
Osu-Challenge #13k to #1k in 30 days

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As mentioned above, i'm gonna challenge myself from currently 13k to 1k in hopefully less than a month.

I will start at Monday 18.04.2016 and will end the challenge at Wednesday 18.05.

Every playhour will be livestreamed at my twitch channel linked in my profile, feel free to tune in, chat or give me some advice for pp farm maps.

I hope this post doesn't violate against any rules, and if it does i'm sorry. :lol:

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and keep it up!

Edit: changed schedule to night, cause too much stuff is going on when the sun is still up lol.
You sure? That's a huge leap in terms of progress and can be VERY challenging but anyways, good luck.
have fun failing unless you intend to play like 20 thousand maps in those 30 days
It took me from April to June to go from 4,000 to 5,000pp; June - August, then january - march to go from 5,000 to 6,000pp and even at ~6100pp I'm hardly rank 1.2k.

You're not going to get to 1k in 30 days.
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Well, that's what a challenge is supposed to be, isn't it?

God bless me then, haha.
pretty sure you will fail, with subpar accuracy you're not going to get too much pp, at least you'll have to FC more maps to get more pp
Good luck. I think it's kinda impossible though, and it's not a challenge if it's impossible.

For maps, my top rank might be a good start for you (that is if you can stream 190 bpm)
not gonna happen buddy. took me around 4-5
Lets see how far you go though!
Good luck~
-Makishima S-
Good luck, get as high as you can.

1k is impossible.
My version: Get from #9,600 to #9,200 in a month.
let me put it this way. if you do it won't be legit.
if your skill level is higher than your current pp (as mine was) you may shoot up dramatically (as I did from 13k-5k in about 4 days) but you will plateau as its only natural. I havnt gained any noticeable pp in over a month and a half now, but im not to bothered as the only reason i bothered getting rank 13k-5k was to shut an arrogant friends mouth.

judging from your 90 day graph, I wouldnt suspect to find a huge increase in ranking now, and if it did occur I can tell you it would be suspicious in the least.

whats in your favour? I guess you've been playing for 4 years, I do find that people with lower PC/hours played but with a longer starting date (3-4 years ago) do tend to have more PP > PC/hours spent than those who started 2 years ago and have grinded the fuck out of the game
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Well, don't let stats deceive you. I indeed play for about 4 years. The first 2 years were the casual mouse-play days, where i played like 2-3* songs and didn't really give any thought to rank. The third year was a total break and i didn't play at all, i started playing a little bit seriously and bought a tablet about 1 year ago. And didn't really put too much effort into it. Around 12k plays in ~ 1 year. If i put my back into it and grind for 30 days nonstop, let's see what i ( or anyone else) can accomplish.

Thanks for your feedback guys and i know it won't be easy.

Btw. the low hit acc comes from jumping from 4* maps to 6*, and my acc wasn't that great from my mouse days anyway. But i don't think acc is everything i'll do it Fuduji style.

Aquantum wrote:

Well, don't let stats deceive you. I indeed play for about 4 years. The first 2 years were the casual mouse-play days, where i played like 2-3* songs and didn't really give any thought to rank. The third year was a total break and i didn't play at all, i started playing a little bit seriously and bought a tablet about 1 year ago. And didn't really put too much effort into it. Around 12k plays in ~ 1 year. If i put my back into it and grind for 30 days nonstop, let's see what i ( or anyone else) can accomplish.

Thanks for your feedback guys and i know it won't be easy.

Btw. the low hit acc comes from jumping from 4* maps to 6*, and my acc wasn't that great from my mouse days anyway. But i don't think acc is everything i'll do it Fuduji style.
i did put my back into it for my first month of playing. I grinded the fuck out of maps for PP and played 8-12 hours a day. I had a tablet after the first week. the end result was 8k PC and rank 16k or something like that. by 3 months I was rank 8k, then after going to uni I didnt gain any pp for a year and a half, but did play here and there.

thats what I accomplished in one month (basically 3 months) of no lifieing this game

after the end of most days I would have to stretch each finger on my pen holding hand out individually because my hand was stuck in the position of my grip and wouldn't move unless forceably stretched. I would also spend a good 5 minutes stretching out my leg as I always had one leg bent on my chair (which I would lean on), as often it would go into cramp when i tried to move it. I also developed a lump in the middle of my left hand due to (i suspect rsi) from using a terrible keyboard.

So while you grind this next month, please remember that what your doing isnt exactly revolutionary, people have done it before you and will do it after. If you enjoy the game this way then go ahead, but from experience I can tell you that was not fun, the competitive side of the game was 'fun' but not the actual game itself (esp when you realise how many people cheat there way past you anyway, it makes you feel like a retard for trying so hard). Now I do enjoy it alot more then I did, because I hardly play it
go away

Edit: "But i don't think acc is everything i'll do it Fuduji style."
acc = pp .. so for your challenge yeah.. acc is everything

Aquantum wrote:

Well, don't let stats deceive you. I indeed play for about 4 years. The first 2 years were the casual mouse-play days, where i played like 2-3* songs and didn't really give any thought to rank. The third year was a total break and i didn't play at all, i started playing a little bit seriously and bought a tablet about 1 year ago. And didn't really put too much effort into it. Around 12k plays in ~ 1 year. If i put my back into it and grind for 30 days nonstop, let's see what i ( or anyone else) can accomplish.

Thanks for your feedback guys and i know it won't be easy.

Btw. the low hit acc comes from jumping from 4* maps to 6*, and my acc wasn't that great from my mouse days anyway. But i don't think acc is everything i'll do it Fuduji style.
Its easier to go from 30k to10k than it is to go from 10k to 1k. You'll have to be able to fc around 5,8* maps to actually get some decent pp.
-Makishima S-
Sylveon, gib nomod maps too pls ^^

@Edit - nvm


300-350 range maps are scary as motherfuck.
this is an impossible challenge
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[Taiga] wrote:

Sylveon, gib nomod maps too pls ^^

@Edit - nvm


300-350 range maps are scary as motherfuck.
Thanks for the maps :)

I think i can handle it somehow. I never no-life grinded this game so far, so i think my improvement with 8h / day will be extreme RSI inc.

RIP my wrists
Good luck.I will make sure to tune into that stream
tbh for no mod plays just check my mates profile
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Sylveon wrote:

tbh for no mod plays just check my mates profile
So you can get #3k with only 250pp plays, that's interesting. :oops:

My schedule will probably be Mo-Fr 09:00 - 18:00 with 20 min breaks every 2h to meditate or relief stress and a lunch break from 12:00-13:00.
Let's see how far my fingers will take me.

Not sure if i should also play on weekends, probably a little bit.

Hello, Gameplay and Rankings is NOT your diary. READ the forum-specific rules.
Put such stuff on your profile instead.
Thank you.

Endaris wrote:

Hello, Gameplay and Rankings is NOT your diary. READ the forum-specific rules.
Put such stuff on your profile instead.
Thank you.

I wonder if you gave your account to some high ranking player (hvick, cookiezi, etc.) would this still be possible?

Edit: nvm ofc it would, you would start getting 1000s of pp per day lmao

Khelly wrote:

Endaris wrote:

Hello, Gameplay and Rankings is NOT your diary. READ the forum-specific rules.
Put such stuff on your profile instead.
Thank you.


^^^^ this

KanoSet wrote:

acc is everything
No acc is not everything. Look at this guy
Acc helps get pp
if ming gets good acc, ming can get like extra 1-1.5k pp by now

Rilene wrote:

if ming gets good acc, ming can get like extra 1-1.5k pp by now
Getting acc on 255bpm deathstreams is more of a speed and stamina issue, rather than an acc issue.
-Makishima S-

B1rd wrote:

Rilene wrote:

if ming gets good acc, ming can get like extra 1-1.5k pp by now
Getting acc on 255bpm deathstreams is more of a speed and stamina issue, rather than an acc issue.
Prove it by DT 8-bit princess. It's perfect 225 bpm stream map.
As you said - you just need speed and stamina ;^)
I feel like he's doing it on purpose though.

map :

How do you even get 100 so consistently like that?

DeathAdderz wrote:

How do you even get 100 so consistently like that?
I heard that he uses a fucked up offset to do that. It makes sense considering his older scores' acc.

DeathAdderz wrote:

KanoSet wrote:

acc is everything
No acc is not everything. Look at this guy
i wouldn't believe that's possible if i haven't seen his profile
like wtf xD
8-bit Princess is more of a read heavy map.
-Makishima S-
T-t-techno [Technonationalizm], Algebra [Incomputable], Neuronecia [Etereal] are heavy reading maps, not 8-bit princess.
There is nothing hard in reading it.
Aiming it properly is hard.
You don't seems to be able to differentiate between the complex processes and skills that go into playing the game at all. Use just use 'aim' as an umbrella term to describe anything that is hard to execute.
-Makishima S-

B1rd wrote:

You don't seems to be able to differentiate between the complex processes and skills that go into playing the game at all. Use just use 'aim' as an umbrella term to describe anything that is hard to execute.
I don't know if you are truly retarded or just hard trolling.
W/e, wall brick will understand this things faster than you.
I don't think you're pretending, I think you're just a bit thick.
E m i

B1rd wrote:

use 'aim' as an umbrella term to describe anything that is hard to execute.
omg but i didn't say anything : (
Topic Starter

Lambykinz wrote:

I wonder if you gave your account to some high ranking player (hvick, cookiezi, etc.) would this still be possible?

Edit: nvm ofc it would, you would start getting 1000s of pp per day lmao
Well, shige(cookiezi) got from 0pp - top 10 in 1-2 months with 1k playcount.

The Top 50 Players would easily be able to pull that challenge off.

Yet for me, i hope can surprise some of you. :D
The difference is that unlike a top 50 player you are not good at the game. You dont even have god tier acc which is what you would require since you definitely cannot aim maps that are hard enough to give you enough pp, so you would need amazing acc in order to make up the difference. Dont compare yourself to a top 50 player...

[Taiga] wrote:

Sylveon, gib nomod maps too pls ^^

@Edit - nvm


300-350 range maps are scary as motherfuck.
Its really not that bad. I haven't had a good opportunity to update that thread in like 4 months because my current class load is too much as it is.

DeathAdderz wrote:

I feel like he's doing it on purpose though.

map :

How do you even get 100 so consistently like that?
He sets music to 0 and puts hidden on but plays it as if it was nomod. He's probably getting only marginally worse UR but all of his hits are early due to hitting the circles before they even fade. It's important to note he actually does this with 0 offset. Hitting the notes before they fade gives the illusion that hes playing with a massive offset. It also makes it fairly easy to not break because as long as he can hit late in relation to his distribution all he wants, he just cant hit early without missing.
Don't listen to what people say here, I'm 90% sure you can do it :oops:

rhonin77 wrote:

Don't listen to what people say here, I'm 90% sure you can do it :oops:
Dude, 13k to 1k in one month is not a easy thing.
E m i

Rilene wrote:

rhonin77 wrote:

Don't listen to what people say here, I'm 90% sure you can do it :oops:
Dude, 13k to 1k in one month is not a easy thing.
perhaps by "do it" he meant merely trying for a month
The problem i have with it is that hes going to try to challenge himself but he wont actually put remotely the work required getting better to make a jump that big that fast. He better be intending to play 8 hours a day, and efficiently, not just dick around and retry a lot. In addition, i'm sure he wont even care when he ends up failing, he will just be like "ohh well, it was too hard" without ever even giving himself the opportunity. Getting better that fast takes a lot of time and focus, and also quite a bit of luck to not go down a bad track which will lead to an inevitable wall.

II Jelli II wrote:

The problem i have with it is that hes going to try to challenge himself but he wont actually put remotely the work required getting better to make a jump that big that fast. He better be intending to play 8 hours a day, and efficiently, not just dick around and retry a lot. In addition, i'm sure he wont even care when he ends up failing, he will just be like "ohh well, it was too hard" without ever even giving himself the opportunity. Getting better that fast takes a lot of time and focus, and also quite a bit of luck to not go down a bad track which will lead to an inevitable wall.
I support this statement

II Jelli II wrote:

In addition, i'm sure he wont even care when he ends up failing, he will just be like "ohh well, it was too hard" without ever even giving himself the opportunity.
Shouldn't stress yourself out about other people's faults, it's not good for your health. :P
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