
Official Development Changelog

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(*) Fixed secondary sort not working in many cases.
(*) Fixed web links not working in online selection.

busy weekend - didn't get much time for osu! dev (although still got a lot of progress in on saturday :)).
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(+) Blue fire for combos over 500 hits.
(+) Slider endpoints can be selected in editor. This is the beginning of the ability to alter sound additions per-endpoint. More to come..
(*) New online selection graphics.
(*) Editor shows times to the millisecond.
(*) Triple timing sliders really fixed? Maybe? Matty??
(*) Fixed ratings not displaying in online selection for some cultures.
(*) Fixed file associations being broken for new installs of osu! (old users only).
(*) Clicking your own panel in F9 view brings up different options.
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(*) Increased security for private releases.
(*) Online Selection downloads to a temporary folder to prevent incomplete downloads from cluttering imports.
(*) Fixed file associations.
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(+) Sliders shake when hit too early (like circles).
(+) Notes shake on combo break.
(+) .osu support for slider endpoint sample separation.

Editor support will be finished off tomorrow. So tired lately.
Card N'FoRcE

peppy wrote:

(+) Sliders shake when hit too early (like circles).
(+) Notes shake on combo break.
(+) .osu support for slider endpoint sample separation.
Now I'm sure peppy.
You love to make people feel like idiots while playing :(

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

peppy wrote:

(+) Sliders shake when hit too early (like circles).
(+) Notes shake on combo break.
(+) .osu support for slider endpoint sample separation.
Now I'm sure peppy.
You love to make people feel like idiots while playing :(
You can blame me for that; me and my authenticity obsession. =/

BTW, I don't think you should make the notes shake. Just the background (not video), the ki bar, and possibly the score.
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It's a nice and subtle effect. Nothing bad to say about it.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.


peppy wrote:

(+) Added two new pack-based achievements.
You typo'd ("vol. 1") but it's fixed now :)
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(+) New mod 'Autoplay'.
(+) New mod 'Spun Out'.
(+) Autoplay can be toggled in editor test mode.
(*) Fixed a few threading bugs.
(*) Fixed novideo status being reset after each multiplayer game.
(*) Fixed taiko-specific maps not always playing in taiko mode in multiplayer games.
(*) Fixed resolution bug when selecting "Edit" from beatmap menu in song selection while running in fullscreen.
(*) Fixed chat nickname matching failing on symbols '+' etc.
(*) Fixed some maps not showing grade on song selection wheel.
(*) Fixed timing point inheritance not saving in editor.
(*) Fixed timing point inheritance not transferring sampleset changes etc.
(*) Fixed resolution dependent replay problems.
(*) Improvements to spinner speed accuracy on slower PCs.
(*) Spinner replay playback is perfected.
(*) Hard limited hitcircles to the playfield range.
(*) Removed shaking notes on combobreak (decided it looks gay).

peppy wrote:

(*) Removed shaking notes on combobreak (decided it looks gay).

peppy wrote:

(+) New mod 'Autoplay'.
YAY!!! :D :D :D

demo video:

Saturos wrote:

peppy wrote:

(*) Removed shaking notes on combobreak (decided it looks gay).
I feel dizzy whenever everything shaked while testing maps so this is <3 <3 <3
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(+) Added UNRANKED graphic to notify player they are not being ranked.
(+) Added volume indicator when adjusting volume in play mode.
(*) Fixed soft sampleset not correctly getting assigned samples.
(*) Taiko slider algorithm FIXED. This should make taiko mode with standard beatmaps a LOT more playable.
(*) Fixed taiko rolls not displaying correctly.
(*) Fixed taiko large hits not getting dual button presses in autoplay.
(*) Fixed autoplay being usable in multiplayer. Eek.
(*) Taiko autoplay cursor is no longer visible.
(*) Fixed editor dealing with slider samples and combos.
(*) Fixed problems with map filenames containing '#'.
(*) Fixed autoplay bug in test mode when completing a map with autoplay on.
(*) More minor slider graphic adjustments.
(*) Sliders are more transparent than before.

working to get public out asap. a lot of changes i want to push.

peppy wrote:

(*) Taiko slider algorithm FIXED. This should make taiko mode with standard beatmaps a LOT more playable.

Just as a side note (didn't quite know where to put this), taiko autoplay should start by hitting the right side of the drum instead of the left?
...and auto will miss the first beat if it's on the first beat of the song

peppy wrote:

(*) Fixed autoplay being usable in multiplayer. Eek.
That was fun, though....

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(+) Netcode supports deflate http Content-Encoding type.
(+) Online Selection makes it clear when a song is already available locally. Prompts for confirmation before downloading.
(*) Fixed threading bugs (song selection and online selection).
(+) Unified sampleset sliders have blue borders when selecting, non-unified are red.
(*) Fixed catchup behaviour when window is inactive for long periods.
(*) Fixed some bugs with sample assignment in editor.
(*) Fixed volume display depth problem.
(*) Implemented faster random number generation code. Improves starburst performance marginally.
(*) Reduced loading time when first opening chat console.

sleep deprivation recovery... kind of? can't think straight enough to keep up productivity seen on the weekend :(.

Peppy wrote:

(*) Sliders are more transparent than before.
this might be good :D
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(+) Support for online offset adjustments.
(+) Support for online metadata reading.
(+) Custom offset is displayed on song selection screen.
(+) Added progress bar for song selection wheel.
(+) Added progress bar for music player on main menu.
(*) Fixed tags not loading correctly on importing new beatmaps.
(*) Fixed multiple monitor support? Kind of.
(*) Adding/removing favourites can be done without entering favourite grouping mode.
(*) Web: Tags/Source can be searched from web beatmap listing.
(*) Web: Changed beatmap searching to use fulltext search methods.
i love how you show spoilers now peppy!!
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(+) Added 'wait' argument to metadata display.
(+) User permissions are sent by bancho to osu! client.
(+) User permissions are displayed on main menu.
(*) Display title generated by BSS.
(*) Better effects on display title.
(*) Fixed copying multisample sliders not copying sample setup.
(*) Fixed 'NAMES' list not compatible with mirc.
(*) A few more anti-spam Bancho limitations added.
(*) Fixed text alignment on BSS window.
(*) Fixed pending/ranked status not being read correctly from database.

Skip a day-
(*) Better effects on display title.
Did you also consider adding the map creator in addition to title and artist?
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kingcobra52 wrote:

(*) Better effects on display title.
Did you also consider adding the map creator in addition to title and artist?
As I said in IRC - talk to LuigiHann.
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(+) Added new sound sample 'clap'.
(+) Added display options to osu!direct.
(*) Storyboarded samples stop playing when paused/failed.
(*) Music loops correctly in osu!direct.

Released public build 426
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(*) BPM is editable to the third decimal place.
(*) Sprite class accounts for load time when assigning transformations.
(*) Fixed mods not displaying in multiplayer mod selection dialog.
(*) Fixed chat buttons not hiding during gameplay for some users.
(*) Fixed hp bar exceeding its maximum bounds when PC is lagging.
(*) Fixed rare spinner display order bug.
(*) Fixed osu!direct default display mode being inaccurate.
(*) Fixed custom override in timing window not loading previews correctly.
(*) Fixed random editor sprite appearances.
(*) Fixed ghost matches bug with duped logins.
(*) Fixed '/r' not working for usernames with spaces.

Released public build 427.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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(+) Editor exports in osz2 format (beta).
(+) osz2 format can be imported (but doesn't really work yet).
(*) Fixed Autoplay/SpunOut/Flashlight not displaying on /np.
(*) Fixed some sliders being misinterpreted as triple time tick rate.
(*) Fixed a bancho client-wide crash under certain conditions.
(*) Fixed some osu!direct crashes.
Will osu! ever be able to be played in comps without shader 1.1 cards? Mine has a Geforce 4 MMX (64mb) it has TnL but no Shaders... please pleeease release a build that doesn't use the shaders...
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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(+) Initial framework for powerup play mode.
(*) Osz v2 export/import works correctly at first stage of implementation. go echo!
(*) Changed slider highlighting in editor to be more like before endpoint sample assignment. Should feel better.
(*) Editor code refactoring (huge internal changes).
(*) A notice is displayed when a segment is too short to insert break time.
(*) 3 D.P. bpm is only displayed while ctrl is held down (fine adjustment mode).
(*) Fixed personal online high score not updating on scoreboard when choosing retry from ranking screen.
(*) Fixed rank swapping bug 'ZOMMMMMG' etc.
(*) Local offset adjustment is back to 5ms intervals. Hold Alt to get 1ms changes.
(*) Local offset is adjusted when a new online offset is found, rather than reset. newLocal = local - online.
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(*) .osb files are not asked to be deleted when exporting maps in editor.
(*) Fixed 'clap' sample notes not working correctly in Taiko Mod.
(*) Fixed personal score not updating correctly when clicking 'retry' at ranking screen.
(*) Fixed slider selection glow sticking when creating repeat sliders.
(*) Fixed osu!direct showing newest maps for wrong categories.
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(+) Can copy timing information to clipboard (Ctrl+C at timing screen).
(*) Fixed spinner autoplay bug.
(*) Fixed timing setup window not selecting current timing point correctly when using Inherit mode.
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Starting work on opengl support - feature additions may be slow over the next week or so.

Here is a teaser: opengl on the left, direct3d on the right.

Note that gameplay works correctly at the moment, but many direct3d functions are still being relied on - the most important one being slider drawing. In order to port osu! totally, there is still much work to do on shader replacement, and input handling.
wow peppy i cant believe open gl is finally underway!!
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(+) GL renderer supports sprites to an equal level of DX renderer. Can't handle reading textures from disk yet (reads via DX memory)
(*) Fixed newline escapes in chat.
(*) Fixed video seeking randomly when stopped at 00:00:00.
(*) Fixed bug with snapping notes using inhereted timing sections.
(*) Fixed bancho bug causing multiplayer chat to appear in active chat buffer (needs bancho restart).
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(+) GL renderer loads sprites from raw data.
(+) GL renderer loads sprites from files and streams correctly.
(+) GL video displays correctly (still using directshow for rendering).
(*) Improvements to download code. for fun

peppy wrote: for fun

(is the wine-ready version ready to test yet? :3)
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