
Shikata Akiko, Shimotsuki Haruka, Mitose Noriko - Phantasmag

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年1月18日 at 16:33:02

Artist: Shikata Akiko, Shimotsuki Haruka, Mitose Noriko
Title: Phantasmagoria
Source: アルトネリコ~世界の終わりで詩い続ける少女~
Tags: Gust NIS America Ar Tonelico Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo The Girl Who Continues to Sing at the End of the World Melody of Elemia Aurica Nestmile オリカ ネストミール Misha Arsellec Lune 彌紗 アルトセルク・リューン シュレリア Visual Novel Best ending JRPG ps2 Mir Teiwaz
BPM: 94.5
Filesize: 17735kb
Play Time: 07:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Sol Ciel (3.06 stars, 889 notes)
Download: Shikata Akiko, Shimotsuki Haruka, Mitose Noriko - Phantasmagoria
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

The kindness of love, always, these days, and this song, will go on forever to the shining tomorrow.

These flowers, always, these days, forever, and this promise, certainly, will go on to the shining tomorrow.

These flowers, always, these days, forever, and this promise, certainly, will go on to the shining tomorrow.

Oh right, This is the best game OST that ever exist. No doubt.

heck, this even the most beautiful song that ever made for me.

Amazing Hitsound work by Ongaku

One of my greatest proud.

Thank you everyone who's participating on helping this map reached it qualified state!

Shout out to :

Mir : Super fast mapping and spending time on doing review like 96058705698 hours so this thing can reach it peak quality.

Ongaku : Amazing HS works and picks.

Modders and BNs : Not gonna be possible without them.

~Shurelia Please remember me. . .
its a timing check then xd
10:17 Shurelia: saw you able to do advanced timing.
10:17 M-O-P-S-I: ye
10:17 Shurelia: should I ask you here or I just post it on your q ?
10:17 Shurelia: :o
10:18 M-O-P-S-I: its fine
10:18 Shurelia: since it's short yet so complex.
10:18 Shurelia: only 30 secs.
10:18 M-O-P-S-I: ok
10:18 *Shurelia is editing [ Shikata Akiko, Shimotsuki Haruka, Mitose Noriko - Phantasmagoria [Sol Ciel]]
10:19 Shurelia: since I already feel like the timing is k but yet people still pointed it out that the timing is fk'd.
10:19 Shurelia: makes me want to suicide.
10:19 M-O-P-S-I: 6 mins o boy
10:19 Shurelia: naah, the only 30 secs.
10:19 Shurelia: the rest are fine.
10:19 Shurelia: and it's 7 mins.
10:19 Shurelia: dw.
10:19 Shurelia: notice the red lines spam?
10:21 M-O-P-S-I: no im blind
10:21 M-O-P-S-I: ex de
10:21 Shurelia: de ex
10:22 M-O-P-S-I: first timing point feels off
10:22 Shurelia: mmh
10:22 M-O-P-S-I: try bpm: 95
10:22 M-O-P-S-I: and
10:23 M-O-P-S-I: offset: 528
10:23 Shurelia: done
10:25 M-O-P-S-I: 00:11:502 (1,2,3,4) -
10:25 M-O-P-S-I: no sound
10:25 M-O-P-S-I: and still those circles
10:25 M-O-P-S-I: or it feels off
10:25 M-O-P-S-I: xd
10:25 Shurelia: timpani?
10:26 Shurelia: i mean
10:26 M-O-P-S-I: oh wait
10:26 Shurelia: what?
10:26 Shurelia: :o
10:26 M-O-P-S-I: it uses 1/6
10:26 M-O-P-S-I: at that point
10:26 M-O-P-S-I: remove the 4th circle tho
10:26 Shurelia: right
10:26 Shurelia: but
10:26 Shurelia: 00:11:475 (1) -
10:26 Shurelia: covers nothing
10:27 M-O-P-S-I: =
10:27 M-O-P-S-I: remove that too
10:27 M-O-P-S-I: xd
10:27 Shurelia: rolf
10:27 Shurelia: sec
10:27 Shurelia: let's use
10:27 Shurelia: 1/16
10:28 M-O-P-S-I: there's one circle on a yellow tick
10:28 Shurelia: (1) at : 00:11:501 -
10:28 M-O-P-S-I: yea
10:28 Shurelia: 2 at : 00:11:620 -
10:28 Shurelia: 00and 3 at 00:11:699 -
10:29 Shurelia: done
10:29 M-O-P-S-I: gud
10:34 M-O-P-S-I: 00:13:648 (1) -
10:34 M-O-P-S-I: off
10:35 Shurelia: need new timeline then or?
10:36 M-O-P-S-I: bpm: 81,50
10:36 M-O-P-S-I: offset: 13660
10:37 Shurelia: dee[
10:37 Shurelia: p
10:37 M-O-P-S-I: what
10:37 M-O-P-S-I: dee
10:37 Shurelia: nvm
10:38 Shurelia: anything esle?
10:38 M-O-P-S-I: 00:16:891 (1) -
10:39 M-O-P-S-I: offset to 16891
10:39 M-O-P-S-I: sounds better to me
10:41 M-O-P-S-I: 00:17:632 (1) -
10:41 M-O-P-S-I: move this to the timing point
10:41 Shurelia: hmm you sure?
10:41 M-O-P-S-I: wich one
10:42 Shurelia: 00:16:891 (1) - '
10:42 M-O-P-S-I: nah
10:42 M-O-P-S-I: xd
10:43 Shurelia: but it is
10:43 Shurelia: spunds better
10:43 M-O-P-S-I: lol
10:43 M-O-P-S-I: 00:18:670 (1) -
10:43 M-O-P-S-I: do you really need all of those timing points here
10:43 Shurelia: no really
10:43 Shurelia: this thing is not made by me.
10:43 Shurelia: so
10:43 Shurelia: xd
10:43 M-O-P-S-I: ok thene
10:43 M-O-P-S-I: then*
10:44 Shurelia: but i feel like it didn't fk'd up
10:44 M-O-P-S-I: 00:22:682 (2) -
10:45 M-O-P-S-I: move to timing point aswekk
10:45 M-O-P-S-I: aswell*
10:45 Shurelia: right
10:47 M-O-P-S-I: 00:23:140 (1) -
10:47 M-O-P-S-I: offset: 23140
10:48 Shurelia: and move 1 to the red?
10:49 M-O-P-S-I: yea
10:49 Shurelia: done
10:49 M-O-P-S-I: 00:27:727 (1) -
10:49 M-O-P-S-I: move to timing point?
10:50 M-O-P-S-I: and make it longer?
10:50 Shurelia: moved
10:50 Shurelia: and longer
10:50 M-O-P-S-I: ok
Topic Starter
not a mod but alright. rofl
mir asked me a couple of days back to do the timing for the beginning : o, and i timed it xd why get someone else to do it when i done it already d
Topic Starter
oh seems miri didn't tell you yet.

Someone just pointed out that the timing is rather off or something and means I need more person to confirm it.

actually idk what to do anymore.

Fixed beginning's hitsound issues.

Also, please fix your green ticks in the beginning, they're not snapped lol. There also might be some further into the song.
Topic Starter
fixed 'em all.

Thank you very much!

Now this thing is ready for mod!

NM from my queue

Sol Ciel

00:11:505 (1,1,1,1) - I think this pattern isn't rankable, you should review the timing here, you can place a new timing point at 492 than make a 1/3 pattern because that one is totally unconsistent and unreadable correctly for the player

00:54:104 (1) - I think the distance snap is too high here reduce it a bit

02:07:928 (3) - Be carefull with the changing rythm, maybe a slider could be better imo

02:11:016 (4) - Same here

02:12:339 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This is very difficult to read, you must make a visible différence between the 1/4 and 1/2 Distance Snap

02:26:457 (2) - this rythm should be easier

03:12:045 (1,2) - DS is different for every other patterns like this one, why did you changed that one ? and for the rest of this part, make 1 Constent DS between that reverse and slider, because this one is changing a lot and confusing the player and it's look kinda weird in editor

04:27:812 (1) - This is not following the voice with rythm

04:48:389 (1) - Kiai isn't needed on that bookmark

04:41:538 (1,2) - Replace on white tick the 1 and finish the 2 on the white tick

06:06:918 (3,4,5,6) - Wow, too spaced compared to other 1/4 patterns

06:09:271 (2) - Same

06:13:094 (1) - Same
Relaxing beatmap, pretty clean globally

Good luck~

Ponoyoshi wrote:

NM from my queue

only gonna respond to my parts

Sol Ciel

00:11:505 (1,1,1,1) - I think this pattern isn't rankable, you should review the timing here, you can place a new timing point at 492 than make a 1/3 pattern because that one is totally unconsistent and unreadable correctly for the player - yeah i changed but idk if it's good

00:54:104 (1) - I think the distance snap is too high here reduce it a bit - nerfed

03:12:045 (1,2) - DS is different for every other patterns like this one, why did you changed that one ? and for the rest of this part, make 1 Constent DS between that reverse and slider, because this one is changing a lot and confusing the player and it's look kinda weird in editor - made them all the same ds

04:27:812 (1) - This is not following the voice with rythm - it isn't supposed to

04:48:389 (1) - Kiai isn't needed on that bookmark - ??? it is needed, but i changed some stuff around

04:41:538 (1,2) - Replace on white tick the 1 and finish the 2 on the white tick - singer is off here, so the timing will be screwed. Changed it around tho
Relaxing beatmap, pretty clean globally

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Ponoyoshi wrote:

NM from my queue

Sol Ciel

02:07:928 (3) - Be carefull with the changing rythm, maybe a slider could be better imo stacked these instead

02:11:016 (4) - Same here slider'd/

02:12:339 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This is very difficult to read, you must make a visible différence between the 1/4 and 1/2 Distance Snap It's actualy 1/6 and 1/4 but yeah. Done making it more visible.

02:26:457 (2) - this rythm should be easier naaah, your suggestion is right. But it'll be quite undermapped since the vocal is strong enough to be mapped.

06:06:918 (3,4,5,6) - Wow, too spaced compared to other 1/4 patterns It is quite spaced but it's intentional and still easily play able who have some experiences on reading stuffs.

06:09:271 (2) - Same

06:13:094 (1) - Same
Relaxing beatmap, pretty clean globally

Good luck~
Thank you!
ze mod by ze meep
00:04:281 (1,2,3) - These are off sync

00:05:544 (1,2) - ^

00:08:385 (2,3) - ^ etc. etc. I'll leave it up to you to fix

00:44:692 (1,2) - It feels better if you Ctrl+G this and ctrl+g them AGAIN individually to fit the tone of the bell

01:03:516 (1,3) - Not aligned/parallel ;w;

01:15:281 (1,2,3) - This is a bit too close imo,tagged along with the slow AR and its pretty hard to read whether theres even a gap

01:31:163 (5) - I dont see a need for this note to be a 3/4

01:35:869 (2) - this too,and if its still a 3/4, the indication that its a 3/4 into the slider 01:36:457 (1) - is still quite vague imo

01:40:281 (5) - Why is this NCed but 01:44:986 (7) - not?

03:06:898 - Spinner should start here instead because of vocal,imo

04:49:565 (3,4) - blanket off
Sorry that its small,I don't see much problems with the diff.
Log Off Now
M4M from your queue

damn this is a noice map

[Sol Ciel]

There are some minor blanket errors at the start

00:18:670 (1) - slider end to x222 y81
00:23:122 (1) - slider end to x294 y146
00:30:576 (1) - slider end to x269 y36
00:52:339 (2,3,4,5) - Not a fan of this square flow, as this is the only flow that feels 'forced' when compared to the rest of this section, also the jump between (5,6) is also a little bit awkward because of this, a more smooth curved or triangle shape would be preferred imo
01:15:281 (1,2,3) - I like the idea behind this, although I think it could feel a bit more natural to play, maybe try something like this?
02:24:692 (3,4) - Blanket?
02:33:957 (3,4,5) - Try to keep visual distance between (4,5) the same since this creates a weird unnecessary movement to play atm
02:57:339 (2) - Angle this slider a bit more to the right for a smoother flow, atm it feels like you need to do a tiny adjustment to the left
02:58:222 (5,6) - Parallels
03:05:869 (1,1) - I understand why you put the spinner here, but I feel like it doesn't fit the vocal as good as it could do, I would try a rhythm like this and start the spinner here 03:07:045 (1) - instead to get the full vocal covered and clickable.
03:20:722 (3,4) - Fix parallel, it's the only one thats not perfectly parallel in this section
03:29:104 (3) - NC to further enhance the readability of this?
04:11:874 (3,4,5) - Any reason why this doesn't get as much spacing emphasis as 04:09:687 (4,5) -
04:22:812 (4,2) - Fix stack
05:22:212 (3) - slider end to x195 y149
06:03:389 (7,8,1) - I would actually have a lot more spacing here just because of how much the music/hitsounds emphasise the next note, but I guess doing that would mess up the consistency, so up to you I guess
06:27:212 (1) - This slider looks a bit strange XD, I would move the anchor point further down so it doesn't look as strange/out of place
06:46:036 (1) - ^


Nice map gl! (sorry if it seemed super aesthetics focused, it's pretty solid otherwise)

_Meep_ wrote:

ze mod by ze meep
00:04:281 (1,2,3) - These are off sync

00:05:544 (1,2) - ^

00:08:385 (2,3) - ^ etc. etc. I'll leave it up to you to fix - same as above, tbh i didn't do the timing, and im shit at timing, will get someone to check this

00:44:692 (1,2) - It feels better if you Ctrl+G this and ctrl+g them AGAIN individually to fit the tone of the bell - sure

01:03:516 (1,3) - Not aligned/parallel ;w; - fixed

01:15:281 (1,2,3) - This is a bit too close imo,tagged along with the slow AR and its pretty hard to read whether theres even a gap - yas o/

01:31:163 (5) - I dont see a need for this note to be a 3/4 - violin is really slow and dragging so i drag the slider

01:35:869 (2) - this too,and if its still a 3/4, the indication that its a 3/4 into the slider 01:36:457 (1) - is still quite vague imo - fixed spacing and changed rhythm, but keeping the 1/4 gap

04:49:565 (3,4) - blanket off - fixed
Sorry that its small,I don't see much problems with the diff. - thanks meep <3

Log Off Now wrote:

M4M from your queue

damn this is a noice map

[Sol Ciel]

There are some minor blanket errors at the start

00:18:670 (1) - slider end to x222 y81
00:23:122 (1) - slider end to x294 y146
00:30:576 (1) - slider end to x269 y36 - all fixed
00:52:339 (2,3,4,5) - Not a fan of this square flow, as this is the only flow that feels 'forced' when compared to the rest of this section, also the jump between (5,6) is also a little bit awkward because of this, a more smooth curved or triangle shape would be preferred imo - changed to triangle
01:15:281 (1,2,3) - I like the idea behind this, although I think it could feel a bit more natural to play, maybe try something like this? - fixed
03:20:722 (3,4) - Fix parallel, it's the only one thats not perfectly parallel in this section - done
03:29:104 (3) - NC to further enhance the readability of this? - sure
04:11:874 (3,4,5) - Any reason why this doesn't get as much spacing emphasis as 04:09:687 (4,5) - no reason, fixed.
04:22:812 (4,2) - Fix stack - fixed
05:22:212 (3) - slider end to x195 y149 - not really sure what you mean here

Nice map gl! (sorry if it seemed super aesthetics focused, it's pretty solid otherwise) - yay
Only fixed stuff in my part obviously. Thanks for modding!
Topic Starter

_Meep_ wrote:

ze mod by ze meep
03:06:898 - Spinner should start here instead because of vocal,imo right

Sorry that its small,I don't see much problems with the diff.
Ty ty

Log Off Now wrote:

M4M from your queue

damn this is a noice map ayy <3

[Sol Ciel]

There are some minor blanket errors at the start

02:24:692 (3,4) - Blanket? ooh right
02:33:957 (3,4,5) - Try to keep visual distance between (4,5) the same since this creates a weird unnecessary movement to play atm fair enough
02:57:339 (2) - Angle this slider a bit more to the right for a smoother flow, atm it feels like you need to do a tiny adjustment to the left done
02:58:222 (5,6) - Parallels nice one
03:05:869 (1,1) - I understand why you put the spinner here, but I feel like it doesn't fit the vocal as good as it could do, I would try a rhythm like this and start the spinner here 03:07:045 (1) - instead to get the full vocal covered and clickable. agreed
06:03:389 (7,8,1) - I would actually have a lot more spacing here just because of how much the music/hitsounds emphasise the next note, but I guess doing that would mess up the consistency, so up to you I guess naah, your suggestion is good
06:27:212 (1) - This slider looks a bit strange XD, I would move the anchor point further down so it doesn't look as strange/out of place done
06:46:036 (1) - ^ ^

Nice map gl! (sorry if it seemed super aesthetics focused, it's pretty solid otherwise)
Thank you!
Nao Tomori

this mod is going to be really shitty cuz this map is nice..

[aurelion sol]
before anything, the ar seems really high for this slow, lower density mapping. most 3 star diffs have lower ar than this, and this one isn't incredibly technical or anything that requires this high ar.

00:26:673 (3) - not the same slider as 2 for some reason? also awkward overlap wit h00:27:550 (1) - but that's kind of unavoidable

00:31:458 (2,3,4) - these hitsounds seem really loud for the tiny music box theyre following, the set 99 that it switches to at 00:40:561 -

00:34:693 (6) - this placement seemed kind of random, blanket something or stack or something idk its just in the middle of nowhere

00:50:575 (3) - shouldn't this have a bit more spacing? with the strong vocal like 00:54:104 (1) - or 00:49:398 (1) -

01:14:104 (3) - seems like the only time that the slider isn't a mirrored version of the other one.

01:46:310 - 01:48:075 - this suddenly ignores the violin, but you had 1/4 rhythms on it earlier which worked nicely.

01:59:986 (1) - not lined up with the "stream"

02:17:634 (4) - this looks a bit weird since the notes before it don't lead in to the slider properly. something like would look a bit better and making the angles on those circles consistent would look even better than my shitty sketch

02:35:869 (3) - weird movement here. you have to abuse slider leniency to do 1-2 but 3 is super close to 2, even though it also has emphasis. i recommend moving 3 a bit away from the end of 2.

03:04:398 (2,3) - weird to abandon the 1/1 + 1/1 slider rhythm that you'd been doing up to now, at 02:59:692 (2) - and 03:02:045 (2) -

04:16:874 (3) - why is this one only lower spacing randomly? all the other ones at least have a followpoint.

04:35:913 (1) - you could make this look a bit better by doing this : since right now it looks somewhat "partitioned"

04:51:624 (4) - pretty large spacing here compared to similar other vocals imo.

04:56:624 - any reason this is kicksliders instead of a stream? stream was done here at 04:47:163 - which sounds pretty similar

05:02:506 (1) - weird to see this with no spacing emphasis when 05:04:859 (1) - gets a lot more, and all the other ones too. seems like an accident.

05:30:447 (6) - make these overlaps consistent size: 05:28:094 (6) - 05:37:212 (5) - theyre generally pretty consistent the one i started with is off-center

05:53:094 (3,4) - might look marginally nicer if you rotated them so the cursor can go straight into the slider:

06:08:389 (1) - this does not sound strong enough to warrant a very large 1/4 jump going into it from a circle. i recommend moving 06:08:241 (8) - up or 1 down to lower the spacing here. - compare to 06:12:947 (5) - where it's stacked and it's a stronger vocal, 06:27:212 (1) - where slider leniency can be used.

06:51:624 (2) - this could look nicer with a little more spacing and a wider angle, like this: (this is like a pixel movement or something)


sry for shit mod

Nao Tomori wrote:


this mod is going to be really shitty cuz this map is nice..

[aurelion sol]
before anything, the ar seems really high for this slow, lower density mapping. most 3 star diffs have lower ar than this, and this one isn't incredibly technical or anything that requires this high ar.

00:26:673 (3) - not the same slider as 2 for some reason? also awkward overlap wit h00:27:550 (1) - but that's kind of unavoidable - unfixable overlap lo but fixed the same slider issue

00:31:458 (2,3,4) - these hitsounds seem really loud for the tiny music box theyre following, the set 99 that it switches to at 00:40:561 - :ok_hand:

00:34:693 (6) - this placement seemed kind of random, blanket something or stack or something idk its just in the middle of nowhere - yeah tbh, fixed

00:50:575 (3) - shouldn't this have a bit more spacing? with the strong vocal like 00:54:104 (1) - or 00:49:398 (1) - ctrl+g \o/

01:14:104 (3) - seems like the only time that the slider isn't a mirrored version of the other one. - fixed

04:16:874 (3) - why is this one only lower spacing randomly? all the other ones at least have a followpoint. - fixed

04:35:913 (1) - you could make this look a bit better by doing this : since right now it looks somewhat "partitioned" - okay \o/

04:51:624 (4) - pretty large spacing here compared to similar other vocals imo. - fixed

04:56:624 - any reason this is kicksliders instead of a stream? stream was done here at 04:47:163 - which sounds pretty similar - yeah changed

05:02:506 (1) - weird to see this with no spacing emphasis when 05:04:859 (1) - gets a lot more, and all the other ones too. seems like an accident. - fixed too

sry for shit mod - tfw when applied everything
Thanks Nao <3
Did you remove the custom hitsounds in the intro intentionally? Because the customs i set there isnt there lol
  1. 00:17:969 (2,1) - The overlap here is not cool I think, you can just try to reverse the slider on the other side. It's just an exemple.
  2. 00:55:281 (3,4,5) - Are you sure that those notes are parrallels on each other?
  3. 01:57:045 (4,5,6) - Those notes like that on this part of the song is not needed I think, why not using longer sliders since its a slow part? Like you did here: 02:04:692 (1,2,3,4) -
  4. 02:07:634 (2) - You should start the NC here, because the new rhythm is starting here c:
  5. 02:10:575 (3) - Why not doing a reverse here? It can give more emphasis with the song I guess.
  6. 02:47:045 (1) - That's so sad that the slider don't start on the same point as this note 02:46:163 (4) - you can try stacking it ;w;
  7. 05:26:918 (2,3) - Do something more spaced like that, I think it's more beautiful to see~
  8. 05:47:212 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't really like the way they are packed on the border of the grid :/
  9. 06:03:389 (7,8) - You can stack those two notes on this slider 06:03:683 (1) -
  10. 06:12:800 (4) - Same for this note! Why the 5 is stacked, but not the 4?
  11. 06:56:330 (1) - Why this is not mapped at the end? I think there is lot of potential!
That's all for me, this is great map! And there is a huge work on the hitsounds! Good luck for ranking <3
Topic Starter

Nao Tomori wrote:

ello eyy

this mod is going to be really shitty cuz this map is nice.. ty ty

[aurelion sol]
before anything, the ar seems really high for this slow, lower density mapping. most 3 star diffs have lower ar than this, and this one isn't incredibly technical or anything that requires this high ar. Naah, I like 8.5 cause this map quite hard to read if I'm using AR lower than that.

01:46:310 - 01:48:075 - this suddenly ignores the violin, but you had 1/4 rhythms on it earlier which worked nicely. It is , but giving the player same plays for quite a long time gonna bore the players

01:59:986 (1) - not lined up with the "stream" thought I already have it

02:17:634 (4) - this looks a bit weird since the notes before it don't lead in to the slider properly. something like would look a bit better and making the angles on those circles consistent would look even better than my shitty sketch right

02:35:869 (3) - weird movement here. you have to abuse slider leniency to do 1-2 but 3 is super close to 2, even though it also has emphasis. i recommend moving 3 a bit away from the end of 2. aight

03:04:398 (2,3) - weird to abandon the 1/1 + 1/1 slider rhythm that you'd been doing up to now, at 02:59:692 (2) - and 03:02:045 (2) - right

05:30:447 (6) - make these overlaps consistent size: 05:28:094 (6) - 05:37:212 (5) - theyre generally pretty consistent the one i started with is off-center yep

05:53:094 (3,4) - might look marginally nicer if you rotated them so the cursor can go straight into the slider: this is Mir's

06:08:389 (1) - this does not sound strong enough to warrant a very large 1/4 jump going into it from a circle. i recommend moving 06:08:241 (8) - up or 1 down to lower the spacing here. - compare to 06:12:947 (5) - where it's stacked and it's a stronger vocal, 06:27:212 (1) - where slider leniency can be used.

06:51:624 (2) - this could look nicer with a little more spacing and a wider angle, like this: (this is like a pixel movement or something) agreed


sry for shit mod It's not shit at all! Please be more confident with yourself!

Pachiru wrote:

  1. 01:57:045 (4,5,6) - Those notes like that on this part of the song is not needed I think, why not using longer sliders since its a slow part? Like you did here: 02:04:692 (1,2,3,4) - naaah, I want to give player different experiences while playing this map
  2. 02:07:634 (2) - You should start the NC here, because the new rhythm is starting here c: nope, the current one is already correct. If you listen to the vocal carefully.
  3. 02:10:575 (3) - Why not doing a reverse here? It can give more emphasis with the song I guess. Naah, I really want to click something on 02:11:457 (4) - so yeah
  4. 02:47:045 (1) - That's so sad that the slider don't start on the same point as this note 02:46:163 (4) - you can try stacking it ;w; did this intentionally since I just like this kind of stack play
  5. 05:26:918 (2,3) - Do something more spaced like that, I think it's more beautiful to see~ sure
  6. 06:12:800 (4) - Same for this note! Why the 5 is stacked, but not the 4? agree
  7. 06:56:330 (1) - Why this is not mapped at the end? I think there is lot of potential! It is! But let's just see.
That's all for me, this is great map! And there is a huge work on the hitsounds! Good luck for ranking <3
Thank you guys!

Pachiru wrote:

  1. 00:17:969 (2,1) - The overlap here is not cool I think, you can just try to reverse the slider on the other side. It's just an exemple. - it's fine tbh
  2. 00:55:281 (3,4,5) - Are you sure that those notes are parrallels on each other? - ya
  3. 05:47:212 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't really like the way they are packed on the border of the grid :/ - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ gonna have to deal with it cuz it's not a huge deal
  4. 06:03:389 (7,8) - You can stack those two notes on this slider 06:03:683 (1) - is fine tbh since the part is pretty intense
  5. 06:12:800 (4) - Same for this note! Why the 5 is stacked, but not the 4? - i changed this for shurelia after we talked about it
  6. 06:56:330 (1) - Why this is not mapped at the end? I think there is lot of potential! O. K. read below
That's all for me, this is great map! And there is a huge work on the hitsounds! Good luck for ranking <3 - \o/
Thanks for modding!

Okay the reason it isn't mapped to the end is because there's 102 bpm and 89 bpm at the same time and that's pretty much unmappable. We tried multiple ways to bridge the gap and nothing felt like it fit. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to post them, but as it stands it's probably gonna stay unmapped after then.
Nao Tomori

Mir wrote:

Okay the reason it isn't mapped to the end is because there's 102 bpm and 89 bpm at the same time and that's pretty much unmappable. We tried multiple ways to bridge the gap and nothing felt like it fit. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to post them, but as it stands it's probably gonna stay unmapped after then.
2b duh.
Topic Starter
me want this 4 rank , thanck
Hello from Modding Queue

[Sol Ciel]

Timing was a little off to my ear. It seemed rather delayed for the first couple seconds
01:18:222 (2,4) - You can make these the same. The violin element in the music helps making this part better than holding on to it like that
01:21:751 (4) - I believe you can make this slider the same as 01:20:575 (2) - Basically same as ^
01:26:163 - Such a strong piano sound. I believe the rhythm here is more on the lines of
01:31:016 (4,5) - I think using the same spacing as before with the stacks like this is better than creating a space where it doesn't feel as great. Since the spacing 01:31:163 (5,1) - already gives a great emphasis
02:07:634 (2,3,4) - People might misread this spacing since it's so close in resemblance to 02:04:692 (1,2) - The most effective in my point of view would be somewhere around 1.5. It's easy enough to read it and has a great effect in spacing because of the strong beats each note contains
02:07:634 (2,3) - Another reason why is this is played at a 1/6 but this is played at a 1/4 02:08:810 (5,6) - but all of them have the same visual spacing.
02:12:339 (2,3,4,5) - Imo giving the players a better visual would help make these patterns play better. Especially with the 2nd portion 02:13:222 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Starting with stacks will help players adapt to what it sounds like in a split moment before playing that specific rhythm. Since spacing is nearly the same as the 1/6 02:13:222 (1) - Also space a little further so it's easy to change to as well
05:56:624 (1,2) - Spacing problems to this 05:57:800 (4,5) -
Hello from the other side

  1. I get so many 100s on the 00:11:808 - until 00:30:576 - , asking for double check the timing wouldn't hurt anyone I guess
  2. Your overall volume configuration doesn't make sense, some of them like 5% volume are too low barely hearable and bad for feedback. Not sure who did your hitsound etc, but please reconsider this one. Also sampleset on this one should be same
  3. Eventhough the Artist name already taken from the album cover, but when it comes to naming someone we actually prefer to use no spacing between surname and given name, so I think using 志方あきこ、霜月はるか、みとせのりこ is more appropriate imo. Since the usage of spacing on names only occured on business thing only afaik (like business card, album cover, etc)
  4. Check aimod
  1. 00:38:223 (2) - Nice slider art actually but you missed so many potential beat like orgel sound here 00:38:811 - and vocal here 00:39:399 - 00:39:693 - . So maybe you can slightly improve the rhythmical into so it can cover those beats
  2. 00:46:163 (4) - Move slightly to right for a better diamond shape
  3. 01:45:575 (10) - Reduce one reverse? I think it share same 1/8 drum with 01:40:869 (2,4,4) - not really sure why that one have an extra reverse
  4. 02:12:339 (2,3,4,5) - Wrongly snaped I guess, it doesn't fit with music or the faint drum sound, I think it supposed to be 1/4 or sth like you did on 02:13:222 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
  5. 02:55:281 (3) - Compared to the other same patterning (e.g. 02:57:339 (2,3) - ), that one just too close with the previous 1/4 slider
  6. 02:58:810 (1,2) - The overlapping really bad visually when play, maybe you can try another placement to avoid bad overlapping?
  7. 03:19:104 (5) - Why use 1/6? shouldn't that on 1/8 instead like the rest?
  8. 03:45:575 (1) - Such a weird ending if you end that slider on blue tick here 03:48:369 - literally that just an echo of the long vocal, the vocal itslef stop on the big tick 03:48:222 - so better to end the slider on big tick in this case
  9. 04:27:812 (1,2,1) - The transition sounds not right imo, better recheck your timing here 04:28:413 - the offset seems weird rather too fast than it should be
  10. 04:43:100 (1,2,3,1) - The stream shape better not a curve imo it flows weird on 04:42:163 (2,1,2,3,1) - . I think a shape like could be play more natural
  11. 04:44:663 (3,4) - Bad polarity imo, I think it could be replace with 4/6 with reverse like
  12. 04:45:834 (4) - Why that one on 1/8? and how that slider end is weird imo, better check your timing I guess
  13. 04:55:447 (1) - Try to extend to next blue tick 04:55:889 - , the transition on 1/8 here 04:55:815 - not good for vocal transition
  14. 05:41:183 (1) - Due to vocal that slider should be stop on red tick here 05:43:389 - as the vocal really stop on that point
Double check the timing is highly recomended before pushing this any further, gl~

04:50:741 - Maybe check timing from this point on? They sound a bit early and it sounds like the music speeds up a bit

00:00:492 - Recommend making this section at least 10% for semi-adequate feedback, in addition to this I feel like you should make the finishes like 00:01:123 (3) - into whistles instead, finishes are a bit too much for this vocal-only section
00:00:807 (2) - Whistle here if you plan to make it consistent with 00:05:544 (1,2,3) -
00:16:847 - to 00:27:727 - Please make these larger than 5% in volume, there's little to no feedback, and since the music is slightly louder, it doesn't feel like players clicks are making sounds at all, leading to confusing feedback
00:37:634 (1) - Extended slider doesn't really work here since there's a beat audible on the red tick, which you had at least mapped with the 1/2 sliders like 3,4 before this
00:38:223 (2) - mm I kinda dislike that it's going over the things on the white ticks, but I feel it should at least end on 00:39:399 - instead since it feels awkward to have the second syllable of "asa" clickable instead of the first
00:39:987 - Overall I'm pretty sure you can just bump up the volume by 10% for each section
00:41:457 (4,5,6) - For vocals like this right before the downbeat, you could add whistles to make it feel a bit more exciting than just no hitsounds besides a whistle on each downbeat
01:17:634 (1,2) - It sounds more natural if this ends on the red ticks, string instruments are present, and although I can't hear their exact snapping, 1/2 sliders make it at least feel like the strings are being played instead of being ignored, (3,4) is fine tho
02:07:045 (1) - Making this a 1/1 slider instead makes the transition from 1/3 to regular 1/4 rhythm smoother, it's still pretty awkward but it at least makes it not AS awkward
02:15:281 (3,4) - Looks pretty similar to how 1/2 is spaced like 02:16:457 (1,2) - , try to make it more distinct
02:22:339 (3,4,5) - It's weird how you allow space between 02:21:163 (1,2) - when it's 1/4 but not space for this, feels inconsistent
02:53:222 - mm pause feels awkward since 02:51:751 (1,2) - both start on vocals but the vocal here is ignored
02:54:986 (2,3) - Having the 1/4 sliders spaced one way and then another seems really awkward
02:59:692 (2,3,4) - You keep switching off for how you want to space these, try to make it consistent, if you want to space it less, that's fine but it should be relatively the same or just noticeable difference instead of something really obvious imo
04:08:437 - You can help make this section have a bit more feedback by adding whistles on significant orgel noises such as the beats on 04:10:312 - 04:10:937 - 04:12:812 -
04:22:812 (4) - Seems like you're following strings, rhythm suggested follows it a bit better
05:28:094 (6,1) - This overlap isn't very appealing, try to like it up similar how you did it at 05:30:447 (6,1) -
06:03:389 (7,8,1) - Spacing lol

Topic Starter

Kocari wrote:

Hello from Modding Queue

[Sol Ciel]
02:07:634 (2,3,4) - People might misread this spacing since it's so close in resemblance to 02:04:692 (1,2) - The most effective in my point of view would be somewhere around 1.5. It's easy enough to read it and has a great effect in spacing because of the strong beats each note contains sure
02:07:634 (2,3) - Another reason why is this is played at a 1/6 but this is played at a 1/4 02:08:810 (5,6) - but all of them have the same visual spacing. it's actually 1/3 but yeeah. should be fine now
02:12:339 (2,3,4,5) - Imo giving the players a better visual would help make these patterns play better. Especially with the 2nd portion 02:13:222 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Starting with stacks will help players adapt to what it sounds like in a split moment before playing that specific rhythm. Since spacing is nearly the same as the 1/6 02:13:222 (1) - Also space a little further so it's easy to change to as well not gonna do the stack thing but yeah, i made them more visually noticeable
Thanks! glad that you enjoy the song too.

Mako Sakata wrote:

Hello from the other side jakarta ma bandung ga jauh2 amat lah wqwqw

  1. I get so many 100s on the 00:11:808 - until 00:30:576 - , asking for double check the timing wouldn't hurt anyone I guess yeah
  2. Your overall volume configuration doesn't make sense, some of them like 5% volume are too low barely hearable and bad for feedback. Not sure who did your hitsound etc, but please reconsider this one. Also sampleset on this one should be same aaaaa, done adjusting the HS volume and fixed the other one
  3. Eventhough the Artist name already taken from the album cover, but when it comes to naming someone we actually prefer to use no spacing between surname and given name, so I think using 志方あきこ、霜月はるか、みとせのりこ is more appropriate imo. Since the usage of spacing on names only occured on business thing only afaik (like business card, album cover, etc) I got your point but uuh gonna try to follow the "Hymnnote" more to avoid some disturbance . I'll consider it tho.
  4. Check aimod the unsnapped stuff is just something that we can't fix
  1. 01:45:575 (10) - Reduce one reverse? I think it share same 1/8 drum with 01:40:869 (2,4,4) - not really sure why that one have an extra reverse fair enough
  2. 02:12:339 (2,3,4,5) - Wrongly snaped I guess, it doesn't fit with music or the faint drum sound, I think it supposed to be 1/4 or sth like you did on 02:13:222 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - naaah, there's faint yet quite clear drum sounds that says it's a 1/6 stuff. I'm trying to follow that.
  3. 02:55:281 (3) - Compared to the other same patterning (e.g. 02:57:339 (2,3) - ), that one just too close with the previous 1/4 slider CTRL + G'd
  4. 02:58:810 (1,2) - The overlapping really bad visually when play, maybe you can try another placement to avoid bad overlapping? is it? I've seen this kind of overlap on the other new maps too , So I might want to try that. Aaaandd also it plays pretty fine
Double check the timing is highly recomended before pushing this any further, gl~
Yeah, I'll try to ask someone (again). Thank you thank you.

Battle wrote:

04:50:741 - Maybe check timing from this point on? They sound a bit early and it sounds like the music speeds up a bit did check and it should be fine

00:00:492 - Recommend making this section at least 10% for semi-adequate feedback, in addition to this I feel like you should make the finishes like 00:01:123 (3) - into whistles instead, finishes are a bit too much for this vocal-only section hmm , but i prefer this one since it emphasize the "wa" sounds better
00:00:807 (2) - Whistle here if you plan to make it consistent with 00:05:544 (1,2,3) - actually, I removed the whistle on (2) instead haha, My bad.
00:16:847 - to 00:27:727 - Please make these larger than 5% in volume, there's little to no feedback, and since the music is slightly louder, it doesn't feel like players clicks are making sounds at all, leading to confusing feedback done , my bad.
00:39:987 - Overall I'm pretty sure you can just bump up the volume by 10% for each section my bad
02:07:045 (1) - Making this a 1/1 slider instead makes the transition from 1/3 to regular 1/4 rhythm smoother, it's still pretty awkward but it at least makes it not AS awkward give them more distance so it'll be less awkward , Trying to keep the rhythm tho
02:15:281 (3,4) - Looks pretty similar to how 1/2 is spaced like 02:16:457 (1,2) - , try to make it more distinct done
02:22:339 (3,4,5) - It's weird how you allow space between 02:21:163 (1,2) - when it's 1/4 but not space for this, feels inconsistent fixed too, thanks for buff
02:53:222 - mm pause feels awkward since 02:51:751 (1,2) - both start on vocals but the vocal here is ignored well, I want to give something different since the vocal kiai part is super long and also this one trying to follow the BGM more.
02:54:986 (2,3) - Having the 1/4 sliders spaced one way and then another seems really awkward my bad
02:59:692 (2,3,4) - You keep switching off for how you want to space these, try to make it consistent, if you want to space it less, that's fine but it should be relatively the same or just noticeable difference instead of something really obvious imo should be k now
04:08:437 - You can help make this section have a bit more feedback by adding whistles on significant orgel noises such as the beats on 04:10:312 - 04:10:937 - 04:12:812 - agree
04:22:812 (4) - Seems like you're following strings, rhythm suggested follows it a bit better
05:28:094 (6,1) - This overlap isn't very appealing, try to like it up similar how you did it at 05:30:447 (6,1) - ya

Thanks Bttle

Shurelia wrote:

Mako Sakata wrote:

Hello from the other side jakarta ma bandung ga jauh2 amat lah wqwqw Lool

  1. Check aimod the unsnapped stuff is just something that we can't fix Actually you can fix that one by manually edit its timestamp on notepad, I think pishi do that a lot on some of his map. But in case you're not understand how, better ask someone experienced to help :)
Yeah, I'll try to ask someone (again). Thank you thank you.
Topic Starter
Hmm, will do that.

Makasih banyak ya mbak.

Kocari wrote:

Hello from Modding Queue

[Sol Ciel]

Timing was a little off to my ear. It seemed rather delayed for the first couple seconds - will get a check
01:18:222 (2,4) - You can make these the same. The violin element in the music helps making this part better than holding on to it like that - makes sense, will do~
01:21:751 (4) - I believe you can make this slider the same as 01:20:575 (2) - Basically same as ^ - done
01:26:163 - Such a strong piano sound. I believe the rhythm here is more on the lines of - good catch but this rhythm feels lacking, changed to a triple instead
01:31:016 (4,5) - I think using the same spacing as before with the stacks like this is better than creating a space where it doesn't feel as great. Since the spacing 01:31:163 (5,1) - already gives a great emphasis - not really sure what you mean but i found a better way to do this specific part
05:56:624 (1,2) - Spacing problems to this 05:57:800 (4,5) - moved it closer
Thanks Kocari!

Mako Sakata wrote:

Hello from the other side

  1. Check aimod - the beginning snapping issues are unavoidable due to bpm changes mid-slider. if it can be fixed in the next timing check it will be, but for now we can't really do anything about it
  1. 00:38:223 (2) - Nice slider art actually but you missed so many potential beat like orgel sound here 00:38:811 - and vocal here 00:39:399 - 00:39:693 - . So maybe you can slightly improve the rhythmical into so it can cover those beats - changed slightly
  2. 00:46:163 (4) - Move slightly to right for a better diamond shape - i made a kite! \o/
  3. 03:19:104 (5) - Why use 1/6? shouldn't that on 1/8 instead like the rest? - no this is 1/6 if you listen closely
  4. 03:45:575 (1) - Such a weird ending if you end that slider on blue tick here 03:48:369 - literally that just an echo of the long vocal, the vocal itslef stop on the big tick 03:48:222 - so better to end the slider on big tick in this case - i think this is fine because i like how it goes off of the tick to emphasize the vocal fadeout. If it's a big problem I'll change it but I like this.
  5. 04:27:812 (1,2,1) - The transition sounds not right imo, better recheck your timing here 04:28:413 - the offset seems weird rather too fast than it should be - nothing i can do since i'm shit at timing, but it will be fixed.
  6. 04:43:100 (1,2,3,1) - The stream shape better not a curve imo it flows weird on 04:42:163 (2,1,2,3,1) - . I think a shape like could be play more natural - this is fine, it follows a circular motion which flows nicely with the vocals
  7. 04:44:663 (3,4) - Bad polarity imo, I think it could be replace with 4/6 with reverse like - done
  8. 04:45:834 (4) - Why that one on 1/8? and how that slider end is weird imo, better check your timing I guess - because the singer sings off and it's weird and i don't know what im doing send help (but i won't fix it because it is accurate at least from what i can hear)
  9. 04:55:447 (1) - Try to extend to next blue tick 04:55:889 - , the transition on 1/8 here 04:55:815 - not good for vocal transition - nice catch, done
  10. 05:41:183 (1) - Due to vocal that slider should be stop on red tick here 05:43:389 - as the vocal really stop on that point - it fades out over that red note so this is okay for now unless it becomes a big problem
Double check the timing is highly recomended before pushing this any further, gl~
Definitely gonna do a timing check. Thanks Sakata!

Battle wrote:

04:50:741 - Maybe check timing from this point on? They sound a bit early and it sounds like the music speeds up a bit

00:37:634 (1) - Extended slider doesn't really work here since there's a beat audible on the red tick, which you had at least mapped with the 1/2 sliders like 3,4 before this - i get what you mean and i do realize i skip that red beat, but i want the violin to be encompassed fully, since it's especially strong here i skipped it intentionally and mapping it would feel like overdone rhythm for the idea i'm going with here
00:38:223 (2) - mm I kinda dislike that it's going over the things on the white ticks, but I feel it should at least end on 00:39:399 - instead since it feels awkward to have the second syllable of "asa" clickable instead of the first - fixed in a previous mod, thanks for catching that too though!
01:17:634 (1,2) - It sounds more natural if this ends on the red ticks, string instruments are present, and although I can't hear their exact snapping, 1/2 sliders make it at least feel like the strings are being played instead of being ignored, (3,4) is fine tho - most of these are fixed in kocari's mod, thanks for noticing these too though :3
04:22:812 (4) - Seems like you're following strings, rhythm suggested follows it a bit better - actually i don't think this rhythm does, i did fix it according to kocari's mod though, so this part should be less of an issue
06:03:389 (7,8,1) - Spacing lol - fixed lol

Thanks for the mod Battle!
ar tonelico?! in 2016?!

Sol Ciel

00:38:223 (2,1) - fix slider blanket?
00:39:987 (1,3) - avoidable overlap
00:46:457 (5,6) - try ctrl g this. improves the emphasis on 5 coz vocals. also improves emphasis on 00:47:045 (1) -
00:48:810 (5) - ctrl g, coz overemphasis. its not powerful enough to warrant this + better flow.
00:54:987 (2) - try to lower the distance? try this. ar lowered for visibility
00:58:810 - 01:03:222 - and repeating sections, try to give more spacing for notes that start with [finish] hitsound.
*01:05:869 (1) - example
*01:01:163 (1) - ^
01:08:222 - 01:15:281 - this is good, except for 01:11:751 (4) - .w.
01:22:634 (2,3,4) - i sorta understand why its like this, but i think its better to have the distance be equal. like this
01:23:957 (5,6) - ctrl ctrl g 5 and move 6 to 01:23:516 (4) - sliderend. gives more emphasis for 01:24:692 (1) -
01:26:604 (6) - ctrl g coz theres a kick here
01:27:339 (2,3,4) - gotta be careful, theres possibility that this can be misread.
01:31:604 (5) - i think its better if you stacked it on 01:31:016 (4) - instead, coz emphasis makes more sense.
01:44:398 (4) - dont forget to NC!
01:44:986 (7) - ^
01:50:281 (6) - looks better if you move it up a bit tbh
01:57:634 (1) - i think you can play more riskier coz its 1/3 + 102 bpm. try doing this ot improve emphasis, apply to all similar parts in the part.
02:14:104 (1) - try being more bold with low bpm maps ;3 you can make stuff more interesting if you risk a little
02:15:869 (4) - ctrl g for flow + better entry to 02:16:457 (1) - not every flow has to be linear. just sayin
02:34:398 (5) - i think you can improve this part by doing something like this? displays more impact
02:42:339 (1) - i think its better if you made this a straight slider, like these two 02:41:751 (5,6) -
02:52:928 (3,4) - i think theres a better rhythm for this?
02:55:722 (4,5) - maybe? .w.
03:22:634 (2,3) - can be misread? check for any potential misread possible parts in this section
03:31:457 (6) - try stacking on 03:32:339 (2) - gives 03:31:751 (1) - appropriate emphasis
04:43:413 (1) - pls keep visual DS the same
04:51:918 (5) - try doing this? works better imo with emphasis and gameplay
05:09:271 (6) - stack, or space to give 05:09:565 (1) - worthy emphasis?
05:44:271 (2) - try doing it like this instead. more stylistic and works better with emphasis for 05:44:859 (1) - imo
06:10:594 (7) - try this?
06:12:800 (4,5) - why .w. just make it like you usually would
06:30:153 (2) - ctrl g to give 06:30:447 (3) - a slight emphasis?

good luck uwu
Topic Starter

Anxient wrote:

ar tonelico?! in 2016?! cuz f aniem,cory,meem song in 2k16

Sol Ciel
01:44:398 (4) - dont forget to NC! o, right
01:44:986 (7) - ^ this one is not necessary
01:50:281 (6) - looks better if you move it up a bit tbh yes
01:57:634 (1) - i think you can play more riskier coz its 1/3 + 102 bpm. try doing this ot improve emphasis, apply to all similar parts in the part. thanks for the buff yo
02:14:104 (1) - try being more bold with low bpm maps ;3 you can make stuff more interesting if you risk a little thanks again
02:15:869 (4) - ctrl g for flow + better entry to 02:16:457 (1) - not every flow has to be linear. just sayin right
02:34:398 (5) - i think you can improve this part by doing something like this? displays more impact naah, can't do that at here, since I don't have any reason to do that
02:42:339 (1) - i think its better if you made this a straight slider, like these two 02:41:751 (5,6) - you like 'em straight , I like 'em curved
02:52:928 (3,4) - i think theres a better rhythm for this? hmmmm, I like it but I still prefer the current one
02:55:722 (4,5) - maybe? .w. nay
05:44:271 (2) - try doing it like this instead. more stylistic and works better with emphasis for 05:44:859 (1) - imo this.. what?
06:10:594 (7) - try this? did something similar llike yours intead
06:12:800 (4,5) - why .w. just make it like you usually would to emphasize 1 moar
06:30:153 (2) - ctrl g to give 06:30:447 (3) - a slight emphasis? sure

good luck uwu
trims trims
00:38:223 (2,1) - fix slider blanket? - yeah
00:39:987 (1,3) - avoidable overlap - woops fixed
00:46:457 (5,6) - try ctrl g this. improves the emphasis on 5 coz vocals. also improves emphasis on 00:47:045 (1) - nice.
00:48:810 (5) - ctrl g, coz overemphasis. its not powerful enough to warrant this + better flow. - alright, nice
00:54:987 (2) - try to lower the distance? try this. ar lowered for visibility - hmm. I agree it's a little weird, but i didn't change it like that. did something else and it fixed some stacking that i wanted to do as well.
00:58:810 - 01:03:222 - and repeating sections, try to give more spacing for notes that start with [finish] hitsound. - fair enough, all fixed.
*01:05:869 (1) - example
*01:01:163 (1) - ^
01:08:222 - 01:15:281 - this is good, except for 01:11:751 (4) - .w. - lo fixed
01:22:634 (2,3,4) - i sorta understand why its like this, but i think its better to have the distance be equal. like this - o, yeah fixed.
01:23:957 (5,6) - ctrl ctrl g 5 and move 6 to 01:23:516 (4) - sliderend. gives more emphasis for 01:24:692 (1) - - nice but didn't stack with slider end, did something else
01:26:604 (6) - ctrl g coz theres a kick here - yeah.
01:27:339 (2,3,4) - gotta be careful, theres possibility that this can be misread. - fixed
01:31:604 (5) - i think its better if you stacked it on 01:31:016 (4) - instead, coz emphasis makes more sense. - i would if i had used stacks on slider ends before, but i don't like using them, so i won't. but i did fix the emphasis in a different way.
03:22:634 (2,3) - can be misread? check for any potential misread possible parts in this section - I don't think so? I spaced the next slider if that's what you meant
03:31:457 (6) - try stacking on 03:32:339 (2) - gives 03:31:751 (1) - appropriate emphasis - done
04:43:413 (1) - pls keep visual DS the same - fixed probably
04:51:918 (5) - try doing this? works better imo with emphasis and gameplay - yeah, but i shortened the 5 since it would be a 1/4 slider jump and i don't want that much of a jump
05:09:271 (6) - stack, or space to give 05:09:565 (1) - worthy emphasis? - yeah, i changed this part around a bit more

Really useful mod, thanks Anxient!
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