
U2 - Ningyou Saiban

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Kamio Misuzu
hi m4m
2.不太确定有些物件出界没有。主要写在Sco Gla难度里了,其他extra和Lunatic也有,建议还是把太靠下的稍微改改

[Sco Gla]
00:04:560 (1) - 貌似拖得有点长。00:04:662 - 这里结束可能好点。当然你想保持和前面相同的间距就另说了。感觉上缩短点更自然
00:07:602 (1) - ^
00:57:691 - 加个note?
00:05:169 (3) - 00:24:333 (1) - 00:54:953 (4,5) - 00:55:866 (1,2) - 00:56:474 (4) - 00:58:401 (1) - 建议上移一点,太靠下了都不确定出界没

00:04:560 (1) - 同上
00:07:602 (1) - ^
00:35:182 (2) - 改成左侧凹的好打点,或者改直也行

00:58:401 (2) - wacap
00:35:486 (3,4) - 往上移



怎麼Insane~Top diff OD都是7啊? 兩個EX可以改成8吧

  1. 00:01:113 (1) - 搬過去右邊一點,現在00:01:113 (1,2,1) - 的視覺距離不太一致不好看
    x:232 y:352
  2. 00:13:889 (2,3,4) - 這樣放很容易誤讀吧,改成00:15:207 (1,2,3,4) - 這樣?
  3. 00:14:903 (6) - 換成大弧度的彎滑條吧,能跟後面的梗對應也可以讓排列變好看一點
  4. 另外比較主要的是,00:14:294 (4,5,6) - 這個部分的這種滑條的頭和尾之間的spacing並不一致,有些疊住了但有些沒疊住,從歌曲裡我好像倒也沒聽到為什麼要這麼擺,畢竟歌曲旋律變化不算太大,要不試著讓他擺的有規律一點?比方說把滑條的頭和尾都分開
  5. 00:25:245 (5,6,7) - 現在看起來擺的太隨意了,讓(5)(6)和(7)的頭連成直線試試?
  6. 01:01:732 (2) - 這裡沒有音吧
  1. 00:01:113 (1) - 同top diff
  2. 00:14:598 (5,6,1) - spacing
  3. 00:27:983 (3,4,5) - 跟前面一樣用滑條比較好吧,樂器在這裡跟前面一樣也是有延長的音啊用滑條應該比用圈好吧
  4. 00:31:025 (3,4,5) - ^
  5. 00:33:661 (2) - 太醜,別人打得時候應該是看不出來有包的吧還是重新拉一個吧
  6. 00:40:149 (1,2) - 這裡感覺不用下跳吧,後面的(3)才是有變高音的部分啊,這裡的話我覺得讓(2)貼近(1)就可以了
  7. 00:55:257 (1,2,1,2) - 對比整個難度來說這個太難了,削一下吧?
  1. 00:25:549 (7,1,2) - 容易誤讀,把後面(1)(2)的spacing改一下吧?
  2. 00:45:523 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - 兩個一組疊起來不好打吧,而且聽音樂的話好像三個一組疊起來會比較合曲?
  3. 00:50:086 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - ^
  4. 00:58:401 (2) -
    你還不如拆成三個滑條啊這樣太難了... <-改成這種怎麼樣
  1. 00:19:770 (1,2) - 這個對比其他的跳太大了吧,削一下?
Hard和Dash Hard意義不明啊,就這樣子寫的話難度上分的不太清楚吧?(雖然星數有標)

Dash Hard
  1. 00:15:410 (2) - 這個難度裡頭的長滑條好像有點意義不明?都沒有跟到音啊...這裡可能用[Hard]難度裡頭的處理方法會比較好
  1. 00:01:113 (1) - 可以刪掉,畢竟在沒有完全對齊音的情況下有點突兀
  2. 00:06:081 (1) - 這個也可以刪了,感覺這邊不用填那麼滿,就放兩個spinner的感覺比較好
  3. 00:25:549 (3,1) - 現在的E和N貌似不可以這樣疊住note了
  4. 01:02:542 (1) - 換成圈?
  1. 00:01:113 (1) - 同normal
  2. 01:02:543 (1) - 同normal
mule kick
Hey, M4M


  1. 00:48:971 (2) - Add a whistle
  2. 00:55:967 (1) - You might as well remove the NC since it's a bit weird having one in less than a downbeat


  1. 00:25:549 (3,1) - I think you could unstack for better readability and emphasis
  2. 00:40:149 (2) - It's weird that you're ignoring the downbeat with the snapped brass with the slider when you seem to be focusing on that (There's the other ones if you agreed but I know this could be something you were trying to do)

Dash Hard

  1. 00:01:113 - I think you should map the beginning like the other diffs
  2. 00:12:064 (1,2) - I don't like the feeling of visually similiar spacing when the timing is different, reduce the spacing like 00:13:585 (1,2) -
  3. 00:17:235 (2,3) - Adjust to make it paralell
  4. 00:37:717 (3,4) - Seems jaunting to stop and ignore something that's pretty significant when you've been building up some flow
  5. 00:54:142 (3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe you could map something more creative than this :o


  1. 00:12:064 (1,2) - Same as I said in Dash Hard
  2. 00:31:633 (4) - You could show a bit of a visual difference between the timing of the stacks like you did in Dash Hard with the stack leniency
  3. 00:59:313 (1,2,3) - Unstack these to emphasize the difference between the previous stack?


  1. 00:01:721 (2,1,2) - How come the spacing here is smaller than 00:03:242 (2,1,2) - when they're both the same?
  2. 00:12:368 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - Just my opinion but I don't like the lack of emphasis here with the piano increasing in intensity, especially with the big jumps that follow after


  1. 00:01:518 (1,2,1) - Same as insane


  1. 00:02:735 (1) - imo looks ugly to have the sliderhead slightly overlapping the last slider
  2. 00:59:312 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I think you should have the gap at 00:59:616 (4) - for the finish, like the previous one

    Not a big fan of this diff but it's fine

Sco Gla

  1. 00:02:735 (1) - Same as Extra
  2. 00:25:448 (6) - You should move this up a little to separate it from the linear patterns you use for the slower jumps like 00:24:535 (2,3,4) -
  3. 00:44:307 - Add a note here for better flow? (stacked on 00:44:408 (3) - )
  4. 00:48:869 - ^

Good luck ^^
Hollow Delta
m4m from your queue


Updates to the criteria allow bg res up to 1920x1200, so if you still have the raw pic you can update it or use waifu2x to convert it to a higher res.

Sco Gla

00:11:454 (4,5) - It doesn't show it in aimod, but these 2 circles are unsnapped.

00:14:599 (5) - I think to better compliment the sounds mapped here you could drag this down so it shares an equal visual distance from 4 and 6.

00:32:850 (5) - Because there are no slider ticks, the player simply as to relax-aim to the slider tail to perfectly hit this note. In most parts it looks like you too that into consideration, however here is where it might pose a problem because the skill required to play the shape compared to cheesing it is very distinguishable. An easier way to put it is if the player knows how to cheese, 00:32:850 (5) - doesn't share the same intensity as 4 and 6, but are mapped to the same noise. I don't suggest increasing the tick rate because that would inaccurately add visual implications of sounds where they happen to spawn, so instead I suggest using a simple curved slider because assuming the player knows how to cheese sliders, they're still forced to follow it properly. here I tried arranging it with this knowledge into place, but I don't completely understand your structure style so it looked kinda meh. Hopefully you understand where I'm getting at though


00:13:889 - Because of the flipped copy of Sco Gla before this part, It makes this section feel undermapped, and also makes the fact the intro's copied seem superficial, or fake. Because of that I suggest mapping the intro of this diff from scratch, unless you can lower the sv to the amount relative to the diff (Which would be around 0.8-1.0x) of the copied patterns while still maintaining their ideas.


00:12:672 (3,4,5,6) - I think you could make the spacing between each of these notes gradually increase, or at least comparably greater than 00:11:150 (3,4,5,6) - Because it's a reused idea for a new part of the song, I feel it'd be more interesting to compliment that with a variation of the previous pattern.


00:25:853 (1) - Because of the lack of overlapped patterns and a large use of linear patterns, I feel it made this note unexpected and harder to read. It was harder to anticipate this because it seemed like we were fixed on the idea of 'linear patterns and lack of overlaps' An easy fix would be to move 1 to x:200 y:370 as it creates a triangle shape with it's surrounding sliders (7-8) and is better anticipated.

00:32:546 (4,5,6) - LOLOLOL


00:25:549 (3,1) - Criteria states in normal you need the stack leniency high enough for 1/1 objects. That counts for sliders too. So you'll need to bump the leniency up.

Couldn't find much for the rest of the map. Really good set, and nice ideas. gl in pushing this.

Edit: What does 'Dash Hard' mean
Is it how fast I'm playing these sliders xddd
m4m from your queue

1. 00:38:629 - you have two lines with different samplsets here (softs on redline and drums on green line) in all diffs except normal and easy. Also red line have no kiai turn on, I guess it's necessary to be on
2. 01:01:427 - two lines with different volume lvl in extra and last diff
3. Turn off widescreen in all diffs

Rhythm in non-kiai part can be a bit challenge for newbie player, will be cool if you make it related to loud instruments in the song, for example violin

00:38:629 (1) - add soft whistle on slider's end?
00:50:796 (1) - ^
00:41:670 (3) - add finish on slider's head?
00:53:838 (1) - ^
00:49:275 (3) - add finish?
00:53:534 (4) - will be cool if you add note here, like you did before with similar sounds

00:21:291 (1) - missed finish on slider's head?
00:29:503 (2,1) - minor aesthetic thing, try to avoid this overlap, it looks unintentional and not very clean
00:37:260 (1) - spinner feels a bit out of place here, I suggest you to put 1/1 slider on 00:37:413 and then note on 00:38:629
00:41:670 - ah, this sound is so strong, will be cool if you map it
00:49:275 - same here
00:53:838 - and here

[Dash Hard]
It looks like little extra, so cute
What about increasing stack leniency to 4, for making notes under sliders more noticeable? Because it can scare newbies in current state

00:47:349 (6) - hm, I think you can improve rhythm here and cover red tick 00:47:602, what about note on purple tick + 1/2 slider started from white tick?

Same about stack leniency, 4 will be cool

00:38:021 (6,7) - what about bigger spacing than you have here? You marked strong sounds by using bigger spacing before (for example here 00:34:675 (5,1)), and I think it will work for this place too
00:55:663 (1) - stack this note with the end of 00:53:838 (1)? Looks better for me
00:55:967 (2) - drum clap sounds better imo

00:36:703 (2,3,4) - fix this stack, please
00:38:629 (1,2,3) - it will looks better imo, if you stack notes with slider's end
00:41:365 (3,1) - aaa, this jump is so sudden, try to make it smaller ><
00:52:317 (2,3,1,2) - it works so good here
00:55:257 (5,6) - what about stack this notes for making difference between this pattern and 00:55:562 (1,2), because it sounds not the same
00:59:719 (8,1) - I would like to decrease spacing here, it feels strange because sound on 1 slider is not so loud. What about this spacing?

check your stacks, please, some of them are broken (or looks like broken). For example this guy - 00:17:235 (3,4) -, 00:19:972 (2,3,4) - this one too
00:20:682 (5) - what about ctrl+g this for flowy circular movement?
00:32:850 (5) - ^

This diff is great without my suggestions

[Sco Gla]
00:55:967 (2) - same about drum clap as in Hard diff

That's all from me, sorry for short mod

Bubblun wrote:

What does 'Dash Hard' mean
let me guess, it sounds like ctb thing, so it may be fun to play in ctb
Edit: no, I was wrong :c
Hollow Delta

PandaHero wrote:

let me guess, it sounds like ctb thing, so it may be fun to play in ctb
Edit: no, I was wrong :c

  1. 卧槽。。。開頭部分和主難度複製貼上得太明顯吧。。。。
  2. 00:38:325 (2) - 和主難度一樣
  3. 00:38:629 (1) - 這種滑條的頭尾都是跟鋼琴聲的,但是 00:38:933 - 的鋼琴只用滑條點來壓著反而不太好,感覺沒有在打鋼琴的快感

[Sco Gla]

  1. 00:02:431 (4,1) - 強迫症表示碰到了
  2. 00:16:728 (1,2) - 這個的間距弄大一些會好些,因為照你之後的擺法是跟鋼琴的音高來加大間距和加快滑條的,這裡在音高升高了,但是間距反而與 00:15:207 (1,2) - 差不多
  3. 00:28:895 (1,2) - 這個都是
  4. 00:38:325 (2) - 個人覺得這個可以加音效來跟叮噹聲吧。。。沒有加音效的比較很平淡
  5. 00:41:366 (2,1) - 這個可以移開一些,比起1/1,這種間距多像1/3,難讀

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Suzuki_1112 wrote:

这为何变U2了呀。。骏马抠的meta,我也很无奈,虽然他就是akiyama uni的说。。。

ceLy wrote:

  1. 这个stack没问题吧....
  1. 00:25:549 (3,1) - 就只在这里一个stack么... 是啊,我觉得这里比较适合,好像没啥问题?
  2. 00:33:458 (1,2,1,2) - 我是觉得这里flow好像和整体有点不合的感觉 这么小范围的移动不会太违和的,只要不dt。
[Dash Hard]
  1. 00:12:672 (3,4,5) - 感觉这里渐强(?)不体现一下么 (也可能是我没看懂吧 ds渐渐变大了咯,算是这样吧。
  2. 00:25:853 (1,2) - 这里需不需要减下ds啊..感觉从滑条头来算都比其他地方要大一点 只是甩一下尾巴没事的。
  1. 00:59:313 (1,2,3) - 感觉这组是不是和前面那组稍微变点啊... 这hard就这个感觉了。
  1. 00:28:895 (1,2) - 这个是3.6*0.8 比后面00:31:937 (1,2) - 还要高点诶 后面不需要高点么... 大跳后的gap够长就无所谓。。。话说像这种gap很大的地方就不太需要纠结ds了,毕竟所有flow在物件长时间消失的情况下也跟着消失了。
我估计写了这么点也没什么有用的 orz 饶命

诶 感觉早些时候就见过这图了啊... 这是删了开的新坑么 嗯是的(我去。。。我在回两年前的摸hhh)


DreaM117er wrote:

m4m~ :)


  • 00:38:325 - 這個"叮"加上去很帶感耶 因为是ez所以不想补太多音。
    00:39:845 - 這裡可以加circle上去,仔細看後面好像都是跟同樣一組聲音的 我这个难度主要跟的是簧管轨。
  1. 問題並沒有很多

  • 00:17:640 (2) - 這裡DS有稍微遠了一些,微調一下 fixed.
    00:29:503 (2,1) - 盡量還是不要這樣遮擋,00:30:416 (1) - 這個順時針轉一下也不會出界的 这个倒还真是无所谓。。。
    00:36:499 (1) - NC不用了 这个要的,你可以想想为何。
    00:40:149 (2) - 這裡跟的好奇怪啊,感覺折返沒有意義,00:41:670 - 這個聲音沒跟到啊。00:47:754 (1) - 00:52:317 (2) - 這個一樣 切轨了,头箭头跟簧管,尾巴跟的是镲。
    00:43:495 (4,5) - 這個感覺就是1/1滑條+2 circle比較好吧,從折返開始跟很怪 这是一个节奏系列的延续,而且其实这个重音是我自己加强节奏而设立在这儿的,硬要说的话想要强调的是背景的鼓轨而不是簧管和钢琴。
    00:56:880 (3) - 這裡也是折返的怪怪的,00:57:792 - 沒有想過這裡放1/1滑條?? 理由类似上面。
[Dash Hard]

  • 00:54:142 (3) - 這個音是不是跟錯了,不是紅線上嗎00:53:990 -?? 還是跟前面一樣刪掉?? 切轨了,这个尾巴也是跟鼓。
  1. 其他沒什麼問題

  • 00:10:543 (3) - 我自己個人覺得這個不要跟前面間距這麼大比較好,才I而已就讓人措手不及不是很好的做法 (Lunatic也是一樣的想法,若難度再往上升一個階層我就不會多說什麼) 这对于i难度的图来说还真不算什么难梗。。。

  • 00:23:319 (3,4) - 這個往上一一點點,堆疊效果加上去都要出界了 不需要。
    00:58:299 (1,2) - NC替換吧,擺circle怎麼聽都沒意義 你大概没仔细看我前面nc都是怎么下的。

  • 00:37:615 (6,7) - 後面這樣放坑我覺得沒差,這裡間距沒拉好奇怪啊 没看懂。。。

其實沒啥問題的,就你的圖法來看 :) 我居然在对着两年前的117的摸吐槽。。。

Kamio Misuzu wrote:

hi m4m
1.aimod里提示堆叠判定值太小,看你是否考虑提高一点 没事的。
2.不太确定有些物件出界没有。主要写在Sco Gla难度里了,其他extra和Lunatic也有,建议还是把太靠下的稍微改改 好。

[Sco Gla]
00:04:560 (1) - 貌似拖得有点长。00:04:662 - 这里结束可能好点。当然你想保持和前面相同的间距就另说了。感觉上缩短点更自然 其实我部分赞同你,不过老实说这里因为用了延音所以我是特地在这个地方比正常的要多放两个折返的。具体效果其实差不多,目前看来稍微倾向于5连一点,如果后面有人强行让我改那就再说好了233
00:07:602 (1) - ^ ^
00:57:691 - 加个note? 不好。
00:05:169 (3) - 00:24:333 (1) - 00:54:953 (4,5) - 00:55:866 (1,2) - 00:56:474 (4) - 00:58:401 (1) - 建议上移一点,太靠下了都不确定出界没 这些都是不出界的。

00:04:560 (1) - 同上 同上?出界吗?没出。
00:07:602 (1) - ^ ^
00:35:182 (2) - 改成左侧凹的好打点,或者改直也行 还是现在这样好。

00:58:401 (2) - wacap 233
00:35:486 (3,4) - 往上移 不需要。



Regou wrote:


怎麼Insane~Top diff OD都是7啊? 兩個EX可以改成8吧 可,改了。

  1. 00:01:113 (1) - 搬過去右邊一點,現在00:01:113 (1,2,1) - 的視覺距離不太一致不好看
    x:232 y:352 噗。。。这你都挑。。。算了改了233
  2. 00:13:889 (2,3,4) - 這樣放很容易誤讀吧,改成00:15:207 (1,2,3,4) - 這樣? 不,这个梗就是这样摆的。
  3. 00:14:903 (6) - 換成大弧度的彎滑條吧,能跟後面的梗對應也可以讓排列變好看一點 这里是故意这样都是直的,然后再出现圆弧变化,对应钢琴轨这样。
  4. 另外比較主要的是,00:14:294 (4,5,6) - 這個部分的這種滑條的頭和尾之間的spacing並不一致,有些疊住了但有些沒疊住,從歌曲裡我好像倒也沒聽到為什麼要這麼擺,畢竟歌曲旋律變化不算太大,要不試著讓他擺的有規律一點?比方說把滑條的頭和尾都分開 你说的其实很有道理,不过当时我这么摆的最大一个原因就是最大限度地保证其他滑条排版的前提下再考虑局部ds跳的排版。现在这图各种滑条都太长了,就算屏幕这么大也是很难摆到打顺手(何况这图作于三年前),于是当时就是妥协了一下,在滑条尾附近放下一个note就行了,毕竟都是很快速地移动过来,从playing的角度来说并没有太大的区别。当然你硬要说这个从mapping角度来说是个很大的纰漏,我也是承认的。只是目前情况是这图的organization已经锁的差不多了,如果我轻易动了一个note那么其他物件都要跟着动一下才能保持原来好不容易组建起来的打击感:这图已经被无数人打过,test很多遍细微调整了很多梗的物件的位置,再改又要重新来过,所以我想退而求其次就保持这个样子了。
  5. 00:25:245 (5,6,7) - 現在看起來擺的太隨意了,讓(5)(6)和(7)的頭連成直線試試? 这还其实就真是这么摆了,5的尾巴+6+7的头这样。
  6. 01:01:732 (2) - 這裡沒有音吧 有啊,仔细听鼓。
那開頭讓我看了好幾遍看看這個跟Sco是不是一個難度 当时这俩diff在一个diff里,后来我给它裁了
  1. 00:01:113 (1) - 同top diff fixed.
  2. 00:14:598 (5,6,1) - spacing ??总之微调了一下。
  3. 00:27:983 (3,4,5) - 跟前面一樣用滑條比較好吧,樂器在這裡跟前面一樣也是有延長的音啊用滑條應該比用圈好吧 额,这里这个节奏就是想跟前面下不一样的,而且其实滑条的走形和前面的带来的感觉也不一样,所以就这么下节奏了。
  4. 00:31:025 (3,4,5) - ^ ^
  5. 00:33:661 (2) - 太醜,別人打得時候應該是看不出來有包的吧還是重新拉一個吧 噗。。。这个倒是无所谓的。
  6. 00:40:149 (1,2) - 這裡感覺不用下跳吧,後面的(3)才是有變高音的部分啊,這裡的話我覺得讓(2)貼近(1)就可以了 毕竟白线+簧管音,跳一下无妨。
  7. 00:55:257 (1,2,1,2) - 對比整個難度來說這個太難了,削一下吧? 这地方本来就是这段最高频音了,不过还是把00:55:257 (1,2) - 换了一下,这样好打点。
  1. 00:25:549 (7,1,2) - 容易誤讀,把後面(1)(2)的spacing改一下吧? 这梗就是这么摆的。
  2. 00:45:523 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - 兩個一組疊起來不好打吧,而且聽音樂的話好像三個一組疊起來會比較合曲? 哦草,这个就抠的有点细了的说,这边纯粹就是摆个小范围的连打。。。以后我多注意hhh
  3. 00:50:086 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - ^ ^
  4. 00:58:401 (2) -
    你還不如拆成三個滑條啊這樣太難了... 这梗并不难,真的。 <-改成這種怎麼樣
這個開頭又讓我看了好幾遍看看是不是和Lunatic一個難度 理由同ex。
  1. 00:19:770 (1,2) - 這個對比其他的跳太大了吧,削一下? 没吧,本来就在跟钢琴,而且这跳也不是很难呢。
Hard和Dash Hard意義不明啊,就這樣子寫的話難度上分的不太清楚吧?(雖然星數有標) 因为以前我用过split insane,所以这次就继续。

Dash Hard
怎麼沒做開頭? 握草?!我滚去补了。
從設定來說這個比前面的Hard應該還要難吧,你要不試試把這個改難點讓他變成Hard~Insane之間的難度,整張圖的spread也會變得比較好 这还真不是。。。
  1. 00:15:410 (2) - 這個難度裡頭的長滑條好像有點意義不明?都沒有跟到音啊...這裡可能用[Hard]難度裡頭的處理方法會比較好 这就是这么做的一张图,滑条主要跟钢琴。我这图的set里各个diff跟的轨都不一定相同,因为一个曲子并不是说一定要跟这个或者跟那个轨的音才能表现的,就是想尝试各种各样的做法。
  1. 00:01:113 (1) - 可以刪掉,畢竟在沒有完全對齊音的情況下有點突兀 我觉得没啥问题口牙?
  2. 00:06:081 (1) - 這個也可以刪了,感覺這邊不用填那麼滿,就放兩個spinner的感覺比較好 纳尼,还是下几个note吧,因为还有ez呢不要太一样比较好吧噗。
  3. 00:25:549 (3,1) - 現在的E和N貌似不可以這樣疊住note了 握草,什么?真的吗?算了还是改了吧233
  4. 01:02:542 (1) - 換成圈? 这个是为了对应开头。
  1. 00:01:113 (1) - 同normal 同normal
  2. 01:02:543 (1) - 同normal 同normal

Alphabet wrote:

Hey, M4M


  1. 00:48:971 (2) - Add a whistle fixed.
  2. 00:55:967 (1) - You might as well remove the NC since it's a bit weird having one in less than a downbeat nope, i think that nc is necessary.


  1. 00:25:549 (3,1) - I think you could unstack for better readability and emphasis already fixed.
  2. 00:40:149 (2) - It's weird that you're ignoring the downbeat with the snapped brass with the slider when you seem to be focusing on that (There's the other ones if you agreed but I know this could be something you were trying to do) actually i shifted the track i'm following at this reverse slider, so you may catch it a bit tough. however that's a common way to map std mode, not much of people notice it thou.

Dash Hard

  1. 00:01:113 - I think you should map the beginning like the other diffs hard can be either of them, so be it.
  2. 00:12:064 (1,2) - I don't like the feeling of visually similiar spacing when the timing is different, reduce the spacing like 00:13:585 (1,2) - distance is not the only thing you need to consider when you map something like this...
  3. 00:17:235 (2,3) - Adjust to make it paralell well... i think they are parallel enough to me now...
  4. 00:37:717 (3,4) - Seems jaunting to stop and ignore something that's pretty significant when you've been building up some flow i'm not sure if i caught the point... the pause here just fine to me.
  5. 00:54:142 (3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe you could map something more creative than this :o i don't think something more "creative" is better than current one.


  1. 00:12:064 (1,2) - Same as I said in Dash Hard ^
  2. 00:31:633 (4) - You could show a bit of a visual difference between the timing of the stacks like you did in Dash Hard with the stack leniency i'll low down sl to 0 to avoid something like this.
  3. 00:59:313 (1,2,3) - Unstack these to emphasize the difference between the previous stack? i choose to just stack them.


  1. 00:01:721 (2,1,2) - How come the spacing here is smaller than 00:03:242 (2,1,2) - when they're both the same? that's called the "distance trick pattern" which i used to the whole mapset.
  2. 00:12:368 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - Just my opinion but I don't like the lack of emphasis here with the piano increasing in intensity, especially with the big jumps that follow after the style required more than emotion expressed, and actually stack things emphasis things just good as jumps do, if some tricks are laid like this map did.


  1. 00:01:518 (1,2,1) - Same as insane ^


  1. 00:02:735 (1) - imo looks ugly to have the sliderhead slightly overlapping the last slider i won't change any of these.
  2. 00:59:312 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I think you should have the gap at 00:59:616 (4) - for the finish, like the previous one the later stream are following piano track mainly when previous two followed drum based one, they are two different patterns.

    Not a big fan of this diff but it's fine

Sco Gla

  1. 00:02:735 (1) - Same as Extra ^
  2. 00:25:448 (6) - You should move this up a little to separate it from the linear patterns you use for the slower jumps like 00:24:535 (2,3,4) - this part is like before the downbeat and those patterns are surely in a hush.
  3. 00:44:307 - Add a note here for better flow? (stacked on 00:44:408 (3) - ) then that note may follows nothing... and here i just mainly following brass one.
  4. 00:48:869 - ^ ^

Good luck ^^

Bubblun wrote:

m4m from your queue


Updates to the criteria allow bg res up to 1920x1200, so if you still have the raw pic you can update it or use waifu2x to convert it to a higher res. haha well... i think 1366x768 is already enough... (my drawing is some kind of free style so just be it http://www... i'll remember that if i create some new one bg, and give higher quality to my drawing technique imo lol

Sco Gla

00:11:454 (4,5) - It doesn't show it in aimod, but these 2 circles are unsnapped. fixed.

00:14:599 (5) - I think to better compliment the sounds mapped here you could drag this down so it shares an equal visual distance from 4 and 6. 6 is different to 5, so as well 5 and 4. you may notice i don't put things in only one condition, listen to other tracks carefully...

00:32:850 (5) - Because there are no slider ticks, the player simply as to relax-aim to the slider tail to perfectly hit this note. In most parts it looks like you too that into consideration, however here is where it might pose a problem because the skill required to play the shape compared to cheesing it is very distinguishable. An easier way to put it is if the player knows how to cheese, 00:32:850 (5) - doesn't share the same intensity as 4 and 6, but are mapped to the same noise. I don't suggest increasing the tick rate because that would inaccurately add visual implications of sounds where they happen to spawn, so instead I suggest using a simple curved slider because assuming the player knows how to cheese sliders, they're still forced to follow it properly. here I tried arranging it with this knowledge into place, but I don't completely understand your structure style so it looked kinda meh. Hopefully you understand where I'm getting at though i know what you means here, and surely this round slider may plays easy if players know they don't need to follow the track and complete the slider easily. i just wanna say that the kind of slider like that do not confusing players in tapping or aiming, it just confuse them by reading or its overlapping with its high sv, fast slider ball & slider circle and long slider track. this map is like an easy test or trying, then if some map with bunches of sliders like that, even you don't put them in higher tick rate, most of players may failed in playing them or even reading them. thanks for the advice and your version of the pattern in that pic ofc match my style in this map, but things may be different from what you 1stly thought on this.


00:13:889 - Because of the flipped copy of Sco Gla before this part, It makes this section feel undermapped, and also makes the fact the intro's copied seem superficial, or fake. Because of that I suggest mapping the intro of this diff from scratch, unless you can lower the sv to the amount relative to the diff (Which would be around 0.8-1.0x) of the copied patterns while still maintaining their ideas. the intro part in both of top and this diff are also like intro to both maps' different style. top diff goes fast slider with short ds, and this goes large jump with low sv. i think you over considered this but i'm still surprised that you can even notice this.


00:12:672 (3,4,5,6) - I think you could make the spacing between each of these notes gradually increase, or at least comparably greater than 00:11:150 (3,4,5,6) - Because it's a reused idea for a new part of the song, I feel it'd be more interesting to compliment that with a variation of the previous pattern. like i've mentioned before, i'm like doing the intro part for a standard style for each both style's intro part. so let that go and so be it.


00:25:853 (1) - Because of the lack of overlapped patterns and a large use of linear patterns, I feel it made this note unexpected and harder to read. It was harder to anticipate this because it seemed like we were fixed on the idea of 'linear patterns and lack of overlaps' An easy fix would be to move 1 to x:200 y:370 as it creates a triangle shape with it's surrounding sliders (7-8) and is better anticipated. i have to agree you on this, changed as you suggested. good job, you can even find something i should change with a proper reason, awesome.

00:32:546 (4,5,6) - LOLOLOL lol~


00:25:549 (3,1) - Criteria states in normal you need the stack leniency high enough for 1/1 objects. That counts for sliders too. So you'll need to bump the leniency up. i see, fixed.

Couldn't find much for the rest of the map. Really good set, and nice ideas. gl in pushing this.

Edit: What does 'Dash Hard' mean
Is it how fast I'm playing these sliders xddd some kind of yes, maybe you gonna find out the rest of tricks' meaning, you have that talent for my maps imo ww.

PandaHero wrote:

m4m from your queue

1. 00:38:629 - you have two lines with different samplsets here (softs on redline and drums on green line) in all diffs except normal and easy. Also red line have no kiai turn on, I guess it's necessary to be on true, fixed all.
2. 01:01:427 - two lines with different volume lvl in extra and last diff true again, fixed all.
3. Turn off widescreen in all diffs

Rhythm in non-kiai part can be a bit challenge for newbie player, will be cool if you make it related to loud instruments in the song, for example violin idk, maybe let nominator see if this can be passed.

00:38:629 (1) - add soft whistle on slider's end? about hs, i would change little things than current setting, for i actually add them in a general system. so i'll just reply those ones i changed.
00:50:796 (1) - ^
00:41:670 (3) - add finish on slider's head?
00:53:838 (1) - ^
00:49:275 (3) - add finish?
00:53:534 (4) - will be cool if you add note here, like you did before with similar sounds i prefer no note here.

00:21:291 (1) - missed finish on slider's head? i think so, fixed.
00:29:503 (2,1) - minor aesthetic thing, try to avoid this overlap, it looks unintentional and not very clean i decide to ignore it.
00:37:260 (1) - spinner feels a bit out of place here, I suggest you to put 1/1 slider on 00:37:413 and then note on 00:38:629 i really got some mood in putting spinner rather than anything here.
00:41:670 - ah, this sound is so strong, will be cool if you map it you may notice that this diff mainly follows drum track.
00:49:275 - same here
00:53:838 - and here

[Dash Hard]
It looks like little extra, so cute
What about increasing stack leniency to 4, for making notes under sliders more noticeable? Because it can scare newbies in current state this is a hard level map and not for newbies. actually i even low down sl to 0 as well.

00:47:349 (6) - hm, I think you can improve rhythm here and cover red tick 00:47:602, what about note on purple tick + 1/2 slider started from white tick? nope, that rhythm style is like decent to me.

Same about stack leniency, 4 will be cool same as previous diff.

00:38:021 (6,7) - what about bigger spacing than you have here? You marked strong sounds by using bigger spacing before (for example here 00:34:675 (5,1)), and I think it will work for this place too oh well i just think ds snap is enough for this diff cuz there're other difficult point players need to deal with. still a fine suggestion to me.
00:55:663 (1) - stack this note with the end of 00:53:838 (1)? Looks better for me haha ok, i still think current state is better than sudden hidden+jump pattern there, after the consideration just you mentioned here.
00:55:967 (2) - drum clap sounds better imo sure, changed.

00:36:703 (2,3,4) - fix this stack, please idk what happened but mine is already perfectly stacked.
00:38:629 (1,2,3) - it will looks better imo, if you stack notes with slider's end oh nope that's not what i want.
00:41:365 (3,1) - aaa, this jump is so sudden, try to make it smaller >< actually this is exactly what i wanna map in this diff.
00:52:317 (2,3,1,2) - it works so good here orz
00:55:257 (5,6) - what about stack this notes for making difference between this pattern and 00:55:562 (1,2), because it sounds not the same ok, i agree to this. changed.
00:59:719 (8,1) - I would like to decrease spacing here, it feels strange because sound on 1 slider is not so loud. What about this spacing? i think so, decreased a little bit.

check your stacks, please, some of them are broken (or looks like broken). For example this guy - 00:17:235 (3,4) -, 00:19:972 (2,3,4) - this one too it's like an editor bug imo, when you save the changes then some notes will slightly moved a bit automatically. but i'll try to fix them as possible as i can.
00:20:682 (5) - what about ctrl+g this for flowy circular movement? that'll be more difficult to play, you may think about why.
00:32:850 (5) - ^ ^

This diff is great without my suggestions

[Sco Gla]
00:55:967 (2) - same about drum clap as in Hard diff changed.

That's all from me, sorry for short mod

Bubblun wrote:

What does 'Dash Hard' mean
let me guess, it sounds like ctb thing, so it may be fun to play in ctb just focus on std and forget ctb lol
Edit: no, I was wrong :c

Firis Mistlud wrote:


  1. 卧槽。。。開頭部分和主難度複製貼上得太明顯吧。。。。不是太明显,是就是赤果果的复制粘贴
  2. 00:38:325 (2) - 和主難度一樣 233。。。
  3. 00:38:629 (1) - 這種滑條的頭尾都是跟鋼琴聲的,但是 00:38:933 - 的鋼琴只用滑條點來壓著反而不太好,感覺沒有在打鋼琴的快感 额,这边主要跟簧管,所以钢琴就靠边了。

[Sco Gla]

  1. 00:02:431 (4,1) - 強迫症表示碰到了 妈呀求放过。
  2. 00:16:728 (1,2) - 這個的間距弄大一些會好些,因為照你之後的擺法是跟鋼琴的音高來加大間距和加快滑條的,這裡在音高升高了,但是間距反而與 00:15:207 (1,2) - 差不多 啊咧,难道这两边的钢琴音调本来就差不多不是吗。。。
  3. 00:28:895 (1,2) - 這個都是 姆。。。
  4. 00:38:325 (2) - 個人覺得這個可以加音效來跟叮噹聲吧。。。沒有加音效的比較很平淡 这本音已经够响了,不需要再用hs强调。
  5. 00:41:366 (2,1) - 這個可以移開一些,比起1/1,這種間距多像1/3,難讀 这ds梗就是这么放的。

Good luck~
thanks for modding!
00:16:728 (1,2) - 平行吧
00:23:724 (3,4) - slider?00:20:682 (3) -
00:41:670 - 感觉应该这边下节奏
00:49:275 - etc
00:55:359 - 加个note

Dash Hard
00:25:549 (3,1) - 这个有点难看
00:41:873 - circle?

00:34:371 (5,6,1) - 间距有点突然,之前的大小突变都是用来对比1/3 2/3间距的,这边好像没有
00:36:703 (2,3) - 也可以做00:35:182 (2,3,4) - 的间距,consistent
00:38:629 (1,2,3) - 开下堆叠这种东西太难看了。。还是好好包一下

00:14:294 (4,5,6) - 总感觉不好看。。间距和重叠的都不一样,乱了点
00:39:135 (3,4,5,6,7) - etc修一下stack产生的不等间距?

Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

sahuang wrote:

00:16:728 (1,2) - 平行吧 不要啊。。。
00:23:724 (3,4) - slider? 这个无所谓吧,还是note好了。00:20:682 (3) -
normal的kiai比easy还简单的感觉。。折返或者超级长滑条感觉稍微多了点 normal的kiai打的是非常规节奏啊,,,不压downbeat毕竟,比easy难多了。
00:41:670 - 感觉应该这边下节奏 非常规节奏a。
00:49:275 - etc 纳尼?!
00:55:359 - 加个note 非常规节奏b。

Dash Hard
求标题意思 这个就如我cw里所写,原本这图就是以两种方式去表现这个曲子,一种是高速移动+低速滑条,一种是低速移动+高速滑条。这图属于后者,dash是我想要表现滑条很快的意思从而作为高速滑条的一个提示。类似的,高速移动我会用jump,以前还做过舞水滴纯圈没滑条的我用了spread,以后估计还会做纯滑条没圈的我会用merge。←大致就是这个我自己理解的理由。
00:25:549 (3,1) - 这个有点难看 纳尼。。。我觉得比平行好看。。。
00:41:873 - circle? 可以,加了。

00:34:371 (5,6,1) - 间距有点突然,之前的大小突变都是用来对比1/3 2/3间距的,这边好像没有 不太懂你说的意思,不过这里钢琴本来就有更高的音调,有些节奏和排列与其他几个小节不同也是情有可原?总之大概就是这个意思。
00:36:703 (2,3) - 也可以做00:35:182 (2,3,4) - 的间距,consistent 可以,改了。
00:38:629 (1,2,3) - 开下堆叠这种东西太难看了。。还是好好包一下 想了一下把4个高难度sl全都改成0了,因为这个图的堆叠我就是想要让它原地连打的,况且如果不完全堆叠的话这图很多地方的结构都会变得很奇怪,况且这图没有什么很爆炸的遮挡。你如果觉得不行你就说。

00:14:294 (4,5,6) - 总感觉不好看。。间距和重叠的都不一样,乱了点 这边其实就是前面两个叠,后面两个跳一小下这样,这边这几组在这段都是这么摆的,没有那么乱啦orz
00:39:135 (3,4,5,6,7) - etc修一下stack产生的不等间距? sl0自动解决了。

每两个diff之间开头几乎一样就是反向了,是故意的? 是的。
Lily Bread
rank whennnnnnnnn
又是一张good for ctb 2333
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

sahuang wrote:


holy heck this is actually goin for rank again
hell yeaa
I've managed to find a couple of stacking issues:

00:45:828 (3,4) - here
00:46:132 (5,6) - and here

Good luck! :)
this is not u2 tf
Start your new year off right.
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

CptSqBany wrote:

I've managed to find a couple of stacking issues:

00:45:828 (3,4) - here
00:46:132 (5,6) - and here

Good luck! :)
it's like a editor bug (when i save the map, some objects will be move like 1px), so just ignore it.

Mir wrote:

Start your new year off right.
thank you mir~

i think i finially finished my all 8 of first willing mapping works.
Report not disqualified not beatmap here! try again! :x :x
Report not disqualified beatmap here!
Did LKs map any diff? I'm not sure if timing only is worth of tags or at least I never saw anyone putting the person who timed a song only and didn't map anything get in the tags.
You can't include LKs in the tags if all he did was time the song. If he didn't map anything or make an SB he/she shouldn't be in the tags.

Also the difficulty name "Dash Hard" seems out of place, but that could just be me

edit: Net0 beat me to it
Was including wrong tag a reason to be disqualified? Wasn't tag an option :O

Enon wrote:

Was including wrong tag a reason to be disqualified? Wasn't tag an option :O
Tags are part of the metadata section so anything wrong with that should be adressed. A person can rank a map without tags, but putting other users names in it implies obeying the rules related to that. That's why I want to know if LKs only did timing or if he mapped something. Because timing only so far wasn't enough for a tag on a mapset.
This might break the metadata, but everything that helps to find the mapset could be included into tag imo. like "What was that map, which song was also mapped by LKs in past??"

At this time, the tag will be helped.

Enon wrote:

This might break the metadata, but everything that helps to find the mapset could be included into tag imo. like "What was that map, which song was also mapped by LKs in past??"

At this time, the tag will be helped.
It doesn't work like this sadly... Tags are meant to indicate who worked on this set, and also to help people to find this set, not to find someone else's set through this one. :(
who care about who set timing
I mean if LKs mapped this song too, it could be useful to find "this mapset" to include LKs' name into tag, since HW mapped this song while there is a map of LKs.

if you say a tag should be helpful to find a mapset, LKs' name is indeed to help finding this mapset.


I don't know what the rule exactly is. It's up to mapper and QAT!
LKS timed the song, he didn't map it
What, then LKs deserves to be included into the tag indeed?

At least, LKs did a thing for this map. Timing is really important stuff to map a song. You would know it?

He is related to this mapset indeed.
I mean honestly just because he timed a song doesn't mean he has to be in the tags, you wouldn't really recognize a map by who timed it and then search for that user because of that...
But tbh this is a really minor issue, it doesn't really hurt to include him in tags because he did at least sth for the map

handsome wrote:

is this a joke or something
if disqualified, the last uninherited point is 4/4 instead of 5/4 like it should be
Nao Tomori

Net0 wrote:

Did LKs map any diff? I'm not sure if timing only is worth of tags or at least I never saw anyone putting the person who timed a song only and didn't map anything get in the tags.
hollow wing map ≠ igor sprite map
you can't dq this only with wrong metadata.

Ranking Criteria wrote:

Guidelines: Guidelines may be violated under exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances must be warranted by an exhaustive explanation as of why the guideline has been violated and why not violating it will interfere with the overall quality of the creation. like have more than 20 maps ranked and be a relevant mapper.

Igor Sprite wrote:

Net0 wrote:

Did LKs map any diff? I'm not sure if timing only is worth of tags or at least I never saw anyone putting the person who timed a song only and didn't map anything get in the tags.
hollow wing map ≠ igor sprite map
you can't dq this only with wrong metadata.

Ranking Criteria wrote:

Guidelines: Guidelines may be violated under exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances must be warranted by an exhaustive explanation as of why the guideline has been violated and why not violating it will interfere with the overall quality of the creation. like have more than 20 maps ranked and be a relevant mapper.
...wrong metadata is unrankable...
rules =/= guidelines
now all makes sense :o

Nao Tomori
keep your salt in the relevant threads please. if you didn't lazily copy literally everything from alacat you would not have had an issue in the first place. LKs probably contributed to the first iteration of this map many years ago and as such was in tags.

Naotoshi wrote:

LKs probably contributed to the first iteration of this map many years ago and as such was in tags.
this is exactly what i said about lopkyy, but isn't a probability, i can confirm, he helped :o
Shohei Ohtani
Is this what qualifies as a good beatmap nowadays?

Just go ahead and ban me again, I'm a little bit frightened that after about 8 years of mapping that this is considered acceptable.

I could go into detail about how this map is super duper problematic but I don't want to waste my time with it seeing as it's already ranked.

Just please next time maybe turn down the gimmicks and think 2 seconds about the player experience.
Am I glad that after 8 years of mapping this is considered acceptable. I always wanted to thank you for keeping the game interesting and inspiring creativity on undiscovered and untouched upon fields in mapping. Without you and maps like these I would have moved on from playing this game and mapping myself long ago. Thank you for keeping the game fun and interesting for me and many people who appreciate your work as well.
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