
Camellia - PLANET//SHAPER [OsuMania]

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someone hold me plz
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GJ, best 4K map ranked (hopefully) this year so far.

Chinese elite mappers are incoming to tell you that your pattering and SVs are sh*t.

/me runz

Tidek wrote:

GJ, best 4K map ranked (hopefully) this year so far.

Chinese elite mappers are incoming to tell you that your pattering and SVs are sh*t.

/me runz
lolol dat spoiler. I liked the SVs though, sightread friendly if you'll ask me.

let it rank let it rank~
it's happeninggggggg
congrats Evening
hey zen

love u
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thank all for support@!1!1

now i have





pending slots!

pending slots > ranked stuff

Evening wrote:

thank all for support@!1!1

now i have





pending slots!


dude you have 5 pending slots if this won't be dq xdd

i feel like i'm playing stepmania-style map......... :o (so hard

i feel like i'm taking weed......... (no :)
Please do not spam.

wow, these voice sample, where you found it
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Kuo Kyoka wrote:

wow, these voice sample, where you found it
it's in the description :p (sample 1,2,3,4,5)

pls rank The Bridgeport Run
[ A v a l o n ]

Evening wrote:

now i have





pending slots!

XDD i know that feeling
i think it's time for me to rank my 1/8 JS
aaa those hitsound is so scary ;w; i like yandereww yesss
lol, gratz anyway
Finally XD ♥ God map qualified
wtf yandere scream
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would like to thank everyone again for their support, including those who have played the map, I'm really flattered and honored to have my map ranked and played by so many individuals basically

anyways, feel free to criticize if you would like to, I don't bite unless you do :d
Pope Gadget
The only problem I have with the map is the dense jumpstream. I yield roughly 2/3rds of my 200 count from those sections - and they only last for 3.2% of the song. I'm not sure what to do here but I would suggest something like single note streams (with jumps for any areas that you feel very necessary) which are patterned to be tricky to read rather than tricky to time
try change bpm to this

nice map GJ thank you


KyoukoeFX wrote:

try change bpm to this

nice map GJ thank you

294 BPM? are you serious now?
with those dense jumpstream, its totally inhuman lol

btw Gratz zen :D . Godly SVs wew
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You know what, we'll see how this goes: t/453246


QATs: Yea please don't dq this for now, dq at the last minute or something, I would like to have as much opinions on this as possible currently


Pope Gadget wrote:

The only problem I have with the map is the dense jumpstream. I yield roughly 2/3rds of my 200 count from those sections - and they only last for 3.2% of the song. I'm not sure what to do here but I would suggest something like single note streams (with jumps for any areas that you feel very necessary) which are patterned to be tricky to read rather than tricky to time
Well I would like to state 2 sides of the argument right now to clarify why i decided the dense jumpstream (1/4 Jumps) over something less dense (1/2 Jumps):

My initial argument:

- Since it's transitioning from a chord heavier section, I would like something that mimics chord usage instead of rolls basically, so I kind of reject the idea of anything else other than this current pattern which mimics a 1/6 jumptrill

- Personally had this idea of making a map stand out through something unique like what I've stated above basically. In addition, I would like this map to be able to bring out that this idea of approximation is totally acceptable in unique cases like these by making patterns literally unreadable at the 2nd half.

- The map itself creates an idea that teaches and forces player to jumptrill this 1/6 anyways with increasingly harder to read similar patterns like this and I felt that it's really unique in its own way

- I understood the consequence of people getting tons of 200s through playing this map

Other parties' argument:

- Quite similar to yours so I'm not repeating it basically


Personally I still stand by my initial argument since I believe that the 1/6 jumptrill is what makes the map unique, but I would like to extend and increase the range of SS-ability without dropping the OD too low basically, so pre-qualification I rolled with OD 8 (that's a pretty standard OD for most maps)

Not sure if I should drop down to OD 6 - 7 to make it easier in a sense, I believe that other parts of this map are quite hard to time too anyways, so yea I'm quite unsure of this currently

Well, when I made this map I didn't really take in consideration of how hard is it to SS, instead I focused on the most advanced players and the biggest brains to be able to FC it after some tries

If the community would like to drop the OD, I'll request for a DQ and lower it to something 6 - 7 but I might raise the HP a slight bit more to counter that

Anyways, appreciate your reminder that the map isn't really SS-able even at a high skill level, I'll take time to reconsider this


KyoukoeFX wrote:

try change bpm to this

nice map GJ thank you

Appreciate that you took time to recheck my map but I am quite certain that 294.700 BPM sways off at like... 4 minutes
i have small thought (that doesn't mentioned in the thread), regarding 02:12:618 (132618|2) - i don't see why this section full of 4 notes.. i mean to emphasize the bass? it just over emphasized for such 'calm-after-climax' part.. doublets & triplets pattern can represent more vary pattern too

i love the SV anyway, also you can lower the OD, raising HP to 9.2 won't really hurt too, making it not spam-able at all..

that's my thought, gotta testplay this over and over again to haha

04:55:884 (295884|1) - you might want to add something in 1 for bigger downbeat.. perhaps

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ajeemaniz wrote:

i have small thought (that doesn't mentioned in the thread), regarding 02:12:618 (132618|2) - i don't see why this section full of 4 notes.. i mean to emphasize the bass? it just over emphasized for such 'calm-after-climax' part.. doublets & triplets pattern can represent more vary pattern too yea I could do doubles and triples but I wanted to keep this simple as it is a slowjam and fingering manipulation during a minijack here is quite tough + as you've said to emphasize the bass

i love the SV anyway, also you can lower the OD, raising HP to 9.2 won't really hurt too, making it not spam-able at all.. Yea I'm planning to do that basically

that's my thought, gotta testplay this over and over again to haha

04:55:884 (295884|1) - you might want to add something in 1 for bigger downbeat.. perhaps did that

disqualified on mapper's request, good luck on further process.
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Fycho wrote:

disqualified on mapper's request, good luck on further process.
Thanks for the DQ upon request

Major updates:

- HP: 9.1 -> 9.3
- OD: 8 -> 7.2
- Dense jumpstream is now easier to time
- Quad + Jump patterns are now different, making it less mindblockable

Special Thanks to:

Level 51

for their valuable inputs during qualification to make this map better, and I do really believe this map plays much better, especially for the dense jumpstream which was an ass to time.

If any of the BNs who qualified this are reading this feel free to rebubble or state any query before bubbling
Likewise, if anyone is concerned about the changes, feel free to comment
01:18:741 - hand or something for the cymbal crash? Not sure if you want to layer this in or just keep the vocal isolation emphasis here
01:32:006 - 01:32:312 - 01:32:618 - 01:32:925 - maybe also emphasis here because of the bg synth hits
02:58:129 - this is just one instance of this, but most of these breaks you leave out layering and i guess, this is me wanting everything layered in due to the difficulty of the rest of the song. Like, another example is you could have maybe had something 03:04:353 - as well for the little minijack. Of course, this could also completely fuck up SVs (i'm not at a good comp to see that for myself, rip osx laptop) so it's just something i kinda noticed and would i guess personally change barring messing up svs (throughout the whole file)

edit - got to a computer, ignore the above because the stuff i suggested goes against what SVs you have, and they're already on point

jumpstream is never a problem #cheatingpatterns

2016-05-08 17:21 ZeroCalamity: 00:48:945 -
2016-05-08 17:22 ZeroCalamity: because of the density, the jump part feels more intense
2016-05-08 17:25 ZeroCalamity: hmm but adding anything to the part after would make it unenjoyable
2016-05-08 17:26 Evening: yea it's kinda hitting the limit
2016-05-08 17:26 ZeroCalamity: 00:45:578 - btw why this?
2016-05-08 17:27 ZeroCalamity: I mean it makes it more interesting so
2016-05-08 17:27 Evening: uh
2016-05-08 17:27 Evening: i have no idea
2016-05-08 17:28 ZeroCalamity: if you decide to change, maybe add more hitsounds on the hands after the jumptrills
2016-05-08 17:28 Evening: ,_, eh i don't really care about hitsounds tbh
2016-05-08 17:28 ZeroCalamity: it won't make them quads but maybe will fix the gameplay
2016-05-08 17:29 ZeroCalamity: not fix, but you know what I mean
2016-05-08 17:29 Evening: well it doesn't really affect the gameplay for the most part (?)
2016-05-08 17:29 ZeroCalamity: yep
2016-05-08 17:30 ZeroCalamity: just would add more intensity since the voice is going higher
2016-05-08 17:35 ZeroCalamity: I have an idea for storyboard
2016-05-08 17:36 ZeroCalamity: a little bit before 02:09:353 -
2016-05-08 17:36 ZeroCalamity: you read "jumptrill the jumpstream"
2016-05-08 17:37 Evening: the fun part is figuring out haha
2016-05-08 17:41 ZeroCalamity: 03:18:537 -
2016-05-08 17:41 ZeroCalamity: not short LNs?
2016-05-08 17:42 Evening: ah yea that part
2016-05-08 17:42 Evening: i used short LNs but i realised that it'll conflict with the lns after
2016-05-08 17:42 Evening: so i omitted it
2016-05-08 17:42 ZeroCalamity: I mean, it would make it harder to play because of the thing right after
2016-05-08 17:42 ZeroCalamity: ayy
2016-05-08 17:42 Evening: yea it's a bit complicated haha
2016-05-08 17:43 ZeroCalamity: love 03:54:455 -
2016-05-08 17:44 Evening: people seem to love that section a lot haha
2016-05-08 17:44 ZeroCalamity: it's easy to read reverse LNs
2016-05-08 17:45 ZeroCalamity: uhm
2016-05-08 17:45 ZeroCalamity: easy-to-read reverse LNs
2016-05-08 17:46 ZeroCalamity: then the graveyard 04:49:356 -
2016-05-08 17:46 ZeroCalamity: I wonder what the stats on the page will look like
2016-05-08 17:47 Evening: i had this horrible idea of speeding up to 1.5
2016-05-08 17:47 Evening: but then kami stopped me
2016-05-08 17:47 Evening: so now it's 1.2
2016-05-08 17:48 ZeroCalamity: 1.2 is good
2016-05-08 17:49 ZeroCalamity: it's right between wow that's pretty fast and too fast
2016-05-08 17:49 Evening: lmao
2016-05-08 17:49 ZeroCalamity: did you lower the hp after adding the SV?
2016-05-08 17:50 ZeroCalamity: since it makes it harder
2016-05-08 17:50 Evening: it's kind of an independent issue lol
2016-05-08 17:52 ZeroCalamity: did you change it since a couple days ago?
2016-05-08 17:52 ZeroCalamity: iirc it was 9?
2016-05-08 17:52 Evening: not really
2016-05-08 17:52 Evening: like
2016-05-08 17:52 Evening: yesterday
2016-05-08 17:52 Evening: 9.5 haha
2016-05-08 17:52 ZeroCalamity: wot lmao
2016-05-08 17:52 ZeroCalamity: ooookay
2016-05-08 17:57 ZeroCalamity: 06:14:251 -
2016-05-08 17:57 ZeroCalamity: again LNs at the end
2016-05-08 17:58 ZeroCalamity: short LNs*
2016-05-08 17:58 ZeroCalamity: and I'm suprised you didn't make new timing sections for each LN at the very end
2016-05-08 18:00 ZeroCalamity: and let me just say that I love this map getting ranked
2016-05-08 18:00 ZeroCalamity: because the difficulty isn't super hard consistently
2016-05-08 18:01 ZeroCalamity: it's hard all around, so it isn't like capsaicin that gets SR boosted from 10 seconds of the map
2016-05-08 18:02 ZeroCalamity: but it also has the harder sections that are a challenge for everyone
2016-05-08 18:02 Evening: ahah thanks :Dddd
2016-05-08 18:02 ZeroCalamity: it really fits with how players progress
2016-05-08 18:03 ZeroCalamity: and yeah, everything I've found is just minor
2016-05-08 18:03 Evening: whew
2016-05-08 18:04 Evening: don't need to dq then :d
2016-05-08 18:11 ZeroCalamity: lol not at all
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2016-05-08 17:26 ZeroCalamity: 00:45:578 - btw why this?

Was thinking of something that consists of:

- an LN as continuation of the previous patterns
- something that uses jumps as to make it more intense

2016-05-08 17:28 ZeroCalamity: if you decide to change, maybe add more hitsounds on the hands after the jumptrills

Not sure what you meant by more hitsounds but currently i believe these should suffice

Thanks to BoatGuy and Zero for giving your time to check this map ~

Change Logs:

01:18:129 - Added 1.9 0.1 x2 stutter

01:56:292 - Added Increasing Stutter AVE : 1.0 - 1.2

05:09:863 (309863|1) - Shifted note to prevent 1 column anchor
still thinking you can use lower sv than 4 notes, i managed to pass the burst part to play that 4 notes section, feels very overemphasized while i play it..
alternatively you can use 4 + 1 notes than 4 + 2 notes instead.. any thought?

also assdfghdffg i need pass this map, its very nice to keep dying and progressing while playing it haha
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ajeemaniz wrote:

still thinking you can use lower sv than 4 notes, i managed to pass the burst part to play that 4 notes section, feels very overemphasized while i play it..
alternatively you can use 4 + 1 notes than 4 + 2 notes instead.. any thought?

also assdfghdffg i need pass this map, its very nice to keep dying and progressing while playing it haha
it's meant to overemphasize things if that means something, it's kind of made for the smashing of keyboards basically and I have that particular intention
Let's get this rolling back, all issues should be resolved by now
i just realize this got DQ
since it's already rebubble, do you need bubble #2? i can help
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Kuo Kyoka wrote:

i just realize this got DQ
since it's already rebubble, do you need bubble #2? i can help
hmm i'll ask the previous bubbler/ranker if they want to rank it again i suppose, and i'll get back to you
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dionzz99 wrote:

... like?
no objection...

2nd Bubble

tags : KamelCamellia , CTCD-011 , C88 , かめるかめりあ , cametek
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dionzz99 wrote:

tags : KamelCamellia , CTCD-011 , C88 , かめるかめりあ , cametek
will add that in before qualify
Doesn't かめるかめりあ have to be KameruCamellia?
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