
Osu-Challenge #13k to #1k in 30 days

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winber1 wrote:

i will start my own challenge

i will try to reach rank 2k from rank 1.7k in a month. tune in on my non-existent twich channel everyday to see a black screen
Daidai+FLHD when?

Khelly wrote:

Endaris wrote:

I shall try and follow your path.
99% HR when

chainpullz wrote:

winber1 wrote:

i will start my own challenge

i will try to reach rank 2k from rank 1.7k in a month. tune in on my non-existent twich channel everyday to see a black screen
Daidai+FLHD when?
why don't u watch my stream and find out
Bauxe is right, it's possible, but I don't see this guy having remotely the dedication required. My pick is also 8k
Already at 10.9k rank
I'mma try get to 10k once i start playing more again. Good luck with your challenge.
If only people made it their goal to FC a few really hard maps rather than get to a high rank through playing generic DT farm maps.
10k - 1k is a big gap. You'll need all the help you can get

Maps I found hard to fc at the time and took awhile to fc:

Early DT adventures: Acc pp not fc pp

Mid DT adventures: Really fucking annoying map still

Late DT adventures:

Modern DT adventures:

Fc all these and you still won't be 1k. :)
It's totally doable. If u just keep playing farm maps for a month u'll eventually fc enough of them to end up ranked 1k.

Tho at the end of the 1 month u'll probably be a 1k that's worse than pretty much all the other people ranked 1k skills-wise and will never beat them on non-farm maps / multi / tournaments

Don't know if that's what u're hoping to achieve
-Makishima S-
Being a 1k with 5-6k pp doesn't mean having skill of players in 1k rank.

Actual skill takes into consideration your ability to play nomod, hr/dt, hd on variety of maps, not only farmable once. Truly skilled player can play anything.

[Taiga] wrote:

Being a 1k with 5-6k pp doesn't mean having skill of players in 1k rank.
It pretty much means you all have the same base level of skill in your respective skillsets to get to rank 1k because if you didn't all have at least that level of skill you wouldn't get there in the first place.
-Makishima S-

Khelly wrote:

[Taiga] wrote:

Being a 1k with 5-6k pp doesn't mean having skill of players in 1k rank.
It pretty much means you all have the same base level of skill in your respective skillsets to get to rank 1k because if you didn't all have at least that level of skill you wouldn't get there in the first place.

On certain ground yes - player A will have enough skill to be rank 1k with nomod, other with DT, other with HR.
But all this 3 players can lose to someone who is skilled in all 3 categories.
There is not many players like that, all of them are fast enough to land in top100 as being good at "everything", other ends up banned because all their skill are shitty scripts.

But yes, as 1k you have skillset to be 1k, it differs on how you play and creates advantages / disadvantages against other players if we consider tournaments / friendly matches.
If someone has all 3 skillsets for 1k individually, won't they be higher than 1k in actuality? Doesn't it make sense to lose to them if they can be ~100 like that like you said?

Khelly wrote:

[Taiga] wrote:

Being a 1k with 5-6k pp doesn't mean having skill of players in 1k rank.
It pretty much means you all have the same base level of skill in your respective skillsets to get to rank 1k because if you didn't all have at least that level of skill you wouldn't get there in the first place.
Except some skillsets/mods give more pp for a certain amount of skill. A 1k player with only EZ scores would be more skilled than a 1k player with only DT scores. A 1k player with only nomod scores would be more skilled than a 1k player with only DT scores.
Would a 1k with nomod only be more skilled at DT than DT only? Would 1k with hr be better than 1k at nomod? Or nomod at hr? How can you compare these?

Khelly wrote:

Would a 1k with nomod only be more skilled at DT than DT only? Would 1k with hr be better than 1k at nomod? Or nomod at hr? How can you compare these?
The player who has reached 1k with a harder mod combination will be more skilled within their mod combination compared to a player who has reached 1k with an easier mod combination. I think it's a pretty well established opinion in this community that some mods are easier to get pp with than others. If you want to debate this, tell me it's just as easy to get pp with FL only as it is with DT.

B1rd wrote:

Khelly wrote:

Would a 1k with nomod only be more skilled at DT than DT only? Would 1k with hr be better than 1k at nomod? Or nomod at hr? How can you compare these?
The player who has reached 1k with a harder mod combination will be more skilled within their mod combination compared to a player who has reached 1k with an easier mod combination. I think it's a pretty well established opinion in this community that some mods are easier to get pp with than others. If you want to debate this, tell me it's just as easy to get pp with FL only as it is with DT.
I think you're entirely missing the point when you bring up FL; it's not a relevant mod and you only bring it up to mask the fact that you don't want to address what's harder or easier about each mod combination and seek to compare them amongst each other with the same definition of skill, and your first sentence is meaningless since you're saying someone who specialised in X mod is better at X mod than someone who specialised in Y not X.

Why would a nomod map be harder? It might be longer on average and have more complicated patterns?
Would a hr map be harder because it requires a lot more accuracy and necessitates a high acc % to get pp from?
Would a DT map be harder because it's literally physically more intensive than any of the other two specialisations can hope to achieve on average?

Talking from 5,500pp+ which one puts one above the other? I've met a few hr players who literally try to convince me dt is harder and I don't buy it. I've met nomod players who can't into hr or dt because they're both equally too hard.
-Makishima S-
6k pp player who gained it by DT will be better at DT, same goes for HR, same goes for nomod.
Gaining all 3 skillsets at 1k is stupid because its like holding your rank for next 1 year in case of being an extremely dedicated to this game or way more while you could be in top 100 or even top50 in this time but it's just hypotetical theory. Just an example. I doubt that someone could actually even by force hold this rank.
You need to be good at all 3 to gain serious advantage at your rank. Until then you have weakness and player good at mod whats your weakness will crash you.

Neverless - as goes for me - i am skilled to be 19k, Khel is skilled to be 1k because we gained our ranks at our respectively skillsets.
Let's be real, EZ, and FL are pretty much the only two mods you can't farm your way up to 1k with these days with whats been getting ranked in the past year.
If EZ didn't decrease OD I bet you could.

Khelly wrote:

I think you're entirely missing the point when you bring up FL; it's not a relevant mod and you only bring it up to mask the fact that you don't want to address what's harder or easier about each mod combination and seek to compare them amongst each other with the same definition of skill, and your first sentence is meaningless since you're saying someone who specialised in X mod is better at X mod than someone who specialised in Y not X.
I don't need to explain in what ways mods are hard compared to each other, all I'm trying to get you to understand (getting you to understand simple concepts is extremely difficult) is that some mods are harder to get pp with given the same amount of skill. If you had two identical players who had the exact average amount of talent of all osu! players and got them to each play a different set of mods, then for example the one who played DT would have more pp than the one who played nomod.
Either it is as easy to get pp with FL as it is with DT, or some mods are harder to get pp with than others.

B1rd wrote:

Khelly wrote:

I think you're entirely missing the point when you bring up FL; it's not a relevant mod and you only bring it up to mask the fact that you don't want to address what's harder or easier about each mod combination and seek to compare them amongst each other with the same definition of skill, and your first sentence is meaningless since you're saying someone who specialised in X mod is better at X mod than someone who specialised in Y not X.
I don't need to explain in what ways mods are hard compared to each other, all I'm trying to get you to understand (getting you to understand simple concepts is extremely difficult) is that some mods are harder to get pp with given the same amount of skill. If you had two identical players who had the exact average amount of talent of all osu! players and got them to each play a different set of mods, then for example the one who played DT would have more pp than the one who played nomod.
Either it is as easy to get pp with FL as it is with DT, or some mods are harder to get pp with than others.
Here's the simple concept that you seem to not be able to get. Saying "the same amount of skill" isn't a statement that means anything until you can figure out how you can judge an "amount of skill" between different skillsets.
didn't read past seven pages

go OP you can do it i believe in you
Topic Starter

Khelly wrote:


Maps I found hard to fc at the time and took awhile to fc:

Early DT adventures: Acc pp not fc pp

Mid DT adventures: Really fucking annoying map still

Late DT adventures:

Modern DT adventures:

Fc all these and you still won't be 1k. :)
Thanks Kelly, I appreciate that.

Ezonie wrote:

It's totally doable. If u just keep playing farm maps for a month u'll eventually fc enough of them to end up ranked 1k.

Tho at the end of the 1 month u'll probably be a 1k that's worse than pretty much all the other people ranked 1k skills-wise and will never beat them on non-farm maps / multi / tournaments

Don't know if that's what u're hoping to achieve
Wtf lmao no. There is only so much you can farm before you actually have to improve. I can't farm to rank 1 with 350pp scores.
But farming for the hard fcs is improving :)

Bauxe wrote:

Ezonie wrote:

It's totally doable. If u just keep playing farm maps for a month u'll eventually fc enough of them to end up ranked 1k.

Tho at the end of the 1 month u'll probably be a 1k that's worse than pretty much all the other people ranked 1k skills-wise and will never beat them on non-farm maps / multi / tournaments

Don't know if that's what u're hoping to achieve
Wtf lmao no. There is only so much you can farm before you actually have to improve. I can't farm to rank 1 with 350pp scores.
People forget that while rank 11k-~3k is just about who plays more maps, there's a pretty huge cliff somewhere in the 280-300pp range where you stop being able to farm what feel like sub 200pp maps. Even more the case the higher you go from there. 1k has been out of this range for a few months at this point. You actually do have to get "good" at this game to break 3 digits these days. Whether that means "good" at acc'ing shitty sub 2 minute meme maps with HR, or "good" at comboing shitty 60 second spike maps with DT, or actually being good in the well rounded consistent sense is still highly debatable.
Can chip in in that 270-280pp felt like a huge wall to break in getting consistent fcs

Also I've noticed that the 4-5k pp range has been devalued in rank in the last 9 months (4kpp was 4k when I was there and isnt even 10k now), the 1-2k range seems to be moving way more slowly in terms of pp required. Will the wave catch up tp 6kpp?
Farming to rank 1 is so much more different from farming to rank 1k. The thought of comparing them sounds dumb lmao.

Atm, since there are plenty of maps that give 300-ish pp with the required effort / skill of around daidai DT or slightly more, it pretty much means that the moment u can get a 300pp score ( without some crazy luck ), getting to rank 1k without really improving is very much doable.

If u lack the skill / consistency to continuously spit out 300 pp scores via farm maps, it can be made up with persistence and maybe some luck. OP got 1 month to get his skills there before spamming retries as many times as he can / wants to.

If a person uses this method to get to rank 1k, it'll only be natural that his actual skill level will be lower than the other 1k players who take the time to hone their skills too instead of just mindlessly grinding pp scores trying to get a higher rank.

Using some common sense, it's obvious that this method is less and less feasible the better the rank is, so idk wtf is the point in bringing up an example of farming to rank 1 with <400 pp scores
you dont understand what his point is. If you have have a skill level to farm say 230pp maps, your top plays will get filled, but you will plateau because you are not good enough and haven't improved. No matter how many 230pp play maps you get, you wont get to 1k, because you need higher pp plays that give more than that, just as bauxe cant get rank 1 by getting a billion 350pp plays. You need to get better in order to farm higher pp plays. OP has already gone down the wrong track because if he wants to get 1k he needs to be playing for improvement at the start of the month, so towards the end of the month he has the skill and consistency required to farm higher pp maps.
He won't reach his goal unless he improves at an alarming rate. Going for FCs won't bring him far if he doesn't improve. His top PP score ( as of now ) is a daidai genome play. You'll basically have to go from farming 200pp maps to 300pp maps in a month. It ain't gonna happen
Hamster Only
Total PP is calculated by a sum of a geometric series plus the bonus according to the FAQ.

Let's assume it takes at least 6300pp to break top 1k and you can farm infinite maps.

By my calculations, 295 is the magic number.

If you cannot get at least around 295 as your best score, then this should theoretically be impossible even if you farm infinitely maps.

Of course you cannot farm infinite maps, but I am letting you know mathematically the minimum point at which it would become impossible to attain 1k ranks if we are to assume 6300pp to break it.

Work on getting at least a 295, then farm. GL.

HamsterCurry wrote:

Total PP is calculated by a sum of a geometric series plus the bonus according to the FAQ.

Let's assume it takes at least 6300pp to break top 1k and you can farm infinite maps.

By my calculations, 295 is the magic number.

If you cannot get at least around 295 as your best score, then this should theoretically be impossible even if you farm infinitely maps.

Of course you cannot farm infinite maps, but I am letting you know mathematically the minimum point at which it would become impossible to attain 1k ranks if we are to assume 6300pp to break it.

Work on getting at least a 295, then farm. GL.
Getting a single 295pp score is useless if you can't shit out a bunch of similar scores in that range. Especially considering there are a handful of 300pp scores you could get without actually being able to farm scores at that level. Daidai, ok dad, and santa san are all good examples of this. If the only 300pp scores you can get are of this caliber than your consistency will not be of the caliber required to break 3 digits. Take khelly for example. Hes not even 3 digits and won't get so much as +1pp for setting a 260pp score. These super farm maps are hardly even equatable to the average 260pp score tbh. More like 220-240 range.

You are better off farming skill until you can set 280pp scores on non-farm maps then trying to get there simply playing farm maps as Bauxe has already pointed out.

Edit: for reference here is a good approximation of how much pp comes from each of your scores and your pp prospects for new scores if you have a similar distribution to khelly's:

Effective pp gains for khelly
Percentages of total weighted pp from each score for khelly

As you can see, at this moment in time it would take khelly setting like 5-10 300+pp scores to obtain the 170ish pp he needs to break 3 digits (notably the effective gain on each of these numbers goes down with each score of value greater than equal the point you are looking at you achieve). In a months time it will be even more difficult to break 3 digits as inflation kicks in.

Edit2: For transparency the one number in the effective pp gains list next to how much the gain is corresponds to where in the top rankings it would fall. To give a better breakdown on what score distribution wont even get you into 3 digits:
250+pp: 66 scores
260+pp: 44 scores
270+pp: 29 scores
280+pp: 16 scores
290+pp: 9 scores
300+pp: 5 scores
310+pp: 1 score

Adding the additional 300+pp scores needed to jump the hurdle you need to be capable of setting 12+ (probably 15 by the end of the month tbh since school is finally wrapping up for a lot of people so expect massive inflation) 300+pp scores to even think about 3 digits at the moment. You aren't even at the point where you can set a single 300pp score on one of the farmiest of maps. Without spending the first half of the month strictly farming skill the idea that you'd even be able to retry your way to 1 of these scores a day while shitting out multiple 260+pp scores on top of it goes beyond the realm of optimism straight into the depths of stupidity.

Ezonie wrote:

Farming to rank 1 is so much more different from farming to rank 1k. The thought of comparing them sounds dumb lmao.

Atm, since there are plenty of maps that give 300-ish pp with the required effort / skill of around daidai DT or slightly more, it pretty much means that the moment u can get a 300pp score ( without some crazy luck ), getting to rank 1k without really improving is very much doable.

If u lack the skill / consistency to continuously spit out 300 pp scores via farm maps, it can be made up with persistence and maybe some luck. OP got 1 month to get his skills there before spamming retries as many times as he can / wants to.

If a person uses this method to get to rank 1k, it'll only be natural that his actual skill level will be lower than the other 1k players who take the time to hone their skills too instead of just mindlessly grinding pp scores trying to get a higher rank.

Using some common sense, it's obvious that this method is less and less feasible the better the rank is, so idk wtf is the point in bringing up an example of farming to rank 1 with <400 pp scores

Although it's already been explained, let me use pictures to illustrate my point.

This is OP's top ranks. Seems to me he is probably able to get around 220PP scores if he really tries.

This is rank 1,000. These are all over 100PP higher than OP's top scores, besides his #1 score.

Now let's say OP keeps playing maps that he can set 220PP scores on. Eventually, there will be some improvement, maybe in a months time he'll be setting 270PP scores. Still, that's no where near enough, even with unlimited 270PP scores, to get him to the top 1,000.

Maybe I should have used rank 10 as an example instead, regardless, just spamming out 350PP plays I would only be able to get like... Rank 100ish.

He needs to improve his skills in order to ever hope to get top 1,000 within a month. A lot.
I dont think the player you showed is the best representation of what you need to get 1k, hes not the most consistent guy, you dont need 360pp plays to get top 1k, you can get there with a top play being about 320, and comfortably with top play being ~330, if you are consistent enough to get lots of top plays getting close to the 300 range. Your point is obviously correct though
Uhm, by getting to #1k does he mean #1xxx or getting to 3 digits? Because I think the differences in pp between both of them is kinda high
who cares tbh, he wont even get to 1xxx rank, he needs about 1500pp for that and at least 280pp plays
I like how asking chainpullz a week ago to make the thing that shows me how much pp I get from X play affects my raw pp came in handy here. Tbh I gained 3 more 300pp plays in the last week and if I say that new ones will avg +15pp I need 8 more to get to 3 digits TODAY.

So OP's goal has to be able to fc 300-330pp maps regularly. Too bad he didn't do this in August

Also I don't agree with Jelli. If you have the skill to shit out 230pp maps then wouldn't you be playing for fc for 240-250pp maps until you occasionally get them and then more and more frequently get them?
you should have started this challenge back in 2011
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