
MELL - Red Fraction (TV Size)

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Starrodkirby86 wrote:

[Shinde Style]:
00:53:114 (2) - Move 1/4 back and readjust spacing? Mm, yeah you're right it was a little late. She doesn't hold the note quite as long as I had it. I'm a tad embarrassed I had a note on the wrong tick tbh.
Done, thanks for the PM Leeg. Here you go.

Download: MELL - Red Fraction (TV Size) (Leeg) [Shinde Style].osu
Topic Starter
Updated ! ^^
+20 on offset. Use kiai on all difficulties? I don't know.


00:27:044 (2) - Stack on slider's end.


00:20:005 (2) - Stack on slider's repeat.
00:29:013 - This break is silly, map it.
00:32:093 - As above.
Topic Starter
Updated! I didn't changed the offset and i didn't mapped those breaks ( i don't know how to map this, for me they're breaks wthout rythm)

JarJarJacob wrote:

+20 on offset. Use kiai on all difficulties? I don't know.
What. Jar, offset's within about 4ms I'd say, did you get that glitched video d/l thing? I experienced that recently and it made me think the offset was off by like 25. I get like 3ms off on average in my plays in editor. If you look at it again, can you re-dl?

Shinde wrote:

What. Jar, offset's within about 4ms I'd say, did you get that glitched video d/l thing? I experienced that recently and it made me think the offset was off by like 25. I get like 3ms off on average in my plays in editor. If you look at it again, can you re-dl?
In any case, the offset's fine now. I guess I can live with those breaks, too.
00:14:076 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - This looks extremely sloppy and is extremely difficult to read.
Overall this feels like it was just thrown together and not fun. (Yes I tried to play it.)

Circle size does NOT have to be that small. I highly recommend raising the circle size slider up a bit.
01:08:032 (2) - This slider needs to be fixed. It sounds terrible. My recommendation would be to move it back one tick (so it starts on the red tick) and extend it so it ends on the white tick.
01:11:038 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This sounds wierd when mapped to vocals
01:13:029 (1) - 7 second spinner? Nuh uh. Not going to happen. Cut this back to maybe 01:14:769

AdvanceBoy's Insane:
This is actually well done.

Shinde Style:
Also well done.
Topic Starter
Updated... bye bye bubble :(
Mod Info's:

Green: Suggestions.
Orange: I think you should fix this.
Red: You must fix this.

Starts Suggestions:

All seems ok.


It's ok


01:08:021 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try this


It's ok


It's ok

Topic Starter
nice :D updated!
Modding time~

There's a strange problem with your diffis, Leeg. It may be the rythm you're taking to map it, or maybe it's the style you're using, those overlapping circles are, in my honest opinion, really ugly x_x'

Of course, if you don't like the suggestions I'm giving here, you don't have to change them. :3

- Set Beat Snap Divisor on 1/2, then resnap. After doing this:

00:16:045 (8) - Finish this on white tick.
00:18:036 (5) - Move to white tick.
00:18:994 (-) - Add a note here.
00:23:642 (-) - Add a note here.
00:24:027 (1) - Could you move the reverse slider arrow point a bit? It' almost offscreen >.<
00:37:037 (6) - Move 1/2 earlier (red tick)
00:37:079 (1,2) - Make another repeat on this and move (2) 1/2 later (white tick)
00:44:055 (1) - Again, move the reverse slider arrow point, it's offscreen :S
00:49:020 (4,5,6,7,8) - So messy... :(
00:54:048 (5) - Put this behind (4)'s end.
00:56:081 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - So so messy! Those almost overlapping circles are so ugly x.x...
00:59:055 (1) - Finish this on the next white tick.
01:03:014 (3) - Move 1/2 later (white tick)
01:03:099 (6) - Move 1/2 later (white tick)
01:08:000 (1,2,3,4) - So messy again with strange overlappings...

00:20:089 (5) - New Combo.
00:22:016 (1) - Put this behind (2) of the previous combo (if you didn't change the new combo earlier, it's (6) )
00:25:096 (7) - New Combo.
00:48:036 (1) - Delete New Combo.
00:49:020 (6) - New Combo.
00:54:006 (1) - Ugly "almost overlapped" :S
01:03:088 (6) - Delete this note, it sounds way better :<
01:09:069 (1) - Wtf spacing, fix this D:!
01:13:029 (1) - Finish this 1 note earlier (white tick).

~AdvanceBoy's Insane~
00:52:079 (6) - Half of this is offscreen D:
01:20:089 (7) - This note is... imo, unnecesary o.o'
01:21:031 (8) - New Combo?.

~Shinde Style~
So nice ;).
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Interesante map :D
Lo unico malo es que algunas notas no estan bien ubicadas en la escala de tiempo :o

(me expresaré en español que ambos conocemos para que sea más facil xD)

(para empezar pon el beat snap 1/4, ya que la canción es algo cambiante en el ritmo, pero no abuses de el tampoco)

00:14:980 (4) - muévelo a 00:15:085 y ubicalo con el distance snap
00:18:360 (5) - muévelo a 00:18:466
00:18:994 (7) - elimínalo, ya que es algo inecesario para un normal
00:19:205 - aquí pon un hit circle y que sea el new combo de las notas de después (recuerda usar el distance snap)
00:20:895 (5) - el slider haz que se repita solo hasta 00:21:529
00:21:846 - aquí agrega un hit circle y usando distance snap
00:23:008 - agrega un hit circle
00:24:276 (1) - muévelo a 00:24:064 y hazlo mas largo (devolvíendose en 00:25:543), cosa que el slider termine hasta 00:27:022 (fíjate que el slider no quede fuera de los límites)
00:37:374 (6) - muévelo a 00:37:163 o si quieres elimínalo
00:37:797 (1) - haz que el slider se devuelva en 00:38:114 y que termine en 00:38:431
00:38:853 (2) - muévelo a 00:38:747
00:41:388 (2) y (4) - ambos muévelos al blue tick de después
00:44:557 (1) - muévelo a 00:44:346
00:58:078 (2) - muévelo al blue tick de después
01:03:360 (3) - muévelo al blue tick anterior
01:08:219 (2) - muévelo al blue tick de después
01:09:909 (2) - muévelo al blue tick de después

00:14:980 (4) - muévelo al blue tick de después
00:21:740 (5) - muévelo al blue tick de después
00:34:628 (2) y (4) - muévelos al blue tick de después
00:37:374 (6) - muévelo a 00:37:163 (no te sigas olvidando del distance snap)
00:37:585 (7) - puedes dejarlo o eliminarlo, si lo dejas debe ser new combo de las notas posteriores
01:03:783 (5) - esta parte está muy enredada (muchas personas se confundirán), ubica las notas rojas de esa parte un poco más ordenadas
01:10:015 (2) - muévelo al red tick anterior
01:10:332 (3) - no me gusta como se escucha, mejor alargalo hasta 01:10:543 y que no se devuelva
01:12:022 - aquí pon un hit circle (y no sigas olvidando al distance snap)

[AdvanceBoy's Insane]
00:27:867 - esta parte está algo enredada Dx, ordena mejor esa parte que un poco inentendible

[Shinde Style]
No Problems, Nice :D

- Si haces cambios de offset en una diff. debes hacerlos con las demás y hacer resnap all notes con el 1/4 beat snap (ya que se usa mucho en este map)
- No olvides usar el distance snap sabiamente
- Recuerda que el beat snap 1/4 generalmente no es usado en normales (pero esto es una excepción)

Cuando vuelva a ver este map quiero verlo rankeado :3
~Star~ y mucha suerte <3
Topic Starter

Nerv_Mario wrote:

Interesante map :D
Lo unico malo es que algunas notas no estan bien ubicadas en la escala de tiempo :o

(me expresaré en español que ambos conocemos para que sea más facil xD)

(para empezar pon el beat snap 1/4, ya que la canción es algo cambiante en el ritmo, pero no abuses de el tampoco)
Perdona, defintivamente en NORMAL dejare 1/2 U_U''

00:14:980 (4) - muévelo a 00:15:085 y ubicalo con el distance snap Mucho se ha discutido sobre esta nota y yo sigo viendola bien donde esta.U__U
00:18:360 (5) - muévelo a 00:18:466 No.
00:18:994 (7) - elimínalo, ya que es algo inecesario para un normal mmm, mejor lo cambio de sitio, pero no lo elimino, deja esa parte demasiado vacia :S
00:19:205 - aquí pon un hit circle y que sea el new combo de las notas de después (recuerda usar el distance snap) Eso ya es pasarse, como bien dijiste antes, es NORMAL XD
00:20:895 (5) - el slider haz que se repita solo hasta 00:21:529 No es 5, es 4 y no me gusta si le quito una repeticion, queda demasiado vacio :S
00:21:846 - aquí agrega un hit circle y usando distance snap ... es NORMAL, quedaria demasiado dificil
00:23:008 - agrega un hit circle Vale :p
00:24:276 (1) - muévelo a 00:24:064 y hazlo mas largo (devolvíendose en 00:25:543), cosa que el slider termine hasta . O no te he entendido o esto queda fatal O_O
00:27:022 (fíjate que el slider no quede fuera de los límites) Ya :p
00:37:374 (6) - muévelo a 00:37:163 o si quieres elimínalo Mejor moverlo :p
00:37:797 (1) - haz que el slider se devuelva en 00:38:114 y que termine en 00:38:431 No O_O
00:38:853 (2) - muévelo a 00:38:747 No O_O
00:41:388 (2) y (4) - ambos muévelos al blue tick de después No uso ese distance snap, asi que no
00:44:557 (1) - muévelo a 00:44:346 Si, queda mejor ^^
00:58:078 (2) - muévelo al blue tick de después No uso ese distance snap.
01:03:360 (3) - muévelo al blue tick anterior No uso ese distance snap.
01:08:219 (2) - muévelo al blue tick de después No uso ese distance snap
01:09:909 (2) - muévelo al blue tick de después No uso ese distance snap.

00:14:980 (4) - muévelo al blue tick de después Te digo lo mismo que en NORMAL. XD
00:21:740 (5) - muévelo al blue tick de después Si :D
00:34:628 (2) y (4) - muévelos al blue tick de después Igual que en el primero XD no lo cambio, perdon
00:37:374 (6) - muévelo a 00:37:163 (no te sigas olvidando del distance snap) Si
00:37:585 (7) - puedes dejarlo o eliminarlo, si lo dejas debe ser new combo de las notas posteriores Claro
01:03:783 (5) - esta parte está muy enredada (muchas personas se confundirán), ubica las notas rojas de esa parte un poco más ordenadas A mi me encanta como lo tengo puesto D: de todas formas en muchos otros beatmaps tienes que jugar varias veces para ver las cosas bien :D
01:10:015 (2) - muévelo al red tick anterior Si mola :D
01:10:332 (3) - no me gusta como se escucha, mejor alargalo hasta 01:10:543 y que no se devuelva No, no lo cambio ^^'
01:12:022 - aquí pon un hit circle (y no sigas olvidando al distance snap) Si, faltaba eso ^^'

[AdvanceBoy's Insane]
00:27:867 - esta parte está algo enredada Dx, ordena mejor esa parte que un poco inentendible
Lo sabia.. en fin , a cambiarlo xD

[Shinde Style]
No Problems, Nice :DGuay

- Si haces cambios de offset en una diff. debes hacerlos con las demás y hacer resnap all notes con el 1/4 beat snap (ya que se usa mucho en este map)
- No olvides usar el distance snap sabiamente
- Recuerda que el beat snap 1/4 generalmente no es usado en normales (pero esto es una excepción)

Cuando vuelva a ver este map quiero verlo rankeado :3
~Star~ y mucha suerte <3

Gracias mil!
Delete the .osb file and full submit
I find that the hitsound volume is too loud
Some diffs don't have kiai time...

00:22:797 (X) - Add note here

Shinde Style
Combo colors are different.
Topic Starter

NoHItter wrote:

Shinde Style
Combo colors are different.
Of course.

Lack of modding on mine is making me feel too complacent. I will be awaiting disaster to my difficulty at some point. That's beatmap karma, yup.

As always, Leeg PM me if someone should post, I've only been checking every 3~ days at this point. =(
I agree with Remmy's sentiments here. Normal feels rushed and isn't at all fun to play - too much emphasis on spacing and red notes coupled with some very linear pathing makes the map feel choked - at least to me.

Shinde Style should have 1 tick rate
Equalize kiai time across all difficulties

00:20:895 (4) - New combo

01:04:205 (7) - Move forward to the white tick (I understand shifting it to the blue for accuracy but this is just going to combobreak most people who haven't played the map extensively before and it works just as well on the white tick)
Topic Starter
Thanks for modding.
I'm not going to add kiai to my difficulties.
Fixed Normal and Hard mods. But I don't know hot to make NORMAL more funny D:
Topic Starter
Of course, the mapper was a BAT . They don't have tu put (TV Size) in the maps name or things like this,they just rank their own maps when they want, my god... that isn't fair.
I don't know if deleting the map ... I wonder why if I have 8 BAT stars, it isn't ranked yet... also I've applied all mods...
I hope mine will be better, it has more difficulties and is 9 month old.
I don't know anything, I just think the system doesn't work...
Somewhere in this mess of mods, I don't have one here? Wow. Let's get things fixed up.


Since this is a TV size, I'm assuming there should be a source. (Black Lagoon, judging from the tags)
Most of the tags are redundant, since they are already in the title or source. Remove them.
Add AdvanceBoy and Shinde to all tags.
Shinde Style has a video offset of -105 milliseconds; the other difficulties have no video offset. Any reason?
You have an .osb that's not necessary, you can delete it and full upload.
All the difficulties have different hitcircle colours; is this intentional?
The background image is pretty low-res, is there a higher-res one available?
Shinde Style has unrankably low stack leniency.
Consider making an Easy, although it isn't strictly necessary by any means.


Your combos could generally be split into 2 smaller combos each, since this is the easiest difficulty. Your call.

00:14:013 (1,2,3,4,5) - Doesn't feel like it follows the music all that well; consider removing 2, 4.
00:18:036 (5) - Sounds out of place. If you want to avoid notes on blue ticks, remove it entirely.
00:18:078 (6) - Start the red combo here instead.
00:20:089 (4) - Would be much better with 1 less repeat and a note at 00:21:084 (on the blue tick). Also, should definitely have a new combo.
00:22:016 (5) - If you keep this slider soft like this, lower hitsound volume on the other notes so that it isn't such a sudden random drop.
00:23:043 (9) - Similarly, remove this note.
00:24:006 (1) - I'm not sure this slider is appropriate here. (sounds a little weird)
00:37:079 (1,2) - Difficult, since it's hard to predict the end of the slider.
00:41:017 (1,2,3,4,5) - See the first comment.
00:47:072 (1) - Consider distance snapping this note.
01:08:000 (1,2,3,4) - Shift these left a grid to be symmetrical with 5.


Being a Hard, you could put more notes on 1/4 as long as they follow the music. I found that half of your map did this, while the other half did not, making it seem confusing to play.

00:14:098 (4) - Sounds a bit better 1/4 later.
00:18:057 (1) - Remove?
00:26:017 (2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing.
01:02:072 (1,2,3) - Shift these a grid right to center them?
01:04:020 (7) - Move this 1/4 earlier, and put it in a better position.
01:08:021 (2) - Start this 1/4 later,
01:09:069 (1,2) - Felt kinda awkward to play.
01:12:086 (6,7) - Put a note in between these?

[AdvanceBoy's Insane]

00:14:098 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Ouch, that's tough to play. If you keep it though, make 3,5,7 and 2,4,6 parallel and straight?
00:18:014 (2,3) - Parallel to 1, 4?
00:20:005 (2) - Stack this note under the repeat a bit neater.
00:27:044 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Tricky. XD
01:21:074 (1,1) - Don't silence these; make them quieter if you'd like.

[Shinde Style]

See the comments in General too.

This difficulty scores a measly 50k above AdvanceBoy's Insane, lol, while being easier (for me at least). Just an observation.

00:53:000 (2,1) - Antijump, but not too bad.

Plays very nicely.
Topic Starter

Kytoxid wrote:

Somewhere in this mess of mods, I don't have one here? Wow. Let's get things fixed up.


Since this is a TV size, I'm assuming there should be a source. (Black Lagoon, judging from the tags) Done.
Most of the tags are redundant, since they are already in the title or source. Remove them. Done
Add AdvanceBoy and Shinde to all tags.Done
Shinde Style has a video offset of -105 milliseconds; the other difficulties have no video offset. Any reason?I don't know
You have an .osb that's not necessary, you can delete it and full upload.Done
All the difficulties have different hitcircle colours; is this intentional?Yes
The background image is pretty low-res, is there a higher-res one available?No
Shinde Style has unrankably low stack leniency.I don't know what's that.
Consider making an Easy, although it isn't strictly necessary by any means. THERE IS ONE MAP RANKED THAT HAS THE SAME SONG WITH ONLY TWO DIFFICULTIES. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!


Your combos could generally be split into 2 smaller combos each, since this is the easiest difficulty. Your call.

00:14:013 (1,2,3,4,5) - Doesn't feel like it follows the music all that well; consider removing 2, 4.No.
00:18:036 (5) - Sounds out of place. If you want to avoid notes on blue ticks, remove it entirely. There aren't blue ticks
00:18:078 (6) - Start the red combo here instead. Ok
00:20:089 (4) - Would be much better with 1 less repeat and a note at 00:21:084 (on the blue tick). Also, should definitely have a new combo.No, I tried before.
00:22:016 (5) - If you keep this slider soft like this, lower hitsound volume on the other notes so that it isn't such a sudden random drop. ¿?
00:23:043 (9) - Similarly, remove this note.No
00:24:006 (1) - I'm not sure this slider is appropriate here. (sounds a little weird)Any better idea?
00:37:079 (1,2) - Difficult, since it's hard to predict the end of the slider. It's normal, not easy
00:41:017 (1,2,3,4,5) - See the first comment.Seen
00:47:072 (1) - Consider distance snapping this note.Yeah, done
01:08:000 (1,2,3,4) - Shift these left a grid to be symmetrical with 5. Think it's fixed.


Being a Hard, you could put more notes on 1/4 as long as they follow the music. I found that half of your map did this, while the other half did not, making it seem confusing to play.

00:14:098 (4) - Sounds a bit better 1/4 later.I've changed this soooo many times... my god 8 mod pages...
00:18:057 (1) - Remove?No
00:26:017 (2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing. It's correct D:
01:02:072 (1,2,3) - Shift these a grid right to center them?Done
01:04:020 (7) - Move this 1/4 earlier, and put it in a better position.mmm moved
01:08:021 (2) - Start this 1/4 later, Ok
01:09:069 (1,2) - Felt kinda awkward to play.D: sorry?
01:12:086 (6,7) - Put a note in between these?Done

[AdvanceBoy's Insane]

00:14:098 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Ouch, that's tough to play. If you keep it though, make 3,5,7 and 2,4,6 parallel and straight?I won't change that
00:18:014 (2,3) - Parallel to 1, 4? I won't change that
00:20:005 (2) - Stack this note under the repeat a bit neater.D: It's correct D:
00:27:044 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Tricky. XDWelcome to Insane
01:21:074 (1,1) - Don't silence these; make them quieter if you'd like. D: It's Ok

[Shinde Style] That's up to shinde

See the comments in General too.

This difficulty scores a measly 50k above AdvanceBoy's Insane, lol, while being easier (for me at least). Just an observation.

00:53:000 (2,1) - Antijump, but not too bad.

Plays very nicely.
Thanks a lot.
00:21:084 (1) - Bezier slider instead?
00:29:034 (4) - ^?

Don't use so many 1 or 1/2-beat long sliders starting on white ticks in this song, because this song doesn't have many one-beat long lyrics that start on white ticks.

00:16:045 (9) - does not match lyrics
00:24:069 (3,5) - ^
00:26:081 (8) - Shorten by 1/4
00:31:035 (3,4,5,6) - Zig-zag?
00:37:079 (1,2,3,4) - ^? Straight up/down beat patterns are awful.
00:41:017 (1) - 1 grid to right.
00:44:055 (1,2,3) - If you're going to have straight line patterns, at least make sure the lines are straight
00:47:009 (9) - shorten
01:06:031 (6) - This slider is ugly. It's too wide
01:09:069 (3,4,5) - Awkward sounding; 1-beat long sliders.
01:21:074 (1) - Silenced spinners are among the worst things ever.
01:24:006 (1) - Silenced notes are worse, and IMO shouldn't be rankable.

00:44:055 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - 10 whistles in a row is too much.
01:04:010 (7) - Right 1 grid. Disable distance snap if you have to.
01:08:032 (2) - Shorten by 1/4?

This difficulty looks too much like a box. When most of the map has right-angle patterns and straight lines, it feels too rectangular and awkward.

00:24:006 (1) - This hockey stick shaped slider is weird, make more of a normal curve?

Leeg wrote:

Kytoxid wrote:

Consider making an Easy, although it isn't strictly necessary by any means. THERE IS ONE MAP RANKED THAT HAS THE SAME SONG WITH ONLY TWO DIFFICULTIES. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!
Easy+ attached? You can use it if you want.

Download: MELL - Red Fraction (TV Size) (Leeg) [Dusty's Easy+].osu
Topic Starter

Dusty wrote:

[Shinde] That's up to shinde
00:21:084 (1) - Bezier slider instead?
00:29:034 (4) - ^?

Don't use so many 1 or 1/2-beat long sliders starting on white ticks in this song, because this song doesn't have many one-beat long lyrics that start on white ticks.

00:16:045 (9) - does not match lyrics D: I think it matchs
00:24:069 (3,5) - ^ ^
00:26:081 (8) - Shorten by 1/4Too short
00:31:035 (3,4,5,6) - Zig-zag?No, it would be impossible to do that
00:37:079 (1,2,3,4) - ^? Straight up/down beat patterns are awful.D: I'm not going to change it
00:41:017 (1) - 1 grid to right. Done
00:44:055 (1,2,3) - If you're going to have straight line patterns, at least make sure the lines are straight It's straight
00:47:009 (9) - shortenToo short
01:06:031 (6) - This slider is ugly. It's too wide D: any idea?
01:09:069 (3,4,5) - Awkward sounding; 1-beat long sliders. D:No..
01:21:074 (1) - Silenced spinners are among the worst things ever. That's your point of view...
01:24:006 (1) - Silenced notes are worse, and IMO shouldn't be rankable.It's NOT silenced.

00:44:055 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - 10 whistles in a row is too much. I've seen maps totally whistled
01:04:010 (7) - Right 1 grid. Disable distance snap if you have to. Ok
01:08:032 (2) - Shorten by 1/4? Sure!

This difficulty looks too much like a box. When most of the map has right-angle patterns and straight lines, it feels too rectangular and awkward.

00:24:006 (1) - This hockey stick shaped slider is weird, make more of a normal curve?Done

Ephemeral wrote:

Shinde Style should have 1 tick rate Ok sure.
Equalize kiai time across all difficulties If there are two guest difficulties, I don't see why having the same kiai on all difficulties is required. I myself want the kiai and soft sampleset where I put it in mine, and I don't think Leeg and AdvanceBoy should have to put Kiai there just because I did it. Don't really think this is a problem or necessary.

Kytoxid wrote:


Since this is a TV size, I'm assuming there should be a source. (Black Lagoon, judging from the tags)
Most of the tags are redundant, since they are already in the title or source. Remove them. Done on mine now I think.
Add AdvanceBoy and Shinde to all tags. ^
Shinde Style has a video offset of -105 milliseconds; the other difficulties have no video offset. Any reason? I originally thought the video needed a slight negative offset and talked to Leeg about this, but I guess if the other three diffs didn't take it, I'll just reset it to 0. Actually, I still think it needs one.
You have an .osb that's not necessary, you can delete it and full upload.
All the difficulties have different hitcircle colours; is this intentional? Yes.
The background image is pretty low-res, is there a higher-res one available?
Shinde Style has unrankably low stack leniency. Fixed? I made this like 4 months ago when 0.2 wasn't a problem. With recent events though I suppose you're right.
Consider making an Easy, although it isn't strictly necessary by any means. I don't think this is necessary, just sayin'. Plus that'd reset the modding process, which is already taking ages as-is.

[Shinde Style]

See the comments in General too.

This difficulty scores a measly 50k above AdvanceBoy's Insane, lol, while being easier (for me at least). Just an observation. I dropped tick rate from 2 to 1, and it dropped 100k off the score so this shouldn't be a problem(?) now.
00:53:000 (2,1) - Antijump, but not too bad. Well it is a Hard difficulty map, a little antijump with a slider next note shouldn't be that difficult to read.

Plays very nicely. Thanks.

Dusty wrote:

00:21:084 (1) - Bezier slider instead? Nah, I wanted some linear sliders to offset the bezier ones otherwise I would've had them bezier.
00:29:034 (4) - ^? ^
Leeg I still think the map's video needs a slight negative offset. Judge if you agree or not, I was thinking -110~. Feel free to change any Tags, the Source, or the Video Offset on mine to conform with the other three difficulties. Yupyup.

Also, ztrot you suck. Bastard. >:( Lol, I already told you we were mapping this. T_T

I'm beginning to lose interest and faith in this getting ranked. 9 months is far too long, and with ztrot's getting ranked, I doubt this one will now.

Download: MELL - Red Fraction (TV Size) (Leeg) [Shinde Style].osu
Topic Starter
Then, updated.

Dusty wrote:

This difficulty looks too much like a box. When most of the map has right-angle patterns and straight lines, it feels too rectangular and awkward.
Do you mind fixing this one? It's been mentioned before (and by BATs, too, so if you're wondering why they haven't bubbled it yet, it's because of this):

RemmyX25 wrote:

00:14:076 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - This looks extremely sloppy and is extremely difficult to read.
Overall this feels like it was just thrown together and not fun. (Yes I tried to play it.)

Ephemeral wrote:

I agree with Remmy's sentiments here. Normal feels rushed and isn't at all fun to play - too much emphasis on spacing and red notes coupled with some very linear pathing makes the map feel choked - at least to me.
Modding isn't just about giving you time codes with things that need fixing. You also have to look at the general comments and fix those issues if you want your map ranked, because those comments usually mean that there are too many changes that need to be made for the modder to list all of them.

00:14:013 (1,2,3,4...) to 01:11:038 (1) - Rearrange the notes so that they look better. Look in the Mapping Techniques forum for ideas if you need to.
Topic Starter
Well.. i made some changes in [Normal], let's see if now it's more playable D:
Ok, I was asked by eph mod this

Normal: enable 1/4 timing
this map has very odd timing so it's best to place the beats where they make the most sense.
00:14:034 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right and kill the clap.
00:14:098 (4) - ^
00:18:036 (5) - place on the blue tick to the right.
00:20:089 (6) - Kill 2 returns on this slider, and make another slider at 00:21:529 that ends at 00:21:846. blue tick
00:37:079 (1) - Same as ^ but the times for the new slider are, start 00:38:431 finish 00:38:747 blue tick.
00:41:038 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right and kill the clap.
00:42:002 (4) - ^
00:58:007 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right
01:08:021 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right
01:09:090 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right

Use what I gave you from normal try to have your beats land on the parts that make the most sense.
BTW if you want you can use my gunshot hitsound I won't mind :D

Shinde wrote:

Ephemeral wrote:

Shinde Style should have 1 tick rate Ok sure.
Equalize kiai time across all difficulties If there are two guest difficulties, I don't see why having the same kiai on all difficulties is required. I myself want the kiai and soft sampleset where I put it in mine, and I don't think Leeg and AdvanceBoy should have to put Kiai there just because I did it. Don't really think this is a problem or necessary.

Kytoxid wrote:


Since this is a TV size, I'm assuming there should be a source. (Black Lagoon, judging from the tags)
Most of the tags are redundant, since they are already in the title or source. Remove them. Done on mine now I think.
Add AdvanceBoy and Shinde to all tags. ^
Shinde Style has a video offset of -105 milliseconds; the other difficulties have no video offset. Any reason? I originally thought the video needed a slight negative offset and talked to Leeg about this, but I guess if the other three diffs didn't take it, I'll just reset it to 0. Actually, I still think it needs one.
You have an .osb that's not necessary, you can delete it and full upload.
All the difficulties have different hitcircle colours; is this intentional? Yes.
The background image is pretty low-res, is there a higher-res one available?
Shinde Style has unrankably low stack leniency. Fixed? I made this like 4 months ago when 0.2 wasn't a problem. With recent events though I suppose you're right.
Consider making an Easy, although it isn't strictly necessary by any means. I don't think this is necessary, just sayin'. Plus that'd reset the modding process, which is already taking ages as-is.

[Shinde Style]

See the comments in General too.

This difficulty scores a measly 50k above AdvanceBoy's Insane, lol, while being easier (for me at least). Just an observation. I dropped tick rate from 2 to 1, and it dropped 100k off the score so this shouldn't be a problem(?) now.
00:53:000 (2,1) - Antijump, but not too bad. Well it is a Hard difficulty map, a little antijump with a slider next note shouldn't be that difficult to read.

Plays very nicely. Thanks.

Dusty wrote:

00:21:084 (1) - Bezier slider instead? Nah, I wanted some linear sliders to offset the bezier ones otherwise I would've had them bezier.
00:29:034 (4) - ^? ^
Leeg I still think the map's video needs a slight negative offset. Judge if you agree or not, I was thinking -110~. Feel free to change any Tags, the Source, or the Video Offset on mine to conform with the other three difficulties. Yupyup.

Also, ztrot you suck. Bastard. >:( Lol, I already told you we were mapping this. T_T

I'm beginning to lose interest and faith in this getting ranked. 9 months is far too long, and with ztrot's getting ranked, I doubt this one will now.
It will because I'm gonna make sure it does >:)
Topic Starter

ztrot wrote:

Ok, I was asked by eph mod this

Normal: enable 1/4 timing
this map has very odd timing so it's best to place the beats where they make the most sense.
00:14:034 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right and kill the clap.
00:14:098 (4) - ^
00:18:036 (5) - place on the blue tick to the right.
00:20:089 (6) - Kill 2 returns on this slider, and make another slider at 00:21:529 that ends at 00:21:846. blue tick
00:37:079 (1) - Same as ^ but the times for the new slider are, start 00:38:431 finish 00:38:747 blue tick.
00:41:038 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right and kill the clap.
00:42:002 (4) - ^
00:58:007 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right
01:08:021 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right
01:09:090 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right

Use what I gave you from normal try to have your beats land on the parts that make the most sense.
BTW if you want you can use my gunshot hitsound I won't mind :D
YOURS? ... wtf!? I was the first one that put gunshots in this song. Exactly 9 months ago, when I submitted the map, and then... I had to eliminate them because everybody said that was horrible ¬¬U.

All done
00:58:081 (4) - put on the white tick before
01:02:019 (2) - ^

00:44:055 (1,2,3) - Clap instead of whistle
00:45:082 (6) - Finish instead of whistle
00:46:024 (1,2,3) - Clap instead of whistle

Leeg wrote:

ztrot wrote:

Ok, I was asked by eph mod this

Normal: enable 1/4 timing
this map has very odd timing so it's best to place the beats where they make the most sense.
00:14:034 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right and kill the clap.
00:14:098 (4) - ^
00:18:036 (5) - place on the blue tick to the right.
00:20:089 (6) - Kill 2 returns on this slider, and make another slider at 00:21:529 that ends at 00:21:846. blue tick
00:37:079 (1) - Same as ^ but the times for the new slider are, start 00:38:431 finish 00:38:747 blue tick.
00:41:038 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right and kill the clap.
00:42:002 (4) - ^
00:58:007 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right
01:08:021 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right
01:09:090 (2) - move to the blue tick on the right

Use what I gave you from normal try to have your beats land on the parts that make the most sense.
BTW if you want you can use my gunshot hitsound I won't mind :D
YOURS? ... wtf!? I was the first one that put gunshots in this song. Exactly 9 months ago, when I submitted the map, and then... I had to eliminate them because everybody said that was horrible ¬¬U.

All done
Yeah I know but I think our idea of the gunshot hitsound might have been a bit diff Idk I never heard it.
the gunshot i use kinda blends with the music cuz it's not very loud.
LOL I had no Idea this was mapped till after I had finished my ver T.T sorry.
Topic Starter

ztrot wrote:

Yeah I know but I think our idea of the gunshot hitsound might have been a bit diff Idk I never heard it.
the gunshot i use kinda blends with the music cuz it's not very loud.
LOL I had no Idea this was mapped till after I had finished my ver T.T sorry.
... you gave me a star at least 2 months ago... don't lie.
ztrot was drunk then, he does that sometimes.

Hi ztrot. xd

Still waiting for mods on mine.
-why Shinde Style have different source than the other?
-Source should be capitalized.
-Also, why there is differents tags?
-Remove "opening" from tags in AdvanceBoy's Insane
-Keep Black Lagoon as Source, and red fraction in tags.

Shinde Style
00:16:459 (4) - add a repeat
00:17:304 - add note
00:34:205 - add note
00:38:642 - add note
00:39:064 (5) - remove note
00:53:431 (1) - too close to prev circle
00:53:431 (1,2,3) - this slider doesnt fit here, how about this: a note at:00:53:431, then a slider from here: 00:53:642 to 00:54:064, and a note at 00:54:487.
00:55:543 (6) - remove note
00:56:071 - add note
00:58:078 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - streams doesnt fit imo
01:08:853 (4) - finish this slid at 01:09:276
01:12:550 (3) - remove
01:12:867 - add note here
01:13:078 (4) - move the start of the spinner 1/2 beat later, and add note here

AdvanceBoy's Insane
so random placing of beats
00:14:135 (1) - wrong spacing
00:23:430 (2) - wrong spacing
00:23:430 (2) - end this slid at 00:23:536
00:24:698 (3,4,5) - dont fit the music imo
00:26:811 (8) - end at 00:26:916
00:28:184 (4,5,6,7) - confusing, keep all stacked
00:37:797 (1,2,3) - triple doesnt fits
00:53:008 (7) - too close to 6, and make it a new combo plz

00:14:346 (2) - remove
00:34:628 (2) - move 1/2 beat later
00:35:262 (4) - move 1/4 beat later
00:37:163 (6) - move 1/4 beat earlier
00:53:008 (9) - 1/4 later
consider incrase hp drain and overall diff, this is supose to be Hard

notes ins 1/4 beat are lil hard to read, can you use slid to get it better, like for example:
00:14:135 (1,2,3,4,5) - you can use a slider from: 00:14:135 (1) to 00:14:452, then repeat 3 times
just to make it more easier to read, since this is normal, try to apply some of this in the rest of the map.
00:21:952 - unsilence timing section ( suggestion )
00:37:797 (1) - too close to prev note
00:52:797 (4) - i like how this slider follow the rhythm... try some like this one

edit: lol forget to star n.nU
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

-why Shinde Style have different source than the other? Fixed
-Source should be capitalized.Fixed
-Also, why there is differents tags? Fixed
-Remove "opening" from tags in AdvanceBoy's Insane Why?
-Keep Black Lagoon as Source, and red fraction in tags. Fixed

Shinde Style This is up to shinde :)
00:16:459 (4) - add a repeat
00:17:304 - add note
00:34:205 - add note
00:38:642 - add note
00:39:064 (5) - remove note
00:53:431 (1) - too close to prev circle
00:53:431 (1,2,3) - this slider doesnt fit here, how about this: a note at:00:53:431, then a slider from here: 00:53:642 to 00:54:064, and a note at 00:54:487.
00:55:543 (6) - remove note
00:56:071 - add note
00:58:078 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - streams doesnt fit imo
01:08:853 (4) - finish this slid at 01:09:276
01:12:550 (3) - remove
01:12:867 - add note here
01:13:078 (4) - move the start of the spinner 1/2 beat later, and add note here

AdvanceBoy's Insane
so random placing of beats
00:14:135 (1) - wrong spacing Fixed
00:23:430 (2) - wrong spacing Fixed
00:23:430 (2) - end this slid at 00:23:536 ¿? You mean 00:23:642 right? O_O I can't make it shorter
00:24:698 (3,4,5) - dont fit the music imo U__U'' it fits.
00:26:811 (8) - end at 00:26:916You mean 00:27:22...right? D: I can't make it shorter
00:28:184 (4,5,6,7) - confusing, keep all stacked Is not confusing O_O
00:37:797 (1,2,3) - triple doesnt fits Double then.
00:53:008 (7) - too close to 6, and make it a new combo plz Fixed

00:14:346 (2) - remove God, no.
00:34:628 (2) - move 1/2 beat later Fixed
00:35:262 (4) - move 1/4 beat later Fixed
00:37:163 (6) - move 1/4 beat earlier Fixed
00:53:008 (9) - 1/4 later Fixed
consider incrase hp drain and overall diff, this is supose to be Hard Fixed

notes ins 1/4 beat are lil hard to read, can you use slid to get it better, like for example:
00:14:135 (1,2,3,4,5) - you can use a slider from: 00:14:135 (1) to 00:14:452, then repeat 3 times
just to make it more easier to read, since this is normal, try to apply some of this in the rest of the map. Sorry, TT_TT this would be too easy.
00:21:952 - unsilence timing section ( suggestion ) Nah..
00:37:797 (1) - too close to prev note Fixed
00:52:797 (4) - i like how this slider follow the rhythm... try some like this one

Lizbeth wrote:

-why Shinde Style have different source than the other? I told Leeg before he should change them all to uniform and pick the tags he wants so. =s He said it's taken care of now though.
-Source should be capitalized.
-Also, why there is differents tags?
-Remove "opening" from tags in AdvanceBoy's Insane
-Keep Black Lagoon as Source, and red fraction in tags.

Shinde Style
00:16:459 (4) - add a repeat Okay I guess, I think it was fine previously though.
00:17:304 - add note There's no beat here.
00:34:205 - add note Nah, I want it starting on the lyrics not the music's beat.
00:38:642 - add note That doesn't fit imo.
00:39:064 (5) - remove note Done.
00:53:431 (1) - too close to prev circle It's a new combo. It's supposed to be an anti-jump and rest. She holds the note too. ._.
00:53:431 (1,2,3) - this slider doesnt fit here, how about this: a note at:00:53:431, then a slider from here: 00:53:642 to 00:54:064, and a note at 00:54:487. I think you're following the music too closely. It's true that fits the beat more, but the whole point of the kiai section was to be as constant as possible while using 1/4th notes only in note stacks. Deviating.
00:55:543 (6) - remove note ^
00:56:071 - add note ^
00:58:078 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - streams doesnt fit imo Fits to me. Kiai is coming to an end and it's going into the next chorus.
01:08:853 (4) - finish this slid at 01:09:276 Extended, but only 1/4 to match 01:10:015 (2) -
01:12:550 (3) - remove That.. Doesn't really make any sense to me and sounds and plays odd.
01:12:867 - add note here ^
01:13:078 (4) - move the start of the spinner 1/2 beat later, and add note here ^

Download: MELL - Red Fraction (TV Size) (Leeg) [Shinde Style].osu
Well, well, this has been in pending for a long time now... let's take a look.

  1. You might need an easier difficulty, [Normal] is a bit too hard for newbie players.
  2. Remove "Black Lagoon" from the tags since they're already in the source field.
  3. It is recommendable that you set the Kiai time in the same way for all difficulties.

00:42:867 (6,1) - I'd consider this as a jump, and jumps on a [Normal] is like, no thanks.

[AdvanceBoy's Insane]
  1. Feels messy, but it should be okay for ranking... Not many people like small circles. :o
[Shinde Style]
  1. Consider using the same combo colors as the other difficulties, just to be consistent (or the other difficulties use these, etc).
  2. IMO the soft sampleset change feels weird.
~ ~ ~

I guess that's it. Everything else is good, though it doesn't feel very polished. It is your first map, so I guess it's understandable.
My biggest concern right now is the need for an easier difficulty...
Topic Starter

Gens wrote:

Well, well, this has been in pending for a long time now... let's take a look.

  1. You might need an easier difficulty, [Normal] is a bit too hard for newbie players.
  2. Remove "Black Lagoon" from the tags since they're already in the source field.
  3. It is recommendable that you set the Kiai time in the same way for all difficulties.
I don't have to use kiai so I'm not going to put it.


00:42:867 (6,1) - I'd consider this as a jump, and jumps on a [Normal] is like, no thanks.It isn't a jump, (1) is placed where distance snap says.

[AdvanceBoy's Insane]
  1. Feels messy, but it should be okay for ranking... Not many people like small circles. :o
[Shinde Style]
  1. Consider using the same combo colors as the other difficulties, just to be consistent (or the other difficulties use these, etc).
  2. IMO the soft sampleset change feels weird.
~ ~ ~

I guess that's it. Everything else is good, though it doesn't feel very polished. It is your first map, so I guess it's understandable.
My biggest concern right now is the need for an easier difficulty...
Then I changed the source and updated D:

Leeg wrote:

00:42:867 (6,1) - I'd consider this as a jump, and jumps on a [Normal] is like, no thanks.It isn't a jump, (1) is placed where distance snap says.
Not for me, using Distance Snap moves (1) near (6), like it should be. Right now, Distance snap is set at 1.0x.
You'll also need to remove "red fraction" from the tags, seems I didn't notice it the first time... sorry about that.

And, I'd like to see a comment about combo colors first. Kiai Time is understandable if you don't like it, but I personally like Shinde's combo colors best, so you should at least consider them.
Also a comment about the easier difficulty. It isn't really that bad, but another difficulty would make the whole map set much better, and much more safe to bubble.

Gens wrote:

You'll also need to remove "red fraction" from the tags, seems I didn't notice it the first time... sorry about that.

And, I'd like to see a comment about combo colors first. Kiai Time is understandable if you don't like it, but I personally like Shinde's combo colors best, so you should at least consider them.
Also a comment about the easier difficulty. It isn't really that bad, but another difficulty would make the whole map set much better, and much more safe to bubble.
Naw, I like my colours and Kiai and it was planned like that.

tl;dr version
I don't really plan on changing my combo colours, as I like them and intentionally used different ones that I thought fit when I mapped this. I just mapped it as I wanted with no plan on submitting it or regard/reference to the other three difficulties, then later decided I'd give it to Leeg. I liked the soft sample set and Kiai as well and plan on keeping it. It's up to Leeg if he wants to change his Kiai or combo colours, though if the nonconformity is that much of a bother, I don't have a problem with dropping my difficulty.

I just dunno why matching Kiai and combo colours would be that important among guest difficulties in relation to the mapper's.

I'm also a bit blah about the whole thing, as ztrot's made a mapset that I'm going to assume is good since it was ranked, and lack of motion here so. I'd feel bad dropping out though, especially for Leeg as I see him asking in #mod here and there often enough the past so many months, but with 9 BAT stars and + this high and no rank, I don't think it's quality stands up well enough, and am thinking letting it die might be best at this point.

5 difficulties might be a bit much. I think an Easy would've been good, but not at this point. I think the Normal should suffice.
Well, I said it more as a recommendation; I am fine if the mapper doesn't want to change them.

I also thought about too much difficulties, but hey, that wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? ;x
Normal should be fine for rankage though (as the easier difficulty).

With that issue cleared up, I will proto-bubble this. There should be no problem with ranking two beatmaps of the same song. ;)
Upgrading proto-bubble.
Upgrade combo!
Finally! \o/

Congrats Leeg :P
Well I didn't expect to wake up to this.

Congratulations Leeg, looks like your effort finally paid off.
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Felicidades ^o^
por fin rankearon tu primer map :P
ЭТА САМАЯ ХУДШАЯ КАРТА В МИРЕ НИКОГДА В НЕЕ НЕ ИГРАЙТЕ,ЕСЛИ ВЫ НЕ ДАУН. :? :( :( :( :( :( :o :o :o :o :o :o >:( >:( :( :( :? :? :!: :!:
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