accounter so far, although initally I was far more suspicious.
mods that cant spot someone this obvious as a multi or hacker is kind of depressing
in dubio pro reo
#1 and #2 - spinhack :o
I don't know if this guy has been posted here but it looks fishy to me:

Sinistro wrote:

He's telling the truth. I haven't seen any conclusive evidence of him being a cheater or a multi accounter so far, although initally I was far more suspicious.
This TouchScreenPro guy must be laughing his ass off while reading your post, no offense, but it's really obvious that he is a multi or a cheater, and both of them mean ban, there shouldn't be any doubt. Plus all his top scores are hidden/flashlight, really but it's sad to think some people can still believe this guy is legit, guess we shouldn't ban this guy who got top 1 at Made of Fire neither, since there won't be any conclusive evidence, maybe he is just a genius or it is just that it isn't one guy, but four playing with a same touchscreen (that's how he got he's score at the TAG4 map he ranked!1!). Really, please, seeing a guy with 400 plays getting all top scores with FL+Hidden, with TOUCHSCREENPRO as a nickname must mean instant ban, I can't believe someone is actually wasting time specting him and looking for evidence, it's so obvious it's depressing.

Wishy22 wrote:

Sinistro wrote:

He's telling the truth. I haven't seen any conclusive evidence of him being a cheater or a multi accounter so far, although initally I was far more suspicious.
This TouchScreenPro guy must be laughing his ass off while reading your post, no offense, but it's really obvious that he is a multi or a cheater, and both of them mean ban, there shouldn't be any doubt. Plus all his top scores are hidden/flashlight, really but it's sad to think some people can still believe this guy is legit, guess we shouldn't ban this guy who got top 1 at Made of Fire neither, since there won't be any conclusive evidence, maybe he is just a genius or it is just that it isn't one guy, but four playing with a same touchscreen (that's how he got he's score at the TAG4 map he ranked!1!). Really, please, seeing a guy with 400 plays getting all top scores with FL+Hidden, with TOUCHSCREENPRO as a nickname must mean instant ban, I can't believe someone is actually wasting time specting him and looking for evidence, it's so obvious it's depressing.
Damn you can't give the man any credit.
I don't think he cheats because I played on a Touch Screen and was Automatically because pro and started doing insane maps RIGHT off the bat.
I don't think he cheats, although with a name like TouchScreenPro, I am a little skeptical on the fact that he may multi.
Playing on a touch screen doesn't make it any easier to FC maps on FL+HD, in fact it's even harder because you have to memorize the spots instead of sightreading certain parts since you can't move your cursor without risking to accidentally hit a note.

also, gl doing streams on a touchscreen pc
His nickname is fishy, he got really low playcounts, he registered no time ago, he plays with a touchscreen, says that now he is learning mouse and some of his replays show a non-teleporting cursor (watch Bikko replays, he plays with a touchscreen, you'll see the difference). I know that playing with a touchscreen gives you a HUGE advantage on some maps (you can't do streams and shit so well, that's why I say 'some maps'), but on some of his replays you can see a moving cursor, which means he plays with whatever you can imagine but not a touchscreen (most likely mouse and not tablet). Then we can think, what's more likely, he being a genius pro who just became like that after playing some hours (I'm saying WITH MOUSE, since his replays show that and not a touchscreen style playing, again, watch Bikko's replays) so we can say this guy plays really good with just playing 400 songs with a mouse, which looks impossible to me (please tell me who could play like that after 2 or 3 days...), maybe he plays 20hs a day offline and some online (not likely... he would've said that and I don't remember him saying this, even if he did it'd sound like a lie to me), or he is a cheater/multi. I'm going for the last one, you guys make your choice. I know mods can't work on assumptions, but sadly every case means assuming the guy is a cheater or not, you can be 99,99% sure or maybe 90% sure, you can't never ever be a 100% sure, there will always be a chance you were wrong and the guy was/wasn't a cheater and you thought the opposite, when peppy detects someone using flashlight.exe (to call that thing some way), who knows, maybe the program wasn't even activated and the guy didn't cheat, it's not likely at all but still a possibility, yet you assume he was cheating since that's more likely than the other rare case, this is almost the same. I'd be happy to see him playing live, this guy should be requested a video long time ago, where we can see his hands and screen.

This guy who got that crazy score at Made of Fire may be legit too, you can always think about some excuse, I know this case is ridiculous but you could think this guy is just an uber pro player who played online for 3 years and he got godlike skills/memory, it's possible but absolutely not likely, same as the touchscreen-guy case (though one's more obvious than the another).

Glass wrote:

Playing on a touch screen doesn't make it any easier to FC maps on FL+HD, in fact it's even harder because you have to memorize the spots instead of sightreading certain parts since you can't move your cursor without risking to accidentally hit a note.

also, gl doing streams on a touchscreen pc
Streams, to me anyway, are actually pretty easy on a Touch Screen Laptop, I just tap with all four of my fingers so...

thebesthingever wrote:

Glass wrote:

Playing on a touch screen doesn't make it any easier to FC maps on FL+HD, in fact it's even harder because you have to memorize the spots instead of sightreading certain parts since you can't move your cursor without risking to accidentally hit a note.

also, gl doing streams on a touchscreen pc
Streams, to me anyway, are actually pretty easy on a Touch Screen Laptop, I just tap with all four of my fingers so...
sorry but i dont see any of your rank 1 with fl+hd after 1 day of playing with it

hes a cheater, be it multi, hacker or both, hes a cheater

Sinistro wrote:

He's telling the truth. I haven't seen any conclusive evidence of him being a cheater or a multi accounter so far, although initally I was far more suspicious.
With the general unfamiliarity and infrequent use of FL, along with the existence of players like Bikko, people are more inclined to think "I can't do it myself, but there must be a genius out there who can!" which means they become unable to put things into perspective or think about things reasonably. It's the same reason why you show a noob Made of Fire and U.N. Owen Was Her, and he won't understand which one is harder without relying on a ranking chart. Even though the answer is obvious, to him both maps are just "too hard" and that's it.

Essentially I am saying that Sinistro is an idiot. Not as bad as thebesthingever, nobody is that bad, but bad enough for most of us to facepalm and think "So THIS is why nothing is being done about those other blatant as fuck cheaters". I'm sure you are intelligent when it comes to everything else, but this is obviously not your expertise and even worse, you are too friendly for your own good.

People have already brought up reasons why obvious cheater is obvious, and I'll add a few more:
"Interests: azuraer's #1s" How many people know who azuraer is on their first day? How many people GUN for pro players on their first day?

Based off of my time zone, on 2/5 1:04am 1:36am 3:11am 3:44am 4:44am 7:00am 8:02am

Meaning if we choose a random map around this difficulty, in 1-2 hours he should FC or get pretty close. I've been spectated for twice as long for far less impressive records. I'm sure most of us are willing to watch this guy the whole way for anything fishy. This is SO EASY to test, SO EASY to confirm. All we need is an admin to persuade the guy to comply, and yet he probably won't, and most likely because of that faultyass !multi command.

naptime wrote:

Sinistro wrote:

He's telling the truth. I haven't seen any conclusive evidence of him being a cheater or a multi accounter so far, although initally I was far more suspicious.
With the general unfamiliarity and infrequent use of FL, along with the existence of players like Bikko, people are more inclined to think "I can't do it myself, but there must be a genius out there who can!" which means they become unable to put things into perspective or think about things reasonably. It's the same reason why you show a noob Made of Fire and U.N. Owen Was Her, and he won't understand which one is harder without relying on a ranking chart. Even though the answer is obvious, to him both maps are just "too hard" and that's it.

Essentially I am saying that Sinistro is an idiot. Not as bad as thebesthingever, nobody is that bad, but bad enough for most of us to facepalm and think "So THIS is why nothing is being done about those other blatant as fuck cheaters". I'm sure you are intelligent when it comes to everything else, but this is obviously not your expertise and even worse, you are too friendly for your own good.

People have already brought up reasons why obvious cheater is obvious, and I'll add a few more:
"Interests: azuraer's #1s" How many people know who azuraer is on their first day? How many people GUN for pro players on their first day?

Based off of my time zone, on 2/5 1:04am 1:36am 3:11am 3:44am 4:44am 7:00am 8:02am

Meaning if we choose a random map around this difficulty, in 1-2 hours he should FC or get pretty close. I've been spectated for twice as long for far less impressive records. I'm sure most of us are willing to watch this guy the whole way for anything fishy. This is SO EASY to test, SO EASY to confirm. All we need is an admin to persuade the guy to comply, and yet he probably won't, and most likely because of that faultyass !multi command.

o.o good post

no seriously the guy cheats, ban him plz and thnx

also delete EX7 and Marie Resdmafoiajsdfjasiodjf scores while you're at it

Touchscreenpro's profile wrote:

Play Count: 577
this is enough D:

naptime wrote:

Essentially I am saying that Sinistro is an idiot. Not as bad as thebesthingever, nobody is that bad, but bad enough for most of us to facepalm and think "So THIS is why nothing is being done about those other blatant as fuck cheaters".

But yeah, I pretty much agree with your entire post.
And as has been said, TouchScreenPro must be rolling on the floor @Sinistro right now. Shame on him!
can you help me with this?

If the server was down that day,then I don't think that it is possible to put this score in internet now.
There has been several cases of data loss due to server being down. I'm afraid this can't be fixed. There has been one situation when lost data was reuploaded (AFAIR 2010.09.26), but then server was working properly.
About touchscreenpro:
I think someone who is good at DJMax Technika and/or jubeat would have no problems being awesome at osu, especially on a touchscreen. However, he can't be 13 (he's already a liar about that) and he can't know what he knows this early in playing. He needs to prove his skills and explain them properly or just quit playing online.

ziin wrote:

About touchscreenpro:
especially on a touchscreen.
I think he doesn't use a touchscreen, watch some replay

and DJMax and Jubeat surely help you, but don't make you read flashlight better

Lunah wrote:

and DJMax and Jubeat surely help you, but don't make you read flashlight better
As I said, he can't know what he knows after a few days of playing.

I'll watch his replays though.

I've seen random people be really good at rhythm games after picking it up for a few days, to the point where they break the game/do something nobody thought was possible, usually because they're really good at some other rhythm game. Of course they way they defended themselves was to video/screenshot/explain why they're so good. If they can't do that, then they don't have to play online.
If they can't do that, then they don't have to play online.
It's not an obligation to post video but it's more of a courtesy. It might be an alien playing (Reverie's case)

thebesthingever wrote:

Glass wrote:

Playing on a touch screen doesn't make it any easier to FC maps on FL+HD, in fact it's even harder because you have to memorize the spots instead of sightreading certain parts since you can't move your cursor without risking to accidentally hit a note.

also, gl doing streams on a touchscreen pc
Streams, to me anyway, are actually pretty easy on a Touch Screen Laptop, I just tap with all four of my fingers so...
How the fuck do you tap with FOUR fingers when even the largest circle size allows barely 2 fingers? Also, that guy doesn't play like he's on a touchscreen, his cursor would be teleporting around if he was, go ask Bikko since he plays on a touchscreen.

I doubt anything will be done about these obvious cheaters until peppy steps up his anti-cheating system or gives more power to other veteran admins. That 4mod Maid of Fire guy still hasn't been baleeted? What kind of joke is this.

PS: osu! and DJMax are different games albeit they're the same genre, in DJMax all you have to do is watch the notes fall and press whatever key it corresponds to, while in osu! you have to watch the approach circles AND have good movements with your mouse to be able to pull off things FL+HD. I could be good at DJMax and shit at osu! if I'm only dexterous with my keyboard.

No matter how the hell you put it, getting FL+HD records on Insane maps in the first 3 days of playing this game can't possibly be legit, it's either macroing or multiaccount. Probably both.
Actually play flashlight on a Touchscreen is harder.

You don't move your cursors, so you should perfectly know where beats are

and why am i writing this, he's not playing a touchscreen plus he cheats plus he is a multi
Wait, everyone's assuming he plays with a touchscreen just because his username have "touchscreen" in it?
I mean, he could very well be playing with mouse or tablet.
It does look suspicious though
lol i love how people fail to see the obvious

"b..b..but the guy could just be so pro in the game!"

"b..b..but he could have been practicing osu before he was even born!'
I don't know if this has already been posted... >.< but
That chinese guy who got FC at Made of Fire isn't a cheater neither, he just randomly clicked at a random rhythm through the whole screen and he just happened to hit every beat, it's possible you know... like it's more likely that you can run through a wall because of quantum tunneling but still possible.

Of course you can have some advantage if you played other rhythm games, as you have some advantage at Guitar Hero if you've been playing a real guitar for years, but you don't just have godlike memory and pro skills the day after you registered... like Dave Mustaine sucks at Guitar Hero, really.

And wtf about this guy jimmyman3, his screen says he got 14 x 100 and 150 x 50 and 98% accuracy, I mean wtf?

Wishy22 wrote:

like it's more likely that you can run through a wall because of quantum tunneling but still possible.

Just because it's possible doesn't mean I think he's not cheating/not multi. I'm just saying that when he does get banned for that, he needs to be able to prove himself legit. just checking with a few bats and having them say he's good isn't really sufficient for the community.

Glass wrote:

PS: osu! and DJMax are different games albeit they're the same genre, in DJMax all you have to do is watch the notes fall and press whatever key it corresponds to, while in osu! you have to watch the approach circles AND have good movements with your mouse to be able to pull off things FL+HD. I could be good at DJMax and shit at osu! if I'm only dexterous with my keyboard.
DJMAX Technika uses almost exactly the same skills as osu when you play on a touch screen. In fact, I could legitimately make a technika map in osu, especially if I got rid of approach circles and did a proper storyboard, though the storyboard would be very difficult to accomplish.

Glass wrote:

No matter how the hell you put it, getting FL+HD records on Insane maps in the first 3 days of playing this game can't possibly be legit, it's either macroing or multiaccount. Probably both.
"b..b..but the guy could just be so pro in the game!" And I've been surprised before.

I'm pretty convinced he's multi and flashlight hack though after seeing his replays, but I stand by everything I said earlier.
BTW this guy:

Multi or what? Looks legit to me but I don't know. xd

ziin wrote:

The guy should be banned first, then if he wants to post a video to get his account back, let him do it, he should stay banned 'till he does.

Wishy22 wrote:

The guy should be banned first, then if he wants to post a video to get his account back, let him do it, he should stay banned 'till he does.
He could post a video before he gets banned too, that would work, but the possibility that someone is legit shouldn't factor into time it takes to ban him.

and april is probably a person who just has no life. That's what 3500 plays in a month will do to you.

ziin wrote:

Glass wrote:

PS: osu! and DJMax are different games albeit they're the same genre, in DJMax all you have to do is watch the notes fall and press whatever key it corresponds to, while in osu! you have to watch the approach circles AND have good movements with your mouse to be able to pull off things FL+HD. I could be good at DJMax and shit at osu! if I'm only dexterous with my keyboard.
DJMAX Technika uses almost exactly the same skills as osu when you play on a touch screen. In fact, I could legitimately make a technika map in osu, especially if I got rid of approach circles and did a proper storyboard, though the storyboard would be very difficult to accomplish.
I was talking about the bemani style series, not technika; I know that's a bit similar.

ziin wrote:

Glass wrote:

No matter how the hell you put it, getting FL+HD records on Insane maps in the first 3 days of playing this game can't possibly be legit, it's either macroing or multiaccount. Probably both.
"b..b..but the guy could just be so pro in the game!" And I've been surprised before.
Nope. Just another multi.

ziin wrote:

and april is probably a person who just has no life. That's what 3500 plays in a month will do to you.
Nope. Just another multi.
. That's what 3500 plays in a month will do to you.
You call 3500 a lot? lol.
Another multi:

Joined yesterday and has rank 1 FL replays.

ziin wrote:

He could post a video before he gets banned too, that would work, but the possibility that someone is legit shouldn't factor into time it takes to ban him.

and april is probably a person who just has no life. That's what 3500 plays in a month will do to you.
3500 plays a month isn't really a lot, it's just about 120 plays a day, which is pretty much nothing if you try to get some high ranks, since you get one play count per miss basically, sometimes you just get 200 play counts in 2 hours or less, 3500 a month isn't really a lot if you are an active player, I'd say it's average.

And no, it wouldn't work, because this kind of situations end up like the guy never appears again on the forums or just says he's busy and he can't do the video right now and shit.

ebacho wrote:

Another multi:

Joined yesterday and has rank 1 FL replays.
Probably TouchScreenPro's multi given the mod he uses.
@jimmyman3 just do it again nothing can be done to those unfortunately


Miu Matsuoka

Pastry - Goblin Girl [Lunatic] DT #1

The playstyle is very strange and he is definitely a cheater.
Look at his spinner spinning, the cursor moves like a rectangle

Plus, there are no tracks when he moves the cursor.
Unlike Bikko, although Bikko plays with a touchscreen, there are still tracks when he moves his cursor.


cheukhin1985 wrote:


Pastry - Goblin Girl [Lunatic] DT #1

The playstyle is very strange and he is definitely a cheater.
Look at his spinner spinning, the cursor moves like a rectangle

Plus, there are no tracks when he moves the cursor.
Unlike Bikko, although Bikko plays with a touchscreen, there are still tracks when he moves his cursor.

That program works well really. lol
Replay couldn't catch spinner spinning.. how fast?
I wish get it for test.

ykcarrot wrote:

That program works well really. lol
Replay couldn't catch spinner spinning.. how fast?
I wish get it for test.
seemed to fluctuate around 330-390 with DT on in pastry girl
So now we got the report function!
Beatmap link:
Watch Cookiezi replay, 100% acc until the 75% of the map, then hes missing one note and getting like 10 millions. But what we see in Top 50 Scoreboard?

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 15,749,435 99.89% Cookiezi 1024 631 / 1 / 0 114 1 0 Hidden

Have fun D:

Mitiai wrote:

Beatmap link:
Watch Cookiezi replay, 100% acc until the 75% of the map, then hes missing one note and getting like 10 millions. But what we see in Top 50 Scoreboard?

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 15,749,435 99.89% Cookiezi 1024 631 / 1 / 0 114 1 0 Hidden

Have fun D:
It's just a replay bug, happened to me too on the normal replay of this
score is still correct though...
I've cleared some maps with 1 miss and then on the replay I have no miss, that stuff happens.
Topic Starter
For suspected foul play, please use the Report link on the beatmap info pages. This thread is way too hard to keep track of and should be considered redundant.

Thanks for your help!
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