
Grynpyret - Boba Beach

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 7 stycznia 2017 at 23:25:32

Artist: Grynpyret
Title: Boba Beach
Tags: soda island future bass chill out edm dance music
BPM: 158
Filesize: 10209kb
Play Time: 05:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Chillout (4,96 stars, 1136 notes)
Download: Grynpyret - Boba Beach
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
why does this have 37 sr
- myRumble -
Hey~ Random mod :P
Change the diff name to: The Beach

My mod hope its ok :3
00:50:914 (1) - Change the slider and do it like this ->
00:55:471 (1) - ^ Do it again like this ->
01:25:471 (1,3) - Overlap
01:28:509 (3,1) - Overlap
01:43:319 (3,1) - Its play better when you do the slider a little bit away from the circle -> i do the double tap under the slider ^^
01:49:205 (2,1) - Overlap
02:12:939 (1) - Slider change like this ->
02:56:420 (1) - ^ ->
03:47:117 (1) - ^ ->
03:58:509 (1) - ^ ->
04:01:547 (1) - ^ ->
04:04:585 (1) - ^ ->

Yeah its a cool map and i dont find more :/ but yeah i hope it help a little bit ^^

Good luck!! 8-)
Topic Starter

- myRumble - wrote:

Hey~ Random mod :P
Change the diff name to: The Beach

My mod hope its ok :3
00:50:914 (1) - Change the slider and do it like this ->
00:55:471 (1) - ^ Do it again like this ->
01:25:471 (1,3) - Overlap
01:28:509 (3,1) - Overlap
01:43:319 (3,1) - Its play better when you do the slider a little bit away from the circle -> i do the double tap under the slider ^^
01:49:205 (2,1) - Overlap
02:12:939 (1) - Slider change like this ->
02:56:420 (1) - ^ ->
03:47:117 (1) - ^ ->
03:58:509 (1) - ^ ->
04:01:547 (1) - ^ ->
04:04:585 (1) - ^ ->

Yeah its a cool map and i dont find more :/ but yeah i hope it help a little bit ^^

Good luck!! 8-)
did everything except the diff name change (i don't like it) thanks a lot man

00:05:914 (1) - delete NC
00:26:610 (1,2) - looks too near, so players could hard t o read
02:14:648 (1) - Delete NC
02:33:636 (2,2) - avoid overlap, looks bad.
02:34:965 (1,2,3,4) - Hitsound is too loud
03:29:269 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Hard to read.

Topic Starter

Neoskylove wrote:


00:05:914 (1) - delete NC
00:26:610 (1,2) - looks too near, so players could hard t o read
02:14:648 (1) - Delete NC
02:33:636 (2,2) - avoid overlap, looks bad.
02:34:965 (1,2,3,4) - Hitsound is too loud
03:29:269 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Hard to read.

thanks, fixed everything except the hitsound one (it seems fine to me and i don't really think that changing it a few % lower for like 3 seconds makes sense)
Siema, z ququq
nie będę owijał w bawełnę to się więcej nauczysz :v

Twoja mapa wygląda monotonnie, ale jest lepsza niż te słabe mapy początkujących mapperów. Masz jakiś tam rytm i się go trzymasz.
Ale struktury tu brakuje, i różnorodności.

Ogólnie aimod mówi że masz za dużo kiai, i za krótkie. Ale jebać, nikt na to nie patrzy :v
Za to 04:36:485 - tutaj kiai nie jest dopasowane do tempa, na co niektórzy patrzą. Wystarczy ogarnąć offset w tym momencie bo mógł się przesunąć

[Song Setup]
Wywal widescreen support bo nie używasz storyboarda
I ja bym dodał jeszcze ze 2 kolory combo bo tło ci to umożliwia bardzo fajnie. Jakiś ciemny zielony i błękitny na przykład

[Diff Name]
Możesz nazwać coś z plażą i chilloutem. Luźne propozycje:
"Beach N Chill"

1. Wyłącz grida bo to przeżytek.
2. Włącz sobie DS, szczególnie jak jeszcze nie mapujesz zajebiście.

00:03:256 (2) - Unikaj takich pedalskich overlapsów bo wyglądają jak gówno.
00:03:066 (1) - to jest za blisko 2. Możesz to rozkminić tak żeby zrobić fajny overlapse na sliderze i wyrównać odległość tego kółka pomiędzy dwoma sliderami. Pokaże ci:
Widzisz? Teraz wygląda zajebiście. Szukaj w swojej mapie takich drobnostek, ogarnij i będzie wyglądało fantastycznie.

00:13:699 (1,2,1,2) - To jest spoko, ale położenie tego już nie tak bardzo. Spróbuj używać blanketów, sprawią że twoja mapa będzie wyglądać na ułożoną
+ w tym miejscu 00:12:370 (1,1,1) - masz badziewny overlapse. Może zrób coś takiego?
tylko nie zapomnij później przesunąć to: 00:14:458 (1) -

00:20:344 (2,3,4,1) - kolejny przykład nie ogarnięcia. Możesz zrobić np coś takiego

Skończę na tym bo mapa aż ocieka takimi niedociągnięciami. Ale z moimi radami zrobisz zajebistą mapę. Powodzenia w mapowaniu!!

Topic Starter

MrKOSIEJ wrote:

Siema, z ququq
nie będę owijał w bawełnę to się więcej nauczysz :v

Twoja mapa wygląda monotonnie, ale jest lepsza niż te słabe mapy początkujących mapperów. Masz jakiś tam rytm i się go trzymasz.
Ale struktury tu brakuje, i różnorodności.

Ogólnie aimod mówi że masz za dużo kiai, i za krótkie. Ale jebać, nikt na to nie patrzy :v
Za to 04:36:485 - tutaj kiai nie jest dopasowane do tempa, na co niektórzy patrzą. Wystarczy ogarnąć offset w tym momencie bo mógł się przesunąć

[Song Setup]
Wywal widescreen support bo nie używasz storyboarda
I ja bym dodał jeszcze ze 2 kolory combo bo tło ci to umożliwia bardzo fajnie. Jakiś ciemny zielony i błękitny na przykład

[Diff Name]
Możesz nazwać coś z plażą i chilloutem. Luźne propozycje:
"Beach N Chill"

1. Wyłącz grida bo to przeżytek.
2. Włącz sobie DS, szczególnie jak jeszcze nie mapujesz zajebiście.

00:03:256 (2) - Unikaj takich pedalskich overlapsów bo wyglądają jak gówno.
00:03:066 (1) - to jest za blisko 2. Możesz to rozkminić tak żeby zrobić fajny overlapse na sliderze i wyrównać odległość tego kółka pomiędzy dwoma sliderami. Pokaże ci:
Widzisz? Teraz wygląda zajebiście. Szukaj w swojej mapie takich drobnostek, ogarnij i będzie wyglądało fantastycznie.

00:13:699 (1,2,1,2) - To jest spoko, ale położenie tego już nie tak bardzo. Spróbuj używać blanketów, sprawią że twoja mapa będzie wyglądać na ułożoną
+ w tym miejscu 00:12:370 (1,1,1) - masz badziewny overlapse. Może zrób coś takiego?
tylko nie zapomnij później przesunąć to: 00:14:458 (1) -

00:20:344 (2,3,4,1) - kolejny przykład nie ogarnięcia. Możesz zrobić np coś takiego

Skończę na tym bo mapa aż ocieka takimi niedociągnięciami. Ale z moimi radami zrobisz zajebistą mapę. Powodzenia w mapowaniu!!

dzięki wielkie, postaram się ogarnąć te overlapy i wolne party

co do kiai to nie do końca rozumiem, ale jak ktoś kiedyś jeszcze wypomni to poprawię
NM from q


01:15:028 (4,1,2,1) - you could blanket these

01:18:825 (2,3,4,5) - you should arrange these so that there's even DS

01:26:041 (2,3,4,1) - you could do something like this

02:14:079 (1,3) - overlap you might want to change

03:20:534 (5,6,7) - spacing issues

03:28:699 (6,1) - slight but noticeable spacing problem

03:34:205 (6,7,8,9,1) - more spacing issues

04:00:788 (1) - this slider doesn't really fit in imo, the other ones are curved

04:36:484 (1) - Timing point and kiai here aren't snapped

05:21:294 (1) - maybe center this note?

That's it, I like your mapping style

gl! :)
Topic Starter

_orange wrote:

NM from q


01:15:028 (4,1,2,1) - you could blanket these

01:18:825 (2,3,4,5) - you should arrange these so that there's even DS

01:26:041 (2,3,4,1) - you could do something like this

02:14:079 (1,3) - overlap you might want to change

03:20:534 (5,6,7) - spacing issues

03:28:699 (6,1) - slight but noticeable spacing problem

03:34:205 (6,7,8,9,1) - more spacing issues

04:00:788 (1) - this slider doesn't really fit in imo, the other ones are curved

04:36:484 (1) - Timing point and kiai here aren't snapped

05:21:294 (1) - maybe center this note?

That's it, I like your mapping style

gl! :)
Thanks a lot, i just changed patterns for the first 2 suggestions since i didn't really like them and applied the rest.
blooming tea
what is mod

Weź może preview point zmień na 01:15:123
od 00:27:085 (1) do 00:33:161 (1) - Usuń te spinnery i zmapuj to plz
01:15:408 (2) - Zamiast kółka spróbuj slider idk coś takiego

01:18:256 (1) - Clap tu nie pasuje
02:00:598 (1) - Usuń whistle i daj clap
02:27:117 (3) - Skróć ten slider

03:47:117 (1) do 04:11:420 - Ten part jest tak nudny i tak monotonny ;-; najlepiej to zmień, ale
03:49:775 (1) - Dodaj finish
03:52:813 (1) - ^
03:55:851 (1) - ^
03:58:889 (1) - ^
04:01:927 (1) - ^
04:04:965 (1) - ^
04:08:003 (1) - ^
04:11:041 (1) - ^
04:34:680 (1) - i dont like that spinner

fajny beatmap
Topic Starter

dentek wrote:

what is mod

Weź może preview point zmień na 01:15:123
od 00:27:085 (1) do 00:33:161 (1) - Usuń te spinnery i zmapuj to plz
01:15:408 (2) - Zamiast kółka spróbuj slider idk coś takiego

01:18:256 (1) - Clap tu nie pasuje
02:00:598 (1) - Usuń whistle i daj clap
02:27:117 (3) - Skróć ten slider

03:47:117 (1) do 04:11:420 - Ten part jest tak nudny i tak monotonny ;-; najlepiej to zmień, ale
03:49:775 (1) - Dodaj finish
03:52:813 (1) - ^
03:55:851 (1) - ^
03:58:889 (1) - ^
04:01:927 (1) - ^
04:04:965 (1) - ^
04:08:003 (1) - ^
04:11:041 (1) - ^
04:34:680 (1) - i dont like that spinner

fajny beatmap
dodałem te finishe i zmapowałem to wolne resztę zostawiłem
mały mod ode mnie bo chciałeś :v

Chillout co nie
00:27:180 (4) - na x:443 y:206 albo coś koło tego
i wtedy 00:27:370 (5) - na x:379 y:268
00:50:914 (1,1,1) - wyciszyć końcówki sliderów imo
01:01:547 (3) - nie pasuje mi tu coś jednak ok
01:22:433 (1) - na x:237 y:44
04:23:952 (6) - to bardziej w prawo, bo wydaje mi sie ze spacing pomiedzy (6) a (7) jest za duzy niech ci bedzie, to tez ok
combo colors
Combo1 : 255,239,183
Combo2 : 147,255,255
Combo3 : 166,255,255
Combo4 : 255,227,164

IRC mod
02:36 [Nemesis]: 00:04:205 (1,2,3) - 
02:36 [Nemesis]: powiem szczerze, nie bedzie to zbyt komfortowe do grania, przynajmniej dla mnie
02:36 [Nemesis]: przesunalbym 3
02:37 [Nemesis]: 00:04:585 (2,3,4) -
02:37 [Nemesis]: albo wrecz cala strukture
02:37 PajWoj: pozmieniałem kompletnie
02:37 [Nemesis]: X 288 Y 224
02:37 PajWoj: zawsze o tym zapominałem
02:37 [Nemesis]: i dopasuj do poprzedniego
02:37 [Nemesis]: 00:10:281 (6,7,8) -
02:38 [Nemesis]: wyprofiluj to, zeby formowalo ladna linie
02:38 [Nemesis]: 00:11:610 (4,5,1,2) -
02:38 [Nemesis]: plusik za kreatywnosc
02:39 [Nemesis]: 01:01:547 (3,4) -
02:39 [Nemesis]: wiem, ze jest to zgodne z rytmem, ale wg mnie to lekko chamskie posuniecie
02:40 [Nemesis]: zwolnij go lekko
02:40 PajWoj: akurat tu myślę że ładnie fajnie czytelne
02:40 PajWoj: a raczej nikt setki nie dostanie
02:40 PajWoj: bo nie dociągnął
02:40 PajWoj: + cośtam ze sliderami jest że cośtam co 36 ms czy coś takiego
02:40 [Nemesis]: ok, moze sie myle
02:40 PajWoj: więc raczej setka tu to tylko misaim
02:40 PajWoj: raczej bym zostawił to
02:41 [Nemesis]: spoko, Twoja mapa :D
02:42 [Nemesis]: 01:56:990 (6,1,2) -
02:42 [Nemesis]: nalozylbym 1 na 6, patrzac na poprzednie patterny tego typu
02:43 PajWoj: a to zrobiłem
02:44 [Nemesis]: 03:08:762 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
02:44 [Nemesis]: patterny fajne
02:44 [Nemesis]: ale patrzac na nie powinienes dodac jakas konsekwencje
02:44 [Nemesis]: w sensie zeby byly chociaz troche podobne
02:44 [Nemesis]: o dziwo tego problemu nie ma juz potem
02:45 PajWoj: znaczy imo są czytelne
02:45 PajWoj: robią się takie 2 trójkąty
02:45 [Nemesis]: 03:47:117 (1,2,1) -
02:45 [Nemesis]: uwazam ze te slidery powinny byc takie same
02:45 [Nemesis]: albo zastap drugi circlami
02:45 [Nemesis]: 03:49:775 (1) -
02:46 [Nemesis]: idk what you mean by doing this tbh
02:46 [Nemesis]: ok nvm
02:46 [Nemesis]: usun to poprzednie czy cos XD
02:47 PajWoj: czekaj co
02:47 [Nemesis]: 04:50:914 (1) -
02:47 [Nemesis]: za dluga linia
02:47 [Nemesis]: najedz na niego
02:47 [Nemesis]: (tego ostatniego nie bylo)
02:47 PajWoj: już mam go
02:47 PajWoj: a ok ok
02:48 [Nemesis]: 05:24:332 -
02:48 PajWoj: jak coś to
02:48 [Nemesis]: powinienes domappowac, ale to tylko moja opinia
02:48 PajWoj: to było zjebane i naprawiłem
02:48 PajWoj: 04:58:509 (1,2,3) -
02:48 [Nemesis]: poza tym nie znalazlem za duzo bledow
02:48 [Nemesis]: naprawde fajnie zmappowane
02:49 PajWoj: tego końca nie chciało mi się już robić
02:49 [Nemesis]: co ty na to zeby zamienic te kolory na bardziej plazowe btw
02:49 PajWoj: + tam potem to jest jakieś dziwne
02:49 PajWoj: hm idk
02:49 [Nemesis]: nie wiem, blekitny, piaskowy
02:49 PajWoj: mogę zrobić taki jasny żółty
11:53 PajWoj: e
11:53 PajWoj: siemanko
11:54 PajWoj: jak dalej szukasz m4m to daj znać
11:58 deadpon3: heja, niee teraz tylko qualify need
12:00 PajWoj: fuck
12:00 PajWoj: nie no muszę zacząć robić m4m
12:00 PajWoj: bo na nm już chyba wszystkich wykorzystałem
12:00 PajWoj: xd
12:00 PajWoj: masz coś może
12:00 deadpon3: dwa WIP'y
12:00 deadpon3: na jednym need hs a drugiego mapuje
12:01 PajWoj: hs
12:01 PajWoj: explain
12:02 deadpon3: hitsoundy
12:02 PajWoj: o
12:02 PajWoj: znaczy tbh
12:02 PajWoj: jak ci to nie przeszkadza i ci się chce
12:02 PajWoj: to mogę same kółeczka tam ocenić
12:04 *deadpon3 is listening to [ Hemp Gru ft. Zary, Jasiek MBH - Amnezja]
12:05 deadpon3: nie wiem czy to rankować
12:05 deadpon3: tbh
12:05 PajWoj: o
12:05 PajWoj: maraton
12:06 deadpon3: testplay maybe
12:06 PajWoj: a to chętnie
12:12 deadpon3: 1420 combo
12:12 deadpon3: pięknie
12:12 PajWoj: tam czekaj
12:12 PajWoj: mam takie wrażenie
12:12 PajWoj: że te ostatnie
12:12 PajWoj: takie te
12:12 PajWoj: 04:59:279 (1) -
12:12 PajWoj: są krótsze niż te wcześniej
12:12 PajWoj: mhm
12:12 deadpon3: yup
12:13 PajWoj: jeszcze jak masz te triple
12:13 PajWoj: 00:38:761 (4,5) -
12:13 PajWoj: w sensie ze sliderem
12:13 PajWoj: to bym je zestackował
12:14 deadpon3: nie bo aethestics
12:14 deadpon3: ~~
12:14 PajWoj: hm ok
12:14 PajWoj: 00:48:589 (1,2) -
12:14 PajWoj: to blisko jest
12:14 PajWoj: się nachodzi
12:14 PajWoj: nie do końca wiem co to są tak właściwie overlapy
12:15 PajWoj: ale ja bym to na siebie nałożył
12:15 PajWoj: 00:53:934 (2,3) -
12:15 deadpon3: ty rzeczywiście overlap
12:15 deadpon3: oddali się blanket i gitara
12:15 PajWoj: patrz może się jednak do tego nadaję
12:15 PajWoj: zawsze myślałem że nic nie znajdę
12:15 deadpon3: 00:49:279 (3) -
12:15 deadpon3: odstackowałem
12:15 deadpon3: nie ma overlapa
12:16 PajWoj: hm
12:16 PajWoj: 01:08:589 (3,5,6) -
12:16 PajWoj: tu też takie dziwne
12:16 PajWoj: bo niby się nakłada na siebie ale czy to w ogóle coś znaczy
12:16 PajWoj: nie rozumiem tych overlapów
12:16 deadpon3: wiesz, to były blankety ale dojebałem triple i się popsuło
12:16 deadpon3: też trzeba oddalić blanket
12:20 PajWoj: 01:36:520 (3,4) -
12:20 PajWoj: tu jest spacing dziwny imo
12:20 PajWoj: za to tu niby też
12:20 PajWoj: ale się wydaje normalniejszy
12:20 PajWoj: hm idk
12:20 PajWoj: 01:42:037 (3,4) -
12:20 deadpon3: mini jump
12:20 deadpon3: daje fajny flow
12:21 PajWoj: 01:49:279 (1,2,3) -
12:21 PajWoj: tu mam nieodparte wrażenie że 3 jest dalej
12:21 PajWoj: pewnie nie jest
12:21 PajWoj: ale po prostu jakoś wydaje się dalej
12:21 deadpon3: w prawym górnym rogu masz "Prev" i "Next"
12:21 deadpon3: jest dalej
12:21 deadpon3: ale to w sumie nie ma znaczenia
12:22 PajWoj: a to to to jest
12:22 PajWoj: nigdy tego nie rozumiałem
12:22 PajWoj: a to fajnie wiedzieć
12:22 deadpon3: nom, a X: to położenie poziome a Y: pionowe ~~
12:22 deadpon3: przydaje sie
12:22 PajWoj: czemu tu jest triple
12:22 PajWoj: 02:16:693 (5,6,1) -
12:23 PajWoj: nie że nie pasuje ale czemu
12:24 deadpon3: overmapping, zgapiam Raiko xd
12:24 PajWoj: jakiś brzydki mi się ten slider wydaje
12:24 PajWoj: 02:56:175 (3) -
12:24 deadpon3: :(
12:24 PajWoj: no i ci ten ostatni punkt prawie wyjeżdża
12:24 PajWoj: za niego
12:25 PajWoj: 02:58:244 (1) -
12:25 PajWoj: o tu ci wyjeżdża
12:25 PajWoj: nie chce mi się każdego sprawdzać tbh
12:25 deadpon3: to ma jakieś znaczenie? xD
12:25 PajWoj: no nie wiem ale mi wytknęli
12:25 PajWoj: więc może ma
12:25 PajWoj: xd
12:25 deadpon3: może jak jest wyjebane kilometr od slidera
12:25 deadpon3: ale takie
12:26 deadpon3: co to tam
12:28 PajWoj: 04:07:210 (1) -
12:28 PajWoj: mistimed..?
12:28 PajWoj: hm
12:28 PajWoj: dziwne bo niby tak ale nie
12:28 deadpon3: pod wokal
12:29 deadpon3: to ma być 1/3
12:31 PajWoj: no
12:31 PajWoj: eh za dobre te mapy są wszystkie
12:31 PajWoj: to wszystko
12:31 PajWoj: jakieś od7
12:31 PajWoj: bo 6 to wiesz
12:31 PajWoj: a jeszcze możesz
12:31 PajWoj: do hardów co najwyżej
12:31 deadpon3: oki
12:37 PajWoj: weź mi to moje zmoduj
12:37 PajWoj: ;w;
12:37 deadpon3: daj np
12:38 *PajWoj is playing [ Grynpyret - Boba Beach [Chillout]] <osu!mania> |7K|
12:38 PajWoj: jak coś to ci tam na threadzie wysłałem
12:38 PajWoj: logi
12:39 deadpon3: masz kds
12:39 PajWoj: ty
12:41 deadpon3: 00:02:307 (1) - to niby się stackuje z 00:03:256 (2) - i jest spoko, ale overlap z 00:03:636 (4) - troche psuje, weź to jakoś przerób żeby się ta czwórka zestackowała
12:42 deadpon3: 00:05:344 (1,2,3) -
12:42 deadpon3: tutaj albo 2 3 stack
12:42 deadpon3: bo jest ten sam spacing jak od jedynki
12:42 deadpon3: a jest długa przerwa
12:42 deadpon3: i może być unreadable
12:42 deadpon3: 00:16:167 (8,1) -
12:42 deadpon3: to jest unreadable
12:43 deadpon3: taki sam spacing jak jedynka z ósemką
12:43 deadpon3: a jest długi break
12:43 deadpon3: 00:20:155 (1,2) - tym stackiem psujesz flow
12:44 deadpon3: 00:32:686 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - tak ogólnie to troche dziwnie że muzyka jest dokładnie taka sama, nie zmienia się ton a ni nic a jest przejście z jumpów w single tapy i vice versa
12:44 deadpon3: 00:41:041 (2,3) - średni flow
12:44 deadpon3: daj tą trójke niżej
12:45 deadpon3: 00:50:914 (1,1,1) - jeśli chodzi o te slider arty to się nie postarałeś
12:45 deadpon3: polecam zobaczyć jak to robi Mazzerin
12:45 deadpon3: 01:01:547 (3,4) - ja tego nie umiem czytać, zjebałem ten slider i fail
12:45 deadpon3: nie wiem, przybliż je czy coś
12:46 deadpon3: 01:35:534 (4,1) - troche dziwnie zmniejszasz DS na tym jumpie
12:47 deadpon3: 01:40:281 (1,2) - dziwny flow, najlepiej zrób tu okrągły slider i wyprowadź slider end na kółko
12:48 deadpon3: 02:33:446 (1,1,1) - brzydki overlap
12:49 deadpon3: 02:34:965 (1,1) - to samo tu
12:49 deadpon3: 03:02:307 (2,1,2) - unreadable
12:50 deadpon3: 03:07:243 (7,1,1) - tu też coś zrób z tą jedynką bo jest break
12:50 deadpon3: 03:13:699 (7,1) - ^
12:51 deadpon3: 03:22:243 (4) - 03:22:813 (1) - overlap
12:51 PajWoj: jestem dopiero przy sliderartach i chciałem dodać że kompletnie nie potrafię :P
12:51 deadpon3: 03:25:091 (3,1,4) - to samo tu
12:51 deadpon3: spoko nauczysz się
12:52 deadpon3: 03:35:534 (3,4) - ustaw ten sam Y: i zestackuj 03:34:205 (6,1,5) -
12:52 deadpon3: 03:49:775 (1) - pod co to zmapowałeś?
12:53 deadpon3: 04:26:610 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - to jest za trudne na build up w piosence
12:53 deadpon3: NERF
12:55 PajWoj: zzzzzz nie chcę nerfić
12:55 deadpon3: 04:48:446 (2,3,4,5,6) - dziwnie flow zmieniasz szczerze, bo muzyka nie zmienia się w trakcie 04:48:446 (2,3,4) - żeby zmniejszać tak spacing, bardziej powiedziałbym że mocny ton jest na 04:48:636 (3) - przysłuchaj się
12:56 deadpon3: ale trudne jumpy na spokojnych momentach to jest problem
12:56 deadpon3: albo rankujesz albo zostawiasz jako rabbit jump xd
12:56 PajWoj: znaczy spokojnych
12:56 PajWoj: imo to jest taki najbardziej intense part
12:57 deadpon3: 05:16:547 (1,2) - stack żeby było wiadomo że break
12:57 deadpon3: dobra to chyba tyle
12:57 deadpon3: załatwiaj mody dalej
Hi m4m from my queue

The difficulty like this usually use AR9,it's easier to read
00:41:800 - You use big distance from here,so when the song become stronger I think you should make the distance at least not small than here
Here are too small distance:
00:43:699 (2,3,4) -
00:46:168 (4,1) -
00:50:534 (1,2) - move (2) left a little?

01:01:800 (4) - It's too hard.To follow the sound and make it easier,use 1.5x ,make it end at next red line and stuck with (3)
01:39:142 (1) - Ctrl+G is better in flow imo
01:54:712 (1,2) - suddenly short distance
02:58:509 - The part from here to 04:11:420 - is very easy to use 1/2 slider to follow the background music.Your rhythm now are hard to find and there are no sounds in return like here 03:58:889 (1) -
04:57:939 (4,1) - move these left a little to separate looks more beautiful
05:00:218 (2,3,4) - Ctrl+G?
05:24:332 - I think you should finish the map using easier style from here to 05:46:357 -

Totally,I think you can do better in rhythm
Good luck~
Topic Starter

MoeAsuka wrote:

Hi m4m from my queue

The difficulty like this usually use AR9,it's easier to read
00:41:800 - You use big distance from here,so when the song become stronger I think you should make the distance at least not small than here
Here are too small distance:
00:43:699 (2,3,4) -
00:46:168 (4,1) -
00:50:534 (1,2) - move (2) left a little?
05:00:218 (2,3,4) - Ctrl+G?
Totally,I think you can do better in rhythm
Good luck~
Thanks, i fixed the things above. I set the AR to 8.7, because it's pretty low bpm and AR9 is a bit too high in my opinion.
mod and stuff
2016-11-13 00:23 PajWoj: ACTION is listening to [ Grynpyret - Boba Beach]
2016-11-13 00:23 Miryle: wtf
2016-11-13 00:23 Miryle: i listen to like
2016-11-13 00:23 Miryle: 4 seconsd
2016-11-13 00:23 Miryle: I love it
2016-11-13 00:23 Miryle: I LOVE IT
2016-11-13 00:23 PajWoj: xd
2016-11-13 00:23 Miryle: where did you find this song lmao
2016-11-13 00:23 PajWoj: there
2016-11-13 00:24 PajWoj: ACTION is playing [ Grynpyret - Boba Beach [Habanero]]
2016-11-13 00:24 PajWoj: zzzzzzzzzz
2016-11-13 00:24 Miryle: a
2016-11-13 00:24 Miryle: i don't know that map sooo
2016-11-13 00:24 Miryle: ACTION casually downloads it
2016-11-13 00:24 PajWoj: i download a lot of qualified maps
2016-11-13 00:24 PajWoj: and i downloaded this one when it was qualified
2016-11-13 00:24 Miryle: oo
2016-11-13 00:24 PajWoj: liked the song so i mapped it recently
2016-11-13 00:25 PajWoj: and it actually seems okay so im trying to get it ranked!
2016-11-13 00:25 Miryle: 00:40:661 -
2016-11-13 00:25 Miryle: finish spam
2016-11-13 00:25 Miryle: im dying
2016-11-13 00:25 Miryle: wow it goes on until 00:50:914 -
2016-11-13 00:26 Miryle: try to prioritize strong beats with finishes eg starts of new musical sections, cuz atm this is definitely overused ;w;
2016-11-13 00:26 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-13 00:26 PajWoj: this whole section is made with this sound
2016-11-13 00:26 PajWoj: and it's pretty hm
2016-11-13 00:26 Miryle: yeah but
2016-11-13 00:26 Miryle: BUT
2016-11-13 00:26 PajWoj: special
2016-11-13 00:27 Miryle: if I delete all hitsounds
2016-11-13 00:27 Miryle: I can notice only finishes on certain notes
2016-11-13 00:27 Miryle: yet you put them on /all/ the notes
2016-11-13 00:27 PajWoj: hm idk
2016-11-13 00:28 PajWoj: i guess i'll change it if someone else complains because it doesn't feel that bad to me and there are ranked maps with such hitsounding
2016-11-13 00:28 Miryle: fair enough i guess
2016-11-13 00:29 Miryle: okay
2016-11-13 00:29 Miryle: nothing else major i can find just scrolling through, now time to actually look at the individual parts
2016-11-13 00:30 PajWoj: that's so good to hear honestly
2016-11-13 00:30 PajWoj: means im not a garbage mapper :,)
2016-11-13 00:30 Miryle: xD
2016-11-13 00:30 Miryle: 00:05:914 (2,3,1,2) -
2016-11-13 00:30 Miryle: these tho
2016-11-13 00:30 Miryle: the timing is the same yet spacing is different in the same
2016-11-13 00:31 Miryle: if your intention is to emphasize, okay, but I don't hear anything worth the emphasis
2016-11-13 00:31 PajWoj: i didn't see it when i changed that part around a bit
2016-11-13 00:32 PajWoj: fixed now
2016-11-13 00:32 Miryle: also ->
2016-11-13 00:32 Miryle: that circle count LOL
2016-11-13 00:32 PajWoj: uhm
2016-11-13 00:32 PajWoj: is that a lot
2016-11-13 00:32 Miryle: well
2016-11-13 00:32 Miryle: yes because 800 is bigger than 200
2016-11-13 00:33 Miryle: but also no but
2016-11-13 00:33 Miryle: it depends on how they're used
2016-11-13 00:33 Miryle: cuz
2016-11-13 00:33 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-13 00:33 PajWoj: honestly
2016-11-13 00:33 Miryle: I can tell you now that circles emphasis notes more powerfully and if you have a lot of them that's gonna be a lot of active notes
2016-11-13 00:33 PajWoj: most of those are in slow parts and i personally don't like those but i don't know how to do them better so i'll just stick with that
2016-11-13 00:33 Miryle: that means that in general emphasis is lost on certain sounds
2016-11-13 00:34 Miryle: this is a general point that I'm gonna make which I actually didn't notice until now
2016-11-13 00:34 PajWoj: and i use pretty long sliders in kiai
2016-11-13 00:34 Miryle: hm
2016-11-13 00:34 Miryle: well we'll see when we get there ;3
2016-11-13 00:34 Miryle: 00:08:003 (3) - personally might as well just keep this straight
2016-11-13 00:35 Miryle: up to you tho, imo looks kinda weird
2016-11-13 00:35 PajWoj: i know but fuck i don't want to change up like 4 patterns just because this one is changed
2016-11-13 00:35 PajWoj: give me a sec ill see if i can figure something out
2016-11-13 00:35 Miryle: kk~
2016-11-13 00:38 PajWoj: ok we good
2016-11-13 00:39 Miryle: okay
2016-11-13 00:39 Miryle: 00:12:750 (2,1) - blanket ;w;
2016-11-13 00:40 Miryle: 00:20:155 (1,2,3) - saame
2016-11-13 00:40 Miryle: 00:21:294 (1,2) - also random jump when the previous parts were all the same ds
2016-11-13 00:41 PajWoj: o
2016-11-13 00:41 PajWoj: forgot to like move that slider
2016-11-13 00:41 Miryle: tell me if i move too fast cuz i might just start dumping things xD
2016-11-13 00:42 PajWoj: nah im fine
2016-11-13 00:42 Miryle: okay
2016-11-13 00:42 Miryle: 00:23:952 (3,4,1,2) - wot
2016-11-13 00:42 Miryle: spacing pls
2016-11-13 00:42 Miryle: 00:24:901 (3,4,5,1) - also this can be hard to read and play awkwardly, you can keep the triple but move the 1 away
2016-11-13 00:44 PajWoj: hold on blanketing is hard when you don't really know how to do it
2016-11-13 00:44 Miryle: generally i try to place the notes how i want it
2016-11-13 00:44 Miryle: then go on the timeline where the approach circle is a certain distance from the note
2016-11-13 00:44 Miryle: and try to get the slider to curve that same distance every time
2016-11-13 00:45 PajWoj: that same every time
2016-11-13 00:45 PajWoj: oh hm
2016-11-13 00:45 PajWoj: i just did a
2016-11-13 00:45 PajWoj: almost a circle slider
2016-11-13 00:46 Miryle: well the closer you blanket
2016-11-13 00:46 PajWoj: looks ok and i suppose it'll play well so let's leave it at that
2016-11-13 00:46 Miryle: the more curved the slider will be
2016-11-13 00:46 PajWoj: yeah i mean
2016-11-13 00:46 PajWoj: this was pretty close
2016-11-13 00:46 PajWoj: the previous one is like normal though
2016-11-13 00:46 PajWoj: not far not close
2016-11-13 00:46 Miryle: the whole area has pretty low spacing
2016-11-13 00:46 Miryle: (which I would have spaced more tbh but it's not bad)
2016-11-13 00:48 Miryle: 00:50:914 (1) - end this on either the red or white tick
2016-11-13 00:48 Miryle: sounds weird if it ends on the blue
2016-11-13 00:49 PajWoj: hold on give me a sec
2016-11-13 00:49 PajWoj: i just noticed that this
2016-11-13 00:49 PajWoj: 24:901 part is fucking ugly
2016-11-13 00:49 PajWoj: like this is not a rectangle at all
2016-11-13 00:49 PajWoj: it's a mess
2016-11-13 00:49 Miryle: copy paste with nothing selected for a linked time
2016-11-13 00:50 Miryle: I don't see anything wrong with that tbh
2016-11-13 00:50 PajWoj: i know about copying time but i forget
2016-11-13 00:51 Miryle: may i ask why you chose rectangular structure for most of the map?
2016-11-13 00:52 PajWoj: i chose rectangular structure?
2016-11-13 00:52 PajWoj: i thought it's all triangles
2016-11-13 00:52 Miryle: oops
2016-11-13 00:52 Miryle: triangular*
2016-11-13 00:52 PajWoj: like come on this is my first map i don't even know what structure means tbh
2016-11-13 00:52 Miryle: or rather hexagonal
2016-11-13 00:52 PajWoj: just because i felt like it matched
2016-11-13 00:52 Miryle: well fair enough
2016-11-13 00:52 PajWoj: btw
2016-11-13 00:52 Miryle: i was just asking why ;w;
2016-11-13 00:52 PajWoj: can you tell me
2016-11-13 00:52 PajWoj: how i hitsounded the notes
2016-11-13 00:53 PajWoj: 00:25:661 -
2016-11-13 00:53 PajWoj: here
2016-11-13 00:53 PajWoj: that weird rectangle
2016-11-13 00:53 PajWoj: those five
2016-11-13 00:53 PajWoj: are they all like whistles
2016-11-13 00:53 PajWoj: or what did i do
2016-11-13 00:53 PajWoj: ok i guess 2 and 3 are claps
2016-11-13 00:53 Miryle: if you open F6
2016-11-13 00:53 Miryle: and look at your red timing point
2016-11-13 00:54 Miryle: you'll see it uses the drum sample set
2016-11-13 00:54 Miryle: whereas in the green point you changed it to
2016-11-13 00:54 Miryle: it uses the normal sampleset
2016-11-13 00:54 Miryle: thus the sounds changed
2016-11-13 00:54 PajWoj: yeah the song kinda changed
2016-11-13 00:54 PajWoj: but i mean like
2016-11-13 00:54 PajWoj: additions
2016-11-13 00:54 PajWoj: finishes
2016-11-13 00:54 Miryle: uhh sec
2016-11-13 00:54 PajWoj: on those five notes here
2016-11-13 00:54 PajWoj: 00:25:661 -
2016-11-13 00:55 Miryle: 00:25:661 (1,2,3,4,5) - ?
2016-11-13 00:55 Miryle: these have nothing on them
2016-11-13 00:55 Miryle: i mean
2016-11-13 00:55 Miryle: 3,4,5 are claps
2016-11-13 00:55 Miryle: sorry it's late
2016-11-13 00:55 PajWoj: no really?
2016-11-13 00:55 PajWoj: oh
2016-11-13 00:55 PajWoj: 5 too
2016-11-13 00:56 PajWoj: i honestly don't know why 5 is a clap
2016-11-13 00:56 PajWoj: ill remove it then xd
2016-11-13 00:56 Miryle: xD fair enough
2016-11-13 00:56 PajWoj: and 4 too
2016-11-13 00:56 PajWoj: weird
2016-11-13 00:56 PajWoj: ok
2016-11-13 00:56 PajWoj: whatever
2016-11-13 00:56 PajWoj: red or white tick you said
2016-11-13 00:56 PajWoj: let me see
2016-11-13 00:57 PajWoj: yeah like again i have no idea why it's like that
2016-11-13 00:57 PajWoj: i remember getting one mod, a guy told me to change shapes a bit since they were even shittier
2016-11-13 00:57 PajWoj: i might have just broken that accidentally
2016-11-13 00:57 Miryle: oh well it happens
2016-11-13 00:58 Miryle: 00:36:958 (1) - i have to ask tho
2016-11-13 00:58 Miryle: why?
2016-11-13 00:58 Miryle: this spinner is just... there
2016-11-13 00:58 PajWoj: why is it so early
2016-11-13 00:58 PajWoj: or why is it a spinner
2016-11-13 00:58 Miryle: why is it a spinner
2016-11-13 00:58 Miryle: it's the same part as before and after yet for some reason you put a spinner here
2016-11-13 00:58 PajWoj: this has to be a mistake i guess idk
2016-11-13 00:59 PajWoj: oh no
2016-11-13 00:59 PajWoj: yeah i know now
2016-11-13 00:59 PajWoj: that part used to be like
2016-11-13 00:59 PajWoj: spinner, circle, spinner, circle
2016-11-13 00:59 PajWoj: and that one didn't get mapped
2016-11-13 00:59 PajWoj: just didn't see it
2016-11-13 00:59 PajWoj: ill map it now
2016-11-13 01:01 Miryle: poke me when you've mapped it
2016-11-13 01:01 Miryle: then I'll bring up the next point
2016-11-13 01:05 PajWoj: done
2016-11-13 01:05 Miryle: 01:01:547 (3,4) -
2016-11-13 01:05 Miryle: what timing is this
2016-11-13 01:05 Miryle: honestly it's so unclear i would avoid mapping it x.x
2016-11-13 01:06 PajWoj: hm
2016-11-13 01:06 PajWoj: i would like to keep that
2016-11-13 01:06 PajWoj: little thing
2016-11-13 01:06 PajWoj: but everyone has a problem with it
2016-11-13 01:06 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-13 01:06 PajWoj: that's an easy thing to put up in mods though
2016-11-13 01:07 PajWoj: idk if i should like
2016-11-13 01:07 PajWoj: extend the 4
2016-11-13 01:07 PajWoj: to the white tick
2016-11-13 01:07 PajWoj: i mean this sounds and looks ok
2016-11-13 01:08 Miryle: this is the timing i hear
2016-11-13 01:08 PajWoj: or i can make a circle
2016-11-13 01:08 PajWoj: but this isn't fun
2016-11-13 01:08 PajWoj: doubles are meh
2016-11-13 01:08 Miryle: it's a 1/12 double
2016-11-13 01:08 Miryle: don't map it
2016-11-13 01:08 Miryle: LOL
2016-11-13 01:08 PajWoj: so let's say this is a bit overmapped to make it simpler
2016-11-13 01:09 PajWoj: ok ill keep it as it is now
2016-11-13 01:09 PajWoj: if someone else complains im done
2016-11-13 01:10 Miryle: 01:14:458 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-11-13 01:10 Miryle: why not triples here?
2016-11-13 01:10 Miryle: would be more fun imo
2016-11-13 01:11 PajWoj: probably because i despise triples personally
2016-11-13 01:11 Miryle: maybe reverses?
2016-11-13 01:12 PajWoj: i mean this is kind of the buildup
2016-11-13 01:12 PajWoj: i would rather keep the jumps
2016-11-13 01:12 Miryle: is still jumps if you do reverse sliders
2016-11-13 01:13 PajWoj: like what
2016-11-13 01:13 PajWoj: like 1/8 reverse sliders instead of the circles or what? xd
2016-11-13 01:13 Miryle: nono
2016-11-13 01:13 Miryle: like
2016-11-13 01:14 Miryle:
2016-11-13 01:14 Miryle: it's still a jump
2016-11-13 01:15 PajWoj: sounds weird to me
2016-11-13 01:15 PajWoj: don't like that one
2016-11-13 01:15 Miryle: up to you
2016-11-13 01:15 Miryle: 01:16:357 (1,2) - blanket ;w;
2016-11-13 01:16 PajWoj: why did i hear my hero
2016-11-13 01:16 PajWoj: aaaaaa
2016-11-13 01:16 PajWoj: my hero up to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-13 01:16 Miryle: LOL
2016-11-13 01:16 Miryle: 01:19:395 (1) - also nc this and remove the combo after it
2016-11-13 01:16 Miryle: looks better imo
2016-11-13 01:16 Miryle: 01:20:534 (1) - also nice
2016-11-13 01:16 Miryle: LOL
2016-11-13 01:17 PajWoj: what do you mean it's a great slider
2016-11-13 01:17 PajWoj: masterpiece
2016-11-13 01:17 Miryle: yeah I wasn't being sarcastic
2016-11-13 01:17 Miryle: legit it's nice
2016-11-13 01:18 PajWoj: cool
2016-11-13 01:18 Miryle: so
2016-11-13 01:18 Miryle: this whole kiai
2016-11-13 01:18 Miryle: i feel lacks some emphasis
2016-11-13 01:18 Miryle: 01:25:281 (4,1) - like this for example
2016-11-13 01:18 Miryle: 4 is fine but 1 is too closely spaced to 4
2016-11-13 01:18 PajWoj: ctrl+a + scale + 1.25x zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2016-11-13 01:19 Miryle: 01:25:091 (3,4) - especially considering this is further on weaker sounds
2016-11-13 01:19 Miryle: and on 1 the bass also kicks in
2016-11-13 01:19 Miryle: no just spacing it all more won't help
2016-11-13 01:19 Miryle: it will still lack emphasis
2016-11-13 01:19 PajWoj: yeah i know
2016-11-13 01:19 Miryle: xD
2016-11-13 01:20 PajWoj: why do i find those shitty overlaps all of a sudden like look at this
2016-11-13 01:20 PajWoj: 01:23:193 (3,2) -
2016-11-13 01:20 PajWoj: so ugly
2016-11-13 01:20 Miryle: yeah stack those
2016-11-13 01:20 Miryle: lol
2016-11-13 01:21 PajWoj: i swear i fixed most of those but recent like
2016-11-13 01:21 PajWoj: applying mods
2016-11-13 01:21 PajWoj: fucked that up again
2016-11-13 01:22 Miryle: 01:27:560 (4,3) - ;w;
2016-11-13 01:22 Miryle: 01:33:256 (2,3) - could be triple tbh
2016-11-13 01:22 Miryle: but i know you don't like them so is okay
2016-11-13 01:23 Miryle: i would recommend it cuz skipping beats
2016-11-13 01:23 PajWoj: i might actually make a triple here
2016-11-13 01:23 PajWoj: i NEVER heard that beat before
2016-11-13 01:23 PajWoj: i know it now
2016-11-13 01:23 Miryle: LOL
2016-11-13 01:23 Miryle: happens
2016-11-13 01:23 Miryle: 01:34:585 (1) - this could be shortened to the red tick
2016-11-13 01:23 Miryle: 01:34:775 -
2016-11-13 01:23 Miryle: and stack 01:35:155 (2) - under the end
2016-11-13 01:24 Miryle: 01:35:344 (3) - move this away then as well
2016-11-13 01:24 PajWoj: i don't want to make the slider shorter really like
2016-11-13 01:24 PajWoj: let's skip this one
2016-11-13 01:24 Miryle: okay
2016-11-13 01:24 Miryle: 01:39:142 (1) -
2016-11-13 01:24 Miryle: aSfdakslg;dawdh
2016-11-13 01:24 PajWoj: i hate stacking notes under sliders
2016-11-13 01:24 Miryle: Look.
2016-11-13 01:25 PajWoj: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2016-11-13 01:25 Miryle: I know you like the circle
2016-11-13 01:25 Miryle: I really know you like the circle
2016-11-13 01:25 Miryle: 01:39:522 - BUT THIS BEAT
2016-11-13 01:25 Miryle: lands on a slider end
2016-11-13 01:25 Miryle: it feels
2016-11-13 01:25 Miryle: soo wrong ;-;
2016-11-13 01:25 PajWoj: i added a clap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-13 01:25 Miryle: still d;
2016-11-13 01:25 Miryle: D:
2016-11-13 01:25 PajWoj: i mean i could do one of those
2016-11-13 01:26 Miryle: i suggest
2016-11-13 01:26 Miryle: ACTION waits for puush
2016-11-13 01:26 PajWoj: and silence the slider end but this would play weird
2016-11-13 01:26 Miryle:
2016-11-13 01:26 PajWoj: puush is slow as fuck i wish s-ul had res or whatever i's called
2016-11-13 01:26 PajWoj:
2016-11-13 01:26 PajWoj: nice overlap zzzzzzzz
2016-11-13 01:27 Miryle: i just threw a note don't judge me
2016-11-13 01:27 Miryle: ;-;
2016-11-13 01:27 PajWoj: i'd rather keep the circle just because but if someone else points it out i'll change it
2016-11-13 01:27 Miryle: you can still make a circle
2016-11-13 01:27 Miryle: did you look at my puush
2016-11-13 01:27 Miryle: x.x
2016-11-13 01:28 PajWoj: yes
2016-11-13 01:28 Miryle: okay well let's move on then
2016-11-13 01:28 Miryle: 01:44:174 (1) - same remove nc
2016-11-13 01:28 Miryle: if you want add one 01:44:458 (4) -
2016-11-13 01:29 Miryle: but the rhythm there is kinda weird
2016-11-13 01:29 PajWoj: i love new combos
2016-11-13 01:29 Miryle: 01:43:699 (1,1,2) - i know these follow the hihat
2016-11-13 01:29 Miryle: 01:44:269 (2) - but bass kicks in here
2016-11-13 01:29 PajWoj: i could shorten this to the blue tick and make a proper triple
2016-11-13 01:29 Miryle: and it's part of the triple
2016-11-13 01:29 PajWoj: 01:43:699 (1) -
2016-11-13 01:30 Miryle: even better imo would be
2016-11-13 01:30 Miryle: shorten it to blue tick and make 01:44:079 - 01:44:174 - a kickslider
2016-11-13 01:30 Miryle: then space a circle at 01:44:269 -
2016-11-13 01:30 PajWoj: this sounds fun
2016-11-13 01:30 PajWoj: give me a sec
2016-11-13 01:32 PajWoj: honestly
2016-11-13 01:32 PajWoj: this isn't bad but sounds weird like
2016-11-13 01:32 PajWoj: to me
2016-11-13 01:32 PajWoj: again - if someone wants me to change this i'll do it but for now i'll leave it
2016-11-13 01:32 Miryle: alright
2016-11-13 01:33 Miryle: 01:53:952 - could plop a note here
2016-11-13 01:33 Miryle: cuz there's still stuff going on
2016-11-13 01:33 PajWoj: again there's a beat and i just didn't add a note
2016-11-13 01:33 PajWoj: i'm such a great mapper omg!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-13 01:33 Miryle: the sarcasm is bleeding through the screen
2016-11-13 01:33 Miryle: I need some tissue brb
2016-11-13 01:35 Miryle: same fuck this nc 01:56:325 (1) -
2016-11-13 01:35 Miryle: 01:57:560 (2,3) - possible triple
2016-11-13 01:35 PajWoj: did i
2016-11-13 01:35 PajWoj: leave it at
2016-11-13 01:35 PajWoj: 2 nc's after each other
2016-11-13 01:35 PajWoj: and noone noticed
2016-11-13 01:35 Miryle: LOL
2016-11-13 01:36 PajWoj: ooooo
2016-11-13 01:36 PajWoj: i know what to do here
2016-11-13 01:36 PajWoj: 01:57:655 -
2016-11-13 01:36 PajWoj: a spaced triple!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-13 01:36 PajWoj: would play perfectly
2016-11-13 01:36 Miryle: waitwatiwati
2016-11-13 01:36 Miryle: are you SURE
2016-11-13 01:36 PajWoj: YES
2016-11-13 01:36 Miryle: if you do a spaced triple
2016-11-13 01:37 Miryle: i think this sv is too low 01:57:750 (4) -
2016-11-13 01:37 Miryle: you have to keep in mind momentum
2016-11-13 01:37 PajWoj: look how pretty it is
2016-11-13 01:37 PajWoj:
2016-11-13 01:37 PajWoj: it'll be fine don't worry about it
2016-11-13 01:37 Miryle: if you say so
2016-11-13 01:37 Miryle: 02:00:028 (3,4,5) - emphasis
2016-11-13 01:37 PajWoj: o fuck steep beta downloaded
2016-11-13 01:37 Miryle: could totally space those out more
2016-11-13 01:38 PajWoj: this is surprisingly a perfect triangle
2016-11-13 01:38 PajWoj:;
2016-11-13 01:39 Miryle: :ok_hand: :100:
2016-11-13 01:39 Miryle: nice work sir
2016-11-13 01:39 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-13 01:39 PajWoj: yeeeee
2016-11-13 01:39 Miryle: 02:04:205 (1,1) - u wot
2016-11-13 01:39 Miryle: random nc
2016-11-13 01:39 PajWoj: oh god we're just done with the first 2 kiai's
2016-11-13 01:39 PajWoj: i wonder what you're gonna say about the fifth one
2016-11-13 01:39 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-13 01:39 Miryle: 02:04:395 (2) - also probably could make this two circles
2016-11-13 01:39 PajWoj: you like emphasising right
2016-11-13 01:39 Miryle: emphasis is always nice
2016-11-13 01:40 PajWoj: i mean this is like
2016-11-13 01:40 PajWoj: emphasis^2
2016-11-13 01:41 Miryle: xD
2016-11-13 01:43 PajWoj: ok you've been quiet for too long what's going on
2016-11-13 01:43 Miryle: im looking
2016-11-13 01:43 Miryle: at the emphasis
2016-11-13 01:43 Miryle: also 02:20:155 (1,1) -
2016-11-13 01:44 Miryle: 02:24:332 (3,4) - emphasis
2016-11-13 01:44 Miryle: ;w;
2016-11-13 01:44 Miryle: 02:27:750 (1,1) - ncs tho
2016-11-13 01:44 PajWoj: i swear to god this is broken
2016-11-13 01:44 Miryle: 02:29:269 (5,6) - could space slightly for emphasis too
2016-11-13 01:44 PajWoj: i remove nc
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: it removes from both
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: i add nc
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: it adds to both
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: wha
2016-11-13 01:45 Miryle: no
2016-11-13 01:45 Miryle: i mena
2016-11-13 01:45 Miryle: aaesgasdfsadghasdf
2016-11-13 01:45 Miryle: I MNEAN*
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: no no no tthe tool
2016-11-13 01:45 Miryle: slap me
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: the tool
2016-11-13 01:45 Miryle: please
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: is
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: ni
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: mnoo
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: gjk lhsd fgkuhsd'
2016-11-13 01:45 Miryle: i can't type
2016-11-13 01:45 Miryle: i mean usually to just remove nc from one of them
2016-11-13 01:45 PajWoj: yeah yeah that's what i tried to do
2016-11-13 01:46 Miryle: yeah but don't select both
2016-11-13 01:46 PajWoj: but it removed from both of the object
2016-11-13 01:46 Miryle: just select one wat
2016-11-13 01:46 PajWoj: i didn't!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-13 01:46 Miryle: ohh
2016-11-13 01:46 Miryle: wait what
2016-11-13 01:46 Miryle: UGH NVM
2016-11-13 01:46 Miryle: i have no idea
2016-11-13 01:47 Miryle: OI
2016-11-13 01:47 Miryle: OI.
2016-11-13 01:47 Miryle: 02:28:065 (1) -
2016-11-13 01:47 Miryle: WTF IS THIS
2016-11-13 01:47 Miryle: M8
2016-11-13 01:47 Miryle:
2016-11-13 01:47 Miryle: unless it was me
2016-11-13 01:47 Miryle: then nevermind
2016-11-13 01:48 PajWoj: no it was you
2016-11-13 01:48 Miryle: oh ok
2016-11-13 01:48 Miryle: nevermind then
2016-11-13 01:48 Miryle: 02:32:307 (3,1) - saaame
2016-11-13 01:48 Miryle: o wait
2016-11-13 01:48 Miryle: what
2016-11-13 01:48 02:32:307 (3,1) - *
2016-11-13 01:48 Miryle: swap those nc's
2016-11-13 01:48 PajWoj: done
2016-11-13 01:49 PajWoj: ok we're in the 4th kiai!
2016-11-13 01:49 Miryle: 03:06:294 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
2016-11-13 01:49 PajWoj: honestly to save our time just leave the slow part it's the same as the previous one except for the buildup
2016-11-13 01:49 Miryle: mr monstrata is that you
2016-11-13 01:49 Miryle: 03:08:003 (1,1) - random nc
2016-11-13 01:49 Miryle: it won't take long dw
2016-11-13 01:50 Miryle: 03:14:079 (1,1) - nevermind
2016-11-13 01:50 Miryle: 03:29:269 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - hoyl
2016-11-13 01:50 Miryle: 03:35:914 (5,8) - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2016-11-13 01:50 PajWoj: why do i keep making those nc's!!!!!
2016-11-13 01:50 Miryle: RUINED
2016-11-13 01:50 Miryle: RUINED I TELL YOU
2016-11-13 01:51 PajWoj: no
2016-11-13 01:51 PajWoj: i did that? no
2016-11-13 01:51 PajWoj: sad
2016-11-13 01:51 PajWoj: bad
2016-11-13 01:51 PajWoj: mad
2016-11-13 01:51 PajWoj: aaaaaaa
2016-11-13 01:51 Miryle: it wasn't me right
2016-11-13 01:51 Miryle: no way it was me
2016-11-13 01:51 PajWoj: no it wasnt sadly
2016-11-13 01:52 Miryle: 04:11:041 (1) - aa
2016-11-13 01:52 Miryle: ending on strong beat again
2016-11-13 01:52 Miryle: also finish spam
2016-11-13 01:52 PajWoj: it's not spam!!!!
2016-11-13 01:52 Miryle: it's spam to me :^)
2016-11-13 01:52 Miryle: 04:26:800 (4,6,8) - also did you just not wanna stack these
2016-11-13 01:52 Miryle: or is this intentional
2016-11-13 01:53 PajWoj: intentional because
2016-11-13 01:53 PajWoj: if you stack things like that it feels weird
2016-11-13 01:53 PajWoj: and that feels nice
2016-11-13 01:53 Miryle: ah okay
2016-11-13 01:53 Miryle: fair enough
2016-11-13 01:53 PajWoj: and there is a difference
2016-11-13 01:53 Miryle: 04:33:446 (1,3) - m8
2016-11-13 01:53 PajWoj: i've played the bearizm's diff on if you cant hang way too many times
2016-11-13 01:53 PajWoj: zzzz
2016-11-13 01:53 Miryle: lol
2016-11-13 01:54 Miryle: 04:36:484 (1) - again strong beat on end
2016-11-13 01:54 PajWoj: it's the same now i don't see why i would keep it at the whopping 0.1x slider speed lower
2016-11-13 01:55 Miryle: 05:17:117 - ?
2016-11-13 01:55 Miryle: nothing?
2016-11-13 01:55 Miryle: 05:18:825 (1,2,3,4,5) - oh
2016-11-13 01:55 Miryle: nice
2016-11-13 01:55 Miryle: actually really nice
2016-11-13 01:56 PajWoj: i remember this was intentional but
2016-11-13 01:56 PajWoj: why i have no idea
2016-11-13 01:56 PajWoj: i like that!!!!
2016-11-13 01:56 Miryle: yeah it's pretty cool
2016-11-13 01:56 Miryle: nice pattern but
2016-11-13 01:56 Miryle: one of the only patterns in this map sadly
2016-11-13 01:56 Miryle: two things i noticed
2016-11-13 01:56 Miryle: 1. a distinct lack of patterning, most of the stuff feels somewhat random in kiais
2016-11-13 01:57 Miryle: the hexagon structure is a pattern I GUESS so it doesn't count
2016-11-13 01:57 Miryle: 2. emphasisssssss
2016-11-13 01:57 PajWoj: yeah i gotta agree this is just triangles if i can
2016-11-13 01:57 PajWoj: and if i can't i just did something that doesn't overlap
2016-11-13 01:57 PajWoj: and 2 like come on i've had people telling me to nerf it all
2016-11-13 01:57 PajWoj: i know it's not emphasis but
2016-11-13 01:57 Miryle: 04:43:889 (4,1) - emphasis like this
2016-11-13 01:57 PajWoj: like
2016-11-13 01:57 PajWoj: we fixed some right
2016-11-13 01:57 Miryle: no no
2016-11-13 01:58 Miryle: i mentioned emphasis that was really obvious
2016-11-13 01:58 Miryle: but overall
2016-11-13 01:58 Miryle: you lack emphasis
2016-11-13 01:58 Miryle: for example that 4 and 1
2016-11-13 01:58 Miryle: the jumps are bigger than the spacing between those and the 1 is a lot stronger than the 4
2016-11-13 01:58 Miryle: 04:46:927 (4,1) - this tho is good
2016-11-13 01:59 Miryle: so overall it's a pretty good first map
2016-11-13 01:59 Miryle: better than mine for sure
2016-11-13 02:00 Miryle: but this map lacks the same things my first map did, and that's patterning and emphasis xD
2016-11-13 02:00 PajWoj: thanks for such a detailed mod
2016-11-13 02:00 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-13 02:00 PajWoj: i wish i could give you more than 1 kudosu for that
2016-11-13 02:00 Miryle: 1 kds is fine
2016-11-13 02:00 Miryle: i just feel like
2016-11-13 02:01 Miryle: new mappers are neglected
2016-11-13 02:01 Miryle: because their maps are "shit and they don't understand basic concepts"
2016-11-13 02:01 Miryle: like yeah obviously but who the fuck is gonna teach them
2016-11-13 02:02 PajWoj: the star rating didn't go up at all
2016-11-13 02:02 PajWoj: i'm shocked
2016-11-13 02:03 Miryle: yeah the jumps are the difficulty spike so their sr is what's mainly influencing the overall sr
2016-11-13 02:03 PajWoj: yeah but i mean
2016-11-13 02:03 PajWoj: i changed a few jumps
2016-11-13 02:03 PajWoj: increased spacing
2016-11-13 02:04 PajWoj: and it didn't change at all
2016-11-13 02:04 PajWoj: whereas previously i changed one and barely
2016-11-13 02:04 PajWoj: and it changed
2016-11-13 02:04 Miryle: meh
2016-11-13 02:04 Miryle: sr is fucked anyways
2016-11-13 02:04 Miryle: im sure you know it being triple digit ;w;
2016-11-13 02:06 PajWoj: ya
2016-11-13 02:07 PajWoj: where is your post!!!!!!
2016-11-13 02:07 Miryle: ioh
2016-11-13 02:07 Miryle: OH
2016-11-13 02:07 Miryle: HI FORUM
from my queue

delete chillout from tags, it is already in the difficulty name

00:20:344 (2,3) - blanket
00:40:661 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2) - why do you spam finishes
01:06:104 (1,2) - blanket properly

nothing too bad, but the NCs are placed a bit weirdly at some points

good luck with the map
Topic Starter

MBmasher wrote:

from my queue

delete chillout from tags, it is already in the difficulty name

00:20:344 (2,3) - blanket
00:40:661 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2) - why do you spam finishes
01:06:104 (1,2) - blanket properly

nothing too bad, but the NCs are placed a bit weirdly at some points

good luck with the map
i think i fixed the first blanket
there are finishes in that spot because the song is pretty intense and those sounds deserve an addition imo
good luck
2016-11-14 23:43 [ Emillia ]: ok i'll start
2016-11-14 23:43 [ Emillia ]: 00:03:066 (1) - not sure why this note is here
2016-11-14 23:44 [ Emillia ]: its literally mapped on nothing
2016-11-14 23:44 [ Emillia ]: hitsounding it doesnt justify it imo
2016-11-14 23:45 PajWoj: i didn't notice there was no sound but it would be strange if it wasn't there
2016-11-14 23:47 [ Emillia ]: tbvh i would suggest this:
2016-11-14 23:47 [ Emillia ]: like follow the obvious beat
2016-11-14 23:48 PajWoj: hm
2016-11-14 23:51 PajWoj: yeah this seems better
2016-11-14 23:54 [ Emillia ]: 00:06:294 - 00:05:724 - 00:05:155 - missing soft drum beats here
2016-11-14 23:55 [ Emillia ]: doy ou want me to spam instead
2016-11-14 23:55 [ Emillia ]: or would you rather reply to each one
2016-11-14 23:55 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-14 23:55 PajWoj: i'm gonna check every one and try to respond
2016-11-14 23:56 PajWoj: you can spam if you want
2016-11-14 23:56 [ Emillia ]: cuz the thing is you're replying a bit slow compared to the speed of me finding mods
2016-11-14 23:58 [ Emillia ]: the whole from part of your map
2016-11-14 23:58 [ Emillia ]: is mapped super haphazardly
2016-11-14 23:59 [ Emillia ]: i cant really hear a certain instrument being emphasized
2016-11-14 23:59 [ Emillia ]: and every pattern looks very messy in general
2016-11-14 23:59 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-14 23:59 [ Emillia ]: like they were put there for the sake of it
2016-11-14 23:59 PajWoj: i didn't know what to do
2016-11-14 23:59 PajWoj: i don't really like that part but i'm too lazy to remap it
2016-11-15 00:02 PajWoj: i mean i tried to put whistles on that one sound that stands out but that's it for emphasis lol
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: yea
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: its more about
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: rhythmic sense
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: like the important beats are clickable
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: and the not important beats are more obscured
2016-11-15 00:04 [ Emillia ]: if you're just gonna mix and match sliders and hitcircles as you please
2016-11-15 00:04 [ Emillia ]: its not gonna sound well with respect to the song
2016-11-15 00:04 [ Emillia ]: if anything i'd say refer to VINXIS's version
2016-11-15 00:05 PajWoj: i wanted to make a simpler map like
2016-11-15 00:05 PajWoj: idk just simpler
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: simpler sure
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: but rn its really complicated to me what your emphasis is
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: i dont see any
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: like this is good imo 00:22:243 (1,2,3,4,5) -
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: cuz 1 and 2 are louder and held, makes sense for you to have sliders
2016-11-15 00:07 [ Emillia ]: while the more subtle tones were suppressed with hitcircles as 3,4,5, which differ from the sliders
2016-11-15 00:08 PajWoj: hm
2016-11-15 00:09 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-15 00:10 PajWoj: i genuinely don't know what to say like this is some advanced mapping
2016-11-15 00:11 PajWoj: and this what you're seeing is my like third visit in the editor
2016-11-15 00:11 PajWoj: i guess that explains the lack of everything
2016-11-15 00:15 [ Emillia ]: hm
2016-11-15 00:17 [ Emillia ]: make your NCs more consistent 00:28:129 (7) -
2016-11-15 00:17 [ Emillia ]: i guess i can only point out some of the more obvious mistakes
2016-11-15 00:17 [ Emillia ]: cuz about mapping you really need experience to get better
2016-11-15 00:18 [ Emillia ]: 00:34:205 (7) - similar with NC, etc. will stop mentioning this
2016-11-15 00:19 PajWoj: yeah ok
2016-11-15 00:19 [ Emillia ]: 00:32:686 (1,2,3,4) - sounds similar to 00:38:762 (1) -
2016-11-15 00:20 [ Emillia ]: but somehow is mapped completely different
2016-11-15 00:20 [ Emillia ]: and disregard some intermittent sounds?
2016-11-15 00:20 [ Emillia ]: 00:41:800 (1) - from here onwards please the finish hitsounds are wayyyy too much
2016-11-15 00:21 PajWoj: fuck dude i like it so much
2016-11-15 00:21 PajWoj: what should i do then
2016-11-15 00:21 PajWoj: like for me every one of those sounds deserves a finish
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: no wayy
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: it sounds
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: I N S A N E
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: like
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: its just cluttering my earholes
2016-11-15 00:22 PajWoj: o
2016-11-15 00:24 [ Emillia ]: 00:50:914 (1) - these sliders
2016-11-15 00:24 [ Emillia ]: consider cross referencing other maps and revise them accordingly LOL
2016-11-15 00:24 [ Emillia ]: 01:01:547 (3) - this is a bit confusing to play, just map it all in 1/6th
2016-11-15 00:25 [ Emillia ]: 01:25:471 (1) - missing beats
2016-11-15 00:25 [ Emillia ]: (repeated)
2016-11-15 00:26 [ Emillia ]: 01:35:155 (2,3,4,1,2) - if i were you i'd map this in 1/3 but thats a little confusing rn
2016-11-15 00:26 [ Emillia ]: 01:37:433 (6,1) - similar slider length, makes things unreadable
2016-11-15 00:26 [ Emillia ]: 01:37:433 (6,7,1,2,3) - especially when you compare the distances in time and visually
2016-11-15 00:26 PajWoj: wait hold on what should i exactly do with this
2016-11-15 00:26 PajWoj: like
2016-11-15 00:26 PajWoj: shorten the second slider to 1/6?
2016-11-15 00:26 PajWoj: 01:01:547 -
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: no just continue the reverse on 2 more ticks on 1/6
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: i guess
2016-11-15 00:27 PajWoj: this would be pretty strange :/
2016-11-15 00:27 PajWoj: w/e ok
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: uhh try changing it and then looking at it
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: it should at least feel better to play
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: if you want something clickable
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: i guess you can just extend it by one tick
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: and adding a hitcircle
2016-11-15 00:28 [ Emillia ]: but i feel like that could be misleading
2016-11-15 00:28 PajWoj: i'll leave it at that for now
2016-11-15 00:28 [ Emillia ]: sur
2016-11-15 00:28 [ Emillia ]: 01:56:041 - the triplet actually starts here for 01:55:851 (1,2,3) -
2016-11-15 00:29 [ Emillia ]: 01:56:800 (6) - theres technically nothing on this hitcircle
2016-11-15 00:29 [ Emillia ]: 01:58:509 (1,2,3,4) - doesnt deserve the finishes
2016-11-15 00:29 [ Emillia ]: 02:20:344 - similarly with the triplet 02:20:155 (1,2,3) -
2016-11-15 00:29 [ Emillia ]: 02:21:863 - theres a triplet here
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: o i will make like
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: thats super obvious you're skipping out on
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: 01:25:661 -
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: yeah i didn't listen closely to the song i guess
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: its up to you as long as you include the important beast
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: beats*
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: thanks for pointing all of this out
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: in those places
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: 01:25:661 -
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: heres like a little word of advice
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: i will make like a circle and a shorter slider should be fine
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: map to what you hear, dont map to what you want to hear
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: 02:25:851 (1,2,1,2,3) - compared to before, what you've done here with the distancing is a bit more obvious
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: 02:30:028 - important drum+piano beat here?
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: 02:44:648 - missing beat
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: 02:46:167 - rip triplet
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: i guess these problems are all repetitive
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: and seeing as how most of the song is the same
2016-11-15 00:31 PajWoj: yeah
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: i doubt i need to continue for similar issues
2016-11-15 00:32 [ Emillia ]: so like rhythm-wise, please do a massive recheck
2016-11-15 00:32 [ Emillia ]: i'll mention other things instead
2016-11-15 00:32 [ Emillia ]: 02:49:395 (1,1) - unrankable iirc, too short distance for recovery
2016-11-15 00:33 [ Emillia ]: 02:56:420 (1) - from here on, the slow bit has a LOT of missing beats
2016-11-15 00:33 PajWoj: what time would you recommend to end it on
2016-11-15 00:33 [ Emillia ]: what time?
2016-11-15 00:33 PajWoj: the spinner
2016-11-15 00:33 [ Emillia ]: well shift it so that theres like at least half a bar of recovery
2016-11-15 00:34 PajWoj: at 02:49:659 -
2016-11-15 00:34 [ Emillia ]: or 1/4 of a bar
2016-11-15 00:34 [ Emillia ]: i guess here 02:52:053 - or 02:51:674 -
2016-11-15 00:34 [ Emillia ]: but they both sound awkward, cuz if it were me i'd map something else instead of spinners
2016-11-15 00:35 [ Emillia ]: i'll just put it out there that i think this whole section is a little boring with the similar patterns that aren't intense 03:28:319 (4) -
2016-11-15 00:35 PajWoj: i could redo this bit with like sliders
2016-11-15 00:35 [ Emillia ]: sure
2016-11-15 00:36 [ Emillia ]: 03:51:674 (1) - not sure of the purpose of these long sliders, they all skip a lot of beats
2016-11-15 00:36 [ Emillia ]: 03:49:775 (1) - p sure this isnt that audible enough, and imo can be mapped better
2016-11-15 00:36 [ Emillia ]: like eg. following the main beat instead
2016-11-15 00:36 [ Emillia ]: 04:17:117 (3) - wayy toomany finishes
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: more missing beats in the final kiai
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: i just think your whole structure of the map is super basic, which is fine but there should be more variability in terms of rhythm, flow and aesthetic
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: like honestly if theres something i kinda need you to do
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: is refer to the ranked ver of this
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: cuz it will help you loads
2016-11-15 00:38 PajWoj: fine thanks a lot
2016-11-15 00:38 [ Emillia ]: on knowing what to emphasize and what not to, when to use spinners, sliders, some patterns etc.
2016-11-15 00:38 [ Emillia ]: so is this mod fine with you?
2016-11-15 00:38 PajWoj: yeah why wouldn't it be
2016-11-15 00:38 PajWoj: it was pretty informative and i've learned from it
Topic Starter

[ Emillia ] wrote:

good luck
2016-11-14 23:43 [ Emillia ]: ok i'll start
2016-11-14 23:43 [ Emillia ]: 00:03:066 (1) - not sure why this note is here
2016-11-14 23:44 [ Emillia ]: its literally mapped on nothing
2016-11-14 23:44 [ Emillia ]: hitsounding it doesnt justify it imo
2016-11-14 23:45 PajWoj: i didn't notice there was no sound but it would be strange if it wasn't there
2016-11-14 23:47 [ Emillia ]: tbvh i would suggest this:
2016-11-14 23:47 [ Emillia ]: like follow the obvious beat
2016-11-14 23:48 PajWoj: hm
2016-11-14 23:51 PajWoj: yeah this seems better
2016-11-14 23:54 [ Emillia ]: 00:06:294 - 00:05:724 - 00:05:155 - missing soft drum beats here
2016-11-14 23:55 [ Emillia ]: doy ou want me to spam instead
2016-11-14 23:55 [ Emillia ]: or would you rather reply to each one
2016-11-14 23:55 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-14 23:55 PajWoj: i'm gonna check every one and try to respond
2016-11-14 23:56 PajWoj: you can spam if you want
2016-11-14 23:56 [ Emillia ]: cuz the thing is you're replying a bit slow compared to the speed of me finding mods
2016-11-14 23:58 [ Emillia ]: the whole from part of your map
2016-11-14 23:58 [ Emillia ]: is mapped super haphazardly
2016-11-14 23:59 [ Emillia ]: i cant really hear a certain instrument being emphasized
2016-11-14 23:59 [ Emillia ]: and every pattern looks very messy in general
2016-11-14 23:59 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-14 23:59 [ Emillia ]: like they were put there for the sake of it
2016-11-14 23:59 PajWoj: i didn't know what to do
2016-11-14 23:59 PajWoj: i don't really like that part but i'm too lazy to remap it
2016-11-15 00:02 PajWoj: i mean i tried to put whistles on that one sound that stands out but that's it for emphasis lol
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: yea
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: its more about
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: rhythmic sense
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: like the important beats are clickable
2016-11-15 00:03 [ Emillia ]: and the not important beats are more obscured
2016-11-15 00:04 [ Emillia ]: if you're just gonna mix and match sliders and hitcircles as you please
2016-11-15 00:04 [ Emillia ]: its not gonna sound well with respect to the song
2016-11-15 00:04 [ Emillia ]: if anything i'd say refer to VINXIS's version
2016-11-15 00:05 PajWoj: i wanted to make a simpler map like
2016-11-15 00:05 PajWoj: idk just simpler
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: simpler sure
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: but rn its really complicated to me what your emphasis is
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: i dont see any
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: like this is good imo 00:22:243 (1,2,3,4,5) -
2016-11-15 00:06 [ Emillia ]: cuz 1 and 2 are louder and held, makes sense for you to have sliders
2016-11-15 00:07 [ Emillia ]: while the more subtle tones were suppressed with hitcircles as 3,4,5, which differ from the sliders
2016-11-15 00:08 PajWoj: hm
2016-11-15 00:09 PajWoj: i mean
2016-11-15 00:10 PajWoj: i genuinely don't know what to say like this is some advanced mapping
2016-11-15 00:11 PajWoj: and this what you're seeing is my like third visit in the editor
2016-11-15 00:11 PajWoj: i guess that explains the lack of everything
2016-11-15 00:15 [ Emillia ]: hm
2016-11-15 00:17 [ Emillia ]: make your NCs more consistent 00:28:129 (7) -
2016-11-15 00:17 [ Emillia ]: i guess i can only point out some of the more obvious mistakes
2016-11-15 00:17 [ Emillia ]: cuz about mapping you really need experience to get better
2016-11-15 00:18 [ Emillia ]: 00:34:205 (7) - similar with NC, etc. will stop mentioning this
2016-11-15 00:19 PajWoj: yeah ok
2016-11-15 00:19 [ Emillia ]: 00:32:686 (1,2,3,4) - sounds similar to 00:38:762 (1) -
2016-11-15 00:20 [ Emillia ]: but somehow is mapped completely different
2016-11-15 00:20 [ Emillia ]: and disregard some intermittent sounds?
2016-11-15 00:20 [ Emillia ]: 00:41:800 (1) - from here onwards please the finish hitsounds are wayyyy too much
2016-11-15 00:21 PajWoj: fuck dude i like it so much
2016-11-15 00:21 PajWoj: what should i do then
2016-11-15 00:21 PajWoj: like for me every one of those sounds deserves a finish
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: no wayy
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: it sounds
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: I N S A N E
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: like
2016-11-15 00:21 [ Emillia ]: its just cluttering my earholes
2016-11-15 00:22 PajWoj: o
2016-11-15 00:24 [ Emillia ]: 00:50:914 (1) - these sliders
2016-11-15 00:24 [ Emillia ]: consider cross referencing other maps and revise them accordingly LOL
2016-11-15 00:24 [ Emillia ]: 01:01:547 (3) - this is a bit confusing to play, just map it all in 1/6th
2016-11-15 00:25 [ Emillia ]: 01:25:471 (1) - missing beats
2016-11-15 00:25 [ Emillia ]: (repeated)
2016-11-15 00:26 [ Emillia ]: 01:35:155 (2,3,4,1,2) - if i were you i'd map this in 1/3 but thats a little confusing rn
2016-11-15 00:26 [ Emillia ]: 01:37:433 (6,1) - similar slider length, makes things unreadable
2016-11-15 00:26 [ Emillia ]: 01:37:433 (6,7,1,2,3) - especially when you compare the distances in time and visually
2016-11-15 00:26 PajWoj: wait hold on what should i exactly do with this
2016-11-15 00:26 PajWoj: like
2016-11-15 00:26 PajWoj: shorten the second slider to 1/6?
2016-11-15 00:26 PajWoj: 01:01:547 -
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: no just continue the reverse on 2 more ticks on 1/6
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: i guess
2016-11-15 00:27 PajWoj: this would be pretty strange :/
2016-11-15 00:27 PajWoj: w/e ok
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: uhh try changing it and then looking at it
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: it should at least feel better to play
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: if you want something clickable
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: i guess you can just extend it by one tick
2016-11-15 00:27 [ Emillia ]: and adding a hitcircle
2016-11-15 00:28 [ Emillia ]: but i feel like that could be misleading
2016-11-15 00:28 PajWoj: i'll leave it at that for now
2016-11-15 00:28 [ Emillia ]: sur
2016-11-15 00:28 [ Emillia ]: 01:56:041 - the triplet actually starts here for 01:55:851 (1,2,3) -
2016-11-15 00:29 [ Emillia ]: 01:56:800 (6) - theres technically nothing on this hitcircle
2016-11-15 00:29 [ Emillia ]: 01:58:509 (1,2,3,4) - doesnt deserve the finishes
2016-11-15 00:29 [ Emillia ]: 02:20:344 - similarly with the triplet 02:20:155 (1,2,3) -
2016-11-15 00:29 [ Emillia ]: 02:21:863 - theres a triplet here
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: o i will make like
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: thats super obvious you're skipping out on
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: 01:25:661 -
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: yeah i didn't listen closely to the song i guess
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: its up to you as long as you include the important beast
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: beats*
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: thanks for pointing all of this out
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: in those places
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: 01:25:661 -
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: heres like a little word of advice
2016-11-15 00:30 PajWoj: i will make like a circle and a shorter slider should be fine
2016-11-15 00:30 [ Emillia ]: map to what you hear, dont map to what you want to hear
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: 02:25:851 (1,2,1,2,3) - compared to before, what you've done here with the distancing is a bit more obvious
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: 02:30:028 - important drum+piano beat here?
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: 02:44:648 - missing beat
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: 02:46:167 - rip triplet
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: i guess these problems are all repetitive
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: and seeing as how most of the song is the same
2016-11-15 00:31 PajWoj: yeah
2016-11-15 00:31 [ Emillia ]: i doubt i need to continue for similar issues
2016-11-15 00:32 [ Emillia ]: so like rhythm-wise, please do a massive recheck
2016-11-15 00:32 [ Emillia ]: i'll mention other things instead
2016-11-15 00:32 [ Emillia ]: 02:49:395 (1,1) - unrankable iirc, too short distance for recovery
2016-11-15 00:33 [ Emillia ]: 02:56:420 (1) - from here on, the slow bit has a LOT of missing beats
2016-11-15 00:33 PajWoj: what time would you recommend to end it on
2016-11-15 00:33 [ Emillia ]: what time?
2016-11-15 00:33 PajWoj: the spinner
2016-11-15 00:33 [ Emillia ]: well shift it so that theres like at least half a bar of recovery
2016-11-15 00:34 PajWoj: at 02:49:659 -
2016-11-15 00:34 [ Emillia ]: or 1/4 of a bar
2016-11-15 00:34 [ Emillia ]: i guess here 02:52:053 - or 02:51:674 -
2016-11-15 00:34 [ Emillia ]: but they both sound awkward, cuz if it were me i'd map something else instead of spinners
2016-11-15 00:35 [ Emillia ]: i'll just put it out there that i think this whole section is a little boring with the similar patterns that aren't intense 03:28:319 (4) -
2016-11-15 00:35 PajWoj: i could redo this bit with like sliders
2016-11-15 00:35 [ Emillia ]: sure
2016-11-15 00:36 [ Emillia ]: 03:51:674 (1) - not sure of the purpose of these long sliders, they all skip a lot of beats
2016-11-15 00:36 [ Emillia ]: 03:49:775 (1) - p sure this isnt that audible enough, and imo can be mapped better
2016-11-15 00:36 [ Emillia ]: like eg. following the main beat instead
2016-11-15 00:36 [ Emillia ]: 04:17:117 (3) - wayy toomany finishes
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: more missing beats in the final kiai
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: i just think your whole structure of the map is super basic, which is fine but there should be more variability in terms of rhythm, flow and aesthetic
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: like honestly if theres something i kinda need you to do
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: is refer to the ranked ver of this
2016-11-15 00:37 [ Emillia ]: cuz it will help you loads
2016-11-15 00:38 PajWoj: fine thanks a lot
2016-11-15 00:38 [ Emillia ]: on knowing what to emphasize and what not to, when to use spinners, sliders, some patterns etc.
2016-11-15 00:38 [ Emillia ]: so is this mod fine with you?
2016-11-15 00:38 PajWoj: yeah why wouldn't it be
2016-11-15 00:38 PajWoj: it was pretty informative and i've learned from it
ok for now i've fixed some things to the first kiai time, should be fine now

i need to check the ranked map later, maybe add some patterns from that

thanks again for your help
the 'finish' hit sounds from ( 01:58:509 (1) - to 01:59:079 (4) - ) sounds bad
thats pretty much it. good luck though
Topic Starter

Yijun wrote:

the 'finish' hit sounds from ( 01:58:509 (1) - to 01:59:079 (4) - ) sounds bad
thats pretty much it. good luck though
also adding a whistle hit sound to all these locations would sound nice.
03:09:522 (4) -
03:31:927 (7) -
03:36:484 -
03:41:041 (1) -
03:33:066 (1) -
03:38:003 (6) -

some places you could also get rid of some whistles.
03:16:737 (1) -
03:00:218 (1) -
02:59:458 (5) -

just trying to help. again, good luck
Topic Starter

Yijun wrote:

also adding a whistle hit sound to all these locations would sound nice.
03:09:522 (4) -
03:31:927 (7) -
03:36:484 -
03:41:041 (1) -
03:33:066 (1) -
03:38:003 (6) -

some places you could also get rid of some whistles.
03:16:737 (1) -
03:00:218 (1) -
02:59:458 (5) -

just trying to help. again, good luck
thanks a lot again

i would give you another kudosu but i'm not sure if i can :P

PajWoj wrote:

Yijun wrote:

also adding a whistle hit sound to all these locations would sound nice.
03:09:522 (4) -
03:31:927 (7) -
03:36:484 -
03:41:041 (1) -
03:33:066 (1) -
03:38:003 (6) -

some places you could also get rid of some whistles.
03:16:737 (1) -
03:00:218 (1) -
02:59:458 (5) -

just trying to help. again, good luck
thanks a lot again

i would give you another kudosu but i'm not sure if i can :P
that's not what i'm doing it for
Imo the beginning (00:02:307 - 00:26:610 - ) could do with a more constant rhythm because you follow some of the background noises whilst also trying to follow the beeps in the foreground. I think you're trying to follow too much and it makes the rhythm inconsistent and some of it doesn't make sense. For example, 00:08:193 - 00:08:382 - you don't follow the foreground noise but you do at 00:02:876 (3) - and at 00:10:091 (5) - you don't follow the clapping in the background and completely focus on the foreground for that one slider. If you need help with this you can always ask me for a better explanation. because this isn't really a good one

The NC in this map seems very inconsistent and I recommend that you stick to placing one every measure (the big white ticks) if you're not sure about where to put them.

I also think that you're using the kiai too often because nothing in the song really changed apart from the obvious section changes.


  1. 00:11:610 (4,1) - This sudden change of flow is weird and can confuse a player. You need to make this flow like you did for the whole of the beginning.
  2. 00:19:395 (3,4) - You should use constant distance snapping for these patterns because they are close together and it looks like you want these to be the same distance apart. I pointed this out because it was the most noticeable but I think you should use DS for this whole beginning.
  3. 00:29:648 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why is this spacing so close whereas 00:31:167 (1,2,3,4,5) - is alot bigger? The beats are exactly the same. (I don't think these are the only ones)
  4. 00:46:737 (2,3,4) - I don't like this because it interrupts the flow.
  5. 01:03:066 (3,4) - Fix this blanket.
  6. 01:12:180 - I think for this part you should raise the hitsound volume here because the song gets significantly louder.
  7. 01:16:357 (1,2) - I'm not sure if this is meant to be a blanket or not but if it is please fix it.
  8. 01:26:420 (4,1) - Could look better as a blanket.
  9. 01:31:167 (3,4,5) - Keep the spacing consistent because this breaks the flow that you're building up.
  10. 01:58:889 (3,4,1) - ^ (I don't think I've pointed out all of these but look around and fix any that you can find)
  11. 02:52:433 (1,2,3,4) - These aren't spaced properly and makes the aesthetics of the map look bad.
  12. 03:11:990 (6,7,1,2) - ^
  13. 03:47:117 (1) - I don't like this random change in rhythm, the song sounds the same as the previous part. Why change it here?
  14. 04:11:610 - 04:34:395 - I'm not sure what's with the finish spam because claps here sounds more feasible.
  15. 05:18:825 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Again with the hitsound spam, I think the clap is a better alternative.

Good luck and call me back if you need more help.
I will m4m :D

00:19:965 (6,1) - Maybe blanket the sliderend with the next slider?

00:24:142 (4,1) - space these out more because 1/1 beat and not 1/2 beat

01:02:307 (1,2) - maybe space these out more, same as ^ but this feels a lot better for some reason

01:06:104 (1,2) - clean blanket

01:09:142 (1) - this isn't centered i think? it snapped for me so maybe

01:11:800 (1) - same

01:16:357 (1,2) - blanket

01:22:243 (3,2,3,4,1) - equal spacing

01:26:420 (4,1) - blanket

01:31:167 (3,4,5) - equal space

01:38:003 (1,2,3) - Maybe overlap these somehow? this was confusing the first time, but the other times I could predict them so I hit them. If you overlap these thats kinda saying to the player that it is a unique rhythm (at least to me it would)

01:57:560 (2,3,4) - iirc this is the only unstacked triplet

02:04:205 (1) - center

02:15:218 (6,7) - you can do this to it

02:58:509 (1) - maybe from here you can map to the synth in the back instead of continuing the pattern before it. This is really repetitive if you keep it the way it is

04:06:863 (1,1) - blanket

04:11:041 (1) - no need to have so many finishes in this kiai.. and they are in the wrong spot too, the should be on any white tick instead, not red.

Something i noticed in the kiais... There are no times where two sliders are after one-another. It is always slider circle circle circle circle for the whole thing, maybe try to add more sliders or just change the patterns of the objects. playing this feels really repetitive and more like a jump training map. (fun tho)
Topic Starter

Alphabet wrote:

Imo the beginning (00:02:307 - 00:26:610 - ) could do with a more constant rhythm because you follow some of the background noises whilst also trying to follow the beeps in the foreground. I think you're trying to follow too much and it makes the rhythm inconsistent and some of it doesn't make sense. For example, 00:08:193 - 00:08:382 - you don't follow the foreground noise (i think i actually do) but you do at 00:02:876 (3) - and at 00:10:091 (5) - you don't follow the clapping in the background and completely focus on the foreground for that one slider. If you need help with this you can always ask me for a better explanation. because this isn't really a good one i'll leave this for now

The NC in this map seems very inconsistent and I recommend that you stick to placing one every measure (the big white ticks) if you're not sure about where to put them.

I also think that you're using the kiai too often because nothing in the song really changed apart from the obvious section changes. i put kiai for the most intense parts of the song in my opinion


  1. 00:11:610 (4,1) - This sudden change of flow is weird and can confuse a player. You need to make this flow like you did for the whole of the beginning.i hope its better now
  2. 00:19:395 (3,4) - You should use constant distance snapping for these patterns because they are close together and it looks like you want these to be the same distance apart. I pointed this out because it was the most noticeable but I think you should use DS for this whole beginning. i made the slow part when i didnt know much and didnt change it a lot since then. will try to improve it but not today :P
  3. 00:29:648 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why is this spacing so close whereas 00:31:167 (1,2,3,4,5) - is alot bigger? The beats are exactly the same. (I don't think these are the only ones) there are like more noticable sounds right there, but after there was one identical pattern with jumps so i changed that
  4. 00:46:737 (2,3,4) - I don't like this because it interrupts the flow. i don't like really long singletap sections, this is a little break
  5. 01:03:066 (3,4) - Fix this blanket.
  6. 01:12:180 - I think for this part you should raise the hitsound volume here because the song gets significantly louder. there is a 40% point, i don't think i should increase it for now (ill do if someone else complains
  7. 01:16:357 (1,2) - I'm not sure if this is meant to be a blanket or not but if it is please fix it.
  8. 01:26:420 (4,1) - Could look better as a blanket.
  9. 01:31:167 (3,4,5) - Keep the spacing consistent because this breaks the flow that you're building up.
  10. 01:58:889 (3,4,1) - ^ (I don't think I've pointed out all of these but look around and fix any that you can find)
  11. 02:52:433 (1,2,3,4) - These aren't spaced properly and makes the aesthetics of the map look bad.
  12. 03:11:990 (6,7,1,2) - ^those are stacked to the slider, i tried to do something but it looks just as bad tbh
  13. 03:47:117 (1) - I don't like this random change in rhythm, the song sounds the same as the previous part. Why change it here?it changes a bit, but i swear if someone else complains ill change it
  14. 04:11:610 - 04:34:395 - I'm not sure what's with the finish spam because claps here sounds more feasible.i think it's fine
  15. 05:18:825 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Again with the hitsound spam, I think the clap is a better alternative.finish because the song finishes, ha, get it? i just thought it sounded ok

Good luck and call me back if you need more help.
thanks a lot!

oh god my edit looks so bad i'll just stick to not using colours at all lmao
Topic Starter

-Vanilla wrote:

I will m4m :D

00:19:965 (6,1) - Maybe blanket the sliderend with the next slider?

00:24:142 (4,1) - space these out more because 1/1 beat and not 1/2 beat

01:02:307 (1,2) - maybe space these out more, same as ^ but this feels a lot better for some reason

01:06:104 (1,2) - clean blanket

01:09:142 (1) - this isn't centered i think? it snapped for me so maybe

01:11:800 (1) - same

01:16:357 (1,2) - blanket

01:22:243 (3,2,3,4,1) - equal spacing

01:26:420 (4,1) - blanket

01:31:167 (3,4,5) - equal space

01:38:003 (1,2,3) - Maybe overlap these somehow? this was confusing the first time, but the other times I could predict them so I hit them. If you overlap these thats kinda saying to the player that it is a unique rhythm (at least to me it would)

01:57:560 (2,3,4) - iirc this is the only unstacked triplet

02:04:205 (1) - center

02:15:218 (6,7) - you can do this to it

02:58:509 (1) - maybe from here you can map to the synth in the back instead of continuing the pattern before it. This is really repetitive if you keep it the way it is

04:06:863 (1,1) - blanket

04:11:041 (1) - no need to have so many finishes in this kiai.. and they are in the wrong spot too, the should be on any white tick instead, not red.

Something i noticed in the kiais... There are no times where two sliders are after one-another. It is always slider circle circle circle circle for the whole thing, maybe try to add more sliders or just change the patterns of the objects. playing this feels really repetitive and more like a jump training map. (fun tho)
thanks a lot for help

didn't do: 00:24:142 (4,1) - space these out more because 1/1 beat and not 1/2 beat (didn't quite understand)
01:57:560 (2,3,4) - iirc this is the only unstacked triplet (looks cool and plays well imo, i know it really shouldn't be there but come on)
02:58:509 (1) - maybe from here you can map to the synth in the back instead of continuing the pattern before it. This is really repetitive if you keep it the way it is (just nah)
04:11:041 (1) - no need to have so many finishes in this kiai.. and they are in the wrong spot too, the should be on any white tick instead, not red. (it sounds really cool but when i'll try to polish the map myself i'll probably take them off and leave claps)
Something i noticed in the kiais... There are no times where two sliders are after one-another. It is always slider circle circle circle circle for the whole thing, maybe try to add more sliders or just change the patterns of the objects. playing this feels really repetitive and more like a jump training map. (fun tho) (why change it if its fun)
Hey sweet map! Not a full mod, but 02:39:901 (7) - could be made a new combo to be read a little better because it's timed a little different from the rest of the combo.

Also, for all the sliders like 03:49:775 (1) - this, I think it sounds better at ~30% volume rather than 5%

Fun map overall!
Topic Starter

Sklyfe wrote:

Hey sweet map! Not a full mod, but 02:39:901 (7) - could be made a new combo to be read a little better because it's timed a little different from the rest of the combo.

Also, for all the sliders like 03:49:775 (1) - this, I think it sounds better at ~30% volume rather than 5%

Fun map overall!

i've changed the slider volume.
Alright, finally here o/

Grynpyret - Boba Beach

  1. 00:02:307 (1) - From here to 00:14:458 (1) or so, I want you to re-evaluate your rhythm a little bit. You can here the little bloop sound effects, some are held out, some are quick and short. Like 00:04:585 (2,3), this one is held out and would be more appropriate as a slider. But at 00:04:205 (1), you map it as a slider when the only bloop is at the end of the slider. Try to be consistent with these, given that there's not much else you can map to here :)
  2. 00:05:724 (2,3,4,5,1,2) - Shapes like this can be improved, using tools like ctrl+shift+d to make geometric shapes and then removing what is unnecessary, give it a try! Can apply to a lot of things in your map.
  3. 00:04:775 (3,4,5) - Emphasis with changing direction like this can be good. However, it may be more appropriate to use it in the right places. Like here, the high pitched note is on 00:04:775 (3), and I feel emphasizing that with a change in direction is more important than 00:04:965 (4) -
  4. 00:11:990 (5,1,2) - I feel like establishing some circular flow could make this nicer :) try this maybe?
  5. 00:14:458 (1,2) - Be careful with sudden increase/decrease in spacing. This transitions poorly into 00:15:218 (3), and I don't think it's necessary for the song. Maybe you were trying to gradually decrease spacing from 00:13:699 (1,2,1,2) so it's not too shocking for players? If so, go for a less aggressive approach. It's good in practice, but if you tone down the spacing so it transitions better it'll be more fitting.
  6. 00:24:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - I do take issue with this a little. Players have no way of differentiation here. When mapping, you want to avoid making different rhythms appear the same. One is a 1/2 rhythm, and the other is a 1/4, but you stack them the same. I'd space the 1/4 rhythm out so it looks noticeably different compared to the 1/2 stack before, so players don't get confused ^^
  7. 00:31:167 (1,2,3,4) - Be sparing with how you increase spacing like this. I think areas like 00:38:003 (3,4,5,6) are more fitting since you increase them based on a new "section" of the song starting, but tone it down just a tad, imo, for the aforementioned ^-^ I do think later the increase is fitting though when you do it for when the song starts to change.
  8. 00:46:357 (1,2,3,4) - Square ish pattern? Maybe re-arrange it so it looks more like one. For sake of flow, I'd ctrl+g both 00:47:117 (3,4) individually.
  9. 00:48:636 (1,2,3) - Would make more sense to make 3 the further spaced one, imo
  10. 00:53:952 (1) - Would be cool to align the end curve better with 00:50:914 (1)'s edge.
  11. 01:01:547 (3) - Something about this doesn't feel right. Is it not just 1/4? Please get more opinions on it.
  12. 01:06:104 (1,2) - Work on your blankets a bit! Using approach circles is a great way to fix them. Look at : versus It looks cleaner, and has better parallel structure. Go through your map and use this strategy to improve your blankets in your map, this is a common issue throughout.
  13. 01:38:003 (1,2,3) - Neat concept. I'd space them a little closer, though... it's a bit worry-ingly similar to 01:36:674 (2,3,4,5) spacing-wise, and should be more noticeably different. :)
  14. 01:39:142 (1) - Putting such an intense kiai start on a slider end felt weird, I was inclined to jump to 2! Make a 1/4 rhythm here, then put a circle on the downbeat? :)
  15. 02:15:218 (6,7) - Center the curve to blanket 7 more appropriately.
  16. 02:22:813 (1) - Potentially better wavy:
  17. 02:26:610 (1,2,3) - This is more appropriate given the song doesn't lose intensity and neither does gameplay, compared to the other 1/4 sliders you did.
  18. 03:12:180 (7,1) - Woahh, bit too close >w<
  19. 03:34:775 (8,5) - Stack these!
  20. 02:52:433 (1) - From here to 03:46:927 (6) - you use a very geometric structure in your map. The intro is equally as calm, wouldn't it be more fitting to map both the same way? Consistency throughout the map would drastically help, quality wise.
  21. 03:49:775 (1) - This is technically overmapped, as there are no 1/4 sounds present :(
  22. 03:52:813 (1) - ^
  23. 03:55:851 (1) - ^
  24. 03:58:889 (1) - ^ Always be sure to listen to sounds at 25% to make sure you're not adding sounds that don't exist in the music :)
  25. 04:01:927 (1) - ^
  26. 04:04:965 (1) - ^ All of these should just be 1/2 rhythms. I'm not going to spam this mod and point out the rest, I'm sure you got it ;)
  27. 04:59:648 (1) - The kiai drop isn't as large here, but if you fix the other one, for consistency it's better to do so here as well.

I really do like the general flow of the map, you map most of it to fit the mood and it seems to be well hitsounded.

I'm going to pull that, "this map lacks structure" card though, and I know everyone hates to hear it, and I can't exactly give you any direct fixes. I could send you to go watch pishifat videos, and though that may help, it just comes with practice. Go through your map with AR 2-5, and look at what doesn't look good. Overlaps? Bad blankets? Excessive random jumps? There are a lot of things that go into improving quality of structure in a map.

Also, there was some issue with consistency that I didn't enjoy too much. Try to use similar methods for mapping similar parts of the song. The big one I mentioned was the intro being more nicely flowing with unique and different angles to make gameplay fun, but in the second calm part of the song you suddenly take a dramatic turn into very structured and parallel mapping. Consistency shows control of how you are mapping the song, and that you know what to map, and when.

I really think this is a decent map though. You have a lot of potential, seeing that this is one of your first few submitted maps ^^ This is well made. PM me in game or in forum if you have any questions with any bits of my mod, and if you ever need me to mod anything else! Good luck!! <3
Topic Starter

Plaudible wrote:

Alright, finally here o/

Grynpyret - Boba Beach

  1. 00:02:307 (1) - From here to 00:14:458 (1) or so, I want you to re-evaluate your rhythm a little bit. You can here the little bloop sound effects, some are held out, some are quick and short. Like 00:04:585 (2,3), this one is held out and would be more appropriate as a slider. But at 00:04:205 (1), you map it as a slider when the only bloop is at the end of the slider. Try to be consistent with these, given that there's not much else you can map to here :)
  2. 00:05:724 (2,3,4,5,1,2) - Shapes like this can be improved, using tools like ctrl+shift+d to make geometric shapes and then removing what is unnecessary, give it a try! Can apply to a lot of things in your map.
  3. 00:04:775 (3,4,5) - Emphasis with changing direction like this can be good. However, it may be more appropriate to use it in the right places. Like here, the high pitched note is on 00:04:775 (3), and I feel emphasizing that with a change in direction is more important than 00:04:965 (4) -
  4. 00:11:990 (5,1,2) - I feel like establishing some circular flow could make this nicer :) try this maybe?
  5. 00:14:458 (1,2) - Be careful with sudden increase/decrease in spacing. This transitions poorly into 00:15:218 (3), and I don't think it's necessary for the song. Maybe you were trying to gradually decrease spacing from 00:13:699 (1,2,1,2) so it's not too shocking for players? If so, go for a less aggressive approach. It's good in practice, but if you tone down the spacing so it transitions better it'll be more fitting.
  6. 00:24:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - I do take issue with this a little. Players have no way of differentiation here. When mapping, you want to avoid making different rhythms appear the same. One is a 1/2 rhythm, and the other is a 1/4, but you stack them the same. I'd space the 1/4 rhythm out so it looks noticeably different compared to the 1/2 stack before, so players don't get confused ^^
  7. 00:31:167 (1,2,3,4) - Be sparing with how you increase spacing like this. I think areas like 00:38:003 (3,4,5,6) are more fitting since you increase them based on a new "section" of the song starting, but tone it down just a tad, imo, for the aforementioned ^-^ I do think later the increase is fitting though when you do it for when the song starts to change.
  8. 00:46:357 (1,2,3,4) - Square ish pattern? Maybe re-arrange it so it looks more like one. For sake of flow, I'd ctrl+g both 00:47:117 (3,4) individually.
  9. 00:48:636 (1,2,3) - Would make more sense to make 3 the further spaced one, imo
  10. 00:53:952 (1) - Would be cool to align the end curve better with 00:50:914 (1)'s edge.
  11. 01:01:547 (3) - Something about this doesn't feel right. Is it not just 1/4? Please get more opinions on it.
  12. 01:06:104 (1,2) - Work on your blankets a bit! Using approach circles is a great way to fix them. Look at : versus It looks cleaner, and has better parallel structure. Go through your map and use this strategy to improve your blankets in your map, this is a common issue throughout.
  13. 01:38:003 (1,2,3) - Neat concept. I'd space them a little closer, though... it's a bit worry-ingly similar to 01:36:674 (2,3,4,5) spacing-wise, and should be more noticeably different. :)
  14. 01:39:142 (1) - Putting such an intense kiai start on a slider end felt weird, I was inclined to jump to 2! Make a 1/4 rhythm here, then put a circle on the downbeat? :)
  15. 02:15:218 (6,7) - Center the curve to blanket 7 more appropriately.
  16. 02:22:813 (1) - Potentially better wavy:
  17. 02:26:610 (1,2,3) - This is more appropriate given the song doesn't lose intensity and neither does gameplay, compared to the other 1/4 sliders you did.
  18. 03:12:180 (7,1) - Woahh, bit too close >w<
  19. 03:34:775 (8,5) - Stack these!
  20. 02:52:433 (1) - From here to 03:46:927 (6) - you use a very geometric structure in your map. The intro is equally as calm, wouldn't it be more fitting to map both the same way? Consistency throughout the map would drastically help, quality wise.
  21. 03:49:775 (1) - This is technically overmapped, as there are no 1/4 sounds present :(
  22. 03:52:813 (1) - ^
  23. 03:55:851 (1) - ^
  24. 03:58:889 (1) - ^ Always be sure to listen to sounds at 25% to make sure you're not adding sounds that don't exist in the music :)
  25. 04:01:927 (1) - ^
  26. 04:04:965 (1) - ^ All of these should just be 1/2 rhythms. I'm not going to spam this mod and point out the rest, I'm sure you got it ;)
  27. 04:59:648 (1) - The kiai drop isn't as large here, but if you fix the other one, for consistency it's better to do so here as well.

I really do like the general flow of the map, you map most of it to fit the mood and it seems to be well hitsounded.

I'm going to pull that, "this map lacks structure" card though, and I know everyone hates to hear it, and I can't exactly give you any direct fixes. I could send you to go watch pishifat videos, and though that may help, it just comes with practice. Go through your map with AR 2-5, and look at what doesn't look good. Overlaps? Bad blankets? Excessive random jumps? There are a lot of things that go into improving quality of structure in a map.

Also, there was some issue with consistency that I didn't enjoy too much. Try to use similar methods for mapping similar parts of the song. The big one I mentioned was the intro being more nicely flowing with unique and different angles to make gameplay fun, but in the second calm part of the song you suddenly take a dramatic turn into very structured and parallel mapping. Consistency shows control of how you are mapping the song, and that you know what to map, and when.

I really think this is a decent map though. You have a lot of potential, seeing that this is one of your first few submitted maps ^^ This is well made. PM me in game or in forum if you have any questions with any bits of my mod, and if you ever need me to mod anything else! Good luck!! <3
woah, this is a giant mod

i'll get to it tomorrow, it's midnight here right now.
I rarely do a wall of hitsound mod but since it's one of the essence of mapping...

Hitsound spamming is not always good. I cannot seem to hear that your hitsounding pattern fits the music (let ME be honest, not even the "already qualified" one).
  1. 00:27:370 - Despite the low hitvolume (thus making the whistle softer), it should be still following something.
  2. 00:40:661 - Though I highly not recommending hitsound like this, I appreciate the bluff here (build up), sounds cool actually.
  3. During your kiai, your clap pattern occurs every beat like this:

    while it should be like this:

    And you actually already implemented it in notes like 02:31:927 (1) - , but lower down the volume so it's more ear-pleasing.
  4. 01:40:281 - 02:28:129 ; Soft-hitwhistle might sounds soft and sweet for this song, but putting it like this will get you nowhere, as I also have no clue whether your soft-hitwhistle is following the e.pi synth or not.
  5. 04:11:420 - Before you use a very subtle hitsounding and all of sudden it's soft clap finish spam! It is not good, especially since this part is music's clap spam.
I will keep helping with hitsound, so yeah keep it up
Talking about the map itself, it also need a ton of polishing. But I'm pretty sure that you are a hard-worker, so let's just get down to the list.
  1. Try to tilt your pattern so it does not sit straight. In my opinion, pattern like that looks plain unpolished, and tilting some pattern gives it "a little bit move, shape, and flow". Sure, it sometimes looks cool, but I feel that this song demands a little bit of sweevy curve (you get what I mean) and not jaggy.
  2. 00:38:572 (6) - rather than putting it here, I find it flows better when it is put on 00:37:243 (1) - 's end.
  3. 00:44:458 (4) - The flow before is a circular motion. Therefore, it would be better if you put it on the right side of the slider. Don't forget about the distance, though. For example :
  4. 00:47:117 (3,4) - Again, the pattern before is a circular motion. To make it happen in this one, ctrl+g EACH of the slider (so it doesn't reverse the order). The (3,4) is actually already a circular motion, but the transition of (2,3) is back and forth, which is jaggy sharp and sad.
  5. 00:53:952 (1) - Since you make the red slider starts from this one's slider end, I think it would be better if you make this yellow slider also starts from the purple's slider end too. I mean, consistency.
  6. 01:01:547 (3) - The piano actually starts from 01:01:610, repeats under 1/12 beat for four times. It will look like this :
  7. And the rest you can read from Plaudible because he literally just summed up almost everything I want to say about your mapping pattern. Sorry! :-(
Call me again if you have got more and more mods. This song is actually kind of cute.
Topic Starter

Saturnalize wrote:

I rarely do a wall of hitsound mod but since it's one of the essence of mapping...

Hitsound spamming is not always good. I cannot seem to hear that your hitsounding pattern fits the music (let ME be honest, not even the "already qualified" one).
  1. 00:27:370 - Despite the low hitvolume (thus making the whistle softer), it should be still following something.
  2. 00:40:661 - Though I highly not recommending hitsound like this, I appreciate the bluff here (build up), sounds cool actually.
  3. During your kiai, your clap pattern occurs every beat like this:

    while it should be like this:

    And you actually already implemented it in notes like 02:31:927 (1) - , but lower down the volume so it's more ear-pleasing.
  4. 01:40:281 - 02:28:129 ; Soft-hitwhistle might sounds soft and sweet for this song, but putting it like this will get you nowhere, as I also have no clue whether your soft-hitwhistle is following the e.pi synth or not.
  5. 04:11:420 - Before you use a very subtle hitsounding and all of sudden it's soft clap finish spam! It is not good, especially since this part is music's clap spam.
I will keep helping with hitsound, so yeah keep it up
Talking about the map itself, it also need a ton of polishing. But I'm pretty sure that you are a hard-worker, so let's just get down to the list.
  1. Try to tilt your pattern so it does not sit straight. In my opinion, pattern like that looks plain unpolished, and tilting some pattern gives it "a little bit move, shape, and flow". Sure, it sometimes looks cool, but I feel that this song demands a little bit of sweevy curve (you get what I mean) and not jaggy.
  2. 00:38:572 (6) - rather than putting it here, I find it flows better when it is put on 00:37:243 (1) - 's end.
  3. 00:44:458 (4) - The flow before is a circular motion. Therefore, it would be better if you put it on the right side of the slider. Don't forget about the distance, though. For example :
  4. 00:47:117 (3,4) - Again, the pattern before is a circular motion. To make it happen in this one, ctrl+g EACH of the slider (so it doesn't reverse the order). The (3,4) is actually already a circular motion, but the transition of (2,3) is back and forth, which is jaggy sharp and sad.
  5. 00:53:952 (1) - Since you make the red slider starts from this one's slider end, I think it would be better if you make this yellow slider also starts from the purple's slider end too. I mean, consistency.
  6. 01:01:547 (3) - The piano actually starts from 01:01:610, repeats under 1/12 beat for four times. It will look like this :
  7. And the rest you can read from Plaudible because he literally just summed up almost everything I want to say about your mapping pattern. Sorry! :-(
Call me again if you have got more and more mods. This song is actually kind of cute.
thanks a lot

i really need to apply those changes, but i didn't have much time recently
ill try to fix the map whenever i can!
Topic Starter

Saturnalize wrote:

I rarely do a wall of hitsound mod but since it's one of the essence of mapping...

Hitsound spamming is not always good. I cannot seem to hear that your hitsounding pattern fits the music (let ME be honest, not even the "already qualified" one).
  1. 00:27:370 - Despite the low hitvolume (thus making the whistle softer), it should be still following something.
  2. 00:40:661 - Though I highly not recommending hitsound like this, I appreciate the bluff here (build up), sounds cool actually.
  3. During your kiai, your clap pattern occurs every beat like this:

    while it should be like this:

    And you actually already implemented it in notes like 02:31:927 (1) - , but lower down the volume so it's more ear-pleasing.
  4. 01:40:281 - 02:28:129 ; Soft-hitwhistle might sounds soft and sweet for this song, but putting it like this will get you nowhere, as I also have no clue whether your soft-hitwhistle is following the e.pi synth or not.
  5. 04:11:420 - Before you use a very subtle hitsounding and all of sudden it's soft clap finish spam! It is not good, especially since this part is music's clap spam.
I will keep helping with hitsound, so yeah keep it up
Talking about the map itself, it also need a ton of polishing. But I'm pretty sure that you are a hard-worker, so let's just get down to the list.
  1. Try to tilt your pattern so it does not sit straight. In my opinion, pattern like that looks plain unpolished, and tilting some pattern gives it "a little bit move, shape, and flow". Sure, it sometimes looks cool, but I feel that this song demands a little bit of sweevy curve (you get what I mean) and not jaggy.
  2. 00:38:572 (6) - rather than putting it here, I find it flows better when it is put on 00:37:243 (1) - 's end.
  3. 00:44:458 (4) - The flow before is a circular motion. Therefore, it would be better if you put it on the right side of the slider. Don't forget about the distance, though. For example :
  4. 00:47:117 (3,4) - Again, the pattern before is a circular motion. To make it happen in this one, ctrl+g EACH of the slider (so it doesn't reverse the order). The (3,4) is actually already a circular motion, but the transition of (2,3) is back and forth, which is jaggy sharp and sad.
  5. 00:53:952 (1) - Since you make the red slider starts from this one's slider end, I think it would be better if you make this yellow slider also starts from the purple's slider end too. I mean, consistency.
  6. 01:01:547 (3) - The piano actually starts from 01:01:610, repeats under 1/12 beat for four times. It will look like this :
  7. And the rest you can read from Plaudible because he literally just summed up almost everything I want to say about your mapping pattern. Sorry! :-(
Call me again if you have got more and more mods. This song is actually kind of cute.
thanks again

i've applied some things (map wise every one i think and hitsound wise 2)
Topic Starter

Plaudible wrote:

Alright, finally here o/

Grynpyret - Boba Beach

  1. 00:02:307 (1) - From here to 00:14:458 (1) or so, I want you to re-evaluate your rhythm a little bit. You can here the little bloop sound effects, some are held out, some are quick and short. Like 00:04:585 (2,3), this one is held out and would be more appropriate as a slider. But at 00:04:205 (1), you map it as a slider when the only bloop is at the end of the slider. Try to be consistent with these, given that there's not much else you can map to here :)
  2. 00:05:724 (2,3,4,5,1,2) - Shapes like this can be improved, using tools like ctrl+shift+d to make geometric shapes and then removing what is unnecessary, give it a try! Can apply to a lot of things in your map.
  3. 00:04:775 (3,4,5) - Emphasis with changing direction like this can be good. However, it may be more appropriate to use it in the right places. Like here, the high pitched note is on 00:04:775 (3), and I feel emphasizing that with a change in direction is more important than 00:04:965 (4) -
  4. 00:11:990 (5,1,2) - I feel like establishing some circular flow could make this nicer :) try this maybe?
  5. 00:14:458 (1,2) - Be careful with sudden increase/decrease in spacing. This transitions poorly into 00:15:218 (3), and I don't think it's necessary for the song. Maybe you were trying to gradually decrease spacing from 00:13:699 (1,2,1,2) so it's not too shocking for players? If so, go for a less aggressive approach. It's good in practice, but if you tone down the spacing so it transitions better it'll be more fitting.
  6. 00:24:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - I do take issue with this a little. Players have no way of differentiation here. When mapping, you want to avoid making different rhythms appear the same. One is a 1/2 rhythm, and the other is a 1/4, but you stack them the same. I'd space the 1/4 rhythm out so it looks noticeably different compared to the 1/2 stack before, so players don't get confused ^^
  7. 00:31:167 (1,2,3,4) - Be sparing with how you increase spacing like this. I think areas like 00:38:003 (3,4,5,6) are more fitting since you increase them based on a new "section" of the song starting, but tone it down just a tad, imo, for the aforementioned ^-^ I do think later the increase is fitting though when you do it for when the song starts to change.
  8. 00:46:357 (1,2,3,4) - Square ish pattern? Maybe re-arrange it so it looks more like one. For sake of flow, I'd ctrl+g both 00:47:117 (3,4) individually.
  9. 00:48:636 (1,2,3) - Would make more sense to make 3 the further spaced one, imo
  10. 00:53:952 (1) - Would be cool to align the end curve better with 00:50:914 (1)'s edge.
  11. 01:01:547 (3) - Something about this doesn't feel right. Is it not just 1/4? Please get more opinions on it.
  12. 01:06:104 (1,2) - Work on your blankets a bit! Using approach circles is a great way to fix them. Look at : versus It looks cleaner, and has better parallel structure. Go through your map and use this strategy to improve your blankets in your map, this is a common issue throughout.
  13. 01:38:003 (1,2,3) - Neat concept. I'd space them a little closer, though... it's a bit worry-ingly similar to 01:36:674 (2,3,4,5) spacing-wise, and should be more noticeably different. :)
  14. 01:39:142 (1) - Putting such an intense kiai start on a slider end felt weird, I was inclined to jump to 2! Make a 1/4 rhythm here, then put a circle on the downbeat? :)
  15. 02:15:218 (6,7) - Center the curve to blanket 7 more appropriately.
  16. 02:22:813 (1) - Potentially better wavy:
  17. 02:26:610 (1,2,3) - This is more appropriate given the song doesn't lose intensity and neither does gameplay, compared to the other 1/4 sliders you did.
  18. 03:12:180 (7,1) - Woahh, bit too close >w<
  19. 03:34:775 (8,5) - Stack these!
  20. 02:52:433 (1) - From here to 03:46:927 (6) - you use a very geometric structure in your map. The intro is equally as calm, wouldn't it be more fitting to map both the same way? Consistency throughout the map would drastically help, quality wise.
  21. 03:49:775 (1) - This is technically overmapped, as there are no 1/4 sounds present :(
  22. 03:52:813 (1) - ^
  23. 03:55:851 (1) - ^
  24. 03:58:889 (1) - ^ Always be sure to listen to sounds at 25% to make sure you're not adding sounds that don't exist in the music :)
  25. 04:01:927 (1) - ^
  26. 04:04:965 (1) - ^ All of these should just be 1/2 rhythms. I'm not going to spam this mod and point out the rest, I'm sure you got it ;)
  27. 04:59:648 (1) - The kiai drop isn't as large here, but if you fix the other one, for consistency it's better to do so here as well.

I really do like the general flow of the map, you map most of it to fit the mood and it seems to be well hitsounded.

I'm going to pull that, "this map lacks structure" card though, and I know everyone hates to hear it, and I can't exactly give you any direct fixes. I could send you to go watch pishifat videos, and though that may help, it just comes with practice. Go through your map with AR 2-5, and look at what doesn't look good. Overlaps? Bad blankets? Excessive random jumps? There are a lot of things that go into improving quality of structure in a map.

Also, there was some issue with consistency that I didn't enjoy too much. Try to use similar methods for mapping similar parts of the song. The big one I mentioned was the intro being more nicely flowing with unique and different angles to make gameplay fun, but in the second calm part of the song you suddenly take a dramatic turn into very structured and parallel mapping. Consistency shows control of how you are mapping the song, and that you know what to map, and when.

I really think this is a decent map though. You have a lot of potential, seeing that this is one of your first few submitted maps ^^ This is well made. PM me in game or in forum if you have any questions with any bits of my mod, and if you ever need me to mod anything else! Good luck!! <3

i've applied most of the things
Hey, M4M from my queue.

00:26:420 (5,1) - I'd increase the spacing here since you use jumps in the previous pattern and it feels weird to go from such spacing to such low quickly because you use later much lower spacing again.
00:31:167 (1,2,3,4,5) - I feel that the spacing is a bit too much here since nothing does really change in music wise, I'd lower them a bit.
00:35:155 (4,5) - I'd increase the spacing for these as the (5) asks for it.
00:38:003 (3,4,5,6) - Yep, the spacing again, I get the spacing from 5 to 6, but from 3 to 4 nope, there's really nothing changing.
00:41:420 (4,1) - Lower the spacing here since you did it with every pattern before starting to make jumps.
00:44:079 (3,4,5,1) - This seems pretty cramped to play imo, you have high jumps and then you lower it suddenly and then you increase it again, do it smoothly.
01:02:876 (2,3) - The flow to 3 is really bad due to the slider curve, I'd rotate 3 by -30 or so.
01:55:281 (2,3,4,5) - This feels way too cramped again, I'd spread this pattern a bit.
02:11:990 (5,1) - Why you lower the spacing for every new combo, it should stay the same or not be so low, since big white tick has usually always the loudest beat which needs to be emphasised.
03:49:775 (1) - I'd lower it to blue tick and add a 03:50:155 - circle here since the big white tick asks for it.
And same to the next ones.

Other than that, it seemed pretty nice after these so this is my mod. Good luck with the map!
My map:
Topic Starter

Xayler wrote:

Hey, M4M from my queue.

00:26:420 (5,1) - I'd increase the spacing here since you use jumps in the previous pattern and it feels weird to go from such spacing to such low quickly because you use later much lower spacing again. it feels okay to me honestly
00:31:167 (1,2,3,4,5) - I feel that the spacing is a bit too much here since nothing does really change in music wise, I'd lower them a bit. lowered a bit
00:35:155 (4,5) - I'd increase the spacing for these as the (5) asks for it. i changed the slider a bit but didn't increase spacing, the music doesn't change that much imo
00:38:003 (3,4,5,6) - Yep, the spacing again, I get the spacing from 5 to 6, but from 3 to 4 nope, there's really nothing changing.there are those sounds in the background, seems okay to me but if someone else wants to change it i'll do it
00:41:420 (4,1) - Lower the spacing here since you did it with every pattern before starting to make jumps.ok
00:44:079 (3,4,5,1) - This seems pretty cramped to play imo, you have high jumps and then you lower it suddenly and then you increase it again, do it smoothly.ok
01:02:876 (2,3) - The flow to 3 is really bad due to the slider curve, I'd rotate 3 by -30 or so.i made a proper blanket (i think)
01:55:281 (2,3,4,5) - This feels way too cramped again, I'd spread this pattern a bit.fine to me
02:11:990 (5,1) - Why you lower the spacing for every new combo, it should stay the same or not be so low, since big white tick has usually always the loudest beat which needs to be emphasised.made a really great jump there zzzzzzz
03:49:775 (1) - I'd lower it to blue tick and add a 03:50:155 - circle here since the big white tick asks for it.
And same to the next ones.ok

Other than that, it seemed pretty nice after these so this is my mod. Good luck with the map!
My map:
thanks a lot man
from my queue
I like the retro idea that plays along with the retro music/sounds in the map at the first part,but that can be improved by a lot by
1. Playing to the music. One example of this would be 00:05:344 (1,2,3,4,5) - ,where the retro sounds get lower and lower, and on 00:06:484 (5) - ,it reaches its lowest for that pattern. However, in your mapping, even if it plays well, it doesn't reflect the song too well because 00:06:484 (5) - is going upwards,even though the players expect to gradually decrease in height in the pattern. I made a test difficulty on the first 15 seconds of the song,see if you like it! And if you do,try to use that style or method of mapping to further enhance the retro feeling the map gives :3

2. You don't have to use so many kiais,like the ones on 04:11:420 - 02:31:167 -

Now,on to some of the errors
00:26:610 (1,2,3,4) - These could be improved if their distance snap was the same,makes it a lot more cleaner
00:36:863 (6,7,1) - ^
00:50:914 (1) - 00:53:952 (1) - 00:56:990 (1) - Sliderart like this,may look a bit awkward if you're new to it. This is normally because you're trying to put too many shapes into one slider,which tends to make it look like a mess. I suggest you try symmetric sliderart first before heading on the asymmetric sliders, as I strongly suggest to change this. Try this : Turn on grid snap, Turn on Grid Medium, Turn off your Brain, Map.
Normally what I do for my own sliderart,and it works out,and from there,once you made your own symmetric slider, you could easily add curves and stuff to it because it's the same for all sides :)
01:01:547 (3) - Rather than this,you could just place a triple from 01:01:547 - to 01:01:737 - ,plays better imo
01:16:357 (1,2) - You can blanket this
01:18:825 (2,3,4) - Make this a perfect triangle if possible
01:24:142 (2,1) - The distance between this SHOULD be the same as the distance between 01:23:572 (1,2) -
01:26:610 (1) - Try to blanket 01:26:420 (4) -
01:27:370 (3,4,1) - This sort of flow,even though it flows fine,how the notes are placed make cursor movements very awkward,try to equalize the distances between the notes here
01:32:686 (1) - Because you didn't change the triples,maybe you shouldn't change this either and make it the circular slider you did before,it could be like a repeating pattern in your map :D
01:38:762 - You could shorten 01:38:509 (3) - by 1 tick in 1/6,and add a note here to play the beats better
01:45:408 (1) - No need to NC this,remove it
02:00:598 (1) - Place this spinner 02:01:167 - ,as the current spinner starts out of nowhere,and having sounds appear when the spinner is playing is pretty awful
02:21:294 (7) - Why didn't u continue with the circle pattern anymore :(
02:25:851 (1,3) - Try to not make notes feel too close together,it feels clumped together
02:27:370 - Same with before,add a note and reduce slider size by 1 tick in 1/6
02:39:522 (6,7) - Here,the distance in the timeline is a 1/1 gap,however,the distance is pretty much the same than stuff like 02:18:636 (3,4) - where distances between the notes are pretty much the same but on the timeline it isn't,this requires the player to have a much higher level of reading ability, and that isn't needed at all to be honest,this song is meant to chillout :3
03:01:547 - Why didn't you continue with the slightly rotated but straight pattern? It looked really nice and I feel like that could change the map a lot
03:47:117 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - These sliders,as I said before,overcomplicate what they really are supposed to be, you should be mapping to how you feel the beat sounds like,and since it's constant,try to find a slider shape that can be played repeatedly and not feel repetitive
I'm pretty much going to skip over the kiais,because they're simply just jump spams
05:24:332 - You could've mapped this whole part,why not?

Overall, The map has pretty nice ideas and is overall good in rhythm,however note placement can improve,like in the kaii,where you spammed sliders and jumps,however those jumps seem to have no connection to the sliders/next few notes at all,they simply feel like they're mapped on the spot just because there is a space. That shouldn't be the case since mapping is to map how you think the music to be,so I hope you consider on remapping the kiai,to how it should be like,well I wouldn't know since this genre is kind of out of my league,but it interests me alot :3

Good luck on polishing it ;3 take a star
Topic Starter

_Meep_ wrote:

from my queue
I like the retro idea that plays along with the retro music/sounds in the map at the first part,but that can be improved by a lot by
1. Playing to the music. One example of this would be 00:05:344 (1,2,3,4,5) - ,where the retro sounds get lower and lower, and on 00:06:484 (5) - ,it reaches its lowest for that pattern. However, in your mapping, even if it plays well, it doesn't reflect the song too well because 00:06:484 (5) - is going upwards,even though the players expect to gradually decrease in height in the pattern. I made a test difficulty on the first 15 seconds of the song,see if you like it! And if you do,try to use that style or method of mapping to further enhance the retro feeling the map gives :3

2. You don't have to use so many kiais,like the ones on 04:11:420 - 02:31:167 -

Now,on to some of the errors
00:26:610 (1,2,3,4) - These could be improved if their distance snap was the same,makes it a lot more cleaner
00:36:863 (6,7,1) - ^
00:50:914 (1) - 00:53:952 (1) - 00:56:990 (1) - Sliderart like this,may look a bit awkward if you're new to it. This is normally because you're trying to put too many shapes into one slider,which tends to make it look like a mess. I suggest you try symmetric sliderart first before heading on the asymmetric sliders, as I strongly suggest to change this. Try this : Turn on grid snap, Turn on Grid Medium, Turn off your Brain, Map.
Normally what I do for my own sliderart,and it works out,and from there,once you made your own symmetric slider, you could easily add curves and stuff to it because it's the same for all sides :)
01:01:547 (3) - Rather than this,you could just place a triple from 01:01:547 - to 01:01:737 - ,plays better imo
01:16:357 (1,2) - You can blanket this
01:18:825 (2,3,4) - Make this a perfect triangle if possible
01:24:142 (2,1) - The distance between this SHOULD be the same as the distance between 01:23:572 (1,2) -
01:26:610 (1) - Try to blanket 01:26:420 (4) -
01:27:370 (3,4,1) - This sort of flow,even though it flows fine,how the notes are placed make cursor movements very awkward,try to equalize the distances between the notes here
01:32:686 (1) - Because you didn't change the triples,maybe you shouldn't change this either and make it the circular slider you did before,it could be like a repeating pattern in your map :D
01:38:762 - You could shorten 01:38:509 (3) - by 1 tick in 1/6,and add a note here to play the beats better
01:45:408 (1) - No need to NC this,remove it
02:00:598 (1) - Place this spinner 02:01:167 - ,as the current spinner starts out of nowhere,and having sounds appear when the spinner is playing is pretty awful
02:21:294 (7) - Why didn't u continue with the circle pattern anymore :(
02:25:851 (1,3) - Try to not make notes feel too close together,it feels clumped together
02:27:370 - Same with before,add a note and reduce slider size by 1 tick in 1/6
02:39:522 (6,7) - Here,the distance in the timeline is a 1/1 gap,however,the distance is pretty much the same than stuff like 02:18:636 (3,4) - where distances between the notes are pretty much the same but on the timeline it isn't,this requires the player to have a much higher level of reading ability, and that isn't needed at all to be honest,this song is meant to chillout :3
03:01:547 - Why didn't you continue with the slightly rotated but straight pattern? It looked really nice and I feel like that could change the map a lot
03:47:117 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - These sliders,as I said before,overcomplicate what they really are supposed to be, you should be mapping to how you feel the beat sounds like,and since it's constant,try to find a slider shape that can be played repeatedly and not feel repetitive
I'm pretty much going to skip over the kiais,because they're simply just jump spams
05:24:332 - You could've mapped this whole part,why not?

Overall, The map has pretty nice ideas and is overall good in rhythm,however note placement can improve,like in the kaii,where you spammed sliders and jumps,however those jumps seem to have no connection to the sliders/next few notes at all,they simply feel like they're mapped on the spot just because there is a space. That shouldn't be the case since mapping is to map how you think the music to be,so I hope you consider on remapping the kiai,to how it should be like,well I wouldn't know since this genre is kind of out of my league,but it interests me alot :3

Good luck on polishing it ;3 take a star
Random point courtesy of Plaudible.

00:18:636 - to 00:20:155 - Maybe try something like this to emphasize the different guitar strums better, and not leave the important beats like 00:18:825 - as just a circle, when the sound is clearly being held out. Or 00:20:155 - as a slider tail, when it's the highest strum in the rhythm here.

Also, I'm kind of curious. Any particular reason that the flow of this map is mainly oriented towards having the linear, grid snap feel to it? The song itself sounds pretty bubbly and happy, and the flatness of the map kind of removes that overall feeling. ;w; (Mainly in the beginning.) Moreover, the hitsounding sounds a tad bit over done in some parts. Most notably, 00:41:041 - . The finishes here sound reallyyyyyy awkward, since the sound is fading in here, and it's not for anything super important. It kinda just starts to sound like some weird background noise after awhile. xD

Topic Starter

Ayyri wrote:

Random point courtesy of Plaudible.

00:18:636 - to 00:20:155 - Maybe try something like this to emphasize the different guitar strums better, and not leave the important beats like 00:18:825 - as just a circle, when the sound is clearly being held out. Or 00:20:155 - as a slider tail, when it's the highest strum in the rhythm here.

Also, I'm kind of curious. Any particular reason that the flow of this map is mainly oriented towards having the linear, grid snap feel to it? The song itself sounds pretty bubbly and happy, and the flatness of the map kind of removes that overall feeling. ;w; (Mainly in the beginning.) Moreover, the hitsounding sounds a tad bit over done in some parts. Most notably, 00:41:041 - . The finishes here sound reallyyyyyy awkward, since the sound is fading in here, and it's not for anything super important. It kinda just starts to sound like some weird background noise after awhile. xD

thanks, ill fix the stuff when im back from school

i wanted to make it simple, because i felt like doing more "advanced" things in my first serious map would be a mess and because the song is chill so why complicate it

[ General]
  1. Dodaj jakieś kolorki, które będą ładnie mixowały się z backgroundem od mapki. Bez nich to trochę słabo, więc radziłbym to zrobić jak najszybciej. Co do setów, polecałbym dać AR9, bo aktualne przy takim BPM to może być już trochę za mało.

[ Chillout]
  1. 00:12:750 (1) - Myślę, że tego slidera dałoby się ustawić jakoś bardziej ciekawie, bo jak narazie estetycznie nie jest bardzo źle, ale moim zdaniem dałoby się to zrobić lepiej. Coś takiego myślę, że by pasowało, nie zmieniaj położenia 00:13:509 (2) - tego kółka, bo pomiędzy 00:12:750 (1,2) - tymi obiektami spacing powinien być większy, żeby lepiej wyrazić mocniejszy rytm, który tu właśnie się znajduje.
  2. 00:25:851 (2,3) - Spacing pomiędzy tymi obiektami powinien być znacznie większy, ponieważ 00:26:231 (4,5) - tutaj masz praktycznie tak samo mocny rytm i aktualny spacing wygląda nieco nielogicznie. Żeby to jakoś rozwiącać w łatwy sposób polecałbym zrobić to tak. Nie będzie to potrzebowało żadnych większych fixów, a wyrażać muzykę będzie znacznie lepiej.
  3. 00:49:775 (1,2,3,4) - Myślę, że tu mógłbyś lekko zmniejszyć spacing bo wygląda trochę overspaced. Najlepiej tak na ~2,7 DS, wtedy będzie raczej dobrze. I jeszcze jedno, 00:49:775 (1,2) - tutaj zostaw spacing taki jaki jest, bo rytm w tym miejscu jest znacznie mocniejszy niż 00:50:155 (3,4) - tu. Ogółem mówiąc - moim zdaniem powinno to wyglądać tak, będzie wtedy tworzyło ładny i grywalny pattern. A, no i 00:50:155 (3,2) - tutaj oddal trochę overlapa jak zrobisz tak jak na zdjęciu.
  4. 01:00:028 - Tutaj nie powinno być zmiany SV, bo muzyka praktycznie ani trochę się nie zmienia, w 01:06:104 - tym miejscu raczej powinieneś dać dopiero zmianę.
  5. 01:16:167 (2,1) - Tutaj masz takiego lekkiego spacing faila, ponieważ tu powinien być większy spacing niż 01:15:598 (1,2) - tutaj. Wiem, że jest zrobione pod wygląd, ale raczej byłoby lepiej zrobić to pod logiczny spacing, bo 01:16:167 (2,1) - w tym miejscu muzyka jest bardziej zemphasisowana. ciekawe jak to przetłumaczyć na polski XD.
  6. 01:21:104 - Tutaj chyba zapomniałeś notki dać, walnij tu kółko zestackowane z końcówką 01:20:534 (1) - tego sliderka.
  7. 01:22:243 (3,1) - Zwiększ spacing, bo nie ma sensu jeśli popatrzeć na 01:21:863 (1,2,3) - tego jumpa, ponieważ muzyka jest znacznie mocniejsza na 01:22:433 (1) - tym sliderze i spacing logicznie myśląc powinien wyrażać tą zmianę.
  8. 01:26:420 (4,1) - ^
  9. 02:00:408 (6,1) - Radziłbym to zestackować, ponieważ aktualnie jest troszkę trudne do wyczytania, a to wkońcu insane. I ogółem - dodaj 02:00:788 (1) - tutaj combo, żeby było łatwo wyczytać bo jest trochę mylne.
  10. 02:01:167 (1) - Tego spinnera to raczej powinieneś zacząć w 02:00:977 - tym miejscu, żeby lepiej się wpasowało w muzykę.

Jeszcze nie skończyłem, więc nie odpisuj zanim dokończę ;p
Powodzenia w rankingowaniu!

PajWoj wrote:

i wanted to make it simple, because i felt like doing more "advanced" things in my first serious map would be a mess and because the song is chill so why complicate it
Having different flow here and there, instead of all horizontal or vertical sliders doesn't really amount to being "advanced". It more so amounts to having a sense of variation for different sounds. The song is calm, yes. But it has an abundance of different things going on. Why not visually emphasize them too?
Topic Starter

Ayyri wrote:

PajWoj wrote:

i wanted to make it simple, because i felt like doing more "advanced" things in my first serious map would be a mess and because the song is chill so why complicate it
Having different flow here and there, instead of all horizontal or vertical sliders doesn't really amount to being "advanced". It more so amounts to having a sense of variation for different sounds. The song is calm, yes. But it has an abundance of different things going on. Why not visually emphasize them too?
i don't know how!!!!!!!!!!
Watch pishifat. Delete a whole 20s of a part and start remapping,etc.

Remapping always helps,try to keep things different and think how it would be presented to the player. If you're a good enough player,try to feel when and where a player would expect or want the next note to be,imagine you being thte mapper and placing a note thrre,where would you think the player would find the note at next? Whichever that feels more comfortable is better
me to
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